Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, July 17, 1858, Image 3

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    of Filch n volume as this, that the discourses it
contains arc not those (any of them, we believe,)
or rightly ordained iniuisters of the Catholic
Church, lint only of those several separate com
munities which are included iu the generic and
most unsalisfactory term " Protestant." There
is no doubt that Nlonod, Krummacher, and 'the
lurk, were all very eloquent preachers—preachers
of th e G os p e l, o f c oarse they will be considered
by Protestants generally. Still, they were eepri
ratists from the One, Catholic and Apostolic
In like manner it objects to the title of
the work lately published, styled, "The
New York Pulpit in the Revival of 1858,"
because it contains no sermons by Episcopal
ministers ; and criticises any revival by
sneering at the thought of any work of the.
Holy Spirit, in a Church not Episcopally
constituted. Read its language as to both
these particulars:
In view of the fact of its having been confined
ex 31u4ively to the Feo s—to those to whom the Apos•
tie most unquestionably refers when he cautions
the Primitive Coureh at Rome to mark those "who
cause divisions and offences, and avoid them"
—we cannot, for the lite of u', see with what
truth it can be said that any such excitement has
been the work of the Holy Spirit, which is a
Spirit of truth, unity, and concord: not of error,
dis+ension, and disagreement. It manifests very
strikingly how =lobe such a combination of
sectarianism can be, in spoh a matter, when, in
a revival declared to be so evidently produced
" by the power of the Holy Spirit," that branch
of the One Catholic and Apostolic Church of
Christ, which can trace its descent from the Apos
tles—which is a veritable branch of the same
Church which Christ instituted, and his Apostles
organised, and the holy Fathers developed—when
such a Church, we say, that is, 'the Church to
which we ourselves belong, should be utterly
ignored in the consideration of such a ease.
But as to what the publishers—somewhat pro
fanely, we must confess—have dared to connect
with the movement from which it has sprung,
namely, " the power of the Holy Spirit," and the
glory of God, in the work carried on, we must
reiterate our most decided conviction that it pro
ceeds on a great and fatal delusion.
One can only smile at the presumption
and pity the weakness of the author of such
sentiments as these. To be angry with such
an one is impossible.
The Fifth was signalized by several .mili
tary parades, excursions to the country, and
the burning of a considerable amount of
powder, For the anticipations of old John
Adams in the , memorable letter written to
his wife, immediately after the signing of
the Declaration of Independence, with re.
Bard to the remembrance of the day on which
the great event was consummated by the
firing of guns, &a., is folly realized in our
day, however far we may come short in some
of the other particulars mentioned. The
Democracy held a meeting in Independence
Square, at which speeches were made. by .
Charles Ingersoll, Esq., and the Hon. Wm
Bigler. In the evening the Anniversary of
our National IndePendenoe was celebrated
in Jaynes' Hall, under the auspices of the
Young Men's Christian Association. George
H. Stuart, Esq , presided, and the several
evangelical denominations were represented
on the platform. The Scriptures were read
by the Rev. Dr. John MaDowell, and prayer
was offered by George Duffield, Jr. Ad
dresses were made by the Rev. Dr Brantly,
of the Baptist Church, Rev. Mr. Mackey, of
the Episcopal Church, Rev. Albert Barnes,
of the New School Presbyterian Church,
Rev. Mr. Crowell, of the Old School, and
others. But the address by. the Rev. John
Chambers fairly "brought down the house."
It was full of patriotic and religious feeling,
expressed with even more than the usual
glowing and stirring language of this well
known speaker.
The Episcopal Recorder has a leader call
ing upon the Hpiscopal Church in this land
to enter Elpou the aggressive work of the
Gospel. This is the organ of the Lai
Church party in this State, and in urging its
Church to this work, it does not recommend
aggression upon other denOminations of
Christians, but upon the world and the king
dom of Satan. It is not enough for any
Church, to bold its own, it must go forward,
receiving captives, and winning trophies to
Jesus Christ. o' The kingdom of Christ is
to be established on the rains of the king
dom of Satan."
Since Atlantic City is so closely connected
with Philadelphia, so much indebted to it,
and so largely dependent upon it, we are
justifiable in mentioning any thing concern
ing it in this connexion. It may interest
some seeking the sea shore to know that a
daily Union prayer meeting has been opened
at Atlantic City, in the Presbyterian church,
and that it is intended to continue it through
the season. This may tend to keep the
graces of Christians alive, and to protect
them from the effects of idleness and dissi
pation around them.
One of the good effects of the Late Re
vival, and one that cannot be overestimated,
is the interest awakened in behalf of spir
itual religion in a large portion of the
respectable secul4r press. The North Amer
ican does credit to itself, when it says of
the "religious movement :"
Of all nations in the world, the United States
elan least afford the loss of religious, restraint.
The character of our institutions, and the freedom
which is so readily perverted into license, demands
the acknowledgement .of Divine authority. For
while human power is set at nought, and the
people are taught to consider the authority of
their rulers as a power created by the governed,
it is absolutely essential that we should acknowl.
edge some authority which we, the governed,
have not created, which we cannot escape, and can
neither deny nor destroy. A republican govern
ment, properly administered, offers the highest
advantages for religious culture. While we insist
that all men are equal before the Creator, which
truth has the sanction of religion as well as polit•
iota ethics, It is indispensable to our happiness
and to our virtue, that we acknowledge the author
ity of that Creator. To do this in vague general
expre talons, every one is ready. But to have any
11.fluence over our oonduot, religion must be not
a theory, to be aired once a week in the sermons
or the preachers by profession. It must be a
conviction of the heart, operating upon the daily
life wet conduct. The public and universal at
tention which the claims of religion have received,
and are now receiving, throughout our land, is
Producing a reformation greatly needed.
—The Presbytery of Tombeckbee, at its late
meeting, appointed Rev. Dr E. T. Baird and
Elder W. B. Cavanah a committee to write
a pastoral letter to the churches under the
bare of Presbytery, on the subject of the,
pligions instruction of the Colored people.
Rev. Jos. Bardwell presented an essay on
the same .subject to Presbytery,` which was
ordered to be published. This does not
look as if the Presbytery ' was unwilling to
have the subjeet discussed as is -_ often
charged.-- . .PresArterian Herald.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
The Anniversary at Princeton
PouNorToN, N. J., July 2, 1958.
On Tuesday, June 29th, the students, citizens,
and vi-itors, assembled in Dr. Mactlonald's large
church, to bear the address of Ea Governor Pol
lock, of Pa., before the American Whig and Clio •
s phis Societies. The subject selected by the
speaker, was " The Characteristics of the Age,
and its Demands npou the Sc olar." It was a
masterly effort, and worthy the fame of the tal
ented advocate Sound sense, conveyed in a sim
ple but eloquent style, were its characteristics.
He was full of force and animation, and his per
oration to the students was impressive.
The annual meeting of the Alumni occupied a
greater part of the afteinoon. The Hon William
C. Alexander, Chairman of the Committee of Ar
rrngements, nailed the meeting to order. The
Hon Oliver S. Halsted, of the class of 1810, took
the Chair. Col. John C. Groome, of Maryland,
and Ex Governor Pollock, acted as hie assistants,
and the Rev. E. It. Craven, of Newark, N. J., es
Secretary. The Rev. Dr. Jacob Kirkpatrick, of
the class of 1804, led the assembly in prayer be
fore the Throne of Grace.
The President, on taking the Chair, remarked
that he saw not a single member of his class pres
The correspondence was then read by Professor
John T. Duffield. A letter from Dr. William B.
Ewing, of 1794; Hon. Richard Rush, of 1797, in
which he refers to the old eighteen-pounder fired
off by the students, in his day, every Fourth of
July, thirteen times, in honor of the thirteen orig
inal States ; of the illumination of the College at
night, stirring up the hearts of the old soldiers,
living around. Society even moves forward while
men are constantly looking back—from the. Hon.
Geo. Chambers, of 1804 ; Hon. Theodore Freling.
hpysen, of 1804, absent on account of the Anni
versary exercises of the Institution over which he
presides; Hon Silas Condit, of 1795; the Hon.
Thomas Sergeant, of 1798. Ex Governor Bibb,
the oldest living graduate, except Wm. M. Mor
ton, of 1792, had not been heard from.
The President then called up the old graduates,
beginning with the class of 1848. Professor Wm.
C. Cattail, of Lafayette College, responded in a
neat, humorourS, and graceful speech.
He was followed by Oliver S. Halsted, Jr., of
the class of 1888, who entertained us with remi
nisoenoes of his College days. A worthy Profes
sor said of his class, " It contains as much.talent
and more of mischief than any I know." They
had polers, fizzlers, and stompers, and a glorious
lot they were, but when they came to graduate,
the Faculty were fairly stumped, and did not
know where to place the honors. Education, like
blood, will tell in any close encounter, and you
will find tbe graduates of eiassan Hall just where
you find the Cadets of West Point, as the forlorn
hope, prepared to do or die. They win the post
of danger, and maintain it, and wear those honors
which belong always to the good and great, the
gallant and the brave.
The classes of 1828, 'lB, and 'B, were , passed
over for want of time ; that of 1804 was represented
by the Rev. Dr. Kirkpatrick Fifty .four years
have passed away, and when I look around this
assembly and hear that I am the oldest graduate
present, my mind is impressed with the idea of
the poet, " How short and hasty is our life !"
Southard and Liodeley, O'Hara and Prime, and
others, twenty-six out of thirty-nine, have gone
to the eternal world.
When the representatives of other colleges
were called upon, Rev. Dr. M?Gill, of Jefferson,
now Professor in the Princeton Theological Semi
nary responded. lie was proud to own that he
was an Alumnus of Jefferson College, for several
reasons, and not the least as being a grandson Of
Nassau Hall, the father of that favored institu
tion, than which not one on the whole continent
has been more prospered and blessed. There
went from these classic shades to the wilds of
Pennsylvania, John Medillan, the founder of
Jefferson, the Apostle of the West, the pioneer
of a pure Christianity in Western Pennsylvania
—the patriarch of Presbyterianism West of the
mountains, of whom Daniel Webster said in my
hearing, while standing on the banks of the Sue•
quehanna, and listening to an accoun t of MoMillan's
traversing those regions, while the war whoop of
the Indian was still sounding, " Truly, his was
the voice of one crying in the wilderness." He
graduated from Nassau Hall in 1772. The first
President of Jefferson, also came from Princeton—
John Watson, the orphan boy, the ostler boy, whom
J. Addison found laboriously spelling out a muti
lated copy of Horace, on his back, in the bar of a
tavern, by the unsteady light of a pine torch. And
the-second President, James Dunlap, graduated at
Princeton in 1773. All were noble pioneers of
Western Pennsylvania, by whose labors that
" wilderness was made to blossom as the rose."
Nor had his Alma Mater failed to return the
tokens of her gratitude and high appreoiation.
A venerable ex• President, (the Rev. Dr. Carna
han,) wbo yet lingers among us, and long may he
linger for our benefit, though he came here for
his degree, received his preparatory training in
connexion with Jefferson; a man of noble 'mind,
of serene dignity and able as an executive officer.
His was the longest administration on record,
and, perhaps, one that will never be surpassed'
with posterity. She had done more, having sent
yon a man of accomplished scholarship to fill the
chair of Rhetoric. It was his ardent wish that
the offspring of ibis Institution may never fail to
elevate the standard of religious education, and
may ever prove worthy of the rank and fame of
this cherished seat of learning and piety.
Two representatives from Amherst College
being present, the Rev. Dania W. Poor, D D.,
responded : " I must express my regret and
shame that this is my first visit to. Princeton. I
feel the same pleasure , here as the iniestigator of
nature when striking upon some hidden principle, ,
or strange phenomenon. I can bear , testimony to
the stronghold this College has on all her mem•
hers, and to the deep affection her BODO bear to
their old mother. It has been my privilege to
•visit more than one New England College, and
what I saw there did not surpass what I have
seen here. I visited the graveyard, with its ven
erable dead, and line of President's tombs—not
another graveyard in this country is honored by
such holy ashes. I feel now as if the State of my
adoption, New Jersey, had flung a new nond over
me, to respect, to venerate, to love it; and to give
to it the best of my powers. As a scholar, I feel
that I have brethren here; we all, meet in com
mon, our hearts beat in unison, and there is a com
munity of feeling—one in pursuit, one in heart,
one in aim and one in hope." •
Judge J. Thomson Mason, of Maryland, class
of 1836, excused himself on account of hoarse
The Hon. Wm. L. Dayton, class of 1825, made
a short speech, alluding to he labors and fame of
- Professors Alexandor, Henry, and Guyot, and
hoped that Nassau Hall would continue to be
useful, full of productive resources, and mighty
works in the future
Gov. Pollock, of the class of 1881, was called
upon as the orator of the morniog, and expressed
the pleasure he felt in geeing such a meeting of
the sons of Nassau Hall He alluded to Prof.
Morse's connexion with the Electrio Telegraph,
and closed by saying, Henry must not and will
not be forgotten I Honored be Nassau Hall, and
honored be her sons I"
The Committee of Arrangements was continued
for next year, and the meeting adjourned.
On the following day the Annual Commence
ment took place, when the degree of A. B. was
conferred upon seventy one members of the grad
nqing class ; and the degree of A. M. upon forty
four, among whom were the following from Penn
sylvania: John B. Annan, H. Y. Evans, M.D.,
H. C."Greenewalt, T. McGowan, I. H. Bteever,
and J. S.
The honorary degrees conferred were as fol
lows: Doctor of Divinity, Rev. John Berrien
Undsley, - Chanetllor of University of Nashville,
Tenn. ; Rev. Henry Perkins, of Allentown, N. J. ;
and Rev. James A. H. Cornell, of the Reformed
Dalch Church. The degree of L L.D on the fol
lowing: Lorrin Andrews, Esq , President of
Kt'llYott College, Ohio; Prof George B. Wood,
M.D., of Philadelphia ; William B. Hodgson, of
Georgia. G. M.G.
Declining Importations.
• The decline in foreign imports, at New York,
is shown by the following comparison, for the six
months, ending Jane 30th: •
1857. 1858.
Manufactunitbf Wool, $11,527,100 $6,086,684
Cotton, 11,035.792 - 5,181.299
Silk, 14,748,5 ip 7,959,262
" Flax, 4,855,440 2,080,904
Miscellaneous manage-
Iron, bar and pig,
Railroad iron,
Tea is one and three quarter tuitions increase
over last year; sugar and molaases nearly $B,-
000,000 less than last year. This looks favorably
toward the encouragement and protection of do
mestic industry.
Tas average of life in England exceeds that of
France i by eleven years, notwithstanding the
French elimatelle though;superior. .
• -
4,118 701 1,70,881
1,764,888 68089
1,747,749 48,481
gaps pepartiment,
WASHINGTON CITY, July B.—lt is stated on re•
liable authority, that President Buchanan has de
termined to protect the American Ship Canal.
Company in their contract with Nicaragua. The
Cabinet advise this course, and against further
temporizing, and Costa Rica favors the movement.
Instructions arc already prepared, and will be
forthwith dispatched to Gen. Lamar, directing
him to impress distinctly upon the public author
ities of Nicaragua the fact that our policy toward
that Republic has been changed, and that reme
dies against all existing and future evils will be
enforced in a summary way.
Uncle Sam has thrown into public market the
following real estate:
5 millions acres in . . . .
1* millions acres in . . .
2f millions acres in . . . .
3 millions acres In . . . .
Making, in round numbers, twelve millions of
The Agricultural Bureau of 'the Patent Office is
making preparations to test t he cultivation of tea
in this country. The seed will be preserved in
China specially for the, purpose, planted in glass
cases and shipped in (Weber. By the time of
their arrival here they will have sufficiently sprout
ed to be set out in beds. After being tested here,
the plants, if successful, will be distributed
among the Southern States. An order for , a great
variety of seeds will also be sent to Egypt in a
few days, through a House in London. This list
includes wheat." barley, rice, clover, (Trifalium
A/exandrinum ) &0., &o. Arrangements are also
making-to commence a nursery for the'growth of
ornamental trees for the public grounds in this
and other cities. They can be supplied from. a
public nursery at one twentieth of their present
cost. Such is the estimate of the Interior De
July 9.—Commander Page, who is designated
to, command the naval force to be dispatched to
Paraguay, has bad an interview with the -Secre•
Lary of the Navy on the subject. That Govern.
ment., it is said, has three effective war steamers.
The fortis in great power, under Frenoh engi
Deers, and-commands the navigation of the- Par
ana river. Hence it is deemed important to the
success of the miassion that the Bolted States
shall be prepared `for all possible emergencies,
the President having been clothed by Congress
with ample power to enforce all just demands of
our Government.
Tbe Secretary of the Interior left this evening
for Mississippi. He will be absent about a month.
From Utah.
Br. Louts, July 18.—The Utah correspondent
of the Republican, under - date of June 18, says
that the conditions agreed .upon at the conference
between Governor Cumming, the Peace Commis
sioners, and the heads of the Mormon Church are,
that the troops shall enter the city without oppo
sition ; civil officers to be permitted to perform
the duties of their office without interruption,
and unconditional obedience to the laws of the
land. On the other hand, past offences to be for
gotten, as stated in the President's proclamation.
All the houses in the city have been closed against
both civil officers and strangers, except the one
which is °coupled by the Governor and his family.
Everybody else is obliged to sleep in their wagons
or on the'ground.
Main on the Maine Law.
The following, says the Sennebeek Journal, is
the total official vote of the people of. Maine on
the liquor law. It appears that every county
has decided in favor of the Prohibitory law of
1858, except Aroostook, where there is a small
majority in favor of the License jaw. The course
taken with this matter in removing it entirely:
from the line of polities by submitting it fully and
fairly to the people, proves to be generally EMUS.
• License. Prohibition.
Total votes, 5,912 28,864
From Mexico.
New ORLEANS, July, 10.—The bark Brilliante,
from Vera Cruz. arrived at this port to day, with
dates to the 26th.
Business is prostrated in Vera Cruz. The vont
ito has broken out among the soldiers. The
health of the citizens is good.
An earthqnake occurred on the 18th. It was
severely felt in the city of Mexico. Fifty persons
were killed by it in that place.
The British and French Ministers advise the
payment•of the forced loan and protest. Mr.
Forsyth opposes and demands his.passports, and
is awaiting instructions.
Trial for Slave-Stealing.
PETRIRSBURGu, Pa , July 9 —The Captain and
crew of the echooner Francis French were tried at
Hastings' Court, Smithfield, for stealing slaves.
Thompson, tha steward, plead guilty, and was
sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years.
Sophia Furnace.
At New Castle, which has been in successful
operation over nineteen months, went out of blast
last Week. Daring that time, over eigbty-five
hundred tons of metal have been produced.• After
undergoing a few necessary repairs, the furnace
'will again commence operations.
Pre2IIIITRCIE, Tuesday, JulylB
There is nothing of impwtance doing in a commercial
way, and business during last week was very dull. Farm•
ere are now in the midst of their harvest. The wheat har.
vest In some sections is progressing rapidly. Reports.). the
yield are very flattering; but the kernels are smaller than.
usual, on account of the warm weather baying 'stimulated
the ripening too rapidly. Thadomlooks well. Rarleyand
Rye have yldhleil a good crop, and the Hay is very heavy.
The Oats crop is rather light. ' .
dauss—Pearls 63.i'55 Pots. 434a50. _Soda Ash. 33iade.
BUTTER ANO Boca-Butter, 10012 c., Eggs, 8490.
BACON—Western Shoulders. e l / a 6 1 4; city do , 7; Sides,
834; plain Hams, 9a934; canvassed do., 1034; sugar cured
do. 115012.
Bastm—Small white, 754.00 per hus.
DRIED PROPS ...Apples, $1.12a126. Peaches, 8.75.
FzavEmS-45e5 0 .
nous—From fit et hands at $3.2068.25 for superfine, and
8.60a3.62 for extra. From store at , 8.60 for superfine, 4.00
for extra, and 4.62 for extra family.
Oaom-Inata t 30@81e. Corn, 45050. Bye, 45. 'Barley,
80Hay— . Wheool4 at: red
00 ,
per 70;
ton. white, 80©00.
$ 10 0
LARD—lountry 9@9y, ; No. 1 city, 10@1034.
-blase Poex—s , 6oo.
Omx—Linseed. 65070 Lard, 86.
Porarose—The season for old is over, and they cannot be
given away
Sens—Flax, fl.l2tidlls.
Woos—There still but little coming In, and prices have
advanced to 25 for common. and 40 for choice. A large por
tion of the clip has been bought in the grower's hands by
agents, at prices varying from 25@150. the range from-40(450
being paid only for the very%enofee jots that are grown
in particular sections, the general range being 25@40.
About 1000 bales a week are now passing through, here to
the Nast.
Comm—Uplands 17 5.16.
FLOna—Bilyerfine State. $3 8008.08; extra do. 8.95a4 05;
auptethie Indiana and hliehtsau. 8 Pali); sups:toe Ohio,
g nag g 5 ; rimy 4.00a4.10; extra Indiana and Mlchi.
gan 4 05a6 01.1; extra Ohl 4.500.00; fancy Genesee. 4 80a
4.40; extra Oenetee, 4.8086.50; low to very choice extra
Mi,souri, 4.60a7 00; Canadian, 4.20a5 20; southern, 4 45a
4.74. Rye Floor, 80088 50 r fine to superfine Corn Meal,
8.60a3 55 for Jersey. and n.95a4 00 for Brandywine, 351 , 11.
Gasuf—Wheat, 1.02y01.03. Corn, 80182. Oats, 47a4731.
Partsnweirra, July 12.
litotut-0,50a5.00 for common and extra.
Gama—Wheat: led ; white 1 18. Rye, 680. Oats,
Aotnt—Fair to choice, $8.90a4.25.
Gaeatt—a ate; 46a470
"LIMBED OIL-67a68c.
ilmalmons, July It .
Mart—llowerd Street and Ohio, $4.87; city mills, 4 26.
ORAIN —Wheat red, $1 10; white. 1.16a1.30; old wh,te,
1.]2a115. Corn, 79a80; Sollow, 82a88.
Another Pitteburgher
Testifying to the wonderful curative powers of
Bcerhare.'s Holland Bitters.
Mr. Jacob White, Third Street, below Market,
"For a year past I pave been afflicted very
seriously with dyspepsia, so much eo, that my
stomach refueed to retain any thing; I have tried
almost every remedy, and the regimen of several
physicians, but without alleviation; until .I began
the use of Bcerhave'a Holland Bitters, and have
nnw found relief almost amounting to a cure. I
found it efficacious in removing the extreme de
bility by this disease, 'and general
ly, as a tqnio, it has few equals and no superior."
CAUTION !—Be careful to ask for Bcorhavet's
Holland Bitters.
Sold et $l.OO Ter bottle; or, six bottles for
. $5.00, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN
POO, JR., Br. CO., Pittsburgh ; ; „ and Dreggists
• LI
LIGHT COATS neatly made. Pants and Vests
suited to the season. Summer underwear of
Bilk and cotton, silk and linen hosiery, for men's
and boys' wear, at close rates for cash, by Carna
gban, Federal Street, Allegheny City.
The Africa, arrived at New York, brings Liv
erpool dates to the 26th ult. She passed over the
longitude where the telegraphic fleet should have
been seen, but it was foggy, preventing distant
The Lord Mayor of London has giyen another
banquet to foreign ministers, and a distinguished
company was present, including Mr Dallas, the
American minister. In the absence of Lord Der.
by, the Lord Chancellor made a political speech.
In the course of his remarks, he Urns alluded to
the American difficulties:
" I may, perhaps, advert to the circumstances
which have cast a transient clotid, but a light
one, I hope, upon the relations which exist be
tween us and our transatlantic kinsmen. United
as we are by ties of common descent, common
language, similar laws and free institutions, any
misunderstanding between us is a matter deeply
to be deplored. The United States have evinced
their identity of race with- us by the sensitive
jealousy which they have exhibited in favor of
their national rights, but I trust that the repre-:
sentations which have been made by , my excellent
friend, the Minister from "the United States,, and
the mode in which they have been *made by lord
Malmesbury, will very soon restore those feelings
of complete amity which have suffered by, this
trifling differenc,e." Th ,
It is reported at Spain has, to France
for support against the pressure of Qreat Britain
in the matter of the slave trade around the coast
of Cuba. The application met, with encourage-
A letter. from Beirout, Syria, mentions out
rages by the priests upon an American missionary
named Dodd.. The American consul* at Helmut
Was seeking redress.
Shooks of earthquakes continued at Naples,
and tremendous hurricanes had occurred, and at
Sala fifty houses had been demolished and many
people killed. Several villages had been de
, ,
strayed by the deluge of rain.
The pestilential condition of the river Thames,
was the prominent topic of conversation in Lon
don. The new Houses of Parliament were so
much affected by, the nuisance as to seriously im
pair the health of the members.
Oct the 25th, in the House of. Lords; the Bari
of Carnarfon stated' in reply to a question from
the Bishop of Oxford, that- government was con
sidering a measure to prevent abuses in the ex
portation of coolies.
The filthy state of the Thames was debated in
both floosies. '
In the House of COMULODS, Mr. Fitzgerald ex
plained the circumstances of the recent outrages
upon the British Consul at Belgrade; and stated
that the Turkish government had, promised every
satisfaction, and exemplary innishment•to the
parties concerned in it.
The India bill was debated' in Committee of the
Whole. Several amendments were proposed, but
in each ease they were rejected by large majori
ties in favor of the government. One of the
amendments for the question orthe number of
the Council, wan proposed by Lord F'almerston,
but it was rejected 'by sixty two mayority.
- A private letter from India in the Daily News
says people at borne are much too sanguine of a
speedy termination of the mutiny. We have not
force' enough to. do it. It is obvious that the mu
tineers have not yet lost heart, and that our work
is not yet half done.
The ease of Mr. Gough, the celebrated tem
perance lecturer, against Dr. Lees, a Maine liquor
law advocate, for libel, came off in the ,Court of.
Exchequer on the 21st. The libel complained of
was contained in a private letter, and charged
Mr. Gough with being habituated to the use of
narcotic drugs for the purpose of stimulating
himself, and also with " being as wicked:a man
and as rank a hypocrite as breathes in the Queen's
dominions." Dr. Lees, it appears, had written
under the impression that he had been libeled` by
Mr• Gough. This Mr. Gough denied in' his evi
dence in court. Dr. Lees thereupon withdrew
his plea of justification; and, the case was arnica •
bly settled - by a consent to a verdict for the plain
tiff, with five guineas damages.
The new Minister of the Interior is adopting a
more liberal course toward the press. The sus
pension of. the permissumt of the Independance to
enter France is to be, withdrawn on.the 20th inst.,
and at the same time will be brushed away , the
vexatious prohibition of the sale of the Bieck and
the Pram WI the Boulevards.
New rye was 'exposed for sale in the Paris corn
market, on the 23d. It came from Picardy and
Beano, and was of a good average:quality, but
rather small in size. ,This is about a . fortnight in
advance of ordlUary years. The rye,harvest has
commenced in the immediate vicinity of Parisi.
The Italian jouraals express xreat displeasure
at the French government having just caused the
Descent from the Cross" to be removed from
Borne for Paris.
The Paris correspondent of the Times states
that Prince Napoleon, instead' of going out as
ruler of Algeria with the state of a sovereign,
will remain at home as Minister , of. Algeria aud
the Colonies, with the right of presiding ; at the
Cabinet Council in the absence of the Emperor.
The Konipbtr,q Journal states
.that the harvest
in Russia promises to be magnificent. '
A grand public ceremonial took place at St.
Petersburg on the 12th inst. The new cathedral
of St. Isaac was a solemn relig
ions service, which blended all . the magnificence
of ecclesiastical and milltory pomp. The impe
rial family and court were present, and thirty
thousand troops were under arms. The edifice
was commenoed in 1827. • „
Turkey. •
Elemi Pacha, Minister of Public instrintion, is
appointed Governor of . Candle, in the place. of
Vely Naha, recalled. The /owns/ de Canatina
plc publishes a declaration from the Turkish Com
missioners at Caudill. agreeing to all the
of the insurgent; promising that the offending
functionaries should be punished, and declaring
that no pew taxes should be imposed. Permis
sion was also accorded to the . Christians to possess
arms, as being equal to the diussulmen. The
Mussulman population of the island was in great
agitation in consequence of these condessions.
ALIXANDRIA, June 21.—The Calcutta And
China mails left this day, with intelligence from
Calcutta to the 18th of May; Madras, to the
26th; Ceylon, to the Slat; Hong Kong, to the
Shahrjeliatipore was relieved on the of
May, by Brigadier Jones.
Lucknow was threatened, in Gen. Hope Grant's
absence South ward,.by twenty-five thougand men
under the Bekum. On the 15th Sir Colin Camv
bell, leaving a strong force under General Wal
pole, marched for Futtehgurh, where he was on
the 18th. •
A skirmish is reported with the enealY under
the Moulvie. Five thousand cavalry and five
thonsandinfantry lay betwien the Commander in
chief and Mohundy. On the arrival of reinforce
ments, expected next day, the enemy was to be
driven from Mohnndy. - •
NEw You', July 12
Campbell had crossed the Ganges.
The heat was intense, and the troops at Luck;
now unhealthy. The garrison was reduced to
two thousand infantry.
Khan Bahadoor and Nene Sahib bad attacked.
General. Jones' position at- Shabjehanpore, but
were repulsed, with the loss' of Foster, aide-de
On the 14th, Sir Hugh Rose was at Etwolh,
three miles across from Calpee. The enemy was
in position in his front, and had been joined by
the Nabob of Banda. The attack was to take
plus: on the folio slag day. Toe rebels had made
a bridge for escape across . the Jamas. •
A conspiracy had been discovered in a wing of
the Fourth Native 'lnfantry .the Punjaub.
The conspirators were hanged, and the wing at
once marched to Julluodur.
The Rajah of Rhonda, in Natpore, on the Hy
derabad frontier, had broken into open rebellion.
Mr. Russell, the special correspondent of the
London Times, had recovered from ,the effects of
his sunstroke.
The dates (telegraphic) from Hong Kong are to
May 6th
'At Canton, general distrust continued to pre
vail, and the inhabitants were leaving the city:
Considerable injury had been inflicted on Song
Kong by a water-spout.
The steamship Potion brings - adviees to the
,80th - Jew. sleFe', from the `telogrethio
Great Britain.
Russ a.
fleet. Cotten market good, breadstuffs steady,
and provisions dull.
The news from India is important, advising us
of British successes. The British have captured
Cal pee, with a great amount of stores and am
munition. Serious disturbances bad occurred at
Bombay. The ['residency political agent and hie
escort had been murdered by the rebels and Fort
Copal and New Goon were taken. Sir Colin
Campbell had beaten the rebels and captured Mo
hondee. The rebels were approaching Lttoknow,
which was fully defended.
The steamship Canada, with Liverpool dates to
the Bd, passed Cepe Race on the 13th. News not
Considerable anxiety was felt in relation to the
Atlantic Cable when the Canada sailed. A pri
vate meeting of Illinois shareholders bad been
he'd in London, but the proceedings had not been
made public.
The House of Lords has rejected the bill to
abolish Church rates, by a large majority. The
bill allowing the House of Commons to admit
Jews as members of that body, has passed on
second the House of Lords, by forty
six majority. Parliament will be prorogued
fore the end of July.
Jefferson College.
The Trustees of TeTemp College will meet at 10 o'clock
A:"M, ori TUESDAY, the 8D DAY OF AUGUST, la the
Llbriry toom,timonsburg. 3 . 18. 811311LOUGH,
blo4t . 'Secretary.
E t
In: Washington, 0., inns 17th, by Rev. W. Bit. /orgasm:,
Mr.•Taomas Ben to Mice NANO! ANDLRSON.
Jnue 29th, by the Rey. Wm Edgar, Mr. .Tharreroa WM"
/LOY to MINI. HART J. 0. nurser, daughter or Gen. Janne
Murry, all of Muirayerille, Pa.
June 29th, by Rev W. F. Horgan, • A. 'Therm, Seq.,
to Miss Mega Jena BTRAIN, both of Rural Village, Arm
strong Cim.nty, Pa.
Dian—Of typhoid fever, on December 2d, Pas
SARAH lawn, after a short illness, in the 22d
s ear of her age: •
In this death, we :lave another instance of the
uncertainty of life, and the fallacy of human
hope.' God's ways are not as our ways. In his
infinite wisdomle saw proper to take from fond
parents one of their principal helps, and
: give
them the Cup of affliction to drink. 'She had
made no profession of her faith, but was seriously
inclined, and fond of public worship. From the
first of her illness, the subject of religion seemed
to absorb her thoughts, and she expressed a strong
desire to, see and converse with the writer of this
article. She gave evidence of her faith in the
Saviour, and a desire , to live to witness for him ;
and, now that she is no more, we cherish the fond
hope that she-has entered into that "rest that
remaineth for the people of God." .
DIED—On May 23d, after a few weeks' illness,
at the , house of. his father, North Huntingdon
Township, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mr. ROBERT
E. Cannot, nett 21 years and 2 months.
The disease Which so unexpectedly hurried him
to thd.grave in the very bloom of life, and from
the rich btuldings of a promising future, was in
flammation of the liver, which, in a short time
from its development, completely accomplished
its desolating work, leaving a bereaved family to
mourn his unanticipated loss. In all his rela
tions—as a son, a brother, a friend—the de
portment which he exhibited was' of the most
amiable and attractive kind; presenting features
of moral beauty and loveliness, which, it is be
lieved, will long be cherished in the hearts of
those who knew him, and operate as an example
it is hoped, to the interesting group of com
panionship which he hasleft behind him. And
though in toe bereaved household 'lance will as
sert its claims for sadness; yet what is their
loss is, we trust, to him •gain, and that he has
found a better rest and a more enduring home in
heaven. +, Let me die the death of the righteous,
and let my last end be like his."
bnal--On May 27th, Mrs. ANN Lawn, at her
residence. Allegheny County, Pa., in the 44th
year of her age.
The subject of this notice. at an early period
of life,
herself with the Presbyterian
church of Long Run, of which she has, ever since
been a regular and consistent member. Affliction
to her wag no new thlng, and frpm pi•evions trials
well was she prepared tonndure that which ter
minated in death. A few months before her death
she was called upon to part with two children,
which affliction she bore with resigniition and
submission, as coming from God, who death all
things well. < Leaning on Christ, and resting in
his love,, she is gone to the grave ; halve will
not deplore her, because, shatelt that Jesus was
with her, his red and staff supported her. We
therefore mourn not as`those without hope ; we
sorrow most of all that we' shall see her face no
more in the flesh. May that God'in whom she
trusted, and served so faithfully, pour the balm
of consolation into, the hearts of her bereaved hus
band and children, and may they be enabled to
say, " The Lord gave, nod the Lord bath taken
away, the name of the Lord."
Dish—At his residence in North Huntingdon
Township,' 'Westmoreland County, ,Pa., on' Jnrie
24th, Mr. Jesus M. Eisewni, aged 46 years.
Mr. &evilly had been, :for some time,= a con
sistent member of the
,church of Long Ruh.
Often had he skittered from the disease, ,a repeti
tion of which, early. in Spring, now terminated
n. death. During his affliction, he uttered no
complaint, but- seemed resigned to the will of
that God and Saviour in whom he had put his
trust. He united diligence in business with fer
vency of spirit,'and in his private life he was the
affectionate husband, the kind. controlling father,
and the upright and honest neighbor.' Provi
dence smiled on the works of his hand, and when
behad provided himself with a coinfortable home,
and was blessed with the prospect of future pros
perity, God, the disposer of all events, took him
away from this busy world, to serve himself in a
future world of peace and joy. • Let an affection
ate wife, who has lost $4 the" guide of her youth,"
and a bereaved fetidly, dry up their tears For
him, we trust, the Savieur prayed, when he said,
g , Father, I will that they also whom thou haat
given me be ttith me where I am, that they may
behold my glory, which thou hest given me."
Disn--- l Of pulmonary consumption, on June
224. Miqs Isaekair.a. Stara, at the house of her
uncle, Mr. Andrew J. Byerly, North Huntingdon
Township, Westmoreland County,' Pa.
How- can we describe the gentle, irresistible
loveliness of our , departed friend. The most de
votedaffection could not exaggentio it, and burn
ing eloquence would fall to do it justice. Con
stantly influenced by a high •sense of religious
obligation, she was ever faithful in the discharge
of duty. • Her humility was remarkable—so 'dis
trustful-of self, so -sad in view of her own sup
posed unfaithfulness, when all the time her love
ly, consistent life was doinglits work. Her sen
sitiveepirit shrank from contact with the world;
and it VI only within the magic cirele of hime,
that her gentle and amiable character` was Tully
deieloPed. Lovel,by edevaied uncle and' aunt,'
cousins andfriends,'she laiished npon "them Mier
ilartriest . ` affeoilek No 'wonder 'they - 1 Oved j lier °
I , r, 'II" - •
with intense devotion, and would not that she
should leave their watchful guardianship. No
wonder their hearts are full of anguish, and
earth seems desolate! But 0! even this dark
cloud has its "silver lining;" their loved one is safe
—safe from sin, temptation, death ; a member,
we trust, of a better Church than Long Run—of
the Church triumphant above. Her death was
lingering, but 0 how glorious! No doubt clouded
her departing spirit. Death was disarmed of its
sting, the grave of its victory, and her mind
rested entirely on Jesus.' In the bloom of her
youth, the beautiful, the beloved has left us; and,
though alone and desolate, we will not murmur,
because "thou, God, didst it."
Dian—On Sabbath, May 16th, of pulmonary
consumption, at his residence in North Hunting
don Township, Westmoreland County, Pa., Mr.
LAFAYETTE Moan's, in the 33d year of his age
Death has cut down another member of the
Presbyterian church of Long Run. Within three
months, seven members and one adherent bare
been gathered to the grave, the house appointed
for the living. Truly we are an afflicted church ;
truly the Lord hath a controversy with us, and it
becomes us to be serious and impressed. Always
a moral man, in the earlier part of his life he was
carelessubout the things of religion. Daring the
last two years, however, he felt " there was
nothing true but heaven;" and the providence of
God, the.preaching of the Word, and the salutary
counsel of his amiable and Christian lady, were
blessed, by
,God for his conversion, and, at his
urgent request, the writer of this notice, some
months since, spent a Sabbath afternoon in yell.
gious service and, conversation at his house, when
be was .introduesi into the Church by the sacra
ment of baptism. That evening he erected, his
family alter, and his practice from that moment
to„,the hew of his death, won ; becoming his ,pro
fession. In his sickness, he exhibited unwra
p awing patienceen mission o the Divine
will, and•Mihaly -rel,ying on Jesus, sweetly re
'posing on his promises and trusting in God, he
passed away to . experience that "there are no
chillb3g winds,in heaven." The presence of .God
made his dying chamber bear, testimony to, the
preciousness of the blood of Christ. And his
last moments and his struggling breath were
spent in pressing upon his relelives and friends,
and ail- around 'him, Christ and the great salva
tion. Thus, with his lamp .trimmed and burning,
did he go forth to meet Bridegroem, his dying
looks and words saying to :sorrowing relatives,
" Whither I go, you know, and the.way . you know."
Dxsn—On Sabbath; JttlY llth, 1858, of infla
motion of the , brain, Maar ,Hafeamos MirAvat,
daughter of George T. and Mary Jane Miller,
aged about 8 years, and 11-months.
Death must come to all, and as he "stalks in
ghastly triumph" over the earth, he tramples
dollen into - the grave the loveliness of beauty, the
pride and power of manhood, the hopes of the
young, and'the props and solace of declining age...
This little "flower," plucke4by an angels hand to
bloom in a holler and *happier clime, 'Was one of
four sweet and• interesting children, that , adorned
the cottage home of tender • and loving parents.
Little Mary, although ,utteriy , unconscious of pos
sessing any personal attractions, was gifted with
many which shed a lustre upon her happy home ;
and although she was 'only in her fourth year,
her superior memory and quick perceptive)
faculties were wonddrfally manifet,sted by com
mitting verses of Scripture . and Hymns, &o.
The 28d Psalm, (214th Hymn,), which she
often repeated, was her favorite. But Death
marked her as his victim, and rudely snatched;
her from the hosom of tender parents. Those
sparkling beams of that bright eye are forever
dimmed, and darkened; the sunny smile that
played around her lips, is forever chilled. That
fiirm which was so dear to her friends, is now
laid low in the cold embrace of dreamless rest, in
the deep, dark gravil Bat why mourn for this
dear little "lamb," consecrated by baptism to the
great "Shepherd of the flock," who said, " Kieffer
little children to come unto me, and forbid them .
not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." since
she has gone to, a:happier home in the " better,
land," where sorrow cometh not, and hopes are
not rudely blasted.
DIED—On the 19th of June, of erysipelas fever,
at his resideece in Green Township, Harrison
County, 0., Mr. ALEXANDER W. TAGGART, aged
88 years and 2 months. •
His sufferings were somewhat protracted and
severe, but were borne without'a murmur. Dur
ing the first stages of his disease, his mind was
calm, and,a well grounded. hope sustained him,
but without that assurance that he desired ; as
the time of his dissolution drew near, the clouds
were withdrawn, and with the bright prospect in
view, he gently fell asleep in Jesus. Doth the
Church and community mourn the loss of one so
early, called.away, and who in his life and con
versation was an ornament to both. The de
ceased was a child of . the Covenant, and was
early instructed in the Word of Hod, and in the
doctrines and polity of the Presbyterian Church,
in which his father was for many, years a Ruling '
Elder. Dr early life, the fruit of this instruction
was apparent, in a tenderness of .00nsoience,land
faithfulness in the performance of , the.; private
duties of religion. At the early age' of eighteen,
he 'made a profession of - hie faith in Christ, and
united with the church <if Beech Springs,. then
under the .pastoral cafe - of the late John Rea,'
D.D.'in whit . * he continued as a : worthy' and
emplary member until his-death. Mr. 'fagged
was a man of more than ordinary energy of
character. This was manifest in all his , under
takirge, whether'eseular or spiritual. ' Hiemotto
appeared to be, "What thy hand findeth to do,
do it with thy might." The church, the prayer
meeting, and the Sabbath School, all bore testi
mony to this ; while his unyielding integrity,
and;strict morality, evinced the sincerity of .his
zeal, and genuineness of his profession ; in an
intimate icquaintance of years, the writer has
never heard either impeached. His conscientious
performance of all the duties of religion, personal
and relative, made him an example to his fellow
Christians; he was evidently a growing Christian.
The Church on earth had marked him‘ for emi
nence, but her, glorious Head had marked him for
still higher eminence in the Church triumphant,,
and has now called' him tip higher. God'owsys
are mysterious to us. Why one` in the prime *of
life, and in the midst 'of usefulness, and• who
bid 40 fair for future' usefulness in - the Church
and world, is taken away, and others of us, worn
out almost, and of but little use here apparently,
either to the Church or world, leff; are mysteiriee
too deep for ns to fathom now; bat satisfied that
he will do all things well, 'we resignall into his
hands,' saying, the will'of the Lord be done. He
has left an amiable and affectionate wife and five
children, with a numerous circle of friends and
acquaintances to mourn his early departure from
their midst;• but satisfied that their loss is his
l anai gain, we bow in subraission. D.
• •
air Theis itsobittes are nowlttetlit agrniong to be 140
t aselor fillninjrB44lllM *Ai kifiC now ; otrong,
d elastic:stitch. which will Nor rip, iriion if every fourth
tch be cut. electable,' sent on application by letter'.
iiimoottitt wade Wolergyinen , with &tallies.
4/9 1 7 •
" i f .'.1.1 ":': , 1'! , .. ; ., :A:r 4 ' - 46i.',0i11:41iii. , 0 - 41Y0-1) a I
Th. BARIUM 1. jnbllrhed weekly, In the cities of Puts
burghana Mina fallsOknd is adapted to general chaniatic •
In the Priabytorian Church.
EN OLUBS of twenty, and upwards,
DDLIVDRBD In either of the titles,
freight ling, or lege, One imitation 50 onto mob gab:
myna insertion, 25* dente, lath eddltknial Unt,beyond
eight, 8 cents for every insertion.
For eight lines, tares inontlui,2B.oo. Leh additional its.
25 cents.
Noe +Night Unoo.Ona Yowr,slo.oo. Mach addltlonsllbw
01.11.6 of two /Laos, $8 a par, sad $1 is mob odsll
nal Uwe.
Besnithe Nan a& of ten lines or lea, One Dollar. Bach
additional line, 6 cents.
or. Cbmnsunications recommendatory of Invention., It
alma Practice, Schools, *c. do., being designed for the peat;
;dory benefit of Individuals, should be pakifor am Ilturines g
Daus! by mall, where no good ,pportunity it etberoes
et hand. Drafts or notes of the er denominations ar •
preferable, where they can be con v tly obtained.
,suture sendhsg us twenty en ra and upwards
will be thereby entitled toe paper without charge.
N.D.When Presbyterian families are very much dispersed
they may be accommodated at the Club price, even though a
few of the twenty be wanting. Let all be supplied, if Poly' :
ole. The PoOs we shall favor, to otairutmostabilig. Let the
supply be rusa., but every paperpaidfor.
For Two Dollars paid, we will/end Beissnty numbers; oft
for One Dollar, Thirty-three numbers. This is for the make o
my remittance.
If Pastors, in making up clubs, and some persona not
ready topay at onee, they may yet send on the nemee at the
Olub.prloe,'on their own responsibility to pay us shortly. 11
Is desirable that clubs date their subscription period' at the
same time. DAVID 1101IINNNT.TruPSistor.
TIONS.—t. Little Bob True, the Driver 80y.,8y the
author of Stories on the Petitions of the Lard's Prayer.
pp. 252. Price 80 and 85 cents. With engraving's.
II Not a Minute to Spare. By EL 0. lElmo., pp. 101.
Pries 16 and 20 cents.
EL The Stevenson Family; or, Lessons on the Beati
tudes. Written for the Board. 18mo., pp. 144. Price 20
and 25 cents.
IV. An Sipes/Won of the Epistle or. Saint Paul to the
Philippians. By the Rey- Jean Daille, Minister of the
French Reformed Church at Charenton. A.D. 1630. Trans.
fated from the French by the Rev. James Sherman, Mints.
ter of Surrey Cbspel,London. Wave, pp. - 479. Primo $ll5.
V. Lucy Dunlevy; a Sketch from Real Life. By 8 8.
Egiiiman, author of Lizzie Ferguson ' and Gleaninge from
Real Life. Square pp. 166. Price 80 and 86 cents.
VI. The SI ray Lamb. Written for the Board.
pp. 72. Price lb cents.
VII. The Joy or Morning. Written for the Board. 18mo.,
66'.' PriCe 15 cents.
VIII. Memoir and Select Itemains of the by. John
Brown, Minieter of the Gospel. Haddington. Edited by the
Be,. William BrOwn, M.D. 12m0.„ pp. 227. Pelcel4o cents.
IX; Tales in Rhyme for Girls. By Old Humphrey.
18mo, pp. 119. With many engravings. Price 20 and 26 ctn.
X.. Annie Lee; a Story Illustrating the First Petition of
the Lord's Prayer. "Hallowed be thy, mime." 18mo., pp.
92. Price 15 and 20 cents.
XI. Blind Ruth ; or. How May Ido Good? illustrating
the Second Petition of the Lord's Prayer. lento., pp. 100.
Price lb and 20 cents.
XIL Hazel Glen. Illustrating the Third Petition of the
Lord's Prayer 18mo , pp. 90. Pries 15 and 20 cents.
XIII. Christmas Eve. Illustrating the Fourth Petition
of the Lord's Prayer. 18mo.„ pp. el. Price 16 and Secants.
XIV. Seventy times Seven; or, the Law of Kindness.
Illnetniting the Fifth Petition of the Lord's Prayer. I.Bmo,
pp 120. Price 20 and 25 cents.,
XV. XV. Charlie; or. a Mother's Influence. Illustrating the
Sixth Petition of the Lord's Prayer. 18nto, pp. 128.' Prise
20 and 25 cents.
XVI. Peace in Death, exemplified in Youthful Believers.
By the author of Little Radom 18mo., pp. SO.' With an
engraving. Price 15 cents.
XVII. SCAMS in Ohussn; or,Missionary Labors by the
Way. 18mo pp. .240. With hree spirited - engravings.
Price 30 and. 86 cents.
xvirt. The Bast Lesson, and the Best Tillie to LOOM it.
By • Presbyterian Minister. 18mo., pp. , Within en
graving. Price 20 and 25 cents.
XiX. LenkLeelie• or, The liistoryuf an Orphan.., By a
Lady 'elle - ninety: pprloB. With an engraving-
Pries 20 and 20cents.
XX. The Marrow of Modern Divinity In two parts.
Part I. the Covenant Of Works and therClevonsit of Grace.
Part W, An Expoiltion of the Tea Cominandineuts. By
Edward 'Fisher, A. 88. With .ffotes by the Key. Thomas
Boston. Minister of the Gospel., Eittelck. 12m0., pp. 870.
Pries 80 cents.
XXI Christ in the Desert; or, The Tempter Potted. By
the'Rer. Usury Moore Parsons. lBmo., pp. 120. Price 20
sod 22 eenbt. ' •
XXII. The Sailor's Companion; 0r,,800k of Devotions
for &amen in Public and Private. 12m0., pp. 263. Price
HIRT Scripture Baptism; its Mode and- Subjects. . By
Ashoel G. Pairchfid, D.D., author of The Great Supper.
18mo., pp. 204. Price 25 and 30 cents.
XRIV. Natures of Truth, Portrayed in Pleasing Colors.
18mo.. pp. 281.. Price 30 and 35 cents. With engravinus.
' XXV. Grille's of Gold, suited to enrich Youthful 'Minds
18mo., pp.. 200.. Price 30 and 85 ante With engravings.
XXVI. The Great- Reformtr ; or. Sketches of the Life of
Luther. .By the author of The Claremont Tales. ,111m0.,,
pp. M. Price 20 and 25 emus.
X-XVIL The Valley of Achor; or, Hope:in Trouble. By
the Or. 8. S . Sheddan. 18mo ., : pp 50. Price 15 cents.
XXV.TIL Talks about Jesus. 18mo., pp. 67. Price 15
esuts. •
XXIX. The Efficacy of. Prayer. By .ths Isto Bev. lehit
0. Young, D.D., Danville, Kentneky. 18mo., pp. 83. Price
likeents. :
"Just published by the Presbyterian Board of Publication.
, 10811 PH P. tINGLBB, Publishing Agouti
, . • No. 821 Chestnut Street,,Pbassiodohla.
Per Tor sale at the Board of thdportage, 45 St. Clair Street.
Pittsburgh, Pa: I•"tir
MWlTUrire in Wail, 'et 1.
Oi PENNA.—The (mindere of this Institution lave se
cured the services of. Mae.- CAROLINE L. WILLIAMS,
(widow of, the late Rev, L. W. Willatua,) and. It will be
opened for the reception of young Lidice, on the First
Monday (via., 3d,) of May.
It is the deign of the Principal and friende 'of this In
stitution to make it all that could be desired in a inatelass
ilemluary, for the practicaland thorough training of young
ladies. To this end, they have secured a large brick boase
for a boarding-house, and will have a large school-room
completely furnished.
The Simmer Session will commence on the First Monday
of May, and continue twenty-one week*.
Pupils from alistance are enplaned to' board With the
Principal, who wilt endeavor to make her house a home for
them, rather than a boardinghouse.,
Newburg lea pleasant rural village, six miles frotniShip
pensburg, from which place a hack supplies it witka daily
inaiL *lernfrom the railroad at Shippensburg teNewhing,
only twenty-five cents.'
Wis.' Williams,' the Printed of this Usti tan& n,
,is a
practical teacher of much experience in all the :branches
usually taught in our best tleminarles, and comes very
highly recommended, both as a skillful teacher and an-ea
comptished lady.
AU the branches usual in our best iteminarise, will be
taught; andtPirding furnished on 'eery reasonable eerie.
For further information, apply to Mra. 0. L. Williams, at
Newburg, after :the first of April.; or to .Rev. I.
Shippensburg. , ..eplO•tr
THE coLumen .74111711L15411.4 illelasin
-OAL SOISNOE. a gonthly•Sfesasine of forty eight
meg, condocted by the Factdty of. The Eclectic College of
Medicine, ie published at tine Dollars Year, mob's In ad-
Vance. The volume of the Journal commences with the
year. Communications for subscription, or &or-specimen
sboublll 7 l ;r a . o.' ore AVELAND,lPubliiitaii 1
139 Seventh Erred, Oinchinati:D.
bi ICT • .TH ZS :II S' • 91,
WLec more essential to every regally, emoting-mm*l4n
dent; andindeed every one who would know
of;language, the meaning, orthography, and pronunciation
orwOrdM•thin a good` Einglich DICTIONARY t—of daily
necosidty, and, permanent value.
is now the recognised Standard, "'constantly cited and ro•
lied on in our Courts of Jos Sot, in our legislative bodies,
"public disatisdonk as 'entire& conclusire,''' says
Hon. John o.iipencer ,
Pablishedby o.k 0. SIBRISLILK, !Springfield, kiss.—soil
by all Booksellers.
• - .
Have Ju.t Published:
•Bj Et Row. Alexand.r.Viets Griswold, D.D.
With an, Introduetory Statement by the Nev. George D.
'Wilda, A. AL To which is prefixed a Oommendatow
Note brillehop Bastburn, and a Notice of the Work by
Rey. John S. Stone, D D.
12mo, cloth bound 3734 cents; flexible cloth covers, 81
°outs; paper corers, 20 cents.
An Aaron delivered before the Boston Young Ken's Chris
tian Association, at their Anniversary, on Monday
Evening. Kay. 24th, 1858, by Andrew L. atone, Pastor of
Park Street Church Boston.
12mo, teilble cloth'covers," 24 ate.; pater 4overs;l2-yicts.;
feWkly ; ;
lin HL DU 911111 OR SESSION OF 18t1118
GBBOHBURG 'INBTETUTB, will commence a in,
otter the harvest vacation on MONDAY, the 8D DA Y . OF
AUG"BB. end continua to the Bret Wedneeday of °Chiller.
All branches aro tvnght, — neceeeary Co prepare students
for entering advanced classes in College, and 521" helneeffl
clout teachers , of common schools.
Boarding and'roome can be bad on favorable terms.
jylo , 3t - s D. WHIM._ Peltier, al.
have recently published the following popular looks:
Life of Mary Lyon, founder of Mt. Holyoke female
Memoir of W. T. Biddle. aoeepted•Mies'ionary to Burnish.
Gems from.nriv Robert Moo/erne.
Joseph end Ids Brethren. annsianted.
Biography . of Minefield.
8/stckes from Lite.
. . _
Come to Christ: 4 'iNiigeg.
Martin inthies Hey to the Romans 20 peps.
Bare you Confenied Christ. 8 Mel.
Noy/ World. 4 psalm
Seek sand Ye shall FM& a Me&
Xda POO., i ensues..
X Oanndt Clamp my own Heart ' 4 " Pie "
Alio v rinanrynyorito Hymns of Sunday Schools and re.
Sitlonaln , not published in hymn peeks, on !Ingle
shafts." IC border, at the rate of ten emits! Modred-
Titeetolith ell the publicetkum of the Auto/loan Tract
Society, for isle at the Tient Ilinme, No. 92e Chestn Rt.,
Desoriptire °steles:tee tarnished gratis. juT
[Eotablisbed in 1.1126.]
BELLI. The miliorlbers hare constantly for tale an as
mu. mrtment or Church, Featory, Ilteamboat,liocomo
BRIM. tire, Plantation, Betwol homes, and other Dolls,
DELLS. mounted in the mold approved and durabienainner.
BaLLS. For, full .yartlculare sa to many recent Improve.
NL LB. smite, 'warrantee ( diameter of Bens, space occupied
WI/LLB. In Tower, rates of transportation, de.omind.for a
BELLS. Menhir. Bells for the South dellwered In New
BMUS. York. Addrem _
A. IerNWRILTII amp, Apulia,
ay..* 111:11 ,
btoodmt all degendrathig partich I, e and =Wet( it a
pure and healthy_ Said. Its action , is gentle,.but ehre, and
reliable , Fever and agile ant the pittance) lieeitinrroost
prevalent on. this continent are prevented . byatireely use
'n" Ali utervelinis 'remedy, add pained by a...coarie — of the
:same according to the directionelhat'aceornpany'each•hoz
Sold at thi manufactory, iio 80 Maiden lane, New reek,
and ty all•Drusorists, 680:, $1 per box.
atm . t 8 1 1 :1 4 .4 *!..t. 4:c
Sync Per Par