Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, May 22, 1858, Image 1

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Presbyterian Banner, Vol. PI,
304 ins 35.
30. I
prembyterian Advosate, Vole sk,
nAVID MAINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
..13riginal `l4:.ottrg.
To Willie—An Afflicted Boy.
The ways of God are in the sea,
His paths in deeps unknown ;
But grace and justice, truth and right,
Are still before his throne.
Though gloomy clouds his ways surround,
The Lord is righteous still;
His love and mercy still abound,
While sovereign is his will.
When he gives trouble, who can still
The heaving of the breast?
When quietness is his rich gift,
Who can disturb thy rest ?
If trials be thy portion here,
And storms thy pathway shade,
Yet bear his voice, "Be of good ohm,
'T is I, be notafraid."
stand still, 0, mortal, and adore—
Know ye that ble hed!
Believe he doeth all thioge well,
And humbly kiss the rod.
Els wisdom he will soon disply
To your admiring gaze—
Disclose to you his wondrous way,
And fill your mouth with praise.
I trust reflections such as these
Does Willie oft console ;
0, do not fear on Jesus' arm
Thy burdens all to roll.
Thy father's God is also thine,
Thy portion and thy all ;
He still upholds, by strength Divine,
Whatever may befall.
What though affliction be thy lot,
If he his presence deign;
The croas shall e'en a blessing prove,
Thy loss shall still be gain.
From mach temptation thou. art free,
That others lead astray;
From many snares he guardeth thee
Along thy dreary way.
And still, some pleasant flowers bloom
Around thy pathway here,
And shed a fragrant, rich perfume,
Thy pilgrimage to cheer.
A father's care, a mother's love,
A tender sister, too,
Whose acts of kindness often prove
Ifer love sincere and true.
And when, at last, thy life is o'er—
When Jeans calls thee home;
Thy sorrows then shall be'no more
Na more thy dale of gloorti
No longer clogged with oumbroruttlay,
Thy spirit then shall rise,
And soar to realms of endless day
With shouts of glad surprise!
And though thy tleelOnat dwell in dtist,
And there awhile decay ;
'T will soon arise a glorious form,
And clothed in bright array.
United with ill; soul 'again,
Thy happiness oomplete
Eternal bliss thou shalt AWN' •
And fall at 'Jesus" 'feet.
With golden harp before the'throbe,
Thou 'lt join the saered'iong
or happy saints'and angels there,
And heavenly notes prolong. -
No more shall pain afflict thee there,
No tear shall dim thine eye ;
Bnt rest forever thou shalt share,
To all eternity.
Nicklesville, 1868.
For the 'Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Thoughts of Comfort
Number 3
Are you afraid of NAK - EDNESS ? "If God
so clothe the grass of the field, shall he not
much more olothe you, oh ye of little faith?"
Precious words of Jesus ! The` - beautiful
lilies of the field, arrayed in more glory 'than
even King Solution, these beautify and
adorn the grass; who is it that arrayed ,
them thus . ? 'T is your Father's doing, and
if he clothes these, why should you let the
cares and anxieties of life—the question' t of
" What shall we eat, what shall we drink,
and wherewithal ehall we be clothed "—oc
oupy your mind, and claim all your atten
tion ? All day, and sometimes all night, do
men, Christian, men, labor and toil, and
make their lives a weariness and burden,
always haunted by a desire for more gold,-
more houses, more lands, more fame. True,
a man must work if be would eat, but he
must serve God, too; and when'God prom
ises to take care of all his children, and to
add unto them that which the men of the
world have to seek after,t why then, my
Christian friends, should you be so eager in
the strife for gold ? Let the worldling
seek after . these things, for' God' promises
not to give them unto such, but tolhase I who
seek first the' kingdom of God and his zight
eousness ; to such all these things, 'food and
clothing, shall be added.
'Tie the Christian's place to 'work is hard
for the kingdom of Jesus as the man of the
world does for gold, honor and fame, at the
same time having the SaViour's words for it,
that "all these things shall be added unto
you." Let Christians do their duty now, in
the present hour, and the future will all
come right. Our Saviour taught us to pray,
"Give us this day oar daily bread," not
to•marrota's bread ; thus teaching us our
daily dependence on him.
What a world of anxiety would be re
moved from many toiling, worldly Chris
tians, if they would titer, more in God, and
leas to thernselveo. How much more money
and time Christians would have for the ser
vice of their Master, if they had more faith
in him I
But, are you afraid of Pun 2 " There
shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any
plague come nigh thy dwelling." The path
of duty is the path'of `safety; none need
over be afraid to follow where Jesus leads.
Be it through sickneas, be it in peril by land
or by sea, at home or abroad, " there shall
no evil befall thee." We may call it evil, and
may not be able, with our faithless tongues;
to call it by any other name'; but in the
future, God may reveal to us so much of his
dealings with us, that we may be ,able to
say, "that which appeared evil, hath been
my blessing." God's ways are not - as our
ways, and because things often happen so
differently from what we, in our wisdom,
would have had them, we call it " a mysteri
ous thing—a dark providence." Poor short
sighted creatures, doth not God know what
is for the best
The true Christian need not be afraid of
peril—even death need not alarm thee, for
even there the Saviour's hand shall lead
thee. All your journey upon earth he will
walk with yen, "and when he leads you
through the dark valley of the shadow of
death, ('t is the shadow only,) as be thus
leads you, you need fear no evil, for at every
step you, take together, you will hear his
encouraging voice, "There shall no evil be-
fallthee ) I am with thee, I will Sustain
thee." . 'B.L.C.
Tor tho Presbyterian Baader and Advocate
The• Revival.
MR. EDITOR :—What constitutes a revi
val ofleligion? We find, under the , pres
ent state of religious ; feeling in the.commu
city, divers opinions in reference to the
cause and effect of all this we see rind hear.
Some say it is of God . ; others, it is 'of man.
Some admits it. to be partly of , ' God, ' and
partly of man. Some that it is for good,
and others tear it is for evil. Some are
blessing God for the daY they live,
seeing and hearing at his wenderful . werks;
others are trembling under 4v apprehension
of evil, arising from mistaken. views. 'Some
are working to bring,sinners into the ark of
,others are working , to keep them out.
Some are ready to give up all for tlirist, and
others are holding on the lOarof sin.'
Thus we see a world 'in commotion, ex
cited with hopes and cleara 7 many, profess
ing to be on,the Lord ' s side, and, many re
fusing to haye this Man (Jesus,) to reign
over them. This . constitutes; then' one
phase of a revival: 'lt is activit . y of mind; bp
erated upon by the Holy - Stant, whiehleads
to the seeking after knowledge.; and with
the mind awakened,,;the heart is soon'af
feded. Activity in the head begets feel
ings correspondingly [Leave' in the break.
So, - then, we come to - theeonolusion we have
in all the " tumult " we see around us—a
revival, to this extent, that men are think
ing, feeling, and acting in view - of their re
sponsibility as accountable being* How far
this state of thingit - may bonduce to a genuine
revival, and 'th ' e 'true J prosperity of , the
Church, will, under the ,blessing of God, de
pend mainly upon 'the faithfulness of, those
who are set as watchmenupon the walls of
Zion. By using their 'position erinfluelice
'to - give prciper diredion to the popular-cur
rent of feeling, they= may turn it to the best
account. Sow , broadcast} the truth of God,
which shall make men wise unto salvation.
But by neglecting to improve the opportu
nity--relusing to work when God calls' by
the voice of many awakened souls,, and by
his providence—the result: will be iisastrous
beyond human computation. Alreidy, we
may diseover the tracing of God's finger in
the . destity of the faithful arid the.faithlesk
- ThVitti Who give to the'Spirit's 'entreaties ;an
;unweleome-eir, and a heartless, , formal ser
vice, performed by constraint, see discord
rending the 'fold over which they are placed
as shepherds.:. As ,they failed - to do `the
Master's'bidding, the'reward 'of the 'Master
is denied them. Soon shall 'therseek , him,
but shall not find him—shall mourn, bat
not, be comforted. While 'those who give
eihibition of faith by their seal in the Mas
ter's work, are being'-blessed' with` Souls,
given' aiseals to to tend the
encouragement of; their, people, ,who loye
them, and delight with them in the pros
perity of Zion.
Nor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Extracts from the Minutes of t h e
tery`'of Cedar, Iota:
This Presbytery met in Muscatine, May
4th. Rev: A. Van'lrliet, of the Presbytti.ry
of Dubuque, was invite& touit as a corres
ponding. member.
Dr. John Ekin was received from the
Presbytery of Ohio. Re ackipted' calls
front the churches of -Le Claire and Prince
ton, and. Bros. Mason. and Jones mere ap
pointed, to install Nim at , discretion.
Mr. B. L. Belden was ordained; and in
stalled 'pastor of the church of Muscatine.
Rev. F.A.- Sheafrer=preached the ordination
sermon. Rev. Jas. D. Meson presidedrpro
posed the constitutional .questions, l and
offered prayer. Rev. G. D. , Porter de
livered the charge to the pastor, and Dr.
'Ekin the'charge to the'people.
Rev. Jacob'-Kolb , was installed pastor of
the First German' Presbyterian ehureh-of
Muscatine. Rev. J. M. Jones, charged the
pastor, and Rev. A. Van Vliet, the people.
Presbytery adjourned to meet in Vinton on
the first Tuesday of june, at 7 o'clock P. M.
Mu: Enrron :—There was much cert
fleeted with.the. exercises of ordaining and
installing Bro. Belden, that made it to the
congregation and the young pastoroui
as 'the members of Presbytery, 'unusually
They have been enjoying a precious sea=
son of the outpouring of the Spirit, f God,
for .several weeks. Theie is evidently a
strong feeling of union and syingathyamongst
the 'members themselves, as well as. toward
their pastor. They entered the main Dart
of their new church for the first time, which,
when completed, will not only be spacious,
but elegant—a great honor to the congrega
tion, and an ornament to the, city. And the
congregation , was quite' large, attentive, and
solemn. The whole exercises vrere impres
sive, and that of the laying on of the hands
of the Presbythrb, and the , giving of the
hands of the members - of 'the congregation
to their pastor, touching to many hearts—a
' scene long to be rerriernWered. At their
communion on next Sabbath, there will ,be
a : large accession to the churl* So that
this young brother enters upon , his
~field„ of
labor under most encoo,ragingVireuteitannee.
And may the blessings of Heaven accom
pany his efforts continually, in 'withatanding
the erroneous doctrines of the = Cross ;now
being propagp.ted in their midst, and, in
building up Christ's kingdom, by thegath
ering in of multitudes of " such as shall be
DEFECTIVE RELratoN.—A. religion that , '
never suffices to govern a man, will never
suffice to save him; that which , does not suf-,
ficiently distinguish one from a wicked
world, will never distinguish, hini from a
peristmg world Howe
From our London Correspondent.
Acquittal of Bernard—Popular Enthusiasm—Mis
take of the Government—Feeling in France—The
English Advocate—The Whig Party—Yews and
the Oathsll-r—lndia and its Future in Ttar
and Missions—The Electric Telegraph there The
Weather and Trade—The.English Presbyterian
Synod—The Moderator—The Deputations—Open-
Air 'Preaching in Ireland The .F74e Church
ai Home and in India—Belgium and the. Gospel
—The Organ Question—The Revival of Reiigion—
The City of Manchester—l The Potteries.- •
LONDON, April 28, 1858.
The ACQUITTAL OF by a Brit.
jhry, was flashed by telegraph /all over
'Europe, last Saturdareveninv It - wariflat.
tended .by , extraordinary excitement during
its progress, and especially,at.its close., The
prisoner at the bar addressed *speech to the
Judges; and to the jury, - are lh . e - latter - 14-
tired, denying that he had desigii&Pia kill
'the' Emperor, ,but avowing himself to' have
beeni-and always intending- to be,, "a con
spirator" in favor of
,liberty,,. The jury
was 'abient about' an hoar, and ihen their
verdiet of "Not Guilty ".
the , enthusiasm' among thelopeetater'sigatliek
and gentlemen ' , was great, rand- itel9',l)o might
up, by the crowd putside.. The : rtruth
that eur GoVernment committed`k, grave fault
in trying to `getout'of a'diffi } eliltr,"aia t T o
please the Prench `GOverniiiiniti Bernard
was' tried,' not -for , misdemeanor for,:coh.
spiraey in England; but for, murder.,
for the murder of whom , Not for as at
tempt at murdering
one` of
Napoleon, but
foi,the'murder of onit" ofthe'arowd who 'fell
a victim to thel explosive This
showed the animus ofr the , preseeution.
And.then, while it was clear enough, that he
had-made the bombs, or grenades of fulmi
rutting mercury, it was not clear that .he
knew that they were to be 'employed by
for the purpose ?of killing the Empe.
rm.. Indeed the latter, . with his , dying
breath, 'said, that Bernard, was ;innocent.
The truth seems to be, that he made them
for Orsini, under the idea that they were to
be 'employed in an Italian rising for,liiiertY.
Cruel and:vile, at the hest, would Such in
strumentality be; even , against. Austrian
tyranny.. It would be more worthy et' assas
sins, than of
. patriot soldiers fighting for
their - Country's rescue. Snell, too, vies Or-
Sird's dying testimony.
The French' , Government must 'feel pro
foundly disappointed. Bat it ; prudently
tries to - appear cool. The French army,
'*dpubtless will resent the violent attack on
'their Emperor, by Mr. Jetties, the English
Adionats for' Bernard. His 'speech was one
of extraordinary-Ix:me?, 'and 'appealed to the
;old love of liberty in ~the: English ~breast.
The Whig party, through, the lips of , the
I 'late Attorney General,. haia;reproached - the
I new Ministry fa' their - taking indiCt
ment for murder against Bernard, and
charge the' failure of 'vindicating law' and
justice, and soothing the feelings , , of the
French upon this mistaken policy.: The
other party recriminate, • arid BO 'tiherehlis
1-been- "Scene 'id Parlienient.
lord Derby' idifnally WithdriSfs'his 'objec-
Ilene toihe •Awansiorr , - or ma Jaws into
Parliament, so that withtthe tacit.consent , of
a Comervative Ministry, ; with Disraeli as an
exception, the , party which, on religious
grounds,lave lieen'hithirto the main 'oppo
nebta,) we shall • probably seen see 'Baron
'Rothschild 'seated in the House; as of the
membeis for the , City of London.
Pam 'Wes bave niefresh telegtams
since my knit Iron:will, ere this can appear
in print, have ascertained whet,her we are to
have a discursive end' wearisome warfare
'during the - Simmer ; With thelnahrgents or
whether 'the' flying coin - inns have overtaken,
broken mp, and reduced . them to-powerless
ness. Meantime, missionary operations must
stand still, and the, North-West Provinces
remain in a transition state, prepara.tOry; we
'trust, to a fresh andtenlarged -occupatilirrby
the Warriors otthe Cross. Very inuch'do I
fear, that the day of peabe.and unobstructed'
progress for the. Gospel is more, distant than'
our political journals, would have '4B to Sup
pose, I enclose, (fora separateinsertron, an
extract from' One of the lettere4 the Snicks .
Correspondentof the Pines, illustrating the.,
wonderful results .of -the electric, telegraph,
in eountaxion , witb warlike _operations., Its
services at the beginning oftheputiny,
May last, were'slich as to cause the imphatiel
declaration, The' elecrtiie'-telikriiplil` has
salved India;!" , : When 'Railways aid spread'
a11....0ver the vast peninsula r . the strides ; of
civilization and Christianity ;will he unpar
alleled in their rapidity. [See fourth page
for extract]
PIE WEATHER, at present, is:Summer
like and genial. But trade' and 'coinnietce,
languish; and revivalls sadly slow: " It is
very questionable whetherountil the Autumn
or Winter„ the country ,will rise from the'
dust of depressiOn. How helplerk are we,.
and hbw depeirdent on the, Divine 'Mrd!:
If 'Wax. were' to break:out. iw Italy—Franca
backing Sardinia against Austria..and Na,-
.ples—or if Napoleon . fell under the success
ful blow of an assassin, how fearful would be
the results 'Woad that the' great 'King
would send'ii, , 'livr; 'true plxisperity,.. and ;
thus stanip this year; as one never to -berfor4:
gotten for its secular calamities and ,its spir.
itual glory'
has held its annual meeting at Manchesteri ,
this 'week. Its proceedings, at which I hive
been present, haVii 'been' marka mach
interest. The Rev. De MeOrie, otfr•Profes
sor of Systematic Theology and Church His
tory, was unanimously chosen Moderator,
and has presided with Christian, grace and
dignity. His' opening prayerii each sea,:
ohm were` fervent., and his - addresses tolbe
Deputies, of the Free Church of,Scotland;
the Presbyterian Church in treland t ,and the,
Evangelical Church of Belgium, were ver y
impressive and excellent. ' ,
The' Rey% John Johnston, Whci , m — ay- be
styled the apostle of open-air preaching
Ireland, 'gave' a very interesting account of
that movement, in connexion with. Irish
Presbyterianism. One lvn mired ministeis
have throWn thernselres heartily into ''the
work, 'going out over a: VerY extensive field.
Each town or village is visited, and preached
in for four weeks, by successive agents.
Not less 'thin eighty thousand persona,'
chiefly' non-attendants 'at public'worship,
hive thus lieen brought under the sound of
'Le,pure Gospel; And tokens have:hot been
,wanting of spiritual• fruits. The., reaction;
also, on the minds, of the ministers engaged
in the work, areltheir kindred EVingelistia
bounds, is an element nok, '`;lie forgotten In
estimating results. h r
The Elder from B 1 N .)1.4
Esq., gave an into;
great advance mad,
ism, in the elevation
isterial support. Be:
of stipend, 480,00(
The Rev. Dr. Gm odera
tor, addressed' the 83 Under
address on the sabjeu eliap
lains for Presbyterial army;
;which• now ' are very Iritish
army.' , The ,Righlio owland
Presbyterians of Si le "en
listed from Ulster" 'about
'oileNtits of — the , -.lti other
words,winumber -fort For
'these, hitherto no 1 anent
chaplains have been 'rae e.; - 1 1
Ppyt lo 44:Alaaee;biai ' .inTAtt
malt 'inlartrikon 'to' *, 0 ... i
l'imill, l 4Wrolfglill ore in
Parliatuent, hre lilrel ire, in
_ 1
this direction than tof Lord
Panmnrer who it '' it be-
eause he
,was too
F angs itirtan,
l io''bell'fabOVerispit. Ily in
this matter. The Ohara:— if the
army is 41 High Chniclolail, .and, only by
the resolutet conduct iof ~
~t, Irish Presbyte4
Tian minister, ; Mr. Roger, of Camber,
he been 'compelled to wit raw fidm an ii
tagotibitieliosithiti lo the • Mins of PresbY
teriats.' ' Two chaplains 11 be appointed
by-the',GoVernmeiit imm ' foly,' at 'Dover
and Shornoliffe, outhis, Tat, and the, same
principle willbe practicall ,carried out both
at home and 'abroad. ' • .:`' - `
- The'Deptitatititi from: t ' Free . hnrch of
:Scotland,' consistedof''''Rd,:t4"'' Doctor Julius
Wood; (Moderator,) 'Rev.. octet' Olsson, of
Edinburgh, and,the Rev. array Mitchell,
missionary from,Boinbay ilTiiii last, named
gentleman'' gave " `Mi l iilteridifik aildreei" on.
the'claims of indial 'ani*rirdForeigit Mill
iition,' which haerienliaed its , opera - -
tions to China; is now,abillt to ; adopt a, son
of the Free Church of Sotthilad ae an addi
tional missionary ` to her stliff r in India. ,
felt that this Was due to - ,,the Free Chfirch,
`and, 'above all; to the caul or - Provide:toe.
To neglect India now,wotOd: be a great sin.
, The -Moderator of-timr.Eree Churchlre
ported naught but peace agdprosOrity: The
annual revenue for 'tlitiniat - fiftaea - years
since" ' the Ditirtilitioi,;, Irak` on ;the- aver
agti,"beengf3oo;ooo; or, APir‘sura totalif the
enormous` amount ' of;fouoiland i tai half. mil
?ions sterling ; Iff.;. ,'.
5 ..; In :,):Inlornal, „the :g.yingelisai . Church,
i n
which is Preabyterian . . jig: model; and
whose ministers are no i'" - aiinieft§ from
Reiminitch; are' doing a' 'hie : work 'lit' the
facei3Of en* implacable . 41:' alarmed foe.
But the, freedom of tit' -,, ,Constitution se
curing/their religimm r riglts,,,the liberty of
the press. and the ‘ syMpairies,Of the Liberal
party, alreentrilinte folke t barriers out of
tlieir way in a3readiriAliV s ßible and 3the
trent ) * an d in,,preachinettrapapek:; := . . ', - ,
The. ORGAN' QUESTION has' again% been
debatedin the' Presbyterian Synod of, Eng
land: The majority, of that body do -not
on principle objeofto the . ale'of instrumen
id music. Nit; lookbitit'the peculiarities
cif the onhe--iteciallythatpractieallyeoaree
-1Y any lone congregation -- could , ' be • found
unless•at the peril of internal Bellhop,
,could adopt : the, organ, and nlso that some
brethren consider that recognition of 'the •
'Win'of inittrumente be' "'sinful; and .
th4io lothetil "(with' litany wealthy laymen,)
leelrunwilling. to anstaini-with . unanimous
jihetality,7the College and other Dvititutions,
an that peace, is
,best•—•it has b;ten decided, •
14i* t a
lanall . Majoiltic that' the nisei of 'snob
diecrdolied Chilieh."' By ,
a • larger majority, howeveri , two coagrega
'dons, already usinglthe-,orgua, were, made
exCeptions to this law. A'. 'fee* titooontro •
yeiay rAfecM; 1 5) afrtish llitze3r l 'oo:is t. ll -
4taading'itte'ititiuitit now mad Abide' it.
subject 'of Ithre'letfital Of Veligion:has
been . ' before' the. Spied;t and; h&c awakened
much • interest. 'Early. . morning, prayer-'
meetings were held-daily. n one morpipg,
Doctor M'Lean,.c'of Easton, ' Pa., gave an ad
drans to' yining Sion: Ma statements on the
abject of.'• the' ' present' `remarkable' state "of I
ifeelingin:the • United• Statesilas conveyed -to '
-him by the -Anprioan press, as well,as the:,
general statistics Which - ,he farnisheff . to the
Syuod i rth reo.fird to the strength of the ••
• . „ . e t --
Old r 'Se s iiillieshytetiihiir; 'bath'
and in Colleges, were received with great,'
Interest,' and ..I _believe, under God, have s .
been ver.94l.9o9POla:aPkus.e.fAil.
. may. pegt week supple ment this hastily
Written ' alclifoh`' of the' pr6ceeditige Of ode
'Synod irititfrothat •
ins le' population •of h - alt,
a :Million: 0 The-. inereasei sinon• 1837 •his
been enormous: A City Mission Sunday
and' Daily ` Ragged • - •BohOole,. Refugesrrnd
Bi'fcirmatbrien ChuroUliaioChaliitlereetfed`
by Evangelical rainieter.s,, special 'paioes
for the working - ohm* with miny Other
benevolent agencies, ..testify, to the ...xibil ,
.Christianity *hie& 'exists in this'groiatleity..,
Tiara, tOprArt arid'Science
aadlidhieireis " 'their 'tiltimptis: : ;o, l lll' - '
painful to mark, hOwever, the depreisnon of
trade in the 'district, which is still worse in
the Iron and Pottery Districts; 'in the midst
of which I was pieteciiiiig last' Lord's day.
The working Men in these districts 'receive
enormous- wages, hut, alas I they 'lay uotiiior
by for "the rainy day," .and the suffering!'
consequently is very great in such times sex
these. When "righteousness" p shall " ext,.•
alt" the people 'and holy' self-conttol. raga._
late their lives, ' how different will 'be .their"
- P. S.-L--The Duo de Melaka; the'Fieu .
Ambassador, has egthiiiioijit a' public . Ain,
ner, hie wish ths;Ci* alliance ''.l: . ietitipen .
France and .gnglanitiniii bean undy ing one.
Scored Glen%Oreri
itiled;Silmarnook, Sootlanai having
recently visited :Liirideigliy . an " hzisu#sion
Amin," went to • hear the' Rev: CrIL Spar
*eon, to whom ho tendered the `follow ing
morsel of admonition : "There is no denying,'
sip ) that you :twit, clever lad, and I have
little doubt butt!** your piCty is of the right
stamp. At the lime trine ) you must excuse..
inefOr Sayinithatilid feier you` pidifof your
sermons the better. GeOrge - Whitefield:
whom you have-been-likened,) fell nincitt".
degrees.iit theimblio esteem. after s VoluMe:i
of his discourses Folks.,wOu rz
ders4 t .fhat,7ordt,which,hid made thgpi i f,
oras i + wfien thellieard Ittiem". t itiilok,nd; u •kertt
Bar the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
A New Church.
kola r,
►f th's
to ian
The new. church edifice of the Upper
Tuscarora congregation was dedicated to the
service of Almighty God on the first day of
May, inst. Au Appropriate and impressive
sermon was preached. by the Rev. Richard
Curran, from Rev. :at ; 22. n
The bandit* ift. 'Wok,- is a: neat and
inhointial idifini,un4 reflects credit on the
architent "fOldiiii 001,11dr:tee. It is
sufficiently commodious. to seat, comfortably,
about lour hundred -persons.;, and <What is
still' handsomer, , 'ill paid 'for The - entire
debt, Vras over six hundred' Aollars,
wea diechaige&linfora the dedloatorysenOn
was preached.
Id for
• Title e church is connected -with that of
Litte Aughwick, and is situated a 'pleasant
l a 43 »improvingart of Tuscarora Valle y.
3sAre,va illeeiligo4t, r and s ,moral
Teo lerwattin - , ..cikilgrlgationoth_ough
otit.; a , paSterAt preßent;" entei - - , theit , new
house of woinliip Wader 'lraq eiliiiiitragink
prospects .. ., - •
'The Sacrament o thit,faeilte:Ale! was
administered .on Sabbath ,: an nine
added . 0 , the churth—ufonr , •ow . 43rtificiate,
and' five on The nervidei were
dii3Cenie'd!thirengliont . bY the leni;' - 14i.:9*-
,cvini• had been appointedtn'th4t duty'
Huntingdon Presbytery, at inAstelneeting.
The neetingritere'lvell ittendedfand deeply
people it tvaa truly % good time.,
The too,praised
foAtheir liberalitzler the ,prenehirlor his
earnest efforts to • estahlish•-•this — honse in
Zion. The debt rs thongh flor, large, was to
be unnsnallp ' d ifficult ` times,
ind'hy per9le• •Wto:had'i.altesdy-Uontiibn
led liberally in their subscriptions ; and right
4043';,5 114 1, meetthe demand. :.:.,Their
seal for. Gotrs house is a favorable inches,
I tiOn'af - the state of Piety among 'them,
it iouilaseivallitiii'Vebille`gekiiiiiilljr ray
proportion tattle. intiiiest they.. feel inF te
vrespeetive of l their i weaith.;
It is 4)e-hoped God will-renTrA f their
piety by sending
,to, them 'some goillYnlid
able patter, to mirliateinnto ihem in 'Bay
'things. - '. • ' le.VirSl
Wilbedoroe Jtiolim94 ,
When •this beloved son of,the'Rev. -Leigh
Riehmond was near to, death, and ! had over
come the reserve which, for a time, be felt in
converaing,iiith iiiii - fathefed ,
tic his oin 'ie
' ligions i state - , he and' hie ' • fahei 'hid filthy
Spirithat 'and' heavenly ;in tthieWs. . Oaf one
Sabbath; when he! was .yery weak, his father
, left him for a time, b,egging,him, to endeavor
pga,in a little rest, ~, , The fatherconiintiis
the nar'rativ'ats fell'owai • ° ' ' '' l '' ' '
'''''"'l =returned to flip Sobilislicinvii foudd
with the Bible 'open beforethimo Hedeaked
wt sie, with a smile" , and said, I.N.FnUrP l l l lell I
:have not , been „asleep ; ! ,I her, been other
wise eMplozed. , 1 - yev.iylo, l iilmoeise'aeliii as
yon. left 'inn, and iii q ~wan.t*Vtii - oiodbinie
with Jkott 3 Nada Spittlitin the ileihans, , I
haVto been leading.' t,hroligh the first eight
' chapteraswhilatorou ; were {below, ,in „order
that I : might have this sobjeot,i3wre ,ale r t
to my recollection.' I Was ' stirp*d Mid
'pleased' Co firid elititilhs liiii :strength' sufk
oienefor such 'an 4iie?rtitoi4 'eh& I refleioti on
the circumstance witlfrgivater.intereet, gas
this was, I, believe, , theJlasttime be was . able
,to read at all.
, 1
~., , , . ,
"He 'obat'ii'ved. that" 'llie - had . 'Otirpeiely
stopped at the eighth chapter, liectittaisthe
apcitle'hiurthhtiridieined to make a' division
of rhis subject and,largnment. !.What , a
beautiful summary of doetrinethese ohapte . rs
contain, papa! I have :ilionfiht: orthern
again and again. , , 'St. Pied lays - his Ninth
'don' deei) in'the cOriiiotital'ef-sfitiniati native,
-'and shciws so , plainly' that .neither Jeir nor
Gehtile has any hope;from ,works, but, only
from faitlk in, Chi* Jesus:, I have found
great comfort, from that:iiiew"Ok i the right
' eotcii
oins sOf' airlit; :wliiiiih tlidn ipostle de
clatestiihe the only waY:of eilivetionv ,, There
is, there can be, no other,,a 'We
"1 tiylve„-n0
zio4l l lnens o f,94 oll THAtTe l n s in
every fln ,„ lnPli' , . i stopped,anduthe
world lieemit gel*.befOie eted. I''hgve
bWilt tiines feiplhad
abtilit , the jinni:4oe
of aoceptancet ' , with God;•but :now .I:see it
quio i clear., With what ,earnestness does
the apostle la bor to Iffiiii . the vanity of all
'human' dependence 1 I httVe heed thinking,
WI read -thenP 43 .4Pten) hn,S.Pn.t4Pi3r ,*he
walk of a belie,yer dayse t *oli p hitfaitk i in
,Phitat, and how ektiefy connected th-O'holi
ri'imer '
sod - ills trie the `ielbeiiiie of
'this sitillife'iiith. eaeheother' • ' `,
• , ,J" - Ele, proceeded 'to , comment on ,the fifth
and sixth chapters, as a, trOn ,of .experimen- ~
tal ..and ,praotical reasonia . g, deduced from
those'which tilieedlid' then', ' adding, 6 but
- thil'ani!nntleafid•eightli ehalitersehave! been
, myrdelight....llaveifoundinipown ease soex- ~
aotly,ancita o .l9 l ear, l Y4CPPriW-An. Ale • Se'leit")
and!hays, ( bees so, ms'oh', oomiOrta by St.
T'ad'irdetroriptibil'Of libliwii teelingiitAnt
isilf "Aid 'Chihli; ii.ran iigvei 73ipiiitis. ` 'And ,
Ithen ' the') eightlid crown's , 'the whole:is 'Oh,
twhat a chapter Is that/ fEv#37.Wordrhaa '1
givew, meinttruction, strength, entLimstfort.'l.,
a I here fiiiid, ." And can yon *aka an,m-_,
ritid "iptolioition` or the latter Vait"of 'that
`414'66 "td' iiinratilfr ' ''lndeediliiiitii. r ,
hope' Illitn"hot? idedeiving- , myself, but I , co il
think I oan: It , up withanclaope , I
and confidence, the, language, is , arodeibliine, , s,
,and the doctrine ,ao
,convincing. i .It,isiotna,
times sienialWeinnolifnia sinner an Witte, „
ettY ; ' huts'all "thigis "'are lioseible"iiitli"Gixl l ''
=ands he WhomtWod4itiles las a ilorwpriety id'
';all , lthings! .ilerlduin , went through s .then
001,9, 11 4bifint ,, 9f,the chapter ,. l.46l4 g ill.. crivi4s
lety 44' i teusible,,,wi solid remelts ern it,,,,,
anthintie l ating me to ei(iniineliiif f ix td his
'persons' application lot thetio'gldighbuint'
'gnu:low - truths to hia"oirn heart:- Aftei be
bad made 7 some snip:fate& observation!! 'ow )
the, cogoledisig,..setrt of this , oliapw a ktiaiiiiii
'Bat nowl w ant to, add one Betio:moo frolois
imiotheilkei cit'the EtiistliV Wiladilif the
arhole,i - iiiid f thetlaP'Oli t c the difitheoff the ' 1
richeilletkoNire'lisdoin'and knowledge of't
Godl ;LW Unaditchable)are' his' lodgments,
• and his ways past, 4 finding fat ! ! „Por who
bath' kmiwn the mind Of the toildr or who
bath been his couneeleil 'oi"iiho'hitli'fireV'
"giiren' to him, and iralfalli IRO l'etailepetiseu
to him again? For cof:'himOuidlthrougiv. ,
him, and to him, are all• things; to. whom
be glory foreier. Alien?, „
"I shall ever ritiati' a yivid'reciiilleation'
if 64144' - Of his vige; fineilikilipilftlinits
trobkfbf illistife; whigitikeordphiliedttlie ntri
'tmommarliftheselwordil' , o Y 7!, .. , 41Pii au
; 'r e I ti v th itrata - , ,):4_1114 , i v i ker
.- 4 , 1i. ,4 -1..0 1 77,71 f 4sl.', it l 7-7 'V
Wlll l o . 4 4 liist clog. '' ' • ' Q ' ' -
Life of Reel 'Miller.
We perceive an announcement of an in
tended rePublicatioi, in' this country, of
work; entitled, "Labot t and 'Triumph the'
Life and• Times-of Hugh Mitleri" by Thomas
11.. Brown. ~ ,Whatever relates- to that distin-' :
guished an pcssesses. a de'ep inte rest for,the
Anierician sail thCyl - Wouhr . gbififyi
WeloOthio 'any
, fiew
; itpint this remarkable. career. have
son to question, however, whether ttliewhove'
named work will give us muohinew informa.l
tion, or will,provs,to be such a liniAraphy as the?
ttimiAre f UrpighlififfiilAge a L icr6.4Tigt.
'The f Likiadit. VciattivarsliriLbestit'
tat , ftonly 7 a•tiegeen tWhich,4o :hung tlichistoiy!
of-the- C•Free, Churehb ; ingvementii44:Bo*-:
Jan4,"••an4, 2 4!;`!;744139,,,,j0 that ,intolerably:
inflated - Eit`3slo Whicii'finds favorAsorlh, of 'Chet
Tweed tiTfircitighohriVe'lligg'r itil4,l
• • 0 0fidtity Eplice.licylikomwaimther) siourre,l
tao;fo ri 3 4 l 4,#b lErthilg§flh tJtAtjb49l
59u k s,Tel.y b ,..Aulit' km' gtbilograp,b,y, t ,ovith r ,Ao
authorit„ -
be othe Liferof Hugliclitilier.v From utrati-:
, 11 P.4,40e9ISTbi#2•09,Adilk 6 1 6 rgh...•Ritrflf)
anotherm4y g ste ,source,we learn Vo thakis,
bi a lgraili Ifugh.
rl.Cspoianal gait
itichritut tirhilirfaiiily,aiielm*
+ preparatimit by Teter ,Baynbpwhosevbrillitintf
mitiogfthme #llla,4Y 141 31
y en widely
poprilar, j* this country; Bayne
er's snoceseor as editor' of a t e#
vlintnerlyzsind the chiiihel of alcbiiigcapher'
-ecould f.noti havei ;heed amore.. - happy'. ? rain'
readers e
s i rsre degree, in biograykioal cow pr:sition, l
and they have e`veifieasori 16 belie - ve; Alt
'upon, sd°nbble~a a nbjet~li~ ' swillsbeifto 11
ollieskill!I The 'Avcirtutiill'il we') priiiitimiirtie
2reVublisikedaulthis country (Row. adtaucte,cl
1141CIPtagartforc, 1 'Bening rots. 3 - • -•
"There is Another Man ""1;,,, 1.,
• i*PAlingfra :heavy 00,rwtor„Attel,oP4 of
by, a Briifs4:frigate drifting bator'e` thl.galei
Eiitiigifizill glizteiileiu'UnthliAnfilini
Nis 'shelter (MN aoduak tilitok 4ifVel niiitlito the
)sea, auggestdd.otheridealthat 4therel 'et onight
lbe life Nitt.,„Pit4is fPßltsen.RAfn
is, more alive, to humanity } than tie, rough
and 'l44i'liiaiiree'r ; god " so th e 'ordar'll24
. lifintlY sounds tb"ifili thriffor tibiae; vaW
presently a boat puts off, with
i blairtrotio4
to bear wreck.
,drittang o hulli, go, their ,gallant_meti
thidUghAlie all 'Of a r oaring 5e141h44
reach' it; il the# lthoiri ; isilfdAdVi'atifilinWiUbi
jeot - rolbrout of -that )MinVitat screen Ng,tfaiio
the 2 Jee ! shroud . uf i a ,brokenvmast.i , Ranted
into thahout,,it.,proyes to be , 014 trunk of b i
man, bent iieariaid hiteels - tointliai,ic; dried
iad - shiiiralldil Ra j tO"tte -- 'hadlY'' felt's iiivili
'ihditnipieftilbilieW and dolliklitrthat 'atiiiiie
:boyfliftedl it" on boarp..y itlisulaid -, on-1144
, (11 100 kt ill'-hoMilan4 Pitiofgh'itierl3YttgOlOr
round it; Ai shows . , gigue of life; they v oirvi
-" moves,and raitige'rs in - a — 1
nearer, it 1n0770
~ the n _ , a eep,
s'Opithiliiil : Vbiee; : a'AePeis' a ienictAar L 'iiidk',
4 SaVad' hirdialf, Pao filitlifforinliViinikil fartio
Isave anothbrj) . Oh; learn !that bhissedf lessen I
~.;, Be daily practising it. r iAudou; lung,.alkfili
,KP ar P 3m P 6 ;- a - I " fi g , .";lf ri eP d tlNk i tt t l l igirPlii
of a world Which is drifti4, diwn. to rain ' ,
iti` a il'iiiii - in - '446'filitrie - d'gri v e:qli'aileii
' " inintfine - nigh ;" iiitliiiego to that Mai; an
plead for Christ; go to Chriityambpleful lot
...that ,m!!lktlIP PFTI 4 -,." ' 101 r4011!"'t nib 4 - lirl'i•
ial4l! " ohangUd: intio` :axle as, welcome to 4
l 'Saitituiti'slitc'aiiiifffilavelffe74 - Itigyildi r
ali t ikriJA , --, 1 -„ i - , ...; ,4,,
t ,,,1 . „,;.• , ;.„.,,, 1
7-11; i• . .11!•• ado :to:1144v; h
. .
acrd ,f,suttei
"I A1114 : 4.1 6i4e;ilthaettiterii9o' fiepe
e`of silii~t, and t 1 frilffifOlierfdektobal fd‘be
s:6l , doseißeiro brethren soldts bins' 441
twenty; suoli, pieces,' (Go i mmcit i• 2 8 ,4 that
*fig 1 111 41M.Ra tall thelrlibroA
ut when kei
Joeetli, to reo"utwiitrihe
• • ...$ • ;CA es.
lest er' down c
22,)iJoseiat lretieltedrbinFaith.
five suits Of ayparels ,And-Aireeatu,ndtisfi s
o?oes,pf, eqtal ..l o l 10.
Josept valued his 'brolner,'wbeil.h l et
would thus liberally bestow oni A lnitin
'euin ab 7pspdinetoketvof'•nnAbstedl
„ Judas sojd- l Jesus.fcr 4i 4y Il34o9,crelpi
that j .R.8.15e: This was the value Jr
ih'4lloid-lEf "'Mort
two' eitiAatitie Ott
gall earnally4lifidedtoles - 1, But, oti tile roltuir
hand, Jesus gives us " fine!gold..trift4iitiAlie
fire " 1 --givee us .the whore countless =son;
nice'de'd ii•OWL"-iiVieirs the
kin d6iiit,ind glfiriffintifir=4fifiiiiini4ithienr
iunknovin.irealthof tat 1- - And ,thiloiriefipc
turn for our treatment of him !„,„{ o , oen u, • is
"Herein indeed is. love !" Tell itli)
OkItM 11 :0* ( 1,ITY 1 • 3 4 1 .4.13.10 7rlYl •
6%; 421;;,- •, :,v >,llll.
I'OM A f;iY.) , :1 11 4 1 41 1 40 1 .1 .4 1 Ad t ,r.....1n553
Spragne'S ride! wor.knisieelouleto4
4ispelzan- 4 11 :449. 1 st
long L delighteti.ini t nith regar.d .l to the oar
.laeler''ad titiiiiny of minittieite'
Itioietbia* , blort ANA* fth - 6 4 400,4
;trine and.:d is ei pli ne! oft, theiparento thiAteire
0 1 0 1 . 4 101e.44rrit49 11 ! 1 . , 9e4h.P L Ai14i l
id the minute and.eleleirale L deltat)e.viiiiett .
*Dr. '13A6 1 .; hie . ' '66'414 );toftrre wi, 24 BethlP
* terti; ; ilave Lthelipplirtinityo of pitii'pg,
jussump4kin,tolgandeoisime,..test.a haesp c
leo k*T29 l , 3 l le q to APe l yffs /IV
eineively that very, school Or . ootrue
whioli his 'We'll di3l4'ilted'iiyiii2tViirldNilder"
the =title of
objeot , of iteeetsntrittalid Noittylioss
the: bringing , . We odf ttlifate Jamiliee by,
these men .prospe;?,
, , We Foan , onl~anaiver„
by taking 'the 'first b n nlfed3.o whoselsioi- -
lies we
are given in one of Dr. Spragne'SYVßl sw,cl
, which we refer last) random. Of the eons
„of . . the . ,se, • linmyetl„pvAr ~oee hundred
fee 'thee*, 'ministers. Of' the remainder,. totfailhelirger'prottOtiori s ti tali/et:l6i
.ohin)thelearned prcifeafienk *there any.
r a i
ihttedre4rmennt!ke,e . AttilAdon!
bout ry ogier pnrsnit tlife f , of whom the
'ante *n‘ lie Said ?=:Epti sioWl e ' o ' r &r . :
3.11 two ot mi*d ( tinirw 4,41
J.00;J:06 6J: •" ( 1 106":M.4fiell: :: fie iji*
6,1 1‘ W M "' if ‘ 4l/0 "4
asked it taicto 0 Niali tt
k, WL4 - 3b16 A.911:a
VA Olt •tdi sint owookirei
Philadelphia, 111 0411 . ° TeIA" Street, helot' Cart
grog Lt:
EyMail, or at the Otdoe„
Delivered in the City,,.,,: .1 ell So. /
" 'lei'T Vint yeeicitjarthe onestra e
''Oliiirisrifee &Mite ciflidoh 'Mite
,ipsyno, t yn40;‘..,,,1 do riot Ali 2sr*hfte
you go on a gunday. T Onty c iat r yont*l join
„.theone,trne..VhuroU. ~f;
'Where , no this -one Itrue Chusola/ .3Vhst
Mirire`Ohttrelf tlike P' 'Vitt-are
the marks by which this one trileetrttift
' iii4e # lllPleetieittaitid4itn4,q
s aglll4o3oszas "th me answers.
— The mie - teila - Chttre - com o an
''Saki34s iti "AM.' ade
mg ottallGiars - eldetref all - oonveried,4 teen
:itan4f Wellkeltpl.!Pf) #4.ittne
„oirhomeoever.wAt i ,eita l 4isciern the. l eleotiora of
ded the Faber- ike ap of the blond
"Of i /Tod' 4orli"of
God the Spirit;in-thatperson we see a mem
ber of Pyrieds true,Churoh. The moment
A man rep Ats,.
,eonverte , believes on
itnitNatriklte be
slit n48110.4 ( 010 la dna; fhifdToh*Mli.
11. 114 s fai Cliurblo of =avkick lilt the reiembirs
-r;liaac t the sante- ottark4. ,They ; aro sill twit
Ttkey,4l,pneme (! re
,pentanbp4 Aqwerd, Ood, faith toward our
• 4 Thi3y
LilPlfatEsiii; idtitcol ri6t: Thby
• itvlbhiptdifferentlyr add after mariamst filth
. :long. i t • Some*orship Kith %form of li prayer,
and 119.1r,v0thi4oir. . 15 2, 4 ) Tc”hit.l9 l lr) -
Ing, And some standing:. Bat they all
walk 'one' sareifttled
Thiii l llll WI& 7 nyikkr Ole
bifinntliation:; , 'They , 'llll disw7 their, religion
4om one single. bo*.—that bia, the ?Bilge-
V l l7 - 15 01114 Tiro one all; "ntre7—
tnit dews Chilli. TEMY
earl say ;" and
they all'ilsintmfoolibinPililiselik heart 'and
7 , -Toielbctf! *Pell:. 1 1 4; 4 1 !1,2. 1 . " 4 AzADira, l
C. AO, B. A.
, u oT a j wi t. .
,~5 : s s<x
10i I re)* 43
' ;0!
ee,:ialof d . I . •i P .t ; 1 .1) . .. ti
41.Eiroroxahoplkpromote courteouaand
obliging temper toward all.
, :Coirpiatitiolisr. ; • '
c • Manlikeitis? to fall'inkinda.ic..
J ., • ,
it).fordth, tct-g#,,Ye ;
Godlike it is, all ' sin l'oleave.
vq, -
CONTEND'. - 77: 1 kerialWAit .4 4 4.l,6o l
and riches , with several houses, all beautiful
and ready ftiiiiitair would often
trouble himeelPiiiiiivlciaily by removing
• 'fem. - oak: hodse: , to an othe ,Being' eked
by !}friend yhy,he,.rani, oved ao often ,t he re
, ylied i it t wos t 4 Sid conteft in some of them.
siialii3Orie'nd,' 1 g eiVerilWe4iiin
"airietiladittplie f tii%V=WWirk
, • .
'oChn j oiladritiqte,
WO Air it? Ifiefias ity ;
TO 4"itofeeeicti6tiels gitodurifyintetedinllttiist,
Conterntionyikkonitsbnitithe good, an d %lire ?
, : _JudgesAnd,Setatelk.4o3, 7 loopßibmi4glat 'for
al kgdic44 ivggn'eilid%
. •• :. .
. `4.1,4038.—T1c mite of Jelin is not Vey
lig t, but sago fo l k; "ii is hkew~ee
thi•fded'Oriti t iflidil' 10* it
ffilg irunwaisiirniid by elphielqinduittOrett is
• itoreneated .W.W4- imaP l 4; , hanaPilk
m . ( mq4;Peb4.7 , , in O re . P a l l. 2,7iPY in t h e'helrt)
edicine to the - soul; and there — are no
Wide. was hie owe; the houses far, 'sir:hider,
jWheififersitkietnibicinislitliniee litigkr4sll,
•Thermost- remote to)viidt, great *lama;
end staff in
This 414 otkf.Pdtt4,ooo3 brave,
nofile ensamek to,,hii!flook he,gnye;
Though holy in 'iiiirVelf; and vie noun,
He still to - sinfeftretrinnumild and piteous;
Not (ifxellthaohiintipirimit branalign,
,J.l3atfin , his7teaohitiga)@oothiogfluid ,benign
3 goidram,thep ctn toikcoven,by, reason fa l l:,
Anir l good e.aainille'l4B akify , pre.
7c1a 1 i51M1.7,77-itlt takes a goodAnsv shovels
fuNiPt:Jß49,t ( 4.TY•t h e /A- 31 .*!7 it
. lieepin! men nyty, it will have a 'ming, not
' ctiitAtllialitk.
aintalgaltbNitrifetlii s ilVcdlrit'
Viet w ! itehfupop sit, f.yht its? Lord,
4tilxinnalfortkAlein:at its ,PPoiAted hour.
dieitt 14 Of an t ", As
• ihe , pans revisit nobly mi . ,: Trugt is
"We eAtiter - trtioe l ` .
c.:11 .
ij ~KTl, l ll, l 9r,oipsi. a re looked wpon like jvrels
on eke d bl . :east, navelloN; Tor , lie, and
kre'rlilpsib u eh die 'by fla s k., '.; ; 'a 1 Ong,
sidtliferp 4hllB 7 wiirBiAif *WNWbr loNare
s are like swords , :in* i the rf bosom,
tfwoltimling and Joaviimotarp
. tv!iph lain be
•;,11 ) -3Ei t - 9 i tl/ i '.EPP7P -b Xv th pinr. , . • yon
, anibnusitd witis
tbVialliknY Elia a Valli , fl4fift If
,,,iecY, bait& tirlfeldflit+; - •forrlife-is
Iflll. 4 lo, 3 lrmaL be too, late: '
au 1 1 , PABliItillAteitfOg WA1044405--Malitdlip
t! lienrpesiditb,thoine , of , kid naiithbenspi who
Vi.Akt4to sea,,, XIF `On., his, 4 1t41?44 1 " 0,
f oialte „sure trOVer you sou la my friends,
prge"ttiiiie an it/6'4a in Vh L rikwtiiiii you
d itnit T iVhealth P r ifll l liiiir tgielitSik to do
,-/ niiii (i *her iiktid% 4* cideleottf tne ? D bless
Gkid;4faurisatiatiftd. flEilao kr it all.ok you,
_gat Mr Ark ) be i ppprindone wbettiyour
itne ist Afitn { l, l ,llet l yAtf be undone forefrer."
-Omer , Voinß`selltiritroo Soomf=-43ali you
be safe yin imon 7 Can 'lou _ ~.,ba -*my too
~ *ln ? Vettligily,you
j e . yeanot he °l o ot" the
,didgVo lam e - z. , ass , ..:, - afid . t4 4 4 o al why
'"elliafflnte , onr'ettion 4 dOwl'ih'&rstkifltin his
Adwil Winne 140 yonOverf IgnarilokirlePvlif the
3 tursietrallinesi oftinfilryliinfh'illifil beilito flee
;.From 4 . 128 Irrat4:ol qq/MalliOndePtiait is,
y e
1 1
~j Matt' i liz7Ott ill ! l t l i g f r er if eel "
ci i i:iit,‘as indeetit , eb. of : , then
all delays are highly dangerous:" 4man
olayetV4thett'fleshiptb the *eityiet refuge,
, b afore; titevivenerleft.blenio4iCiettithink
h'isn l3 . l 4,F,° }l All9#7, i rli,Aft Your
,' reason,. to, wolk uPT i4 10 .1° 311 P 3 r; Fllt the
cialikilWalliiii e -
, „iii i heeti vi ft i mvn,
. th
to come; the AMR oraaa tunes
~ of tthe'ulawmaid eibketiipteartttegili2e; i s it
~, moppable Oki ehotildieit;:dexkint %be way
, 4 :s heThoi!epos, pin,. yx:9 . 4 44 61 1? for
. ado , are gntker, trl /r ee ieMjt , !rnn i ut Eli world,
: :.