Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, March 27, 1858, Image 1

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proullytorlan Sonser. 'Vol. VI, No. AV.
Presbyterlam Advaeato, Vol. xi, so. 22.1
14VID MeKINNEL Editor and Proprietor.
Original Vottrl.
The Dyifig Bay
Will you mourn, mother dear, when you mice
your boy's face,
And think you' II ne'er see him again ?
Will our own happy borne be a sorrowful place,
So full of your anguish and pain ?
But, mother, I'll live in the home of the skies,
A crown like the stars on my head,
And not in the grave, where the poor body lies
At peace, with the numberless dead.
And you'll come to me, mother, some day,
To live in that heavenly place ;
And I'll meet you, and show you the way
That leads to the dear Saviour's face.
And he'll smile when he sees that my mother has
To dwell with me there, in that dear happy home.
When my father has laid me on earth's calm
He'll weop as he goes from my side ;
And his thoughts will,oft turn to the place of my
And he'll mourn that his own boy has died;
But, father, don't say, in the grave that I lie,
Oh think of your boy far away, .
In the bright world of bliss, beyond the blue sky,
Where it shineth an endless day.
And you'll come, wont you, father, some
To live in that heavenly place?
And I'll meet you, and show you the way
That leads to the dear Saviour's face.
How he 'll smile when he sees that my father has
To dwell with me there, in that dear happy home
Oh, I'll often look forth, from the bright pearly
They're open all night and all day;
And how I will shout, (you'll know your boy's
When you come up the shining path-way.
I'll help them to dress yon, in robes pure and
And a harp of fine gold you 'll receive ;
I think then they 'll lead you before the white
The Bible says so, I believe.
Then you'll come to me, wont you, some day,
To live in that heavenly place ?
And I'll meet you, and show you. the way
That loads to the dear Saviour's face.
Oh, we'll tall at his feet, and I'll tell him you've
Forever to stay, in that dear happy home
But the angels are coming, I see their bright
My father and mother—good-by
Their mnsio is sweet, who is it that sings ?
Oh mother! they 're drawing so nigh.
Farewell then, dear mother, my father, good by !
I'm going to Jesus today;
Come, angels, and take me up through the blue
To heaven, to heaven away.
And you 'll come to me, wont you, some day,
To live In that heavenly place?
And I'll meet you, and show you the way
That leads to the dear Saviour's face.
Oh, we 'll fall at his feet, and I'll tell him you've
Forever to stay, in that dear happy home..
S. L. C
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Revival at Cumberland, Ohio,
Da. Ma - KINNEY—Dear Brother The
Lord bath done great things for us, whereof
we aro glad." On Tuesday night last, we
closed a series of meetings which have been,
indeed, refreshing. The earnest prayer, in
answer to which this blessing has come, be
gan, I think, the day the Pastoral Letter
sent forth from the Pittsburgh Convention,
was read to the congregation. There was a
a solemn silence during its reading, which
we took as a token for good. A little more
than one month ago, we had a communion,
at which time deep feeling was manifest.
But owing to our absence assisting brethren,
we could not continue the meetings longer
than usual. After 'our return, we com
menced these latter services. n the sec
ond day of them, there was most emphatic
manifestations of the Spirit's presence.
The meeting continued nearly three weeks.
But the people did not become wearied.
Night and day, there was an unusual attend
ance to the last. Very valuable assistance
was rendered by Bros. .Mahaffy and Fergu
son of Washington, 0., and Bro. Kelly, of
Chandlersville. May the Lord reward them
for their labor of luve among the people.
Their services will be long remembered;
and I doubt not but in the day of accounts
they will meet souls rejoicing who were
brought to a knowledge of the truth tlirough
their instrumentality. During this meet
ing, in connexion with our last communion,
there were seventy-five united with our
church. Three of these received baptism
ou that occasion, twenty one on last Sab
bath, and six who have been received since
then, are yet to receive it. Last Sabbath
will be long remembered by us. How re
joicing to see so many from the world confess.
ing Christ. Some characteristics of this
meeting are worthy of notice. Ist. A deep
solemnity manifest in the death-like silence;
the tears coursing down the cheeks of young
and old; the earnest, importunate, agoniz
ing prayers of ministers and people. 2d.
Deep conviction. This was manifest in
both the members of the church and sin
ners. We heard members say, with the
deepest emotion, that they never had such
views of sin. Many of the impenitent were
under the deepest conviction for days, some for
more than a weak, before they received coin.
Dort, Deurßrother, has a sinner ever caught
you by the hand, and in the deepest agony,
said, "0 my dear pastor, must I be lost?
0 pray for me ; what must I do ?" They
could not weep ; tears would have been a. re
lief. Such scenes have we been passing
through. 3d. A timidity on the part of the
converted, to confess Christ, lest they might
be deceived. There was no disposition to
rush into the Church; but the great ques-'
tlon was, Am I truly converted ? 4th. This
work of grace extended to the aged, mit"-
dle-aged, and very young; so m e as young
as fourteen were received; so
me as young
as nine are deeply impressed.
In the second place, notice the instru
mentalities. Ist. A concert of prayer- ob;
served by this 'people before these meetings
commenced. 2d. Earnest, faithful preach
ing of the Gospel, both doctrinal and ex
perimental. 3d. Prayer and praise.
The following, in brief, are some of the
precious results of this revival: Ist. Many
souls have been brought into the kingdom
of Christ, who were before neglecting re
ligion. 2d. God's own people have been
revived, aroused, and quickened in duty.
3d. Eleven family altars have been erected,
where before they did not exist. 4th.
Many precious lambs of the flock, and bap
tized members, came forward and assumed
their baptizmal vows. 5. The proportion
between the sexes was as follows: forty fe
males and thirty males, among whom were
twenty.four heads of families.
I have penned this, hoping it may be a mat
ter of rejoicing and encouragement to others.
Many others still are seriously impressed,
some of whom we expect to receive at our
approaching communion. May 'the blessed
work increase, until all our b9loved Zion,
together with others, will be revived, and
many saved. J. R DUNCAN, P. E.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
A Letter from Ohio.
MR. EDITOR this communication,
your readers will find a notice of, some things
in general, and a few in particular, and if
they have a tithe of the 'satisfaction in
reading that I have in, writing them, the
perusal of this article will not be void of in
The religious exercises, noticed in a for
mer number as then in progress, in my own
charge in Washington, were brought to' a
close on Sabbath evening, Feb. 21st, at
which time eighteen, more made a public
profession of their faith in Christ; making
the whole number that have connected with
the church on this occasion, on examination,
fifty. Of' these, twenty-seven are men.
Eleven adults were baptized. Our church
is not only strengthened by this large acces
sion, but we are all much revived—minis
ter, officers, members, choir, all. We do
not feel that we can ever, sufficiently praise
God for this unmerited visitation of his
power and grace. As individuals, we can
now sing, " Bless the Lord, 0 my soul;
and all that is within me, bless his holy
We favored, with all our heart, the late
Synodical Convention in your city, and al
though not present ,in person, owing to
onerous Academical duties, still we were
with you in spirit and in labor; for we met
frequently during its sessions, and prayed
as fervently as we could for the return, once
more, of the presence of our God . npon Zion.
The result has been the outpourings of his
Spirit on both our church and Institution.
May this add faith to our prayers, and Mit.
to our resolutions hereafter.
The Monday following the close of our
meeting, I started for Fredericktown, Knox
County, to assist the pastor there in a pro
tracted effort that had been progressing for
some days, with much interest. Owing to a
railroad accident, I did not get off until
Tuesday morning, and then had pro
ceeded only a few miles, when our engine
ran off the track down an embankment,
smashing, apparently, every thing to pieces;
killing, however, none, injuring a few, but
frightening us all moat terribly. All our
stoves were upset, but one. 0, but it was
cold ! The Conduetor.,(Mr. Corben) was
all attention, rendering us every assistance
in his; power. Some of the, farmers ,in the
vicinity furnished sleds to take as many. as
wished to go, on to Concord. Of these,
was one. Eight hours of a delay in this vil
lage, gave us time to make the acquaintance
of our fellow-passengers, (for mutual sympa
thy soon begets sociability,) and to render
thanks to God that we were all alive. Every
man and woman was free to talk on religion,
and ascribe their miraculous deliverance to
the kind hand of a special Providence.
Never can I forget these friends, norPthe
hours spent thus in this pleasant town. Two
of its citizens were with us on the cars when
the crash occurred. They were interesting
young men, but, 1 fear, not pious; for they
were returning home' from a low ball, that
had been given on the night of the "22d,"
in a neighboring , village ! Poor fellows.
They looked as though they were ashamed
of themselves, and they doubtless felt as
they looked. Ho* . sad to think of being
hurled to eternity, in the morning after a
night of sinful dissipation 1 0 young men,
be warned ! Would to God the managers
of our Central Ohio Railroad could also be
warned by the unprecedented loss of prop
erty and, life that has, in the last few weeks,
occurred' on this road, that neither individ
uals nor corporations can violate the sanctity
of God's holy Sabbath with impunity. The
laws of God's moral governuient are, if pos
sible, more immutable than the laws of
nature; and yet all, as if by instinct, keep
the latter that they may, not expose to suf
fering their lives and fortunes. Heaven and
earth may pass away, but God's Word will not
pass away.
The wreck is now off the road. The sun ,
is setting. The " Express " comes—off we
go—soon we are in Newark—no train for
Frederick till to-morrow (Wednesday,) at
noon. We call to mind the motto of Horace :
•-••-•--" Levine fit patientia,
Quidquid corrigere est nefae,"
determined not to complain. We first paid
our respects to the parsonage of the First
Presbyterian church of this place. Brother
Robinson was not at home—bad gone to
Ohandlersville to assist brother Kelly, as
God was most signally blessing his people in
that part of his vineyard also. An account
of this blessed matter you will doubtless
receive from the pen of the pester himself; I,
therefore, pass it by.
In all my*travels, I never heard as much
conversation on the subject of religion, in
depots and hotels, (had it been all, put 4o
gether,) as I heard in Newark, the few hours
I was there; although, so far as I could learn,
there is nothing special in any of the
churches here, on this subject. 0 that God
would revive his cause in this place, and
make it as lovely a spot morally as it is nat.
wally !
Wednesday, two o'olock, finds us in Mt.
Vernon depot. A friend from Frederick
met us there with a dispatch from home, in
answer to one inquiring as, to what had be
come of us. All was seen explained—
thanks to Professor Morse 'and' on we went,
I reaching `Mir *destination inlime to be well
refreshed, in both the inner and outer man,
before evening service.
Well, here we staid, and preached day and
night till the next Monday, to as large, at
tentive, and respectable audiences as it was
ever our privilege to address. During the
whole meetings twenty-six were added to
the church, mostly on examination, eight of
whom were baptized.
Our church here is in a most , prosperous
condition. The pastor, Rev. J. P. Cald
well, is popular , ; and his labors have been
much blessed. in eighteen months the num
ber of communicants has doubled. Then
there were a few over one hundred, now
there are more than two hundred.
The people here have taste, intelligence,
energy, and liberality. This is . seen in their
manners dress, homes, churches, and town.
In all olwhich appears just enough of the
Yankee to make it all decent, without
enough of it to make any thing dangerous.
When at Frederick, I• received a letter
from Rev. J. R. Duncan, of Cumberland,
stating that meetings of unusual interest
were in progress in his church there, and
requesting us to return home that way. In
doing so, I met Dr. Floge in ML 'Vernon,
who told me that for thirty years he had not
known suchia stir on the subject of religion.
He said that most of our churches in central
And Western Ohio were greatly revived,
some of them most signally- Never• did I
see this venerable father so cheerful, so so
cial, so talkative. He had attended both
Conventions. His, heart was warm; his
mouth was open, to speak .a word for God.
Ile had preached, three times in the last
thirty Six hours, and evinced no lassitude
whatever. He is renewing his strength.
With emphasis he told the writer, that he
solved every Providential difficulty, in both
Church and State, with this brid aphorism :
'" It will all come out right in the end"
A delightful ride of a few hours brought
us to Cambridge, where I got a horse, (0
what a horse and rode to Cumberland,_ a
distance of sixteen' miles, over as bad andtas
cold a road as I thought I had ever been on.
The glorious 'things seen for five days in
this church, soon dispelled all remembrance
of the troubles in getting here. Day and
night was the ;house filled with a solemn
people, many of' whom anxiously asked the
old question, " What must' do to be saved ? "
and received in reply the old answer, " Be
lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou
shalt be saved."
Between sixty and seventy have been
added to the church in this place. Twenty
adults r were baptized here last Sabbath.
God's grace is here with great power,.
Former troubles are all gone. The Winter
is passed, the rain is over, the flowers bloom,
the birds sing.
But enough, the pastor will tell you all.
0 that God may continue his bleasings with
us all . W.MF.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Letter from Boston.
BOSTON, March 13th, 1858
Rsv. Du. M'KTIVNEY :—Dear :--
Having had proof so often that you like to
hear from this "old Pilgrim City," I' em
brace this leisure moment to send you a
brief statement of matters and things here
Business is beginning to revive, as Spring
opens, though we have recently had more
snow and cold weather than we had' in De
cember and January. One proof Hof busi
ness growing better, is found in the fact that
the book-publishers, whose "craft" has
been nearly suspended during the "finan
cial crisis," is now beginning to be resumed.
Several firms are publishing interesting
works, among which may be named that of
John P. Jewett
.& Co. This firm, you may
remember, suspended during the crash.
But it has now resumed action with the ac
cession of Governor 'Crosby, late of Maine,
as one of the partner& They have just
brought out, a splendid volume of Dr.
Train's Translation of " The •Jewish War
of Plavius Josephus," of six hundred and
four pages, royal octavo: This translation
is considered by far the hest of any one of
this old historian, and the book will doubt
less be sought by all clergymen and Socie
ties for their libraries. It is in good type,
and on nice white paper, and thus has
a . body, as well as a soul. Bid yoti
probably see the : work for yourself.. It is a
pleasure to us to find this old firm rejuvina
ted, and centrally located; and well •pre
pared for publiehicg.
But the greatest curiosity in th; book
line is the publication of the Pitt. Street '
Lectures,' (so called because they were com
menced 'in the Pitt Streit chapel, 'though
they were completed in a , larger house.)
These lectures are a curiosity. , Only think
of the Universalist, Episcopalian, Baptist,
Methodist; -Orthodox Congregationalist, and
Unitarian Congregationalist, (and 'to give
the finishing stroke, or, in ceMrnon'Phraseol
ogy, ," to cap the.climax-,") a, Universalist,
'now settled, over a Unitarian Society, with,-
out any change of sentiment, delivering the
last lecture, on practical Christianity.
These lectures are all published in one
volume, by the firm above named. If this
is not a violation of the old Jewish •law, of
not "yoking together" certain diverse
beasts;' then' you, Mr. Editor, may give it a
name of your own choosing. The lectures,
however, make a very handsome, readable
book ; and, as the champion of each de
nomination has told his' own story, and
given his own reasons for choosing, that
denomination, in preference to a other, it
is supposed the book • will meet with a ready
But 1 turn froth books, to a more important
and interesting subject. Sines the days '<if
White&ld, when he was compelled, by
" the press " of people, to climb up a 'ladder,
and get into the pulpit "through a window,"
from the outside, Boston has witnessed
nothing like the throng of people which
now come up dailb "at the hour of
prayer," ":to, call on the name
.of the Lord."
For several days, the 'morning prayer
meetings at the-chapel of "the Old 'South
Church," have been more than 'full. • Two
days since, the lower part of the chapel,
which contains " the Prince Library," and
which is divided into two !toms, was-opened.
at the same hour with the ,room above, and
three of the rooms were crowded with atten
tive,' prayerful listeners and speakers. The
matins, also, at ." Park Street church,"
and,. indeed,; at almost all the other Churches
in. the city, are also full, and more. than
,hundreds„ and, perhaps, thousand's,
going away for want of room { -in which to
stand ~
Surely, "we never saw it:,b,efore, on this
wise, and whereunto this wilt grow, we knoW
not." We cannot but hope Oat it is really
44 a time of refreshing from the present or
the Lord," and that much good will come
of it. It seems to have toile on gall at
once. You may ask, if Mr Finney is, the
leader? In reply, it may be:said, we hear
but little of him. He is preaching here,
but, so Mr as I know, he has, not accom
plished much. He has life friends, and, I
would hope, has been doing:good.
Two days since, ,4 linguessinen's prayer
meeting was appointed, at 12 o'clock M.,
and , ,to the surprise of ' allii4Wthatilblisyl
hour, thousands left " the M:arkcjilkiageol
and-the money changer's" heires, and camp
up to prayers., Every inch e(reoiil, was oc
cupied, and' a deep t olemnitypervaded all
the meetings. Yesterday and'tot:day 'there :
has been no falling - Off` in attindancei
We hear. of, many hopefuls ,conversions,
but r as, yet, the greater part .of ,the"interest'
seems to be among professing,Chriaqaus.
The various evangelical churches are all
apparentlY about equally interested; and hope
ful conversions are spoken of' among all of
theim. Indeed, it is very "apparent that
so general an inteript 'in religion has not
been experienced. iii" Boston, and all 'over
New England,'' as well' as in Many 'other
places, since 1810, the time ithove'ramed,
when Edwards, arta the Tennerits,"- and:
Whitefield, labored . I,n this good' cauie. '
It seems as though "the 'way of the:
. „
Lord had been prepared," by the paralyzing
of business, torten exhibition of his , grace.
Doubtless there will :be much-chaffttmixed
with the wheat; bu ; we trust there is some
wheat to'be gatheret i i into the garner of the
Lord. If Christians do their duty, no
doubt we shall yet s!ee greater things: We
need the. , prayers of t all Christians in your
vicinity, and wherever your, Burner, is :un
furled, and your vaVaable paper,is read. *
lleviVal in the Chosoh of BOstol, Zanos
vile Presbytery.
REV- DR. Melt TN DIEr nave just closed
the services of our Spring' communion' at
Bristol. Unable to procure .theiaid of any.
of my ministerial brethren, all - being en
gaged in their own churches, I,commene,ed,
the services depending for aid upon the God
of Israel. The church has been much re-'
vived, and
our hearts '
made to rejoice with.
joy unspeakable ! Twenty•sevanwere added
to the, ehuroh. Three by letter, and twbnty
four on examination And profession of their
faith in Christ. We know many others are
deeply'concerned, and hope they may soon
faid Christ precious to their Souls. Thel
meeting was very similar toi =those alreadyl
described in the caimans of your excellent.
journal. j. t naightwicl i mpny tt tlivga,h3t i r_fer-i
bear. "The Lord *reicnetfi--Tlicr rei.U. is'
great in Zion l"
Yours in fhe Lord Jeans,
From ottr London Correspondent.
Fall of the Palineriton Ministry,' and its causeaThe
Conspiracy Bill, and _Manor Gibson's Amend.
trient---Parliament _lmpatient of Dictation—Policy.
_, of Party Leaders—A New Cabinet—Lord Derby
and his Followers---„Lord .Russell—The New
Cabinet—Bs Probable Policy Sympiorits of
Weakness—Ecclesiastical Party -- Politics—The
Leviathan—A ' Channel. Squadron and, France—
Trial of Irish Priests,s- 2 -Aitil of Orsini' ancrothers
—Lord Grey, Parlia'sn.;nsary Government, and the
United,States--,Hugh Museum Reception
cfLucknow Fugitives at 6lcutta—Sir Colin and
A ' ; LONDON, February 26t1,1858.
-TRY.i9 one of the most remarkable events,
.whether considered, as sudden and unex
pected, or, in conneixion'with its producing
causes. They'had'obtained a very decided,
majority in favor of their India Bill, and al
though defeated erorly last week.- on the
. veted.question of Church Rates, that did :
not in any degree affect the stability of their
power. And, as to " The Conipiracy to'
'Mirder "'Bill, its introduction,' although
vigerously. opposed, , had been carried. by -a
clear majority, of: two; hundred. What then
were the causes of.its •virtual defeat, and of
the consequent.; overthrow of the Cabinet?
Certainly they are not to
,be found. in the,
injustice of the measure proposed, which:
'was simply to extend the penalties - hitherte
:uffedting 'conspiracy: -against the life . of - -n
:British , subject; to plotting ;the death :of. , sa•
; foreigner. In itself, itmsukjust and right. ,;>.
Aid, more than this,' it might be pronounced'
'seasonable, after the recent attempt', all but
suebeesful, on 'the life of the French Empe
ror. But John Bull does not' like to be
bullied' or dictated to, or. even .to appear to
act under . foreign. pressure or c ompulsion. ;
The FrezioiCeronels, too, were insolent; and
the lfonitersr; to` 'prove to 'France 'end Eti-:
rope hOwlervent was the attachment of the
Eirmy4to the.JmperialtHonse, inserted their
demands to be,led against the "den of, as-,
, no
swains." Next, a dispatch ,(diptated s
doubt, - bitheEintieinr,) was reitotili
Clarendoliwbir Breach Ambassideri .114
t w!tiph it•.was affirmed, •most untrnly,,,that
I assassination was . openly preached in log"'
'land, without rebtke ; and to thii.Odiona
document no written answer War:given-1y
the Cabinet, and no apology or retraction
of it appeared in the:Mont:tear. Nay, whili
Napoleon, by his
,Anabaesador . here,. ex
pressed his "regret", for the insertion of
the threatening words of his Colonels,' the
official journal ILEFF:BILEDIT, and all France—
a free press being gagged or destroyedwas
left to believe that England really harbored
assassins, known as. ouch ! Now, was
"too bad," and inmiitakable iryMptords of
national "stdic " began to show thamselved.
When, therefore, , the second reading of Ali
Conspiracy. Bill was' brought .forwird, - on
:Friday last, party spirit combining with .
true patriotism, and with, the thorough re
solve that this free Jand'shouhl,not cower or
truckle before, a deiTot, who, if gratified in .
one point, might Make' it a" steppintstone
to further demandepionitered their. foam
and showed fight ma'am:lid Lord Pal
merston plead, for the Second reading of the
bill, on its merits... The clever Mr. Milner
Gibson E who ,led the reethiy,bost,that, upset'
the rigmerston Ministry last Mareh,, on the
„Chinese question, again pit himself in the
.van. The resolution was most skillfully
worded, to the effect, that while the house'
regarded with horror, the attempt made on
~the life of the Emperor, and desired that
,anypemon conspiring ikere,,shonld be pun
, a puppg: false ~charge 4 PvizglandAad
not been answered , by our Government, and
that such a neglect was to be strongly con-
d mned
Gladstone, Pakington, Walpole; and Dis
melii all rallied in is favor, speaking, not
against Napoleon, but against Palmerston
and Clarendon. They skillfully , made ,it
an English, 'question, lurnink on a cowardly
and guilty neglect in not answering, in
writing, the insulting dispatch. Lord John
Russell, for the Liberals oht of, office, made
a telling speech; and Bright,a.nd the Radi
cals, who hate Palmerston worse than-they
do the'Tories,.were delighted with the gol
den opportunity. n o, by a'majority of
nineteen in a fall Ifouse,' and'-amid intense
excitement, ,the .antendment .was carried,
and t h e " CensPil:,,a,e3APßP34.PP e 44 .."it
Mao new Catunet*remaine(l, to op,pro.
yided. Ere now; Lord Derby, in Several
'crises, litie been "sent' for" the Queen,
but has as often (save in 1852,) retired baf!
fled from the 'attempt. He - himself cares
notlor. office. He, is rich ; he, is, an orator
rather than a legislator and statesman, and
proper . place is that of the fiery leader'of
the Opposition, and - glorying in 'an onslaught
on the :Ministry .in power. =But he has a
powerful-bond) of followers,• ablo, eminel4,
longing, for,place and pay, and , weary ofasiti
flog on the "shady side " of either House
of Parliainent. Without question, 'they
reckon up the ablest — lawyers, such as St.
,Leoilarde, and, Sir, Frederick Thesiger, _to
say nothing of. liishieen 'like - Napier and
Whiteside. Mr. Gladstone could not afford
t , ) maye up his , old differences, with them,
and 're-occupy his post as Oliaimenor of the
ExeheqUer. But with' Thesig,er as' Lord
'Chaneeller, all Mew will be pleased. With
Lord. Stratford de Redeliffe over the For-
.eign offiee, (es, , was spoken of,) not only
would Turkey
,be snfe, but that stontleartpd
old diplomatist would be quite as firm,
tticrugh not as `ceneiliatory as Clarendon, in
his attitude to foreign powers.
But why not 54 send for " Lord J.ohn
Russell believe„ might have been
the solution of the knot, but for his commit
ting himself against any 4 Conspiracy" hill
-at all: To have Tut him in office, therefore,
would , have been an open defiance of France.
cabinet then has been formed by Lord
, Derby. .Lord-Redcliffe, has refused to serve,
and so do the Peelites. Mahnesbury is in
the Foreign Office, and is sure to be a syco
phant of despotism, and, of Louis Napoleon.
The Emperor Of'Frande has thus been thq
" marplot" of the Cabinet, and was Palmer.
ston's evil genius. But the latter has still
life and " pluck " in him.., The Conserve
tives, as,such, can command no real major
ity. They haver declared against immediate
legislatiou for India, which, by a large ma=
jority, the House of Commons has approved,
,and .on the Chinese quarrel they have long
'since committed , themselveg, , ,,against ,that
(‘milicy,-Firi.thaliresecution of: why)" loCanton
has been taken, with singular' ability and
daring, and the notorious Yoh, (theyolitioal
pet of, the Tories,) along
~with the Tartar
General, has become a prisoneiof war. Still
Lord Derby will do his utmost to •keep his
place for a time; and perhaps to-night, when
the House meets after adjournuient, we may
Ind Jilin, very coneiliatory,, and more liberal
than was expected. It gives a great party
a " tarn," but already the Times is setting
itself in desperate resolve, against_ the Cab
inet,• ridiculing its' incaPability,; and taunt
ing the Liberals on the, result of their venge
ful vote.• Palmerston, penitent,, may ere
long resume the reigns. His followers must
,driven almost to madness at tile , sadden
plutch of power and pay by their adversa
, ries, Vesicle!, the non.oftoial, Liberals can
not cease to hi liheral, and' therefore will
not suffer themselves to be betrayed r perma
nently, into a false position by their Tory
It remains to be seen whether Parliament
having• vindicated its independence, may
not, on .principle, pass , a law equivalent to
the proposed "Conspiracy Bill." The
.Times says, truly, that the second reading
of that bill was not refused, and that it is
-quite competent to bring it forward on its
own merits. The Radicals, however, will
oppose it in any shape; and if, as Lord
Campbell says, the law as it 'stands is suffi
cient to punish _conspiracy, •it is likely _that
the new Cabinet will not press the bill, es
pecially as Louis Napoleon is -sure to be
very complaisant to them.. What courtesy
and conciliation can do "to make things
smooth," will doubtless be done by the. Cab
inet; and even as to India,.they may plead,
that as Parliament has resolved -that it, shall
be giiterried in the Queen's name, the re
solve must be carried out. The idea is
thus expressed in one morning paper, and
'Lord .Derby may eagerly adopt it, as his
plea for consummating the Whig measure; a
.delay of which he advocated :
" If, at. . this Crisis, when tidinge of the
downfall of the Company have gone ontito
•the East, and utterly extinguishedits re
maining prestige, a new Cabinet were to
proclaim the reversal of, that Imperial policy,
there wOuld cud. ; to all hopes of re-
Armando administration ,of the . Queen's East
ern dominions:"
tot& Ecclesiastical policy of the new
Cabinat,,it . le pretty certain that 'it
,will be
,Aig'h-Church, and Anti-Evangelioal. This
.adtnits or demands a
nt-fold modification ; first, that. as Glad
;stone not in the Ministry, Traqtarianism,
such, is net likely to , receive favor; and
secondly, thai in Ireland 'the' Evangelical
clergy, will, politically . be in the ascendant
for promotion. It is a curious anomaly,
that while, here the High-Church and , Trae
tarian parties ; are "Romeward " in their
religious , sYmpathies, and yet Deihyites,
in Ireland,' opposition to both, on the part of
the. Conseryatives, is most decided. With
Derby in office, Seini-.Popery gains in Eng
land; but, per, contra, Evangelical Church
, lam gaine, and , Popery is discountenamied,
`in Ireland ! The Irish Government of the
Whigs lice ,
_conciliated the Papists,
.and_ protpOeelcornieh lawyers. The new'
'Ltird'Lleuteuant the Earl of Egliqten will , .1
On Pe.ooeWary . , smile on the Protestant,and.,
,Orange gentry,. and will , even affect, at least,
to s tampef with and to disapprove the Na
tranalsYstam of Education. It is a melan- •
014y:thing to see religion thus in fetters:'
Tho itecor4 bitterV grieyeslver ,Palmer..
stows fall, wh i le. Oxford and his iligans
nit; bit, whether Whig ot . Toky ie in office,
the 'Emden ligaturee remain finit and fast
upon the limbs of the Anglican ; Church.
When. shall,the time come when iheishall-!
,buretliet lionds . end . be fr4 ; l',, .A
, Caii.pOme 3'
rovelntion;?,. t .
.rag •
vialo:1 all to! .g
THE LEVIATHAN, now in the river, will
be got ready for sea durinf the next four
months, and Will rirobably make her first
voyage to Amerioart-in
Our NASTY : is now being elosely'looked to,
and a squtedron 'for channel serviee is being
made ready with all possible-dispateh. This
was resolved on before the.erisis.; but now it
almost assumes the sepept of a warping , ,to
France, not to suppose that we can be in ,
'yelled or surfirised.
PRIZS'I' CONWAY,SSY notorious 'as a "ring
leader of a mob in the last Mayo election;
And' ordered by a 'Note •3 bf the 'House I. of
,Commons to be prosecuted, hall been y,ied
at behlin. ~, T he„ that of, the
furors Pretehanis: - and two'Rot
tfithfitAigigifoVibbilliretiOt4thd'othit font
Papists reftised and so there was no met. ;
diet, ~.:Another-Triest.(Ryan,) has
Itrial.PostP.Pedi ff',9*4 f9e l -4 1 1 1. 0
at ease i a - F A Vt itt i n g 14148 TXT I Y I
ihittheCinii tiw`igis ecelesiaetVcs above
and -oArdbuillWiseman or I)r
Ciillen •'confessed IleinlBthey itot , require
each to cry "Mea Culpa,,P! for yrhati,they
have, done in the , way of good service, to the
cause of mother Church and her consecrated
.t ~•E
The 'NMI. d.L and h com=
pinions;"' at' .Vhcie siding
no: doubt' , of their:conviction. SetreraT;of
the accused have, on privatettetimination,
confessed, the design • of. assassinating , the
.. Emperor. Bernard .(now
,under, l examina- ,
thin heft:Tea M
London,agistrate, and likely
to tried:- here,`. ; under ,our,,,laays- against
misdemeanors,") •is included in., the,
dictinent. He, was :formerly eur ea •
. g in
the , French navy. The ;youqa of: the Jead
ing conspirators—Orsini, ,a , literary, man,
aged, twenty : mine,;,,Charles . de .Rudio,Ellro : -
foamy. of -Languages; 1 aged . twenty-five ;
Antony Gomez, ageAtweotpnine—t4ugge,sts
pelaneholy thOughtay especially , °annex
on with their (too 'probable) early : Aoom
,the guillatise. '
' MEN has just been publishedi'lrona. the
:rpen of •Lord Grey; 'He isi the 'son of , the
famous Earl Grey, who earned' the Reform
measure, and was long , well knowi an lord
'Howiek ,, in the House of VemPions. '1
hive; ere now; described ;his fidgetty, rest
less aspect, as- 'seen in the House of 'Peers,
and his former': unpopularity -as Colonial
Minister. As an old' Reformer; 'hiat deals
rather treaeherouslY Inv lbok with Con'.
stitutional and'Representative `Government.
He •was asked this week, by Lord Berbi; to
join -his • Cabinet, - biat he , refused. - The
Times, hownier; says that each of the two
peers, .thougli , politicially unlike, - believes,
, withlt fixed faith;ithatitiethe right 'ells
Order to govern the world. Lord Grey is
,displeased• that therefshould: boa Reform in
„the sense of destroying „ that Parlipmeni r ,
pixy Government" which, he says,
rives its whole'force from'nn influence very
`much akin to corruption."' 'He' thinks that
14 at present the fault otthe House <of Cdn't.
moos is not that the power it gives to popular
opinion, or clamor- (for r tlin, - Y-P a re„, l ?Pt
distinguished,) istoo small, but rather- that
l it is; in faCt, too *reek"' adinitie that
there Must be a Reform Bill`'' butlierecinial.
, mends-the :Queen's -nomination of • a Coin.'
.mittee.of Privy•Conneil,, of, differentlppliti-•
cal, parties, to consider and,,tti, report what
measures should be adopted:Op all this,
the'l'imes - -retnarks with just' seventy; as
well as otitis reproaches', not 'of`Arnericans,
but of the : working tof !the* American- Con
stitutirM, Ading, 3 9if, : aulmperialist writer
FiP,lNrhs wwe,a f aygttm,pptd t .ogainet, free in=
statutions iii general, he Nadia
.desire no
better text-book than that - TrO c iehich Lord
'GreY lectures•the Hiu r se 'ob:Comitconi,'vittf,
pirates dui American Coingresi,
iat the Assemblies of -Canada,'ATUstralia; and,
the Cape." Bad tempered' palladia - Os' and
statesmen, Hie Lord Grey, , -*hei• thwarted
in their' 'whims Pal high-herded — ineatittris
by it free: Legislatiire,t very laituridly call' in
question the use of Parliamentary Govern-
meat: Liberti,loWever; safe initiate of
ranch men, if but its friende• are tileytelt
and to one another, and; aliciVe it , ba
rkept•ander the regulating ContrOf 'of 'Blida=
taught princip f le,, and be asserted his; people.
by genuine Christianity. Rethis,
then, one-great "mission? ofithe- Church
God ; for even politically it-id triie,lbat
He is the freeman, whom the'truth makes free, •
And'all 'are' slaved beside:'; -
throw MILLER'S GEOPoutcAr, 31Pstura,
is about to be sold. it was'' estimated' by
Gfiverritnent *ablators' at'©'; ;'but since
('then, £l,OOO ''was Offered ,by'a
and one thousand guineas 'VCR; 'America.
But adding subscriptions to the Gov)
eininent offerLof xsovit isElikelyleb'ere. l
iained as' the property of the nation, and
will form part of ithelfainialHistoryin:the
University or Edinburgh. '
The REOEIviION, at Calcutta, of the_la
dies and children, repotted at Luoknow, is
' thus descrihedfikan eye-witness
' .. Cheers Were given at: Ant, hut' Onlrelowly`te=-
. BPondedlo, people evidently'being, too` Much , oc
cupied with their awn reflections to think, of
cheering ; but as the ladies and children proceed
ed up, people doffed their hats. almost mechani
cally, silently looking on as the heroines, passed.
At this Moment another ship in the harbor
fired a Salute, -but- it did not sound ',joyfully ; it
appeared ,rather like minute gunsin remembrance
of those whose widows and orphans were now
passing in Mienin review before us. .` •
The black; dreams,. of most„,ot the ladies, _told
the tale of their bereavement, whiisethe pallid
faces; the downcast - 1.1)AS; &M i llie walk, ,
bore, evidence, of, the great Sufferings theY musts
have undergone both in mind and bOdy, And yet,
how thankful 'must we be 'that 'they have been
*arid other trials; in in= comparisento whichr death,
itself would be relief. As, they passed, a chaos'
,„ ,
of sad recollections forced itself upon our mind,
and we asked, where-are those Who for the Sake
of saving English women and children fromdie
honor and death, have willingly sacrificed their,
own lives ? - Where the illustrious „havelock ?
where,. the heroic 'Neill ? Where 13h many others'•
that have ditretolied forth their arm for the res
cue of helpless women and innocent children?
`Alas!-they are no More; bat their names 'Will
:live lorfeverin the,heart of in , ery true!Briton.
At : As:now said. tbattwo; Regiments dithe r
Line, and one of artillery, did. not: behave:
well at the battle fought by Windhamat
Ciwnpore, and that - SityCaliri dealaree that,
had the orders of the -latter been Carried
out, his positionliouldhave been maintained..
Several ,Colonels,• eaidPhave, been, dis
nnispod SirCOI!. ,‘ Fonderfully,
firm and energetic. 'The l Times liories that
Ellenhorough "Will not einid a - oht orders
Whick`maylial any the Coinman:
lidezitt-Chief; i, :r.C9 !!, - J:Nr. ,
1.„p„ kioestatez
16:7.; $!:iJ t-',.rt , O . W VOW-31.1 ti...'io.' il: int 4:13 : 6' .Lf i itad
Philadelphia, 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut
By ffiail, or at the Office, 51.50 per Year, I BEE PROSPECTUS:
Delivered in the City, 1.75 "
ment,to-night, and Parliament, after Mon
day next, is likely to he .4(lk:turned for a
I'enclose a paper from Punch, most sug
gestive, amid all its fun of the nifixirtii3Oet
of our preserving intact the;right of - asylum.
,Perhaps there is not room for it an.. your
columns. [See fourth page]
For? !Feety‘‘ . r . itin Itanner aid,Advoca'
`Entron:--;allow - - an Old' Salto'
minister tor,accept•: the correction of your
The Latin 'quotation' was in great hurry
penned, and as. inadvertently 'allowed to 'go
AbiiPukkt 4 1 1. press and ,re9.9 ll l7viken
the: blunder, though , seen,,.eonlit not be cor
rected; •
The general Ttile pill'eenin,r 'also neeeplid, and 'his been - iibtose
acted; upon, to avoid etinininal hno
tationa and foreign words, in popular writing,
• • 'EvANGmatunt
r For 4re Prootpleolon Frolor,suid A4vireste:, , .
Vadneso of a People to theirTa'stor,
4t,a full meeting Of the Mount, PleF;ant
Presbyterian: ;congregation, held their
Lecture` room in ML , Pleisant,..lomia, March
4th, 1858, the pastor r ßev..limothy Stearns,
asked them .to
,unite with, him asking
Presbtery"to dissolve "his pastoral relation,
in'nonsequenne 'of his health'. "Alter
some 'discussion, the , following Inotion*as
taken : . - . r
WHEREAS ' , it has .. pleased an All-wise
Providence to afflict, sorely, ofq_ beloved
pa'stor, and thtts disqualify him - foti the'pres
ent.discharge of his ministerial' duties; and
whereas we believe that by,a temporary;re
lease from the cares and labAspfbis , charge,
his health maybe retthored; find inview of his
untiring energy in building up this church,
and his watchful care over the flock, we
do , therefore most cheerfully resolve, that it
would be - unwise and inexpedient to, have
the pastoral relation dissolved at present.
It was also resolved, unanimously, that
'we ;Telma° Mr. Stearns froth his pfistoral,
untibthe.first of next , October, and
during his abs,enee ,we will; endeavor to ob
farts ag
GOD'S Patrmatia:---Our Lord bloweth the
iklooip o .ff !mu foolish hopes in this life, and
loppeth'ths ,branehes off our worldly joys
well 'lnigh the root, on purpose that they
ShoWld net thrive.---,Rutherford4
LOVE 113 a grace of so ' active a nature,
that it is still'working, and yet never weary.
Your labor of' love, says the Apostle.: It
labors, but delight, makes the hardest labor
sweet and easy; and so proper is action to
it that all action is null without it.--Leigh-
THE.BraPsurra:Git's OPrwori.—A ship
" 'huilder was once asked what he &might of
Whitefield. " Think !" .he replied; "
-• tell you; air, - every Sunday that :I go to my
parish : church, I can build a ship from stem
to, stern under the sermon , ;,but were it to
save my soul, under Mr. Whitefield I could
not lay a single plank."
Tali BREATH OF PRAYER.—If there be
Within us any aparks of Divine love, the best
Way-not only to preserve' them, but .to 'ex
,: cite them ; to blow , them d.up intoll, flame, is
, ,by j „ the „breath of; prayer:. 0 prayer, =the
converse of the sou/ with 0-od the breath
of God - in man returning to its original ;
the better,half of.,our whole. work, and that
which makeetlie - Other - Ralf lively and ef,
CONCORD AND DisooßD.—The chinie of
church - Weis; of all sounds, that which
'conveys the - most 'melancholy : or the most
' YoyetW impressions to 'the heart, 'according
tol the ciretnitstatioes under which it is heard,
anditke associations with which it is eon-
, neeted:' lithe feelings are not iniecordanee
with their pealilthere is no sound so unut
terably, so unaccountably sad as that of a
merry chime.—Lady Dacre.
`ences of, high and low, rich and poor, are
.onlYcaleulated for ,the present world, 'and
ofinnet. outlive.. time., 'JO the . ‘ greie, at, the
. :day of, judgment,,and in heaven,' there are
no such diitinctiorki.., The, pais ~"taketh
away all differences. Weir no
ijkiathe rind'`marki of honor.- =L-461; iii : 19.
When 4;41 differrinebs vanitik; niOrat' take
.their ;place.- The. distinction, then;•in good
and bad, not , West and small . e—Manton;_:
13E)HoLv.=--Aaf ever you hope for mOrn
fort or 'peace in your last hour seelhat
,your souls 1)e such as may be,then . fit to be
' coiriniended hito . ',..the hands of a holY and
jnie 'God . See' that they bn holY t Soils;
Get will never accept thew if , they be not
holy souls. He that bath. this hope (name
ly, to see God,).purifieth. himself even as he
is pure ; _r-1, :3. ~Endeavors after
holiness are inseparably connected with all
rational; expectations of blismilnesi.,:--F/a
CHEERPTIVCRIIRCH llirrsto. When the
poist Calpany inquired of .his3friend Haydn,
how it happened that his. ohnroh.rnusie was
always, so oheerfuly the,great,vomposer made
,* ost bestitift4 refirly i..") - ointiot," said he,
"make it otherwise. X,write according to
the. thoughte ,yo k en I,think upon
11Cd,,J*3r heart is so, pill of joy that ,the
notes dance and 1134 its it were from my
Peu and. air!oil, God has given me a.cheer.
ful ,heart, it will be pardoned inc_ that I
serve him with cheerful epirlt."
Folded' in'its tiny leaflets,
Ufirevealed to mortal eyes,
Many a flower moat siviiet'ahorgraoeful,
In its,modesibemtitliei ;
14 -JWaiting but the charming sunshine,
And gently dew,.
To ope its'Maiehless - beattties
- To the -Wald's - admiring vievi.'
And;the ohild--ite hidden graces, s
Like the bud with folded leamee r , ,
Linger,but for Riles,and,ipmhityr
IV I OOI IO, frieildbr facPclgl , give",'
tr; tlieYhtin)i t t the elsqping petals,
3 'Ere thii human. bud exita4e,
And unveitle - thetwoithons
• (iiyeu-by Zternakbande. r