PRESBYTERIAN - ,BANNER , &•• 'it,..:','.l VICAT 0 I►rrtb7terlaa Haannorg Vele VIA Is* 17. prosbytoyino &dymatig Vet. U. Eng 111. I DAVID MoKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. TUKE-IN ADVAJOB. ECG riginal s' 4 l: ottrg. Lines on the Death of Mrs. S. K. Neel. She's gone—this earth was 'not her home, She 's laid beneath thatod ; A voice from heaven said, “Siiter, come And be at rest with bod." Though young in years, and life with all Its scenes of joy or woe Appeared before her; yet the call She heard, and she must go Though Mends she loved stood Wee iiiiieriniud To watoh her fleeting breath ; Yet when she heard the heavenly sound, She closed her, eyes in death. • 'T is but a few slibrt months sidoe ebe, With all a maiden's. pride, Forsook her childhood's home in glee; A young and happy bride. With joy and gladness in her heart, Love beaming in her eyes; But, ah ! how soon they 're called to part! Now cold in death she lies. Her little babe can never know A mother's tender care; Nor ever, in this world below, Can hear a mother's prayer. Now in her bridal dress array'd, Her voice in death islineh'd ; , She in the silent grave is laid, To moulder . into dust. Her sorrowing husband's drowned In.' tears, His head is bowed in grief; lonely and dark this earth appears, Where shall he find relief? • Look up to that bright world of love, And comfort 13,ha1l be given ; Prepare to meet'thy bridit'above, There are no teen' in heaven. 0 may her brothers, sisters, friends, All greet her on that shore, Where love and friendship never end, But reign forever more . Sugar Hui, Dec, 1.857 for the Preehiterl4 Banner find 'Advbsiete. A Religiatus . Reviiial—lts Signs. Since the meeting . of 'our 'Coniention at Pittsburgh, I have scarcely been "able to think or talk, preach .or pray, about any thing else than a revival. For that htepsed and glorious object the meeting was Aalled. To that, all the prayirs'and praises, sermons addresses, were divided. To that: great end that solemn, heart•searching Thisieral Letter was written, adopted, and sent. forth as God's message .to the ministers and churches. And when it was read in my congregation, many of our members', I verily believe, received it as a speoial meisagelrotn the Lord to us all, both pastor and: people This was evinced by their fixed ind solemn attention. As the disciples were led to ask, (respecting the Lord's coming in judgment to destroy the temple,)' so I was led to (respecting his coming, in mercy, tereviste his work,) " Wbat!shall be the sign of thy coming ?" Is there token for,good—,no sign of the Lord's coming iii theie things? Tell us, ye fathers in Zion, who 'have wit nessed the beginning and progress ef revi vals, and who, like the,ohildrenuf :Leacher, a have understanding of the times, tuknow what Israel ought to do," tell us, for our encouragement, if you see any signs , or, indi cations that the Lotd'is about to 'visit the churches with a general and' pcierftt'revi val, such as we all need; andlell us, also, what is our duty. For a month past, my mind has alternated between"hope and 'fear. I hope, I "pray, and sometimes 'think I see some aigna that the Lord is about to appear •for the help of his people,. and, for the salvation, of a , multi tude of sinners through all this region, where the power of hie convirtipg grace was once so gloriously disphiyed, in' fle'diya of our fathers. Of late, some of our younger brethren in the ministry, who have never labored in, or even seen a revival, have felt, and in various ways , have manifested, an unusual desire that those days - at God's mighty power may return again, that they and the people of their charge, may experience times of re trashing from the presence of the Lord: ' One brother has not onlyilianifit upon the subject, and , prayed, "°0 Lord, revive thy work I?.r but for more than , a year past, has improved every tayorahle opperin nity to obtain information from his breth ren, who have had any extierieriod in revivals, noting down the iesulti of his itliiirien, and when I last saw th* harden Melds on. versation was, “A religious- revival-,- what are its signs, its effects, and the„most effi eient, Scriptural means to promte; it?" May we not set down' these ' facts as 'one sign of the Lord's coming? A still greater and more visible , sign,.: is seen in the calling of the late Convention. The first ,movement toward it—the first thought, plan, and proposition for such a meeting, for such an object, doubtless bad its' origin in a feeling of great need, and of, great desire for a general revival. And, when the brother, whose heart lod had in spired with that desire, brought forward the propusition, did it meet with opposition?' No : most cordially was it received by all the members of his Synod; and being , sent to the other three Synods, all •adopted it unanimously. So far as known, there bits not been a dissenting voice among the three hundred nlinisters, and the more than' one thousand elders' of the four Synods. All, with one heart and with one voice, seemed to say, with the watchman upon Mount, Ephraim, "'Arise ye, and let us, go up to Zion, unto the Lord our God;', and we, who may be providentially hindered, will pray at home that Gad 'Way inset with you." And when the appointed , day came, and the Convention assembled, o,4ohat a staving 1 The number and character of those present; the wide-extended field from which they came ; the spirit manifested by the breth ren, from the beginning to the close of the ; meeting; and the sermons, prayers and _ex..„ hortations—all, all indicated that God was, in the midst—that a measure of his "Lori' Spirit wee 'given to his servants tie it'inken of his love and t mercy; and a sign of,his.wil lingness to send a plentiful rain tipon , Olgt. churches, ,we,,,w003. repent and, morn from our backslidinge, and, by strairriiiii, and importunate prayer,'"aeek the Lord till he come." When' David went out tofight against the Philistines,, the Lord said to Aim And it shall be, when thou shalt hearlhe sound of a going. in - the tops of the mulberry trees, that'then thou shalt go out battle : for ; God is gbrie forth before thee, ,to smite the boat of thejPliiliatines."..Some of us have heen for a long time praying, and hoping, and waiting for some tokens of the, lord's presence—some signs of his coining by the power of his Spirit, by which might be fitted, strengthened, and encouraged, to ,go forth, in , special efforts, .to build up the Church,, and to sake the Simla of perishing sinners under'our ea*. The Lord in great mercy clinic near, and has shown us, ':by un mistakable, signs, that he .has.inbt utterly 'forsaken his people that he is ready and willing to hear prayer; and that his hand is stretched out for our help, it we will but re- , pent of our sine, and, by faith, and prayer, and holy obedience, return unto him. .But if our cold selfish proud unbeliev ing hearts,-will not melt in repentance 'for sin, and love to Christ and precious souls; if we refuse to obeY God; if we Will not take ,up our, cross and go` forth, humbly, boldly, and faithfully, in ,a holy warfare against sin, 'Satan, and'the wicked world=alaS t we, may provoke God to leave us,_ and .t, e Church may sleep on in her spiritual sloth and` World- linen, and crowds of careless and prayeriess sinners may, go down to hell l And no*, my brethiiii, *hat ahalf we 'do? In view of the providential indications of the Divine favor, 'and his Manifested wit lingness to save ; and , in View, too, Of our great need ofpa revival; the Prevailing'itti pidity, worldliness, and baciltsliding, in our churches, and 'of the thousands of ,iniPeni tent, Gospel-hardened sinners in rim' eongre gations, who are ready to perish, shall we fold up our hands in spiritual sloth, sit doWn at ease in Zion,and do nothing? If en r we may provoke' the Lord tb "anger! And be may execute upon us, - bis threatening,against `the priest of Israel : alf ye 'will, not heir r * * I will even send ,a curse upon you, ' -and I will, curse your blessings:" Yes • our very meeting together, and the precious privilege we then enjofed, may, through our Unfaithfulness, prain a curse, instead °ea blessing ! ' , =a MAT 1 For the Preptkyterlan Beiper and Allvocate. ,l Ciristian tenelloence.- But to do good and to communicate, forget not.— RIB. xiii: 16. " There is av broad , distinetion i between be nevolence and beiieficence. The° the 'fieiver, the other is the fruit; the oncisthe wish, the other is the deed ; the one is , the conception, the other, is the execution; the one wishes. well, the other , does well; . the one leeks &tits objsci..ind sheds a tear, the other . looks it its ohje.9l shedding a, tear,. and wipes the tear away. . They may stand in the relation' of danse tidtfleffeot. knee may thelaiise Of lienefieetee.= The will may set the hand to 'Work ;ithe =kind thought may berparent totthe kinder deed. Certain it is, where wanting, there can be no beneficence. ',You ' will searcie thank_ a man , for, a kind .act which 'comes not from a 'kind heart.` Indeed the antis not,''theii; for 'the light of the heart should shine' out; and fall upon the deed. But, benevolence - may exiat with- ' out bbeneficence.. There . are: of berretrolent 'people, but far. fewer benefi cent The malty wish us well,, the fere do well by ys. Benevelenee 'may sit on her downy pouch, bythelight.Of her, chindalier, amid music, and books, and, liztiiioul re pose, with a smile on her lips, a light in her and weave 'around the world th'e fairest - day ditanis---4et'si crowtr on every liaggaia brow; make every poor man's liovel , a fairy palace, and each tottering invalid ' .Hercules; scatter the clouds and the'fever damp, and bring in the, sunshine atiol. the ,inountain breeze ; yet the bogger,remains in his rags, and the nick man groans, e n his couch, and the poor man's hovel be a hovel still. ' But beneficence spurns' the eimeb'and his loins, and goereto Work; and the beggar wears a crown, and the hovel be comes a palace, `and the sick man is a Her cules. It hi the "difference between' Theory and, Practice- willing and doing. Thii, then, is the principle : When we have •received, we must give; when we possess, we, must communicate. It is a litw every where' else. The flower: eves cut its `sweetness 'to the' 'morning breeze'; the earth gives back,its' Warmth to the chill nightrait; the moist air lets down its dew, on ! the, periled gropnd .Every carolling•bird and humming bee, and chirping tweet of a Sommer night, carols, and butts, and chirps, Rif the'good' of all. 'BeneYolence is a seysh, •benefieence: A :benevolent man will be a happy,man but it is the beneficent, man that Makes others 'happy.; It is of beneficence We POW' , epeak, not of -benevolence; of doing' good,•not 'of being good. In Christian community one. need scarce urge. the importance of, heing .good, but we may,. with some ,propriety, urge .the doing of good. Our active is, not always in pro portion to our passive goodne'ss. true, one way 'of' doing good, is being good. Goodness itself is active. • Goodness is , A go ad". man's ~influence is always felt; . stetions are going out from him. He is a leaven, and he leaven:3 the particle next:to hind, and that the next, lid's° on, in increasing Progressidn. You cannot keep leaven , from werking.o rut itin the mass at all, and the thing is ,dene. .A good man's influence ;will be /at. Yon cannot a beacon on a dirk mountain, end its light not be seen. It 'Mist You may cover your light with a bushel; it will shine even there, in the bushel. To do good we must first then, be good. There is no external good` which has not its oraieg• in that which is internal. --A'Wielted man' indy do good as I:ie pleases: '• A subtle poison will dim the flower from the seed•whielt he had 80wn,,, • .Who can bring a eleauthing out of an unclean.?. sweet one. daa'a bitter' fountain send forth sweet. water ? Wier.; Before you can be 'a truly beneficent Man, yon must be a truly benevolent man. Be= fore you can communicate, you must possess.' In a world like ours, there is something mere, then, needed than passive goodness:" As lights of the world, we may imagine—' 'Ohristierts—thaf nothing tb;l6 . 4lititi , remain in di ii orbits ail& shine.' Arnisalts of the earth;'4we.ituay think our lie , 044 1 4 agE4DP.tthe great mass of t i lie world, aexteeye this day, and by our native gerldielitreWi ditirg "ONE THING 18 NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I DEAIRED OF THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THING I DO." PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH S FOR THE WEEK ENDING SAT,,; and purifying that which is ready to perish. But we forget how the great Pun is up in the heaiens, pouring his beains on this land, and now on that, as he journeys and never. rests. And we forget. how the salt must be scattered here and' .scattered there an& thrust into all crevices, and chinks, that it may touch every particie of 'the'mass it was intended in' Preserve. 'Yon may think it is enough to kindle your light and let it shine. Blit more than this, You must „thrust it. ;into all dark places. Cho down with it into, all low cavern-, and avn,iy , up with it amopg i the deep gorges of the Mountains, Ca4:ving your _light to all. The injiinctiontr, ist.not, - " Be- good.,vattd let. good-be cotamunicated r but. "D 9 Soods ADA eor./!nauni:eat." would impose, on of, .heiag not only Christians, hut active, eoranitivia-' tive 'Christian* I iieknowledge the power of a godly 'example, it ^holy life. They are mighty levers under every corrupt and con rupting .mt#l. - ; They4re like the Sun pour- ; ingbeams,on great ice,bergs cast on ,the shore, or litre ~that Sun flooding th 6 world With his light. lint; rerneinherwhat tudes there are 'hid away where 'that light never;reaches them,therewe ,must;. good, ~and,communicate.i.' Through., well concerted schein,es of henchcence„. Chris- . tiara;are 'to, work, whatever those 'seheines niay 'Determine that vy'tictual' egpeiti ment, ;and then,' when you limit found/ a channel, 1 broad and *deep, - through which you can makeyour influence be felt; through such channel pour that influence abroad, living:„ :unceasing toirint.• We } this 4 to the city or Coininunity where'we 'are plabed, a church of Christ. We are herete leaven this mass; to lighten these . , dark spots; } to ; purify thistoody, ready to decay. To preserve the purity, peace and prosperity of societ3r,is the difils'tian' work. "Ye are the `'salt' of tlid 'earth." s " Ye are th'e `light' of the /World throw light into; .the dark ,placesi and J leaveur into corrupt masses, whether, that, light or leaven, reach them through a Christian Association, or a Sab loath Scheel Union, or 'tin individual "effort. 0; were every Christian a missionary ..of Christ; were every' one.tot feel , the least that ought to be expected ,at hit hands was the ,salvation of some other , one `how we would see our churches crowded, and the Of 'Satan" full,' a if empty pews ! Having'''''onrSelves ' te• (ceitred , , , thi - of ,salvation, " . tb d o ,g9,0(1,'!,- to, those who have ~upt, and, ,C‘-to communicate,.." let us not forget.' D. UNE From our , London Correspondent. Hopeful Tidings front Lateknoto-7,-Haoekekf, First Entrance, and th . c Ittiltiand Bagpipes' -God's , Hand, and an Affecting Scene—commerce ! and :13ntkitig=f2The Jetodry 'of "a' Lady itY Paihion— I -The Thievetand the 41ainciond Spilt ,Punishrof — 7 The Young Thieves The Vetuttangitagellf Thieoes—CoOteractives to Cor •.:Irtiption-:4-Shoeblaeksanel.'S'weepers; 77 Eartt- ingt—,The „lifetroßolitan .and ".City", ? Police- Their''Hfectivenels—Taserokitlailon their Eye—L.Cantonr and , itrar-;.Triiiinplt of Eibertdism #eigiu74-r The fifteen of Spain, and the Bap tism of her Son—ln f idelity Waning—A Conner Levue, aneVEzetei Haiti Discus sion—Bishop. of. London and the Poor—His, Two Days in Islington—Omnibus System of Landon— An American Undtlii,i'Sroet i Hob "—The Levia thaSelio,y` CrueltY, th, 1857. ' htivbliopern - ngs. all; Sir 'Colin "traveling with the 'expreiii'Speed•Of Obuiler," 'reached CaivnliOre, from, Calduttir; a 'distance :of ari hundred and twenty:eight: miles ,, with iii&'iitaff. On- his way, he arid' his staff lin eip4tedly nanici.tiPore fi'arrty'nf mutineers, and before being digeoVered, fell'hiiik about inn mile's, and providentially escaped.' Great `hed's'eolunin, and other troops, had pOeeded him to Alninbagh, and 'he,- with 'five'thou sand men, was to follovi. The plan vig— il:ot way,as flavelOSlt had done, through town-'--but to get' round-in 'the , rear, if possible, and dross over the-river to - the 'Residency, and then shell out the cue- My. - News had come frem General Outran, `that they 'could still hold oat some days; and later still; a letter appears front a young officer, ivhoin parents' - reside- here, Mest cheering in its tone, dated Lucknow,27th October, from Which it appears that Have `leek's forces were "all 'right "—had jitleity of provisions—occupied part Of the town as 'Well as the Residency, and 'but fort the women . and children, could' have left the place in safety, in defiance of their swarming but cowardly foes. The whole of the landholders of Oride, one their retainers, seem 'to be in arins eginst the Itiltish. ' Lord Dalhousie; in 'his, 'annetatioripOlicy, seeins to have dealt hard. ly with this class; and was foolish' enough to leave four hundred forts standing, and not a single English regiment in the einintry. The original relief of Lucknow, by Have leek, wail one of the most remarkable inter. positions'orPrevidence on record. Apr vete letter to particulars, which it' is impossibleto 'read or hear; without the deep est emotion. - I can well imagine that every. Sedinhiiiiii find - Scotch woman in the World will `melt into tears of joy and thankfulness at its pertisal. The statement is to the following .effect. A lady is the writer.: The mines `of the 'enerey hid been pushed up close to the Residency; and the destruetion 'of `,'its' occupants was iniminerit. The women calm: ly awaited - their 'fate, busying theinselves, however, in - carrying provisions and coffee to the ihen in the batteries. - One of these wasthe wife : Of - a Corporal. She was under low fever frOM eicitement, and on that mem orable. day her mind was wandering back to home,'Ond Old Sbotland. ' 04ercome with fatigue; she lay' doin on the ground, wrapped in her plaid. The wife of the Colonel sat 'beside her, and rested the sleeper's head on her lap. i Suddenly opening her eyes, she uttered 'a wild scream, stood upright, her 'arms raised and her head `bent forward. Then followed a look of intense delight and she cried' i - "Mane ye hear it? Dinna ye hear it? 'Aye; I am no' dietainin', its . the slogan of the Highlanders .1 We 're saved ! we're saved !" Then flinging herself on her knees, she thanked God with pasgionate fen s>< The' lady's' English ears Could only hear tbe roar of cannon, but Jessie Brown darted to the latteries,.crying, 44 Courage I hark to =the shigen:--to'the Macgregor, the grandest of them a'; 'hetes help at last." The effect.' on the Woldiers was indescribable. . They gaged firing„And listened: 'Then arose a, Mirinto of bitter disappointment, and the, w . o M i en'eelait t iole t aloud, while - the 9alenel, 'redidlilehitiliar."'lgage, Mid iigailf dank' on WilffaetilftifirilitetWer feek, ' Will ' r !crying : " ye no belle! .t moo? The, ' slogan has - ceased indeed, : 'bit the '‘i Oamp• - • bets-are : doming I" • Wye- hdri - relis hear?" .'; .It was . the; pibroch, ratlieuthe . .pibrooh was :the ~voice of God, preelairging„deliverance. i 4 That shrill s penetrating pqinfl, , whieh. rose ' abo v ei all other sounds, t4,lo:Tast of bin' &sot rtiali) lingpipesr," : was distlei I heard: All, ' ' t ) , " i with one impulse, feli - Onf heir:-knees, in bursting sobs ' and ' , murmur prayer. And :01.Wit11.:P.rogtifkAti.filer91-• .n g qaPitivp.2.. a thousand hearts, a; great silo °f lop. To the cheer - ~ ; , Q ~ ,-. I of "'God save the, e n, came the iilirlicilOriSpAinie, " &Mad Mild `acquaint - tuned .:be? forgot;"; &e.-': 41' .elOOkorind his ,Highlatidem entered ' .the if . :' i , .- . Jessie was presented, : to i him,.. , at the e. tal'hanquet • her health was.drank by'all, , kle i the p i pers 'triiiielieti : rott ` ir Abe table',, eying,' "_Auld` li.'tig S'Yile" : `'''toifeliiiig . th J'Highlanders, ''' weLhavel the following front, ' ' :t . See''', '::' En - pciaiantr I tmay - :romark::, . ''',Vt , -'. ''. • effect produced;on the native ',,,. I, flty i tlits,eppear- . ance- of the Highlanders. T I _:l3SpOya On Aft,le tide of" India have , never" seen th `! .-1 At first they ,took.theßfor.women sent oat, avenge. he mee- ,) &Lore' of the ladies at Oawnpo . The battle of Ornia disahlased them of-that:id - ; , andsthel High- landere„lvere l .prottounced .'iri.: "eoated,•••devils.' ; 441 they_iyere a puzzle. The ..eppys could un ' deritatid qhe'exiatence of di " ;; but could not . -comprehend why they should :bk are-legged.. At ;"... last the, train tattne out: .The devils were bare legged-in order inore'conireniently'in break SepOys •across their knees!.; !A Sepoyl of the 78d, who : happened to :be in: Calcutta !initheir arrival, re. ported: on hie return to hi's regiment 'that the English 'Were bending:ow twine Ors,' with , lege like elephants, faces covered with haii n flx.e wild beasts, ' and blood red eyes. 'The Hiplanders .are, in triii,h; a singular contrast to the people of the*/ ...eonntryl ; i ,04,,,the 7aKriVal.Ofit4o4l. lll , B 47oar or . Bengslee clerk had occasion .to igo on boe.rd . the "Vesifel:' I/A • Highlander sitepneVnp - to'him; and looked-. at hint:long and carieuely i ; then ' :catching him, by the waist, he held : hint above his head, . isaciaitaing, with a chuckle of luntazentent, - "San- ~ ..dp Istpthae thethings we're totfecht `wit?. I need , ..ecarnely,eay that a Sapp is vem.fhfferent.frem,a Bengalee, beipittieuilly taller thanan Englishinan, thiaugh he lveighe less. -;l: 1. : , • • I ' , lof the morale of theE aglat' h in India, &r -jgg; this year, -and as ' bear! g, en ' Dr. War - 1 ren' noble . refutation of i t charges, take the following : ' . : 'Nearly sii thoniand of our einintryinen were exposed to a danger to whidh that of death is trivial . 1 One may have .yield,lo,lcam mors.pnr chased ilk by a temporary ap Mu, and that is . all, while lititidreds have'met. Ih•tir torture as t i • PaltalY , 11417relfarflt: fighting e r Tucker ,, ; after hppe.hii4 gone , or, like „klire. T A :oyee, ,clinging to her 'litiattalid's . breast to 'shield froth' the balls. I question if, since the . dayt, en;the • Christian ..persecutions ended, the• i rdil, has seen •,ench tinetheinpectacle and; remeitiber,therie are the nien4whom England; was ace' - ;.‘, ed to (mild:is:Hab il:os! naughty Anglo 7 lndiane,, . c1,,t0, suspect .of sanctioning torture. . . . ' 1 The writer emphatically , as'i'" Whiriggy .„ , .. -are .. Wetv, so , were . they' t - ' .• ' " 'The Cottinibiki;'Citieiii'not'over. At - Hamburg,' the ritin , is'atni . t overwhelming. A. deepigloontstill settles ii r. Great Britain, I fear not seen to „)); e,444) :e4:1 4 „,:...,,I. Parliarnent was prorogued on; 12t11 iinet. r . after. ,tbe• ,passing, ef.,the,lndeininity !Bill ;Atte bestow ment . :of a'pension of. X 1,1500 a year to Htlielook i . : . (his - j'eldest!son to :sue :beed'it 3): and the voting 'iit''.t6',ooo';for an ,expedition up the; Zambesi ' aver , 'Undiii. the auspices of Dr. Livingstone, . ~. . , , =EI As G, 'Awry Ottßizzirati the fol . elowing,ifrom .Punch, gives , an amusing ex aggeratio,n of : rural , iguoranoe,. on the sub ' Farmer Hodtotem (batoding.)=.What is i this here bianni as Parliament's gwamn to meet abant in Such a hurry? • Farmer,.Hooper r (rtp,iying, .# ,ths,santa Currency question; aooardun to what they sez in the peaapers. . I FArmor , Hogoway.---I'm nfeard they 'll. play old gooseberry that are currency. ' Fariner Hocyier.-41eke /goosebtirky fools Of theirzelves. —2, , . fgrna,erl3qtata,ay --Ah ,and o' we, too: , - 1114 , mer , and we tie ate up moor nor, enough already. Farmer Efolioutay.—Well what's this here cur rency question all about Farmer Ho'oper.--Wbat is a Pound ? F . Forster Holloway,.--Ithinksthg ankt,tp know that purty well by this time ' , so many stray asses as they've got' among um. ' The': questiOn remains, do- town-people know much more? The JEWARY Or A *LADY OP 'FASHION , was stolen some time ago, by expert London thieves: The Countess of Ellesmere—whose husband was once well 'known a a special ' • - Plenipotentiary at Washington, and as a man of great - amiability and refinement—had set out , from her 'town-house on a visit to the Queen, at Windsor. From the top of, one of the cubs which conveyed the baggage and servants to the station, was stolen a boi con- taiiiiiidreased and jewelry worth £15,000 I The thieves have at'last been discovered, aid are about to be punished. The , depositions prove that in this ' as in most similar cues, the plunderers make but comparatively small profits, and that there was a most wanton r a!nfl'ltholesiile diatriction . of property. But i especially refer to the subject, in t order to 'give your lady readers ani idea 'of, the "fixings" of an. English woman of fash ion. Probably few have such extended sets of ornaments, as the Countess of Elldsniere is very rich. Nevertheless the investment of; property in :this way, - viewed in a Christian,, light, seems very questionable. A "Bible,, and Prayer-Book " formed part'of 'the ion tents of'this box, butite contents were as follows: Her Ladyship's traveling case, in, addition to numerous other articles 'of naniental Jewelry,' contained a pearl, a dia mond and an 'emerald and diamond'neek lace ; a diamond brooch,, with emerald drop; is diamond bow, with , emerald; a pair .of' diamond ear rings; a pair of diamond and,, emerald ear rings ; a - large pair of diamond branches; three diamond buttons ;''an em .erald and diainond order; an einerald and diamond bracelet; a gold , bracelet, with peneleaux clasp ; a oats.eye bracelet; a gold brace,et with garnet and diamond idasp besides other bracelets; . and that the wear, ing apparel stolen with thejewelry, consisted of white and black Brussels lace ; China crape, and other shawls; lace dresses; blend scarfs; s &vet cloaks; Indian scarfs; morn=" ing and evening silk dresses,.of white and various other colors; together with other expensive articles of ladies' attire, too numerous to specify." "'There was," said one of the prisoners who " peached" on his matesrin crime, " a 'box *hoped like:a lalhitoon. It contained a ooronetrforA: . l u adyjs,tpad. ,There . was a khing,ip, the cgtpe, °a fly, and; I , wh7, these thin sp a r ks;' mean inglienin." Zt , tie tril#ealatihit44llo/1 elkttyltiel HET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA. TALZAOUOI!B:AIiag_RywD, RDA", JANUARY 16, 11455. thieves to the receiver for two, shillings, Which 'was worth ao ! The- average gain to thieves out of robberies, is only three shillings pei pound. " The receiver is. as Lad. as the.thief," , and in this case the ,re- eeiver, l is i eaught, w#l3: his wife, and has been sentenced to ten ions' penal servitude. They 'What is called au oil:shop, an ordinary 'place of bhainess ''but hither thieveti were wont,. to bring , their produce, and. divide the spoil in the parlor,•behind the shop. There ,are thousands of _" receiv ers" LondoU, and plenty of "'Jew Fa the young tOdeiielotilitliiev• Aid 'Very 'dexterous . they `are.._ On the day of the , Royal procession, they were very. bu ll y, although many of •them were casght,.,hy the detective , police, a ,class,, of men,"dreseed irrplain clothes, who' know the `haunts; and the fueeiloo, of most of the lAy•ilft. • ja t i v i t ,% o , •Thia.prefessionalpthieves have,adialect of 1 their _eta: To be "swagged," ,is to be transported, &c., and so on. Satan; by, such . 'phrasesrpelliating 'or peculiar, thus Wakes sin less odious. and" startling: in, life, even ,ae, he, succeeds in doingby-fine,, soft memos -given to the vices of fashionable•circlee, also. Against' the ,tide , of, corruption in great cities,; we, have the counteractive influences Of RAGGED SCHOOLS, REFUGES, AND RE FORMATORIES In'full' operation. Them are being generally 'elireart all'over the country, in our large - cities and towns, with :the happi est, results., In London, the Shoeblaok Brig- adeeare Awing increased, and a new move ment has 'begun to provide sweepers for street - eroisingti, with a unifOrm, their earn ings, likelhose of the' ghciehlaelts, go* to a general Fund,, out : of Which fixed wages will be paid, and,the remainder kept in a savings• bank, for the .parties to emigrate' or take other 'employment. To inereaseAsilior for the very poor, is of course a powerful means Of preventing oriole. ,Theseoperations are all directed by Evangelical influence. One Shoeblack Brigade, this year, earned £735, $3-675. As to the POLICE IN LONDON, for the proteotion'of life and property, it is surely the most efficient force id the world, and' its range, is Most extensive. It consists of. a Chief Commissioner, two Assistant Commis sioners, eighteen Superintendents, one kundred • and thirty-three InSPesfors, liun4red and twenty-five Sergeints and four tkonsand nine , hundred and fifty-foUr Con stables; making a total, of all-ranks, of five thousand seven hundred andthirtythree. In addition to theie, are 'Shout fon! ku:ndred irien *hese "beat" is within tke'boundi of the 'city priiper,. and whoa are under the con trol of the Corporation. ..1 This small. force watches, day andEnight, over nearly three , millions of people—by day ' and night, watching ~alleys, _streets and* sqnares3, and tries every accessibleidoor,and window Oita four,hundrodthwandkouses; patrols ninety square mike, of, country ;; ex ercises..a surveillance over eight thousand, 'reput'ed - thieves, and. keeps in awe the forty thoussiid, or fifty th!ius'and, people 'Who form tbii'une'ssy classes :O llie The Metropolitan Police , extends from Charing Cross-,fifteen, miles in ,everyt'direction, 'and includes the whole ofthe (Minty of• Middl esex, and large' portions 'of Snriey,,tffertford- Shire' ''Besex gent,',Riiokin iiiiinskire Berkshire, for, whic,h: seven Counties the Commissioners, aie Magistrates, and the po- lice s'worn!Constables. The - river Thames is under its jurisdiction, from Chelsea . to Berhing' Creek, , including wharves, docks, landing places, and dock-yards. : F.Rom CBEINA came tiditigs that au attack on .Canton,- by the, 'British, was imminent. We are thus reminded afresh that we have 'two Eastern wars* on handle ; itte obati- . nate . eciiimiesioner, Yeti,' is coinfigled — to submit to ours batteries , and broadsides,' it ;may humble the pride of. Pekin: and the Emperor, whence bauglity,,ropallingmes sages have „been sea to, the Russian Pleni potentiary',' if, not to the Frineh also , re fusing fo receive 'them. it is affiinied 'that , the Chinese .Government demand that the Russians shall. resign their _possessions on the banks. of, the, Atm, Amoor. At Hong Kong .there was a general gathering,of Am bassadora,. the American being expected bit mediately. No liutit 'Whatever action shall be taken in the sense of war, will be with their concurrent approval. The, French have 4 'a crow to pluck" with the Chinese, for the murder of some. Roxiiin Catholic . missionaries in' the interior: What cent plieates the matter is, that a rebel 'force was fast 'advancing upon -Canton, which might possibly, anticipate the ,`intended attack . on Canton., God is a sovereign.- Oh that he may overrule all for the furtherance of the Gospel. From Victeria ' we hear 'that there are eightthousand ,Chiuese at , '•the diggings of Ballarat, And . that Christian, : teaching has already so told nponthesc . heathon,that they haye subscrihed £lOO to huild a church. The E.l,,worrowslw ET,i4ruatliave gone very decidedly in favor of, the, new, and Liberal Ministry. In the towns, the'ma jority agitinit . the Clerical nominees 'Was overwhelming. The' priests still exercise great influence over the ignorant Flemish and. Wallocn u peasantry. ,The freedom of the preis and the pulpit is this more. firmly secured than ever, and Evangelical Protes tantism, all racy of the soil, and in the freshness and fervoroUfirst lave, will carry on its work"with-accelerated power. The QUEEN OF Spkw has given.ltirth to a son, ene.of whose, names *baptism is that of " Mary of theCenception." The " 'dogma is ihus not only aseciciated With a child born like all other • children, in Bin, but. with the child of an infartions, mother. The Pope sanctions all this by his Nuncio, who performs the ceremony, and stand's as gedfather for the Prinee of the Asturias As to INFIDELITY IN LONDON, It is my pleasing 'duty to' report that it continues to decline, under the effects of open-air 'ad dresses, .and the circulation:of tracts. , Its chiefs confess that these things they cannot stand, while they are, indifferent to the mul tiplication Of 'sehools . .and chnrches. tract, "Tliori#hte for tbe People,". is re ceived with avidity. .•I±.. Secretary of , one of „I the infidel Societies of.Lorplen,,iltayjns,kone ILO long 4pce,.to Manchester,. ta i setied, therewith 'mortal sickness,during which he'' 6 a led te in&died a firm be= 1106 l teithdoihfintotee loftsopenitafteprettehingoind "ifiLet .circulation of tracts In the- metropolis., To show the malignity of, the Atheistic party, not long since they sent down an agent to the North. of England, It a 'salary' of £lO per annuity to interrupt Christian lecturers at &bile meetings. ; The foregoing' information' . &me not appear in any of our papers or periodic cals, but, it comes from an unquestionable source. The SUNDAY LEAGUE is this week show inOglit in Exeter Ball, on behalf the opening, of places 'of amusement the Lord's "day:, In the - Louden` of Clerlienwell, , its Vice" PreSident, ifav Mr. Langley, a surgeon, had intended himself holding meetings in public houses and en deavoring to gain over the winking men, and artiialis to his views. IVlerenpon the newly elected ' minister delivered ri" lectiire in the, parish church on behalf of i the'liane- A . —4ltASZOrti. non d 3ll 4 1 0 News lißsseiignimt saki have been a regular challenge l and meeting,r between these two 'gentlemen." 'Each had his own 'Ohairauni' aidithe tickets were distributed equally between the, adhe rents of•both sides. Will, it :he believed that the Chairman for the' Semi•lnfidel Sun day League is the Rey. Badehkowell, Sa villian Professor lit Oxforag 'This gentle man belongs'' to the Neological. extreme''of Church of •Englandism. lie is known ,to approve of the theory of the Ve, sages of the Orecttion ; he now Elie* abetaa French day, and this i'fter receiving oillination, in a Church whose ''ministers recite the - -tOiirth,, commandment as of etandilig! obligation, and are , apinvered• by the Solemn response, 44 Lord have mercy upon us, and, incline our hearts to , treep this law." , It is curious enough that while 'Exeter ciowded teeireess, the Timis takes .no notice' whatever the two , nights'• ‘'dis cussion. With one or two exeektions, jt is the , same with most of the morning papers. 'The TIM'S may perhaps stand on' its 'dig nity, or does'not Wish' giVe?"Publibity to the iecular argument s tor' i tabbitrkeeping, BO I t t b Maguire_ roug ypu y, g t Thee drool, .I'alacetDireotore, still finding their 'thane a low ;figire, are !trying' to get up Sunday ` afternoon by wild& 'the i la*lica - i"be'etad j e4,*fig i dieney be brought in. Their wicked Polley will not prosper. The BISHOP OF LONDON is , as 'active as ever, and. especially distingutshea himself as a missionary to =the poor.'• Last ;week.le preached to 'a' Crowded cangtekttion of the "very J paor " the EaSt'End df 'Landon • • to the greet, delight. 0'44 ragged, creatures. He spent two - very busy days also in, cur Northern Islington perish, whore the , Church clergy are . Evangelical to ; a man., He vis ited Church_ Missionary ()allele, Mod e l 'Defiling School, gime Tor'Cliphini of 'Mis shmaries, a 'Ragged 3 School' and ••Refuge, ;(where .1 was introduced to him,)..thei Cale !lonian School, for the, eilueation ; ,4Spottish soldierspand received .on„the .se cond morn ing, a little atter' daylights from a Young Men's Association; and' eon •clude& a second buSy'dei by-preMding gat a Hdme 'Missiohary .. .meeting forni,:providing ministers, and churches,,,far the, , destitute poor. His bearing is • at i nnaffected simplicity, deep solemnity, and real SAY. spoke Underly to 'the'little 'outcast `boyw gathered into our-Refuge. . Ev ' ery'one of.theitwenty-ope present .tha&been, a little thief, several , were orphans and. others had wicked parents. He ad:yeast:es one Church, aE least, 4where all the sittings Shill be' free, to' be 'Supplied 4 iih r eiliatelY thethergy, `every lord's 'day.; 'I forgot to state that - he also met with Al large body of the,omnibus drivers and, stablemen, in eannexion with the "Metropolitan Omnibus domparly,''! (Whose income,aimuilly4 shunt half a mil l . lion aterlib'g,) 11'6.0 . p i iirtiiitedf Whose Berl. .wants have'heir homes= rather let me say, lodge wigkay—in Islington. These men have only, an occasional ,Sahbath rest, and all the week never see their own 'Children except when asleep. The OMNIBUS SYSTEM is now Dr ye markable all over London. Ikhas "Cer. respondence " tickets," by' which, for' 6d., you are passed from ottepoint to "Cor. responderice office," and thence step into a second ompibus, which conveys you .to another and final point, perhaps about ten miles : from the spot whence you set out. The' large Company aboie alluded tO, almost •intirely absorbs• the traffic. But a " &limn Omnibus Company has started : in opposition, and; has; very elegant carriages, each passen ger sitting apart, as in an armchair . ases are brought before 'the unigiStrates of 'at ` on the part Of the lima Company to crush the opposition. One trick is: called ",nursing," by which you aro to understand that immediately , in front:of An unfortunate " Saloon," drives• a Metropolitan 'bus, and another'alio so 'dose behind' it that,na`pas eeuger'in the rushing 6611 / 4 3 4 1 A1* oat step ' in Thiss a kind of, " anteing" Which is not, you may be sure, favorable to the;' new 'born Company, and althgether it is probtble that,;the hionopoly, yielding rehietently demands for improvement in ;'carriages, &0., and backed .by an.'immense Capital; will reign without `a: rival. It is said:::that Hon. Mr. Fitz-Roy, who conquered the cab proprietort,,(iif spite of a generalliefisak to rue their cabs for one 44, and consequent confusion ' ) And compelled theni to lake two passengers at the rate of bd. per mile, is again likely to try his hand- at legislation, with the design of Controlling and' im iroving the London Om:tibia:res. ,Bobbmies ; in omnibuses are not -untie quent, a lady's pockets, according to modern. fashion, beingteasy of 400658 to the hand of, an unsuspected, well'-dressed thief;mile or female, sitting by her side. A story - ap) peers in, the Timf.s this week,,of Auteri. can gentleman,, who, having seated himself in a London omnibus, saw and heart as fol : , lows ;•: A man, tearing no particular marks, of authority, lOoked in at the 10* teak e professional 'view 'of the pilsserigers; iand' called out' to the driver, without -aityl.pre-4 tenc.e, of modest concealment of to ck tk ß u g * "You can't go on • there's two of the swell mob mob in here." The 'carriage waited, till at length a piny, well-looking i iniiiilfrosel and stepped out, saying,4B hedid oro,7"Vve' Aoomuch money to ride with pibk•phokets." moment mot, lt , Frogll 1 0 ,Itt4g VIM he dewnrit. "I'll follow that. old gentleman ¢'.'; lead 4o j aaid the detective *Heel* 4 4ficiiiiiif f eNtivie rkitt-(Atientrellhf tight!' • 2 , 11 - W.: I •'' p. S.—The Levittatara,laftetenieilendo *to 0fitP00, 1 3"7 486 : 0 9Q-litUittto.MPto [to Philadelphia, 111 6iith Tenth' Stied, balm Chestnut By Mail, or at the Mee, 11.50 par YeiF f i pa ns p zerus. Delivered in the City, 1.75 • •A young lady who-went ontplast year to 4 be married to an Indian toffieeritas returned i ivi'dbw - to"tlie‘ house.of 'IIZI. father, (a cler gyman,) at Bristol, with liedlOiguieut out ', -I `;by 'the" S 'it" 110341)16 any Obristi,an writer will be their .virtual apolo gists 3 , 01:16Et - go: 277 lau,neh - ,1 . e 4 'still 'on land; and likely to be so for some time. , • s4ut mow. IT es' Twitting' tho 'lOWdeest 'beetotne of the anninnts. to bury the. yonrig at• morning twilight; for as they strove to give the soft est interpretation to death, so they imagined that Anrora,,, who loved the young, had oT I/ ir Tuft) to God One 4. jour '• li fai eath. Ia smp es said, ' liowYcan d linow the day of his Aeath I"' He 'answered them, "Therefore should you turivto God to day. Perhaps you may . die to.m6rrowl thus every ,day would be ,employed in turning to him. GIVE ME WISDOM : Now if the Lord should say to me, " What wish shall I fulfill to thee ?" ".0 give me lalsdoinfrom on, high ?" Wisdom-to loVe the thing that 'a right, 0h thisyould give . my ,heart delight. This _ wisdom then oh grant to me, That I may. 'ever` live with thee. CHILDREN IN. CALIFORNLL—Acoording tO i Sffioial'itatistrosfor the present year, the nuinlierVrelithireicattifididgibhool in Cal ifornia-is thirtY-thousabd four -hundred and eighty-seven, but the number Tie believed to be muohlarger, us the, returns are very de fectiie. The San Francisco Herald esti mates the whole aggregate of children in the State at ninety.thousand. GOOD TAIWIIIir 'ltilisS..`-t-A young lady in one of ,the, leading eirelea in Washington, was eomplirpeuMd ,a gentleman on the SiMPlieity and good taste of, her dress, at an everuna - party: She replied : "I am glad you lik t e'rity dress itetAt dust seven, 'dollars, and Made - eiery 'stiteh of it' , myself !" When our young ladies ;pride themselves upon the, home, manufacture and ,eheapness of their attire, instead of its "expensiveness suit fOilgiell'ihaildrEatiniii, , i , e'shnll have few er"Viken''`flitheii arid'h3 ends. Mi4RNiNG PRAISE : ~~'llB'lTittrniilg right, With may light, Bee waked me from my sleep fathela own Thy love alone Th' little one n dotelt keep. All through the day I` • timbly pray, • Bertlfou thy &ill. atidOgnide ; ~ , M y slim - forgive, ,„ And let Ins live, Blest.Jesus, near thy side. MREB---"Friend;" said & Quaker, " I will-teli n thee,; 'rya natrirapy as hot and violent as thou art. I iti s ieir that to indulge and Vfoilid it was blisl'erited that then in a pas- I aion.alwayr speak:aloud .; and I, thought if I ,c,ould : pontroLmy voice ,. l should repress my pasiion. I 'have, therefors, made it a rule never to let my voice rise above a cer tain key; and by a - Careful observance of this rule, I havecilkirrtlfe blessing of God, :enti,reVAlliciPrPd Ig.naparal i temper." The Quaker reasoned philosophically. Jtussis. A.Rvartorso.—The ;Brat drys for , the einancipa,tion ,of the Russia, are peon to be* putilished. They include the tiros-great principles : 1. Freedom of Marriage. 7 No serf can be forced in fu ture to marry against , his will, or prevented from marrying according to his own desire. 2: No 'serf can': be transferred from one vil lige to ' , another' against will. The re mainder of the ukase is ,less important. These two points, however, are sufficient to recognize his rights as man. It islikewise rumored that, the pnwer of chastising the ,will be circumscribed, though not at once,sntirely taken out of:the hands of the landlord. HOSPITALITY IN THE HOUSE 010 GOD.-- Every church, sari., an exchange paper, that would prosper, must show proper atten tion to strangers. It should be seen that they are premptly,und:eourteously provided : with seats, and made to feel that they have ECOOldikivelaome there. Kind looks should iiiet t iheM'ase tley Cottle, and follow them as they go. Should , they come • agin, let theMi,meet with'. the same reception." And Should they become:,ponstant worshippers there, letthetutl j. sought out aid visited, ra4relibY iiitor, but' by members erthirchitrob' and s seeiety.: Whether rich or poor, they' "litabild, not be Oerlesilred or lesle#ll. Thiel have claims as strangers, irrespective all` FlitmNEss.:4-Decision of character is a ~ most valuable , trait.., The man is good for alcithing , who can't (say No. Whashington • - trwasorever.known to desert a cause he had once embraced, or change an opinion which, Jfronva, full knowledge , of facts, he had, de liberately formed." In this respect, he was a.inodel. Very few attain to that strength • or fixedness of purpose. It is the weakness of most to vacillate and to waver. We are • daunted ,by . difficulliee k tr,nd_all are overcome by temptation . ..l:l l enee it 'Uri noble epeeta ele`to behOld it A spirtitot kpatifintly contending ;with dig - Oki:ligaments, and an inebriate , steadfastly resisting the cravings of, his de. prayed appetite., AMY, AND HAPPY.--No gifts, no duties, no natural endowments, will evidence a right .• „..H.l , •., , • - in ,heaven - but the i east measure of true horiress wilfericure'llea t ven to the soul. As c'ildliiiess is' the .sours 'best evidence for ' Unveil, so it is a •continued spring of coin i,fert to t it,itt greway thither. The purest and sweetest . ` this world are the u results 'Of "liqiness. 1111 we come to live ' hirlifY;NiriOnlivirrlificAinilfortably. Heaven `is itittletdried in holiness. And, to say no more, it is the peculiar mark by !tbich God batloriattAYllillgoguiabed his own ,fritom oth er • anen• 7 l:43oy, : 3, , , 4 The , Lora,, Bath set • 'aialit hiitilltreieitalir'fOrim3blielf. ) .' 'As if `e hail saidiarlitieiktlio' niai,iiiid ' that the bsifiubert,Amirlionisi .ii rteadatookiagood for rtetilua; %his, iituaotaWforisttnCallft backup, how surpassingly glorious art then.!-F lannel.