Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, April 03, 1858, Image 3

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    toe breionier to attract much attention, and
to call f , rtf , great sympathy. For there are
here nrar'y forty thousand ironieu, who sew
for a living. About thirteen thousand of
these lire shirt makers, eleven thousand
t)ileres.4es and vest•makers, four thousand
four hundred cloak-makers, three thousand
dress makers and milliners; besides those
employed in other branches of needle-work.
It is supposed that only about three thou.
id of the whole number had regular em
ployment during the Winter, and conse
quently many have felt the pinchings of
poverty and want, while to others the temp
tations to vice and crime have been strong.
The introduction of sewing machines has
thrown many out of employment, and although
some other better means of honest livelihood
will soon be presented, the change, at first,
is accompanied by much individual suffer
ing. Every improvement in productive
machinery has, in the end, benefited the'
operative and laborer.
The Sabbath Movement gives promise of
much greater success than many of its friends
expected in the beginning. Every meeting,
on the subject increases in interest, and!
brings out additional advocates. Thelast
meeting was one of great spirit. Pious lay
men are willing to lend their efforts, and
to devote their personal agency to this work.
They are not willing that the clergy should
be left to fight this battle alone any longer.
At this meeting, cinch men as Hiram Ketch
um, E. L. Fanche, Hon. B. F. Butler,
Horace Holden, and Judge Slosson, spoke
in advocacy of a prudent yet deoisive en
forcement of the existing Sabbath laws:
The Hon. F. A. Talmage, Superintendent
of Police, and for many years Reorder of
the City, was present, and gave a most en
()enraging account of his efforts'toward
closing the stores, stopping the racing on
Seventh Avenue, and preventing the sale of
newspapers, on the Lord's day. He has also
said that he had issued an order to arrest
boys who were crying newspapers on Sun
day, but at the suggestion of the Chairman
of the Sabbath Committee, he bad deter
mined to ask the proprietors of the papers
first, to abate the nuisance, and if they
would not stop, he would issue the order at,
'The Religious Revival continues to be the
great and absorbing topic. Even the press
ure of business at the hurried season of 'the,
year, in the great commercial metropolis,
has not yet turned away the minds of men
from the great concerns of their souls. To
enumerate the places open for prayer, the
churches in which great additions have beon
made to the ,membership, and any consid
erable number of incidents, is impossible in
our limited space. Certainly the people of
this city were never before so awakened on
the subject of religion, as now; never be.;
fore were there so many meetings, so, many
sermons, so many prayers. Never before
have the lay members of the church exhib•
ited such activity, or seemed to feel their
responsibility in the same degree. Stran
gers visiting the city attend in large
crowds, and many will carry to their distant
homes hallowed influences. In the mean
time, some of the religious papers are calling
attention to some of the dangers just now in
the way. One is, the great publicity given
to the whole work, and to many of the
details. Now, it is said, and every one of
experience knows its truth, that it is a very
critical point in every revival, just when it
becomes public. Another danger consists
in the liability of inquirers, at a time such
as this, to depend altogether too much cm
the conversation and prayers of oihers, with
out going directly to Christ, and feeling
themselves under personal obligations to
repent. And again the number of conver
sions does not yet bear any thing More
than a small proportion to the whole number
led to tbbughtfulness concerning salvation.
Never was there greater need of faith, pin
dence and perseverance , in this good work,
than now. May the Holy Spirit still come
Rev. Henry V. Rankin,' our esteemed
missionary, has sailed for England, on his
return to his station in China.
This city may feel a just pride in , its
many Philanfh,ropic Institutions, and in the
ability and willingness of its people to con.
tribute to the relief of the poor and suffering.
The different Relief Associations present
very favorable reports of their labors during
the last Winter, showing that the,. means
placed in their hands have been judiciously
A Convention of the Editors of Penneyl.
vania has been called to meet at Philadel
phia on Wednesday, the 21st of April, for
the purpose of effecting a more thorough
organization of the Editorial Assoeiation of
this State.
A Convention of ministers and layttim , ,
of the Seceder, Union, and dowicrl,aer
Churches, was held in Dr. Dale's churofi i "
one evening last week, for prayer and con
fe:ence on the present wide.spread revival&
religion. About one thousand persons were
present. Several addresses were made, by
both ministers and laymen, in which the
necessity for an improved state, of religious
feeling and life was strongly pleaded, but at
the Fame time it was contended that' the
meetings in Jayne's Hall must not be made
to take the place of personal and private
devotion and inquiry..
The meetings in this Hall have been. as
large us ever, while there has been preaching
every afternonn, among others, <by Rev.
John Chambers, and Rev. Alfred Nevin D.
D. Almost every church gives evidence of
new Ms in its members and new , earnest=__
ness among the unconverted. .111 - ay' the
work deepen, and beeome yet more power: 7
ful and solemn; may converts become great
ly multiplied.
alogue, just received, shows an attendance
of pupils—miles fifty.five, females Wily- ,
three. Rev. R/Browu is Presideuturtha
Board of Trustees.
Tor the Presbyterian Danner and Advocate'
Religious Interest in Unity Church.
March 22, 1858.
My DP.Att - BROTHER :--Your letter of the
23d of January, came duly to hand. I
should have answered before, but I, was
waiting to see what would be the result of
our meetings. You say, "I find by your
letter to H—, you are engaged in a work
which, of all others, is of the greatest im
portance; and I hope, by this time, you are
enjoying a blessed revival." •
True, the past Winter has been one of al
most constant labor. We have been try
ing to carry out the recommendation of
the Pastoral Letter, issued by. the Pitts
burgh Convention. That letter, (a copy "of
which I enclose,) breathes the very spirit of
that holy Convocation—that blessed revival
prayer-meeting, never to be forgotten.
In less than a week after my return home,
there 'were
.spme tokens of the.
i Lord's pres
ence n my , congregation. The'third Stab
bath ' December, we had a very solemn
and precious communion season, followed by
sereral held in 'different parts
. .of
the Congregation, for epeeial prayer and
;Christian conversation with the members of
the church, which, with the Divine blessing,
'seemed useful in stirring up the minds of
Christiania to-s'elfexamination,.-prayer, and
nersonal effort for the conversion of sinners.
I believe I mentioned, in any letter to
that my Session, , after prayerful deliberation,
entered °lawfully upon the work of family
visiting. We divided ourselves into three
committees, and went, (as recommended,)
two and two, frimi'house to house, through
the whole congregation, , conversing and
praying'with every family. It was 'a labori
oils work, and requiring some self denial at
"the beginning; but, in the end; :proveffm
rich , the members of the Session,
and was, I trust, productive of much good
,to most of the families visited: • '
We held a protracted Meeting of
-five days;
in January, and another .of four days-in
February, in which we received veryucaept
able and valuable assistance from several,
neighboring ministers...We have hid meet -f
ings of different kinds almost daily for three',
menthe, most of whieh have been solemn
and deeply interesting.
As to our "enjoying a blessed revival,":
I'scarcely.know what to tell you. We do
not call it a revival, that is, a general and
powerful revival, such as we greatly needed,
and:such as we witnessed at the East, in our
youth"; yet the Lord has visited us in sreat
mercy, for" which we have nbundatereapow
to be thankful.
The niost'of 'the'inembers of the church
have been,revived; spine 'backsliders have
been `reclaimed,; prayer - meetings been mull
tiplied, beyond what, I have witnessed in
twenty years; many neWlamily altars have
been set up; and the number of those who
lead in prayer, in our , meetings,' has been
more than doubled. Many sinners have
been awakened, and a few, wetrust,• have -
been converted. At one •time, the bird''
`seemed specially present in our meetings,
There was 'manifestly much tender feeling
and deep interest, even among the ' impeni r
i tent; and some of God's people , tried , to
plead in their prayers 'that hlesse& promise,
will pour water upon him that, is thirsty
and floods upon the,dry ground." The Lord
his fulfilled to' us the first party he. hak
poured water upon some. thirsty souls, brit,'
threugh the weakness of our faith, or 'for
ionie other cause, the floods hive, not ,come
down upon the ,dry ground: fear there
has been some mighty obstacle in the way;
some dreadful Aehan in the camp, or in our'
'hearts, that has hindered the L')rd's blessing:
from earning down,upon us sueb eop,ious''
showers as we need. For this we ought to
mourn, and lie low and abased in the',;ilust'
before God. But for the drops of, mercy
which we have received, we desire to thank
and adore our blessed 'Redeemer.' I trust-
the bora has not yet left us; that there are
still -some -inquiring sinners in our Midit,'„
ho will anon be,gathered into the 'fold of
Christ • • .„ ;5
We have recentlyhad another comnariniCw
satin in 'Which the hearts'of believers have
been' comforted andla,goodly 'number added'
'to the 'church. In 'all, including four,that.
reined 'near the commencement' bur:meet
ings; we have received twentpeiglit';,tiventy.'
one on examination, andheven on certiftbate.
We litill,bave'frOpient and solemn meetings,
and we are still 'praying ,that the Lord'iould
send 'doivn a blessed "rain of righteousness
upon us." I ask au interestin'your prayeri
in our behalf. Affectionately, yours,'
Siiii - .11,iii..tui0.4,1
WE are indebted to the lion. David' Ritchie' for
the Report, of the Secretary of the TreasurY on
the State of the Finances of the United States:
Tun NEwßoomerms BLACEBRItY, a description
of which :we gave two weeks 'ago, and, which is
advertised in our columns, is for sale, in this City,
by,J: Wardrop, of Fifth Stieet. „ ' ,
Milnwoad, - Glade RIIII Male and Female, Din.'
lap's Creek s ' and Tuscarora Academies, present
flail. Spring advertisements.
Books., -
Ourneighbor,,l B.` Davieen; preSents .
readers, advertisement,' , a large list; of
Rare and' Choice Books.. Call , and examine, or,
send:by mail. And preserve the adveitisement
`for refereneo. ,
Washington: •
The bill Admitting Iranalza-as a• State,. under
the Leoompton Constitution,- which passed in the
Senate: last week, was presented in the Mouse;
and an understanding had tilitt it eliould comibp`
for consideration on Thursdikof this meek. Mr7'
Stephens was to call, on it, thnpreviens questide.
If this should carry, the vete'Would be taken un:` - '"-
modiately on the main question, and the Adn4itiL
istiiiit:in:*onid likely _triumph. But it the previ=
ous"quelitiOn'should'not prevail,'Mr. Crittenden's;
substitate,,rwhich failed in the,fienatewt,:s
C O„be
offered in .the ,Hotise.,„ This Would glyeKangti's '
the right of ' , kiting on 'the Constitution,' and of
. either adopting it,' or') making another., Oa this
;proposition that all the Amertens,i,,
the Douglas Democrnes,;;# l7 l4 1!""8t: of ReP;4"
Beans, would unite,nrillenriithemeasure. ,
.` Such" a Conennimitilln,Abowb4r,"lWOO l be p.
€. , •
deadly blow upon the Demoarattle party. and Onp-r ,
strongly to. initiate sectibnarparties: To avoid
this calamity, if possible the' Demeorate met,ittL
caucus and appointed a Committee of ten Lecomp
toiiitea and',teit Anti-Lecomptonites, to . try their ;
skill at compromise, by which all might sot in
unison, and' Treserve • the party in Atil;platiiinal •
character. Vila' Committee met
,on'' Tuesday
evening, so as tb be' ready for Thursday's eon:
Completed struggle and decision, but accomplice&
nothing. ' ;kw:
The question of the Expelling of lifrc
p: tlie House, has beefigaid on the table; ilidiek"
ofthe members thinking that, an offence conliiiiiS;
teot.egshmt the last Conkress did not disquallify
the memberfrom eittilig in the,present CongfSiki.T
The Corruption charged as cortliiiied wittetthe
Yrressisses, Tuesday, March ,
LimumrPearisi 00 6 %.rots, alto. 'Soda 'Ash, ayakti)
kimal-$1.V42.24;per bbl.
Batter; 10alle; common roil,
13e; prime d0;14a36- Eggs, lOaldlie.;;:,, ,
Baena —8 'Dail white, SL2S per bus.; large do, 1.00
7fitiBos. - -
..Bsoour—Shoulders,7lo.,734bt.,B.l4"/ Sag. We3tern
9309%. T Sugar Cured liamo, (l2 ;72q;
4.lnana-rly oatern Reserve, So.
Ditlzb;gass-4.121 .sj '?;";. : ;.;;.1 "Rt;
.g/torr;TA ppleh,* fpal..37.,,?eathes, 315.
Pfeen—SnperhasZ, 13 1 .00e8d2,', and extra, ( 3.87a8.130
storo, 3.87a3.60, extr0.,8.870.00,, and, fnzeili di), 4.874.50.
Rye, 2,87. 4 ", ' •
' 01 " lit =- Oata, 47- .oern, 49eS§Pc , 1 c.3 ,4 , 0 0 5 fic.: B &fish ' 1
45e.. Wheat. TOSSSo. ; •
Ilbautor-4 00 'o t.; ; ;
$1.0.00018.01) per ton. ,
LARD—NO. COUTItRY; olAtag?4 and eit'y de.'loe. ==
Porkrose--Naphirtncieke,ll,3o.4oe4 ~ from' at=9 , Tot 1t1 3 4 = and .
mixed. 35,940; and Nfehganocke,6or.
Sxsna over, on antral, 4 132@4 75 :pitr ;bus. of 82 Tha i
"andltem eters at 6:01) !retailing at 5;25. AlxsothY. 0. 25 0.
t 2 50„ Flax, 1. ( 5a1.10.
""3%44%.: H0g5,4410..1
Wood's Hair "Restorative, ;.
This wonderful preparation is haying an eite,h
slye sale in all parts of the Union. is 'one'Of' ,
the few pat ent' medicineS which are now Vold over'e country ,' that' are;reallY whit their' invents;
Ors Claimtfor t'thero: It.Whereyer it bast had a / fair.;
trial; the result has been; precisely as ...Wood, pre,.
'diets. I ,Itt has never failed totem the white hair
back to the natural whet, the direofiona'
have been' strictly ,foll Owed - and in tritimeionet.
'catiee' l ii i iiits restored the 'hair upon betide that t .
had been bald for years. Itistnot pretended that
it wilt make the hair grow itt ,every case, but,
!where it fails there Is certainly no remedy.
treatoration,,of, the hair ,has been cff,rcted so 1
many instances Where' ilile ease see m ed ' iitterlY
'hopeless.' that it is cerfainlY` wdith while for
livhci•lateti loat their hair to tryt the experiment of.
I. 1
, rising a bottle or two, of Wood's-Restorative....., .
rModins Workman
Sold by,," t, 4 511):
•.` ".“,;. 14U Wood Street,Vitiltbnrsh, Pa;
zil AittrisY eta% •
sale of the Pennsylvania Dank building to the
Post Office Department, turns out to have been a
matter solely between Mr. Miller, the Post Master
in Philadelphia and the President of the Bank.
Mr. Campbell, the Post Master General, is en
tirely innocent.
The Minnesota Bill has lingered in the Senate,
because the Convention which formed the Consti
tution, provided for three Congressional Repre
sentatives, while the population would not entitle
the State to two. Whether it should be allowed
one, two, or three, is the question which agitates
Pulmonary Diseases.
Letter No. 6.
Ft:in:mow or Til . Lumas.—We give, in the
present letter, a few more proofs of the import.
ant principle explained in oar last, viz.: that the
Lungs give to the system' its vigor or power of
The prodigious power which enables` the eider
duck to fly ninety miles . anliour, and pigeons and
other birdswith much greater speed; is derived
from yery large , lungs, mseisted by,an,additional
peculiarity ; in their structure, which allows the
air to enter their quills, bones, and even the cel
lular 'tissue, whereby the air comes directly ,in
contact with.the muscles; • the same provision en
ables the eagle to es.rry to the extremely•raritied
itmosphere of the highest mountains, an animal
nearly or quite as heavy as himself. The sea,
which can 'jump nine hundred times its own
length, , and' mar other insects 'which. are eon.
stantly"eipendiug as , pcivrer' , farlietiter .than ordi
tnaii Icings eeuld supply,liave a respiratory ap
paratus extending the'whole length ortheir'bod
ies, and breathe threitgli a number 'of spiracula
or " breathing,mouths," placed along the sides of
their bodies. '
Our space doei not Eidmit: of so fall an eluoida-
tion of this point as its - importance deserves, 'but
enough has'been said to . show that too mnehat
tention cannot be given to the fell and continued
development of the langs. If this Matter were
folly,nuderstood and
, eited upan by alt, it ,
firm bel:lef that consumption would almost 'disai)-
pearfrom the land.
The following letter, from one of our patients,
so clsarly remarkeranir SO well
shows the utility of, systematic efforts to expand
the lungs in' incipient'-consumption, that we can.
not forbear giving
CANANDAIGUA, Lealllll4B CO., MlOll,,
- July 20, 1857. f
Das. F Tag & Syria--Dicer Sire r :—By referring I
to goer re l eorils; You s willseptha — t
I consulted yoli.netirlp two Tears ago, when you.
were:in 'Detroit. ;, I am , certain your. remedies,
saved 'me from ,the grave. f I had a severe cough,
for several' ontbsi and-was much debilitatd.
My:chest:was much contraoted,-aqd I could ,not .
straighten ttp,' 'or s get my arms backs further Allay
even with my back; buf after„using• your inhal
ing-tube 'and braces !for two :months, P,owed
strike the backs of myihands together behind me,.'
Could tainVerect,:"m* chest was griagy, ,expanded,-3
Yeteekal "erength • very much , increased:
quite smart. .-Truly, Yours; •
We shall alludetotlis topic again, when' we
some to speak of the treatment of consumption;
C.`M. FiTOTI,' D,
• grits; M. D.
No 191.Peirtn Street, Pittebtrglii
BcerhavA's o tafid'Betiers. of the country has been particularly
loud in the praise of . the Bitters. Among; the,
many. notices, we offer the following to 'ak im.
Target pubixc
It is a omit known feet that we do not puff
patent medicines, .adver;,o
t and that we-but sldm
tise them„but Beerhave's.Holland,Bitters come to
us indorsed in,. such:a manner,, as a specific for
the diseases it-prolesses,to cure, that,we tiotonly
advertise it, but giro it ;this. favorable notice
asked by:the proprietor.--Honriel,Zeinew.Y.
The P,hiladelphia Arnus,,in speaking of the
late ekhibitionleld that :city, by the. Franklin
Institute,•Says : . : •
1 4, In noticing medicines, we are always ,ex
`tr'emelY oOntions,':unless satisfied of the merits , of•
the artible. Ainong4hoSe;exhibitetbis theicele.
bratedllcilland Bitters.; Thifi medicine has, been
exteneivelY introduaed . into; - every Sttae G. the
union, and into ilie'Conadian , Provinces; pried
.pally within the last two years. The exhibition
'show testimonials in every '-language kn6wnlin
America,, among which we notice qne from the
,late Hon: John M. Clayton, of DelOWare. , " . '
Bcerhave's Holland B " an invaluable
remedy in all cases of 'dyspepsia. They impart
a stroug, healthy 'tone to the Stomach,' and are
;the best renovators of "the system: generally,--
Dyspepsia: .Headache , end Indigestian, by
which all persona are more, or , leas fiffiotidi can
usually be eared . by taking modep f te ‘zereise,
wholesome food, and a, close of
land£Bitters one ;hour, before each, meal s
• Dcerhave's Holland Bitters for Dyspepsia, 'lead
ache, Loss of Appetite, Nervous Debi4y, and all
diselkses consequerdhupon a (disordsKed stomach
and liver. This article is very favorably_kneirt
threngliout'thfr anddsmigularly, , presoribed
bjr sent& the.most .distinguished iphynicians.
.Pltikidelplaiit 'Ledger.. • • • •
Tliefe 3 better remedy. for'lndigestion,
`iteitribnrn end iliesw of 'Appetite,, than IlmrhaWe's
Holt - and bitiers.-1/fichigan Ri*ster: =
'careful' fOsals. Tor. 'llairhcive's
Hollaktd • i •
Sold' st $l.OO ,per bottle; or, Sib bottles for
ss.po; by ;the sole proprietors; ;
PittiE, Rt., 'Bi Co.',''Fittsbnrgiii - Druggists „
generally. -
' arketl: , r a ' - v... rm•E~
PA.-But few are aware of the extensive arrange
ments required by this institution, to accommo
date, the large number of young men who attend
here to gain a business education, as advertised
in circular. It is a model Counting-House of
four large Halls, 20 feet by 40 feet, 23x70, 22x80,
43x80. These rooms are well furnished, and oo•
cupied by about 300 students, taught by a large
Faculty of fourteen experienced teachers and
practical business men Specimens of Writing
and Circulars sent free of charge.
Address F. W. JUNKIES, Pittsburgh, Pa.
foreign #nteiligtuct.
The .Niagara brings European dates to the 13th
of March.
There are intimations of important public trans.
actions, but either unancomplished or the details
not transpired.
A 'telegraphic dispatch announces favorable
intelligence from India, but givea no particulars.
The; difficulties , between Franca and . England
are officially stated to be entirely removed, bit
documents have not yet been published. ,
Parliament met on the 12th, but very little
development was made, up to :the time of the
steamer's sailing, of the intended measures of the
new Government • . ,
The English funds were dull. Cotton had ide
(dined slightly. •
There had been several ladloations of dielsoti-
tent; and irit gluttons there was an actual outbreak,
which was speedily put down at the' cost of some
A,pamphlet has appeared, supposid to be an
thoritative, setting forth strongly the importance
of the alliance. with England.
The, appeal of,the conspirators was refused, and
they, would soon be executed.
• • • Latest.
The steam plopeller;•City of Baltimdre,
with dates to the' 17th tdt.
The oorrespondenoel3etweeii England and the
French .Government, relative; to 'the refugee ques
tion,, was, submitted to Parliament on the 15th ult.
,The execution, of Orsini and Pierre took place
.on the Ikt,, and created much , excitement:
It was •reported,thai scna ,Sahib had rosied
the Ganges with, a strong, force ; stair Bethpoor,
.designing to eater.Bondlecand.,
t The PREMYTERY,OF ogro will meet in the.. Fourth
eiturbh, Pittsburgh, nix the ; /int Tuaday or 'Ap`sil, tit 2
o'clock P. M. - ." ' '
The special attfution. of Pastors and Sessions is requestisi
to the subject or Congregitional Itepoits, that they be +-ail,
and:promptly forwarded. • W. B. WILVAI4IO; S. C.
Sewickley, Op t the ?lot Tueeday,of. Aprll„,a9.l o'clock A.
M. J AMES ALLIdON' Stated Clerk.
The EREBRYTERY,OLRICIIILAND .will meet in Feeder
frektosri, on the Second Tneeday ( 13th ) ot Apin, it 7 doloak
Sessional Repords, and Receipts of Settlements with Pas:
fora add Stated SappSee, will be C.lled for.' "Ilie fallowing
fa thr miesement on the churches for the,Commissfoners'
Fend to the next flexpwal Aationibly, viz; !atilt ad, s2,so;
Loudeuville, 2 00; " Perrysville, .8:50:;, Clear Fork, 8.50
Martinsburg. 7.50; Lexington. 5.00; Belleville. 3.00;, Orange,
3.00; Hayaville, 400 ; lake Fork; 2.00; Jerome - rifle, 2.00;
Ashlina 7.50; Froderiaktoivn, 7.50; ,Waterford ; 3.00; ; On
tario, .450 ; Pleasant. 2 '25; Bladeneourg, 3 50; .3.iivart
lish,A 00; Oliresbnig, 2.501' Mt Vernoo, 7.00; Sandusky,
350; HillVrood, 300; East Union 125; Shelby, 450 ; Chee
tervillis, 4.00 ; Ilarinony,' 250; Mansfield; SDO ; ' Blooming
grove, 2.00; 'bake, 4.00 ; Bloomfield,: 2 00..'
, , J. P. odIaINVELL, Stated Clerk.
Vie PRESBYTERY OY;IIEWBASTLEI .pill meet at. Zion,
in Maryland, on Tuesday, the 13th aprli, at 11 o'clock
A: , and silly be opined - 1M 'a sermon' b.) the Rev: O. N.
Hodge The Ohara' Sessiees:will'please to send up their Records;
their Statistical Reports, 'and their .contribetions to the
Oommimionere t Ooi t tiogent, and Presbyterial glands.
. , ,
lei; bit the SeatonitTuritday Vl'4'o4l, at lleurockW M.
; • • r„; NISW,TON,i3BABKIIN, Btated:Olerk.
. , „...
The PitESt3YTEIVII DlO iN ORT will bold'
its next stated meeting In Lewitsurg,.ou the Third Tuesday,
OtliyerApril,'at 11 o'Clock:A el.'
:and, accurate litatirthal,,d double. the
usual assessment for the Comatisalonere and Contingent
Pond, will be expected froth Sit the chiich '
altlbit; Statetl.Cierlr.
The' PRESBYTER - V . or RARITAN' stands .adjourned;to
meet,,at Milford: .N. `
the :Second Tusaday. ( 13th) of.
April, at 11A. , T. liITUDDIFOAD, 8. AP;
•-;7; -•- .
_= , t,t4
,Tbe PRESBYTDRY,O7B p.p `Da CONE will meet at APEretq.
port, on tee'Secand rneiday of APill,`at 2 0.41
fiessioedi =Records, Congregational ; Settlements, .Btailati•
cal Reports, hor d Coat ribu Lions to Colitintieioriers' bind are
faquiredto he sent'. up. Vacant' churches are hereby noti
fied to -forward,to Oresbytery full stattettal of tVeir.zoem•
Variety, benevolent acaltribAttons, dourdthei items, of -In
tritest. •,; s J; In'CLlNTOOlci'fittited
3 The PRESBYTERY OF HUNTINGDON `will held 16 . 3 n
stated meeting in the Pteabyterten church ,in Perrysville;
Juniata County, on the Sioond Tuesday;(the 13th,) of Apili,
at tro'clOok 'A..' ' ' • +, •; ,
Statistical• Reports will he nallectior at this meeting, as
welt as a report front east - obrigiegetion to`wh.ther the
pastor's salary has been paid. BOBEIMEIA.M.I.U., aO.
' The PRESBYTERY OP NEW LTSBON will meet in the
etturcb . of Bethel, on the Second Tnecday 'of April, atl2
o'clock ti. . .
Seeidonal Records, gtatlttical Reports,•and Trig/vivant'
Reker.te of Settlement with Pastors and Stated Supplies,
will be called for. ROBERT DICKSON; 8. Cl.
next stated , tht.Pennington obarch, on Toes
day, April, 13th, at II o'olook`A. M., to be'oported lOW it
sermon by liev.l3. M. HAmtil,•the Moderator.
A. D. WHITE, Stated Clerk.
• _ I,
yi T n tino•Vat
New Flakeistelin, , eil the Second Tusiday , of Apr% (tbs.
1301) qt 11o'clock A. M.
• •
Th e pßaaarrkitY , o,:isristaNatoN will meet at
Liookatown, Beaver County, Pa ,cin the Third Tuesday, of
Aprit next, at 3 o'oloek'P.
- In.adoordastie with aistanding ruie„; Pastors and Sett-
Itlons Will please forward fu reports of the atit's of rill
OonOn their' rei full
paetlve 'tharges to:the Ttiv. William , P.
aliicb,•l3.D., Chairman of the Committee on the Narrative,
at least ten diye.befoie that Btu< - • ,
k• ' •.' JAMBS T; BROWBBON, B. Ci.
The PRI:EMMET OP DONEGAL ;will meet in the
church of:Prqueit, on Tnesdat,' Aprlll3th,St o'clock
At, this meeting will be . .required. Stadatical Reports,
end written Sessional Reocr's an'the Stata'ar Religion.
• sod payments to x the :Presbyterial and Commissioners'
Funds. Members coming by- rialrcisd.ari notified that' by
-aivtog pievloarnotice ta.thetr inteation, , to the Bic John.
Wallace, Peques, they will be acoottpstedated with ',envoy
antes from hinter Station: • t •' • • • • - •
• •• : (JO/P C UPARIOW, 84'44C/or/Li
The•PRI4RRYTRIiT Of - 01flOritiO will bold Its next;irw
,n)ar mestinajn Woodstock, eii i theliecond 'Tuesday (13th
of April, at 7 'o'olorit P. M. GEO. F. GOODMUS, S. 0.
The PRE,BBIrTSR.T stands adjourned to"
meet !tithe obitieli or Tattereim;'Hardie County. Ohio; en.
the SecondiTnesilay, the lath. of April, ,st,7 o'clock P. M.
. Sessional Records will be,calliid for, for review, nhs.
Bogert train each church Wlll aleo - belitled
....L q a. , R. 11014IDAY, StatedolS i esk.,
• • ••. •
the church or:Nottingham, on,the.Firet Tuesda y or , A•Prril
o'ltiek A. M. ' '
•li Stit.itle‘l •Reporta, , iBealonal Records, ,Oongregatlonel •
Settlements, and ,the money for
. the Oonitithidoners' 'Fund
Will be called for: ", • ' .701IN'40FOAT,:13. 0;
I) , ~• ..
The PRESRYTRRY OF DES ifOINES hi:Mali:attest stated . .
theetiok , st 'Knox on the liecond Apnrsdii74,o4o.
April, at 7 o.clook , ,
Eeme.onal Records, StatiStteel l Reporti; Crniiiiolsekmerev
frefind,'end Reports of settlemente with Featore a nd, ap
flies,,willbecalled for.
• JOON il.'ld'XLßO'r, R. 0. '
The , PRERRYTARY OF BEAVER will meet in Ptileekt•on
the Iflres,Tuleday of April' next, at 11 n'elb,ik A. ii;
1. , / : ' •D. 0..".118RD, Bested Clerk.
j `Tb PltE'?iriiiisiii iii`IttAIRSVILTA will meet ae:
eordind idlonntmint .at Unity, (pear Latrobe,) on the
flaelind.;netalay ( Ft:Aprll,, . 7A
at2o s r es p
o'clock P .
"Y 8 Stated Clerk:
TbePRESSYTRRY OF SCHUYLER will, m eet In Pralife
City:-MliohotigliCowity;lll.. April lath, 1858,.at 11 o'clb ak
Svey member, lay and Olekeil, 'Statistical 'Reperki; See;
elan's' neeerds,Vonsmihaloners' aud Contiogent,Fonde, and
settlements , with ministers, will be expected.' Sixty Meal
b. ri r • • ' TROS:I3 .VAlL;'Stated
The PRESBYTERY OF ROCK tavtß.4lli hold. itiateit
'Spring meethiesiriltlui, South church,. Oalena,) on Tikepday,,-
.4pril i lath, at. 7,c419ekp.. ,
The assessment on tbe g ebriribee far Commissionirrel Tim*
feat the fattrof flyeeente sper member. .13es•ional Records
Trill be,called for. • , . BT. WILSON, Stated Clerk: -
The PIiRSIBYTRRY, OF CLARION will meet In Pisgah
the First Tuewiay of April next, et 11 o'clOck k M.
•i f, fl. M'OAY, Stated Ole .
k 'elk i n k , ..1%._. ' 1 ' '• '
Mardi by MY. 0.,W. Mechlin, 'Mr. BAnirei 'rftevill,
'of unitiiigdon county; tolliles' Ann. Bata; daughter o[;1
„William Truths, ?filuitlann County, Ps, . .
~c ,r
Mardi 26tli by Ref. D 4. iCtionninghem, Mr.,' . W. Di-
Toss;of Ponimpbsib !Mtn to kthheltdike,t'llrasitais, o!,
1rinti1it" , :.....7 Nlf,l a 1.?; . 0.-4 seVa.: low' n:4:-is .-
March 17th, by Rev. J. Elliott, Mr. ROBERT HENDERSON to
Miss MARY alitilllMEß, both of linuttagdou County, Pa.
On Thursday, March 18th, by Rev. George Mareba U.
AtEXANDIOt AMIN. ESsl ,to Mies Jerre,daughter of Mr. John
Smith, all of Upper St. Clair, Allegheny CO, Pa.
March 24th, by ltev. Samuel Montgomery, Mr. ScIeUYL
llEcacaoox, of Monticello, la ,to Miss Buzau= M. MATER,
of Republic, Seneca County, 0.
By Rev. T. B. Van Bam, on the 113th hint., in Jonestown,
Washington County, Pa.
March 4th, by Rev. S. M. M'Clung, Mr. DATED Homan, of
Jasper County, lowa, to Miss EuZA J. GIBBON, of Plum
Township, Pa.
On Tuesday morning, March 17th, near Washington, a,
by Rev. W. M.Pergueon, Mr. D. P. Leuentur to Mies Ream
DIED—On the 15th inst., about 7 o'clock A.M.;
near Pittsburgh, in Chartiers Township, Mss.,
SARAH FLINN, consort of William Flinn, Esq.,
aged 78 years and 9 months.
The subject of this obituary iras'the daughter
of David Sample, of Westmoreland County,
torney at Law, in which profession , he occupied
a very eminent position, in his day. Mr. Sample,
owing tothe dangers to which his family were
exposed from the frequent incursion of the In
diens, especially in his absence from home, at.
tending:to official duties, removed them, for a
short time,' to` Creinlierland Oeunti. - It was in
this County,l'neitr* Big 'Sprink, ithif"Mrs. Flinn
was born: >lt was ,her privilege, to be able to
point back• to, a father, whowas an ,ornament to
the legal profession, who Was. esteemed ,forhis
urbanity; and beloved for hiagenerosity;
,hut she
had a higher honor,f in that she could ,refer, to a
parentage'who feared and served the,Lord. Her
father 'if LLS lid %rites Chrlstian, than a gentleman,
Or a lawyer. Mrs. Winn finally cherished there.'
ligious instruction which' had been inculcated by
'her *This, i n the inorningtof heidays. - During
the siccing scenes of her earthly pilgrimage ihe'
was sev4rely afflicted, bat her minfidence in Gad'
through ohriAt,' was unfailing. , Inithe , midst"of
the Mast eiciutiating Paling; and'when straggling
in the agonies of deith, her faith iiiher:Savionr,'
Who loved her and , gave' himself for hei;-*as'iin.
shrinking., With qhristiatireslgnatfan She bowed
to the will of her heavenly Father, having a`hope
blooming with immortality `
; she' said death
to her no terror. The last words we heard escape
her lips were, "co Jesus! Myl4d!",
She 1118, 4. ft EtAile9 l2ool Ate hilB!3#4 and three
children— l a son,who yesides in Washington City,
and:two 4S'aghters, mourn herdsath,
fi ne they
sorrow.nat as those who have no hdpe. r
Disc At hi residence in Hanover 'Toirnsbip,
Beaver County, Pa., on the' lOtir' ot' !February
last, Mr; Jaiazi r Wirrrairtm, aged about 55 years.
Mr. Whitehill was at, lubjeCe Of 'the' powerfol
work of grade, experienced in the'ebureb,• of Mill
Creek, in 1822 aid 1823, under the nainisiry of
Rev. iaeorge M. 'Scott:; and on ttie Bth day of
,1823, in connexion with , forty Aye
made a pnblio profession of the religion of Christ.
Consequently he spent tibnut,thirty four years and
eight,mouths in the service, of thepivirie Redeem
er. He was, one of those whose , religion inclined
him to labor, and pray for the prosperity of Zion.
And often did , be take sweet counsel with his
brethren in private, and' joyed
,to go, to the house
of the Lord;in company with the humble .wor
Ile came to the end of his earthly pilgrimage
seddenly. r.Oei the day 'of his death,, he „was
. aieisting his'son in hauling saw logs to the
a large log accidentally rolled' over him, crushing
his breast and side to such an extent that life
became extinct in -less than fear hours. r His
fainili and — the cis - limb.' of Mill 'Creek feel, deeply,
their loss, but they sorrow not with Out hope: His
pity fld"iirtiteit are eMbilmedlin thelimemories.
“.Blessed are the dead Which -1 (11 . e fin the
from henceforth, yea, Roth the Spirit that they
may rest from their" - labor* and their. works'
follow them." •
i; : .D 'Vi;El't.'T," 1,5•:.A..:.:4-4;N..l:i';
R°BRUT 'e It'T Ft dr. au OTHERS
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Of its retail price. Alarge discountils given to hilnisters,
Students, Teeonere, and others Purchasing Re. Libraries.
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Books published by Carter & Bros ;is so well known; that
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BIN. Bp AdYhedre it. Ifirortft. .710. EgailUvy risessitti
14) Ate/
on the Gospels. By Bele. Vol. 1., Matthew, $1.00; Vol.
, Mark, $l.OO. Hymn'. of Faith and Hope. By Boner.
7bc. Life Studies; or, How to Live Illustrated In the
biographies of Bunyan, 'lereteegen. (Montgomery, Perthee,
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EverlatElng Rest. The only compl to edition ever pub
lished in this country, wife Lite of eater sod Portrait.
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Sabbath boure of Afflicted Believers; a serlee of Medita
tions. By Bev. It 11. Bickereteth 00c. The Theology of
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Dr. Boner. $ l.OO Th e Land of Promise. By Name. SI.U.
The Reign of Grace. Introduction by Dr. Lthalmers. By
Booth. 75e, The Bible In Spain, and the Gypsies ee gra m
By Borrow. $l.OO Explication of the Assembly's Cate.
chum. By John Brown, of Eaddington. 80a Catechism
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of John Cellist, the Reformer. By Prof. Henry, of Berlin;
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or, the Spiritual Exercises of the Heart. 76er. Christian
ppeerfence,asdispiayed in the Lifeand Writings of St Paul Th e .
: History of the Reformation. b vols. By D'Aubigne. Cloth,
$2.60; in one Soo. volume, $1.60. David's Psalms, In
metre, 12mo, gilt, sl.oe; 12mo, Turkey morocco, $2.50;
48mo. sheep, 12e; 48mo, morocco, 20o; . 48irto, morocco,
gilt, 81e; 48m0., tucks, bflo. With Brown's Notes. 38mo,
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The Christian Philosopher. By Dr. Thee. Dick. New edi
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the'New Testament. By Doddrkige. Royal Bvo.,fine sheep,
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2 vole., $2.50. Evening Hours with my Children; or, Con
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Bible, from the Creation of the World to the Incarnation of
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tioned in the Bible, and the Principal Events con
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tory of Animals. Illustrated. By Goose. $l.OO. The
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'Gentlenen, - Ministere, 'ethers, who have - suffered for
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•• Imniortality; .by 'James; 7Sc. The Young Man's Friend
and Guide through Life to Immortality; by same; 75a,
Christian Duty; a series of Pastoral Addresses; 'by same;
Ac,76o.„,ThaponresAiraithi;,er,,thelelleyer Del nested; by
mane; 75 0 . Christian Professor ; "slain; The
Christian Father's. Present to his Children ; by same; ?fa
Morning and Evening • Exercises; for every • Abe year.
New and elegant edition, on large type and fine paper; in 4
thick vote .; by Jay tr 54.1141. Morning Exercises; common ern- I
tion, 750 Evenieg Exerchtes t eommonedition,7so. Female
Scripture Characters, by 'Autobiographyeame, $1:00: The ntehiography
and•Remlnisoenoes of the Rev. William Jay,.51.26. • Daily
Bible Illnetmtioes • being Original Readings for a year on '
Imbjecte from ' , aired 'History. Biography; Geography, An
tiquitiee, and,Theology; especially designed ; for the Family"
Circle; ny . Kittb. Morning series, 4 Yoh; $4 00, or singly,
putt - volume 1.00;. Vol. I-Antediluvians and Patriarchs;
EL-Moses and the Judges; 111-Samuel, Saul, and David;
IV-Solomon acid the fling. 'Evening Series, 4 vole; $4.00,
• or singly, each volume 100; Vol. I-Job and the Poetical
Broke; 11-Isaiah and the Prophets; 111-The Life sad
• Death .of 'our Lord; IV-,-The Apostles 'and the Early
Church. From Rev. John Angel James: "I cannot Jose
this opportunity of recommending, in the strongest-and;
most emphatic manner can command, this invaluable tree'
ries of books. I believe, for the elucidation' of the historic
parts of Scripture, there is nothing comparable with tbem
in the English, or any other language.". Lectures to .Young
Man, delivered in London, for 1857, $l.OO. ,Travels and.
Researches, in Chattier., and Susiamis, with an Account of
Excavation at Werke. the '‘ Froth "'of Nimrodpind Shneb,'
" Shathen the Palace" of Either ;•• illnetrated ; by Loftin,
.$2 CO. The Works of the Rev.itobert Murray M'Cheyne, of
Dundee, Scotland; 2 v 015,8.00. Morning and Night Watches,•
by its,. J. R. lil'Driff, 00a The Foetsteps of St. Pail
totted; by same.l.oo. The'Worde of Jesus. by same, 40e.
The Mind of Jesus, by same, 40c. The.Worde and Mind of
Jesus; in one volume, by same, 800. The Woodcutter of
Lebanon and the "exiles of Lucerne, by pine, 60c. Little'
Child's Book of Divinity, by same. 25a. • Evening; Incense,
by same, 40a. Faithful Promises and Altar Stones, by same,
25c.' Memories of fhithany, by same, 80c. The Bow in the
Cloud, by same, 400. Memories of Genneuret by eame,l.oo.
The Provincial Letters of libelee Paical; a new translation,
with Wistaria' Introduction and the Rev. Thomas
Crie,' LOO.. Piaseal - Jsquellne; or, Convent Wet 'at.'• Port
• 'Rofal;1.00. Philip's Devotional Guides, 2 vale, -1.150. The .
Young • rean'e.oloeet Library, by Philip, 75e. Ammoniated'
upon the Holy Bible" by.Porile;,.3 vole, sheep, 10.00. Ash
nab of the American Pulpit ; ' o r, Commerobratith Notices
'of Ofelinguished etifteibnin Clergymen of Various Denomh'
. nation", froth thetiarly Settlement of the Country ,to the
close of the.ear.lBss; with Historical Introduction*: by
BPregne. Vo te. I and 11-Congregationalists,Vole:
lIL andlV-t , -Presbyteriansi 5.00. Christ on the Croat an
Exposition of. the Twenty-second Psalm, by Stevensen,•7oc.
The Lord our Shepherd; an Exposition of the Twenty-third
• P s alm; seine, 130 e. 'Gratitude; an Exposition of the One
Hundred arid Third Psalm, by same, 75e. The Atonement
and Interoeetion of Jesus Christ, by Symington, 76a. Lop,
els; or, Jesuitism in its Rudiments,, by Taylor, 75c. 'Natu
ral History Of Enthusiasm, by' same, 75c. Theisni; the
Witness of Reason and Nature Loan A 11. wise and Beneficent
. Creator; by Tnilook, - 1.00. Vara; or, The Child of Adoption,
1.00. ,Nethe of,Truro,-1.00. A Practical View of the , Pre.
, veiling Religious ' Systems of professed Christians In the
-• Middle add Higher Classes of Society, contrasted withßesi
Christianity: by. Wilberforce; fine edition,-large type; 1.00.
Light. andliihadows of Scottish Life, by Wilson; Illustrated,
tho. Midnight Hirmonlia; or, Thoughts for the 'season of
&Melds and Sorrow, by Winslow, 000. Declension end Re.
vfvai of. Religion in the Soul, ,by same
.800. The Christ of
History; en argument grounded in the Facie of hie Life on
Earth, by John Young,M.N., 7bo. •
' and Charlie,' illustrated; KM. Talus Irma • Englleh
History, New Edition, flea Anna; or Passages from the
Life of a Earighter,boe. Edward Clifford, New Edition, bee
• Child's Book of Divinity, 250. The Way Home,' boc. The
Young Pilgrim, by author of "Claremont Tales;" bOo. • The
'Giant Killer, by the same author, Mo. The Roby ramile, or
; ,Battlieg,with the World, a sequel, to the Giant Killer, 800.
• Florence Egerton, a [rook' for Girls, - New Edition, '6oo. A
- Rams otLfght to Brighten Cottage Homes; 850. • .
1' Eire sale, as above, by • • •1 JOHN Drarsovi..
, , MarltetA., pltlibetplike
AiLNW 00 D ACADEMIG;- ;' ' '
• The't ext Session orthis Institution will open the
firer Wednesday of May., .. .
The location is healthy, iwtired and free froth mai* , of the
temptations incident' to a toviiii- life.' Connected with the
licisdemy is a Commercial . Department. Thin branch stn-,
dents can either pursue exclusively, or in connection with
othexiitudies as may be desirable:
irausies armor Or 71V11 mecums.
For Board, Tuition: &0.. • • , $55.00
,For Double Entry /look keeplog,, ~ 20.00
For Eotrx, Bopii4eepine, 8.00
Poi cataloging and further particulars address,. •
• _ • • WOODS, Principal,,.,
apa:3t. • Shade Gap, Huntingdon 00. 7 Pa.
hOADEMY.—The 13ninmer Tern:hot thislneN t ution
will open on 21st of April; asad•osotirme twenty-fosr weelus,
with a,barvest vacation of three weeks.', Rates of Tuition,
$6.00, $B.OO irmt . slo.oo. BOY. VII. Mechlin' and J. H. Mar
shall, A. 8., l'ilndptle. Mn.e N. J. Mohlhose. and Mies
• Lizzie M. Rier,,Teachere of Female Department. address'
the Principals for farther. information. 'Boarding can be
had at $1.60 per week. ' • - ap&dt
D11.8:t. M. !Trout AND .7; W.,131f-KES,
• ' • • : •• ;I Will remain at their
. 'NO. 191.
orx:cierit ay. CLAIR eirrixt, Prxraiiimosr,
And may he contuilted daily, (except Sundays) for CON
; Bind PTIO N. AST EIMA,BRONOLIITIS and all other 011flON
. IC OOMPLAINTS coinpllcatedirithOr 'causing' Pilmonary
Dennis, including filatarrh;ilf eat Disease; Affections of the
Lim; Dtnipepsla, Clutritle, Female Li'xtnplainta, etc. , '
DRS. FITOH & SYKES would statithat their treatment
of COD sunilitloiit hued' upon the fa'ct thit the dlimise exists
in the blood and system at large. both before aid 'during Its
s :development In the lunge; and they therefor w ;empley
chanical, Hygienic ant Medicinal remedies to purify the
blood and etringtheu the system"; With these they . ..use
lisafenatinbabition;wldeb they value highly, but only si
which'used alone have no, curative.sffeete, and
ara earnestly isa utioned egainst,wasting the precious
time of curability octaly treatment Valued 'upon the planet
' hie, idea that the seat Of tbadheenelloidebereaehed
' Sit ifdirett manner by Inhaltitlos. ;.;
lio.charge for, consultation. • ,••••• •
A, list of questions will be Nino %Olio wishing 'eon=
edit ui by letter : .. ' ' • • 4 ".• •-•! .• • leptitf ,
.I . ll6lollictedilit` vg
•r ..IS ORsninasn 1866, . • •
. 9Boesd ,2 Trustees—Faculty of• 14 Teßoben. •
Young Men Pi . spaitid for sot nal duties °ribs Con ntl og•Rootn.
• Inetrifotion given in Stogie awl Double Entry Book keep-,
ing,.amised - in every,department of.Businesi, Commercisl
Arithmetic, Rapid BllßiliollB Writing,' Mereintile Correspond.
.ence,Commercial Law,DetecHug Counierfett Money, Political
lktonoiny, Rldention, • Phonogrsphy, an 4 all other we 6jects
necessary for the thorough educational ii.prectinal bu.sluees
Plu i ••• • • , .11
J.O. SMITE; A.M.; Professor of Book keeping and fklentes
'of Soeniiits: • • . •
J. O. POItTER, A,M., Professor of Metb ematice. ;
ALBX. CO.WLRy, Profeeeor of Petxianship—twelWallik •
premium's over ell competition tor Pen and Ink t Wribials, ,,
tar- end not for 'engraved work. - ; , • '
Tsang; 60: 7 -gull course, time. unlimited enter at any:
time, g 86.00. Average time, eight to fwelve weeks. Board
about 2.60. ' Entire cost, 60.00 to 70.00. ll•rsdnates
in obtaining situation. Specimens of Unequalled writing.
and circulars sent free. Address,
delo4( „ P. W. JIIN KINS, Pitteburigh;fal
. .
Summer Seaton will open on WYDNJIS3DAY, the
2sth of aped; end wilt cloae ma the 24th of SePteiMtatil 'The
Principal will bie'amiettal by B'Y. klyen,AJkli a strident of
the Western Theological Seminary, who enters the School
with very favorable reconueendationa.
Tatuse—Board and Tuition fOr the Seeable: 2,66100.
S. B. litsOltP4./ p r i nc ipals.
apS 4t• ; kIYERs, '4
W 661 ) " I 9 YrAI I iC AI. qt. r
The beet recommendatiqa of ‘ tbeir utility
; fact of their almost universal use,tt
attained entirely by their
'merits. . copes of tbe Class iiook sent by tuella*,
paid, ou'tbe receipt of Ilton:, r ind"tho first Larson' fbr 414"
witki' lie* to Intrathatikeptr imuossto;c.boole. Addreal:' es
slaKi . • • • ‘a xnfe, Tfor.ll%
■1 Tlll
The publiithed weekly, In the cities of Fitni
burgh and Philadelphia, and la adapted to graeral °lrani alio.
In the Preadopterian Church.
IN OLUEB of twenty, and upwards,
DELIVERED in either of the cities
Tor eight lines, or less, one Insertion 50 cents ; each rub
Sequent ineertion,26 cents. Bulb additional line, beyond
eight, 8 cents for every insertkxi.
)or sight linee, three mouths, $B.OO. Baal. 4144111m:A floe
its cents.
Por eight lines, One rear, $lO.OO. Nash addltkeal line el .
Dawn. of two Linea, $6 a year, and $1 for each meet
Donal line.
Humane Nollan. of ten lines or leas, One Dollar. Etch
additional line, 5 cents.
Ike Coyozonnicationa reoorortteroistory of inVentlone,
dial Practice, &hoots, fic. &v., being designed for Ole pert,
!easy benefit of Individuals, should be paidier ihJ Boeines
Atom by mail, where no good ..pportunity L *QUA let
at band. Drafts or notes of the larger denominations are
preferable, where they can be conewaiumtly obtained.
PASTORS sending us twenty enbecribers and upward,
Will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge.
N.D. When Presbyterian families are very much dispersed
they may be accommodated at the Club price; even tbotigb a
few of the twenty be wanting. Let all be supplied, tf pcsPl;
Wis. The Pool we shall favor, to our utmostability. Let the
supply be rum, but every paperpaidfor.
for Two Dollars paid, we will send Seventy numbers; of
for One Dollar, Thirty-three numbers. This is for !tweaks 0
easy remittance.
If Pastors, in making up clubs, find some persons not
ready to pay at once, they may yet send on the manes, at the
Olubprins,ion their own responsibility to pay us shortly. I t
is desirable that clubs date their subscription petiods'at th •
same time. DAVID 1101EINNEY,Proprielor.
The Winter Session, of five months, will oommrnce the fire t
Wednesday in November.
Dayensee,for Beesding,Pnel,Light and Donlon in the Yu
glish branches, $6O per Session. Ancient and Modern Lao •
gnages, each $5. Lessons on the Piano, and nee of In etre •
meet, $l5. Painting and Drawing, each $5. Or the pay •
meet of $BO, will include the whole.
A daily stage connects; with the oars at Newark. Del., and
also at Parkesburg, Pa. Address
J. M. DICKEY, or
Oxford,Sept. 20,1860 • OAXUNL DICKEY. Oxfovd, ra
PANY, Walnutfitreet, flonth.West Corner of Third. Phila.
Money is received Is any sum, large or small, end Inter
est paid from the day of depoalt to the dere, with(' tits al.
The office is open every day from S o'clock in the mt n •
lug till S o'clock in the afternoon, and on Monde) end
Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock.
RON. HENRY It RENNER, President.
WILLIAM J. RZSD, Secretary.
Money Is received and payments made daily without
The invert - mints are made in REAL ESTATE ECM'.
GAGEFI,GROIIND RENTS, and such first elms securities
as the Chatter requires. Ja23 1y
STRZET, Pittsburgh. dealer* In Watches, 3 welry.
wnell lattwow 1117• Ina .41.116.0
'FHE SACRED MELODIAN, containing a great variety of
approved Church Music, selected chiefly from tboolu 'ford
ard authors. original compositions on a NLVT
SYSTEM. OF NOTATION—(Aiken's Syatem,)—deehened for
the'irse of Churches, Singing Schools, and Academies'. By
TWOTIPILIKKUt obletly.account for the great stirrers of
this volume :
First The Character of the Work. It presents a new
and greatly Improved. system of notation. In it
that Is abstr,nce and difficult in this delightful science is su
simplified, that months are made foal to years in the
common way of learning the practice of musical alt: a fact
sufficiently proven by the attestations of scores of Vs( here
and wrformerc who bine tested the system and given the
work its great popularity and constantly increasing sale
~ ,Second The Quality and Style , of the Music. ?deny new
places, destined to please' in long as muslelasts, may he
}Mani on` its pages, and also' many of the old and tried
melodies, -hallowed from associated, recollection, of sanc
tuary delights, and far more welcome to the heart ot the
wershipper than many frequently substituted for them.
'The - Publishers may add that the mechankatexecution
of the work is superior altogether to the majority of East•
ern Music Books, and the price very low.
It may be had at the principal Booksellers, or of the Pub.
Conies sent to 'Teachers, by mail, ter 76 cents.
la- For ten dollars, will send a dozen copies by mail,
to those who cannot obtatn them otherwise. •
Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers, •
26 West Fourth Street, Ctn., 0.
BOYS, at TURTLE CREEK, Allegheny County Pa.
THE EIGHTEENTH SESSION of this Institution will
commence MAY 3d, affording unirarparsad advantagee for
the moral, mental, and physical education of }toys, in en
tinusnally healthy and romantic location. Every inucAble
attention and kindness le bestowed on, the pupils, at all
No DAY-SCHOLARS are admitted. •
From Rey. D.IL JIINKIIi, D. D., RoLidayaburg, Pa.
L. Cstoit, Sep., Turtle Creek, Pa :—Dear:—Yort ask
roe tii`expretts my opinion of your School If I emild not
conscientiously express a favorable one, I 'would frankly
tell you so, and'ilacline saying anything about it; for 1 am
chary of compliments, and cannot violate truth in order to
extend them. The man who commando an inferior rcbool,
at which the time of the pupils would he wasted, or spent
to little profit, commits a social wrong ; whilst be who calls
dettrild attention to a meritorious school, cantata a social
, Ism, therefore, free fo say, that with the locality, ap
pointments and arrangements of your Academy, I was well
satisfied. Year location is beautiful, healthful, and relive
leant; your buildings spacioue , comfortable, and. well
adapted; your neighborhood intelligent, moral, and exempt
from temptations for youth. I deemed your aseLstante ea
pable; faithful, and diligent; the recitations I witnessed
were highly creditable. And what Impressed Me as Pe,Ll
- desirable, In a school for young gentlemen. wee the
delightful family amanita/ion, at once cheerful anti orderly,
which seemed to prevail. Any one could eve that the pu
pile jell that they were In a pleammt, Christian noes, where
both their education and their personal comfort were cared
'for, with parental kindness and wisdom. Mrs. Caton has,
in my opinion, rare qualifications lbr the reeponsible posi
tion ebe occupies.
As my visite were wholly unexpected, I must have seen
Cottage Hill Academy in its every day character.
Hoping that journey always enjoy the patronage which
such a school ought to command, and that you may be very
successful in training the youths oommitted to your care,
for usefulness and happiness in earth and heaven,
I remain, very respectfully yours,
Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Hollidaysburg.
P. B.—l have heard those who bad eons at your lestitn-
Non, express themselves well stationed. O.X.J.
From Rev. JOHN KERR, Monongahela City, Pa.t ,
Ma. L. OW:ON COttage Hill Academy, Turtle Creek. Pa:—
Dear Sir:—sawing bad my son at your Academy ter some
-months pest, I have been much goateed with the progress
he AM made in hie studies, moral and intellectual culture,
and in his general deportment.
I consider your School, in point of locality, menet extent
and instruction, as admirably adapted to the improvement
of our youth, physically, motel ly, and Intellectually.
'Very rare-Unify yours, •
• Monongahela City, Sept. 1867. JOHN KERR.
From Pon. J. W. GEARY. Ex Governor of Kansas:
Ma. L. Carore :—Dear Sir:—lt is nearly two years since
my two eons have been under your tuition at "pottage Hill
Academy" and it now affords me much plesenre too ffer
'eon this t esta monial of my unqualified approba tion for the
faithful manner in which you have discharged the Important
defies devolving upou you , —the moral and intellectual de
velopment of youthful minds.
- The constant progress and vielble improvement' of my
children, and all tinder your charge, M.truly gratifyir g.
Indeed, it seems a necessary consequence of your eeplana
tory and demonstrative method of instruction.
' The attention you and
,your very excellent, Lady COD
etantly, give to the health, exercise, eleanlinees, and general
behiviour of the 'students under your care, is deserving of
the highest commendation.
Your two attestants are gentlemen of excellent attain
ments, end in their vocation, theettomnium is not tea much
when I say, they are "apt to teach."
' I Will continue my children with you, and influenoe my
friends to send you as many students ae possible as I be
lieve your Academy is the best Preparatory School in the
country. •
With high respect, your friend and obedient sere%
New Alexandria, Pa., Sept. 8,'67. JNO. W. GLARY.
' We have testimonials similar to the foregoing, from Dr.
J. Scott, and W. C. Barr. H. Lambert, and J. /3.o'llllde,
Bags.; Pittabirgb ; J. 8. Diekey, Esq, Bridgewater, Ya.; W.
a. Randall, Best Lavacca, 'Texas, ac, io.
For Circulars, containing terms and Other Information,
address. r L. OATDR,
. mar2tl7t Turtle Creek, Allegheny County, Pa.
lik. T lANB .14 I X
A. BRITTON A 00.,., r
N 0.82 North SECOND Strest,above ktarketi Philadelphia.
The largest, cheapen, and beat sasortnasnt of. PLAIN d
?ANDY BLINDS of any other establiskuniit tirthe Unitid
States. ' -
REPAIRING promptly att.:, a re
tr s c o ,
and satisfy yonrselvse. May
Ni,„„, Tuscarora Valley, Juniata County, Pa., one-fourth a
a mile from the Perrysville Stationntremusylfanis Rai
• , Tke Ihnnmer Session will commence on Monday, the leek
%of Apra. Wbote expense per session olf twenty-two weeks
for Dowd, Dem, Petition, Washing end Inc dentata.sss, pay
able oneolialf In advance. ,
akirlise Olzealscs. , DAVID WILSON,
Pibieteal and 44Pileter. Pert Rove' P. 0.
. .
111/3"lllrnie• NEVIN'
E5Q., , N0.167 liberty. Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will
lereafter act , as.Reosiring Agent at Pittaburgh, for the
General Assemblj'e - Church Extionsion COnlinitt , e. Dona
tions for the Church Exteosion muse, should be rent to Mr.
Nevin. mart? 6m
ANTED—IN A ISlCursenv OR man
. :BOHOOL. a eittcation, by alady competent to teach
4114 hp branches of an English Bdocation, and who has had
mix or aeren years e xperience in teaching: •
, 4Adilrese, with terms, - BOX 142,
marl7•St* Allegheny City, Pa.
need In 100 out of 145 of. the Academies of this
Bute, who report to the Regents of the University.
Teachers who wish to examine it, with referenoe to ite in
tiodnotion into schools, are invited to correspond with
morli-it MOORE & RIMS Troy, N. Y.
e:—.--. . . .. •No. 193 of attach. Term, MS.
1 1 And now, to wit . Match 20th,1068. application
Lig• has been this day - made to said
. V,Oliri.L. greet ft
. .. s, Charter, of Incorporation to "THE CEN TR AL
whine will be emoted at tbe next tarn; of old Court,llll.
inee.exceptions be Sled thereto. -
. ': "IniritTnit JOHN BIRMINOII4/4, Prothototary.
OOtKSt NEW ronrAcATrost, ns; 9
jut 'Fitmot 6UPPLISH.- 7 -New 'mistime ,Writtug Paper
ape 146%10=47. - 0. COOR RAN r,
XtrAl Tedlislitt;Alkstear
froal per year
D II .