Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, April 03, 1858, Image 2

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    3c .~
ate. So, e 1 1t
blessing otei t worl
Turning to RELIGIOUS NEWS, it iS SO Va
riedtthSt :Feativontrigivitirfillintileof - it this
Dr. 'MILER ti MS Di Zink* 8 riTTAgE. ON THE
EVANGELICAL ALLIANOk-(in his preface to
his "Charqh J0t:4734f. for t lam , sary,), is
adMiria3r 3 'ilne** BY- 1 4e' Rev. gjoirt
Cairns, of
... Berwiok-on.Tweed, (a first-rate
German scholar,) in the
. /V 4 6xs,. of (ke,
Chitrrikils3lollM4 I tikilen'tt:tmont i fil - I Th4l(
High Church Door speaks kiladly of the ) '
English-members of -the Alliance, and- vir
tually abandons his old complaints against
the l ßerlin . Conference,, as a ,dtvice of,Eng
lish prepogandiera).PArqatite pwn ready;,,
made C hero hpnatiopp,, rather- nfs-Chariiitt.
notiona, with„-a apepiul, e . ye to , the gitip Of
ludependepts,„a u dL Baptositu?n,..ridocitaot,
Germsny. But he repeats hie charge of
ineensietanqlnislitki t ing 4agehnigNcresflep
•siens in, atiPtittillgl.ilagiara I ,ianYifiertntn
association, ,prial4po,l", fflampoimp ; of, the; aa
herentsl9f,,t4atlYali?o,l.--.lSteiitl.4ll/o.itlutt to
giVe,upf the
testimonyref;the at imtbcyau , Xlmrch,.and tot
shut one t 's,upplti, eyer,, afterward. 0 OMr.-:
OsirWtreWha. , -illstlYs Eng,-
1aqd.' 110 4049!-Laitagiqq. , •.Irealdf.,..deitprtisk
no serious baPeWqrt".iir.:494,-. he , -,middly,
reminds • Dr. ,B ths t tikthe t ßeformedTrls.;
elan Chord", and', -Tusr,tyanite, , with
thelieforpaed" brethren insChurchtelloWN,
ship„,while really differing abent . the-Lord's,
auppopatwidely es.,they vio from Ithezßapr,
Cate about baptism.:'lu.the cf-Kirs l .4entag . ".l
meetings,,,pure Lutheranism
with Calvinists, Uuienislep Xerit7ilMsoanit
miffaeltanaona -,d'elegaree froncall parts of the„
world. 43 4 0 t his, chill i objection is, that the . ;
Alliance is, impregoated 'with tbuspirit off
Latitedic ansuipstny. the. ; of, which
the ancsmagenappt of,-I . .tatippaliatiCapeonlat,
ti0P4 , .044 ttiteirittorn l of hare h Itoisounik
doistipe.l„,,Art,so it.haa,gladdened,tbeiliaYe r ,
the PlITll.4s.
pcdrita l qut r Hengstenbergihas forgottert4what
As; Alse;tp. , ,atioh %reel? taavilkmaimaeherqand
Kepff, ; though slyangelieltia=te.ithal:gre4
Middle,sphopl pf Germ3nlWWlegitiosAead-,!
ad by D.r: Nitgeh — ' t , e:DX%-,lYlo. l .efgAithigne
and the . Erepok, , brattirea--Aad to ith.eorist
mass of -EnglialObristiass who, toitheinuM r ,
her of theusarids, signed Ihddreasespielim 7 .
in,FY to . : the ,Gerxmm,Conference,.in
they, -0 oogratolatedr,GorTar i V on!,itskelfeape l i
from .Ratierlalistic error. ;Other] objebtioMb,
arising,fromithuicordishgreeting,of Bahama
and D'Atibigne at Potsdam,; from,the -pre:B 7 ,
once cl i gtZreepavoi?ap atitheallianue i
as, anclitors,)-at(d ( frod sentiments uttered by,
several Germauliepeakers : One of -these,,
Da Sohpyikalitr.a,ad fpaper,-whicti,it,call44.
Batjimalietilia,r Bat Mr.,Cairns qUotescfroik
ss, speech .of ;his another; occislion;csailik i
noble testimony ) , to , 'truth. an dagainstierroki,
ail 'the ;following( !glut ! modernlenitnre ).s,
Sainted ,w.ithfa p oison; from .twh ichp byi GAN ,
grace apil )Spirit, thorhughlY set
freer7tlitl4Pisen.9t:Jtati9ldisE949.4 Pan - )
theb#4 , s,Pi9vr Ratt9nalil 3 ,9 3 ;
cafewlY:nisaln,in7 , kl)ataef,u,k and ‘efte%
ItetAh2o,{ taa,ritt_9,lt on tha ~49Ptrina eL
thet.*P 3 PlLakent's.stkami d . o o - ePe.titYrdefliarest
th 4 aft * Pqtdd:t4 , ittalca tat**49,4lAlt our;
° i .WhabOiglit , Cito B !'s 44, 8 11 30 a s
made,satoottetion, for us ou i tie_crese, by his.
PitriglaiinffeTings a o 494- I . l ta * rit1.1 11 44
must gs• iptojthe,lerge itouos, ef pe tq iiiny,
and that,thel strengt4of tikeirj . ife is
#o,S4PaX.Pflciliiat; and 490.1,P1.411 1 .40i 1 es
111 14-g, e it,92Ft4Pry n lYs noqt: #:104.Y
would t-,9S !Mrs la.ithAn.i.,l9tlitatlat..:94 the
rrilgha'Slit4ll l l
° 4 4 , 1 °.i.W.YatiMiqai . G.I r fl*ttYJ 61.1 !they
cast,' themselves, down Aeforpithe throne of
AVe Lamb' a nd regent , itiadlierieve"• ;
I.refer to, th'esednatters , at socholength, to
indicate'two things.; ,first,i the. , genuineness.
of the, revival in Germany, ref Evangelicial
teaching, aud-. the probability, that 'the. objeC;'
jive s will iheneeforth duke itei ptopar Time
that teaching, by.triten•Whoehad , gode doe far.
in diseociataugehristiamlife (thstubjective,),
fromi soon& ;doetrine: me:BeePhO,W'
a goo4) l lEnia tears. are., peisertiid, And. his
spirit 'tailored,: jug) in' Proportion-iss
Claurobiam l is adopteULT-Hengstentierg is an
oneensciene:lhelper-io \Ratiohalisin; iwhen
"he:.exalts the IConfessiori ; an
. equality,-with , the,Bible4 asiierts. the- elah s i
of the, clergy-ohnroh, toi,thendisparagemeit
.of ! pirvate judgment-and-lay-agency ;.
foadly,,,- OA -Ltbe (blaming of', sacramental' , graCel
till the) vital:lrOomeot of, Tegeneration.
sanctifieationibplaith; as
s if. iriot denied but ,
obscured,: and -aides) with '_an. -o b solete coma
servetiem in-:the State which . I .eitrabgeli é
Church from the masses of the people!'
Solyritee Mr. :Ceirne ; is 'matter of
mongratnlotiout and;. thankfulnegs, , t.that we
'have ,autongo, us,,a .critic, •abatan idvocate
a Navangeliehlarirth and , Love;.so able' and'
temperate.„ l , . :. I.J ' ... 1 / 4 , ~' ;'. I
, 4 4 ••• ,
f :1,10 dia ,i I
As' to Germany generall y , dA MY ,inao;.
thitt We' Ettelitaiiistied 'CO un or; „itTp taking: , a
die ER "interest
.. in" ; 11o*,
,ifinsioN WORK..
The Eialgelicol`gonre Miision • exiendo its.
libbiif f r Atililiiilleticaria f!catfer4d 'aipc;K
Manb4f;i illtr A6 *.:M:--nmigiant°:- ' PPOrn•
have beeitldn e t to ininiOter„tb' the Peri:noire
in .11611iiiVintilrianc), , ; 'a oolt a bbellis been,
open : A l it' qciiir i ttitatiup,p,loj o 4,4:W fire: iden;,
Soiiibly,!ilit terlin, tar pp
ruor'ilpypor t ta;
lier*Pri'lf4nieli'caf ciruiflis ru, the' Bria r ,
Cin 4Tor 4 iiikni ' P .ol 4 ,4l f #a n f i tiia P n Y r n
na, aiidllotietintinoido,) an& olgeartF
dence ia keg pp, w ith P-elmirj 7 ,9lwiceibits ro,
Aniiil4. ' Ili. , ;W,iniroifir,;tr,tußo,,n a rhippliei
of Ciiritilin -$61,94 men ,fOr 4 11 1 a Rmiat
work; ata !o w & . g oo 4y, t4e, hiding Out
of "olerd*On'ilit6 46iriartiO'distrik by the
erectionlif 5i11i416 4 , ands by pac oi rm ilittpulor„
bookit—htliiiretidy ti t At..,b,piiitio. `The e
Home' IdiAinfki 'l44erir . 'are ,Hpirweg, Sitala /n
Itltillei,'&rieoliefV.:,, `Bibles ' or ',Tistrii'writs
are begiatiteto".bel:*rited''tii,th'e:rieWli f
mania. "Tlig ' labo r e of ,the yoltt 'OiliCe on,
the Sabiatli . `hiA ~ti,t,iii r ityl9,44l,..;..afid;''reiVq:
auctions, ittnallfavrest, . turd ,lairtori 4iviiik s
than foraierlV • ''' done or?' tlierti's day.
,f /S i r -.,, , ..; 1 -. ~ .1 ~.
Attempla have been , inado to iiinta ",f; 3 „ 12 ,n, WI
dinainr" taduce '114E1154. - t kfiLeri pi no
sn - Oieriient to'stop 'them' a I,i tri y ii,:aA4 th l t
4 Tlibitrei l aie still open viithb protest. .„„
• w of re Cu. it .1, ~
, In ~,,, Frlgaa, many imlitt•r.Y4,s7.lqmpt ,10)
have beea,transferred to.l9veolc,4oy. , .Every !
one who ha i p.been• in Ge rmany knows] hbvi,,
/ow the siitnditrA of
. 4abhatk . kegßing,nrobct h
in nRiPi?M!'ll44°P;, ,There de 99e1i40t
masl, , _lla jeArsngnennyg,„who,,tn t
all octa
, oamani, demands 1 t 44 On 01 6 '4 1 a,',4.ay la.
'twenty-four hours sliall,Pf4' Arvid tbal`ln,4:'
Lord's, property.” , 13j4Ae q tanifa7 to, tblwk
him,, and a monthly ..)Itttgayine,,,mblished for )
some year's tiavoeitingi ihni ) Sabbath on
Scripting • grotindi, l th ct publinhers ..were
obliged to
,give np:,for.war t t 4-, support. )
Such the truitaA'Qf *Prig Xjawti on the.
Divine authority All4,4leipettuk„Oligation
of the:Si4othi he4tandlaught f b,y ~.L. p .ther
and Oilyin. ..It„ is ,worthy of,pptioe.-thati in,
. 800 .t 1 4
, 4 , Wli , rP thtaeAr a ca kl im *'4 kOd' o° l 4
..eated ' on ' lte, eonscifneedpr ill,people l pp
Sabbath ," i pest,,kcpt,.Flple,in,Angan s '
w hi in a , m° 4l ";43oa9l:4 l Yaila,nkho• ga?-
lbgh 7bialinlikAilf:gldußi ;' 4 1 1.4d f.' daesi
. , •°nima," ii ?cma - po,ari4 ) lPM , tl7 . Pitte-.[ gam:
Amoy, ha;3 reached a lower 4lspill, t howeveri n
-..d it Win " I . ' rise 1 from 'll s l ou g h 4'
...n i on 5! t e w en
v. .;,. ,:." .. ..i i‘ v,
'lk is tbeol : 4 foittils ,-.. I.l** cilia' 'l, ll a
-Divine ,-, .;, „ mail .gi ! , . •.' 1 1:..,.;
..:. .ta. ..4 ']vf .. -: i' •
The dogma ofthe laim 4 actrLATEßowfw...-
TioN begins to be a ground of serious divis
ion. among* , •jtomattiets • on...the ..continents,.
The Galilean Church, as such, has nomi
nally accepted it, and tie of the. GeiMi.n aikt
Austrian bishops and clergy. But the real
triumph is that of the despotic party over
the:libitirilf. The Jesuits, the Redemptorists,
the Franciscans, are in ecstasy. But many
are scandalized that an individual, the Pope,
-Without,al.Geitural Council, should assume
.infillibilityilana:tliese, joined with secret un
believers ib . ttlqctogyqt,(who find an expo-_
vent in a priest . of Wittemberg, who pall
lishes a pcwerfui work,,). . wild taion:Oiiiiiie :a,reiietiiiii'agriiiist Viiiii-Atentan
• isrii," 'end the'itiipPOrters 'of COnarietii..: In,.
Austria, the State finds itself by:its'
iigitienieitt 41ili itcalici, in Wit4eliOnri; the':
,PiiiiiiiiieiKingliedAtit his 'Vile tineklieig'
tatiiiie baisiiitia44 . .pdioatiiA,.rboi •
lie iiiiiii t it AA: of `11"gil disk , greater iiiii . sti
to - 'Proteitiiiiiiiiitt. i '4ome' is (till; 'ea e'eye.,
ter ," the same . Rorl,Weii# 7 lelif'piiii4 l ,ll ,,
BOliebliiin''pribilt:bill la t ifidifilied'in -s itrian:
for . Ifs Opinieins . 'ea. is refaie'd Alelisa c be , ' -
einee'he will 'net, retriet. ' ` •.. :: ' , , •
L.,1‘1 , -.4,-,_ .e, . .:-:•, .. ~ , , s i ' rt ti..i. ;. !:-... ill
T.AW,...ritQTEsT4NTA: ,II I -Tl3sPenloiliat at •
preant jundisturbedi by the police, *Of Lae. ;
iu, Jake babit ,
.of ,meeq n g . for, readiogylkla . • ,
Soriptura,•not only , .ou the; Lord,'a day,„ but t ,
during,tbelyair. -It iafeared,,nayi,believe,..
that thii,provenmentand,thiprieets.arelhie;
laying , a ',. tiMii;ler the', it:trine.. Ai Beast, ; .. ;
is said,. a generaevaszia Will be made: I I,
• At F 31106!ra,i'.a 'Presbyterian • churchvii‘wi
recently: been `opened: :i to Jewish lady; her s
brothiir, ~a ndJ :al .111iiir,Vhair.0 ' been baptizetilti
there .)vd`kere - isiidelightful testimony , as to. l '
the ,sprcacl: , oful.eligion...among our.loldievs-r ,
in tarilimat Malta: I lit settends:to:newireg,l- . !
menit?indlit one; where,l &leer ago, there
was r lam, Utt'e professor id religinn; there'-are'' ; '
now thirty praying men: -;This blesse'llaiicive.J' i'
went-Began even • beforeither:Crimiaani war, I'.
and,it•still spreads:. May it dasoimightily,i - .I
both among our offnieimiiniPineno i triivr ! ..
' , • 1. , - ' 4. ill e'i . o . •• 11.2. '''''';‘
In TtiriKir, :ritil 'Chitstianiqleimeerts,,
itiii . "pfiwi.: ' ' Di; ''tovelkti Ifs 'i a ic i ni' i mi l Letil l oik.' - ',.„ 4
'I 'whi . Yirehelki '.C"ii, melitiiisref tOWlnlitiee, A
this 'Week,' 3 :iit l the T., * tirkfshigiesietiiii - i3Oßtity..,4,
Dr. Dwight gave ialnable inform The.,.,:,
English cOntribritiehsl;iire itliiiiily Inietaliied;;
'forty-Ida •idditlonallalieteritin ‘`ih : field.,,.'
The c chureb)liaiatity .BOcietiyvjtOpae; r ere. 4 ,;
lesugljO begin l a:iniiiion'aiiiefg . titio Willi in,
Constantinople 'ltselt . 'ibt intisifiri4, Jii . ith.,4
the Witeriten mission` ill **ion* . . 3kit the,
'daO'gfeil;ilisit ft iktfie:ll . i4e'd th i fiiiidiilioar , ~.
'.Okiritribtitedlieig' bi .. iiia'apilikea,:iii r ilie : ii,
ttaieiw kiiiciiiii Si,iijidty; Will be WithdiiirP. I ,
liiiiillehrefj'altliiitiiiiiiidiVtiditifiiiii , Viriiidd'l ,
. be laj t. , llll 3 44, , ,iw,u. ~. 0:kl. ... -,,.. ::i;, it ; .
~ ..r7,):.; , 'i
Sir ; 434.1;*. ari.iley, bolds a,,CormileAte-n .1
ZIOPIE i at4litiAollBo i every fortnighki lorrthezt
leading.ministers and !members. oPirm.angel-. N
'i ol 4 OALUTPhfiI ; 7 alfBBionB,o.,lndia Ilaveial- t' !
,ready, iiocupie43 atter! Lion.... f•Next meek; Tni.."l
.110.YeAPilenia, And 4sulgaria, .are O.:be:Ale- 411
ooseed,iandlDr.: iD,wight is to be :present.! 1 v,'
Is on '. , 1 a ti de of
0. the Bar
• P 1.13. 1 —,' it'plednit Wok
On Ilidayi ijthairiet.; 'the'
thous 44' mr.iDkcia . bringab;
for*aid'the Financial Budget: ' 45n I,lllt(d'ay,'''
i tliesittlfiiher•HottieFif Peera' rea l m
`this' week. '
fall . of Paini'erston l is Ills krand' therne,riind - "
the ' illustration presents '"
Punch," and "Pam," as a soihool-boyTiho"
has'jnstlicen Welioaitigtitid'hylhe rod; with '
hiii "hind behind him rubbing the afflicted
part. - - sayer." Poor old boy ; I did ""
not t ßnan,Lsohit,lou,,qpite sn o hao,.hut you'"i
muPt_ r' 3 4714,. 1 . 1 .!Pri
in g out a sAntireprenjor*tl.ool,rdiAarkfidil;
' A Prize, for hit,ltiewianitaak,') , a, nioe ; I .
plaster for •you:"... l l'hen we hive' sdmerstonfs.° l
'CI--GMT P10,M.-:=:(TferorliesTabn)
• ~,... • -. ~-• ~i
HiCAD,ctt :4***1451a?..1 . 4,_.P1i i . 7
TQQ.UAR P .Aram/ReAllemen J 0,141. ,,,
TWA* ,1t5t,1151069 . ? ! .))1(AW ItiliW I :; I
• . : 1 4 1i ..,.___;:it i P4 4 *"., 3_4 1 1YA.C.C44:; :. 1
A. mow THAT AN DafPERA:I7OII eLt• . 0131 1..
"•' i i ni.• ...blz , . •-. ei .4f::.ii.
It . reme,,sornethingof,s,. l l l Aungeku watf; L :
• t I ,
rather iiiiireltiglit , i,' iioetio4lsjiriieq. ~t i ;a „ i
tpu4 3l ,.Tiip,!in, , lvhoPe cC1 4 ..i'411 6 ", ka.lni ' ei B; l .,
t011 ,. ,145m.5. in, 18§",2, should siort,he. ',die
Ocession 04' ilie,.downfail.,9e.,43', belt trisrid..,
Y . sl;t,".it Opr . ogifilitkti o lie, willkuturnto,p§wer i
Ra n L l : ne 41.1P.1 `2T ii,mis still a&O4O:O IO P.FAY„ 7 ,
, : 0 9: .:5 n' :,, It el. " i s '•iihe .r.:10:t 1 ..;
.00%,..jiiiiio,.*, 4,Rivr,. co:lo9=*itc4 •
death,, we. eppeal,ed,p,4,' higher: 04Urt; '.
Their execution ovjAdie, ,few dos, il l alinosf"
a certainty;; ~',l 4 PtionAPfn ( 0 0 1 . iPtirq :
ii*isliFfi ! 2 ,4 ll erri.,ftilf*Pl-4 0- ihe - EIfPM I 9%,,
pnr . etnOg .10's ..willingnoes,,to,4o ~but , in 271 1,1
1459 11 04 2 " Po'ffirik,,ME. AS•littultif ,' atiat )„I
VP E 2. 9 2 22,14 1 PA 11 2 12 ,4 .61 4 1 , 1 5..•aq-P. 1 ., 91 , .P 2 A54 12= ,,, 1
. 7.. ticia of dila is likely . to ; MY". °ffen99..Pt.."4 118 1 i,.
"1"1"" •.. .; ._L -L , 'iv:. • - 7•:'0 AO jiii•iitli . ' , lettf;:): Er .
;/4, I *,DI 3 , I CPWit A or.. pf;90141414.„'
110 ..nal: 1 4PqMfitiutA ' - ' 01 1 44zin i _ ocAte,; : .
PaPlialialaTAlMl Pefiltatafltik9.44:4 4l : 6 : ' ,VliTng ;
maqiiigslil London . 3.i- -, ..' i t din .ri ... : .
04844i„prites t 6 the nines, un,keeo ant' of' ;
1 221 41Pulragewt74P
fi92121.Y4 of 'Mr . .PiXonsc,l2 l kl 4 4"o4 l2 . let9niq o
inPqr 'llf,ffir, , , , liiii . 14904.0;:, a qVP - IN" iw r i,
was iithiii. The laaialmpulo9l4f4No : (1 ,
Aide outrages.
niq ; „ i i
, 1 ,
A.. -• 0 , ,; c ~ -1 iv T. 1, rc; . t°54.,..._121 . s
• Ne,.P9Potpe'rs lol3 B) - i t ",Nl7, ';',.; ' 11 .1,.
invasion 9t !juke ilia' . aiduji l on .teaßlthew i
Thileit :ih* a ‘riii t Olieikiie t hiali t ; tie. Ameiti I of.,
sow ko l fill. 5e,1, 1 4,10.0 y.r, - , -.? , --
~..„, ll ~...* t , .4 11 , ) , 1 2.'t )1.30 31.... 101 pwri
.; , •11 ,irrrn-
3aa 4 "04. a elf!!
taieledbiStaing. , 3olj , '11(t .0
1 . 1 'e n!.1.4
tifi z ir t aiii 111 ri ...f d I •
Ito" es ITost opoe-a dreg§
• 'fol.
pr tire 114eIat ) 00% ;
i . 'IOW& ea 1. 0
...r:l4l‘fil El[& bat stag e t/ Ibrc IsPO to , ;
Rev Itotrikr , DiroseoN's*Post gifiEe Address-,
is changed from Dungannon; cOhiti,. tor
41,anovertonikOhio:: 1:i
AZLEN " has 14tOidrei
vr SlD wii tebeaw
4 ' arth r efi r 'in Lifiyeitijdd. " I"'
L7l:.= 16 , eir 1•..' •S(; Did rn•
I 'W o k. 1.149. 1 s4§kLog.-Atit .4:0.2.P.1.5an a!"
■ opil iv fs ttpa4p3)*lsogo eaScOrPf P 19".,
• M1T14.14 1 79 11 , P. 6 71 ,07 4:.0*- "14 tlAi
j..., : g10.1.t.i.inet5.74). % AI :
Setilif i MPUOKti hiii Tetabiefffriiiii/Kirto
kAIiUMS, , , , Isi orlon; Pik et
!ti jklibida) f•Tici ~ (;1 .1•1 - ~ R.i'r Ir 3
wiwr 0 4..1 fj 1
• P, re l t. PFLYlTi r"i ii . 111 9 e 11 %7C3:
1 :‘• ', '"1 ..1F; tpi• , :t A r c,w; Irv:;
Rev. dA.lollthD:"Luitocav•has oreligned his =I
Profesisoiship in Washington Coll( DgepTenz Si
nessee, and ;accepted i the!: 21*8i 4 Jenny of
the l ' eraale College at-JonesbormighoTen. -,
nesiiie: • I! , ../ 1 1 • ,3^,c:.. ....n
Rev.' DiQuifig: Pusoi nDsitl , bta
1,1 4,:rur " 4 I
• •i 0‘ ) a 4 1 , t12.1 .3r5
JCIPX.XII9ITRAMS49ArniThed 4. 0 a4,3 . 1L,1
.;•st PAFtV.#IO. 4011/9111KCh';./ 13 4 Jackso n ;
)14 1 1 0 14 €4 0 d l'iv..1)1111)31M;I:0108!). him/
4 frMitottakaßk.Rflitli" ,: g*. tletIRTO l ; Daft /
ville, Ky.
Eli AND-, , VOL TE..
11/1 411b)1 a --
-u5,.4-1•1 1 ).PVl14 0 ,f•ILka
4 • i.• ,
411 111.509 alkeel or lo Clubs
- ,
,L.* eridellveredwtrosidences of Subscrla
here, 11145. Sae Pro•pieetast wa Third Page.
While before the year expires, that we way
make full arrangement. fora shady supply.
TEME,,,A,ISD m W.R./e.rPir•tt a tn , ,clitetesthat.Ase
destreqe,repfseraille /fofhoorellrer, , tibk•
of inalling, this signal should be (pointed!, we
haps oar friends will stlll.not forget as.
RAIIIIITTANCITS.—Sead payment by safe
kaads, wham c0nrani!8E44.,...11 . 1, Mang by usipilf
. attcLO I nir ortlinaritil troubling ;
nnbiifiy with a kikowliggla *bat yogi
441.12 g. Fnr a a Dratitioe
largo notes. For onaiortilia'pliivirs, send Geld
sir isms I 1, notes.
1 , 0 II AK _ I 4 CHANGE, Send portigi ortamapsi
plc :Itivstter stfi t ilip 1111{111d, I . olr llorS
‘ 13:1;• ; 11131.ty 111111111 . 6111119 Or el for Thlritr•lhisii
amettabeirii. •
4 ;bituttis all Latfers aid Cointunicatiefai
to attar.. DAVID
iota 11 ,, 7 •! , t 1 1 •
Materal Ilssembly , of ,the, Pgeebyt.prlan.
L' nrch in'the United States of .ii.Merica will hold,
neit meeting in i
'the Fi;st Presbyteran church,
'New ^ Orliaiis, at 11.' d'eltiek M., on Therliday';
liwelith.:of -May neittpand4lll. beloPenedrwith si
,sermon by the(Rov. Courtland 'Tan Rensselaer,
AD., Moderator ,Of lastlissembly..
'Aar The toMmittee of Coritnissione wilt meet ;
Infthe'Ledetire - rooin Of 'the - Church; on the Weibel.
'diy• 'evening prcididitiertit 8 tontioelve .
• Oetilmissions, andion Thbrisday morning, the: day:
:of ; the meeting; at 9,olclock, forthe same purri l lie,;-
„; j, JOHN LIIIBITEM, 650*d Clerk,
Aisssivnsis T. MaGitii,:.fermeutpAf : 94e kt
MAIO of i 'Preithiterses are re="
's eotfnlly ' iequested ' to malts bit their' liets'of per.
sons entitled to:the Minutia on7a separate elkeet v
and. to send:guit t togistker , ro'oneyi for: the
Minutes, 'to .G.„H.. Vdyi Gramme, .Esch
phts, Treaeurer of the (lenfra! lissembly.
' •
_" 1.11 110 lin • •1':11 P1:1: • •
4ADIES; : TAecrp
socrwrii.--See, Atßimal
Report on fourth page.
• 1300DioreorPossitou of the•Ettnioifik of
Void' tioir
seaalaitnial iiieeirog" 17013pqn fay' l ip'zit
140, gi#,M'cl9o,lo thPA00148:4;t4t13004.;
a.:MissioNAltTeirThe Letter :oft,flt.n.Elliott ,
!WilliiimetikikPuraittir room - ) ; 4 ltitaiChides
iiiifinitsi 4 tii.this' i wiap i lliti it
th: '
18..11401y .worttiy.• Long as it up we felt
sorry Vf.4. 11 4.41ke 3 4d-...!., 7 gi
Dißkited 13APTlim. --We Iplitoe 'o* qui
C' 1 1;
`fotirilf pain; Rev.'• bn nt
• i* • • .3 -• . : • '
of 440 •
of, - a dismission on Baptism.
fionsotime ago we noted the fact of *a discus;
81011. a,Thie mode.of contending.forthe
- is , eometim - a .nectsiality,. and hail 'leoeived
blessing. WO itoicao: 44 7:i0=8 . ". sated
. • e ma d e t o,gto
,x 7
~,DEculetaul.,,Reir.: donee' Ka , late; for ,
•Mtirly rzif (Waiter City, Iowa; died cifrOon.'
af!.liii*Oitse' of Rev; Geo . :Ciirrio:'
frin :*
ttiko 4 .theiPx:OfAis. age. ; : -r
,111Brottierl Large, teoently vteredYinto;
'ilitrifrilikoitlikt field:or talk:4.' l lE4
.• clO sarw
.tOolmnbii Theological Seminary.:
Time'litteltdaiioe this Inegtutiaii;
t i r Wq : 3 6 .7lll' l4 . s l ll 4.rt i qW4l Uar •!..!. BB l, 11. 7 4146. 1
jfit i .olP i f. 3l o4o l4B ).th r ic , 3..j.U 1 00.0/ 8 1 1 40i4e31
Middle Class; fotrtion p43enior GlaesOfoitre.
torn milkiiigraltof#of fottyl`f I ' l
dim `in thishire
1. 4 . "
A i laty;th /
t4erlao l ,7o4',eievel• Re.ioteigg
•Oketriel3. - , ,s .The iLibrax3rplenlirgitivion: !he:
haadeome 'donatiotoofiotioicie , bl36lo;
;.•,.• • • ir,..•••;
twelve, theumand volmnee.
~ 1. _
1 - 5 • ... !. Reidwila ant Sidliediiitininilw' i CI .
..,-,: ,• • ..!•.; o • • ' • - • 1 - ....0 i ' :in? li, ! .. IP..
Sante of - the ohurchef in, winoh Anna*
... -r1:.,74. , .. , ..i.!: :, .....;..v. , .i... ..4 .........a.g-.! ta.a. i a
alllr a Pe,en .Pk I .393Td";NWI :;atdld.t. POW Act .
sag* for the..Baniier .. &nt tuaidneenta;;) Ind!
icidwarchayewtotieetagovetin tbiti linepidtli:
1 114:4 1 ery:deoidetilictiae.:=" ' "" .'":'" "
' i iiiiia'' a-: ain't tali
• ~,,I (
. I , t k
.. A :0 ~. 1/ . t
,r will;
; I 4 ,1 O rns t '
#a , ytle : Feapmaikilityoffegding, well thet
care; and
tie , fell gions 'j =nisi.
' :a1„0 ~
.„ 1, 0 , :,-;•pail.: iCt tiv
the most
; of
fiitive means of antrimehif . ' In faet;it iF h
rp „ ltlnal*, k•eur 117, ri g htly
.. tp, Aur-,
-,!A:IPSAimPi without inch 0 ., PPTCr• Peor
taleiwillatave newspapers:; , anksliordd .have
' ithisayx: alnfonaation of : what is! goirtg,Orl in
Ida Worit:thail jiititki itiaid 'aui'indigAnsai;'
4_ - • • t; ..1.,'".' ke ; /.."1 . • • t• :-.. JAS. ....•.; .3
wie - - rand - war sholda haye at An , relvgrous
; 1 . ! ( 2 ):r •- y...:. -1, .41,11 14 4 1: ,'., 1 TT
~ ....i. fl
Of i t i l l *77 nC. I MI% ed, 7#l l &t ie 1#444,8, iPsdh
liealeperta, analapirtiaati political :Adttipilar..:
(tiolit4-, and/not thelfaunkrieChliasAllatlitli ,
tom;iiiitthilaistini i t fiettiiiiirOgiii' fehl
.1 1 0 4.0. a li a i li Ta Au 1.,,,,,,31;1,;:. ,J , ; at ..,.....aina . ..:ity ; aa - i,
4 , 1, 3 _ 14 0 , 1 w.t.ii .--174 ' 4 :. 4 :.. Id NM Vo l t 10
Y‘irterYlikillbli at. 19 41 PIP !itoda A4114'4741,
ideforniat ofwrhatflazoing!oni lathe/200g
Zikan'tieviyalis, nfEtiok4rticrilxi Johanied;
htiiddhrcliiieetlalsTiiPnhkentsiiiOne d
• 41aWiti9( tPi k;ie-:
lAtt changes h
/ occurring „.. ,
r ' Z a ,
. ' '),I 1 , (.1..` ;.: : ;', •
; al,,,The..railigioasi sheet is also al. propef . vehl
Obit& - I som. ' soda' rieliiiona iiietrizdtio' 12,`E
, ....-...,,, 1 ...,,-,1,4i ti•w .••• , i5O: I, - -c
.mespe of . Incitement: to dusae h a . depository'
• 7. , ....• :Li a ..••• ill: .i fI ~ r....:tal ift r/I - Ja ~..m.• l.i 0 . J..
for intensting floadente ) ato.. 1 f i .
i: 'at 1,,,,1 .1,..) a :,:sa• :. .... ...I , ..)reni . •. ~i tt : c'3,
~.,lirti,do_oot,( 4 7.tof o opploot:t t he; platori bad
metinifiaperpreal3hing t , oovtotmakevuil;mg
- robiiiidliiiftit ( stilfot.‘4
we miglit,pul?bah soops of topliimonuflo to
.9F . B.T.LocCiss•cr. 1•,.! fos:: s!!
al But forthao lids* don. the) Woes :orilwhidh
• it
tfeliftelint the'llcinner
IceviirVonlPlislitlia l Oalenakliaeftes at:rhielk.
ty.• • •;“ P.,. 41:ve, :1 '(:l • -t.
wp aimrt4leofNal . 00-o PPritucof.i.9. l 3')PAstor..4
Stli the r: goad; =nip indispensable.. -/e:
few.ffat4ilieswillilhavo;apaperi at any oust;'
dihlSF i still dilY." 13tit
•.f. 7v .6.•
•yaa V9sllkgMilAirid°q?.ol
,' • ' O l eY a i l ?
Mit'slitPqlk#99l4,VlS.° world pooh 1 :1 3 d 44 17
titute, if 'not tended .by ,a 'careful shepherd.
'Oniplan makes ms 'dependent 'upon 'pass'
tbeeind 'their helpirs.'Shill not thim
vtaPW 0•
mot,eauryAtalily, halm 'Psn'PoMatoppli-i
dation; we:kraw/is requisite;.andiperlist,
pl,lo, abiglite
Hula ICS ,V , Z"
Cl S'e M il k t. gl il fraY;
oan you 'do a greater kindness?
Leneral Assembly:`
jr j
del Tele.
n one t • A
noticMf the :, , Trestwkinster
Review ewe" had Cssoatiliin to advertjto the
bold and defiant infidelity which is now so
iiiallirenlirralfiliry'ed'it iia pages, a - il to
f.eonvietion ' , Mit' the time Nei
popke.fig the general public to seek intellee-
teal aliment, rom, another songoe,,innoe it
seo a' abbean e l t2r'e of "
thatjo rn ' a l' are
determined to use it as the vehicle for dismal-
~ting,the Jowest .forms, of ~11„ni u ttnyaripn'ism
'ism fo r atd virutt assaults' on' the Wotd'of
-The-article on-" The -Religious Weak
ness of Protestantism," is as characteristic
its manner; as if Win its matter. • The
ild'ioVilteS :Of 'inidelitinfe adepts in their
trade..T a kOr policy is, not . t o inereb.up
with ,bold and, determinedi froakagainst the
Walls of • the nfortress.:whioh , . they desire to
capture; aid in .tlie 'broad' face of -day* to
bring forward 'their artillery. Neither' do
'"lfv , • 1•• • • • .
49y, the open field,: stand up fair i and
determined ,conflict, •against the forces which
they wishito overcome. Their policy is to
'in l ideriniiih i tto work in the dark, and thus
,Wilitifilitild,:ete4thily to 'enter the strong
-1,441110;. ,iiesault, they find them
selveS:uniblei to! subdue. •
itlie .. Tfesoninstei - Rerierc, 'and
4-. Wh
1 ,s , ;;•
; , ow o are acquainted w i th the skeptical
r atop t ,i42 : 9rOpyttiad. of Eughii4, will
Widerstand our :meaning: : • In the outset
'there( is; :always tin• itesramiitiim, that men
kin" ded
; , . the - Abp.
.4113 . 1 k •, 13 F 8 4,1.! **.49.t. 4 4.
;ocive faith: in 4,Th•unrealionbiamianner
lionil'hii - liogiluttii!teichings 'of' those who
'te unscientific; and 'that ill such
are Apt,.oo nAchr,deeeiving of,'Serianti as ,
cardinal principles; are in .their system
On the otheraiand r: the doubter, the Skeptic,
to . whatever • 4egree of; enmity and unbelief
Willi/14s spoken of 14'
tlient,aitAiewig,ll :*llo...oasSo f thelearn e d,'.
!the...intelligent,. the, ,110,0011148 1 . ,; awd.,the,prO,
Pun/. There - Min. be • illO. inioleihing, they
•iiins at ,
t+deu me ,;•.• • • ...
( _'as%aeoeiviogsrekeptiot'^ 8e
P ne f, ° PT' mta,
lie known, TA , M)*:I 4, 1 1 .40,r
;tor dotbkivand , to.z he -confident:7 .41et.le.
elinirefin4tv niri!thei • dynaidier - Ahat ,
'iNeSi • ' if
A hsd $(1 - 0,'' igi t tio4;,;ce: at 'aint
i 9Oon.The
whole his tory 0 is)On J
'find; of ;Paraii;4B;iey" , to
him; and lie)
theoivis.'lithi. j . Ai& , heathen writers
iircite 'the , fra6Et ' Yt WaS onlY the'
• ,:f!
:PPLlFn.rann, l .7l l 9 ll ,4 7 4'o9F a u' 4a ll : l ,•nu,t,Rter - •,
less i for...their, - pnrityptAnikilsoin4 elevated,
tiewa; of the:Deity,. 'ands of, inales+relation io•
the Ruler ' of all iidiotWerli zbireaord;
eiiefablSS,' and tO'eri'sO j igiiiiimi;ls l to
oastio • • -• ,
, sliacie ,dOubt: on „theip testimony
In ::Geology,' these Finen Are, ;at, -home.,- 1 . 111 4
!gnaw with ; the contents ;:of;•e*rerystratitm;
of t itle 'etilh'i'iiinet s if they• Wife
SR :
A toa P r4 4 - W t . w :.P ee • n i P r Pl e q •
r • 7 4 D et o kr 4
14,95r,41P l , 4
3vhatitheYinow•are: geologistei;for.
isoothci never; Contradiet , elioh! . Other , •rl'hey
are . ometent in regF4 t,o. .11;is
4.19,111.10n1Y-111i.4 ,
i.rforldlabkoland inythC of:S./Kilo; that are
Mite aitii diet* I . ".
t i t
fiittll.lll?afj, w e re so, in ll : l 4 !!,7Nriti
ete*,preceed : -,tin
.wei:gretimit-ihat: if:l4Y!
toblokll•land.'othiirv.dbriiii . thienti "ok literal` isitOWe'ilaiiiige
lic!'4eS -1 4,0,* ::9 1 :1 1 ; I ,t' s
be-, Ripalo4oli fraxi*o4l..f.Thal.
d mint, ,however
1516iiiii0iio 4
iil4ll4llled . :!''Biit,''n . hint' .
be to think that
lerhaps thereis some gravei and;really
orinidablnnarkument • ink- thel"!back4rontid..
is i iknoiarit• of • infideitectiaii, and
) R9t. ir*e,to,afti .wkY 9#tAiP:
‘, t ie4,otvoty, ,wotfbroadly, ?nth*, The,
dpfideli however, understands the-operation'
tof a:Whin:m Helknows the power
nfads , many are to
thtn that ' s ; fluent writer in
• leading peril
.9d.ifia ofPig AO te1411:-MItAFY,, have
aonta:.profound 'aequaintaire: with weighty
Of; *gab •they:lirelshott . cookie*
'else he would not ` dare l to' *cite' eW he
t i ,T,! l ,f! tArt#o . Mullit,o 4 . 9fAtl4PFTY !° f 4 49#
ItOe 9144.61,97/9000. 1 ,1NP 9 7 1 49Ti.fic0 ..and
[writes seelirdieglyvi The .credulous apd
hiiNeiid Of lieldfy• catechising' the
lirriter, b iliie l finniii r tnicrii his
AMPK4.,i9t ignorance,' an.,
: eesoei.. to, the insidious
metipOnlof hilt adversary.. : • Another,
hint suggested not boidly,'but With
'xiiiiitiness; will "eerie to
•(• • • •
awakenA:9ll:4B,: doubts h
opee .; enter
.talned; ,the.remainder Abe! proms;
nni)oti'diffiaulsl : • , r :a berl . 3 4 .-
9!•• 7,1 rn , l .i mana e '. A ; . 1r •
) 141 API, Wit u ifklittni;
Mkt 'Pk - 99qt 1:,03 gf9 1 . 11 2#, bind.) ofTßenite.
air isoponidon-.l4iero , they , know; Lthek are
the rltiidt 1i& y .' ta etideiinter eppoiition;Aokt
ifittiyA6A l . ofhefiwniii
.a " I
* iti6 “: 41 3 ,1, 1 allae l igileti ' Veliieenliosate and'
/1 •..1i.?1,1) a ,11 " 0 .o.r11.•
iiiriP ia lk i W tA gY/4 04 , 14,35 ert )1 F:P 91010141.
the 'diatom int:that; the , ,.old Medtament. wait
In& been either ehangodiorwriiten oury from-
Weal ."and'tileiefiiiiiittibifeet f iri
t,ft: .110. .1 . , to N
narrftwo,,. ay. oome owl 8 IF
..) Nti to
:life .of MAW as iflmen• were to be ?ilia who
!Wimpy rectelie'l them literally: • 'Thettnairk:
Live bf the " crucifixion ,: tlie'eotombmen`t, the
3;1230 :1:2, • '
r,esppreption, g in it6:an'in.
m ascension,* each
iteepines the Mihject • , suspicion; Lbw °I:P T
ject-ibeing to .awaken 'doubts, and create
„T.t i k,w,oohy of note, ; in this colibeidonj,,
'Abstr. it is, mainly :with historic points, that
•mOderainftdelity seems to be most et:maple&
Giiddon.k(lo. assail the Mosaic state=
to 'the' unity of Our race, lieeautie;
k 1 ' • • . - r.
that Twit gained all doctrines corineeted.
With our fallin Adam are neoessarily t false.
Ahdleo,lin' consequence, the Headship Of
surrindereiL , Now theme.
Wit'O ate
:NJ 'CC . 51 .• .” tf I If
1 40911 W Nel!II4: . w l , ll 4 11 9) ( TVAI.F a ( a
of an ethnologicial fact, but they know quite
:, _;:?+
• • 112
well whit must follbw\theof.tmeir
hypothesis. 41
So ;the .Westthinster Re , ewe_ . They
deal mainly with the supposed myths of
sies;9f,,the . Gospels . , ~ and i II . I P O V
ability of one class of statements being
received without the rejection of . the others;
and `with im
perfections insinuated to belong to the Word
of Apd. • „
• • a • t 'l,ft Is`
Itow•this mode.of warfareuarar more dan
gerous*? the Pause of truth, and
fective in the hands of adversaries than a
.bold, ,manly, open assault, would ;; be That
whioh is .definite and pointed , ;martmr:rnSt
'an4l l 4hraininedi 'The very
diatiWatiieis 'Of modern skeptiesi, atranget to
.say,,fs one 'of ` .the,,most. powerfti vises : of
their suocess,;;,That success ise,dantgeroltelY
prohabli among theloing andlhe'unwitry.
The at' Mid l 'ingeriMins' Aided,'" of
unslajuiettng„,med,',Mipt-, have more than
.humag stron g .a n d wisd om resist and
ttixtmph; oirer 'such ;1 influences. •
Where the •sonli:in 4timreneWed; lifei has
'tasted of the real the Milne
Word, there will,be t j hat ,it Whieli 'mere
surmises and hiniLwill..not, eradicate. -Bat
where the mere natural man , istleft- tof sash
'suggestions, and, is unproVidedi with-thellit6
Tri o ft h 1
RD'F . , 14 ,•17.1,77 j.l
,Mani.of our readers ; do not come intcocup
tact with: such literature. ißatiioine
Colleges,l in `pities and' tOwniPatheAllteitieW l s,
and %lib liteilt ii e of the A47'16164 . 0 fairy,*
1y disseminated poison,,if they, are not - cola
fully on their guard. 7To be aware , of :tie
deiideiltrkikolkihe tactics . of' the; 104.
'Party,' ' 14 4 4is'aid, 1' 1 ;07 1 0R
satity. .
that ,hhita'and'inspictiens
aotp9t-a4tumwitst aid4 4 ).•kixor thatimen , do
not deal in hints when. they) haiii•truth , that
oisn'staiid-the test Of exainiteitiQ is if heat
,the lore'sit“ i t "day,ill'gini4iiim
IW7r .1
with, the. litenitize latideliiy ,
_method ofunbelieveraln-their effortetkiinn-
Aernlidelindi invalidate the Woidi of .43ket
.t.• ,; • -7,, ti 1121du - S; t...t
f fg"l 114 .4AV/ilia
vn• u; Gr.') rplint
A:Wc.. 1111 Y.5 0 ..5t4 1 1 AlePOOßTift4o4. ll o4 .lo •l
gresirofvreligio% fast.and•neariiik -city and.
'ktintry. to' vdt‘idiriihrdd 1 i)e:
i c
.4;riaitiehblit . ; hut= t eiti4 enifile'aeto Ua
/ T A iihx I
• • • , '4% r
•f; Binierrr .—The 49 011 -day pi:Ayq,p2etitt
ings" are kept , up :with , muoh ,intOrast. ;but•
ttie attendance is not BoAarge as: fitrraiiiy..
'Evening trieetingelielieldleniiiiiy of the'
chei. Vii nitY4ii cr wiikeised f , nor
, . ,t 1
,heard of any ,i . A'regniar or „extraypgßit out
-.lonratiof feeling... The officers of the.chnrehes
ondlotithe :meetings, and privittanielobers
reaPond prayer for statements
. ±P.the i4 1 .1;r84&:0(;a j d 044 ,4• A i
ttiirias churches: revivinglinatfenossmtiltill
thijOyedi.) illictheiforliei the •nutaliet . ' of 'ijn
lititreriairiiige ,••
The Central ,
oft • . ; t
baths: on eXan4natiO.ila fleVflktqcn•illegil thIS
and twentf, ore of (lithe
fordisitiielpiv,lid: baptism, and :tvielVe were'
mileiLl This` new bhur r eli organized but a'
,few.ifok:asigo with nineteen, naeinbers,, has:
!Owfifty-six. :The communion ( swell' was,
•dolighsfub-,. a • . -.; ' l st) o, -
Thor Wath'ihwiali iViaj ! 0 1 11 = /lab-)
bath; hi y ' Ewo=meiubeiel n o s tiii , nty •
fiz. trA
:Tv" on. elFpoliniitty?,%
i mee.tingslare o=o'lll94i:wad there:tate
Many.; Who seriously seek the/14y :of /life.;
. gipatilt
, • 1 , • • / • ,
- Uf f Pea43i, equal hie .forrattimlall.#l4R.!
The! rat Reformed INabytgr4g4:4:grek
received; on last'Sibbath;i4istatseyeriltews
members. ' Di. Dotilits,
• ,, o t
.11041 g had five; "0 .!f
04 iO . riiifVeFee,
inembeie.added , to hie,pherek:; 7, , / ... S.dr,
ThwAtisop . chutch; • ieleived Bytitev., , Dr,
union nieetingisb#lsabbitlii
evening,' when .DF.',Phifeer, t lf 'yrylie,
Philadelpjaia, Mr. Illair,ot New York, and'
other, ministerial brethren,Were.prenenp;.and 3
enjoyed' a most delightfulAmon: . 11 !,
The' lino . " date
het paeto al : oars' • AtAt.."*V.ifriiiin,..'anct
4 • •. s • • • f •
RAY. 3 34- -*".-PielPd3r, 6.o.bleggikAtth.OVATinie
influences. . ; f.• Ai% tit J: , 4
• The BlsOfiak kinieh'iscifiledi•b944l 9 .qiire%
Yetkes, has mitiijritinitri)iii,'iiiid r ifinio u 'AiOn:'
versions. - • • ..
••• LI- • ••••••••,5 , ..: c.• •
,The i,gekoc)/ 01 1. 1R,Chell oy! the,
•quickening influences of,GOd'istSpinte4 •
'• TtitiVreflio.ciistAinroßeil pititicripatehi the
;.B. .`o4rn*,;!-i*o leaiiV n lthat
.the : religious ,intgesti.apiong .the cit - cidentg
of.J - effersoniCollege:him reontinmid, without
:abiteme nt, ' n e -; I)ft/ions
to r a'l l ettei rec eived
, . •• t d , 1 4
thiM,,stiiidents., had eicpes t sl hope • tl
,Christ;•and'-inany others . were...deeply •inter s
estedoin the t great questicint Hof saltation?.
We learn' that Of the - seventy:girl; inenibersi
O ti;e . Senior , Claris itiOni4na, 3
t ,
44 on lyeP'Fl fiSqltTtee..Pcr
iietTrofess to eotertnine hope in t thoperm
'of Eb3dltkironkh: Christ. Jr xc.
" I E4 ;
• 0 , 6 ' elebt
reaches' . oniP
ick , dolif
ter& will . os - 4 1 ( an e e n cut " , wil
li!erFat34. Webopetlge . piou s st udent,
wilt carry, the spirit' of •revlialsristith;tben,
wherever theyi may go; 'andithat ;those- whol
favoriblescis?n tbei'haqf,.; 4 3 100'; d
Celtago,, mai be ,met byithe 4 - qpiiif and
to"Ohriet in revivals, which e may
theirlornes. Never was 'there.o:timecwhei,
• - -.
Str,4 l
aliii:stianti ehould itiore ia'rxi Li 4 #tidl Fon ,
4 ' '..
1 I.: . g's 6'14 a.- i f - ''' ". '4;401"' 4.
1 1144 i 3r : FaT, ,?r renve.., 3 . r„
, P 3 OIJABILESVILLY., P.L.—Mr. Joseph Mary
*lumber of Session, inforios after
attending with interest - thl3' 2 einiiiitiiron
he and, his b;cittßielli3'is, had
1 ):
Ineetigig gristreacd!od4o attend l to the ant i.%
reeornroendedc.iybey obtained the -BervievL
of 'Sei:•JoutestOotilter, for. , ai short•seasoliii
, 11 (
, ?Or a P
litttelliile. At servi p c •e•
fourteen persona were reoevred to the church
on xaminit ion; anddliere were still mane ^ I
1 ,
a rerlys in es. Mt of those itiraliefied
',,,arifounglimrsons. , X,orily, ' 'elders': FiVe a
work to do, and when they earnestly strive
'the'Ltirebttll'etide's'aMlebleffsestlietn,:. -'.
''..! - Biev . ty - towzi,:, PA.—Rev. D. D. Clarke,
the pastor, writes:
"The Lord has vouchsafed great grace to
many of the churches of this, your old Prei3 ,
bytery. My charge, MoVeytown and New
ton Hamilton, have been blessed with a
gracious visitation. There have been about
sixty inquirers, thirty.five or forty of whom
. are ,eotertainiog_ a hope. Christians have ,
been greatly stirred up, and seriousness still
pervades the_ congregations." _
' ~, ; •
' recent Sacramental services, by Rev: ROES
' SteVe - ruifin, in theee'elinrches, there - was"an
"addition of. near fifty members.
,EARLArnixi,ILL.—We learn that there
isinere thatCOrdinary, relidons interest =in
this!ilieO - and iriainity. In . a little church
organised last yall, and Ministered to .;by
- it Atyv,John Vleming, *yen, persons were, at
-it communion three.weeks age, received' to
' fellowship.
• PEORIA, ILL.-A prir.te letter says, "A
.iplea.sant .states of religious. interest. Some
additions and more' expected."
American Tr a ct . a Society.
-.The controversy, with regard, to the course
, pursued by the =Publishing :Committee of
this Society still - continues: - The Independ
eliihaemadges feirnel PropoSithin to !oust the
„Committee and appoint - , nether in its stead,
at the approaching Anniversary. ; ; The Evan
) :gag ;"'illisapproves , strongly of the course
reconarnendid by , the- Independent, and' says ,
"This is 8 distincedeelaration of war against
the; Executive: Officers of that Seciety—a
declaration to. be carried out. at the ballot
'box next:May:o. Such a -course 'seeMs to= us
- neither just right; in itself, nor wise, nor
" 1 "all £
expe len , nor atflees nary or "
the end
The same paper says, in the same article )
w:We cannot beliive'that the Society' is re
dneekin this neceSSiey or thatthe measure
proposed, ; would; advance itsinterests t Cr, the
interest of,,the cause of Christ." ; , The P;an
gelist alsot defends dhe-CoMmittee: against
thet IfideAndent- for not' Publishing the pro
posed w,ork on the 14 ,u les , Mute s,
- • I— •
beetinee the Comunitee , siippos6l :that they
found themsehos. PlaeAd , in circumstances'
notzeontemPlated at the - Annual meeting, and
that they did not consider it . their dirtY to
" 1 d'
assume a responsibility whichonge prop
erly.tO the Whole, Society,
it is highly , probable time a strong, effort ;
will be made Carry( out dhe .proclamation;
Of the'lndkpeiniiiit, While,'Uo'dOrtbt, it Will
13' Met by a powerful restate*. The 'So
,mcty has many_and warm ,friends. It r has
(,:been highly useful and' has immense. cartel
ties' for , usefulness. - It is , evangelical • and
iicinfiertratfie; and *fee and good men are
not }ik'el~p to abandon nor to limit - are the
,of, a radical change,. •
tpirif4ticui 'at - Xenia: ;
• at - k% •
The . Meeting of iNinisters; Elders, and
meplarra.,ofi.the iißeformed,, , thn Associate n
-rand the Associate Reformed Presbyterian
° Chili f dli4s,‘Wia held; according to the pub
iistSdnall: sat three` Abont, two
flundreitandfifty,dßlegaep were enrolled:
The? Arethren 'enjoyed reviving!' ,
Thertalked, audrpra.yed„ , and ,resolved; .very
as do Old ScheolPiehbyteriins:''They
publiehlt Pal3tOral4 . Let,ter: They' have re-'
turned home,, to ! work and,pray. trust
that the 3 Lords will z heartan&guide them f aq
revive all theii congregations. = They belong,
'to 'faraili 'There' wdrk for all' his
seryan'in s ; and" honor` for 'all ,his sons. ''keY'
they, and ,Are; he, Laborers ,tegetber,„„and be
made mutual blessings, and,Thecome fellow
' heirs defile awards - bestOwediby grace upon ,
thdie who turn many to xighteousuess
some years past, there ;were :indications that
the regular. Baptists in Kentucky, and-pas
sibly those_ in Tennessee, were soon to be
embraced fit the J
boeom'of the Carapbellites.
) = r '
The present aspect of affairs , however , Pronl.
, !ises -something. better. The Baptist paper
''of Bottisville is out in opposition' to Campbell.
•++ I . +0 + + I
'18111: • •
v I
I ,
4 0 th.e; PEeso4 ll 4 4
Last> week ive had the. pleasure of an-,
nouncingithat the Runterstown7(Presbyte.
rian) congregation-had presented:their pastor
elect,3llev. J: R. Warner,4ith aivery hand,
' some-and costly buggy,' as. a token of respect.
`; and ' , appreciation' of his services,..: .This week
~, N ob have the pleasure. 'of announcing that the,
Marsh Creek icongrenation i of , which he is
also paitor, hivepresentedhirn with a 'vain
able 'arni.beautifurgraphonie—=showing that
his 'serviiese in that , branch of his 'charge
have , beeni as Isignally acceptable ti.s in the
other: - ,Thesmpleasing incidents , are dewy
', ing Of.notks and , worthref imitations; -reflect.
aeltheY do, credit upon the donors as
Revell as t`laboreeipient: We pust they may,
serie , to - . strengthen the goodofeeling already
• existing lretweenTastor and , people.;— Get
tysbuir.Stizr: VI ,• -
.1 Porithe Ppibyterian Banner and'Advocate.
'' c Reiivalitt KnOxville, lowa.'
km:tilt" lowA March 12}'1858
:—We are
1 `n. the mercy of the Lord. '
„P,a,tY, T-CAcing "t r ,
Some nine, weeks since Weqi ad e Cominh
,_rtion:Season, which, was
more than" an 'ordi
iarily "solemn wagon.lf,rein that time to
i n th e` present; the Spirit df-tlie'pild his 'been'
with us more anflmote4tY the' increased;,imaliftestaiion, of hie presenea and
power, we #
Were, lead to iftve,Oadur Meetitgs.'. And foe '
nearly three week'sPQ vac have hid pieaeli
, l eg every,,e7iempki ,s and. also, for a number''
c,f, days in t s4dessidu,, it 11 o clock 9 1I:
W orphip Was most of.the tune
atd Men crovirded' l 6 its utmost
peeity. ,f
• Di mossprofound attention attentioz and
death EverY heart
seemed more or less exercised;and many
with the 46epest emotion. We have re
" neiiid thirty on etanitioil who sat down
With the t xa ord's table*On last Sabbath
tau -4?
among whom were fifteen' heads of families:"
Three adults'were baptized. Many are still
The Lori fit with us still,. lit a
. 9 1 ' 47 "- ,l;444 ' irtir7Pre , 4ll)Yie rY 'Meets her when
we ; hope 'for hispresence and power
tla'n'' 6 fr ei " i will therlAtiiiek. stay
an d blqo his ministering servants who n
they; meet here on the Bth of April : W,
hope tho.' dear brethren of our PieElnt er ,
will fimrthe Saviour here.
NOTE BY THE EDITOEL—The pasturserpLi
us,,alSO, a glowing account of a" Surprise l'ar.
ty," some seventy in number, wivl k p oss „.
don , of his " cabin," one morning, and, after
enjoying a portion of what themselv es h ad
brought, departed, leaving the family ;lad.
dened, both by their good company etj v:ic d ,
and the valuable things they left,
preset upon our columns will excuse from a
more extended notice.
The people of the Bay State seem warL.: y
attached to Rotation in the office of
ernor, at, least if the action taken by
Senate is to be considered as any proper p z ,
pression of their views on the subject. p, t .
the resolution amending the Constitution
as to lengthen the tenure of the (d m 5f
Governor and Lieutenant Governor to tsv,
years, has beer rejected by the Senai. , ;
so if the wishes of future aspirants t ,,
these places of honor and trust 6110111 d
gratified, they must expect to remain in n t .
disputed possession for only the old term
one year. The Senate has also by a lar.r..
majority refused to modify the present
law so as to admit a license system.
The action of Gov. Banks in _ii.'crnott - rq
Judge Loring does not meet with such ger.
eral approbation among his own party as was
anticipated; nor do the reasons given Bro.
duce the conviction that was supposed cu.
taro. The Boston Bee claims to be the only
paper in the city that endorses this proceed.
ing of the Governor unqualifiedly. Bat the
Traveler also defends him, but not to the
same extent as the. Bee. The Advertiser,
the Governor's organ, decidedly condemns
the course taken, bit at the same time does
justice to the motives and reasons of the
Executive: ' It is not improbable that this
matter may do much to complicate the issues
that may be raised in the dominant party at
the next election. As a matter of course,
the Administration journals are very severe
iii' theit''strictures and opposition to this
The- reamed and veteran lexicographer,
. Worcester, will soon bring out his long
promised Quarto Dictionary, in a book con
taining. over fifteen hundred pages. The
- plates:have been electrotyped at the Boston
Foundry, and are said to be the finest speei
'Mins of electrotyping ever manufactured.
The:Proper pronunciation of every syllable
will be indicated, and will accord with the
best usao in England and America. In
orthography no arbitrary innovations have
been attempted, but the usage of the most
careful writers and most eminent scholars
has—been followed. The etymologies are
ftill, and indicate much care and laborious
investigation. " The publishers are Messrs.
ili f okling, Swan tv, Brewer.
Several of the Unitarian and Universat
ist Pastors are exhibiting much greater
activity among the people and much more
earnestness in their public addresses, than
,had been . usual for some time. This has not
arisen =from any, nearer approach to the truth
on "their part, 'but from the acknowledged
want of life in their respective congregations.
And at the same time they are careful to
claim before the people great superiority of
their Systems over the evangelical system,
`and to :point out what they suppose its ae•
Tote - and Weakneises.
In the , meantime the Work of Rosire
seeing to go' steadily forward. Mr. Finney
linibeen preaching in the city daring the
Week ,but he seems to be logt sight of alma
entirely, at present. The day prayemeet
ings'ahow scarcely any diminution M the
number of attendants ; and the churches
are crowded on the Sabbath. A house situ
ated on North Street, was formerly used as
a: dance hall, ..and was the scene of every
thing.vile and wicked. A short time ago
this'place was hired by a Christian man, a
'Sabbath"School was established with preach.
ing every Sabbath afternoon; and now three,
hundred ::people meet in this spot every day,
, from.l2 to.l. o'clock, to engage in praYtt
'indipraiiel' One pleasant feature connected
with the present revival, is the absence of
cpew,9pposition from wicked men. Their
months seem closed, and they are eaiilY
approached by those bearing the glad tiding'
of salvation. As a necessary c onsequence
''the cause of temperance has been promoted ,
,for many of, the bar , rooms have been altaei:
emptied of their nsual,occupants.
Last week we noted the valuable donation
received lately b}'T TFt Warns' college.
week it is our privilege to record that this
institution has been visited with the far
richer gifts`of the Spirit, and that direadY
o:iFtj,)t - lhistttdenta have found peace in
11 A,. Greatx Excitement has been raised
t&ii 61g/forwarders, traders, and business met'
generally, because of the proposition before
the Legislature to tax "the railroads, for the
t purpose of keeping up the Canals, the ta
oeiplsi of which have fallen off greatly In
the &inapt tition between these two weans ci
traneportation. The opponents of this rueo
ure allege that an increase in the rate uf
I tr§ights, would:be 'the necessary consegeetca
`ot its:success.
Forsome days the Weather has been € l **
'eneclingly favorable for the transaction 0-
busineas ; and the Hudson and Conneetien t
rivers:have been open for navigation.
The, Foreign Trade, for last week, 0 103
'au immense falling off when compared el'
the :e'orrespo 4 lading week last year. The Vat
'imPqrt entries last Week amounted to on;,F
61,908,844, bnk f the same week last Yo r
'they reached $5,054,9011 This, however ,
,will be hailed as a healthful symptom, an d
ao Pi'mniffWg better things for the future
Excessive jmportations and small exper ts
had much-to do with our late disasters.
-The' , -prospects of the large number of
:Women, in this city and vicinity'