Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, February 20, 1858, Image 1

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    lisES.i . :YTERIA) . I- . . ...'--''' AN:NY.. - .!,H.,' .4ek ADVOCATE
p r4 ihrtorton. Banns. Vol. VI. leo DX.
p r ..bytoriamo Adirovoto, Vol. IX No. It. 1
NUB MCKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
; - Lints.--IN ADVANCE.
Original ottrg.
The First Presbyterian Church of Spruce
Creek, Pa.
Within a quiet little vale—
A sweet, sequestered shady dale,
Where flows a crystal stream ;
With mossy rooks and hills around,
Where's dreaded not the tempest's sound,
Or mid day's scorching beam—
A rural church has met my eye,
(With spire pointing to the sky,)
Of most exquisite mould ;
Whosamassive walls seem but a part
Of Ntibitti peeping out through Art,
With 14*eliness untold.
And on a beauteous hill-top's site,
The chiselled marble pute and white,
Doth many a story tell,
Of dear ones laid beneath the sod,
(Whose spirits have gone home to God,)
We loved, alas, too well
When those 'who reared this church there rest
Within its walls, their children bleat,
Shall strike the sacred lyre,
Their songs of joy and praise shill rise
(As grateful incense to the skies,)
With the angelic choir.
And when its walls have mossy,grown,
And all rejoice around the throne
Of the eternal One—
That while on earth they helped to rear
A temple to the God we fear—
The Spirit, Father, Bon.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Our Sectarianism.
"The Old School Presbyterians, I have
been accustomed to regard as the most rigid
sectarians in the land." This.remark
made to me by a very worthy •gentleman,
with whom I was conversing on eoclesiasti.-
cal matters. It was uttered :without any,
warmth of manner, and evidently without
any acrimonious feeling. I have no doubt
that the gentleman thought it was true, for
he spoke it just as one would a common
place sentiment, which no well-informed
person would, call in question. And he
seemed not a little astonished, when I as
sured him that his opinion was se remote
from correct as it well could be, and that
the Church, so far from being rigidly sects
rian, was remarkably. destitute, of that.char
acter. Indeed, he avowed this by,exclaim
ing, Why, you surprise me, sir, by that
statement; for I have often and often heard
such sectarianism attributed to that Church.
I have no doubt he had; and I dare say
it would be hard to find a person who, has
not heard the same thing. The charge has
been so long and loudly made against us, as
thereproach, that accusers have fallen
the belief of its truth. Nor has-the .ohurob
itself escaped unharmed from the'elamorous
accusation. She has been so often arraigned
on this indictment, that, feeling the awk
wardness of a false position, she has, put. in
her bashful disclaimer, with an embarraas
meat that many have construed: as a sign of
conscious guilt. And the confidently reiter
ated clamor has almost-led to thelepression
of that measure of a elkateem which is ne-.
'seamy to self-defenee, and has gone far, to
. produoing:actual indecision and de
bility in reference to. measures whioh , are
necessary to the Church's influence and-:use
fulness in the world—perhaps the very re
sults which the declaimers on her sectarian
ism anticipated and desired.
The lack of sectarianism in the Church,
I both affirm and deplore. It is an exceed
ingly equivocal virtue. One might as ores
itably boast that he had no patriotism, no
love of kindred,ias that he had no love! to
the Church which he had deliberately joined,,
in preference to any and every other. And
no society can long subsist, in vigor nand
prosperity, without that fellow-feeling, aym-,
pathy and attachment among its members,
which are included in the true idea of .sec
tarianism. The true sectarianism, or de
nominationalism, if this gentler and more
sonorous term is prefered, does not involie
hatred or hostility to other churches, any
more than patriotism precludes the senti
meats of a comprehensive and benevolent
humanity. The species does :not exclude
the genus, but is embraced by it. The
love of the Church to' which we belong, is
due to it in consequence of the mere vela
tion ; and in uniting• with itove formally
assume the obligation. On the fulfillment
of this obligation, she depends for her use
fulness and prosperity. By withholding
special love and support, which thatiobliga
tion. demands, we disappoint or just. expeo•
tation, and occasion injury instead of lienefit,
weakness instead of strength. If 'we have
only general sentiments of good Will, with
out special interest and attachment,„cur ac
cession will be productive of comparatively,
little advantage to the Church in hergreat
undertakings for the good of the world.
I would describe sectarianism, or thelove
of one's Church, as I would one's love of
country, by what it impala one to do, and
by the feelings that aociompany it. It ire
joins in the Church's 'prosperity, and labors
to promote it; it feels tenderly for her rep
utation,.and will do nothing- to tarnish it.
Its love for the 'Church of its preference,
does not require envy, jealousy, or hatred of
other Churches. It is not supercilious, or
bosstful ; disingenuous or mean in rte sen
timents or action toward others. The ten
der emotions of the captives by the rivers of
Babylon, arc a type of its feeling for, the
Church's calamities; and the noble senti
ment, " If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem," &0.,
is an expression of its fixed affection.
Among the evidences of our lack of the
sectarian feeling, I notice, briefly,
1. The rather excessive freedom with
*Wei. measures constitutionally-adopted are
canvassed and criticised. Discussion, free
and protracted, as a •preliminary and aid to
correct judgment, cannot be too highly
prized, both as a privilege and duty.. Bub
when, after such discussion, the 'eonatituted
authorities of the Church have , given st.
"Deliverance ;" the true seotarianbm deems
submission and acquiescence an ,etslesiasti-'
cal duty, the performance of which is essen- ,
tial to the' Church's peace and ,prosperity.
2. The frequent and sometimes a)ierP =-
terms/ controversies., Looking back* few
years, one cannot but notice how- lartikua'
proportion of our dispeteeleve beakof the
inter-fraternal kind. Our heroes have buck
led on their armor, and shown themselves
to be men of might and Valor; but in what
field has their prowess been illustrated ? In
the domestic fide What expenditure ;has
there been of polemic power, on "College
questions," " Seminary questions," "New
ti;emes," ," Boards," " Baptized members,"
Agentti Y" &0., &c. But who has fought
for Presbyterianism?
8. The mutual aspects and policy of the..
Church, Press. We have able newspapers;
but bow seldom do they copy distinctive ar
ticles from each other Row sedulously do
they avoid. doing so It is not thus, I
think r with, other bodies. S,triking and, ef
fective, denominational articles are trans-,
1 ferred from paper to paper, till they have
reached 'the whole body, furnishing themes
for thought- and conversation, and awaken,
ing a common sympathy through- its whele
extent. This is sensible. The opposite
°guise ignores a. great
,principle of our, so
cial nature and tends . . to localism and see
tionaligni in the body. •
-These evidences of, the lack of true.see
tarianism in the Presbyterian Churob,
will be observed, have also something of the
character of causes occasioning that lack.
I will briefly mention some otliereauses that
have had some. influence in producing the
same result.-
I. This eeclesiaatical.virtue is, not prop
erly estimcoecl. It has,, somehow, got a bad
name; and"examination and judgment are
necessary to obviate the (Nikita wrongly as
sociated with it, and , to establish it upon.its
right basis, and in its proper use.
2. It isnot eultioatecl with due care. In
telligence, piety, and discrimination are ne
cessary, to rear it to its perfect size, and to
ensure froti it, abundant and whulekome
fruit. Left to spontaneona-grolithi it will
degenerate into a soragged, unsightly n anA
pesnicious secta#sm, with which, ' a
soil of Ignorance and , `dePnivity, it tends to
assimilate; and with 4hibh. , it le often lion
E. W. H.
8. The extent of the Okafrch t renders the
growth of this lrirtne more. difficult than a
smaller, body. A largo denomination is not
so readily permeated by a 'Common sy4a
-414. Besides, large extent usually am
:brat:ea greater variety.iof peendiarities .and
interests; and sectionalism interposes difft
,oulties,to the spread.of a nniqne sectarian
ism. The .lines that bound the several
zones, and Circles, tend to embarrass and
impede those mutual interchanges of thought
and• feeling, that.are essential to a right ,ap
preCiation of, the eonmou. ißtere4 ? •
4. The Church has no small, portatile,
and conspicuous badge of distinction.
This, I adroit, is an equiiodal reason sines
'the blazoning of some rite, some notion,
some custom, as a " distinctiveprinciple,"
faeilitates. the growth of an inferior sort
of sectarianism. The faith and order of
the Presbyterian Church are held, in corn
ice= With some other bodies: They areas
'broad as the Bible, aniline broader. It re
'quires industry and intelligence to embrace
these and make them the object of the true
sectarianism. Beyond these the Chinch
cannot go, for a ' distinetive " banner, as a
rallying point for the love of its member
The doctrine that we would inculcate by
these ,remarks 'is, that every Member of the
Presbyterian Chtireh'shortld'etherish for`it a
eincerc affection,. and sustain , its.measures,
for the good of the .wori.4, with an earnest
oo l operation ; that he
love her so
well and wisely, as not to hate any other
Christian community; bat to pray for the:
peace, purity and prosperity of Zion.
Allegheny City. J. F. M.
For. the Preeb7terlatt Xanher end. A.4tvoeete
Sectionalism and the •North-West
4110w4ne, Mr. Eri# o r, respectfully to de
cline the title you suggest fo . r. me—" a rep r
resentative man." Fe* members of these
Synods have . less claiin upon it. Entering
the field after the initiatory was made for
the Seminary ; having, had no voice in
adopting the Constitution ; having little con r
imitation with my brethren even in my own
Synod, and caring more, I hope, to'walk- in
the right than in the popular path, I do not'
pretend tolls) , how my, brethren judge, And
1 do , not presume to speak for more ,than
; myself. ,
I do not agree with Amicus that my argu
ment was defective on the point he chiefly
discusses. It 'was not full, I grant, and
:did not design to make it so. • But I affirmed
the unison of the North-West churches ; ith
the Assembly on the subject of slavery, and
if this is ,30, the charge of sectionalism is
unfounded. To-Make a charge unjustly, is
to , give 'the accused good reaeon-to,resiA
rather than by evadingit, tacitly to confesa
judgment; and it is to give candid men
Cause for withdrairing the false allegation.
When I say further that the , plan ‘ proposed
for the Assemblfs control secures all ithat
eel/Übe :asked, exeept tho.vaimeoy,,of, the
Professors'' ()halm the nnly,rersydr* mund
for the charge of sectionaliarnm pointednrit.
I am a little surprised that Antique
should" call me enlarge •upon- theeq
points in the- columns of the Bana4r.
Illy communication appeared in the St.
Louis Presbyterian. - Ansieus evidently saw
it tliere;,.for the editor acknowledges the
receipt eras article, before repriblikhing
mine. 'I tither mention this transfer of the
discussion,:because it will be some apoloki
for thnintradaction of matters ;:here ; in the
only reply have , made to various writers,
which would perhaps lie more properly nat;de
Before entering upon• the.-direct defence
called for by Amiens, I will notice,tha ear
lier, parts of .his commurrication
, A t micus thinks diet Synodical influence
is, not impaired by the Mien/Ws control of.
a Seminary. Yet' certainly- it liquid seem
to .increueraiSynod's interest, iu any,40141-
nary, if at, ,each , meeting the affairs of the
Institution were fairly brought hefore
No one can question the interest of the
Synod of Pittsburgh in the Seminary! at
Allegheny ;. but' in the entire Minutes of tile
recent- sessions , of that body,_the ,Seminary
is not once named. In point of fact, the
Synod, as such, has ,nothing to do with Air
ristitution, whatever may be the intereettfelt
loy.the members individually.
• - To the triumphant question, how mbele
could Dr. Thornwell raise. ill/ maymeighbor
hood ? need , scarcely, reply, Ido notibe
love could , raise , oneldellari more if tino
aatAmicus %.tbe nnbject of
slaym,,Angraly,Aside,' .oratf mailer the
FOR THE r fkit t *, * , 1858.
sembly. I have shownpreviously that even
the. Assembly's injunctions are regarded as
of, little force; and the fair construction of
Dr. Rice's words on the floor of the Assem
bly, shows us that the agents of Danville—
an Assembly's Seminary--were not welcome
in his church. • But upon this point, and
others that we, mentioned, ; am quite
willing .to , leave the matter to the candid
readers of both sides. My object is truth,
not triumph ; and I care not for noticing
every point of objection to the views already
I may, add this, howeveros a feet bear
ing upon, my , preyions statements, touching
the transferrence of the Assemliffs Bern ina ries to the Syttode, 'that this matter was
largely discussed in the. General- Assembly
of 15m. ~ , The Committe : e to,yrhom,was„re
ferred the Report of the Western Theolog
ical Sentinary, brought in'three resolutiona;
of whioh she second nada thus.:
Rdolved, That the entire. interests ,of
said., Seminary ,be, Antd they are hereby
transferred,to the supervision and direction
of the Synod of Pittsburgh, and that the
Board of Directors are hereby authorised
to donde to sucth a transfers whenever ,the
Synod of, Pittsburgh shall .signify its ac
ceptance of the same."
Thc final decision, after anearriest debate
that; seven columns of 'the . Ch.ristian,
Herald, was to nfer the matter to the next
Assinfibly, because , the Constitition of the
Seminary Inquired a unanWunv,otte, .for ; :a
ohange,,ln the, Constitutional , plan. (See
filinutesof Assembly of 1886, , pp. 276;
277.) the matter was Javier called up,
because in 1837 the Gotten' Assembly-ob.
tained deliveranenfrom its .disturbing, eler
Aut,vrit4p.t4pl olonging the r dis,enesion . in
this respect, may answer the, chief objec
tions he lifis urged, if I quote the lards Of
`9.n.(cui hiinself. - '
"So far as we-know, whenthe Seminary
iwalfifirliteprojechol, its,,frippds would have
been willing to' have said nothing about
eanitrol, either one way or other, until it was
Safely 'under4l4."
- ;Sere 4the , entire abstract argument; for
seetioWifint is. given up... If in itself Syn..
,ooical cootrol sectional; if 11. Synodical.
Seminary, cannot secure funds, is shut out
'from the sympathies of the Church at hirge,
and destroys our fraternal feelingw,.. how
could- these brethren expect this Institution
to get ";safely under may," or consent to
_adopt a Constitotion.thatuontaineo such an
unwise provision? That the 'Synods so
`harmoniously entered_ into a compact to es
tabliska SynediealSeinioary, Puts the sinews,
Of all- their arguments upon the d' principles
invelvpdlin,finoh supervision. ,
Sinop T ,am thus unexpectedly called to
reply in the 'Banner, and have asked no
'Vora in the St. Louis Presbyterian to re
ply to Dr. Rice' and others, I hope - it will
Inot*be..thought , disolarteous if• I make ; :a
single remark here in reference to the sug
gestion of It., that more force would
belong to my argument, if but one Synod
*had Control over a Seminary. I %Watt
judge. 'in ordinary times and- affairs,,,the
chief action, under either kind, of control,
isin ,the Board; and whatever, control se
cures the best Board ,of Directors, secures
the best action. At any time, a proper ma
jority of Synods is as easily-ascertained as a
majority in a single body. But it deserves
to be, ecnisidered, whether - the .sound con
servatism of the Presbyterian Church will
not be better maintained by numerous con
trolling Syneds. The more Synods -there
are,. the less, danger- is there .of the ,hasty
action >to which, every popular, assembly is
liable. tSo even the General Assembly eon
, not 'esbililish constitutional rules till they
are approved bl'a majority of the Presby
teries. . . •
passi ng - ,now, to the charge of oegtional
leo, I lip not do Antfcus the injustice of
taking his words in their full force. Sure
ly he cannot ''raean tg it is little matter
whether the charge is true or false." It is
a great matter. Arraigned before, the=
Ohurob,by an odious name—nowhere more
°dim than in our body—l, for one, feel dis
posed to refuse to wear it, and to shove- its
injuStice. I know it is oftenused as'a mere
epitheteof opprobrium, and withoutu defini
tion. Allow me to , designate wysolf, nnd
I will say, I am a Conservative. Webster
defines the term, "one who wishes 'to pre
'serve an institution or form of government
in its present state." In common, the sup?,
porters of the North-Western Seminary main
tainlhe-Assemblfs old,unalteredground from
the beginning ) on the subject of 'slavery;
equally opposed to the abolitionists, on the,
one hand, audio the advance of pro-slavery,
sentiments, upon ,the other. This. ,we call
CONOEVATIBM ; 1138 310 jest to call it Sec-,
tionalisin. If I cap maintain, this' ground,
surely the' charge' shauld, by every candid
Mind, be withdrawn.
I-mill-state my-reasons briefly: ,
I. There has been no such expressipm of
abolition squib:pup on the part of peoPle,
ministers, 'Presbyteries, or Synods in the
Noith-Weiit, as to give countenance' , toi any
ouch :,charge.' We,•,are ,all :ants slavery if
giere any exceptions to:this, let plain speak
for theroselves,--Init not more so ihap the
Assembly's utterances. ' We feel that gross
injustice is done us in many portions of ,the
Church' in- regard. to'this . matter; . especially ,
as the letters of IDE; Vari ; BAnsselaer, noir in
progretui, of publication, gives , almost the
first decided note of warning against sectional.
errors elsewhere. We will plead guilty to
the charge, when as , much can be produced
of -abolitionism from .the „North-West as is
:boldly published of prollavery from *ha
South-East ; and we will give our accusers
credit for a candid and honest' zeal, when
they attack departures-from our Church posi
tion as, readily on one ,extreme as the other.-
, Thenharge seems the bear,, be
eause,.there are indications that it may; he
retorted. ;I say this with some resent,
chiefly because it may admit of an easy re
ply, which I=still be glad to see:; and-becausq,
I would rather make:indirectly in ,the
Louis .PreOpter r ian t , if, had thought it
needful to, write , again in reply to ,what i has
there appeared.. That I hive been called
into the' colunins of the Amer, is any, ex
cuse-for saying this, here. In reading ' the
reply to my former article in .that f ialper, I
felt some misgivings as to the sentiments.: of
Ri ce upon this subject. He sayf, in
commenting , upon, ,my article, " I, agree with
:the writerithatouri Chu ,h,
,tiyely few. exqoptiom, "-
garflo.9..itaterfere/ce rl the
* l t.'"/" flre. i The vrordii
seem to me ambigu:pii: 'l)r. - Armstrong, of
Norfolk, says there'l/Witt "lie entirely
outside of the r oper range, of lEoclesiastinal
action. This wouki l implygo . tmAsSemhbr
ought„never to he,r;Lpagrist the mtion that
was unanimous in JON. Rice means
the same, then ' he ie l sectibricsi;•' and I, who
hold to ALL thelASkomikbeg Fait 40b3, -
00,N0BliVATIVZ. tiOlifiVq/PB/1 late
testimony from hls c pen jiatit he does not .
sympathize with the' vreir r A: r presents
His potati o n fromleiter *Fitton by him' in
1849, shows his sympathy with the move,
went for ercancipatioNir*,9o4l. But
I would like def4t.eiLts i knply i *hither he
approves of the AtitlopTyiliatiliinnlBlB';'
of which he says - Clgriiittig :atidywhich he
seems virtually 'to'
11. Dr. MaeMasterlOuself; : bolds the:
ground of the Assembly ms . ; Illy,,and the ;
charge of seotionalism*, . .A. e,,ps against
his princi_ples. Refesuag, x!'nfere, to deal
in personalities ? . I iiir 4 onty ~ : . 'dfhitialliuk
gnage in his letters to - 111i..4 ' • i' 77 '. ''' s ileigo
terms I. neither employ trult, i ,deiand; 119;
would my a PPrebeuq9.Act r fattßglA!'d mean
that direction. But t .
,g ; .
~ chief: concern is
with the principle,' of br.nitilelifin - iter, on
this question. These, as given in the letters,
are in unison, in every-parOgular al with, the ,
views laid before the SAO, Ole speaks of I
those a 'who have abivadope Ol tqld ground,
of the Presbyterian'Ohural.deprecates'
" an exciting agitati644 ll the iiaject of
Slavery;" speaks of Wait it subordinate to
the great ,cause of riniking r lyiswn,the Gps...,
. and takes , it " for l granted that .the
ministers and churchele /A ,thIV NI:kW-W i est
do not wish' any divisiveuliNfolent course
in respect to Slaiery;:orpuipundle. promii
nence given to.that mildew' ~,This. is, nci. 7
thee, the tone nor the lap. !age of a-
tionist. ;Dr. MaeAtaStef ) : .. . . itiloita 'Mei be
called unjuit—his 1211 p -dike% .'arch, and. his •
spirit•unfraternal—bnt liisprineiplss are not
sectional; they are the, piiileiplem i of the As.
sembly on the subject. . , . isiihese letc.
ters,were written, to a ~ ..!f r nd, he cap.
not be shag with d' . : • .. ling or anibigri •
ity. It t -even'seeinti plainfihigtif Wel was brit
convinced that the mentairipeniinres were
standing upon the AsseinWs ground„his
unpleasant feelings toTigiAhckn l typtild, .le
dropped at once.
111. The matters urged by Ainicus have
been allowed more weightiithit'n really be
longed to them; and the , 44144 htetlirep
would have, waived their obestions, if
Dr. MacMa..ster had not hAten,in the preci
tion. The wish to exelitile v tlig'Synod of
Missouri being disavoired,lthe Viarrel on
that point was needless. „e . :
As to the editorials of Dr: Monfort, on
the subject of a new deliveganeee upon the
Slavery question,,,theigass f il,,equally plain.
He afterwards withdrew . from that_ somt ton,
and declared himself satisfied ClE - 01i Aii-
Sembirs'kets. This is his' rreiie r nt !position.
Granting his sincerity; •his brethren should
be satisfied. If any are
.diapiased, l to doubt
his sineerity, such ought-, to: he,,egen hetter. •
8 4:1?q,c400,ge„0414galt- . r
~r , :itlV,iiiiuytt "
indicate such a' want of sup ~, it' to these 14
views, and such a 'presintio spinet; them `as
to force him to retract and.,dpliwuble, ? The' 4
matter then, .either way,,disprgyesAny t ,4*- .
iger,from sectionalism. • . ;,. . ~ ...., • "
The other, charges ,we An.ssrcred by4e
simple fact that. the Board i ofi Directors.r.e
-.ooninkended a plan .. to, the531404 4 .:tbi.4. 1 :144.t..,
hitve,,been carried into effect„if the hien* .
of absolute Assembly control had heen wil- ,
ling, whioh,plan gave to the-Assembly all.
needed power to correct any,pectional ten.
deneiesin the, Institution. To,exery candid, ,
naiad this is, a triumphaut refota,tion of every
sectional charge. The Asseinbly was to, re
,eeive the Annual ; Reports of the ,Seininaiy ;
to review them; to Approy. B .o. l ' 4isapprove;
and nothing could be donpAu ; t - lie Institu
tion . against the wish.-of rethai...44414, Ai-
This ,ought to, have, beteg. Peclt.g4,l 4 0 ,.2 2 4cfek
the , charge of sectionalism;" Arid the. RINI .
:are fools who cherished anyjjectiopfd designs,
:and ;yet formed such a plan ,Knr,,„4ly.
supervision. , . , ~ ,
~, . .
:This much I say against the charge o f see- .
--Indeed,. in the eyes of all the ,
Church, the .00gro_v.ottlyARI been personal,
4.t . inch, ',stand apart i from i it • not as iudif,
-6r S___ : _ l )c t 0 t he (fla iM.'?flOtAth. z ."4 . 1 .4, 641 r),!*
Freigas .I. 4 # l not,,inijiix .T4oli t"..,12;_e i ., pu: : ,
lisan in rnfikte,r B - .. l , l Q.uoquilY.PdergltVd• •
A oomplioated.quarrel of ten , Years'.standiPg i ,
I am not competent to see through at; a
~ .
glar!ce. 1 , ,
see no reason for adopting the
44.11eMed 6 040. i at eitbCf - side. My
W4tWe neon the kbjeßtot,Bgu:4l4 control, .
•I -have. given cahrily4.tuid,,plainly. Uuleeff,
:these view,'`' are changed I will so .vote,, if
: spiired`, to pieekini:Bynod in the Fall. But
if I am outviiiMl,,,ao tie l -Synods decide
to .!rauefer. to the.Aget46.lin g t e1,..,14, still be
glad to see the Seminary at unmego• . I
°hope it will tdo . k 'cad -wheri;both.Dr. Mip,.:
Mmter and Dr., Ricuelrriow • more didactic: ,
111 4 1 iRIKC TiPloliiiiir2fFolok i y,. 6 4l:pii .win
aver know on ,eartt. I j ,lFirtict separate; the
lunetion from .dying. men, and go for, a s4m`-
mary to disseminate the.principles of Proshy
teruinism that are imperishable. Preferring,
as I do'l•B3rtiodicaLniontrolivfor the ream:vs, ,
assigned. and,for othenidwsted, by 41:_ t oniel .
reflection, I g ive 'dpe, i l l o ß pr to the, Semina
ries that are under the Assembly. „ And if
,at any . time I, wy,
_paged upon to advise ,a
student where, to . parpie.ho stUdieeifor the.
ministry, I wrillidßaY,T4o"7. 81 ' 1 ,0 ' ii,gar4 .too
1 locality in the I > respyteffien C...nfal ,, i,,iind
my influence to place him wherillie tronl'd '
find the meat pious, judicious ioa ifficient
Professors. It seems to me a very unhappy. i
' thing, indeed, that' the i hrethien Of` tliese
Igorth-Western Syriods"Siiould allow
selves to become so much disturbed in their ,
kind feeling's - award eicrother; and shaild
have Aber Church o f.len;JoYe. l . ll 4s 4l .eilli in
the eyes of the world, .w.hen, unquestionably
the mass of us feel, alikkon ,every important ,
.p ‘ oint. I, paßpßtimt . hope, that , before ;the
Fall weetingii,et - itiioneds, '. the brethren
but will, wisely, ell mliapd.f4y erfnlly, and io
gerkera//,y3ettle their minl . s, 'that the repult
may be easily reachidiiiieway Or the ot her.
In conclusion, I may simply Oa t tilt LI
see no relief in the case by tine' the
Institution to the Assembly. •Ijf De: 'e
Master is thus set aaide, against the w* "fif
these Synods, , this wilt result in no good ;
but will bring upon the Assembly's floor
their vindicationmOtst the, eharge pf;sec
tionalism. If itsWerv.elai*esP gll . kode, i , for
existing, reasons, judge it just, or ev ert e x ....
p;eient, that Dr. blittlifter should ,
ncit be
a ProleisOi in the S'enaiiiiii, thi's racilt ought aimed thogklAilLoKAMink::
I make:tide aMtententx.simitqa . 1 4 0 w ithiltioi
,the discussion for supervision stiouldbe con
ducted upon its own merits, *Mak I previ
ously attempted to 410. J.ALL.
From our London Cones Pendent.
Attempted Assassination of Ihe French Em peror—
, Oonvkatore Their Plans— Imperial
, Coolness—Political Resnlial—TheVigtion of the
Refugees in Rnidanie--Oiening of the French
Chanibeil— The - Sigiech— The( Protestants of
Prance—Aseassihation and Liberty—The Cara•
nal„ and the TO Dejlfll--4. Ftaientd Sermon for
Havelock—The British Lion liouning-,A Noble
Tribute to Chriskanity" ff.s* an 't/nexpeeted
Quarter—Arekdeltedn "Binctair'e SeimOn in the
Abbey—THetypellStieet and Street riee—Lr.gista
tion Thereon—Bodin. •Duff's Lag Letter Irons
Calcutta—The Nebel/km Widepapiead—einzieties
and goß,9*-4:eldigian Rebtiked—Engua
,Chuglain at onse- 7 ,Death - Hcidetsy—R
markable*Vhunge in Cape/and—TA 'ProsPect4
Africa=rersecation - at Madttgifitccir. .
LONDON January 22d, 1858.
..litsnintfk%, en tn t, l.4 r iikproi.ol
eentWinni‘girnughinit -. F4 nrope. d!)
tTinkatt ,seeing-, to hate beep
Lonli9N - 44tttsiian refugees, No French
-171'6191' 4:S r e ki ete,4l .t o.l 4M 4 #4aiPnr,t in it.
Never was there ; a plot, , tkO ,°M;m4l3:- of.
whose success might have beep, ea r. conk
dentil -Prildfatea• Considei . —ihe errentn
stances. First, the conspiratoM had ^ in
vented a, hind of small Ninth, or hand- '
grenade, filled with nigif;as4 i pidoPli of iron,
encland in a glass case, iit) ieh was 41144(0
round , with r Oar) PO that the moment, It
struck, the, ground, or, any other object,, it
(would infallibly, expl. o ( l e•s 4 l4t) thei had
lirati:npartMentatint toitoi "otTalrtit * opposite
the ()KW lifolaPs and had Woo miFo4,sthaM
,selit,eBAitnong the crowd, eo" AO at `one and
PAW' moment , they ; we thrown from
AllkArinOooroof 449 hotel alLuATim MAN nt
sjjes i at garran thOP4P9ror-T The
.explosionsNrsTg vi olent,, < pumaTlMM! and
stKaottiv.;lPt‘,Pa.ll.9,PElD'o(Ora an,
more ttut4. 0 #9,*41V3491 1 ToARAtIt The
Intaes thn Porn wPreYottncted
killed, and . tI9 O Ct I 39ARBFMRc ' , ! 4ti , guFd
,were enrsege
li ge he d2- I %nds.a-gPARC l 4 , 9ffiSir , 6 4 ittri.,PPP,9;
site the Mal PLO, WAtkaw , 9 l .4 l 4la.P b lood
staining the robe of the Empress whiie she
and her, hO-44134 ) hY fraginents o,cghttg, or
otherwise,,were &itched, Ant not,
Coolness and self possession have always
Marked this man's . : ~History. And Without
change of countenance he went into the
theatre', and remained: there till nearly mid
night, retiring amid load. acclamations.
-The Empres& - en4she drove outstheneritAay,
unattended, and , their sprowess7ivas 'one con
tinued +Auden. ,
The resultiti . ,tp 4 ,,yemstalbkish l apparently
on a firmer , rkthlttXtelk_ evtr, 4.9 throne of
the Emperor.. The Times' Correspondent
at Paris has been lately writing Very bitter
: things about hita,..but new, : tbe spiet of in
•clignatios,Against assassimati"on expels every
other feeling from hie hreast. All.the
newspapers of France condemn F the act,
aqd 4 f4he weep .of this cpuktry is equally
Many eonspiretors_havA beenArreeted. A
Coast' Orsini awl art ,gx-nolottel in the
It:01ft .../tepublie,'Fierii,,A,Triati) it - 1 4 . 13 44 i)
stained Nitik PAnY _MOM; ttl"Pg
the first captured. The latter ; iutpede - d to
shoot:the_gmperorj.hut was recogpized and
arrested beferecle Orsini hid
been weStidea bithe explosion of i bomb
thrown by himself. •
' To the numerous `addressee presented to
the Eix . lPeriir, lie"hisrElidn'ioplies in 'which
he says he Will not ' deviate - from his . past
`policy 'of " moderations."`' The 'flatterers'
Whc; flocked around lam /ii/10g, `and who
would haVel6igeteen 'to ilistd 'Waif; kw'
dead, were lOnd r iii'theiiiridighation against ,
Exigland'ta3G - g ale' harbor - of refugee assas
sins,, , "
and demanded' Ail' she allitTniir no.
Toikershelter - trent 'But' ''as the "'Times
says,' let -the — Pei - 0 send over 'partie s `to,
Point out the guilty, iethere are such here,
and bring "theta to' the bar 'of — Cue.' lti, 4, s.
',.BeCideti,it le' asked,. dims ride the laxit lie,
a t ;the' door of 'the freneh pollee,Whose,
barriers ilk piissOrti, , Searoilies, U.', hive lad
heeotieeeilly passed, aid whose Vigilaiipe„,
even t while ' Sixty of third:4'6;e ''cloie" td' the
carriage of the Emperor; *is airiiiitiiiiitli-.
. " The Pamperer; two days after the attempt,
OPeiled ' i th e Ireifeli . Chamhers.'"Althikagh
oar Morning 'Po'st, i iiiiinh'is ' his humble
laegn4, 'beetSte,ers „firs . igiceell With praise,
Yet; Still there"- filegood dell ofjiieteinia in,
it.' Vrai - ,p.EVeiv knows 'Whither 'the 'state-.
mente . frcien Frefieli atingle** ;about- 'pe
flourishing state .Of ifie
,relirmine: iit, the Otata,
way. 6616 deceptive ; `and Whirl the Empe ror
'`talks of of the liberty accorded by the Conat to-.
tion to "the-Reformed Confession," we k ow,
that what.o&prgieptiatit of France ask tor,
1 1 , 0 I T. l la t 4 he Yi. POO. Pforo f ,loo, bean ,ur-.
gentlidepianalti fiithein'in ail' Matter ';'),f .
peldhrioislifp" and or day schools; is' doi l. clf,
not words. - What is the use of alaw4llteh
is; habitually *noted .. or. ivicAsted , 4o please
c'fa .il3 -4 Pe a f e 4fi .;91.4 the P,q!4 17 Even in
arm itseii,antlionzation to`'ne r W,Proles nt,
schools hasytii?Mliloietitlilefidaid."* s e tli,
ii ta
'SiriperoVis hilt indifferiintte'llhat our p eos,
says 'of :lam, and; t, diay be„that the. Flinch
, P t rotestonits. alkali, ere Jong, ~ : ;enjoy gre ater ,iikerty.
Assassination is a means utterly . anwprthy,
ad g` to ad4inee,
'of fieliftlieieviithliie•fiittle of truelibarti:
She `abjured: ueh aid as, this:;' and: L erlmes
thus committed in her name have be - On
wpmethgfirufelesa l in trt ) , f k irpolt4 s al,res F lO.
Putting, asi d e the 4 covart , seleesaftlition
plied ill thEiWilaio;r4 7 olliB Nillol46iii3 ,
tike truth , tt his opining of the Chambers, :
when' he Said, "No assassination; 'grin of
snocessful, Aver i sepArd : the cause of thoie.
who hired the assassin. I NCither 'fikeseNvip
slew Omar, - nor those vllin"
Henry I.V.,deriied any 'advantage front fills
Had he, perished,- what_ would havepee,.
the result.? ~-Wiauld ,"_.chaos have cokue,
again r s ~.xc e tw ip ,
,lot so says thelEgk-,
,peroqinuicilf. — He Wine, "If I live, the:Bpi.
pine will live with me `and if Irehbild fall, lily_
, very death'would only tend to strengtheit the,
Empire.; _. for the ind i gnation of the..,ptoide
and of , the apny h wepld be al o icltiti.onel
support fox the Ihrdne of my son."
.haB kbeenvec2rlf -M
g a
re,Peuplu,khe sharl of thi Fru kin.
Jassaiirin London,Hirt dfessYste efiAi
as'Verj gorgeous. esidii
Vie - lit:3W persons
resident here, several of the feinalo , 4ilitr
Tot:Eriglandt—eeme.attlietn t ,thoonr pezygita
1,...-Ailtrovese4. ~ no Qi,r4ol(l4liirpfedli
.. _
discourse in French, sufficiently fulsome.
All these performances are done for a "con
sideration," and with ;eye 'to the advance
ment of Mother Chnrch. If a *pal in
were inaugurated Paris to--morrow,' then,
as in 1848; the Bomb& priests 'Would bless
the trees of liberty again.
was preached last',fiord's, day, and repeated
on the foliowing evening, by Altewell 7 known
BuPtist minister, the'
*hen Havelock was in Loiidffii;' *Si
went' to ',dread ‘Dir:'lirock's ministry, 'and Wo
.communicate with the 'aura there Sir
Morton 'etc, , the_ eminent : contractor and.
miUionai,re, has undertakeu i to; have the ser
monpiibliehed iy the'Nesirs. Nisbet. —Ati
thentie pirtietthini of Havelock's life were
supplied for ,the ... occasion frpm . private'
sources. The dorrespeplent
from Calc u tta Buys, thatthat'even anthe Affghan
**pi, and when,besieged'atAilahibid,
%file thornin'efei:rea444i.
situate ,BraYl7. - de ,
The tributes in
,pkese a s tit , RtiOry i te;ihe.
memory of the have peek very 40.:
merous. Panda which can be serious •
furnishes a noble tribute. First, therilun
ceffin covero!,with .1:p01; 844' se(ated*be
side it, with bi head res ting on it, .the
British lion, the very pic ture ,` of 'a noble',
grief. Underneath , enclos ed in black lioi
dering is the
He is gone. ..Heaven's will is best!
Indian-turf o'erlies his breast ; : ,,...
Ghoul'in black, nor foolingold,
Laid him in yen hallowed mould.
Guardizenia soldter'i i
By the bravest of the brave,
He bath gained-a nobler , tomb
Than:in old -084hed1A1 tgleo'
Nobler, menrners-paid the rite
Thin the oreir t d i ttgleei"ei3 a sight.
Bugler:Wei banneti o'er'him
Lniad,ihe keep! the resin! , lielaved.'
-• - • w • -*
Strew-not on the hero's hearsp
Garlands of a herald's verse;
Let ne no *dr& of fithe
Sounding loud name !
Tell US af-iio'vanirtfidlgltiry if
Shouting forth her haughty story ;
Alt life-long• his homage ,srpoo,
To far other shrinsl.aan' thos,e.
g , hoc SigisO," nardita, •
Lit the' bittlelfiald - foi• him ;
hod`the prise hationght and won
Was the Crown for Duty dene.
It will be' observed, witb pleasure, that
Express homage is`hOti given te
*hit% Waif the Inspiritittit'ef 11i4eldck'rilifii
4,nd career.'
THE '4lA_ caw ,n 5 :Finsprat sTza 'AB•
04Y was continued . last Sail/41i evening.
Archdeacon Sincla ir .
d>aooareed on the
words,,," I ; was glad when they unto :
um," &e. object, was,)o,,,erifoiee the'
duty of slAtendance of all . classes
atfIPOPs and that not merely tts in its social
,advantages, bu t as essential in Misteilett;
with its spiritual worship, Tor the soCiety'd
heaven. His appeals were_pointed,
illustrations excellent, especially When 'he'
pointed out tht4 at would ebstirl, for a
man to think to 9tialifY 'Cr; he `an
Artist by putting"off his first
Pant's in Paint
ing to a sick and dying hed, ei.ifis for Alen
p,ostpone religion , and,poiiiratieri fora
Holy heaven, , till ~their elosn4 'lselin 'Of
Evangelism, there' was not mUch in ser-,
*M I ; and of Phirich-ghnificeti'en there was .
a little. On the whole,,hawevei it Wits'
creditable and, excellent address.
is Hari rs n+r Plecl'o," a' famous but
anknown correspondent of,the Who
datealisletun.e fr,in'ii Breed rwstussiki,",
And makes , havo c of forhialiiin and - fifistnis,
has a fresh letter Alas Week; afte z i a tofig
silence, very congratulatory as ici!thinioie:
nipni which he d i d so much to Iltlate.
Ho jbinlrs that when ‘‘ lied has een en: :
lagging itself withentjhir
geon, and Exeter Hall; and the are
all needed, and all usefuf; stemming the'
tide of sin.
Punch soya, !ix,f the of prove as
successful they ,seeni to liestifous in their.
attempt to siiiitot the htunfler eltiSsee, there
is no reason why the door of . - Cathedral
naves and Ragged Churches should . .riot be
'as closdy,',crowded With donkey arts as
fashionable placei of worship are 1011 Alpe
rior equipages!! Of d irect copeorosone,
have not beard an infltMets./aid may
be many, both, Under the - presefdrig the
(in Bpurgeen's ministry'. it,`,ls bipty
' sea
in Exeter Hall qqa else
1 4. 11 081, the are Pqtrllq..e.*ll"Yn
- .WI*, and go far to, P,,ft 10 , trAl 9ut
ef,the market.. Iu
itilbegirining to rage' tihe' . .. 4 lloick
• .041," the IlleArPPOis- • Via 00§i 111 0
• •Aot , also, for the'snppreation - eollieine pub
, wet ev
„era) el the ,tf,oliwelt Rtivet'"'potsoners,"
.. , the venders of , books .. .and 'pietuos 4 ,. (0 in
prison, and, bait one or twoileiles . :Of this
t..l44 . ,mnaip in that locality po'do4l4, ere
ionfto boEinced upon. .
To suppress , also, the great ;rice' of pities,
aefer . , jus removing its shameless solioitante
,oli•pqndoe„ . eid,espfsp*,y 4‘,." lA*
. 1 .[4/0 11 144;07qaularto wini. 4l.4 ; rum •CEI. knits ,
be adepted.
And vet t h e,: evil 4!) Oak Pnw ,
Aux . %
.7 40 „ a,
tqlik of. inlitT4Pliiaq de!driOk i. qg the -
A letter from Da. Dear, dated Calcutta,
. December Bth, '1857, appears in the; Wit
-476a5. ' 'He `describes rtlul.sturpense caused
Calcutta' by the interruption of; the - telegraph
forieighFdiya, and . then the relief experir
' etieed•in i heiring from'Cawnpore ofiJ Sir
lin's tOry;(succeeding Windham's defeat,)'•
with "insignificant "=loss. "While the bat-
tie of 'Caotripcire was raging on Sabbath :
foienoon,'`the 'people oft God assembled in
;elf ouisanctitariee, were 'engaged- fill (orient,
the' success of our woble,
miciinderi and heroic men." 2
-'"' 44I IYE'. 'Duff le it thorough Highlander, an&
were he not a hero•miasionary,l he would
''doubtless 'be inhis element me leader in kb" ;
host' 'bf baitlehis kilted - ebantrynien fia
bind hini 'and hg brighe'eword
the van ! He evidently belieiesc that The'
centiot is a righteous 'one; and is destined;
"to a successful hme: Bat he fears'a pro
traoA On'll-bloOdy'striggle. *ins to
- thhilt that Hivelock died - of.m. wot t r a, ,, as
lilt is of at fatikhdir while he pay bs tribute
Whit itielintky lis "the find of duittiiSotirala
"ii 4061 rid L - ;
el•DelhiJhas not, been;atten#sfl,
tfieldilitlidilkdilichltt ht, e3besu,kfa•
wsoLE NO. 282
Phlladelphh, 111, ; Soot XelitlLStnet, below Chestnut
By Mail, or at the Mee, $l.BO per Ter: BEE PROSPECTUS:
Delivered ill the, City 145, ft 1
the' age of eighty - two, reminds - us of the
lyiatt-doniinioia of that Austria which he
served so'Well, over the fairest provinces of
The young Emperor laves his praises
on the old man's memory: When quite
youth, he was p resent r at one of the battles
whenltaly,rose a gainst her opprestiors. But
With Chin% Albert abdicated; and Italy
- Waltitgain *adder' down, 'Victor - Emmanuel
livits as a Constitutional King, and the ral
lying. standard of Italian liberty. What
would not Austria .
, give ip,,kaye Sardinian
Constitabonglism Swelkfriaisitii path !
From THE CAPE or Goon HoPE, we have
remarkable news' ITtiitit the Caffre popula,
tiom"Vberliaitthntinowhkwers of wood
andcdrawers of water for the British, against
whom they have so often risen in fierce de
fiance. A false prophet ocimminded them
s t 4; destroy their crops and to kill their cat
' tie; With' promises' of a resurrection of the
dead, of greater abundance; than ever, and
• the destruction of all their enemies. They
obeyed, and the results , have been starvation
and suldsciini. hear"of' Chiefs whose
te -4 11 it b .-
- names e rri 0,0 g, a pot terms,
" r terldisTfOk' thtilf *Os ' and children; and
now thousands of the Caffrey .are employed
on public works and roads, and the spell of
their superstition is broken. There are Ger
man Lekuiriiiries who have military posts
along the frontiers, and Gaman or Dutch
aolonist6' in ttiottaands are likely to repair to
andvettle-in Cairn/AIL All this, we trust,
is preparatory to , the,triumphs of the Gos
pel, and awakens the fresh activity of faith
and lioPe - in conneiion Witliflihit Moffat
Ils'ilene_itridniethe-Aleehisimaimlto whom
'hegives =ththliible i - vAioulateltrtranalated,)
sandarith what is likely to,f4*the Iliaaon
,A)4B.4l of r..q*-M°4l,o9le'
AT MADAGASCAR, the heathen Queen is
again actingiui,ifierce persecutor. Native
Christians' have 'been subjebi to terrible or
deals„and some nt to death; and her chi
'e, Wiiri.WrrilnitiMetay who coin
' • soiled moderation and!lenity l inive been ban
. fished fripmCcnizt• Mr, Alia, of the Lon
, don Missionary Socitty been received
last year with, hOnoi; iiTurgr i est things were
fOi i . ; • 'tut " - UOW the Old Serpent's
`brood are'a's &illy Cud malignant as before.
Thdre is; hour f irer, , in Medagasear, an India
truetibleAerni of spiritual,NN and its days
of J klossonlirgi 914 140)6414 'will surely
conie,becanse theclritis Yaitithil and
t ikie d tgail delhouithatortWertio altar de
bnd ^ ;! , -t
P:t...--The.two chief conapiratore against
Louie Napoleon have been, up till lately,
~teacbge, of wuslo orlinguages at Birming.
- +av 117, 915
PATItNT Surginaree—Patiently suffer
that froni others which dim cant not mend
in t4em, unt o:494)eliee . di) it for thee;
anerentimeer - lbaithorl mendthyself, since
'don tiftlikYlwilag rtigtiotherstiihnuld not of
: fend , itilargthink. ~-Perhaps it would be as
, T ,ol4 o ,4 4l oDEarAbAbat i ftst; we would then
sec fewer, bleiniahes onr - neiAtiors— plunk
the w Ote Out "ltiVieth e root of
• 441
dueled had it Men at the outset. Multi
tudes of liiitiobe do fide believe that it has
been WEiffelt 'BMA' stations
there is eider, in "ihir AtintryOlear them,
"crimes and. robberies-are the order of the
io - ctor Duff also holds, (as does Sir H.
Bayiliesett, - herti;rthiii ni a large degree, the
mutiny is not purely " a military revolt."
He " , solemnly protests against so deadly a
Undone -Itia 44 itiebeaten long and de
liberately concocted, and now nurtured
'lllll - *Mtratitittettrshorsebol o yop u l a ti on of
condo," es well as ",directly or indirectly
sympathised with by well, nigh half of that
of the neighboring itiainces." Besides
Sepoy revolt, there-is-largely " the dissoln
. tion of society." All this,shews how very
serious is our
,position 'lndia. I fear it is
und ; e:riatect at h6me. Vie retaining of Lord
Canning; and i thisi instalined of •Clanricarde
into 'the 'Cabinet, bode no. good. • Without
thid's blessing we , cannot prosper; and Pal
n&Firtlet"trr ef
• i ferd, tooknOvidedeinent - iii him of
'"the aid of Gosl 4 l;lo4lsingile. Still the
bettin India, in
England, and in - America, remain; and for
his view vitttne's sake we humbly trust to
have deliverance.
Doctor Dor concludes, hopefully : " I
never, font r iittmtiiiiccrdihdAelPdur ultimate
• '* * This impression is more
donfirnied,than ever, by thegreatly improved
tone of the speeches of your humbled men,
and especially of the lofty evattgellatie strain
of ikhntifititide-thiyiriteticeid*
The Xiiitei l 4gia t t'lluiliAlim irstaSolicited
Dr. liair to Visit their "tihilieli c ed. But he
feltitio " be - wrong to , leave Iddia in the
hiittii - of het. sdrenriVail:" '••, • • •
-•-• t„
Turning, with a strange kind of reluct
ance, from the 'Agitating topieof the day, I
illat'a great Ann-CLERICAL
TikitOXY,4ll4o*(4oiiktniii'lgazdirda. Count
CaVelik , ifea"bold iteltatiNtional states
41lhelinterferenee of* Priests in the
last eleetib lie aotWeituvit 'They succeeded
'-ftlaiitsKalitW ntibeir nominees in the
Ciplikp a rAlif ford :hope: . But the
Minlideri-baeked by Piti filovereign, pressed
the Parliament to deplare itself in condem
nation " onlhe use of spittle" means, on
the part of theticlbreMit Influence the elec
tinife," kid majority' AS upwards of fifty
dielared - infivdr of liberty. Thus,.both in
• Bardinia_and Belginm;is . opirittud despotism
, held, in abeyance. But to be sup
posed that Wide wiltkiot *Mob - and wait for
an opportunity of regaining" lost ground.
`lttantiele;4n Titseshiy;lit Piedmont, and in
truth r in , a'printed form, is
being circulated happy results. It
would be imprudent to give imiticilars on
the subjedt.
• , •
Rlea lidieffeiches an-
OtEer 't3lOsPel!" PrbUstititis are - thus left
4ithetle barren or poisonous: pastures. I
*tuft; howeirer, I am comet in believing
;that there is an American congregation and
Aniniotrt at Rome. When shill the Pauline
•Weleflagain be preached in ittli fornm ? It
iikild'fiiikairitlaiViie' think or believe,
for in these days--clod's providence works
out results Legit ; an it may be that more
ritinore„ every par, ith ; sari& the omens
of tlie 'binning triiiii, - -wheni the: Lord will
makka short work in the earth." Were
our troubles' cleared away, who is
there expects that " the clouds" shall not
"return after the rain