Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, January 16, 1858, Image 2
XlATtlter an Nbacate. PITTSBURGH, JANUARY io,..taps. rpytgl7,, in advance; or In Clubs p 1.231 orotelivered at residences of Subserie hurls $1.75. See Prospectus, on Third Paella RFiLfNW AL S should be proiaptl it little whits before tha year expires, that wa seek* full arraugsiments for a steady supply. TUC /MD WRAPPER indieateifthat we desire a renewal. If; however; in the haste if manta& this stamal sh ol o4:,E l W•flOire kepi our friends will still not forget Ink RERUTTANCES.--Send payment by sale hand,, when csonvolitillar. Or, send by mail, enclosing with ordinary care, and troubling nobody with a knowledge of what you.ars doing. For a large amount, send a Draft, or large emotes. For *neer two papersoand Gold .r sms U notes. TOM &ICE CHANGE, Send poitage stamps, ~ better DUO, send for satire popeis; sai $3 or SOrenty sineabore, Or *1 for Ilditrthree louden at outzeir altidonterit , ontlVounonnteattone to ELM • DAVID IitIEiNNEY. Pittsburgh, AOKNOWLEDGMENT.—We have received $l5, from Aram , Veritatis, Independence, Mo., which we shall appropriate as re quested. THE SHORTER ,CATECELTEN. —T Wray. tWO Bibles were given on last Sabbath morninc;, to as many ',child ' ren,'inw the PresbYteriair, church of Sewickley, Presbytery of. Alle; gheny City, upon their having committed and recited perfectly this invaluable cam. pend of Scriptural truth. Several of these children were considerably under ten years of age. The United Presbyterian. This is the' . title tinder whibh, The Preacher and United 'Presbyterian is to pe continued. , The sheet is enlarged, and the style of execution is greatly improved. Rev. D. H. A. McLean, of the Associate Church, is associated With Dr. Kerr in the Editor ship. The paper is the advocate of a com pleted union between the Associate and Associate Reformed Churches.' It takes, by 'anticipation, the name of the new body, and 'expects to be its organ. An Aged Negress. The ,Southern Presbyterian tells ns of the •dedeise of a free colored woman, in Charles ton, aged 102 years. Nearly the whole of her pikrimage was spent in the service of God. She was a member of the Second Presbyterian church. Until her last sick ness, her intellect and bodily 'strength were firm. Till then, she could read and do the finest sewing Without glasses. She never lost a tooth, and never had a physician. She lived a ChrisOan, and died in the confi dence of hope. Terre Hante.,Thd. Terre Haute is a ray of some twelve thousand inhabitants. Its provisions for ed ucation are in advance of many cities which are much older. There are several churches. Old School Presbyterianism has not been in the ascendant, but we are pleased to learn that it is looking up. Rev. 'Thomas P. Gordon, late of Pittsburgh, entered upon his ministerial labors there nine months ago, and has added to his, communion list twenty four members, half of them on examination. The city is delightfully situated, and sur 7 rounded by a fine farming country, inviting immigrant& Revivals. REHOBOTH, PA.—On Sabbath, the pd inst., thirty-eight persons were received on profession of faith in the • church of :Reho both, Presbytery of Clarion. Previous t 4 that time a series of Meetings bad been held, in which the Holy Spirit was present with great power. ALTOONA, PA.---Twentyfive peraons were lately received to the, communion ; part of them on certificate. Was UNION, PA.—We have a letter from " W. , 3. A.," giving an account of a' very interesting series of religions ser' r Trees; 'Thirteen persons united 'with the . , church, and fifteen others are serious. The Titter arrived after our Space Was. all engaged. Sudden Departure. "Rev.' Daniel Inglis, of Chirokee PreibY , .tery, Ga.,died- on the night of December 27th, lilt., aged about 51. His , death is thus announced, to the Southern Presbyte• ruin, by Rev. C. M. Shepherson : "Pni deceased brother was in the enjoy-, :taint of peifeet health, so far as can' be moan,, up to, the very moment of his* re movaL _lie had retired to•his room, which he oeinPied, hlone; and taken off a part of his clothing, - pritaritory to going to rest,; , after ' which be was seen by a servant, who . attended to , his room/engaged in reading. Nothing more was knout of •him till the nett .morning, when s he was found sitting . ..Von a couch in his room, in his accustomed, Attitude for meditation—it corpse. He seems to have died without a struggle,: or .a motion of any kind—like one gently falling asleep." Aztother Convention. The .Rreabyterian of tl,e West contains la call,:ntuueroualy signed by Ministersarid Eldeis, Writing a Convention of the Synods of Indiana, Northern Indiana, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, , to assemble in the city of dincinnati in the Pirst Presbyterian chirci on the .2d Tuesday of 'February, 1858, at i 7 o'clock P. M., for mutual counsel, prayer arid exhortation, relative to a revival of religion. Froip 10 o'clock,' of the day for the evening ei;vidch . the meeting is appointed ) 'a com mittee will be present in the church named, to receive members and desicrnate their lodgings. This is, a favorable iodination of an ex tended and extending awakening. We for the auudfwitutions of thsfityornt Our Gracious Lord, which were enjoyegl theilittaburgh Convention ; and m 4re' ' ' The Presbyterian Masazine —Rev. Drs. Armstrong and Van Rensselaer on Slav- The Presbyterian Magazine, for January, makes its appearance in good season, and is rich with matter of intereet. This num ber has its peculiar feature, in that many of its pages are occupied with the subject of Slavery. It contains Dr. Armstrong's first of threi; "Letters to a Conservative, on the Proper Statement of the Sripture Doctrine of Slavery;" and the first of " Three Con : . 'servative Replied," by Dr. Van Rensselae Dr. Arrnetrong'iLLetters were, furnished, to the Central Presbyterian. 'They were occasioned by a brief notice, in the Magazine for September, of Dr. Armstrong's Book, " Christian Doctrine of Slavery." The "Let ters " are s written in a good spirit, soberly but earnestly discussing the•question, and using the Scriptures, not always as we un derstand them, but yet with a degree of fairness not always to be.found among con .troversialists. Dr. Van Rensselaer's Letter is equally kind, candid and respectful with the other's ; and it appeals to the test of truth with equal confidence and reverence. If the subject is to be a matter of discus sion, by Old School Presbyterians, we are glad that it is in hands so able, and con ducted by heads so clear, and by spirits so , imiable. Whether a subject so intensely hcthng, and usually` so 'beWilderine where there is an " outside " pressure so intense, urged on by a fanaticism, on either part, both blinding and wild, can long be calmly and Scripturally discussed, even by such men, causes much apprehension. And even should justice;, and the pure love of truth, preserve their throne, with them, whether they may not still be the occasion of stirring .up, amplifying and intensifying a strife which will be terrific to our Church, and greatly damaging, is a thought exceed ingly painful. There are those who are predicting to Old School Presbyterians the direst calamities, as imminent, and speedily to whelm her, from this quarter. Among others, see the following ,in the American Presbyterian, of the 7th. The Editors say: There is occasion for'sudit a conflict, and it is morally certain that it will come in the Old School Assembly. There are already unmistakable indi cations of such a conflict; and when the conflict does vitae, as come it will, it will be more fierce, arid hot, and determined, and angry, than it has • ever been in the New School Aisemblies, or prob ably in any other denomination. The Old School do nothing by halves; they do nothing quietly or mildly—nor is there any , security that they will do a thing courteously—and they' could not dis cuss the subject of Slavery with the mildness, and kindness, and courtesy, which has been evinced in the New School Assemblies, by members from the North and South. Come that conflict will ; and when it comes, they who have gone over from the New School for the sake of peace, will find that they have thrown themselves into the very fire, and smoke, and tumult of battle ; a battle whose issues no man now on earth can anticipate. They who seek peace by such a tranefer of rela tions, will have trouble in the flesh; but we spare The editors are trying to deter sound men in their body from coming over to us, by terrific predictions. We trust that events will show them to be prophets not sent of* God; but when, they so confidently assert the indications of danger, having themselves experieuced the evil, it may be well for us to be doubly , guarded., • There is much fanaticism, pro and con., on the . subject of slavery. There has been great unwillingness to look upon it calmly in the light of .God's Word. It now we can;get to see it just as God would have- nit behold it; or, if we cannot come to 'a per feet unify of sentiment, if yet we can Scrip turally agree,-as heretofore ive'haire, in the main, happily done, to not judge one another," but "forbearing one another in love," to " keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace," all will be well. The papers are so long, over eighteen pages, and to be followed by, two other pairs, probably of equal length, that we know not how to find room for them. For the present,. we will give the main points at iseue, with some of the 'leading thoughts supposed to establish them. Dr. Armstrong's statement of, the Scrip tural doctrine is this Slaveholding is not ca SIN in the, sight of God, and is not to be ,counted an oniNaz' by his Church." Dr. Van Rensselaer Says : ,Slaveholding as 'not necessarily and' an all circumstances, sinful." These are the two champions' deliberately chosen terms, in vihich:to state the " Scrip tural Doctrine of Slavery;" and they set theMselves strongly, each to. Maintain the rectitude of his position. To sustain his.statement, Dr. Armstrozig says The statement' of premises in the "ChristitM Doctrine of Slavery," - pp: 102, 108, a statement to which you do not object, is, in these terms: "Ip our examination of what the New Testament teaches on the subject of slavery, we have foUnd, 1, That slave-holding does not appear in anyoat alogui of einsC4' l Offe'neaV bY inspired men'; •2,'"That the'Apostles;reoeived - slaveholders into the Christian Church, and continued • them therein, without giving any intimation, either at the time of their reception or afterwards, that slaveholding was a sin or an offence;' 3, That Paul sent back a fugitive slave to his oven master, again, and assigned as his Alison "for so doing, that minder's right to, the services of: his ; slave ; 4, That the Apostles frequently enjoin the relatiie duties of master and slave,'and enforoe their in- • junctions - upon both alike, as; Christian 'men, by Christian motives uniforrely teaching Certain evils which they sought to correct, as incidental evils, and not ' part and parcel' . ) of slaVery itself; 5, That Paul treated the distinctions:: which slavery creates As matters of very little-importance; in so far as , the interests of the Christian`life are eon earned ; -6, That" he declares that this his doctrine' , respecting the relation of slave and master, is wholesome doctrine, and according to godlineis, and , the doctrine of the Lord Jesus ,Christ::?, And directs Christian ministers to teach it in the Churoh, and prohibits the teaching orany doc trine at variance with it, under the most solerati sanctions known to the Church." • . Dr.' Armstrong thinks, also, that'h u state-' ment corresponds best with " ,`the tone and spirit in which the Scriptural deliveranges on'this subject are•made." But he, " by no-means," believes that "all . davelolding' sinlese in the Sight of God.' His propo sitien he would qpply "to such siaisholding only as subsists in conformity with the" law of God." He also .denies that his statement 'iniolven "the idea of the perpetuity of And be" It'iti adirodeil On . all hands that there Wang to Slavery, as it 'exists7in this ; coin trnandin, our day!'' f ° IDE' Van' thilike that Inlet = • FilE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER AND A.DVOCATE „T: notice of his review of Dr. Armstrong book, might have passed without an answers, but he regards three long letters, extensively circulated, containing a skillful attack on the conservative views prevalent in. the, Presbyterian Church, as demanding some attention. How much the other ;Ado may think is demanded by the still longer letter now beforalus l , and the two yet forthcoming, it would be''difficult to conjecture. But we shall be greatly pleased if it shall turn out apoor k ding le the opinionfxptiss!d ‘E by them, flat a discussion' of the points at issue, " cannot 'involve any agitation of Ch;,roh." Dr. V. rightly regards slavery as "among the prominent practical questions of the age." The peace of our Church and coun try, and the destiny of millions, are involved. It should be calmly discussed by those who love truth, who hate vituperation, who are not prejudiced partisans, and who can bow meekly before the majesty of God's Word. After stating that the Assembly's testi monies of 1818 and 1845 are Scriptural, harmonious, and, for the present, at least, sufficient, occupying, as they do, the true position between two extrernes, and vindi cating the opinions of those rightly called "conservatives," the 'Doctor proceeds to maintain his statement, that " Slaveholdiny is not,necessarilyancl in all circumstances, sinful." 'responiis to the "Seiiptural ireui ses" of Dr. Armstrong, as follows 'The Bible contains no formal statement of the doctrine of slavery, but enforces the duties grow ing out of the relation. A correct statement of the Scriptural mode of treating slavery might be in these words: "All masters and all slaves are bound to perform their relative duties, arising from legal authority on the *one hand, and from enjoined submission on the other." You had, undoubtedly, the right to exhibit the doctrine of slaveholding in the more abstract form, propound ed in your volume. But, I think that the reader of yOur volume and letters does not receive the full impression of Scripture truth and exhortation, properly pertaining to this subject. Your 'un qualified statement that " slaveholding is not a sin in the eight of God," seems to me to fall short of a perfect formula, even from "the,admitted, Scriptural premises" adduced, and by me cordially acquiesced in. I submit a brief commentary on these " admitted, Scriptural - premises," by way of developing the argument. I. If " slaveholding does not appear in any catalogue of sins," this 'fact proves that it is not maium in as. It is also deserving of notice that slaveholding does not ap pear in any enumeration of virtues• and graces. 2. The Apostles received slavebolders to the com munion, and eo they did despots, and their abet. tors in Cmsar's household. 3. Paul sent back a fugitive slave, and would also have sent back, a deserter from the imperial army. 4. The injunc tion to slaves to obey their masters does not ap- prove of slavery, any more than the command to submit to " the powers that be," implied appro bation of Nero's despotism. 1. The distinctions of slavery in regard to the interests of Christian life are, like all other outward distinctions, of comparatively little importance ; and yet the gen eral injunction of Paul on this subject was, "Art thou called, being a slave Y care not for it. But if thou mayst be free, use it rather." 6. The Christian doctrine of Paul respecting the mutual duties of masters and servants is clearly whole some, and ;utterly subversive of modern abolition ism ; but whilst it proves that the relation is not in itself sinful, it does not sanction the relation as a desirable and perinanant one. 7: 'Christian ministers, who preach to the slaves insurrection, instead of submissicin, and who deoounce slave holding as necessarily and always sinful, 'are on unscriptural and dangerous ground. • Dr. Van Rensselaer's 'main position thus taken : - 131aveholding, in itself considered, is not sinful ; that is to say, it is not a enedurn in se; or, in other words, it is .a relation ,that may be justified by circumstances. When we say that the relation itself is not sinful, we do not mean, by the ex pression, a mere , abstraction; for slavery. cannot be conceived of apart fiom a master and a slave. But we mean that slaveholding, as a practical re lation, depends upon certain conditions for its justification. What is matum in , se,cannot be juti titled by any circumstances; the law of God al ways condemns it, 'But slaveholding being among things " indiffiient" in morals, 'it may be right or wrong, accordineto the conditions of its exist ence. Hence your definition, which excludes air. imustances, comes short of the full Scripture doctrine. • This position he maintains, with great ability, throughout his letter. We cannot but hope that this discussion will lead Christians tn consult more carefully the very words of Scripture—the terms chosen by the Holy Ghost in which to con vey ideas to the mind; and will have their belief to rest on revelation, and their con duct to be ordered by the Divine guidance. It is most manifest that slaveholding is ,NOT ordained of God, ,as is marriage, and parental authority, and civil government. It is clear, however, that Slavery has been 23.rat,itted of God, in the world and in the Church. Laws are given which imply its existence, and which regulate the relation. And there is no Divine command abolishing it; but there is a spirit in the Gospel which will' mitigate and eradicate it. Slaves are regarded, by God's Word, as . men. They have rights, as +igen as duties. And mas ters have obligations, as well -as ,authority. And if God's Word, in its letter and its spirit—God's Word`wholly—shall be rightly embraced by masters, servants, citizens, the Church, and all lookers en, talkers and commenters, Slavery will become, ere long, a mere= matter• of history. A change‘ so 'lull:lief:lse cannot, be elfeeted'in 'a day ; -' but God will 'work out his' own purposes, in his' own time. And by our being guided, each by his directions, we shall abide in peace, and be ea-operative in our influence, and may,, without distraction, devote all our time and all our energies to the -portions of his work with which he has entrusted us ,severally. Chaplains. There has been mush said, lately, about Chaplains in the Army and Navy. We have read, but have note felt disposed to , utter much on the subject. As a - matter of denominational interest it is very small. But as a matter of principle it is inaportant. Somehow it has occurred, by management or otherwise, that the Chaplains at West Point and Annapolis, the Army and Navy Schools, have been mostly Episcopalians. And the officers, especially those in the Na vy, have a fondness for the Episcopal Church Service. And.most of the Chaplains have been Episcopalians. And when ministers of other denominations have been appointed, they have, sometimes or often, found them selves under =a quasi; necessity; to use the Episcopal Service. Now, that one of the 'smallest of the Chriitian sects. shoitlii have such a prepon= dermal*, in .popular , government, Algae etiange. it is s.-MaUerl of potarian polo icy, we fear# that Evangelism profits but } British protection, and who well know what little. 0 4 ' are the real facts in the cases were disposed•*; :***, Chaplainseshould be devotedly pious men; to speak.. " -* and in their selection, the interests of the The " extracts " alludedlo by' the Ob. masses,,thafieldiers and the seamen, Jaheuld„strzex,,,to, the, set Ruetatin,Jrsamsh_ont.hy.,, be considered, rather than the tastes of the Dr. Warren, in his letter, to be not all in, officers: The letter arc the few, and they point. They failed utterly to suitain the* have the better means of Christian instruc. Observer's assertions. So complete was Dr. Warren's answer thatour London Corres pondent, of this week, calls it a "noble refutation of false charges ;" and he adds additiOnaireiitreneet byl cliati*COrtibutta 'b st. letter. And his oonCluding paragraph gives a —l4 A -- joiriig , went out last year to be married to an In dian Offieer, has returned_ a widow to the house of her, ,father, (aclergyman,) with her tongue cut out by the Sepoys. is it possible," he adds, and so say we—" 'sit possible that any Christian writer will be their virtual aporogist And it will not do for the Observer no* to change its tactics; keeping its horrible charges against the English and its apolo gies for Nene : Sahib and his Sepoys, , oh its columns uncontradioted and unretracted, and, speaking much of other, things—errors in the governmentadmitted and deplored by all—as though the returned missionaries justified and would Perpetuate those errors The Presbyterian chi/cites will not bear to have those maligned who have given pro tection, and shown favoi to their. Missions, and who still continue their kindness. Nei ther will they,in silence, pt:rmit their mis sionaries to be represented as , abettors of cruelty, nor as opposers of needed, reforms. Nor are our returned 'missionaries who now live*among us and speak to us, enwrapt such impenetrable folds of jgnerance,'es to be uninformed and,rmarble tojudge of things where they ,lived and - labored; wrote, preached and published; traveled, and as aniseed for ten to twenty years with those who conducted public _affairs; Hairing had their own eyes and ears, for their informers, and: having associated with' .the =people of the country so long, and having 'still sources of information equal to any othere, it can not be supposed that they Will submit to the dicta of a mere stranger. .And the four or five newspapers in this country which. take an interest in the subject, can hardly be ex:- . petted to go to the Observer to mire their ignorance, when they have brethren of their own Church,.eye and ear witnesses for, so long, tendering to them ~information so 're liable. * ' • tion,frout other. sources. The selection of I suitable ministers may be difficult; but those whose duty it is to choose, will likely TO , n'eiKreit, iiglit: l *beinlthOisirlieti men high repute for wisdom and piety in exem . .. We should regret the existence of any symptoms of a sectarian government religion. But we wish greatly to see a truly religious government; and we would much prefer the predominance in the Chaplaincy, of any Evangelical Church, to an abandonment of the system. We, therefore, do not choose to complain loudly. The New York Observer and Dr. Warren. To the letter of Dr. Warren, which we: copied a few weeks ago, the, Observer replied very curtly, -and in a manner which• our prised many. It ignored the writer, and' thought that.whatever Society or Board had employed him as a Foreign Missionary, might be, glad that he had returned I Short ly afterwards, it brought: out a labored article,' showing misgovernment and an' im "Perfeet adniinistration of justice by the British in India. • Dr. Warren responds, in the Presbyterian of the West, stating that the Observer's charge had been, that the English in India had practiced the same kind of enormities upon the natives which the mutineers had practiced upon them— that they had set Nena Sahib 'the example, and he was but retaliating. This charge Dr. W. refited, and the ` Observer" does not even attempt to establish it. It changes the accusation' to that of ' administering a .fiery imperfect' government This Dr. •War ren and all the missionaries admit; though they contend still that the English rule bad;as it is, is more equitable and mild than any which 'preceded 'it. This is abundantly manifest from the .fact that the rebellion was entirely confined to thefetted soldiery. The people, in no place, joined in it, which they cer tainly would haVe done if the government had been intolerable, or deeply cruel. Dr. Warren ably defends his position, - and main tains the rectitude of the American .Mis sionaries. The above.we bad' written for last week, and it appeared in a few copies; but it was taken out to Make room for the recent news in the letter to Dr. Elliott, relative to our murdered missionaries. Since then, Di Warren has igain ;appeared before the public, fully maintaining his cause. The Observer is also out With an other labored,,artiele. It speaks of Dr. Warren as " Almon writing," &e. An Old School Presbyterian missionary, after, fifteen years faithful service in the Foreign , field, as still not estimated as , worthy a name I Again, the Observer says : We cannot pierce the- folds of ignorance in which the mind is wrapped, that can believe What this Man professemto believe; but there are four: or five religious, newspapers in thiccountry, who perpetuate the same ignorance and prejudice, and we would , put into a fungi space the materials by which their deceptive and "sinful errors 'may be exposed and corrected. We are-obliggdtto : the Observcr for the " materials!' collected and furnished, to cure, our ignorance' and expose. and correct our " deceptive and sinful errors." But - they do not come tolhe point. - We had learned from Dr " Duff; 'and - scores of Others, "returned missionaries" among the num), her, that there was much misgoverntoent by the East India Company, and that great re-, forms are needed. It is on full record; that, at one time, years ago, the mission= aries. were hindered. And it is without doubt, that idolatry is' still protected and much favored. But it is also true that now for many years, the missionaries have: been protected and much favored; that education haa been greatly promoted, that there have been many public 'improvements ;, that, the laws are far better than they ,were under Mohammedan rule, and •are administered far less oppressively,; and that the.,condi tion of the people is greatlyi very greatly, improvid. The 'English Gevernznen't; 'what ever injustice Miiihnve attended the aoqui sition of its power, and however imperfectly it may have done its duty, has yet been, an immense blessing to India. But, it was not about misgovernment and the favors still shoWn to idolatry ;. nor about defective efforts for: the promotion of Chris tianity, and the propriety and necessity of farther reforms,that the dispute' arose. Eorall these things the returned Mission aries ,are." as, ardently desirous, to say the :least,; . as is the, Observer; and they as heartily accord with the views. of Dr. Duff and all Evangelical British Christians. The dispute was about the propriety and truthfulness of the Observe?s charges of CRUELTY, in assertions. like the following.: The attrocities of the Rindoos, suggest the fact that they were provoked by similar wrongs which the natives , had suffered at the hands of their conquerors and rulers. ' And again: As we read the extracts below, we shall be painfully struck with the fiat that the refined tor-• tures which the English have suffered recently, are the repetitioo of. cruelties which they them selves have been inflicting for many long and bitter years upon , the helpless victims of their oppres sion in India, till at last in their feebleness and extremity, under the mingled aggravation of human vindictiveness and religious fanaticism, they have turned with dying desperation upon their rulers, to hurl off the yoke from their necks or to perish, as they will, in the strsggle. These charges are horrible—black, deep, and damning if true. All the horrible 'cruelties inflicted by the murderous, and far worse than mirderois, heathens, upon the English, men women and children, are, ac cording to the_Observer, , but "the repetition of cruelties which they themselves (the Eng lish) have been inflicting for many long and bitter years upon the helpless victims of their oppression." Alas, what a charge.! Against civilized men ! -Against a Chris tian people I - Against officers,- some- of wfioni are devotedly 'Pions And our re= turned missionaries are implicated`! -No wangarP that ithe lettier)Sehe.hed enjoyed. The Scotch eorresponde,nt of the Presby terian also is deeply indignant at the 06- server's. course. For a reform in India, all Christians plead; 'but they 'would urge it with a due regarort6 righteousness. The Observer Should' heimit retract its odious ehaiges, that it may have its due share of influence in eAvocating greatly needed reforms. , `‘ • . , - WORTHY. OR IMITATION.—A7YoungXen's Christian' AsSociation, in Southern Penniyl - pays regularly `for ; op.P4s of the Presbyterian Banner "and Advocate, for gratuitous distribution in 'the community where - they, reside. How many, could. do, likewise'? And how could- fiftech'ilollars be appropriated, to the: pregnotion , _of more enjoyment, or greateireal benefit?: 1, For the Presbyterian Banner'nd Advocate Sir Henry Lawrence. , . I/rFsn. SIR General, Sir Henry, Law:` renee was one of, the Christian Worthies whd highly. ,distinguiabed 'himself in India, net only as a soldier and statesman, but • as,a philanthropist, a short sketch of hint by, one ,who,.knew him intimately, and enjoyed his friendship ,for: twenty, years, will doubtless be interesting'io your. readers. • , the,Spring of 1848, Mis. Lawrence was, spending a few ,day's ,at our, house, on tbellirnalaya Monntains, or the• benefit of _her health, -and awaiting the arrival of her husband, 'who, was to, accompany her to a higher region on the "'hills." He ,was then a , Lieutenant of Artillery, of the corps of Engineers and engaged in the " : Grand Trigonemetrical Survey", of the ,country; At, the time appointed, a tall, ungainly stranger, attired in a costume half Oriental and half European, with' a hirsute beard' appeared at the gate. The gatekeeper ran to me exclaiming " Sir, a man has, come with his under-gar ment outside, and a basket on: his bead for a hat." He, was soon recognized,by Kra. Lawrence, and,- introduced as Lieutenant Lawrence. A nearer view revealed a fine, intellectual forehead, and benevolent counte nance • but to use his owri language "the Lawrenees were the ugliest men in, India." Ho had three brothers in the East India Company's service;besides himself, of whom Sir John is not less distinguished.' Their father was once a private soldier, but • got a commission,' and, rose to the rank of Colonel. This fact accounts for the great interest Sir Henry always felt in the' private soldier, and for, the princely sums he expended for his welfare. In the above-mentiened year, he . was ap pointed Political Agent by Lord 4ukland, and stationed at Fiozpore, a th en . frontier sta tion on the borders of the Punjaah, and near est to Lahore, the Capital of the Sikh nation. This brought him into, immediate contact with that warlike people, • who afterwards, in a severe contest with the English for in dependence, rivaled them in , martial deeds, but who are now their most faithful subjects. Of, this interesting, tribe he wrote a histbry which showed so much knowledge of their character and institutions, that he was fee ently sent on important business to the . Court of Lahore. The manuscript ,of this work I bad the pleasnre. Of, perusing before it was published. As a literary production, as well as a faithful history, it was much admired. Sir Henry was one of the princi pal originators of the Calcutta Review, and the most frequent contributor to its pages. He wielded the pen and' the sword with equal facility. From Ferozepore he was sent by the Gov ernor General, as his agent, with the Army of Retribution, to take vengeance on the Ail.. ghans for the massacre of the British forces at Cabul, in 1842. On this campaign, his brother, Col. George Lawrence, vho had been taken prisoner, by the Afghans, and kept in a state of great suffering with Several other prisoners, was, sent to him on an Em bassy, by the Afghan Chief, but his propo sals could not be accepted by his brother. l'hay embraced each other, as they sum, pined, for the last time, and Separated with many tears, the prisoner to go back to `tier-, tain death or,,slayery for and the civil head of the army, to .prosecute his mission.' - After his return firma this :PimPaign, he o.`• , ri - was i s ppoiled to the i egistracy of the Am •brili'(distrie ~ It we. bile at this " place he founded t " Lawr, o 4ce Asylum for the benefit of , e children of English soldiers— onel of the grandest benevolent institutions In the A w.oxis,.-RituARIL'A..9 ,II A , ,flf F,t R. lower ranges of the Himalayas, six thousand feet above =the' level of the sea, and ten miles from the plains. He gave 650,000 to com mence with, and pledged himself to give $5OO annually, as long as he would live. He also obtained a large grant from Govern ment, and collected immense sums by sub scription for the Asylum. It cost, in the erection, and in the improving of the grounds, SW,. P.O. Jetil.. 3 J ll an - $200,9QQ.....14 after wards got up a similar .Asylum coi.giiiii .A.too,.in Central India.,,_, FromAmbola; he was sent,'ai : reiddeit, to the Court of Nepaul, whence he wasre called in a short time to take charge 'of the political affairs .in the Sikh war of 1845. This being concluded, he visited Ireland', his native land, and was Knighted for his efficient services. But a second Sikh war breaking . out, he was called once more to guide the affairs of State. Peace being again restored, he was appointed President of the 4 4 Board of Administration' for the Punkt:rib," with his brother Joh'n and another meinber, as assistants: * Here he remained several years, ruling a kingdom almost as large as 'Great Britain, with thehest results. Being succeeded by his brother, Sir John, he was appointed Superintendent of the Rajputatra States, where he remained until the ontbrelli-of the late Mutiny in the Na tive Army, when he was called to the charge Of the 'disturbed State of Oude. Being there ;besieged by thousands of Mutineers in the Reßidency, he and his he roic) little band defended themselves bravely; but being wounded in a s , .rtie by a gun shot, he stink under the effects; and ended his brilliant career, deeply lamented. '. Lady' Lawrence, who was one of the most decidedly pious ladies, it, has been my privi, lege to know, and in every way worthy Of her bemired husband; preceded him to the world of 'spirits some two years ago. As an officer, Sir Henry was scarcely ever sur pastied in braiery, or Military skill.. As a civilian, be had - few equals in diplomacy ; AElt - mati, he was''universally beloved, and as a Christian he stood high in the estimation 'of all who'kne sr him, for his pietY, his charity, and his great liberality. Belonging to the Church of. kngland, he did not confine his contributions to his own denomination. Our mission books Will showrthousands of dollars accredited to him. Having spent hisindian life in the bounds of our labors, he was one of our , warmest friends._ Being associated with us much in the early part Of his career, he did net, forget ' us in his prosperity. When traveling with his head quarters, and 'a regithent of soldiers for a guard on his tours of inspection, he would frequently leaveall his retinue at a distance, and spend a quiet night in the humble abode of some of our missionefieli 4 . At the time of his death, he was about fifty-four years of age: . . Believe me yours, fraternally, ' ' J. - 141. JEscrasoN. lifarengo ) .111 ,) • Jan 2cl y lB5B • .: ':•! - :1. .` ,' '',' .I.'l . Mr. JOHN, R ANNAN was licensed to preach the Gospel, by. the, Presbytery of Alle *gheny City, •on the evening of the •11th inst. Rev. L S. K. AxsoN, D.D., has accepted a call to become` pastor of the Independ ent Chiach Savannah, Georgia, lately under the care of Ref. Dr Preston. Rev. A. SHOTWEW 8 Post Office address is changed from• Covington, Ky., to Cape Girardean,,Missouri. - Rev. % Wm: , SIITTON has removed from Mofven;V. C. to , Pee Dee, Marion: Dis ' trietl S. C. ' ~1 .~=:~ MURKLAND'S Post Office address is chiaged'fieM Richmend, Va., to 'lamp ; den SidneY Va. Rev. F. , A. TYLER, together with the church of =Two, New School, were received ,into our connexion, =any the. Presbytery of b North iMissiseippi r itt its late meeting. • Rev. J.' H. 74141 Coma, and Rev. Wm, Viir Doitarr; desire to be addressed • at St Louis; I, • ; 5..2 • • Rev. T. „ REavme, and Rev. ,ELIASSI. SCll,Eltigic., desire to be . . addressed at, St. Charles, Mo. • , Rev. S. 11. STEVENSON having-taken'charge ' ' of the Itandolpli Grove church; has ,re • moired 'from Clinton, Illinois, to`, Inde r penance, Illinois, where correspondents • will please addresslitn. Rev..A. A. 3fATEms has'declined the• call from Bellvue church, an accepted a call from the Braiziau "& cliurch. Post Of , fits Ivl°- EA4TESN S M - M AR Y. ~..,.BOSTON AND NEW • ENGLAND. The year 1.85 T was one of Unusually Goo 4 Heal 4 in ' Boston and vicinity. The number,of deaths fell a litt:e short of four thousand; while in 1856 the number *is four thwart' a 'tivo hundred "and'fiftY-. three; showing a decrease of abint, two hun dred and fifty, and of four hundred and fifty four as compared,with the mortality of 1854.: The Sniping Interests` of this port are still', very important, although, in prcicesa of time, there will probably be a ,debline ,in comparison withffew York ; ,even the lestyear shoirs not merely.a relative, but an - actual :.falling off . Dpring that time, there arrived two thonsand eight hundred and eighty-five . .Nessels from foreign ports, belog a decrease of one 'hundred and five from the year pre ceding'; in 'the same period two thousand "eight hui3dred and seventy-seven . :vessels‘ elesr4l- 1 a decrease' of fifty-nine from' the' previous , year. This decline can haOly,be attributed:to the unusual depression iness' toward the'close of the Year, ifor,ithe first nine Month's - were marked' every 44 . here by, an unusual activity in every department of trade.. • . This city is by no means' free 'from The Corruptions, the outbreaks, misery, and crime s generally foundpopulation& The Puritans of , former , times would find much to shock their-sense of propriety.with regard to - moraliyin the revelations of every day. The same - `strictness in meeting Out justice as characterized them, weuld'Make sad havoc witif‘at least a part of - the wida. tion of the present day. .The number - of cases brought before the Police Court in 1857 was'nine thousand tWo hundred and The nuMber for 106 was eight thou ..aand Ave,hundred and ,thrtte, t showing an in -:eieltse in the year , of seiren hundred,J and `three:: The principil`'Oftences were drunk cane* a eults, iug*poiett. =I Ecclesiastioi,il. l 'lie irnd Liabilities of th e e . ty are said lo amount to seven millions of tb tars.' H:bwever, efficient measures were. in. nagurated by the late Mayor, for redueinz th, debts and lessening the annual expenditures. Many of the, people holding stocks in th e 'different manufacturing companies in differ. ent parts of the State, and in Western RA, .roads, and depending upon the usual di v i. dends for the means of living, have f ound themselves greatly straitened from the fact that only one of the manufacturing c ompa.. nies has declared the usual dividend this -season; and - the - Railroads have totally f a il ed in this particular. The ,Public Library Building was (I n di. cated•Nitli appropriate ceremonies on N ew Year's day. A large Concourse of p eople was resent, and excellent addresses acre made, by the Hon. R C. Winthrop, Vap or RiceYand Hon. Edward Everett. Indeed the last named gentleman seems to b e i„, dispensable to every public demonstrari ot , in this quarter, when sound learning, t rue eloquence, and exalted patriotism are in de. mand. He showed, frnm the life •)f Frankh, that he was indebted to books for success. is his eventful career. The building is I sr „. • beautiful, and furnished with all necestily conveniences. The books will be arratird in alcoves and on shelves, and number e d according to an ingenious decimal system, whereby the librarian will be enabled to find any book in an instant—a great matter in a large collection of books. The Legislature assembled in the State House on the 6th inst., and was organi z ed Tbe annual Election Sermon was preached by Professor Huntingdon, in the Old South church. The Congregational churches of this city have not been unmindful of the elairos of the American Board of Foreign Mission, as the year 1857 passed away. Their me. tributions to this Board in that time were $29,293 98. But notwithstanding this, the Board is in imminent danger of being reduced to great"' straits in meeting the payments due missionaries. Its expenditures aveozed $30,000 per mopth, but for the last three months the receipts have not averaged more than $12,000 'per month. The churches have not abandoeed the Board, but people are withholding their donations until a re vival of trade and confidence. In this tray great injury may be inflicted on the efforts of the Board, 'to the great discredit of the church and professing Christians. Notwithstanding the literary and scientific Sem.l4of.Haryvard, its princely endowments and its,past history, the Orthodox Congre gatioßal coremunity „seem to be forsaking it entirely—a strong ,evidence of thorough con viotine of its unsoundness, and the unfaror- Ableinfluences to serious and vital piety cur. rounding it. According to the Triennial Cat , 'til'og e lately published, there are only thirty. 1 one of the living Orthodox Congregational ministers, of all New England, numbered among its graduates; and at least six-sevenths of these are over 'fifty years of age. Some are Zetronkly of the opinion that the Orthodox have abandoned Harvard too easily, and that by clustering around it, it might be brought back tb the faith of its founders. A report' has been going the rounds of the papers, 'that the Hartford Tract Sockty had, determined, to withhold its °marital .tions,to the American Tract Society, for the iiresent !year. - This statement is now con• ina:diated.' The feet is, a few persons assem bled At the suggeation or invitation of rri vate, persons, a majority of whom decided sgainst taking the usual collection for the Treat cause. Bat it has been decided, in the r'egalar way, to pursue the same coarse :toward,the Society as in former years. The :Catalogue of Yale College reports forty-one instructors in the different depart. • meats, and one hundred acrd eighteen pro _fesstonal students, viz: 22 in Theology; 31 in Law; 29 in , Medieine; and 36 in Phi 6 lophy. and Art: four hundred and forty seven under-graduates- via.: 100 Senior - ; 107 Jiinebrs; 117 Sophomores; And 1- Freishmen—total "565. The facilities fa education, and the inducements in the ray of prizes in this College, are now greater than eve` before. MEI FEW YORK. Tke Conenteice of this great Metropolis continues J to increase every year. During the psi year, three thousand nine Bodied and eight vessels have arrived from foreign perts; ,, antincrease oft ninety-nine over last Y'eati. And , it is, to be borne in mind that y inauy of theise vessels were of immense ton• aftge-ritY4 number of . passengers brought ,was !two 'hundred and three, thousand five h iindretl;'•fall -increase of forty-four tit ., ol * sand' two I hrindred and sixteen over N 6. The California steamers brought eleven thousand two hundred:and sixty-five psEn' gers, a Ailing offPf, six hundred and sis.qt as compared , with the year before. The amount:of money brought by the immigrants, fr#,f 6 r'ii)ii,'eonntiies, in 1857, is estituated 4.54.3,,960,060. The,gross entries of fa' eign :goods, exclusive of specie, exhibit a small excess overlast year • while the amnia of foreign goods actually brought into oar' ,kot, $13,57,60G less than in ISstii the remainder being in the Bonded woe honsesobus escaping the payment of duty , until o ti fiVcra.ble market is found. But the cxEctrti_ of domestic goods fipm this part -were- less, by 810,138,000, than in 165di but to , counterbalance this, the imports of frOto Europe during the same diner were 611,084,000 greater than the year be fore. The old year left bitter memories be hind but the new year has opened with ranch, encouragement. , Rev. John Knox, senior minister of Dutch Reformed' Collegiate Churches, died on Fri day evening of last week, from injuries received by a fall on the previous TuesdiP He was a Ulan of , eminent worth, and was highly respected. .The Rey; .21friyor, Mr. Tiernan, has entered upon his duties with becoming earnestneg , )and - has issued his first message. This doo umetifeWrinit well written, but is sensible ~;;~~