Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, March 13, 1858, Image 1

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p ro goytoplook Hammers Vol. VI.IIO. Z 5.
@ . r• .b/tartan AdvoSatq Vol. X 1 NS. $O.l
DAVID MeKINNEY, Edit* and Proprietor.
on the. dcath of Eliza Jane. wife of Alexander King,
Pitteourgh, who died February Gth, 1858, at the
St. Lawrence Hotel, Philadelphia.
Though:the ties that hare bound us were painful
to eever,
They are burst, and thy joys are seoure now for-
Around thy death couch, there was weeping and
Whilst seraphs to Eden thine entrance were hail
Dear sister, we loved thee, but now thou art
To the regions of glory, to mingle thy song
With the saved who bavo suffered, but now are
at home,
In the bosom of Jesus, whose blood did atone.
Dear departed, we loved thee, but now thou art
From thy honored one here, who is now all alone,
To dwell with the Saviour, who died to redeem
Those of Adam's lost race, who believe in his
Dear loved one departed, we ne'er can forget,
Until memory shall fail, and this heart cease to
How great the attraction, the beauty and grace,
That dwelt in thy movements, thy form, and thy
There are those who can feel for the bosoms that
For the dear one that's gone, but who ne'er may
To comfort and cheer, with affection's kind voice,
The heart•etricken kindred, and make them re.
o oe.
To save tby dear life, there was nothing undone,
That money could purchase, or science bad won;
Physicians at home and abroad were employed,
But all could not save thee, alas I thou haat died.
Through the kind intervention of one who had
How precious the Saviour, on whom he relied,,
Thou wert led to inquire, and soon found the
That led thee to Josue, and through him, to God
Dear sister, we miss thee, no more shall we meet
On this side of Jordan, each other to greet;
For we know that we here cannot always remain,
And we hope, sainted sister, to meet thee again.
Pidtsburgh, March 3, 1858. R. H. K.
For the Presbyterian Barmier and Advocate.
Incidents:in the Life of the Rev. Geo. M.
MR. EDITOR :—Many of the -readers of
your excellent journal may perhaps be both
profited and interested by the following in
cidents, which are related from memory, and
with but little personal knowledge of their
subject, except at the times referred to. The
many friends and acquaintances will, we
• hope, make due allowance for any failure to
relate in a manner such as is due to the
memory , of this worthy father. Our chief
object is benefit to the living.
Eleven years ago, when a student, of
Theology, in company with a class-mate, we
spent a holiday vacation in Mill Creek neigh
borhood, Beaver County, Pa. The Lord's
Supper was administered on the Sabbath
which came between Christmas and New
Year's day. Father Scott, though no longer
the pastor, was present, and addressed one
' table. Never, while memory lasts, will the
impression made by his venerable appear
ance and manner, be forgotten. The fol
lowing words, which he uttered, are as fresh
as if spoken yesterday : " Brethren, I have
seen eighty-eight Christmases. Brethren, I
can say to you, from experience, you will
have to fight on. ' Fight on till death, and
thou shalt have the crown of life.'" •
Having completed my course at the
Western Theological Seminary, I started for
C—, where 1 was to preach a few Sab
baths. On my way, I stopped a couple of
days in the bounds of Mill Creek congrega
tion. An elder of the church, a brother
ia-la4 of Rev. Messrs. M. and W., was
about to leave, with his family, for the fir
West. fly invitation, the pastor and father
Scott were there, to spend a day with the
relatives, on their last visit at the old home.
Enjoying the privileges of this friendly
meeting, which was playfully called a Pres
bytery, I chanced to get a seat near father
Scott, at dinner. I asked him if what I
had heard about his being sickly when he
entered the ministry was true. " Yes, sir,"
said be, " true." And, as is common
with the aged when an inoident of youth is
referred to, he began : " I was twenty-five
years of age when I commenced to study
the Latin Grammar. I was thirty•seven
years of age when I was licensed to preach
the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and the Pres
bytery gave me appointments near home,
and said they would hoar me preach before,
I would die. I had what was called at that
time the Deeay—a spitting of blood. I
filled the appointments, and during the.
Summer took a tour through Southern New
York, then mostly a wilderness. I passed
over where Erie now stands, and mime down
to this neighborhood. I staid awhile, and
returned. The next year I came out again,
still in feeble health, preached for a time,
and returned to attend the Presbytery of
New Brunswick, which was to meet in
Beaton, Old Mr. D., the grandfather of
those of the name who now attend , the
church of F—, traveled over the moun
tains on horseback, with calls from the
churches of Mill Creek and the Flats.
Presbytery urged Mr. D. not to present the
calla, and advised me not to accept. I just
got up and said they were a kind people out
there, and that I desired to go. If I could
not live, I could die in their midst, and lay
my bones in their grave-yard." Turning to
the pastor, he said, "Mr. R., wont you let
me have the! pulpit in June ?" The request
being granted, he said, "I cannot tell the
day till I go home, bet in Juno I will be
fifty years in the ministry, and wish to
preach a bi-eeutenary sermon."
Ile preached the sermon, and in July,
three weeks before his death, he preached
two short sermons at H—, ten miles from
home, going thither on Saturday, and re
turning on Monday. The writer was ex
pected to preach once on that day, but eick
ness hindered him from being present.
When too weak to turn in bed without aid,
and too feeble in mind to folloW any servant
of God through half a dozen sentences of
prayer, the announcement that father Scott
rested from his labors, was heard, and is re
membered as a dream.
These incidents have been profitable to
me. Perhaps others may read with advan
tage. To go to the " backwoods," was per
haps as great a trial for one born in Eastern
Pennsylvania, when father Scott emigrated,
as to go to Nebraska or Kansas would be
no*. Salt and iron were still carried on
pack-horses across the mountains. How
great the change in a single lifetime I What
encouragement for young men to begin and
persevere in study for the ministry, if
nothing is in the way but neglect of training'
till the age of twenty-one, or more ! If
God has given any young man great piety,
great talents, and great zeal and prudence,
he will give him a prosperous providence, if
he sets his face toward the ministry. No
one need hurry into the pulpit, till fully,
prepared. Jesus knew that he himself , had
but some three and a half years to spend in
his public ministry, yet he was not conse
crated to it by baptism( till he began to be
about thirty years of age. rather Scott
was twelve years in preparing, and thirty
seven years of age when licensed; yet,
sickly as he was at the time, he was allowed
to preach with success for half a century.
Here is .a lesson to teach us faith in God.
We should perform well the duties first re
quired of us. When these are done, and
not till then, those which flow out of them,,
demand our energies. Ministers are needed
now, but not worse than when Scott was a,
student. Let young men be encouraged to ,
begin, if nothing else lies in -the way ex
cept what is deemed a little too late in start
ing; and when they have begun, let them
be encouraged to take a full and thorough
course of training. A general fully fitted,
may do more in a single campaign, than one
promoted through favor and in an exigency;
may do in score of years. The one may,
as the brave Havelock, do at once and well
'his whole work. The other may need
years to undo his 'blunders, and even their
remembrance may ever after be an' incubus
•upon his energies. -G.W.S.
Per the' Pieebyterian Banner and'Advocate.
Rev. Isaac W. Platt.
The TRev..lsaae Watts Platt, whose death,
at' West Farms,,New York, on the 9th ult.,
was announced in the columns of your paper,
was a Son of the late Ebenezer Platt, of
Iluntineton, Long Island, where he was
born, October 4th, nBB. In company with; ( 1
his father's family, he removed to New York,
City. in 1803, or thereabouts, where he gresr
up to manhood's years, with what was then
regarded as a feeble constitution, but which,
in after years, possessed such vigor as 'to
carry him through many arduous services.
It was while a member of the' Rutgers
Street church, under the charge of the venera
ble, Dr. Milledoler and after having already.
served an apprenticeship its a mercantile
House in Pearl Street, that he began his
studies preparatory to the ministry. After
spending six years in Princeton College and
Seminary, during which he labored in the
noted College revival of that day, he was
licensed to preach the Gospel in 1818; and
set out immediately on an itinerant mission
ary tour through the. South, under the arm
pines of the Young Men's Missionary Society
of New York. Returning in the Spring of
1820, he was married, to Miss Anna Mc-
Clure, of Philadelphia, and was ordained in
Charlton, Saratoga County, N. Y., 'by the
Presbytery of Albany. , • -
In 1825, he became pester, of.the church
at Athens, Pa., where, after great personal:
toil, he succeeded in having a house of wors '
ship erected, and removed thence to Bath,
Steuben County, N. Y., in 1831. Here' .
he spent the longest and most important pe
riod of his ministerial life. Surrounded, by
influences which were, to his . sriew, no lees
contrary to sound Presbyterianism 'than 'to
correct Christian principle, and to the purity ,
of the Church, he maintained, an attitude of
firm, consistent conservatism, and stemmed
the current of strong popular excitement on
many of the questions then most agitatedin
that. part of the Church. On the passing of
the Execinding Act by the General Assem
of 1837, he found himself east off from
the Church of his fathers, but was not long
in discovering the open door by which he
migh re-enter, without any sacrifice of' hon
or or principle, as a true. Presbyterian. Ac
cordingly he, with his church, united with
the Presbytery of Susquehanna, and for. a
time stood alone as the only representative
of the General 4seembl3r in that part of
the State. His joy was groat on receiving:
a friendly letter. from. Rev. John H. Red
ington, of Moscow, (since deceased,) inquirs
lag the steps by which he might, return to
the Church, in which he, too, desired a'
home. Soon after this, the Presbytery - of
Caledonia was constituted; which,' as it
went on to increase, expanded into whatis
now the Synod. of Buffalo.
Asa preacher Mr. Platt was (rifted .with
a glowing, yet well trained mind, easily ex
cited, so as to seize upon those parti3 of a
sUbject which might instruct in sound doc
trine, and at the 'same time be carried.out
in sound practice.. He was an earnest ad
vocate, as indeed he was compelled,
for such preaching as may form the basis
upon which the structure of the true Chris
tian life may be reared, 'without danger of
being carried about with every, wind of doe
' trine. His presence in the pulpit was one
that 'commanded the respectful attention of
'his hearers, and such as to impress them
With the true nature of his office as art am- .
bassador for Christ. In his extempore ef
forts, he often launched. out 1 . 71 .1 38 5 8 V 113
which were not more successful in their true
emotional - effect upon his audience than as
examples of genuine rhetorical excellence.
Like many of the early students :of -Prince=
ton Seminary, he seemed to regard ,Dr.
Alexander as the preacher; while hi s s, earlier
recollections of the ministry of his own pas
tor, in Rutgers Street, as well as' of Dr.
John M. Mason, had evidently left a strong
impression on his intellectual character.
In 1843, his mental energy, no less than
his general health, sustained a severe shock
in the protracted anxiety consequent upon
the sickness and death of a son, a young
mei of rare promise and worth. In the
Spring of 1844 he resigned his pastoral
charge at Bath, and for• three years per
formed missionary labor in the bounds of his
Presbytery, as far as his bealth would per
mit. In 1847 be was installed pastor of the
church at West Farms, and continued die.
charging the duties of his office. with few
interruptions, until his death. He has one
so❑ in the mtnistry, who is pastor of the
First Presbyterian church in Zanesville,
Of his devout and affectionate demeanor
to his own farrit/y, and of the influence which
his daily prayers and example had in form
ing the characters of four sons and one
daughter, we have every assurance thatit
was suck as to keep them impressed with a
sense of their direct reponsibility, to God,
and of the necessity of seeking him as the
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ—the Father
of rnerciewand: God of all comfort. With a"
nature'. keenly susceptible to, every trial
which be was called to endure, he was
never heard to express_ a sentiment toward,
the Divine character different 'from that of
meek resignation and humble trust. The
Lord reigmeth it was to this great 'truth
,that he seemed oftenest to betake himself
for strength in the day of adversity.
J. M.
Por . the Presbyterian Babrier and Advocate
Dedication in Wiseonsin—Testimony for
the Boards.
Richland Centre is the name of a thriving
little town is Wisconsin, of some four years
growth,,containing from five to six hundred
inhabitatiti. It is situated about twelve
Miles North from the Wisonnsin River, in
the beautiful and fertilo valley of the Pine
—one of the tributaries of the Wisconsin—
and is.the county seat of Richland County.
A. little over two years ago, a missionary,
tinder Commission from the Board of Do
mestic Missions, was sent out to this: general
.field; Who made this one of his preaching'
points. As the result of his labors, after a
time, a little company of worshippers were
gat ere and organized into a church. And
as a - fo. - rther result, on the 20th ult..; a very
neat and coMfortable church :edifice—the,
only one la tltb place—was ;dedicated' to the
worship of God. The house, though not
large, is sufficiently, commodious for present
imposes, "being capable of holding about
two hundred; and the internal arrange
ments,' as the seating, pulpit, carpeting,
lamps, window-hangings, &e., reflect much
credit upon the liberality and taste of the
The whole cost of the building and lot is
81,100-4200 of which was obtained frOm
the Church Extension Committee. We
here have another illustration of the benev.
olent• workings of our Boards,of Domestic
Missions and Church Extension, in the
West. Without the aid from the former,
no 'minister of our denomination' Would have
been sustained in , thinfield; and with that;
and yet without the assistance receive.d from
the latter Richland Centre would still for
a time to Come; have been without a house
of wonihip''
Much praiseis due to our young brother,
Rev. J. H. Mothers, who, with a few who
,have stood shoulder to shoulder with him,
'has urged forward this enterprise, under
Many trials and discouragements' and not
without many personal sacrifiees, to a 'suc
cessful completion.
, Arrangements had been, made with the
Synodical missionary, to be present and assist
on the. occasion of the dedication. Services
were commenced on Friday evening, and
on the day following, the dedication sermon
was-preached at 11 - o'clock A. M. Imme.
diately following, which,-•a remaining debt
was generously ,taken off the building, by
the members of tbe congregation, and we
gave the house to God; for the purpose of
his worship, free from'encumbrance. At .a
, Illeeting 'of , the Session, at. the close of these
services, eight, new members were received
to, the conamuMon of the church, thus
nearly doubling the membership; and the
next day - (Sabbath) we sat down to the
table of the ItOrd, with-the little' church,
in their ' fresh. dedicated , to the
worship of God, and felt "it was good for
us to be, there." Preaching was also con
tinned on Monday and - Tuesday , evenings.
During the whole of these services the con
gregations,were large and attentive, and on
Sabbath, especially, the house was crowded,
so that benches Were brought in and placed
in the aisles. .
Brother Mathers is to preach hereafter'
once every. Sabbath in this new house, and
the Methodist, brethren . also occupy it, for
the present, a part the day, every second
" - The wilderness shall bud and
blossom. as the rose:" 'May the Great Head
of; the Churchl continue to smile on this
successful beginning. L.
For the Presibyterian Banner and Advocate.
Mu. EDITOR, :=lt seemsto me that a
larue',proportion of the members of the ,
Cii i iirch- of Maid do not properly realize'
their obligations. For instance ; when a
minister is installed over a congregation, the
people promise him what is Specified in the
call, and whatever else the lionor of religion,
'and his= comfort iequires.• This is a solemn'
covenant,- which can .no , more be disre
garded without guilt, than, any other
ise indeed it has the authorith o in the sight
of God, of a' sacred 'oath. 'Of course is
-understood, id proportion to their ability.
Now, Christian brethren, do you meet , this
obligation? If not, you. are , guilty before
God, and you cannot , expect to prosper. ,
'When the regular supporters cannot meet
the wants 'Of their, 'pastor, the defitieney can
sometimes be 'supplied by-donations, or at
least` partially,so. Some persona object to
donation visits
1. Because they are sometimes improperly,
2. Because sometimes articles are donated'
that the minister does not need.
,To the farmer I would say, if you respect
your pastor, you can and will condUct the
visit as it 'should be done, and but few will
attend that will venture to disturb the order
of the evening.
To the second, I reply, it certainly seems
to show deference to the judgement of yqpr
pastor, to allow him to select for himself—
to give hini the money, , and let him make
his own purchases.'
But you need not fear of bringing some
ithing that he vrill not need,,if you bring any
thing ,that, is worth bringing. And, surely
he does not consider his judgmentvery.
highly respected ivhen'ymi withhold the gift
to allow ,bina tuseleet'for himself, and then do
not iurnishlim the money to make his pur-
chases. This is the difficiilty with such
objectors, that they withhold:both the dona
tion and the money, except what they, have
subscribed ; and sometimes even that, at
least much longer than they should, and the
minister's hands begin to tremble. If you
make . this objection, tbeb cure that you
pay up punctually, accordingto promise.
But, those Oho thus ..object,, not only,
withhold the gifts, and some of them the
money, but actually prevent their minister
from receiving many little gifts from those
who would freely give setnething at the do
nation visit, who would.ziot , think of it oth
erwise; or they will take the matter in hand.
An instance of this kind occurred in the
bounds of our Presbyterylmi l lear.'
Some'of the members offfieVrighytWillin:
congregation in had - spoken, one-'to
another, about getting up, a donation for
their minister, iret had ..not yet, done any
thing; when his near neighbors, su.ppesing"'
that they, perhaps, were not thinking Of any
such thing, took the matter - in' hand, and
got up a very respectable &nation for him—
the members of his congregation participat
ing in it, mostly with , sperning freedom and'
pleasure. This season, the other denomina-•
dons in the village haVe made donations to.
their ministers, others participating with_
them;, and have thus cheered the hearts of
the poor ministers. The neighbors 'of the
Presbyterian minister have been waiting
with expectation, for the members of his'l
'congregation to get; up a donation for their
minister, ready and willing to do a liberal
part, but determined not to commence it
this time, as they consider it• the duty of the
members of his own congrTgation to leadoff
in what ought to he considered their own -
enterprise. Not an article'vras donated last.
year, but what came in 'good place; the
,wholelamonnted to neum ladtween seventy
five and one ,hundred dollars, ,and was,,,so
,much help to that poor ,ininhster,,,and‘ was'`
thankfully received. The minister ' s" heart
was cheered by it; but' ihat ire
his feelings '7 His heart is iiad, 7 ind `he be , -
gins to feel that, his labers are l not• ancepta
ble; and I, fear , that he may•gOon feel-it,his
duty to seek another field He has strong
attachments for his people;hu r t,'he feara
that they ao not feel so toward
Brethren, is this your minister? And are
. you those people ?
It is ot much that-any one is expected to
give on such occasions, but many littles are -
worth something when all come together.
You will not feel any the poorer, if you hate
a liberal soul; indeed, yotC will ;feel richer,
and your pastor feel relieved of a hurden
which •he is poorly, prepared to bear: If
you pfer t to give money, give it; but if, not,
then a load of corn, or wood, or Coal; a
100 lbs. of flour; a sack of
,corn meal;''on
of lard; a few:lbs. of meatVaryalnlnat any
Yours, Ste.,
From our London. correspondent.
Reassembling of Parliament— Debate4n the Lords',
and Personal Sketchee—berby, Granville, Pan
ama ne Brougham, and "Lyndhurst—Reaction of
Peeling-Odious Roliey of the-Prench4:EMperor;--
The Ministerial Bill on Conspiracy =to Murder—
The Protesting liberals--Pmilion'of the - Eitst
die Cornpany—Probabilitim—The New-Measure--
24mfrom India--A ffighland pilicer's Letter
-Bcene at Firit Belief of Euchnow—Cases Of Nati
- Allies of Women and. Children= Telegrams—Bir
Colin and Future Operations—Statistics of Births ;
Itar'riag es, and Deathe—Large Mortality in the
Ariel, from Sickness-L-De: Candlish; the Ehylish
4gstai, and Organs—Dr. Livingslone's ~Departa
LoNT')pN, Febrlwyl2th, 1858.
in the House of Lords on the opening night.
As I entered the gallery, Lord 'Derby, the
'ConservatiVe chief, was addressing the
House. Hisfigurnis tall and elegant, with
a. slight baldness at thncrown; his brown
hair rune round the head in a circular, fash
ion, like a garland, while his manner of
speech, as well as tl%e expression of his
face; is vivacious and persuasive. As the
Lord Stanley of ‘twenty years ago; he Was
known as " the Hotspur : of debate," and he
retains much of his former, fervor and fire.
Nevertheless, he does not leave upon you
the' same impression of an ad unguent, or
perfect orator, as doe's Mr: Gladstone. The
flexibility and volume of the latter, 'his clas
sical elegance t and easy transitions from
grave to, gay, are really .unparalleled in-either
,House of Parliament.
. . .
Lord Derby found fault with the Minis
try, for 'sending -out artillery men without,
horses or harness; for not sending troops
overland intime., and for net keeping-up to
the necessity of the ease, reinfcireements to
our Indian army: He suggested that fifteen
hundred men per month, at least, should be
sent, (one thousand is the average hitherto,)
and regiineritsshould be raised in
,Nova Scotia and Canada.
On the subject of the attempt to , asses-,
sinate the French Emperor, he gave eipres
sionto the universar deal* of - detestation '
of such a crime, and followed - this up by a'
truly English; and ,dignified declaration,
that while foreign severeigna should be
warned, if 'danger was known,„ and While
conspiracy tn_ murder ought to be Made
`a • criminal offence, "the French nation had'
no right to demand - that' •inert aboaldbe-sx.i
rested or , deported, on mere suspieion.
Lord, Granville, nfine looking and, still ,
young man; of bluff appearance, with curling ,
brown hair, and With a frank . conntenance
followed, asAhe Ministerial leader In the
.Upper. House, and made a brief, but effect-'
ive reply..
Then same Lord Panmure, the, Minister
of War: In old times he was 'the well'
known Commoner, "Fox Maule," and 'Was
the leader =of that Parliamentary minority.
I . Who fought for. the spiritual independence.
of the Church of Scotland..: Sir James Gra
ham ant Sirltobert Peel, however,. refused
to redress the wrong,' and hence resulted
rious in its issues. Lord Panniure has' a
clumsy figure, with-a brown wig, and a large
area of beardless and ruddy •cheeks. lie
speaks, however, with great good sense, and
dignity, and leaves on you the impression of
sincerity. He made a good defence on mil.
'itary matters. He mentioned that two reg
iments were about to be raised immediately
in Canada and Nova Scotia. No doubt they
will make excellent troops. Since then, he
has come out, on two public occasions, with
• still greater power. The first occasion was,
when, as Chairman of a public meeting con
vened for the, purpose, he advocated the
raising of a, Memorial Ftmd,,in honorofthe
late. Sir H. Lawrence • (killed at Lueknow )
to be applied to support two schools estab
lished by that great and, good man, in North
ern India, for the education of the orphans
of British soldiers. 'gliese schools lie was
wont to call his "two eldest daughters,"
and some time ago expressed his earnest de-.
sire that they should , be perpetuated after,
his death. This noble object will be thor-,
oughly and generously' carried out.
The second - occasion on which Lord Pan
mire sPoke with effect, was in moving a vote
of thanks to . the army, and to the Natal
Brigade in India. The mistake of the me-,
dons made, however, was the
.uniting of
thanks to Lord Canning, (and this in both
Houses,) as well as to the military and naval
actors, Lord,; Canning"ti volley seems now'
ohjeethitiable , Ilitfillas at
first-reported from. Calcutta; but his, sup-.
pression there of the liberty of the press
his "countermanding the march of auxiliary
troops from Nepaul (now so gladly accepted,)
in May.last, - who, by Havelooles side, might.
have effected great things;; together, with
other ; matters that have, been , complained ot,.
are still sizb judiee; , and 'it was rather too
;soo4 to demand a vote' of thanks'for him:
pass over personal sketolies pietient,
of , ,other speakers , : in the House Lords,
at its,first sitting. Lord Brougham- was
there, 'hale and hearty; old Lyndhurst,
eighty-four years of age, was in his
. place,,
and 'hag since been there growling; in the
British 'Lion style, ' at' the insolent' thre*
toward England, of the French army. But
I .observed that' he left early, and was as
slated ,out of the Houae by, another Peer.
A considerable reaction of feeling, in con
nexion with Lows N.,typrzost, has taken
place : "The reason is twofold; first, that
of a erinte attempted by Italians, 'he is tak
ingt.advantage to crush all liberty of speech'
and writing in France. Ile has just. ap-
Jiointed a General Espinaose--one of his
agents_ in 1851,, in putting down Repubii
canisin feree---:MiniAer of the Interior.'
• TM'S: shnWs 'his fears, ea'well as his stern'
resolves. , Martial law will now Virtu'ally
rule, in France. The .Paris, population,, nau-- •
ally so gay at this, season, are _downcast ,and,
uneasy. Secondly, Many are Offended be-
CaDEO of the daring threats'againit'England
from-army Colonels, which he permitted to
appear in :the. ifforaideur, z It was said, in
defence, that this was withput; his knowl-_
edge ; but the„ falsehood is too clumsy to be
believed by , any one. So,*, likewiSe, is it
with his apology and`rigrets now expressed.
They eome , .'tbo7; late. The Times caries
pendent at Paris, tetys that he had no inten- - .
tion to insult England but allowed the use
of violent language, to show the world that
the ctrmiwai.develing itself, though only to
the Dynasty. Well, we still see -
what-the , result wil be. ;The truth 'that
i phete , is-siniftel,danger .to,:be. apprehended
from,. the, present state, of things, and that to
the'Emperor himself. It is reported that,
recently, to the Empress, at a public hall at
Paris, she being very gay and merry, surprise
was expressed, that she appeared so lively
after the imminent perils to which she and
her butiband
.had been recently exposed.
Her reply was sadly - suggestive : "I believe
it will be' our fate: to perish by assassination,
some„day, and so I am, gay in order ,to drive
away anxiety, and to forget."
Lord Palmerston his introduced a bill to
amend=tiw in Connexion with conspiracy
to =murder,'making it a penal offence subject
to a term ? ,ef : imprisonment. It seems rea
sonable and right, but because it seems done
at the instance of the FrenehEinperor, it
has Called-forth vehement opposition. It is
pleasant to see the spirit' of a free people
thus evoked; even though one, if in Parlia
ment, might, in justice, vote for the bill.
Lord'John Russell, backed by ninety-eight
members, 4apposedits first reading, and de
nounced it as "humiliating" But a ma.
jority of one hundred was obtained by the
Ministry. D'likaeli; after taunts and ridi
cule, voted with them.
PANY,his,been duly presented to the House
of COnutions, and Sir F. Baring has become
the Company's spokesman - and defender.
The 'changes •by the' - Government measure
will probably be by .no mama so 'extensive
as was suppoeed. •But the great points are,
that with the direct authority Of, the Queen
recognized in India, Christianity, not patron
.ized'hy "State pay,-should not be kept in the
baclrground; but have free scope; and also
that we should not have a larre Sepoy army
any longer in our pay. The Ministerial
measure will In announced to-night in Par
liament, and you will be in pos.sessien of
particulars by to-morrow's mail.
NEWS rtom INDIA comes, not only by
telegram, but 'also, - although as news some.
what kale, in the more interesting form of
the individual experienee of officers and sal
diersots detailed in private letters. Thus,
in the. Wim.ess, has ,appeared a clear and ad- '
minable account of Havelock's last march
for' the' relief'of Isucknow—its privations,
incidents, 'perils, and hisses,' 'all - vividly
sketched by 44‘' God-fearing officer of the
IfeWs, : favorite regiment, the 78th High
landers. Writing of the , entrance of the
relieving force into the Itesidi3ll4, where
Inglia and his brave 'bind had held Cutler
inontlfs together, he. says-:' 44 Our reception
was: enthusiastic and romantic; old men,
shtbvninen, and even infants„ponring down,
in one weeping, crowd, to Welcome their de
liverers 1 Even after entering; however,
the relieving foree' Rini& themselires be.
sieg,edlirturn,fidong with the gallant , rem
nant of its former defenders,.and with them
continued to suffer sadly till Sir Win it
last out, his way through to them, and by
extraordinary strategy,'deceived theewarm
big Sepoy foes, and-left uoteven a hoof be
':hind:hiirw Surely the hand of God was
With regard to the deni t al,,lately given,
as to alleged eases of niulilatieir in India,
one whir Sig,ns himself fa' Eye-Wilfness,"
Writing - to the Tinies,"'ilays": "I knew two
ladiesend one child,. now in, England; one
,lady battiest her nose, and ears, the other,
nose, ears, and lower lip;
,the child Minus
feet and' Can` it be that these are
the only sufferers? !mist evideet to
every one, why the above and all others,
having been thus brutally used, should wish
to live in , privac3/'
The telegrams from India are of a Cheer
ing charaCter and bring down' the news till
the second week in January, from Bombay
and'ealeutta. Goruckpore had been taken
from the ,rebels by the Ghoorka force. under
the Prince of Nepaul. , I think it not irn
., probable, if negotiations aro not opened with
the Chiefs and Land-owners there, that the
daring and able Sir Gelin will, with his aux
iliaries, enter Oude, with a view to its recon
quest, before the hot season. If so, it will
be a bloody struggle. It is very evident
that the rebels oaa make no decided stoind
any where now, but in' Cide. Our large
reinforcements, however, are so scattered
over India, that Sir Colin, after all, can
gather around himself but a small army.
STATISTICS have just been published of
births, marriages, and deaths for 1857.
While the births"exCeeded, the dekthi were
under the average. in the last quarter of
the year, the births were 160,975; the deaths
being 410,697. The increase of population
thus-was 546 ~.fbily! , .lThe , natural,: woman..
over the United Kingdoni for - the year was
abOat 1,000 daily.
:Of emigrants" from orif various ports,
where , are Emigration of there were
28,673 ; of whom 11,630 were. of, English
origin; and of these last, 7,366 * Aus
tralia, 4,210 to the United State's, 20 (1) to
the North American. Colonies, and 34' to
other places. The total number of
grants was 212,875, cff whom 78,560 .*ere
of English origin ; of the rest : : some were
Germans, others Scotch, bat the majority
undOubiedly were Irisb.
The deaths were 420,019, or somewhat
less than 22 to 1000 of the population. The
least' unfavorable districts present a ,mortal
ity of only 17 per 1,000. The inhabitants
generally follow agricultural "pursuit& and
are scattered thinly over an open country.
They do not breathe the exhalations of crowd
ed cities and building& Gin palaces do not
poison them. Yet still, -visit..their houses
and they are generally ill-ventilated and un
clean. The land is ill-drained, and ignor
anCe of sanitary laws prevails. Under a
more favorable, that is a more enlightened
state of things,-therefore, the mortality would
be even lower than 17 per 1,000.
Towns also, as even London--especially
the City proper--proves, may become very
healthy. Ours is the healthiest city in Eu
rope. In, the sixteenth century, the popula
tion lived only, about twenty years pp aver
age, and 50 died every, year out
,ef 1,000.
We have now ail excess of 5 over the 17 of
agrieithutal 'districts. Why ehouldtif be so
high and why shall the 17 rural iveraganot
be reduced ?
Of our . 28,000,043•0,, says the Registrar,
they "do not live out half their days, 140 r
000 of them die every year unnatural deaths;.
280,000 are-constantly suffering from actual
diseases which do not prevail in; healthy
places.; their strength is impaired in a,thou
sand ways; their affections and intellects are
disturbed, deranL;vd - and distressed by the
same agenciea.* Who will deliver the na-
Lion - from these terrible enemies ? Who
will give scope to the improvement of, the En
glish race? His conquests would be wrought
neither by wrong nor human slaugther, but
by the application of the Powerif of nature
to the improvement of mankind:"
Begging the Registrar's pardon, I Submit
that something more iwwanting than: " the
application of the powers of nature," unless
he includes in that, the religious education,.
the sobriety, the Unwaste4 wealth and wages
of the mass* their moral and religious
elevation;vicelrowried do*h, with its at
tendant ghastly -train of disease I • Science
ismonaing in with her helps and, sanatory;
reform, including gymnastic exercises, manly
sports, (which 1 should like. to hear of -as
adopted in Anierica widely;) reasonable re
laxation and unbending of the overstrained
bow of mental and physical power--these
'with pure air, pure water, and plenty of it,,
and abundance of food, ' will assuredly lift
a nation's strength, health, life, to a platform .
never known before. Christianity embraces
all these. These are her handmaidens, these'
her ministering ,angels.. Let her triumph,'
" earth's curse will be half removed,;" there,
shall be no more such have& among 'our
infant population; the serene old age - of a
virtuone'race 'shall be but' the melloWitige of
the Autumnal tree, all laden with richest
clusters, one by one droppingoff silently and
falling "
into that Divine outstretched Ifand,
which"shall store them up in the prom of
immortality. •
A Cominssiott appointed to inquire into'
the sanitary condition of the Rritish Army,
brings` out the painful fact that the deaths
among soldiers are one-half greater than
among the ordinary population. Stranger
still, the mortality among the Royal Foot
Guards--regiments tardy removed out of
London--is the greatest of all. Thiiis attrib
uted to inferior and. bad barrack •11OCCillk1110:
dations. Sweeping changes will be , demand-:'
ed., It appears that in fifteen years, an army,
of 40,000 soldiers are thus prematurely
swept away by cause's 'Which the - general
population escape or survive.
FREE Cliuncri, on the motion of Doctor.
Candlish, has resolved to send foralard an
Overture to the General 4ssembly,, onn-
eider on what fasting, the intercourse and
correspondence between this Church and
the sister Presbyterian Churchen of Eng
land and Ireland, shoild be placed and it
is humbly overtftred, that in !sanctioning
any plan for regttlating that matter,,regard
should be, had to the maintenance of the
purity of worship in the Presbyterian
churches of theie realms." It is these last
words of the overture; coupled *iihDoetoi
Candliah'is speech` in -support; which ;give'
interest and importance to it. The ,speoust
reference is to the. agitation of the Organ
question during the last few years in our,
English Synod, and to the modified ap:'
proval of the use of'instrumental music;
expressed (through{ a small majoritya by
the Synod. Dr. Candlish wrote, two years :
since, a hook ,ort . the whole subject of the'
use of, organs, 'or rather an introdietory
Essay to the republication of the pros and
cons of arguments -on that subjeat, by two.
Divine's of the Scottish' Establishinent.
Dr. 'Candlieh, on , the genera/ question,
thinks that instead of Deputations being
sent to make speeches each year at the'As
sembly, corresponding meMbers, say two
Ministers and two-elders, should dele
gated by sister" Churches, to' sit and , t.ake
part in the debates and generahbusiness of
the Free , Church .4asembly.,,,'Ent then,
while not sitting in judgenent4 o n . the
English Presbyterian Churoli; nor saying
",The annual number of deaths," BIWA the
Registrar:in a foot note, "is United Kingdom
is about 616,000 ; thq nimber constantly sick;
double that number: If the amnia mortality.was
diminished from 22 to 17, the deaths would fall
to 476,000; the constantly sick to 952,000." •
Philadelphia; - 111 Sonth Tenth Street, Maw Chestattt
By Mail, or at the Oilles, $ 1.50z Tr. t PR O SPDGIDUS.
Delivered in the City, 1.75
WHOLEVb. 285
that "even if they had - instrumental music
in all Weir chiudhes; - he' woul'd"not gp awl
assist, his brethren;" yet euett intercenr- -, i
as he had suggested, was "a question allect
big the Presbyterian Church, and tiLe
usages `which had prevailed in it:" T 11A:
WO of instrumental musid " wbuld make
him shrink a goad deal from draiing very
closely the bonds between the (Smirches as
such, and between the Supreme Courts, as
such." He and others think—and on this
point they in
.Scotland, are not the hest
judge - El—that the introdtietion of orgeui
in England wotild not conciliate Eoghsh
approbation, and that Presbyterianism vi
be both more consistent and acceptable., by
a, contrary_ensrse„ 11.0.,upeaks of the non-
Use -of instruments as' having been hitherto
held as " a vital matter, most Presbyteriam,
regarding it as a matter involving Scriptural
Dr. I3egg Supported the overture, but it
was opposed by Dr. Hanna, (Chalmer's bio
rapper,) who complained of the.' committing
of the Presbytery to the poSition that "the
use of instruments in public worship was a
violation of the purity of worship as defined
in the New Testament." From that posi
tion he "decidedly dissented." Other mem
bers deprecated the overture, but it was /bu
ried by a majority of twenty to eight. The
Scottish feeling on that point is staking, but
I humbly think, that Presbyterifts en this
side of the border-should not be put under
ban, because they . cannot (many of acorn)
see that the use of the organ, or standing ir.
singing, &c., is: sinful. The complaint
know is, of tge violation of uniformity.
But "uniformity," so called, may become
very tyranniell; and as to adaptation to
Efiglialt tastes, - in music mid the use of
hymns, the English part of our congtegatima
would, •as a mass, (with some exceptions) de
sire'thetn, and than &etc& alai). I inasee
great mischief from the re-opening of this
discussion in Scotland and England, and I
sometimes:fear thatit may lead to a disrup
tion in the English Spoil; forced on by those
who adopt Dr. Candlish's views, or vie' s
still stronger. It appears to me, and will, I
am sure, to the great majority of Amerimto
Presbyterians, to involve the principle of
Chriatian liberty, and by no walla to dem
gate from the essentials of Presbyterian pol
In this connexion it is worthy of mexitinn,
that . the 'Established Presbyter, dif Aberdeen
has passed an overture, implying censure on
the Rev. Mr. Lang, of that city, who recom
mends his congregation to stand in praise;
and since-they have neither kneeling hoards
nor room for them in their pews, to lean for
ward in a more stipplianeßostnre than that
whieh'previiitsincongregations during prayer.
Mr. Lang pleads (and it is a strong point,
surely,) the authority of Knox and Calves,
and the practice of the old Scottish Church,,,
before tlie iniportatiOns of the habits of the
English Puritans after 1647. I have re4nee
to know that the introduetioti of these guts
,tions inik• the Free Church . Assembly is
likely to produce agitation in that body and
to brills , out the fact that the minis:in and
people are not quite unaiiiinons.
TVINGSTONE &public aline;
is to be given to-morrow, on the eve of his'
departure for Eastein Africa. The Govern
uient has placed £5,000 at his disposal te
gether with armed ships and a small. - verpot
to ascend the Banibesi, k,o. He is idtto
pointed British. Consul for the region of
Quillemane, and parts adjoining. He thus
is invested With full power in connexion with
the opening up of travel 'With' - the nattes.
His missionary and scientific eonitkartions go
out with him. The best. wishes of every
philanthropist must attend the expeallen.
The PROGRESS lioramwmiti of the ultna-
Traotarian party ; and, their daring taaties,,
from will appear the tenoning in the Union:
Hum Mess .I.le A PB9YriSTANT was
rejoiced, to hear that the incumbent of. S. Mary
Magdalene's . ; Muneterf Square; had instituted a
Sunday service for the especial benefit of the opt
dren of the poor ;_and that. that service, instead
of being compoieifof niere prayers and litanies,
consisted' in the 'great act of our worship, the
Christian Sacrifice. The hour at which the service
is fixed is nine o'clock. On Sunday list I bad the
pleasure of attending it, and found that it was what
we are very generally accustoming Ourselves to
call by its old Anglo-Saxon name of High Mass.
The church was about half lull, the congregation
consisting for the most part of children. The
number of communicants was very suli4l;
as far as this particidar`"service Was concerned,
was as it should be. The service, is, as I under
stand, especially instituted for the use of children,
who are - thtte early inhisted`to attend the Saontd
Mysteries as a Sacrifice. To any mind, nothing
can be more satisfactory."
Archdeacon Dennison's ease is at aa• end.
His heresy was patent but he gets off be
cause the prosecution was net ingittitett izc
Instead of Lord Shajtsburrer public wor
ship bill, the Archbishorr of Canterbury
introduces another, giving 'tower, to Bishops
to ,sanction or forbid additional service Tn
parishes, by, others 'than the incumbent.
Prelacy absoluta, Evangelipil ' and High
Church, will alonwdecide.
P. S.—Cantkiit has been borobitit4d, tut.
iffitilted; and; `at learit;' partially oast pied By
British and French troops.
The Princess Royal, with her husband,
has = been received with prithrudasta in Berlin.
England has,read kleison on-BitibaK-kcep
ing toqiiat capital;
,ate the bithiatfid theatzi
irls Were poileporied ifreethelietkEs day, in
d#ientre - to our national feeling. Betites
still would it be, if Cotirt atten4anne on tfo
Theatre-were,given up in, both (mantillas.
Too TitesY.--I-have a rich - neighbor Out
is always wimp that he has, no leisure to
laugh ; the whole . business of his life is to
get inotuil, iind'ibore`-'moniy;thit' he may
get itiore - He is 1 8121' libidging.
'anyings-iihnt Solomon .days, "The dili•
gent hand maketh .rieh.", And it Is true,
indeed; but he considers not that if, is not
in the power of riche to itaiel'inakihap
py; for it was Wiielsiimltliby l lg i nkaii ofgieat
obseliatioic that " the - re be as /many -miser
ies beyonefiches is on this . side' of them, t
ig MOTHER, I thank you for reminding
.nui,ofit," said a little gu.l4e. hex mother.,
on being put in mind of Bow Wait g. which
she had almost forgotten to do.' 'Do all little
Anion.—. Advice, says Coleridge, is like
annisr—the softer it falls; the longer it
upon, and the deeper it sirtheinto the mind,