Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, April 24, 1858, Image 1

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Presbyterlsm Baraert Vol. VIA RIP. 31.
preabytarisa Advesatot Vol. 11, No e ilk
n AVID McKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
I 4 riginai Vottß,
The Farmer's Cottage,
Behold the whiten'd landscape—all abroad
Is spread stern Winter's mantle ! Forest trees,
Stripped of their foliage, stand exposed
To storms relentless. The streamlets, bound
In lay fetters, now forbear to flow.
The songs of birds are hushed. The lowing herds
'Cluster together closely, feeding on the stores '
Prorlded by a bounteous providence
For their sustenance.
Now to the lowly cot
Turn your admiring gaze, and see
A picture of true happiness. There, by the house
hold hearth,
When evening shades appear, the pious farmer sits
With grateful heart, and in his hand
The Book of books. Around him, closer still,
Gather the cheerful group—his wife and dB:.
dren, all
Waiting with reverent ear, the tidings glad .
To hear. The husband and the father reads
Of Him, who to our wretched world came down
And died for sin, and rose again
To justify. Who now in heaven sits
At God's right hand, and intercession makes
For all who shall at length to glory uome.
Perhaps a tear may glisten in the eye of those
Who now their long of gratitude and praise
In harmony unite, to Him who thus displays
His love to man in such resplendent beams.
Now at his throne of mercy'humbly bent,
They pour their fervent cries ; for friends and foes
Their prayers ascend, and for his special grace
To rest upon his Church, his suffering saints,
His ministers, and those to foreign lands
Who 'vs gone, the standard of the Cross to rear
On heathen shores. All, all remembered are
Before His mercy seat, who richest blessings
And thus the day is closed.
While Wintry storms howl dismally without,
All, all is peace within. And each retires
With grateful hearts, awhile to seek
"Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep."
Viewing this scene, my heart within me cries,
,4 Sure God is in this place;" and as each season'
Its yearly round, he will his blessing grant
To those who thus his meroy still implore,
And daily at his footstool humbly bow.
Yebouttoy, 1888
For the Presbyterian Banner sad Advocate.
Thoughts of Comfort
Plumber 1.
There are many Christians who enjoy but
little of the happiness to which they_are en.
titled; and dm remeoll Is, that they have not
faith °Dough to lay hold upon the precious'
promises recorded in the Bible for their
encouragement; and, again, they look too
much at themselves, and not enough at Jesus
There is also a great lack of communion
with God. Prayer islormal, cold and feeble.
Why should a Christian 'be afraid ? Why
should his soul so often be disquieted and
east down ? What is it that troubles you,
my friend
Are you afraid of TRIBULATION? "Fear
thou not; for I am with thee. ' Be not dis
mayed; I will strengthen thee,yea, 1 will
help thee."—lsa. : 10. hat gracious,
loving words are these from the great Jeho
vah I " Fear thou not." Why is it that 'I
should not fear? God says, "I am with thee."
Is this not sufficient to calm every fear?
But hearken further: "Be not dismayed."
And why is there no reason for dismay ?
Look at this world of sin in which I live ;
the thousand temptations in my path; my
own evil heart within me ; foes without, and
wit Sin- fears. The Lord replies, "I. will
strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee:"-
Enough, oh, enough, the Lord will help me
and I shall come off more Than a conqueror.
Let not the Christian be afraid then of trib.
ulation, since help is promised from the
Omnipotent Jehovah. himself. Surely one
may confide in him, and with the Psalmist
" What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."
Are you afraid of DISTRESS ?
"Cast thy burden on the Lord, and be
shall sustain thee." " For our light 011ie.
tion, which is but for a moment, worketh
for us a far more exceeding and eternal.
weight of glory." -
Be the burden what it may, that which
rests so heavy upon you, be it sorrow, suffer-,
ing or distress, yea, even your sins, cast it
on the Lord. Endeavor not to bear the load
in your own strength, but casting all your
burden upon him, bonito the`proxiaise, "He
shall sustain thee" The premise is yours,
and for you, provided. you obey. If you
lean upon the Lord, he will.sustain you. If
the weary and heavy laden soul goes to.
Jesus, rest shall be obtained. Bitt remember
that sorrow and distress, - these afflictions,
last but a moment, and are working out a
greater weight of glory.
You labor, perhaps, under a heavy bn.rden,
and you are afraid of distress. God may
have taken away a fondly loved one, a hus
band, wife, or child ; or has God bereft you
of your parents, and are you oast down under
the heavy load ? He says he will sustain
you, he will assist you to bear the burden of
'grief; and is the load so heavy, so exceed
ingly heavy g The Apostle calls it light,
when compared with that far more exceed
ing weight of glory which is being prepared
for you; and this light affliction endureth
but a moment, in comparison with the eter
nal glory which awaits you.
Why should you be afraid then, lest you
be called upon to suffer distress ? ".Whom
the Lord loveth he chasteneth;" and all the
distress, troOle and yief you may have to
pass through on earth, is only tending to
your advantage hereafter. Courage, then,
ye who are afraid of distress. No cross
here, no crown hereafter, ; . no light afflidtion
now, no weight of glory in Heaven'. Pis
tress, affliction and sorrow, if but , rightly
endured, by a soul sustained by grace, last
but for a moment, and they bring eternal
One hour in the calm securiV, the peace
and glory of heaven—oh! yes, one' hour in
the immediate preoenea of Jesue, would
make amends for a We time of affliction on
earth; how much more an eternal abiding
there "forever with the Lord ?"
For the Freebyterlan Banner and Advocate
There is a vast amount of practical unbe
lief in regard to many assertions of Divine
truth about the duty and rewards of benev
olence. And this unbelief, 'or indifference,
exists in the minds of the otherwise consis
tent Christians. ' They appear to assume
that the royal preacher spoke figuratively
when he said, "There is that seattereth and
yet inereaseth, and there is that withholdeth
more than is meet, but it tendeth to pover
ty," They do not for a moment conjecture
that the, meaning of such plain declarations
is patent Upon the surface of them, and that
it is absolutely; true that "the cheerful giver
whom the Lord loveth," shall increase in
riches; and that the avaricious man who
hugs his beloved gold to his 'breast, is in
especial'danger of having it perish from his
grasp. , The . Book of banks tells us, that
" the liberal soul shall be made fat, and that
he that watereth shall be watered also him
self." The money loving disciple dares not
lend too sympathizing an ear to the cry of
the orphan, lest his purse should suffer a
collapse and his pecuniary resources become
lean. The All-Wise, by the mouth of his
servant, directs us, "Cut thy bread upon
the waters, for thou shalt find it after many
days;." but the "prudent" Christian prefers
not to risk the regaining of the possession
of his treasure. He to whom our entire
service and devotion is due, commands us;
"Honor the Lord with thy substance, and
with the first fruits of all thine increase;"
and graciously adds the promise, "So shalt
thy barn's be filled with plenty, and thy
presses shall burst out with new wine.'
But the wealthy steward thinks that he- will
be more sure to keep his barns . well filled, if
he does not materially dirninish their con
tents by his donations to the treasury of the
• Is there not thus evidenced a lamentable
indifference to those covenant obligations
which every one who has professed his faith
in Christ, has voluntarily assumed ? Was
that a partial surrender ? Was the sin
polluted soul given to Christ to be purified
timid ,saved, and all 'beside withheld? May
the servant dwell in themidst of luxury and
extravagance when the Master had not
where to lay his head? Should the Saviour
vol i untarily assume a life of poverty and
suffer an ignominous death, "that we,
through his poverty should be made rich,"
rich in imtnortality; and shall the disciple,
while on earth, seek only self indulgence and
petsotial ease? Not' even the 'common prin
ciple of gratitude for,the innumerable spir
itual Mercies with which we are favored,
should lead us as we have - " freely received,
freely to give." But when the additional
and far weightier motive of a Divine com
mand is considered, we may, no longer hesi
tate. As the stewards' of God we must use
the property which 'he has given us; for
to him must we render the final account.
We may not refuse to relieve the necoSities._,
of our suffering-ftlhrtr--nremarrei3ror - turn a
deaf ear to the supplications'of , the heathen
who are perishing for .the; bread of life, lest
the Judge shall declare, "Inasmuch as ye
did it not to one of the least of these, ye did
it tot' to rue."
Many devout heaits have rejoiced in the
action of our Assembly of 1854, by which
the duty of systematic beneficence was
.pressed upon. the notice of our churches.
And we are glad to believe that Christians
are even gradually awaking to a sense of
their responsibility in this matter. It is
surely time, when the heathen world is be
cOming every where accessible to the labors,
of the Christian Missionary, and the interests
of our own beloved land are endangered by
the influx of irreligion.and infidelity. ,
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Romish Force itth'e United States.'
Extracted from the American and Foreign Christian
What the computed Romish force in the
United States now is, and tyltat has beep
the ratio of its growth, few, perhaps, of our
Protestant population, know. We will there
fore submit a few facts in relation to them,
derived from the most reliable sources , at
hand, and which go fully to midair; the
views we have advanced. We will confine
ourselves, in •regard to these facts, to the
last fifty years—a period in, which the re-: •
,li a f , the country heve been wonder
fully developed, and in which various ken
s:flea have'bieri set in operation, whose bearing
will unavoidably,' as theyare 'designed,) give'
,shape or character to the future of our his
tory, and among which Romanism stands
forth not the least prominent.
Fifty years ago, which was in 1808, tbe
population of the United Steles was , about
seven millions of souls. There was :then a
small -number of Roman Catholics in the
land, but so scattered as to be scareely, per
ceptible, except in the States of Maryland,
Pennsylvania, and New York. The whole ,
land, at that time, contained but one Romish
diocese, and the whole ,ecolesiastical force
consisted of two bishops, sixty-eight priests,
eighty churches, two ecclesiastical Institu
tions, two Female Acadernies, and one Col
Now, inlBsB;the country comprises for
ty-one dioceses;, having, thirty-nine bishops,
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two
priests, two thousand and fifty-three churches,
thirty-five ecclesiastical Institutions, twenty
nine incorporated Colleges, one hundred and,
thirty-four .-Female Academies, and twenty
Colleges not incorporated..
The Romish, gain in the time is, therefore,
forty dioceses, thirty-seven bishops, one
thousand eight hundred aid four priests,
one thousand nine hundred and seventy
three churches, thirty.three ecclesiastical
Institutions, twenty-eight Colleges, thirty
three Theological Seminaries, thirty-one
Female Academies, and twenty unincorpo
rated Colleges.
This is a very large gain- for the , time,
and it shows the Papal denomination as
rising" within it to a position of strength
much beyond what has been realiied by a
number of the Evangelical Protestant de
nominations. The Papal denomination is
thus shown to be , larger than the Reformed
Presbyterian, the Associate Reformed Pres
byterian, the German Reformed, the Luth
eeran, the Reformed Dutch, the Episcopal,
'the Congregitional, or the New School Pres
byterian Churches. It_ is larger than the
Episcopal > and German Reformed bodies
combined, or than the COgregational, the
Reformed; and the Associate Presbyterians
t united: It is about as large atthe Reformed
Church, and New School Presbyterian bodies
united. It is well organized, and amply
supplied with all the means for effectively
advancing its interest. It has, besides other
means for that end, eighteen weekly news
papers, conducted in French, Gerinan, and
English ; besides other periodicals of less
frequent issue.
The ratio of the growth of the Papal body,
has greatly outstripped the ratio of the
growth of the population of the country. If
the population be now set down at twenty
eight millions, that is but four times its
amount in 1808,, or fifty years ago. Bat the
Romish priesits are now one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-two, which is more
than twenty-seven times their number at the
commencement of the period contemplated.,
Their churches are now two thousand and
fifty-three, which is more than twenty five
times more than they were lit -1808;' while
the population of the country has multiplied
itself only four times. Romanism has there
fore grown rapidly in our country. It is
now a strong body among us, and it is annu-
ally making considerable advances.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Letter from Kansas.
LODIANA, Kansas, March 30, 1858:,
Rxv. DEL Mclimmxv Dear
Whatever comes from this Territory is read
with avidity, and we can but wish that,noth
ing.but the truth had been written. When
ever a robbery is committed 'or a murder
occurs here, which is not more frequent
than in other States or- Territories, the,
affray is caught up for political effect, or by,
town rivalry is so magnified, that by the time
it reaches New England or New York,
and returns, we hear of a terrible political
outrage, or even 'a battle having been fought
at our very gates, and we knew tailing of
it. We hate so-much human sympathy to
be wasted, as is - continually being lavished
upon us. And hate also to be thought 8114 -
a rebellions people as we are characterized
to be. But whatever others may think of
us, we shall try-and take care of No. 1, and
provide a home_ for No. 2, if you will-send
him to us. Two years t have we been here,
and have seen no fight,
_heard little , quacrel
ing, and have known less meddling with
others' busineso, than in the same time any
where else. ' There is muck that is wrong,
no doubt, but where on earth is all right?
Binee the Free State party have the Lees;
lature and all the 'State officers, even should
the Leoompton ' Constitution pass, all' is
quiet, and, will continue so; and we will go
on, after a little more foss, just as if no - Pres
ident had been• made at our expense. . We
have managed to keep up the most ; fttss at
the least expense that has ever occurred in
our country. But I only mention this by
way of 'introduction to what .moist more in
terest yonr numerous readers.
We feel sure that 'many 'of them will be.
deeply interestekirt..l - briel Qutli
~..-I , ,rogress— e tra metorree'vultrah
this notorious country ; especially thoSe of
the " Old' 'Keystone,'' where your paper
most widely circulates. Whether -it is be
cause you make more preachersthere, or be
cause they rove more, seven out of
. the ten
now within the bounds of our Presbytery,
are natives of Western Perinslivania. Nor
do' the children. of that State beeotne asham-
ed of her in their wanderings whether she;
would be . ashamed of them;or not. Of her
history. they are proud, and her conservatism,
they remethber, and for her do they pray,
that she may ever be the " Keyetone " bind.
ing the. Union together. Not only have the
ministers come here from that State, but
many of her private Christians l are here also„
and more ,are.on their may.
But what is remarkable in the 'history ,of
our Church hitherto, here, is, 'that the-min
inters arecalling , the people, and sot the
people the ministers, as with you. This is.
owing, in part, to our Foreign Missions,,
established among the'lndian tribes. Three
of these in Kansas, , and > one =in Nebraska,
have each an ordained minister.* their bead.
This furnishes .; regular preaching, and an
early organization at each. of - these points ;
They stand as light houses ripei''tile shore,
directing the people into gi desiredliavens:".
The Chum sends forth ler. children, and
when they come,-weary and hungry, she has
here provided them a resting place, and here`
them gives — again the bread of life. Onr,
•Chn - reli, inore than-any otberheibtps, , loves,
heripublie assemblies
,and Means of grace.
And when God's providenei seems to call
her members to go into a new country, they
take their Bibles ; their Confessions of Faith,
their ,Hynin books, and their. Pastors, with
them. They would-take their ehurches, tee,
if they could. They would have the temple,
as well is the'ark of the covenant, with there..
But God'h i tis l anticipated them in this 'nun.'
try, by not only sending their ministers be
fore;- butt'by , erecting _tabernacles in the
wilderness for their".temporary worship. And
as if that might not move them:with suffix
cient certainty and baste to take early pos
session of the goodly raid, he has pointed
them out by their being the only great enn
serVative Christian Church, anti hence the
only one prepared to preach 'to all parties
here. Other greate pioneer Churches are
crippled 'by - dissentious or disunion,. but she
can walk firmly and fearlessly before all
men. The world is,her field, andlier song
the reapers. ":Say ; ye not >there are four
months, and then.conieth the harvest, but
lift up your eyes ana behold the, fields already
ripe to the harvest."
And.if, after those two calls, you will not
bear, but wish still to be persuaded to come,
a most beautiful and rich soil and healthful
climate, invite you here. ' God seldom asks
his people to do what is against their tempo
ral interests.. He sent Abraham away from
his kindred and home, but gave him a nu
merous p isterity, and a great country. He
called him from a land of springs of water
and barren hills, to a "land flowing with
milk and honey."
As if to make file call complete, all these
voices here unite. The taberuasies are tip,
the priests , have , gone before, 'others have
become lame and you ail not, a goodly land'
stretches out before you, and' should you
not go? It,does seem to US here, that it is
the duty of hundreds in the States, to come
to our help. What can we, as ministers, do,
without some to co-operate with us, without
some_ to organize our churches with
While we may be willing to make an effort
to support ourselves, and preach in cabins
when not at the mission- houses, yet why
should we do it for more that 'two years be
fore. any but a few members come We
i will not complain, for already , something'
is done, and god has • us faith and
hope. Nine or, ten ' o h s are already
organized, and several will soon be,.
and most of the more intetn6 places are
partially occupied, „dirty more have
been visited, and are re
1 When we.shall riot ofil 1 that to preach
or missionaries.
and pray is worship, b
give -also, is as
truly so; not only of substance, but of
ourselves and
,ou chit ,;thee shall we be
blessed. How o n w • ,
ship in what costs
us nothing and ith i the : costly part, and
yet exp e ct God' i ul .
Ssiag ? There are
two•kinds of wo h.
ship we tre' fe i ar :
fully defieient--the B ThiP 9.t working f or
God's glory, gncifti ,rship of suffering for
his Church,. er r i are est °rare" is . old,
is a Jesuit maxim t is tinn; if weir °r 4
with high pins, !and noble aims.'
, WN.,
hold. (and shall s „T, * 0 0 -iii2 , l** l o ll PAPhati --- `,
to build a ehttei wee .'and- nohnc"l"bih
mechanically,- „wi proper
,motivea; is WS
much an actor w ip as to pray and PTPa O I/-
in them after th, ' a Wetted. "Show me
thy faith WithOni' tall* aid I will show
thee my faith . t y 'works," is true in it
much more liter t nee than many suppose.
"Whatsoever_ , , do all to ,the glory of
God," is the to t ny of one who combined
all kinds of w0i144 whO prayed,' who gave
slms, who labor 'who suffered: ' ,
But :I must: b;e stop fOr the present, and'
in my next willi . , m
ve a brief account ; of For
eign Missions, re in Kansas, and the
°birches and e ntry immediateli around
i i ii
them . 'One, t lowa MiSsion, is' located
near lowa Point Another,' the Kickapoilt,
twenty miles So :of that, ~ o n the, Grass=
hopper Over, , neir odians, ,a, Presbyterian
village, which mcon be a good-sized re
ligioim ;town. ' it third,' the Qttoe, is
eighty Miles Weal the i litier, on the Big
Blue river. Ye t i truly,
, j 1 1 Wiih-M-Httiiiitztri.
iddiess is, lowa' Point,'
'ully,giv'e,sity informe
r, -to .those, desiring to
- P. 8.---My` Aria
K. T. I 'will- ohs
Lion about the.con
come to Kansas.
...From 'our Loi .I:Cooi:respondent ,
The,Spy Bystent'in 1
P,. 4, Denietls and Rejoinders
- State of Trade in . . , ce and Great Britainz—Re .'
li,giotie Revival --- • me Politice-- Conciliatory
Spirit of the' &Ain. .:: Their Dealittge. with King
Bomba and Franc • The Oaths Bill—Jews and
Romanists—What : uriidiction"••does the :Pope .
exercise in Engla ,'—lndian Telegrams—The '
King' of Delhi ano-Ais 'Future Prison—Native
Address from• Boinht4ir Col* and his:Batter
ice—The Cant ; of 11Qo operation - ,.Fichout , Com.:
promise" Exposed-few from China—American
. and Russian Co•cOtatfott-T-" Mies" ' Corms,-
pondeni; and the Int` ,'`or of Canton:--jts 'Peaceful
f i r
Condition—The• Oh e Armories—Yeh and hie
Supiptitions—Jerus lent, Napoleon, and r the Holy
:Places—Marriage.' th a Deceased , Wife? i Sister
, —postscript. . • - • ' -
' LONDO March 26th' 1858.
• ESPIONAGE' IN PARIS, n & st - ran,glyn . ssertad.
p...1-e , ..ri A ;....1 -- is , otilk,,denied by
thesioniteur. It is probable that:the
4turodrawn IynuOleadingio
obarged: A - Fitneh piator,w o: isbeen
recently in Londonoaid to a friend of minc, ,
last week, that things were not , So'bid in
Paris as they were represented. Neverthe
less, while the MoAiteitr boasts that the Er&
perorlgoeS rout Wit , hOUC au , s - scort, what are
the , fasts ofithe. , eases , When .hu last visited
the f t/per& House, all the streets adjoining
'Were (very properly,) Oleared, and when he
drives or rides, alihough no gene d'arme, or
recognized police accompany him, yet there
go before and. after—apparenlly, only a por
tion of, the crowd, and, dressed as . private
gentlemen—a large number,whose paid.duty
it isld look after his - safety. , And SO' still—
in France, at least, ''' ' - :
"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."
An-unio:4ally inereasectsum has .this year
been voted for secret .service money. Freon
spies 'swarm London, " and I fear smile
'English bands have handled , ,Frineh gold..
Jltis saidnthat audio—Tor whom a Teprieve
was made out, in order that ;heomightibear
witness on, the trial of Bernard, in Loodon
had pointe,d out to th&French Government
a`-number of refugees in Londoni: who re
, qiiired to ibe lboked - after.
The resignation of. Count Persigoy, late
,has increased the. gloomy
state of the public mind. The Count is: the
warmfriend of the Alliancebetyreen the two,
conntries; and, 'unlike Waleartiki, -and other
" creatures" who - surround - hint;',tbe disin
tweeted friend of the Emperor. ,Atienst
five hundred persons Have been recently
restedrin France, and 'the 'trade' Of Parisyis
so very bad, that the flame ef politibaldiscon
tent atnong the bourgeoise, is pretty Fare to be
kindled to &dangerous degree. This helPs,
`of courseito depress'matters %ere. Bat tun
great evil is, .the reaction of folie confidence
and, over-speculation, preduotOg, , over ;
Great Britain, timidity and distrust., Would
that we could hear ot ; a penitentiahand hum
pled statepithe public mind all ovor thaland,
such as seems to have been . manifested in
the United'States.' Some allowance` mint
be made for•the difference of national tem
perament: We are not a demonstrative pee
ple and there may be . great and powerful '
influences operating on men's souls at this
- time even though we have nothipg kindred
to your Wall' Street' pie yer-meeting` s, in our
busiest marts. at • noon day.' God has -chest
tened us; and Christians, at least, own that
,they have been
,lukewarm, and „that the
"Church had, settled on her lees, by reason of
werldliness. Besides this, there are symp
tom's that Christians are craving fer that
great gift -which-would more than• recom
peuse for all ,Borrows nod calamities, and
which would give moderation in.prosperity, '
as well as a spirit r& consecration of the gold
and oilier to the Lord and his canoe: We
want the Spirit, and some, at least, are wait.
ing for it.- May the. Churches. of •Christ
have the moral courage; to step out of the
line of eccletiiasticai routine, and to use all
diligence in rousing one another to he great
Work to which Providence calls them
Seem to indicate, that
unless the .Derby Cabinet make some great
blunder, they may be allowed to retain their
places for a. time. The ,Liberals may. bide
their time, and when that comes, them it is •
to be tested whether Lord John Russell,
or Palmerston, shall be Premier. Some say,
if the latter come into-power again, the for
mer wilt be elevated to the Peerage. But I
should be , see Lord John cease to'
be a Man.of the people. He is in his proper
place in the House of Commons.
'The Derbyites have done all they could”
hitherto, to conciliate and win the Commons.
They have sent an agent to :Naples, who haa
effected the liberation from prison, and from I
trial, of a Scotch Engineer, taken on board
a Sardinian vessel which had been seized by
a number of conspirators, who landed on the
Neapolitan coast, last year, with purposes of
invasion; many, of them perishing miserably
. by the sword, and others arrested and thrust
intodnngeons. They have also refused to al
low ayonng, Englishman, named Hodge, who
was arrested in Sardinia under the Charge
of eonspiringi against Napoleon, to be given
up to, the French Government. The an
nouncement .of, this by Disraeli, won the
Cheers of the„Honse. I shall not apply the
'Proverb 'to modern parties, '"When rogues
fall' out," 4ka.'; but certainly we are likely to
get measures from the Derbyites' whieh, in
oppesiOon f they would have, steadily, opposed, ;
31491,1, 913. WMgiw:Bo
•onlAn - 2part. ".."" 74 '
The,,Trivs into Parliament,
tai"heen debated . afresh in the Co' inions,'
, and'a'resohition in favor 'of it agreed to by
majority , of about three to one. • Thib ie
but the repetition of 'what has been done ,
before, in the Lower House. It remains to
be, seen what the Lords will do, and whether
Lord Derby may`not " rat" on that Subject
I 'believe that the Peers Will be firm
to their old position, that the admission of
Jews would unehristianize the Legislature`; ; ..
that it would admit men who blaspheme dr
diShonor Jesus, as the true Messiah. It
Was argued: with 'some f forde, in the Com
'Mans, by Mi. Newdegatei a Conservative,
that the modern Jews' folio* not the Old
Testament, but the Talmud, with , its lying
.perversions and immoral teachings. There
is some truth in the charge.. But there is a
party among the Jews theinselves who den
' recite any measure to adniit Hebrews' into
the Legislatire, on the ground 'that they
should have nothing to, do: with nstrange
.country and its ipolities--.-that here, as in
otherlands;they are but sojourners, and that
they are'living in the 'constant hope and, ex'= ,
peetation oireturning, as a nation, to Tales
; Lord John Brinell is, the warm and ele
,quent advocate of the admission of the Jews,.
on the broadprinciplei -
of civil and religious
liberty. Others support it because they are
Latitudinarians,. and others 4Ricause they are
T' u
" voluntaries t,religion, and deny. (some
what, doubtfully,; ,Lthink,) tbat, hits
any,tbing to do, withpolitics. lt is so , dilEz,
cult a question, that no man''should be se=
'ica' of bigotry who takes the side against
the 4Jew. What Christian's long fp* is le
seethe-day when the children of Abraham
en whom they.,lave pierced,
andanourni and, when, with one consent,
.they shall hail the once despised Jeans, with
the crY, "Blessed is be that cometh in the
name of the Lord!' Thank .God, that day,
is coming; and-whether they return to pal
estine or not, ortething is certainly predicted,
that," the restoring of them shall be as life
from the dead,l'ba_the dent* ivorld.f." Amid
now, 'an difif projecting
"shadows of 'coming judgments,; who can say
that the redemption of Israel may not be
.one l of the results of a last co,nflict f in which
crashing dynasties, and wide spread convul
sion, shall be the dread pioneers and precur
seri of a ' ' -
before the tlonse CoruniOnOn Connexion
with the Jew Billy , The Papists fret under
ther-ciath imposed on them,' which, obliges
them kildeclare, that ",no foreign prince ar
potentate hath jurisdiction within this
realm," and also prohibits them from inter
tering. with the Establiehed Protestant
Churches of England and =Most
ofthem_have fonndunt a, way ,to. reconcile ,
their consciences to , the oath. , But }till they
complain.' ,They assert, that while the Pope,
has no pOlieichl jurisdiction; he undoubtedly
has, and , exercises, apiritualjurisdiption in I
Greata Britain. : The mate:- Attorney General
tells,tbem, sonthingly, that it is only his (the ,
Pope's) political jurisdiction which is alluded'
theoith. But Who cen t 'separate the
'political from the spiritual, here'?- Does not'
the Canon,Law insist OR the Pope's univer
eel supremacy as 'qicird of all Lords.?" And
is pot Queen yictoria ex,commtinicated,: ipso
facto, - by that laW, t hecaise sheis a heretie?
Well 'it is for England' to keep up her old
protest I against Rome's, t pretensions. r= 'The
French,. ,Jesuit organ, the Univers, knows!
our, antipathy to the Pope and llis plans; and
so it threatens England with a:Napoleon - in,-
vasion by and-by, if she does not take care.
'Buti we are not = ":afraid: of 'their -terror."
The nation has no , reason, to repent,of having
recently maintained its 'honor. It r gives
heart to 'Sardinia)" where evert CaSour and
hie' Cabinet Wierebeginning to yield. Still .
Napolien is Surrounded' by bad men, and as
,long,u England isfree,,and France despotic,
it is
,but an armed truce, at the : heat As
the Agarday Review expresies !'the
whole military power of France is absolutely
'wielded by the will'or the paileonsef a sin
gle man, 'who makes "a great moritof not in
'trading us withotit a cause! , , A 9 to invasion,'
hoWever, the Emperor Willithink twice:about
it. Our Channel: -Wands E (as I 'believe, I
formerly mentioned,) :'bristle with' cannon
'and fortifications,' and 'it is found that in
forty-eight hours >a fleet of gin-boat&can
launched atiPortemouth.
FROM -INDIA., the last mails brought us
particulars of the King,of Delhi. It seems'
quite plain that he took advantage of the`
Persian war to plot insurrection, and that
hewn approvingly cognizant of thehorrid
massacre of one hundred and ; fifty Eng,lib,
men, women,, and - ohildren. His future
prison -island is, one of the Andamans, one of
a group of small islands in, the ,Bay of Ben
gal. The inhabitants are a. barbarous peo
ple. Thither r also, a large body of Bepoys
will be sent.
There has been a, discussion• in. Parlia
ment, in which complaints, were made
against our troops , and tribunals,: of indis
criminate slaughter, whieh, however, are
not borie out by' acts. One thing satisfic:
tory irythivsirasi• of• a correption,ot an error,
came,out in the - debate. The phairmarr'of
the .ast India Company aeolared that there
was reason to belieie that those horrifying
inscriptions on the walls'of the slaughter
house of Cawnpore—in which women were
said to have suffered the most fearful out
rages—were not here when the place was•
first entered by our own troops. , They must
have been - affixed by someone 'who-wished
-to instigate the soldiers td desperate.revenge.
A Native Address with three, thousand
signatures, come licinie from Bombay.
It 'recognizes if the' shameful atrocities?
- committed by -!the •Belloye, , but points iota
7.1 11.1 ik• 411
that the criminals were natives of Oude, .
and "belonged to a single class" (Brab
mins.)*,They assure the Queen of their loyal
desire ior lasting tranquility, and a prosper
ous rule over " a peaceful, united, and pros
perous empire." The rabble of ,Bombat
would, I fear, dictate a different kind of ad
dress, and heathen Orientals are not to be
trusted, 'except when Self places their inter
ests parallel with our own. We are still ex
pecting- stirring ,news,.from Sir Colin's in
vadingarmy. He had, batteries of not less
than one hundred and sixty heavy cannon,
liis objedt is to crumble the defences of the
rebels into ruins, and to spare his soldiers.
Bat: the odds in point'of numbers
against us. '
itA-oantloheasepjult ;ntfiorbf some 'English .
who are . but Semi-Evangelioals,
or Broad-bhurchmen. They seem willing
to forget "that High-Churchprinciples
necessarily antagonistic to the 'Gospel. The
Record speaks out minftillY 'on this point,
and asks, .",What constitutes brotherhood.?
Ecelesiastiealur epiritnal conformity ? Iden
tity of gown and cap, and hood, or identity_
of Gospel doctrines ? Can any 'min who .
holds the opinions set forth in Dr, Hook'S'
Church Dictionar y be a brother and act
cordially,, and preach, add pray, and labor fru
ternOly with a man whO holds the doctrines
,Scott, and Bichersteth; and Simeon ? Or
can' one of those who have been called ,4 fire
and .brimstone preachers,' be:yoked together
with one. >of the school of .Maurice," ; who
have so ,denominated the Evangelicals ?"
The NEW!. FROM CHINA S is interesting!
Yeh, a ~prisoner on board of the Inflexible,
was . at gong 'Kong on ,the .15th of Feb.
rnary, on to way to Calcutta blookr
ade Canton was raised on - the:4oth: The
Russian and American. Plenipotentiaries
have joined.. the English and. French in
their, demand on the Chinese
Their joint letter had gone up to Shinoii,
and by the middle of March it would, be
known whatline 'China , would take.
The Times! Correspondent r ; writing from
Canton, descrihes, that city es, perfectly
peaceful and safe to the foreigner. Hitherto
it has 'been always represented as frill of
'turbulent, blood•thirsty savages.' " I tra
versed the whole city, from -East to West,
with tray trunk. and chow-chowibaskets, my
self .the only escort tormy four coolies.. The
only difficulty was to push our way through ,
the crowd. 'The people were cutting up
their hogvand their fish; and'ileoking their
comestibles. in 101 l -businesli•like, security.
Idlers wcre,playing)at Chinese hazard: The
ouriosity-shops, in incredible numbers, were
victimising credulous' lieutenants. The
shopkeepers invite you into 'their *nips with
a politeness that proves , they have no mis-
Tiving.. The- spirit of insolence has de
parted, out of - them,..
.I .believe that no ten
Chinamen within -sight of Canton would
= -11, - ,strck - in - Tho - presetoil of , a
British ``-or French soldier or sailor'."'
this is Jvery .gratifyingi? an d -Wen, it
is to`fmd,,that after careful inquiry,lthe
nose loss at the time of the assault by the'
British, and Frenob, was not more than two
hundred. It was- always predicted by the
Opposition in Pail en:Mut 14st year, that an
attack on Canton would lead to an immense
)sacrifice of life. The writer thuk.orally ac
counts for the limited loss ;, "Pokes
you, surround Chinamen, you, never kill
many of them . You never catch' them on
an island •or in an isolated' position. They
act , an the kprinciple' that
A. manse who trusts poor hole,
, ,
Can never he a, mouse,of any soul." _
Thorough order had been,established in
the city by the three Commissieners. Sol-'
English und French; were near 'to aid'
theini in matters of .'police. The ',Tartar-.
Depnty-Governor stiggestedd innocently, as
the city was sequiet,lhe soldiers. ,might be
withdrawn. Instead of this, Lord Elgin,
reminded him that arms of', Tartar sol-,
diers were to be given np, and So the 'armor
ies- of double-handed swords; of fear-in
spiring.shielde, of war jackets; arms, swords,
pikes, and. npas . blooks, topther with five;
brap,guns, wer despoiled , aciani•dingly.
to the notorious Yeh , his - papers
abound in fortune telling schemes, and it
seemwelear that he' *as acting•under the in
spiration of this kind,of,superstition. Cruelty.
and superstition, have been his.„promptersi
noi - jOdgment or common iense.
These glinitaies of Chinese habits ' and s of
the interior of Canton, will •not, I trust, be
uninteresting &to yonrtreailers.: I have ibeen,
this week,. at, the ; Great,.Gtobe,, in Leicester
Square, where I saw an, admirable. illumine
tad transparency, giving an &emirate 'view of
' Canlon. Itis - wonderful ho'w theee Patio- ,
ElthibitiOniqoflitidia thee is 'One in
the building,) • helps you imunderstindi , ng
-more ,clearly,, the aooo.unts '100; borne of
battles &c .
Fao :Y JoomsaLum, we learn that the:
Latin monks had celehrated by a ,Te Deittn:'
the deliverance Of the Emperor 'of the .
French ; who " is the moat faithful and stead
fast friend 'of religion:" (?)• The Latins - at
Jerusalem.look to 'France as:theinprotecepr,
the; Greek. priests 19 RISSitI, , alp& between
them they,oontrived, as yon know,,to
the political strife, .some years ago, which
ended in the Crimean war t With ii ,its
-misery. When shall their covetciusu trite
and their . lying legends :about. ".the holy
places," be swept away_ . ?
~, •
SISTER, (now.rather ;extensively, practised
against.the law,) we's denated this week in
Parliament. A bill was introduced to le-
galiseilt. It' is probable that the Peera will
reject it, if it reach the'upper Houle. It
is a much vexed question. Our West
minster Standards (part of, the statute law of
Scotlarid,) are against-Such/marriages.
.. • •
; W.
P. S.—lt is not improbable thatere long
the hardships aliont. passports to France may :
be mitigate& Lord Palmerston amused the
Home` of ;Commons by deseribing•an•adven-'
hire lof his. (min, a number. (if ''years ago;-
:when traveling, in. , Francei: a k." harmless
atrangen;" he. was threatened with,anest„
because his, passport had not had the, visi'ot
the French Consul since landing , at;
`Havre:`' emphatically condemns the
whole system: The case-of Qrsiniphe
Preyed ; that it' was useless.. It it,probable
that 4werica and.the, United States, may, in
consequence of this annoyance have more
BritiSh tourists and 4 travelers than usual this
year: f
The -weather it beautiful, and alinost" - un.
i -naturally warm :fot"the„leasom, Abe: Vat.
Philadelphia, in South Tenth Street, below Chestnut
By Mail, or at the Office, 51.60 per Year t SEE PROSPECTUS',
Delivered in the City, 1.75•
astrenoiner, Lord Rome, the, preets a Summer
ef unprecedented.,heat, and,advises farmers
to erect sheds for the protection of their
Lord Stratford is not to continue Ambas
eider, at Constintinople.
A letter from Mr. Porter, Missionary at
Damascus, to the Times, shows that religious
persecution is still carried on, and declares
that the new law of religious liberty is gen
erallY inoperative, ,
The , Duke de Malakoff (the Marshal
Peliesier of the Crimea,) is just appointed
Ambassador of 'France at this 'Court. This
the Times hails as a most significant token
of continued. alliance. How astute is the
Emperor I .Gomez and Rudio. are to be
transported to Cayenne.
itleplseifiikthat the King of Delhi, during
his short reign",, after the seizure of the city
by the Sepoys, wrote Hindoostani verses,
exulting in the.downfall of the English rule.
- Here are' two couptete, wa translated by Col.
Burn :
0 heart! see the strength of the right,
The, Christian,is beaten, with his own shoe
" Nothing could be done either by Russia or
The English are ruined by the cartridge."
*Meals and -Turkey (or Room,) indicate the
Wing Christian and Mohammedan power&
For the Preabyterlan limper and Advocate.
How Churches are:Begun.
Ma. EDITOR. :—There are some churches
in the olden settlements, very much weak
ened by emigration from them to the West,
and some persons move to the West who
ought to stay,at home. Some seem to be
grudge us, in the West, all the strength we
get by - emigration. But many families who
are doing little good in the large and crowded
churches, would fineinviting fields of use
fulness in the_newer parts of the country,
-where, little churches need strengthening.
Too'often Presbyterian emigrants settle down
at random, without looking to their useful
ness; and 'to church privileges for their fam
Eat, even 'then, God has a wise
design, and if they have the spirit of true
discipleq,they are. often the,means of gath
ering up and founding churches. Unless
the colonizing Tlan could be more generally
adopted,than it is to be, some one
"family .must be the first in each neighbor
hoOd where a church is planted. And God
, frequently-sends , twO or three or more fami
lies to the same locality, without any concert
on their , part.
.Takis an example. Two or three years
Igo a Youndman, N. H. Hall, addressed a
letterto the PiesbyterY of Des Moines, from
Sigourney, Keokuk County, lowa, asking
for some-preaching,-and stating that he was
the Only-Presbytentin in the county, so far
as heknew. Some months afterwards the
Presbytery met in a town twenty-five miles
East of Sigourney,
.and a stranger strayed
freni the ptiblizihouse, where - be bad put up,
end • entered'ihe church...l4oe 'Presbytery
whOjustiadjottrning. • He'vris time enough,
l however, to find that - he had Providentially
Allen among brethren, of his own church.
He informed the members that he was mov
ing his 'family to Keokuk County; some
eigt t iniles East. of Sigourney, where, with
a few other Tret;byterians, 'he was about to
settle. They had visited other parts; one
point to .which they were drawn by a news
paper notice,' were not pleased, and were
about returning, but were induced to turn
aside from their route into Keokuk County.
There they found in excellent country, lands
cheap, much of it at that time belonging to
; Government, and there they desired some
Dare from Presbytery. In due time a church
was ergenised in Sigourney of nine mem
bers, of which these two brethren, Hall and
Wilson, were elected Baling Elers; both
then living eiglit miles from the county seat,
and only' one rneinber in town, and she an
aged' Pruisiaii'lady.
Thatchurch-has not only lived, but now
~;numbers about forty members. Of these,
;about onehalf are in the. town, and were
nearly all received last January. They have
a comfortable little house of worship, and a
'prospect of regular 'preaching three fourths
of the time. Mr. Wilson's neighborhood,
some ten miles East, will soon become a
separate organization it is thought, ' and re
ceive one-fourth, of the minister's time.
' Let us not despise the day of small
thingil." These:little beginnings call for
thesympathies of the-Churoh at large. Of
_those, lately received into this church, several
had enjoyed inyears past the regular ordi
nances of religion. The seed long buried,
springs up in their Western home.
The Minister, not the Gospel.
v There - was a time when men went to
elm* to heisithe Gospel; now they go to
hear the. preacher. The inquiry is not
I,whottilmt - how does the minister preach ?
if voice ,mid ,manner are good, and he
preemie u r graceful appearance in the pulpit,
all is well.: His sermons are never tested
by 'the' i3tandard of Divine Truth, but by the
test& of -the congregation ; and every one is
ready:to criticize and pass judgment on the
minister,. for it is him, and not his sermon,
they go
,to church to hear. His sermon
may be clear, logical 'and heart-searching,
full'of the spirit and unetion 'of the Gospel,
but if his voice is not on that key to which
the: car. of the. congregation is attuned, or if
his manner is not in accordance with the
taste of the congregation he 'Will not do;
for it is not the Gni- F v*""i but the minister
'they go - to "When persons go to the
sanctuary tb heal. -the Gospel, we may ex
pect tole° difigentresults.
: PxoptratliaL for Death.
When you lie down , . , at night, compose
yourispirits awl( you -were• not to wake till
,pbe,heforeps, be no more. And when you
Walie in the morning, consider the new day
'suit Mir last, And aet 'accordingly. Surely
:that night aometh of which you shall never
see the morning, , ori that , day of which you
shall , never see the ; night; but which of
your, inornings, l an4-pighta you know not.
Let the mantle of worldly enjoyment hang
look abciut you, that it may be safely
diopped ithati death comes to carry you into
another 'world. When the fruit is ripe, it
fella off the t tree, emily. So when a Chris
don's heart, is truly weaned from the world,
he ie prepared for death. A he ar t disen
gaged from the world is a heavenly one,
and then we are ready for heaven When our
,heat isitheno,„, ,„