PRESBYTERIAN BANNER & ADVOCATE pusbytorina S. .sr. Vol. VI, 11..43. Prstb7torisii Advoeste, Vol. 3214 Res 38.1 DAVID MeKINNET, Editor and Proprietor. ve.BmB,—lN ADVANCE. riginal, ottrg. A Word of Cheer. God speed thee, Christian Pilgrim, Upon thy heavenly way; And give thee strength and patience To make advance each day ! God help thee, Christian Soldier, To fight the battle well; And bring thee off victorious • O'er all the powers of hell. God rest thee, weary Pilgrim ! Thou 'rt worn and faint, I know; But on I for just before thee Is the land to which yotz go. God heal thee, wounded Soldier 1 I know thou 'rt weak and pained; But up! thy God will cure thee, And the day is almost gained. Soon, with thy joiirne'Y ended— The toil of battle o'er, You 'll get the meed of victory, You 'll reach t he better shore. From toil, and strife, and sorrow, Thy happy soul set free, Shall hail the glad to morrow Of blest eternity. Steubenville, Ohio. Bor the Preebytefian Banner and Advocate. The. Christian Ministry ITS ACTUAL BEARINGS ON MAN'S MORAL AND SPIRITUAL NATURE AND CONDITION. No a That our race is in deep revolt from God, is aunt manifest Man's whole history, in every age and every land, in all states of society, civilized and savage, proves that in. spirit and in conduct he is opposed to the character, the laws and the government of his Maker. Hence the fearful indications of the Divine displeasure, which are every where witnessed, to distress and alarm us. Hence the evils in their ten thousand forms, that fill our world pith lamentation and tine_ Now, can God's favor, whioh has been lost by sin, be regained ? If so, what are the terms on which he is willing to be recon• oiled ? These questions, of such importance to us, none but God himself can answer. And if unanswered, good were it tor us if we had never been born. For then we are the hopeless heirs of all the miseries of this dying life, and utter desolation is upon all our prospects of good beyond the grave. Nothing, nothing awaits us but a long and an eternal night of Unmixed and unallevia• ted suffering and despair. But here, in this institution, the sacred ministry, we have these interrogatories fully and satisfao• torily answered. G-o l says our offended Sovereign, to his own Son, the brightness of his own glory, and the express image of his - ftereon., , Go to yonder world, assume man's nature, and take the sinner's place. Go, veil, for a sea• son, the manifested glory of thy Godhead under a covering of human weakness and human dependence; and, as nothing else can satisfy my injured justice, and repair the honors of my broken law—and as nothing else can give such proof of my loVe and my willingness to be reconciled with sinners—go, drink the cup of trembling due to man's transgression ; go, suffer snd die to make reconciliation for iniquity. • And now, when the Son of God had oome on this errand, and had made a complete atonement—it was then, when about to re• turn to heaven, from whence he came—it was then that be instituted this ministry, and gave commandment to preach the Gos pel to every creature. And in this Institu tion, perpetuated by his authority and sus• tithed by his promised presence and grace. In this institution we have a standing and a most decisive evidence of God's willing ness to be reconciled. And now, the min- Were of Christ are his representatives, ap pointed, authoritatively, to proclaim salva tion to a dying world. And, through the influence of their ministrations, made suc cessful and efficient by the agency of the Holy Spirit, men are brought back to God ; they are saved from sin and from hell, and made meet for the purity and the joys of heaven. .; It is true that in the present life the Christian ministry'does not shed its full in fluence for good on mans moral and spir itual character and condition. Even those who are made to feel most its purifying and felicitating power, do not here attain to per fection in holiness and bliss. They are here encompassed with weakness and sin. And in this world they must have tribula tion. And there are the fiery trials of their faith—their conflicts with their spiritual foes. The economy of grace furnishes no security from temporal afflictions, but it does provide something better still—all really necessary good ; God's power and presence to sustain and cheer. Even here, joys full of glory are often mingled in the our of sorrow. Here are the bright anticipations of hope to illumine the midnight of distress. And not one of all these afflictions, outward or inward, but serves to discipline the soul for heaven, and will ultimately enhance the measure of its joy. And then, there is death. And who is not afraid to die ? Oh, tell us what it is, Drift from those consolations which it is the apt Mal work of Cbriat's ant.bassadors to ad minister, that can effectually arm men against the fears of dying ? Can philoso phy do it? Can the sternest infidelity do it? Ah, go to the bedside of a Voltaire, a Hume, a Rosseau, a Paine, when drawing near to death, And there, in the disturbed countenance, in the moans of despair, in the dingo of remorse, in the dismal fore bodings, in the fires of an anticipated hell, already kindled up in conscience—not to contemplate a picture of fancy, but the dark 'and dreadful reality.. . And then, ask again, what can philosophy and infidelity do, to arm against the fear of dying. And. then go and witness the closing scene of a Hely burton, a Findley, a Payson, and learn how a Christian can die. And learn bow the consolations and hopes of the Gospel can arm against the fear 'of dying. And still more / how the good man's chamber of death may be transformed into a sanctuary of -peace, a field of triumph, a vestibule of heaven. Bat then, the influence of th' Gospel, which the Christian ministry brings; 'stops not here. It in fact only at de l a thitl I this influence can be brought fully lo bear upon man's moral and spiritual character and condition. Nor then—not until the opening of the resurrection morn, when the body shall be spiritualized and conformed to the fashion of Christ's owu glorified body, shall man's whble,nature experience the full results of this influence. And then only, in that full orbed glory which the re deemed will forever wear; and in their up ward and onward progress, in holiness and bliss, through the whole eternity of their being, from hell escaped, from heaven gained, will be known More and more for ever the results of this influence—its effi ciency to dignify and bless. Is it then true that the Christian ministry is more important in its nature, and is clothed with a higher moral dignity, and has d deeper responsibility belonging to it than any other office with which a mortal can be invested ? Is it true that ministers are, in a sense, subordinate indeed, but of momen tous import, co.wotkers with God himself in carrying out his designs of mercy and grace, in the conversion and Salvation of men ?- Then the interests here involved are surely too precious to be trifled with. And well does it become those engaged in this work, even those best qualified and most faithful, to take good heed to themselves, and to ponder much the nature and the beatings of the office they hold. We do not suppose that any minister, however wide his compass of thought, or however deep his sense of .the importance and interest of his work, can now understand the full measure of his responsibility. The revelations of the Judgment seat will doubt. less shed much new light on this subject. But the Judgment seat itself will not reveal to any finite mind all the results of this ministry. But then every minister who is the genuine servant of Christ, must see enough in his office, and the interest it in volves, to render it, in his estimation, wor thy the consecration of his best energies, and his ever.glowing zeal. And a regard to God's glory, the worth of souls and his own high recompense, will prompt him'•to seek, with agonizing and ceaseless prayer, the graee , and furniture he needs, that he may magnify his office and oarry out its high purposes, both in relation to himself and others and find mercy of the Lord to be faithful successful in his work. H.O.M But the responsibility of this office warn the unsanctifled not to come nigh. Let. them not tread this holy , ground. It, will surely be perdition enough to perish as men. To go down to death with skirts steeped in the blood of souls, would be more'dreadful still. . And now; in the close of our remarks; we wish, with special urgency, to press upon the attention of all - who will listen to us the paramount claims of, the Christian ministry to countenance and support. This Institu. tion is the price of blood. Had not-the Son of God laid down his life, there had been no Christian ministry, no Gospel of salvation. And, God himself being the Judge, it is better to have cleanness of teeth and a fam ine of bread in all our borders, "than a fam ine of hearing the Word of Life. Let, then, parents withhold from their children and families the bread that perisheth in the using, but let them not withhold the - means of procuring that bread, of which, if a man eat, he shall live forever. And finally, let each one ponder well the influence of this ministry upon his own des tiny. InApostolic language, to some, this ministry will prove a savor of life unto life, to others a savor of death unto death. And in view of such issues, even Paul himself might well exclaim, who is sufficient for these things ? NOMINIS UMBRA. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate Narrative—Presbytery of, Blairsville. The Presbytery of Blairsville would re spectfully submit, to the. General Assembly, the following report of the State of Religion within their bounds, daring the year ending April Ist, 1858. Nothing unusual appeared in our churches during the first half of the year. Generally a good attendance was given to the means, as to the public preaching of the. Word, prayer-meetings, Sabbath Schools, Bible and Cateohetical classes, and about the usual aver age of additions was made to the churches. But the latter. half the year, and especially the last four months, form a new and inter esting era in the religions history of most of our congregations. An increased attention to the means, apd some revivingof the people of God, appeared in some of our churches before the Conven tion of Synods, held in Pittsburgh in De cember last. But soon after that Convention the State of Religion in most of our churches assumed a new and interesting' aspect. First of all, the members generally of our churches were revived, especially the elders, who co-operated actively and zealously with the pastors, in visiting families, conducting prayer•uteetings, and conversing with their brethren and with non-professors on the subject of religion. Meetings for prayer— for prayer,' conference, and exhortation— and tor preaching the Word, were more or less increased in all our churches, and these meetings were attended by greatly increased numbers. Presbytery cannot doubt that God has poured oat his Spirit upon most of our churches; upon some in greater, upon others in less effusions; and would state the . following as some of the blessed results: Ministers, elders, and members have been much revived and stirred up to active duties. Many members now take a part in the exer cises of prayer meeting, who never did so before Some backsliders have been re claimed. Neglected family altars have been repaired, and new ones set up. Many sin .:ners of all °lasses and ages, especially of the youth of the church, have been converted and brought into the full communion of the Church. And a delightful spirit , of fraternal affection pervades the churches, and sweet ens the communion of saints. Presbytery would mention the following churches as having been favored with more copious influences of the - Spirit, viz.: Blairs ville, Armagh, Centreville, Johnstown, and Unity. These have received an aggregate of ;ore than one hundred and fifty members on examination within the last six months. Other °Lurches have had encouraging ad ditions, and have the prospect of still more at future communion seasons. In oonelusion, Presbytery feel that it becomes them to cherish , the 'not fervent grafted° felitedior lib great goedzieisk and "‘ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I DESIRED OF THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THING I Dar PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH STREET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY 17, ISSS. with this to join deep personal humility before him, and to proceed with their labors in the faith of the promise, "f.a, I am with you alway, even to the. end of the world. Amen." Western Correspondence. ' DR. 'MCKINNEY :—The Spring and early. Summer of 1858, will be long remembered by all the inhabitants of the North-West. Never , before have we known, it the same length of time, so many or so frequent providences of a disastrous character. The effects of the commercial crisis, , which were felt all over the land, had not yet ceased, when God sent a series of local judgments upon us in the North-West, evidently de signed to act upon particular communities, in leading them to. humility and faith. In one place a tornado swept an entire . village away, leaving not a single house uninjured, or a single family unharmod. In another place, the sweeping gale leveled to the ground beautiful churches, which bad been reared with much toil, and which stood as the: monuments of the self-denying labors, and real sacrifices of their builders. In another, a noble College structure, reared by our own Church at much expense, was destroyed by the same agent. The floods, too, descended, and throughout vast distrieti of country did much injury. The.seed was swept from the soil or smothered where it lay, and many lost the entire labor of seed.time at once, by these afflictive providenees. In these gales and floods, many lives have been lost A. gentleman, in a ride of three hundred milei upon the Mississippi, counted three dead bodies floating upon its surface. Upon Rock river, at the town of Roscoe, the flood swept away , the howie of a Congrega. tional minister, and the mother, with her eiglit.children--the entire family, save the. father—found a watery grave. These events' have been unusually strik ing and frequent. They' have been of such a character, that they have arrested the at tention of even the ungodly and 'infidel. For this end they were evidently sent, that man might know that there is indeed a God in the earth, If this trith is net itintreq#ed upon ,the mind by the more general provi deuces, special and local judgments will fall. Oh that men would lay- these things to heart, improve thein, and live in such a manner tor the future, that G-ad will not see it needful thus to afflict. As it is, the Spring and early Summer of 1858 will be long remembered in this region, as the sea; son of disasters by gale and flood. It is, I, believe, very generally conceded, that, we owe a.great debt to the poor Indian. He has fallen back again and again - before the on-rolling'tide of ciiiiization, 'making room, by giving up his lands at a nominal price, for the greedy, land-loving white min: He kw granted all we have asked=lielding to our terms in all contracts, !limply because of. his inability. tmeftise. „ W by,. themshoula we not treat him kindly in 'the circumseribed` home to which he has been driven, upon our Western border ? That he is not well treat ed, is manifest to all who have taken pains. to' investigate the subject. He is permitted . free access to the " fire water" of the de praved liquor-dealer, oftentimes in direct violation of y those stipulations of national compacts, promising to protect him from this nefarious traf f ic. I have before me a memorial from the Bishop and certain ministers of the Protest ant Episcopal Church in Minnesota, ad dressed to the Minister of the Interior, com plaining that the treaty with the Chippewas of that territy had been, in some important respects, wholly disregarded by the 'lndian Agent. After specifying the matter of the sale of ardent spirits to the Indians, they say : "The Agent for these Indians has, from some cause, been entirely regardless of this traffic for the , period above named, (three years) Hence every Indian is left perfectly helpless in this powerful temptation of poor human nature. The restrictions promised the Indians at the time of the treaty, and confirmed by stringent prohibitions and Pe i ., nal laws of the General Government, have been' utterly put aside and left inoperative, by every civil, military, and other power of the United States in every practical form. The Indian is : therefore left helpless under such temptation, because he has nothing,a4- equate given him by our nation, to fortify him ag ainst them. " We do, therefore, most earnestly appeal to you, honorable and dear sir, in' behalf of this poor race, to know whether all is vain, as regards the due and just fulfillment of our. nation's treaties with this, people. It is not a thing in which the Indian nature is alone at fault; although it is undoubtedly true that the wild, untamed, and savage spirit delights, 'more than ours, in that which ex cites vioently the inner man. Look at the dregs of our city population, and you can, in their degradation and vice, even under the repressive power of law and publio opinion, see faintly the condition of the red-man, ex posed to the like temptations, and totally , tree from these wholesolne restraints." They further specify that the utmost free. dom is furnished the Indian to buy at the bar of the trader, by the glass, or to procure from one to ten gallons to carry away. That this whiskey is' even more adulterated than that 'vended in the low haunts amid the white settlements; and they instance the ease of a Chief, who fell an immediate vic tim to the poison thus insidiously infused into the foul liquid. Upon the whole, a strong me ie made out, demanding the immediate attention of the Government. We hope the people, too, will think of, and pray for, the " poor In dian," commiserate his lot, and'seek to alle viate his condition. The Fourth of July has passed by, calling forth the usual amount of noise, and custom ary displays. Orations have been made all over the West, very similar, no doubt, in general character, to those made elsewhere, and heretofore. It is becoming quite com mon, in this section of the Union, to 'call out the Sabbath, and Common Sehools, and celebrate the day by dwelling upon the in terests they represent. This is, without question, praiseworthy. In the bosoms of the youth is lodged, under God, the hope of our country. Our =future will be, > and will be glorious or otherwise, as our youth are ed ucated and religious. Religious Education is to be regarded as the great instrument to be Used by `the present, to. give hope to the future. Men of superficial views, your one- Wit men, -may MIN 'ttpow some 'offshoot of the corrupt human heart, and claim that if that is destroyed, the golden age will have arrived. They may declaim against intem perance or slavery, or Sabbath-breaking, or. Popery or Mormonism, until they loose sight of the fact that all they call evil is but the fruit of that corrupt root within the soul;' and even if all these forms of evil were sup pressed, it would bat make room for others' as much to be dreaded; but the true philan thropist will aim to secure the regeneration of all hearts—the cleansing of the very fountains of life. To this end he' will r otbe„ unmindful of the young, but will: , iseek to secure, to the utmost, their religions educe- tion. The man who is continually hacking and hewing at Intemperance, and Slavery, : and Sabbith breaking, and Gambling, with ou• striking deeper blows, bloire which tell upon the roots of the tree, the untiaribtifict heart of man, is doing but little forhis,ra . , or his God. The man who promotes.thhe ligious education of the youth, who secures• a wider dissemination of religiiiiis"lciity ledge • who gains access to the heittif of his fellows • for the truth as 'it iglu jetursy is your real philanthropist. While hetolerates no evil, •countenances no form of vice, he labors to promote the destruction ~of. the source of viee—to purify the fountainl of moral action's. He labors to make the 'tree good, satisfosd that when this ie the case, the fruit will be good, of necessity. The religious interest has,not whelly,,,,eab- - sided with us yet, though there is not the, same feeling upon the subject`which iiharac-- terized the work in its earlierstages. . Union prayer-meetings are' yet quite common, ;and, in some places,, are yet held daily. -There is one of this character observedin the,„Pres byterian chitreh of Dixon, each evOniqg of the week, except Thursday, from 71 . t# 8,- o'clock. Thisis new regarded alf-a ) Perma nent institution, attended by Iletho; dists, Baptists, Lutherans, and PresbytOtans. It is a meeting of much' promise., ,- , Several of our Old SehOol churches. are engaged this season, hard as tlfe times' are regarded, in' either building new hoitiefV , of worship, or enlarging old %tea. - Thief is in Some instances a work of necessity .rather than choice as the cong g regations have grown too large for the old house. - Rev. Dr. Phelp's . people, at , Dubuque, we undeistand, are erecting .a temporary building fot their aeoommodation until they can cornlete a very large and costly house &man ed "by their rapid, yet healthy, growth. We elieva i that on the whole, the state of our bUrettes , was never better than it is at , presena May ~,.., God keep us 'humble in view of elmlmper fections, and grateful for his mercies: I Yours ) 4ke 'l NORTE*EST. ' P. S.—l see your correspondente J. W.," claims that Quincy is the secopil .city, in point of size, in Illinois, and states her population at twenty thousand.** Ouihsigh hors at Peoria will demur at this, as; if I mistake not, they claim for their beautiful town,4 population of thirty thousandt4w, _ . 'From our London Correspondent. The Memorable Eighteenth June—BentiniseCtsses of Waterloo German and French Waterloo to be " Avenied?"—The New Pictures at Versailles, with Omissions "by desire"—A Waterloo Picture Suggested " Heads " and " Tail.," —Cuba, Spain, and the Slave. Trad— e Pacification of Oude—Nena Sahib, and Cas. trot Cruelties Recalled—The Young Officer—The' Confessional in Belgravia—Great .Ifieting and 134 asure—Denials and Defence—. English Feeling—The Nobility and Tractarian. ism—Popery and Private Houses—The " British Evangelist" Prevailing Prayerfulness Dr. Schauffler—The Queen at •Birmingham— The King of Prussia and Berlin Sympathy with England there and at Vienna—Death of DP Bunting— Postscript. • LONDON, June 18th, 1858. This day is the ANNIVERSARY OP WA TERLoo. Five 'years ago I stood on that terrible „field, where the sun of Napoleon set forever. It is a different thiig to read of a great fight, than to stand and gaze on the scenes of its eddying surges—to examine the of La Haye Sainte, the very key of the British position, taken for a time —to mark the spot where a Picton fell in the fiery , cavalry charge, or that where Wel lington stood under the tree at the cross roads, cool and calm, while the branches were struck down from above by cannon shot; or where, yonder, as Ney and the Imperial .Guard crowned the British heights, the Duke exclaimed, "Up, Guards, and at them I" Terrible indeed, it is, to think, that there the dust reposes of seventy thou sand men, who fell in life's full vigor, and passed into eternity in the'fierce excitement, and amid the hot passions of war. Waterloo will come up at such a time as this day,, upon the memory of England 4 yes, and of Germany and France, also. 'Go to Germany, and `people tell yon, and school books teach your children, that it was &tr. OHM that won Waterloo ; Wellington, is scarcely `named. Go to France, and Wel lington and Waterloo are associated, with a disaster which Frenchmen, it is said, long to avenge: Let us bope that an opportunity will not be given -even .to try it, notwith standing all apprehensions, just now,. to the contrary ; and better still, that good sense, and above all, Christian feeling, will con solidate and make permanent an'alliance, which, if rightly directed, and if Imperialism could become Liberal, might yet uproot the tyranny of Jesuits- and Despots all over the Continent of Europe. But, apropos of Trench boasting,> and the Imperial care to flatter the army, a fiend of mine, just returned from •Pans, tells a good story He was at Versgillei with his wife, in the five-mills Picture Gallery. There, among the more recent pictures, they, stood before two,pictures of the' great battles of the Crimean war, Alma and Inkennann: in neither picture is there to be seen asingle rod-coat—not one British' officer or soldier I " Well," but, said I, palliatively, "you know the French did scale and crown the rocks near the sea at Alma; and, my dear friend, you had only a take for granted, as you looked at the battle-piece, that the Duke of Cambridge with his Guards, and Sir. Colin Campbell with his highlanders, were just then storming the batteries and winning the day, ,only you could not see them, on the other side of the hill." Somehow, m$ friend had not thought of this, and to a Frenchman kuowing a little English, who accompanied him to Verseilles, he pointed oat the entire' omission of British t soldiers in .the two fights executed "by order." The Frenchman shrugged his shoulders, and my friend, who is a' humorist; said, ."You =should haliei I thirtkia pioture.of Waterloo -; here, also. And if it be a true one, I shall answer for it, there shall not be seen in the whole of it, a Frenrh horse's head." " How so? What you mean, Sir ?" said the Frenchman. " Why, beause, instead of heads, you would see nothing but the tails of horses running away !" The Frenchman made the best of this sally that he could, and with a comb mixture of a face awry, yet smiling, he could only say, " You be one John Bull." Last week, there were, alarms about French invasion. This week, after Mr. Disraeli's contradiction of any hostile move ment in France, known to the Government, by his declaration of confidence`between the two Governments, and by the denials•oftbe Aroniteu,r, as well as from the 'fact of-Naples agraeing to, pay X 3,000 as:indemnity tolhe Pride!? Engineers, so.long retained in prison, and to. restore -the fo Sar dinia, the fundchavejlacn again. We'grieve much, though - we are' net sur-1 prised to hear of continued agitation in the United States, about the BARcitof Sqrps off Cuba; but unless some untoward collision take place in the meantime, I hope aud'be-. lieve 'that the explanations of our Cabinet will be found acceptable and most noncilia-• tory, and that matters will be so arranged that no such collision shall be possiblp, for the future., • The Bishop of. Oxford last night hrought tiptlie question' Of Spanish faithlesaness in connexion withltreaties for the abolition of the slaye-trade. „Lord I . ll.aldiesbuiy sternly denounced the new French scheme of import- . ing blacks from Africa into French colonies: He also`denounced the, conditet of SPaiii Cuba, and threatened to leave that island to be seized • hy any who Chooselo do so. . Fuom INDIA, NV - have fresh and _more favorable telegrams. Sii Colin Campbell's, success in, carrying all before him in RAH eund----Bereilly, the capital; is in our nos session, after the ,defeat and flight of the rebels under the Mohammedan Moulvies---is a great fact. It looked a very formidable affair indeed, when we heard of one hun dred' thousand men being thereconcentrated against us. But first.elass Generalship, with such eoldiere as Sir Colin:commands, as usual, made it possible for a limited body to chase away tens of thousands. There have, indeed, been . Pesters, and, most precious lives: have been Sacrificed. Walpole; by reason of seniority made a Brig adier, had the, command at Rewah, and Brigadier Hope perishes by, his Chief's -mis management ; whereas, had he been leader, he would have taken care to-do the Work, like Sir Colin, and'as "a very usurer " of the blooa of his, men. Not that Walpole after wards, did not successfully clear his way, and .route, a formidable foe. He will probably be set aside, however, from command. :He, is excessively unpopular in the Indian ar my----cold, proud, and • obstinate. Sir :H. Rose also:left a garrison of Saindia's trobps ~at a . town taken by him in Central India which has been stormed by the-rebele-seadi retaken. And thus much misohief may ea. , ' sue. Nevertheless it seems, as to what re mains to be done, as the Times terms it, " a chase." : The safety of our Indian. Empire is,l trust, no longer at stake,, and even in Dude, where all seemed, even after victory to be dark, affairs look well. The Times' Correspondent ati , Calcutta, writing ''on the sth of May, thus describes the exact state of things in Gude. It shows that the excellent Mr. Montgomery is -"the right man in the right place :" "In Dude, matters are decidedly ireprov ing. -The Commissioner hai received a carte blanche r and hair at once 'nullified the proclamation." (So, we see, that Lord _El lenborough had some reason to find fault , with the document.) " The TalookAars have been confirmed in their estates on new con ditione, and are coming in rapidly. The Zernindars system,' natural to the 'country, has been introduced, and the. Zemindars rendered responsible for all the offences against the State, society, or laws, cominit ted on their estates. There is, consequently,, to'be -no village police recognized xesuch ~by the State; the , Government appealing to no one but the landholder. A strong mili tary police, and a centralized civil police, will be iminediately created, and there are signs that the baroneintend to obey the new system. The country is "being pacified. The people choose a feudal organization, and have got it, and both parties are begin to understand one another." It is added, " The political advantage of the lull is inestimable. The contest has now, lasted twelve months, and is wearing men out. The number of sick, I do not mean 'only soldiers, is very great; and• there :is feeling of despondency, of doubt, as to the. future, creeping over the land, which bodes no good." NENA SAurn's escape from Rohilcund is much to be regretted. He collected% the 'cavalry and was ensaYing to cross the Gan ges and to enter Central Hia very name would create an army in our Mabratta provinces. , The mischief he might' effect, in the present temper of the Mahrattas, is incalculable ; and Bombay officers write in amazement at his folly, 'in not Making the attempt." In Bengal "he is merely an adventurer, powerful in - a degree; , as the only leader with' whom the natives think the. Government ceulclnot make terms. On the Bombay -side, he would be the Peiswah, bringing before every Mahratta, visions of prineipalitiei and plunder." Who can -tell what further chastisement for us may be in, 'store by risings in districts hitherto free trom rebellion ? This monster has had wondrous escapes hitherto. A furtuight since appeared in the Illustrated News, por traits of two young officers of Irish birth, brothers, named Saunders. Both were Company's officers. One of, them survives. ,The other was in, the beleaguered garrison of Cawnpore, when General-Wheeler opened negotiations with Ilene Sahib. Yang Saunders earnestly protested against .fritist-' ing him, but it'was in-vain.. The surrender was made, and the massacre ,was ordered. In that , terrible moment, the young : officer rirshed desperately =forward, and with his, re volver he shot down`fiee of the personal' at tendants of the Nene. The last shot he re served for the leader himself. The bullet touched him, not. Saunders was then seized,- was erne/flab in the sense of haling, his hands and, feet fastened by naili to the ' ground, and 'then a troop of cavalry 'gal loping past hire and eladhing him With their 140,4 he was cut to pieces I TEN OCiNiiSSIONAL '4114p BRIORAVIA now the subject of much discussion and ex citement in the metropolis. I have often directed your readers' attention to the noto rious " goings on " at Knightsbridge, first under the Rev. Mr. Bennet, and afterwards sanctioned and still more fully developed under Mr. Liddel. There we have in fact a full blown specimen of intense, Ronaan ising Tractarianism. It is •well known to those who are familiar with the •literature of the party, that •hooks for confession are now in extensive use containing . among other matters prurient questions as to breaches , in thought or act of the Seventh Commandment. Generally these books'are constructed, in the Romish model , and - all take ,for granted the duty of opening .the heart to a "priest," and of receiving abso lution. But - the aborninations thus fiw tised are only now coming forth to the light, , touthe infinite disgust of Ahri;nation. • St. Barnabas. Pimlico has, a," assigned to it, and rs not ,a , g 4 ,7 parish." Till it is endowedas such, (and that the platy are trying' hard' to do,) the clerg,Vnian is happily tinder the control/of Ithe Bishop' of London. Reisent discoveries were made bythe Hon. and Rev s ' F. Baringe man, of family and fortune, and, unconnected with parties in the Church. He has been making pri vate inquiries ai to the'usnof the Confes sional, and • the