Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 28, 1857, Image 4

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[The following pleasing version of the forty
sixth Psalm is attributed to an '• Irish dignitary."
R is good.]
God is our refuge in distress—
Oar safeguard in the wilderness,
Our shelter from the storm;
Though wind's and waves a conflict make,
Though earth's foundations reel and shake,
We need not feel alarm.
A peaceful river softly flows
In tranquil streams to gladden those
Who put their trust in God ;
Within his holy place they feel
'e comfort of his presence still,
While oceans roll abroad.
What though the heathen madly rage,',
And kingdoms itilaiee war engage,
When God sends forth his voice;
lie makes , pe ilitteriag spear to bend,
Sends peace to earth's remotest end,
And `bids, the werld rejoice.
Be still,' and know thtit'be is God.;
He rules the earth with iron rod,
And sits enthroned aboie;
Re dwells With those who own his name,
The 13Fod Of Jacob still the Same—
The God of peace and love.
xittottptiiii . :.:-.-?:::
BOOKS sent'to nal for Protier i csiillhe duly
attended to. 'Theca Aroma publishers In Philam
delPhiag Nair Torn, tbe.. Unity , be left' at our
Philadelphia Oiliee.lll South 10th St.'ilislove'
CI he/stunt. in ear* oi.loseph Pl. Wilson. Meg
Rxnaw, for November, like its ,predecelieors,
comes freighted with a good aslortment of in
formation for the proleision. line spokenat
length in regard to the merits of this journal
when it made its first appearance. The general.
practitioner can find no journal whose Reviews are
more reliable and discriminating, or whose original
articles,are, more instructive and interesting than
the one before us. We learn from the notice of
the publishers that; "beginning with the year
1868, the Review will be so much, enlarged as to
exceed inAhe number of its pliges that :Of any
other medical , periodical in this country." The
price will be five dollars, in advande, instead 'Of
four, the Price heretofore. J. B. Lippincott
Co., Philadelphia; are the publishers.
~~e zble.
For the Presiortertim Banner and Advocate.
Jacob Itt Lue.s—Gete , xxviii.
The younger son of Isaac has succeeded
in having the purchased, and mucledesired
prerogatives of first-born, reliegekeil.' by his
father. The blessing at first pronounced
ignorantly, is repeated in its essential parts,
and confirmed, •by Isaac. Thus - the . handaf
God is.confessed in the event itielf, though
the marks of human fingers may be seen
somewhat disfiguring'the meani e ° bring it
about. But Jacob) though the heir, and
though recognized• as the head of a covenant
people, must betaughtto,trust in God. He
must be an example to teach the Church in
all future ages' that 'earthly possessions and
outward and visible glory, , -to be valuable,
must follow great eserifice,. and well-tried
faith in God's promises. Alone„, with staff
in hand, the exile hastens away from Beer
sheba. It`is hard to part from a fond mother—
hard to witness, for the last time, the flow
ing tears, and other marks of deep affection, . The Wife of john'Bunyan. * .
and to "hasten away from her as if along ' It has been observed by some one; we can
with. , . , .
the dying tones -of her fi nal adieu, not recollect whom that , there. is only 'one
But;that, mother hie seid, go. ,The
step,of instance in the whole. history of England of
the tea:oler is, therefore, in a sense s the e' woman makin g h er appearance : , at_ West
- step of a voluntary exile. He has reached minister Hall, and before the Judges of As
the age to - which Abraham had attained size, in order to make a formal defense in
when he left Haren for Canaan; but he', favoe,of the unfortunate:{' That. Woman' was
different the cireumstances of the - two Pa - the young and interesting wife of John Ben
triarehs ! The one journeys with immense Yeti; nin
who hid beco'a saciifice for - con : .
flocks,and' _ ,thousands of 'servants'The science' sake. .
. ,
other wendi his path alone. Truly it seems Although Elizabeth stands aloneaute i mg
a d a y of, small thins with the heir of the her sex as an advocate; yet there niver'leas
promise.' But, as .Christ must journey and ' offered a more eloquent and 'uneephistideted
suffer alone, with none Of the people to helP 'defense than that which ehe iiiiide on behalf
Nile, that he might redeem to hiaiself a peo- of her husband. She first of all had the
ple zealous of good works, so his feeble type courage` to appear before the Mime if
must go as an exile, till the home Church Lords, to ask the Supreme Court ` Of Appeals
would be purified by the departure of Esau, to relax the rigors of a perseouting' law.
and tho se willing ' : to accompany him- -He Their lordships, it is Said, rudely told her . to
must go alone, that God may have the glory go to the Judges of the , AssiXe, who had
of doublipg, through his instrumentality, enridemised her husband,. and without fail
the niniber of hie serVatts.Gee. ex *if : l - 1 . 9,
she did so. At the Asiize Court, Sir -Mat-
Fifteen miles North of Jerusalem, :tra ve l-. thew Hale presided, and he was accompanied ere find the 'rains of a city ca ll ed hY the by Mr. Judge Twisden magistrate offeree
Arabs, Beteen. This name seems to have citrus temperament; wh ose a. countenance.,and
been formed hem Beth-even, or " house demeanor strangely contrasted ,with , the
of vanity," a title given in later ages of mildness and placidity, of thelord chief jus-
Jewish, history, to -the cityand the• y eg i . , 9a , taco. ,
,_ We are indebted
AO : John..Runyan
around, (Hos. i : 5-8,) because of, the himself for a description of the, conduct of
worship of the golden calf; but which, at Judge Twisden „on this-memorable occasion.
an earlier period, (Josh. vii : 2,) was ap- H e says:, ~ -., :•- ~ :
plied only to the chief seat of Cenatinitish
"Judge T
. - _ sn apped ..
wisden -at my , poor
idolatry. The place was called; after the wife, Elizabeth, and, angrily told her ~ tha t
conquest of Canaan 'by, Joshua, Bethel, or her husband was a convicted person, and
"house of God," in memory '• of the vision could not , be released until he wouldPfemiee
and the vow.of Jacob. But at the time of to r each in
no ore."
the events, recorded
~in this chapter, the ' 'kilt Elizabeth, however, Mach as she was called. Luz, i. c., " hazel." After `loved her husband, was
.more enamored
this, Jacob used rods of this humble bush of the Gospel, and she give, the
,Court to
(Gen. xxx : 37) to promote his . earthly understand thafher husband Could not pur
substance. Thus it has ever been, and thus e eig e e i . , e'd m i l at jee eepenee - of 'keeping
it will ever be in our sinful world- 'With- silence about the mercy and compession of
out. God, earth is but a; wild, hazel-wgoA-- 'God: ' ' ' '
the ladder from heaven changes the desolate ic It is farm," continued Elizabeth, "to
wood ~to a Bethel. As the Hebrew gave 'say that he has done wrong; for the meet
this name to the hazel, because it was only ings where they preached' they had God.?s
a rod that might be bent or inclined easily presence with them."' .- ' '
(Prey. xif: .2,, eta : ,) so hien in'hismittiral - , e-Will he (leave off preaching?" roared
estate is called sinner, because he readily Twisdee i . . - ~ - , .• . .
errs, or wanders from, the straight path. ..- gt My lord," said' Elizabeth; " he: dares
The sinner also may be a Bethel.-1. Car. not leave off preaching ;as; long as,.he can
vi: 19. ' speak. But .my lords, she, proceeded with
_ The night epent by Jamb' at Luz may ,tears in her 'eyes, "just; coneiders that we
have been the secona atter •he left his have four small children, one : ofthein blind,
father's house. Weary with a second day's and all of, them have noehing to live upon
foot journey of more than ten leagues, he while the father,is in prieon,,bultheeharity
was soon asleep, though h'ii.lid ino pillows of, Christian people. omy lords, I myself
softer than the stones. The'. night dream ' imayed at the news when my hysknd was
seems to bind heaven to earth by a ladder. 'apprehended; 'and'heinerenfung% and does it appear far to the home above; accustomed ,to such things ;I Tell? in labor,
for angels come down and return, as in short and was delivered of a dead child."
journeys;-and , the voice of God MO ;' , be:This wee ye, much .for 51F.Ma427,141e,
heard thitinetly,: at the foot of the ladder. who 'now inte rposed: with -the , ejaculatron,
Jacob awakes .inthe morning, with much " Alae! peer woman !" He' then ineillited
fuller sense thin he ever had before, of his what, washer husband'veelling. •
responsibilities as heir and possessor of the "A `tinker; please -yeti, my lord," said
'bleeding: "YeTlei hlessineof his father la'eow hie:wife; "and because tidies tinker and 'a
ratified by the voice of ilehoiah. He must . poor man, he is despised and can not :have
*ad NI . the leader of God's lost on earth. Jus ti c e." ,
Be is afraid when he thinks bow near Law is stronger than ' tears. The lord
the holiVod is to him, and. he' trembles „Chief justice"told,her that her husband had
when ha 'reflects that the earth on which : broken it; he told, her, there was only one
he rests is consecrated ground," the house i peritimin the realm who could pardon her
.of God-and the,gate, of heaven." ilinband, and that,,Persen ins the:;: h king. As an expression of the feelings of ilia' t Bet'ow was the broken hearted wife of a
heart e itpd elia monument symbol of the i tinker to find her way to the footstool of a
'greet eoninfissioe put into his hands, 'JacOls !'ilibilarell r ' " Alas' Nei.
~,,onaire!"; 'edict ihe,
takes the-atones upon' which his head had °: 147-veri sorry for your pittiirdweatie."
, ..
rafitilrifcirithe night, sets their apaii a pillar, ':',,AD)ia'abeth;' - noti-becente—ccenvinced how
4.sindqdoilseerittoo•thanirittith part :1 the oil oeifailetitelee's les'exp4ekleetiM en deaforfrom
`qiti g lrsidlaalrel I .Withllliiititielits Journey.. h = neerthlyatribunal .andevrith a heroic.glory
, a 3o. l#lo,"'sais he,-.) "iii tie vic4tawil u GO'd ilylAtt'Otili Can baldly% in — theennitle., of,
this is the cote of heaven." This repre
sents the Church of God, "the pillar and
ground of the truth." Not that the stones
set up was literally the gate to glory, nor
that the Church was a literal foundation
of the truth, but that as God in the Church
and through her has mainly revealed him
self to the world, so she becomes the repos
itory of the oracles of God. She holds the
truth as in a reservoir, and exhibits it
as upon a pillar; for "the word of Jeho
vah goes forth from Jerusalem, and the law
from Zion." In our luve for the Bible as a
revelation from heaven, in our zeal for the true
glory of the God of the Bible, and in our abhor
rence to Anti-Christ, which would give part
of the Ministry and intercession of the Re
deemer to created angels, and which would
place a visible . and a historically fallible
Church where the inspired Oracles alone
should be placed, let us riot forget that the
visible Church, fallible.'beeause necessarily
manifested 'in erring Man, has still, in her
hand a grand commission in regard to the
word , of the Lord. Jacob felt this as .he
rescilrom sleep. at %Luz to consecrate the
place where be had rested as a Bethel. SO T
will revery sinner feel pit, on whose darkened
minikGodehas'cairsed to. 'shine the light of
the'. lorfous Gospel.: •
It appears somewhat unnatural, after the
distinct prOmise of. God of the %novenant
blessings of Abraham,that Jacob should,
introduce his vow with an " if." `'"lfGod
shall be with• me," ,ete. Bat. the. force of
the - particle here 'rendered " if," `may-lad
the same ai3 in" : 34, " Surely
(or, : 4) he mune*" etc:. Or it may be
translated, as in Is. .liii : 10,'" " When .
(since) thou shalt make his soul," etc..
The vow of Jacob then reads thus : "Sure
ly the - Lordfwill be . with me then shall
the Lord be my God," etc. This , giVes an'
expression of 'full confidence in God's faith--
fulness, 'and a determination to act accord-,
ingly. • .
The principal part of the vow of Jacob
consisted in the resolve to make the stone
pillar God's house, and 'to-give a, tithe of,
his , wealth to God., The altar. service put
into his ,hand by his. birthright privileges,
and by his special covenant relation to the
God of his fathers, enabled him fully to
carry into effect .this part..of his vow. The
stone altar; .on.whichlay Ike 'bleeding .vic
tins,' and around Which stood the devout
worshippers, constitutedthe most acceptable
temple, though i the„encompassing heavens
alone , formed. its walls. and covering. And
though he found no Melehiaedek, nor regu-,
lar. line of priests, to,the tenth of
the substance with which the Lord, yearly,
blessed him ; yet he would find no lack of
opportunity for give this, and even more, to
the cause of God. The teacher of `religion, supported by his, liber , ality. Who
can :'successfully deny that Jcob, thus, in
. a
part. at least, gathered the great company
(Gen. xxiv with Which he returned
to his father's house. The poor would need
alms. His wealth, too, might be given, as
to his brother Esau, to show that, as a ser
vant of 'God, he was for peace. But the
richest benefit wetild be to himself. Selfish
ness, by his vow to tithe his income, would
be curbed.- ,The love of wealth, which often
drives men to be monomaniac, would be
kept in proper.bounds. • Enjoyment, which
flows to man formed for society,. would
be greatly increased, as' the heart would
go out with the tithes scattered 'to make
others happy. What is true of Jacob
has always been true. It is Wise still for
men' to make and fulfill such vows.
the Christian faith, she pointed to her tears
as xlle departed, and uttered words which
never should die as long as the English lan
guage exists.
" - See these tears," said she; "but I do
not weep for myself. I weep, for you, when
I think what an account such poor creatures
as you will have to give st the coming of the
This scene took place, we will add, not
only before John Bunyan was known as the
author of a book, but before he had ever
conceived the outline of his" Pilgrim's Pro
gress." He was kept in jail in order that
he might not preach; but by this persecu
tion he was enabled to write a book ' in his
prison cell which has preached to. England
for, many generations, and which will edify
and enlighten the world to the remotest pos
tie goung,
rgi am not going to church this afternoon;
Miss Bell ;" said Ellen Blake; to her' Sunday
School teacher.
"And Ay" not, Ellen ?"asked, Miss Bell.
:':Oh, I, get 80 tired I; love to go Ao
Sabbath School, but I don't love to .go to
church. I can't understand any thing the
minister loys'and•vthen have to sit so
'still. My father said himself, when he
came from church
,this; morning, 'Mother,
do let the child 'staidt heitie '
if she wants
to; what can she understand about justift•
cation by faith ?' You know that- is what
the minister preached about this morning,
Miis Bell; - and he . said -he Was going to
continue the subject' this afternoon."'
"I know the-words seem hard, Ellen, and
yet I think you might easily understand
What juStification by faith means: What is°
faith, Ellen'?" •
' 4 ( Belief," ' answered the child
• iflres; any thing you believe you
have faith in. •But now tell ale whatit is
to have faith in Christ."
"To believe in him, and 'trust hith for
salvation," answered s'everal little girls.
Yes, to believe in him as God • as all
powerful and all-willing .to' saire ;. and
to, trust alone . for salvation: .l„Tow,",if
you understand what faith in aristis, let
us try and get , at the meaning of juStifica
tion by faith.'
" Suppose one, of thes,e little girls, Ellen
for instance, -really and truly;believes. in
Christ. Suppbse trustehire with her
whole . 11 . F.g.krty 'and: really bOieve9ha.t. t4,: 1 44
death alone she can be saved from sin and
everlasting punishment., - Then God looks
down on little.'Ellen,, and be says, ' This
little girl is a sinner; she has never done
any thing, and she never can do any thing
of her Self in 'merit 'salvation: 'But she he-,
lieves in my holy Son Jesus, who died , for
her; she loves him and, trusts him, and I
Will treat her as if she was gooa ..and holy,
for his sake. I will justify - 11pr because she
believes in Jesus Christ.'
" This, then', is justification byfaith.
is God treating sinners fits if 0-1, es Iver:e rig ?a
eous, because they believe-in Jesus
you understand it now ,, . -
• " Oh' yes, Miss'Bell; is that all'?"
"Yes, that is what the Sonptures teach;
and now, when • the'minister preaches' about
justification by .will, 'you understand
what he means?,,.
"Yee, meare," said Ellen; 4i I think I
Wingr' ckureh, aftet
"And may God blesq you all, my dear
little girls," said the teaelier. "May you
be washed, and'justified, and sanctified; and
then, at the laSt great day, God will not look
upon your sins, but be will look upon the
face of his dear Son, who died for you, , and
he' wilysay,' ''FOr his mike, - and for his sake
alone, I will treat these pobr sinners if
they - Were 'righteous, and welcome' them to
ti e Mansions I have prepared for those Who
love me? "-:—American' Messengei%
,Countrievinil. Races-vfindia:
Whoever thinks of India as one country,
Occupieiliby 'a homogeneous population; errs
'quite as much (as he would in taking all
Europa to constitute a-Single nation,:in ig
norance of such varieties of race as the/Uzi:ins,
the Sclavic,• the Magyar and others:: -There
!Min India quite as much diversity of native
!governments, religions, social institutions,
and popular characteristics. . • ,
• But, in the first place, let us take a brief
glance at the territorial divisions of the, re
gkaa_ .neW under British sway. Most are;
familiar with the . fact that their possessions! .
inelude the three Presidenciee. of 13engal,,
Bombay, and Madras—each having, its Gov
.error-but the whole being under the Gov..
'ernoi-Genirel,' who is 'Governer of leniil
and resides at Caletatix. pr. - 13eo g a !! the
most.extendeit and of these pro-,
Vinbeii, 'there 'are four
~Oeitt. 'sub divisions
Bengal proper , lying about the lOWei Ganged,;
and'reaohing from Caleiiite heel
more than fifiyikdilions; tine
is 'lbe' ceritire British 'peak.' in Tedik.:
The North-Western Province; 'belonging to
the Bengal Presidency, erribraeniv the 're- .
gions Of . ' the , upper Ganges, 'tin& hair's
population' ofi..tiventylve"
'province, haVink Agri. for. 'its '-capitialt
and Delhi :-• for its' arsenal, is. the sea
of Abe -recent mutinies.. The- ancient: king ,
dem of Oude is in the same province.;
Stillluither to the Norili•West, intherieh:
region o'f the five
.form, - the Indus; is the .Pucjapborith
. eeedinglY vigorous : population of five . mil:.
Souk, The te r ritory ,on. ; * Eastof _the Bay:
Barmitli, completes the iiii-divisiofie of
the Bengal' Presidency. But it eheidd„ - .he
borne in mind that they are mainly
diirisions', and cover" what Mariy.
ancient' kingtoina of 'tin'relaied 'dynasties.
The entire PePirlatitin of; this Presidency
ncitlegthan - 'aefelity•siii '
' The' Presidency' of Bon3liarlieti llie
Weit and h'aii 'ii'"population
of ten Million& The Presidency Of MIMS
includes the: Eastern coast and the 'whole
Southernportion of: the Pcninsulakand.ntuti
bdrs a population of - thventy-tVo.' millions.
Adjoining these two', provinces are several
dependent s kingdoms , governed;
PiOnc-e 8 ) 1 4 1 P are substantial rulers to a cer
tam degree, maintaining armies of tbejr Own,
and.keeping rip' a* contingent foi: British ser
vice." The most important of iheie is that
of the 'Nizati, with capital ' By`der bad,
and a pepuliithin of
,ten Thin kingdoris - is 'the lithiet remaining fieguient
the' old 'Molianithedair E mpire, 'and it ii the '
Deccan; or centiti portion of SOutherit
As we go North We come to Nagpcor, an
other of these dependencies, with five mil- ,
lionsi---4walior, • with three millions--the •
Rajpoot - Siatesiwith:eightmillions—;-th e Sikh
States, Caehineretind Nepaul. The ancient !
honnda'ries •of these: kingdoms have been
blotted out, except so far as - might suit the
convenience J of. .the Y British' government.,
Jiistification by Faith
We have enumerated only a part of what,
in some time in the past, constituted differ
ent countries, as we usually understand the
word, inhabited by different races, indigenous
or foreign, and characterized by diverse
dialects, governments and religions.
In looking to the present population of
British India,. we are met with great diver
sity of estimates: Hamilton put it down at
one hundred and' thirty-four millions, and
Elphinstone at one hundred and forty mil
lions. As these estimates were made before
the acquisition of Seinde and Punjaub, we
may safely assume the entire population at
one hundred and fifty millions. Of these,
the Mohammedans number, according to
various estimates,-from ten millions to eigh
teen millions.: All the rest are llindoos,
excepting two or three millions of the indi
genous ra.oesOtrtoWn'by the most frequent
name of COolied, i !and seventy-five'. thou Sand
Parseee.: The` latter,` the, "fire,worship
pers," an intelligent and enterprising race,
who came ,into ;India from Persia.- The:
Coblies; or natives - proper; under many
names, have their history in obsectrity, and
it - is -not knovin whether they were originally
one people"or Several: The Hindoes, with r
their singular institution of caste, came into
India :from the North=, West, twelve or four r
teen, centuries , before Christ, overcame the
natives,- and. set* up distinct sovereignties.
The Mohaimmedans invaded the country—
or rather began their series of irivaiions—
in the tenth oetitttry, , A. D' 'from Persia,
Afghanistan and Arabia. It is 'estimated.
that about one : half of the ; present • Moham-'
medans are descendants of. these invaders,
and the remainder of proselyted Hindoos.
They are most numerous in the valley of the
Ganges, Where'their power was first' estah
lishecl.' The*Nizain is at present the most
important remnant. of, their power, which,
for a• long period:ruling all of. India that was,
deemed worth ruling, began to-fall to.pieces
on the deathof 'Aurufigzebe in 1706.--:- .
Boston Jourizal.,
- ' '
Lofty and :.L
- :
Mrs. Lofty keeps a carriage,
So r de 1;
She has dapple:greys to draw it,
None havo I;
She's no prouder with her coachman
Than am I,
With my bit:Li-eyed, laughing baby,
Trundling by.
I hid his face lest she should see
The cherub h r oy, and envy me.
Her fine husband has white fingers,
Mine has not ;
• He could:el; •his bride a palace;
Mine, a cot; "
Her's comes-home beneath the star-light— 4
Ne'er carest she ;
Miee'comekineth'et purple
Kisses Wet , • ,
And prays that He who turns life's, sands
Will hold-his:loved ones in his hands.
Mrs: Loftyhas her jewels,
So haVe I;
She wears ler's'nPon her bosem-- 2
• Inside, I;
She will leaye her's at Death's portal;
- By and 'bye;
I shall bear my treasure with me
When I die ;
For I have love and she has gold, '
She counts her Wealth, mine can't be told
She las those who love het—station,
None have I ;
But I've one.traeleart beside me,
Glad am,l. ;
I'd not change it fora Kingdom,
:Nopmot I;:
God Will:Weigh'it in his balance,
By and,bye, ' •
4ndthedifi,ereine :define
'TwittllrCliifty's wealth - and mine.
Remedy for the Cureullo.
The Hoosienkin and about this locality
have most of ps given up the idea of raising
plums. The - , curettlio is -the worst enemy.
The plan I am„, now pursuing is this I put
all f my plum, ineetarine and apricot, trees , by
themselves, lit them grow unpriciiedl en
rich the sell, ztaking...., care to give "the :trees
plenty of salt, Andrn a sandy soil as mine is,
liberal dressings of clay. After the trees
are large. enough .:to • bear, let the hog's use
the lot from the time the trees blossoin
the plums are ripe 1 ". 1 940 , the qees.froP l
1 - 11W - htiti sgting three or fair imallstafres
immediately iliOntthetree,apenredl3y:ropes,
as isbark or:nails; pis Most Convenient. - The
hogs will take care of all plums and their
contents as they fall, and after the first sea
kon the' phinr - brop=is sure one. .:* . -This Mode
lhas been freqtrently recommended, but- fol
lowed out in practice by but few. Whys •it`
'is so I mutt eee, for certainly it .is•
and perfectly efficacious for they fruits men
tioned above, roa well as for cherries, which
.suffer from the , curculio. A tree grown
_close to the walk or door,. where, it is fre-
Anently , fihallen by:people passing, will also
lorfect itefruitevery.year., ; There is a,tree
growing in town, planted by my brother,
(Lyman Brackett,) thirteen years ago, which
for tbe pose 'ten years has, not miased one
season, perfecting a fine crop of fruit. It is
idmost or quite in the path. The ccmsequence
is that thee - greund being hard trodden, re
fuses access to the wortno,„ if any are hatched
on the tree, and but feW eggs are depOsited
the aretring'friit, , hicause the tree is''sub
'jeeteii to frequent shakings i.)3 - r people peas-
Let all them who love gob& frnit" plant
aedording•to the 'plans above deiorilied,' and
I will warrant 'a perfect exemption from this
Rochester, Fulton Co., /ad. • •
~ , =- , + : -
4 , ., ' Tll#,,:trAlue of Indian Corn.
For ,the, following interesting 'information
. , in regard4o„this,little understood kind of Thrilling Incidentw
i food, we are indebted to Hunt's Aferchante At, a temperance meeting in Philadelphia,
Xagqgf.n,e: 1.,,,
I. . " By.thesekwho do, not know,, or witq are in favor of- wine as a drink, demonstrating
tOn,,lnent4e,.te profit by the experience of lit quite to his'own -satisfaction ' to be Scrip
''. nations of and herds of fat cattle, In- I tural, gentlemanly and healthful. ' When
diari corn, rice, buckwheat, &c., are only the clergyman sat down, a plain; elderly
considered "good fodder.' Liebeg states man arose, and asked the liberty of saying
that if we were to ,go naked as the. Indians, a few words. Permission 'beingranted
g y
or if, we were subject to the same degree ofi he spoke as follows
cold as the Sanioiedes, we should be able to 1 "A.
.young friend of mine," said he, '
consume the half of a calf and a dozen I " who had long been intemperate, was. pre-
candles at a single meal I During excessive I vailed on, to the joy
~of his friends,-to take
fatigue in lew temperature, wheat' flour fails : the pledge of entire abstinence from alt that
to sustain the system. This is owing to a could intoxicate. He kept his pledge taith-
:1 11 1: 1) 1) ::kit it iiv idl i th R s ee l f 1(
oleficiency in 'the elements necessary to sup- fully for some quic k though the struggle
ta r a D& E t z, Bi l recf:l 4 -4 , l7 Prk . 2 il l ade t Tp l , baa l2lll Ta ß v t 7 b fe —e ;
•;ply•animal heat, and the strong desire for with his habit was fearful, till one evening,
loleaginottSraubstances, under' these dream- 'in a social party, glasses of wine were hand- 1
itanoei, 1 14 led to the belief that animal ed 'around. They came to a cler man :.DP:3 &Int Green Salted P a t na g iv , T Sir ip.S .,
ltitsr,onrities Tools at thelowest 'ri arilleeB Oil ' lannee4
kkd'i l3l l,:4am riinr ,ItunlansuP port. :But •,present, :who: took a glass, aaYin g a f ew
144, x g a : ee WI Ibe given in eaFrn, e x
late scientific experiments, and a better ae- ' , words in vindication of the: ..practice. Tar:V ei l h a lVa s t ° at_t ih pit
lull:4w ) ...a with ,tha. habits.+bfaLtholoVerth 1 - L AWOII4 'thoughtqbevyoting man; 4 -iPelel.- l ' 5a4 " : 0 8 1 . 404 '
co : ln a ls. rtl RlFlSl:Le n : th l7t,o 'rao r. nu i h :i t i t l ll'b:
17145-ly F
American Indians, have shown that a vege
table oil answers the same purpose as animal
food; that one pound of parched Indian
corn, or an equal quantity of cornmeal, made
into bread, is more than equivalent to two
pounds_of fat meat.
"Meal from Indian corn contains more
than four times as much olea g inous matter
as wheat flour; more starch, and consequent
ly capable of producing more sugar, and
though less gluten, in other important com
pounds it contains nearly as much nitrogenous
material. The combination of alimentary
compounds in Indian corn, renders it alone
the mixed diet capable of sustaining man
under the most extraordinary circumstances.
In it, there is a natural coalescence of ele
mentary principles which Constitute the
basis of Organic life, that exista,in no other
vegetable production. In ultimate composi
tion; in nutritious properties,in
and , in its adaptation to the varied necessities
of animal fife in the different climates of the
earth ; corn meal is capable of supplying'
•more of the absolute wants of " the"adtilt
human system than any other single sub
stance in nature."
j. istdiantous.
A Bit of Advice.
Have you enemies? Go strait on, and
don't• mind them. If they get in:your way
walk around them, regardless of their spite.
A man that basno enemies is seldoin good
for thing-- r he is made of
,that' kind of
material,'which is so easily worked that ev
ery body has a hand in it. Sterling charm.
ter—=one who thinks for himself; and speaks
Whit he thinks—is always sure to have en
emies. They are as necessary to him .as
fresh air—they keep him alive and active.
A celebrated character, who was surrounded
by enemies, used to remark : "They are
sparks which, if you do not blow, will 'go
out. themselves." Let this be your, feeling
while, endeaVoring to live down the scandal
of those who are bitter agairst you. If you=
stop`' to dispute,' you do but as they desire,
and open the *ay for_ more abuse." Let the
peer fellows talk—there will be a reaction,
if you perform but your duty, and hundreds
who were once alienated from you, will flock
to you and acknowledge their error.
Responsibility of Subscribers.
1.. `Subscribers wile do not kiiv - express
notice, to the contrary, are conSidered as
wishing t,) continue , their subscriptions.
2. If subscribers order the disdontinu
ance of their papers, the-publisher may con
tiitte to send them until all arrearages are
3. If subscribers neglect or take
tbeir papers from the office to which they are
directed, they are held responsible till they
have settled the bill, and ordered Ihe'paper
4. If subscribers move to other, places
without, informing the publisher, and. the
paper is sent to the former direction, they
are held responsible.
5 :The Court's have decided ,
that refusing
to tali° a paper-from the office, or removing
and leaving it uncalled for, is prima fade
evidence. of intentional fraud.—/Vetospq'per
Iron and Steam in England.
Since the year 1785 there have been
made sixty, millions tons of pig iron within
the narrow space •of England alone. No
less an-amount than forty-five millions of
tons of this 'crude iron has been used in the
coniFeitive arnifdaturir'efihittriliilliehs
tons of rolled or malleable iron. This, great
manufacturing .busineSs has .consumed two
hundred 'intrten millions tons of anal—the
great source of manufacturing heat—one
hundred and thirty five millions tons of raw
ironstone,,and twenty-seven millinuslteps - of
limestone. The, business, has added twelve
millions pounds sterling to the rentals of the
'mineral owners—all out of materials formerly
hidden and useless. Steam is the great
mover 'in all this. Without its, scientifte
application as a laborioui worker, it is prob
able that the' great bulk of the ironstone,
eoal; - and lime, would still have been slum
bering in unopened - recesses 'of the earth.
ThC'same element hai giver Englaiid nearly
a 'million and a half 'horses 'power on her
raihiarys. On the ocean there are realized
'wonders of at least `equal vaule. At the
present time, there is now building the
largest, ship the world ever saw, of wrought
iron plates, such , as , were Unheard of not
,long back. This ship is the Great Eastern,
a giant specimen of, marine architecture,
,which could never be impelled along the
.waste of waters, without the untiring force
of steam. The large wrought : iron plates
forming her.structural details--twenty•sev,en
`feet long, four feet three inCes wide and one
and, a half inches thick, and weighing two
and a half tons each—are in themselies tri
rtinphs of mechanical preduction,"Whieb, the
'steam engine may be. Said alone to have
brotightinto existence.
Of prejudice it has been truly, said, that
it hati 4 the singular ability of itecomModating
itself to all the possible varieties - of the
hi marf . mind: Some vides and Passions are
bit thinly Rendered among mankind, and
'find-'only here and there a fitness of recep
tion., But-prejudice, like the spider, makes
-its 'home every where. It has neither taste
nor choice2of lodging plaCe, and allthatit
requires is room.' Tbere , is scarcely a situa
tion, except fire and water, in which a spider
will not live. So let the mind be as malted
as the walls of an empty and forsaken.> tens
ment, gloomy as a,: dungeon, or ornamented
with the richest abilities of thinking; let it
belot cold, dark or light, lonely or inhab
ited, still, prejudice, if ,undisturbed,, will fill
it:with, cob-webs, and live, like the spider,
where -there seems nothing to live on. If
'the one prepares her food by poisoning it to
her palate and her use, the other does the
same; and,, as, several of ,our ;i passions are
strongly charabterized by the animal world,
Vrejildice - may be denotninated'the spider of
the nlind.--Basil Mbn,tagize.
gymen can take wine and justify it so well,
why not I7' So he took a glass. It in
stantly rekindled his fiery and slumbering
appetite, and after a rapid downward course,
he died of delirium tremens—a raving mad
man I" The old man ; paused for utterance,
and was just able to add : "That young
man was my only son, and the clergyman
was•the Reyerend Doctor who has just ad
ddessed the assembly."
We have in the United. States about 24,-
746 miles of railroads in operation, which
cost $856,660,000, or about $35,000 • per
mile. In 1855 Great Britain had 8,295_
miles, which. cost $1,487,916,420,-,or $179,-
000 per mile. In 1856 France bad 4,038
miles, costing $616,118,995, or $l4OOO
per mile: The United: States Government
granted to various railroads during the last
five year 5 ,20,787,993 acres.
Ohio has the greatest number of miles of
railroads in operation, 2,869. New York
has 2,700, : , Illinois 2,500, Pennsylvania 2,
407, Indiana 1,806, , Virginia 1,479, Massa
chusetts 1,285, Georgia 1,092. In the
Free' States there are 17,986 miles of rail
road, to 6,490 ia the Slave States.
ART:tarns, B4ODGEILS & 00. 1
Collections Made in all the Principal Cities.
' PAID ON - TIME immix .
Corner lintrth and Smithfield. Streets,. ,
New link,' ia 4 Pr,Bm
. ' - - la 2 prier
, ,Baltimore...
, .; Cincinnati,
Ndw Or '- ' -
Pittsburgh Banks par Ohio
Philtidelphis 'Banks, par Virginia,
Other. Eastern Pa, par Indiana,
Interior Pa., „ Kentucky,
NeW England Banks, ' 8 Missouri,
New York City, par Michigan,
'44 44 'State, 81Illinois,
Kew Jersey, 3fliVisconsin,
Delaware, 3I,K. Carolina,
Balthnore; ' ' piatlS. Carolina,
Maryland, • 3lTermessee,
District Celumbia, Bpeorgia,
4 per cent. prsm.
,gold it demand at from 2to
In the almve quotations,
notes are taken as the par
Depository is now well furnished with all the Publica
tioniofthe Pieshyteriarißoard bfPublication,andesOecially
with those thatare snitablefor Sabbath , School. Librettos,
There is also a goodaupply of nearly 400 additional iOlumes,
selected. with nieciai care; front the numerous publications
of the, .*sssaShusetts S.A. Society, any : 1 1 - Antonioni S. S.
Orders front any part of the country will be promptly atr
tended to by addressing the subscriber. Money may be eent
by mail at our risk.
Also, a of stationery. • ,
wi - ENRY ROGERS, NEW woßic„—“
NE . Hr. Rogers ineeniplish orii-balieetetions, we
thelllttle douht that his name. will share with, those of
Butler add Pascal, in the gratitude and 'veneration of pee
thriWt---London Quarterly • • -•
Author Of'" The Eclipse of Faith;" , " Reason and Faith,
Their Claims and. Conflints,"„ •
12mo Cloth-- $1.25.
••' bit GiViVion". and Mr: Bakers are • one and the same
person. The. whole work is from his pen, and every let
ter' is radient with 'the genius of the author of " The
lfelipse of •Faith.”• It discusses a wide range of subjects in
the most attractive manlier. The Atonement—Homreopathy
-=-Novel "Reading—Mysteries of Providence- often . •None
language of Emotions—Job and, his Friends—Mesmerlem,
--Loss of Infants—Extetaporaneous Oookery . --Ptilpit Style
--English' , Ged-Bitinufacturens=.-Compulsory
man Pugnacity—Antediluvian Friendships—Best Punish
ment for Hipocriey—Such are a few of the many topics of
this delightful melange. It abounds in the keenest wit and
humor satire and logic. It fairly entitles Mr. Rogers to
ranicwith Sydney Sinith said Charles Lamb as a wit and •
humorist, and. with Bishop Butler as a reasoner. • •
.*The style hi' often playful, familiar, and conversational;
and 'again itiibirellY-risits to the height of , the grave and se
rious arguments:which arise from time to time. We can
consotentionelY commend it as a truly good book, contain.:
ing a great many wise, true, and original reflections; and
written:in an attractive style. We wish for . it a wide circu
lation, and hope that it may be generally read."—Han: Geo.
B. Hillard L. 1.1) in Boston Courier.
"Mr. Rogers has few, equals as a critic,nioral philosopher,
and 'defender iff trnth. He is a master of style, and can be
playful and serious, sarcastic and argumentative, as the ("cl
oud= demands. . Hiti present vollnite is full of enttr
tainniteit, and fall of food for thought to feed ou.--,.E'hao
delp/iia .eresbyterian.
The Letters are intellectual gems, radiant with beauty
and tbe lights of genius, happily intermingling the grave
and the. gay.' "--Cliristieus Observer.
"'X. E. li. Grayson,' whose correspondence these letters
purport tobe, is only a myth; his name is an anagrani for
Henry Rogers. ,But under this form of pleasant fiction,
while Mr. Rogers has again displayed that marvellous log
icallactiltY,' which In his Reviews, his Reason and Faith,
his Eclipse of Naitti,and his Essays, won for him apiece beside
Bishop Butler as 'a reasoner, and Mill as a logician, ho also die=
closes a faculty of wit and humor, which give - to his letters
(we do not hesitate to say it,) the charm of the Spectator,
the 'realer, or any of the best productions of the earlier
English Essaylets."—Boston. Traveler. •
59 Washington Street; Boston.
COLN, No. 69 Washington Street. Boston, have just
issued a full descriptive Catalogue of their publication",
withillustrations, which they will be happy to send; pre
paid, to any one dealring it for reference.
They would call particular attention to the following TAlT
ustylt, works describedio the Catalogue,
. liugh Works—Bayne'" Works—Walker's Works
—MielPs Works--Bungenses Works—Aniival of Scientific
Diseevery--Knight's Knowledge is Power—Krnmmacher's
Suffering Saviour —Banvard's American Histories--The
Aimwell Stories—Newoomb'e WorksTweedis'e Works—
Chambere Works--Harris' Works-Kitto's Cyolopmdia of
Biblical Literature
,—Mrs. Knight's Life of Montgomery
-Hitto's • History of Palestine--WhewelPs • Works—Way.
land's Works—AgassiVe Works- - Henry Rogers' Grey
son Letters—Wllliaime Works--Guyces Works--Thomp
son's Better Land—Kimball's Heaven—Valuable Works
on Missions—Haven's Men t al Philosophy—Buchanan's
Modern Atheism Cruden's Condensed Concordance --
Fadie's Analytical Concordance—Curties Progress of Bap
tist Principles—The Psalmist: a Collection of *mos—
Valuable School Books—Works for Sabbath Schools—Me.
motr of Amos Lawrence—Poetical Works of Milton, Cow
psi,' and Scott—Rlegant Miniature Tolnmee--Arrine's Cy
clopedia of. Anecdotes—hipley'a Notes on Gospels; Acts ; and
Romam—Sprague's European Celebrities—Hackett'" Notes
on Aets—lieWhorter's Yahveh Christ--Siebold and Staniar.'
Comparative Anatomy—Marco's.. Geological Map United
Statelz-Religions and Miscellaneous Works—Works in the
various Departments: , of Literature, Science, and Art.
, Sal" Gould ,& Lincoln will send any of their Works par
mall, prepaid, on receipt of the published price of the same.
I Apples of Gold; or s Word in 861111011 to Young Men
and Women. By, the Rev. Thomas Brooks, author of the
Mute Christian, As. 18mo., pp. 288. Price 80 and 35 cents.
' 11. Our Theology in Rs Developments. By E. P. Mum
phrey, D.D. pastor of the Berond Presbyterian Church,
Louisville,Kentucky. 18mo., pp. 90. Price IS and Z.)
Faith the Principle of Missions. By Thomas Smyth,
D. D., of Charleston, &nth Carolina. 18mo., pp. 70. Price
IV. Aunt
,Ruth; or, Prrsecnted, not Forsaken. By the
author of Ella Clinton. 18mo., pp.' 237. Price 30 and 35
cents. With engravings.
V. The Little Girl's Treasury of Precious Thing's. Com
piled by Annie Brooke. 18mo., pp. 168. :Price 25 and SO
. Yr: The "felon
's ry of Precious Things. Com
-piled by,Addle.Little
I Roy Bmo., 238. Price 30 and 85 cents. With
VII. Marion Ilarvia; a Tale of PL.reecution in the Seven
teenth Century. By the anther of Ella Clinton and Aunt
18tho., gp..270. Price 35 and 40 centa. With Bev
'oral engravings.
s ;VIII. The Evening Tleit. 18mo., pp. 84. Price 15 and 20
• IX. Meditations! in -Sickness and Old Age. By Baptist
Noel, M.A. 18mo., pp. 114. Price 15 and 20 cents.
' Elect Lady; a MemOir hlrs. Susan Catharine
Butt, of Petersburg , Virginia. By A. B. Tan 2andt, D.D.,
of New York. 18mo., pp. 196. Price 25 and 30 emits.
: .XI. The Refuge. By the author of the Guide to Domestic
_Happiness. 12m0., pp. 227. Price 40 cents
' XII. Daughters at School; instructed in a series of Let-
Mrs. By the Rev. Rufus W. Bailey. 12m0., pp. 252. Price
40 caulk'.
Thoughta on Prayer; its Duty—its Form—lts Sill).
jests—its. Encouragements—its Blessing& By 'Jonathan
Greenleat'pistor of the Wrillabout Presbyterian Chtirch
_Brooklyn, New York. 12mo , pp. 166. Price 35 cents.
XLV.• Notes on the Gospels. By the iter. AI,. W. Jacobus,
D' D. Together with Questions on the mune."
The Gospels are in three volumes, price. 75 •eente each.
The Questions are in four volumes, price $1:50 per dozen,
met; or 16 cents each.
P. EN LES, Publishing agent.
jgB-1 e
Na.) 821 Chestnitt Street, Philadelphia
'Am Frofessorship•ln the HotirepithiC :Medical College, hi hhiladelphia, l'fuladelphisi my-friendsin the country, wilt hereafter find
me, as formerly, itNcr; 312 Penti•SX.
• : ~ • nol4•3m*
••• z• • ! 1 •,J. F. DAUB, 'AL D.' .
. ,
I t ectONS —NNW M TOISK i 11.1" -- "t. C. 00011. BANE'S, 6 Federal Street, 'Allegheny, Pa.
' ,• 11:crown's Analytigal Exposition of Romans. . 1
'Tholuded Commentary on the realms.
- Pulpit - Eloquence of the Nineteenth Century,
• Flavel'on the Assembly's Catechient,
'Leighton on the. Lord's Prayer.
New Books front Carter's, Harper's; A. S! S;rlinion, and
xt B
Traet Society. Fresh supply of Hebrew and
Teooks, Standard, Misoellaneous, and-Noi4 _Publications,
Stationary,. iiiiihool Books, -an. -, . -
N. C. COCIMANE, Alleghe '""
hen ... a.
- Z pram
5 prem.
• ittsbuigh suFpeipled Bank
WORLD, are only etriplinge in cost, ($d te if `rit
made gunpowder proof, pi). and Ices at who:rea l - 11e
test which they have endured is unparalleled. Ti .
eat lock-pickers'in the world, stimulated by the era
'large premium for aeveral years, have sought is sai l
a clue to pick ttiem. They not only bid defiance t A.••••.'
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ing is continued to June,1.857, with ample guaranty 1 "'
world is challenged for a competitor to produce .1 ..
equal value, for five times its cost,wheth , T it is tf#.:
the epecle-vauff, night latch, or desk.
Perth Amboy.
Ka• 8. WOODBRDGE, Su:—You ham boon su
'honorable Mention, with special approbation. fct
proof Locke and Night Latches'. They were cotr•t!,ve
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Cheapest, and at the same time, the safest And 1110,1
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samaity. Yount, tmly,
SWUM. liszroosv.
Comadoidotter of Juries, Crystal Palace. Nov. 1304.
• j3 o 2'2..eowly*
[Established in 182411
BELLS. The enteseribere have aunt:tautly for sale et. rs
BELLS. pertinent of Church. rectory, Stesintadi. Lerc?r
BELLS. tire, Plantation, School house, and other 1:. , t•
BELLS. mounted in the moat approved and durable testa et
BELLS. For fun particulars RR to many recent
BELLS. menta, 'warrantee, diameter of Bells. SpeCe et et.:
BELLI. in Tower, rates of transportation, de., eetJ k.r s
BELLS. EirealrEr. Bella ter the South delivered in :ws
.BELLI3. YoOL. Add ress
POINTED Receiving Ageot and :Measurer. %r t . ;*
lowing Church enterprises. in the Synods of PITT::
The General Assembly's BOARD OF DOMEST?:
SIONS: the General Assembly's BOARD OF FlTitc . ,l::
the General .Assembly's CHURCH EXTENSIoN
TEE, (St. Lords)• and the FUND FOR SUPERAN .471,c
• Correspondents will please address him as below , AWN;
distinctly the Presbytery and Cierreft, from whicb c‘idri" .
Lions are Bent; and when a receipt is required by riiliO bt
name of the post office and Musty.
As heretofore, monthly reports will be nmdr arcrich
.Presbyterian Banner arid Adcsceecand the IThwit , :%.; kbr (l.o
Nseeed. .T. D. wiLtrAm S. Treienie!.
114 Smithfield Mien-
jonrir E. N 9 FADT/14.1N & SON, 95 IT Alit; r
STREET, Pittlibmgh, 4.„,i n " in JCJI AI: •
and 9pcor Warn
SCIENCE, a Monthly Magazine of forireight T;t 4 ;
enndunted by the Faculty of The Eclectic College cf
rlgqr,is published at Our Dib
Dollar a Year. psyable in s.iere.
The Toltinte 'f . the arurnal ”S•
Communications for subscriptinn, or for Apfpf111101)
should be directed to
•''‘' A A- Dr. CLEAVELSSD, Putllsher..
'.1'14110 Tag Reventh Stryyt,
row icirr'w cu. finti EROI2 , L
IN DAILY ATI? .N...1•; - c
end th School itcpidt: c.
Awarded to this College, by the „
Sylvania State Faits, in 1856 and r
and Ornainentil Writing.
_ _
Taught by a practical business inan,
lar work on Book-keeping as early as
Commercial College is Book-keeping t wq .b,
having an equal amount of exponencr
Business _Practice.
Pull Commercial Course, time unlimited,
Average time to complete a thorough t.
Can enteral any time—review at pleasure.
$2 50 to $3.00. Prices for tuition and
city in the Union—its great variety of MI .
the cheapest and most available point in the f,
for young men to gain a Business Education.
Specimens of Writing, and Circular, sent ile<.
Address 1 . 11, • ,
fe2l Pitt
The Winter Session, of fi:•e months, will 11,
Wednesday in November.
Napenses,for Boarding, Pool, Light and .
ebb branches, $6O per Session. Ancient 6.1;r1
gauges, each $5. Lessons on the Piano, and af , e ei
ment, $l5. Painting and Drawing, oath $5. :-
ment of $BO, will include the whole.
danyAnte connects with the cars at Ne.,,r ;
also: at Parkesbitrg, Pa. Address
J. 51. DICKEY, rr
oxford,Sept, 20, 1555 SAMUEL Blimps
the public to the
where may be found a large assortment of all
Dry Goode, required in furnishing a house,
the trouble 'usually experienced in hunting such
in various places. In consequence of our gifiaz •
tention to this kind of stock, to the exclusion'
and fancy goods, we can guarantee cur pri,e.e. 9Di
to be the most favorable in the market.
we are able to giro perfect satlefactlort, being
asTAureiran LINEN STORE IN Mt CITY, and
for mole -than twenty yearn regular inaporters.
rge the
stoo k best
o manufacture, Ireland. NV,I
of the best qualities to be obtained, and a: tiv:
prices. Also, - Blankets, Quilts, Sheetings., Ticni
mask. Table Cloths, and Napkins, Totsellings,
iltookabacs; Table and Piano Clovers, Damasks
rears, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Dimities. F•ar:.
Chintzes, Window Shadings, Ito., &c.
8. W. corner CHESTNUT an a l
ta (Successor to _Bailey tt Renshaw,)
258 Liberty Street,
Has just received his Spring stock of choice Fero;;;
les, including
150 bf. chests choice Green. and Black Tess ;
60 bags prime Rio Coffee;
25 do. do. Laguayra Coffee;
85 mats do. ;lava do.
4 bales do. Mocha do.
20 barrels New York Syrup;
5 hhils. Lovering's steam Syrup;
12- do.'prime Porto Rico Sugar;
50 bhls. Levering's double refined Stiger,
25 do. Baltimore soft do. do.
Also—Spices, Pickles, Sauces' Fruits, Fish, Escar- , '
Hams, Dried Beef, &c, wholesale and retail.
Catalogues furnished, gifing an extended list of sr
imF S CANTILE voLtßok,
° 111 LE, R
The eldeat'andmest extensive in the Union—th,tic cr,
of the kind in the State acting under Legisiathe
His Excellency, the Hon. James Buchanan, Prerhispt f 71.!
United Mates. Don. Judge Lowrie.
llon. Judge Wilkins,lion. Chas. Neylcr,
Judge Hampton, Oen. J. K.
P. DUFF, (anther of Dnirs Book-Keeping.)
T. Ileums, Superintendent. with four associate tearh. , , E
Book.Keemag, all trained for business by the Priud).'
S. 011ieCAN, (author of Dancan's Penmanship.) nlth cg
sistant Professor of Penmainidp.
Duff's System of Accounts, (250 pages.) contain::
double the amount of exercises given by other Colleg, , ,
superiority of which is attested by upwards affour •-.;
students, after 'ten - to fifteen years' successful praer, , :,
business, (Circular, p. 19;) yet the process of teaching is
perfectly matured and simplified by the experience t.t .
Principal, that students usually graduate in half the tia
required in other Colleges, easing Duni fifteen to terns
dollara in-board. Nntime is lost with capricious new ,
terns," or waiting for the teachers to write out manused,l
DUFF'S Boos-KEEPVG; Harper's new enlarged
cently awarded two First Premium Siher Medals
Pennsylvania and St. Louis State Fairs) tlitO, pcitar ,
mailed post-paid. This splendid Work ha's just tteni..wai:d
two First Premiums by the State Fairs er
and St. Louis. An elegantly-bound copy is pies. and
cry student who hereafter gratuates in the lnktitutxd.
For sale by the Book-sellers.
:Specimens of Hr. Duncan's Penmanship, and the new e
tion of the College Circular, just issued, mailed try
Address all letters to the Principal
oiasita9m EVEITELOPE mAi L: ie AC
'IL/ TORY, 55X South BOTTATII Street, berr.r
..Ermlopaa, Die Sinking nud Engraving, ~r
"'elites StimpeA. with Business Cards, llommaywm:
apes, self sealed and whited. dir' odious, Paper 134::_
culturiste, grocers, &c., for putting up garder
groceries:- •
PRINTING of 411 kinds, via : Cards,
ENGRAVINO ot Visiting and . Wedding Garth.
velopes to fit exactly, of the finest English,
American. paper;
Elitelopes made to order of any size, qualn :
cziption. Conveyancees Envelopes for deeds. t..:;:ztr
old papers,. An., made in the best manner b
N. B. Orders sent by Express, or as per agresaet ,
—JAMBS ROBB, No. 89 Market Street, betsee. t:
Market Howe and Fifth Street, *mid can the attentict
his Friends and customers, and all others who MU fats'
with their trade, that for the future he will be foe:. '
Now Shoe Stoas above, with an entirely New sl , l'
Boots, Shoes,
Gaiters, Slippers; Palm Leaf, Pecial,Tostt..r
Braid Hats, &c.; consisting in part of Gents' Fancy
Boots. Congress Gaiters, Orford Ties, kc., .te4 Ladiee,74:.,;
and - Childretia' Faney Boots, Gaiters, Ties,
beautiftd; Boys' and Youths' Dress oors, Shoes. Tar
me' stock is one of the largest ever opened in this city
embraces everything worn by the ladies of Phlladelpbi_
New York, and, ho trusts, cannot fail to please all.
care has been taken in selecting the choicest goods. t.! , .
which he warrants.
alio continues to manufacture, as beretolbte
scriptions of Boots and Shoea and his long expene=,
over twenty years in business in this city Is, he trust..:.;
Orient guaranty that those who favor him with theism: t.
will be fairly dealt with ap not
STITUTION is under the care of the Prestets:7 4
Zanesville, and is located at Washington. Ohio ce ;he ti!
tional Road, half way from Wheeling, to Zanestills:
only three miles North of the Central Ohio Rsilresd 'Dr
surrounding country is hilly and remarkable hesiti!.
A large, tasteful, and convenient bniltimi:- "
erected and furnished with suitable apparatus: the
signed devote theft- attention entirely to th. , is , • -
and all. the necessary arrangements bare heir, nip
; educating young men on the most approved prics'
The course of studies includes an English
Department, and is extensive enough to prep:.:, F*;:i F!•
'for the Junior Class in the best Colleges. S:riet ;
will be given to the comfort, manners and moral. "f
pupils, and they will enjoy the advantages of a Utast,
Society, a Library, and a Philosophical Apparatus
'Very email or backward boys are not received. nor ail .its
be permitted to remain who are either immoral, hole 4t
-or unwilling to form habits of diligent study. up thr
hand, we invite young men of cocci character and
habits, who desire a good education to St thew.
business orfor teaching; and especially pious yort :
Preparing for the Gospel ministry, whose prt.sence
Silence we highly appreciate.
Trams or Tomos.--In the Classical Department. S`••`;
per Session of five months; Senior English Deesi'•'• 4 "
$lO.OO, per Session of fire months; Junior English Dept , '
mast, $B.OO, par Session of five months.
Tuition fees must be paid in advance. Rooms and i, "-
Mg, will be furnished by rc6pectable private Stall;.'.
WM per week. The Pensions commence on the ;.ea
-day Of May and of November.
;IRV. J. E. ALEXANDER ; Prlati;-4.
J. Y. McKEE, A. 8., ASsirrant.
Weal Trny..