Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, March 20, 1858, Image 3

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    Fr is pegartuteut
.-Hvertiees and invites attention.
Tire IlArrY Home, for March, is before us;
go!l adapted to produce that which the name de•
COTTAOB HILL AO AD ElSlT.—AttentiCal la request
,l to tho advertisement of this Institution, in our
nrighherhood, and to the ample testimonials
waich accompany it.
mencement of the Session in this Institution co
ours in April, instead of May, ae it was previous
ly. See advertisement.
Railroad Connexion.
The 'Court, last week, granted an Neiman",
restraining the Mayor and Councils of Pittsburgh
from impeding the Pittsburgh, Ft.. Wayne as
Chicago Railroad Company in laying the treat of
their road norms Penn Street. Under this decis-
Mon the Company went to work immediately; and
now that road connects with the PenniyiVania
road, at the Depot oe the latter, on llbert7
Street ; greatly to the convenience and rejoicing
of travelers and shippers of freight.
Congress is still occupied, almost exclusively,
on Kaneas Affairs. The discussions embrace
some very important social principles, principles
well worthy the attention of the National Legis
lature, and of the nation itself; but they are
conducted so much in the way of partizanship,
and are mingled with so much that is the reverse
of edifying, that reports mey well be left to the
political journals. But little of importance has
been doue, in either House, for some time.
A kevfr
The British Possessions on our Ncirth are of
vast extent. The people are hardy, intelligent,
industrious, enterprising—just like ourselves;
being of the same stook, and raised under-sub
stantially the same Institutions. There has been
a little said about annexing them to the United
States, but far more about their becoming an in
dependent nation. The former thought can hard
ly be entertained by reasonable men ; the latter
contemplates an event which is desiraple, planet.
ble, and probable. •
An effort Is now being made to unite all the Brit
ish. American Colonies in a confederacy. Cora-,
missioners from Nova Scotia have conferred with
the Imperial Government on the subject of the
union, and have been informed that Her Majesty
would be guided by the desires of the Colonies;
and Nova Scotia has accordingly opened nego
tiations with the other Provinces. This certain
ly looks like preparing the way for a united inde
pendence—an event which it is thought that
Crest Britain would not strenuously resist. She
has nothing to lose, for the Colonies sdd nothing
directly to her treasury; and for purposes of
trade they would be quite as valuable if they
were an independent people.
The six Provinces and three Territories are as
follows :
Square Miler. Population,
201,989 890,261
148,832 952,004
27,700 198,800
85,918 101,600
18,746 276,117,
2,134 62,678
Canada East,
Canada West,
Nova Scotia,
Prinoe Edward's Island,
Total Of Provinces, 486,314 "2,476,460
Hudson's Bay Territory, 2,480,000 180,000
Labrador, 6,000 100,000
Vancouver Island,
2,928,814 2,768,460
Here is an extent of territory nearly equal to
that of the 'United States. The land and climate
are far inferior to ours, on the whole; but still
there is much good soil, and very great facilities
for trade. The country extends from ocean to
ocean, Its Harbors, Rivers; and Lakes, are
great and valuable. It has extensive railroads.
The reciprocity trade gives it an intercourse with
us almost as free as if it were but an adjoining
State of our (in Union. i'he population is al
ready nearly equal te that of our own States at
the time of our becoming independent. A new
Empire, before the present generation shall have
passed away, is highly probable.
NEW YOBS, Maroh I.b.—The steamer Star of
the *est has arrived. She brings $1.,300,000
treasure, and two hundred passengers.
The California Legislature transacted no busi
ness of interest.
The Indians in Tuolumne County were mur
dering the whites.
Two telegraph lines are projected to run
through the Southern part of the State.
The Counties of Yuba, Sutter, Yonlo, and So
lano, offer to raise $640,000 .toward a railroad
between Marysville and Benicia.
The small-pox is committing some ravages at
the 11. S. Marine Hospital.
It is said that the Mormons are about to emi
grate to Northern Mexico, but the report is
I (Lieut. Frees had amended the Colorado one hun
dred and fifty miles above Fort Fame, when his
eteamer went aground, but a light draft boat had
gone two' hundred miles further to some white
The Nioaragrunkgovernment has denationalized
Walker and his followers.
Funotione of the Lungs.
Letter No. 4
In our last letter we oonsiderefbrietly the
Anatomy of the Lunge, and It was shown that the
use of the Inhaling Tube and other Pleasures for
keeping them fully inflated, is literally of vital
importance both in disease and health.
We shalt now consider the functions or ,naes of
the Lungs, in view of which the necessity of fully
developing them, and of keeping them so, will be
more strikingly apparent;
The office or function of the lungs is to give to
the system its power of action. The manner in
which they do this may be imperfectly explained
as follows: The lining membrane of the innumer
able Mr cells into which the lung's are divided
presents an aggregate surface of many square
feet. Upon this surface is thrown the used blood
exhausted of oxygen and darkly purpled with
carbon and other effete matter which it brings
from alt parte of our bodies through the veins,
and bare we inhale the air upon it, which receives
its carbon and effete matter in the form of vapor,
and at the same time gives it a fresh supply of
oxygen when it.enters the arteries and in a bright
red current courses to every part of the system,
bearing to every tissue the very elements of life
and action.
Thus do the lungs give energy to the system by
effecting two results with every breath we draw,
via : They give to the blood, from the air inhaled,
a supply of oxygen which is the great vitalizing
principle—while at the same moment they take
from the blood the impurities and worn out mat
ter of the system, which escapee in the exhaled
That the lungs are the organs of physical pow
er is more abundantly shown in the feat that the
strength of an anitnal or person is always in pro
portion to the extent of this respiratory surface
--in other words the power of notion is ail the
size of the lungs. The strongest persons are
always those with the most healthy actions and
Well developed lungs—the man with a full round
chest and active lungs has the most perfect mus
cular development, and is known at a glanoe as a
wrong man, while the feebleness of one who has
a thin chest, stooping shoulders and ma?! mus
cles is equally obvious.
DEIN C. FITCH Sr J. W. Suess,
No. 191 Penn Street, Pit(shargh, Pa.
PITTSDITEIGa t Tuesday, March 16.
Bums AND 1069—Prime Roll Brater, 160. Eggs, Ho.
Baaosr—Shoulders, Tye. Hams, 2340
Raise Four —Apples. $i 07.
wtnuß—EtnperOne, from first %ands. $3.7203.26; extra,
3'6443 76 irom gore, superfine, 3 33; extra, 4-25; extra
family, 4 82.
FIATHERS—WeStern. 45c.
GRAui—oats, 27@290. Corn, 49@500. Rye, 50@65e.
Wheat, 760.
ITAT—S9 oo@isoo.
ilMi--Louleville, 135.
por.vrorit—Neshatmooks, 60a650.
gssom--Olovegr, $5.00g15.26 per hue. of 62 Rm. Timothy,
( eFt00n—Extra,..24.50a4.132%; extra family, $6.00a6.6231; lobe, 0.7646.26.
'Gamn—Wheat: red, 61.03a1.10; white, $1.25a1.36. Rye,
70e. Corn, 600. Oats, 35c,
t,•nronniarr, March le.
IPLOInt-,8 02®3,75.
,Lnalewn oa--00e. ,
Moe Poan—sls.2s.
Hammon; March 16.
norre—Ohlo and Howard. $4.00; choice. $4.02A.
IG:tang—Wheat : red, 1.02a1.10; white, 1.1541.22. Corn:
white, 00; yellow, 60e020.
First Arrival of Spring floods , at Car
naghan's, Allegheny City.
A very full and elegant stook of Clothe, new
styles Casslmeres, Vestings, Tarnishing .Good's,
&a., for Men and Boys' wear, are now opened, to
which attention is invited.
Terms being strictly cash, buyers uiay rely on
the prices being favorable.
The Selling Qualities of Bterhave's Hol
land Bitters.
Quebec, Canada, June 20, 1854.
We have no doubt it will sell well here. Send
us one gross. JOHN 'Musson & Co.
Bend us two gross Beerhave's Holland Bitters.
We want a medicine of this kind in our market.
Medical Hall.
St. Paul, Minnesota.
There is quite a ready sale here for your'Beer.
have's Holland Bitters. Wet. ii. Worm.,
per H. B. Pearson.
Hollidaysburg,'Pa., Dec. 25, 1855.
Send me three dozen more Bcerhave's Holland
Bitters. I will remit on receipt of same.
Lewistown, Pa., .. Dec. 24, 1856.
Bend me ilia desert Beethoven! Holland Bitters,
per B. R.; will remit, less discount.
Send me another box, three dozen, Bcerhave's
Holland Bitters. It is taking the lead here of all
other Bitters;
York, Pa., Feb. 4, 1857.
Please send me, per express, six dozen 13=-
I:lave's 'Holland Bitters. We are entirely out.
Welave a great many calls for your Bcerhave's
Holland Bitters, and would like to have the
agency. ' Wm. enemas, & BRO.
CATITIOA !—Be carotid to ask for Bcerhave's
Holland Bitters.
Sold at $l.OO per bottle; or, six bottles for
$5.00, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN
PAGp, JR., & CO., Pittsburgh; and Braggbits
Two greatest natural ornament to the human
form divine," is unquestionably a fine luxuriant,
healthy growth of hair. It has been so esteemed
in all ages of the world, and among all nations,
savage and civilized. Hence, the Indian brave
regards the scalp of his enemy as his greatest
trophy. For a similar , reason, the fashionable
belle often disguises the region of vanity, as well
as her other phrenological organs with borrowed
He who should disoover a mode of preventing
the hair from showing the inroads of envious
Time by turning , prematurely gray, a method by
which it could be restored when falling off or
turning white, and away of promoting its con
tinued and luxuriant growth, would be justly en
titled to rank among the "benefactors of the hu
man race. Read the testimonials in another col.
nmn, of the wonderful, not to say almost mime•
nlous effects of 44 Profesior Wood's Hair Restora
tive," and see if he has not accomplished all this.
—Capital City Fact.
Sold by Ono. H. KEYSII3,
No. 140 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
And by all Druggists.
The Canada brings Liverpool dates to the 27th
of February. The political news is of the first
importance. Money was easy, and stocks ruled
The defeat of the Ministry, in Parliament, on
the Conspiracy to
, *urder bill, which we noted
last week, led,,as might be expected, and as was
intended by the leaders of the Opposition, to the
resignation of Palmerston and his associates.
The tender,of the seals of office was, probably to
the disappointment of the, Premier, accepted by
her Msjesty. Lord Derby was sent for. He ac
eeeded to the royal request, rind prcieeeded to the
construction of a Government, The event was
announced in Parliament, and an adjournment
took place, to be continued to the 12th of March,
thus affording time to the new Ministry to ar
range for the prosecution of business.
Lord Derby was unable to induce the leaders
of the different branches of the Opposition, who
had combined to put down Lord Palmerston, to
accept office under his leadership. He was hence
obliged to construct his Cabinet, mainly, of his
own party friends, a party which, of itself, is a
minority. He is thus, though personally strong,
being first rate in talents, politically weak; and
weak, also, as is represented, in the personel of
his associates, but two of them, Lord Bilenbor
ongh and Mr. Disraeli, being men of the upper
grade among the great. The Cabinet embraces:
Firel Lord of the Treasury—Earl of Derby.
Chancellor of the Exchcquer-Right Hon. Ben
jamin Disraeli.
Lord Chancellor—Sir Frederic Thesiger.
The Home Departmint—ltight Hon. Spencer H.
The Foreign Deparimant—Earl of Malmeebnry.
The Colonial Department—Lord•Stanley.
The War Depariment---General reel.
Fimri Lord of the Admiralty—Right Hon. Sir
John Pakington.
Postmaster General—Lord Colchester.
President of the Board of Trade—Right Hon. J.
W. Henley.
President of the Board of Control—Earl of Ell
First Commissioner of Pub/ie Works—Right
Hon. Lord John Manners.
.A.ttarne,y General— Sir Fitzroy Kelly.
Under .Secreiary for War—blejor A. H. P Stuart
A number of these gentlemen being members
of he House, vacate their seats by taking office,
until re•elected by the people.
The London Times is not at all pleased with the
state of- affairs; and it comments on the events,
with much severity. We give a brief extract;
We have now before us the 'Penitential sheet in
which England submits to envelope herself, by
way of expiating the offence of receiving an in
solent dispatch. It is as ghastly and thin, as
colorless, as devoid of substance sod destitute of
Montreal, Canada, July 1, 1864.
Caeuves RITZ.
Wellsburg ya., Nov. 1, 1856.
C. A. Monnxa & Co
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 29, 1857
fortign itttiligtttrt.
President_ of the Council—Marquis 'of Salisbury
Lord Privy Secd—Lord Eardwicke.
Lord•Lieuienant—Earl of Bglington.
Lord Chancellor—Right Hon. P. Blackburn°
Chief Secretary—Lord Naas.
outline, ns a robe of penance ought to be. The oc
casion being one of duty, it almost precludes
criticism in fact, nil the remark it is possible to
make on the procrsinme before us is that one or
two of the arrangements are respectable.
But was it ever proved so plain that they who
were not wise before experience will not be wise
after? Lord Derby has positively not nne fl cce--
Bina of strength since the days when he repeat
edly declined the offer of power for want of men.
He has not a Man more than he had when be in
formed her Majesty that, whatever the inherent
goodness of his (muse, he had scarcely a states
man of note on his side. Ali that can he said is
that be has kept his Dock together, a praise com
mon to every refuge, and to the lowest place
wherever gravitation has free play. Either these
gentlemen have immediately risen in the scale of
creation, or England has immensely sunk, if she
accepts her new rulers without's remonstrance.
We should be glad to see Lord Derby's politi
cal path laid with the softest turf. and cleared of
all the dangers that proverbially lie in the course
of a statesman. Yet, even at the best, we have
some serious misgivings.. We are fal: more sure
of our loss than of our gain in the exchange we
have just suffered. Grant that there is some•
thing low in political ability, and that intellect is
of this world, yet we do not feel quite confident
that the present gain of moral worth is such as to
dispense with those vulgar applianoes.
Nor can it be forgotten that this is'a practical
world. Parliament, after performing a grand act
of faith in the immolation of Palmerston and his
recreant colleagues, will probably spend some
time, at least the fortnight's recess, in a pleasing
thrill of self complacency. It will see Brittania
bolding the balance, wherein Palmerston and
'Clarendon kick the beam, while Derby, Malmes
bury, and the other champions of English honor
descend with native gravity. But the . grandest
spectacles weary in time, and the indefatigable
Malice and ingenuity of politicians are sure to
raise np new questions, in which old scores will,
be forgotten, and intellect, expediency, and such
hard things once more hold sway. When this is
the case—when it comes to India, to 'Chins, to
Parliamentary Reform, to the consolidation of
our laws, to a dozen other subjects impending
over us, it remains to be ascertained whether the
new Ministry will hold their own—to use the vul
gar slang of secular politicians—against the old.
Mere moral worth, even in the shape of a grand
national penance, will not count long against
either commercial or political utilities.
The Ministry is likely to be short-lived.
France. ,
The fall of the British Ministry produced a
deep sensation in France. It was unexpected.
It weakens Napoleon's 'prestige, and may affeet
the strength of the alliance. Some good_ roan
agement is , needful, and'a conciliatory spirit was
immediately manifest. The correspondent of the
Times says : •
The result of the diiision on the Conspiracy to
Murder bill has produced a great'sensation among
all classes of people here. - The Ministerial or
gans evidently did , not expect such a result, sand
are much taken aback. Their language has lost
something, of its vainglorious style. In official
quarters no trifling bewilderment is apparent, and
even people who are not -Oyer•friendly toward
England, admit that matters have been carried
too far with ha.. There is a pretty general feel
ing that a series of unfortunate, blunders has
been e.ommitted. It is difficult for ordinary men
to 'explain, nnless'on suppositions of the strongest
kind; Mistakes which a novice in government
could' hardly have oommitted—M. de Moray's ad
dress, the military addresses, and, what is as
great a blunder as either, M. Walewski's famous
dis Pitch. Some regret, the , fall of Lord Palmer
ston, bat nearly all concur in condemning the
causes which led to it. Pew can recall without
indignation the language of the Colonels, or
without shame the statement of a French Minis
ter, that in England the doctrine of assassination
is openly preached.
The French law relative to measures of gen
eral security paseed in the Legislative body on
Friday,' by a majority of 227 - to 24. Several
Deputies abstained from voting. After receiving
the sanction of the Senate, it will be promulgated
in the Ifonitrut.
Wm. H. Kisses,
Other letters from Paris represent that a better
feeling existed with regard to relations with Eng
land, fonladed upon the appointment of Lord Maim
haryo,thsForeign Office , Ml d the - pereons
friendship existing between the Emperor and Mr.
A telegraphie dispatch , states that the Jury
renclered'a verdict of guilty; on the 23d,. as re
gards four of the accused. The Court pronounced
sentence of death on Orsini, Rudio, and Pier&
Gomez is sentenced to penal servitude for life.
The China mail had reached England, with Can
ton dates to January 14th.
The Cantonese submitted; and evacuated the
city on, the 80th December:
The Governor of Canton was taken prisoner, as
well as Yek and :the Tartar General. The Gov
erner.Pihquei was subsequently installed as Vice-
Governor of the city, with powers similar to thoee
wielded by Yeh. The Allies were to continue
their protectorate until BOWS:dory terms were
made by the government of.rikin. A committee,
composed of two Englishmen and'one Frenchman,
had been charged with the, supervision of the gov
ernment, and had issued a proclamation inviting
the people to return,, assuring them of their pro
At the departure of the mail ,every thing was
quiet, and there was a fair.prospect of the taking
off of the blockade, and of the resumption of trade
within a, week.
`ln the assault upon . Canton there were numer
ous hand-to-hand encounters. The British lost
one hundred, and the French thirty, in killed and
wounded. A large arnouut•of treasure was cap
tured, but plunder was,forbidden.
The details of Calcutta news to dun. 2,8 d, add
nothing of importance to the previous telegraphic,
Sir Cehn Campbell was gathering his strength
for his entry into Cade; 'when the final struggle,
and , a determined resistance .were anticipated.
PORTZAFT4 March 16.—The Yorth, American
arrived shorty after midnight , ; with one' hundred
ana twenty passengers. •
Lord Stratford has resigned the Ambassador
ship to ,Tnrkey.
The 'Berle correspondent of the London ,Times
says Lord Malmesbury bad answered Walewski's
dispatch in a tone and a spirit beconting a British
Minister. '
Subscribers to the Permanent Fund, and Current XX
pause Fund of the Synod of Wheeling, for the endowment
of r Washington College, , will please take notice that the
Spring meeting of the Presbyteries will famish a conve
nient opportunity for eending money by the hand of mem
bers Of Presbytery. Payments, whetherptinclpal, interest
or donitions, may be made to, the following persona, Who
are duly authorised to receipt for therame: Preebytery of
St. Claire /111 e, *Rev. John Moffat; Presbytery of New Liss
hen, Rev. R. Dickson; Presbytery ot /*oho . ..tariff f.
°, myself.
It is hoped that persons who know . ..themselves indebted
will remit by the hand of the ministers 'or elders of the
several congregations in these Preshiteries; in accordance
With the above notice." - A. SWANDY, Agent. ' •
The PRESBYTERT OF WOOSTER stands adjohrned to
meet, in the church of Istfayette, on the First Tuesday of
April, st 11 o'clock. -
Requited for Coinmitsioners' Pond, abont 'eight cents
from: each church member. J. W. HANNA, 8. 0.
The - PRICSBYTERY OP Eftlif will meetat, Edenboro%
(pulite plank road, eighteen miles North of Meadville.) .on.
the Second Pueeday of April next, (lathi at 2 o'clock P. X.
Statistical , Roporte. Narratives of the. State of Religion,
and Commissionera' Fund, will be called for.
. S. J. M. EATON, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF REDSTONE will meet at ill'lteer.
port, on Mitt Second Tuesday of April, al 2 o'clock P. Di'
Sessional Records, Congregational ,Settlements, Statisti•
cal Reports, ard Contributlone to Oommiesioners' Fund. are
required to be sent np. :Vacant oburchea are hereby noti
fied to, forward to Presbytery full statistics of their mein.beta*, benevolent oontributions. and other items of In
telsat, , brcranTocK, Stated Clerk-
The PHMSBYTERY °PALMTOP:MON will hold its next
stated meeting in the Presbyterian church in Perryirille,
Juniata County, on the Second Tuesday (the 13th,) of April,
at II o'clock A. M. . '
Statietical Reports will be called for at this meeting, as
well as a report frani`enob congregation. as 'to whether the
pastor's eelary has been. paid,. ROBERT HAMILL, S. C.
TheRRESRYTBRY NSW. LISBON will meet In the
church of Ilpthel, on the second Tuesday of April, at 12
o'elock M:
Sessional Itecords,Statietlad Reporte, and Treasurers'
Deports of Settlement with Pastors and Stated Supplies,
will be celled for. ROBERT DICKSON, S. C.
The PRESBYTERY OF CLARION will meet In Pisgah,
the Pint Tuesday of April next, at 11 o'clock A. N.
D. WCAY, Stated Clerk.
Washington College.
The PRE'RYTERY OF OHIO will meet In the fourth
church. Pittsburgh, on the First Tuesday of April, at 2
o'clock P. M.
The special attention of Pastors and Sessions is requested
to the subject of Congregational - Reports, that they he nll,
and promptly forwarded. W. B WILVAINS, S. 0.
The PRESBYTERY OF NEW isituvalvick, wilt held its
next stated meeting in the Pennington church. on Tees.
day, Aprll, 1301, at 11 &cloak A. M.. to be opened with a
sermon by Rey. S. 3i. Hamill, the Moderator.
A. 1). WHITE, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF FORT WAYNE will hold its next
stated meeting in the church of New Lancaster, on the
First Tuesday of April. at 2 o'clock P.M.
Statistical Reporte. and verified accounts of Settlements
with Pastors and Stated Scrolls& will be called for.
JOAN M. LO WRIE, Stated Clerk.
The FR SSIWTXRY OF 11.0CRINa will meet (P. Y )
Sutton, the Flrat Tuesday in April, at 7 o'clock P. 74
.7. H. PRATT, Stated Clerk.
Sewickley, on the Find Tuesday of April, at 11 o'clock A.
Si.JAMES AL LItION, Stated Clerk.
New Hagerstown, on, the Second Tuesday of April, (the
1.3 th,) at 11 o'clock A. M. JOHN It. AGNEW, B. C.
Hookstown, Beaver County, Pa., on the Third Tuesday of
April next, at 8 o'clock P. M.
In accordance with a standing rule, Pastors end Ses
sions will plea's!, 'forward fall reports of the. state of reli
gion in their respective,ebargea, to the Rev. William P.
Satoh, D.D., Chairman of the Committee on the Narrative,
at least ten days beibre that time.
The PRESBYTERY OP. DONEGAL "will meet in the
church of Pew+, on Tuesday, Apkil 18th, at Ti o'clock M.
At this meeting will be required, Statistic:al Reports,
and written Sessional Reports on the State of
and payments to the Presbyterial and Commissioners'
Funds. Members coming by railroad are notified that, by
giving previous notice of their Intention, to the Rev. John
Wallaoe, Pequea, they will be accommodated with waver.
emcee from Bluer litatlon. •
JOHN FAMetIINAR, Stated Olerk.
Bethel - church, on the .First Tuesday Ofl at '2 o'-
clock P. M.
Statistical • Reports, Sessional Records, Congregational
Settlements, Written Narratives, and Commindonerte Ruud
will be called for. W. W. WOODLAND, 8.0.
•The PRESBY'T'ERY CtE lOWA will meet inlift. Pleasant,
the First Tuesday of April, at 7 o'clock. P. M:
Reports on Systematic Beneficence, and ALIAS ibr Com
missionerev will be required. T. STEARNS; B. C.
. -
The PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO wR6 holfilts neat reg
ular meeting in Woodstock, on the Second Trauday (16th„)
of April, st 7 o'clock P. Id. , GEO. F. 000DF1110, S. C.
The PRESBYTERY OF CEDAR, lowa, stand's adjourned
to meet In Tipton, on the First Friday of April, at 7 o'-
clock P. M. - •
The assessment on the churches for the .Commissioners ,
Fund, is as follows: Muskatine, $20.00; Davenport, 20.00 ;
lowa City, 10.001 Marion, 6.00; Linn Grove,'.4.oo ; Tipton,
6 00; High Prairie, 3 00; Le Claire, 400; Princeton„ 800;
Bluegrass,2oo; Walcott, 2.00; Solon, - 2 00; Vinton, 4.00;
Lisbon, 2 00; Cedar Rapids 6 00; Mechariesville, 1.00;
German Church, Muscatine, 1.00; Sugar Creek, 2.00; New
ton, 4.00 ; • Herman, 2.00; Salem, 1.20; Toledo, 1.00 ; hand
Prairie, 1.00: Linden, 1.00 : Montezuma, 1.00.
F. A. SHEARER, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF FINDLEY Stands adjourned to
meet in the church or Patterson; Hardin County: Ohio, on •
the Second Tuesday, the• 13th of April, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Sessional Records will be called Mr. for review, and a eta,
tis Deal Report from eabli church will also becalled for •
B. H. HOLLIDAY, Stated Clerk.
•• - .
The PRESBYTERY OF BEAVER will meet in Pulaski on
the Piret Tuesday of April next, at 11 o'clock'. A. M. ,
D. 0. REED, Stated' Olerk.
the church of Nottingham, on the First Timeday of, April,
at 11 o'clock A. M.
Statletioal , Reports, Sessional Reeordri, , OonOreglitional
Settlements, and the money for the Commhelonerra Fund
will be celled for. JOHN MOFFAT S. O.
cording to adjournment at Unity, (near Latrobe,) on the
Second Tneaday of April, at 2 o'clock P. M.
JAIIRS DAVIS; Stated Clerk.
The PIVESEITTIORY OF PEORIA will hold its stated
Spring meeting in (tauten. en Tuesday,' the tlth or April, At
734 P. M. ROBERT. P. FARMS, StatodOleric.
Members will be careful to note thellmei manlike.
First Presbyterian church in Zanesville, on the First MOS;
day (the 6th day,) of April, at 7.o'clock P. M. ; ,
The churches are all urged to be prompt in sending up,
their portion of the Commissioners' and Centingentltinds.
The assessment for these, is !eight cents per each church
member, as reported in the Minutes of the last General As.
setably. . WM. M. ROBINSON; B. 0. ..
. .
The PRBSBTTBEY OF 008/10OTON stands adjourned
to meet in Berlin, on the First Tuesday of April,at two
nolo* P. M.
Commissioriers' Fund : Berlin, 25.00; ;b7t: Baton, 675 •
Apple Cr00k,14.50; East Hopewell, 10.50; Nashville, 5.00.
Unity, 1425; Linton and Evans Creek, 7:50; W , st Carlisle
6.50; Joffereon, 2.50; Coshocton, 6.00 tWeene, 7.50 ; thricks
vile, 5.75; Oflllereburg ' 6 75; Valley, 1.50;,
2.00; West Bedford,l.7s; Wakatendka,l.2s. •
• , , P. M. BESIPLat, Stated Clerk:
The PRISBYTERT OP LOG ANSPORT Mends adjourned in Lafayette, on the last March, at '7
keelock - P, M. Settlements with."' pastors Will be called for.
Also, Commissioners' Fond as follows : • • '
Delphi, 68.00; Rock . Creek, 4.60; Camden, 2.60; Logana.
port, 15 OD; Bethlehem,' 1.30; Peru, 500 ; Lafayette, 000;
Roseville, 800; Primeesville,l.oo; 13etlie1,1.00 ; Monticello:
6.00; Centre, 2.00; Frankfort, 10.00; Indian Creek. 3.80;
West 'Union; 3.60 Mill Creek, 2.20; Oxford, 2.00 ; ' Rochester.
150 Kokomo, 8 .8 0; Jefferson, 5.20; Sugar ,Creek,. 2.30;
Lexington, 5.00; Rensselaer, 3.00.
R. W. WRIGUT, Stated Clerk.
stated,meettou in the Presbyterian church of Scotch Greve,
commencing Wednesday, March 31st. 1858, at 11 o'clock A.
M. Church Sessions are hereby notified that the amount
due the Commissioners' Fund from each church As an
amount equal to ten mite from each church raemb,r, and
Is required to be paid at that • meeting.- Also, =that the
churches will be called upon to report whether, or not they
hire falnllediheir pecuniary obligations In' th e - support of
the GkispeL J.,PECALP.S, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF MARION . will meet at orestline,
on the ; First Tuesday (6th,) of April next, at 7 o'clock P. M.
The , Cominissioners , Fund is assessed aa follows: Dela
ware; $19.00; Corinth, 1.0 D; Cardington, 1 00; maxion,3 00;
Richland, 1.50; Pisgah, 0.00; 'lberia, 4.00; Liberty,, 5.75;-.
Ringston, 1,75; Brown. 3.26; Tiffin 1.00; M'Outcheriville,
115 Eden, 1.60; Waynesburg, 1.50; Caroline, 1,50; Mt.
Gilead, 1.75; Canaan, 3.75: Marseilles, 4.00: Salem, 1.00;
Wintdmac, 1.60 ; Oalion. 0.76; Bucyrus: 5.50 ;*Wyandott,
1.50; Maqsville. 3.00 ; MilforoCantre, 3.25; orestllne,l.6o ;
Sandusky,; Leesville, 1 76 ; Upper Sandusky; 3.00' ;'New
Winchester, 1.50; Osceola. 1.60; Broken Sword, 0.75; Radnor,
1:60; York, 1.75; Sunbury, 1.00. R. A. TRUE, S. C.
The PRBSWITRRY OF DESMOINES holds its nett * stated
meeting 'et Knoxville, 'on the Beyond Titursdak (Sth;) of
April, at 7 omlock P. M.
Sessional Records, Statistical Reports, Commissioners'
•rund, and Reports of .settlements with Pastors , and Sup.
plies, will be called for. JOON M. IiVELROY, S. C.
. .
The PRESBYTERY at SCHUTLBR will meet in Prairie
City WDonough County, EL. April 13th,1858, at li:o'clock
Every member, lay and clerical, Statistical 'Reports, See.
Nichol Records. Commlasionere and Contingent Fund% and.
settlements with ministers ' will be expected. Sixty mem
bers due s PROS. 9 VAIL, Stated Clerk.
• The PRESRYTERY.OP ROVE ItIVRR will hold Restated
Spring meeting in the South church, Galena, on Tuesday,
April 13th; at 7 o'clock P. M.
The assessment on
churches for Commissioners' Pm: d,
,is et the rate of Sire cents per member. Seisolonal Reoords
will be called for. S T. WILSON, Stated lOyek.
;: ~,.
By Rev. WlMem Bunter, on the ,18th nit., Mr. WatNaS
TOLarers to Min MART XPOLUNG, both Of Beaver County, Pa.
By Rev. J. B, Wednesday eloping * , Novem
ber 11th, it the relidence of the bride's narents,Mr.
LIAM Anus, of Dakota City, Nebraska Territory, to Miss
MARTHA H. Penn, of Grinnell, lowa.
On February 13th, at the residence of the bride's father,
Mr. Adam Byerly, by Rev. Alex M'Gaughey, Mr. finnan
Witte, of Lienetown: Washington..oounty;"io bliss' SARAN
Byracr, of, North Huntingdon Westmoreland f 10.,, Pa.
On the. Yth of ..T"nuary, by, the Rev. J. - Meteor Mr. Wit.
forms CU disville, to Mrs. Marti Cone, Churchyldie, Clarion
Co. February 25th, Mr. SAMUEL Rein Coeur?, Clarion Fp.,
to Miss Eva M. OUTGO, Monroe Township, Clarion CO., PS.
• • .
On tbe let Inst., by Rev. T. G. Scott, Mr. Janet] Weems,
M. D., of Upton. Van Buren County, lowa, to Miss Lam
M. WIODIN, of Edellblarg, Lawrence County, Paw •
• February 18th, by Rev. William F. Morgan, Mr: J. Mir
CLYIIIoNDS, to Mrs. B. Moors,. both of Plum Creek, Arm.
strong ConntY, Pa.
Near Libertyville, lowa, 'December 24th, by Rey. James
Caldwell, Mr. Barnum lIHNIIMAR to Mrs. Rink J. Woon..
wage On February 24th, 31r. WintMx Itaxtrue to Miss
Menosagr Sams. • •
(i) hititarg,
Mu. ANNIE GUL--The obituary notice of this
exoeilent lady was published on the Bth inst.; ,but
the name was printed " Grey," instead of• Guy.
The letters in manuscript look very much alike:
M'Seesport, on Sabbath, 7th init.,
RICHARD K., on of Dr. W. F. Knox. "
Drap—On Monday, February 22d; at his; reef-
dance in Macomb, M'Llonough County, 111., of
dysentery, Mr. Aactunann WCANDLZBB, aged
The deceased was born and lived in Allegheny
County, Pa., till September, 1856, at which time
he emigrated to Illinois, where he has five sons
and three daughters now living ; one sou and two
daughters still reside in hie native State, and brie
eon in Ohio. There are twelve children still
living, and may we not hope that the prayiis of
the deceased father were heard in behalf of his
offspring. He lived to - see his children all make.
a profession of religion , in the same chinch in
which he so long served as a Ruling Elder. At'a
very - 'early : age he War; hopefally oonierted, and
for nearly fifty years he was an elder in the
church of Raccoon, Presbytery of Ohio, first un-
der the pastoral care of Bev. Joseph Patterson,
( then Rev. Moses Alien, and now, Rev. C. V.
M'Keig. He was modest and retiring in his filo
position, but full of faith and prayer. There was'
centred in him certain gra era, which at once cm -
mantled the respect of all who knew him. Iris
last illness was not protracted, but severe; he
suffered much, but put all his confidence in Cie.
Great Plianian, who healed hie sin•sick soe..
On the morning of his death, he said to his.
youngest daughter, " Mary, I suppose this is•
our last meeting on earth, but I hope we will
most in heaven." Ho then said, lem going,"
and closed his:eyes calmly, and sweetly reclining
has bead on the warm bosom of that Jesus whom be
loved and served on earth, he breathed his life
oat sweetly there. He lived the Christian's
died the Christian's death, and is now reaping
the Christian's reward. On the funeral occasion,
his pastor preached from these words: "Mark
the perfect man ? and behold the upright, for the
end of that man is peace." A.G.M'C.
DlED—Februiry 23d, at Pleasant Prairie, Coles
County, 111., Mrs. ELIZABETH BALCH, consort of
J. P. Balch, aged 40 years.
She was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
She leaves nine chiktieni one a young babe. Her
loss will be deeply felt. She, was a very exem
plary wife, mother, neightor and friend. The
devoutness of her bereaved: 'family, as we com
mended them in prayer to the'orphan's God, con
vinced us of her excellence and faithfulness in
the family.; and we cannot but believe that her
peaceful sickness and happy death, ontributed in
no small degree to promote a revival. of religion,
which began soon aftei her death. 1. - 4, - S.W.
Dnan—ln Huntingdon:County, near Burnt Cab
ling, Pa., on the 11th ult., after afew days illness,
Mr. Jinn Can n the 82d year of his age.
• The deceued had been for about half a century
a member, and for; more than thirty years an
elder in the Tresbyterian Church. Daring the
last seven years of his life, his eyesight almost
entirely failed him; but under this - sore affliction
ho ever manifested a cheerful, submissive spirit,
and lived a life of faith upon the Son of God.
Death came gently, and like a shock of corn fully
ripe, he was gathered to the garner on high.
Dian—ln Huntingdon County, near Burnt Cab
ins, Pa., on the 19th nit" Mrs. EVIZABIITS OREN,
relict of Mr. James Cree, Sr., in the 84th year of
Mrs. Ores had been a member of the Presby
tetian'ehurch frOm early years', and her consistent
walk' and oenveriation evidenceihat her pro
fession had not been a vain one. Front the' day
, ,
of her husband's death; ; she seemed to anticipate
her own summons, and whin the messenger came,
her chief desire was "to depart and be with
' Dran—On. the let inst., near 'Burnt Cabins, :
Fulton County, Pi., Mu. , Busaie Waracarti. in the
79th year of her age.
Her:two sisters had been taken from her within
a fortnight,
,and why should she be left alone on
earth ? ', she had maintained a quiet,
Christian deportment, and when the time of her
departure approached she was. resigned to her
Master's,will,, anti ready to go, at his call.. Thus
it is, that the humble, disciples, of- the Man of
Borrows, can meet the king of. terrors with, the
song of triumph on their lips, and the language
of • rejoicing in their hearts.; knowing that they.
"shall he'brought off conquerors, .und More than
conquerors,lhrough Christ that has loved them;
and' given himself .for them."
Din-=-February ; 28, 1858, near Shade Gap,
Huntingdon County Pa WlLLiant Letronx.ra, in
the 54th year of his age.
The deceased was born in Juniatta - County. Pa.
Connected with the Presbyterian church of Low
er Tusoora, under the pastoral oars of Rev.
Mr. Coulter, when in Ills 20th year. Ile moved to.
Huntingdon County abottteighteen years ago, sod
owing to certain causes he got Into worldly difficul
ties. From : his own words, he rather grew cold and
careless in his duty as a Chrietian 4 but God, who
doeth all things well, and for his o*iglsii;
proper to lay upon him the bstol of affitcti
• p,
which proved effectual in bringing him . , buck to
the fold of God. For the last eleven years he was
confined to the house, and the greater part of the
time to his bed. The last two years, his afflictions
were almost past imagination, with , ulcers and
running sores. His disease was Rheumatism. * '
- As might have been Axpected, the end of this
aged disciple was peace. , Many indeed were his
afflictions, but according to the promise, the Lord
delivered him out of them aIL, The name of Jesus,
and the , great theme of ,salvation, itivariablrral.
lied his faculties, and e
brghteud his oovntenanee
with joy. He died as he had lived, trusting, loy-,
ing, and adoring a arneifiedHedeemer, and.eom,-.
milting the keeping of his soul to hini iwwell-do
ing, as unto a faithful Creator. About two hours
before he expired, he requested the 618th. Hymn
to be sung, in which he joined, freely. His last
words were, "Come, Lord.atins,- come quickly i"
And then fell asleep in Jesus. • 8.8.
DIIIII3-At New Raven,' Fayette Co., Feb: 27.
Mrs. SARA 4( Hoiriosx; in the 59th year of, her
The deceased removed, Minty years since, frem
Baltimore to 'the 'region of country where "she'
,spent her last days. Her church relationship was
transferred from one of the churches orthat city
•th that of Laurel Hill ; thence, after a few years,
to that of Connellsville, she having, in the mean
while, removed to the neighboring village of Now
,Haven. .
Mrs. H. is remembered as a
, warm-hearted
;friend, unobtrusive in ber, demeanor, firm in bar
attachments, and as one, who had all her sen -
'malts and feelings pervaded with a spirit of fa
.vent piety. Her last illness was protracted and
'severe but was borne with , a cheerful admission.
'Her end was peace.
DIED -*NM Connellsville,March let,Mrs. JSAN.:
NETTS Eitannar, in the 24th year of her age.
The removal of Mrs'. H. seems a heavy afflic
tion. She was called suddenly away. A 'fond
husband would fain have - detained Tyro
little ones, now Motherless, seemed to plead for
.her stay.' The stricken faMily, Whose Pride ahe
was, would still have found great delight, had
God's will have been so, in her frequent visits to
the, paternal home, and her ;cheerful presence
among them. s But at an unlooked for moment,
she was not.. Thus it pleased' God. Yet, there
is liope infier death. A Christianprofession bad
Peen borne by her for some years. -in the judg
ment of men,, here was the spirit
,of a Christian.
A. short time before her death, lite could say to
her pastor, who was suddenly called to her death
bed, and who; after having- brought up such
truths ,as suited her case, was about to leave,
"Come again, very soon, it does me so much good
to hear of these things." Bre the visit had been
repeated a secondlime, another had bidden her
to oome to Him. "!Be ye -also ready:" •
Bran—At French Grove, Illinois, January 28d,
Map. LAICWrit Cos, wife of David G. Poe, and
daughter of Henry Balding, of Ohio, 'in the 35th
Year of her age.
The deceased united with the Presbyterian
Church of Booneville, Ohio, some six or eight
years ago, on profession of her faith. In the
Spring of 1856, ehe removed with her husband,
to whom she was married, in the year 1841, to
Illinois, within the bounds of the French Grove
Preobyterlin church, With which she united by
certificate. Her numerous friends need net this
record' of her Memory, to remind thent of her
Worth. ••ins lone as memory lasts, will f iiei roes
turnable virtues be remembered. None knew her
but to love her. She lived a Christian's life, and
died as a trueAristiaa only can die. Truly, her
end was peace, Her sickness, *deb lasted tbree
weeks, was most painful; yet she•bore it without
' one murmur escaping her lips. To the inquiry,
" DI you f•tel that you have the Saviour with you
' now, in your affliction?" the replied, a ley suf
ferings I could not have endured, had I not a
• Saviour to trust in. I have trusted my all in Lie
hands, and he has not forsaken me. He is a
friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Death
1 has no terrors for me, when my Saviour is so
near." Thus she was sustained (luring all her
painful sickneSs. Her peaceful death was anoth
er witness to the triumphs of Christianity. Her
death chamber seemed the vestibule of heaven.
She has left a heart.stricken, bereaved husband,
with four children, and a large circle of , friends
and acquaintances, to'mourn a loss that can nev
er be supplied on'earth. The church, als'o, has
been bereaved; as we trust; to increase the num
ber of the Church triumphant. Bit why shook
we mourn ? The Saviour God is but:Calling home
his jewels. He says, "Be Ye also ready. Weep
ye not for.the dead." Weep for the , living. " The
living know that, they Anil die, but the dead know
not any .thing. Blessed are the dead which Alie
in the Lord ;•that they may rest from their labors;
and their works do follow them." h!cF.
Tinm-4ebruarY 19th, in Rural Valley, Pa.,
*re. MARY SiursoN, aged 64 yews.
Simpson was a native of 'Westmoreland .
•County, Bs., but removed: to • Armstrong County
in the, year 1822, and 'settled in Rural Valley,
where she spent the. remainder of her days. She
united, with the Presbyterian ;church of Glade
Run, under the ministry of .the. Rev. Mr.Rarret ;
but it the time of her death she WWI a niember
of -:the church of Rural :Valley. Although, for
years previous to ber ,death• she was not able,
from physical.. sufferings,. to attend church, yet
shewas plea:sled to see her pastor; and occasion
ally; when he preached at her residence, she es
teemed rit s.• great privilege. For twenty-years
previous Aesth, she Was a 'sufferer, For
fourteen yeitite she Walked only by the - aid , of
crutehes.' Her' sifferinge 'were protracted and in
tensely painful; '(rbeninatism,) but she bore them
with Christian resignation ; and in all her Suffer
ings, she expressed herself wholly willing to
cling to Christ as her only hope., Shehispassed
from the scenes of ;tbne to those of eternity, but
the oonselatien to her surviving partner, her re
lativeti and friends, is, she is only removed from
a world of suffering and affliction, to one where
sorrow and trouble are unknown.
Arri 0 T ff 4 I ff. Is ACADEMY.
BOYS, at TURTLE; op.zra. Allegheny' Comity Pa.
TH.II 'PIIGHTINNTH KIiSSION of this .Institation
, commence, MAY ad, affording unsurpassed advantages for
the. moral, mental, and physical' education of Boys, in. an
'unusually healthy and romantic location. Dvery . possible
attention and' kindness is bestowed on the pupils, at all
hdurs. -
- No DAY-SCHOLARS are admitted.
From Ray. D. X..IIINKIN, D. D., llolidaysburg, Pa. .
Tuttle Creek, Pa :--4/ear clr r—Yon ask
meto express. my opinion of , your School. If I' mold not
conscientiously express a favorable one, I would frankly
tell you so, and decline saying anything about ; for I am
chary of compliments, sad cannot violate truth in order to
extend them. The man who commends au inferior school,
at 'Which' thelime of the pupils would be wasted, or spent
to little profit, commits a social wrong; whilst he who mile
:deserved attention to a meritorious school, confers a social
*, I am, therefore, free to say, that, with the locality, ap,
pointments and arrangements of your Academy, I was well
satisfied. Your Ideation is beautiful, healthful, and antra
' Went your buildings spaelons, comfortable, and well
adapted; your neighborhoodintelligent,moral, and, exempt
from temptations for youth.. I deemed your assistants ca
pable, faithful, and diligent; the recitations I witnessed
were highly creditable. And what impressed me as pecu
liarly desirable, in a school. for young gentlemen, wai the ,
del ightfal family' organisation. at once cheerful and orderly, '
which' seemed to prevail. Any one could Me that the pu
pils felt that they were in a pleasant, Christian home, where
both their education and their personal comfort Were care d
for, with parental kindness and wisdom. ,Airs. Caton halt,
in my Opinion; rare qualifications for the. responsible poll
tiou eba occupies.
As my visits were wholly unexpected, I must hive seen
Cottage Hill Academy in its every day character.
Hoping that you may always enjoy the patronage which
enoh a school ought to command„ and that you may he very
suceeisful in . training the youths committed to 'your tare,
for usefulness and happiness in earth , and heaven,
I remain, very respectfully yours, •
Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Hollidaysburg.
have heard those who hid sons at your Infinite
tion, express theniselvee well satisfied. • D.L.I.
From Bev.,JOHN Monongahela City, Pa.;, , ,
Bl a.l:osron. Cottage' Hill Academy; Turtle Creek; Pll4
Dear Sir :—Havhig had, my son at your Academy for some
months past, I have been much gratified with the progress
he has made in his atedies, moral and intellectual culture;
and in his general deportment. •
I'consider your Schtsii;iti point of locality, management
and instruetion, se admirably adatted to the Improvement
of our youth, physically; morally, and , intellectually.
• • Very respectfully yonra,
•:Monongattelavity, Sept:ll3s7. . JOHN KARR.'
From Hon. J. M. GEARY. llx Governor of Kansas:
MR. L. Carois:—Dear Siry-s-dt is nearly two years sines
ray,rere sons havebeenunder your tuition at "Cottage Kin
Academy,' and it now affords me much
,pleaanre to offer
you this testimonial of now;
unqualified approbation for the
faithful manner in which you have diaiharged the important
duties devolving liven you—the moral and intellectual de
velopment of- youthful minds.
The constant progress and visible improvement of my
children, and all under your charge, is, truly' gratifying.
Indeed, It seems a necessary consequence of your explana
tory and demonstrative method of instruction.. ,
The attention' you and your very exCellent 'Lady con
stantly give to the health, exercise, cleanliness, and general
behaviour of the students under your care, is deserving of
the highest commendation.
Your two assistants are gentlemen of excellent attain
ments, and in their vocation, the encomium is not too much
when , l'say, theyare "apt to teach."
I will continue my children, with yen, and influence my
friends to lend you as many students as possible, as I be
lieve your Academy is, the best Preparatory School in the
With high reaped, your friend and obedient Pinot,
New Aiexandria, Pa. Sept. B, JNO. W. GBARP.
. We have teetimoniale similar to the, foregoing, from Dr,
J.' Scott; "and.W. 0.-Barr. EL Lambert,..and J. B. Guthrie '
Begs., Pittsburgh; J. B. Dickey, Egg., Bridgewater, Pa.; W.
G. Randall, Lavacca, Texas, dc &a.
For Oirenilata, containing terms and other information,
address L. CATON, •
mar2o-7t Turtle Creek, Allegheny Dounty,Xit.
GEO. :Fir. GEIALFANT, A, 8.. Principal.
NANNIN tiIaTUNKIN. Teacher in Female Department.
se LLIN N. MOORS, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental
Music., • ,
The thirteenth Session of this, Institution will open on
WEDNESDAY, May sth, 1858.
- • • Kale Departniint.
Classics, $lO 0011ligher English, $B.OO
Common. Eriglish, ' 6.00
Itinale Department. ,
Senior Ohms, slo.ooJunior Ohms, $6.00
Middle Class, sB.ooi Preparatory, 400
Instrumental mnsio, with nee of instrument, 15 00'
. Good boarding can be obtained at from $175 to $2OO por
Week, with furnished rooms. •
For Catalogue, with further particular*. address the
principal, or - • JOHN IiPFAHLAND; M. D., '
President of Board. ,
N.B.—The present term will dose With a public eiam
inetion; W,Nlaeaday. March ' Slat, exhibition of the . Ranh
Female Literary Society, and address to the Ebeiety in the
wrening,by Prot B. M. Kerr. , . merPo-7t
The next Session, of five months, will commence on
CLiD4Y, --May Bd. Terms-4losed and Tuition, 1230.00.
The present Session will clove with a polite examination,
on the 25th and 28th inst. See Catalogue.
Blairsville, Marsh 150,18 PLEY.Pri"iPaI
- alsrMati
Naocusurom OR. LAWIPON
1.11 13611111:2'. Having made artaugentente with REV. J.
KNOX, for a supply of Plants of this valuable Blackberry,
Twenty thonrand strong, vigorous plants are offend at the
following Pri oo4
.1,000 Plante, $125 00 25 phut* 26.00 -
600 " 6590 12 - 3.00
• 200 " 86.0 d 6 . " • 1.76
100 a '{'l6.oo " 100
60 " . 8.00 1 " .50
Orders addressed to REV. J. KNOX, or the subscriber,
accompanied with the cub, or a suitable reference, where
the parties are not known, will be filled in the order in
which they ate received. Plants of the NEWMAN'S
THORNLESS BLackberry. will be furnished at the same
priee. J. WARDRO P,
mar2o tf 47 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
PAPPERNEL--Fine Room and Hall Paper Hang
Inge, Spring Styles; Oak, Stone, Red, and New Partelimpr;
Imitation Wood, do. . • R. ic. , cooniteits,
,No. CI Federal St., Allegheny.
N. 11.—Raperieneed Paper Hangers sent to Customers.
JUP NitHtla SUPPLIREL—New varieties Writing Paper
and Stationary. E 0. 000altAtilk ,
Nak ao , No. 6 Federal Ba,Alleghetip.
r ztoir. n.irLicy,gs NEW WORK.
CHLIMY EZ.P4A2414011.T.. „
D es i gn ed es an ecoompaohnent to the authortti Notes on
the Gospe/s and the Acts.
BrIIIiNRY J. atpLEy o ,•:'
12mo. Cloth. 67 mate. •
In preventing this work to•the public, it is proper to cal
asteption to a single. but moat important characteristic, in
respect to which the work will compare favorably with oth•
era otthe same class. The author bee - expended his. chief
strength on the difficult patinae/4 and devoted bet little
space to the rest. Ile has proceeded on the principle that
comment on what every one can understand is superfluous.
The notes are "chiefly explanatory."
For Sabbath School laetruotton. the work will be fcuc4
especially valuable. GOULD & LUVOOLIS, •
69 Waebingtos Street, ilootost,
it, 131
The BAN2IIIi is pnbliehed weekly, in the cities of Pitta
burgh and Philadelphia, and is adapted to general eitwahttket
in the Presbyterian Church:
IN GLUM of twelaty, and upwards,
DELIVXB.BD in either of the cities,
for eight linos, or lees, one insertion 80 seats ; sash nib
eloquent insertlon,2s cents. Bach additional line, beyond
eight, 8 cents for every insertion.
for eight ihme,thre• months, $B.OO. Bach additional in.
25 cents.
for eight line', One Year,lBlo.oo. laoh additional line in.
Owens of two lines, $6 a year, and $l . ,ibr each add!
tional _ _ _ _ .
Busman Nomors.of tea lines or leas, One Dollar. Each
additional line, 6 cents.
NS. Oommtinicatione recommendatory Of Inrentions, Die
dical Practice, Schools, &c. &a., being designed for th e woo F
Wary benefit of Individuate, should be paidfor as Swine,
Rawly by mall,where no.trod .IPortuvltY o th owioc
at hand. Drafts ot notes of thei larger denondnations are
Preferable, where they elan be conveniently obtained.
PABIV/18 mine* us- twenty subegibers and upward a
will be thereby entitled to a paper' without charge.
DT.B.When Presbyterian flurdifes are very mu* dispersed
they-may be accommodated at the Cluh price, even though a
Caw of the twenty be wanting. Let all be stipplied, if pearl;
ole. The Pool, we stuall favor, to our utmortability. Let the
.apply be atm., but setall.PaWidf°r•
For Two Doll paid, we - lend Seventy numbers; Of
for One Dollar, Thirty-tides numbers. Thiele for the eake o
easy, remittance. ,
If Pastors, In making up' club., And come persons not
ready to pay at once, they nosy yet send on the names, at the
Dinh price;on their own responsibility to pay MI ahortly.
is desirable that clubo date their 'subscription periods at the
same time. DAVID idaniNET. Proprietor.
OXVOILD Fl 2 112 ALM 1152151NA1t1
The Winter BOISIOn, of Ike months, will commence the fire t
Wednesday In November.
Empetutes,ior Boarding,lnpl,Dight and Tuition in the En
gild' branches, $6O per Session. Ancient and Modern Lan.
gasses, each $5. • Lemons ron the Plano, and nee of Instru •
meet, $l5. Painting and Drawing, each $5. Or the pay •
ment of $50,. will include the whole.
A daily stage amnecta with. the ears at Newarh. Del., and
also at Parkeabarg, Pa. Address
J. M. DICKEY, or
Oxford,flept. 70;1666 SAMUEL DICKEY, Oxford, Pa
PANY, Walnut Street, Sonth-Went Corner of Third, Phila.
Money is received in any cam, large or mall, and inter
act paid fromlbs day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The office is aperi every day from 8 o'clock in' the morn
ing till a o'clock in the afternoon, and on Mondayand
Thursday evenings tlll o'clock.
• ' ' HON. HENRYR Lt. BENNER, President.
ROBEIiT SELFRIDGE, Vice President-
Wrlllai J. Ran, Secretary.
Money Is received and payments made daily without
The Investments arantads 1n REAL ESTATE MORT
dAGES, GROUND RENTS; and each first class securities
as the Charter requires. . 152319
Jolla B. WPADDEJI dr. BON, Sb .saiLit_ts.itie
STABBT, Plititbnirmit, dealers! Watahea, Jew, ry,
*KA FMK. Wee. .
graduate of Jefferson College, desires a situation as teacher
In an Academy. High School, or a family. To enter on Me
duties about the let of May. Satisfactory testimonials
given. A ddreai . BOX JOB,
marlB.4o Allegheny City, Pa.
Wit SESSION of this Institution will commence 00
Tur.BDAY. the 13th of April next, and continue I ill the
FIRST WEDNICSDAMOF OCTOBER, having a vacation of
!about a month in hareat.
In the Normil Department, tilde (Wring to become
efficient teacher" of Common Schools; will receive thorough
training in the branches to lee taught, as well as in the
theory and practice of teaching.
' FOr further particulera, skid fora Circular.
marl 3 St D. WHEN, Priuttipal.
THEMACRED MELODIAN, containing a great variety of
approved Church Music, selected chiefly from the old stand
ard authors, withineiny original composition on a NSW
SYSTEM OF NOTATIONT--(Aiken'ff Systemd—drsigned for
the nee of Churches, Singing Schools, and Academies. By
Vint...The Character of the Work. It presents a new
and greatly improled system of notation. In it much
that is 'halves and difficult in 11th delightful 'science le so
simplified, that months are made equal to years in the
common way of learning the practice of musical art; a fact
sufficiently prov en _ by the attestations of ecores of teachers
and pirformera wile' have tilted the system and given the
work its. great poPulsrity and constantly increasing sale.
Second .The Quality and Style of the Muds iii4lls , new
pieces, dedined to please sa i long as meek lasts, may he
fount on. its pages, and aleo many of the old and tried
melodies, hallowed from aseociated recollection', of Deno
twiny delights, and far more welcome to the heart of the
worshipper than many frequently substituted for them.
The Publisher's may add that the mechanical execution
°file work is superior altogether to the majority of East.
ere libido Books, and the 'Deice very low.
Its be bad at the principal Booksellers, or of the Pub.
Moles sent to Teachers, by matt, far 75 cents.
Sae !or ten dollars,. will send a dozen copies by matt,
to those who cannot' obtain them otherwise.
Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers,
25 West Fourth Street, Cfn . 0
ma 13-5 t
aillatrAPX NEW VOLE' 01 E S.—
Annals of the American Pulpit; or, Commemorative
Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen, from the
Early Settlement of the Vountry to the close of the year
1855. With Hlstorioil Introductions. By Wm. B. Sprague,.
D.D.' V01e..3 and 4,`Beti: 'Presbyterian Ministers. 85.00.
Oriental and Western Siberia; a Narrative of fever
Tears' ExPlorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mongolia,
the War& Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and part of Gcntral
Asia. By T. W. ATKINSON. With Map, and Numerous
Spirited Illustrations. Svo. (Uniform with Livingstone's
and Barth's Travels.) Manila, $3.00. Half calf, $1.00:
/ease Taylor's World of. Mind. $l.OO.
Giesler's Church History, lfoL 11l Just out.
11010's Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to
the History of Slavery, and to the Government of Colonies.
8 vols. $B.OO. Buskin's Economy of Art, 50c.
The Bow in the Cloud, 400. The Faithful Promisor, 10,.
Come to jeens and It is $3.00 per. hundred.. Baxter's
Call, 10 and 20c! Prince of the Hones of David, $1.25.
Krummacher'stkiffering, Saviour. $1.26.
Portraits of My Married Friends. $1.25.
• Phillips' 3/ovation Guides. 2 vole. $1.50.
Aleaander'S Plain Words to a Youngeommunkent. 350..
Byte on Matthew, $l.OO. Do.on Mark. $l.OO.
Boardman's Great Question. Mo.
Kilto's Daily Bible Illn.strations. 8 vols. $B.OO. (A Work
Which every Minister, Sabbath School Teacher, and Bible
Reader should own.)
Schnoor's Bible Pictures. 20 Nos.
All the various Commentaries and Exprwitimus, general
end special.
Family Prayers, Wm "English Haute and English Hands,
no. Medley Vinare, 400.
N. B. Any of above sent by mall,prolerid, on receipt of
the prick'
For sale by JOHN 8. DAVTSON.
marl3tf Si Market, near Fourth St , Pittib'gh.
WM. S. RENTOIIL, No. 20 St. Clair Street, has been ap•
Pointed General Trade Agent for Pittsburgh, Allegheny,
and eurrottnding district, of the valuable and elegant New
Publications of the above Publishers, and will supply the
trade arid community with' these; at the Publishers' rates.
The following ars already published:
The Splendid new work—The City of the Great Ring;
or, Jernealem as it Was, as it Is, and ea it le tq Be. By Dr.
.7.T. Barclay, Missionary to Jerusalem. . With a Steel For.
trait of the Author, by ' , Sartain,
Sartain and upward of Seve-ay
Engravings, executed is the ilnest style of art, from Pit
graphs and original designs, Illustrating the various ph ,se
of the City—Ancient, Medieval, Modern, and dllllanni d—
ale, Restoration of the Temple and city as invested b Ti
tus; Notices of its Jewish, Christian, and Heathen Ant •qui
ties; its Present Political and Moral Condition ; Fu ore
Prospects, so., se., .Au Price, sloth, $3.50. Half calf,
4.50. Morocco, fall gilt, 5.00. Super. Turkey or Antique,
6.00, B mall, postpaid, at the same price.
. New Juvenile Library for the Sabbath. School and Family.
Engravings executed in the highest style of art. and p r.ot
ad on tinted paper. Titlettof Series No 14-1. Song Wth.
'Out Words. 2. Look Up, or Girls and Flowers. ii. if ma
Life. 4: Isabel, or Infinenee. 5. The Arab: 6. The Egyptian.
7. The Jew. S. (humored Thoughts. 9 Wings, and S :Legs.
10. The Young Cottager.' Put up in neat boxes, $2.60
Thelksie of Mach pea. and Other Poems. By Jame&
Challan. Cloth, $l.OO. Cloth, full gilt, 1.50. Moro.eo,
full gilt, 800. '
Map of Jerusalem and its Environs: By Dr. J. T. Bare
lay di none. Approved as the most accurate Map ex ant,
by many dietingubdted travelers and writers on the Holy
City. Invaluable to Sabbath Schools and students of the
Bible. Plain 60 cente. Colored, 76 dente, Book Fot
SLOO. Moo jet and.varnished, $1.75.
Grandlield's Patriarchal Chain °felts BIble: Printed in
'Mir rich colors. Price 76 cents. Mounted and TarnlshA,
Carpentry Made Easy. By Wm: E. Bell. The work con.
tights shout Forty Plates,' besides auriferous Diagrams-
Price. $3.00 per single copy, postpaid.
431. Any of the above works will be sen t ' by Mali, p tat
pald,.on receipt orthe retail price. , • •
Aar A liberal discountgiven, to eninistera
marlitSt •
V 1111 I 1 .11 I. A IN 8 L X 1 12 8 •
N 0.82 North ILWOOND Btreet,above Market, Phhadelphia,,
The largest, cheapest, and best assortment of PLAIN and
FANCY BM"' DB of any other establishment in the United
yr IMPAIR: LNG proniptly attended to. Give ae
and maddiffly ymkriOve44. ,
, IrAcruurv—piof. R. OillellYi A. M., Principal, gestated
by a full corps of experiencei profeesionsl Teachers.
The illixt'llegaimi of this Institution will'open on the first
MONDAY. of Apri1,11355. ~.,
BitatM;sso,oo; Tuition, regular course, $12.00; Furnlshad
room, $5.00.
r x - r it' A. B .
Instrumental Waste, $l6 Piano for practice, 84
Drawing and Painting, .10 Pire In Sleepingroom, 1
Ancient Languages,. each i 0 Washing for Room, • 1
Modern " " 10 Waehing per dozen. 50 sts.
Expenses budder:lt to school rodin, 25 cents per month.
• Rooky and Stationary at regular price!.
,;.All bills meet be settled in *dome, either by cash
or note.
The liewinery handily§ are pleasantly situated an a beau
tiful platoon, In the borough of New Brigbton—a place prt ,
verbfar for Its beauty , and heatthfulnsse. Young ladies
whaling to obtain a Mined, liberal, thorongtaAnd practical
education, where they an onloy all the ootalbrts And eon
yoolegooto of a pleasant Dome, will. in this lestitntlon ilnd
"or/ lltonittr. . • ' t . ...9. 0 -it •
fitiecems Valley, Imitate *busty, Pa.; one-fourth c
alai} from the Perrysville Station of Pennsylvania Rea
The Bain:oar Ilesolon. will oonttorneo on Monday, the 1 Otb
of April. Whole erpeneeper aosaion of twooty-two wuoks
for Board, Room, Tuition, Wasidni and Incidentala,s6o, Oak
able onophalf in advance.
.11511- 800 Oirotdara. DAVID WILSON
nualfrly binchmil sad holdetar,Port Boyd P. ,
pont "Hr 3- r
L 2
a a
L 75 4 . ..