Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, April 10, 1858, Image 1

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Prothytorlaa Banner, Vole Vlip No. Oa,
promaitorlaa Advoooty Vol. IX ■e. 514.1
nAVID MoKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Ii nal'Vattrg.
"Bring out Your Dead."
Oh! many, many years ago,
A dreadful plague•o'er London raged;
It pitied-none, and spared not
The rich or poor, the young or aged.
Then, in the dark and gloomy night,
A cry was heard, so full of dread ;
What sound was that, at every door ? '
" Bring out your dead bring out your dead !"
41 Bring out your dead!" but now the call
Need give no anguish or dismay; .
" Would you have life 7 bring out your dead,
For Christ, the Saviour, comes this way."
All round your. house, Oh Christian see,
Dead souls! alas, dead souls abound ;
_And in your home, where loved ones dwell,
How many, dead in sin, are found!
And many, many years ago,
When Jesus dwelt below the sky,
A ory was made to rich and poor,
" Oh see,. the Saviour passes by,"
Then, crowds beset that Saviour's way,
And in his path they'd closely tread;
They brought the deaf, the dumb, the blind,
And yes, they brought to him their dead.
And now, not many years ego,
Mit nolo, the S'avour 's passing by ;
Then bring your sons,your daughters, Mends,
Your dead in sin, Oh bring them nigh.
Ye gathers, bring your sons to Christ,
And children, by your mothers led,
Oh come, for 'tie the Saviour's voice,,
" Bring out the dead, bring out the , dead."
Then now; when ,Tesus passes by
I'll press my way e'en to his side;
And on my knees, in faith I'll pray,
eord, to my home r Oh turn aside;
Or if thou 'lt only just delay,
I'll bring to thee my dear one, dead!
Then tarry, Saviour, on thy way,
And bring to life my slumb'ring dead."
B L.C:
tor the Preabyte . rian Banner and Advocate.
The Revival in the First Presbyterian
Church, Steubenville,
Dn. MOIKINNEY—Dear Brother: —At
your request, I venture to pen a few things
in reference to the work of grace in our
church. ,Two reasons have made me reluct
ant to attempt to place before the : world any
detailed account of this, work. The one is
the fear of premature conclusions as to its
results. The other is suggested by a re.
mark recently made by, one of the, most ex
perienced pastors in our country, who has
been eminently blessed in past times with
most extensive and powerful revivals, daring
a pastorate of almost a third,of a century.
4 t Brethren," said he, tg when you go out,
and, hearing persons speak of the great work
wrought in your midst, become ,conscious of
some elation and self-pomplaeeney, as, though
you shared the honor, or had become some_
thing, and your agency had ,hecome a pro
m:Lang cause of success, then rest assured
the Spirit of the, Lord will leave you, and
you will relapse, into your formeroondition."'
God is a jealous,God,, and giveth not his
glory to another. such is roar hearts, that
under the very form of giving. all the, glory
to God, and,disolaitning it for ourselves, we
soznetimea, may. find, by close eel f.inspootion,
a latent disposition to laud ourselves, or
think of ourselves more highly than we
ought to Think.' 'On 'the other hand, when
God works, and gloriously Manifests his
power r inay we not / roust "we not, praise and
laud him Or his wonderful works to the
children of men ?
After the Convention, there was an in•
creasing seriousness among our peopin. A
general visitation from house to house,
showed clearly that there were many alarm
ed about the coldness and declension pre
veiling in our midst. The 'day of fasting
was obeerved with seriousness—no melting
indications. Before that day, two , occur
rences impressed my mind. The one was a
case of most powerful conviction, which
wastit first disposed to attribute to physical
causes. The reason of the man seemed per
illed ; yet, in a few weeks, he found peace
and hope. The, other was a visit from a
cold and careless member of tbe church. He
told me he had' greatly backslidden—aban
doned the family altar, and had been on the
verge of apostasy." But he had been deeply.
and powerfully awakened by the remarkable
dealings of God's providence, and that he
felt persuaded we were about to have a great
revival of religion. According to the rec
ommendation of 'the Convention, we com
menced a series of meetings, designed to
last eight days, about, the first of February.
Brether bloKennan preached four or five
sermons to the church. Previously, our
prayer'meetings were filled up, and a solemn
interest pervaded them. Our daily after
noon prayer•meetiogs increased in the,num
bars attending, and in solemnity. The Rev.
D. R. Campbell came in and preached: my
eraL evenings. Dr. Beatty, and Professor
Agnew, also afforded us important aid in
the various services. The people begged
that we should not suspend the prayer
meetings. God's Spirit was so manifestly
working there, that not unfrequently the
crowded room seemed melted to tears. The
inquirers multiplied from day to day, till
they exceeded a hundred; and up to the
very' last one held, which was but yester
day, four new inquirers were present.
Of the forty-three admitted at our last
Communion, several seemed arrested in 'a
most extraordinary manner. One had taken
a solemn oath that he would not come near
the church diming our exercises. He was
alined driven to despair when under convic
tion, and by a most singular providence he
found a passage in Witlisson's Treatise on
looking to Jesus, by which be was induced
to take the words of Christ, and rest on them
for salvation, us though "he saw them to
be true," d he found peace.
Another youth, far from home, about, to
embark at sea, not to return for years, was
so impressed with the conviction that he
must return home, that he set off the next
morning, and arrived during the progress of
our meetings. , He refused to enter the
church for several days. At 'last hn came
to his pastor's study, to inquire about the
new birth, and deeply anxious to koow what
he should do to be saved. The night he
was so troubled in New York, was a night
in which hie mother had been sleepleeth Bna
in an agony of intercession for her wandering
prodigal. Another case, in which a wife was
pleading for her impenitent, husband, in mid
dle life. A most remarkable dispensation of
power brought him, atter many struggles to
suppress his convictions, to remain at an in
quiry meeting. He said afterwards that he
started away, and got to the vestibule of the
church, and there God's hand was so laid
upon him, that he felt he could not have
gone out if it bad been to save his life. He
at last yielded his soul to Christ, and now he
sweetly sings the songs of Zion, and re
joices in the hope of eternal life. In an
other instance,, one refused to come to
church at all, and yet at home was so pow
erfully convicted that his reason seemed to
tremble upon its throne. Now he is a docile
believer, waiting to unite with the Church
of Christ. He had a praying wife, who
from, day. to. day had plead, with tears for his
conversion. We have, in these signal in
stances, such proofs of the Divine power as
have filled many of us with , awe. They
stem to be answers to prayers offered,. be
seeching God to pour.out his Spirit, and so
powerfully to work that the most skeptical
should see and say, this is• load men, gg it
is the finger. of God." -
We, bless God that many are now,hoping
in Christ, who expect to, unite with the
church at our approaching communion.
We keep up one extra service, and one
meeting for the instruction , of young dis
ciples and inquirers, every week. These
latter meetings have 'been well attended.
Our hope is that God may continue-the mani
festations of his Spirit, so that if not daily,
we may be permitted to see at least weekly,
that there shall be added to the , church such
as shall be saved. Often have Christians
met, with swelling emoticms, saying, one to
another, is it not . wonderful Is it not won
derful ? Shall we ever again doubt- God's
willingness to prayer? Not unto us,
not unto us, 0 Lord, but unto thy name be
all the glory I
For the Wasbyterian Renner find Advocate
Revival: at Andover, 111.
BROTHER MCKINNEY :—Notwithßtan ding
our utter, unworthiness, the Lord hath done,
and, ie still doing, great things for us, whereof
we are glad.
So unpromising was the internal condition
of matters in our church, that - when, some
few months ago, a brother in Rock Island
said to me, Brother Inglis, you have done
a great external worifor the church of An
dover, in rearing. such , a ,church edifice as
youlsave, and then in building such a parson- ,
age, the first and,only,one in our bounds,"
(the,Presbytery of Rock Itiver,) "and now
1 am confidently . expecting that before long
we shall hear of, your internal prosperity,
when, your church, shall, be revived and her
borders ,eialarged," T could scarcely hope
for the realizition of sioli a blessing. But
"the =Gerd hatfi not dealt With us after our
sins, , nor rewarded , according. to our in.;
iquities." :Id the plentitnde of .his mercy,
he hath moat graciously visitedue and poured,
out upon us a large and rich blessing. The
- obitich has been awikened and led to humble
herself beforeiGod, 'and sinners brought to
prostrate themselves and , call dor mercy in
the name of. Jesus.
We have had continuous services for more
'than:two weeks,rand our-meetings are still
in progress. They have heen noiseless, but
;deeply interesting and. solemn., Our morn
ing public•service haivbeen, invariably, pre
ceded by a meeting for, prayer, conference,
and exhortation, and , the evening service pre-
Oeded by prover and praise by the congrega.
don,. say from half an' hour to forty five
minutes. Inquiry meetings.have been held
for the most part,' daily, in the' afternoon.
These have been melons seasons, and will
long be remembere'd. More than forty have attendance at these meetings. Of
these, some twenty•eight are entertaining
hopes that tb.ey•have passedltom death unto
life. Backiliders have been led to return
from their wanderings, seeking for their for.
oaken God, and; at the same t.ime, acknowl
edging, is the language of the prodigal son,
that they "have 'sinned against heaven and
in his sight and are no more worthy to be
called his children."
I have had week's Resistance of most
faithful labor from an excellent brother,
laboring is a missionary in a field some eight
miles South of me, Rev. J. Marshall. May
the good Lord reward him by an abundant
outpouring of his rich grace upon his own
dear people.
0 my dear brother, what Shall we render
unto the j, Lord for these heavenly visitations
to so many-of our churches ? Let us take
courage 'frornWhat has been thine for us, and
go forward with a stronger faith in ourlabors
for the upbuilding of the walls of Jerusalem
—the extension of the Redeemees kingdom.
"And may the beauty of the Lord our God
be upon us, and establish thou the work of
our heeds upon us; yea, the work of our
hands establish thou it."
Yours, in Gospel bonds,
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advotate.
Revival at Concord, Pa.
Riv. DR. MCKINNEY :--While the. Lord
Is doingso mush for many of the churches,
he has also graciously visited us with a
refreshiog season in the church of Con
cord, where I have labored for thirty-five
years. We had preaching every evening,
for more than two weeks, during the
time of sleighing, and the meetings were
unusually well attended. The Spirit of
God was here, convincing and converting
sinners and comforting his people. Forty
five were added to this church on pro
fession of their faith, at our Communion on
Sabbath, the 21st ult. Five were also added
on certificate. Twelve persons were baptized,
and one of these was a grandrather,
seventy-three years of age; anotheihis son,
aged forty, perhaps, who also has a family;
and another, a grand-daughter of the old
man, about sixteen years of age. Thus the
representatives of three generations presented
themselves at one time for baptism. Some
of those brought into the church on this
occasion are old, some are young, and others
are middle aged. Ten or twelve of the
males are heads of families Our thanks
for assistance are due to Rev. Wm. P. Bredin,
of the Associate Reformed Church, Rev.
Loyal Young and Rev. J. R. Coulter; but
especially are we indebted to Rev. William
Dickson of the New School body, whose
circumstances enabled him to give us greater
assistance ' than any of the others.
hive thought it might be Well enough
to send you this information. There is still a
good degree of interest on the subject of re
ligion in the minds of those hitherto care
less. " 0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he
is good, for his mercy endureth forever."
Yours truly,
Tor the Pretbyterian Banner spa Advoeate.
..Revival at Petersburg,
We are permitted to make the following
extract of a, letter, dated March 26th, from
Rev. J. A. Pinkerton, to. Rev. Dr. Plumer
" Also, it is my privilege to tell you of a
very interesting, though not very extensive,
work of grace which has been ' and still is,
going on our little chinch: Pe.bruary
14th, (Sabbath,) we commenceda series of
meetings, which lasted till March 7th. ~ T he
,congregation was encouragingly large at
first, and Slowly but constantly increased,
till our church was literally crammed; and
many-who desired, could not get in. The
interest increased just as 1 believe it mostly
does where the Spirit of God is working ou
the hearts of sinners.. Great stillness per
vaded the whole meeting. There was no
excitement other than a thorough , oonviction
which sin ordinarily producesin the sinner's
mind. There was nothing that could prop
erly be called excitement. Sinners felt,
and acknowledged God was with us.
" The Sacrament of the Supper was ad.
ministered, Sabbath, March 21st. Twenty
five were added to the church; nineteen on
examination, and six by certificate. Six of
the nineteen are heads of families, and nine,
received the ordinance of baptism. One of
the nine was raised a Roman Catholic: It
was a good, day, and such a day as bad never
before been seen in this church. The inter•
est still cantinues. Several are seeking the
Saviour, and some have found'him precious
to their souls, since our Communion. Truly,
, God has been • good to,us. ' •
" The first two weeks, .I had no assistance
except brother Ayers, who preached twice,.
and brother Goodpasture, who preached three
tinties. The third week, 'brother Criswell
was with us all the time. We had inquiry
meeting& every morning at 10 o'clock,
prayer.meeting at a quarter past 6 in the
: evening, and preaching at 7 o'clock. The
endeavor Was to give the written Word great
prominence. Always three, 'sometimes four
chapters were read to the people from the
Scriptures, and brief ,remarks made at each
" Truly, God has done great tLings for wz,
whereof we are glad; and to his name be all
the praise."
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
On Friday, March 26th, ,a new, and beau
tiful church edifice, for the use of the First
Presbyterian church of Spruce Creek, Hunt
ingdon County, Ba., was dedioated Ito the
God of the Covenant, as a place ,of his poor.
ship. Large congregations assembled both,
morning and evening. The d &cation ser-
D3oll'wes preached; and the dedication prayer
offered, by the Rev. -D:.X. Junkin, , of
Hollidaysburg ; reading of the Scriptures
by Rev. Thos. Stevenson, of Spruce Greek,;
.Psalmodyby the
t ßei..George Elliott; and
the concluding prayer and the benediction
by the Rev. John Elliott, pastor'of the con
gregation. The entire solemnity waso ini
pressive, and,the congregation attentive and
solemn Dr.. Jankin also preached at night.
This new edifiCe is 'highly creditable to
the congregation. It is sixty-eix by fortY
five feet; the wills are massive masonry of
beautiful hewn blue limestone. W. M. L.,
Esq., of your city, deserves the thanks of
the congregation, for having persuaded" them
(by an argument of some $700,) to use that
material. By the exertions of the ladies of
the congregation the church is most taste.
fully finished and furnished - within, all the
pews being upholstered, the pulpit (a model
of rich simplicity,) elegantly appointed, and
the floor carpeted. Seldom has the writer
seen a country church.more entirely in good
taste. May the spiritual house be built with
equal, yea superior zeal; - may " the.people
have a mind to wolk " One of the best
things said 'at' the dedication was 'the an
nouncement, made before the dedication
prayer, that the church belonged to the con
gregation who were about to offer it to the
Lord, being entirely put of debt I One of
the next best things was the request of the
ladies, -read from the pulpit, that gentlemen
would not use tobacco 'Whilst worshipping in
that house., May this request be granted
till time shall end. - VISITOR.
/or the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
A . Faithful Native Missionary.
Da. MCKINNEY :—Rev. and Dear Broth
er.—Your readers have, doubtleas, perused
with interest , the statements given in the
publications of ,our Board of Foreign Alia- •
sions respecting our native missionary, the
Rev. Gopeenauth Nundy, who, at- the time
the mutiny broke out in India, was stationed
by himself at Futtehpore, where his labors
hid been, signally blessed in the establish
ment of several Christian schools and the
organization of a Presbyterian church, to
which a
. goodly number had
,been - added,
from time to time, from among the Heathen
and Mohammedans of that city. After the
work of slaughter had commenced and all
the Europeans had fled, he attempted to
escape with his wife and three little children.
After having been robbed and abused by the
natives, they were taken prisoners by the
Mohammedans of Allahabad, by whom they
were treated in, the most brutal manner, his
feet being placed in stocks, and the,whole
family threatened with tortare and death if
they did not renounce their faith in Christ
and embrace the Koran. By the grace of
God .they were enabled to remain, steadfast
in the faith of the Gospel, and to witness a
noble confession for Christ. In a most
markable Manner they were snatched from
the very jaws of death and are now safe in
Calcutta, awaiting a suitable opportunity to
return, to Futtehpore, amidst the wreak and
ruin of their station to resume their labor of
love for the people, at whose hands they
have suffered so much. I have just had a
long and deeply interesting letter from this
dear brother, from which I take the follow
ing extract : The God who preserved
Daniel from the mouth of the lions, has de-,
livered us, for we were in no less• danger
than was he. And thanks be to him who
gave us grace to stand firm, so that we were
willing not only to suffer but to give up our
s lives rather than deny the Lord who bought
u with his blood. Like Paul ; we hiveAttf
fered the loss of all things,, We were
stripped of every thing we hrid,. even of the
clothes that were on our baos, and came
here in a state of nakedness.and utter desti
tution. But what I feel thaftoss of most is
my books, so useful to me inty , missionary
work and which, ever sin became a
Christian, E have been laboring to collect at
much sacrifice."
Now, Mr. Editor,. will= soVeorne of your
many readers unite
_with me in an effort to
replace, to some.extent at least, the heavy
loss which this dear brother as sustained,
either by giving such '176 ok d be use
ful to a minister of the Gosp or by a do
nation of money to, enable hi to purchase
such books as can only be h in Calcutta,
and whieh will be of the gr.' elk :service to
him in the prosecution of his - abt . siabors,
The writer of this is willin olgtve.fiftY
dollars to this object, and wi fithankfully
ceive any sums however scnal either through
you or'Mr. H. Childs, or. e will receive
any hooks; which will he' foliverded through
the "Board of Toreign li n. W.
_ t: •
For the Presbyterian Bannerl "nd Advocate.
. March 1, IssB.
.REV. DAVID, MoKtrtiviiY, D. D.:—On
account of the extent of my ' issio' nary field;
and'the liihOrs necessarily `•, iiired 'of me, I
cannot direct private dOlll 'ications•W all
who ; have, expressed de,Ei
~e to hear from
me, in reference to this neyfcountry.,, And
since you state, in the Bailer , and Arivo
cats, of the l l3tlr ult, thatlfha " loOli for a
communication.ehortlyi 'iviiiiiih. will •give us,
n i
more .fully, the , state of .. ligion ;! there
fore, if you deem, these fe linee .worthy of,
a place' in the Banner an ' Acivdcate, you'
are'at liberty . , and will do ' %gavot, to pub
lish them. ,:ii.
Douglas County (my m i tsionary ! field) is
on the South side of the, -sw (Kansas)
er, the second county frAfini Missouri. .Its
latitude'(as the map will is aboutthe
same as Marietta or Cincrhati, Ohio; We
have just passed through - bilfar 'the mildest,
and most delightful Winter X ever experi,
enced, although raised in the neighborhood
of Pittsburgh, Pa. . .
The face of the country' presents to the
eye beautiful, rolling. priiiries, and splendid
groves; its prairies heingldmost.universally
free from low, flat mars, epi .are generally
undulating at from one , to. five degrees.
The soil, being composWeof black . muck,
limestone clay, and a sinall sprinkling of
sand, is capable of enduring a great amount
of either wet or,-droughts j it is,very fertile,
well adapted to the groweg of wheat, corn,
and' all other kinds of ,pro'duce common to
the same latitude. • J. 9
Tfulter (mainly Withint,' Oak,7lind Cot
ton wood,) is, more abuudantitban in Most
parts of the Tertitory aro-41. think plenty to
Limestone; &WIC very of
building atone, are very abundant; and most
beautifully arranged. -s
Coal has been, discovered, and it is pre
sumed that this,article will be abundant.
Water, both spring and well, is generally
very' good—the -wells being generally from
fifteen= to thirty feet, ! sometimes forty or fifty
feet in depth.. , ,
Health. , On account of the rolling prairies
and the goad Water," this 'is one of the most
healthy regionsin the Territory. Although
much is said about the 44 sickly West," I do
not think there is a county in Ohio, which
will excel Douglas 'County ? 1C. , T., in health.
And 'I am very confident; that many of; the
counties in Ohio are much more sickly than
this; one of which' is G-ueritsey, the home
of the brother who has so much to say in the
Banner and Advocate. - about 'his healthy
home, and the miasma, of the ; West.,, Yet,
here, as in all other regions, men,.women,
and children will both sicken and die; so
that they will not be "compelled to move
away, to get a chance to'die. '
The inhabitants, being collected from all
parts, of the Union, .and other parts of the
world,,are composed of the most respectable,
learned and refined, together with the most
itliterate, filthy, and'Uncouth ; being in color,
kindred, tongue and - nation, politics, relig
ion, manners, customs, &0., a complete
heteregeneous mass--fanatios from all quer
ters, yet a majority,
,even in Lawrence and
Lecompton, of conservative men, both from
the North and the South. Animosities and
prejudices are fast wearing' away, so that
mervcan (nowat.least, if they could not in
times past,) express their sentiments here,
just as freely as, they can elsewhere.
The state of religion is not so good - as we
would ardently desire. Although We - haVe
many most excellent'imioservative men froM
the North and the. South and we trust some
real Christians, yet, on account of the' . paat
political,struggles, the spirit of speculation,
the labors and toils of anew country, even
these men have been; generally, , so much ab
sorbed, that they have had but little.time to
devote to the cause of religion; still, our
prospects are brightening—some are begin.
ming to labor with zeal and . energy,`so that
I am: not now left entirely atone, to man
age the financial and spiritual affairs of
the Church. And although we are, not per:
mitred to witness any 'speoial manifeatations
of the outpouring of the'Holy Spirit, still we
have reason 'to believe that the 'Spirit, by
his still small voice, is at Work. Outwardly,
at least, oar cause is onward.
Our communion season, in Lecompton, on
the last Sabbath of February, was a very
pleasant one. We received eight on certifi
cate and seven on examination; two of these
latter, however, had once been members
. of
the Presbyterian 'Church, and three of thein
of other branches of the Ohurett. I think
the Holy Spirit was in our Midst.
I have concluded, if 'nly present state of
health continues, to 'preach at Lecompton,
Lawrence, and Franklin. on one Sabbath, and
on the alternate Sabbath at Big Springs,
Bloomington, and Prairie City, until some
one or two shill ceineto my assistance. And
on week days and nights I also preach at a
number of : other less important points. It
is ten miles from Lecompton to Lawrence,
thence four miles to Franklin ; ten miles
from Big Springs to Bloomington, thence
ten or twelve to Prairie City. Do you not
therefore see that I need assistance ? Do,
for the sake of the cause of Christ, send us
help, efficient help, and send it quickly. I
still see other points 'which should be imme
diately occupied; but I must not extend my
labors. The field is evidently ripe for the
harvest, and way the Lord of •the harvest
send forth marelaborers. Although in the
i months of January and February.' preached
fartysix sermons, and sometimes very, much
exposed, I have enjoyed very good health.
We praise God for what he has already
done for us, and we desire to take encour
agement from the promise, "La, I am with
you atway." And if Paul needed the
prayers of his'brethren, much more do we;
therefore, brethren, pray for us. You.- may
expect to hear from me again.
P. B.—Good claims can be had at very
reasonable rates, and also good.farrns already
pre.eropted. with good titles, inn - the region of
the :above named places. We .hope that
farmers and frAdesnaen, coming to Kansas,
will give us a call and see if ..they cannot find
a pleasant home amongst us. W.W.
vs partimptg e Asindon,Oorrespondent:
Dullness in Trade and , eo l larer
of PoFilion of the Cabinet--Pahlie and the
Press—State' Of Parties in ParliaMent—EleCtion
Speeches—The Approaching Solar Eclipse—Amer T
ican Divines at the Tract Society-Turkish
sion's Deputation to the , Church Missionary Soci
ety—A suggestive Committee Room— r New Bishop
of G'alautea--= The 'Late Bishop 'and Mr. 3rytie4 •
'Estimate—Hatedock'Scholarthifs; and Havelock
Scripture Headers—Soldiers' Friend Society
Who shall be Governor General of India Y —The
Claims of! Litiorence-L-Orsini and his Band—The
Question of his. Pardon = ffis Name as " Legion,"
and Why--Paris City 'Minion—Presbytery of
London, 'and its Office Bearers
• lioliDotti February 12tb, 1858.
C6I4IMERCIAL TOttPiDiTY," 88 a man of
business has expressed it : to me; 'is the
marked condition of affairs in London, and
all over the country.. For forty, years there
has not been such depression of trade and
cdpUferee,' 'nor 'Binh want` of 'confidence.
The freight' of ships has gone doinit' to a
,low point, and the reaction from a
spirit of wild Xpeculstiotl tali terribly on the
interests of the country.
tributes to the mischief. Lord. Derby's
Ministry, confessedly exists on sufferance,
and his minority is far less than when, a few
years ago, he declared that to occupy the
post of Premier would be too great a humil-.
iation, unless under stern- necessity. That : ,
"necessity" ,he pleads as his apology now,
and certainly there is something
merston offended the country grievously,
and Clarendon's attempt to defend his own
conduct in reference to the French " dis
pateh," seems to show that Palmerston is
not penitent. But one thing is certain, that
"distrust" of the Conservatives prevails,
and, symptoms are beginning to show them
selves, that-as soon as MalmesbUry has an
swered the 'dispatch in a proper spirit, the
Liberals will , probably try to reassert their
snpramney-, rouSee this in, the elaborate-,
articles of the Ex Ministerial. Globe, ven
turing to ..write up Palmerston and his cane;
and in..Llo.O's Weekly Journai edited by a
son of ,the late ,Dpuglas Jerrold, (to whose
i mtdow,Palmerstenhselately given ttpension
0f,4100 , per annum,) in which. one &gel&
cant article,is headed, " DEEM' FEEDS Ins
WOLVES " .The Examiner also, slapping
Clarendon severely, yet remorselessly attacks
the , new Ministry, and, criticises their
speeches on reelection in ,its own,caristie
way. So the Times, while hais l scareely
made up its, mind, ,yet- growls dailY in un
mistakable ill, humor, and the'" Money
ticle" is always dead against Derby.
,Mr. Disraeli Will 'find himself confronted ,
with Palmerston, as.the Liberal leader in
the Commons. But lea& John Rnssell has
his own followers, and like the Peelites, ors
cupiee such a place on the Opposition
benches, as to show, that while, he will not'
be led by the late Premier he would, have
no objection to be Premier himself,, and
waits his opportunity. ; Mr. Bright exults
over the downfall of the, late Cabinet, de
claring it to have been "the worst Ministry
he has ever . known." If .Palmerston,really
wishes pow e r ,. I think, he will be able` in a
short time to upset Derhy, if only, the mid
dle-class 'will forgive hire, and
. if 'he will
learn the lesson taught hinr: 'Thus he can
at any time carry a vote of '"want of conft
deuce " against the Cabinet.
.Mr. Disraeli's election speech threw com
paratively little light on the polio) , of the
new Ministry. Ile promises aßeform Bill, for
the next session: of , Parliament. Be denies
that the India Bill will be the same as that of
the late Ministry, and dwells at great length
on the importance of the =French Alliance,
and in expressions of admiration for Louis
Sir F.,Kelly, the new Attorney General,
is far beyond his party in advocacy of Wee
torsi Reform. He would abolish small bor
oughs, 'and recognize "'numbers" as the
basis of representation. The Daily News
calls him " The Promising Boy'? of the
flounced by ;Astronomers, for the •15th inst.
It is to be "partially visible in North Amer
ice," but its central line will pass Over Dor
setshire, England. For about five miles
on 'either side of thisline, the 'eclipse will
present the annular form. Mr. Hind, the
Astronomer, gives an impressive idea of the
effects on the spectator, as follows :
44 When two-thirds, or rather more, of the
Sun's diameter are covered by the Moon, or
when'the Sun has !assumed a=figure,;present
ed by.the Moon three or ,four; days ,before
the change, a decided alteration in the• color
qf the landscape will be remarked; a gradu-'
ally deepening yellow tinge will creep over
it; and about the 'same time has generally
commenced thit period of unusual stillness
of Nature, which is frequently a marked
characteristic: of the absence of sun-light. •
"Ten minutes, or thereabouts, previous
to the greatest eclipse, the !pale or azure
blue of the sky will change to Violet, or
ple;' the horizon, 9nild close in an ev
ery side o f the spectator, and shortly - after,
the heavens will appear to descend upon him.
This apparent descent of the sky struck me
as one of the moat astonishing add imposing,
effects of the totality of.lSfil ; iddeed, on ,
that occasion, it-was-truly appalling.
"For;two or three;minutes, at ,the time of
the greatest obscuration, the planet Venus,
and some of the brightest stars, will proba
bly come into view; while 'every' thing
around'the observer Will'have assunied that
unnatural, gloomy appearance, whieh has
never, failed, to induce feelings of awe. Ob
jects will then appear tinged with dull olive
or purple ; the clouds, if
,favorably placed
for the effect, will sewn to be almest in con
tact with 'him ; and the black' Moen pro:
jeated in the face the gun, and surrounded.
by a brilliant halo, will appear to' he'hardly
more than a, hundred yards distant:'
ever a person may have prepared himself
for the phenomena of a great eclipse, it is
not unlikely that his self possession may de
sert him when•the grandeur of the scene is
before him."
. In anticipation of the eclipse, pamphlets
are being published, illustrated lectures are
delivered, while the Crystal Palace Company
invite the public to its fine, clear atusos
pbere, in order to observe the phenomenon.
Livindon Station, fify miles -North of Low'
don, will be the beet-point of observation
for metropolitans; and thither savans and
others will repair.
Bow suggestiVe is this : Eclipse, 'of Scrip
tural‘truths and lessons! We thihk Of the'
supernatural darkness at the Crneifixion,
and the eclipse ,of soul suffered by the ;Cru
cified One. We think of 'Feigns in the Sun,
n. ooi. Ad - eta z eon led. with dis
tfefis o :' lons. n. a 'a . 4 i`
Dig when' the -heaviins Shall be felled to.:
gethen a scroll: • - •
I— . / Atroftirlitsit'ireekly meeting of the TRACT
SOCIETY, we had the pleasure: f seeing, as
visitors, Dr, ;Dwight, from • Constantinople,
and Drs. McLean, and , Patton, from the ,
United-States. , Dr. McLean,l on his return
to the United States,
will take with him a
set of the various puhlieations of the Tract
Society, as 'a present to your `PresbYterian
Board • of.; Publication r,. and au expressinn of
fraternal eympathy, which L have' no, dontit
will be .cordially reciprocated. , Dr. Dwight
made interesting and important statements
as to the work of Book , and'Tract printing
and `circulation in Turkey. -He wishee;•and
will obtain' liberal aid, from the London
Tract Society, in, this important work, as ,
well as for the expenses of an Armenian
newspaper, published by him and his fellow 7
laborers.' • The Church ' Missionary Society
propoie to introduce missionary. operations,
intimated in mylast; into Turkey,' but
ao not intend to occupy-the Armenian field.
I was one of a Deputation which waited, a
few days ago, on the
,Committee of that
great Society. We represented to them
that'the Episcopalian &Tin:him Of B,o=
ciety were withholding fands, on account of
their:proposed movement, and inasmuch as
that movement 'could not be initiated for
some time, we begged themto, give out such
a deliverance as would not withdraw from As
the main-support by whickwe have hitherto
chiefly sustained Dr. Dwight and hie' friends,
in ixtra, efforte, to the extent forty-six
agents. Oar reception was cordial, and in ,
the forthcoming Annual , Report of . that
great Institution, we expect statements
which will free our Society from the diffi
culties referred
A visit to the COISIMITTEE Room Of THE.
study, 'altogether independent of the special
ohject for which that visit waaraade. An
.Evangelleaf Peer was. in• the .ohair,; 'at his
right hand sat the able, courteous, and ex
cellent Secretary, the Reverend I;. Venn,
son of the. &mons author t of wirhe yirhole
Duty of Man while round the Crowded
roomv sat baronets, ' , retired officers in the
army, and navy,- as well :as gentlethen of
rank and property, and clergymen -,unmis:
takably Oilvinistic and true-hearted, all of
Whom.' Imre Christ and 'his 'cause far more
than they do canon lati or Chrirch-of Eng
landism. It *Baia cheering sight to: a lover
of Evangelism. Pleasant, also, was : it
mark around the paintings or en
graved likenesses. of a Josiah Pratt, of a
Bishop'Corry, of Beliwarta; 'and 'Many other
worthies, dead oristill living, id en tifi e d
missionary labor.foithe last fifty .years.
Cotton, Head Master of 'Marlboroughtfidhool,
and formerly. Assistant: .Master at
He was -then the irttimatefriend - of Dr.
Tait, now Bishop: of ;London, and it is un
derstood that his recommendation- it was
which derided the' appointment. 'Dr. Cot
ton . era s * lean' rather. mere to- .the Broad
Church than to the Evangelical partY, Mad'
the latter is, naturally disappointed that
.Archdeacon Pratt, ,of Calcutta,., (recom
mended`by the dying words of Bishop 'WU-,
son,) was not the new , Bi , Bishop;Pont there
is every reason to believe that the' appoint
ment is a 'good one, and that , great admit:lW
trative ability will be conibined With sound
doctriee and true piety' ,
Mr. M.cLeod Wylie, writing from. Cal
cutta, gives most interesting details, drawn
from intimate personal relations, of the ea
reer and character of the late Bishop" Daniel
Wilson, 'He says, ' 46 As, an 'expositor of
Soriptrirei I never Malls equal." At family
worship, ." he was wont to add a 'few words
on the , chapter read—wordsordinarily worth
long 'sermons by other men.", Like Chal
niers; (of whom he was an ardent admirer,)
he, died suddenly and unobserved.,
appearance, as he lay where he had 'fallen
asleep,' on , hia conch, by the side 'of - his old
writing-desk, and watch,. and Bible, and
beaks P open, as Usual, • was unspeakably
HAVAOCK is Still before the public mined.
A statue will be erected his honor in
Trafalgar. Square, •on - the opposite side of
Nelson's column to that on ihichstands the
monument to Sir Charles Nagar, 'the Con
queror of . Seinde. But besides this, a
" Life " cit Havelook ill -tieing prepared by
the Rev. W. Brook, and .two memorial. pa,
pers, in successive : numbers of the BqMist
Magazine, . from the pen of John Marsh-
Man, 'Esq., brotherlelaw to the dedeatied
General. From these -081)03; 1 it appears
that Havelock, very early in life, had thor
oughly studied .and mastered the ark of war,
although it was only at the age of sixty-two
that his magnificent .military genius burst
forth in a blaze which astonished the world.
Havelock :Seholarships,* as suggested by
Dr. Angus, - with. the = view of sending out
Christian youths in the 'radian civil service,
are likely'to be' fonnded under the Auspices
of Lord ,Sbaftsbury, And other excellent
persons. Besides • this, "Havelock Sark
ture-Readers" will be sent to India by the:
"Soldier's,'Friend Society." The first ,of
these, a Scotehrnan 'of fine ,talents, and of
great aptness to, teach, was recently sent out
to the Thirty-Third -Regiment, pai t ' s
Wellington's,) in Bombay Presidency. A
public meeting was held before his depart
ure, an Indian Colonel in , the,Chair, when
it fell to myself, to address, at the request of
the Committee, parting counsels to the,
agent sent,forth, and our mutual friend, Dr.
M'Lean, of PennsylVenia,'coidiriended him;'
in solemn - prayer, td "the =Divine proiectiorr
and hlessing. He will be followed' by other,
u rightlear,te4 and qualifieti map. AcSeol ) 7
i turn reader can have mop, to eQ/diersi and
Philadelphia, 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut
By Mail, or at the Office, $1.50 per Year,, SEE PROSPECTUS.
.. if
Delivered in the City, 1.75
intercourse. with them, more , frequent and
faveriblethiin even the zealous chap
will probably be appointed. Lord Canning,
whom Lord -Derby and his party systemati
cally abused, is not likely to consent to keep
'oflice'uuderrthem. Lord Stanley—Derby's
son L-a Liberal of excellent ability, and not a
pious anati,. ; but very philanthropic and
earnest, if ka,s, •h een. spoken of as Lord Can
ning's 'suede:seem. The Times has an article
, deprecating the appointment, and advocating
the clainis of Sir John' LaWrence, as the
proper man. It touches on the objection,
on the ground , of rank, and pithily observes
that "' it is very easy .to make Sir John.
Lawrence a lord, but not to make a lord
1 . ;into, Sir' Jan Lawrence." It is another
sasiThiffliaSik t ula, for a' .that I"
The country :goierviith -the- rand, but I
.doubt whether Derby•would. do so, unless he
found it , likely to gi - 47,6'his:Cabinet stability,
for Which end great sacrifices would be made
at present. . ,
The importance of having Christian men
at the helm in India, cannot be overrated.
"If we hid such men," says Mr. Wylie,
"as'Lawrence, Edwardes, Montgomery,
McLeod, - and - Tneker, in supreme authority,
there would be an inevitable and constant
tendency in thetight direction. We should
see signs of the total repugnance to caste.
There would be , a distinct Christian tone in
policy. This would soon act on Govern
ment and India."
As to the viar,'3lr. Wylie anticipates "a
leri,g and tediois'etampaign," and adds, "I
iknow not; the man who can' predicate with
any' confidence. what will be, the current of
eventsin the hot weather and rains of this
year. .The nitive mind is unmoored r and it
will not soon be brought to its ancient an
tefore this appeari in yoir columns, you
will - learn, I expect, something definite as to
,the Jesuits of Sir Colin's invasion of Oude.
H,ow, l l owly comes the news, compared to
Ond's wishes. 'l"et, ,whirt tidings of battle,
and Slaughter, and Wounds reach us, a month
or five weeks , after We dread collision, (if
Buell there - has - been;) it will be for joy or
aorrow,lreah ind'stirring, - as if it had been
bat of‘yesterday.-:
Ai to OasiNr and "hie do-conspirators,
there-fiaie been strange rumors' about ex
pected Clemency and pardon. One melo
dramatic idea ; broached,; or assertion made,
was that Bided; a famous Italian Binger,
should 'crave an, audience of the Empress
*genie, and falling at her feet, would win
'Orsini's r deltirerince 'from the guillotine.
State.•polioy,:i and artemptition to be mag
nanimous,; the hope of greater personal
security, doubtless bave been at work in the
Emperor's mind. If he could thus disarm
and shame secret idotters and assassins, what
a tritireilh . would it be. The secret comes
out—notr through the Titnes, but by the
:French correepondenkl of the News of the
Cheireke—that. the ,following conversation
took place bet Ween Orsini end the magistrate
ii)poilitedtoiriterrogite him. Being asked
liia'nanie, he replied, '"Legion.” " Speak
seriously," gala Ate magistrate. "I am
very%serious,"s was the reply, " for one of
-two things must happen; either within
ieeek.' I shall die of. my wounds, or within a
f6itliight' I 'shall perish on the scaffold.
therefore rub' and I fear nothing
by expOsure. But kite*, that on the day of
my death, a legion , of •men will rise up to
strike him whom I have missed."
The ultra. Liberal journals of Piedmont
have - been, extolling Orsini. as one of the
greleeseof, Popery iS responsible, by
lte` direct ,teaf3hing, 'or by the revulsion of
irifidelity whiehltS alisurd &gm's produce,
for the 'edue n ation of 10111981115 and their
vile 'abettors: • -
MA.NIFESTO, about conspirators and refu
gees•in England, is just published. It does
not bear his name, but is virtually his. It
is a State Manifesto. It is studiously mod
erate in tone, but ur - ges on England, meas
ures inconsistent, I think, with our consti-
Antic* while yet protesting against' inter
fering with the right of asylum. it is an
anxious time, jut now. We ask, "Is there
to be war P"
• In , Paris, a CITY ( Missxmc is • established
by Englishmeni !with six missionaries, and
twentylour required in all. The Parisian
,popitlation are fotind hopefully aceessible.
Family Prayer; has been ` introduced into
many households: `` - Meeting-el -have been in-
Stitnted in different parts for reading the
Bible, and prayer., Many children are
brought into schools. Two thousand fami
lies have been visited within a year.' Should
-net 'thin hopefil lnaVement be encouraged
by `the - contributions and Countenance of
Americana :visiting- Paris ? Bibles and
Testamentn are being extensively circulated.
week, of the London Presbytery was held this
to hear , reports of the state of the severs'
congregations, and to , hear information on
the affairs of our College. Dr. Bl'Lean de
livered an excellent address at the'eloie, and
gave reliiibleTrifiii'*ation as to Presbyterian
ism in the Hated States. A cordial feeling
'toward you all, pervaded the meeting, and
news: of " reviving times " stirred our
hearte. We 'are .to •holdl, another meeting
soon, on the state of, religion. J.W.
Rarey 411 American, his be.
come famous hex:9, as a horse-tamer. He has,
in the presence efithe r Queen and
_Court, and
'of en:anent' naafi 'officers, proved his
poifers in a:mcifektiaordinary manner. He
is getting up a class, so to speak, to teach his
art. ge proposes to have five hundred gen
tlemen Xubscribers, and the he for, each is
The*t' Le'vicithrin afloat" is a - great fact,
as yiin are ere this' swab. It is still said
,:that her first voyage is ito.-be to Portland.
Livingstone andlitiAri-aften:having
been detained by,the 'avers, ; 'lately
prevalent,; have left
,Liverpool. hO does
not wish the, noble'enterprise annum!
Orsinf's appeal to the Court of Caseation
in Paris, has been'''rejeoted. Radio will be
pardoned, I believe. His .wife has jubt
given , damaging evidence Against Bernard
here. I
I think the Organ Ques tion , thrslatening
the peace' of our Synod will, D. "V., , he set
tled amicably. Dr. , Guthrie , and. others
have , written to: r tte Witness,: strenuously
protesting againt.t the.overtute of, he Edin
burgh Presbytery on the subject;