Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, July 17, 1858, Image 4

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]fir the Presbyterian Banner and &mate
The Three Beggars.
A traveler passed athwart my way,
Bending with age, wrinkled and gray;
His looks were careworn and forlorn,
And his coat was tattered all and torn.
Thus in misfortlines chilling blast,
His tide of life Seemed ebbing fast;
It seemed:to him a wofal task,
Andhis.p . sle cheek blushed, an aims to ask.
On thilame pathway, there was seen
A perisonage of different mien ;
Oniiin whom life's crimsoned tide
'Flowed, in manhood's strength and pride.
As pompously he onward aped,
He scorned the man who begged for bread;
But now, with me, his conduct note,
Se begs of yonder man his vote.
With, craving , spirit he will go
To those who office•oan bestow ;
And'even•tiurow the truth away,
Or principle, that win he,may.
Now is it not a less disgrace
To beg:for bread, than beg for place;
And must our offices be filled
By those in begging tactics drilled;
IX as of' Cid, lave we not now
Some Cincinnatus at his plow,
Who, herd at toil, is well content
That undisturbed his days be spent;
And-yet.who will prove truly great,
If called to steer the ship of State.
Bat list t there is one beggar more ;
I hear him, through his closed door,
And one whose strong desires are known
By'his deep, supplicating tone.
He asks not man for bread or place,
Buti asks that, through God's boundless grace,
His many sibs may be forgiven,
And he a passport have to bea'ven.
'Tis he who does the Lord believe,
Who says, " Ask and ye shall receive,"
Or, as 'tis pressed up,pn his mind
In these sweet words, "Seek ye and find,".
From him shall sins be washed away,
And, servant like, at close of day
From all, his labors he shall rest,
And the morn rise with the blest,
On everlasting joys to feast,
Unto his. God a king and, priest.
0 ye who beg„beg of the 'Lord,
And as directed in his Word ;
And seek ye not for earthirfame,
But in the Lamb's book fora name.
Tarentum, June 29th, 1858.
fittrarg Ratites,
BOOKS 11014 It, Its for Notice', will duly
attended to. Tip efie.; trout puhtishoroht
dolphlorN4l4lll/ York; des alai ur htft at- our
Phliadslphis Otticesill South lOth Ilt.tholotv
Chestnut. In 0111 r• ofJosoph M. WllsoricEsq.
Zw - tkaA ; or, The Rise of the Reformation in
Switzerland. A Life of, the Reformer, with
some notices of his time and Contemporaries.
By B. Christoffei, pastor of the Reformed
Churish, Wintersingen, Switzerland. Trans
latedirowthe German, by John Cochriv Esq.
Bvo., pp. -46/ 'Edinburgh's T. 4- 2' Mark
London: Haniiiton, Adams t Co. Philadel
phia: Enfish Co. :1868.
This is a model for all writers of biography.
The ~author states that he desired to make the
mirk is auto biographical'as possible in order to
set Zwingli_before the reader as 'he' lived and
wrought. He has eminently succeeded inzlis
task; and the simplicity said clearness of the
&Alan, the lucid order and fullness of detail,'
while all magniloquence and verbosity are rigidly
excluded, combine in producing a perfect Photo-
graph of the Great Swiss Reformer. This is one
of the most valuable historical works which the
house of T., and I'. Clark has published, and the
Philadelphia ,branch of that house deserve the
thanks of the religious public for the manner in
which they provide such 'sterling works in the
highest 'walk 'of literature. We may add that
the fine paper and clear typography are worthy of
the Edinburgh press, from which the 'work ema
Alexander Vinci, .D.D., Professor of Theology
in Lanzanne, Switzerland. Translated from
, ‘ French, :by Professor Edward MaSson.
-12 mo:, 239J' EdinbitrghAl T. at T.' nark.
London: Hamilton, Adam. '4. 'Co. Phihidel
phis : tHmith,, English.* Co.. 1858.
Thera are fourteen pleas in this delightful
volume, all .breathing the fervid Evangelical
spirit-. of the Chalmers . of Switzerland. Very
seldom have we met with pore , elearness, greater
strength, loftier ` and power of illtislration
and application, than -these meditations display.
Professor Masson has done-the Church good ser
vice in rendering this voldme' into English. The
style is flowing and easy, and the Professor's
greit. attainments as a' linguist, and especially
his acquaintance with the modern tongtiei of
Europe, will- form an ample guarantee' for the
faithfulness of the rendering.
A Poon,ram.ow. By the author of "Which :
the ..Bight- ofo the, • Left 'l 4 ' 12M0., pp.' 480.
NeW York:. pith 4. Fitzgroraid. 1858.
This work is a novel, and as such works go. it
may be called a religions
. novel. We have not
mush to, our former notice.. The author is
evidently endowed with great powers of observa
tion: he has an , intimate amp:Mit:tone° with the
state of modern society, as well among " profes
sore. as among those;who are living in arid for
this world. The book will certairdytgain noth
ing fromitsAitle, but in vigor of mind and truth
fulness of much of the delineation which the
volume contains, it.% vastly ahead of Many works
which have had a, wide circulation.
TB* Cataste or TER . BIITAZY, or Ai Summer Ram
ble among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the
Hebrides. With RAmtu.aa or w Gin:waxer, or
Ten Thousand Miles over the Fossiliferous De
posits of Scotland. By Hugh Miller, L.L.D.,
author of „ The Old Red Sandstone," Foot
pints, of the Creator," &o, &o. -12m0., pp.
524. 11oston: Gould 4- Lincoln. New York:
Sheldon, Blakeman ,t Oa. 1868.
This is the first volume of the Pdathnmous
works of the great Scottish Heologistotud on
every page `thee; is the distinct impress of his
vigorous hand. The volume contains two trea
tises, the first of two 'rambles during his Summer
"sestinas whenabeent for, relaxation from Edin
burgh. His First impressions of Vaiglandand
her People," was produced hi:like:manner when
broken down in'health, he wan , sent, off by his
fileadis , to. the South for entirwirestl , 'We are
glad to pereeive that the distinguished publishers
who are authorized'by Mr Miller's fanisly to pro
duce the volumes isz this country; are generously
and nobly recognizing the claims which his-be-.
reared household have fora return from' these
remarkable prodUctions of his pen. We expect
ed no hiss !rem the honorable Boston house who
are uhieffy entigeiV in supplying the •Aruelioina ,
market, and we trust tthat all the adtaiFers of
Hugh Miller leliltreliereban this intimation.
Shortly after the ,Dierpitibit in 'the .qtirch of
Scotland, the feelings f the landed gent 7
:Highlands and in the Isles of Scotland, were die-*
played in opposition to the Free Dlinrch minis
tern to an extent that is now scarcely credible.
Sites for churches were refused. Dwellings for
the miaistera were refused, and the tenantry
were threatened if they were known to harbor in
their houses, the pastors who broke to them the
bread of _life. In this emergency, a small ves
sel was procured for the Free Church minister of
Small Isles, the Rev. Mr. Swanson, who sailed
about from one district to another, and thus kept
alive the flame of devotion among his scattered
people. The first part of this volume is the nar
rative of a cruise among the Hebrides in the Free
Church Yacht, " The Betsey." Like all' the pro
ductions of Mr. Miller, it is characterized by his
extraordinary pictorial power. In one respect,
Geology is one of the -driest of the Sciences, yet
hire as well as in the " Old Red," and in the
"Footprints" he brings to his aid such beauty of
description, snob .fertility of illustration, such
gushes of poetry, and over all, such enthusiasm,
that even the unscientific reader is carried away
in transport. Without committing ourselves to
all the theories of the lamented author, we shall
hail the appearance of the successive volumes of
this remarkable series.
York; Leonard Scott 4 Co., corner of Fulton and
Gold gtreets,) contains—The Poorbeah Mutiny',;
The Punjab, No. IV. Whit will he dd with'•it?
Part XIII. Blood. Relig,ibus Memories'. The
First Bengal European Vtisileers after the fall of
Delhi; The Cost of the Whig Government.
MarDixy. The Defeat of the 'Factions. Our
readers will perceiie that this namber is chiefly
political. We take exception to much that is
said in the fifth paper on Religious Biographies,
bitt we are corapelled to admit 'that ifi reference
to Brook's Life of Havelock, the writer has
much truth on his side.
For the Proshyterhat Banner and Advomte
. Tribute of Respect
At a meeting of the Session of. the Washington
Presbyterian church, the following. minute, pre
pared by a Committee appointed far the purpose,
was approved and ordered to be . published in the
'Presbyterian - B(1=0r and Advocate.
James Ewing, for three years past an active
and efficient member of Session, departed this
life, at his residence in this place, on Monday.
the 21st of June.
It affords the members of Session a mournful
pleasure to bear testimony to the promptitude
and- fidelity with which our departed brother
discharged his duty as an overseer of the flock;
to the wisdOm, moderation, and zeal teethe glo,
ry of God, which characterized his official con
duct; and to his humble, yet confident relience
upon the Atodement of our Lord Jesus Christ, as
the only ground of acceptance and salvation.
Be it, therefore,
Resolved, That the Clerk be directed to enter
this minute upon the Eecords of Session, to fur
nish a copy to the family and friends of Mr.
Ewing, and to assure them of 'our cordial sympa
thy in this hour of sore bereavement, and of the
confidence with whibh we commend to them the
words of the gracious Master: "What I do, thou
knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter "
A: copy from the Record.
Washington, .Pa., July 4, 1868.
Traveling Correspondence.
WASHINGTON, Ohio, May, 1858
We parted with our readers, last week, on
our arrival at New York. The confusion
both on board . and on.ehore as we neared the
landing in that notable city, was truly great,
hut to me very amusing. The Spaniards
were all in commotion, the tongue of each
rattled like the haminer of an alarm bell.
The captain ascended the wheel hoise and
issued his many commands in a stentorian
voice • the - sailors sung in chorus their he-no
hundreds of trunks were jerked about
over the deck, and examined by the t.fficials
from the custom house; and a perfect swarm
of hackmerf were shoutino• the names of
the hotels to which they wrshed to take 11Elk
As our ship touched the pier, a number of
these gentry attempted. to .climb on deck ;
but the sailors'repelled 'them by throwing
down buckets of water. They then `tied
their cards to the point of their whiplashes
and - held them out toward us similar to
fishermen. These fellows are • a very, great
nuisance; and the authorities of our large
cities should pass some law to protect travel
ers from such annoyances.
The scene from Sandy Hook up to the
city, is, indeed,, very beautiful. There is
no other place in our country, I suppose,
where so many royal residenees, fine gardens,
and lovely lawns can be seen, as here, on
both Staten and Long, Island. The fortifi
cations appear immensely strong. Ido not
think there is a fleet in existence diet Could
enter this harbor contrary' to our wishes as
a paten.
This being my, first sea voyage almost
everything connected - with marine matters,
has filled me with astonishment. Ni nian
in this world can wither more fearful end
impressive exhibithins of power; than are
presented by the mighty ocean.: Nor are
these as Monotonous as 'lad supposed, but
changing as the most perfeet kaleidoscope.
Here eau-be seen within the compass of a
few knots all that is beautiful, grand, sub•
lime, terrific and awful. No natural mirror
reflects more of the majesty of the Almighty
than the' rolling deep.. The volcano, that
vomits, torrents of-fire; the earthquake, that
engulphs cities in a moment ; the avalanche,
that tears off, the sides of mountains ; the
tempest, that levels- forests to the, ground ;
-and the thundering cataract, that dashes. ; to
death all that comes within the reach of its
power; these all set forth the greatness of
God, yet they are all circumscribed in the
range of their desolating visitations. 'tut this
tremendous ocean has a chilinleas strength.
When once aroused to fury it makes a thou-
Sand shores Aremble. What can resist its
storms of wind and` thunder! It tosses
about`the greatest ships on its bosom, as if
they were as many eggshells ! Navies' of
oak'and iron it hurls from its treat iii' sport ,
this mockery, and the most formidable arm
aments, managed and Manned by the wiedorn,
strength, and courage of 'myriads, it often
submerges among its bubbles. Look at the
monsters that live within in. No plate this
for the`angler. Here ..the barbed harpoon,
wielded by the arm of the - bold whaler,. is
needed. The timid prey-of the former in
habit the meadow• stream andsthe 'mountain
lake, but old ocean is the home of the levia•
than, the sweep of whose stroke is fearful to
the strongest vessel. A polished pebble, a
tinted shell, or a watery gem, snatched from
its shore, or its bottom at the peril of the
diver's life, is all of its boundless treasures
that man has ever been able to filch. "s The
groves of coral which wave over its pave•
ments, and the hills of amber which glow
in its depths; are beyond, his approach, pave
when he goes down there to seek his burial
Monument amid their silent magnificence."
rsradi `and coutineiits,`realmennd kingdoms,
may change, fade, and fall, bat the ocean is
immutable. On its, form, and. might, !time
and diaiker have tia influence. As it was
at creation's dawn, so it is now, and as it
now is, soit will ever : 4, a •most - wond;rful
and fearful reflector of the power, 'majesty
and glory of its Maker. But we must lave
t, Farewell, sea; may
. flive 'to , cross thee
yon old world. Farewell, captain and
,ore*; I pray God May .ineet a in
1 014% • . .
For tifenty•four hours after :tanning, 'we
were comfortably quartered at the A tor.
In a few minutes a messenger us e
a dispatch, announcing "ail teelr at h Mel
in reply to one sent from No. 21 Wall Street.
In the afternoon we sauntered out to see the
city. A long walk up Broadway made us
feel that New York is always new. At least
if looked almost as much so to me as if I had
never seen it before. What a noise I What
a rush and confusion I What magnificent
houses, well paved streets and shady parks!
What beautiful carriages and well dressed
.people. This is certainly the great city of
this Western continent. I took a look at
old scenes in Fifth Avenue; spent an hour
in the nicely furnished rooms of the Young
Men's Christian Association;was curious
enough to visit "No. 31 Bod Street," of
Burdell notoriety; was at the Bible House ;
walked down , the Bowery to Grand, and then
to Broadway, where I saw a sign announcing,
"Prayer-meeting in this room every day
from 6to7P. M. Come in—all are net
come." So I dropped in, and saw a large
room partly filled with people. The services
were about commencing. He who lead, ap
peared as awkward as he was darned. A
verse , or two were sung, and then a prayer;
after which remarks were made by a very
diirrthiiiirwhont tool % ikrbe 1174'student.
Again we had singing. and an excellent
prayer. Remarks were then called for. For
a time no one arose. At last a stranger got
up and spoke of the inscription " To ,the
Unknown God," seen by Paul in Athens,
and compared' it "with that en the, banner
over the door at which we'all had entered.
He was listened to with good attention ;.and
when-he closed, a woman near him called
out,M,Ood,bless. the stranger." We went
from that room refreshed, although disap.
proving of some things wesaw and heard
The next day we left for Washington City.
A fine ride of a few hours through the
"kingdom of Camden and Amboy," brought
us to Philadelphia. Our stay here was
short, more BO than was -agreeable.; but our
arrangements were such as not to admit of
delak. We Merely ejaculated, all hail, beau
tiful Philadelphia. Some jealous brethren
in ,our Church fear , 'the concentration of
ecclesiastical power in thee. But Ido not,
itia - rigatriver Pray thit"God may increase
thy influence for good tenfold, and make
every city in Our land do for Presbyterian
ism, what thin' haat done. All hail, thou
model of order, peace and beauty !
We shot through Baltimore like a shuttle,.
and before the sun set, Were safely and corn.
roomed at "Millard's'," of Wash
ington. For six days we roamed about this
city, seeing sights, hearing wonders, and mak:
bag acquaintances, and I hope frisias also.
The Hon. W. 'Lawrence, of the seventeenth
diatrict of Ohio, was our daily companion,
and to him I am much indebted for the
rare privilege Of going where, s and of hear
ing.what, I did. He took me into the Seri
ate chamber; then into the grand Hall of
the House of Representatives, where' I
lounged about a whole day on - the soft seats,
learriing the art of law-making. The ma
ehinery is quite complicated, more so I
thought than necessary, and when *motion
on some matters it is awfully 'noisy, a cir.
oumstanoe truly annoying to an unsophisti
cated countryman like myself. But there
are a, great many wise, upright, worthy, men
here 'tfho are always at their posts striving
to do their duty both to their constituents
and 'their country. Among these btu happy
to rank my worthy friend Mr. L. And what
ever others may say or think of this qingresa,
it has the reputation in this city of being one
of the most temperate and respectable that
ever sat in this Capitol ; although it has
been disgraced by some foolish and beim
siderite members who, in the heat of debate,
allowed their passions to get the better of
their prudence. We, ministers, know how
easily this might take place among two hun
dred and fifty politicians, thrown together,
from all parts of the land, representing dif
ferent and even opposite interests, when
even we, the professed arnbassadora of the
Prince of: Peace, sometimes in our Church
courts, allow our feelings to glow with a
binning, zeal rather above that raised by an
ardent piety. The evils of Cengress are
blazed abroad; the good lives after it ad
The hall is magnificent beyond .desorip.
tion, but not a whit more so than it ought
to be, nor than the United States are able
to 'hive it be. No parsimony 'uppears so
mean as' that of a nation, unleis it be that of
a rich congregation, and.this'ii so . perfectly
contemptible as to horrify me to think of it.
The heating, ventilating, and illuminating
fixtures of the Capitol, are' very complicated
and costly, but melt arrangements are truly
admirable and highly conduciVe to safety,
health, convenience, and comfort. These,
with' the mammoth marble struoture that con
tams them, I have neither time nor power to
describe. Suffice it to say that all, as'well
as - , the Interior Department, (commonly
called-the Patent Office,) and the Post Office,
and the Treasury buildings, and the White
House and all the grounds around, are on a
scale of elegance that strikes the mind of
every beholder at first with wonder, and
gives him enlarged views of the powers of a
nation. On Saturday evening, I beard the
Marine Band play in the Capitol grounds„
and saw thousands of well-behaved and well,
dressed men, women and children, congre
gated in the green. It was truly most
delightful'seene. Such . meetings certainly
have a refining influence on all *hose' priv
ilege it is . to attend them weekly.
The day I was in Congress the celebrated
contested election case from the Third Die.
trict 'of Ohio, bet Ween Messrs. Campbell and
Vallandighani, was up: The speeches were
brilliant and often truly eloquent. 0, that
some of us ministers could catch a tithe of
this-zeal ! Surely we could make the people
feel more,than we sometimes do. Bat let it
be remembered we
all -who read this, that
these speeches have been preparing for six
or eight months, during which time every
minister, has not less than , thirty or forty,
sermons to prepare. Still Ido think, our
pulpits might be more animated if we would
lay aside the manuscript and the formalities
of the schools.
I heard three sermons on the Sabbath, all
from Dr. J. A. Alexander, of Princeton,
and I would have been glad to have heard
three more from the same source on the same
day. 0, such preaching'? Profound, clear,
rich, instructive. And such prayers—every
word appropriate, coming from a heart glow
ing with an 'unction from heaen. I noticed
among the audience in the` evening; Gen
Cass, Gov. Wickliff, of Kentucky, and Pres
ident, Buchanan. They all paid the most
Marked attention to the discourse. No one
slept that I could see. This pleased me:
If piety does not, politeness' ought to keep
people awake during Divine service on the
Sabbath. Sleeping in church is a miserably
vulgar habit, and= should at once be aban
doned. Reader, do you sleep in church?
If you do, shame !
But •I wont scold, but go on to say that on
Monday, the President spoke in terms of
the highest commendation of the sermon he
heard the evening before, and of the won
derful concentration of thought evinced by
the speaker. We inquired if he were per
.sonally acquainted with Dr. A. 4,e said not
.personally, but well by
,reputatiod. a You
are aware, Mr., 8.," said I, 4 ' that Dr.
Alexander is a bachelor." "Is it possible,"
he ,one minifter, fiKe.NT, been
allowed` io escape the nuptial noose g"
"Why not ?" said I. "Because," said he, ,
" the clergy are all so popular with the
ladies." " And so are Presidents," said- 1,
" but one of them has in some way managed
to avoid the yoke." At this he laughed and
said something about Paul's celibacy.
From the mansion we went again to the
Capitol. The Senate was in session. We
went into the gallery and got a good view
of the Vice President. He is a goodlook
ing, wide-awake, accomplished gentleman—
one whose words and manners are dignified
and prepossessing. We saw no one in this
body who presents a finer appearance than
Hon. Mr. Seward, of New York, and next
to him is- Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky. To
Mr. Douglas, we were introduced in the Hall
of Representatives; 'and"we made free to
ask him whether he was the good - or bad
Douglas, of whom so much was said in the
public prints, intimating that surely there
must;be two of them. " I'm neither," said
he; , " for if I was the bad one, I- ought to
be hung, and if the good one, I am too good
for a politician ' I am simply S.,A. Douglas,
of Illinois, andhave in me a mixture of both
good and bad." He spoke this in the most
pleasant mannerpossible, with a countenance
indicating much good humor Be is very
courteous, 'full of animation, moves quickly,
is quite social, and never seems fearful of low
ering histdignity by a courteous notice of
whoever approaches- him.
Reports of Douglas, and of all other pub
lie Men, should be received with much al
lowance. They are not the saints their
friends represent them to be,- nor are they
the fiends, their enemies Vuld make them.
What, groat injustice we sometimes do to
our great Men. Who has not villified the
immortal Clay on the one band, or Jackson on
the ritlier ? Both were wise, noble, patri
otic; both did Much for'our country; both,
I hope,„died Christian& Speaking of Jack.
son, reminds me of a letter of his in relation
to his •burial, that I saw posted up in the
Patent Office, that is worthy of notice. -In
184, Commodore Elliott found in Beirut,
in Syria, the repository of the remains of
the Roman Emperor, Alexander Severna;
and a marble slab that had formed part of the
temple erected by the great Miltiades on the
plains of Marathon,. after his famous victory
over the Persians, about f hundred and
ninety yeatsbefere Christ. These the Cmanno
dome sent to Jackson, to 'he toed as his sarco
phagus. The letteris the reply of the Chris
tian (*mere!, and is truly characteristic, of
his repxiblican simplicity. After the most
polite acknowledgment. of the favors of his
friend, Jackson says.: ,
" I have prepared an humble depository
for iny'mortal body, beside that wherein lies
my beloVed wife, where;without any`pomp or
parade, have requested, wben my God calls
me to sleep with my fathers, to be laid ler
,Voth of ,us there to remain until the last
trump shall sound to call the dead to judg
ment, when we, I hope, shall rise together,
clothed with that heavenly body promised to
all who believe in our- glorious Redoemer,
who died , for us that we might live,. and• by
whose atonement I hope for a blessed immor
This is alike creditable to the head and
heart ,of the hero-of New Orleans. Three
years ago, we stood lay the tomtvat the Her
mitage, near Nashville, Tenn., where this
great man and his wife now sleep in death
How fragrant with piety are the sentiments
in this extract!
The reader wearies; but I must say a
few words about the great Sabbath &Awl
Celebration that_took place' in this city on
Monday, May th. Thirtyone schoels
were represented. More than five thousand
children were in procession.. They had
many silk flags, and two bands of . music.
They looked beautiful. Having assembled
in the lo . vely groundearound the Smithson
ian, a number, of good addresses were made;
when each school filed off to its own church,
to partake of refreshments provided for the
occasion: It was our good fortune to fall in
with the school of the Second Baptist church,
and share the hospitalities of the pastor,
Rev. Mr. Greer, and family.
On Thursday, we left for home. Came
back to Baltimore, took the night train for
Wheeling, g ot to Piedmont for breakfast
and had the,pleasure of crossing the moun
tains in daylight. Next to the sea, moan
tains fill me with admiring awe. What a
contrast these bleak tops present, compared
with the rich verdure and foliage of Cuba !
The leaves here are only beginning to come
out ; the .eorn is not planted. There the
leaves are always out, and there we got
plenty of green corn, a few days ago. How
cold the air here I"It is spitting snow. •In
Havana, the mercury was ranging aboie 90 0
in the shade. How we can change the sea
sons by these ears and steamers !
We came to the Ohio river in the after
noon. It actually appeared small, although
it was full froni bank to, bank. We crossed,'
and a ride,of a few scores of miles brought
us home, where we received the gratulations
of many friends. ,God had watched over
and protected us during a journey of over
five thousand miles—one fifth the distance
round ihe globe—without a 'single mishap
or hour of sickness, excepting that endured
on the sea.
-Our trip was of great advantage to us,
physically, intellectually, and socially, if not
Spiritually. Health much improved; mind,
I trust, enlarged; many, very many, valued
acquaintances formed; and more than ever
convinced that ours is. the best country in
the world—that Ohio is aboutthe best State
in the Union—that the region East of the
Muskingum .river is the best portion of
Ohio, and that'our village is the most spirit
ed; enterprising, literary places in that re
gion. Thanks to God for his _mercies.
Thanks to the' printer for general accuracy.
Thanks to the reader for patience. Thanks
to critics for Strictures. Thanks, thanks, to
all ► W.M.F.
fox tte goung.
An Interesting Incident.
"Bank Note Reporter, sir Three more
Banks down !" said a bright little boy of less
than half a more years, as he entered a
contiting-house - in Broad Street, one morn
ing, witka bundle of papers under his arm.
Ae he entered, ,two,gentlemen were seated
in front eta warm fire, engaged in thought
less conversation. " Bank Note Reporter,
Mr ?" said the little boy,_
"No !" replied one of the gentlemen; " we
don't* want any." " But stop," added he;
" if you will sing as along, we will buy one,
of your Reporters." •
The boy agreed to the terms, and the gen
tiemen, with an fir that showed that they
wire anticipating sport, placed the little fel
losvuport-a high stool, which was standing
near, and bade him proceed to sing.' ' They
then waited, evidently expecting to hear
Home jovial song, when, to their astonish.
meat, he commenced singing that most
beautiful little hymn :
"Ilthink, when I read that sweet of old,
When Jesus was here among men,
How he called little children as lambs to his fold,
I should like to haie been with them then."
The effect „pen, hie;Thitenarewas at one
Pergeptitiley and' betore he had finighiellie
four verses, they were both in tears. After
he had finished, one of the gentlemen in.
quired, "'Where did you learn that hymn?"
"At Sabbath School," replied the boy.
" But what Sabbath School ?" continued the
gentleman. "At Spring Street Sabbath
School," was the reply.
The gentlemen then purchased the Re
porter, and presented him with a sum of
money in addition, after which he was al
lowed to go on his way, bat not until they
had called him back to obtain his name and
A Sabbath School teacher chanced to be
present and witnessed the whole interview,
and his heart rejoiced as he discovered that
the bright-eyed little boy was'C scholar' in
his own Sabbath School.
How often does the simple eloquence of
childhood reach the heart when the more
elaborate efforts of years are unavailing.—
Evangelist. •
The Polite Boy.
The other day we were riding in &crowd
ed car. At one of the stations an old gen
tleman entered, and was lookingaround him
for a seat, ,when a lad ten or twelve years of
age, rose up, and said, " Take my seat, sir."
The offer was accepted, and the infirm old
Man sat down. " Why did you give Me
your seat?" he inquired of the boy. " Be--
-cause you are old, air, and-I am a boy," was
the quick reply. The passengers were very
much pleased and gratified. For my part,
I wanted to seize hold of the little fellow
and press him to my bosom. It was a re
spect forage, which is, always praiseworthy.
When a boy or girl does not reverence the
aged, it is a sure sign "that' they are evil in
more respects than one. We once saw a lad
ran after a lame old man in the street, and
hoot after him ; but he was known as one
of the worst lads in the village. He would
swear, disobey his parents, rob orchards, and
do other things equally bad. We feel quite
sure that the polite boy in the cars never
uses wicked or vulgar wordi. His parents
probably can trust him.—Child's Paper.
Butter Makiiig
A writer in Entery's Journal of Agricul
ture on the subject of making butter, says,
that in all various changes through which
milk passes before it becomes butter, utter
cleanliness is indispensable, and this cannot
be too often held up to view. Next, re
member, milk and cream want air, and pure
sweet air at that; no one should cover a
cream pan or put cream in a large, high
stone jar or crock, if they intend making
first quality butter; and now, ,if I can, I
will put thinga in order.
The Milking,.—This should be done with
clean hands and short finger nails. • The
same cows should be milked by the same
hands as much- as possible, and as quick;
much conversation or singing should not be
tolerated during milking time; the times of
milking should be twelve hours apart, as
near as may be.
Milk should be strained, as soon as it can
be brought in buttery or cellar, and I am
of opinion, that if the milk of several cows
is a little mixed, it will produce butter of a
more uniform color ,'six or ten quart pans
made_ of tin are in common use; glass
would be better. Milk should not sour
under thirty-six hours, if in a right tem
perature:; if it does, your milk pans have
not been well scalded and cleaned. When
your cream is taken from the milk,' let a
little milk pass along with it in the cream
pan. Milk should not sour, and cream
should, not be of the consistency of sole
The. Ohurning —This should be done
every day in a dairy where there are eight
cows or more. At a:temperature of sixty
two degrese,' butter 'will `come (if the cows
have salt regularly,) in about thirty minutes.
"'would not have it come sooner if I could;
churns that propose to bring butter in five
minutes area humbug.
Washing. Butter.—lt has been and per
haps still is thought an open question,
whether it ,is necessary or even proper to
wash butter, but I deny it. It is a settled
point, a fixed fact, that butter should be
washed if it is intended to be packed. All
through the dairy counties of New York,
washing is thought indispensable to make a
good article for packing A late Weekly
Tribune contains a letter from the Hon .A.
B. Dickinson, recommending cool soft water
to wash your butter, "without which, no
man or woman can get the milk out with,-
out injuring the grain ;" " soft water is= as
necessary to wash butter, as fine linen "
Immediately after washing, place the butter
in a large wooden bowl, spread it well out,
and add about an ounce of salt to the
pound. " Liverpool Blown" or " Turk's
Island" is best; if New York salt is used,
the " solar salt" is preferable; the other
contains lime, which injures butter; let it
stand twelve hours, work over so as to thor
oughly mix the salt, pour off what brine
will come out, notice whether it is entirely
free from, milk, and pack immediately,
taking, care to well cover your firkin. A
churning of butter which does not corres
pond from heat or other cause in color or
flavor with what has been packed should be
sold or used in the family. The family sup
ply should never be packed, -but kept by
itself. The sooner a firkin is filled, the
better; then 'place over the butter a clean
damp linen, and salt an inch or so thick and
head up.
Preparing Firkins-- Generally hard wood
firkins are preferred; take out the head and
fill with soft water (rain -water, if handy,)
and allow it to stand forty-eight hours, then
take a scrubbing brush and scour well, next
scald in hot water, and when well cooled it
will be ready to receive your butter. Al
,ways use a new and not an
About the Weather
A weather prophet, writing to an , agrical•
turat paper, says " When you wish to know
what the weather is to he, go out and select
the smallest cloud you oan see ; keep your
eye upon it, and if it decreases or disap
appears, it shows state of air which is sure
to be' followed by fine `weather; but if it
increase's in size, take your great coat with
you, for falling weather will not be fir off.
The reason is this: when the air is becoming
charged with electricity, you will see every
cloud attracting the lesser ones to it, until
it gathers into a shower; and, on the , con
trary, when the fluid is passing off, or
diffusing itself, then - a large cloud will be
seen breaking to pieces and dissolving."
Anthraciie AAA's
Anthracite Ashes, long considered worth
less to 'vegetation, are endued with proper
ties rendering them somewhat valuable as
manure. Those who red . & in the, vicinity
of cities and other places where this coal is
used as fuel, and where the ashes , can be
obtained in large quantities and at small
cost, will find this article's matter' of import
atice'to their Waling interests, if or9Perly
Prof. Henry, of the Smithsonian Institu
tion, has collected facts respecting the inte
rior of the United States, which will com
mand the attention of scientific men and
Statesmen. The induction from these facts
is, that the entire region of the United
States West of the 98° of West longitude,
(say the Western boundry of Minnesota)
with the exception of a small portion of West
ern Texas, and the narrow border along tte
Pacific (including Califoinia), is a sterile
waste of comparatively little value, and
which can never be available to the agricul
turalist. The importance of this statement
will be more fully comprehended when it is
considered that the line of Prof. Henry,
which extends Southward from Lake Win
nipeg to the Mexican Gulf, will divide the
surface of the United States into nearly two
equal parts.
The intense heat. and extreme dryness of
this region, which will make the Great
American Plains a barren waste forever, is
caused, to a large extent, according to Prof.
Henry's theory, by the fact that the return
ing Trade Winds, sweeping over the eleva
ted masses of the Rocky Mountains, are
-deprived of their moisture; in other words,
the heated air which ascends at the equator,
saturated with moisture it has extracted in
its passage over the ocean, after depositing
a portion of its vapor in the tropics at the
rainy season, is further desiccated by, the
r dges and mountains which it meets, tbe
vapor being condensed on the windward
de by the cold due to the increased verti
cal height, and it finally passes over and
strikes the plains as dry as a sponge which
has been thoroughly squeezed. Without
moisture there can be no fertility, no-agri
culture; and .a great portion of this wilder
ness, according to Prof. Henry, is as irre
deemably barren, for the purposes of agri
culture, as the deserts of Africa. If this
theory be true, it will- greatly modify the
opinions which have been entertained by
politicians and Statesmen of the future des
tiny of the " Great West " Piof. Henry
stated these facts to us a few days since,
which we confess, greatly modified our
ideas of the vast 'extent of Territory which
we had always supposed was yet to be filled
with human habitations, like the already
productive prairie States bordering the
The process now gefierally practised in
the manufacture of gas, consists in "placing
from one to three five and even twelve re
torts in an oven h ' eated by a fire fed with a
portion of the coke left from the distillation
of coal. These retorts are long cast iron or
clay tubes, open at one end, and closed by
means of a plate listed with soft clay. It is
furnished with a pipe, through which the
gas, as it is generated, Oases off to the con
densers, purifiers, and gas-holders. The re
torts are kept at a cherry red heat; a Charge
of coal is shoveled in, and the retort dosed.
Tim gas and vapors contained in the coal,
soon begin to be evolved, and continue to
distil until nothing but dry coke remains in
the retorts The richest gas is generated_in
`the first three hattre, and it requires from
four to'eight hours to exhaust the coal. In
the best managed, gas works the charges are
renewed every four hours, the quantity and
quality of gas varying with almost every
kind of coal used. Cannel coal gives the
richest gas, and in large qui.ntities; but as.
it leaves only a little coke, it is not econom
ical to use it alone. A mixture of cannel
with coking coal, in certain'portions, affords
the, best results; but the redaction of the
quantity of cannel coal below a certain
standard, is soon perceivable, by a diminu
tion in the illuminating power of the gas
flame, and an increase of cost to the con
sumer. On an average, a ton of, mixed'
good gas coals produces eight or ten thou
sand cubic feet of gas, or from four to five
feet per pound, twelve hundred pounds of
coke, two hundred to three hundred pounds
of tar, and the same quantity of anamoniaeal
water. One pound of rosin gives, in the
old rosin apparatus, from six to nine feet - of
`gas,- the illuminating power of which is
greater than that of ordinary coal gas as five
to three. North American.
The WINTER SESSION of 1858-0, will commence on
the 13th day of October, and continue sixteen weeks. A
fall and thorough course of Lectures will be given, occupy
ing six or seven hours daily,With good opportunities for at
tention to practical A natomy, and with ample Clinical facil
ities at the Commercial Hospital.
The arrangement of the Chairs will be as follows:
T. E. el.. JOHN, M.D,
Professor of. Anatomy and Physiology.
Professor of OhOmistry and Pharmacy.
A. J. HOWE. M.D.,
Professor of Surgery.
Professor of Materia Medico and Therapeutics.
Professor of Medical Practice and Pathology.
Emeritis Professor of Cerebral Physiology and Instilutes
of Medicine.
Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases Of Women and .
The Terms for the Session will be the ammo as heretofore,
visa—Matriculation, $3.00. Tuition,, $20.00. Demonstra•
tor's Ticket, $5.00. (Every Strident is regnimid to engage in
disseition one session before graduation.) Graduation,'
$25 00. Ticket to Commercial Hospital, (optional,) $5.00.
The Lecture• Rooms are newly finished, neat, and com
fortable, and in a central locality (in College Hall, Walnut
Street,) where students will find it convenient to call on
their arrival.
Tickets for the million may be obtained of the Dean of
the Faculty, at his office, N 0.113 Smith Street, or of Prof.
O. H. Cleaveland, Secretary of the Faculty, No. 139 Seventh -
Streetomar Elm. JOHN BIND, M.D., Dean.
Just Published:
By Peter Bayne ' A.M.,
Author of "The Christian Life ,Seidel and Individual."
Second Serie& 12ma. Cloth, tt o;
.CONIINTB.-1... Charles Kingsley. 2. Lord Macaulay. 3.
Sir. Archibald Alison.. 4. Samuel ,Toylor Coleridge. 5.
Plato. 6. WellingtOn. 7. Napoleon. 8. Characteristics
of Christian Civilisation. 9. The Modern University. 10
the tulpit and the Press. 11. The Testimony of the
Rocks; A Defence.
By Peter Bayne, A I M.,
author of "The Christian Life," U. First Series. 12mo.
Cloth, 81.25.
CONTSNTB. 1. Thomas De Quincey and his Works. 2.
Tennyson and his Teachers. 3. Mrs. Barrett Browning.
4. Glimpses of Recent British Art. S. itutikiii and his
tiritice. B. Hugh Miller. 7. The Modern Novel. if.
Currer Bell ,to.
They indicate the traits of mind and heart which render
"The Christian Life" so intensively suggestive and vital
ising, and at the same time display a critical power seldom
equalled in compiehensiveneas, depth otinsight, candid
appreciation and judicial integrpq.-41Torth American Be
By Peter Bayne,,A.M.,
Author bf "Essays in Biography and Criticism."
=um. Cloth. $l. 2sltie
The master idea on which it tisa beerfformed is, we deem,
wholly original, and we regard the execution of it as not
less happy than the. Conception is good.—Hugh Miller, in
the Edinburgh:FM*3s.
ow S ATH 00.1. B, BIBLE
FrOt Jaeobne's Notes on John, new edition.
" " Nark and Lnke new edition.
"" Matthew,
Question Books on the same, Interweaving the Shorter
On Matthew, (with Catechism annexed,) $1.50 per dos.
.Ort -Mark and Luke, di each 1.50
or, the two volumes bound in one, 2.25 "
On John, with Catechism also annexed, 1.50 "
They will be forwarded to any address, if orders be sent
Pres,Board of Colportage, Bt. Clair St., Pittedegh.
65 Market Street;PitteberglL
WM. 13.- BatriTOITI4
fekl-tf Bt. Clair Street, Pittsburgh.
The Interior of North America.
Manufacture of Gas
No. 59 Washington Street, Boston
with the earnest reque.,t of hundreds of tiu.i :'
Nave concluded to remain
1 - 1. , •
- ~
And may be consulted at their office,
NU. 19 1 I , g. N N 91 . ghi E T ,
Daily, (except Sundays) for Ci t.t.NSUAPTION, Al. - ..:7 1, ,,, ~
BRONCHITIS and all other CU tioN IC Cit,ll PLA 1 :s Th e r " ;
plicated with or causing Pulmonary Dieease, i t , ledin a 6,,
cart*, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver. Le,,..pep,,,„f,
Gastritis. Erema/e ,; oniplaints, etc.
DRS. FITAI & SYKiIS would state that tin it trisemthi
of Consumption is based upon the fact that the divest s . ,i - ,,
in the blood and system at large, both before and darh;„, i„
development in the lunge. and they therethre enno,„ s ' n,
chanical, hygienic mil Medicinal remedies to rairiil, tf,,
blood and strengthen the aystem. With these they ~..,,
Medicinal Inhalations, which thnt value highly, hut ~,,,,Iy . ,
palliatives, (having„no curative effect when used alone.) .:1;:i
Invalids are eat neatly cautioned against "pasting the prteir,t,
time of curability on any treatment based upon the plini
ble, but false idea that the " seat of the disease, cue .,,,,:
reached in a direct manner by Inhalation," for as kfcr:
stated,the seat of the disease is in the blood and its 0h . ..
only in the lungs. tF
.Fig'" No charge for consultation.
A list of questions will be sent to those wishing to
salt us by letter. . . f .„ _,
pis t
111.02 ta , rl k: cCtett.
Board of 12 Trustees—Faculty of 14 Teachers
young Men prepared for actual d u ries of the Coo n't
Instruction given in Single and Doubl e lintry Boo;
tog, as used in every department of Busineae, Commercia.
Arithmetio,ltapid Business Writing, Mercantile cori...slew
eace,Gommercial Law,Detecting Counterfeit Mon ey, Poi :
Economy, Elocution, Phonography, and all other subject
necessary for the thorough education of a pi-attire! tugtlEfe.
J. C. SMITH, A.M., Professor of Book keeping and :bias.
of Accounts.
J. A. HEYDRIOIC. and H. A. HUTSON, Assistant Teach
era of Book keeping.
Profesaore of Penmanship. Twelve first premiums over ail
competition for best Pen and Ink Writing, and not for en
graved work.
A. C. PORTER, Professor of Mathematics.
Tamers, &c.—Full course, time unlimited enter at any
ti me, 53&.00. Average time, eight to twelve weeks. Board
about $2.50. Entire cost, $60.00 to re 00. Graduates &actg.:4
in obtaining situations. Specimens of unequalled writing
and circulars sent free. Address,
F. W. JENFILVS, Pittsburgh, Pa.
sons./Kr One half the tuition fee Is deducted for clergim ea
No. 40 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Vol. 7 and t 3 Stier's Words of the Lord Janie; completing
the work.
" One of the'most precious books for the spiritual later
pretation of the Gospels "—ARCHDEACON lists
"Dr. Stier brings to the 'Exposition of our Low s pi s.
courses, sound learning, a 'rigorous understanding. avd a
quick discernment; but what is better, be al,. a
devout mind, and a habit of thought spiritual and defrrer
tial to the trulh.".—EvAercalleaL CaRISTENDOSI.
Vol. 4 of the Translation of Bangers Gnomon of the \es
Testament. Also, a fresh supply of the let and 2d colonies.
Roote's Lectures on the Gospel of Lu :v ., . Third edition
2 vols. Ati uly valuable exposition.
Hackett's Commentary on the Acts. A now edition, re
vived and enlarged.
Reid's Collected Writings; with Hamilton's Notes ant
Dissertations. Fifth edition.
Constantly on band, a large assortment of Standard wad
rare Theological Works, for sale at low prices.' A complete
catalogue furnished upon application. Mys 13.
LISHM.F.NT—Located at Hayssilie Station, on ft.:
Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and obis
River, ten miles West of the City. This institution con.
bins superior advantages, for the euccessful t - eatment and
complete cure o' disease We wonld especially invite t 6
attention of femaleii wbo have suffered for years, and bays
almost despaired of ever finding relief to our estubliEh•
meat. We can recommend this institution to female enftl ,
era with great confidence, as in our long experience is
dtvemes peculiar to their sex, we have had at almost uni
forin anouets. We will gladly give any further i nformatiet.
to those who desire it. Address boa 1304, Pittsburgh, N.
JOSEPH BURFORD, M. D., Physicians.
ESQ., N 0.167 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will
hereafter act as Receiving Agent at Pittsburgh, for the
General Assembly's Church Extension Committte. Dena.
lions for the Church Extension came, should be tent to Mr.
Nevin. mar 27 in
Y, 'Walnut Street, South• West. Corner of Third, Phila.
Money is received in any sum, large or small, and inter•
est paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The office ie open every day from 9 o'clock in the morn.
fug till 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monday and
Thursdayevenings till 8 o'clock.
HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President.
WILLIAM J. RZED, Secretary.
Money Is received and payments made daily without
The investments are medal n REAL ESTATE MOAT•
GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such drat class manilla
as the Charter raqnires.
kJ Tuscarora Valley, Inniata County, Pa., one-fourth c
a mile from the Perrysville Station of Pennsylvania Rai
The Sweater Session will commence on Monday,the lett
of April. Whole expense per session of twenty-two weeks
forßeiard,Room, Tuition, Washingand Incidentels,sss, pay.
able one-half In advance.
16i - See Menhirs, DAVID WILSON,
marls-ty Principal and Proprietor. Pert Royal P.O
If V. • the public to the
where `may be Pound a large assortment of all kinds cf
Dry Goods, required In furnishing a house, thus emir El
the - trouble usually experienced in hunting each ankles
In ; various places. In consequence of our giving our at.
tention to this kind of stock, a s the exclusion of dress
end, fancy goods, we can gamma see our prices and styles
tote the most favorable in the Mai ket.
we are able to give perfect eatilftetion, being the man
'MARLIN= LIION STOBI A la air/ and having been
for more than twenty yearn rein 'sr I m portersi from some
of;the best manafeetmet.. .n v land. We atter also a
large stook of . _
of the best qualities to be obtained, and at the very leasit
prices. Also, Blankets, Quilts, Shootings, Tickinga, Da.
- mask- Table' Cloths, and Napkins, Tosedlinp, Diapera,
ffnckabaes, Table and Piano Co , -ers Damasks ant
reins, 'Lace and Muslin Curtai. iMmitiet, intsitsre
Chintzes, Window Shadin g % &c., k.
apdO-tf Philadelphia.
114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nearly opposite the eb:
tom HOnse,)-havejust opened a very choice seleetion of
Of the latest importations. Also,
New Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crustlied and Pulverized Slum
Rice, Rico-Flour; Pearl and Corn Starch, Farina, Yeast Pea.
dere, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Cocoa, Broma, Extrallo.l, and
'Spiced Chocolate, Pure Ground Spices. Castile, Almond.
Toilet, Palm, German, and Rosin Soaps. Sup. Carbonates.
Soda; Cream Tartar; Extra Fine Table Salt; Pore Extrsu#
Lemoh and Vanilla; Star, Mould, and Dipped Candles; Ss
gar Cited Hama ; Dried Beef; Water, Butter, Sugar sai
Soda Crackers; Foreign Fruits, ko., kc.
This stook has been purchased for oABH,and wtil be oiler
ad to the Trade, and also to Families, at very moderate ad.
"minces. from *bent wo reaverrtfolly sr - Meat. famed parer'
(Successor to Bailey & Renshaw)
253 Liberty Street,
Has jw3t received hie Spring stock of choice Family glen?
les, including
150 hf. chests choice Green and Black Teal;
60 bags prime Rio . Coffee;
25 do.. do. Laguayra Coffee;
85 mate do. Java do.
4 bales do. Mocha do.
20 barrels New York Syrup;
5 Mids. Lovering's steam Syrup ;
12 ,do. prime Porto Rico Sugar;
60 bbls.LoverLug's double refined.) tiger;
25 do. Baltimore soft do. do.
Also—Spices, Pickles, Sauces, Fruits, Fish, Suganetre
Hams, Dried Beef, dc., de., wholesale and retail.
eats/Knew forwiab..d. siring en eriendied lift o
.p 1 -
: POINTED Receiving Agent an e. Treasurer. for tee fo'
lowing Church enterprises, in the Dynode of PITTSBURG E
The General Assembly's BOARD OF DOMESTIC MIS
SIGNS; the General Aseembly's BOARD OF "EVICATION;
the General Assentbly's CHURCH EXTENSION COHEN
Correspondents will
please address him as below, stet
distinctly the Presbytery and Church, from which marital
Mons are sent; and when a reeetpt is required by end!, the
dime of the post office and County.
As heretofore monthly reports will be made through the
Presbyterian Ba nn and _Advocate and the Brom told Fortige
Supra.wliziArds, Treanner,
lthfield Street
my 24
wirransiriericßiali Boos fl.OOllB,- Wit
Depoeitory ia now wellfmniched with all the rablirs,
tionsof the Presbyterian /Ward of Pablicationoindespe cialtl
with those. that are imitable for Sabbath School Libraries
There iiabio agood anpply of nearly 400 additional rolurori,
eelectml with epechl rare, from the numerompublira tiour
of the Massachusetts 8.8. Society, am: "'aerie" 8.5.
Orders from any part of the country will be prompOY
tended to by addremring the subscriber. Mono mai b'
by mail at our rick.
Also, a good supply of etatiorrr ,
weep Market and Cheahmt Streets, Phillide/Pbis , ha" fM "
Dry end 'Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanneee Tsener'S
and Curler's Tools at the lowed prises, and upon the best
terms. ,
Jar All kinds of Leather in the rough routed, toe
which the highest market prim will be gireo taPhr "
taken" in enchain; for Biome r.... 14.4. +IMO fro.* Of ottrito
The Winter Session, of live months, will commence the 0 01
Wednesday in November.
$z for Boarding, rnel,Light and Tuition to the n•
glish branches, $6O per Bession. Ancient and lllceeeo Lao
gl'ageß, mob - $ B . Leeson on the Plano, and use of iniall•
went,, $l5. Painting and Drawing, each $B. Or the Pr
Wentof $BO, will include the whole.
A daily stage eonnectersith the oars atNewelLDe 1 .,50d
also at Parkeebarg, Pa. Address
J. M. DICKEY. or
COlford.Sept. 20. 1856 SAMUEL DTOICIfir. otri- 4 _„, L .,
N 0.82 North SECOND Street,shove Market, Philadelphia
The largest, cheapest, and best assortment of PUSS en!
VeLHOY BLINDS of any other entabllehinest in the UMW
i ßtatee.
REPAIRING promptly attended tn. Glee rienlievld
11T141 as trellr 7oneawleen
T. O. MgVtlf. Ece rfrf
_argvarle & co, mmorrroacTviro ,
T. ..EREVor or WAL T
AREE,N0.1.67 Liberty Street, pithbwi, Pa. j 9347
114 snit thfielo