Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, May 08, 1858, Image 1
- I'i!RESBYTERIAN - BAN\ER & -,ADVOCATE, Presbyterian Banners Vol. VI, Nos 33. presbyterial' Advoeate, Vol. XX, lie MI. I 11 AVID MoKINNET, Editor and Proprietor. 7.7R111.9.-IN ADVANCE. oDrigittat zttrZ. Hope Gleams. BY W. IVIIITTON REDICS, A. 2.1. Thoughtful visions now are stealing Through the cloisters of the brain; A radiant light of hope revealing, That for years has smoldering lain. In the chambers, dim and lonely, Of a mind 'whose sweetest thrill Trenibles with that hope which only The far future can fulfill. These bright visions now are flinging Hope-gleams o'er my panting soul ; And I feel within me springing Power to win the longed-for goal. Can I dare now be irmotive ? Listlessness ne'er won the prize; Toil, however unattractive, Leads to where true greatness lies. Hope stands pointing, as a motive, At the luring page of fame ; < And incites to actions votive, At her shrine to win a name. Viewing, in the shadowed distance, Many a light to beckon on, Fain I'd battle 'gainet resistance, Ttli.the'orowning height be' won. Disappointments meet us often, Aet whatever way We will; Trust me, time their sting will soften, And new energy instill. Waste not hours in vain repining O'er the blighted,hope's of life; Nor despair', though the designing Oft unman thee in the strife. Should the hope thou now dot cherish, Threngb long years elude thy grasp;. Let not faith nor virtue perish, Just because thou must not clasp To thy breast, in one brief hour, That which years of toll must gain- 7 - Years in Which dark clouds may lciwer, Fraught with labor, care t and pain. But ineoribe thy motto, ever, Oswann, UPWARD, as the flight Of our country's bird, which never Pauses till he gains the height, Where he sits alone, and towering In a grandeur all his.own, Seeding-not, though storrnsbe gathering Bound his elevated throne. But repress this restless longing, Empty is the world's applause ; Higher hopes OHM soon come thronging Through this,vail of gilded sante. And Eternity shall startle Rapturous visions on the eight; Now unknown to earthly , mortal ' Graiping after gold and might. Pittsburgh, May, 1858. - for the Preehyterhte Banner and Advocate; Thoughts of 'Conifort FOR CHRISTIAN PILGRIMS WHO ARE OFTEN WITHIN THE ''WALLS' -4 4 1i015ETITIO CASTLE." Number. A. Are you afraid of PERSECUTION ? 66 Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill'the soul—the very - hairs of your head are allnumbered. Fearle not, therefore." - , Ashamed of Jesus? Never, Lord; never. Afraid of men ? They have no power to injure you, without your Father's permis sion ; why then fear the Malice of a scoffing world. The-servant is not greater than his Lord. The world hated• the Saviour long ere it hated' you. If they persecuted him, they will also persecute you. The very hatred .of the _ungodly, shows that you are not of their oompany- 7 ---they love their Grip, Let the men of, the world laugh at you; lit them call youa melaneholy, religious maniac; and think you a poor, mean t weak-sp irited wretch, if they choose; whit la tliat to thee:?' You must rejoice, and nothe'afrafil of yorir fellow-man. A. true child of 'Odd rhusit not expect to pass - along through' the 'World; without the ill will of the ()torah:4 Of his Master. The laugh of the scorner I' la it so terrible then ? Why do theY iabgh v. Be cause you are following the Saviour. - Do they laugh because you are seeking the' %d -ilation of your soul ? Behold, the day com eth - when the evil spirits will laugh' at the ruin of souls, and'when the dark vaults of. hell, itself will resowi with laughter, at the loss of precious souls, Then, says the Al mighty, "1, also, will laugh at their ,calam ity.' Oh, Christian, are you the jest, of the , soornor now? Wait a little—the rejoicing will soon be changed into sorrow; Fear them not ;• they are the bbieols of your . pity; and not of fear. " Lit pot; your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." . But, are you afraid Of PAIVEINA I "I have been young, and now am old„ yet have I not seen the righteoliS t forsiiken, nor his seed begging bread." This' is the testimony of a man who had endured trouble and sorrow; yet as he passed along the rugged road of life, he experienced -so much of the goodness of the Lord that he has left many inscriptions of comfort, for those who would come after. Here and there, in the journey of life, do pious pilgrims set up a atone--a pillar, to mark some great deliverance—some remem brance of dangers safely passed., through. Sometimes it is, " Surely goodness and mercy bath followed me all the days of my life; again " Ebenezer l—hitherto bath, the Lord helped me." David make/3 this record, that in all his life, he cannot recall a single,, instance of the righteous having ever been forsaken;or his children forced to beg their bread. Surely, this is encouraging. "No :1 0 0 thing will be withhold from those who walk upiightly." This promise is good only to the active Christian, who waika; makes progresm in the Divine life. Half-hearted Christiana, who Work harder for gold than for the Redeemer, and who are at ease in Zion, have nothing to do with it. The true Christian shall have all his wants for time, and for the hereafter,'Well supplied. Fear not, then, that ye shall come to want.' Are you not alive tbis day? 'Have not 'ycrur wants been supplied ? If God has been faithful in the past, can you 'not`trust him for the future ? Why should the young be so anxious about a Support for I old age ? They may never live to be old. ;And why should the aged fear for their children ? Trust in God, be active in his service, and he will preserve you. Remember, it is the righteous who are not forsaken; 'tis they who walk uprightly, who shall want no good thing, If you are a true Christian, if you are thus walking, you have no right to be afraid of famine. S.L.C. for the rreabyterfan Banner and Advocate Church Edifices. REV. Da. MCKINNEY :—Deccr Brother : —I was much interested in a communication recently published in the Banner, under the signature of V., on the subject of Church Edifices. There was, more truth than poetry in V.'s thoughts on the bearing that neat church edifices have in drawing people to the house of God, and' in otherwise improv ing their taste. and habits, both in families and larger elides. Whether, as V. snp •poses, they help ministers to preach better sermons—sermons more instructive. and deep ly ezperimental—is a different question. When the minister has a' neat and comfort able house in whiCh to preach, and a ' soine what confiding hope that such a. house will show, a good audience, it may possibly rouse the slumbering energies of his soul to pre pare sermons that. may, anderG r od's blessing, have a more'awakening and drawing 'chine ter ,than• under other circumstances would be realized. It was the privilege of: the writer, recently, to pay a visit to the Rorth-Eastern part of Allegheny . County, and spend an in teresting 'sacramental season in the congre gation of 'Plum Creek, of 'Which Rev. S. M. McClung has been the earnest and efficient pastor for more than a score .of years. This was a, park of, thneounty that he no, never visited before, though long fainiliar with the pastor, and acquainted with a few; of 'the people. And he can truly say that 'he was much gratified and interested in all that he saw, with one exception: The faqe of the 'country is, perhaps, a little more, br6ken with , ravines, and marked with ,more, lofty, hills than South of the Moaongahela ; yet the soil is rich, abounding in: . good springs and flowing rivulets, and.. generally' , underlaid • with extensive beds of most exaellent s coal., Nor have the farmersbeen sleeping.. The, land, seems well cultivated, and hide fair ~to. yield a beputiful harvest. It is true that the buildings are not . generally so good ,and tasteful as firther Sbuthi'yet even in 'this there is evidence of progress in the-,•right directicin. Some have Aonvenienty tasteful, and evert, elegant , buildings„ . ehowing good taste and a spirit to meet the demands of the age ; and no doubt a few more years will' in tliierespief ahow"e' great change. The , people, themielves; are frank, open, and kind heartediin an unusual degree. In regard to church-going habits they are prompt and regular, showing, , even on, week days, an ex ample that might well be imitated by others in older =localities. 'They seem to set• a high value on Gospel privilegee, and leave not ministers to preach to empty pews. One thing we learned,that gave us great pleasure; they, are punctual' and_ prompt , in paying their-minister his promised salary, not leav ing it 'lie back from month to - month, whether the minister need it or not, show ing a Il t ftrilllllolollB if ,not &sinfully forgetful spirit ,of what is right and:lnver. Besides, they ; appear to' leve and reaped their minis ter, da, well as to love each Other as Christian brethren striving to live at peace, and• thus show how delightful, it is. fore brethren to dwell tegether in : unity. We ,4ave, i alr9ady remarked, that there was one draw hack, in , 'the present aspect of things ; one, show ever, which we hope will soon be remedied. • We "mean that "their house ''of worship is sadly behind the spirit of the age, and' , far 'below what a churoh,so interesting and, well td do as Plum Creek owe to their own piety, • age h andr standing as church, as well as what is die' to the Mister'S honer and We should live in ceiled- houses 'our- salves; -when. God's house is left without, taste and comfort: If - we, mistake mot, this is. justwhat this congregation now wants in order, to give 'theta external vigor, and 'pave ' WaYin draw many under the Gospel who, as things ire;_will stay at home; or, at most,t , irregular in attendance. , A word / Ii wever,,,ke the wise is sufficient. We homsopn to, hear a good report of people on this subject. Indeed, we .; • inow dud a number of them fen* the force 'of . V?s' retn 4 irks on this subject,'and would'" pie ready:shy time'for a movement on- this aubject., Let all the prominentemen give it • a careful examination, and we are persuaded. that soon a Rouse, suitable to the flume y and of Peonli, will takelfie place of; that eld; 'Unsightly, and dated building, That the people' of-this , `congregation, with their worthy pastor ' may soon har ; such u;temple for God, ; and that :in his glOry ; _muy be seen, in reviving his pork, 'converting sinners, and sanctifying believers; that the church and"community where . the sainted Laird so long and earnest ly preached,.and where the present incum bent has also labored so long pleasantly and usefullY; that this ohureh and all concerned' may thus be blessed, temporally and 'spirit ually, is the sincere desird - and earnest prayer of him whose pen traces thOse lines, and whose, first visit was so recently ; and yet so pleasantly made. ; 4,Col9red Altan's - A colporteur, - in Southern:, city thus g raphlcally ; ,sketehes an intervic!...,withhan., humble Christian: "Here is ite thitile : jack. old;' white-headed black' • 1 Jack; how are you ? as very painful in thy knee,' but thank: my heavenly Master, I'm clause to be thankful. My good Master Tiegib Ine 'nut' to make me humble.' And .410-you•i enjoy; religion- as much now, Uncle Jack/ as when you could oto church and clawmeetingl' g Yes, "joYs , him more. Den I last to de people, to de,mecting, to de .sarnient, , an' when I deliym sing, and de pray, Ifeels glad. But all die slat like de good Lord in de heart. = - God's .love here'--striking his breast,' makes all de hard hewit go 'way, and make Jack sit down and wonder what tie good Master gwine to do "lie dis old nigger.' Then you love God, it,her awe data you ?; yes, God—hini dOin .J• dis forme'good. tiod"wise. ' Jack don't know. At night hear a noise. Me no know what him is.; but when me' get light and me hear, noise, den me see, me -know, me got sense den. Here in dis painful life all 'de*, me no, know ; but dare mid God, all all,' kno* all, glory Hal lel° ah "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I DESIRED OF THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THING I DO." PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH 'STREET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR THE. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY S, ISSB. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate Revival in the Church of Millstone, Pres bytery of New Brunswick. JUR. Eniron—Dear Sir :—Amid the many precious seasons of God's refreshing influence upon' the various churches noticed by you, perhaps it may cheer and encourage BOW heart to know that he has again gm eiously poured out his Holy. Spirit.upon the church °Millstone. During lasi Winter, he, gave us a reviving season, when twenty four were added to our communion, on exaniina., tion. , He has again remembered us iii piercy,: and for the last six months his Spirit, has, been graciously doing his office work among us. In Oeteber last, it was ourlappy lot' to be ',called upon to give up two of Qin mem ber's, to go as missionaries to Colima, Africa Itev., T. S. Ogden and wife, who was the daughter of one of our elders. This, at tha time, 'seemed to be "a great trial`„te the congregation, babas proved " a most precious blessing.; Beginning with that time, reviv ing inflpettoes were felt by the people, which have increased to the present, resulting in the addition oeforty'persons, on exarnina tion, to our - church, 'near one-half of whdm were heads 'of families. Nine were young men and °Ube whole number,.twenty-nine were baptized— . No extra .measures, have been used, oF services' introduced; apart frem the ordinaiy preaChing, family visitation and prayer, ex cept inv December` last, a Visitation Com inittee of Presbytery held , a three days' ser vice . ; in the congregatien and on, another occasion we had three, evening services, by. fleighboring pastors: The spirit of prayer seemed to be poured out upon the people of God, and of inquiry upon others. And.t6 offithere, and others'of the congregation,-held: many evening meetings from house to house, for pra7er and conversation with the : people; while preaChing and visitation were attended to by the pastor. • The people seemed to feel much interest in the prayer-tneetings,of Jour West ern Synods. I Balled their attention to the proceedings of the meeting ; read the letter to your'churches from the pulpit; and re. commended the uniting with , you in the ilay. set: apart for fasting and prayei', which, I think, had,a happy, influence. * A means of much good to us has been the circulation of the, Tracts of our Board, freely 'amongst the people,4Speciallythose—"Shall I go to the - Lord's Supper ;?'t: "'Why am' I Aut . tv communicant r a Come to Jesus ;" "Too : Late." The, good work With us has been peculiar, for its quietness—very precious,' and long contillifed kits seasons of refresliment rm. which -we 'would bless God, and heartily pray for its continuance,andincrease. C. F.,Worat,ELL. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocete. Cold and Lifeless Churches. • • REv. AND PEAR, BROTHER, In the course of, a private correspondence with a beloved and most worthy minister Train Your State, and who was a member ef the Pitts burgh Convention last Winter,. the condi tion of .a church was mentioned, which is truly sad and fearful. He says, "I could not prevail on any elder to go with me to it, e.,'the `Convention,) and the' numerous -accounts of - it id the papers, failed. to awake in pither elders or.people,,any appearance* desire, for the reviving grace of the Holy Spirit, or any'dispoeition to do anything in the way' f 'taking the stumbling-blocks; , and preparing the way of the Lord. •t The thought that most deeply. impressed. mind ; , WB,B something like thieir How. 'Sad the ;state of a church which , in the very 'iniast` of' the Copious effusions of the Holy 'Spirit all around, can remain TiSensible to the • need of such .a -Work I - And this, too; in a place, which. has already been Nisited; by such,waterings 1 And •how many just, such, ',Places, Juch lifeless churches, may there 'be in Ciir midst, which'seem to be awaiting the nurse of .Meiez.. Curied because' it did ~ n othiszy ,the help of the Lord: Such. ehnrches, too, ,have a fearful iresponsibilitY to bear, in weakening the ;hands of sister ; 'ehuiches, which are praying and striving, Jaeob-like, for the And'would it not be well for praying men, and.praying chuiehes, tarememberPiese bar-, ren and' lifeless ohurehes, lest the onrse of Me l , roi come uponthom fatally. 0, how delight ful would 'be the eight of everAhurcli in a community, and -every member ;of 'thee church, laboring, praying, f striving , together int the Gospel. rerhms,ope_of the most gforious and intensely interesting exhibitions ,of, the activity and union of the Church, in any age or nation, was that .which three times a year brought all the males of all the ;tribes, to 4Cinsalem. And . Iquestion' if but one 'fibre Interesting exhibition of the ,wei•king and the unity of the Church On `earth. , remains ;• and that is when all the watchmen shall see eye to eye; when thou eands ~on; thousands of humbled, ~earnest. t Christians shalt, join in heart and voice for the coming ofthe , ltedeemer, to intreduce hie Onions' and! mighty; work; and when,' his arrows' sharpened in the ; =hearts. of the Ding's` enemies, multitudes; shall fall before him. Shall there not be prayer for this ? M. N. N. Far the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate Dedication of Pisgah Church. On.thbl4 of April, the new and beautiful Presbyterian church, at Corsica, was dedi cated to the worship of god. The eengre, gation niet'at 10 'citeioei A. M., in the old chinch,_ and engaged; (after the formal deliv ery of the keys of the new building to the Deacons) for a Short, time, in ,prayer. At 11 o'clock we'Moved, in the followl4 order, into the'• new church: Ministers present led the way ; • next, Elders 4 then the , singers; and last % the congregation—all singing an appropriate Psalm. The pastor now Tid,a short history of the "church, from its organi zation up to the Present time. * P. McVay made the dedicatory prayee Rev. J. Montgomery preached the dedication sermon, ~from ; Psalm lxxxiv : I.—" How amiable are thy tabernacle's, 0 Lord ,pf , hosts." Rev. G. W. Sloan closed with prayer.- The services wereinteresting and appropriate. The house was well filled, the audience very attentive, and many deeply interested. . We were iri the inidst of a' series of relig- lotto services,' •eonnectted .with the adminis trig= of the: Lord's Smer. , The , Hely Spirit was manifestilr-present, and the h ea 4 o 05PitlFwere, it is lioppol;,travid:t,o entei, warmly into the service of God, in the new sanctuary. The Rev. J. McKean rendered us good service at the commencement of our meeting. Rev. D. McCoy'-remained with us from' Thursday to the following Wednes day. Twenty-nine were added to our num ber, on this oacasion—rtmenty-eight of them on profession of their faith. PI Christ. At our , farmer Communion,,thisWinter, Rev. J. Meteer assisting, we had an addition offorty ; thirty-seven of this number on examination ; making an - increase in this church, this -, Winter - of sixty-nine Truly " the -Lord has done, great things s for is whereof we are . glad." The church is, in Size, : ty by . 'sixty-five I t feet, with an' end gaiter . =lt is frame; Tainted white, and finished off, both outside and inside, in a style, : every way satisfactory to tire people, and, very creditable,to the un dertaker, Mr. James Brady, .)1,,:t4r,,i1,1 the. 0.,,,' But the ` most Pleasing f e difiii. mit whole building; is its being dedicated - to God clear` i:l,f debt,,its cost being abont $5,000.: , The pastor takes 'this opportunity to ten- der to, this congregation his warmest thanks,, for the many seasonable and valiable articles , with Which &Valid his family Were sUpplied, in, the visit they-Made rhini fin 'PebrnarY last, Thatsvas indeed, a'" sunny-side day. The: Lordleward, them, ; for this, ettpiYe expres s , slim of, their.attaohment. CONDENSED .HISTORY Op, RTspAs, ,C 4711., This-church Was nrganizedthe 2d of July, 033 -with twenty-five members , -,only thir-, teen t uf these are now, present. From this 'tithe till 1840, t>iis little flock d4nended; rv on supplies from Presbytery: Thalev. m6srs: shoatiliiid , bisik6p i ` , -tiappiiedAtie7in - *Ardis , for short tinie;,both -of ivhotp:;:died in - Brookville. in,1840 -the Rev. D. Polk be am) their .firskregular . pastor. They then had fifty-nine members. . Of those received before this' Perla,' nineteen' had 'been; dis missed, or had died. Mr. Polk /ordained pas tor till.the:spring oflB4oi,During„this there were received, on examination Slily on : certificate, thirtyone—triaking ninety-; one In'Februnry; - 18 . 47, the present pastor look -charge. Twienti-thrdelof the members :had died ,•or were: dismissed„lin- addition. to .the , nineteen above, before. this,year. Whole `_numberll,97,l , oo,one tWenty 7 seven: to'Apri 1858, examination; one hundred itid-'eighty four; seventy=onemaking .two hundred wad fifty . -ftve. t r . .RiE9Aissedi 1. died,. siT.ty-.fiveieaving, in actual member Ship, now,,on tahing,possotsnon i ef r :thitiew Church, three hundred and nineteen bers. ' C. '1)-0.6simi* From our Lon4ort correipondent. Continental .fealousy of Bugland—Egypt and the Island of Perim—The Highway to the Bast, Mil , itary and Conimereial,-Tokens of Imperial Con ciliation —l3idornment of Paris The Recent Clianais-L-The Grave' of Libiity 7 -Orsini'S Last 'Letter—.Dying Compunetion—Assassination,Ah jared--Probable. Results---Polilkal„.Trial at. the, Old Bailay , :-.lletations with , Naples—Austria, Italsyand LontiuNtspOleow-L-The Easter Holidays , —The, Crystal..Palgee and the Sabbath—The Par - , dinal's Profanity on'ahid Fiiday--Effect of Hoz - idaya on Morals--:-St. Peteriburg, - Easter; and Intemperance ,el. Baptismal ,Service Park Street Chapel---Impressions--General Post OfiZce —Report' and' Statisties--News from India,---The Fall of Lucknow--,-Plight of the RebelsDr._Duf on India--Its,Puture ,G,opernment. Lo . 4MON April 9b14 1858. The FitEsr . T4slysint, t iqe making pi / noise, about ,the oceststaon, , - 14 England, ."of the ieland of Perlmi , ki t haiten rock at the en- . trance of the Red Sea: - They have, on for mer occasions, been equally passionate about Lord i Palmerston'soplmition to the,Lessepte: project,of,a , canal , through . the Isthmus of. Snez. This French are"jealous of "English' influence in ( Ngypt, and e adjoining countries: Bat " influence" is th'e in evitable.Aindt of the• fact, that all our mail traffic) -to and:from ; ,onr : Indian . ; poeeessiotge, ,; and ,a large part of ,the passenggitralrie..ire..,i tween England and . India, Chins,,,Asstraha l and the the Indien .Archipelagtiliatrbeisor diveited tte the route or-Suez andthe Red`:' tleaiso .As-the Times expresses it, " The per. , Ishiugt, cities of Egypt are living. : Again„ Touched by the renovating influetioe,ofiltit,„ isli enterprise and civilization; Alexandria, Cairo,'and Suez, are becoming places of the highest importance, and the Viee•royiltyin taking its position as the wealthiest, and most prosperous, State of the East!' . • But thisjs, rt othing. to what is to be ex pet4d. The Reiliay 'between the Medi leiritiinanand 'the' Red Sea, is nearly- fin iah:ed. The Indian mail now traverses the' country. twines week, and it: is certain that soon, the, depaptuyes,of ; .first class English. ; . diaper! from Semi, will be almost daily.,. Our ielegraph lines will soon be laid along . the Red : lses and theishines of Arabia, to Kuie-' rachenand Bombay... Thousands of British.l , 'soldiers will be yearly traversing the Deserti,, on their way to,and.from „ the the East.,, Be, sides these, there is it' diredte trade with England and Egypt, constantly increasing. ' And so France,,lthaving- no interest in the Red. Sea, must not be jealous, or interfere. ."If the .t o,analmere feasible English Engi .neers_ would, !Ave, ezecute4,• it lopg,,ago. ' And the Freritlit'fortune-hunters, even if the concession witirrande, would'never'make it; but Franca Would use her influence to ob struct our•progress. toward, iand intercourse, with India. So as to Perim, its occupation by, England is necessary 'for ,intercoarse between,:" European(' 'lndia; i and as for France, Austria,or Rromia,- - (of - whom it is said that they are about to bring the matter before's Paris' Congkess I) this convenient halting.plam for. our steamers and transports must not„sp4„ shall not,.be given up. So says the Times and" so, I doubt not, will say the country : In various ways, the Emperor is showing anxiety to be . friendly. to England. 'ill . said that he is, to,„oome on a ,visit =Queen, in the Summer, and that the visit is ito be returned. I have no doubt that Vic toria has been busy with her pen driring the late troubles and misunderstandings, trying to keep the peace. All honor to her for. it ! 'lf she go to Paris, she will find an astonishit -log, change in the beauty of its buildings . rand streets. Even in 1855, it was so. I , - happened to be in Paris at the same time that the Queen was there, and having visited that city only four years previously,. I was 'struck by the amazing changes and im provements in street architecture and reno vation. But now, a new Boulevard has just been opened, by the Emperor in person, who rode fifty yards in front of his guards, quite unprotected, and was,,received with enthu siasm. Despotisms like to amuse the popu ; lice„s4i4 AO,PUttivatedthe aesthetic, for, the higher and more educated classes. But these gorgeous decorations, artistic and ar chitectural, are but a poor compensation for the lois of a nation's liberty. They are but suggestive of Freedom's tomb-=a gorgeous tomb, but still the place of the dead. „ trasixr s LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT has ` been. published. Also his lest letter, written to the Emperor siithin a few hours before his execution. In the' first, he gives difections as to, the care of, his; two little grrls, which are creditable; to his memory. But in 'his letter he expresses, the deepest penitence `for his 'mime, to - whielr'he was urged on by gone that Na. poldon was ethe grand , obstacle =to European and Italian liberty li and that:by killing film, freedom would be Aionehe sought to do this, of with the' help of 'a' few Subor dinate agents . . atterapt—failed;*and him, death and °eternity-4re*. near,, remorse j , and horror. , And ,so, ere 1.4. snf r fered r lie wrote to the EMperor : "In a few I hours `1 lre - Oo more; but before drai'• ing my 'last breatly r.wisheit to be known, and I declare itl , with thatufrankness , and ' , courage *do, f up4o this lay, Lbave never, belied, that assassination, in whatever term it may,diegriiie itself, does principlea, notwithstanding that, by tt'latal., mental', errory PallowedimyseN to • be -led into organizing,' the attempt, of the _lith,i,Tart . His recantation. is OemPle 4 . He says he willingly, offers own Weis an espial` tion for the innocent irtoodlihed, and 'trusts, that-when his countrymen , regain their. in. dependenee,,,they will, make _compensation, to : those who were injured. In the conclu sion of his letter, he prays for the, life of, his, acconiplices,' and ad(fe': "let` my country Men, instead of , in the system , of assassination, utterly rejectit f iand3 know; by the voice of, a dying,,patriot,. that their, redemption must- be ,urop by selCeontni ; by a constant unity:of struggles and saorrfices, d by the exercise of true'virtue an" . This man was ainiable,' and not. a Nulgar , • Murderer. His- eonscienennever..was :min t (rated : by Godil own,Word, and his,” virtue" was not „taught by the New Testament Ad, it is in pity, and' ever will- be, as long as Rothe Wail away. 'What ineirtalitgony 'thin man auffered;•mapbe,learned frozuFthe fact,. that'• in prison hie blackdocks , becarne white; Pity for-his infatuation,, ; and i detestation of Mazzini; and others, who abet,,esesseinatian, Will now,:diviiie Engligh More than: this, let'ilta'hopn that' hiss dying advide will , ;tell upon his countrymen, -, and ythat , ":Freec ,donifs ,, ,battle be fought, .with i weapons, which the righteous Governor of, nations, will , own and, bless. s:z. , The trial of BERNARD, for conspirvy against the life of Napoleon, and.will pistols-to Paris for his deitiaction, come on in a day or:- The ismi.o4ill proba bly be. a conviction, and• imprisonment.. The 2,EfAzioNS WITIC NAPLES,' of 'tbe Sardinian' Government, 'are: , unpleasant , and threatening.; King.Bomba has,liherMed.the English Engineers ,of the gaglierisPeempr, but not till after long and loathsome impris onMent without a cause,''" Our present GO ernment 'dealt More vigorously with him than the last': Buttuyis anincorrigiblvandi cruel, Politicians. here : ,think -that Napoleons ; has some, design of getting into, wax with Austria in 10y, in order to fire his sinjeefs with the lOve'ofle,ildri,? and so , preserve his Power; The Continent is in a State which excites anxibty.,,,,.:, The EisiTiarliourikyti, now expiring have -been marked , by cold and ungenuth weather. The, Crystall'alace. has been ,one of the. chiefsplaces .of populsTrosort. And here I am glad to 1:;. r , able to record, that its proposed' opening on ' the' Lord's day after noons, ' by'. special. tiolteti L'surrender for shares, hes been'p9ydribated,eithee"Ldireotly • or indirectly,"'_ . by. Ann injAnotisw from the Vice ‘Chancellor., ,_,The re covetous Direptore must /Omit to the law. They are notlikely to be able' to ehange it. The battle,was 'fought 'and Won some years ago. On Good CAB:Driskii Wissmes' repeated his annual " performance" .Cf preaching three• lours • (with" )intervals musica on the. three, hours' agony , l on the Cinss. Many Protestants , . are „ettrsoted, to y this shocking travestie s . The greek Church, aisO had great demonstration. Wbat holy=`' days, in contrast with'Goo's owbr DAY, effect; may be learned from theiexcesies which : pre- , cede Lent r end, follow its close, in i r Aomish countries, and also those , where the, Greek, superstition prevails under the orthodthi Church of the Czar; while, for thiample, every` one that meeto his neighboion Dieter' Sunday inorningi.rnshe's his ,arms, crying, "Christ is risen,",and,the,re~ aponse given, " Christ Orison indeed !"—, the fellows is friehthil:" youngltessiihtedtleausitlias'aiseristinethit for entire week; the-dniassoftlee poorer) population; is drunk! ; I i was present at a BAPTISMAL SEIWNI in Mr. Spurgeon's Chapel r one evening elast.l week. After,a sermon on the,parable of the great supper, and . "yet there is room;'' marked by' his usual evangelical olearneas and' fullness, he came down from'the iTwo , set of •stone steps=led down in:front Lot the pulpit to, the baptistery.. ; First appeared ,seven young women, all dressed in white, end who were ranged , onpne sidei , then five males, all young Men, e xcept one,,of whoin Mr.S. afterwardiriaid'i hat he hid been the' , member of an'lndependent chnrch, and had ;lilt it. his L4nty; to. be,. now - baptized. A short address was ; giysn to, the young women, closing with an amusing hint that be (Mr: S.) generally 'found 'that the most ,natnrally timid females lieliaved best On' atilt 'occasions, ,, beoanne they had strong , faith ; while, on the, contrary,' those, who were weak in faith, or of whose piety there might be any doubt, were wont to , get ex cited lie then went' down the stairs into the water, knee-deep or ao. He had a; black robe on him, probably waterproof, and , shoes of the same description,. A. , deacon -led down the trembling maidens, one by one, and as each descended, the minister' took each by the hand, placing her 'back to the people as she got deeper into the water. He then said, " My sister, at thine own de sire, and on the profession of thy'repentanee and faith, I immerse, plunge, dip, or. bap- tine thee, in the name of the rather, &et.' Then came the plunge beneath the water by his strong arm, and' dripping and tram , bling,,,ernerged .the young girl. great ploth was thrown_ Around iheriby Deacon, , -.The El= and then she was led off to the vestry by a . female attendant, with one hand grasping her hand, and the. other •arm round the waist, the water dripping and streaming all:. the while, marking her retiring footsteps. ' 'Thus it went on, a -.verse of a hymn• twice • inter,Peeed, till the whole, thirteen were - inersed„ , Curious enougb, it was the first my Preabyterian life-that otili'of thil` 4l lW baptised,'had seen this Serenitair-i • strongly confirmed me in, my heresy, ; as: to the mode of • baptism • 4h1.1/84..A. the three thonsand on the day of .reniapost.., asked whe're and' hoi4 'cjuitr'cill i4kWed . thus ? Wailhere `arm , operilyand. d'eoentlyl. - Is itthe toti/i mode,? And with many ot `came away,,yexed with ai ~tem, injurious thin k • t !A ll,sPoni; or Tam Pol just iniblishid; of ' gret the United Kingdomi there 'offices.'-, MailsF conveyed. by railwaiii, tra - ypl ..eachrweek day over-a , spasm of 8 0)1.72/Pileer, ; - .0 a ch arge PC 01 per United §tatee it only 51, more out half. ' The'' is } 'eon:4ol4g tsbange 'in this. mittet. The India ogitiddi t. by omnibuites,..maillioaches, and:carts; rtravel tipwards of, 82,090 ~mijestper ~*those by packets and : boats, 2,87;0 per Apr. The` circulation ''lfitt'ein, lies enormously increased eince'tbe penny pat. age`. change. Last: .year riachedg•the amount of , 504,000;000pbeing,eiltifold,tnore , than in Am., :The ,avet'age .i,norear d for the ; „last five, years is oiT.. for eer#•, B,Trki number,of t7ie whole 't is delivered in r alone The ifolibibil ' 1 fine. forigtid letters . fermi less than-one. fi ftieth.t; buriotie is mentioned. , ,, Tho f whole letters p. 08,4414 Aussie. in 1855, was ab0ui."(1.,et,A99,999a or s almost exactly : the ; same as the' Posted in the sh'igie city ollidailehersVeYana' its stiburba Thareivere mote than 1 1 2004- ' 000 .• " registered leftism?' fooittaininginnabye. • last Year'. , OftiswSPaPs,Pitabott42l)oPQAK.' were , sent throne!, the poot. The shoiva a circulation, of 6,000,000. The aVerake'weiiglienetheittiiiis,iiii. orders issued the ' a m ounts of tat,- - 180,271. Coinznission.;;blutsged -was; upwards of .e.l6o,ooo,...i c ayin g m A t s f. r. 424 175. The entire_ revamp of the ,post office wa5' 43;085,712; ' • - • For ends ''oft civilisation; Includingt • : - tiOmmerce andl literature,. what advantages, .aooruet from , tlisomatioa 4 thia, system og,- 1 mutual, intercourse zreater, are the ,adviintagie,, viewed in the light eter accrue to " flit; interestei` of°l the -kingdom of Christi 2 ' Christians :this' borrespond,.?conveyingantitualeonaseli warn- log, and consolation. The widowed, miptypr and affectionate sisters thus keep,up a home on the loved youth who.lll tif 04 midst of the Whirl"iind' 'argeffififlitiiigNnt metropolis. , The servant !thus Bendel -het . little gifts of love r saved from her.avagetoto.. l :* f dep t ehtte r fat,4w, i , o,i. . age 4,, motlier. :TOnr. I 0 greit ~Booletiis,, Missionary, ,traot,,, .'Pikle, 1 o und our rellgtons . beahiellers, 'this tranamit rapidly, torill paiti of: the'lciiiidoin, their precious things. Our sons in India, China,3 - Australia, thus, receive , frequent,( reminit' 1 lamega i that4eme hstarts areas warm,se,evjtco i rd thOPililis . Feibeilig 99', 1 . 136 *trioffeced ~ut their 'behalf - 4 merc y seat . ri ne' telegraph drmitilia* raboliatillettat 3 wn' like nor will'it do widths! iirptivate r taripatqci •or religious intereattras., ll 43oo,l w4-4eet.p, pace and pro po rtion with ab_ut t her, and, • jilOtli n 'Will be ' sed increatung)it by 'Him whiisa, . i, itistit;di 'is 'infinite, ; f'..i.' the' gl64sloChifis , i natnevrand , itbe'ispreid. ,, of 4ife knOWlAge' uirhieh "shalltegenerate , munkindefii 1.4.; at I in • ' .- glivis Fuoit liinitic-iiiimAoih r e; cautfel .tidings'of- the virtual tialptariP 0 . Lucke after 1 three ~ or • four ..daye fighting pint' • works erected by.thejelyds,foritd4mop i tiact, 'obien turned by .Gensrtl fi ckst are mai k ,, ~il l iy•ouicoession, the Queen's, palace , and e i ther r i buildingslad been' litornie'd.`," Illig t laisl:l4 oar side was . small, and: tag %for Ake; toitmlii i ' Most f .ofl. them,, ail at , Delhi,"seefir..t toithare escaped : A ) 3' , l g i gl l ttA ir t m g'ilgrigA e irocf n e l l e k Aowprdßobifound.• ,Pelutin s of, i 9mlxy,ent artillery ilia 'been. ilea . l iti nureAtt,, but , if rr is v...probable. moat 'of 'them will' gli l ltiiiiiiv s and', that - mnish ttouble will IV eipailinaid:lbel , ". fiwo theirAinaltoaptdoemotAbstraation. , alb wlas th9. l 4o l tAhliktP g91i 11 4441 1 811.4iA1P514 his , foreealtfha tt nßY4ll.4 4 . PPLAPl,°4liski Luokuk , liiisat being cut Up, \ by, tae - losv,- airy. The hot weather coming%','Wingli4 . our troops much , troublepandlwobablytcanae much disease and death among? , thane./ • Neverthe. l o l P449 Y irehelljo 4 1 . ,0 40 8 :bifit vi*, tually re ceived, its Aest,h„blyw, r und ,s ,w9, 2 ie i re ‘ , , spared from thihornblealieghtor permeated, ,with the r asseili WiiiiilPwili i iiiitidiptifa l The , otber-Prteitietiiiiiie4rei q'tilet;(lltatlteie i bad ,rmen pautemia ,abt.'l43alatittad for i williy,l l ariOg from !Is.* mot„pho„Burras jcppie,3t l fl port, coming, inAtiiel ipvelha.garrdpo , p, were to - break out dna*: tVit nag t.. . All was want,' hoWever; Whin the iilegirm4ift:''''' °' _,,- - • .., _.....,i • :(,-u ;54t0.1 utiil ..i.t.:p: i 4 11001‘0* - DUFP, i* retput,,ettpr t telAte t IT'itnis, reiteratee .t ide i ,formet staienientepti to the entbreak- being iittire 4 ift4l' , a military mutiny; and; gives dildrisaver paiti; - ful proofs that some,ofs the Lbestiervantneofi the Calnialg, whC!!hA4 g9.r.eatala the 444119bs N found their warninAs t disrmrded l , a.p4,,bii? for their own energy, would bait:44l'ml over whelmed, together with irmay - EctiOpeinii; including , woinen ' and chi . .l(lilii. „ ; fn tin'tr HP'. stanee, a most faithful' tietviiiit t ';ileciyis tile' *lllaviar of: a whale. diatrWcfMl4oll:4lol4l) :: tuaisaore,- was actually.' dismissedgbr But: ‘, preme Council. , •Hei was one -that. I Plod ; but his Evangelicil arripiitidel , but make him depas(tbje f at'Neiilifi r ,,',lg, * Duff also exposes tillfl, , milisikio . jiHNIAboSi mierepresentations,pnblicty .made.- at' by Directors of•'the . ..East India . CoMpsinye4l , The haute Go) , erinietit'Of In& ill at ).t' problem unsolved .'"A: ysqltg eigrefisjajtket me. from ,Bombay,,PresitfituffvoFßlMltt probeisirm at the tirOpet4destittation, of tne Company's -rule, as he fa:tie - the weireiftniP palm); offioe '? syateni 7 Will' ' ieign in,' . . stead, andonake matters , worse thazihefeits, i In reply .to a memo* ffotu„.4.4‘ !f ;Church of 'Scotland's C9mmissien,:,the pi nvitors-liere'denY that they have Offeied f igiy obstructions to the spread of ilibiertinsiiii- India. Doctor Dnif, , returning >to,the sub+ ject of the ryots or small farmers.of, Xtengal, insists, that. their Wronga._,,andapppresaiaaa under native tax-gathereta.haiebpan af,tin e most atrocious disonptinii, iiiid , 'itteily la,- consistent , ' with 'Christiaii . cjititice. 2 -.00r4 , Elleuborough"s 'nal bill' will probablYo6lo Philadelphia, 111 South lath Street, below Chestiiiit By sail, or at theILO; $1,j0_,., ingx pßomwraik t, Delivered in the City, WO • '"S modified greatly by far Amen , peeeßta at all, = The r nfotheicompany have. protenteKbagaitietvbeth=tire*biiivbefort Pike: •liaMent: • himateb ne,,cLakt . , eertainty , ,, e c r i, ,the, ; ' ll6l-/ ' ; # 4 1 0-;i6du!_46 ,, : Ir-044t , rpnoe -tomAmmuneugioutot ,I,aquiciinto la di= riivennes and their abuse of the Boixiikev :toinnOviiittlYtn ' • 1.4 E3f--10111;% mitmgd funt now, , : IntiqkjtfAlat f irusinens in reviving a ,- stt• epres ,ftailiip swoY tended. Wl4O T_AR - NO. ' SIM MlilE= w - 4 s 37: , ..) Meallhi l Autobipinehy otTinion,clop.) tv: , Att • el 'onto ..... _ qu what kifO r si v pAtAute,pry i itu for ii a liming i apeciiihlonW Vat 'MAX affec 644re‘IIEWiteptled,:',1" P tiiiihrwiiiik'trilhout „.intanso,premaditatiooon my,ashrjecti wawa .., 0031 4P0t1e4 AT , some ur4orelleten Azigl , lo 3 o- :.:: W it k res PP TtPii!!l7.Y 1u PIT 2" N t?°F are - 'ti i' ftd and' toouasein your praparatioi • put ,j ,yit iiiiielßik 34ry,rror4 andliimiiiit to t "“ „fflionigify; :(1 1 &u re , tiiekFthis &Coe tor 4witoeiY 13 14 twill :otta Pdalthe iniattee; andeendar you , • diic9Pir heal7i 4 1 . 3 0gPitA194 0 ; 11 -Pliffit wiM '1 411,r , stiff aufkunnatund laporpi t aftold. , ,, "1 Laixi ll a very !raid r iniri';' hut to ' ' L t gaihaig iiii) •u 3 rviegititi‘ iu youi Inilvit la& In• NA*4 l lib iliPteVet 41 4 MOW/a initilittiPla ,tlieftpinike,fas the lasikeriteidl Se? 'Ariel of J `vluit brit4uSirt• guiy. ' 11 44 1-nhouldUarly "irtth me through weelf,apd , daring, my . • lilleisure hours, even tilikiniulongthe streets, ,chink closely on - iiii - Morus and sulalivi- , eiirkilltilPlVaVri ; ' '-'; ge__ , Cireifiletull view of thein'ati4V " fillih 4 nWliddifeilothe '''inl, words; till I had limoomwmarereadinteß 4111 1 Kit, and ,fUsliet lltirrf°4lllYitau tp. illey%ou#4.- , Then I non4,eneerl°t 4 ,Po Fatui i it .7 2 4 Shalt . , . ,'Afith dinou4 l esruestileast ease,;.,, : il d ,)T l , u 1 t", I;elit f i . POUT,. enia of style, Pisan. - • r , 4 1 4 7, sla a IT's!°N PT' , ng li'for• Piling, , °"l4.P°P l Pfaki7)YiPlii4° rtkihok ," tiliu 4 , pin of prepannßsrllo,4l? )1 0 , 444 1 0ea' • f i ,, It scrpres9le,iyiailm - ntabier Ig o e Bred. ".f:YoU oi t lrYltt iPit / . BuT4tY;': ° a"F I 3 , -,.‘Pl b"elpfeneatbluu hifiestlY gii° You loi opinion of tht,oha, iviiiike;r:" of your Rer lIP/PPIR"_,_ •1; i l . ril , . if.. ma i rir„in, Om , 7 n-ilberrx`RA-Roi ti , *. , Fl 4 i l sitaluny, follow ,: ri k, ' 4o9nitirlf/ One eceftion — l dO - Pulpit WAtkliraa , _He , VINIALIFF,a, AP IX= to cd}nran on biab biltfiiiiiptippg.u. Meeting me after the fier 'ikuel ke 8104,ffISiri your discourse was flat' a NMI ? , lipY, *ape, and magnificent; yon laid - ; •down!sentenue, after sentence, and paragraph ~a5P5 3 ‘Piimompli, entirely fit for, the Fess ;., - aid f innA. notice that you tripped a single ''time, ( which you would have done had you "used a manuscript. You will make an ex ' t„___ ai l,kia'reCiPaVfltr #t° iliA popular and l lT . '" 4' ` f - ta-AMc3r-i-L4med, , lim• ' This,. peaitiPlaxm42liO4" to ifie what:tree, lip*Aubestle to the secret of/ * mill' 'xis i i 4 '14414*.t an v .1 ; 1 °.. 1 i. . • -, i "f r atitht P 4 00 912 ,4 AY. OM * img . . . m ook octaves., ep:tne sii;iPat. , 2 u• •;,,, ~• 13 _, . to ; I ,-. - " 1 IkJ 7 VE 1 . ..' .7 a i The Soulptartabit. . 'i4i Did ybie'iNti'llitAt'itioidlittirfillfw4 ffsiehioning :111 Mania wouatesuisitkitta ,p4Poll_4oplo4i4itologt.c4iti:AlStalirkirOA Er ,614 A1 14i1 4 1 10 ) 9 4 4 IPA L ilt / T.. ft*:,, , Ri 1 01 bbrioney . wrotAt, „,,A thiMmiadd b 1-.... 'llietegiiiii i , i i : Ten thelieend 'oils' el-iiabt • ••11+Iiili'Aiiiid' *ffebt L 'itint' Ili Alit lino T.' 149aoheoriAna Ming 'out/ the Jfeatuieevintrk , er. - K Imression. It is a work of time ; bat , * 100 thstl e l, ikke l y, , com m ., m it ; AS , , shade ' ''fi i i.sid ever si/ 1 11 . ii . i . alii4:ug .rt . the,_ gusiAiP . WA leiJO' 1:6 a'hian` dilde'r 114 ' hisditiiis brit& , 13piiit;>orith•ei-tresonagitt•oir` ,l 1 0 .42tows.thioezailit.las idwd, nxwalthlikerusii. a lif i v.M/ ( 4141. Ode 09metiIig.g to thCw9frkbra 1-et ee t. l T:4l i ff °I. - t ti t e i ., iA I. i d ' t alume the featur i expreeiaoß , khouidida-hihitk iif i lOvg; itidisiiii, ) " latit- 1 411bitetififiteAlitxxii Instal( ' .4 1. Q emote* eileattlyitepuli iiidlashafi r it,iartf, .iTlgtk6 1 h Ae.€ oB l.he 4 :.likepees •Rf PA . RIM • .01 — s7 e P l E d v s as. dais c in;‘ - .Rwci .-15-470---,itibla 11l i A. • ^i , l : t 0“,, , .... . . .. . i,. , , bni o Ortants if l i i , ..3 1z i i .; IL I de b ; ifia=i , wor re cent . ..enion: 11: 1. 1 , 3 , ' ,40viligirw- t tili '46l2lViifte ' E' , "ebliglitriWilMilieiliVAillikigtitiliiii kaordie latudautd truest - anti Worrpeniael 'V thilb'e' IJ‘friOett..3ll.lll9Pieguilte•ifindcarasaes , nunptle ! 11 honed five timeN,WatiepOtop,, suad, , ot 'set, of Zippor • at a_ oaoe, defied. ittii ,f sp • ictbat ' l ,oP l QPl,Neivliiini t 'Sfiiiee'Vei 7 / 1 +alcilAd s toiki'd I PilekallektNyEllie44,'jr qlfb ,f1•10.4gdol latWiroset; and , they were eenneotite!! , 'Oki, th the names of iNd4OL*4+:2oM4 , .44lltrit 1 w ihßt e e 3 mss, ,stoonteist at As 1 ,p.1909 of a loft 1 .2 1r#000:opd, 1 ; ,that ,a,ftoyal I . T R I D0ii1p . .75144.-.:... 'Meets . 4 Sudden .#0 myetoeasAleathysi4 ,o 1 11 ,i r soysrertfit is im - ” lifianed,.ol: :. r '.; 4. 1 ,16ity, departure of a ' .40 . t., I'l - t es t .• ilz. ,,, ol:ain e.d: : ..,u3, 1 k .:. .„. : . .• 14 d east of _. riming , the cl :Am 1 it a .}re ! ' named .., • . • . . •eiff,Y. , . -!!, e .. 4' . 40 1'• i Fit:: ii ..It a " .1;q1 *l' ken •1;: L. : ••• , o'l 1 CoT.i - t ,,,a1.1 .45. s •• Words of the Wise. " bteeleiekeilflmikeeittlie littered,' uiiiied , itlegnol soli -,Miodt!hislitire4fetheresa a; "irela3 : l oi IL4OrPt ithlipthis tint ;tealith ikyrlsylku A 09s i n „d i s c t' of tfitiC43finti rc . leyer ,Uthius y think of' lt;i WWI Iheror tiew licadtitheks obitu; ttiodat 041 %VI Aguto I,4l l (l 4l Whalur- EtPr ilAbsquelLigtiff4 o o4) Alp ifirir . t o. nia find cozza.„4„, Alp int% .n. my P;f J4l q v wohditrOtiligiFath6ealks4 7l tagelegi•BsrLuccts. "v% flo tr,01.1 1 • . }Jim( know littielofitheif owhtlisets eifi eleptittos, w/o Are , DetillU4l ini,preyer sod , tkey k n ittle of' the we l s . tikesa al * gird 4• nags of Go, who are not 'mugh in mum 'The humble not 80iii measure ,611nedi to';liotb. .11e hall • 'Walk ' him the betteehookusstezyrehe towhee' hist hqw. t° , PPIYO4 how to p*Bei mid/ Viitgit hina, de l l g4tAt tlieolifq*.P f Aera Wtkr Leightits. l , ,1 Fi;ti Irn ~ . 4 rti if= wolves to ario. ditteep sio wo u . w r i , `li i il i T4llll4l9l2, deve 51r.41 1.1 =EC =1