t. 411 ' our• "I Know thy Work,Vaud thy Labor, and ; 2. Go, labonoal4sPintinid 1); spent, Thy joy to do thy Master's will : It is the way, that Master went-- Shoald`nOt the 'servant tread it still? Go, labor on! 'tie not for nought All loss ;Is heavenly gain,; Men heed thee not, men praise th'ee not— Theatbleter praises ! what are men ? Go, labor on ! enough, enough, If Jesus praise thee= -if he deign To notice e'en thy willing mind, Nci 'toil for him Shall: be' in Go, labor or! thy-Made aremask, - • Thy knees are faint, thy soul oast down; , Yet.falter' not, 00,prize is npar— The throne;rthedringdom r and the crown: . • Se4kehommalla 'dying at your,!dde— ;:tFii44l:Pfkl;oloB See =lintels periehlep efer Haste brethren ! the resene;oome4 , 3 7,45g,t, 1,4 on 1, 9gm...snon nitnjt,:fhkd , ;' n! i itiporrell,4o7:lnxile.houte Loovin tulfel.;-) J,War'N' e:t t A Chusgh rum. 'Mau Inagructarty, litaarg Sofitts. 8(POISS s.m so iisfor, SOW*, at tendiitio. in Philo. d • AV IL 4 9 , Plolv IPillg o diolci." 7 ;bl how,#w, Our Philasw ooze oCiLosoph. 116vW112014 Esq. " • - • , . . , HALVeloirgicAL.of : ll The .1111110 ; Marriage,• How-to bring up Cbpdren• Things 'you Never dal Clerical Eximisuret; Insinuating; Out-Deer ; • ' A Pure.39y . ; , Pigs and,lifen; Miscellaneous Items . * Miscellaneous; Tobacco and Liquor ; Mamma Itaroau Examuza. By tioreph C. Stites Philadelphia I. J. 'B. Lippincott it Co. Pitta burgh : John B. Davison. • ' This is a work, the appearance of *think was expected with .much :interest _ ; and it was iluly announced by dm at •the -thne of its issue:: unfortundtelY, tent:wits .the very time of the beginning . of the late financial troubles, when people had but little opportunity tor desire >to notice, mut:Mess lc) read, new publiostions. :The book is,hyn, minister 'who has;long occapidd a prominent, poeition in the New School Presbyterian Chorch,-and is at present a member,of the Third Presbytery 'of New York, well known ;for his genial social qualities, and also of high reputeas a popular preacher. .The subject cf which principally treatsi is ten agitation* modern times with respect, to the subject of slavery. The author does , not condemn 413183 in itself it but, Ait spirit in whiohji beer, hem - conducted;;.and Bets , forth that this has been Injurious, in the eighes s t degree, town parties concerned, • This movement he designates by,the, title, $ 4 Modern Ttiform" distinguished from . True Blforn!,. and diseneses it as arrogant, malignant;belligerent,•impraoticable, and destryietive, and `concludes by stating the moraLestiinatiln which it shocildle held, and in. makinciome • important remedial suggestions. The appendixcentaitui much valuable matter con corning:On action of_tes.NortherAand Southern members of the Converitien,:thitt formed the Con stitution of , the United ,States, With regard to slavery ;'theinfidelity of some of -this •Abolition leaders . ; coloredeiturchitiniberaidi:t in the Sciuth ; the liorthern slave laws as - they once •were ; and the Southern slave laws as they, now are. Con servativdmen, thoth,Ndriktuld South, have spoken and written itio high .praise of the manner in.:which , the discussion had beeneonducted, and ; its perusal cannot fail to interest all reflecting and judicious minds, at themesent juncture our .countres C. Distribution of Bibles at Itacooan, Pa. Thursday; ,irsinaiagr7th,.wasithe , :dar e : pointed for the of Bibles , m this church, (IteecoOn,) aid, it 'was'a notable day- The generotui-offer of Mr. York,-to' itraish-ia Bible to ,eaoh, one who would. •,eihninit to 734emetty, peifecithrv , the Shortertatiobbon,,(md recite it all at, one time andwitl ont•prompting,wasmadeknown from the pulpit; last Summeroind an invi tation given to tonten&for, the-prizilq • , When the trial Wits subsequently made, the result having: recited ninety seven were reported as having repited the:.'Whele of the Catechism ao9o, piing to the terms proposed ' , ' .klarge number of happy , children and youth, together, with others, ~b oth -- parents and lower t o *wo i. w A.P It Was;an eteeasion? ef:deep? interest, I and one that will be forgotten ()Delves on earth, of those preeent. And , vrti- doubt not, mush precious frUlt will be enjoyed from this interesting work. An aidrese;was 'delivered by the. paator, Rev. d. Ar.'lloKaig,.after,which the Bibles, (beautifiVgaedged pocket,) which had been brought le. the. church, were intsented, and all elaimed,`and taken . away it'the time, with the exception of some five orsix. A letter otthanks, to the,henevolVonni of these Billies, irsesulisdri,44. byeah one geithsk And by , a nnanitooiS vote it was ordered; that these proceedings, to= geihnnikli the address delivered, be for warded to the Banner and Advocate for ribh p on. ~TAE. ADDRESS. The, o ongion,o4 the business of this day cannot fail 4 to' awaken the deepest interest and joy in , the-beartoof all present. There are not in theiviiiit *Od; three things more precious and interesting thin the three here groupedtkiethei, the Bible, the young, and the Shorter Catechism. The first tiro are the gracious- and '-hiiidy-:-Work-lof God; and bear -Indefaceable evidOnOO, Of Infinite wiadoin and goodness, and of -Infinite love and mercy. The other is the,noblerit and greatest,zorh of man, when laboring to ben efit the young. "The Bible is the , book of books." It WAS written by holy men, inspired of, God. This inspiration was full.or plenary, relatipg, to the truth taught, the manner and time of its teaching,andAts„ Words in:which tandt.„, It is, therefore, God speaking to us, Fnot ins=,; mediately, hntanediately by the he has ohosen.—Seb. i : t*. Thin inspiration began with Moses, aim MO , fpr January,'con School Children; Thankigivie k Dinner ; S. Thetkftd: ' • , . , Forty:Oho Years in Bed ; Consuraritien • • ' ' The Lifftiongbonatie; ' Gratuitous Medical 'Advice ; A True =din* Olittrity; IHealtifaid Employments; The Beet Student; Blacking Boote; ' 1 Ifelghtis of Monuments: . . four thousand years ago, and was continued in the Church, with various changes of form and periods of intermission, (the longest of which was about four hundred years, from Malachi to Matthew,) until the completion of, the gew Testament, about the year of our Lord ninety-six. This completed the canon of Scripture. From this time the Spirit of inspiration ceased in the world. It was no longer necessary, for the obvious reason that the volume of Revelation, now finished, con tains all that is needful or profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness." Man's sinsonan's ignorance, and man's enemies, can give rise to no want that is not here sup- plied; no knowledge that is not contained here. For historic interest ,and touching narrative; for_ classic elegance, philosophic truth • for Sublime imagery and moving poetry; fot excellent, wholesome moral teach ing ; the Riblefar:surpassea any and other books tie world contains. But its highestex cellelicefiiits goodness and glad tidings;" its announcement of "'piece on earth and good will to men ;" that Christ has died and is risen; that sin is fiiiished ; God'reoonciled, and' sinners Saved. The' Bible is given natio be.once read, ad relied and then forgotten ;'it is to , be studied siiii„miderstoodi A 6,;b to tie read, and, re-read, and 'O again ; ta committed, to memory; to be carried with as, lovedr.oboyedlan.d Prac ticed. Ikiwthen a vAide mecum:; an every slay,companion, f e.y,an, .to-*e.rynung ;: r a,guioe inoivery Ainty,ApitAitrOglitot4,Pnol4 ,B o9ni a lamp to da4iness and to,gather around mien light. :We ,cannotliut rejoice )n.wliatever promotes its circulation, awakens attention to its contents, or.gives impreadon and effect to its truths. The same,glorious Almighty Being who .gave the Bible, formed the bodies of the young,` created their, souls, furnished 'their minds_, _and inspired their hearts with "lac don's and ,U emotions . ' What a wonder o ;meehinient is their bodies What greater: Wonder of ibilimanship their minds,. with • all that loveliness and 'innocence ' Of counte . nanoe. that cheerfulness and buoyancy of hopelthat vitracity of mirth and joy I But above all'is the precious, priceless gem, the immortal soul; that which heaven has so valued, which all onrearth hold so dear. No one can leek -upon children and youth with out being sensible of • deep and,peculiar feel ing, and a pleasing glow of delight. But 4.lteg.centiosartoe..4,tbitt,oontehiplatien, ,will give rise to grave and solemn consideratiOns.. This' loVely season of youth passing away; will - soon be gone; may suddenly cease in ; ":death...:They are liable astray. ,They are surrounded; by 'cruel andmurderoueftes. The snares spread for their ruin are hid; the very poison of death is concealed. Their ,inexperience and unsuspectingness, create alarm. They may be ruined by artifice , misled by enchantment. Besides, they are .all fallen, sinful and Sinning. In them the seeds of death al ready exist. They are, by nature, children of-wrath. --Their-immortal souls may never live in immortal youth' and life.- Theseltlippy hearts, may know no happiness in the maid to come. These,rovely faces may, be all black ,and dismal with siespair and remorse. These loved ones, so:cherished In our heart of hearts, may never enter 'heaven, to dwell `amid its glories. How painful the thought I Let them live.! 0 Jeans;. Saviour, let theui live andirt no wise perish! is the prayer of every heart. - , The Bible speaks of the young and to the young. It speaks of them as thosefor whom Christ Jesus died; who may, with believing Pain% be paihtkers Of cevenantblessings. - Itspeaktrof - them as the-lambs of the flock; having thetender care of thO Good Shopitecd, whom ministers are required with a suitable and sufficient Tatter' to, feed, and around ,whom are to be'placed the prayers and witch fulness of the Church,. as two ' strong ` arma of guidance and defence. And moreover it says, "'of such is the kingdom of heaven." - ',What a bleated saying. Theyi• will constitute s large , portion of the redeemed; And a most:. interesting and delightful.' portion. Mhat would heaven be without the innocent happy, winning face of infancy ; the smiling, cheering face of phildhood. If none but, thefaces of the ; full grown and aged .were ''tobe looked upon, there, would : ,. there not seem tobes great Want: of ''pleasing attrao 'avenue'? Among the loveliest, attractions of heaven; even now, to many a;bereaved heart;, are-the, dear children who are there. And,forever and ever.tb.ey will he soureea of joy to the.hosts of the redeemed. But the:Bible Speaks also• to children and Youth. It addressee them in' the 4anguage. of instruction, of repeated. command, of ten , ' der reproof, and of - Varied promise; and it' speaks them in thelanguage they can un fderstandt. Timothy.frorn a child, kneat il the Scriptures. Every child, with proper Ikons instruction, may also , understand the Sorio - How happy should we be that Divine Revelation is not's sealed book to our ail 'dien that God has so formed , and adapted his Word to the 'hinds and hearts of the young, that they can understand and receive intiortaut benefit fiom it ! What arlimmense itigtitO:Blit this, tegive them the. Bible, and, to;tesch theta its sacred troths I, There can; be,none greater', and none else is , needed, to those who value the Bible and loveAshildren. Now,,in imparting religionsinstruution to the_young, we are greatly aided by the *Mc cessfulnabors of obody , of as wise r and. great, and good maa4 l ,gykr;aaaambled on \earth, since the 'days'-'of'llthe-ApOstles; viz., the. Westminster. Assembly.. of Divines, who'' formed' our Confession' of Faith, and Larger and . Shorter Catechisms: In the year 1641 application was made to Parliament for the Calling of .' a general Synod , of , the " most grave, pious, learned`and judicious :Divines of 'theland, with some from ,foreign parts,. who may consider things necessity 'tor the , peace and good government of - the Church.'!. , An ordinance to. this effect was passed, bear ing= data Junelitli,;l643. On the: let. day of. July, 1643, this ~Aesembly s met in the , Abbey , church, Westminster , They. contin tied 'their grave aria ptiyetful deliberations together for the:period. of , five years, six months and twentyitwo days. The Shorter . Citabisn4PrePared.espieially for the. young, was presentvi. Novembei 7th, 1647, over, four years, after the!Asienibly'eonverted, and after being-examined and approved,. was or dered,to be * published. It his, therefore, been in use over two centuries and - has been cominittedlo memory by millionfLAPon mile lions of the young.. It is most highly ea. teemed by, all Bvangelical Chriatians,,ind id rekardednis an intlispensable , requisite in all propel' family training. The,Citachism bas been theirebiole of conveying:, the minds of Joillions t a, cotract, Concise, and: compre hensifie.viewof theillootrines sad precepts of Word. How immeasurably important to-have such 'a feria of sound words lodged in the memory, and there to abide as long as memory endurea,..and ttaeroisoka l poarerfor influence; . in toning the character,#dnd 'it may be, by the Holy Spirit, the meting of conviction and,salvation `ltia a beneficent ,a) 3 4 I Theful work,tu excite, in every way, the young to diligence andincoess, in ccutgittiug , POO: . the Clechisin. Perm* ind'.itikiiins o -youth Fesentv *list-fan' eVontfni dayriithiml “BternitY only Arjibtelktbe rank. Rai? ark a iktr4evolk, Bibles, furnished by a plane and benevolent THE PRESBYTERIAN .- BANNER AN.D.ADIIOCATE friend, to be given to those who have com mitted perfectly 'to memory, and recited without prompting, the whole of the Shorter Catechism. What a noble toil has been en dured, and what a blessed reward 1 Never did children get a better gift. Never did your children occupy a more, honorable posi tion. Good Dr. Harris wrote three wills, in each of them was written, as the invariable first legacy, I bequOath to each of my children and children's children, a Bible, with this written inscription, "None but Christ." Here you witness this testamentary wish ful filled to yOur children and others, while you are the yet litoing executors to lend° your counsel and. influence to make it all •the more profitable. Theis is great wisdom in. select ing the Bible where gifts' are to be made and rewards offered,:espeeially,to the young, as it is thereby imore 'deeply embedded in their pleasant memories and :lasting .affee- flops. The youngarsto supply the, Church : and the, ivorld,,witk all the good, and. wise,- and active,,:, and: faithful men they will need. Then we must .never forget ..the , of that, wise , man, ‘f Ifs We AvOuldlilrre good men, alllmust have good children." God requires that, we should train; TIP eiiii4ren in ,the, way ' they sheuld go, ,because , in no ,other viay can we have men, who, will, go in ihe way , they should,! Early training for good will be successful ~What powerful influence it, has thin& facts and . , history : every/bete atteat._ Tire aged and vindictive:Hamill:mi . wished ,his sea to he the unsparing foe of Rome, and.t4 this end hp tea' him, at the age 'of Pine years, P the alter„and made him swear to be Rome's enemy and avenger, as long as he lived., .From that tinte , he toolt the , ; boy with him the battle-field,,and history tells with what unparalleled skill and terrible suc cess he , obeyed; these instructions.:,;s,; ; Here : is ; a , most profound ~and important moral lesson. If we would have .our chit , dren wive, and. strong,. and eminent Chris tians, we must not, only early bind, them to Christ, by oath , and promise, but. as ; early train them to ,actual service. Let,them be as familiar with. he duties as the doctrines of religion, , ,Teach them ,diligently, "`what they L ate to beli eve concerning God, and what duties God requires of ; man," but as well and as Ailigently, tench them to tree tice the doctrines and perform the du ties. In this way,`: and only in this way, may we expect' the " harvest handi',''' for whom ..nre. pray.—Matt. ix; 38. Let your prayers go with these Bibles, and this training in the Catechism, that the Church may have a strong and numerous body, of working men from these yOuths. My dear young friends, I know you are happy Wiley. And it gives me very great lappineas• to be able to present you this beautifUl Bible; is a reward. You deserve a' handsome reward, and here it is. You have striven , hard and nobly; and this will repay you. The Bible is worth, to you, more thawits bulk' in gold; yea more than mines, and mountains of gold. Already it• has blessed you, or you would have been the ignorant endwrretched children of wretched, and perhapseruel heathen parents. Already it has blessed you that you are not outcasts , neglected degraded and despised. Already it has blesiedjou, in that political lil erty,. that moral order and "Church the kindness of friende—the religious in.; atruction—the Christian example,' and'ini all those gracious,' saving influences that surround . you. And 'it offers to bless yea. hereefter withAife and - youth';''with'joy and' glory with immortality and- eternal life. , This Bible comes to you media 'kind eve a 'generous 'stranger,'whoin you will' eerier forget to hive. ; 'But His the Work of no hu t man min&---it was written by no human hands. It is the gracious gift of one, who, we'rejoice knOw, is.no 'stranger to you— the gift of .your Father in 'heaven: A Father's love has sent it - to you, and , it points you tos that Father's estate; as an in-': heritince; and to the old mansion—the . family mansion, which you maysplairnand a l possess, as your own. Prise it, then ; sindy 'it; lay up; mere and< more,, it truths m ypur hearts; bind them about your necks, find' keep them in all,,,your walk. On behalf of the benevolent donor, and all. those who have kindly helped on in this matter, ,I present you each "a copy of this beautiful Bible. It is emphatically your own. Keep it always by you, as your armor and guide in this, Worldoind .seek to make, all its promise and all itteglory; your own • forever and ever =NM .1,1 iscellantons. Grant Thorburn and Tom Paine, Piune as a bold infidel .wnter, obtained much eelehrity but ,thi evil tendency of his writings is ; ueli diminished by ahnowl - edge of his; life. Grant Thorburn, who knew him well, being.ealled•out by the Oda:, ton lniesiigator, - an infidel joUrnal, thnS .LrespOrids to the call. We eopy;froni the New York Obaervei.: To the Edit6r of "the= Boston...lnvestigator WIifSTED; Cr., Maichl.o; 1855: Mn. EDITOR :—I wee' pleased- When I opened jiOui investigator. 'Life , land 'health beirticontinifed',4 iwilleomply;:with your ire 'quest; tibut *at' for`' /:! I - wilhtell ; you the trith, as FAO stand before the ,Judge of all the ' earth in a few montbsi;beingtnow' in my 13d year--,(a step between me and death.) To make the narrative ~plain; I must first say a; few.• words about :Wm. Cai-, .ver,, with. , whom-;Mr. Paine ;and I boarded . : From my youth .I admired, Mr. Psine's litical writings; . arid in. my,, ,twentieth year was prisoner in „Edinburgh,: for, reading and preaching, his ".Itighte of , Man." I arrived in New York in june,1.794. A few weeks thereafter,,Wm. Carver arrived from England. He wrought, a journeyman blacksmith, in the same sliop - with Mysel4 . ' he making horsenaila--4 making, (not .ent),naila. ,Mr." Paine awd bearded' ",with Mr. Carver, hence our intimacy. He, his wife, lithe were natives The same town iri' - England. I - often sat with them on the Winter evenings; hearing Them, relate their , youthinfi--pranka'and dee*. of }iper 'years. ```'Thus ''l . learned , his Motel:) , from' cradle; traced him-through life, and `foil'owed him to his gravein 1809. We; agreed on politics; ; - and parted, by mutual conient, on the "Age'of Iteason,i. 'never in anger: He married'•ureepectable ,woman in 'the town' of Lewis. She died in eleven months' • thereafter—a premature delivery ' from brutal treatment.' ;He". then married the daughter of , the Collector of, the port of I , Lowie; after .Three years she obtained i a vorce for like ;treatment. In 1773, while :be held an office in the Custom House (given him by his father-in-law,) he was de teoted.in taking; bribes from the smugglers, and .fled to ; ,America. He. was appointed ;Secretary to ,the acorn committee of , the Hop", Congress, ,and :toolithe . Oath ~of oiAee,,not to divulge „Their' Bier*, H e broke:hie oath, by publishing is the halm ilftlol4,4o44ni ,r4l eOt of '! 1 searettinis- , sion to the court of - France by Snail-Jean. He was summoned before; Congress, ee l knowledged hiteself the author, , and was dismissed with disgrace.[See the Journal of Congress in 1774 or 5.1 This treadle?* 000asior,04, much trouble. tq Congrf 113, t a a in the court of Louis XVI; and nearly frustrated the coming , Gen. Lafayette, With the French fleet ;and army. Mr. Paine, now Went to France, j and was chosen a menaher ,of the r firstConvention. time he helPed Robespierretolestahlish the freedom of the press; the-liberty of speech, and the rights of , 00nseienbe, by means of the guillotine. ~..Robeepierrorquarrelled with Mr. Paine'; he was marked for a guillotine, and :escaped by a miracle 4: Mr. Jefferson sent a - frigate to bringhene,Mr. Paine from the hands of his enemies, ;,He,-.arrived ,in the Spring •of .1802., LifPekt..with him in the City Hotel, a fear,idayAsfter his arrival. He found : letters prging oo him .on to. Waisli ington. A feast was got ready, and . theme of likethinking were, invited. Paine en tered late, his face unwashed, head thorn,. and reeling like,a l dratikeit man. A .look, of onnsternation shoie 4 for,th from every Wee; mirth ceased; one O s one they, irent 'out, leaving Piine on his Chair, fast asleep. Next day he received letters and Institio . - "tiOni return' Neirffikr' Burr came from . Eurppe, whither he had fled ef4rl43 dueli :he kept his law office in Nassau"Sireet, near my seed store. From him ..I obtained the account as abol'o , Ptated• - . .Ar,Painpmput iihari v eight qr ten days. *centime, the waiters 4 epysid abroad the fame ,of his intempeasteeleyenly, and;filthy: habits. The City Hotet end every deient r'efused to board In this dilem „) r ,, Ma, William Carver took him Mr. Paine was a man ef strong Mind; and having seen the gutters in 'Paris flooded with blood, his company was veryinteresting : with net under the infinence of brandy: He told that wherk•Lenie XVI . ,` was, demned by the Convention ; toi , suffer' death, ;each member, , on voting, wasp requested to State reasons. cats to Paint„ be, voted;against his thinir genJ , tlemeu;' said Mr l'aio4o.l‘7 l ke, are not mak ing war on the person of.the king; as a man. -We are contending for 'principle. linfOrtu nately foe Louis, he was NA kingy he tbuld 'not help it. ' Let us banish lam to Ainriogi there he can do no,liarpi. Let us spire his life and givehim a,stinkg[paoriey to, live on.”, I think ' this the bright speCin Paine's his;; tory...in coneequence, eChis very intemper atehabits, he, was shunned by the, respect- Able portion of his friends, many months befOre his death. rte asked permisiion from the.trustees of the:Soeiety of Friends, to 'have his liOnes laid; 'lb their burying ground; they`refused.. ' was much hurt bitheir refusal. His father was a mernber Of the Society of Friends in England. Paine died of - delirium "tremens. His ' last words were, " Lord Jesus,help l"' He was ``buried'``buried'on his own firth, , near Neir Ybrk. 'CariTer, his' warm friend and adinirer, as lured= that` Mr. Paineidrank two •Aallons 'of brandy per Week; diming the last three ; months ofifier life. T. A.'Emmet, one of his executony told Me; when; Mr. Paine's affairs were , affsettledot.balance of $4OO remained for his relations in: England . Non,- friend Editor, Lwas a free -thinker and a free voter,. undenthe Presidency :10f Washington: t:ltherefore think I have das igood a-right to think Ninny free thinker in America. Lthink no republic:can exist with - auto the Bible. When:the; goddess -.of liber ty was ahabe in her cradle, she-was rocked ,to niaturity In -the: Bible shops of, Nunn: din- 1 setts:.:The, history of our dears sister..repub lice, France •and Minden, Are mime in point. Franklin says ,fi nerepuhlie Amp ,exist , except. -the citizens are intelligent And virtuous." I not aware that the Bible is generally; read among the masses, except in Socitlind and the United, , SinteNt the Eastern States in larticular. In all countries , where -it is not read? the; masses amine I ignorant , -as the brutes that perish. Franklin, Fulton Morse, Watts (steam iMprover),Airps, Hogg, Brown ,and many others, , somepf,them, never,';read a:book, the' Bible excepted, till they had,seen their twentieth year. , of •the improve- Ments in Mechanics, Maiiihinerfand the 'We in' arts, of huibandry,'#ere produced' by' the', natives of the •Eastern, :States, where they: , readthe-Bible and reverence the Sabbathi: 'Sciftlalid is emphaticallythe land , of Bibles: 'ln" Ireland' (Comparatively speaking) 'they have none or if t t hey.have them they, don't . read them. This day our jails, penitentieries i l alms houses, :and State prisons, are full of, irish,. You can't finds 'Sootehman in , :any of them. In &Witt, everyman, woman and Child can read the' Bible and write their 'own name. It is notlsein any nation where . the Bible is' not read.c- 1 4 -wish you 'well my esteemed friend. We are accountable to, God , nnii for our opinions. - -Should brisinees lead youthis•way, I will be • happy'-to see, you. I'would give wdollarlothalf-anhour .. with you; face ti:o foe If my name is in your paper at any tinfe; - please :Send' me a copy. Would' %A written sooner,": but' time in short. • : Thbielikth respect, `'I}EANT' THORBURN, p aged 82 years. . When Whitelookty was embarking, in 1663, for Swe'iltii,likSa greatly burdene d ! with anaititil i ethe'ilattteted state of Eng. land. Resting at 'Harwich on the night' 'preceding his „departurs, his mind was sorely • distressed ailifli'eMited. It happened, it is eg,. that a 'faithffil. , sertint in ra bed . claw' by i *ho,',bridliig, that' his aearater. was unable t from anLiety,lo sleep, at length 'said; " Pray,Ar n .Will-you .give me leave to ask •• you a 41/#81 1 00 1 .: Certainly,"'said White •belc_ ,e• you...think that go erred, ..e4orld),Fe c 7 well before y,ou came into it? " Una - mbar' And, pray, air, don't ypu_thijik- he will govern it, quite as won; Whenjyan are gone out of it ?" "Certainly." then, sir, don't you think you may trust him to govern it properly :as Jong ,as -you Jive To. ; this , question , Whit,olOilikp had' nothing hilreklyvra, turn abott!, he. wisely,f'dropped his 'harden, and was non fast rale*. Home. ' Willem' the most beautiful thing which the. Now:Tieses 4un shines upon? A balmy that a drunkard's home? • No. A. rioli,lome ? ~, N 9. A poor man's home ? No: • A•country home ? No. A city home? N,o. It is a 'Christian home, wherever found.' 'This 'lac the happy home, where God's love is the sunshine, and a thankful, :Vila - Igo ) , peaceful spirit fillso,lolr)ike sweet scents. , „TA yoqag man-once left the paths of virtue and feltinto'Cickedness. 1 .'0h,” said he, "I was never, never happy; for wherever I'went and which , way I turned, an; angel Meg l ine in the way. That angel was the -image of my Christian home, and it for ever reminded me of my father's counsels, my sister's, love, my-mother's prayers, my inno cent boyhood. I could not get away from, it. And at last it brought the wanderer , • No MAN' can be provident of hie time *% i 1, s' not —Jevesty 3 Tagior,--• • lifor Ilje gang. Evening Parties. One of the 'most difficult questions - that comes before Christian parents, is how to conduct those social re-unions; 'commonly called evening parties, which-constitute no unimportant part of the amenities of civil ized life. ~ Shall the worldly type of such parties ; be adopted, and cards, drinking and dancing (all, of course, in moderation), be -intro duced? We answer—no ! Snobamuse ments are clearly inconsistent with ilie'pro fession whinli.the . ohristian makes, and' to engage in them wog!' .be to concede ev ery thing to the world.; The 'gayest and most careless about religions nititterb care uomOre. But if these amusements lie tianiahed, what 11; tiike: ;t heir' r piace;? . Siisarthes'OtitnPany Almattiiti Ant;o a Qiiiikerie meeting, .and sit: looking , at ,, their fingers? This, •we -know; is supposed , by worldirpersons to , be Ole . 'only alteriativet but experikkride . shoirle: they are #ery,infiiiii'inistaksii., upon a company ;,of intelligent Andowellinformed persons,to think that u few— hOurs , wait s hang. eavy - upon .theit extratddinal stinfultlik parq,')ei,prolonged farintto the .prip=ibly, necessary Omit irinfriwill: dancing and gambling should bet; introduced. to -keep the company aw ake ; but • such .late 'bonus. are exteed gly obj ectionable in-th eui 'paves, ,and: the practices they lead are even more ao. If a °party, only last -froth about seven to aboutaileven-eolook, (and it. is 'difficult to get' any one to' come earlier 'than seven, - whilst nerB :,shpulp in our . view, remain later.tliun ,is a period'of aboit four_ hoists :to.pssa .other's ,acciety, arhiqh Cwill-aotJmOre thamuaffordetimei 'ill 'that is. erolidliiittr , it. of ;these' !minis.will'aoubtleiebii'oribil '''' pis ..wit a social repast;„ , ere we, , n ithe.!gentinental. plan Lof-.oening parties, is -mock .bettert;than ours.? win , tiermany, ,if 'We' are-rightly' informedgiibilies take their usual eaMy• reps et; (4bieh should Call,teiu) before going gut, and abont nine .olelook, , eoffee, with atsimple,..and econonii 1ca1,,, though iiti.thar heaulegant, repasts of cakes; fridtiAo: 'by the hosts. thiS, Way,, lite - avoided, a , rich" and heavy suppet; quaili"to the ,giv,er, and, perhaps, .unwhoicecinctultbe-mceefter; is-escaped.'The• time r lrimniseven to!-nine, 'could most' advantigiduldrbe -filled . iritb conversation,Ai,. eiraimUiti,op of, books, and4,4,l*lgh:A.4: after suppenfinight be , ,spent aingiuti byinns,l or other•religiona .pieceseelosingy if 'there be a'ministerpresent; yritlileading:the Scriptures ever, we thinkl 4 1 .0r0g a social party, in any forced or perfunctory manner; especiallyita sompany.imiiets /late and 'breaks Up:early,' that, Worship :ill ''eacli nail at liome..i~rill .not be megleet4:.•- • •w, • :s, 7 • • Were partiesanoremimpleandmoncaiiical, and less: ceramonious;,ttheiS inigkinbe more frequent; and consegtiently' the' !nicht WhiChi on'e, 'Would be,' 'Oll the: whole,- !better ' -- cultivated, and many a useful plan for the good of society PigliAiil ) ls„elltgg.edeAt w4} matur ed,-Pich ;meetings of Antejligoi# .oPoef!!:j = T- . lA. ,W4 lll '0 41 . 1 lirge t „place ~to miiitio in evening TosfUss. We' think it would ` he a dvantageous; y ?lew if this delightful . nit were and ern pl 4'4 ; isfoOl—,*ll,°l4os if Vilifutian ! society here weiti49,:pni(sterficr , maniand•swaeei Christiana, more,-in the ,Ifre *opt sinkt% df psalms 'and hymns, Both' in in r• DY`l.-1 61 t . E:-At kiNs kARTIN DUO, PA 0 D ODI-ELOPD- iOO • ipr ,BANBARS, AND DBALIBPS .114. : 2 GOLD, SILVER; BANK NOTES ; EXCHANG E, TIII BILLS, AND ORBTLFIOATBE3 OF DEPOSIT:'' ereollectiont .110 e jot ,gl.l the .F.'9;*fposf gaffs. isnamiT PAID OA ITU =POUT& Cornei Szathfield Eltreets,• • • !: • • ,• • Pi,TYPBT-1/ 14 41!)1 2 44 • • ; ;11110TBRN EXOFIANGB. New. York, - , - - - twos. Philadelphia, " ' • - 4 Baltimore , - - - - Win:ERN Exctriipam. ciucinnaik o . . • .s *ow - New Orleans,' • • BANK..NOTES: Pittsburgh Banks, par Ohio Philadelphia Banks, ' par Virginia; Other Eastern Pa., , , par Indiana, Interior' Pa 2 Bentneky, Niw•EinglaL Banks, v par Missouri,. ' ,New York City . , par Mittigan, ' " -" State, .New,Jersey,- Wens! I . Dibiweire, 4 . 0, N. Carolina, - Baltimore, Pliri B . , Par o /4% . Maryland, 2 Tennessee,. District Oelombll 2 Gairei, • • cent. Oren's. ' vv.• PittabiMighs Nat Ward .;:t ;I,t;y; Gold dull, at from 34 to i tun thf;:ainve notes ere taken asthe pox= ^ . • u"' BIERGAIIIITELM-coLLKoz, D pau.oliat. TfiLIItD,A F "P.II7BBIIRCLII, Es;tabilshed 1840, iiicorpOsisted..by lie legislature of _ . Pennsylvania. • , .. . , , • • BOARD oe, TRUSTKES. His SareieUeneY, the ilonrarimeißrichainui, President Ofihii . Urritedfitatee... . Mom Judge Lowrie. , Ron. Judge Wilkins Rim. Chas. Naylor .; ' Judge Hampto n , i J . B; Moorhead: .; P. DUFF. (author of Doss Book•Meeping,) President, with' 'a Superintendent, and five - aselitine terichers of Boolirl keeping, and seven other teachers and lecturers. .. J. S. DUNCAN, one of the best penmen fn the country,. (author , of the' gimiot•bnelneis ant. ornamental "'penman -04,J Professor of _Penmanship. The notrise of IngteMition'fremi ItoOk-keeidrii is so thoroughly matured, thatatudentagraduate in about half the time required by other Colleges, saving g2O or $BO In 'Aim; slid board. • • t tipwards,of four thousand:Andante have entered the in stitution Arne foundid. To obtila fall Particulars of the collegiate training *r• business and the characteroef the institution,. send for its pamphlet circular of fifty pages' with sienpleis of Mr. Danden'i initial; which's:6 -mailed. free: . DiMP'll • Bookliairmo, Harper's' new enlarged edition,' pbetsge 20c.• Utl77'llBl Boolc•Barspo, $1.00; postage ?c. 'DONOAN . IS BDIDN/.88 iND 01111LENTAL PENDANIEII7,` crown qiiiith•SA.oo; Mailed poet-paid. This splendid• Work, 1110 DAPA,Bookrlieeping, bate.recently been awarded Env rase FutrAmttu Sava& blzoiti lairtintis, Atoning' (the,fact of their being.eheibesi•treatises upon. these sub . Poets now In toe. Au elegantly-bound - copy of rDuntan'm Penmanship is pre sented to. every Andmityrho hereafter graduatti in the In stitution. Dolmen's Corr, SOOIM, complete in six numbers, twenty. four quarto pages *each, ou fine Demy paper, with the auJ thorn direettons for teaching, the most thorough system for school instruction published, 12%eotuttif,pert number.; liberal discount to the•trade, postage 17; mute, on; application to the publishers, W. G. Jonswrom* Goy Pitts burgh. • ' "••• • • fag ' TU ID . 1511 A MP lON tOOKR WORLD, are only,striplingein ,coat, 4040 $9, or (fl made gunpowder, proof, $lO, and, /eV st.wholaside.) The test which they have; endured ie ueperaNeled: the great est loc.k.plokers in the world, stimulated,.by the offer of a large premium for !wend years, hare sought in vain for a clue to pick them. They uotonly, bid defiance to all look• pickers, but the offer of Two TROIMIAND DOLLARi for pick. leg is continued to June, 1857, with ample guaranty. Th e world is challenged for a competitor to produce a : lock of equal value, for five fluxes its cost,whether it la need for the apeciervault, night latch, or desk. • • S. N. WOOMINIDGB, Perth mboy, N. J. Ma. 8. E. WOODBEDGI, - BR:—YOn bare been awarded an honorable mention, with special approbation, for barglarr proof Locke and Night Latehee. They were considered by theJufy . to merit all , thatyon elaim for them, as being the cheapest, and at the same time, the safest and mostdorable Looks on•exhibition, and a valuable acquisition to the cum' mitnity. Tome, truly, Srevu BaivoOis x Commissioner of Juriee, Crystal PalaCafloY• 1854. • jy22-nowly • WRIST TROY BRILL VOITNDBLYi . [Fatahihdrid In 1826.] BELLS. The subscribers have constantly !onside an as BELLS. sortment ,of Church, Factory, Steamboat, Locomo BELLS. Live, Plantation, School bonne, and other Bells, BELLS. mounted in the moat approved and durable numn or. .BELLS, For full pull: oulars.as ,to many recent improve :BELLS.. m enta , viarrintie,, , illainetter of Belli,spece occupied ,BMILS. in Tower, rates of transportation, ao., send for a Clireslar. Bells fbr the South' delivered in 411L1,13. York:'' Addreei . frp. • , • .A.,R3OTXXLrB BONI, Agents, . • • Trfty. N. T. 5 ° 1 11 44... 5 . 1 "RK e1 ME 1 Mr zr~'PlWEprßh;'6Ml~is 3.Z n .; (:V.,-Te;r4htr EIE Otal ,„- pu , •I pxo'xn, lEEE READ THIS TI6 NOT A D K MRS. •A: 4 A.TIRNIS woRLDra ICA E ST.OR E R, , WORLD'S IE k A . I* it,E, ~ E 3.UN -• THE ,HNT.IY,PII.EPALipME THAT ,HATE A Mairopean,Reitutailonti ' The Itestorek, usedlrith the Zylobaleamm . ,or Dreeeink,, cures diseases Of th e'•hitit-atid stalp. RESTORES GRAY HAIR .TO ITS COLOR. 1 The,.Zylobalsarnum , or Dressing, uitgalons,„9 ll the'best hair-dressing extant, for young -or:#111 We take pleasure in presenting the following undeniable protfs that these , are the best preinifi tiara! either in , Europe, or America. They, 6 , 4 P" taiti no,.deleterions ingredienta--do not soil-or steam 4titything., GREAT :BRITAIN itgirriTAIPMEMBITELOEr-PreacotrZaticashirs, saym—"MßS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S BATS RE STORER AND) ZYEopArAisium are prifeat'rearreit. Altaiusing iftein fait afeeki,iay maleaMiktbilak hair to restored to its natural color. I em satiated lON not a APO . BE MRS: , Ati - DRUS; lei? Itisany years The climate haring seriously affected her hair and scalWays, "I have.derivedrauchadneatironr_the_use_of MBa. S. .. W _RBSTOB I have tried various ,otlierreinedies for my hair, but never anything thett l ie rita'rerbiley'Undpir• 'neurally benetted mei arb'as A. Allen's." 4f :.! .T. H. EATON free. Union Univ., Tenn. , «I have need KsB. 8. A. ALLEN'S "WORLD'S RAM tisyniiitgliatiot bnt i notWithetanding; lei' 'Memnon dletinegrids. ibis. The falling-off,of 3 -hair-ceased,--and- my lock:, which were,qua evray,restorad to heir,, original black." y. ABGEN, -Ed.." Guide tco Bottom. Mast. °° ghat NEB., S. A. ALIfEtt7S WORLD'S Min RESTORER Abilk ZYL6BALSAkiIfit promotes the eolith of the 'bah. 'Where baldness - hail tontmetieed, We eibrenbe of Ma' own i3yeis.7r ';' ' `'REV. J A. R. CORNELL 'Cm.: Sec ; Pal Ectueln, s. I A.-ALL*l6s t*our,D43 , HAne Yiks&a.siattsg, :.foe sralstfre, , lAmi naPPY tneel it Prevented , the fen 1 . 1 1 of. Lair, graq,. to ita natural eme r y and beantlfal black." REV. JATINi 'APIA Rd.,: `,‘.Claristiati "mo IFOR. 1 . 11 " RAIL RxemoßEß AND zuonitssmirm Strl) tied preiaratib'ni I liave They 7:stolid by ludr to Its (*tibial coloi." RE*. J.`yirESt, Brooklin, N. f. I 'agilispity to - 1;;ar - teetbia,i , to the' value and'etliCaLi iof .11eit9:ikf4A: ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER WID ZYIIOBAL. . a 43finapiii4 69aCknO100gejig , IFt.tf' l l394,lll,ilMnaS di f :4 • 4" • • - • SEW rOZORGE 31::13PRferri , , AgtwtPe!in; Bap. 11 1 5 -Atte. ; 4 `AVe cheerfilAY- ree9=l9l4 i;k• , 4 14 8T5. WO* D T , 4 l , a3 *§ T 94 11 4 ? '#) , Z P 4 II4 1 " 0:0113° APT . V. -GEOWOLP, ; iWasliington# Plvflp jpform.,l4n. whare MSS,. B ;; A. *MIN'S WORLD'S Lien: REgiolitiitaritiotiiimi eat tie Ilia eisi kiiore Mitt* are Bleat they ptirportteleA ; .: WOOD;ltickeriefotatcA r ete hair bikreitly iblekeeed; The - seine tAruiicitanitUr myfatiillyifiwbout waid.ol:s &mod tare: net ihair boo ankiulsolkelYithicke4 l ,4llanil .Y:4 1 9 1 . • 21, /". 36 1t4T. STP. a__ ._,raPlie , ..Bince 1 11 0 11 g rIa:REL.,- 8 .. L 4 ALLINT W ORLD ' S HAIR RitiTOßiffeAND"il*OlW AMTM." tS . AN T iq,* , . . 174A 29 10 .. R, ( 6° '* ea r 4 Pfftgfo i ,4Cher Aq? Yo *. ."Since Wilffg MR S . S. i*TFItSiVOitIYS itistDiNv AND inii , hpriattifililti'lisobaMMllMlM.' , sl am ostialed ?tie", •1. i t .1, tilOßLEtt'ittitebore''ardial!'-' 11 mega sor-inisits.w Imam* velum !Rem ( MC: .31 LIMIRWAND:SIUSIABLIMptIfrewto:e.bAniti; ft if : inn ' a lf l 9 * -!Atlegi! ( Yea Mrh." :1 11 ° P ri g efra . "!s 'FF OFFicas or ,Ray ,T P. Twiti,.gd. a krOUthern " 4''o., Mffilimpa, "Tb•7liiikholiliibeirilef Obviiited, HMO Of NW& • :i4IAttiIIIPIOIIOBUniIIAIIIMMITQIIIit AND:Z4O BALSAMIC" BIM* APBTICOMI, - .ffait4 111411.)904 Othisq. ii i 4r4;o f . 4 .1 .4 er y, •;v i ii ii x h i ri gi a ga r i e r viat I ••••-• . ! .46.4 •0•OW "I i s. a x t , "11,,,„,,, 4. llo Wrrilll. or, . qiijoisard - ; ; st, utter i ,7,- I ever- .7g .0 • • MEM 'REV 111108 1 PLAROHARDITION/14(01".10 1 We, 4aktitOrina. • t3'.' A.Acitaliv wcniuys tilaitilUMMES ISTLOBABILIIIIIYA REY,C.Y. Ngtfq, r ,04 . 48 ,0 107 4 - A. `,t7llltB. 8..,A. ALLEN'S RESTOttii AID ZYLOBALBAIIUM ili.iielliped thi) fain' ouYOf ii hair, and • A.no : R• EV.‘m A . • m. • P• Y f F 5 . • Stan . 7 . 7 J./ I . th f o woßtin. , • 1 0 •i t , MBA. " " fihr • ' F M.( 0 r° • • • Par II • • a. MEW .1) MORRIS,. Cron; Riverp2P. l:falpikuir Wit greirmiry Whl, hams'isid ihidilludrzedointlq tde A lie of BIBS. 'l3: A. - ALUM* WOMISIREMLUMMISER, AND ZYLOB.AMABIUMIP 1.1 •:. - ts.„t : REV.;TREL it/PREt — A r e! tft• `,*430°,1", IE j , r REV. 14" zviiritp; .13411i,* O. I here twig hIRS. A:. ALLEN'S WORLD'S ItA*Ritit'OßSlC AN D They, hive 'ohange . l mj hair) to its natural colot, stopped Cdr." REV. WM. R. DOWNS,. HoWard.a, , Neicvirork., MBE. 'HAM DitasiarNG hla no superior:' IE eiesiniii: the hair arid 'es*p;lisiaoWil LFsliness and ( linXincei the soft ; nets, sillilnipiCsa f fatiail gloss ao reqielte to the human . Might,qttote fro* others of the nat:qrons letters We have, and are constantly,reoeivintr,L but ire , deem l the. above .antEcient to convinge the) otmost , ,akeptical that we have;at least the j imi l :)preparations:in , the -world for the .hair,of 3r9tel We manufacture no -,other preparations. Occiipyinv.the'large, building, cornerof,Breeni ff e i •lind Elizabeth t .Streets, ; exclusively r for • Atride . sales-room mei manufactory, We have no aims of rinclination,to engage imother, manufacture& s • 'These are the • only, preparations , exported • - tu3y-luautity. to Europe. , ~;• • • We •alsolWoulcl calif attention to the AA that -, we have always avoided all charlatantism. , :: iprepaiatione -are the highest -priced, brit. the cheapest; because it laste longer, and doeainuiPe 'roa 9 the expense, in. the end, less tium , otheiss •aspire to have the beet, not the-lowest , gibed , - One'biittle of Restorer will laist nearty . " ;AI yeo F 1 5 , 6* 'per bottle.Balsnm; 87i 4 biotite: Ii ,has "Mae .. S. A. ALLAN" RED ThiS. * tr.! 'outside wraPpere, and In BUCK lax difeethia pasted on bottiet; Restorer,bottles are of dark p . — rarkpig fi rhi s K w i th the words, MRS. il. A. AELEW/ 3 •WORTIWEALLTit RESTORER, 855 BROOME STREET, NEW, ,TOll.ll, , hlawn on them. Thu Beggar hotline are 9f4r7t3A g 1 with with AiRS• 4, ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR BALSAM, 865 ATltiorr, NEW YORK, blown oh - " circulars around I:Kittlea copy righted. None PoUttr• lie genuine. Signing •the. name by . others fa forgery, will be prosecuted by cm as a criminal offence. • F... 80E3 Dm= TRY To crnra ParPAk&TlollB, , wmca TRIT PROFIT, InailleVo7 TELMA; mem , '9 y • Sold by "nee* every drug and ?envy goods dealer. /461)4 all.l4StAire for it, formiition.` , kc:, to MRS. S. A. AL Lar.51 9 11 WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER DEPOT, ''NO. 955 BROOIiE 1V.642A.F0R1L-- ad: 4.17 , `f hold wholesale and retail in!PitWiesibiby tit r IgIIAMEMIUMFX 1 fiptebillis 3: s.zwilltela 1231111 GENUINE ME RO CITY CoLLED-S! PITTSBIIRGR, PENNSYLVANLI. . '. CELEMTEMED 1855. tlloaid of 12 Trustees—Faculty 0(14 Teachers. EMPIIATIDaLLY THE BUSINESS MAE'S COLLEGE. Loam iNt. MOST COMPLETE COMMERGLEL COLLEGE IN Tim UNITED STATES. In Daily Attendance npwattla of 200 Students! FACULTY 71:W. JENKINS J. C. SMITH, Professor of Accounts and Book-keeping, I. I IItTeIIOOCK __ _ _ ' Profeisser of Arithmeticrand Coramercial Calculations , JOHN FLEMLNO, Annior , oil.' The National Britian of Bookkeeping s' tartar on , Business; its Customs and Usages. J. W. BRENTLINGEB, Proleesor of Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, and Pbonograpb A. COWLEY and A. T. DOUTHETT, Professors d Plain and Ornamental Penmanehip. . . . D. BACON, Lecturer on Political Economy. " JAMES IL.HOPKINB, Of the Pittsburgh Bar Lecturer on Commercial Ise. 3 , cs,. , JAlttlii W. K.ENNEDY, Of "Kennedy's Bank Note Review," Lecturer on eos in , Spurious Rank Notes. DESIGN OP THE INSTITUTION To furnish the best means for acquiring a T l loll.otqg OittIONESSEIMIOAMION,Ia the shortest time and tt the least emoense comprising instruction in DOUBLE ENTItY eikiIiMEASPiNG, as applied to Merchandising, Bat Railroading, &c. Itt ' STEAMBOAT BOOR-HEEPING, .With all the recent improvements, taught without eatr, charge. , PENMANSHIP. Mapiti4Pcititig." With every itarietV and style of Butineo • i and Ornamental Penmanship, ARITHMETIC, And, a thoncm, g,h.couree of .Counting House Calculation: ' V "COUNTEEFEIT ANHAETERRI) NOTES. at: f Full instructions given ha this important branch ness education. . I.IIICMAN DAILY, ON,BOOKMEEPING, tUs ites,"Lawd` ad - engrains' of 'Coniniiiree ; Finance " 4 nking; Economy,,Connterfeit Notes `entente having*enticed relatiOn to active bush iesa Otnkf Bofik•keeping, , Valli Connattraial , Oonroa . . Etationsu-y; /Wont . . . . . sk r , Aloard,,periteak,mt l be FibtalitedAr. , 2.5 0 Stndenta are not alialgetiestaa for Steamboat Book., Aii# l P 4l l4s or. Diploma. STUDENTS Com.enteretitoytline—ino Taes: tion)—revlew at pleanne., time unlimited—ttsaal length of coarse from eight to ttwelve weeki : : REFEBENCI3 Maur hundred and. ehritt*ueven Students entering. from the "city atom, within oink year, beside the many from the `• N; " • ; DIRECTIONS fineciineaMliii=Writirtg and OiWinalars, containing foil , ri == Ormation, sent by mail free, of, charge. = P W. JESEiso . • # bon City College, Pittsburgh, it , , pi t tetkinon - P - :—,_ pin less than li „Illst,ST PREMIUMS werre awarded this College in the Fan 'oftlBsVevlor aliminipetitors, foi bait Writing. Them, with 'li previoni Pressitints, were, givernin Ohio. illehigau, and In Louisville, gy, at u theilnited Statea..Fair, and all for ;work actually done with - PEI 'and INK,' and not for EngravedTenutsnehia. o ur ,Penmen are fullylcompetent to,do their own work stthott the aid of the engraver to make it respectable. &JO tine' RETORT IN PITTIMILIB.GIII.-7 -- During the months of DECEMBER AND JAIDIART, • - DH. A L=V4D - M. 'F I I" May ,be consulted daily at his Rooms, TEliti STREET, " 13T. 'prrysminalr, PENNA., For all afflictions of the THROAT and; WOE; alto, DIA PEPSIA; FEMALE DISEASES : ' and other" complicated with or. predisposing ! to Pulmonary Diseases., 'lf Dam any cane DR:FITCH ihoiddlerunableto remain during the. ported 'aboyemanted, the, appointment will be conclxiderrby his asseciate,"DD.,li W. SYKES. etre/fay ; remind ',those who may he laboring tinder Incipient Cm:seated &Seams of the Throat or .I„Lungs, of the importance of,giving „themselves timely A lt-intim,- as it is only-whin takritt in reasonable time that Hose diseases can be treated With any just hope titmouse, and the delay of a few Weeks will not uniteonently retie "SuPeleSslFfittal,an otherwise cnrablerame. DR. FITCH would also add, thai as he is accustomed to deal frankly with his patients, none need apply who an afraid to learn their true condition, the actual !tatter their Aullia,.andltheir -probable cluinces of recovery. CONSULTATIONS, person:illy or by letter FREE. wAilcomitunicationselionki be addressed either to DR. C. - IL FITCH, or DR. J W trxxs; 19I: Penn Street, Pitts bArgHi'Pa; ;, ; •* f e p & MK I.L ./IMDA.MATIIER STORE.- It:PATRICK* BONEI,Mo. THIRD sr., he. ween Market and Chestnut Streets, Pltuladelptde, bare to lee DRY: f AND ,DALTED. SPANISH RIDES, Dijrfaneilieen Salted Patna Hit* . Tense's Oil, 0197 TAWS; TN?* at theloweet "reces s and upon the let - • ' All..;ltinde of feesethOr in the rough wanted . , fa erldele theleigheist nabs given in cub, a 1 taken ba-e3e,tuuagiptor,ll4des,, heather, s tored free of charge iniefsold en ehmlifeeto—n.'' sialaoo%ll ABOOPMHOMMerIiOO7MAIED,SHOES, ..1 ,-.JAKES ROBB, M. SO Market Street, between the (HarlotHouitsaXidlltfth Street, would call' the attention of hinnies& and customers, and all others who may favor him awlth~ftfifdrtrEde he be found at his Haw Shoe Store, '!as above, with an entirely New Stock of -Bootatiiiioes,Hilteti,l3llhetii;Plhadliceil,Pedal,Tnetin,asd I Braidi Hatex ,sansialdng In peat of Gouts' Fang Opera Mott Otingrese With* Onford Wee, db., dm; Ladies', Ewes' and Children' Fancy Boots, Gaiters Tiee, S li ps, dc., very beautiful; Boys' and Youths' Drees Roots, Bhool3, Ties and ; 1 T His /twilit Cone Of thee' hanputtever opened in this city, and embraces everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia and ( WNW* and,llie trusteot to please all. Great care has •heen taketxlin aellatiting th e choicest geode, all of which' iiebriaiti, , v ,He also continues menufactase, as heretofore, all Se. 'itrifitirchte•of Bbictelibld Shriek " hie' long experience of er twuntyyeasatn.businees in this city is, be Mosta, a nif infgnarality‘liitthimertiiini bine with their custom mum MILLER ACADICIIIT.--THIS O. I J., it teITITTION .he underlhe care of the Presbytery of Zanesville, and is located at Washington, Ohio, on the Ni Waal' Road,-,half-waylkoro , Wheeling, to Zanesville; end only : three miles North of the Central Obio Railroad. Oh mitre:tilting acre:entry la hilly and remarkable healthy. A ,large„tasteful, and convenient, building, bat ben 'ereetbillinid iiirillahnd with suitablnapparatrui; the under sll;ned , *vote - their attention entirely to the inetitutice, t om' in tile • EsemeetrYlirrangeminta have been nude hr =g young merven themost approved principles. tine Cif stales hieltediat arolinglish and Ran& Department, and is, extensive enough to prepare notate fOr the i JeitidOrliiiiirtzi ttrei' beef Colleges.' Strict Marion ,will. .bs, .given. to, the. comfort, manners and morale et the tpl:4 and - tber will enjoy the advantages of a anal a Library, and a Philosophical Apparatus. ' Very 'tonal or back Ward boys irencitierteived, nor sill ny be parmittedito remain who are either immoral, indolemi, or unwilling' 'to 'form inibils of diligent study. On thecae? , hand, Ire-invite young men of good character and Mahon , habits, who desire a good education to fit themselves NT business or for teaching; and especially pioua , young mg' preparing for the Gospel ministry, Whose presence and is Buono° we highly ; appreciate. _._, 1 i , . TRIM 07 Turnou.—lrilh C e limalialTae g tartment, SIM Per , 8011440.11 of dye' months;. Senior En glish llepartmet, $10.00; per Seeition'cif tlie'monflue; Junket English Pepin' ment, sl3.oo,,per : flesalon.of dye months. TilitiOri feel mistlita' paid'in advance. 'Rooms and bear& , log;pyill. tee ,flanisheet ny .f , eepectattler private families et $2.00 per week. " The Seasions commence on the first ilea fAsy.ol M.j.nd Of ;gave:lsabel'., -: , 8.817.4. E. ALIEGINDEB, PrinciPs l, ILI/0 ,1 70 lilt 34.,141lloiL11144411.0tanstant. IC °411"" ' F linn/40PN NAN FAC in qg South YOVIVEII Skeet, below Chestnut .1 t: tr ()ZS PIELLADELP . .1_ t: Hinting And . Erzygraring, Mai Altered:9 vslopas with Business Curds , llonuropattilr Es", opes, self and iodated dii•eitions, Paper Rage for s f"; aulturiste, grocers, ke., for putting up garden wadi s ll { groceries. 'TALPII9#6,, o; all kinds, via : earde, Bill•Hesde, C: colors: ''" ' ENGRAVNetroxf Visitiwg, and ,Weddlng Cards, with": ra4eir aziastly, of the 'finest English, French SEC Aisislipa j 'to' order' 5 :14 maze uses quell addl. • ISIP=POJIIIIIAJtar'e -Envelop,' for deeds, mortßar s /4.4105 t Innis bisit manner Dy 0731" c':- ':'i.'.ll, • • cobBIRT. N. B. Orders wit bylraPreso, or aa per agreezonn '-)1444431 i. 01, • _!,., I. • LW.O - 11 - 8 . LITINGSTONIINI VOURNALII.--Jutt fon wittairoXlLN tg....Arrowemitb, a• gortrait on Reel, ' 2 ' 014' 4.03111111e,'5i0. Prim tit MISSIONAD.Y TRAVELS AND RA,I4.I4ItOIIES IN SOUl u AFRICA ;"Itielddhiit'i'lfteteD Nzteen Years' Belidecti 1144 . b• Interior or Mao% and ,a;Joutne7, from the cspe,a Good opotoLo' sac') on Wee& Omit th ence emu t ' e • 4 1/ 1 1 V1 0 "ink the sRlvor, Zambesi, to the EBEIPM 001111. LlyttrasTozni, D:O.D. For 131 e b Y, 1017 04 9 I,ll(tih Oat clegPßßANg'"Allegh'ai' W AMR (POBLICAIPIONIN OP TSB 1% 51 " Nia"BYTBRIANBOARD. -1 o , • 3 ., 1., Apples of .ciold ;, or a Word in Beason to Yoste ll . k . analVomeii. 41y Ifie-itev. • Thcintai Brno - b, auth o r ' - Mute Christian, Ac. 18nt0.,-pp.,288. Pries 30 and S 5 ,1 1118 „.. : 11: our ' Theology hilte Developlients. By B. r " '....1 -- piten. D- 1 ), , Pa5t6.7, of the , Second Presbyterian CbB.-, Lardsville, Metatncicy." 18ind.; pp: 90. Price 15 and '' , 111. Paith'the*rinciile oftWieirions. By Thomas 5uL, 5114 D.P., ofAlharleittoro, Nontlie+rolhia.• .18mo., pp. 70. rnr e • ;Lal. , Atint.3litth; oe v alwauseitowl, not Forsaken. BY 211 s gatthor of Ella Blintciii: Itheio.; pp. 2 “ 3. Price 30 Oa - ;cents: I Withi elm oi y u giL. ~ V. The Little Girl's Treanor* : Jr Precious ThingB._n .gilled by: Aunts Brooks: lamo, pp.-168 . price .l sa d Mtg. • - i B TDIThe LBW _Boy'S Treasury, of P . :veleta Thi)3o. Co. by Addle. 18mo., 238. , Price 80 and 35 cents. n 1 • ... inings.... . • : ' .; i • q t. , . Marion Harriet a Tale of Persecution In thy FeTere. tiierßhieentury. Bylthe !anther, of• Ella Clinton and . o° *, Ruth. 18xn0.,.pp.,F . p., p r i ca, ..Bs an d 40 c ents. With o r, era] iiiigis• minis. • - lit ,'A ' VIII. The Evening, 'mt. 18mo., pp. 84. Price 15 10 42° dist IX. Ideditatkins in, Moines, and old ' Age. B 1 na ---, W: Noel,ll -L.:. 18mo, pp. 114. Prioelb and 20 cents. , ~ X. The Elect Lady ; a Memoir of Mrs. BUMP CAthq Bott, of Petersburg, :Virginia. 'By A. B. Van Band', v, of New York. 18mo, pp. 196. Price 26 and 30 cents 11.1TheiRefuge. , By-the author of the Guide to tho. Happiness. 12m0., pp. 227. Price 40 cents. ..;•.X.HII Dsugbters at School; instructed in k ae.-Ast of imap itie tent, :By the Rev . Rufus W. Bailey. 12m0.„ pp. 251 '- 40 emu.. , . , , .B:EIL Thoughts on Prayer; Be Duty-ire Form -Bs Ba t~ .' o leitta-its Nn ments--its Blessing& By Joug i d Greenleaf, pastor ofthe Wallabout Presbyterian nu • Brooklyn, New. York. 12mo , pp. 158. Price 35 rants XIV Notes on the Gospels. Bythe Rev. Id. W . 760t0 DD. Together with Questions on the lame. The °coquille are in three volumes, price 76 cents.l ; The Questions are In four volumes, price $1.50 per nei,'or 15 cents each. - • 1 ' JOSEPH X. ENGLES, Publishing Agent NC, 821:Chestnut Street, Phila del MEM • — lll - 01139 A. HIGNIEUEIAWit • , • • a re(Successoto 8a1k.2 Harrah&lr ' ) 268, Strest, Has just received his Spririg stook of choice Family 0. Ise, including 150 ht: chests choice Green and Black Tau: 60 bags prime Rio Cokes; 25 do. do. 'again& ccgr e c ' 86 mats do. Java • do. bales do. Mocha , do. 20 banks New,York Syrup; 6 bhda. Love:ring'ssteam Syrup; • 12 do.‘4rime Porto Rico Sugar; 60 bblialavariug's double refined mow; 4 5 %P. Baltimore soft do. 4 0 . MlOANZidklei sauces, Fruits, Fish; Rolio'C liled irifte ti, wbolessie aud retaiL tanillned, giving an extended list of atosk. 111 E PA s, ?AL BR &c