Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, May 15, 1858, Image 2

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§an ; Rut a 4 gratt•
11419.mlein. sl;Bo l ,favadvantei or lu Club*
04151 or. dsliverod at resides...sot Subsoil.
bergs $1.15. les Praspestus. on Third Pad*.
Kijk*WAl.#ptdd ,bs prompt; milt"
• itritila l ifikliisdlai l issi that sr* fluky
Make full arstumsuasuts fora steady supply.
THE 'IIIIID - WISAPPICIL tultteatoa that wo
SaillY•t i ararpirt hOwasareuSsmoi*Ers
tlkiti Ayala should ILCoyatttodlrwa,.
hop* our frfaudo will still not forgot us.
"1114111141MANCINfir-SOU 4- parsant-by , oath
hands, when cosvosloat• Or, mad by audit.
srloahaig with ordtwory easy wait troubling
bikki " With a *twirl/Ss& of what Tow are
Sib*. Par a largiaisotintg Woad a Vitality or
bus* raotoo. Por owe or two papora g goad Skold
or antaU akotea.
I~ollAlfill Saud portaga ataaapag
, or bettor stilly shad for mows paporat ray SS
or Souostyamosaberse or 1111 for Slibrtputliirot
ontiros, ail Le,lltergo and posuiannicatioits
to REV. DAVID MaKillignirle. Pittsburgh
Pal •
,OBITUARY NOTICES.—These have crowd
ed. upon 11113 to such an extent, that we are
again compelled to devote to them a put
of our fourth par.
Arirsitartpu, Ouzo. We are pleased to
learn thii prosperity of'oar small but enter
prising churclt,in this place, and especially
that the people have set about erecting a
louse , of worship . for themselves in .good
earned,. Heretofore they have heen de•
pendent, on other denomin a tions for ohurch
Yonng Min's Christian Assoo'iation.
We have just received the Fourth Annual
:.Report of this useful institution. The , past
year has been one of great - activity among
the membersi especially the latter part.
They have exerted' themselves both` for the
spiritual and' empiral welfare of many. The
readintrooto of:the:A.36l)(46n ).13 well sup.
plied with the leading, religions and secular
newspapers and magazines, and an effort is
nowlbeing made to increase the library, and
render the rooms mere attractive to strangers
visiting the city, who are t always warmly
The Library and Reading-Rooms are on
Fifth. Street, nearly opposite the:Post Office,
`second 'Story. '" '
Western Theological Seminary.
- We' ball .attention to the Oiraular in 'the
Present number of our paper, issued by the
Board. of Trustees, to the churches in the
Synods of-Pittsburgh, Ohio, Wheeling,.and
Allegheny. It presents a simple "statement
- of facts that can be understood and appre
ciated by all our readers, anditientitled to
their immediate attention. This Seminary
must not 'incur a.debt from the causes
stated; nor.nnist;it be crippled any of its
Waite for Isefultiess. Its past history, - pres
ant' conditien; and ,fiture piospents, 'nom.
mend fit to the continued prayers and liber-
=silty ofithelohurohea in'these Synods, =from
which it'has derived, heretofore, the greater
part of its 'support; both ,in students and
money,, • Let _every Paetor and,Seesion give
the people an opportunity of becoming in
dividuallyinterestad in the regular support
of our beloved' Seminary '
The. General Asiembly.
The distance of the place of meeting, '
• andi the 'difficulty of communication, eitbcf
by mail 43itelegraPh,oblige us to be 'content
for the present "weak with yery brief Tele
.. -grgma. , -`The. Assembly. 'the, First
Presbyteriair church 'of. New Orleins," on
Thursday, the 6th inst., and was opened
with an- able- and—excellent sermon by
the Moderstcir; Vani:Rensselaer.
'47The "itssembitwas organited , by the' elec
t ftion Of Ahellay. Scott, D., of
San -Franeisco,"Cal.,l:is Modefator, , and the'
-Rev.t D. Xi D.. D., oft Holidays
, bit& Pa:, 'as •Temporary. Clerk. The .num
ber :of ,deleigates- inuattendioree iwaa 'very
Marge: r. Wriday was; .othinpidd mith the ap that Standing Committe es, and
other preliminary business. Saturday- was
occupied with the, considoratiom of, the Re=
port •:of- the,Board , of Domestic Missions ;
atondaywithlhat of lotefign Missions`;'and
.. ,Tuesday with that of .Edncatioi. The Rs
' 1e 2 4 13 ef the Iftel'ent'lte#74o ire exceedingly
fimpuraging, 'spa. indioate a growing inter
esttin the-;great > schemes =of our, Church,
le i r mh o - year
The'inefitbeis ''of the Askembly are in
Proonedinge thus
" . .(ar_Aiiya.beenk.,yenr, l harmoniowi. -
Nazi weekiWa hoppstoibe: able to =present
le good tiiittit the pinoidedings ;hi
'arefleioniad able • state that
'1•1 't 3'
the hoindih Of the cityingnod. _
l'it P PrIP.II4,N,
.ipuy raPer.
r Onr { neigh ores of .the Unttedr fes,
Urinal . ; will , publish , : „ daily paper dur
ing, theilmeelirie of wthe- of t the
Alsoolati) and Asseiiiate Aeforlifed chitrohes,
giving , 'a fall ee:taunt of the fproceid
, Inge,
,4fty.epubl per copy ,niftng e
Session. Theae 9 priabeedingsl will read
!with' great interest, .sinoeit is expected that
;the. iMportait question Of. union' between
the'two bodies will be deterrnined at '.this
,ing z. The. Aesoo:iete Syned is, an ag
.. gregate !belly, composed of all its - ministers,
and representatives of all 'its- churches;
bnt'"'the ' Associate Reformed Synod` - is a
Oelegatitt composed of delegates from
t4e:differpO i grf4lyt,ries. However an. tig
giegate mectingTiz.theiletter body:has also
been called to lake 'part • in. the fornial
• summation of the ' triton between the
' Churches: - • ' ' , •
1 1 ,43, Associate , ;Synod will. meet in the
Ansoeiate ohuroh on Seventh t Street, next
Wedneeday, the 19th inst.' 4'oltlonhP. M.
The Nalmiiiite Reformed Synod will meet
in 'the, First ikesoeiate . Reformed 'Obiiroh
Alleghenz the same, ,diy, at; 71
o'olonkR4 , 11: 7;:f
There *IR also be an adjouroed meeting
of the Conveitfoirof` the Asedoiate; Asso
elate Refornaed, and Reformed Presbytiiian
, ministers , •
,eldem,,and membAra ti lately held
• 'lliAegkit) to.r•Aeligeri! ahrwoh, Allegheny
on.rmat, hienday.everiing,- , 'for confer
eneeilnilyer, atilt limbo;
New Professing Christians.
• ,
Two W ..
eeks ago, we gave expression to
some of the thoughts suggested -,
by the re
markable religious " awakening" that has
attinoted so witch attention throughout the
whole country. This -week we propose to
drop a few hints as to the care to be bestow
ed on • those who have recently made a pub
lie proiession of faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ. The propriety of directing the
ylißdEl . ,llo pastors ) elders, and private Chris
titins:to. this Subject, will be evident to all
; who reflect upon the fact, that in many
places these persons almost equal the whole
number previously in connexion with the
churches—that they are exposed to many
temptations and dangers—that tbe prince
of the power of the air will leave no means
untried to beguile unstable souls; and that
among these very persons those may be dis
coveied, who, by proper encouragement and
culture, may become briiht and shining
lights. For the work has reached all classes,
and won trophies of victory in all conditions
of life. Rarely, indeed, is , such an amount
of wealth, influence, vigor; and ability,
brought to declare •itself on the side of the
Lord: And it remains to be seen whether
the offering, will be entire, or whether a
part will be kept back, as •in the ease of An
anias and Sapphire. It is perfectly evident
that an unusual amount' of pastoral care and
watchfulness will be demanded. The claims
upon the pastor's time, sympathy, and prac
tical wisdom, will be very great. The new
convert is but a babe in Christ, and requires
much support and encouragement, and he
is accustomed to look to the pastor for these.
This affords a fine opportunity for cement
ing, more firmly than ever, the bands that
unite minister and people. If the former
would increase his usefulness, and strength
en himself in the affections of his people,
let him look well to.those who have just en•
tered the fold. In the meantime, this work
must not be.left wholly to the pastor; it is
a labor of love and a work of faith, in which
'others are permitted to take part, and &Cm
which they must not shrink. The elders
are called , especially-to aid in this work, and
every professing Christian should do his
part in manifesting tenderness, concern, and
brotherly kindness,`' toward those who have
lately put on Christ, lest they should beCome
weak and sickly, or lest the adversary should
rejoice at their fall.
Along with this, there must be sound,
Scriptural instruction. They must be made
to feed upon the sincere milk of the Word,
that they may grow thereby.
.A diluted, or
one sided Gospel, will not meet their case.
The truth as it is in Jesus must be presented
to there in all its fair proportions, resting• on
the glorious foundation, and towering up into
heaven. Their attention has been aroused;
their hearts and minds have been Opened to
receive instruction ; they hunger for it, and
. let the desire be gratified. For every Chris
tian chaxacter that has not the film support
of sound' and 'enlarged doctrine, will yield
and - fill, like the house built on the sand,
when the time of trial comes. Nor must they
be forgotten before the mercy-seat. Chris
tians lose much in not praying more for one
;another; but to withhold prayer from those
who.have just started out on the way of life
—who have lately put on the armor of God—
le a -fault and injury not easily over-esti
mated. Let them feel that you, • Christian
friends, are pliiading their cause before their
Father's throne, and through the great Ad
vacate, and what it powerful incentive - will
it be for them to walk softly before their
God, - . and to pray for themselvee I Yea,
what untold blessings may you bring down
upon them, and through them, upon, the
whole Church 1 What grievous falls might
'have been prevented among the youthful
members of the Church; what an onward
and upward impulse might they
,have re
ceived, if the, effeetual and fervent prayers
of the righteous that avail much, had as
cended in their 'behalf ! Soon 'must they
be brought to feel themselves personally de
veted to the actual - service,' of :.Christ; to
',bear the burden and heat of the day . , to
endure • hardness as good soldiers: of Jesus
Christ. True, indeed, 'a great Mistake has
been committed in some places, in hiinging
'forward,' too frequently and too publicly ,
those who have lately been converted to
God, and who are without any tried expe
rience' of the things of God. In oases of
this kind, 'Spiritual' pride and self sufficiency
nrenver ready to mar the work of the Spirit.
.But they could , be, and should .be, led .to
study the Word of God, and to read - approved
religions books; to attend Bible-classes and
prayer meetings; to prepare foe labors in
the, Sabbath School • to take an interest in
the amass of the Gospel, at' home and
abroad; and to 'feel, every way,; that they
are not their own, that they are bought with
a Flee, and to presekt themselves living
sacrifices, holy and acceptable to the Lord.
,Their love, , their faith, their prayere, and
their labors, are needed• in the great vine_
yard of the Lord. Again, let them not be
satisfied with their present attainments, or
with the standard of piety they have been
accustomed to see. A deeper piety, a
stronger faith, and a more ardent zeal for
'God, "are required.: his our privilege' not
Merely to enter heaven, but also to have an
ebundant entrance. Giving all diligence,
add tnyour faith virtue; and to-your virtue,
knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance;
and to temperance, patience; and to pa
tience, godliness'; and to godliness, brotherly
kindness; and to brotherly :kindness,_ char
ity. For if• these things be in you and
abound, they make you that ye shall neither
ho'beiren nor unfruitful in
. the knowledge
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
" Thus shall'we best Proclaim abroad
The honors of our Saviour God,
When his salVatbM reigns within,
And grace 'subdues the power of sin."
it is high time for tbe world to be made
to feel the living power of true religion, in
thelives and influence of professing Chris
tiana: And it is from snob „as have lately
ehosen Christ, that mush, is to . .ba ex
:perste& "!' ; ' .
Reports' of the work of grace in the
churches, still come in.
ERIE, PA.—See letter of Rev. W. M.
BIRMINGHAM, - o)llo.—See letter signed'
44 D.," in another column.
XENIA, O.—An interesting state of things
has existed in the Presbyterian church, in
this place, for some time. Thirty-three have
been ; received : on ,:eximinatioh and others ,
arc inquiring.
SPRINGFIELD, o.—Our church in this
place has received one hundred and fifteen
on profession of faith, since the Convention
in February, at Cincinnati.
RocKTonT,Ouro.— Twelve were received
on examination, at a recent communion. ,
CINCINNATI, OHIG—The revival con
tinues in this city. A large massineeting
was held in Smith and Nixon's Hall, to hear
the report of the delegates to the Conven
tion of Young Men's Christian Associations,
lately held in,Cbarleston , S. C. The clergy
of the city, Presbyterians, Baptists, Metho
dists, and Episcopalians, were present, and
took part in the proceedings, together with
the Hon. H. H. Leavitt, of the United
States Court, Hop. Bellamy Stone, of the
Superior Court, and Prof. 0. M. Mitchell,
the distinguished astronomer. Numbers'
have been added to almost all the churches.
In the Central Presbyterian church, Rev.
N. West's, thirty•two have been received on
profession of faith, eleven of whom were
baptized. This congregation will soon re
move to its new and handsome edifice, on
the corner of Mound and Barr Streets.
Three of the most interesting Sabbath
Schools in the city are connected with this
church. .The number of pupils in them
amount to between seven and eight hundred.
Deeply do we sympathize with the pastor in
his late affliction, in the death of his wife,
whose departure to the spirit land is said to
have shed a brilliant lustre around the name
of Christiim.
PEEK.B3OLL, N. Y.—On the last Sabbath
in April, forty persons, varying- from fifteen
to ninety years of age, were received on pro•
fession of faith, by the First Presbyterian
church. •
the churches, one of them being without a.
*tor, have received ninety. three on exami
nation within the last few weeks. In one
of them, twenty-six adults were baptized.
MORGA.NTOWN, VA.— Twentyfive have
been received on examination.
LEXINGTON, KY.—The First church has
received twenty, and the Second thirty, on
examination. Union prayer-meetings, are
held in the Court House every morning, and
are' well attended.
church of Hopewell, some forty profess to
have 'lately found the Saviour.
SOMERVILLE, TENN.—About sixty have
been in attendance .at the inquiry meeting.
Board of Foreign Missions.
The , report of the Treasurer of this Board
must be highly gratifying to every mem
ber of our Church. Notwithstanding
the unprecedented financial difficulties of
the year, more money has been contributed
to this object than in any previous year.
When it is kept in mind that not a few of
the henevolent Societies, even under judi
mons management, have experienced serious
inconveniences, owing to the monetary
troubles, the present condition of our Board
is a cause of special thankfulneis. Last
year an addition of $5OO, each, was voted
to the salaries of the Secretaries and Treas
urer, which they have declined to receive.
The Board has now in its hands, from spe
cial donations, principally in the city of
New York, $18,112.57, with which to begin
the work of restoring our Missions in India.
It is earnestly hoped that the coming year
will witness , a wider and deeper interest in
.this great cause throughout our churches,
than• has ever been seen in our previous
Presbyterians and the Bible Society.
The New York Bible Society is an im
portant auxiliary to the American Bible So
ciety; The Treasurer's report gives the fol
lowing exhibit of the contributions, last year,
by the different denominations. From this
it will be seen, that as usual, where Presby.
terians are 'associated with others hi a °exa
men cause, they do not fall behind in liber
ality :
From .Presbyterians, . . 67,830 50
. Reformed Dutch churches, 913.86
" Methodist. Episcopal, 1,366.46
". Episcopal churches, 1,436 00
". Congregational ehurehes, 500.62
It thus appears that the Presbyterians
contribute more than eight times as 'much
as the Dutch Reformed, more than five times
as ",much as either the Episcopal, or the
Methodist Episcopal, and about seven•elev.
enths of the entire income of the Society
from collections.
Attend Worship.
Every family, in all its members who have
sufficient age and health, should attend wor
ship every Sabbath day. If the church is
distant, start the earlier. If the weather is
rough, clothe accordingly. If you have a
pastor, encourage him. If you have no pas.
tor, cheer and help the elders.
'We take it for granted that every bench
of Elders, called as they are of God and the
congregation, and charged with the spiritual
oversight of the people, will have the church
doors opened, and worship conducted, on
every Lord's day. This we regard as a
duty. Pastor or no pastor, the
,minister at
home or abroad, the good elders will see to
it, that God's house shall be vocal on God's
chosen and reserved day.
This duty, as we know well, they often
.are made to discharge under great discour
agements. The people will not attend.
if 0, it is only reading' meeting; only a
prayer meeting, onlY the elderie meeting;"
`they will 'ss - Y. But thOy are mistaken. It
is God's meeting. . Jesus attends it. _ And
he blesses every one who tikes a heart there.
His Word is read; his praises are sung; his
throne of grace is addressed ; his Spirit is
there, and he sheds abroad his love in the
hemp of all his people who are present.
Let, then, the parents attend church,
even though it be but an elders' meeting;
and let them take their children. Let all
attend. There is a blessing in it.
Danville Theologicalh Seminary.
The fifth session' of this Institution closed
under very favorable auspices, with the ex
ception ."of a vacancy in the Faculty, occa
sioned by the removal of Prof. Robinson to
a pastorate in the city of Louisville. After
an examination before the Board of Direc
tors, nine of the students received certifi
cates of having completed the full course of
study. The address before the Alumni was
delivered by the Rev. Prof. Reeser, of Hop
kinsville, Sy. The vacancy in the Faculty
will no doubt be filled by the General As. ,
sembly at its present meeting. Nobly has
the Synod of Kentuoky redeemed the
pledges given the Assembly at the organiza
tion of this institution.
Gotimissioners to the General Assembly.
Presbyteries. ~misters. Eiders.
G. W. Musgrave, C.
Philadelphia, F. D. Ladd, J . D. Rhe'abet
Ohio, ?va Vra, D.D.,
inu.ll ea... 4
Allegheny City, D. A. Cunningham, R. SPHa rcs ignt,
Huntingdon, D. X. D.D., Bpaylatt.
Blairsville, George Hill, Mr. Unit.
Cedar, B. H. Morrow, T. B. Partin.
Coshocton, , P. M. Semple, Wm. Alexander.
Marlon, C. H. Perkins, U. A. True,. M.D.
Louisville, D. J. Halsey, D.D, Samuel Cassiday
Zanesville, W. Morris. Grimes, J. K. CaldlvelL
N. Brunswick, t r T 33. IIP ON : D.D.,
Chillicothe, R. L. Stanton, D.D., David Wills.
St LOUIS, J. F. Cowan, Archib'd Gamble.
Louisiana, J. A. Bmylie, Wm.'l3Miman.
Mississippi, , R. Price - . J. Spenser.
West Jersey, Daniel Stewart, D.D., G. H. Van Gelder.
Baltimore,,. R. C. Galbraith, . Joseph B. Trippe.
Rochester City, J. H. M'llvaine, ).D., R. M. DalzelL
NewYa''' ..,,, 1 Gardiner Spring, DD., John Stewart.
$ /Nathaniel Hewitt,D.D., Walter Lowrie.
West Hanover, Wni..l Hoge, .J. S. Armistead.
East Hanover, Edward Martin, Abel Head.'
Concord, . Win. 0. Sheets, . T. H. M'Rorie.
Fayetteville, Simeon Colton, D.D., Itarth'w Fuller.
lowa, • Timothy Stearns, Denise Denise.
St. Clairsville, W. M. Grimes, J. W. 'Milligan.
[Geo. Howe, D.D., J. S. Bowie,
n.. E. Dickson , IL S. Henderson.
Bethel, A. A. James, John Karoo, M.D.
Washington, „John Eagleson. •
Redstone, , Alex. liMangiusy, H. Campbell,M.D
Clarion, John MiKein.
Steubenville, A. Swaney.
( Gee Morris '
Carlisle, , IE . E merson.
Beaver, David.Waggoner.
Allegheny, ' Darold Hail, Nathil Cooper.
Brie, J. F.. Findley, S. EL Spencer.
New Albany, E. D. Mac Master, LLD, o.ll.M'Carapbell.
West Lexington, R. J. Breckinridge,DD., G. Marshall.
Miami, W. T. Findley, M. Van Tnyl.
New Orleans, B. M. Palmer,])).,. J. A. Maybin.
Potosi, • Thomas 0. Smith, T. L. Fontein.
Platte, H. Crow, • Preston Dunlap.
Richland, John Burns, J.B.Winterringer.
Connecticut, A. H. Dumont, D.D., James Anderson.
Fort Wayne, Wm. Cathcart. , •
Harmony, D. MiQueen, IL M. Gregg,M.D.
Saltehurg, Franklin Orr, J. O. Caruthers.
Montgomery, Philo Calhoun, Win. Hagan., ,
Donegal , IJ. M. Rittenhouse, Hugh Ross.
/ E. Erskine, S. B. Heise.
Wooster, James W. Hamm, I. Flattery, Esq.
Whitewiter, IL'IL Cambern, ' dam. Henderson.
Columbus,.Jamea Hoge, D.)., W. M. Awl, M.D.,
Kaskaskia,T. W. Hynes, , Henry Fishbaok.
Lexington, 13. J. Love, W. O. Lewis.
Schuyler, P. W. Thompson, Thos. Geddes.
Elizabethtown, N. Murray, D.D., W. W. Phmeo.
Passaic, B. R. Craven, Wm. Rankin, Jr.
Lake, John Steele, A. J. Bud.
Winchester, ' E. Harrison, D.D., . James O. Baker.
Sidney, L. H. Long, ' J. M. Glover.
Ouachita, Sam.Williammon,D.D., Joel W. Hannah.
Ebenezer, J. M. Worrell, E. W. Bedinger.
Crawfordsville, S. L. Crosby, Samuel Demaree.
Maury, 0. F. Williams, J. Frierson.
Tuscaloosa, L. D. Hatch, P. May.
South Canna A. D. Montgomery, John Logan,M.D.
$ T. E. Hoyt; W. Phillips, M.D.
Flint River, Wm. Cunningham, Al.f..Llvingston.
Georgia, F. Bowman, D.D., E. Harden.
Alabama, A.'A. Porter, J. M. Calhoun.
( J. P. Vandyke, Lewis Whiteman:
Cincinnati,} N. West, Jr., J. P. Beggs.
Londonderry, Thomas Savage, D.D.,
California, W. A. Scott, DD.,
Brazos, • ' D. M'Nair, • •
Central Miss., ' R. IL.Campbell, Judge Barnett.
Red River, 'J. F. Ford, ' Dinsmore Neely.
East, Mississippi, J. 11. Thomson, G. B. Collins.
Logansport, A. 0. WOlelland, , Geo. Oilliford.
Paducah; O. A. Campbell, ' G. A Flournoy.
Missouri, . H. M.• Painter, . Jae. Quarles.
Namur, J. E. Rockwell,‘ Laurens Bone.
Sangamon, ' , . It. S. Finley, Dr. English.
Tombeckbee, .E. T. Baird, D.D., W. B. Cavanah.
Pearlas W. T. Adam, A. S.' BrEinney.
i T. T. Smith,
The Vicissitudes of, Life are not to be
found, only on the page of the novelist, or in
the histories of former times, but they may
be witnessed every day by the careful ob
server. Such a case was brought to light a
short time ago, by a visitor of one of the
benevolent Associations, in the Western
part of the city. There a man . was met
with, almost entirely destitute of food and
clothing, who, within the space of a few
short years, lived in a magnificent establish
ment in the city of New York, rode in his
own carriage, and was actually worth
Edward Everett is. not only a popular
orator, but a man orvaried and sound learn
ing,. His reputation rests on a solid founda
tion laid in early life, and has only extended
as the real culture• and power in the man
progressed. Therefore it is not to be ex
pected that he will encourage superficial at
tainments, or that he can look with a very
friendly .eye on some of the modes of in
struction now so*popular, or do anything to
promote those displays before the public
which °unity so prominent a place in the
claims of many institutions upon the patron
age of the people. And ft also seems that
. 15 not afraid to make known his senti
ments at, the: proper time ; for in a lett&
apologizing for not ,being present at the
dedication of a new school house, to which
he had been invited, he thus expresses him
self :
" We must not rest satisfied with a gen
eral impression that our schools are in a very
satisfactory condition. There is some dan
ger that showy accomplishments, such as
declamation and English composition—often
freniaturely attempted—and dramatic exhi
bitions, which seem to me wholly out of
phce at school, will occupy the time and
thoughts of teachers and pupils, to the neg
lect of thorough instruction in reading,
writing, arithmetic, grammar, geography,
history, and Christian morality, and other
branches of a solid English education."
We commend the thoughts here expressed,
to teachers and parents, and ask for them
the consideration their importance demands.
But the ease is still worse when the children
of the Sabbath School are early initiated in
such practices, and trained for public exhi
bitions, in declamation, oratory, and dia
logue, as has really taken place in some in
stances in this Athens of America. Oar
systems of education, both religions and
sepular, are capable of high degrees of, im
provement, before the true ideal is reached.
The Catholics are not, idle in this city and
vicinity, but are making every exertion to
maintain their hold upon that part of the
large foreign population claimed ap the loyal
subjects of
,Plus IX., and also to acquire
public influence. Here, as elsewhere, they
attract public attention by the size and
splendor of their. Ecclesiastical edifices, and
by imposing ceremonies. The corner-stone
of a new Catholic church has been laid at
the " South End," to be called the "Church
of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception,"
by Bishop Fitzpatrick, assisted by other
Church dignitaries and officials. The whole
structure is designed on a splendid scale, of
the lonic eider of arellitecture ; and the ex
teriorwalls will be of white granite,-eut and
ornamented. The church will be two hun
dred and one feet in length, and eighty
eight feet wide - ; while the side walls will be
sixty-six feet in height. The two college
buildings will be ninety feet each in length,
and sixty feet wide, and four stories high
above the basement, connected by a build..
ing twenty-five feet by forty, to be used as
a cabinet, library, &c. The building will,
as usual, be plentifully ornamented with
statues of the Saviour, of "Our Lady of
the Immaculate Conception," of St. Peter,
St. Paul, and other saints.
But the Catholics are not alone in their
efforts to obtain a permanent foothold in
this new and growing part of the city. The
Orthodox Congregationalists are about
making arrangements for erecting a church
edifice here, capable of seating at least two
thousand persons; thus two desirable ob.:
jects will be secured, abundance of room,
and pews at low rates for the poor, while the
whole revenue will be necessarily very large.
Unitarians, Methodists, and Episcopalians
are turning their attention to the same
quarter. The various denominations feel,
as never before, the necessity of keeping
pace in church building with the increase of
population. Would that the same feeling
could be awakened in other plaCes.
Dr. Nehemiah Adams is a man of note,
not merely as the pastor of a large, wealthy,
and influential congregation, as an elegant
write; and as an able preacher,- but as a
staunch and zealous defender of the ortho
dox faith. Yet those most opposed to his
peculiar sentiments, hold him in high es
teem, both on account of his ability and his
undoubted sincerity. Lately he preached a
sermon to his own congregation, on the
" Reasonableness of Endless Punishment,"
Which he has since preached before the
Unitarian church in Rollie Street, at the
request of the pastor, Rev. Thomas Starr
King, the well-known lecturer. The object
of Mr. King and his peoplb in making this
request, is not known; but the spacious edi
fice was filled to its utmost capacity, by peo
ple who listened with the profoundest at
tention to every word that dropped from the
speaker's lips. The impression left by the
whole scene` is said to have been sublimely
solemn. As the sermon is soon to be pub
lished in pamphlet form, the preacher re
quested that no report might be made of it
by the press. Mr. King will preach on the
same subject at a futuretime.
Ackerman, the Mail Robber, has been
sentenced by the Supreme Court, sitting .at
New Haven, to twentyone years of bard
labor in the Penitentiary, upon conviction of.
four separate acts of mail robbery. His is
a sad case; he is no vulgar rascal. He is
not over thirty years of age; his connexions
are respectable, and previous to the discov
ery of his orime, his own standing was cor
respondingly high. Two years ago while
Treasurer of the Boston and Maine Railroad,
he became a defaulter and was dismissed,
but without any public exposure of his de
linquency. But having taken the first step
in the career of crime, having' sacrificed
conscience and lost self-respect, the fatal
plunge was not difficult. Let all who make
haste to be rich, beware; strong temptations
are in their pathway. '
:Mayor Tiernan, has undertaken a great
and difficult , work, in the endeavor to drive
gamblers, lottery dealers, and the lewd, from
thenity. As a matter of course, the worst
passions of the basest of 'the human family
have been excited, and fearful threats
-have been made. Abusive, insulting, and
threatening letters, with fictitious names,
have been received by the Mayor and
Judge Russell. But Unless the Mayor
proves to be a different character from
what his antecedents would lead us to re
gard him, he is not likely to be turned aside
from his purpse by any such cowardly
means as this. The author of an anonymous
letter containing threats is a coward of the
shabbiest order, to be despised by all.
The late developments with regard to the
Milk Trade hese startled multitudes. For
merly the complaint was of diluted milk,
but now it is of poisonous milk. Actual
inquiry has brought to light the fact that far
the greater part of the milk carts may be
traced to diseased and dying cows fed from
the vast distilleries, whose very breath is
contagion. As things now stand, an inhabi
tant of the Metropolis is not disposed to
look sour and grumble on account of the
absence of milk (cream has been a luxury
not to be thought of for several decades,)
from his morning coffee. Between the
effects of bad milk on children and bad
liquor on men, human life'suffers greatly.
Wm. B. Astor is emulating the liberality
of his father, and is erecting an addition to
the Astor Library, equal in size to the orig
inal erected by his father, and a perfect fac
simile of that in all respects. The cost of
the building, exclusive of the ground, will
be 6100,000. It is the intention of Mr.
Astor to complete the whole in his lifetime,
and then to deed land, edifice and books to
the city of New York.
The prospects of the Sub-Marine Tele
graph to Europe do not brighten as speedily
as was hoped. Late experiments have proved
that the process of communicating through
such a length of wire is remarkably slow,
indeed, that now only two and a half words
per minute can be sent its whole length ;
and the time will certainly be increased
when it is . snbrnerged in the . waters of. the
Atlantic. And in the event of entire sue-
cm in the undertaking, no monopoly of
privilege is to be enjoyed, for Lord Derby
has stated, in his proper place, that no ex
elusive privileges were to be, conferred on the
present company, or any other one, at either
end of the line. So that when all things
are taken into consideration, it is not strange
that but few are now anxious to invest in
this stock.
The Annual public examination of the
students of Union Theological Seminary
was held last week. The Senior Class num
bered twenty-five. This Serainary has sent
forth a large proportion of the younger mis
sionaries of the American Board.
The sermon at the Anniversary of the
Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions,
was preached by the Rev. Dr. Dabney, of
Union Seminary, Va. In the progress of
the discourse he refuted, most conclusively,
the argument that as the heathen were un
acquainted with toe laws of God, they com
mitted no sin in violating them; and gave a
graphic sketch of Foreign Missions from the
earliest times. He said that the present was
the harvest season, and urged the duty and
importance of improving it.. In oar last we
gave a brief abatract of the report of this
Board for the last year. The financial state
ment, when the condition of monetary affairs
in this country is taken into account, is
highly encouraging.
The Reformed Dutch, Church had a very
early origin in this city, owing to the fact
that its first white inhabitants were from
Holland. Hitherto .the arrival of the first
minister of that denomination in-this coun
try, was. supposed to have been about 1633.
But at a recent meeting of the Historical
Society, a letter was received fro% the
Minister of the .United States in Holland,
Mr. Murphy, accompanying a translation of
a very interesting letter, written from
" Manhattas, in New Netherland," on the
11th of August, 1628, by Jonas Michmlius,
who now, though his very name has been
lost to'the Church and the world, is admit
ted to have been the first minister of the
Reformed Dutch Church t in the New
World. •
Dr. Meyer's church, is still disturbed ;
the forty members to whom letters were
granted, have returned them, because they
are unwilling to receive letters different
from what the Church has been itcustomed
to grant, from its foundation. This will oc
casion new meetings, and call forth new
discussions, and no doubt awaken unpleas
ant feelings in both parties.
Sabbath before last was 'a day of great
interest in the Plymouth church, Brooklyn,
of which Henry Ward Beecher is pastor.
One hundred and sixty-five were received
on examination, of whom fifty were baptized.
The venerable Dr. Lyman Beecher, father
of the pastor, was present on this interest
ing occasion.
The Election excitement is now past, and
the Union ticket for city officers, with Mr.
Henry at its . bead, bad been elected by a
majority of from three thousand to four
thousand; and the same ticket has also a
majority in the Councils: The previous ex
citement had been intense, but the day of
election was one of unusual quiet.
It may not be uninteresting to some of
our readers who are addicted to noticing an
tiquarian remains, to know that the Oldest
Clock in the United States is now in this
city. It was made in London, and is said
to have been once owned by: Oliver Crom
well, the greatest of England's rulers. "
Bishop Potter, whose departure for Eu
rope we noticed last week, left behind him
a " pastoral letter" to the clergy and laity of
his diocese, in which the appointment of an
assistant Bishop is asked, at the approaching
Convention. For several years the Episco
palians of Westefn Pennsylvania have been
anxious for a division of the diocese and the
election of a new Bishop, ,on account of the
great extent of the present field. If the rec
ommendation of the Bishop should be adopt
ed, the necessity for the fortnation of a new
"diocese . will be removed.
The Young Men's Christian Association
has completed the large tent, of which we
have already spoken, and it has bein set
apart for the purposes of religion with appro
priate ceremonies, and whenever open for
religious'oervices, is well filled. Its present
location is on Broad Street, below Locust,
immediately adjoining the Academy of Mu
sic. It is worthy of remark that the Opera
season has been one of great loss to the pro
prietors, while, the Academy is now closed
for want of support, and an execution rests
on' its appliances and furniture, for arrear
ages of rent, after vast sums have been ex
pended in its aid without benefitting any
one. But this humble place of prayer and
preaching, erected by Christian liberality,
standing alongside, is thronged. by thou
sands. • '
The American Sunday School Union
held its thirty-fourth Anniversary last week,
at Concert Hall, in the presence of a very
large audience. Among the speakers was
the Rev, Dr. Plumer, of the Western Theo
logical Seminary. The amount of contribu-
tions this Society last year, was
$65,07514, a falling off from the previous
year of over $12,000.
The. Philadelphi a Bible Society, although
only now an auxiliary to the American
Bible Society, is the oldest Society of the
kind now in existence in this country.
The fiftieth Anniversary has just been held,
when, instead of set speeches, the meeting
was a Christian conference. This sugges
tion proved to have been a most happy one,
for a large number of brief, pointed, and
effective speeches were called forth from
clergymen of different denominations.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
REV. Da. • McKumnr—Dear Sir have just
received s2s* by the hand of Dr. Jacobus,
Francis Spies,'Esq., of Brooklyn. For thishand
some donation, .1 beg leave, publicly, to acknowl
edge my debt of gratitude, not only to Mr. Spies,
but also to my excellent friend Dr. Jacobus.
: - J. M. Joss;
Walcott, lowa, April 22, 1858.
Messrs. J. MORTON SCOTT and RurnEarrim,
DOUGLASS were ordained to the othee of
the Gospel ministry, and the latter is.
stalled pastor of Pisgah church by th e
Presbytery of West Lexington, on th e
22d nit.
address is, for the present, ehangPd frog;
Clark, Mercer County, Pa., to Bueyra„.
Crawford County, Ohio.
Rev. JOHN EKIN, D.D., late of Pittsbureh,
Pa., has accepted calls from the church::
of Le Claire and Princeton, lowa.
Mr. E. S. BELDEN, was ordained and is.
stalled pastor of the church of Museatire
lowa, by the Presbytery of Cedar, at it:
late meeting.
Rev. JACOB KOLB was installed pasto r of
the First German Presbyterian church 6;
Muscatine, lowa, by the Presbytery o f
Cedar, at its late meeting.
Rev. GEORGE CAIRNS has received c a p ;
from the churches of Princeville are:
Prospect, 111., the former of which h e
Rev. ISAAC A. CORNELISON has reeei re d
calls from the churches of Low Pointa t d
.Mr. DAVID KINGERY was ordained as a,
Evangelist, by the Presbytery of Pe er i,
at its late meeting.
Rev. JOHN C. HANNA'S pastoral relation t,
the churches of Brimfield and Salem, vi e
dissolved by the Presbytery of Peoria, at
its late meeting.
Rev. T. M. NEWELL has received and ac
cepted a call from the church of Wayne;.
vile; Rev. T. T. SMITE, from the church
of Mansfield; Rev. JAMES C. MAHON.,
from the - church of Lexington; all in the
Presbytery of Peoria.
Rev. W. R. Sim has received a call from
the churches of Jordan's Grove and Sire
ly's Prairie, Illinois.
Rev. ANDREW HART has received and ac
cepted a call, for one-half his time, from
the church of Buchanan, Montgomery
Presbytery. _
Rev. G. GOBLE has been installed pastor
of the church of Newcastle, by the Pres
bytery of Montgomery.
Rev.'s. S. PRICE'S pastoral relation to the
church of Concord was dissolved by the
Presbytery of West Hanover, at its late
Rev. JOSIAH MARKUS'S pastoral relation to
the church at Chester, has been dissolved
by the Presbytery of Passaic.
Mr. J. B. SHEARER has received a call from
the church of Bethlehem, Va.
Rev. W. C. MCPIIEETER'S pastoral relation
to the church of Carrollton ' was dissolved
by the Presbytery of West Lexington, on
.the 22d ult.
Mr. S. A. MIITORMORE was ordained to the
office of the Gospel ministry by the Pres
bytery of Muhlenburg, at its late meet
Mr. M. M. FISHER was licensed to preach
the Gospel by the Presbytery of Missouri,
at its late meeting.
Rev. ROBERT MOCov's Post Office address
is changed from Post Oak, Texas, to
Macon, Tenn.
Rev. JAMES WATSON has received and ac
cepted a call from the church of Valley
Creek, South Alabama Presbytery.
Rev. H. G. HrersDAr,rs pastoral relation to
the church at Oyster Bay, N. Y., and
Rev. L. WEEtreeereS pastoral relation to
the Green Avenue church, Brooklyn,
were dissolved by the Presbytery of Nassau,
at its recent meeting.
Rev. J. C. SHARON has taken charge of the
church at Birmingham, lowa.
Rev. D. V. SMOCK has taken charge of the
church at Sigourney, lowa, where he de
sires to be addressed, instead of Birming
ham, lowa.
Messrs. J. C. DENNY and E. J. Hearnme
were licensed to preach the Gospel by the
Presbytery of Orange, at its late sessions
at Hawfielels, N. C.
Rev. JAS. WILLIAMSON having received a
call from the lATest Kishacoquillas church,
his Post Office address will be Belleville,
Mifflin County, Pa.
Rev. I. V. Bnower, late of Somerville, N.
J., desires to be addressed at Bordentown,
N. J.
Far the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Letter from Kansas.
LECOMPTON, K. T., April 21st, 1858
On Monday, the sth inst., we organized
a church in the City of Lawrence with
twenty-four members; part of them on cer
tificate, and part on examination, twelve
males and twelve females. These have been
collected from Massachusetts, New York,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lowa,
and Missouri. We commence with three
Ruling Elders, namely, James C. Steele,
formerly an elder hi Salem, Ohio; C. E.
Miner, M. D., originally of Massachusetts,
afterwards of the region of Pittsburgh, Pa.,
late, however, of Muscatine, Iowa; and Jas.
A. Finley, late of Laportelndiana.
Lawrence in, and is certainly destined to
be, for years to come, the great centre of
influence in the Territory; hence other de
nominations are exerting themselves and
receiving largely from the East, to assist
them in establishing their churches in this
town, so rapidly increasiou a in wea lth, popu
lation, and influence. And shall our branch
of: Zion (the great bulwark and safety of
our nation in these tronblous times) be
behind others ? Shall we neglect to plant
our Stamlard here ? Shall we, as a Church,
refuse to open our eyes to see the importance
of, taking possession of this great centre of
influence ? Shall we sleep while the Roman
Catholics, Universalises, Unitarians, Camp
bellites, and others, are wide awake to the
true policy I trust not. I hope and praY
that while God in his rich mercy and bound
less love, is pouring out his Holy Spirit and
reviving Eastern Christians, that he may
open their hearts and their
purses, and in
cline them to assist in establishing a church
in Lawrence that will, no doubt,
under the
Divine blessing, in a very short time, aid in
upbuilding the Redeemer's kingdom around
There can be no doubt whatever in refer
ence to the true policy in building a house
of worship in Lawrence. The growth of
the town, the style of the houses (churches,
hotels, and dwellings,) already built, demand
a church edifice worth about $lO,OOO. And
this amount cannot be raised here. Shall
we have the means ? We appeal to our
Eastern friends? I, as a watchman on Zion's
walls feel that I would be guilty, if I
Should neglect to sound the trumpet and
tell our Eastern Christians "What of the
night ?" Most of our members live in the
country, and in and around Franklin and
Bloomington, and they should have a house
of worship in each of these places; they will
have to build for themselves, and cannot