Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, February 13, 1858, Image 1

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p ro ,i,yr•rias. Banner, Vol. VI, Hoe ii.
Posabytorii.• Advocate, Vol. 11, 1.0.16,
lit VII) N 1 cKIN NE Y , Editor and Proprietor.
:?itIS.-11 1 ADVANCE.
riginal :11,ottrg.
To Sabbith Schools.
My dear young friends, I hope, in youth,
You 'll store your minds with sacred truth,
And lodge it, in your heart.
0 may you learn, from day to day,
To walk along in wisdom:• way,
Nor-from, her paths depart.;
May you your great Creator fear,
When you his Counsels oftewhear,
Preached faithfully to yon.
tt.God 's faithful to his promises,
For if you love him, he will bless—
You 'lt fiud,his promise true.
The day of youth will *soon pass by;
The hour will come Nhen you must die;
But 0, the pleasing thought 1
If you're redeemed from sin and hell,
And be prepared in heaven to dwell,
Thus by your Saviour bought.
Well, the religion that your Lord
Has taught you in his Holy Word,
Should your best thOughts ernploy
If you it practice, then it will
Cause your glad hearts to ever sill
With eostaoy and joy.
A heavenly influence it will shed,
Like holy oil, upon your head,
While you remain otrearth.
And when from earth you're called away f
To dwell with saints in brighter day,
They 'll own your heavenly birth.
Religion will, while here yon stay,
Give you sweet comfort, day by day,
And teaoh you hnw to live.
And if God's gifts,arn,so profuse : ,
That you have more than you can use,
You then will have to give.
You, from your store, some Otte Must being,
For the good oause , of Christ, YourrEirlg— ,
His banner now nnfurl'd.
The Church must rise in all her strength,'
And stretch her cords to a great length,
To save a ruined world
And now, young Mends, far' we , Se ,
May God you Wets white here you stay;
And guide yon'to'his rest; •
So, when your days on earth shall end,
That you may then to heaven asiend,
And be forever hlest.
Letter of Rev. J. L. Soottc Missionary' lin
India, •
Every thing relative to'our behrire'd and'
honored Miesionaries in . India;tho
and the dead, possesses a peculiar. interest.
From a letter of Kr. Scott, to the Brainerd
Evangelical Society of Jefferson Oollogeove
are permitted to give the fullovring-'extract.
Mr. Scott writes from Agra Rort Oatidier
27th, 1857:
DEAR BRETHREN :4—lt was with . met=
anehoiy interest that I r oeived your letter
of the Bth of June, adfiressed to the Re. .A...
0. Johnsoo l and that I now sit down to
You have tto doubt read a great deal= of
the mutinies of the Sepoys in 'lndia, butyou
can, after all, have but a feint idea of-the ;
horrors of our situation. To see an army of
. ,
eighty thousand nien tinting from defendere,
into implacable militias; to beisuirounded .
by a population of 'millions,' generally , hos,
tile; to know that if you fell into their bands.
you had n thing to 'expect 'but'a 'miserable
death, and then to feel that you were. eight'
hundred miles from the neaiestt seaport;
was indeed appalling. All this We:haive felt,
and experienced; and it is of God's mercy`
that any of us and alive to day to tell .'the
fearful tale.
Here at Agra, we have passed•througb
some fearful trials. On several occasicins,
our lives have seemed' to hang in the hal=
4000. For a long time the people 'of - this
large city were every day ieidy to rise and,
murder us. We had two native regiment's
at this station, and they, for %Ajmer, were
the chief cause of our fear. 'They had' the
Fort in their possession, and had they mu
tinied we ,eouldltave had little' hope. Bet
just when they Were ripe for a revolt, they
wore disarmed 'and rendered- handy's.
Then, on the bth of July, wei Were attacked
by an overwhelming force of nintineersv 'Otto'
brave regiment of Europeans went out to
meet them, and fought thern desperately;
but. after a heavy loss, they were obliged to
retreat to the fort. That eveniag we saw
the whole Station of Agra in fiqutzs; and for'
one or two days 'nothing was done in, pil
laging the buoys of the Europeans, and
murdering every Christian that' "could lie
found. Frog' that tithe` to this 'We have
lived in the fort, only going °utile* , an'd
then to visit our ruined houses:'"' On' the
10th of 'this month we had a remarkable
deliverance. An army had been eollebting,
for several months about forty mils from
Agra, but bad not felt themeelvis , strong
enough to come on here until the 10th. Orf
that very morning, a movable Brigade, sent'
on after the fall of Delhi, reached our Sta
tion, nod just one hoiir before the evening
came on,
had pitched their tents near the
fort, We were all rejoicing in the help
which bad arrived, when we begin to hear .
the roar of cannons, and the din of battle,
Our troops were taken quite aback; but they.
soon formed and drove the enemy before
them, following them up for ten miles and,
takiog all their guns and baggage, and
ing about one thousand of them. This.
victory has given us'rest hire for the pies
ent, and we hope that we ehallim no more
The case of our Futtehgurh brethren, and
all the residents of Futtchgnth, is a very
sad one. The regiment of riatiire 4 lnfatitry
at that place was one of the best in the Bor=
vice; and it was hoped that they' would
remain staunch. They
,diti remain do for
a long time, but at fast . 'it became' e'viden't
that they wire only awaiting`tbeir time, add
that co reliance could 'be 'peed in'them.
Under these circumstances' our brethrop, ,
Messrs. Freeman, Campbell,. Johnson, ap.d,,
McMullen, with their wives *rt;p Ctwii oh&
dri n , and it is said about siitY ot}tera, set
off in boats for Cawnpore, where'tfuly r itoped
to find relief.: Obwirpore, hoWeil.,al,"d
the menotiqe rigeni and a` - native
named N e ne ga t hib,,was at the betk4 of lthec,
troops. All'itat'sve can learn of their fate
is, that the, whole ,party, i after ! being fired
upon all the way down the river, were finally
stopped near Oaimpore. The i re'theY were
taken out of their boats, and men; women[.
and children, having their hands tied behind
their backs, Were led to • a ravine, where
fleet were seated' in C roar and beheaded.
Their= bodies Were' exposed for one or•twe
days, when they !finally thrown Into
the river.% Thus, have perished our Futteh
gtith brethren I Their passage through the
ilairvalley `must- have', been a trying One;
hht it was short; ansi'they are no!doubt 1411
satisfied thavit was just as it was.; ? , Ne, are
mourning -for. them ) and -pitying ttheir, sad
fete, and it is probable, that they tire pitying
us, and wondering why we, shoula think it
so desirable to live on earth. Thais the
severest bloWthat the missionary cause his
;received in modern; times. Besides !our
Futtehgarin brethren, two missionaries have
fallen in Clawnpore, two in, and ,one
in Seal Sete-rill but one, T believe, haiing
Wives and 'children. How 4itiny Bitglish
'People have been murdered; Veinnottell.;
but Pthink nearly the half of those who re
sided in these parts. Of the people of Fat
.teligurb, Oawnpore, Shohjeliaoppre,
much, And many , other Paces,- only a rem
'nerd, some cases 'one or tio, , have-eimaped.
In many other Places moretthan the .half
have been murdered, and almost everywhelr
there has been pillaging and destruction.
here in Agri, iihereliehadta4cit to
'fly to, and a , Buropeaniregiinetitto guarding,
.we= have had opwardeof,ehiirty, murders, and
, about fifty were killed in > battle , Our
pects-nowshowever, are much brighter The
dark clouds which hung °viz.uefor nearly
five Mon the 'heti'•begun ! to; !seatteri and-if
sodie still remain iirtbe ,horizon, they. only
show, that the storm 108. plpptek 711, 1 ,1*-
jaub has remained loyal, and
,rnuebt,Of our
help has come from that quarter.
the' seat of the -gteit 'so oftetirthe
SCRIM bf =bloody , war ) Headmen) taken by. the
Engliektcoope, the,rebels,44y,ea .ortt w of t
,acv the oldlpeg,a,esptivp, ' This is one
, of
thetimet splendid achievetrients of Modern
Aqa. Dar army, released . from that'. place,
We' sCattdred itself 4erthetcountryst driv
ina mebels before
Trogps also : have beim to arrive frock og
lank and we shall soon hoive ariny of
eighty thetiqiind ike dotintir WeAbere•
lore consfder the aiiiiitteetleftlet - IVel are
'miry, through' a meteitut Providence, safe.
The' country 'wilt soon:be? ( eopfittered,,, , ; and
order. !will, time, 'lm p ,restored.
often I thigh of it, seems to be a mira
clethat we were, not all' nit Vp, at& ulterly'
driven Out of `the lorintry. 7 ' vain lardy
ascribe our deliverance tothetnerey OE God,
and the imbeejlity,,of, our, enemies ; I , We are
much broken down the loss of our breth
ren, and by the removal of some who must
`g.6 home: We loiVe' also lost 'all our prop
erty, both private and that !belonging, to.the
Misaion, at the stations of Agra, Fottehgurh,
Myripore, Allahlkbad;Fiitteepere,, and Lo
dia9a. Some of eur,native Christians, alio,
have been put "tolit;ittli, but they haVh gen•
erallf escaped.' 1 0dr"work is,lnosornet4re-,
siects l ,lte rbe begun vgaini; ,andyetzwe be;
lieve !that I his rebellion is about, to, nahe a
4dirs and that wor'lr.7 i ll;be
grsitgy ranged by' it. Voiild' that "many
. ce j rn.iereready l to °time'andlielli us.
Sincerely yours, '", sow:,
South-Westeeiviewa.' i .'
, ... P=2lo 4111"4.; 44 4 Co. , Igrfb,)
January 11,1668. i [ , ,
I 'ltEve D.') WHIN :way D. 'D..;-4 , ear
Pieilter t il'ittr heed 'deilirdnii)f writing
Y . (tli tlitifeX giC,,,i0r. 8 ,°49 , 14 6 1:4, 4 1 ',,,1i 5 t;1we b
have been neeessiti of, 'sf,p4claing b ;
in 41, i so, since: we 'came . West, 414 , it? was v I
simply out' ‘' the question: 'lt i has, , now ;
been - a little over three menthe , since :we
left, a delightful. 4oiri,e_,7llg4 most ,a,' Worthy
people,laud.a beloved l'reehrpry:W. o 4 l cra, l: '
Pennsylvania. The brethren, congrege-o
tions, and scenes of Piet Presbytery, within„
whose hounds I 'had' joyfully labored far t
foUrteen year's, will - ever Ve qabarfao my''' .
heart.' .1 felt that the oath of. God waselearg '
and, strong., for. me to labor iti a fex,Weetere
field, and klherefore resolved tog° Without 4
delay. , We left for Glenwood; Mills Co:, reiva
and the liestatutione 'around it:' • We , eitue
directly 14 Railroad to St:-Louis ; .where iwe w
spent a Sabliath ;, theneei by okra to- ATP.fer-i,
son City, Mo.; „thence by steamboat anll, t
stage,to S. joseo, M o .; where we spelt,
another 'Siibbilli '; and ' the'itee; turtle ',Mis
souri River wile i*. o and tint , feirleatsiver l e
Ititining, I3y.stage toiGleiswim4 witere j nuder.:.
a kind Provide.nea,,we errlyr.ettin,safety, on ,i
.the 0tt1.,, of r petobei,. , Our / journey, with,
the exception of so me unexpected deten
tions, and so much staging," 'Whs. 'Otle` of 'un- i'
' Inoked: for mom fart , and. mercies. 1 The trip,v
however,mas expetdve ) ,,and the freights upl;
the river l , it that ,season, very ~
bigh. ' t ,
The cheapest and 'beat routi'for th ose in
the East who desire to dome £o tuispoint by
the Missobri River, would beito..edme,otr the:.
Railroad irc weytaoffpittsbutl4l 2 e OT i ttial4
Union, Indianapolia,aud Terre,iHaUte, tit 84
I.Phis, a„4,istane.e.of one thoesund`Wed seven_
miles from Philadelphia; tad thence h tof ',
steatiboat direetly`th,thii place, about( eight'
hindredieiles farther..s *The fare from-Pitts..,,
burgbi to St. Lonis.,thus r in $17. 5 0,= ,altd ß
from , St. : /Janis. toa this, Piece, CoUtieil •M pffs,
or, Omaha, $2O 00,,,' in ordinfiry ,
. stages of
'water. „, • " ' ' .
Not b eing 'abM to obtain a suitable=
house- in' , Glenwood, cap lwe expected,. Welt
eamerto , PaeifietOity, , s i new and flourishing
town.- three viten Nes 4,.Glee wood,• ,and,,
four miles from the .Misseuri. River / Here;
as also in Glenwood, ire Werelibilliveleemed
and encouraged by thWvitiple. t , Bet, as our., :
`house was. unplaatenA7
,and i.ietterything ,
Around was new, : we, „were ( _,opmgelted 'to,
,st,pi i tish An'''. Oa they say out here,) tilt:
dertalie 'a variety of - *ark: 'Tor 'which wea.
had 'no training, in order ttirepare-16 1 ther
apprclaAing Winter, which .we fupeeted, ;
from aitiacoounta, to be. veu lattgest.,i So '
we dug and walled a welt ,of, very. flee'
water; covered,, fi rst with muslin it i nethencls
with paper,''the' five lower rooitisl'or dur: I
'house; then built W stableotwenty feetkloug t .,,
and twelve feet twide 5 - and then put lr.
t weete two. and, thiee4ousaed.lattv.,
~ Itteee,, l
besides other neeessary, and accoMpanyirga
dallies, kept tia.aliftilly Autiloyed; Atil wed , '
got' very. comfortitblyaUsoit L.ainCtiPstvisit
, ailtthes far been favoreddrateslibiAl4. eelvd
welltitisted 6 'with' lOut 6(l4:mations ~ t o,iie
E 4 A fflie,;lint,ebeen filledifitb paiseetniGed s
00tttit4.164 , ,, 'T. al l
, 11 iii; I gIVAWV:PC°4ri' ll
ovinsonteoligtreueas,to,up., h.. ',. ,„,,, s4 / s '
er ,I
i- Thiwi whole isegion,isoarytelsetAyk aicl‘
J. 4 J I.
0. .
fo I*
fertile, and is , rapidly filling up'-with an in
telliont; , entorprieing, ant industrious popu
lation, Ar,Rtreet, one ofthe pltyainiens of
this place who has lived in 'lowa twenty- .
tiro yeafs, and in this neighborhood the l&st
five yetifii; says `that thisliarthe , thealibleet
onnutrrlielev,er lived in., 1 .11iillsiCounty is
geottreill.t here, tkoiceaY4o4Re4, to, be ;91! 1 . 1 of
the ,he althiest , most fertile, hest watered , ,
bet,timbered, and, bast agricultural ema
il& in Velfierelown.' It is taking the lead
in edierptitierilite, anitufg-tliel.aouthertitera
of:bounties , lying on thelMissourilislopeOnd
tbeffreie.otetVinft 9f: rlakroeickt from 1 31 41 . 4gir
top l
to t he Missouri River which it is, said
wil be the drieriiitioad cminleqd throukh the
'''Slaie--4tois direntlji 'flirt:ighly'. biiringibi
Ila'at t r ioi'Weekti 'there has-been started - a , rip
ular line ofatagesn which- , will -be of -great
importance, to,
~it , also,
~ tripping from this
point Aireptly o throno it, East to. O seola,
.. I
Clerk, County, :atit 'there connectin g ". with
'Otiiiii'arages ''and the ' Bitilington ' and 'Mit
-a Curl River Railroad,i and -thus, furnishing ,
ltravolers, , , West teAthis ,vicinity- a speedier
,route Amu any .other. ~ The charactor, of
Mills County,, therefore, is aliaady favorably
Hence,' larie nuMberi of 'fain'.
Riffs ftoni thelastern, Middleand Weittern
iStates,havebeen pouring in here every sett:-
loon, and it will doubtless be the,oasein the
&tut4,p Quite t' large emigrat ion is ex
e `t
d - this nest Spring We—
feel, there
fore;verrwell satisfied - that our - steps hatfe
beerr , diiiotedifin the.proiidence of ,God, to
this noint4 il ~ ;1 i ' : . , •
,2 • Glenwood
County, and a pleasant and thriving town.
ilt isilwentruriles , South . of -Connell ,Bluffs,
, and tsevenl miles JEast of,the Missouri . fti veil,
ifinely i doooted l in ,a Rove l of, nataral ithrulo.
e cui „rolling
. gr i o k and; and : well sh el tered
from the higli'svoids that i usitally'atieittiOAr
the' tit-airfoil It orintlinei fine brick OAR
.house, 44 ne - tiii , laricla:,sobooliAtontiej ,, two
ilhurchetivant abeut, one' thousand ,inhabi-
Aprel , ,);Tatillimaly,,,it,hod .
,only a, Methodist
church, whioti was the only church in the
whole country; but the Conaregatibliallits
littvevitiline'lluttingliiptotke ifastr -season, a
.geodi brick ;budding, AbEkkuie. ' 11 .07f 4,6":11
ready , hir, : aim:. . t , • , ,
Palid.'d Pity is located on . the Itl l itisouri
' - I(fv„Vi‘bOttfral ;11, ato two' ?o,it'i)i. ifie high
and '-`l)iatfreisqviii . li r tiltiffkiv iztliat -Skirt - the
Mahon:kedge of-all this4trairia.boltdmalong
41tei/ivert.:.,dtsisitetja 4 petfectleytivetr, g -
,:ipg,op 40011 -.vtpx pt . qt. , ms 7 :s„ five Miles
North-Weit of r it,, on this side Of 'the river;
ant gisht'llille;in f e—thgf ''' ' l . ati ' ' f
ormer oc on o
the OliihaiMiitelion, •iiiiderAhe oath of , °lir
, Boartef 'Toreign , Missione4-ten miles North-
West gel At, ‘ on.thp.ofheriside•,of.,the river,
iig-ler) ) .rAllßtiTPxffiterY . ;„, As 4)% o CAlle &lig
,squi. River ,itself,..and of th e level Plateau
illoniit for' ten or ` dftedh 'Mlles,' both North.
`ant South! •'lt'orilt-staftedtlitattSpring; and,
now it , has ,Some three hundred; on . four -bun
,dretinhabitants, withuill the conveniences of
,town life. Ita r buildings.are generally , neat,
and wetive, several large, and beautiful insi
!til;o'cies ,in k ii. 'Platten:lentil, the' Oodutyiskt:
of 'Cass` Cotitity;'N. T.-Viti another , 'town. of!
:grOviiiitir importance, dyitigAyusti four milesf
p,Wesh - onir the
_, opposite idle of i...4p river:`
44...51vA1l situated, f.rq l ,7 l 4 ) ; l 7PP Ori * l l P!,b.Y , 0,
,and,,and,a,br i eOeY lies 4 r pepnlat of Smile five;
,cr i sis huncyed, '- ,
' I 'live larifilifed 4- tiitirel-overy'Rahbithi
, iiiiicack Carrie liere,*-antil , liesterday,9when I"
AvasAprevented,hy -,* storm s in,ilip., morning,
atifitstifig, „pity, in, the, large, s,cli9ol-lifitisep
and in the afternoon ,, at" GlenWniii, in the:
Methodist church, aethilt wi t s iiiteonlii time -
I could have thathhurchl and that was the only ,
~ommtiant.,placio,l octitlcl,get , forAipldiiiig our,
„serreeo.,, I began in
,preach„ without much
previous notice, to' five or 'six tiareinar' ' For :
seierill Sabbithiilliitga deetneilidiseciuraging,
iki-ilitifttinger, k but ant rltexpected .1,11 this' [be-,
fore& came, .J -was oot t disappointed., ..Nov- ;'
, hogever„ we generally
.liavp quite a full at . ,
,teßOpue of respeltful listener s, and I leel.
strengthened and encouraged for•thi future.
I 'fiolie4'after this to berpermittet to mss,
-ilia Cotigvegationa 'Church • , a part Jot' ,my
time as,the,Pongregationalists 'hayunct.iort
ganization in
yet, Ertteir
minister will proAly , only 'use it once,
.e o erreirit'weekh land . -lait;las beei‘ buil
i-• - ..t , . i ,
Ttnireotte,aet4yet,ilMCa-felei gre,b,YlPrion;
jA , )9*M°9 , .. P„ (1 -iit', , Y i° ilqi)?A ut, 1 t h inks
tller9,ltre ,enough to enable, t u'to orAattiz*e as
Othilih early In the Sitrine - I eitpedt, after,
ilifkltd lireaChalsdetrerk , fonrth• , SAbbath in .
Plattsmoutii and/Rock ,Bliiffe • ' , • .
.. .i- This =latter iettriewitownAnisebreaXii , Ter
ritory„ on a bettuAful 114e..ObOokelx.,er g oeVen
tuileq South of Platten:with, and lying im''
inediateli ii Partite river, With: sqloinilatient
lot ilivelrarthtindredi 4 Therm, are nowabouti
teri4PresbyteridossinXl44Wonth; t ioni,t4ing,..
,xtpq e4 M 7,404 , was. a, Ruling , ,Rldel,„ in I th t e r
,congregation i he le - ft; and `sustains a good'
Otiaraeter where he: raw resides , so the t' we'
can organize a church there very,"iiiion:
.While at*Rotdrillioffez L ma, 40 1 ,4hre are.
fp!ple4. I 4 laave also made an appointm ent
to iiVericle on Wat"Wedfiesdny `eveldifg; in
the 'lridglihdrholid -vet *Harmony,.•whero, as
opportardty,roffers,lPOapect opoaaionnlly ' id I
, o ffidio,t is t, : Thi s %A *Aug towo;ahoutfifteet
miles East of Glennod, lying direetlyupctp,„
the lice of Burlington and Missonf t i o
`lo4,i'ltii!r6llC+s6 a"heinitiiiil „ !rolling , priiiiiii,
and , Isirrentided , briheavy teettlements i Or
honestiand 441180 0 ns citizens.. , ~,, 1 '
'-i Mut the field there littio 4 large, kiftt,l4a4. l
to labor where my effor i ta will, tel l, the
greatest, advantage. I have; as my 'field, - 0
- Mills Conity; Iowa; Mid liillP Casa Corinty, l 4. l
T , fand , the oeunties , ,baoli.of these, too if 1.
~cold serve them. d v am r the only Oreilbitelt
lien ininisteroin theni. 7dflg„ lather 130 ,
---tile, Pioneer of L lireetryteriiliiiiiinliti 4 lffita-r.,l
li ti e "only SPreebyterilln sifiniiiter itrAlre
, Mout County.•: Andeas, brOthexAtunopuli is
6'l46ot:this Winter frOPl,..ponp9ii ~pr i pirl, on
5.,. visit to his friends in England , !father
tell i inif I`ale' the minis=
' telirirrallldifthk WiidteiridnivaAthuslleciviri,o44,
*Pottarsitttimil,*.'Oasa,t Mourgod4rY,;44l, 3 ,
t Taylor,AßlJ'iether, couritiettol.„Spnth Weeter'n
„Molldtrtitute, ''o , pept, what little',
aid,Father Be ll is able to 'Venda. 'soide 'df.
' 4 illeizi."'Alt /liege; 1it4t41311 intirilany
~ o thetat
lifeelp tlithlirlitidh,e andlYsimlii ,, het 'shrew
jekirpionlis . ingAnderfaithfukelort, e , „tilkiti
, ,
tuhryfftztrtibrilit , BlPPNC*. Ite-VißP rer f
i k ,
if f l os l ij o j t he rOpl . l,Br r. trikkr, inlit
o t
Ja . Binner,an .Aly ocag i o A ilk the
'Mr° WA In 'sea` d' Tieyrfebouttie4 Oar-,
toldiallareWontardes alnititattaitiatinter m
oat one importoorn 114_601111/9 WA ti
illvAakvaiwitswilf, sltmossaistft • 1
'The'Preabytity, trio' of TlAteeill3ltiffs;
but "a little , one!!• itaihoompord ofi
father 13e1l7and ,, brother Kipg f of ;S3idney~y
Fremont pou.4ty,
Notirask,A dity 4 ,N. T, and
or CoutieW Milts, lowa. ' l silt)6"theii'fiiiie
teteettag andiloilgabizationAir , litritv
Cone ductoessive; ?efforts toi hell a 'meeting
a44- t havO.fAiled for want of aIIAXP4II .4.1. , ...
theii„ laskatteßpt, s whieh 7941whph.$1 7,91, of
Novembers' last, at Cauncil 111144 ,T Was
present With' 'the' 'dealt* iinitreitMetittidlit' 00
uniting with them upon eertittearerto3takuis
Nut ;
Hamilton; of evue, N-0.
Ltu.„. ia„ Rome imenoe Af Op 'ltila to jggt k al
illPrg lll ).lYe ,Ifer9.lK4h dimpait.o. °Fula
tti(eVieslAteii once 'ineeti,noPoidlle; we
the dthiliribrethititi Wild Urer/mdlia , JOity
and Florence, N Li mig fha reeeivpd,p
and Mitts they ; would be soft Owned. The
PFLFta,aqV 9,PPin...t0,,f0r melt pas 1 1 .'"1-BeAll
vue, N. 'T., on the first of A ri,Lnot.t ; ,but,
•as brotheiKing has altztay ' i 6 1 ! ‘ ,-, Atfou.,
gis:Wriiip , #Wf tkiii"StitrA - . : It „ - ,tok-;
poi, has Ila 4 wk.!, Ilia , to, F A , . 44,f9F,,,feW.,
months, thus leaving bat o
the . .ground= it , is , soinewh , übtfal- When
the Presbytery Will be ablh ` 0 teeetlieint!'a serious losi l to tft# : 3 • I# l o ' .o ;/f 4 *
in this wifely destitute re_ ,1 ~„ ~,. s i „,l'
I cannot hut feel th Goa brought
tna and , my family out' , here , ' if midterm arse
-6,11' ill:helping td mould ttiOniaTtikii and
form 'the iistitutions of this t •J A , wink oetninia
,nity. . Already, has hii,tiept).p used tp gt.y,o
us .favor sin the. sight,of tbisoeopie,hwhieli
•we ;• , rejoiesi•iai , ehttiayiitt the (Tel that. our
influena afor &tad
,uatactg thii•inaY 4 -11e6ta •
tended ;
Thigt,:o,99,l,r9giop 4 ,,Pp o weng i n,l4kingThere .
°ol,Ltn I .F9O•I•E.fIRPWA j
I ,i,pc„tl#cn4,'ip,a4os.'tiuyttepatttiteat r7 , tle
.unktritige4d Prsirit 0349.4.04 , 0.404 . ,tt4
„five to. ten' dollars per; iereArilibisiAllutityy
'and for sehothiagevettleSsfiteleatittiets , Udl
john ; g . ea t `the ti 'there is both
•• YAttrtr• or 47.$ ,
4 - A
great peat dud greie,detaisi
,infitteuse, effori..< • A.4;jef.',. i ttie,-,Liegs ,
thereferey who.. are 'dispesid totem',
grate te'thielfertile pAri)off6tetattitryirsted
t , pA ,
„• • vAr-.5. $ll.Ol
*God and,do good-" rerees religious e,
will be suaaessful-herei,aB„ flthers.;:., Thep
11. , 'great of ,profattitydund. Sibhath
threithirig tut -h`ereitte uoilloisvettnitiderable'
perane f , g ambling, a it "da`uoioga,~ sus
,preashail agaipat,rd'heu , kskituckc A:MOW
swearing , has-heoome so! , oo p tmun Ahattiper
liatta tUt , herui
!esss iwatfqklgli°,9ol4.;
anSa said
being -eheeke4ini the, use, Cfflifilf)h language. :
(1:•: have tried itn , marious map 4itlab—ibithe
!littursh„' along the'reitiMitthisililaylgrettud,,
ee k that the in- '
0f .84b4,01;. - aeilie g ration, ',LTA
ji.uenoey thus exerted:: is :fyisgratole.-;
we. first. eamoptket wab..tiodulat . sition , mani
fested' by 6* to Wotlrt 00111111 :Sabbath" tbe
same as on al? Y ,Blo9,r l 4 ;2 l P 4lAP, S a Y ikg
timei ,to one. man ~yl
habit, and findiog thati.appeatikto,the
science and the Bible brad , butvlittle,
eb Irien hire; I reliftiled %MAT witaftwid
et:46'46dg '`,w6:4Ed‘ Pi t iitlehg,":iibdift ‘binyirin •
1: it He sileind ,h )
ac40P94 0 ,
sabjeot A and.J.,hevo,not
seen .. .him) violating the Babbathq since. An 0 ,
indiVidtial b
Thought con, ilt,,tivllvinh h arliat,
the 84033 e illue
ritereets. , So he,loadedittpihis °JAIN m,wiJ' U
sawed mber;i drovet in .front ittiemsehoot
414. g170,01.9 6 thieldi tkt,!„;afii 04". 2 16
ciao tfie church tp..h„eaß we,.,utqßpeg-i,:r-BuP" t:
pose „het
_thought. ve i ryipxsofitable
Sabbath that day: It is Will, howevei,tor ,l
albselso r iiiAO' ge t into' thiflailifeitim'datig
htt 144 ••• • •
• z . Quits a numbers Here, 'NEU. luntleotedn it.
altogegiely,,ltleve% been led kmattend,inerely I
by, thpin ailt l ,,trakivE),PAßvl.,
on the i subjecO. ;One family that visited;
'aiideß"'nVersed'with bn ArgiOn,.
siid that Ix Wei persinil thati ever.„
talked onithat.subjecit beforain their dvoase, e .
PP, 499417:.faR1i i YA94t0q4 , Bed ,tP
after mj,fijnit Sermon he wefit
hie phisiohed
direlitlY•to tbreinpaithotigli V did *notrakobwA
thbfauch.persons swertiothe)-honsm,fillast
Gienwood,fepe e day, jnst, before Che r cur,, of
Aer,: i gh ,s er4ll4 ° !!!!?: a - 'AV?! tntltter
en Tete coriversing
tokether, when the
oonvAi'ati'on oP'
Enoch. The doctor elfin/lied .hiett unbelief
iit4elaidittime absardreigher tbeit went,,!
ellitSoht anlignBF4 text, - 013 n%
4 / 04 l walked with ,G od ;
and 'be was n o t , ' for 'Goa tido
aigne t d Ofc r oni.ilie'theaffilinatiilhf :tlie 4 i ea- i 1
DowiligkanYthitiga ablmitlitheit a
pre i 7 ions , 1 co n tie rea tio n ." ueoinoidenee
was t striking,,And,li Fee bitivirarda,told,,"
,tkekstprapressAthkplusure atiistening •
to my sermon. " I have Mirwith WoValils ad
Nmpbellites and Univerealiste'idn&T'aithe
here, and liateTlfstrintereeting
with ibleariberditonis tthlingh we can
harillytmeet , twOpereeMidt'ere ) WA1 0 4 . 4 01 d
his armor .a.... 14 han d tO
meee- 1 4 '
"lelittioid Alitellitt3 beforV ithe
'lliteraty9litstitiztevotHalerietobliom,lstook, form
my Object:3V. %lieu 8.4) 1 44i4 0 0 1 41‘e,1 1 ..d,Wci4at
4 40,14.46,44PP1VPAPL11til 9anfiffiir.3, 4
J..h0pe,,g004 waa dpne jty i if; and may Go.)d
alethitr r ifelilorqleM 3 "' 9 : 140 ' -ae
''atittkoriVi l tire ""eliiid' l tifiiel4"'llik . Vnot
"kifeelnii Was4 ll ifsj I
'believe; theyabasettliothers tin theofthrEtist,
yetmioney4 imOb
1:0444l1 I„ have„ T,?r,
maneway clear t much eircnl '
atio>t` of ezart yet in t
hope in seatioiiiibtetiWto do so, and among
others tatitiorelitooPteett4terian Banner *A t ,
lAtibacite‘ t04110, 11 04‘ 11 44Ei.0f VP it#4,2regtd'nh
P,TPfiniNotl'iN thlxv eller t" e
threet, my, paptir"Oifie ity;ll
alotr.l %,teitiosoefst ttles•A , ears
har.,wes.thenkhera isudelightfulatuliqtlitrr
Abeam& ptioolcf 1.000 ,;rl 2 l/Beki.qtl i liPp3 l ,
'berme h ive "id a lexely, Fall' find Vinter„
heretrue f 91101"
~ ne „ y o ,
. C•OR I . IIID ku'Oirmy e ki tst
..4 • .
A * opinionlkaboli they
i6sitioif' liithatilis?
tottladeTonnakii isittlekef tafteSPith
lic k d 5 . 0 hay %TR; Theo,..hyph i ,
ti tt an ` Vtlic t4pn 9
e regnta g rAt e r c Tsa
*, and leave the,ma ID*, :tir R 6 '
11104acirs Nail .t (Bn 41r.406 Vt. 541
or reject r consiaer our:games as a no- i
13s , illid'ttilibt; di 4'll 6fi t inWil '
itoi* Presbytery=? ' , 4ButTiv.49 not see lid*
thii Jaiitteancbe idone,ras&he ,cAistcogn of x .
rgeekypry : of z Council Buff, s ;is r ,mcessary rq
se the Third"Neihytery=ti l i We .
or the Synod of &anthem lowa. CatliNff 1
RellitrSynidd'adls, " 41 V` 1 11: 1- 12 inr.
iritx bY- 1
Pi4hlPleeft 3 gth the tti Viemj
igiy.Offillvtiel.tQathrlpilielbots &tea
class where necessity and a due oarryintror
P o i f ollPfdellwdernitttireliffnaiiithe
16i 'C'r' of hEeelliiiiifoito till4ll sot cifdtitzblthit.
. 1 / 2 1thie gt be Piallinal Rilall' , 6loßatital4s l
(1104 r Artgaidirtrak
tineaitnEi ofaiiirantiiiikuomolitsartiteit,i
Bays, at least three. If two, bin
-dinaryThibe,ihaU act, tike-SynocloariAtotem-1
bothplospl'reViteos3l4.4lA. 41/ilir
• -;"" • .
e I I - Yfdj iiirliondbat•Correooluient j.
thin o h i (
' Ritiielnetit of
. sie Colmti pbell fro in to
' ,, cifilm!Surpgioeolr,.
,beit's Gr eat
Victory —.4 . 3Taiiine in Tears fo; *H`difigek-7Ao
Witeveresentimlak. - -t, rieg44o-
I ,,,ema . 7 , 7 1,. ? c0n5e up giyber.'; 7 l4A 4 getko r and
dia—The C4asaft the Artatoor - deirptPate
u 'RN iii'73ile—kVerWonaniith'vlininacotiDernand.;
qs 4,noliveueiing r Atryggit 7 ,470 a sahib ate , „ale
/Inavieh l Frien43---Extraorflmeiry cinsi De-
DiAnoitP—PAPei 'Poectitt
4-ifigito the hifisiieflmq4lr4 l 44 ,l 47#9o4 ll o 6 4MVlT•
Peait t ging i ve grid Courage—Dr., /rigor andep;
Ye IraWitigi—de. 4 Bh2.4
bdtAßOakigi Rrograniiiileittßetrai*T-PoOgrkt•
1444 1itiiin8ril :taiha4slsttirilBsBP
Api;earedtojlt WatoiNpattofrßirLOPl#4o.aPP
plark.49 tetirs,,,Eon c iljooKogy ou nclo
sp)soAntrtte„hjstco.r4lB sk(4 wnporp TeT4b je
doing: so, lie possessed himself oertiil nt Attiree Ina 'nf,rupehi, the Kines i jogslo[and
all the guns worth takino. away. Ae,,left
Sirr James Qutram at A Cumbagh, eb as to
` i n vllitlN (ate ErVi «As iri
(MeVfend ';t7ittie ticas4 etlint
iooirntrylispatolvast onAttie:itiPftw4i (Nigel
',.si:figldkeltt9t€ 4 ,tAnY, 9 T1FF 1 40 19 ,54 ofAket.Pelie
mutineers Southward, however, 'are liptllten
of. Oude itself will require a oampirkii"to
9 sadtig,ffind tolowntwadoiibtUthat
ihnielwilhbehintold ettirplOyagatofPFAittiln
Br tir.99POP,ndip-p - 1 ,94E 3 4yet.Tht 11 % 11 "
sand ITP.PePd'el•
I may here meritiOn' that 'Alain'
no,faverer, ths•East4ndia l comp,sti,y; floes
flot.find fault :w 14e ,11 . 1 4,44 5
,4 1 .,0. 0 49Y: in
,the annexation of 0410.. The evil *Ai, leav
mg it with so ma ny
9difsetiption . q.givAtr-byeIKTR-,Sin, itjh f hikctr Mtg.
.42 . PTY1E4P a e t P aT,I C et t 1 81C l e 10 1 :a ° ft 4 /e
t emel sl a arzhqr e'.'4lleyttrig i p: human
heads, 'hy 'ffovatime'atT li tthWersZiiiedei
ordsVitViii; 4653114 —Atealtrerituvetin
Itiony lit A Ifell r ilefiPirtfialk) #43 KikrACTMI"
lions z Amd 1 0,41 ar i Aeiforlogv., llll ,
As to - General Windham, fam o us for his
trilOry Ili s ts - Itellinitirintrietqleiddifmply
contingent. The collisioe s Amverf sae
He,firat -attacked and defeated e
trreeihßelatOrtiie . tneWili r tgin re
rtiled~`S duo
hiedintdidiltilietite,crawal Vie, e
L - Aeltirttliliater ibefethimrpriadd,bitiagnigbtqat
lere set on., fire,. A sortie was made; the' `btelkilieTtlieitaktribbirtirihune.
But it appears that one or tworegimetiitty or
wings , df thetri,, teere , pnehect,forywd and
left without supporwon the exttgale Al
sit dlatiffereti severely -1 Several , effLetre, W. re 0
Cifithres.taken,plicrcrep l onst. arm
bur et -andthenbektentto &sat wtth shoes and l4
anothertied x torthe lyhepls Of fa oxisiege4 4nd
crushed to deathl ~W gerWale., e'
,is:ectverely!ntiticistody., wt.,* Kutll that,
•Ite,tlll:l4 ;; l 3 , 9 „Vke u llid exkerenee tit ,
in mans n a trmY in t the ileitt; tiO p
eountering's? Astitqct finlidtde " ^• 1111. ,
Whe'n n ta.
retirement ftoin litteknowttefforeP494 withe
.hit; Igal/ 8 14%4.9 18 1 1 f Fii4;fiff9APlP4ll.:lT he y
.fine, old „chief ~51,royes
„tile enemy. beforepoti
filc? ch a ff,
othgl s •Ttiitiran t d'ilffitii, v atepleted 4 ttiit War
' trifbirt the otr,Bir.llolin,
,toug.hott4er God, depends. It appears thatu
he ,needlet4dy' expo`aes'hiieeiPai tinieb; in 11041 ,
tire lipairtuk 'ofJ his. igen, t
`grid by e'niitienrrattititgirrantimibrthe power el fat andlskillfal -use of,fhiszertiller9l4ll3, W ind!
al before affirmed is that Wind
Deem kidlief; notebeexi i ,t.hapAqtbe,..
effect_p l ighilhavqthecgOitpyitr . aus:
and tins, in Its turn,
Iftitited' ;
inikiteflYliratiebt tof Sill°
talitkrogAtindlitiow,affonnirhichihettetired,' ,
ssiih4l4 womenigikoliglep, in G t . ke Ace ofkt
weikttyrt,kggiViOttkrineAF" I F /ft9qt - itit
~.ehikg,tej nlO9 l lomen ed. o ten d
were sent ' on to' AlfillabatPNtridiliiili e to
imig t he, q Dor , Loemous 1 / 9 1.{J0 ,/ 14
frz*w b.),tawe fseit,avt4 frt
v ,WELIAVRIIMIpr t nt i brave navelook ja ,
is u t aversaMiNeFifitfts his
native place. He has been enigedtlit
the Indititrwimrnftheiast thirty years. He
wen c ktio amenfigegice as a Catlet t: ,
b)l 6 43'l)°t ris io
rifßili4,4the rpo - ilf,„a Babel rn, be 'Td fatty
t re„e. He AV, atideii,VnljoilbietiV , coe .
'oat fiviragauid) hinel Tare! ornf
tii; andt - thiS pecititatityLaf ltimcONlN
picmineEitlyssOMPSl illf?vt.4 B tli! if fSir
s eyeyonditlylistygilp d spzp al uOl,e /Iwo 4,
th so u ttlotilike courage IritirilW fittest
;)a -
ndonost o saidtAit, pttl"
bit'fiBrobfido V3hiiihadeintend
edlV.Ptioirligef fcitt him; ana..ichrlitertputoae,
- is. lc m;aket bie ls ka t ily t t . beri,
LAOY..tlaWlee.klrffit up t it l e fftw 7 k a a t p
4 fultf gum hpm , 'I3V n '
survlying air poll& — *Mr red AB mil
fe I 1 `dit'Wel'irpi ries kiltlkaltatk 00
frhViSithe)codlthitottehalte Asa 01 dIY
!Offen rostiuk Aitichatit • th o%
barnisle t y . tel a ravi It o otp o o- .
vf tOr. Itignia F la t . troy
e l arlie`r tiara toe; .0b
deis elm Ord
"tabacbt bismia Tads tads brut 'sTrrirl bte
4J , e t : 1,4 k 41 to ii. , ISt • Ilt pfylt •
,trOirie'said;:"Akifee irlither I' 4 ' l fidadioteem
Avioho . 4. l6 o l o"cWiT),.*: ll ,,,
WAFRPOR,II,-. o sclPorßiAaiß . Iq ll A TA
tketpierefelJoe,4 iet kixeatjaVinc44 141 F,
Havelock now waves the , zqnqueroeslalm
100.1 /A-
HetiforikiEr ckriiitanity; we well 1111#
' kepi/ 46, 1 1tilimitaniiitiedteliP 6 A6
tilnevilbidetvbephintftwarfainfl(hils (*coed
itismuskebtioritke Piviggiq , llol44l444 APO
13%.141,9A_ 7.lllFirs e sfirMiti
'A d 3 be en so yet e made
OV:r. 'Alva
sibilleNfre*Witliktire logtomptikiviga *wag
land *tilt:write iurtivbAs kellikup la bd :liw
u / Mkigs fac4aTliiihJ,%4ol4l 4 mlifidZieol4-tu al
- ' " it'T e lig -Vi s etall,` 7 ,2 ari t leta t il 'dd.')
-iso!, i.,1)1:(41,1 4iiip- , q '`a ,I!Fci 7 ii.ii.J ill
.d!r#F , ,c44gmilivt h ig l o , Aili s we* t heir
&mi. meeting since the Christ: 1s 14 eii.
Wan' 'MIA 'fiiiVislialffienfo .1 , . ?.",'*, r.,41
1 . 11M - PitiMtiffilii4istAtiro64lC; ' =
laiiMinisteviiiittiettlbuiegi4ALatitea4 .40 1
iie`r-IP .igav VIVA if* alilsciejbtp:**
Julia.. g i tl:Pk t i r, 7l 4 illile xe raVi y
`the Qompanv, WQA . hue b 0 vested in -the '
IftiiiiteirldifiVtikg, *IA braird)bleAbn*,
• aileain'gbAufar itanktigsvil ipiimpolvea t FIA
etbklabitliole -ffppiiiiiSmorks fivicatOlkekha Dais
saiii r iwi4lo , l o ltll:igAinvitteteAlinliNke
i silistOn f v,e A litr u thefi r k!)tresweinapl i eivil
and military aprioifilma' Zt eisii) priblia,
VietliVtilihgefaitrtrikii l *W*lO4-
tilt% Tebbe Aliveivislarnitialisrha t i a great Tere l
- 1/ eouwhiohyri with e (10:4stmiwterl 9i'ev_ifeo
1ift.i9 4 4e1404014,4. 0 ,aPP5,f4t ilktIVI , PlYsPf
her- eons ,a44c, ; ll9twise i , lipt fess than ten
millions lietiiZg a yake a There idlelii4-,
ireiclirrtfit'lliddikkß gin 8 , 4ild'lrilfft•Mitoblei
klefiasibebte thmanarabfaelingcbfotlitotnahlti
aapPointingt 140.0te4Micaphrth 11 4 fi.,cb4a
nißTTltiFißll6l) Bl WitletTilianN talA d Pk'
ttrer a and asapparen4y, ai. east,• a particeps
cratind 41 egeVartha l en s e t ifro l hab g ial
' ai et B 6f 'ld yiliAbitt,4oll l 6V aivilbaiiieft.,
abld,)thasi exiiitectigteatO indighstiani illk
mils rruinuraslth,ao t Q l Juirighr4edkontlieiliA
Al:oreAerrriullPS'lndeßYPiritufip4 OR ,lik
dian affairs, was to e khe'llead of ' the new,
VoiMif fFeliiig ai;Nsii tleadigfifd-4,3iiehi4
or-General. The last the otilltiiivaild;ifat
titiad;lided. 'wiry ihairrthin datnakdt iwili we*
Jourtierfor :placing? Pingoklb ljwiVice,if}t PO
)1 2 q 1 4 41 0 441 a titt f 4F s ill 4. 4 t f4 47ro( Palj i
meracii's sie o n-in-law •-= married tO the
`ififitkiiteßdtliTg 1 3 .;1:Vy fter,Whilsßi6lll l ,)
WV Aitfithli VA& brthed.gleOrittrallichick;
)iugAwhich;rin pioliongeOladhoesdarevberites
twilifflAdifkriti tarp ills i'i eligi:q zicia
7/41 4.8;, ^PT, '- kißrd.g al l*PiP'g;ll l N IS iT ed lol'
.be under 'Pase.iii9 ',ialcieriice r : ' '"gbsei t r l y9
''that' a lib 'a' gir' ..'" 1134iiVii Vidiegieri
74e`fit likiferii 64+10W; 44.aript6iatid
• his Sehritagy. , , , sHisrTwholortaniacibittiCa4
I catta-lsollai ~timPigh,l 9 go,dAtsq,' ,9.pC it ~ie
; 1 pa r clii,s! t id. #4lt ), 4 J" ,1J aw Fence r has pee n re=
baked for his mini:Nee o . abort the liative
'aristi l a r b3i. rlli Thig4gaid belquits i iii‘riiriii i ig
'''ivithAeriallialigat obifddef.4i'Mi...Verhon
'Smith, M: 1):;:: President .of th,e , ..,Boatil. :of
I iklontredl (anlud } tl/iMilii4FrYisoll.iv)"l l j)
reoentl4 nrioyitelth,e4a4i.tipprl,Aeßadid
in4 from the Directors li`lis Ofil.e names of
E ettiobrrolfieft4 o 4libflliad'istibidribirdeit&P.Ml4. ,
r "latotaiiir Soderidif ticTkli itheib honotwbes it!
?told that LtliP3 Dketol73 re .ffusfilmt2r fur.*
1 1117081.49.4 lint, Butt the PMPr44II/Acate.B
an animas wniet speak ioramet, ‘' w
' " liftred ulloa r if f gglic4';'Y ablAr diaikly i
iiitiirrticiaiiiiirthlf, ifttiiidtaltfiln rciPilatidel
Christians into the IndimpleVioey7o4l
'strike 04.44 fik v,01.7/ 49.4011P1.31)0 1 " -
,thy 4012fide . Bse. Pitttm e agva4 41:he stl i to
• le i between secallarlim and thruliority i
iiii VNO; Oe l stralt, D efriirels l l44349.
'Ettagilisnifwtil stileastl gaiiirllat t itriskst--, '
is,istirrA 3 .l4o9. 4 l 99.479 L risztlogl.S.'Pidarit!Aisiir
49Prtq w1 0011 - r th ni 1 14 1 7/4 e r r ie l to '
justify Av._ payment`9einoney to ta iTriit
tiles aiidtkOliiiiiiiieVitit 6ThrlitlipAketifie/ of
WA AieViPeteetita..intab , wit% vakie
diiicesfp and: is: rigygeonsly igiligp4.4l) ,tha t
Aetall'AdolibrfAk 9M3weiltzl Thera
ia.orlillitt.ii9RaifAeligeOpp o f ;41°4 I<l s '
.4 r" 61') I'
iiUliy as
six ' ' —' "- 1 ! 4
3i I'l‘ I/14 7 'y).----EIJ/11.1091 10 f."4*,11.134439
axe. _,
1 t.. 4 §A.HIB, i igritO3pSa 12 NT) OF
.Wlc4Ciw, and t o hivelmen among the de
feAfedVitiork. "tiV 44,e IA libimiiiivirio, 7
-thillitijal falifily!df) Viiiisitiwhisbapvidli) 'e
Egteatly.tartr;byiblotizraiyingudnernsPeON to
ithe,4V4q4gR.04 0 1 1 4 2 141444"10,P10 lied ? t,
,A, rat idea l „ If .kitr Piift r oll t iVil i g f Y e '
treachery of hiscrien'dizi. Some time' ago u• .
e t olnalUdVikitehlftinehol e gZill s alfd iil64
ainliAltd ) jibrelry; ittirin then lita4litoaitis—
voiamiSigighy Mike latighilißdiAiPitletßAFOng
. nthd.i5Pr0r.914414 , F359740in. gtki4 V-)lds, erL
Thus the natives swils o dl i oonie.mol9r., A
nu” rupr was struck ta r tuA T uaivritcPaty
2 .. e'rt l ceit. -- ft;ise''ilnualit EfiantiVabibe id- be. i
usif, 751 ,, 6 :,€: 11.1.1e...t , ,,,y.f.i 'isiT ....salt] , `)
Tar..Bqait OF IiIICKNOW., and the strugil
irel'T alle sul'fbiiirg6 '' a 11P tiil4ibeVe,o ihaaver
hNbirdillailelli iiti kinottistrikingt piperr_frOub
ißrigidierEinglied I Thiet.offilw to.*Ah.e/Plm4 b
mandAkr- tkriii e Mk e li 9 fAi r a r - a ll - tAl r "- B° l ,
y a e slkillort4nL„ill tie AnAlifiria-
A p x Bimini, the cinicaitisi 'Wulf -136,4.
laibhei,7*ll6 l wiiiiaiikebyft 9 blillel4hiotigttlie.
i lidisti !I Ihglislissthe I soritin-hiwroftlibel69lB- 4
, bratisitlibiglishrJQ o. ptv rf 4fati# TO (iaz
- iggvAligi if i 4 4 1 ~ Dmr)NTMrtV , 9 c u 'ot
wr44 s he, either ,4.trornei G enera l . or "ter tii
o c li 1i 0 . r ,,q9 , ..... cii ) , ) 17,511 , in, D,,a
' i 3 laVeniks` iaulaiirlidiallatiVxdafilnbemiii'dV
or tifbilmigave di fortreasnkfilitthkritihoW.9vnl
JetamblimiLsitobnt aquilßilitaf#l rtre-ofigr, ft°
IbliffenlYo4-$ laid Pinviti r r TAi t tV wn
up some hlcAces.,tat he,gn%apply,ial
lowedbosques &Mg Iladgeiof trkieilitilo)
' wuoftilliY/8 Mi2d,' 4 . iiiegiedofeitlibe• itotimpnil l
lir religiatiruPrefudinemoi Thitheresidtvwas, i
AO. igi?tqlritlßigithineß it e i e a t t?r a : / f
filiootm in thee tuldiags v whin weFf
easy piiii4liii6l l k9f tEelThiglabirsi4
'back q i iimii'lligmodwiliiiiiP italdonstq 'fob
"thlitailight i ordasimilmagre4rieg,v illy -4 94"
fpightlb dieSidell'4o4ll4 lllMPtilfTidlitifl.°
koMinii47ll9\4o ligitkPirfeirttitpkv i eN&Y
.jp.r w trEptlielb ia which i t i lie,ff; JR+ n isy and
our sharpshooteiri AA 'onty ale' the lids,
Vatir r initegittg.rl6 - 141fir ni Aehte3v k J
- 13 1tiftfithe'Vtiticsilaiminneaqm,bfonrdiuslahlig
ort,Ne mie 1 0 -Oh l tR I PPA i r V1141 1°431 ?
ilea Tag l -911: f i ln e, •41- I la eve
mO, they were Afld' in f ifi 9
Vllitt i tVe %id) of *Vail* aim tir Ith
ilboVailaitilthmtbdustildsesilins,esil iimp
dOechail4 416600 IttrelAtigideadi . ' ter
ilc 4slll9s l 7€4o B ol"Th i farifir ' 0 0. 1431 41
it . gniki/ Sil i sm_
. i . ape m if f iLrd
ra e . ttrfir ailts7liewnrembti,
' t to
asAilikildfittisi Ititit t
keitikdiat fide elbAsistemiiiirthe)biAl_q Piiiilli
-NlibviWilliglifiPas AMOK'
, dst PigNll)7l,l aci Tr' us:lle
Phthdeipga 1 1
,Seitir_ Street, below Chmtolit
* P A
DeliveredtraW •
uirb -
~ s •
• s'
6 f
1 gh
0, 8 317a1t5, 11 . 1 1rC, PsiPed
. 0 - 4 # heti 2 11 ;
_,elleek ()dram's
e ' l nll4 10PiWIL eetiner
were' tile 'nor
fq o "i f e t Sl
elAer iiiitagoge wig'ycl ur
irpr4ll of the ilkooKii F talife7of ire
t 'hrts . ain Wake q
.2\.. ,).. k t, • —if
The mortality among the wpmsn and dren,
an4.estelially, among the litter from 'thetsei
"Seities'emcirfr olis'Otrir %intone, has teen.pitlaps
itOttrisf! characteristic,' 'of ~the siege.
-Ike *miff of (Lnatiyre ) !aatrimta. haa also tio,on o a
jsontge l ofmknohmitsti. ~ Owing le the stelien
myithlytip wtk ! s ere beais i ged, many u t ,
dfte dititirifaeprn d
!Vitt V tci f, , aKirapyikc thrt tVioweretonthide
nflfe (Whited - ow** thneyfwereaftogekhe: relmitnind.
wViri mai?! moredeierttat, aPdal!"4 3 i,o o o4, Bl .srPre
beilinequet4r 11t}ari,tho . 4,tht servnee i gt s single
;,AOMtaile• Sopra n i, liatea have .had- to tend their
vtiliiblter - Wevt w tip t ali b r a y=eltitlies,
; pa to Stain-
Combined with the shsenee of servants,
41teno*, crigtt9A Ay. ?ft V i Nifra e l Itn
o wl q81).1:: be " k g " ° ?eV pt re
frrne ro b ng 1 4i,'Ve merit hatiaiif
fo i rdsWW ilitielfl.tigtiolenenitnoo-azoiAhe
Christian resignation which have beeirerTinosd,b9
" thewriimeir ofelbts Omits's!. 4 , Magy,kiaxe &ghosted
".putt by tivis etztoxtpll.. 0 1)17, 0 14m5,, have been
A FoSiellidoNindi their c I dre g fatheilest ln in
- ' ip• Ciihel.s 'l6l" l lliit' id 4161 W :is f , ed
o 't'hO 'i&litt" o Vrcrvidelhott;‘iihdr Mibizzimong
+lirlitga ;nig 4n ittaLlittedflitelibenered,msnmeinf
ti ls
Birch, of Polehamp ton, of ftaxbigtjan.„, 51.,90,
h&ve rig after, i theHeneapigrof il tts ~ N ig lop gate,
constituted fli . einsehrotf ilia nder art& 911 icons
nurses of the wounded and ri giyiliie tfolaieiVin• the
Assuredly the world's history contains no
tresnrsioffil ler .:leknee, or i qt t rnorp 4,er -
• libleisufferth • antthai•at is
pleasing to - tad that native troops lire -
oeptlysliatiliggjehed themselves 1% bray -
8 e t 9 a &d. fi c i e tityFß ft 3.7 .110aVREA
1 ..., .
Besides the ieter - ia - prow . tim. to
' OiliCnint", 4 obtkittkitrtitiiiiitirEs
it vv. esatt‘A.Lley :si eu!evir •Itil e
. .'..eM . - t.t , ,1 7 90,K.P.Ak,..ena V,fit
; ilia ogoolik0141241414:g. OlielotirOPß•N .1; e
Apveaehese-wane tint thisoaseio &amortized shoe,
viibtrfilabEvrfogelibatrh meassog
**Whets irsmoilled lolarlitfitstinNOl Altroac ,
Vette* Viellicrthinehtminil'Brrtl66lZ
jel i Wirt go/gAg rWany ti t a tat a t ' at. sa
ge • , talsl4, t a r t sa . id
WQ , 5 1 . 6 1 7.t9,44 3 4 INNVYVe
r • -rdeteaawvißinioffiost4wWW , Aitiow
Isai l ithatiostter*Dablifookioxpresehiopaidlethy
"S ‘iittr•tißPo l lwegtelhialsrit mere
its" s fB6ll3lW IlTa l tilfern3ll , l
, treptattit
41 6 4tagokiiittlP.Pe, 3 1, ..411144; ei ft C:s
iShei,4•4 toovinkentmria pima
•asblextuedairrthe epersiurefairiestuai mien sib
bey for eveoing_servioe. The setruthis , thus
. A.
to your Memel - readers as Dr. ench,
,• • • .00k on "The Tar
-ab es. ' 1 , semv - evange - ":1,
ffisilidinhiviii: 4 Fit Tree."
Tiferitftond , 'Berthlon wag; bye the Rev: Lind
•JohneThyohei ,the -stinb,Derays, ,member of
the Bath family, whose sister, the Datohess
of Bnooleugh,tarned Papist. His
, text was to yirritethe 'version and make it
UPpli`triblisr Sio.`iudtgi'lig 'applied
likeiiiilatfatori ( io the= kilsite howd , Pdesigit of
itimOhapterat Nfldietainetiea t thatr csl2,should
Alie, old. Abloisjohapaviiaid: truths of
revelation., , t Th ese wei&.
j tlie :fink and de
pravity Cif h uman nature) 'tile rieeseity of
an atoning instilfa; 'and of a holy life in
Theltrapogialviiorlr.tofLthid ,Hit pßpitit.was
T., ns4 . Na ti b Tonto mkt * . but Ltherg t rews to
, e:4,Kotilfre Witp , PfH9Ne t9lib r iMr "Fa
; 1)39„ tikpeoposary ealvation. t - isery
trignrfilant to ` fie high ~liilrohmen
paying homage to Evangelism ict - hist4ay.
They begin - to-furi—that-otherwise " the
Uritsli4 PfthafiPsha for
sunilar,segykomi, is i not t inprobahl On? of
the Canons r told roe, the otheriday,lliat what
01111W P ilie Wan at
the. 14h/14:01 thhs haareftithin: hith
erto toe 'assiiinbitidfacd.triaAldiititt setgOksy
are often ..shat-ost , ...lolda_ only about nine
theadaed peroimmATlloAdestsmteined,
ti if ,t,cgilaCe4FthwOt4*;l"Teftti, 4 1 e.t.0 ht Y
dome, To make the alterations wont ro
c 4iti l uV if .,6;4tki! 1 'll el Ate - be Oiii 40 -I the
fit Wild> US!* sehlb:loPhiret for
. 11libt effete& eitspenoel:l tr L. 1 . 71: •
`` v ita' 611&64lifiisioitiiii D SediTY `has
held a noble linitliVillt - itrfluential meeting
1 thrs'Weli;viitalielliiif gfklaoratkidVair mis
ts Wiba•YAM." . Prey itiktkidiehop pot' , Gaiter
-3 butt 910 We thggSPOPvitPle 1- 1 3 4. 1 9 P of
, i;6 01 4_49e?,4av i l vir ,' 901% ,an dan n ll-
~,,p,er n i t ly 4 vaggeitAl 'in. tbprat speech.. He
lonelier' wigh t v
reeo.,N • . m i oa i ii l i rr d4 B o f
policy, and charged home thtfAttill'andK the
self-reproach- orreurselves. His tribute to
ailiggillart-Haveloukaduraitotiticrebhireg, and
- Liti neon ho u fhuudei., mat t ,b4*poll ~,reopirks
%.1 pim00pp.,0 1. 41)53155. Li Plir'l "It
s haptiten the f,aeliiou h sa f: sit, "to
soon 4 atifide`it 'ot ' palm/ riesoldiers,
nbtitiblife'ltalPtiel'aik giodeiritts cßiftglit et iivhen
bW , hat) ieifto iilittolleffrmailiking+ tiddlers
i4eottlitdo.soliwill rtPli4Pr9 l 4KlnFriaßllflininn
upon the_views.a.these_men, farther th an to
r_ ssoltaithemirtgiuggpfaelleee r 4i4mt make
eithenA/ 4 11 18 . .14 1 4 An k a arq ef -P a lti and
fivgicumbroi sopa, l arn at he weo, oyes
t• hrhit nitwit, eihrd al e & Igak.Vaq4These
bfgmiiifillite l ioiNs tibia ; iiir &emit llishop
n Iwilliaoi 00 inee milli *net liniOaff thst,Pusey
ilitiwirtithe alio., ~cegiisir 9.lo,4pikim o f
&chit, sh, larvai v ., Linf a cop i n i maing,
though theht s "t,.e to cr,thoie who are
regarded as VeYelPtial — laTtil" tits; Lord's
i ngirttei t " ipey re received with enthu
, siasm by tfie yitat gadoiltelTnlioiler Hall.
' S'unl`this , is ' Obili4fahe peva , the times,
aid Idal"katuallYelddaratrue Evangelism,
*wildly in a wiljk4A out t rihr !revel for mu
-144 sypaßtai, l a &Its adhe44, and
:a93,1 1 ' e • • in iEe, rraits r
... Divine
44 w , , *btAy akar ' '',, ' 1
•Anj The
Vlip t i*Nitisfainfeatigir l4 W al
ready iiltilrelPerdolibettltd .42187000 1 f6r aitaitpecial
fund for Indbr. - • - The number of mission
aries iitino/derlatiedf-iiimallsed. One mis
siowtOgra,pelptsMeplarsfl *lt ; iie never
, 4adidaJN,BPPAVOX drA r ril )l ° , g , P t he
14e ko i yii ,
''''- r klethe• OppoSriiiitiP this "w4rek, of
1 lleafilliDt.ildilhir obiliiirsiinpliaamegnoted
IliEviagalissif , --erteek antbßiFilf illytkilCiaurch
Xlampftl.4o64t4 oi r ytana o* ific elient
i f Mt 1 6 d dl To l er „TA i l earaom , ° ,
wit a vole a d life.
' t
'IN eltiptAttakiiiikatle's
AMA te.tiligalliblesiodireitikiktui" *Whinge
A s kj ig h t ,thotibespeolintgkikkel4 , . „ , n out
11 , 4eirtitt4L4a' ‘• ''.' .0
Vaka i 1 Pei"
regtetar4il li P ir t; l o ;fact ,r7g,, 0n uur 'y'
6, ,i ..•_ :' 1.4.1 0 /114.1.11t0t ,