..___.., ~ , the few Presbyteriel I the , Ottish E ' .1:). t t lishment, and of the ,:nite tk re , an Church in Scotland,„a i lye in 'glandi' ,lly around the old Standards of Westminster They.'redeem ethirdtratner,oP 4 kleirLtevians!. from the brand which Scoinian declension ' bas'etditiped urienlit, Mid itiefreapsert, and are the true representatives of, the princi. : pies held and taught by - a Baxter, and a Matthew Hens, ii ißikeiht Sciiiiitini aisinine the name of "English Presbyteriana l " and from an old oo nc them for' the loyalty -of theirceltirApi anaelitoiwi tb`tthit House Of Hanover, in the dile of'the.,Prii tender_ and_the,Aanoktes, they -are oie. of "the three Denominations" which have an right of gqing.up to. / the „Queen with:addresses. . Thus recently, ., Wee itiie marria g e,, of - the Piiiiolies,Nal; .the'..lnde= pendants, (including th:riikeptists,), went 't:a Court, but preceding ,thinit WaS;a relied b a nd' of " . English i",realiy!e:ri .. ana,"„`filei:r , prOpei' alias, being. 0e *inua,, minuet_ rs,in and around London r. is ,ll,te rirning j fainiebed by tb4 , gradual defeelicn from Evangelism,- and from .PreabiterianprileV..ipi j dfscipyiicp, ought not to :be ,lorgotteni'lin eitiiiti ,side of the Ailaitie,, i gefi,Pieibl, ,, t!giee,epti, 8:0= ode inet," l andEtapdtirde,heeri",insistediiii and adhered to,, the flood . mig ht ,made' Jseeii arrested in,ibi firefrisings '''' ' ' -- „.. SIINSUOCIAMNSRBIII/' A.N/INIGATIVB TEM OLOGY seem to be gettingleomewhate closely allied. III; fcr'n, l l , , ofielja .4P4 11 , 0 ,,VVA 1,, 3 1 front, that tytt u deepribed t ,+,ii itgalebt pi. Raider Wu long theliniletiehantiti and singing itstonsng.ni sai .) . in: pr . opyeet ? are peep ed.with tesehings.a.liteetkte, et ibe, temp.., The ,Prias7s S'orildar;l443l4C4t -Leaky all the ;old deacons have te#, and, .it: is eignificantly remarked thath 111;.. 'Maw. was one of the stoOeets of :Dr:,lieiridpiiin, A the tancashirelndePenderiedigege; i t hi right to add „ that Irom twO fr . :Allude' I 410, beard statetnente,,going ~f ar. "to nie4ify the, represeritatione madi . b3r. ) i correspondent of the British piindiirct.. It .ii,iollWitt.ict judie4rishbr 4,,onedihied evideive; ; lia 'that. all our thine should be don e , with 'efariti, We:sheii:neet, this spirit ,iiitelt.et z - iiF ~,ep.; . , prosAing Wypod :Own” the , 4 iirgenmies-,, don," is to - be brought lip, igiiin ib lyjsciolti whqse motto. See* to ,Ve '" i nriiiornuty, : ` of disruption l" '' ' )-7. , ~11, . ... ..t :-.,..e.i, ~..t..;,.!..1 The - Report of the BAPTIST Commany: Regentkeerk,:bettla.te.loeen eftotnlezi.Vbei President, ,, Dr, - Angus. .This 00,1ege„.w,as, founded jit , iBMin stt ToleVitondoll-* Its tramsferenee to itsl-prasent'ioaelitYrto and,splendid,brillding-,hwheen L au Ara hietoryor Tbie,buibling Pitt :Of '4. 11 ± 9 propertrof,n Wealth& genlierenni left' for .neleoland lwas.:Purohseell Xer;about .o, f o(l%.lrthile-Worth imbebly thrr.e , tielee; that. sum: , Ther‘altuliente:nre. titlA brought within - a convenient diatanee.of the,Loodon; Univer s ityi:where manY:of:themlittend thet. classes; and where .theyr,gtaduata.l ,iThei neighborhood le healthy, and: ,beauti,.(ul. There, ix.; room for (forty reelidontostwienta,e A proportion of :theee .not,,btenried.fer that, sacred calico. -. , E.0r candidates ,for , ,the ministry; the, hast,,iwo:.yet re are Bet. apArt, far Rheological Andy: 1 Dr. , Angmes 4 ,t, ole Handl;Hook :well known. Re lasalso, recentiredited;• fora the Tract Society, new and, mostlyraluithle: editiens: loti"43atler:a Analogy," and Wayland'sllktioal He-is aseiatedabrilirenepthett,Profese ri orx.,4l , :i The studies . ;comprise IlebreKnndiBYriner Greek r, Testament, ' Systemetja ~Theology, - English 017113 position tantilintorhilAgicisP d Ethics, Classics, liatteroaties, Natural; Phi,; losopbyandiEcelesisstical Ristery,;.,tegether with the Qerm,ao Language. For, Oriental ! and),Classical Literature,- for Old T,estament. Exegesis ' T,and , ibe .reading, of YiltriAtiOlitt.., thors, •the , new ;College ;(independent,) will, supply theltuitionv ' , A good feeling between the Awe institutions:k Ainkij maintaine4;and cherishedu: - The Lentire annual expenses Lare under .i2:000. 2 , Aboiat,£one,hundred and:forty fire aniais tem have &len educated , at , StepusyrCellege. • Of the students utaßegent's Park, a Aumbor annually, gb, , forthlae Ainietersiof 'Christ. , One ruf ithe atudentsje l fsmas a.. Spurgeon ; I brother of the famous Charles Spurgeon. Dr.i.Angus,inforrnek me : that hisi,health is ,a little uncertain:l has, pryaeheA :amoral times.with greatiteamptanossidepower, At, present he br .stsi(!tly k u‘ strident,,andi,n Te lt ' olusterviso dor arr the,pnlpikiefeoncerutat, I'7 The Euni - uflucuirßilitts'Eklarirri; I laskyis4; BironlittW aiktY:one thossind-seier en 'hundred 7 tind' seightjimiiid oopidet o f Solittfires;tdorer thihAthriStrlth'e , 1847 1 . tiVer' met-Heil irsibrisraddelliditiihd tunny of Atka' thns gb Icii,lbe•North:of "UM' and to oth,ei.sliarte,ildileiri'thonsand'llvo9 . hubdied in 1857: '''bfwbollieol3ibleti; four hundred edit-'eight: Whi t e' iniftpliid' to ^the iiughtaidefi Thlt 'l3dbletio fice' Celpotteure~ ' ii~'l~t ' tfaoB; ' aiifl~sgeiit'e iii' Gifu:4ns eltid at +lambing, 4 fiiieen 'thobsind! °vitt- hitit be if- 're ix fitly' aisppliedb ppee - i al vend& 111;0 4 lielfriffsdeilott* o l44lia,tirtd I?nrket? ralto Zo' .I%W . T ' parr Odg it , t/i t t. 3 iv I) ijki"; 64! it. B."—Lord, Roue has: contradidted..thls, report. -that: IlerAbse predicted, the ;hotteet Summer ever known. He .declares ,never; uttered:lla word on .the subject. WLeaaretbms of* imposed on by, newspapensithearopriL etorsaleMeelves being hoaxedii , Thisfiathe allegedarneetir!gef of t italianeAtudlondtin,in; failor.olzNnstitntionsAliana,)sothe weeksatgb,r. were /.',ijgot :cip2.l by .s.penny:a-lin an in Will ti of money, who imposed on i ‘ thet,./livtel,,.audr other papers:- • ; manner, , ,thet miabb bavinr or want tof ootiragwoc rßritishegi mentaa at Ake thattle of4EAwnpore, withtre' hue& to:artilieny disi3ofered) to be, a misreßreeentatiort. ~Etnd the,famon's stony-. of 4 ,‘ Dinnalyeateusitll'Andt‘iJessielßrowni% at LucknciwoisEnothiogobeiter,thaims totob.l lug remark* off.) 09. S 1 c b 111 ;:* 16t) * :-r 44. covo 'O, . Ithtlilithefoi t liudikenadsitioTptit'l4 •• • ••• ~., T l9 /lii•Preitiytetir: Of"Owiltictiolit, .. 5 • -. iu.:./L, Hartfo r d ; : Mee m Ct., on Tuesday:, _um- i . Ely, Dr. Dumont end elder Janies 'AntiViilicileent ellotidiCifininiesicmerti to the-Decerall Asa f tiMbly. Agee. ;(1../ Wu! Adams was •on . nnexbinstion; re s t celled from the New School Preabyttrifgkiliier; eve, ye, .ond imetalled over the onr + 9ll JAI Tikempaimv,i4 l .W.. .Adam'e lab,ore,ttel,4lM,ki !Niter, in his p'Weit'lleld,` Wave liwen , iresily bieinia ' f' tiel t ebtireh this been revived biltiiii; Rely Splrit;. andithe 'dead in sin quiokerieoelth Unlit* of LChrist. i . 1 At ;the last eommunidtri.twew tive,were added to, the elkarch pn . prtilftgle s an rood 'Work tilt:ill in - litogreel. i ' • , 1 '. ' call from the ehireh in'Proiichinet-g.:,11. wo"put" . ' into ''tlie I hand' 'of 'Reir:i J. kiiihrrii 3 sai 1 40)41 4 4 4 4' anti et committee • appidatatetelsbistall Mt% 0.4:: i' ,--- 1 ~i• Ly I —4(9911.3 w _ b . I%iti 0 A - , For.tholtesbyteria n nabnei arid adroeasetdo-f.:s • Supplies , Appointed 'by"thei PreSbYthri4Of 441. i: , iv; 6/i) Bois, Lisbon; il :::, ,tie,' i veil iiiis4infiii,V Mr: fitiF' iftori,- Tbii4l-letbOoliV Art Mr. Maxwell, First Sabbath in Matlifiligt 111 . 1 4, - tfrhird,clatobbatlr ill May, !: Art !MOD. 1 40 0 nd1111bbati4 it,,Jiln,ir.; • cmr., at , I“ . •:liii i i) . Aaiun—Kr. Maxtip, ronit# Sabbath pi IV: :?wilt, Irlielini in b MAI: - ' ilt ai•—••Dr 2 ri.4laa ;•Ilitiki Sabbaih * 1150 sir MC' Muth ; Bind 2 bath in June. • ... , , : rila . "Pelianbiana—Mr., 0,44,0 . 17otirtli I OVidseodiot ein4im is ApriL Mr. Miller, second ,_•Wed..zinedli, ./. evening in May. Mr. Violin, FOnitli weaneadtay t In May. Dr. AiseManter, Seeond'Wednaa: Areal itailatC)ixi i ON liiki R. DInE6O/1, Stated Clerk. ft l i A 5 if' * . aflti# :i.-Atiklk4,ca4‘. 'PITTSBURGRIIMILY I,llBol' TRW'S... $1.30, to advance; or In Club -1149161 Or, dallverad realdenois'or summers • ,b l sas o 1111„.76., See Prospectus, on Third Page L'S.should b. prompt; a Intl while before the peat exydram, that we ow , oMl LL keTlitil arrangemenurfor a Milky Mpg& e irtzlcAucp ‘sEl....omlzAt Indlsates that yr His i M s *rover, in the haat; it Miditnia tilts Malted Should byt omitted, vol• kepartamirilendanot trorgatna.„..„ RIANITTANCES.—Sand payment by sati , hands,, crams convenient. Or, sand by anal:.: enielniaditg With ordliiaili Mimi and titis` bit*. • 'nobody with a knowledge of what you ar For a• largeninennt,rend a 'Dmilt," ,, Urge gates. For ona i or JAN° paparaoccad Std. or "MDR notes., , TO II 6111 A ICI ANGRI t and pdirtage stamp. ifi better' "We, await i i*Perishosii et eir S "meaty intiolootn, Or SI • Pim ;' •„•' • : ' .tarn . !Li•tromil .and Colmanantoldittl: to ItIr;V• DAVID 110WRIFI L IT. )Pktsburgl,, t • „ Aissexably. J The. Stmeral - ; Assombly,i of ,f:yesbytarjaii. ,Ohnish iwthe,Onfted.BMtes of Amapa& will hp} : its next Pr esbyterian &lira; New Orleans, at 11 o'clock A. I BC; ot(Thitiiliki'.' the 6th *Melt with '• sernionibp env Raw Tun tariniselaw D.D r olilorigratex of thightatAssieuhly. mir TheXenimtitrie,rif, i comtniasiona wi whet ' thle lelinreTrOwniltf l tlie*SlAUti, thiWedieli Gnat eiiehing if 8 '"O'albekc'lo . gommilisionew and on. Thritallity. inoining,Alia:: do rt ,of theineatin& stir Voloaki,Tor;the - same.purpoirt , JoLm j .Linumgc,,Sraied I f A. YiVigra Permanent Clerk. ~.3 Stated deka Of Prichilieries" ari kg ]apeetflillirettriasled to make out theirilits of imp ; eons entitled le the' 'Minitel On a - Separate . ; ghee " And to. siiid4hst,; together with !moneys for TrInUOIV le G. ft. VAN GaLDNA,7Esfhi . P44 11 4 0 L; • Treasnrer pi the .deneraCzieeetably. Board of Sorown Motions. -fts The, Annual' Meeting Of the tom* Of Miseconey will be hi" the Miiiicei'Houie, Ne ,York, en Monday;• the' B'd :of Kay.' at fouioo'Llot P. litZ, The atinnaVzseilnen, before; the:•l3eiteri •lr ` ' Assembly :1011 1 be.,prenchpd in Ne7,orlanepy t 19 ,, ;lei. Themes, 'E., Pea, ot:l3,aliiimixe . . 'The ge%)., A A. Perim., of Alabama. is the alternet. preacher.' " A etytihjii'itilliereo Bel preached'l' - the Rev.- L. '. , Dabney‘f DWI)°, of the Uniof. Beininery;lNarsinieotin , tani•AootobtPrentlYteris.t , 'Church,; ; Fourteenth ,;Street, New • ; York, :on :bath' emen'ing,, the ge ! fir to the 111, i; imal meeting-of the 'B'oird;.. Thall'nendat'yii of thg' elided 4lithq ofApril;' tql heretofore': 11,.• : • , =Nil Tiii - E'irifir is -th,. name of a weir weekly newspaper, petblishe n ly a -X„erlc,..deveted, to the interests r Young Men's Christian Assoeistions, , an , promotion ange*eiti Chris tianit world. wide The fiatfiatEniutiwir Aa r e jnit be e t issue ; ;, the tigeohanitsal execution 4, fine ; *and a, etrongfarray ,o4special onntdbators ,iireeented.. ; - Eziewt"Psw Rropirp4. m' At.aiiaterneetiag of tb&Beformed-Preeby oterianl Preebytery , (Covenanter;) the-Coit mittee .to .w_bieb: ; the .mattei had been re ferred,:reported :-recomm in din g the eats Wish Ment,of:a:wenlily newspaper, in Pittsburg) devoted to the =interests of that branch o the appointment of 4et. Black;nf :Sewickley, Asa editor. , If Dr. Black ~/shonid ,'enter , arena ; , 'lir ed,,with.pen, a'oissors, : , and paste,' no on • will welcome him.more heartily than we. • ' • • Presbyterian Anzatitreompany. ' • the'Corporation for the Relief pf • And ,DiAressed Presbyterian Minihtemi tk and, of tke.Poor and Distressed Widows And Chii dren Prembyteoian ikiinisters,"-has 'take , 'the -abiite — liatiiei* and' iesned a pamphit 3whieh - iiiii,TOrth the plaims and terms ,pf',l I 7m 6 4, l !'sfArtiuttit# oll , conducted , uPP I O4 I, k. • prineiple , of tbossisrho arcexpeiganto of . h • Ativantages t voing demon inguityvi4pplf ,, eationa,hir airstmti;::€llW;aliilOYti• i tobeit T ait it/lei! 6 • Stir:6l)44 .1 4 a , "AU - 21.! i ! ,iregtern Theologian deinifinry. ^ '9" 1 is L 3 Jti , ' 4 ,t OS) ,i The Anal ennaliaAQl46% ialta ,Pieled rf, 0 'With alil;dit to "all 4)oncerned , The i iddret its 'before the "Society of Inquiry," was deli•'. l * ( Areati iltrikai , 3, eveiirig, -by iProf. ;CBs i i i A nr° L.l#4__Vl ial, I . B l.l n _ C , l l i n i i!fl a t t . j . ° , 4i t ._OP:o , 3 ' l tNI F"t3nl • Fir 7ttrie oPißehti 4 1 .1 dril bitl r fill'itlut presto oe of a large asemblajo 0 'Tholubject atlectod•brilhet epaulet waritlimA. i i " hiumerriefibeJL`brukih," ur %lies didomiliet• r NI , , H of *hfet'hiiiihowesi'dr i e teftdenoy in. Ja i )1 . i r,.• , 3 1 + ant i , nature to determration where the Word sn 1 inetitntiOne of the,Gospelrdo not emat; the* independent of the Glel Elisio iv 'b so able 1 143 1 effeit i Vetin4itent niticnkal land/ iv y VI o 5 , A hi'll i to divrdul o rformatron og h2elt and pie • 1,/ .1 a 13 1 J. 14 41 e (P h ilt, that the Gospel dose possess and • mrerome f$ it that ukdemandediforithesthotough) reg"enei; 'atronlof the• world eli lihteeNtriCinflportitiormik we g eitagieliati by At idbtaargtiMen , tl ' mirfiliiliiiaidirgerilticriiiilietkri . tione . uk As ' The , iiiruguration of Rev.) Simnel—Jen • Dings MillonittewriVestioto bP.Sccieifasetca d , t ,r , , Ai . • if :i. t Hi ;rvi and th e CoMpositsou and Behr*., ,r , .4 1 i m #l . firerh. 6y ".... k place c°, Tue*Y o T.9 l 4l i . in Aka i iiret w grgebyterien l ehneoh. .01. Jena, &idioms wei tin ettendanom 3,1 f.l ts ittelbsigerto•lhe Pkofetivnie'sifeirii thd t Ot`t i oil A tire4, -) ! - Olcoi' 'k i tten' obara r of' .6nVeits;, iliesbytety . of ( 1140::, -, ..9 1 fT1Yi. 0 " 11 # 2 542 affe' 3 4°Pitoi) solemnly, vere tloie Anti's ) , dangers, andldir. fioulties of the -.position! to 'whiolrf he AM b6lll3alha; Wet of H.‘7;(4,1 0 - 7' . I " • • i. — an, tta4Aft) 314 V3Ubj,Pi tile. 41 . 4 ig HiPtOPPAggPxogloblegi'v.e theme 301m0i751 relstedlgtibothodepirtments of hisliirofeesot , ll , rid 'ettili bit t" M 5 L. Irer, 'Rh t 10 1 119 tk r f t V . P.C / VPA iOn ; 19f rt!tt)i Gospel to : fallen mu itadettodown aptoti! Erma,..l4,hrit,h; AarfinpVie oPioipbeter JoP•tvi the Baptist, AugnetioepOludeoetklm,, , GrAibii , fither, 411,1iin? Paor p g•t4i;lpii.fitrof * poiiiiir XlVi;;Tia ti tge' i pto44:4o4, l 4lll.l; illi§tii9VA44 l 4 Aka*, o 41aperiemi presobeitiOf reodeLditodersihtheee4; 7 Arbe:disebenie threntitbittinkli fallOr'S . fis - 61041i ) w i t e tb , e l iikho * o win t 3 4A l t P' .1 ,:7 b The 9 1 5 0rg, eix.etoißes, 4 0f.140: toUrig NOV bQ (111 Zethell4#74:evediing,ii* Of them mud be deferred until next weolio OEM ilit I ii.l4> 13 11... E RIA. NH: BAN NE it- AND AWs t/t) A. I L The Religious Movement.< than they have hew Wont to do. We would The religious !maim:ling, at present hap- haveffiem truly and extensively gchelps," pity so prevalent,laS in it some things which , 93 well as cc governments" in 'the house of are Ak e fv.PRER/igg•, q9l-17,14., . r being put on record; and a judicious con- Let 118 not be understood, in all this, us tei inplatithi bf`litem may be instructive as to• ,pliasingl a idisakifeiring itenteniae upon the the line of .Christian duty. , manner in which the aid of any of our breth 1. There.is less excitement than has been ren of the laity is rendered. Much rather, usual in reVierils; less 'decided' feeling than ' dewi say; with 'Vitale?, " Weuld to God thikt the all L y f has:been sommon in our own age, "-or u all tUe .14Orli s people were prophets. It may previous age 4ess-thenchatiwas ,the, ex.pe- be ; tliutt, ii khie, is ,the ,very „mode "which the rience of Neuf Wreathed tiimek. In ß ilie °lihrtravilt Ake effeetrial in gl-eittly extend leer:tee of-Pentecost ithere•was much moreof- 7 -ing-a-true -religions-influence: --The-three the indications of deep emotion, of alarm, 1 minutes, narrating incidents, teachings, warn and an anxiety to escape wrath, than we now ings, exhortations, prayers, from publicly un 'illitnees. , ' Whether this feeture is an indication of a ,'which Gird lias ordained." These may reach work.to be more extensive,` and, of results.. the hearts of the untutored multitudes, and more enduring, `thavhave been usual, May induce them to go home and search the bn a question:'" If the calniness results from Scriptures, and thence, like Cornelius, to a fuller kilowledie of Divine truth and • send to the Lord's ambaisadors for counsel. plearer, views of the plan of salvation,and a W tier. then, we appreciate this aid, we speedier and Stronger faith, in the able and ; I call for a still farther ceoperation, and one milling SiviourOtis well and promises pee. imereasely more influential te -the saving of in' aneney but if iepinciedif from imperfect 'then. We 'claim it of all Our brethren Of ienvinti,nrk, from fti'e , si eil views of human the laity, male and female, old and young. goodness, andiron! low : ideati of the,hatefal. We, ask that each shall manifest himself,,, in Den and desert of sinned of` the justice and .fairest oharacters, to be seen and read of all hblinesslof• God;' the - benefits ' are 'likely to men, a livingpisele- from the Lord The be, veii'mtich as 'the `morning oloud and spirit and coniiiiit l ottlia Christian in his the early &iv'. There may be very deep shop and in the"market - place and on feelings, mob.- anxiety,- ; great-„dread, ,per-, the farm, in the social circle and the family, Inibediziquiry, 'and .'strong crying and teals in trade and Palitimstin the Court binge and '-L'-'-even an "exceeding bitter cry "=where on the flatforni and forum, has immensely 'there is, no geriiiine 'repentance and no living more influence' thairhiipraying and 'speak faith, and Where the experience is such that jog in the noon-day, or'in any other religious ,the deeper the feeling has .beert,,,it,o sue Meeting... Let men and women, in all the ieteded by- the ; greater hardness of heart, if intercourse of life, cause their light to shine 'mot thelmorerdetermined hatied and opposP in thefull purity and brilliancy of heafen's t ,, itin.' .' '' ' - ' I • 1 ' ” ' tiuth., With unblemished uprightness` and ~ But still, oi f ii is feeling, and deep feel integrity, let them make their, henerletme I commissioners " to the general ,Assembly, ing„when, a ,einner, ie l convicted and coa l to go forth ; as' an emanation of Divine_ love, Presbytiries. . ' ?Bunters . Elders. merted.. It i was soi-in the [Old Testament and their temper to exhibit the meekness; Philadelphia, 1 t t. -1. Ladd, • Te ' D B. ' 1 Ilt h iltabotls. :,.. , revividay enlist Pentecost, , and in the. case and amiability of the ' mind that was in Christ chic , I D. rrypar DD. , Fannie' Bea` IL In. B. Brown. DA. Cuningham, R. WHLight. 3 . ,, ~ , 'of Sail of Tarsus, and the jailer, andin•all Jesus. Then will Men be captivated end A u. g b enY Cit y• the experience of the Church. There must drawn. "Then will the people say that "God.ID, X. Jun i n , D.'' Jos. Dysart. , be a conviction ofsin,a sense of ,danger, a Is in yon of a truth!' 'Then will sinners be tho'cton 11 1 S m em"ge w ' T. Pa ,vin. Alexander. 'hatred •of sine a -loathing oft self as , •ilt conic , sainted Tons to preach the Gospel is taarloa, ' C. li.• SerAin's. H. A. True, M.D. Louisville. L. J Halsey , :LLD, Samuel Cassid ay. laid polluted, a crying for pardon,. a longing the' tree call' and Divine mission of every , - Zsbeevillet W. 'iortil.l Grimes, J. R. Caldwell. rfjor GO& a pantrag after 'God,'" a' hungering` Christian. - * ' '' ' ' iN. Bronswiek, / Vi i m ala lP.m*D" i , .'i - - ::, ., ~ '' :4 1 , ,? , t ' 7 t Ar 1 f end thiretin,g, for ; : i g li'teousuelsi, ; and 'Acme 3. A third peculiarity of the present &tow& 1.1 oraLk, tchihN Gamble. will be a tremblingembrace ? h 'peace, . movementthe devoting of so.much 'Seek- aitab-L a rA, B. ,erica °' _ a. n iVa illi ce m r." . .. a aPe; a •., • , West Jersey, Daniel Stewart, Da, a. Lt. Tan Gelder. ia joy and gladness- Deep emotion, and day time, noon• day thne; business.time, to- Baltimore,. . n, G Galbraith,. Joseph R. Trippe. as we I , Rochester Laty, . .1 1 .1 . 1 din M; r 1l i r p ar in e g De e. . T. l ll . . i f te a w isell. much /emotion attends the passage ' of a sin. religious meetings. Will 'Worship, ~, , , , - • - ii. i mew Y° 44 1 Nathaniel Gewit,lhe Walter Lowrie, tier from his'state of death in sin 'to ti - eon='know, is useless; works o f supererrogatien ..west Hanover, Wm :J Hags; ''' J. S. Armistead, - • ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " Rasa Hanover,* lid Ward Afrtin, Abel Head. dition of life in Christ. Jesus" . ' ' are vanities • but a free will offering, of c 1 La r tteville, - , f r i i meo tty CK i lpn, n li s, D., trt i h s 'w p FnlX. Now, the question presses, is the feeling, time as well as of the fruits of time'sindustry, (which is being now, manifested similar , in God will accept. And the vast multitudes • Bt. cia i rri lli c. . :220:4`,1ii., I :5 4 ' -it', aa Charleston, el:milieu:l' and %equal in intensity - to ' that who attend, does not prove that religion is 1., A. F. Diann, D. B. Elender.on. ' . . , settler, A A. James, John Kno x , M.D. which 'belongs to a true &Lurie ? If it is conforming itself to the world. It is yet to wc'hictmi , J"'bc Eli g lemln ' ~ , / _ - . Redstone; ; Alex. Aotlau g hey, IL C a mpbell,M D. let. lill bless God for kind dealings with souls become so popular that all shall know. Gad Clarion, . John APltean. , Steubenville, A. Swaney. that have sinned. lf, it is not, we may well from the least to the greatest; and so much carnal., 1%1 = r at': ask why is it not? -:Has the instruction been secularized, that Whatsoever. men do, they Beaver, , Dar D- vet Waggoner. .alle g henyio Ba Nath'l Cooper. defect:oß ' Has God'alrbth relative to the will do all to the glory of God. ::Erie . J. R Findley,- , 13 S. Spencer. New Albany, R, D Staeilaster, li D J. it n'Campbell. condition of Man; his guilt , defilement,'and' - add, as peculiarities, 4. "That West Lexington, R:J.Brerkinrid g e,BD.; EL M rahall. , , Miami, , ,W. T. ' , it diet, ~ M. van . Tuyl. danger, Dot been fully presented ? y is the other buildings,' besides churches, are places sew Odessa 'B. AL Palmer DD., J: A. Maybin. ' w f greatness o f. SALVATION, Do.: ex--te-. roger er, , . e Hilton among Platte, B Blow, • Pram= tuntap. Richland. Jobri Burns, , J k Winterringer Is the true ilight not made to reach the mind the fleCo lo imitiemsl 6.. The little oppo- Con neetient, '.A. n. n tumit, DJL, ' James' Anderson: and conscience? How is it? The teaching `sition = wade by the world ;'-each each of which filk t ra w eg n , ' i I n r , n tilot h e 'r t * of the' people is ' alwais important, and is would present a theme for much important raburg, Frankliu Orr, ont go mery, Me Calhoun, never pore. so than in reviving times. remm . k, sensing joy or grief, hope or fear; Done g al, 1 I t i ra r gr ii . ''''' Nothing will saversinners short of a . know'. .according ,as we might be enabled to trace W ,'" ter, "n's W. Rim)°, edge of the truth,. `i - the causes of these variations to,an increase __ _ _ _ _ 2.' Therfaie, °in the' Present movement, far more of lay 4:tert, than had been usual, the conducting of religious ,ineetings. This has; been regarded as an interesting feature-and' fall of hope. Truly, every man who'enters the chiiroh, enters it` theoretically as a)a1)(4.41F•,.: to a Work. ';,4,14 when : the many weak, there, is hope, :We have Jong thought,- and, often uttered the thoright,that .laymen egregiously neglect their dity, - their abitiining from the 'due use of _means to save the sours of their fellow men. They hav,e,.much power, and great r0'1.4 facilities, fon. Wu , : effeetise, einsition. .They can do wbribin planet irgishpditonn oin never r each.' • ie tWaitiskiko.:o ;lifo;:wiil, knogledge a -adijaiar Reiff' *gut, told Laity: ;gain •Intinfaioninf fl 'obese sibsikti:llftilinfibifArie•*Polit4plitiniiih: "'TO :theitiorOiate abound. f. • 21114; services, ministers need • reviving times, pastors beoome Wilie-eitralabor which ie need: ffsl-4figiiis 9 lii *Corn' down as otters' to be lenfeebhed fO r ; inonthiL "Hence r the supplies: of nutriment to thekawskened people dimin i; e iah ''and , feebleness, ifrnot death, supervenes: , As the idjuidesf, the reinvsl §o far then` 88 lay 111440g1i -tevit;cl and ai:ftbetil• in t tins - inereised wand!, fOra attooBioD :end inatraxdom after ,warda,dit lead be fejOiced)n , greatly. - -- b i d r io'ih- i Abel int readmit?. sLorAisesitni tamp ex4l, duatspublimmeclioga, for KbrisaiVAire they. • ' rto fraidtitod,iinanagekeoitid; t teh, and lead' 'tbe t inVniikapsl 'Ate " 410 Ot• '..3 ►e are ' told ,19eP111119 &Or Pectin Bs 4 9. :not. PreSolk 7:iVhSa,the l 4: do atierdo'r re /thermal" •thing but' Gcititil Vir6l6l' 7 viiioh!Mni f maketWiee.ti3sto Sadeatioit Is IV Wn;d;'aita griita‘' • . :LA tL . LIU - Z;l2 Irklab is awe to save the sow., There , s Act,lntiMilute for, the Irposyledge k ni",the. inttlikt : any; man ;speak, let lila speak is Ilili'oraeles of God'!" r • a • ktrd 'are 8180'iold ' ibit tint Wife 'a lay-' • man,. and APDI!Da and they both N heogded the,, Wot 4. T ‘ nie ; hitt, did. the,' do iso vrevionialyatei: their! being called of 1Gk01t"4 , 6 the ministry -Timothy; also;' V-1 4 * 1.6' ;:10 . ': (14 iec ' f.0q 1411 : 0 : • ChtrAitt;-tia.97 were iaY.Rieh ~ W 01 0( s phtiat set them„apart to. bismorkJ,. 1;14 Alt wboiaria minieterel ••now;' were • moo ilaynkeiiA Th i e Minfiterial 'Aoki ever' fillett"frOin am6ii the laymen. r *%,',l,lk:tininnordaincd breihren , would thin (hie ; and that Toady more of, them, with ;the vigor, of manhood/:and •the knowledge - derived from mid). eiperienoe - 'listed to the voice 'of' Gok4ing'fiiiii*rh, 04 vi - Ood.siir# to.;.ttoioioistry of 'denall:the binding,foremof an entire. maw telaitaiy ail Riede= .yes. .• t ( '16;4 iSitc'Efdire,' ordained. 14 ' t y / o, in holdi ng Iw,MMMTV. g p 104Abt i TDg 1 2 i18rnaUCn j n delbedobttas Ontrablysindare oser.deoidedly. in favor of their doing vastly more work of grace, or be compelled to find them in a diminished regard for the doctrines of the Biblei and, 7. Another feature set forth in the following extract him Dr. Tyng's paper , the Protestant Churchman: • The pePular'schente of the present season is in ,ution prayer-nieetings.‘ These we hare no desire to disparage, nor in a,ny way•to , hinder any use fulness which they may accomplish. God forbid. 'we are thousandi in our cities and towns whom i.o church reaches, and to whont`nO pastor speaks. Vhere are highweYs and hedges where myriads rove unheeded, and whither the servants of the liinitmust go and• speak to thent.in the name of the Lord. , But the message to the wanderers in the higliwayi'and hedgeads, dome in, all . things are ready.' ' ' They are not to be left there.' Still less is the feast of,the *King to be . exchanged for ,the highways' and hedges. 'Adjuncts, such , ague. cies may be; but not substitutes. Union prayer meetings !mpg •not,superiede the habituar.and aPpointetraseeniblixigs together of the Church of God. Thereis great danger of this, and'weleir , n strong' tendency 'to it 'now. We hear. plans of hreaking.down denominations, and melting men ,into new 'societies of some more comprehensive kind., ;We bayonet &particle of &lain the value of any such results. If union preyer-meetings promote mutual love among Christians; awaken forbearance toward each other, concentrate more attention upon the great.fact that all believers in Christ are.:one in , ; him, call others in who were going on their, may, and direct their notice and etepe,,to the sanctuaries of God, and under the habittuff preaching of his Word, they may bti greabblensing.' But if-they are `exalted. into a mew substituted machinery for, religious influences toltaire, the Thole of 'the Lord's appointitents as effete and worn out s , and :thus to grow. in ,their turn ; into orgenikation which will `only the iooner run ont, because its origin is in man, and its elenieets , are in their essence temporary; then we cannot but eayi.though they may haVe called many wanderers in, they may prove to. have , nn- : nettled more tken' they have ,edified, and, their , effect upon the'ciminunity may be a greater evil than Benefii bYfat:?: The - olil proverb, " Let every ;one niend'orie, and so 1111.v/ill be amended," true ,in itslappliostionnto individuals, ie.:equally trnein f its reference to churches and congregations. Let every ; church, and-,pastor, and congregation arise in raestness s to *L ' • " Bat we leaveF Other`thouiyhte to the reciter. The °mansion to.which we come is, ibis The , -peculiarities jnst , wbat thoE es should:be; I *he' area born Of •God, :and hei;i' o The Westminster Presbyterian' Church, - Baltimore. This church : was 'organiied July.l6, 2852, ;by the reception of 'sirrty-bne communica ors froin,other nhirrehes and the election.of two ,Ruling .Elders.% The it is dedicated, will do much to oom- the, police department to preserve order, and mend it to popular favor, and in securing a pievent any violence. large amount of business. , The' enforcenient of the Sabbath Laws M. Gregg, X.D Car , theri. ktagan.. Hugh Bow S B. Heite. L. Flattery, Esq. The daily press * ofthis city has taken deep interest in the pre,s,ent Revival, and , done:rnuch.to disseminate correct informa tion; and alio to aviaken . the people to their duty: Mukitudes have in this way been reached, anithave been made to hear God's ; voice, who have been but little accustomed to serious reflections. The most judicious pastora and laymenure beginning to see the necessity' for the most darelnl and thorough . • instil:Potion of those awakened on the of religion, and also of exposing every false refuge. The human heart is deceitful, and , Satan , is, active ; we may be certain that tares will also, spring up among the wheat. Hence the necessity forconfirmin' g the doubting, directing the' inquiring, and also : unveiling- the true state of the, deceived. Although the public reports of the meetings are less'-full than some time ago, the meet ingS'are by no means diminished, either in the attendance or in the , interest . . The meetings at the chapel of the Old South church, both morning and noon, continue fullotnd many communications of deep in terest are made An intelligent young man, who had been a follower of that arch-infidel, Theodore Parker, and who had imbibed, deeply, his ruinous sentiments; has .within three weeks renounced that system of error, and-fled to Jesus for salvation. The, fiftieth Anniversary of the marriage of the venerable Rev Dr. Humphrey, occurred= on the 20th nit., when the gol den wedding came off at their home in Pittsfield, M4'ss where all theii children and grand children, from different parts of the Union,- were. present. Among them, were the Rev.. Dr. Humphrey, of Kentucky; `the Rev. Z Humphrey, of Wisconsin; the Rev. Mr N01,,0f, Detroit, Michigan, and the Rev. Mr. Torrey, of Delhi, New, York: The occasion must have been one of rare social and spiritual enjoyment. The people of Maine ,have not by any means ceased their opposition, to the Rum Trade The last Legislature, by an over whelming majority, enacted a prohibitory liquor law, whioh is to be submitted to the people at a special cleation. The,piesent license law also be submitted ;. those who prefer will vote, "License Law," while those who prefer the new statute, will vote, " For the Prohibitery Etihn Burritt, the "learned blacksmith," is indefatigable in whatever he u.idertakes. Most'persons, 'after the meeting held at lait`Summer, tor the inaugura tion of a movement for the gradual - aboli, tion, of slavery, by making . compensation the'. owners, would havelibeen .discouraged:; Nbt so Mr. Burritt. He will commence. a, The Cooper Institute will be opened on the evening of the 3d lust , with an address by its public spirited founder, Peter Cooper, Esq. It is supposed that. the whole es. penses incurred in supporting the establish. ment, will be met by the rent of the store rooms on the first floor. his been heretofore greatly hindered, from the fact that many of the policemen could plead ignorance of them, as a reason for negleet _or' unfaithfulness. But now every policemiri is furnished with a copy of tLe laws of the State and the ordinances of the city on the subject, with instructions to en force them, and also the laws against dis turbing religious meetings, profane swearing, and the sale of intoxicating beverages. The Bible Controversy still continaes But every step in the - discussion, as Con ducted by the senior .Secretary, Dr. Brig ham, strengthens more and more the con viction that the Revision Committee under took an& executed a work entirely beyond the purposes of their appointment, and that the Society, i n returning to the old version, has taken .the only safe and honorable course. To have persisted in the work as commenced, would have destroyed the Society. But now all. Protestant denominations can clue tor around it, and enable it to go forward in its high mission. The Res Dr. lionod, of Paris, has re turned to this city from his Western and Southern trip to collect funds in aid of big churchotrid has published a letter, stating that• owing to the late commercial revulsion be has, by the advice of , friends, determined to postpone any more applications for a few months, when he will return to this country, if necessary, and 'complete the work. The Dr. exprs,sies great thankfulness for the kindness and cordiality with which he has been reClved." During the last four months, he has traveled five thousand six hundred miles in the West and South, visited nine teen States of the Union, thirty cities, and forty churches. in cousiderati'ou of the Chjepts of his mission he has been carrieti three thousand four hundred and thirty eight miles by railroad and steamboat free of .charge. Ile • came to this country with the expectation of realizing some $3O 000; but only, 87,600 have been secured, which are now safely invested at interest. He sails for home in the Arago, to day, (Sat urday ) The Rev Oeorge L Prentiss, .D.D , who has been for seven years pa s tor of the Mer cer Street(New School) Presbyterian church, has beenreompelled to ant a dismission, be cause of impaired health. The Doctor has been a laberions, acceptable, and successful The Annual fraternal gathering of the friends of the American Congregational Union will be held in the City Assembly ..floorns, 448 Broadway, on Thursday evening, Alfay /3thi- The &tors will be open at six o'clock, and the collation will be partaken of EINE