Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 07, 1858, Image 3

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    s l obs th School. This NV iS not Satisfactory to a
minority in the bl. E Sabbath School, and they
resolved that they wou ld hold an independent
yio pie, rn the ft th, not Sabbath School Celebra
don. and they set to work to get it up, and sought
tte influence of members of the Presbyterian
ohuroh, and, among the rest that of our pastor,
Who has no sympathy in worldly amusements,
and in whose judgment we have every confidence;
but AM it was a matte connected with the inter
eats of the church and Sabbath School, be was
unwilling to give en answer until he had advised
with the Session and Sabbath School Superia.
tendent, that there might be the same perfect har
mony among us on this point that there is on all
other subjects. At that consultation it was unau
imously resolved, that as a church and Sabbath
School we could have n• thing to do with this pin
nio and that we could not, as consoientious
men, and t Mors of the Church of God, encourage
what seemed to us to be a spirit or rebellion in an.
other church, (viz. what we supposed to be the
minority endeavodug to circumvent the major
ity ) Neither could we see the propriety of
spending the entire day iu mere idle amusements
and eating, and giving the occasion the eanotity
of a Sabbath School Celebration We believe io
calling every thing by its right name.
We were opposed to it because it was an effort
to throw the garb of religion around what we
considered a mere party of pleasure, over which
we did not feel we could pray in our closets, and
we could not see how the proposed method of
spending the day could scope the glory of God,
and the spiritual. intellectual, and physical good
of those who might choose to go ; and any one,
without distinction of character h the privilege
to participate, under the general invitation.
We were opposed to this pie nio, because the
conditions of participation were, that each should
prepare for their own party or family according
to their taste and means, (the rioh in his abun
dance, and the poor in his poverty,) and eat imp
arately, remembering to prepare some more than
they would need, lest some might he there with
out preparations. This we felt was cau-ing die
tinotion and separalon on the day when all
should feel equality and union.
This is the history of that party who claim to
have been the Sabbath School Celebration of Ta
rentum, and who arrogate to themselves the title
of .ifriends of the mouse." Yon out easily judge
of their disinterested friendship fur the oanse, by
this brief history of their course, and their mis
etatement of the foots of the case.
These are some of the reasons why the Presby.
terian Sabbath School, as such, was not repro
seated there ; neither superintendent nor male
teacher, nor a single class of our Sabbath School
were among the party that spent the Fifth of
July au the Camp around.
Same half dozen of our young people who went,
went with the distinct understanding that it was
not to ba a Sabbath School Celebration, but a
regular pin nio,
Tarentum, July 26th, 1858
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
An Imposition,
RIM. D. Mlittmai —Dear notice in
your last paper, some poetry, headed original ; as
the first line seemed familior, I read it through,
and find it compares with some lines on page 286
of the "Shawn," as follows: Thefiret two
in the first verse of each, are the same. The first
and last three of the second verse, are the same.
The last three in the third verse of .. A. E.," are
the 89MP, with the last three in the first verse in
the "Shawm." The fourth verse of A. E is the
same as the third verse in the "Stmm." The
remaining verse I have never seen before. If A.
E wrote the line" in the "Shawn," it is hardly
fair to publish them again without an intimation
of the fact, In the above comparison, I have not
noticed the refrain given in the Shawm " The
lines are found I believe in a little music book for
children sold by " !Auden." A.
July 24tA, 1858.
for the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Report of J. D. Williams,
SYNOD OF PITTSBURGH. Ohio Presbytery :
Hopewell church, $9 90; Miller's Run, 15 50.
Salsbury , P'by : Bolling Spring oh , 6.00; Edna
ridge, (Society of Iroquiry, 9 00 ) 16.96; Glade
Run, 20.00. Redstone P'IW : Tent oh., (Ladies'
Sewing Society, 11.00,) 81 25
SYNOD or ALLrunenr.—Allegheny P'by Cen•
tre oh , 16 00; Leesburg, 6 00; Concord, 22 00.
Beaver P'by: Pulaski oh , 8 00; Newcastle, 31 73
Allegheny City P'by: Matmheater oh, 31 84.
Brie P'by Evaneburg oh 5.00.
SYNOD or Wasattivo Washington P'by: Wells
burg oh , 21.00; West Union, 18 00. St. Otairs•
vale P'by: Martiosrille ch., 18,80; Beach
kiprinse, 29 25; Wheeling Valley, 16 00; P,eo.
purr, 8 25; Stillwater, 5 00; Kirkw Ki, 10 56 ;
Cridir, 24 84; Grandview, 1400; Short
10 00. Steubenville Centre ch., 5.00. New
Lisboa Pby: Liberty oh , 5.00.
.Pby: New Lancaster oh., 4.26; Pleasant Ridge,
MlsoiLLANgOirs.—Wm. Brown, Esq., lowa,
burgh 2d oh., 136 19 ; Raccoon, 2610. Salta•
6sers , P'by: Saltshoug 82.10; 42.50.
Blairsville P'by: Unity ch., 87 44.
dy's Bend on!, 8 25; Plain Grove, 24 79. dlle•
ghtny Oily P'by: Winchester, 7 14.
Simon or 'lt Waohin9gon PkV: Mt.
Prospect oh., 29 00; West Llberty, 15 00.
SYNOD or Onto —Zanesville P'by: Newark ch.,
7.00. Coshocton P'by: Apple Creek oh , 17.00.
SYNOD OF iiiWc.--/Jubugue P'by : Oziak and
Canton ohs . 2 70; Scotch Grove, (of which, by
Rev. J. L. Miami, 6.00,) 10 88.
Siren or P/TTBBUROII —Ohio P'by: Pitts
burgh Ist ob., add'l, A Member, 26.00. Blairs
ville P'by: D.mogal oh, 11.70.
StNaD or Ata.toustry.-411kgheny P'by: &rub
Grass oh., 10 00
bin:lnt/eater nh.. 16.47.
TOTALll.—Dmnefitio Silealnns, $420 68; EU
cation, $392 64; Ohnroh Extetkon, -$46 70;
Superannunted Mini-tern' Fund, $l6 47.
J. D. WILLIANIB, Rea. Agent,
114 Smithfield Street
Pia/burgh, Pa., My 81, 1868
Tor the Preebytetlan Banner and Advocate.
Report of H. Childs, •
TOR JULY, 1858.
CLARION PRESBYTERY—Liokina (mug., $l6.
26; LPstherwood. 16 24 $81.49,
ALLEGHENY P'6Y—hlenchester oong.,
63 28 ; Rev. L. L Conrad's children contribute
to follows s Hasler Dials William, 1 26;
Master J Merle, 1 26; Master C. Tate, 1 22;
Miss Mary, 100 ; Sabbath School, Central
;mg , 8 21 ; Hishlands, 9 ' oo. $B3 21.
WASHINGTON P'BY-13urgettstown clung., 18.
00; 'Corot. Spring'', 12 00. $30.00.
ALLI.IOIIBNY PTV— 1.) M. 11. of Scrub Grass
000 g , 6 00 ; Sharpeborg, 29.59; Portereville,
12.00 $96 58
S CSBUltil P'BY--Bethel (mg. 15 00; Elder
. ton, 11.65; Poke' Ron, of wbioh 26 00 is to
educate a youth la India, to be called David
Kirkpatrick. 63 00, $B9 65.
BLAIRSVILLE P'BV—Failfirld oong., 650 ;
Union. additional, .50. 's7 00.
ERIE P'EIY--Conoord cong., 200; Ooolspring
7 00; Sugar Creek, 5.00. $l4 00.
01110 Pl3V—Montoure ening , 81.18.
REUSTONS PRY—West Newton cong., 86 00.
CLAIRSVILLE PBY-13;. Clairsville cong,‘,
15 00
STEUBENVILLE P'llY—let (tong., Steubenville.
from Mrs. Wm M'Laughlin, for India, 12'60.
WOOSTER P'llV—Canal Fulton Gong., 18.46;
Chippewa, 7 80, $2O $ 5 -
MPAAHINOTON P'BY, (additional.)—Sewing So
ciety, Washington coog., to conetitute alre.
4both Blaok
.atookßrowo , lowa a Life Member, 28 75.
Cash, 12 00; Box of Clothing from Bl airsville
ortog., &situate Preebyte y. valued et 65 25.
$l6 60, H CHILDS, Treasurer.
Pitleburyh, July 81, 18458.
rebus pepartment.
Looks, Safety, Philanthropy.
Our friend Woonntuons continues to furnish us with
BORGL‘R PnOOF LOOBB to Bell at reduse¢ priests, and apply
the nvatla t Missionary purp , ses, Sabbath S or tee
spread of a pure °carrel in any f. rm. All the commission
we wish for selling thin is the pleasure of thus promoting
the cause we love. That the I mks cannot be picked, is a
fast well established, the proprietor having, for several
years, rosullely offered $2,000 for picking.
The present reduced prices (13.61110 $5.50.) must make it
an object for store-keepers and others to nee them asps.
chilly those who love the cause of Missions. 041 or send.
Church Furnishing.
The attention of our readers is requested to the
card of Messrs. Dorrinns & Nixon, in our paper.
They offer a large and well selected stock for
Church Furnishing, and from their long experi
ence in their business, ample means, and high
oh sracter as merchants, purchasers can rely upon
being satisfactorily dealt with.
The United Railroad.
We, last week, noted the election of J. Edgar
Thompson, EN President of the Pennsylvania
Road, to the Presidency of the,Pittsburgh, Fort ,
Wayne and Chicago, thereby uniting, practically,
the two roads. Of this union, the New York
Tribune says :
Mr. Thompson 'will be at the head of the long
est existing railroad line in operation. The Peon
sylvania Railroad of which be is now President,
and the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago
Railroad, of which be is President elect, which
together constitute eight hundred and eighteen
miles of railway, extending on the most direct
practical route from Philadelphia to Chicago. and
have together cost near $45 000,000. While the
organization and &official affairs of the two Com
panies will, with the ex iep lion of the Presidency,
be as heretofore distinct, the indueernents for the
selection of Mr. Thompson as head of both roads
were ample, as well in his high character and ex
perience as a railroad manager, as in the fact,
that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company is the
largest stockholder and bondholder in the Pitts
burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. and as
its natural ally, is most deeply interested in its
success. The work of construction of the un•
finished part of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Chicago Road west of Plymouth, is in rapid pro
gress, and the grading and track layingso far ad
vanced as to Insure the opening of the road to
Ohioan° by the let November next. At the same
time that the line is oprneu from Chicago to Pitts
burgh, it will also, by arrangement with he Cleve
land, Columbus an d: Ciaciunati tiadroad Company,
be opened as a through line, without change of
cars. from Chicago to Cleveland, via Cretonne,
three hundred and fifty three miles, over a uniform
gauge, of which two hundred and seventy eight
miles are part of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and
Chicago Road, and seventy five miles part of the
Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Road. When
the revival of
.enterprise shall again set the
,streams of commerce in motion, the Pitt-burgh,
Fort Wayne and Chicago Road will be in condition
to do its share of the traffic due to its position.
Appropriations of Government.
Papers in different interests represent things so
variously, that it is no easy matter to obtain a
preoise knowledge of facts relating to publis af
fairs. The expenses of Government, however, as
is most manifest, are rapidly on the increase.
Having seen the following figures in several of
our secular exchanges, we give them as probably
nearly' correct.
The official statement of appropriations for the
Currant fiscal year of the general 'government, as
made up by the Clerk of the House, shows the
folio wine result:
Legislative, executive, judicial,
rind misoellancons. . . $12,796 616 42
Diplomatic and consular . . 912,120.00
Indian D.•partmeot, nevoldtion
ary,,invelid, awl other pensions 3,407,156 86
Army fortifications, military
academy and military roads. 25 683 610 46
Naval service ..... . . 14 608 354 23
Port Office D'partment. . . . 19 047 456 00
Ocean Steam &tail Service. . . 1,460 750 ul
Collection of the revsnue. . . 3,600,1100.00
Treaty with King of Danmark. . 408 731 44
To these add:
Indefinite approptiations, for
claims, allowances, &a., eeti
mated. . . . . $ 2,000,000.00
Interest on public debt, which
existed prior to acts Decem
ber 23 and June 14. . .
Interest on public debt of $40,-
000,000, created by acts De
cember 23 and June 14, say 2,000,000.00
Balance appropriations last
year,applicable to present Sec.
Treasury, report December 8, '
1867 . 16,860 660.36
Total appopriatlono fur 05-
cal year $lO3 858,728.10
JtLY 28.—The course to b 9 pursued toward
Paraguay is now determined, having occupied
much attention of the Aminiotration. It is relia
bly ascertained that from the isolated po%ition of
Paraguay, and its diffi.inliy dueness, it is capable
of making vigorena reabitance to an outside force.
Independently of a few small vessels, mrmnting
altogether an armory of six or eight guns, Lopez
has three or four good steamers, recently con
structed in England ; and at an eligible point on
the river is a fort, mounting one hundred guns of
different calibre; he has a standing army of
twelve thousand men, and recently received from
England a cargo of arms and ammunition, and
has in his employ. tin engineers and ordnance
men, several French officers.
The Adminietration will send a fleet of six or
seven vessels, including the /Tarriet Lane and
Fulton. the former to be the Lig-ship. Com•
wander Page, who has been selected for the com
mand; has proceeded to the North, in order to
charter such .additional steamers as may be
adapted to the expedition. Although it is not
supposed it will be necessary to fire a single gun,
yet, in view of the defensive preparations of Par
aguay, it is determined our force shall be sufft•
oiently P.rmidebie to meet all possible contingen
cies, The Commissioner has not yet been se.
Jove 80.—Official advicee confirm the previ
ously received intelligence that the Emperor of
China has appointed an official, of satisfactory
rank, 'to confer with the Peace Commissioners.
This is regarded at Hong Kong as an important
step toward an amicable arrangement of the diffi
culties between the contending parties.
The railroad companies with whom the contract
was made" to oar•y the mails between Washington
and New Orleanw 'four days, commencing with
the present month; have not yet performed service
within that time. This feline will doubtless en.
gage the attention of the Postmaster General
when he returns io Washington. It is caused
partly by insufficiency of the spans of transpor
tation over about seventy miles .of country be•
tween noDoished railroads from Goodman's depot
and Water Talley, no the Mississippi. The large
amount of mail matter wbioli has there accumu
late I, has, by telegraph, been directed to be sent to
New Orleans by way of the Miseisetnpi river.
It is not generally known that an offer is pend
ing from the Hntleon's Bay company, to dispose of
all their property in the United States to our Gov
ernment. Snob, however, is the fact. Coder the
provisions of the treaty of 1845. the C unplug own
and hold a number of forts, posts, and trading
houses situated in our territory, together with
large stooks of tunes, sheep, and castle. Lord
,N,ipier has been authorised to sell•the entire of
this property for tee sum of $600,000, which is
contitiered by competeutjudgee, to be very cheap.
Several meetings were held on the subject at the
State Department during the last Winter, and the
Seoretary of State was favorable to the purchase,
but there was a douht as to the disposition of Con
gress to make the necessary appropriation, and
therefore the sale was not effeoted.
Kentucky Election.
Lotrisvium, Auga,t 8 —At the election, yes
terday, the city proper was carried by the Amer
icans The Judge of the C tort of Appeals was
elected by two builds ed and twenty eight maj mity,
and the clerk three hundred and seven mid wily.
The Amerioan county officers are probably elected
by small majorities.
CaoPs ttv Unarm —The last harvest reports
from the extreme West of Ireland are said to be
as favorable as could he desired. Grain end
green crops are in admirable condition. The
potato, too, is looking well, and the rumors of
blight are not credited.
Tam HARVEST Moow.--This year the harvest
mono occurs in August, rising for six successive
nights at nearly the same hour. The July moon
has also been of unu-ual intere4, and scarcely
inferior to the harvest moon, in those particulars
which give to the latter its distinction, being re
t tried only 83i minutes in the average of six
!risings after the full moon.
Tau Cincinnati Gazette of Saturday rejoices
over the new telegraph lane just completed.. It
extends from Washington to Cincinnati, via Bal.
' timore, Wheeling, and Marietta, along the lines
of the Baliimare and Ohio, and Cincinnati and
Marietta Railroads. It connects at Baltimore
with the wires of the Magnetic Telegraph Com
pany, which extends to Pntladelphia, N-w York,
and Boston, and at Wall:tint - to it has an excluaive
connexion with a reliable line leading to New
Orleans It is not the intention of the stock
holders to open way offices.
Demo the last week there have been received
;at thileazo. of fl Jur, wheat, corn, and oats, equiv
alent to 641 935 btuthels of grain. The grain re.
oeirs of the season, to date, make a total of 12,-
737 042 bushels. The receipts at this time last
year were equal to 7,745,000 bn-hels of grain,
showing an increase this year of 4,992.012 bush.
The shipments For the last woek have been equiv
alent to 774 882 bushels grain. The grain ship
ments of the season 'hut far make a •tiotal of 10,-
773,610 bushels grain The shipments to this
time last year, were 5 540 000 bushels, showing
an increase this year of 6,193,600 bushels. The
receipts of lutuher for the tart week were 11,786,-
01)0 feet —makiog the total receipts of the season
Tea completion of the Niprthern Central Rail
, road has brought Baltimore city in direct com
. munication with the roads of Pennsylvania, as
well as formed a oonneoted route to Buffalo,
Niagara Falls, and. Western New York. The
Baltimore people are now.anzious 'to f arm a oon•
flexion with Lake 0 ItArio. at 9 'due Bay, which
is in almost a direot Northern line from the city.
CRARLES STEWART, of our navy, com•
pleted the eightieth year of his age on Wednesday
last, and is said to be as active, blithe, and
cheerful as a , 17 , 17 of thirty five. Basides, he is
jute as able to full the physical duties of his posi
tion of captain in the navy of his °Gantry .as he
was the first day he received a commis-non of that
rank. C.m. Stewart has been undo the fire of
fifteen engagements with the enemies of our fl ag--
among the number that of the famous bombard.
meat of Tripoli—lnert from various ek'rmishes ;
in addition to this, the clammed ire came off victo
rious io all. He has been in the service for sixty
one years, and is navy actively discharging daily
duty at the Philadelphia navy yard.
Tue coinage at the Philadelphia mint, during
July, amounted to $593,211, of which triSl 341
was in gold, $184,900 in silver, and $27,000 in
I FROM Mexico, by the way of the Rio Bravo,
ad 714309 are to the Mat tilt &Lazne., haying cap
- tared San Lois Potosi, was nootinir upon the cap•
ital, whence, it wee rain ire 1, Z ilnaga had fled in
disguise. The triumph of the Constaattanalists
seems to be secure.
. $81,824,825 40
Peon private sources later and interesting in
! telligenee comes from the I'llnd of Santo Domin
go. At the I:lit:alnicon end, the now government
has been err...seized by the inauguration of Din
Jose Valverle, as President and the selection of
an adoe Nlinistry. The E opera. of Fl.yti has
granted the,gas..m,on the island of NeIMAEI3. to a
Jamaica speculator, regardless of the American
Tao Osor.—The Cincinnati Gazelle says
that the grape crop in the region of that city,
this season, may be designated as almost an en
tire failure. Some few viary trds will have sem
ithing of a crop, but, in the aggregate, all the
wine produced will not pay the expenses of tend
ing the crop.
Taa Governnr Glitters' of Canaria wets $31,000
per annom—s6 000 more than the Pre&ident of
the United States.
THBRII are in Ru99ie 20,750,000 persons anx
iously awaiting emancipation.
A TELEGRAM from New Orleans, dated the 26th
inst., says the first cotton of the new crop had
been received from Texas. It. comprised two
bales, and sold-at fifteen cents per pound. The
first arrival of the new cotton last year was oa
the 15th of August.
Tun Winsted (Conn.) Herald estimates that
there are at .least five hundred spiritualists in
that town.
Tui ship Cadmus, which brought Lafayette
over to thie country, in 1824 and the deck iCiude
'of which is used as a sort of balcony to a cottage
of New York, has just been broken up in Ban
Francisco, and its remains used In repairing a
There is still a dullness in business, and we have but lit.
tle change to note In prices. Our rivers are so low that
navigation is a together suspended The weather has been
moterately coat during the past week; and on last Monday
night we had a delightful rain, which was much needed, as
the Corn was beginning to stiffer from the d y weather.
ASEillel—eenris 5.14a0, Pats. 5,16% , 1. dada Ash. 834,14 c.
IttletTga ' , PM 'taus—Ratter, ltl@lt2c 'Eggs, 7 . 1 / ge.
il , tw--Sboulders, 6 1 40; sides. 13348,134; plain Mama,
93(a0 1 4 smvs&ed do., iti%; sugar cured do., 11y5,a1.2.
scow —75 ®l.OO.
Oltalist—Prime, PAW for new.
DRUM FRUIT —Apples $l5O. Peaches, 4.00.
DAM Bazr--113.01214e, by tierce.
Stone—None a 'ming iu of any account; sales of extra
family from Cincinnati were mare at the care at $4 90:4 On,
Superfine would probably soil st 4 25, awl estra at 4 Mt from
first bands From store, sales of sup , 'fine at 4 50a4.76, ex
tra at 4 7546.00. and family do. at 6.1256.67. Eye Flour 2.75 .
*2 80, on
Gaam—Oats 82e88. on arrival. Corn, 50666. Rye. 45.
Marley, 50. Wheat, 76a80 fur Yenna. red, and 9.0-00 for
Son barn.
Fiona-44 2514.50 for obi stock superfine; 4 75e5 00 Pr
fre.h.grortud do., as to bra.4t ; 4.873445 2.5 for mar ;a, and
5.&0x600 per bbl. for fano) lota. Corn Meal and nye Flour
are wanted, at 3.Th hr the former, and 8.87% per bbl. for
the tatter.
BRAIN-Wheat: .1.115a1.20e. for fair to prime red, and 1.26
In 185 for white. It e, 73 for old Penna., and 60165 for new.
Corn. 92 for good Southern and Penna. ) allow, and 8t fur
Interior lota. Oat+, 40c. for old Penns 40 for Virginia do.,
and t 7 for new crop Delaware.
WOOL—We clip the following from the Philadelphia Com.
Tbere hu been a better feeling, with increased receipts,
a better demand, and more firmness Thi sales foot up
10000 u lbe., among which an n-tice the ft:Dewing Iota:
24 000 lbs !,/,, blood at 233.ei5t10. '
cash ; 10 000 lbs. common
and 3 blood, Bbo , do; 13,01.10 lbs common at 820., do.; 1.200
t .b washed, at 830, do.
New Yoax. July 81.
Pam- Sour. per bbi 05at 10; superfine State, 4.10 a
415; extra state, 480a4.35; superfine Indiana ,
Om, 4.20; superfine Ohio, 4.1584, 20; fano) Ohio, 4 20a4 30 ;
trs Indiana and 3I Mon, 4.25a8.00,• extra Obi°, 4 70a
eou; fancy Genesee, 4.45 at 55; extra Genesee, 50048.50;
low to very choice extra Missouri, 4,604.00. Rye Flour,
8.05070 for fine to impel fine, per bbl. Corn Neal, 4,10a4.15
fur Jersey, At d 4.8044 95 fur Brandy wine, per tad
Wet — What: inferior to fair. Wi.itir W.stern at $1 07a
1.15; int ri.w to good lied Western (Winter) at 1.05a1.12;
inferior fifilwankie Club at 03098 c; very inferior White
Southern at 1.15; ',rime new do. do at 145, and new red
do do at 1.80 p bushel. Coro, 55572 ttr unsound mixed;
8 493 for very inferior to fair mixed Western ; 984 01 for
poor to good round yellow; I 05 for choice Southern;
and I.ooa 106 for poor to choice white do , per boatel. it)e,
800 per bushel oats: western, 463414730.; Canadian,
40ano" • Stets 45447 e; Jers-ty, Pennsphartln rad Lkdaware,
414ANfionthera, Sisal per bash&
Steamboat Explosion.
The Faits City buret a cylinder bead, thirty
five miles below Memphis, a few days sive. The
accident occurred near Austin, while the passen
gers were at dinner, who numbered about three
hundred, and produced the greatest consterna
tion. They all rushed out, and one person states
that it required all his strength to prevent his
being pushed overboard. One man did fall to the
lower deck, but escaped with a sprained ankle.
There were four of the crew blown overboard, of
whom three were drowned, nue, a little boy, who
was employed in the cook house, was saved, but
be died subsequently. Besides. seven of the
crew were sodded, two of whom could not Bur
viva. The little boy swam nearly bait' a mile,
when another eteamboat came up, and a rope
was thrown to him He caught hold of it with
his hands, but they were so badly scalded that
be could not use them, and be put the rope in
his mouth, and was thus reecned. Re endured
his sufferings without a murmur, and died before
the boat reached Memphis. The Fulls City then
came up on one wheel. Nearly all her passengers
left her at Memphis, and came to Cairo on another
Tem PrAcne, after an intermission of twenty
years, has reappeared in a distfict of the Pasha
lic of Tripoli, named Bengali, and at lastaccounts
was continuing to make ravages es an epidemic.
There was a rumor that it had already reached
Constantinople, but for this there was no founds.
Persimmon, Tuesday, August 8
Het-7 00a10.00 per Mn
LARD—No. 1 city, 10%.
Indian Fight.
CHICAGO, Aug. 2 —The Tribune learns from a
gentleman just arrived from Minnesota, that a
bloody battle occurred between a band of Sioux
and Chippewas, near Big Stone Lake, on the 14th
July. Twenty Sioux and eleven Chippewas were
CArtamonAw's advertisement of men's and boys'
clothing will interest many. Elie manufacture of
clo+bing bas grown in popularity from its neatness
of style and durability. Buyers will find hie
prices favorable.
[A4V6B.TIB67[XN2. I
Rapid Business Writing
Mr. Pl. A.. Miller, for several years the aconm
plished Penman and successful Teacher in the
oldest and largest Commercial Schools in Cincin
nati, has just now engaged his services to the
Iron City Cornmeroial College, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
where, as a worthy' associate of the unequaled
writer, Mr. A.. Cowley, he will for the future as
sist in teaching the very large classes in this now
the most popular College in the Union; the large
patronage of which enables the Proprietor to thus
scare the very best talent in every department
of the College.
For Circulars and Specimens, address F. W.
Chronic Diarrhipt.:4
We hare in our possession the certificate of a
respectable citizen, testifying that he was entirely
cured of this dreadful disease by using 13cerhave's
Holland Bitters.
We shall take pleseure in showing the . certifi
cate to any person doubting this statement.
CAIITION I—Be careful to ask for Bcerhave's
Holland Bitters.
Bold at $l.OO per bottle; or, six bottles for
$5.00, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN
PAGE, ,TR., & CO., Pittsburgh; and Druggists
The steamship Vanderbilt, from Southampton,
on the 2lst ult., arrived et New York on the Ist
inst. She reports very faVorable weather for lay
ing the ocean cable.
The weather in England was favorable, and the
wheat crop was very promiminz
The United States frigate Niagara was off Cape
Clear on the 18th, and the. British steamer 4ga•
m'eninora off Kier tie on the same day.
Interesting debates occurred in Parliament on
the subject of the massacre at Jeddah.
Lord Stratford de Redeliffe, after dwelling on
the slowness of Turkish officials in rendering jus
tice, expressed the hope that, the rumor of the
occupation of Mecca, or the seizure of some pre
cious objects of veneration treasured within its
wails, had no foundation. He wiehed to know
whether her Majesty's government had received
any official advices of the massacre at Jeddah,
whether instructions had been iesaed for demand
ing full reparation from the Porte through the Brit
ish and Prenah Ministers at Constantinople;-and
whether, in case of wilful delays, adequate
MPARIlres were taken to enforce our jest dethands.
The Earl of Malmesbury replied that the necess
ary steps had been taken to demand immediate
redress. There was no intention of occupying
Mecca He trusted to be able to state what
steps had been taken by .the Turkish Pastia
sent to Jeddah to do justice for the recent out
Dahittes had taken plaoe on the InAFOUL Jews
Bill, Hudson's Bsy Company and the New Cale
donia 811.
In the [base of Commons, Euly 19th, a great deal
of discussion took place on the motion for deodori •
zing the river. Thames. Lord Palmerston said he
hoped the Rouse would agree to the second read
ing of the bill. and not prolong the evils of disease
and suffering caused by imperfect drainage.. He
th ought it unfortunate. too, that so large an amount
of fertilizing matter should be throwa away. Af
ter some remarks from several members, the bill
vita read a second time.
Q teen Victoria's; visit to Berlin is to be strictly
of a fvtnly character.
The first interview between the sovereigns. of
England and• France, at Cherbourg, was to take
plane on Acguet 6th.
The leviathan steamer G■eat Eiatern was in
difficulties'and likely to be sold to another com
France, in ebneert with England, is taking mea
sures against Jeddah.
Turgot, the French ambassador to Spain,
will return to Madrid stronger than ever, in spite
of intrigues.
Paris correspondence states that the Duke de
Montebello was lately ordered to represent Myth) ,
to the Court of St. Petersburg that it might, per
hap4, to bettor, to avoid any misconc e pti on , th a t
the Russian squadron about to proceed to the
Mediterranean, should so arrange as not to be
visible at Cherbourg, when the queen is there,
According to the Faris correspondent of the
Times, queen Viotoria will strive at Cherbourg,
on the evening of August 4, and the Emperor and
Empress will make their entrance into- the town
in the afternoon of the same day. Their imperial
Majesties will remain at Cherbonrg, on the sth,
6th and 7th, and on Sunday, the Bth, will embark
on board the Bretagne, screw line of-battle ship,
to proceed to Brest. The first interview between
the Sovereign's of France and England will take
place on the sth Their Majesties will pass the
6th in the roadstead; on the 7th, the .inaugura
tion, benediction, and immersion of the dock
"Napoleon will take place, and in the af-
ternoon the Vale de Ironies, screw liner, which
has been built on one of the slips of the new dock,
will be launched. In the evening there will be a
grand ball offered by the town. A. grand dinner
will be given by the Emperor to all' the Persons
attached to his suite. It will take place under a
tent fitted up on the deck of the Bretagne. All
the Plenipotentiaries forming part of the Confer
ence at Paris have received invitations for the
fetes at Cherbourg.
On the Bth inst., hostilities recommenced be
tween the Masan!mans and Itayab N in—Bosnia,
and it must be supposed that the affair was ser
ious, as no fewer than 3,000 Christians crossed
the frontier into Austrian Croatia. The Turkish
authorities do all in their power to maintain peace
and order, but the fierce Beys , cannot be induced
to remain quiet, and are continually picking quar
rels with the livid's. It is rumored that there
have been violent conflicts, but no particulars are
yet known. Four companies of the 2d Banat
regiment at present guard that part of the Aus
trian frontier which is between Costainioa and
Topola, but they will be reinforced.
In Warsaw it •is publicly stated that there is
soon to be a general rising in European Turklly,
and a Polish or Russian correspondent of the
Augsburg Gazette ' plainly says that so many
troops are assembled in Russian Poland, to noun-•
terbalance the influence of another power.
" Russia," says the writer in Anestion, "does not .
wish to dismember Turkey, but it will not, per
mit that empire to be under the exclusive influ
ence of any other power." (Austria is the power
The Turkish governmont sent a general officer
to Jeddah, entrusted with powers of life and
Sm. Jousts, N. P., August I.—The steamer
Persia, from Europe, pawed off Cape Race yes
terday, and was boarded by the news yacht of the
Associated Press,'
The steamer handed the yacht files of London
and Liverpool papers to the 23c1 ult..
From the papers thus supplied, we obtain the
following intelligence.
Later news from China and India had been re
The Chinese fort at the mouth of the river
Peiho, and one hundred and thirty eight guns had
been captured by the allied forces. The loss of
the allies was small. The Chinese stood to their
guns fairly.
The allied forces oommenoed advancing up the
river. The squadron was in good health and
spirits. An ineffectual attempt had been made•to
route the Chinese near Canton. The Engliph
merobants had gone on board the war steamer
Six. thousand French troops, originally destined
to Cochin China, were on their, way to Pechee.
Nangpo was in possessidn of the rebels.
iGwalior had been retaken by the British forces.
"*" The Aloniteur ridicules the idea of a French
7 0 .
invasion of England.
The Patio Conference clone on the Mb of
The PRESBYTERY OF M AIMEE will meet el Mt. Wm
church, ou the 2lth Inst., at 7 o'clock P. M.
LIMO DORLLND, Stated Clerk:
The PRESBYTERY OF BEAVER will meet in West Mid
dlesex on the Second Tuesday of September next. at 11
o'clock A. M. D. C. REED, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY Q 1 DES MOINES stands adjourned
to meet at Dee Holm, on Thursday, the 2d dap Septem
ber, at 7 o'elosk P. M. J. M. eVELILOY, Stated Clerk.
The PItitSitYTER.V OF NBW LISBON stands adjourned
to meet in the eh urth of Bethesda, on the First Tuesday of
September, at 12 o'clock M.
BOBER C.DICKSON, Stated Clerk.
May 17th, by the'Rev T. A. Grove. Mr. Jaen H. Oakum
to Mine ISLIZA M'OonaLo, at Woodefleld, Monroe County, 0 .
June 17th, Mr Mime V. WHIN to Mina Maar Brands; both
of Belmont County; Ohio.
By Rey. J. M. feßiroy, July let, Mr. J. ITAIIIRT
to Afies MOLL= B. MILLIGLiIi, all of Ottumwa, lowa.
At Willow Hill, on the 7th nit., by Rey. J. B. Min,
Mr. JAMBS THOM/Or Of Richmond, to MIR ISABILL4 11,
daughter of Mr. Rounick Hodge, ofAignsta County, Va.
Dran—ln Hickory Township, Mercer County,
Pa , on the morning of July 16th, Num Suns,
twin daughter of E. T. and S. J. Fish, aged 8
years, 7 months; end 10 days.
" She is not dead, the' hild of our affection,
But gone into that school •
Where she no longer needs our poor protection,
But Christ himself doth rule." ' .*
Drep—On the 22d ult., at West Newton, Pa.,
Mr. WILVIAM LINN, in the 66th year of his age..
Mr. L. was among the oldest and most respect
able citizens of the town in which he resided for
about forty years. He was also for nearly the
same period, a consistent and exemplary member
of the Presbyterian Church. He died• as he
lived, cherishing au humble reliance upon the
merits of t Christ. He was a kind husband, a ten
der father, a faithful friend, an obliging neighbor,
and highly respected by all who knew him'.
DIED-Lit, Ottumwa, lowa, July 17th, 1858,
after a protracted illness, Miss . &Ran Barran-
FIWLD Dctumass, daughter of ^Major Archibald
A. Douglass, in the 19th year of her age.
The deceased, with the family to which she
belonged, had left Mercer, Pa., only a little more
than a year since, to seek .a home in the West.
Her lender age and amiable -disposition• afforded
no security against dissase and death. Though
she had never publicly professed Christ, she gave
pleasing evidence, in her last illness, of having
become a new creature in Christ Jesus, to whom
she calmly aim sweetly resigned her spirit.
DIED-At his residence, on !Deerfield Farm,
Clover Township, Jefferson County, Pa., July
27th, 1858, Mr. Limas Funauson, in the 68th
year of his age.
Mr. Ferguson was esteemed by his numerous
acquaintances as a man of integrity and moral
.For many years prior to his death, he
was an exemplary member of the Pisgah Presby
terian church. He has gone, it is hoped, from
the Church militant to swell the ranks of the re
deemed who have washed their robes in tie blood
of the Lamb. He emigrated from Ireland in
1812. He was one of the noblest works of God
an honest man. His, great weakness was a hasty
temper, which be had great reason to regret, and
was often sorry for. He •leaves a wife and five
children, two of whom were with him at his
death, and three in the West.
Doan—Ott the 13th of March, after an illness
of twenty days, Mrs. ELIZABETH W., wife of Mr.
Rea Cmnpbell, of Prospect, Peoria County, 111.,
in the 30ch year of her age. .
I Mrs. Campbell was born in Washington County,
Pa., and united with the church at Mt. Pleasant,
Ohio, in 1816. From this place she wive(' to
Sou ham Ohio, and after remaining here for some
"time, moved into the bounds of Prospect church,
Illinois, where she lived beloved by all who knew
her. During °hint ten . days of' ker last'illness,
her sufferings were great ; but she bore all with
Christian meekness, being fully resigned to the
will of God in reloads' to her. She looked upon
the approach of death with calmness and compo
sure, giving directions to her husband as to c how
he should do after her depaytere, Mrs, Camp
bell was a kind and affectionate wife, and a tender
mother to her children. She leaves a husband
and four small children to mourn her loss. AB
her end drew.near, she was willing to go "to be
with Christ, which was far better," her faith
being firmly fixed on the Rock of Ages. On
being asked what inscription she wished on her
tombstone, she said, " A sinner saved by grace."
DIED—In Saltsburg, Pa., on the morning of the
15th of July; Alio. JEANETTE MOORS KIRK
PATRICK, in the 84th year of her age.
The deceased, an aged and revered member of
the Presbyterian Church, will long be held in
cherished and grateful remembrance by the wise
and good of her acquaintance. In early life she
made a public profession of the Redeemer's name,
by uniting with Congruity church, then under
the pastoral care of that worthy man and minis
ter of God, the Rev., Samuel Porter, and• was
greatly delighted and deeply interested in the re
ligious revivals of those times. The relent work
of grace throughout the land afforded her un
mingled pleasure; , and no aspect of it was more
attractive than that of gathering together the chil
dren of Jiada,h and of Israel, of the different Evan
gelical denominations, in union prayer-meetings.
She was given to hospitality;was warm. hearted, in
telligent, and pious, and uniformly aimed at use
fulness; and although the eye was dim; and the
natural force abated, the • theme of a Saviour's
wondrous love never failed to fill her whole soul '
with rapture. In prospect of death, she eras
wonderfully supported,' and waited' willingly till
the change came, and then, without a struggle or
a sigh, her liberated "spirit returned to 'God who,
gave it.
Don—July 21st, near to Frankfort, Hy., in the
25th year of his age, EDWARD, youngest son of
Edward APDonald, Esq., of Washington Co., Pa.
The deceased was reared in a Christian- house
hold, and for several years past has lived -a con
sistent, esteemed, and exemplary member -of the
PresbAerian Church. One year agate graduated
at Jefferson College, and soon after went to Ken
tucky, to take charge of a High School; but be
fore his engagement had expired, he was taken
with dysentery, and in about two weeks, and a
few hours before any of his relatives could reach
him, his spirit left the house of this tabernacle,
for, as we trust, the building of God in heaven.
He was a young man of most ateiable disposition,
of fine ability, an excellent scholar, and possessing
elements of character which gave great promise
of usefulness. One chief desire with him was to
be a thorough scholar and a successful speaker,
and hence for self-improvement, as much as any
thing else, he undertook the employment of
teaching. At the close of his College course, and
perhaps earlier, his mind was seriously consider
ing the duty of seeking preparation to preach the.
Gospel; but he hesitated in his decision, unable
to get clear of a deep and hindering sense of his
unfitness for so great a work. But the question
was of abiding interest, and after a more careful
search, he declared his purpose to relinquish
teaching entirely, and immediately commence a
,course of.. • . . • . • • •- •-•
his sickness, and to the last, he was meek, pa
tient, and resigned, and gave to those around him
satisfactory evidence of trust in Christ, hope in
death, and meetness for the inheritance of the
saints in light. The kind Christian friends who
watched over his sufferings with so much tender
ness and solicitude, have the hearty thanks of
surviving relatives, and we hope will have also
the reward of those. who minister to the sick, in
Christ's name. The bereaved and sorrowing
family have the pleasing thought, that„although
in this painful providence they were not permit
ted to offer to their son and brother the synipi
thies and offices of affectionate hearts and loving
hands, yet he was kindly and faithfully cared for,
and now "sleeps in Jesus," and him will God
bring, at last, to dwell with him forever and ever.
And oh let the young be persuaded by another
warning providence, to seek Jesus : with all their
hearts, that they be pardoned, eanotitled, and
prepared to meet God in Judgment.
sir These Naebines are now justly admitted to be the
best in nee for Fundy Sewing, making a new, strong,
and elastiostitch. which will Nor rip,,even if every fourth
stitch be cat. 'OhCitlare seat on application by letter.
A liberal disoonut made to clergymen with families.
apin ly
REV..I. S. REINDERSoN, President. '
Assisted by ,
MISS C. A. KRLLOGG, (Teacher of Instrumental Music,
Drawing, and Painting)
MR. S. W. MARTIN, (Teacher of Vocal Murie.)
The Third Year of this Inetitution will condolence on
WEDNESDAY, Septeraber , 1140858. - '
It is I meted at Mendota, Lasalle County.
This Institution is designed for Malin and Females, and
to furnish as thorough a coarse of instruction, English,
Mathematical, and Classical, as any similar one, East or
West. Young men Will be prepared to enter the Junior
Oilman College. The qualifying of those ferresching who
intend to adopt it as a profession, will receive special atten
tion Music will receive a large share Of attention, and
Drawing Painting, and , the ornamental branches in gen?
eral will not be neglected.
Forty young ladies can be accommodated with board and
rooms in tile Institution, where they will be under the 'im
mediate care 'and supervision of the President, his litulf,
and the Teachers, whose constant . desire will be to secure
the physical, mental, social, and moral interests of the
One hundred and lifty-two students have, been in attend,
anoe during the past year. - •
Naiad and plate furnished in tba.lnstituta for $25.00 per
term of eleven weeks, payable in edranee. Tuition accord
ing to the branches et stadii pursued.;
Young, men and lads - ran board
i n, clubs, or in private
st ressonidde rates. • " ' '
Forpertiettlars, address . S. HENDERSON,
an7-2En Mendota 111.
l! The SUIPICRIBERS .have ilwayis on wile, straiten
sive stock of goods expressly adapted to the farnishingof
And, having in their sayloY experiential Upholsterers: are:
at all times, prepared novonly to furnish the unmade ma
terial, bet to make up and tit whatever may be needed, at
the shortest notice, and on liberal terms. . •. ,
DAMASK, WIEt HEN, sad GilitiKAff REPS: for Cushions.
M.MUS. PLUSH and SILK .VELVET. for Pulpit Cushions.
CARPETING VetiVe r T, BRILISSILS. Or Ismactst, for Channel
and Vestry, or 881351012 Room—Church patterns.
CARPNT(Na (Ohnrah Patterns and. Colors,) of every de
,tir Porch,. Vestibule or
Lobby. •
3. M. M .
CURLED Raft in Hope, Plated, or rtndii into Cushions
HULL&NDS for Window Shades. .
ill TRACT 800 BC CY. . • , • .
LIFE KARI LYON , Price 50 cents. 12mo.
44 It ismorthy of more than , a passing pernaelP—Rpisco
pat Recorder.
wilt;lt do Immense good to any Christian Emily who
will orayerfolly poetise its holy paged"—Christian Chrom
9 Her life is s lesson and a treasure to the race.—Chris
ficka Okserver. . • .
for 1659 Six cents alagle.' 60 mute ei dozen.
. _
Recently issued: deur valuable and interesting Biogra
phies tir the Oki and Young. Illustrated Soaks of Anec
dotes, Sketches from Life, Cates fir Children, /cc., which,
with other publications of the doolety, make a list of four
bun trod and fifty three volumes. Sold separately, or in.
different priee4 Libraries, uniformly boned.
Descriptive Catalogues of Publications furniehed free of
The Amerkan Messenger and The Child's Paper put.
llshed monthly, and mailed from the
ju7 No. 929 Chestnut Street, Phiht:
by the Bret of November, a qualified teanher, av
Principal of an Institution that hue beau In tioroeeeful
operetta!' for mare than twenty sears. A min prepared to
keep tandem will have the preference. Address
B. H,
01Sce of Banner and Advocate.
OttU.l.—The FALL TRIM will commence SIiPTCSIBBEL
Sru. Pupas from a dietanoe are required to board In the
Seminary. For further information. addrere
. . .
Are invited to examine our
TaftEdliali &ND 9DetiaATol3,
Which. with two horses and font hands, will thresh from one
hundred and fifty two to hundred and twenty live bushels
of When or aye, and doubts the amount of Oats, lievley,
or Buckwheat, per day . . Price complete, 'ISO. For further
information or circulars, address
• MR: RiODIOAL irregularities incidental to the weaker
sex, this alterative is an Invaluable remedy. From the
first blush of womanhood to the ripeness of old age it may
be taken u an aid, tor,gorant, or expellant ; It stiengthens
the fading energlee ortaeloned by laseitode or long life; re
vitalizing the blood, and reertiltiog the debilltsttd system.,
Sold at the mantAzetorv, No 80 Maiden Lane, New York,
and by all Druggists, at 25c., Ne i and $1 per hoz.
KrtY or High School, by a young man, who is a
graduate of Washingtin College. Pa., and who has hid ono
year's experieooe in teaching. Those desiring a permanent
Teacher would do wet!. to correspliad with him soon. Sat
lefsetory testimonials as to character, scholar/Mix and abil
ity to teach will be given. Address
"APPLICANT," Sox 128,
Steubenville, Ohio.
denied oroposabs are solicited by the Building Coin
mitten fn. the erecti ut of a ermoytettin chorea In the
town of tVeihiogtoo, Guernsey County. 0. eightvmlne
feet long by fifty feet in width; to be built of brick, with a
basement, the contractor II nil ng all the material ogee ptiog
the brick. • Bide received until the 25th day of Murcia
next. Ken and specifloetione of said building can be seen
at any time after the 14th proxlml, by. calling on either
of the undersigned. The sum/slat contractor will be re
quired to give antiLlient guarantee for the faithful fulfill
ment of his contract •
Banding Committee.
BftiSSl la itODS•—Is VLOW OW
111 the approaching hand sales In Ibis Terrttory, the an.
der.igned has been making preparations to boate land
warrant., in the Omaha 111M.1 district, for partioe desiring
to invest la tho in that way. The land, in Nebraska
cannot be surpassed for futility of roll, by any other State .
or rerrltoy in toe Union. All lands entered by me, will
be Imitated by com patent' land examiner,.
Land eale to col/manse on the 6th of September next ;
all lands eold daring the sale, to be paid for in gold—after
the sale, land warrants can be need. Lettere or iniairy
promptly answered. ALEX. F. AVICENNA V.
Omaha City, N. T., July 1, 1858.
Messrs. Winslow, Lanier ic Co., Bankers, New York.
Messrs. Drexel k Co., Bankers, Philadelphia.
Messrs. grainer & Rahos, Bankers, Pittsburgh.
Rev. D. Wilts/ley, %D., Pittsburgh.
D. Q. Meffet, Jr, Gambier. Omaha, N. T.
Messrs. Bryan, Gardner & Co., Eloilidaysborg, P.
Mensrs. Bell, Johnston, Jsok & Co., Altoona, Pa.
Alexander /noisy. 8 4 / 1 ., Bt. Lords.
The Winter Session, of Sr. months, will commence the an 1
Wednesday in November.
/Ixpenses, for Baarding, Pixel, Light end Tuition in the lir,-
emit branches, $BO per Session. Andent and Modern Lan
g nag's, each $5. Lesson" on the Plano, and us* of 'nutria.
went, $l5. Painting and Drawing, each $5. Or the pep
went of $BO, will Include the whole.
A daily stags connects with the corset Mowers. DeL, and
also st Parkesbnrg, Pa. Address
J. M. DICKEY, or
Oxford,gept... 20,186$ SAMUEL MCKAY. Oxfo-d, rs
Mr6ST TROT 111111.16 FOUNDAY.
• [Established in ISVI.]
SWAB. The entworibent have Donitantly for sale an air
BELLS. sortment of Mural, factory, Steamboat, Locum
[HILLS. tire, Plantation, School house, and other Sella,
BELLS. mounted in the most approved and dnrable manner.
BELLS. For full particulars ILO to many_ recent improve..
BELLS, omits, warrantee, diameter of Bella, Ilmeeocen pled•
BELLS. in Tower, rates of transportation, Sc.,end for •
HILLS. Circular. Bells for the South 'delire4,l in New
SIMLA. York. Address •
11151111111113111111CPSIIIAN 80011 ROOM a. —TIM
IL Depository le now well furnished with all the Patine*.
t ions &the Presbyterian Board of PubLi astlOii,en d . special),
lth those that are suitable for Sabbath School Libreria.
Theta le ale° • good supply of nearly 400 additi on al volumes,
selected with special tare; from the nun:larvae publications
of the Massachusetts S. 8. Moiety, am:. ^ American 8. 8.
Ordere from any part of the oountry wlllbe promptly at
tended to by address - Ins the subscriber. Money may be sent
by mall at our risk.
DCMS 11178 & NIXON, 21 Park Place,
and 18 Murray Street. New Iroek.
RAIL'S. R. BURGETT,}prlncipals
Manufacturers, Pittsburgh
A. 0110741111ampA 130N11, Agens,
two T.... N 1
The Sutnaa 1. publinked weekly, In the dais of PIM
bursa sad Philedelphla,arid la adapted to general elreulatiee
fa the Prubyteriaa Church. -
IN CLUBS of twenty, and upwards,
DELIVERED In either of the cities.
Per eight lines, or less, one insertion 10 ciente ; *soh sob.
sequeut insertion, 25 canto. Nash additional line, beyond
eight, 8 caste for every insertion. •
Tor eight lines, tone months, gaga. Lech additions/ Ike
116 mac.
!or, slight linos, One I' ear, $lO.OO. Allah additional lino 1.
CALA of two lines, $6 a year, and $1 its *nab odd'
Penal line.
Business Nunn& of ten lines or leas, One Dollar. Bach
idditionid line, 6 cants.
air OommonicationA recommendatory of Inventions, Me
clical,Preetice, Schools, ac. being designed for the pecu •
Wary benefit of Indlvidnale, should be paidfcer as Dtuines
Barre by mail, where no good ,ppartunity Is others Ise
at hind: Drafts or notes of the larger denominations ar e
preferable, where they can be conveniently obtained.
Parsons sending us twenty subscribers and upward a
will be thereby entitled to a paper without oharge.
N.ll:Wlien Presbyterian families are very much dispersed
they may be accommodated at the Club price, even Genet •
few of the twenty be wanting. Let all be eripplhal, if poet
ole. The Peewee shall favor, to our utmostabtilty. Let
ingig e ly be :v i r zli t s at every p
paid, we .w 6f litre - in l dleventy numbers; o!
for One Dollar, Thirty-throe numbers. Thiele for the sate o
easy remittance.
IL.Platora; in,making,up flubs; had some. persona not
reedy to pay at once; they may yet send on the naines,at tle
Club price,'on their own responsibility to pay us shortly. 1 t
N !biteable that clubs_date their subserlpllon periods at the
same time. . ", DAVID MONONlT;Truprietor.
TIONS.—L Little Bob True, the 'Driver Boy. By the
author of Stories on the Petitions of the Lord's Prayer.
limo., pp. 262: Price 30 and 36 cents. With engravings.
11. Not,a. Minute to ; Spare. ay 8. 0; law, pp. 101.
Price 16. ind 20 cents'. , , .
DI; The:Stesensibii Faintly; or, Lessons on the Beati
tudes. ~ , Writtest for.the ' , Board. 'lBmO, pp. 144. Prise 20
IV. An Exposition of the Epistle at Saint Paul to the
Philippians. By the Rev. Jean WM, Minister of tho
Trench Reformed Church at Oharenton, A. D.1e39. Trace.
lated from the French by the Rat. Jetties Sherman, Id lois.
ter of Surrey cliapel,London. Octevo,pp. 479. Price $1 15.
V. Lucy Denbrry; s Sketch "from Beal Life. By S B.
Egliseau; author of Lizzie , Ferguson, and illeentings from
Real Life. Square 16m0., pp. 150. Price 80 and 85 cents.
VI. The Stray Limb. Written for the Board. 18mo.,
pp. 72. Pripe,As wets. „
VII.' The JOY of Mornleg. Written for the lioard..lBtno.,
pp. 65. Price 15 cents.
VIII. Memoir and Select Remains of the Rev. John
Brown, Minister of the Gospel, 11addiugton. Edited by the
Rev. William' Brown; M.D. 12re0., pp. 227: Price 40 cents.
~Tales in Rhyme forlly :Old. Humphrey.
18mo Pp. 119. With ninny engraviogs. Price 20 and 25 cts.
X. Annie Lee; a Story Illustrating the FbatPetition of
.th4i Lord's Prayer, Hallowed be thy Ammo." 18mo., pp.
92. Price 15 and 20 cents. ,
RI. Blind Rath Role may I do GOO dr - 111ustratiog
the Second Petition of the Lord's Prayer..4Blno., pp. 100.
Price 15 and 20 dente.
XII. Mead Glen.' 'lllnetratingehe Third Petition of the
Lord's Prayer 18no , pp. 99. Pries 15 and 20 cents.
-AUL Christmas Bre. Illustrating the Fourth Petition
of the Lord's Prayer. lima, pp, 91. Pricnls sad 20 cents.
XIV. Seventy times Seven; or, the Law of Kindness.
Illustrating the Fifth Pethdonof t he Lord'ePreyer.
pp 120. Price 2D and 25 cents. .
XV. Charlie; or. a Mother's Influence. Illostrating the
Sixth Petition or the Lord's Prayer. 16m0., pp. 122. Price
20 and 25 cents.
XVl.,peace in Death, exemplifiedin Tornhfut Believers.
By the 'author of Little Kadore. Mao., pp. 60. With an
engraving. Price 15 cents.
XVII. Serene in Chosen; on; Missionary Labors by the
Way. 18nio pp. 246. With threeliplrlted, engravings.
Price 80 and'Bs cents. ` - •
xrm. The Beet Lesson nnd the . Best Time te.learn it
lay Presbyterian Minister. 18(no., pp. 117. With an en
graving. -Price 20 and 25 cents.
XIX. Lena Leslie; or, The History of an Orphan. By a
Lady of .Kentocky. .i ii mm t pp. 1013.. With an engraving:
Pries 20 and 26 cents:
XX.- The Marrow of Modern Divinityy In two Parts.
-Part I. the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace--
' Part rr. An Exposition of the Ten Oommandorents. By
Edward, Fisher,* M. With Notes by the Key. Thomas
Boston. Minister of the Gospel, Ettrick. 12m0., pp. 310.
Price 80 cents.'
XXI Christ in the Desert; ori The Tempter Foiled. By
the Bey. Henry Moore Parsorni. 1800., pp. 129. Price 20
and 26 cents. • ' " t.
, XXI.L. The Bailor',
.Companion ; or, Book of,Devotlooks
for dolmen in Publie"and Private. 12mo:, pp. 268.. Price
,50 cents
XXIII Scripture Baptism; its Mode "and intdeeta., By
Asheel G. Fairchild, D.D., anther of The Great Supper.
18me., pp. 201. Price, 25 and 80 cents.
XXIV. Pictures of Truth', Portrayed' in' Pleasing Colors.
18mo., pp. 264. Price 80 and 85 centi. Witkengrarinza.
XXV. Grains of Gold. suited to enrich Tonthfnl Minds
18mo., pp. 260. Price 80 and 85 (lento With engravings.
.XXVL The Great Itefortnar; or, Sketches. of the Life of
Luther. By the author of The Clive . moat Tales. 18mo.,
Prim 20 and 25 cent s. ,-
x.rorr. The Valley of lobos; or, Rope in Tronhite, By
the Rev.l3.4l.'Bhedden.' lihno".;pp "50. .Prieri 15 Cents.
XICVIIL Talks about Jesus: 18mo.; - pp.l 67*. , Price 15
XXIX. The Bilicacinf By the lite Bev. john
G. Young, D.D., Denville, if.entocity..l.Bmo l ,pp..6B.. Price
15 cents. - *
- Just published by the Presbyterian Board cif Publication.
JOBIIPII. P. BNtiLBB, Puhiistang
- No. 821 Chestnut etriwit,'Phlledelohis
For sale at the Board of Colportage, 45 Sir OlsieBtreet,
Pittsburgh, Pa. , „ delB4f
MI PENNA.—Tim founders of this Institution have a -
cured the services of bias. Cit FLOUR' g L. tWILLLAAS,
(widow of the late Rev. L W. William%) ant it will
opened for the reception of young ladies, oa the Pica '
Monday (via., 34,) of May.
It Is the dasign,of the Principal and friends of this In-
Whitton to make it all that could be desired Ina fireteless
Seminary, for the practical and thorough train.leg young
Lake. To this end, they have secured ■ large'briolt house
fora boarding-honse,iand will have a large 'school-room
completely furnished.
The Summer Seasioin will commence on the Pint Monday
of May, and continue twonty-ows weeks: . ,
Pupils from. a distance are expected to board with the .
Principal, who will endeavor. to make' her house ii home (or
them, rather than a boarding-house„ •
' Newburg lea' pleasant rem' village, six Mlles from Ohio
pensburg, front which place a hack supplies It with a dell,"
mall. Fare from the railroad at ilhippenaborg to i Newburgi
only twenty-dye cent,. '
MIS. Willlame, the firlsolpel or this inetltsition s 15,%
practical teacher of flinch' expartencia in all the branches
unfitly taught in our best Seminaries, ind dimes veCY
highly recommended, both sea skillful teacher and an 50.....;•
oompllshed lady.
All the branches usual in oar best Peminarimnwill
taught, and boarding furnished on very reasonable terms,' r
For further Information, apply to Um. 0. L Williams, at•
Newburg, after the first of April. or to Rey. L N. Herm
Shippensbnfg. , ap.1.0.
66(^{ T IC 11.E11,1 1 , 1 "•
What more easel:Mai. to every familY.Ocanting-roorn, aiittJ•
dent, and indeed everyone who !paid know the right usii
of larigaage, the meaning;brat - 61;1%01y, and
of worda,,thea a goad Suglieb DICTIONARY t--of•dally
neoesalty and permanent value.
Is now the reeNntted Standard, 'c . t.matantly,eited and:f••
lied on In our Celina of 'Jost-ice, In ourlegletatire podlea,
and in public. dieoneslons, as entirely conclusive,' miff
Hon. John C. Spencer •
Piblished by G. k O. fdERBIAN, Springfield, Idses.--eoldl
by all Booksellers.
£1 OIILD da LINHO L..N if •'
,MdTON, • •
Have Jut Pabitehed:
By ,Rt. Rev. Alexander Viete Orlswold,ll.D. . •
With an Introductory Statement by the Rev. Bootee
Wilder, A. H. To which I. prefixed a Oomatendetory'
Note by Bishop Eastbarn, and a Notice of the. Work by „
Rev. John B. Btone, DD. • •
Mao, cloth bound 27% cents;.• flexible cloth rover*, 31.'
cents; paper covers, 20 rents. ,
An Address delivered before the' Boston Young Men's Chris.
flan Asavidation, at their .Anniversary; on Wieder
Keening. May 11th, 1868, by Andrlelf L. Stone, Paitor of.
Park Street Church Boston. '
12tno, lextble cloth eovers,2o eta.; papa eaters, 12% cte;
The WINTER 10.11810 N of 1888-8, will oommence on;
the 13th day of October, and continue sixteen weeks. A
full and thorough tonne of Lectures will be giott, occupy. •
Jog Mx or seven hours dally, with good opportalties for &i• 1.(
tention to practical A natoiny. and with ample Chant" faun.
Wee at the Commercial Hospital. ', • , ' • •
The arrangenienthf the CUis will be as follows :
T. E. Sr. jOIIN, • •
Professor of Austomy,and Physiology_
Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy,
A. J. DOWN. M.D.,
'Penfeador of Surgery.
• C. 11 CLbAVICLAND, M.D.,
Professor of Materis Medias, an d Therapeutics.
WM. BluoßwooD, M.D
Professor of Medical Practice and Pathology.
J. R. 8110RANAN,14,11.,
Emeritus Professor of Cerebral ThyafoßST and imltUtilted
of Medicine.
Professor of Obstetrics- and Disallow of. Woman and
The Terms ibr the %Odom will be the same Li heretofore,
vls.:—Matriculation, $5 00 Tuition, $20.00. Demonetra
toes Ticket, 86,00, (E ver y Student Is regul,ed to engaee In
dfaaectfou one seselon before graduation.) Graduation,
$25 00. Ticket to Commercial HosetteJ, (optional,) $5 GO.
The Lecture 13001:1:18 are newly Salsheti, Inset, an d conk .
tortable, and in a central locality (ht,Colhage tßall , Walnut
Street,) where MO:laras will Sad It convenient to call on
their arrival. •
Tickets for the epsilon may be obtained: of the Dcan of
the iittetaty, at hie offii,e; No. 113 Health Strait, or of Prof.
/1. woovelaad, Secretary qf the !Acuity..No. 189 Seventh
Street. near 1/11' JOHN LUNG, Dews.
17 8 "
WANT Igit—BIPAITOUSO ffliAtffis . A 6144 D.
17 AT IL of Jefferson oOnege,,a situation u Tearher
i t , o n Academy or High School. Badifattoty testimonials
as to character and atd/117 wili k ba given.
addreea• .7. M.,. BOX 477,
. .
Jy2t4t ' • Pittsbnigh, Pa.
OFFERS, la •now to be had in the purchawof all
tiris of Dry Goods, at tha store of MURPHY k BITROG
FIELD, corner of Fourth and Market Streete. Pittsburgh, at
tow prices. A dissolution of partnership belleabont to
occur, this firm are offering all their goods in their retail and
wholesale room, at greatly 'reduced Ores r with a view of
selling off entirely before' the change in their business.
Familial will do well to lay . in a supply ef Shirting MIL.] toe,
Irish Linens, and other staple dry goodie 'forlutztre:wriots,
as it is not likely these goOds can be had Bola for ouch
prices u lidurphy 1 Burchfield are DOW selling them Sm..
Nearly all kinds of Drees Goode eating at Imo then they
mist. Linen Cambric Han‘karchiek, and Embroideries of
all kinds ranch cheaper than netts'. All kinds of Morita
and Boys' Wear, Incindin en . r French oio . a
•7 I
.1 vor year
Lls MI