Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, October 31, 1857, Image 1

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    P....'.i.R.E5.'..11 . .Y1ER1:.:.A.N . .....'....', 1 8HANNER , ...........:.'.',..&".........' , .. , ''...ADV....0CAT.E.
prombytorloo Banner, Vol. VI, no. G.
proglirterion Advocate. Vol. XX 110. 1.1
DAVID MeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
t)riginal *lottrl).
A Song to the Heart.
'T is not to beauty's fading charms,
With winning airs or jewels decked;
'T is not to fashion's graceful forms
I'd tune my song in full respect.
'T is not to learning's high renown,
Nor yet the pomp nor glare of State;
Nay ; though its owner wore a crown,
Or stalked through earth a hero great.
'T is not to titles, not to rank,
Nor all the wealth of England's Bank;
Nor to that friend who grasps my band,
With words, and smiles, and courtesies bland:
Bat to the Beast—the kind, the true,
In friendship firm through ()hanging days;
To this I'd give devotion due,
And pay the tribute of my praise.
For this I' d take sweet poesy's lyre,
And strike aloud its sounding chords
For this I 'd light a vestal fire,
And kindle thought to burning words
For this au angel's harp might ring,
A lover's hopes might rise divine,
And hearts responsive gladly bring
Their offerings to affection's shrine
Pittsburgh, ]857.
For the Preebyterien Banner and Advocate,
Evidences of Regeneration.
_Letter lll—Certain Evidences.
[By a mistake, letters Xt. and XII. ap
pear before VIII., IX. and X. We regret
the disarrangement; but still, the senti
ments are so orthodox and spiritual, that
each, letter speaks for itself.—ED.]
Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and be
In us, because he has given us ofhis Spirit. —l.
Joss iv o 18,
IVIY DEAR FRIEND :—Regeneration is of
God Its evidences are Divine. We enter
now upon the consideration of what are cer
tain signs of regeneration And here, as
was said before, the first thing to be ob
served is this : Regeneration is from heaven;
it is being born from above, being born of
God; the agent is the Holy Ghost; and
hence, as the thing itself is of God, so the
evidences of it must be Divine in their ori
gin; they must partake of the nature of that
about which they testify. Those things of
which I have spoken as uncertain evidences,
may or may not be of Divine origin ; they may
be of God, or of man, or even of the devil;
he may counterfeit them. But the certain ev
idences can not be counterfeited by Satan.
They are Divine in their origin; God is the
author of them, as he is of regeneration itself;
they are proper and legitimate effects and
results of hie Word and Spirit The truth,
in regard to the importance of which I have
spoken, is the means by which they are
brought into existence, and the Spirit of
God is the agent. These evidences are the
fruits of the Spirit; they are the effects of
regeneration; and as a tree is known by its
fruit, so is regeneration known by its effects.
When there is a new birth, there is a new
life; for if any man be in Christ, he is a
new creature; old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.-2. Cor.
v: 17.
‘i Many persons are deceived through a lack
of knowledge. * * * The awakened soul
is in a very critical condition. If there is a
knowledge of the way of salvation, it may
soon find peace in believing; but if it be ig
norant, it is liable to take up with a false
hope. * * There are many erroneous no
tions entertained respecting religion. This
would not be the case if all parents were
faithful in the religious education of their
children. It is true that feeling is necessary
to religion No one can repent without
feeling; no one can love God without feel
ing; no one can trust in Christ without
feeling But the feeling must be the result
of a knowledge of religious truth. Mere
blind feeling, whether of sorrow or joy, is in
itself of no avail. The feeling, which is the
natural consequence of a perception of the
truth, is the feeling needed in religion."—
See Evening Visit, published by Presbyte
flan Board of Publication
There must be knowledge, and in order to
this there must be truth—a system of faith.
With the Christian, " his feeling is the re•
atilt of a knowledge of the truth." He feels
because he knows and believes. His faith
is not dead; it is active, it is emotional; it
reaches his heart; it moves, it purifies, it
elevates, regulates, and controls his affec
Religion consists very much in right af
fections, and in their right exercise; not
merely in right views of truth, but also in
right feelings produced by the truth. Are
your affections right? Are they rightly ex
ercised ? Are they placed on proper ob
jects? And do those objects call them
forth in a proper manner? And can you
see in this that they are renewed, and purl.
fud and elevated by the truth and Spirit of
God? In the fact that your affections run,
not in a world but in a heavenly channel,
is it seen that they are Divinely excited ?
And that whereas they were once earthly in
their origin, and eim, and tendency, now
they are Divine and heavenly ? Earthly . ob
jects are all around you; once you chose
and delighted in them; God's truth pre
sents heavenly objects before you; has his
Spirit fixed yuur affections on those, so that
you now choose and delight in them ? Love;
is God now the object of this affection ? Do
you love God, and delight in him? So it
was not with you by Datum au+.; if you have
love to God in yeur soul, it is because the
Spirit bas renewed your heart This aifee
tiou—love. to God—is heavenly in its origin;
it is a fruit of the Spirit, and hence an evi
dence of regeneration. And so of all the
affections. It is the Spirit's work to set
them right; and if they are right, why
then, the heart is renewed. This, you say,
is the very thing you want to know. Very
well; all I wish you to remember just on
this point, is, that the certain evidences of
regeneration are of Divine origin ; and
hence they accord precisely with the teach
ings of the Scriptures, and they are not de
pendent for their existence upon outward
eireumstonces, but upon God's truth and
Spirit. Hence, they are found more or less
clearly wherever the heartis renewed, wheth
er in the field, the shop, the way.side, the
closet, or the great congregation, though the
subject of them may not always at first be
fully aware of their existence; for the king
dom of God is within you, and it cometh not
with observation.—Luke xvii : 20-25. In
the examination of those evidences, and in
trying ourselves by them, the Scriptures
must be our guide, as the evidences accord
with the Scriptures, and are indeed taught
us in the sacred record. Hence, from the
very nature of regeneration, as well as from
the means and the agent, we may learn
something of the evidences of it. By nature
we are blind; regeneration gives us a capa
city of spiritual perception; it opens the
eyes, of our minds and illuminates our under
stabdings ; and hence, as in Bible language,
the enlightened are renewed, so one evi
dence of regeneration is a right and spirit
ual apprehension of the truth; and not only
is the truth apprehended—perceived and un
derstood—but it is cordially embraced and
loved. There can be no love of God where
there is no love of the truth.
Hence I say, one evidence of regenera
tion is a spiritual apprehension of the truth,
and a cordial love of it, for these things are
spiritually discerned.-1. Con ii : 12-14.
New and clear views of truth are imparted
in regeneration, or follow as the first effect of
it; and•hence these new and clear views, this
spiritual discernment of Bible truth and the
things of God, is a certain evidence of a
Ohange of heart. There may be, and often
is, a degree of illumination when there is
not weaving change, but tbe difference lies
here : when the mind is ravingly enlight
ened and the heart changed, not only is the
truth 'seen, but it is cordially embraced and
loved, so that the truth is known by an ex
peria ental knowledge, and the salvation re
vealed in it is laid hold of by faith; as has
been said before, these new and spiritual
views are inseparable from saving faith; and
where there is saving faith, there is union
with Christ, and a new creature. All things
are new—a new creation of God.-2. Cor.
v : 17.
There are new and clear views in regard
to God. His character appears beautiful
and lovely; each and all his attributes essen
tial, not only to his perfection, but to his
very existence; destitute of any of them he
would not and could not be God. His jus
tice, as well as his mercy and truth, is now
seen to be lovely, while his holiness shines
forth with ravishing charms; spiritual vision
sees and appreciates the beauty of holiness.
There are also new views of ourselves.
We see now how sinful we are. The de
pravity of our natures and of our lives, and
we realize how justly we are condemned and
how justly and inevitably we are exposed to
everlasting death; while sin appears an infi
nite evil, and our great concern is how we
may be free from sin, from its guilt, its pol
lution, and its power.—See Great Concern,
'published by Presbyterian Boaidi and Way
of Life, by Dr. Hodge.
And there are new views of Christ. We
see wisdom and goodness and love in the
plan of salvation through him; we see how
justice and mercy here meet, Christ satisfy
ing justice and opening the way for the
exercise of mercy; we see in his death a
satisfaction for our sins; we see how his offices
meet the wants and necessities of our natures
and circumstances; how as a prophet he in
structs us and enlightens our darkness; how
as a priest he atones and intercedes ; how as
a king he subdues and reigns; and thui by
his three-fold office removing our three-fold
niisery, ignorance, guilt and bondage. Thus
while, as sinners, we feel our need of a
Saviour, we see that Jesus Christ is just the
Saviour we need, just suited to our wants
and necessities; and then, under the full
influences of these new discoveries, these
clear Tiews of Divine truth and of die Saviour
it reveals, we do receive and rest on Christ
for salvation. And this is saving faith."
For "faith in Jesus Christ is a Raving
grace, whereby we receive and rest upon him
alone for salvation, as he is offered to us in
the Gospel."—Short. Cat , Ques. 86. I say
under the influence of these discoveries of
ourselves and of Jesus Christ, we receive
and rest on Christ for salvation. This is
saving faith; and hence the reception of
Christ by faith is another evidence of regen
eration. Faith receives the testimony of
God; it believes the truth of which new
and clear views are imparted; the sum and
substance of this truth is Jesus Christ and
him crucified as the only Saviour of sinners,
and hence faith receives and rests on Christ
for salvation as he is offered in the Gospel;
and faith is one of the first effects of regen
eration, and is of course an evidence of it,
as in effectual calling the Spirit works faith
in us, and thereby unites us to Christ; and
if any man be in Christ—united to him—he
is a new creature; old things are passed
away, behold all things are become new.-
2. Cor. v: 17. Not only are there new and
clear views of truth, but all things are new.
Hence repentance, sorrow for sin and for
saking it, follows after faith, and where
there are faith and repentance there is a new
heart, and there will also be a new life, a
full purpose of and a constant endeavor after
new obedience.---See Short. Cat., Ques. 84
-87. One more letter will close this series.
Till then, adieu. YOURS, TRULY.
Rev. Albert 0. Johnston and Wife.
We, last week, noted the strong probabili
ty, that these honored missionaries to India,
had fallen by the hand of the murderous
Sepoys. We find in the Chronicle, of this
city, the following historical notice of them:
The Rev. Albert 0. Johnston was a na
tive of Washington County, Pennsylvania.
In 1852 he graduated at Jefferson College
with the highest honors, and in the Fail of
the satin year entered the Theological Sem
inary of the Presbyterian Church, in Alle
gheny city. In May 1855, he entered upon
the duties of the ministry, and as an able,
earnest, devoted clergyman, soon obtained a
high position among his professional breth
Soon after being licensed to preach, he
was married to Miss Amanda J. Gill, daugh
ter of the late Rev. Jonathan Gill, a dis
tinguished minister of the Covenanter
Church, and one of the ,Professors at the
old Western University, at the time Dr.
Bruce had charge of that institution. About
the beginning of the year 1856, Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston, believing that duty called
them to labor in a foreign land, sailed for
India, and on their arrival immediately com
menced the work of humanity and love.
Highly educated, youthful, earnest,' and
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ardent, their efforts promised gratifying
success, when, Wits! toe Insurrection oc
curred, and the week and humble inissiona
ries fell beneath the hands of violence.
At the time of his death, Mr. Johnston
was in his 23d year. He was highly talent.
ed, profoundly versed in theology, and en
tirely devoted to the great cause he had es
poused. Had he been spared, his life would
have been one of usefulness and honor,
and he would have gone down to posterity
side by side with the illustrious men who
have borne the Cross and preached the Gos
pel beneath the scorching sun of India.
They were stationed at Futteghurrh, at
which place they. resided when the mutiny
occurred, on the 24th of June. They were
furnished with boats by the natives of that
place and ordered to leave, which they did;
but before they reached their destination--
Bithoor, near Cawuporewere fired upon by
'order of Nena Sahib. The discharge of
arms was most destructive; many in the
vessel were instantly killed, and among the
rest the subjects of this notice.
Mrs. Johnston was bon:it in Allegheny
County. Under the instructions, of her
learned and excellent father, she acquired a
finished education, and early in life dis
played those admirable characteristics which
marked her whole career. When quite
young she visited Europe, where she spent
two years, and returned with a mind 'richly
stored with the fruits Of travel and observa
tion. Mrs. Johnston was an indefatigable
student, an accomplished lady, and a Chris
tian in the true sense of the word. In short,
she was
A perfect woman, nobly planned
To warn, to comfoLt and command;
And yet a being still and bright,
With something of an angel's light!
When the patriot falls at the head of ad
vancing columns, his name and deeds are
perpetuated in brass and marble; when the
statesman shuffles off this mortal coil, a na
tion deplores its calamity; but when the
soldiers of the cross perish by violence, far
from home, Christians of every land heave
a heart felt sigh and drop a precious tear to
the memory of the loved' and lost.
From our London Correspondent.
General Neil and Stern Retribution at Caurnpore—
Threatened Outbreak of Hindoos in the Mauritius
—Fresh Rews , from India.— Havelock's Second
Victoria and Retreat—Lucknow in Peril—ls Nena
Sahib Dead—Delhi not Fallen—lnsurrections
Suppressed—Sweeping Seizure of Obscene Books
and Prints—Statistics of Crime in England—
' Crime Dirainkhing—Education of Criminals—
Lord John Russel at Sheffield—Education, Reform
and Tory Tactics—Meeting, of the Emperors at
S'lutt,gardt—lts object—Austria and France—The
Ifirchentag at Stuttgardt—Significant Contribution
• by the Sultan—Nena Sahib's Proclamation—Dr.
Ha 771 till and Religious Liberty in TarkeY--Cardi
-nal Wiseman and his Fast Day Pastoral—Ds
Afariolatrg and Hypocrisy—The Times, Cumming.,
and the Cardinal—The Church ; Keeps the Collec
Won for herself—The Irish and Indian" Massacres,
a Historical Parallel—The Coming Fast Day
Proclamation—Reasons for Humiliation—French
Laudation of England;-Her Sins and Shortcom.,-
ings—Belfast, and Arr. .Hanna—Postscript.
LONDON, September 29, 1857.
STERN REM - MOTION has been exacted by
General Neil on some of the murderers at
Cawnpore. As soon as a rebel was caught,
he was immediately tried, and if not able to
prove his innocence was condemned to be
hanged at once. " But," writes the Gener
al, " the chief rebels or ringleaders I make
first clean up a certain portion of the pool of
blood, still two irtrhes deep, in the shed where
the fearful murder of women and children
took place. To touch blood is most abhor
rent to high caste natives; they think by
doing so, they doom their souls to perdition.
Let them think so. My object is to inflict
a fearful punishment, for a revolting, coward
ly, barbarous deed, and to strike terror into
these'rebels. The first I caught was a native
high caste officer, who tried to resist clean
ing up the very blood he had helped to shed ;
but I made the provost marshal do his duty,
and a few lashes made the miscreant accom
plish his task. When done ' he was taken
out and immediately hanged, and buried in
a ditch by the roadside.
" No one who has witnessed the scenes of
murder, mutilation, and massacre, can ever
listen to the word mercy,' as applied to these
fiends. The well of mutilated bodies—alas
containing upwards of two hundred native
women and children—l have had decently
covered in, aud built up as one large grave.
I had intended to mention in my last, that
the statement that the monster NENA SAHIB
had committed suicide, is, not confirmed. On
the contrary, he was supposed to have fled to
Oude, and to be a leader of the mutineers
From the island of the MArrumus we
learn, by a French paper, that great alarm
prevailed there in consequence of the hostile
feeling among the laboring Coolies, or Hin
does, employed in the sugar, plantations.
Proclamations had been seized, and some
priests arrested for preaching massacre and
pillage. There are no less than two hundred
thousand Hindoos and emancipated negroes
there. The danger arises from the dispatch
of the English troops from the island to
India: The European population is French
or of French extraction: The Mauritius
• Spectator calls for a French garrison, which,
in an English island, would be a difficulty
for an English Cabinet to sanction. The
accounts are up to the 20th of August.
Yesterday we had fresh telegraphic news
FRoar. INDIA, bringing advices from Bombay,
Madras and Calcutta. General Havelock
had advanced a !second time toward Luck
now ; but after defeating the mutineers in
two fresh engagements, and capturing their
guns, he found the bridge of the river broken
down, and with but a limited force, be felt it
neesesary to retire to Cawnpore. This is a
lamentable necessity, for its leaves the be
leaguered band at Lucknow, hemmed in by
foes. It is said there had been one thousand
Europeans there, most of whom were women
and children, and that Nena Sahib was be
sieging them. The Morning Post's tele
graphic news, however, reports that an officer
saw Nena Sat ib perish with his family in
the Ganges ; the boat in' which they had em
barked in their flight having been swamped.
It is more. probable, I think, that the mon
ster still lives, and at all events, that ere now
Lucknow has been the scene of ? a zuore awful
and extensive massacre than Cawnpore. ,It
is said that the garrison had only "famine
rations" to last till the 21st of August.
Delhi bad not fallen, but Gen. Nicholson,
(an officer little more than thirty years of
age, and a Northers Irishman,) had reached
the camp and brought two thousand men
An 'swim( was spoken of. If made, it would
be a desperate and doubtful affair. But
friendly Sikhs in the Punjaubs had informed
the Governor that if Delhi were not soon to
fall, the Mahommedans in that Northern
province could not be restrained.
- It is right to add that one of the tele
grams says, " another European force be
sides that of. Havelock had DA-lived at
Cawnpore." Lf so, ,there might be some
hope of relieving Lucknow.,
The twenty-sixth native infantryhad muti
nied at Lahore, and had . murdered their
commanding officer. • They were pursued
and destroyed. Another Bombay regiment
had been disarmed, and a regiment of Mad
ras cavalry also. Central India was ,quiet;
all being quiet at Magosa, Sapp'', and Jub
bulpore. From Calcutta, artillery men and
marines 'were ascendinglftoward `Allahabad.
Such is the substance - of- the- latest neve'.
It is still dark and'doubtful, and we fear the
next may be worse as regards Lucknow.
AND PRINTS was made last week, under the
authority of the new Act which was carried last
session of Parliament, by Lord Chief justice
Campbell, in the face of considerable oppo
sition. The chief place-for the sale of these
infamous and polluting publications is Holy
well Street, on the Strand. Means for sup
pressing the offence, which for along period
has been rank and rampant, had hitherto
been wanting. The shops and houses of no less
than six "poisoners" and publishers were en
tered at one time,by the, police, who acted
with extraordinary energy and skill. The six
persons, it is trusted, will receive such a pun
ishment as shall frighten into impotence the
vile fraternity who pander to vice, .and lead
hundreds of young people on to temporal
and eternal ruin. Too long has this . pesti
lence been permitted to rage in our midst.
In reference to CRIME IN ENGLAND,- the
statistics of 1856 indicated a diminution of
twenty-five per cent., as compared with 1855,
notwithstanding that the latter year had
itself shown a decrease of eleven per cent.,
as compared with 1854. Garotting had al
most disappeared. It was and is always
severely prinished. We must not, however,
boast that it is extinguished; with the dark
Winter evenings before us. The Times, after
a. careful analysis, concludes that no species
of dishonesty is more rampant than in former
times. True, there 'have been great'frauds,
such as those of Paul and Redpath But it
says, " the magnitude of the crimes is but
an incident in the- magnitude of the trans
actions. There were no Redpaths in the
last century, because there were no great
Northern Railways ; jug, as there were no
great gold robberies, because there was' no
great amount of gold."
As to EDIJOATION,AND CRIME, it appears
that out of one hundred criminals , five or six
only are found who can_ reqd well ; of, the
remainder, between fifty and sixty, have an
imperfect knowledge of their letters; and
bet Ween thirty and forty are totally ignorant.
Of the cases distinguished in police no
menclature, as "`superior instruction" the
proportion is so minute as : to be represented,
in decimal notation by 0. 3. What light as
to the importance of thorough education,
and that pervaded by a Scripture leaven, do
these facts bring to bear on a great social
question I
Lord John Russel has been presiding over
the annual meeting of Ragged Schools at
Sheffield, and has been received with great.
favor by the citizens at large, as the friend
of progress, education and reform. He in
dicated a strong resolve to advocate a large
extension of suffrage to the intelligent work
ing classes, when the new reform measure
comes before Parliathent next year. On the
other hand, Dlsraeli and his party are re
solved to resist an extension of the suffrage,.
at least among the classes who would neces
sarily vote against Toryism. They pretend
that the last Reform bill did‘them great in
justice, by giving too much power to' the
Boroughs. They forget that what is called
the Chando's clause allowing votes for coun
ties only to freeholders of fifty pounds per
annum, and shutting out all ten pounds
Borough voters from giving their voices in
the elections of their respective counties,
was passed in 1831, and forms part and par
cel of English law, to the great detriment
of true liberalism and progress. This clause
should be repealed. At all events, at the
last election the Tories lost thirteen or four
teen counties '
and it is certain that the vile
despotism of squirearchy and landlordism
will never be allowed to rule this Empire.
have met, as arranged, at Stuttgardt. Among
those who arrived there, were the Empress
of Russia and the Queen of Greece—the
latter is Russian and anti-English to the core.
But the Empress of Russia, and her husband
are, it is believed, for peace; and instead of
any secret treaty, like that of Tilsit, between
Aleiander I. and Napoleon, it is believed
that the object of the conference is to pro
mote general tranquility in Europe. Not to
be checkmated—the young Emperor of Aus
tria has succeeded in fixing time and place
for an interview between himself and the
Czar. All these brotherly meetings would
be much more satisfactory, if liberty as well
as order were kept in view; if despotism,
however paternal at times it may be, were
not thereby established and confirmed in
Europe. It indicates, however,
that Eng
land will not be disturbed in her terrible
task of pacifying India, and this is a matter
for thankfulness.
There is great crowding at Stuttgardt at
this time, as the GERMAN KIHOHENTAQ is
holding its meeting here. This body is not
entirely, yet mainly, Evangelical in its ten
The SULTAN OF TURKEY has subscribed
£l,OOO to the Relief Fund for the Indian
sufferers. •, This significant act from the
head of the Mohammedan powers, will be
known speedily all over the East. The in
famous Nena Sahib had issned a mischiev
ous proclamation to his followers; that by
the order of the Sultan, the fi King of
Egypt" had refused to allow an English
army to cross through Egypt. Religious
freedom in Turkey is now beginning to be
a reality. Dr. Hamlin, the American mis
sionary, ha's baptized, at Constantinople, a
Turk, his wife, and child. The case' was
'investigated, the baptism and conversion
from Mohammedanism to Christianity were
sustained by the Porte; and it was added,
that it was the Sultan's will that every sub
, jai should enjoy entire religious freedoin.
"The Mussulman is now as free to become
a Christian, or the Christian is to become a
Masanlman." Two days previously, Dr.
Hamlin married a young Protestant Arme
nian to a, Turkish lady, who had been bap
tized in Malta.
CARDINAL WISEMAN has issued.a Pasto
ral, fixing next Lord's day as a:season for
humiliation and prayer, in connexion with
the Indian mutiny. The reason for fixing
on that day is, that_ it is "Rosary Sunday,"
on which, says the Cardinal, " the Church
publicly thanks. God for victories over great
Infidel powers, threatening the destruction
of Christian nations." But this "Roisary
Sunday " is, after all„, buta day set apart,
especially, for theldolatry of the Virgin. It
is in her honor that the day is to be ob
served, and from her, deliverance is expect
ed. For these„supplications,"! says ,this
aich-deeeiver, - :" consisted,Mairifyin the re
eit4 Publiely, of that Very' Chaplet of our
Lady, vAieh that Sunday honors mid sug-
Bat besides, this taint in the Popish
prayers of " Rosary Sunday," it is too, plain
that they will be equally offensive on the
ground of hypocrisy. The' Times cOntained,
some weeks ago, a report of a. speech of the
Cardinal's, in which he whined about' the
discouragement given to Romish priests and
Bishops in India, and hinted that it was be
cause—just as the Jesuit Univers says—
India was not covered with Romish mission
sties, that this insurrection had come upon
us. Nay, more; he 'tried to make out .of
the, mutiny a Attie political capital , for his
bosom friend, that model-monster, and yet
true son of the Church, the King of Naples,
and attacked Italian,' and'other refugees, as
Whereupon, the Times took him to task,
and charged him with the want of expressing
any sympathy with the sufferers, and turn
ing the mutiny, as far as he could; to self
ish ends. Out comes Mr. Bowyer, his
cross-bearer to defend. Then steps into the
arena, the dexterous "J. C.," alias Dr.
Cumming, and with his light rapier, pins
Bowyer to the wall; and by an apt (imita
tion from the Canon -Law,;proves the Car
dinal to be, necessarily, a disloyal subject of
Queen Victoria, because, sworn to allegiance
to a foreign power, namely, the Pope. Then
the Cardinal writes a menacing letter to the
editor - of the Times,' demanding an apology
for the accusation that he was indifferent to
the miseries of the victims of massacre, and
pointing out that when he delivered the
speech so criticized, the details of the mas
sacre had not arrived. And then the im
penitent Times hits harder and heavier than
before, proving,' by a reference to - dates and
facts, that the Cardinal must have known
right well that the massacres had taken
place, and yet, in his speech, expressed not
one word of sympathy.,
• In detailing the horrors of this insane°-
tion, the Cardinal 'might well be reminded
of a historical parallel in the annals of his
own Church, and in the insurrection of
1641, in Ireland, when 60,000, at least, of
the Scottish and English colonists of Ulster
were murdered, wholesale. Pope Urban
had issued his Bull to sanctify the massacre,
just as Mohammedan and Brahmin priests
had proclaimed a holy war in : India. And
so, mutato nomine de to fabula narrator,
your! Eminence! Substitute Ireland for
India, and Popish iiiassins for Mohamnae
dans and Ilndoos, for the nonce, and you
shall rhetorically, (as written in your Pasto
ral,) describe the havoc and the horror.
" Suffice it to say, that no indignity, no in
suit; no dishonor has been spared; that
nothing which cruelty, in its refinements or'
its' grossness, could Contrive. or execute, has
been' omitted'from the black catalogue; * *
that compassion,- remorse, the ties of pre
cious obligations, familiarity and friend
ship seem to have lost their hold on these
maddened contrivers of total extermina
tion." Is not Rome's - cruelty as Satanic as
that of Paganism ?
In _reference to the application of the
Romish collections, the Cardinal is true
to himself and his cause. First the Romish
priests who have volunteered to 'go out as
Chaplains, are to have their outfit, and " pro
vision of things necessary for religious wor
ship," including rosaries, &a., most of which,
one might suggest, they could get very
cheap, if they only sent a supply to, the Pa
gans of Burmali, who, to M. Rue's, the
traveler's surprise, had beads, bells,'Sze., so
remarkably like those of Rome ! Next,
several " Religious Communities " in India,
" having lost their all," they must be rein
stated, and any damage to "Ecclesiastical
and conventional property" must• be sup
plied. Angfthen, 'generously says ,the Car
dinal, " any surplus would be thrown into
the general subscription for the relief of the
distress in India.' I haye no doubt that
the " surplus" will be "nil," and that the
"general subscription" will be left to say,
"Thank you for nothing!"
A NATIONAL FAST is proc l a imed zor
Wednesday, the 7th of October. A procla
mation to that'effect has been issued by the
Queen in Council, from Balmoral. While
the objectionable phrases'of the olden time,
" charge and command," are still used, it is
a matter of thankfulness that an opportunity
will thus be given to The Nation, as such, to
bow before the Throne of God. But to
what extent will there be real humiliation
and prayer, on the Fast Day? Just so far,
and no farther, than there is personal union
to Christ, and personal power, through the
Holy Spirit; of wrestling with God. And
what will avail our humiliation, as a nation,
if we put not away our abominations? If
multitudes break the Sabbath, and do so in
railway trains, steamboats, public. houses,
&e., under the sanction of law—a semi
Popish law which , dares to maks seitain
hours of the Sabbath more holy than others—
what reason have we to believe that the
Lord of the Sabbath, who is King of Na
tions, will turn away from his fierce anger 7
And if there is no penitence in our nation's
heart for evil countenanced an India, the
establishment of Government Schools with
out the Bible; the sanction of the Opium
Trade for the sake of gain ; the shutting out
the missionary and the Bible from the
soldiers, who, untamed and unchanged by
holy and heavenly truth, have been more
cruel than the tigers of the jungle—then
shall not our prayers be regarded as an
abomination ? But my firm trust is, that
God will hear the cries of his true people,
and they are very many in this land. They
are free from the guilt of countenancing the
_ infidel policy of the Dist Diclht Company.
They have denounced the Opium Trade,
and its abominations. They feel that Mis
sions must be increased and multiplied, and
that just as British troops will now take a
larger proportion in India, as compared
with natives, so must the messengers of the
Cross ' as contrasted with the scattered few.
The Church of lied will own her guilty
neglect in this matter, and she will arise and
go forth, once that stern war has done its
work, to ,proclaim peace and salvation by the
lips, of right.hearted men, multiplied and,
increased a hUndred fold.
WEALTH, in sympathy for the distresSed in
India, is surely a most encouraging sign t hat
God is about to bless us, after the chastise
ment has reached its appointed; end. The
movement inaugurated by the Lord Mayor
of Lando,7,. is now general :yam over the
'codritry. "t 4 W", hit 4 rWalk
Islands, last , week, it was being vigorously
carried out. Already have Lawrence, ;the
Commissioner of the Prinjaub ;. Lord Uphill
stone, the Governor ;of Bombay; and Lord
Canning, been authoriied to. <344 very
large sums for the full and immediate relief
of all sufferers in their 'respective distriota
The Fund wid • &tintless be, sWelled to; an
immense amount by the Fast • Day collec
tions. Surely "with such sacrifices God is
well pleased!'
The French Seicle has an artiole, " ENG
which it praises England as "the first
renounce conquest in Europe;" that "her
conquests have been almost all of commerce
and ,eiviliiation. Russia Austria and
Prussia.haie killed nationalities, and stopped
their development. England haa not, com
mitted this crime. * * They have sought
the limits . of their expansion beyorul the
limits of their European brethren. They
have peopled the solitudes of America," (we
must' not take praise for this,) an called
into life the new world of Oceanice." The
Beide apologizes for the English for not
having "assimilated'lndia to themselves."
" Allowance must be made for the, time,
and the immensity of the difficulty," "But,"
it adtis, " what great things they have there
done—barbarous customs'abolished';:'towns
rendered healthy; roads constructed;`rivers
bridged. Properly to appreciate English
domination in India, one must remember
what the country was before; unheard of
struggles of sects and religions, and the in
undations of blood, of which it was the peri
odical prey. Millions of men perished in
wars, in the establishment and fall of em
pires. The massacres that now revolt Eu
rope, from whatever side they proceed,
would have been mere festivals previously
to the British rule." The Beide proceeds
to laud England for the establishment of the
rights of the nation alongside .of those dike
Throne, and as the chief agent in, purging
the world of piracy and the slave-trade, as
well as of the safety of the ocean. " Corn
*mem, then, no more than philosophy and
liberty, should desire the fall Of England:"
All this is in measure just, yet the Chris
tian patriot must rather deplore British
shortcomings and sine, at such a crisis- as
this. God; grant that our Fast Day may "be
&season of special penitence and prayer, and
an assurance that He who puts it into the
hearts of his people to pray, will, while they
are yet speaking, hear, and send deliver
ance And when His judgments are abroad
in the earth, may the inhabitants of the
world learn righteousness.
FAST continues to inquire into the cause
of the riots. It' comes out clearly 'that 'the
Papists were the real disturbers. Mr: Han.
na was examined by a Popish lawyer, who
found he had got more than his match.
Take it specimen
Do you not know that the authoritiet published
proi3lamations, stating that they would disperse all
crowds in the street? , :
I understand that - that applied to riotous ;
crowds, and, as I am of opinion that our congre
gation was, not riotous, understood , it not to-ap
ply to me.
Yet you were determined to preach in despite
of that?
Yes ; and lam determined still.
You'did not get leave last Sunday ?
No ; but I protest against the interruption still.
You did not get leave?
The authorities refused to let me preich in the
open air; they will hear more of that again, I
Oh, yes ; I hear a number of actions threatened.
Have you ,given up preaching?
I never will surrender the right that i enjoy as
a British citizen, either to. man or mob. (Loud
We have a bird called a swan in this country:
It is said that but for its black feet it would die
of pride ? ,
Yes; and that is the reason of your longevity.
(Give laughter.)
Ministers should have Christian spirit-=you.
hare little of it ?
You have little of it.
Do you ewear that ?
I do.
How do you judge ?
By your fruits you are known.
Now, do you hear this Presbyterian cant_?.
What are my fruits ?
Let every body examine them.
You have sworn to them,: sir, and I ask yon
what frUits they have to examine?. "
Your affiance with people whom I suspect to be
systematic disturbers of the peace.
Who are they ?
The men on whose behalf I understand'You to
Mr. Watson?
No, I do not understand that. ' I say the
Pound Street mob.
And you pledge your oath to that, because you
have made a declaration to the truth of that ?
L state my impressions, and 'believe I'm - right.
And, do you hold it to be the duty of a Chris
tian minister to go out and preach, when the
authorities inform him that it will end in riot and
bloodshed f
I believe it is the duty of a Christian tan' istiT
to fender all obedience to the authorities, bit
when their commands are unlawful he .
resist then). The interferenee of the authorities On
that occasion. I understand to be unlawful,' and I
did my duty as: a Christian and a citizen, - and I
believe my conduct capable of irrefragable de
The' Belfast Presbytery assert the rikheof
open-air preaching, but recommend` Mr.
Hanna to discontinue it for the present. •
P. B.—The letters' just` to hand, by the
Calcutta mail, give great reason fa : -. :hope
that Delhi had fallen, The mutineers,there
had, in every sortie made by
e received
such rough handling, and arn*unitinn grad
ually failing them, it Was 'believed th i ey
would very soon be dispersed, either by . dn as
sault of British troops and their auxiliaries,
about the 20th, of August, or by panic , fear,
urged to flee. Once that Delhi is fallen, :
large body of troops would be free to act to-
ward, Oade and tipper India generally. '
Philadelphia, 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut
By Mail, or at the Office, $1.50 per Year, t SEE PROSPECTUS
Delivered in the City, 1,75
Our Government are beginning to dispatch
troops by the Isthmus of. Suez The con
tributions flowing in fore the relief of the
sufferers by the Mutiny—Widows and chil
dren, both of military men' and civilians,
who hive escaped the massacre, and are
coming to England—are at the rate of .E 3,000
per day. It is said that at least half a mil
lion sterling will be required` in this way,
and the National Fast Day contributions,
combined, with local efforts and large private
subscriptions, will go far to swell the amount.
Nurses are to be sent out by every mail
steamer, to Alexandria, to attend to the
sick and wounded fugitive passengers, and
with them large bales of warm and other
clothing, prepared by the hands of the ladies
of England, headed by the Lady Mayoress
of London. J. W.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Adeoesde.
...a.tioskeest....t, •
I yffiirCll, urxamze
Mr. Editor:-1 havti not yet seen a no
flee of the organization of an 0. 8. Pres
byterian Clutch in Winterset, in anypaper.
Will you; therefore, insert this short notice
of our church, and this, region of country,
for the information of those of your readers
-who are; desirous of seeking homes in the
West. ,
Ogr .ehurch was organized on the sth of
lune last with nine members and two Rul
ing Elders by a - Committee - appointed by
the Des Moines Presbytery. Two weeks
since, we had a communion, at which time
five more were added to our number—two
by profession of their faith, and three by
letter. Other's we expect soon to settle in
our midst, and unite with us. There are
also several underserious impressions, whom
we fondly hope will, ere long, become the
subjects of .snviiig,grip3e... Although much
opposition,, from a certain quarter, has been
arrayed against,ys, yet we do not feel dis
mayed or discouraged, but feel assured that
God, will: bring the devices it our enemies
to nought, and will yet increase us more and
We have, two prayer.:meetings and a Union
Sabbath' School • besides a Sewing Society
among the ladies, designed to aid in sup
lidding the Goipel. Eoth our elders are
from Pennaylvania-Piesbyterians dyed in
the wool; just the men for elders in a
Western ohurch.. Our members have , al
most all, been brought up within the pale of
the . Presbyterian Church, and this is one
reason, doubtless, why we all work together
so harmoniously.
30 labors are diiided'betiveen this place
and'the church at Indianola, in the next
County, 'East; one half my time at each
place. This country is healthful, and pos
eesses many advantages; and we hope for a
growing chnrch'to our Lord's praise.
farts anb Shanings.
.C.anns.-r-How much beneath the Spirit
of Christianity are the corking anxious lives
of 'too' many Chriatians l Yon do not be
lieve. You talk of living by: •faith. But
where is any such thing ? Can you, trust
God for your souls, and can you not trust
him for your bodies, for your' children ?
Rickard .Alleine.
Tuzum is nothing given , us in more, strict
charge in the Scripture, than that . should
he carefullor nothing; solicitous about no
thing, take no thought for 10-initorrinv, but
to commit all unto , the sovereign dis
posal of God' our- Father, who hath taken
all these things into his own Care. See
Matt.' vi : 25-84.—Dr. Owen.
hirlitiENCE :
If in one poor bleeding bottom
I a woe-swept chord have stilled;
If a dark and restless apirit !
I with hope of heaven have filled;
If I've made , for hard — battle
One faint heart grow brave and strong ;
Then, my God, I thank thee, blew thee,
For the precious gift of song.
Ht,tximATrow.—l could say a thousand
diner 'this next' to otitistial
valley of humiliation. The air is so salu
brious; the giorind is so fertile, the =fruit so
wholesome; while from the : .branches of
every tree tteiyoipp_ of prayer and praise are
heard in delightful concert, with each other.
;While living in tits 'v k alley, unWeipon that
is formed against' us shall' prosper, its ail the
- fiery dints of the devil are sure to pass over
our heads, since the enemy of souls cannot
shoot low enough to ,reach us to our hurt.—
me,"-says Stabbing, -" the. ropey 4hat has
been spent in war, and I will purchase, every
foot of land on the 'globe. I will clothe
every man, Woman', and' nttild, in' an attire
thatlings and tirtheint might be' prnid of.
I will build a school-house upon 'every hill
, and in. every valley, over the, habitable
earth. -I Will„flupyiy i that school house with
a competent teacher; I will build acad
emy in eveiftown, and a:lac:Wit; n'aellege
in every State, and' fill it :Wit' ht able pro
feisors; I will'crown. every, hill with a
church consecrated' to the .promulgation of
;he Gospel of peace J J will sipport in its
pulpit an able teacher of iightemieness, so
that on every Sabbath morning the 'Chime
on one hill shall answer to the ohimeniannther
around the earth'shroad circumference; and
the voice of pryer, and the.. song. of 'raise
shall ascend, in the siioke 'of a umversa
hada:mit shall ascend'tO heaven.
THZ WARFA.RE.—A .Christian must not
czpect < to Please men. He must not be dis
appointed, 'tbeirefore, if he' does not. His
Mastei did not plhase the - world; ' and it is
enough for the disciple that he be as He
was, professipgehristian,,goinspecially
should alarmed when the
-- " E ' n Sho uld
world flatters and careturs m. e
fear' that lielen'ot living as he ought
to do, iind'tluitlinnars loit him &muse he
is so much like them, and keeps them in
countenanoo;, sor.,t4,at : they. mean to - . make
, him,. betray ,his religion, and beetiMe con
' forniato thein. It is a great point 'gained.
for ''the "'gay *Wald' when it can, by its
calaises and attentions, gat n' Christian to
forsake a prayer-meeting ,'for:. 'a party, or
:surrender his:deep spirituality ; to engage in
some political Prolciet• r,Noe unto .yon , »
J.- if:ad the Redee m er, - '"when' all -men shall
lirnikVill'of On."
W. L. Lois.