Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, November 21, 1857, Image 1

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fresbyterlan 81111111111117, Vol. VI, No.
"resbyterlan Advoest•l Vol. XX, Noe 4. I
DAVID IeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Her the Preebyterinn Banner and Advocate.
The Sikhs.
PEAR DR. MCKINNEY :—ln your paper
of November 7th, 1 read as follows, in the
letter of your London Correspondent::—" In
the Punjaub, Lawrence' is enlisting Sikhs,
in great numbers, who are Mohammedans,
but dissenters ; and therefore, on the prin
ciple of border hatred, are fierce against the
Delhi conspirators "
I read the 1 tters of your Correspondent
with great interest, and have no doubt of hie
accuracy in matters that are within his own
knowledge ; and I am aware that the most
caretul writer will sometimes trust to defect
ive information, and sometimes, through
haste, misapprehend a point. It is not,
therefore, in the spirit of fault-finding, that
I propose to correct the above statement. I
hope, also, by doing so, to communicate
some interesting knowledge to your readers.
The Sikhs are not Mohammedans, either'
orthodox or dissenters. They are rather
Hindoo dissenters Their doctrines are- an
attempted compromise of the two religions.
They reject Mohammed, as a prophet, and
make no use of the Koran as a sacred book;
but assert the unity of God in much the
acme terms. They reject all Hindoo mythol
oey, and worship no Hindoo gods; but they
regard the cow, and the river Ganges, as
.acred, quite as much as the Hindoos, though
probably not for identically the same rea
sons. It is pretty certain that the founder
of their religion intended to set up a pure
Theism, and that the superstitions of the
cow and the Ganges have been allowed to
supervene, being borrowed from Hindooism.
another superstition has grown up among
them, which involves their only placeilform,
and object of public worship. They have
a temple at Amritsar, in which they keep
their Book, the only copy that is of absolute
authority. To this Book they offer flowers,
grain, and money, in the same way that
worship is offered in common Hindoo tem
ples. They have no other temple, and
worship no other object, except, that on some
occasions, they sing songs of a partly devo
tional, and partly patriotic character; and
also venerate their priests in a semi-idola
trous way.
This sect arose about three hundred years
ago. The first leader wrote tracts against
Hindoo idolatry and Caste, and made many
converts to hie opinions. Circumstances
favored him. Mohammedan preaching had
produced some disgust at the gross idolatry
of Hindooism; and Mohammedan persecu
tion bad made many unwilling converts,
and bad damaged the Caste of many Hindoos.
These things had prepared many, of differ
ent classes, to join in a new organization.
Several energetic persons, of low Caste,
joined them, to raise themselves in social
estimation. When the dominant Mussul
mans wished to bring all the sect over, the
Sikhs [learners,] resisted, and even offered
to comprehend the Mohammedans in their
own system. The controversy grew sharp,
till it reached' persecution. The new
sect forsook its original, almost Quaker,
principles, followed a military priest, and
hardened into a military organization of
wonderful compactness and efficiency. It
successfully resisted the Mohammedan Gov
ernment; and finally, when the Empire fell
to pieces, expelled the Muslim Governors
from the Punjaub, and from a considerable
territury East of the Sutlej. In the course
of this struggle, both parties , became thor
oughly enraged by mutual injuries and in
sults. Where the Muslim arms prevailed,
there the Sikbs were insulted, their cows
slaughtered, and their Book and customs.
reviled. Where the Sikhs got the upper
hand, the Mohammedan call to public prayer
was suppressed, and the killing of a cow ,
was made a capital offence . In this way `s:
there grew up enmity never to be forgotten.
The Sikhs thus became a fierce, military
people, adopting polished steel as the sign
of their Caste, in the same way that the
Brahmins are distinguished by wearing cot
ton threads.
I visited the head-quarters of this re
markable people in 1853. I found their
temple in the centre of an artificial pond of
water. This pond was surrounded with
masonry banks. From one side, a broad
causeway leads to a large square terrace, or
',Worm, in the centre of which the temple
Is built, Both sides of the causeway, and
the outer edge of the platform, are orna
mented with white marble lamp posts—pil
lars of good proportions, finished with a
deep cornice, and surmounted with domes
and spires. The temple contains a large
apartment, with a main entrance in front,
and other entrances through small doors, in
the two sides, into corridors opening inward.
The Book lies open on a large low platform,
teward the back part of the room; and the
offerings of the Sikhs are scattered about it.
Two musicians sat in one of the corridors,
playing no instruments resembling the
guitar, and singing metrical compositions,
much like the Psalms in structure; These
hymns relate to the divine perfections,
and to devotional feelings. The singers told
we that this music is kept up perpetually,'
different pairs of performers relieving One-1
another at regular intervals. Behind •this
room, and with a eeparate entrance, is a
smaller, square room, in which the priests
sit and chat, and the musicians sleep when
off duty in the night, The ceilings of these
rooms are made (.1' sheet copper, very nicely
embussed with the figures of birds, flowers,
and foliage, and thickly plated with gold.
The centres of some flowers, and the eyes
of the birds, are jewels. The workmanship
is rich, chaste, and good, and the whole ap
pearance of the place, gorgeous and solemn.
The solemn ummic, the air of quiet, the de
vent and sedate appearance of the worship.
per. and the grand and rich simplicity of
c whole affair, give it an affect far more ,
;eductive and moving than any other idola
trous worship I have ever witnessed. Re.
man Catholic cathedral worship produces
far less effect on me. The outside of the
temple, and its surroundings are in keeping
with the interior, From the cornice up
ward, r Tit, and dome, and pinnaolee, are
gilded and but nished ; and so are the domes
and pineaelee to the many lamp-posts.
Nearly oppi,.ite the causeway. on the out
side of the paved walk around the tank, is
what may be caileu the Convocation House
of the sect The tit cot d story is mainly oc
cupied by a large room, at one end of which
1 ,, atlrre of tl,rtt sto p s, covered with a
ileable, dome likt camp .) . This was the
'O , l et their Guru, t,r chit f priest. when
they I, ad one. In this room they receive
converts, initiating thew with ceremonies
somewhat like baptism and the Lord's Sup.
per—that is, they sprinkle the candidate
with clean water from the tank; and give
him food, and eat with him, in token of
My visit to this place was one of extreme
interest to me. So fares I know, I was the
first missionary who had been admitted to
the place, except one who could not yet
speak their language ; and thus I believe I
was the first to preach Christ on that spot,
where he had not been named. I will
briefly describe the scene.
At the entrance to the sacred tank a
priest received me, and; brought out a pair
of broadcloth boots, for which I exchanged
my shoes. This was. because they would
not allow their holy place to be pressed by
shoes worn in any, place that arm " common
or unclean." He condUcted me through
the temple, r ind explained 'all that was to be
seen. He then' led me; through 'the lower
rooms of: the .Convocation House,and up to
the Guru's room, A crowd of Sikhs fol
lowed me, and seemed anxious to know
how I regarded their worship. On reach
ing the upper room, I asked the use of the
throne. On their informing me of it, I
told them, rather with a bantering tone,
that they had better install me in it. They
said that I might sit op it if I chose; but
that it would hurt their feelings to see
any one take that liberty -but their own
high priest. The whole scene affected
my feelings. I wished to preach to them;
and yet'did 'not know but that' any attempt
to do so 'would be resented by the crowd of
a hundred men around me, half of whom
were armed. Finally I determined to do as
I thought Paid would have done; and , I
talked . tO them a ieng.' time, nearly to this
" Brethren, if you will not be offended,'
would like to, say, something.: [Here they
asked me to Stand on the second step of the
throne, the upper step 'only being holy.]
Certainly , '" di; not wish insult you. You .
have treated' me as' -`gentlemen
-!gentlemen ought;
and ;I will treat you so. • - You know we differ
in religion. I think yon are depending, on
what will not save you. Does not your re
ligion belong' to the State ? Are not its
rites 'valid only when administered a high
Guru, who can be appointed' only by your
King ? Now, since you unfortunately quer
relied with thaEngligh, and your State has
been overturned, your King captured, and
even converted to Christianity, and your
Guru has been drowned while retreating be
fore an English array—since your prophe
cies have all failed—surely you must begin
to doubt the pernianency of your 'faith, and
conSequently its truth: Now, our religion
is of a nature to satisfy you just where
yours has failed. Oar King is. Christ ;. and
he is, our Gum ten." And from this point
I preaohed; offered to instruct them fur
ther; invited theni to follow up the investi
gation of the' matter, Sco., &o.
They heard me attentively., As these
tall, grave,r bearded, .and soldierly men lis
tened to my recital of their losses, i and of
their desolation and hopelessness a
as sect,
a sbade of deep melancholy' spread over
their faces; sighs labored out from their
broad breasts, and they assented mournfully
to my statements; but expressed the hope
that Godwould in some way raise them up
a new Gfiru, and 'direct them as to the
future. ' '
We have missions in the territory former-
ly ruled by this seat.! The people are now
attached to the plglish, and soent likely to
prove, powerful auxiliaries in restoring their
power, If special' attention be hereafter
paid to' them; as objects' of Christian effort
and prayer,' I hope that God - will allow us to
see abundant trait. Joe. WARREN. ,
Oxford, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1867.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
The Conference for 'Revival.
In connexion with the deeply solemn and
interesting objects proposedtby the ministry
of our four Synods, we have all- a prepare,
tory work to do. . God has put it into our
hearts to think of and appoint this Confer
ence. Many look for it, and for its `results,
with anxious yearning and with hope. Will
not the Lordihear from• the heavens, even
from his dwelling place, their . prayers . and
their supplications, and maintain ; their cause,
and forgive his people which have 'sinned
against him ? Shall not the fire come down,
and the glory of the -Lord fill the house ?
And shall not this be the beginning of bles
sings to the churches whose servants are
gathered, a turning from sorrow to'joy, and
from mourning into a good day? It needs,
then, that we have much prayer for these ,
ends. It needs much searching of hearts,
much confession of sin, especially sins of
the heart, and of omission, and of unbelief.
Yea, what indignation ; yea, what fear ;
yea, what vehement desire It needs much
minute and special intercession. It needs
petitions for' ministers, elders, deacons, re
ligious.tescliers,, young persons, children,
members of our families, friends, servants,
neighbors, the impenitent, backsliders and
the lukewarm, enemies, infidels, fellow-
Christians, works of benevolence, the in
crease of a missionary spirit, the glory
of the Spirit, the glory of Christ, the
glory of God, the victory of the Mes
isitih's kingdom over hell and wicked
.men, and its universal triumph from the
river whence it started to the ends of the
earth, both East and West, North and South.
Yea, what zeal I It needs increased 'watch
fulness in , our daily walk, efforts to do good
by the wayside, resistance to besetting sins,
humbleness, patience, words of fear and ad
monition to careless and prayerless Chris
tians, and to those ioing in the way to hell.
Yea, what carefulness I Such we must do,
and more, with secret' fasting, if. possible,
(Dan x : 3) if we would move the ear of
the God of Jacob, and of Solomon, and of
Elijah, and of Nehemiah, and of Daniel,
and of the Apostles, and of the Transfigur
ation, incluf the promises.—See Gen. xxxii ;
2 Chron. vi. and vii.; 1. Kings xvii. and
xix ; Neh. viii. and ix.; Dap. ix, and x.;
Acts ii. and x.; ,Luke 29 ; James iv :
8-10 ; v 16-18 ; Rev. v : 8 Szo.; viii :
3- 5. 0, are not the blessings . given 'to
'these men worth our wrestling, too ? Did
their " violence" rob all the treasures of
heaven ?
The Synods have spoken of the benefits
of, prayer among all our members, simulta
neously with those of the Conference, Dee.
Ist, 2d, and 3d. But we cannot wait till
thetP 'to begin. The windoss of heaven
have been long closed. We, wish to loosen
and .prize them somewhat,t that they may
come open free and wide, and a glorious rain
The hour of twilight peculiarly disposes
us to tender thought. It is one which many
holy men have found profitable for secret
meditation and prayer. Let each one who
rends this, devote, then, the twilight hour,
especially, to retirement, and striving with
the Angel of the covenant in behalf of the
occasion spoken of. While it may be ad
verted to in public and in social prayer, let
us beseech for a Pentecost, in our upper
room, and in the promised .power of the
special secrecy, solemnity and =fervor of
• From onr London Correspondent.
Loire of Life in India--Biitive Accounis of the Caton"-
pore Massacre—Mies Wheeler, and Frenzied Re- -
venge—Escape of English Ladiesfrom Dishonor—
Their Butchery and their Tomb—American Mis
sionaries Victims—Governor, General's Order in
Council—Lord Ellenborough's Summons 'to the
Farmers and Laborere--NecessitY'Of Militia and
Volunteers to defend England—French Envy and
Jealousy—Visit to the " Great Eastern "—Gen
eral Description—Her Launching, and her _Future
—New Edition of the Bible for Irish Romamsts—
Need of Bible Influence in Ireland—Prism Static
tics--Presbyterianiem the - most Suecessful System
—Rumored Abdication of Pius ll,' in favor of
Cardinal Wiseman—The Probable Consequences—
Rebel. Priests in India—lrish Soldiers—The Se-
pop' Notions of the Highlanderi—The Funds—
Expected NMI from India—A French View of
Eng/and's 'Mission—The Telegram" Battle--
Red Sea Telegraph--Poateeript
LONDON, October 23, 1857.
The Loss OF LIFE among officers, sol
diers, and civilians, in India, has been lam
entable in its extent. No less than ninety-
three field officers (from the rank of General
to that, of. Captain, inclusive,) had, up to the
last 'accounts, penshed by disease, by mas
sacre, or by the sword, or hostile shot of war.
Among the massacred, stands forth the name
of General Wheeler, at Cawnpore, who per
ished after being put, with a large body who
had surrendered to Nene Sahib, in boats on
the Ganges. The, male survivors of the
slaughter, there, caused by the artillery and
musketry from the banks, of the river, were
brought on shore, and were shot. A native
list, found near the Cawnpore slaughter-
house, has been published, containing one
hundred and sixty-three names, of men,
women, and children,, who Were butchered
on the night of the 16th of July. It is a
hideous catalogue, even for a stranger to
glance over. What must it be to those
who had relatives there ! It does not ap.
pear that any ladies were outraged, save,
perhaps, one young , daughter of General
Wheeler, whom a cavalry soldier took home
with him. At night, in her frenzy, `she
rose and slew, it is said, the man, his wife,
and, daughter, and then went and leaped
down a deep well, where she was found dead
in the morning. The native accounts say
that this was the means of 'saving the other
English ladies from - dishonor, as it struck
terror into the hearts of the cowardly
poys, to whom Nene 4hiP, had made over
the whole of the unfortunates. It is also
said that the lit:dies *ere inally'killed; be
cause correspondence with Allahabad, asking
for relief, had been discovered. The poor
creatures tried in vain to tie up the doors
with their torn* garments, and save them
selves. The cavalry soldiers climbed over,
and fell upon' them,' and . mercilessly killed
them. A few, indeed, were found , still
living, next morning, but were put to death.
Over them and the hapless children, Gen.
Neilraised a Memorial Tomb. To that sad
spot 'many a tearful English family, now
directs its thoughts, and thither shall many
a n mournful pilgrimage be made in , after
Grieved at heart was I to read, in the
published list of victims of massacres, the
names of four American 'missionaries arid
their ' families. With their names, your
readers must be already painfully:familiar.
The Governor. General had issued an
order, in Council, with a view of mitigating
excess in punishing rebels with death', and
making distinctions which, in time of war,
officers will find it difficult to carry , out.
The Times strongly condemns this docu
Lord EllenbOrough has published an ad
dress, calling on farmers to encourage enlist
ment by the laboring chases in the militia,
as the best and truest defence of the coun
try, and the most trusty, feeder of the regu
lar army. It is now becoming pretty evi
dent that the 'militia, as well as volunteer
corps, must be permanently kept up. In
deed, the regular training of the youth .of
our country to arms, as is so general in the
United States, would be the best, security
for our liberties, in the present state of the'
world. Europe envies England her great
ness, save, perhaps, Germany and Germans '
not ineluiing Anstria‘ It now comes out,
clearly enough, that envy is the prevailing
feeling in France. So says the Revue de
Deux gondes, a very able and temperately
conducted Review. We must; therefore, be
prepared to guard our freedom, I often
think, that ere very long, we may see at
tempts made to , make violent aggression
upon us. If Louis Napoleon's policy were
to alter, or still more, were he to die, who
can predict what would be the result? It
would, I fear, be, "Chaos come again."
The Duke of 'Cambridge has been pub
licly entertained at Sheffield. It is a place
famous for its sharp swords, it has fur
nished a large body of volunteers for India.
The Duke depreeates Vengeance, but calls
for justice on the murderous mutineers. He
pointed out, also, how, after being twice
warned by the sudden outbreak of war, for
which we' were not ready, we must, as a
nation, make up our minds to retain a
large standing army, ready for any emer
I have conversed, this, week, with the
Rev. Murray Mitchell, Free Church mis
sionary at Bombay. He does not fear 'a
general 'rising of the Bombay Presidency.
He thinks that the Sepoy Mursulmen of
Bengal, who mutinied, were morally the
worst men in India, and seemed to be shut
up in Delhi, as in a trap, to be taken and
destroyed He brougbt the claims of India
very forcibly before our Tract Society
A Reform Movement has been initiated
at Calcutta, which seeks for the abolition of
the East India Company, and that India be
placed directly under the Crown, with legis
lative councils elected by the British inhab
NanetteAer, wai closed on Saturday last,
after having furnished a view of its unique
and, unparalleled ; : Paintings, Sculpture, &e.,
to no less than one million three - hundred
and thirty-three thonsavil persons, of all
ranks and classes, and fpm every part of
the civilized world. Financially, air°, and
contrary to the - apprehensions of many, it
has been a success A sun of £lO,OOO will
remain as a surplus, after all expenses are
paid. It has done a good to familiarize
the people of the mann'facturing districts
with the works of great plinters, and doubt
less will have its influence in weaning them
from gross indulgences. Besides this, it has
raised our reputation," as i, nation, as being
really possessed of as fine sintings as are to
be, found; and for this neither er we, ourselves,
took, nor foreign nation gave us, credit
before. Long will the memory of it be
cherished. Not withont rOuciance did the
thousands . who were present at its cloqe,
turn away ; and in our hilitory it will be re
garded as the motto on its external front:ex
pressed in the poet's words : ,
"A thing of beauty, and.of joy forever."
Last week, I paid a visit to the " GREAT
EASTERN," which is now called the Eighth
Wonder of the world. On my arrival at
Mill-Wall, I found a great number of re;
spectable persons, some of them Frenchmen,
or other foreigners, waiting it the gates of the
great yard, until the one o'clock bell, dis
missing the workmen to dinner, should give
the signal foi the adniiiiion of visitors.
Each person having paid' half a crown, we
entered the vast yard, over which boilers,
funnels, &a., were to be"seen, and on the
Western edge of which, libutting on -the
Thames, lay the mighty Leiiathan, now fast
approaching completion. Seen thus, in re
lief against the sky, the shilt-although there
is not any special graCe Cr:Beauty about her,
save to a professional eye; is very imposing.
She is entirely oomposeflof iron. She is 680
feet, long, 88 feet broad, end' 58 feet deep,
from the deck to the'floor' of her hull. Her is' 22,500 tons, 'and her weight
12,000 tons. The motivelripewer will ant
both by a screw, and twos paddle wheels.
The former is 24 feet, and 'the latter 56 feet
in diameter. The four engines to propel
the paddle wheels, are equal to 1,350 horse
power, and the four engines to propel the
screw, are equal to 1,700 horse power. She
will have five funnels conneeted -to ten boil
ers, and six masts, which will' carry acres of
canvas. Four of her masts will be of iron—
the two next 'the stern - and'compass will be
of wood. The crew will consist of five hun
, dred seamen. ' How many boats shn wilt
have, is not stated, but she:will have, abaft
her paddle bOx, on each side,` screw steam
er one himdred feet long. -
This wonderful vessel is fitted to carry
12,000 tons of coals, 'B,OOO tons of Merchan
dise, and 4,000 passengers:: it is believed.
that great economy will result from her
capacities as to coal, ;`as there will be suffi
cient stowed away to carry • her round the
world, say to Anstralialndhaek, which'svas,
and may be still,. her final deignation. , ijer ,
`trial trip will be Mille - te. - New tail - Of - -
It was interesting to observe the vast
number of workmen pouring down the great
staircase `• which stands against the side , of
the ship, as well as descending by other
means. The workinerr amount •to sixteen
hundred. Ascending to the deck, we found
ourselves on a vast urea, part 'not yet'covered
in, and revealing the depths of the capacious
hold, the separate rooms and-cabins, and
'the berth-rooms now being fitted up. There
are two lower decks, Whioh - seem as' bridges
or stays; and the main deck, (which is to be,
covered, with teak wood,) is similar to the
hull—cellular in Construction, being in twee
parts braced together, making a fabric of
immense' strengthl::: She Will the.strong
est ship in existence, being built upon the
principle of a hollow iron , beam. There are
ten water-tight compartments; and three
longitudinal bulk-heads, • also water.tight. ,
She is, in fact, a daub/6 ship, complete and
perfect, the internal lull being supported
by boiler-plate stays, 'three feet.deep; and
about the same distance apart, and riveted -
with angle iron. joints, to the, external_
hull; thus forming a cellular' piece of work
similar to the 'Menai Bridge, in Wales, and
as strong as solid iron!
The whole r ship will be lighted with gas,:
and-when folly equipped and manned, with
thousands of living beings—a little world,---
on board, she will certainly exhibit the won-.
derfrd results of modern science, as Well as
of enterprise and capital: I. could not help
wishing she had= been ready to take , three 4)r
four regiments toindia. Her speed will be
equal to seventeen and - a half miles,an hour,
and thus she could 'reach Port"•Philipi
thirtv-six days.
The great anxiety a visitor fells is,
whether this vessel cart • ever be lannehed.
She rests on two large• cradles of , wood, , and
will glide into the water side-on. ,When
light, she is. , to draw _sixteen feet;:when
laden, thirty-six feet. If .turned into a.war
ship, she would-be most formidable. - Her
bows; a knife, , would eut.through
any ware vessel, however , large: But a
broadside would 'certainly damage her:
terially. Let ,us hope..that. a grand , and
peaceful career, promotive •of Christianity
and commerce, is before the , Great Eastern.
The '3d day of November is fixed for her
being launched.
A new edition of the ROMAN CATUOLIC
BIBLE has been recently.published in Dublin
at the price of three, shillings each copy,
and with a recommendation from the Irish.
Bishops that, it slaMild' be studied ,by 'the
faithful.: Of this singular proceeding of the
Romish Church, the AOlin Christian Ex
aminer says : " Li has been forced upon her
by a pressure she could no longer resist ;
and with her usual craftiness she makes a
a virtue of a necessity ... 'lf the present re
formation movement. -Ireland, effected
no more, it has unqueitionally, under Ood'u
providence, accomplished this. It ; has
brought about an unheard
. of event in the
Church of. Rome—a cheap Bible, publiely
and openly commended to Roman. Catlielice
by the dignataries of that Church."
That there is much* need of Bible in
fluence in Ireland,' even in a social point of
view, is evident from the Report of the In
spector General of ,Prisons in 1856. Out of
48,446 culprits, as . Many as 42,814 were
Papists Of the reineining, 4,589 were
Protestants of the Chinch of England and
only 944 Presbyterians. Let it be remem
bered, as illustrative“ of the efficiency of
Presbyterianism over Episcopacy, that Epis
copalians are only a little more numerous
than Presbyterians in Irelarol, and y e t that
the latter show a favOrable 'superiority'in
referenec to crime of about one to five, while
Romanism furnishes ten times as many crim
inals as both put together. The failure,
too, of Popery to prevent crime, is because
of its essential incompetence. It possesses
not,.ur at least it uses not, .the ennobling
and sanctifying influence of the truth, for
the education of a nation's conscience. It
leaves its votaries to their own carnal corrup
tions, and under the tyranny of a degrading.
and demoralizing superstition. ,-Whereas, in
the case of Protestantism—having the open
Bible, and the pure Gospel—when it fails, '
it is because it is not always faithful, an&
because also that education, saturated with
a pure evangelism, is not brought 'down to
the lowest elass. Intemperance also, _au&
party spirit, from ,which some so-called
Protestants are not , free, often make rmsu
commit acts which render them amenable to
the penaltieti
14 . c treitrutirseordivieratiztatwritiaindr -,
are lat :this ,moment .in session in Paris.
What the nature and results of, the conslarye
are, has not transpired.
The - Mortiing Star has a, mirioUs para
graph to the effect that it is numored iii
Roman Catholic circles "that- a SUMMONS
has been, received , from, Romp byCardiataX
Wiseman, which, if complied with, will ele
vate the Most Reverend Di: Erringion
Archbishop of Trebizond and Coadjutor of
His Eminence, to the purple." It is added
" that the Cardinal need not comply
the command. He. is a prince ,of the
Church, perfectly independent, of 'the Holy
See, so far as its territorial jirisdiction ex
tends; but,' in welinformed Catholic cir
des it is-Mated that the Pope is anxious: to
abdicate his sovereignty, and looks to Car
dinal Wiseman as the only person worthy to
succeed him."
Whether this is, as the French say, a
canard or not, one thing is certain, that the
Cardinal,-by his malignity and , his folly, has
made England almost " too hot to, hold
him." fie is one of the vainest men : living,
and doubtless would like ; ,the world to toe-
Have that he was to be the neat Pope, and
that Ping IX. was even-willing to 'abdicate,
if he wok, certain' that Wiseman would ac
cept the tiara! 'Supposing him to become.
the Pontifix Maximus, it seems almost cer.
Min that he 'would embroil Europe,. ere
long, and out of spite and bigotry would de
light to hound on the despotic Powers uplift
England. in that ease, it Might prove that
,Wiseman was tube the. last of the Popes,
'and ,S 0 over his tomb might, appear the
.appropriate motto, " FINIS ,
eentlylntblished, has a statement from the
'diary of that'eminent officer, that he found
Revers" of the Romish chaplains in India,
no,better thou ": rebels;" and that nothing,
but military-discipline over the Romish sol
. diem, counteracted the evil. influence.'' To do
the Irish pliasaniry jUstice, they make not
the- world, unties when tampered with.
Popish chaplains, however, even-hot, from.
Maynooth, are too cowardly and cunning, in
general, to venture on sueli perilous work.
Referring to HIGHLAND Somuxas in In-
dia, a beautiful instance of humanity, , on the
part, of one of these heroes, comes out in a
letter which I en4cose. A true Highlander
is a mixture of the lion and the lamb. The'
terror inspired by the =approach of these
splendid troops, : among Ate:,mutineers at
Delhi, and the native description of them,
with the reference. 'also to the bag-pipes
played during a battle,* 'may -well . exciter a
smile:' They describe them as "men of un- ;
common size,,and, each of ,them equal .to,
hundred natives. They are all cantiiikals,,
and rush into a battle as to a banquet; and
whetaighting,'sweet (I) Music issuis from,
assong-thens, and the enemy falls down pow-.
edeso-„, - =,
for with anxiety. The money market, is re
covering from the first effects' of the news
from the United States, althongh the Bank
of England has raised its discount to eight
per. dent. But if there is good news, two
or three days hence, from the-East, the funds
will rise considerably God grant that the
crisis may soon be past, and that when it is
over, we may kive, as a natien, wisdom and
grace to arise to the mission so' long neg
looted, to which Providence by such a sol
emn; rebuke for a guilty' past, now calls
How:impressive and suggestive is the follow
mg passage from the Revue de Deux Honda.,
already ,referred to!
"Fusion. is impossible in India, between
the christian and the Mussulnatin; one must
give place to the other: Underneath these
religious or social castes, which at this mo
ment last in a final and bloody
convulsion, there 'are millions 'of 'creatures
who pass through life , in derknesi, oppres
sion, and bestiality, sand who' are waiting
for ; ray of light.
_England ?sal care of souls ; she must
remeinber her charge when she has re-con
quered India, Then she will acknowledge
that instead, of abusing the intervention 'of
her mislionaries, she would have done better
to acknowledge and support it. There is in
this act of immense ingratitude;
for we aak what would England be without
the Bible. ?"
A very =tieing, though learned battle,
has been raging (and rages still,) in the eel
unnis'of the Times, with regard to the new term
'‘‘`Txdotitaiii," which 'has come into official
use lately, as eipressive of the summary of
'news brought by the telegraph. The in
'venter of-the word is Professor Wheatstone.
It was once assailed Out came a reply,
signed by ";Telegram:" himselfiasking why
he had note as good a right to live. as
his kinsmen, "_anagram," 4 , 4 monogram,"
&e. Then rushed into the arena the pun
dits of Oxford and Cambridge; one, Party
making out that the Greek idiom would not
sanction any other wordthan "telegrapketne."
Whereupon, by an imaginary dialogue be
tween a street passenger and a telegraph
office messenger : boy, the latter staring when
asked "what teleraphente has come to
day," the , " unextingnishable laughter of
gods and men" is raised against that un
fortunate intruder and' "telegram" holds
the field.
What is better than this dispute about
words, is the fact that, ere, long, D. V., we
shall have a telegrapii line to India, by the
way, of , theAed Sea., :
P. B.—The . King of :PrOsElia .100 overs
very slowly. , The,idea of AROgeney, in the
person of his brother,,gains ground.
Synod of Northern Indiana.
This Synod met in South Bend, Ind., on Thurs
day, the 15th of October, and was opened with a
sermon by Rev. W. Y. Allen, of Rockville. Rev.
A. C. MoCleland was chosen Moderator, and W.
S. Wilson, and H. L. Vannuys, Clerks. A por
tion of the time was spent each day io devotional
exercises, and there was public worship every,
evening. The affairs of Hanover College, and 'of
the Theological Seminary for the North West, en
grossed most of the time and discussions of rthe
Synod. The following was the ,action of the
Synod with reference to, the College :
L The Synod approves of all prudent efforts
on the part of the Board of Trustees ,to lesson
the Current expenses of the 'College; trusting to
the wisdom of the Board that there will• be. no
such retrenchment as will seriously affect its ed
ucational interests.
11. We approve of the present .disposition of
the chairs of instruction, and ofthe g?vernment
the thityl iN,9deVattiieltd4,
'visable"tio'dilipenseWithAin fieting President:
diligence :of; the Li arias :and, the
Profaner of Natural Soienee in putting the hbh
ry and apparatus in'auch excellent' order, ive can
not but,commend. .
IV. We hereby express our gratification - that
all the Professors have so faithfully discharged ,
the duties of their respective Chairs, and that ;
such an excellent ; , of obedicime to law, and
of attention 'to Study, yea marked - the 'students'
That one half' of the students are disciples:of
Christ is a.,very gratifying fact, which gives high
promise of gocid to the Church. We'also express
our sympathy with , the !brethren off the. Faculty,
who have ;labored for the Church
,so faithfully,
and yet have been remunerated so inadequately:
V. Di plating With the venerable Hey: J. F.
Crowd, D. D., Professor of Political Economy,
History, Logic, &c-, we can not but express' oar
high' regard for hid'valuable '
'serviees and it rest
sacrifices for, the College for more than thirty
years. , , Andthe Synod beg leave to assnrei this
father in Christ; that fie carries wi th 'Maui into
Ids retirement,..'our fervent prayers that the cies
ing years of his life may be spent in the enjoy.:
ment of the covenant blessings of at covenant
keeping God. • . ,
VI. -That the endowment fund has been raised to
slo,ooo,ind the College edifice so far completed`
as to be oentipied, are to the Synod matters , of
- devout God.
VII. While these things afford abundant`graund
for thankfulness find encouragethenti still the
financial embarressments , of the College fill the
mind of the Synod with the deepest solicitude.
To be birdened'irith a debt' of -such Magnitude,
some of the &Maids of which are SO imperious,
in the,midst of such a commercial orisis,.should
lead ns to feel that our hop& is in Goeslone.
His-past signal blessings to this institution; for
bid the doubt of his interposition new,-howeverdark and threatening xneY be' our proofoecte.
is consecrated, religi'otts, it is Presbyterian,
it is our only College., It has been an agency
potent for good in the past history of our Pres
byterian lielying upon his arm; in whose
hand are, the 'hearts And the wealth of menove
will, with renewed , purpose and energy, give our
selves to the 'work 6f extricating the College from ,
all its embarrassments:, And'for the accomplish
ment of this, we heartily approve of the 'deter
mination of the Board; to send out an' agent as
soon `as the >Monetary condition of , the coiintry,
will permit it. And we do, pledge eurselveta that
we will afford such agent all the aid in our power
in advancing this work. And as a Synod we ex- '
hart all the members .of,mn- churches. for the
- M
Mate of the honor of itt PittSbytelian Zion and
VCrrthirilirrir'ef ZiksdP helplikeerfallyalberVrj - r
and 'prayerfully in. removing the ,Intrden under
which our College' has . been laboring for
and WhichiMearipided its energy andihreatened
its ruin. -,, • , ~„
Resolved,' That we receinmend - to all our miia:-
isters frequently to remember - the interesti , of
this Institution in their public prayers on the
Rev. E. W. Wright and W. M. Donaldson were
elected Trustees of the College`for feur years.
The following was the action of SiMod with
referenee to the Theological Seminary
Resolved, That we approve of; the action of the the loontion of i the institution, and the
appointment of agencies, and cOrdially commend
the Ben:diary to the lierievolenee prayera of
our churches.- ,
R ,
esolved, That. we approve of the election of
Professors to fill the different' chairs of 'instruc
tion in the institution. - - .
Beysived,,That while we desire to confide in the
discretion of thi Beard in referenceto the nem'.
sary buildings fOr the Seminary ;- yet in view of,
the difficulty of raising funds, for the erection_ and
endowment of our bistituticins, We , can liot
prove *of the plan presented in their.ltepork be
lieving it to involve unnecessary, expense, and
thereby embairasit the whole enterprise. -
Resolved, That we recommend that the felicity=
in& addition be made to: the comfit:Won the
other Synods concurring. (This action is simply,
adopting the recommendation of the Board, and
putting the Seminary under the riegacive.pentrol
of the General. Assembly.)
Resolved That in the paper on Slavery
, submit'
ted by Bev.' Dr. ldaohlister, we, do not see any
thing inconsistent with the position Of the Pres
byterian Ohurehl on that subject..
Resolved, That ,in reply to the overture from
the Synod of lowa, we would express our opin
ion, that, the' constitution safftclentl3r prevides 4 for
the admission' of new Synods to the dlr.' action aid
control of the Seminary. ; •
Rev. Did Hwglies; J. C. Brown, Jas. B. Crowe,
and Messrs. J. 111. Ray, and Jesse L. Williams;
were re-electedliireetors. ' • ~ .,
A. minority of the Committee presented a re
port, proposing to put the Seminary entirely un
der the control of the General iseembly.-
A motion to substitute this for the reportpf the
,was lost,. and #ie following -iirotast
mitted to record
The undersigned plytest against the action of
Synod in refusing to adopt the minority report of
the CoMmittee on the North-Western Theological
Seminary. Ist Because this refusal implies awant
of confidence in the' General Assembly. 2d. Be-
cause it is calculated• to impair the confidence of
the whole Church in _ the ,Seminary._
P. P. Cu resins,
. ,
Overture No. 1, being a request , that the Board
of Ftddication issue in permanent form_ of
ters of Rev. 'l).r. Fairchild ton the subject of RaP
tistn,, lately published in the Presbyterian Banner
and Advoccgte, was adopted.
The following was. the, notion of-Synod with
reference to Domestic Missions :
1. 'ln view of the eiabarrassed state of the pe
cuniary matters of the Board, Synod Would,re
commend that collections, betaken up in all our
churches at as early a possible.
2. Synod recommend "the greatest care it - ap
plying to the Board . for' appropriations, and" that
the churches use' their', utmost efforts-to support
their ministerrs.
3. Synod wonldnlso. enjoin upon the Presby
larks to unite, in all possible cases, feeble church
es, so that thus united ; they may become self-sus
Claims were presented' by the Trustees of:Our,
College, and the Directors of the llendruirjr, 'for
expenses amounting to one hundred aid thirty.
six dollars, and one hundred and two dollars were
paid in and disbnreedpraratp. , -
An assessment of Eve cents per, n tioni t er
ordered to ,defray this exPlMse for,Am4nening
year, and Synot%njoined t the y'rephyteries to
take action.' to secure theeoligoqon of, :this
. _
-; The following resoliitioae.itere adopted: , ' ,
‘ J.
~' Ranked, That is a gynott 4.a rejoice to hear
, rota ifkagentf i ßeY• - Mr.:Ayres that the America
. ,
Philadelphia, 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut
By Mail, or at the Moe, $1.50 Per Tex' , t SEE PROSPECTUS.
Delivered in the City, 1.15 "
S. S. Union is Etill efficiently engaged in the or—
ganization and sustentation of Sabbath Schools in
places where otherwise the., youth would be left
destitute of this means of grim, and.we cordially,
commend this institution to .the sympathy and
prayers of our. churches.
.Reaonled,. That we extend to the Union our deep'
sympathy in their present difficulty" arising out
of the defalcation of a long tried and hitherto
trusted officer.. ~
It was enjoined on the Presbyteriee, to: take. such
action as will secure a fuller attendenoe of ruling
elders in Synod.
• The thanks of the Synod were offered to the
citizens, of, South Bend for their generous hospi
tality, and to,the several churches for the use of
their houses of worship.
An unusually large number of corresponding
members were present, and all the discussions of
the 'Synod were conducted with great harmony.
A very interesting lectnra upon the existing
.„state: thimln North. India, was delivered by
".. 7 . •
inropriate sermOn On Foreign M i ay
night, by Rev. John C. - Liroviii, D. 1).
,Seyeral appropriate , addresses were made at the
anniversary of Domestic Missions, on Sabbath
afternobn, and sixty dollain f and fifty cents col
lected to make our worthy Moderator,tßev:A. C..
McCleland, a life; member of , the Board.
The weather was pleasant,, our entertainers ex
celled in kindness, and all things conspired to ren
der this a meeting of Synod long to be ;remembered
with pteaenre.
Synod adjourned on Monday evening, to meet
<in LoganspOit, on the Third Thursday of October
next, at 7 o''cleek, P. M. E. W. Wanltri,
~:t.l:l:7.4yiY:;r)7i~J:/>f:YJ.lJ:~t}.i:]:iN(tlo3: ~
During the past year, through a good Provi
dence, the churches within our bounds have enjoyed
such general health, and have received so bounti
fully of the fruits of the earth, as to call forth
our earnest and 'grateful acknowledgments.
The ordinances of the, house of God have been
maintained with their usual •attendants, through
out put bounda, alnico' our last meeting, and in
many instances, the brethren have reported at
tendance and interest rather increasing than de
-alining, Some of our churches seasons of re
ligious interest have been enjoyed; in others, ad
ditions of a, gratifying character have been made;
while many. of the brethren lament the small re
sults of labor in the growth of the Church.
In regard to benevolent -contributions, the
churches report that,the,-pltut , of the Synod has
been: generally adapted in its substantial features ;
that it has usually resulted in increasing contri
butions, and that the zeal of the churthes to sus
tain our, Boards, is steadily advancing. Yet we
are eonstraitied'ic acknowledge that very much
remains to be done upon this behalf; and we feel
that the.duty of Christians to contribute cheer
fully and liberally to'the schemes of the Church,
should be renewedly and sealously urged.
But,. brethren; do not. feel satisfied with the
state of affairs within and around our churches.
We' have'kept ur; our sanctuary , services, our
Sabbath Schools, our prayer-meetings, and our
pastoral visitations ; in many of our families, re- -
periodicals arecirenlated, and the duties
of -family' piety maintained. Yet we have too
good, reason to fear that, in the Church, the spirit
of "PtaYer`iii tmt in feeble exercise; too-little en
ergy islshovnt in carrying Inward our , Sabbath
Schools; and, ,other_ aggressive enterprises ; g r ad
brit that"itbe vrbys 'o Zion
ntliiinirw-tciffiliy of oir`fecagregationsieentinue
tofeel, the enfeebling effectsof, emigration ; and
the disconraging influeneepriniuced by this and '
other causes, open, the Support of , the ministry
in our field, is 'eniatter bOth.ticir knmiliation and
alarm. ; ln-the world around, the tares scattered
by the reat enemy, spring up to choke the word
and render it unfruitful. We have reports of the
increase 'of, Sabbath desecration; intemperance,
worldlineef, indifference to religions truth, and
desolating error.
It would: be =thankful to God and spirt from .
his truth,to.. affirm that the influences of his
Spirit are Withdratirn from our chirthes. - But
shoul say that we have oceesiototo mourn
over Avila, the chief cause of which lies in our
own unfaithfulness When: this pecidiar - state of
things" &Mid: itrointd the :Church of Christ,
that in the midst, of a . population advaneing
numbers, in wealth, and in general intelligence,
thereis no manifest adiatice abilitrtodsup-
Porethe instibition& of the Church; noinxident
growth in , the size of our churches, and no en
couragii% repoite that even oir`own;childien are
carefully taught, and. 'sedulously -gathered into
' the fold of the. Redeemer
Redeemer ;_and when, in contrast
wititthis, wtplace th e teachings of God's Word
afidiiiiinidencei:hfrilie4recnivott:/hrhiC of. the
power, of this Spirit, ,and of . God's willingness to
give efficiency:to our labors, we certainly should
feel that . solemn Tespotudbilities rest• upon u&
seems a time for us to seek the .Lord,, Lord, to, own
humbly our
_remissness in duty, the weakness of
our faith, the:languor of oar lore. If he with
draw his Spirit's influences because of our defec
tion!, it is enCouraging to know that he freely
grants grace to the humbling, the believing,
the prayerful. W,e have every reason lo; seek
him who wants to be gracious, and who has
sworn by himself, to promote that very cause for
whose success we. pray and labor.
The state - of things 'Ta, mest!). around us, sim
ultaneous 'With - the dbmilibuS tidings from our
missionary brethren,ds not ~ .conftned to our- own
Synod. The brethren of other Synods mourn in
the same way ' ; 'fluff softie' Oethe Synods to the
Bast of Its, have:called theirchurebes to solemn
,pruyer. before God, , and to counsel •tegether for
the revival of piety. Such means' of grace have
'been'wisely and profitably employed in 'past time,
,and there seems ran eminent propriety that this
,Synod adopt ,them.
In reference to these - matters, the Committee
proposed the , following resolution, which was
adopted: -
ResOlved, Thatin view`of the recent news from
bidiaisthe Serionaluterroption of the missionary
work, the massacre and peril of our bretbrrtotpd,
the loss sf labor and property ; 'in view: e(-the
'declining state of our (dawdles; theutsgleithf re
ligion on - th&part of ao many around !is, and the,
growth of dangerous error; in view of 'the 'wee.-
- 'titles of the rising *Oration, and ft:lilt:Operant.
neglect of family, religion{ in; many of ',our ? house,
holds; this Synod would appoint the second Fri-.
day in December nat.; as a day of aolemn fasting,
humiliation, and prayer, -to be observed in our
churches,-and wmdd earnestly ealkttpon our peo
ple, as nriolitei'Pottidble,in devtitilhat day to the.-
-public mid private services of. Divine- wershik to.
the end, that God may forgive our pact. ,daficten
cies, may ins p ire people spirit of grace
and supplication,•May;deliver our brethren from
peril,- and oyerrnle themitations and violence of
the heathen Bkr the blibnitte furtherance of
the . Gospel; InsY'visit4nrif niilies and bring our
( children under the influenes.sf his saving. grace,
and may waken in au our communities, such an
int-tweet the'itesichitteri-of the; Gospel as shall
result in, ehei sttlystion,p, imam souls, and the
glory of his great ntune. •
• , 11:
NOT tbe Preabyterien Banner and AdreeldiL:
ALGONA, KOssuth Co., lowa, ' Oct. let, 1857.
31 tr •
'Env. L". , b::—Dear Brother
Periainuit, - throughtyour "paper, to acknowledge
the receipt of arrel,eahle heNef *thin& ihtlet the
Ladies' Missionary Society of the First Preoby
teritin Chimeli'of Pittehtn•gh, for whiclitherfiamt
our most tcoo4 l , .that..dta ,, , :The im. time wh such
gifts are received are among. the Mussy days of
• zoiBaiona4life'rfOr' iv& thus •hare many Of4o2lP_
temporal manta supplietLiand are s,t,the same tiice,
assureil that we are remsmbered at !I' thr8eIll• op
itiQ,e*'otheirs: iiticht`adtst; as they doubt,
originstein mdasirmttamidvanee the iltilideetWe
itingdoroonnst,be melt pleading, to.flokiad s h a ll
nbilbse their thietie rid friend
thwillaliariniefo*oPrwaialre - eIeZ L 1 1 1 01444 lannifold
q more, Welt Mena time, . gilek In-teeygorld .to
some life, everleattng, is.titaninssre`dasire of
2. d- .op,a &Aka : a t
Sbitvi Clerk.