tI e evangelization' ,of India, in Vunexion with the consecration of: t men, means, and effort, were well brought'out, aciiimpanied by facts sadly augmtive of the little which all Protestant 'Ohurehei'llartredirrilidiehet in That country, IThe Archbishop's brother, the Bishop of Winchester, spoke piously and appropriately on this occasion. The ex cellent Seorgtary of,,,the Church Missionary i 'Society is the Rev. Venn, son of the tit thor of it, The Whole Duty of Man," and , who was also one. of, the ~seauty hut,noble 'band or tkin t gelieal ,cleigy in ;the; `Church at the close of the last century. 'His 'neare;iiitYlreeridge and Somaine,-will be held in everlasting remembrance. The atx:atuoAcurtick t Roirxr, gemmed" awakens immersing, interest dilly,fiOth here and at Berlin In. he • programme of ie reception welcome of tYO ypung coi d tf.le .at Berlin, it is arranged t h at thes'Oall at tend at the dathedral tile for Divine service, then' they will,drave through all the public parks and gardens, nexi c in State, and lastly attend a gala pe;Phit •awe at As -theatre 1: From whata COmmurideatkd on the s eian of Sabbath sanctity, - some time since; hardly sur &AMY:gag:le ii" h your • readers. Mere " t he emotion is,strang, on the :imbject. The young• Princess Atiors better ; ; and 4is -scene- might havu.been- spared - her,..and 'aught Whine been forbidden. Alas lidw muck, 313 ; yet be - learned so-called Protestant aad how; do custoru'aild :fashion override - doell i 4 s,own unerable,liw. P. %B.—The 'ministerial Globe -declares that Lord Stratfor4 return la Constanti nople as ,Ambassador ,T e friends of American Mistflons will be glad to hear this statement. • ; • The Levicithitu is so far down the "maps" on the - rjer:bank,Uat•she ie sure td float at Mho skring.tides on, Wit' Ajit `, Lord Ma a, note to a, :nen!, edition of his history, .re-asserts his original charges against 'William Penns • Lasttho .1, I rez!olk EitEeroi wee fired ;at, bui was not; giautta.2atat-Nriioratt. PITTSBURG H , PEBILDAIO . - 13; 1868. irltlillidavv„ .14.15,9 advent s ; or in clubs zi1.145; or, delivered it 44111dianan of 'llabairlin beim; *kr& beirkorpatellay on Third 111 lit XlirAtt ihoild ha Oreiaja; o• little while beture the year *aviator that vim way omens tall orreageamite ter , o steady supply. VOW RIidbIiCRAPPBUL indicates tbat,eve .deabro• wirtanrwel. If, however, ln, tbe haste Of welling, this signal . ehoald hi omitted, an bops Our Minds will itili aotforget is: ' Itinifl t rrAlielrar4read perusal by' sofa beide, labs* c eolivenleat. mitt eneltabratalth iiinliaterrearopind troubling aeloOdriwitbru pantivriedgii: of *bet *ea , are doing. Para laratikiiiruatteui4 a Drat, or Sergui for onikortwo poperaliend Gold or men notula TO maim pritefin - itslapet or liatirtililli send , torilioan poltirer ray $1 or Serenity niumbirsi or,l for Tblrtyvtbrei OnLECIF RAI Ilfoottlrs, amid comusivalcatlons to Ilitaburight KINKVILLZ AND EDDYNEGLE PRIIIICHIS, tows, are desirous of ,obtaining a pastor. It is represented that they moullmake , a pleas ant charge. • ' • T#ll3oyinnr, yisrron,—This is a small sheet, issued at ,Hmison, Ohio,fikthirty•five centers , year, °rive dollira for twentp copies, edited hy Ali Educational monthly, for children and schools." RAP AikA , BrapArr.—ThisArollier died at Centheilki, St: Joseph ()minty, Mich., on the letirofijiiiiiarpacter tau illtiesa of less: than two 74143 1 fpedisease was plettiisy. Ho . as . a *Oilier of the Yrerebytery of 'Michigan. WHiTZ 'WATS& DRZSBYTZSIAL * ACAD- ilibri r ribit Di/dente Mentor issued by this In r ei4utiOn,"Oicitabes The names - of ihe 'dß-) oars, Ake, penrA of ,ktndy, ,ruks, &e. It is located, at-Puniapsyjike,,l,7nPmiCounty, Ind.: Bev: E. McKinney tis,the „Principal. , Otrir PIOT FOURTH ' PAGIS this wad; oont n Artie somewl t tbng, but they ye vafiiihte:,, puilandswho, do not find„their c0r04n10 0 14099 MITI now, or hereafter, must not,imputol it to..indiffev . ePoo l 9P 0 9z2 PF4t , ThO f°79-nt of E 2213 Tint Lumptaw Qnseny,r.e..-Any., Dr, Mute, after twenty:five years service,. retires frtnnihe editorialelhair. He ably plead the oatiseoeChilet,ind:of the LUtheran Oh'Arch., BeA*Paak and Deihl. , John.l4oMiltini,lk A.; diednfloonaumptien t iniiiih i en`y•Oiti L l'aL'ori the 28th df ot .r; ember, 1867 0 in On :so pctar: ,age. Be was AinSiVe @| Xrelal4,- sad a awl : af the lattnitavritiollert & l eg . digiftinofiiit r otcait 1-4f."1-1,:. ivy:: —l4l ! , .. 4- 1 1 A 4 '," •'s , Tip 11:17TTZEI (MBA MpiSlONAre.—We have` haei- furniihed W i th printed, 111 P 3 ) o f E 4:ttaN 9f,)74T 9"; a,RFalq ( /3g of theaibratbren,; kbAt ypre'yict*i , ba,a type the letter, at Mr.> 7 , Beott: The DA, Wieling hate eisetained :a very great Icsai, but the omit to dnhble aid re•double thiti feroeei A wide ' door i# open. ,Aorfoyma l ßw* Yr NT Nave receiv ed front ' Odd well,. :4, itere' Pa 4 fivezdollanr, , and forwarded it, to,the Missien. nit MAW Weil, whose 'wants we stated two rieia:4: Veiseilto share with the needy labortr j ,7llo,..ts engaged in etkiti*atiog Zion'a wastes, th(t.'Gosig where itlad not been ,set, ' bushed. . , Bouth-Wtoernaow.a. latter of Boy. DA.--Hugbee on box firoft pige will'be Dia iritlildeligbt, - by the woititartg PA* • sevaitAlturl-A 16 141 e ickbobprAiatlon r r \ Hight* applies—hie hydir. likes man el° Vata .to a ,nev , Caffiffi l tr t s = 2elor endure 14141 1-' *Pit 4 1 94 SPAirt .1.4.410,a41,4' woff, 'both; ands NA* LobOiceinineas, AtViko h hey innst, Oat suatiditihht tiemily-fhe met, *I- A! InOws 41, fivprptbi two may be eoojetned:` fvhe )11formatiou. Let it be,read: ll= '~ _ w~,.' t^ ..~ , ii2lll=;k4M Ram 111 ME raa Prayer ifOr Odlegel* The General AsAmbly feeling habitually the importance of a truly pious, as well as a numerous , an& highly teducated ministry ;. and knowing the source,whene? the blessing is to be obtained, and the 'channel through which it is ordained that gifts shall flow, itiolltediAt the meeting at Lexington, the last Thursday of the present mouth, as a t, day,of inetrucilon and prayer. The Act is t.- • as folloWs • • Resodtvd, . That the Assembly acknowledge, iiitli hlartY gratitude; - the blessings so graciously bestowed by our Divine Redeemer, in answer to the united supplications of the friends of Zion, for the !env:maim ofl the young men in our g011p g e14, 1 4114 till'Aes O y recommend to ail our churches the spe cial observance of the intereating concert of unit ed, earnest prayer for the Colleges in our lami, on the last Thurellay of February." t The day has been observed, for years, by different denominations of Evangelical Chris. trans.;. and 'with' growing -interest, interest, 45 the benefits• resultibg became mere and more oh 4iloria.' We trig that. PMsbyterian churches 1011.0 be opened and be well filled with earnest suppliants;, ,and that ; pagtata'= tongues will be eloquent in giving , instruction, and in uttering the daariree pf euxicnus : hearts in their approaches to a throne The, 'eharaitPr of our gelleges, for use fulness or otherwise , depends upon the char acter of the students, and the charicier of the students depends in a great measure , upori that of the teachers.. This is emphatically itrue, with.respeot to the'young men's leetrial charicter. Pear pupils will reach a higher standard of iilinlaAhip`and of effort, thenthat required by ,the Professor&,Hence ,the Professors should be models of, intelleo tual activity; and should. firmly require the labor neeeisiri to the highest education. And the moral and religions Character of the • students ,deperids scarcely less than , the intellectual, upon-the character ofthe teach ers. 'lt the . teachers are irreligioue, then orirefeilinese, skepticism, and' scorn of relig inn, will prevail aniong the pripil& If the teachers take the greund,that they were ap pointed tar teach the sciences; and to,'' let religion alone;" if they feel that their work ii i `dotie when they haVe communicated a certain amount of knowledge or aroused a spirit of intellectual, exertion, their influence will be adverae to evangelical piety. They will b _ upon by the students as men " (;ara fer none of those' things , " and their, example; or their supposed example, will be followed. But if the teaehers look upon themselves ;as 'appointed, not merely to communicate knowledge but to develop power • not to makelinguists or mathematicians, but men thoroughly,furnished unto every geed, work ; if they how that, to this end, they and their pupils must seek first the kingdom of , God and his righteousness, since men can ,b e . made perfect enly` l in Christ Jesus; if they hear the voice of the Saviour saying, 'gg Take these younrmen and train them ,for me -" 'their moral and religious influence will be poweit'fnl. *The course of instruction will be pervaded by a religions element. Edu cation, in all its parts, will be conducted on religions principles, and under the prompt jigs of ' religious , feeling. The Bible will this be the ,text -book 'of the College. Such-are the men who should occupy the professorial chairs in our Colleges. For such men sheuld' the Church earnestly seek, When she , is selecting the educators , of her sons. That such men may be raised up :to train the .rising generation, she should `fervently pray. ' College teacher's are set for the falling or rising Of many young men. Hence' they should be , sustained by the prayers of the Church. Having. a more intimate relation to their pupils' than' the pastor;has tithe people of his eharge, they have, at least, an ,equid with him upon the prayers' of these who ,deeiee Are prosperity of Zion. They ihould be made the subject of prayer in thwpnblic assembly; in the social meet • - ingi . at the fanaily'altar,' and in the closet. Were prayer thus oontictually effered for the sanctification of teachers—for the spirit of wis4om and grace trr'resi upon them— :would not the character of :our tollegei be changed for, :the better The teacher, per• hape even liners- than the pastor,.feels. his amid ot ' the "prayers of God's people;' He keels that he Ought to be a model Man since his • .example is always, before -those whose characters are , forming. He feels .that he can do nothing in the- great work 'of educat ing men for eternity,inbless be have the aid ' ef:theßpirii of 1:464. The Church has not neglected to pray for ,Collegeo. ~ The day set apart for prayer, strews the deep interest she feos in their prosper is a day second in importance to no One iwthri - calendar: It is a day for which - , h Beiernil pr e paration ihoirld be made. n 'An: r The great er),e9t.,pr polight,,,,ozr 'that; day, le the revival of religion in our Colleges: Ne where revivals assume so interesting' 'a `character' is Colleges. The subjects of 'the most 'interesting in themselves,. and in viii'of the influence they; are des- tined to exert., The intelligence which pre= Tails' is favorable to. such a conduct , of the 'Work, so' far Is man is'concernedi as shall *mote Bound' doeversions and groirth in roe,. A,largo number of the most divout and ,useful ministers in our countm were converted in revivals in College. It i s " a most encouraging fact , that many revivali:Ptie comMenced on the day, of prayer for • Coflegee. There may 44,i bees' to review preparation ; but in numerous in stances, the lint positive tokens of the 'pres ence of the Rely Spirit appeared on that day. While the people of God ',were yet speaking in supplication, the , command went forth;; and the work of salvation began. 'Let us hopii and pray that such may, in , MS:nife s atalke , 9B, ,be the result Of the Serviomi: of the 011 ,1 1 1 , 1 ,4 1 4'0 0 f to" 4 7h,,i!h:tkeso . marls are written. Let earn est and , ample pieptratiiin-lieuutda for the due pert'ormange. of the duties. 'of that' day. Some of our :rei 44 l B have eons heherif have ojear hien& there. „They need to be eon ' "utak . , They need t tu-ba yunetided *Oast% lemiee. With whatiznpartnraty,i with what strong orying ankteam, should THE PR' SI3YTERIAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. parents and friends call upon:God, on that day, when they :are sure of the sympathy and co operition of thousands in Israel Aevivale. The set time to favor Zion, long and ear nestly prayed for by a few thristianti of strong faith, seems to , have 'arrived. The Lord is pouring out his Spirit upon various portions of our thirsty land, and making ii riceitlY frAttlii• ttit .; dolnand o -helpers in preaching, is *very great. Pastors are inipoittined - to leave their own charges, to aid their neighbors. To , do so is, to a great extent, a duty; and a blessing oft attends it. The 'visiting pastor not only does a good Work in going, but he returns enlivened himself,and brings a blessing to E his' own °barge. But there is a class of "helps" to whom we would address a word—Scriptural Aelps —the ELDERS. These are they whom the ,Lord has Appointed.specially to aid the put tor; to work with him, In such a day as -this ,the call to, them for a full service, is very urgent: Let them give themselves to the We, earnestly, request.pastors to. keep us 4informed'of the state of religion within their °barges, _,,Statements should mostly be brief and comprehensive. Occasionally"here may .be a-narration of particulars. A reoerd of, .the liordls.kindness, to his praise, and, for encouragement and instruction, is the end at which we aim ; end to bring all within a readable space. MERCER, PA.:—ln our issue of January 9th, we!noticed the Lord's gracious dealing with his people in this congregation. We have recently seen a brother who labored there, With-tie pastorifor several days: The good work-still continues. ,On the B,lst ult., at the Sacramental service, forty.six new communicants were received. With _;the Sacramental services the work of conviction and conversion seemed' to commence anew. Our informant described it as a wonderful work. The young men ire now more es : pecially the recipients of God's mercy, though the favors are not confined to any one class. At such a time, 0 Ito* important that the sinner shall choose the 'good part ! How important that the Bout shall yield I S . And, when the Lord is thus near, how en couraging is it for those who hays been, and are still, habitants of Zion's thirsty hills,, to pray most fervently, and to hvie all things in order for the receiving of a gracious rain ! 'Bumka, PA.—See letter of 'Rev. Ltyal Young. EXCHANONVILLE, Pk.—The church in this place, .nnd4r care of Rev.. James M. Shields, is /enjoying a .precious revival. Thirty-five persons have expressed a hope in Jesus. GEORGETOWN, PA.--This church, also under the care of• Mr. Shields, shares in the goodness vouchsafed. The brother who gives the ; information could not state particulars. COLD SPRING, PA.—This church, which is ander the can of Rev. John W. McCune, received, on examination, on the 31st nit., twenty-five persons into communion. BiAnksvirax, PA.--Meetings have been held dailyin' the' Presbyterian church, Rev. George MR, pastor, for four weeks. God's people bays. been much quickened, many sinners have> been awakened, and between twenty Ind thirty have obtained a hope,ind , thus seem to be near to the kingdom. HOLLIDAYSBUEG, PA.—Poi a more full accountithan was'formerly given, see letter of Dr. Jtinkin. ronilvnTort, N. J.-.-7o the church in this' place, Rev:: George Hale, pastor, slaty persons have been added since October last, of idiom thirty-five are heads'of families. Campbell, writes to no : " Our beanie are made glad ; by the reviving Presence of God's Spirit amongst us. Dar• mg a series of meetings, the members have been greatly benefited spiritually, and serious impressions made, •which we hope will be . abiding. God's people are praving,2and we' hope for greater blessings.' The awaking of God's people is a. distino• tire feature in his present gracious dealings with his churches; and what shall this be but life to the dead around them ? Piqua, Offio.—At a late communion, eight 'Were received on examination; and there being manifest a great deitire to hear the Gospel, it was resolved to continue the meetings. Great good was expected to , result. Mire CREzi, Irtp,,—There is *a • very pleasing attention to religion in this Church. Six persons were lately received into com munion, and hopes are entertained for others. = MAX B PLIA , ; pf a ;Ireryintereetin g trotraeted, ,meeting the Presbyterian church at this - pleas, under the pastoral care of Rev, kr. Keating. . • TALLADEGA, ALABAMA. —.-The Reporter informs us that Rev. Dr., Nall, of Mobile, has teen preaching for some days in, the Presb3teriali chUrcli in this place, with.very happy effect. Sinners' hearts have been touched and aroused, and sleepingehristhins have b ee n awaked. There were many in quirers, and theutost happy results were an ticipate& &aeries& Bible Society., TlO'Board of Managers met and held long session on the 4th inst The members of the Revision dommittee, dissatisfied ' with the action of the Board at their meeting, in resolving to return substantially to the old editions of - the tittle, tendered - their resig• nations. . This produced ,a profound senses don. Many compliments were paid to-them for their Moil; and their ,retirement was deptioatell. Aaesolution to.ippoint a Com mittee r pf five to confer with. them, .wan offired disenseed' and laid' 'on 'the table: The,Board adjourned, or two weeks. A Protest offered by the .Committee, Iwo refuriCiplaoo on the nilflutes. This sub jest will come up at the next meeting. Yhat there should be semi feeling on the ,part c4,,the,flommieet,4.l-T41944"ie very natural, and that they should tender their "resignation waatiibe expected. They would, with great propriety, desire a vote of confi dence previonsly to their engaging in new labors for the Board, and this could be most effectively reached by their offering to re sign; but, confidence in them being drily expressed, they may honorably continue in their office. Commissioners' Funds. The distance, from the majority ,of the PreSbYterieti at:Which the General:Aeseinbly,. of .this year,, is . to 'meet, renders it highly , necessary • that liberal collections shall be made, by the °lmplies, to defray the , travel ing expenses of the Commissioners. A full representation- is .always important. iThe peace, purity and progress of the Church are intimately connected therewith!' Let the rural districts all have their members in the House. -Let every elder entitled to a seat, be there. With such an •assemblage we may confidently expect the presence . (1 God's Spirit; and with that, all' will be safe and> prosperous. And not only the distance of the meeting, but its being called two weeks earlier than usual, makes promptitude in the collections necessary.' Let the subject be duly noted by pastors and Sessions. The Treasuferf of the Presbytery of Ohio, in sending us tbo following note, shows his forethought The Pastors and" Sessions of the Ohio Presby tery, are respectfully referred to the following °street from the Minutes of the last meeting of Presbytery: "Resolved, That the Treasurer of Presbytery be directed to 96,11 the attention of the churches to tbo importanCe of contributing at, an earlier period than usual to the Commissioners Fund, and with increased liberality," R. MCPususbar, To meet the spirit of the above resolution, ,it is desirable that collections be taken up' so as, to be paid over during the month of March. To accommodate' pastors, artangements have been made with Mr. Culbertson, at the Colportage Book Remits, to riceive payments. It is hoped that congregations vrill at least double thtirwbual ontributions. LIMB Coccus, Treasurer of Chia PresbyterY. Vor the Presbiteriap Banner and Adv How to Ptonounee the Pronelin My. Ma..- EDpros:=l was pleased with the remarks or your correspondent " Z,"` under the ;caption, " Use Language. Correctly." There rigay be some (I fear there are,) who regard all such questions as those which he discueses, as very trifling. They are certainly- not ao important as some things which might bp mentioned;' but still it can hardly be fluinght that the proper use of our mother tongue by public speakers, and especially by ministers. of, the Gospel, is a matter, of little consequence. I hope the incorrect :expressions to which , your correspondent refers, will be avoid ed by all who read his criticism Ic is - certainly 'worth while to endeavor to /peak correctly. Permit a remark further, in regard to .your own criticism „on- the pronunciation of th• pro noun my. You observe : "It is losing its distinc tive enunciation; being changed into the objective 'me, or worse still, into a Short Mi." From this, I gather that in yOur jtidgment tbie word should always be pronounced with a long, open sound, so as to rhyme with high. If this be your mean ing, have you not fallen into an/ error? This word is pronounced in tiro different ways, as any one will,'in a moment, perceiie, who ob serves' the practiCe of correct speakers in conver sation. If it is, an emphatioal word, it is , pro nounced sous to rhyme with nigh, ,eigb,•&o.; but if it is not emphatical, 'Cis, pronounced as if Written men. For this we have the authority of Walker, who is regarded, believe', as the beet authority for the pronunciation of !English. He says, in his Rhetorical. Grommar, a book which our public speakers would do well to study, " It is certain that the pronoun my, whin it is emphat ical, is always pronounced with its full open sound. But it is as certain; if wi observe the pronuncia tion of correct conversatiton, that we shall find it sounded me, when it is ix subordinate word in a sentence, and hoe no emp,haeis on it. If we should say, my pen is as bad as my,pitper, we should neces sarilyipronounce m lik.e Me, as, in this sentence, pen and paper are the etrinhatical words ; but if I were to sly, My pen it worse than lours, here my is in antethesia With yew's, and consequently must, be pronounced long and full, so as to rhyme with high." , , Here we have not only a high authority, but a good reason for Very' frequently pronouncing my as though it were Written me. It is true the com monpractice) in reading, has hem always to,give this word its frill open sound, but, as so are not, to follow " a multitude to do evil." neither are we td follow a multititd.e in "robbing, maiming, or murdering our nariiii English." H. REMARK'EDITOR:—We regard the pronunciation. of, the pronoun a matter of considerable importance. Walker would Make the." my" to become "me," when not emphatio. But why so? Simply because it was becoming fashionable, in his day; in the English Rouse of Lords. The reason is not sufficie n t. Our: language affords us "my" for one° signification, and "me" for anotbef, and we ought- in the emaciation, as well as in writing, to mark the difference "II" admit; that the "common mode" is to give "my " the full sound. Now; it is the multitude, it is use, that makes right in pronouncing. A man then, who iswith the great body of his nation, in the use Of lan guage, cannot be doing evil. 'lt is the inno vater, who is wrong. But our nbjection was not so much to the . "me" sound AS to the "mi," and the taking with it the colitiOnant which beginsa the fol lowing word, s, mib-rethren, mif °mess', mit , ode, tnis-triiour, he. Let us speak as do the "multittlde" of well informed men, and set ourselVes against needless, and es pecially againit'injurious and mibecoming ,41119"vafiictost, The. Examination Ede. We are credibly informed that the Presby tery'of Detroiti(NeW School,) have 'a stand ing rule to examine all persons they repeive into their.body., This is wise - person conscionstf his rectitude and capacity can' reasonably refise to give due evidence of these to the brethren with whom he would unite, as a teselior and co-ruler, and whose endorsement he desires to give him access with confidence;to the churches , placed undo their care. Onr-brethren are learning wit, dons', from our 'example. We cannot , bgt hope that all their Presbyteries will sea' the propriety of the'rule, and adoPt Labors in Xszsas. Rev. William-Willson, late of Erie, Fa., now in Lecoropton, Kansas, informs us that he finds an abundant call for;labor. He oe cupies 6/even preaching points. One Sah linty he preaches at Big ~ S prings. and .Le r coiaptoW; and'on the alternate Sabbath, at Lecompton, Lawrence, and Franklin; The 1 / 4 0thttre ere week:d4 and night a p p ointments: ` . 4,4.3 gAya, between Preaching, hunting up the lost sheep, And lambs, -getting myself a house built, and getting. ohunthes built, I have my handi full:" We look for a nom nonicatiOn? shWi l t o ly, . rhich, _ehall f give us more fully thestate EASTERN SUMMARY. BOSTON AND NEW ENGLAND. The bridges between Boston and Cann bridge,have long been a- subject of coin plaint, ,heeause of the high rates of tolls. Thie difficulty is now removed, and an ar. rangement has been made with the city gov ernment whereby they Will be forever free. Thus far the Health of the titles for the present Winter has been remarkably g00d.., tontide4l4 excitement" eon eiettled by the. passage of 3..1)111 through. the lower house of the Legislature, allowing the Tea. timomy of Atheists tit be received in courts of justice. The atheist ivhocannot 'feel the force of an oath, is to be permitted to Width subject to the ;paini and penalties of petr jury!? Strong opposition has,been brought to bear against the measure, and hopes are beginning to be entertained that it will be defeated in the Senate; or by the veto of • the Governor. It will he very discreditable to this old Puritan State, to 'have a bill so radical and pernicious become a law, thus expelling the fear of God andeccountability to hitn from the temples of justice, and im perilling the highest human interests. One of the worst features connected with this matter; is the treatment it receives' from many of the sentilar journals, which have , spoken of it with ' a levity altogether unite - . coming FO momentous a subject. Indeed it is to be deeply regretted that so few of the great' newspapers, exerting such an Untold inane:fee, are under the control of consistent Christian men of enlarged views. - William S. Tuckerman, theanail robber, has had a preliminary examination at New Haien. The' bail for appearance for trial 'on the 23d inst , was fixed at $20,000, which he was not able to give, and was con. sequently remanded to prison. He seems to think that in the end he will eseape the penalty, which now seems to hang over him. The defalcation' of. Seymour, cashier of the Hartford County Savinge- Institution, amounts to $115,000, only - 1110,000 of Which are secured., This loss will sweep sway the whole stock of the concern, although the depositors will lose but little, if any thing., Mr. Seymour has left for Charleston under the assumed name of John Watson. For several years Mr. Lowell Mason. has been advocating a general return to the practice of Congregational ;Singing: At first but little attention was paid to his sop gestions. But the difficulty of maintaining a good choir has become sio great, and the expenses so burdensome, in many places, that congregations are returning to the old Istom. the great fault his iieert in em ploying merely professional singers, often without any religious character. Whatever, or in permitting this part of worship - to fall into the ban& of a few who have set them selves to work'to prevent, as far as possible, any °therefrom engaging with them in sing ing the praises of the Lord. Airell.trained choir, under the lead of a Christian of correct taste, may be highly advantageous, where proper care is taken to train the whole con gregation to singing, and- when the people are taught that it is not only the privilege, but also the duty of each one, so far as' his abilities may permit, to unite in this delight- ful part of the worship of God's house. But when choirs monopolize ,this part of the service, or are composed mostly of the , giddy and frivolous, as they too often are, they are intolerable nuisances, acd ihould be abated as speedily SS possible.' Times have Brightened considerably, and - men are preparing 'to retrieve' the disasters of the Autumn. There is an elasticity about the American man of business, that hi prevents m from* succumbing to adversities, in a remarkable degree. Minuet his all may be taken from him, he is soon ready for another enterprise, another. success, or 'another defeat, as the case may , be. This is remarkably exemplified at the present time, in this great rnetrOpelis. The preparations for the Spring Trade are in active progress;and •on a liberal scale., Many new firms' are announced,-and the new marble and brown stone stores are receiving occupants. sr Money continues so' abundant, that large capitalists still find much difficulty in making good investments. 'About forty Banks have consented to an ariangenient not to pay Interest on Deposits.. Thelast return of the New York Savings' Banks, showed an aggregate of ,about $30,- 1500,000. The means. laid aside in this way have saved thousands of &Millis from desti- - tution and suffering during the present Winter. - Merchants from the interior are begin- I those from the South are better provided with funds, the resent season, than those from the West. The credits given to the laitir will `be shortened considerably from what has lieen customary in former years. Some of the leading dry goods -houses -that were forced to suspend, have, •already , re sumed ro4ment. : Among these are . 1 1 . Skinner' & Co,, J. O. IlOvra & Co., Bowen; ArNathee & Co.' Bread Stuffs - are still low with but little prospect of improvement for some time. A ',,,EfeavyVerdf f :t has' been rendered' against S ,P. Townsend of Sarbaparilla no toriety, to the amount of. $104,000, which was incurred by--.being bondsman for the trustee of the estate of the late Reuel Clapp. MEE Vigorous, an constant efforts are being made by Archbishop' Hughes to interfere, with and cripple the Public. Schools , of the city. At least - of the'Wards are said to be in . A greater or leo degree under the con trol of this faitkfui servant of ;. hire'Holinese, the Pope. And, as a matter of course, in them' brit little' can be .done in advancing the interest of ;popular education, except accord ing,to the dictation; of the Banish bierarchil A. few years ago the school books were 4: tered to meet the miews of this Boolean' atii 'lifts expurgating from 'them , Some of the thitet NEW' YORK' paiticular, hla encouraged him to higher pretettaions and greater ancroaehments.. The Archbishop deserves a 'fitting rebuke from the people of New York, who expend so much YewVft relieve 112 e Wants,' misthy, and wretohedneas, and to punish the crimes of many of his most devoted adherents, The Oration of Mr. Everett, fir the ben efit , of the " Women's Protection Emigration Society," on atbarity," was listena to with the greatest attention by a large audi ence, and was thought to merit the enconiums if has so generally received. Mayor Tiernan presided—a much more fitting employment than wrangling with' drinking' helium Politi cians as was too frequently the habit of hit', .predeeesser.. rt The _Methodist Book , Cdneern is an inf mense affair, and no other denomination possesses• equal facilities for the distribution of its distinctive literature, or employs it le unremittingly. Yet notwithstanding, all this the "hard times"' have • bad a marked effect upon its ; blisinese . operations. The Quarterly Review and the Sunday School Advbcate, are represented as requiring a large increase _ in their Subscription lists. The National Magazine, started with the design of furnishing the Methodist denomi nation with good general reading, has so declined in 'patronage as to exelu'de the hope that it will become self-supporting. It has been proposed to change the title to that of the Methodist Monthly Magazine, so• as to pro vide a medium for the general news of that branch of the Church, - historical sketches, long obituary sketches of prominent minis ters, and essays too elabprate for'the Weeklies, and, at the, same time, not weighty enough. for the . Quarterly. It will be remembered that we stated some time ago, that Nets York, and Brooklyn had been divided into districts, and that every Firangelical Church bad one district assigned to, its care, for sySternatic visitation. This work is now in progress,with the most grat ifying results; nearly every family in these two ; popttlous cities will be sought 'out by • seine 'Christian. The Mayor has set himself about, the, re moval of 'Sabbath Desecration, so far snit Pan be'accomplished, in good 'earnest. No tice has been given, that . Concerts, disfurb ing the generel quiet of the neighborhood; the playing of brew bands ;. target-shooting; and billiard,pleying, must cease on the Lord's day, or the offenders will be-summa rily riealt with. , Several of the , pretieription drugatore.s on . Broadway are now closed on this day, having a notice outside, that." per sons wishing prescriptions may ring at the door.'" Drug-itoreti can easily supply' all that is 'wanied on the Sabbath, without be , ing kept open as on week ..days; the ,eiter nal closing goes so far, to exert a moral influ-. ence in favor of the sanctity of the day.. It is , really a wonder that person's, making any pretensions to purity of character, pan be found so lost to all proper sense of shame, as to aid in' keeping alive the memory of such a wreteh as Tom Paine ; yet a band of his deluded followers at down to a public dinner, in New, York, last ,week, to. commemorate his birth day. And the .Trib une, true to its former instincts, persists in holding up to public admiration as a hero, while it cannot directly undertake to def end his system or charecter. he follow ing language, though coming from the Her-, ald, is strong, buttruel To commemomte the memory'of • each a man; and to "attempt to band him down as a hero, as the Tribune doesois an ineult,todecency and common sense. Even the infidels of, cur diy.are not Torn Paine .men;, they :are philosophers clothed in' broadcloth' and lawn, ithose skepticism rustles sweetly over the` tongue, and who stab Christian-. ity with text on the lips. The age in which, we. live is too decent and moral for such coarse, and, brutal, minds as Paine's to ,flourish,; though, of course, coarseness and brutality are . not So' dim.- oughly erediestedirom the World thatethere can- - not be found men and women to keep Tom Paine's :.birthday. • ' ' PHILADELPHIA. The Banks of this city, have hiesurned, Specie Payments. No excitement was oc casioned :; indeed, the people in