PRESBYTERIAN BANNER -:.& .. ADV: I CATE VOL rubytorlon $llllllll V No. 18. rrolbrierlsa Advoos 4 tot Vo l. IX, MO. 13. I DAVID BIeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. ERIE.-IN ADVANCE. Original Vaetxt The Days that are Past. BY W. WHITTON RBDICIE, A. M 4, Man bath a weary pilgrimage, As through the worl4,he wends; With heavines9 he oasts his eye Upon the road before, . And still reme m bers with a sigh . The days that are no more.' ROI3 I T &MEM Oh, oft when I think of tho days that are past; Sad thoughts will intrusively swell in my; breast And I wish, Oh I wish, how 'I wish for , the hours When my path was greyed only with sunshine and, flowers. I love to recall the bright days of to youth, The happiest, the best, and the trtith . ,;, So careless, so artless, so sprightly, Belay With their scenes of enjoyment all, allpaseeclaway., Then life was before me full of delight, E'en the fields and the groves bad new charms for my eight And the birds, the gay birds, ph, the birds sweetly trilled, As my heart with a rapturous melody filled. Then friendetip and love, and all truthfulness dwelt In this bosom, now harrowed by trouble and guilt; And my friends, youthful friends--ati i those friends aro now gone; Or they're °banged ari s en else—oh, how dreary and lone I Home father 1 and mother s—how quick to my heart These words, with home , joys and endearments, now start I Oh, brothers I oh, sisters I—such friends I once bad, They're far away scattered, I'm lonelyand sad. As year rolls on year, life is passing away, 13till'the guide star of Hope points the Finnan today; But never, no never, no never again Shall,return the bright hopes that .I sing in this Pittsburgh, Jan. 1858. for the Presbyterian Balmer bpd dvoa~e. A Religious Revival-Its Questions like the following have ,often passed through my mind: .What wil ,be the results of the late Convention? ,the precious fruits of it begin'to appear in any of the churches? How do , :the brethren feel? and what are they doing Are their, hearts warmed with love, and ',fired with zeal 7 And are they encouraged ,to study and pray, to labor and waft:lifer souls? Do they find their hands strengthened and borne up, by the prayers and faithful Co.op oration of their , people—especially the elder ship ? Have any of the Sapiens got to work with their ministers, in the pastoral' visitation that was recommended'?" Or,ls all dark, and cold, and Aliscouraging? Per haps, many of the ,pastors, since , theirure , turn, have had their hearts : filled w4h,aPf.d ness and their eyes with tars,'in view of their coldness, unbelief, hardness' of - heart; and extreme backwardness in duty, among their people; and are ready to sit down*. discouragement, and say with the mourning captives of Vied, " We see not our sins I" With such brethren, I can most heartily sympathize. Week after week, and month after month, I have said,. withA heavy hearty 4 ‘ We see not our signs.: there is no,more, any prophet : neither is there am ,ng us, any that, knoweth how lori." - • Perhaps it may encourage and strengthen' each• other, to talk over and meditate ,upon, what are some of the signs• of a true, relig., ious revival in a congregation ? What,are its antecedents and hbw does it usually begin ? Sometimes such a .season is preceded by a time of unusual coldness, dead formality and spiritual darkness; in .connexion with deep and long contionedAnxiety on the part, of the pastor. In this state of thing's, and under such circumstances, he frequently feels that hie way is hedged up, (like that of the Israelites at the Red Sea,,) and he, knows not what to preach, or w hat r to do, that he may wake up the oburch and save sinners; and perhaps comes to the conehi. sin, like the minister spoken of by brother T—, in the Convention, that it is,his duty to leave the place and ,seek .another field. But more commo nly the Lord indicates his , coming,' and prepares the way for it, by first humbling the pastor to see his own igno. ranee, weakness, utter _unworthiness, and:.' past unfaithfulness; then opens his eyes to see the deplorable state of; the, church and the perishing . condition of sinners, and gives him such an impressive, heart mating, view of the value of immortal gouts, the danger of their being Lost, and the weight of his own responsibility, that he is led I to .preach the truth with a directness and adaptation,. , tenderness of feeling and prayerful wheat ness, which he has seldom, if evetc'`iloike before. In this state of mind, he r egards' not what men will think or say of him, if he; sees dearly the path of duty. He caress ; little for his own ease, or worldly interest or honor, so as that sou ls are saved and God' honored. And, rising above the fear of man, with death, judgment and eternity in full view, he preaches the Word, instant in sea, , sou', out of eseason—reproves, rebnkes, ex horts, with all long suffering and doctrine. As he retires from the sanctuary' his study, to meditate and pray, he feels' a desire, en anxious concern for souls, • amounting (as Dr, McFarland said,) to distress," It is there that he weeps, as be. tween the porch and the altar, crying, "Spare thy people, 0 Lord f." Again, with prayerful solicitude, he goes up to the house of God, and, with fear and trembling, (his heart being lifted up to the Lord for help,) he rebukes, warns and entreats; and, with affectionate earnestnesu,he 'besebehes his dear people to be reconciled to 'God. At the r oles°, as he casts a wishful eye aver the congregation, he says, in his heart, (+But if ye will not bear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride, and mine eYe, B Asti run down with tears because the Lord's flock is carried away captive." At this crisis, if not before, the members of the church usually begin to see their need, con fess their faults one to another, repent and pray, " and do.their , first works." If not— if they have fallen into such death-likialutit ben that they will not he awakened"—` if they are FO hard hearted, and.unbelieving, and proud, that they will netldo their.duty, there is danger that the Lord will remove, their eandlestiolr out of its place—that, he will take away their minister by' death; or remove him` to another field. In connexion with these signe, or imme diately following them, there is pften seen the conviction and hopeful' conversion of here and there' an individual, as a kind of first fruits of a general 'harVest. If the Church amsatiafied With this and 'take it as the answer . of their prayers, and if this"be the "extent of their faith, then God will .say,' Be it unto thee according to thy faith."'" and there the work stops But if 'they feel thankful, for .a '"few drope of mercy, and miew them as only the first fruits,of a plen " = ' Oil harvest, and are encouraged' to . hope, ,', end pray, and labor for a powerful and ,terisive revival i then too, the Lord * bestow . upon them abundant blessings ; ae cording to the strength 'of, their faith,' and . , thelargeness of their deaires. And if the paitor and Session are stirred np, to use some special' "means; and go from, house to iiiigne to converse with saint and sinner ; praying,, with and for them; and if their visits of this kind are' generally well' received, and a good deal of tenderness' and deep, religious feeling'are ininifeSt.:--far,more than' they expected—and they 'themselves find a comfort and encouragemont, in such work, this may be set down as another sign of the Lord's coining. Some twenty. , or thirty years sgo,.when protracted Meetings were not so common as they are - now, the pastor in a country villSge, Whose 'heart burned with desire to save souls, took 'with him a minister, (a warmhearted practical 'brother,) and went out, among the people of the town, and, after the old :'Apostolic fashion, went from house to house warning , every one, night and day, with'tears.,_ __ most, if not all of 'the familieS, their visits were well received, and 'made a solenin; abiding imPression 'upon their minds. Irt-' deed, the Lord had gene before them and prepared the' way. For even young , per sons, who ,prefessed no religion, wept at only. hearing of what was going , on,. and manifested a strong desire to be at home whenthe ministers would gall. Thialreved„ to be the' beginning 'of a blessed revival in that`plans. There are' some other aigps .of revival which I had designed to mention, 1)14 lest I should weary the :patieriee of 'the reader; and encroach upon my time for t .other du tie's, I will lay down rnypen:for 'the present. Meanwhile let us bear, mind the parting wordi of our :Venerable and truly belo4red father, Dr. llog l e,exhoit t ing deep:hi minty, , godly, sorrow . :for sin, self,exaduna-- tion, an earnest prayer, rather ° than go home from the Convention rejoieing for what we had seen and-felt. ;41,7% 1 41,0ra. The Presbytery of ohir? to ,the Churches under ' DEAR'BRETHREN :—God: in his Word, and specially:by his tiprovidence, .) been calling us to fasting, humiliation att-prayer, in view, of abounding iniquity in the hind, the lowstate,of ;piety In. the Church, anA the fehrfal st upidity ' and tinconeern of th e impenitent in our midst!' Heri l ee heth , our Synod at,itsflate,Fall meeting, and more TO-: cently.,the Cpevention,- composed of imin t istere, and elders, from different , after much prayer and dekiberation, reeent 7 ' . mended to all the ohurolititinittertheir"caire,' . 'to hnmble themselves' before- tiltdd, ana , .4-; fent. of their sins, which caused Grial:to hide his face from itliem, and withdraw4be • awakening and,..trinK intinsw i s . 4 ; 4*, Spirit from our As the neat, there. fore, of these , earnest skill golenin ' 'ilations, your ministers have felt then:lolcm)- constrained most earnestly to bring before your minds, in their' puipitAninistrations, those sins which, have,. gricvittl,,thc r ,Aoly, 3 6 PitiA from • .W 3 r. a1:41 14 ; 4 , 0 4g y9u0 1 10),1 'themselves,. to AiliaaS yourselves ,be,forit Gq 'and cry . .ciightity -.uuto..him, day. 034ij that he would not suffer ..the-enemy.,te.An t „ umph, nor give his heritage to reproach , Presbytery, liAva;'ilierefore, Darned itli~' pain and sorrsitwiliatlii'ioMe of our es these warnings SeeiVio be neglected, end that some, tlieldis of fauilliiiihitve opened r ther houses dancing; and 'Oise of youthful . ,membirs'liiiveloilotten their-14h' vocation And Solemn turning aside to the sinful pleasures of the'World; in re sorting to frequent parties, , where? • carnal mirth and jollity, in the form ofrsilly playe, and promiscuous .dancing, is the order of the evening's exeroise—thus !dishonoring .. 604,:woundiog their Savionr r grieying the Hoyt Spirit,, distressing the heartii :of 'fitefsnrid ail; serious and godly won 6 welriis causing the enemy to reprosieli ad.ff' blaspheme. We s therefore, who filand for the driferloc,: of the Gospel, who rove your sotalc,, 1 4, watch for your salvation as those who'miSt' give au account of 'their mitibitly; do most solemnli and tenderly warty and odmon:, ish you against 'these • evil ' praotioeS,' , enticing and inuring in" their nature,. destroying all love for . God* Word, and 'all }.delight and pleasure , daily corn inu4lon, with him in theeloset, as well as • placing you in a position Where, your good must be evilly spoken of, , and,y,rrir gisposi tion, and:ability' to:do good to thaiitrAklim • around' you, completely'deitrnyed, And that you may know what views our' Church liolth4 - aid has always held, in'.iefetv once to these - ensnaring pleasures. We di.' rect your attention to the one hundred • and thirty-ninth• question. of • the Largcre Cate chistu' and to the.. action ;of the Synod 'Pittsburgh in 1817, and that ofithe-lieneral. Assembly in 1818, condemning ..danoing and ,other, sinful amusements l .nnd epjoining our I ChUrch Sessions to' be , fisithfifl i in ad= ministering discipline upon theishirbii with persevere, after admonition and ' these prsotices, which all must kunii . litelong to the ungodly world. The Syisodesys ' Attendance upon balls, dances, route, *marl cal exhibitions, and other vain auiutiemehts, 'is' censurable in the members of our Church; and the Synod were more, especially induoed at , this. solemn and interesting Tailed of conflict of 'the, Church of God, against the depraied and'eiumfii ing spirit of the world;to enjdin upon all ohnichise and Sessions in their connexion to perform their' duty in such cases with prudence and firmness;, F and farther enjoin upon the members of their sev.:. ere: nongregations, to bOvure that when GOd appelain to be arising to promote extensively the . interests ofthe Redeemer's Kingdom, they appear decidedly notof the world, not actuated by - the ; spirit bf the world, nor devoted' to its pleasures. Thaylrerii you' With earnestness and affeetic, to • -71 CAI • • MEE "ONE THING, IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE 1 DESIRED OF THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THING I DO." PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH SABO, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA, FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY; JANUARY 23, 1.858, „conform to your holy-calling: come out from the ,fashions, which defile with sin . and and seduce from "God, We pray that none of our dear nicks may be found, when the , Lord cometh, amongst, the, enemies of our Saviour • frustrating by their opinions and Practleeithe labors of his ministers; weakening their bands and promoting the cause .of the god of ,this world, instead, of craning forth ,to the help oftheLoriragainst the mighty. It was thereforelmanitnously itesolved;• , That• this .Synod i viewithesq,preetioes censurable; and, Church Sessions are enjoined to act accordingly: • On the, subjects of the Theatre, anti' panaing, the Assembly t! ” 014 tike . 'fashionable," though,' £1;8' We believe,- dangerous amusements , ot theatrioal - exhibitioias. and dancing we deem, it , necessary , to makes few ! 'observations. " The Theatre we have `always'AtoonSidere,d: as a „ school tor immorality. ; , Alf ,any,pertsen., wishes for,henest ionviktion on this subject, let him attend to ttie'eharaeter oftliat iriastfeemelter". WhicMis generally exhibited. oro the stage We believe all will agree, I,lint comedies at least, „With a=few'airceptions,‘ltre Of each S I `thsli &virtuous, and Modest persom eannot=,attend "the: representation of them, without the post painful and dtubarrassing 'sensations. "-Ifindeed eastern has familiarised' the seene,tandithetimpainful hea -1 ations are nolonger felt, it, only proves that,,the 'person in'tinestion lias loetlonie of tie hest . eninii,! . bilitieeof Our nature, 'that the strongeststifeguard , of virtuelas been, taken .dcwn i , and-that the, moray character has Undergone a serioui Aepreciation. " With , .rest Me t, 'to :Daubing,; : . wail think.; .it , necessary to observe, that however plausible,,it , May appear to some, it is perhaps not:the less, dangekuis andonat ofAltat 'Alt is , not ffc4xi, these things; whisk the:world 'Rolm mirk edges to be most wrong, that,tlie gr,test,danger t is to tie 4prehendedgto4eligton'especiallY its it relates .to the young.. When. that:truth* is oarried to its highest extremes,„nll admit the oonsNuen-, eels ' terba fatal; and why* net then apprehend clanger, F event+ front , its :incipient) stages 2,5 It it. certainly in a ,all, its stages, a fascinating . an M I :infatuating practine. • Let it onfee,lie introdneed, r and itie difficult to give it limits..• It Steals:away our precious time,..dissipates religipus.impress dons," and. hardens tha heart. Tp guard , you, beloved brethren, against its wiliMand its tions, we:earnestly recommend lhat yen. will oon- j Suit that sobriety which ,the sacred pages, require. 'We aisMtrast that you` wilt ittenthittilliein'eek-` •riess and dooilitybeedming thmahristian;eharao+, ter, te the admonitions; on this !subject .of those, whomyon hive Chosen to watch for your 'soils.— Andnow beloved brethren; that., you be. guarded from the . , ; d angers , . , we have peinte t d,ont,, Ind from all other dangeriitiOlt beset the patfi'bf life, and obstruct our conniterrasivation, and that the greapiles4 ofohe p . A,,rcir t way r lyriccopplin j his holi keeping,is,,onwemeare to „affectionate ,prayer. Amen."'"'''' And tow, dear 'brethren, that you may as paie,iitat and guardian's of "the be faithful in exercising tibati authority.-mhieh. ,Ciod,bas givenlyou, in .restraining and , warn-.. ing the , young, and , that, :our dear'y beloved younfepeople . ' our iviirningelivoioep abandon these aiiiiiiPPleaiures,'ind i ,repent, ,of ,aberrations fromAhe On humble and sincere piety, is the most earnesto and. ansions prayer of , thoie who love yonin the' Lord. - Western Correspondence.- MOICINNEY,:—.-PeilcaptAle, opening of - this:letteri callthelaterition of. Our Westerutohurehes te the' fact, ;-thitt 'the last TliniXday;efyehruary . . next ie'the' day' espeelelly set' apart by the liferille-isr Its a , Aay of prayer for the,,outpouringof, the, Spirit-of God, in conversion, uponithe youth 'attending our colleges: It is to (hp feared , that:thii tteen as generally oh servek.,,by our Ny* . ett A churches .aad :by ; , Western. ,phristiens as, ,it ;should, .IVe have been so absorbed , irt•the 'rush ofAusi nese' that we' have liegleeted to' unite, As . we. Should; with etlier..: . poiOns of our land`'iu the discharge, of iixtP6llo4";44Y: WO. have:even felt, ,ii . eiliape r somP. : 04-IPY•thg as, colleges.wererfew, and , oollegelstudents ,few with us;'in the West, that we-Yu:tight.; leave the diity, of:prayer in , their behalf. totithoie` who, this regard, live more favored .19. ; . great mistake This .4. gpat mi4#e , , There, ; are special and peculiar reaSeris why t h e *st' should • obserfe this day which!' present=—and - '?;.r.. Ist4) We• need in this perhaps than any other Portion , rot our 11 9,4,11 8 P, each. men 9,s„uolleges,:tioder the Divine blew ing, are, instrumental in raising up arid send: ing forth. Who so erineeientrof the 'spiritual wants of the West as those -oAci reside here; • and knowing,' as , we . the riee4 of; well eStiested godly youth to enter ‘ uppn,the ? work of sowing seed in ? and gathering fr,nit,nt of these fields. Should 'we' be 'Silent 'tidied Mir brethien; in'othei portions` of 'our land,'`cry to, the Laid of the ;haittestifoi , thhblehing? God , forbid ,that.w.e,filio.uld; be %duel . hAt ; sumb i a time; or refuse to. joinour l etrong pries with, , theirs. Silence Western chum* and, 'amongWestern Christians, at such a time, wodld be improper `silence MVP' sioneries in foreign. lands; and. .=mission' *itches, mben the A:mericaniehurchesivere, engaged kn prayer for the *pouring ,of. the spiritpf missions upon the youthof theiand, But; 2il: . l.Tlielli neetli io • be''Sivablied- among us i 4. - more lively.:interest-in.liehalf.of the weak, etraggling.oolleges of t . the , Meet, and an B ,4FY I tRICI9c lAilt OM tbSlar l le,,Villi•li.t.) :doubt, contribute to this end. we Ave 'Hanover College, ,in Indiana; Coral,' - iii, Wrii;onsin;.AleiriedeiNii` l lowit ; lireeitniiii.- sten in Missouri; and 'Peoria: - tUniversiti, ,, ini Illinois, being built up under the - . patronage . 'of our Church, Jraidos”the coilegee 'minded and , sustained by ,cotper i brf l ochee of Aka Christian'' Church, in. whose behalf, our praYers should itsoend':- " - And whitthWorthy 'objects of prayer are. these Institutions ? How important that God'ahould take them, even in theirs_Wigglibikoinfanoy, under f . hie : pp,tepti p n, dedice, 7 tbri f to his ser 7 . vice, and make ,theni. pure fountains, whemie ' shall flow atibitok - to' make",glad ,the 'city of our 'God: A:Thless they{ are thus, owned and accepted .ofl God,l.they will prove, fountains of the most pot t eot evils. The schools and s, universities . of Gergiany , first became eoirapt, aid frika them issued ithe floods of poison whic h overflowed the whole land ; the effects of which are' felt' in B og i alt d,and Americia, and which it will re quire years, if not centuries, to,rectify.., Let us unite with other Christiane ,in behalf pf our Western, tuistititions, that God 4 ineirriako . them pure and : l44 them ed.' ' ' -". ' God has.beeelleased to give us west en. icouragement,-in times past, in complying with this duty , _ ,ge has Fqvf4,llitneeif qa phatioally a p rayer . hearing Go'd,, t, in answer ing petitions presented in behalf of colleges and institutions of learning:" If aiiltiquiry be instituted; itis believed ithai 'it will be found that. God; has invariablyi , itind in ,a marked and L peettlisr manner t smile 4 upon 1 the pryers of,, hirrpeople, in heyalf of insti tntions of learning. Let ne, flarefore, take efleoldsgemetifaud'tiot fail ofieur Atty., We I / ` 4 1 ' . i" ', f.'-' I. . J ... t:1; -'. ,:;:.of , .-. ,-•-. 1 should rejoice, to hear that, io,o,ery, church oar Connexion throughout the West, this, • day was' ftithfally observed, 'and 'that' ' from" thousands of altars prayer to Got"(was made•. in.beholf ni agencies, so- powerful, for. goodli or 'evil... , LO us.,do nur.duty, and, :icayle: the ?result with {hod;.,, . , „' r. _ ~ :..,J3e4re - vie leave' hii‘sttbjet4, ifi:ivobild - e4ll' ' the itteri tido 'Of '. Tour Western..Rade* k r o'all) oddment& Dr. , Van Rensselaer at , ,titbe eortxtlct inencenient of Carroll CollegelautOepturaber 1.. iv-.° wish a etoPY , ,qf t4l , t , Ad% could. Aci, 1 plioeCin the hands of every ; V IT torn man. It ii's ' brshd i'' Wet fr, torn man. a"' ~ pu, t e Q panp , o , an 18- ;,tributed'-to Benne itittent, .and. 'h : . iiiiiiie'rip-' , - , r 'peered, in liartc}toiarious pope throughout ?this region. , Bakit would be yelp desirabl,o,., if it 'coda; with its . nothe - Sertt*tketiti,' ,'dad" 4A way into eierf ChriStiari , fini/ly; ' and be • kept tainong . the..6laeri she d attic:ll4 of. sfireiidei; reaclipg., - A .I know, .of,, no, dean. , . tR helm; efilculated, to set, before the min - t,,,,zi ann, of. colleges, or illustrate and i'Vnife ffe,, tintiei T itiimirthene upon - all ' toward' tkent". 4 ''''' • . Weiqteiti Of preeionii , reviVelsoif • religion in many portions of /the West; indin mon: , uelicollW,it4 stAiffeMltkOAChesPf,il,4Pßl l Alrar, r BY some places union meettm are being, held with ,highly gratifyingreeults. A broth-" .ert writes '. Mei' . from , Ronk` liilaitd,": that OM • Raptitt,FAesociateMeformed, ow 4W' New Samar Presbyterians; are engaged {iu -, holdt: inga Aerie of "meetinge each Friday evening.; `OtirdsAire printed, with 'the :Iketilling,vii-Ser mons for: the people," ) 'anlkfillld: out with rnotiries ofithe time - and plaCer of - the ' lieit • .uniono effort, -, cand an ' , annointiestkentl ef the c spatter , altd(' the '''subject-lbr ' 'the; occasion: '.. Therfigfetinis find their waylibifa)niiiest)regli . --f lent-Of duty,.. and thus many ere induad toil :attend puiblie - witithip Wlib ',Weald otherwise' ;. ; remain' nninfluetteed.:L Y. The Yelftilit inilarve. and attentive 'audiences: , %neither, i" brotlLy Writes4o,, from. .31eildota. .thatqlie; 'indica...l iiimi are such-that he. feel ' s authorized. , to:inal crease somewhat his uSual - services.'l.f Vie, %. , Loud still continues to smile aleaties of itreesitAl , ring will, ,he required. ; , At. 4 1:014.en t1 e.., good y ; degree ,of interest is'lnonifeet it the ' 'Meth- , Odist;'l3aniiit and 'PieSbyteriali' tihutralies,v. and the:lutheran , hrethren are engaged in a protracted effort; .wittesonie gralgyjng f resnita, :ffil ay, the Lord, of ; the .h arye .. s : t.bk —s,4) I,alesp , efforts, and,cro!n,thein with the,noq scum , dant3AcCesi ' ,' Ydnrs, &e: ' ' NnivritWEsi -.. .. .:•"; '. ''. ":" ...1 ... 1 .'...'„} ...1.;1 ...... i,,' ' Prom oar London Correspondent. tin , T air t -r; ..-;;? 7 Chrastmcts— tree rts es-- - vutas rus 2; ear 71Chreing; 7 -The .Baet. • India Xfotrrany,-;.D00ine . 444-4 .getiniate,of,ita Past,,_.Polim 7 filyiin the , Sonora and'EmolninenteLA Tait Retultrd—z:Ch - ristian alernamdari ‘Education in, .rn44:-- 7 0990 AretPB—Lucl4l49,lPi . 8 ; 1! lievecl- 7 The No`tion "Clad tfignqui,2 =A' ,Seeni' in PCouilifitidate'one , of Dietrillit—Thti Celts 'in Ireland and America— Mormonism :and I fiteginee r e —lnterview with a Mormon Booiellir—A DiOe and Panctile--einiila andrPratt-T—Villdicatient /milt ' Partraita—The A:upper; Party . • • 'to v.l2oNnorrilkoembir:2sll.4 1857. = CHRISTMAS RA/3 1 COME: It bruiga-twith -it 4 4igebd•cheerin-certainly,. , batclziore fear,,in itsrextent, than „for-pmny, , year c Three, years Ago„ war ° was, upOp ,Two yeare ego, /Ulna's gloripue victory, Inkermann's great and bloody ` ' struggle;' Balakhevses? -deathride,,?withudisease, , T.tek-: pcsure L starvAtion,on; the,,,snow•olacl„hills, ,oft. the :Crimea, had c almest -deprived us of a splendid' army; and wailing ;was heard at • Ohrhitmai tithe. in" niaify , 'anda in j niani al baronial hell': slut 'Christ.; t masi, we qbad Ipeace, abroad' Antl, atr honie.o Trade indeed was dull yet, still ; Hope,; enigma tedonniV4'lnno -WavfilAer , gniAn "'wt . ; P° Christmas ,810 30 ,P 2 ir , P°4l9'l, :again as in daya,Of yore. This year , 1857, - deka over us in }gloom` and' settnesi;miti• Unmingled- -with hoPe a so: Thai t meinbrable.3 Indithryinutiny, with_; .massacres,.b444l. 6 4; siegOAXe - YrithlrAk.:7,9 3- •• .drous vicissitntles,;. 4 with.i . te l tragic anditcr rible seenes 'with its gleains of light flashing athwart the thundergloom; this`'" ' has been raging nowirellatighleight-monthq ina4be•ond in ,nRt YON"- , ;r, ,t An4'then; ITO ,, LIFLY2 , EPIffere4)•CSa are. : suffering poi,:froin a Commercial Pewee:n(l' Collapse, before magnitude u an& deVaitating -, fitry;Taimiltir feriodhiai lainitiesdaok •tVerily it is: chiudy • indadark day/4 for a Angland,..and,for 3i the who f le, civilized world.. Doubtless g0„(1.,,is in :the stortU, an he 'hie chastened but in Meik 7 - ,ure'ini . Cottifired ' yoked - the visitatiOne 'of thisrterrible-: year. , But still there is a black pall over us ti and,ii Sot . 0n1y,w41. / Christpias bring,up ,c those, who'llad reached or 'passed five or six lustres, its usual reminiSeerisSiol of ' faces andiformkof- dearunes; owlet side l bp I I side under the same roof-tree, atasuch I time as this, passed away, but despondondy 'in - Infiny' parents' I.,heiVis; 'around':-their. ' , Ohristmas,,board; ; will he •-searoely dissipated-, r , :'by t'hei• merry qh("#°.'att4 iinging,laughtei of Abildren ? to Whom sorrow 11,yet nietinngp Perhaps I write in too sombre' a vim; Bat, over the woolehdratriets of Yorkshire, ['Commercial disasteraidqapreading; tens of lbotinan4o aro out! , AmPloYnAant•• dm' manofactnx difitrictx and with money at,, such: a,hiagb, rate of interest , , credit 'elf:nest ! , gone, tmdlirintimeiitble'sClieines for *tang ; on -ire the -werld:-'enddenli'blasted k 4ase'welli as with, failuresF already; xedorded, emountingy at least to; forey-,ftve, millions sterling, though much this l Aill, not bills coaling due, fox prevision hot' made by 'very ManY—What- can there be but public anxiety • . • • , • We have beeutanght that a,nation really rich, or supposing isself so, can euddenly made poor, on both sides of the Athintie, in our tasting the effeets ot Ispeoulictiop and Opp., trading; (the Auitialian,Colenies hive thu's afresh been, glutted with goods, Ind: the action is felt hete,) and, in connexion w th . this oaa r.evel.fitiOnPare c4l%o:3llrivraial inunorality to an ` extent which' is Very d,, alarming,;; God 'grant to the nations eputt ef genuine penitence, and also ' 'lnca [ for repentkncii Otherwise *ay ;Ca 'the hand which has, smitten' tAleinnew, be reified, ere long, , afresh, with Urpd still mein' terrible in its deebending"Venheanse'n .„ , Tfie Aioirrioir or TWA L'4sT,lgnis 'PANT, on which doubts were stated! by 'the Mirvistetial ; Globe aka mesa& • ta tugly moiled on, ; is affirmed tbut ! the.; Bap India , Goverquseut i has received formal .notice, that it is thebiteetion Of.fler y'if iloirerrinierit le bin; neiet luitmentit sibbliarig thliAbiligeßk• Ise.quitillfai i 14,4,.. at'? %toil late, government" of f . India, and to,establish. t in that country the direct.,government of the Queen. I * believe that, the country will he satisfied- with ,nothinuless than this, and ; that the.Prenstier is well s avpare.,of the s,tatel, of publics .opioion. Ass tolthe Company" as a correspondent of are Recorri, “•thirty-fire Yeat - Yr resident rin; , 44 1 41-- - 6 0.01_;;`;` 4 1 ? Paitl4iiibAgYerilvilli o 9.npeAeq 06 Xagt 133 ; - . -dia pp,o7ißapy,,,the : v,th9ir49kire and endeavors. ib-ETP;-P.9 1.9941P14 0 4e • t• 9; ;tfleiTtqiiiect;;At; ti i e . l l. 9 l's•Pf-J T 6 r ,5;e,r,%9 1 v; 1 ...4,4 , 9 1 .4„, P 4 ,fqr . as'campalibl6,(itiittOr Jodgment,,) $90,46 1 , l siabilitgslAsir and the pro • sperity of. • . their 44 tn 6lB ,,dligher PrO 4 c,rttlaa• tkas can ..p,,ca.treely, he cla t W„d i for . ,them!! ; ) But their policy ceitainli.has -been, un— worthy of. a. ,0 1 1 T,4011 1 ;g9verff4ent in many 'respects, although. the t.4(l9Wrillptict pressure, ;54, aPr liPliezl l3 4 B ; al yr_ ig 1 2eR 11 .3 i1 31.R; 13 ,3981enti5;...., , i, .1 1 '1 rirr t • r ; ";;.` ; 411 4. I ' ! 46 10; 1,,0 the „myna, ; — l i , lipt •,; C • treqz caeLOr th ‘ ais;be: :he 6 l : Pk:: tpk,.leadkog to. a ; te porisingi pohpyi ~open - g the, nndoe concessions to the iirlolair.y,/,inftsuperstitions,,of the peeple,, and , sanetioning ;a sordid selfish line, of conduct " • f ; • • " ;11 ~ .;;;,, i ; The r.rrsorr IND . tr3 141•6 tart' ane/yri . k;lndia,; ,6 not a! few: of , /the: Oevernorspiinembers WI Council,* and high as is seareilfewi of the Court of Direetors whelave heen!rnervoftdoeided , ' 'Christian .; principleir,---eird=t;brokeri- through ;the trammels lofd traditional! 'Trolley Las muoly "as -they were 4bleflrislnotleo be; forgetter irrri t our•estimate lof':lndiarleadeiinis* trationiipastr; And; :presents'' It is ; probable' that °nos equal' numbi/i of Britons] either at home or in the‘; ithersliighervranka; could ;be:.; ionid , remonk thilro isssuchan;arnoUnt ,to• - - ofea'rneik ;living; piety, as ;inithe Ilim-* • liedßißritish 'residents of India. '; Some of • tinevfitiestrspetiniensl crrrnanly; piety; are ; tb ' • he Mound! ini - the;eoPmyrtlierei ;and w`hat" is 0,1 yeryareinarkable ispihritr Many young our cdrir:whol lei hcinesehristless and riatelessp laYethere received thertiathim the loio of 4 it ;from' the lipeirof English or;'•Arneiican ~'mAssiririaries# ortfroinAle.wordslef Counsel and' rleye , of their orl•other officers. ; 1 ' -God rgtantrthat4his;biptisni of•the;T iSpiritx'may ;increase I in; India, 'where now Queon4iTandt Compairy's-- Officers are side 114 , ; GEfirsal ll'avELobir: for thirtrer forty years a: poor •and alrnopt unnoticed'offroor; is; noW;" Of' he' 'ill imited,)l , .hoth BeSidert 016 1 ' ,haroiretriy the ppiiiioti; (the litter `del seen - di/4ot° hii"eideseibri) the•CioliinerdY'Of a; Regim - ent,' 'yoca i lit by 'the," deceise ' of -al Gelacril,Nifteer - , has jut been 'haritoivedi ;•The real fightingr" Colonel"':tffewlliari- - j • ,tenluit COldnal? Bire, — , - ArtanciaWrsfreekV -- ing 7 ; th 7 e . " Celene Vii some veteran or in, a • yhaPa' royal prince, who' gets 'pay 'to the eitent; several` thOtiliihd'lnfindd pee' annliti *itr/rie yisitai&EirviegiMetitare onlY•few4OH . failbkw#6 l .' .1 m a'ny cases it; is' irriglit,t - abc‘ r gifial!Crnidubt,'•Pension'," thirgelesing 1 1etire41' one ;.irlie hats' done`". his 'fiaufit i ry greetseryiele. SC' it' is IsPecially thelinsteniselhefore "I f PP I M I P T r V7 F RN 49.FI44 /41 :9 ; r 9AT I Ol'ij i1 , tiara ; now, before the ~ hii rtgb4ori;with.YerY.; favorable 9 ' 4 vigorous ; f#, id; ; effort for its; wide,extension in India.„ A. prelinunny, rneetingwics.held,last lyeeli;-.4rt ; tena,(d rkt Lorar:ShkftsYllTYr-;HO Pr! -&• Xinr • /laird 11 1 .1 1 . P. Sir .0 ~.,K.. EardleY theSecre- Itatie,sjoraArtho,4yap,tgelical,Proystant,4lis-„ ;sioPPllP°° 2 l#49b; an4;t4 ls P;if •# 1 9 , f.TT*4.4 - 1,1 bialy, at 4 .liwe; 4.rfas r!iY'Tan;Y:49*A.r 4 ginge4l,l - 04.F:9P804P raise C4:;#l3l),°P.jOrtftl,P4i; the-,Aducation Of the, natives tier forif'f i Ariglrhyornacnyx,edlication,'. as a minority, Pkr 0 4 4 ,,• 13 Y09g iffOrcdll TOIesP, rwitilt:ak°/°Me otrtile4l B elFPNlPO: the road, to r weal*and d i stinction :for the natiye i youth, wealth, is English education. is .0n1y,.,. .by,yernaeular. .teaohjog„that flat_ipo i :of Ali; land contd...ber reached., Of. the r i opyrl24,lnditi .: beig - 44' 9;4; w 9, dredApillions, ;ones, half .are females,_, apd 0 .P1 1 14‘ ;1f...4e 4 i i , D TIS 6 t ofhetowm. The pia/1.)w; alre,4y„hean tried witli.grent,,, su9PPlib A4l; ,99 1 ?;Penciklit ifsAy:fthlt i Xinnev: e lly„. l v iiraining o institation of ,the,OhureltAissien- ATY'r ; the $.099, 1 110)45. 1 0 0 4; cfr,,,t,ho Committee of ; Boligions„Papt, Oopiety" an4 , t•lct 3 _ e4 0 1 1 ;ti4,101;;49.1 11 •19 1 :" Murdoch- ;, in viVigliq;TiViaat of _ theollwrittenetints lirooreNsParsi , 'FROM ISDIA. arrived. It is tosithe:Aifreatil I Aug ijetited:(theloreb , at %he r - fAlumbaghytin 'the With etaftWertibeiesuidei that3aftdr (tQ fitinatintleriesilfor the inext; daysil(!ofsevere(liad ^bloddy strugglestith a Thai] enemy, ,of the. 19th: , their. principal(' strdniholdiiweret.oaptureditaid the below' Aired garristito relieve'd. On Jthel2Oth',4l `the sibk• lad 44:iiind'ad) (ladies and children, were sent back, under, an , eloort, to Cawn ,l4n. , ; It is .iiiiiiiiia4eitiriailidttie,Afitfliaph ,thatitlipl.o4l3 Gampbelra 4orium :amounted; to litelat, l thonsand. R rnen, that, .zeinforoements,riffißS. and. OuPitibfPr, scattered .garrisoss.an4 outposts oastia : .; beilikalie r iect by the ` MI lw field force, whiohoilid"also dispersed- th'e''' 'lllehidpore rebels ; ; h a l ~g q Ih94l4Anbagh OCTW.444noyir Pia iLucimoitwHpelopkdat4 .Qukarfk_ Pt : mon *, beNre fought itheitlfayymith ~ , g riOrt• , 1010 ,4 2 1 1 attk4. 1 4 gauntlet, three mike. thlEtto ,ricated attuets,„loop.holedlonses,:swaarningi, 'withiSepays,. has be en m treapin, One , rwtti. count says ,tlut - trlineknoty/ was ,relleved with ithe a liwa oely, fon: officers 494_ forty ;men, $ 1 ;(Nit may read !oar 'Amos &glad and forty f, orson i veande,d,) -bat jpstm i the slaughter ,/ ib the asstu2i was underratet„by the tele.: `grates,. so probably, • was it here. At 'relie:f 'of 'lmoknovi is - a 'bile ised ., certainty.k "Eliid; in his mercy,' has' heard the .prayers;. while. hi has tried, theq faith of his _-people, both there. and JO . * I Doubtless, that Residency Fort „was as ora tog, night 'mid day, Ittifr when entered it,' that nun led r ike devo tioue of Illielltoite heifte d"ge - rriedd 'ea the enduring: .band of iwornen and fat; cprinoe.: ; he, has,,had : powe gc: l 4, and, prevailed. . Letus,else trust and believe, that the , Spirit, Of G od: :wa‘ tru st *dile_ that fort for the heart of many" hith:e ertOfr carelehs,utind tliae tier have • found' • there for tlieritraktimei,tlie4esotioofe Gal;: an,,endaring,taiaspro. . '.3 „00,0:18;ti opneepet,,•BllNpg4t , iop , will t o follow:' a hOlars ; there committed ihntiel4eis" tIZB the' fAbiailft fitlft bar. • eat:cord of ,1 , .• ,-”e,7 =3 to them. ; But.,ip the ,reconstruction of In dian admitiistrtition, under the direct author-, ity of :England and'the Queetes, - goVeriirlicat; we may fairly hope for justice to be done, alike to theiZemindats 'and the'ryoie pepu-• lation. We rbustilire-orir ariStia'nity before the natiies, as well aepieachand tea4h it: The-defence 'Of'dauckrietc%iti' surely one. of the Most remarkable' iiiiintsftand`so also; the' stern Courage 'and "devo don, 'whieli has rescued "so =many , fGladness' *end- thinkfultieis at this moment pervade the ` Chrietianf ci'roles.` TtkeirrioVwe' ,jtistfintiMelte'dlieeiainfir/y 7 dioopint is tiery:-''gritertiu,if a b oun d s: 1,-f; • A SOEVE ) IN , COW occurred 4wp ,days i ago, illustratve , ef ,pnblin i ,flmg.,. l ~Lord Ceriii# ll o i4;9l l' lef 3- 1 10 4,9?:7 1 ,3 1 tikee. 4414 49i'' `n t , ..... . e Zt i an ,4 NI Me V b ie; AS r i i. en t case:=- 7 annonneen , tollnp craw, e ' assembly, that . a telegiam had dust aimed from India. And when ) ; amid. breathless, silenPe) he read olit A ,cit ;the.. woven an( • Children Were safe , enthusiasm. was :in,. tense : The , Old Cenri ' 4 'WeAtkiiiister, rang. A with Ip.bilant ,J cheering . ,such Iti the lecorOuS, gravity. of 0;14 rdane)had neN;, L er,been 'assa`nliad , ,sith"before, save, on :ths aednitiat, hi the' igeien Pioteiiiint:Biiiiiois - Prdiefiaii:d 1 ~...11.'fi i , :,44- `1...J.J . , It, "). by tilq.Anf4mctus ..I:aanee,.l.l. , 1. i.. ~...,3 IL i i Tiii tx-inAbninfilit Mittextan %I° ifli , `WEATHER; donidedNtritlV.the elfeatitiOn of bread,' exercises lt-'initigaiarigh influence of FthekieatCatlimOrtanee'Cii "the-infleihigs' of, the. tO'Or. 'we hive had no frost, ' aild 'little' =rain : ; lEfither6' WintaiTiiith‘all'itninele'nl- 1 *midi, a'nd -and ' , trials; taili been 7 fifiCßijAa , They rA rimy Militia; ualtiii'l Haim : 'absorbed a' great many - perinah: ' who , " other Whin would 'have been itFaitatving condition : ' 'ltjs la= smarkehte that -the work-hiiitsed in' J lieland /have:that it' cornriaritiiely sinall li!ottOition'Of, loccitWilits:`;'' f inisliectlhe' sufferzdgs `of tlin teelt& r Wiir t bki t raaililY l' i,tiie lihur 'snide ' Of .. the ;water" , thiEftWintai: ' -"Otitdeitil . iiiiipfrit'nb* )bei6gl'exteilad by Rid.; LaiiF l Griaidifiiiii in Ithia:icitinitTbdjiiiittiti usual litaiti. ` : 1 eq V .4'' ' ' l't• ~ ,r , ' • ;Fie' 31 I ' , T) -J., i.:7,3 '.... ... Maxims:di:lsm_ now ; occupies I a , considerable ,ehare : of 4public,attentiok , here, .intconnexion , with the Aspect t of caffairsott , Utahittandi the. , ,annoUnCemente: in= the; message ofd 3 resident, t Buchanan? I I The Zings As gin clineittio , thinks 41 that , BrigltamiYoung-will-altimAtely yield. ; to necessith , Itadrrcenduotehis cong*gation; ,as .;„he i t can, through ; one more ,MoTilions tmightr ~m omeiiinto,Ahe Russiani ,territerY, midi 'Settle/ ,themselves, then verylrgxtten4ty .t.oft;tbettl , Oontinest , , ,, ,onm the, briph -of t ,those' myoeriousi ,strafts; whiefi ; div r itie;;America.fronm i t ori tbeyi night , . find, in: the Northern ,prnvincestotalexico,, , a field, fori colonization, iik,iii`lcountry , unlikely; ; to interfere : migratitn,nn,the,whole,7ritis added, ,"is. the Poke tterminationtof ithe confliet, e and we can- , only that ;it, -may :be .desidid on: hefere the miserable :dives ,of. b superstition bave;been,,drag gedlby,their leaders into the,palpable edam. t.„ , 3 1.-hayphad i this weekatt 2 interview with a, Morinon Bpoktieller: There:is only, , one depot for ; ,publications; in ,the t metropolis.- The , chtef one,- t. yras l .told, ; is in ,Liverpool.t, object in calling, was to Obtain: agme,liformon , Plitdleatteiii B Jzilav e,PaliP.fleat All!. aeriOa publicatio n s, I D oonrees i on "Fl claikCaSfeduseiili the. ~17,10,716 slaM4 Vada ' ai Koran • and Mormonism, A ,with its, e‘.Bosle" comer:encoarixdly,under review., The i hook, shop. liiq.:fi.;WekLa and ;,'31.4:44,4.44d-aMae,f9i. in Dwin treat, in,the eity ; .7 ,A" are to . i be • n ie,en,,bOO, ,hs iand, mp'h, 1 . 44. nad„ loOking tariOroni a 'higher,. part are Hale basis iift,iTesEd l ' B .ooh himself- ,IF-LaPaxhigi theTahoß,„ Os , "t , 4: 4 )0 ;1 0 ;14r: 1 .4) bell:to:mg, and a mini,shont,fhktyiratikol, The„, conversation mas, one. ; ,, aspect .I.7as' of an f imposfiitr:;„ He, is , ati„Eagliehmap ; told,nie he,liid , beea a Wesleyan 81g legins; deyeloptaept was, , PIY9.9.IPgNB4IYI B PiRO I X ), i l i f4i3j e Ail le, 1 44 gNlA,44o,the, siticortko,py.Rt4p, allO.lO ll . it and defended it with ~,censistenoy,,of view, ,w,hreh; shoit , e4: ihatit: . thinongli,of him. t " 10,1 Besides they Book ~ o f Normonivrwhicki, had ; already, hel showed! maZ,f,` The, DAotrine and i the,gotanaikta i r twhichfis imfhigh! pute,,,,ationgi the t esift.,. ; Curiously 4+1 ; 1 amine ...their- Hymn , Book; • maia r ,fOund wakehieflyomMie up of ,Evan gelieal .11ynins, , , with a, small , spice- of L-Mor-.1 mnaismi, TWOS one stf. l tlinic orkftyldexices for„the iteinltiated. r Some years tap:l'oloW a, Hymn-Bookt ; which Abe inarfyited , Proplt et . was *Tepreeented s as - linterceding, . for I -441(4 Saints o in heaven The:!' Latter/14TElaintie•MilletuaialStae! , forms. a promipestopanlif thellitetature of Morinquisiii , here. '. 1 Aillexamined. the ' mod recent numbers, andoistent over :the r very cunning series of panlphletspby , Orson Pratt, I •imiked..:'questions, suggested difficulties,. antbdrew out opinions 'and , answeis. It , ap pears tliat,ithelzpreientmumber of baptized , memberdiri , London. is 'shout' two' thousand,' while :some , tiine ago) , Ake.* einounted , :to. twenty-three:: thousand. In, the Northern' part'of:El . :4lBnd , iiherel is: scarcely So many.: Wales, hair its r quota , tix kind' to 'Utah' every year; but inlaland atili Scotlaud.the reondts ' are few;:. )As to .'emigration toi Utah, Ili stopped i for . the , : *gent 11 bye oider of tthe authorities, .until it is new vihereinto the piiiiient , difficulty i with ltheettlioited` Stator GoVerninent mill•grow: 1 '..: . 7 '.l ~ is. .;:1 c Corriersing: on 'Dootiinegiand'Ordinineeir; I ifound. , the fltdorMon , bisiri4elleravow 'his belief in: a 'itre-liciatent'tstatel :of Limany ' and. virthally) :.Yielding: •either the doctrine: of transtnigretloni or a development: : theory : of 44 endlessiviogieilsion,"-rsoniewliatiafter the fashion of-the Veitios theory:.; Then air to God - f" , becranse o. 6 "hisTekson is spoheiFef in: i Scripture; 'labia material, and hat ii.bodr—:. natlgrosaplike'man's -body now-;-but, of thy. same ikind •as :-. glorified man ' shalt , have lifter' ,thelesurreotibm'l Nay,7,with great gravityi he: profaned , his__belief ins the' dootiine inewi held and taught, that the-1/3onoof 'Got , pas;; as-such, (as i he was ,by, miraculous, power; - .Of the. Spirit, born as matklot the. , Viegin) l born of a lemale Deity, t Thio )41staytlingii4Jes;'' wbieh,, being4rauslittedpieetet ; thie.liorri ble,• blasphemy, :was not..:lat - :sll , st6ling, to this;poor:fainktio• , i -d - :an ' ...3. LAktoi. l'olygemy,- the, dine] eizer3of aLI, ini parity Audi/ ijoontiorienees, - ea : ,?eorineoted witlititkodie Attpkwaßtilagagievivr i dtez, a,i o w jenifiA irtit amen —l , -)ohi iugiulo di Philadelphia, 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut By Nail, or at the Moe, $1.50 per Yea r , BllB , P R OSPECTUS. Delivered in the City, 1.75 4 r.~, s WHOLE NO. 278 reeated and. denied. It was Pan ordinance, just like repentance , and faitir,i' and Divine revealed, ;not" for the , gratification of pas- „ sign; - libt'fbr• the preVention "of adultery, and ' especfally to raise up a holy 'aeed , ! , 94 that ,conversation, with ,thts man, 'twhiblr eught-to have _cornered:him,-,, but this 'conscience teemed completely faithlev, 'through the diabolical delusion that;'', vas' Has Aver been in!Trtalf;plA ' behind the curtain, Where the SatYr-likn, Proptmiegukawon ,, their.erg,ies,..attd,whge miserable, female dupes ; wake up too late,, to find .theinselves, undone 3 , 1 rciA cipaini other the conversation `' setitlorarardi had ltioked . ovei the " stockeitudf.made Imy selection:: During the ‘interview,_ a young--German.came down stair; .and asked ,about therhour of an eve mingeerviep,,,l was, thus,rernirded how, the § 0 1413 0.44 ' victims on the Continent, as theVnited . 'kingdom. And as ntthe Apostles or IV phets make'"Oimirsi r Ons ./rte France Gernianycitalr - and Denmark, it tso itlihy &Five ~c v- i yiks ire:pared lor;isiredlation in ¢ theriritipeetive languages o these ieoun- • tried: l Irt-the4 United, Igngdout, there ; ,are about thirty . book-shops for their publics. tions. They seem,'lMwever, to have a'small circulation, save among the initiated. "The .-puhlicatiolts Of the 'Latter - Day 'Saints are , 'sold'at • their Meetings? •So states the -.postscript to ,their Catalogne,of Works.' Portraits of the "First Presidency and • Twelve Apostles," are exhibited in the shop ;visited. ,There, in one fraine upon,the wall, are, „Brigham,,Toung and his confreres all , presented to ~the i the eye, each n a separate, en size. Hew 'denture most of ?thercilookl- I observed also a notice in the shop, of a " Christmas Tea and' Supper'Party," about .;toAie held, I suppose, as at Utah. - Theie will! bb the union of daVotion; with fun. Referring to the, repprtmhich appeared in the, J liforning Advertiser, of, the " high -jinks" i : Annual Conference at the Tea Adetings inlendon (as detailed in a former letter,) the book-seller spoke of it as a car ,icature. Altogether,'hie thinks the Saints ;tare almistiiideistiloWand perseouted people; and las for Polygamy. being -.confined to I Thali a andi -. Remitted- in :England, the Saikis,.sublnit to p this lant ; grierance, just as r the r prtinitive i Christians were compelled to it give' wives than 'one; -under the Roman Creee'rs Oh; naughty Briton ! Oh, wicked President Buchanan! the day of 1 retribution is coming` when the " Saints " shkh) 'suck the - milk' of fF'Gintiles,", 'such as ydelate; and shall .possese the kingdom. .-,=Thik sOliri.!ltmaiii • day is so warm and inight that the population is all abroad. ',Fare anikWinter coats are thrown aside, or else tOeraied ; and none lady—riot a young Shelieriiig her fwie ficsit the nnselison`ably'fe vent tinubeanis. we have, the particulars of the, relief of Imam, ow. There, was very hard fighting. Four officers were killed, and ' about ,tl.,kirty.woundeii...., Colin Campbell 14,04 tint' Went - on' with his dutiei ' Haielook; and OatraEU, and`hei.'hadiat last met at 'dusk,: on the last day- of the struggle.:. (Dude ; with its bill forts4m4 swarms of mutineers ) must now be redUeed. Pukher` Good - .Mtn. After se'ven weeks - 'lo'pektenVdieetoint, the Bardr'of England redtees i'Vzto '8 per earlt.7 It willtbe lower etas long. Bomar and Advoaata Revival at Centreville, Pa. ZT, DE. am permitted tb rebold mother cemthinion 'season of mi litia:a* Wert:elt - ilia the church of Centreville, IndiatusieotntypPai. On. the 'fast day of tilAtTextaamotttWgervineffibcgaPi PrePar sAßry,,tprithe ~adzidnistimtion , of ,the 'Lord's am Supper ?, snit id . 'lll6n i dity evening. 'On the Sabbath day was nalkiallYJlgigiV &tau exceedingly - solemn. The honseiirsa eidwdedi morning and. even ing„dming „the,/ four , days preaching, and tmlye m were aOded,ty, the communion of the sunli sir bicone. An in tesaet i~tbreat ` on h% " great ' of per sonal tuiriiition; petvadedthe entire commu nity; and manyrno-denbt f are- deeply con eplegd,forithejE r eou . lia..., ;Within ,laet siz months, thirty hatavbeip 'added to that oliurgh, : nearly all, ori . ,examinagon, although the ? membership PI, small, And . they have preached but half the trine."' L ind* Me here to elite, for the enconr age'meltilJof,othere feeble churches, that six monthii7ego, the .chnrches of Armagh and geFitret.lll9, had, not,,both together, one bun dTed, and i tweiity; members, and had been without a.,paster or any supplies,' for more twelve 'months. Daring the last six months the Seasions 00 both churches have been/strengthened by the addition of valuta bleimembers ; a bosid of active Deacons in each oe;he attend to all their tetriporaliti44 ; 'the inim of 'four hundred dollais in cash has been promptly paid to myself for ministerial services ' the churches have been provided with blinds, chandaliers, and snehelilaqiiihd46 !brown . all,:the Lord hae,added over- i sepeuet, acute to their num ber.f.frayer-tneetings,,,through the week, and `on the Sahliath (when there is no' preaching;have been iistahliihed, With Sab bath- t3chbels , suocesifti I operation. 4,Nowpwhat;wii, that the Lord has the! same, blestihige in, store. for all our ti!•,p 4 3opip, will'ozly be liberal Pr.a.Y_er i r.ul, and zealOnA, the minis ters Of Christ give theineelVes.continually to prayer and to the' 'ministry of the Word. .Let there.befaithiand faithfulness, brethren, snot our.OPßO.efidlhitg,,he visited with times of refivakpgpfrorp the , presenc e of the Lord Yours, Sto., ' Boss STEVENSON e . • - ,TlLe t oldest son, ncyreondent Edwards, while etingratulatitig a Arktid l on having a fairtiliof sons,iod l O`hunPiiith'rnuch earn oldness " ItemeMberptherd is but one Mode fitroilylgOvernnienti .Lhaie brought up and ednentod foirt i eNt boyp x . two, Isuffered tOlifT ) , re4A One o f ti4eit was mynui,lges nicither; and the Othtr - wis ' sail:sat:4W in g stii;i4 Ii irth:di ftheirf &natio& ; and froth both! observation, and expesienooi Tall, Y 9 .9,34, Itrn4Pl , 4 1 %1 S PIP!! timpsl4 never answer. Beware act of disobedience go nnnoticied, and finla evidACe '- L 'AggickiVO litinufedec k'.. 1 ,1 3 e '?tit e * :!aiglit'At •!• ORM MEI