Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 12, 1857, Image 4

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« L 1 1 `iv itt c 'in L('
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For the Freoldtertenghtilhetlak4 .11toiete.
164 '
To every 'bing,beneatElninn
. 1 4:43teNellEitalifetillthINt
To man, and beast, 44 1 4) 7 4rene;
+ , ;3.•There .1s an end
To every' . hope, to evo'Vle n ar''
DA: 1.;
To every sorrow,. everx , tea'r;
40.11 taatolitbf. ,; I.i a .
There is an end.
• ':";;•,"..•- • ,• 9 •.9...•
"" • •
rw . "170,r S ,
Tb 4 noll i bitlaitiatiee we feel; ' .
4.7 , 4 nc.Thetwial an en - dt 1 ') " 3111
.rizez, 5 ail failo
TALSl.Ageitiggteer chOLtbmWOOktlitittWeitictomiro3
,s,rmt 4.6. w• thpirpshi..4l:!
ir.lli in_o ci, - ; oyailwrsl.'
84:11 , ) z; bll • j +tat M41.11 , 1vt1',4d 'to J.Ntied
Mbrtedei titkvtlwatertng then,rlintlitidits°-,5 4
ktftok33ll,...t.!KU 7,6 bll
,bmti:444o3FMMlEßAteng4 Erz trtuLltt
ktidllintttYil Yito
wci -
Lfwv:panlPAo.7great end.
Remember time, with all its cares,
Shall have an end ;
Then make •the burthen of your prayers,
A haPPY end,
That you may with the angels sing,
Withoutun end,
The blink of ,heaven, the' only thing
Thatlas 'no end.,
Juty,,1857 .
Ni trar ' oticts
_..._ ,
BOOKS sent to its for Notice. win be duly
attended to. Tbn 'from palblisbere in Phil*.
delphia. New Tern. die., nosy be lett At 01111(
Philadelphia Offireall South 10th dt..belott
Chestnut. in career Joseph N. Wilson. Req.
September, have appeared, with their usual at
Salmon on Special Occasions. By Rev John
Hai.* D. D., late President of New College,
London; author of "The Great Teacher;"
" The Great Commission;" "Mammou;" "Pre-
Adamite Earth," Ste., Ste. First Series. Roy
al 12m0., pp. 363. Boston Gould 4. Lincoln.
New York : Sheldon, Blakeman 4 Co. 1857.
As an eminent Divine, a powerful and attrac
tive preacher, a great master of style, a close
and vigorous thinker, and a prolific author, Dr.
Harris was unsurpassed by any of his brethren
among the English Dissenters. His numerous
publications were as acceptable to the members
of the Establishments of Great Britain and Ire
land, as they were among the Congregational
body with which he was connected.. The Dis
courses contained in this volume are a portion of
those delivered on various special occasions dur
ing the period of their lamented author's highest
reputation'as a preacher. We are glad to find
that at least three other volumes of the writings
which Dr. Harris left behind him, are yet to be
published, including a treatise on Natural and
Revealed 'Religion.
Li or JAMES MONTGOMERY. By Hrs Helen a
Knight, author of "Lady Huntingdon and her
Frkends," &c. 12m0., pp. 416. Boston : Gold
!Xineoln2 New York ; Sheldon, Blakeman 4.
Co,: 1857.
Tb will bean acceptable volume to the large
elainrubf admirers= of the Christian poet, whose
meatiaid not enable them to procure the diffusd
and tate' naive biography by Messrs. Holland and
"Everett; which extended to seven volumes. Mrs.
Knights:talent for abridgment and condensation,
has liiimfavorably shown in the Memoir of Lady
HunNithrt, and we can assure our readers that
the itteg: 4nts in the life of the author of - The
Wan ere; Switzerland," are clearly and even
minSiMortrayed in the volume before us.
Montganiony did mot belong to the school of Cole
ridgiaTitaxcallecl him in depth of metaphysical
analfsitilliplin the exercise of a wild and fuel
natingtopowen; neither did he pour forth his
the sweetness of Wordsworth, or
witle:Hte; l ;4lllng boldness and varied style of
Scotlipgut4ltere was a Christian eltment in his
hymfgatjAkund purity of diction, and a mor
al eloi tibia Valtis poetry, that penetrated the
Mari; si7,Elur t gri l 3d for his productions a perms
neraga-Aliterature of England.
Tlittkialifttlittkan odd mistake in the second
sentence of %hayfork, whioh•may be corrected in
the seeond—edition— " Grace Bill " is described
as trthittleiiießcinlthe tillage of Ballymena, Ire
landx.9bGrafaeolitilloor Ballykennedy as it is often
callitigteggi`,4lVgge two miles from Ballymena,
Sly" Knzket town in the County of
tae into Sly"
ALANHErpErIBIRIEg ut seven thousand inhabi
tant,Clatiggliadhisfly celebrated for an
ucational institution in the hands of the Mora-
Z/VOLta aft
THE POOR l!ndtilaa o l4oHANT PRINCE ; or, Ele
ments of success diami from the life and char
acter of the late An A book for
youth..„,4olerhayer, author of "The
Morning 6tar„.l . 18mo., pp. 349.
Boston i'llroWld`kbEtzcain. New York: Sheldon,
•WAYMPattgs4 l .ll;;;
We wish very earrOlyr that all the business
menast foUrbgreatueltiesAnew the worth of this
v0:44,, 5 ', - „.lVaigit44,',liiio knew its value, and
whdrkee . „ pot t!itothel honest management
of tile ceffiattlish:cafint;; ; F :,viale they may think
littAgaltke i ',l[6* ( 6 44 liOr their care, would
rejefitelit, lleiftriblettolprotarte such an excellent
maul& hyatkeliseoug i fn on the other
baxitt3Alr : ih!A4 l 4l.l4o,Ouloation of sound
princi , 1 quid hToi iilbfiti to secure the future
prefligh t / L i& ih3lipctislio3-Weirly life, are placed
undWrheireakrei wouldt.hopefully use this excel
s to evad, oAlel ofoilejto
lentiaml mostiimpressivAl Ittacrwcyk. Mr. Thayer
calls it,Cilfi*NrOtilit .ricti'd'iritly it is a faith
_of a " model " man. It is not a
bietkph7el/I,t.f..e.tvroroseitas the simple design
of the antliti ) roni icill'AiAl i .:::44.;',4,;became what he
.44 1 .,A1C#0,1irifiehiiikin of similar virtues
roade,ptlimpolrm.p9se i jetioz i ned anduseful
also: r It is arn adinintide -book Ipr zyo ath.
•'., .uni.thubolllll
EVl6lfia l t viiiViffati . ,44;4§ r rieglof Devotional
IteadingsdbiEtintoeloiet .;nclitiis Family. Care
fakir impiiiiidirtf) i . 4 --- ;'MleThiptiset - ronns, preached
by,, ithe.ilmerßemiT.W.F4;f4Y...or..lrath. 12m0.,
p ' 04' - 4,1/1114didiSklitiolfizrryi - • 4. McMillan.
18• 411. tn, ;Ed
17 f'
Cliti-E4,ll4o:ANAngilvtuary favorable
noitistep)t a ff n a r ginitar'tlicrk; zi midi tiled. Liki Mornings
with leene,4h4 l 4;4',V 4 l4rThigfpiume now
on ocalfitfilhaVA44l9 . 4sr:fiVifed6Om similar
souriAll,94l4o l .o,lte'',Alo,ol4lttlfttraOter which
is efisfhpiarorniiitioiliw prodit r eileike:244 devoted
autitaimattaktataiAlfflaitydThig 99P:R9,4, on a text
for OrtilligaglitAk ;i r i iircl;:striiietwo vol
umes nuky.treglii.nth prod 1ay 4 44•4 1 10:vh0 pri
vatelyaest 144, 1 :414 1 09 1 §h httilil iCchm e fa
mills littwt4O rl i t g a il; N -1. 1 1 ;1/1
g etilitieAogbiti ipint per. P7 lssi "" i
, rri la 7 a will,.
leti4,4llfdroll,ltsictordiid 613isto
ries;2iShoiwingwthernMe*WiThOtiggIlf the
goo .6.llly.l u ji.Y *gellietlluto - inniKeinnedyp/if. A.,
lee ° M,grif b t l ai
• pri.l 1.1 aro
p arr y 41. t ormi,4 a asuarlNA. %al ni eyttzet s 1 IL,;
Wm* one OA& 4_9 / 04;;Nghtful brks that
• 4r..! urfl
have,Ven laid 1500 us fa' a considerable Lime.
The : at object of thezauldkamie,tfiAkeig r kgby
exarople ; and after an Introduction, hem to:etilds
to tenet of the Diii,in d il o plfe
its CfNinatiopzymisstoA(Vii44t WAtpy.# ;
and lastiradVe j egml work is fittleiteed
by an appropriate Conclusion. We have seldom
seen so excellent a work for supplying illustra-
.....!.6),..m..1' .':.-..- 01f..i? I. ~1 n:: (.7.. -:t .; . ~.., ,:,:{ '':,;:./',
.; ~.'., ( 4 t. .1, , ..:1 ~V' - ' -' :., 1 ;
„ORM anitseggesticagito ministers in ttheveitikrnf sour thanks to Almighty tied, as the I tireat..i
iifilm Of Intim:mai owl we; doubt PotlitAitii4t49-41 - lead of the Chureh-,--foriviodness to us, 1
many :of;:ptlritiericaltrethrtikit..will o be, ; _quiti,a i lAn granting to us the...desire:o7:l)W hearts in 1
treasur.!”9l , -10 - - 1;; evi?„ , ., , .:1.1 :1. ~! !,:i , I Lk to the Orgagizatic!n!of-AbisaPresblytery.rrAssa .1
*,.' :i i 1.71 tt r.1`. , 1 ,'.! , I I :bod y ; ' **4o.ll*§;:q* 'Og .; 40 ilAt 4 • 4l btl ' l o''''' ,l
T". FIVE G A" I Y • W 4. .:' 91' , *N. 0 *I/m111.9;E.- ty. I tire dependence upon hi.rul-ier wisdom, and'
George ll'ilsori. - W: PI, . . 1": . e .$: P., 4 `ft.,,,;1' as I gu idd'ire - -- a ` t ,' a t} - -4" e ,- 0 " 18 - : ,•' - „ick„r o . iipl i '.; 4 " c rii il iski
... Prof( t.or of TcelfitQyziti'lTlPttatitirSiiy of 1 e -d g iri Viii t .4,.i n " , .. 2 4 1 .. i ..
,/s ."- €:. ' 0 ' u ' l ' i a . ' r '..l 5 ' , d ' .. i,.. y - f r i g '' .
. ; .•..Editilltrgh, , Pitidlttviof 4fi r eilit#yithi-SitottUb.
Society of Aittuiffica•-;&c.- , 14112nt0.4:Tipp.•139. circumstances itr,whichsatvemre , 1)4001Am:I
-Pki44410);04 :, t Arra ,i,44.4fi11u 1957„ .. . hunifil,Yinittofe,liWgUidandePAticl7oe:l . lill'i
partaatthistoapitapittle volume mei delivereclll T" inn-ta .Pt n(4 ., / P s -,PF n l r .. k t .l 9T'O t :11 1 . .:1 ) 4t;: - .. h ( If l
in. le.otitreti;o ittnllldinlitirgh,?und:ltb a; tbalkreSgiOin,' .
,i 0104 ipinct leerforq:our.ey.o l . ":o3.,4 the,et,r,engtlt-,,,'
cuing infliteilea'of •that'Soirit, i.,0 helti , "ita-t6 , ' made by thecautkmmit:an intelligeakatidieaue, ,i ~
4 ',4-ifst bale.been of a very favorable character. irtlkil .p igit” onwardtc.i i, !;:!" . .... i tr ,: t r holfz.& ,, , tt?l , .
"Ifiere is enough of elementary metaphysics in Iv u e T 401 : t i ', #?- 4 s l, : ; kkJlYl'r'''- 1 " ,
4 . . i.
A es iZgl it ti E l i tvi t tlyi t ii V e yo 4601,44 - t iffsg r vi r, i One of
: the trying circumstances
{ alluded
4: ti4lll . 6.lT , Wereie l tiN i n d ißnki.B 4 ... l i6l6 l2 o7
Itit ;bait is urritten„ta, tit ; „poi:AM L W %ni.', th e : PrAry.itteiTatli. Ord
, Work /11" 4 ' .e.t. W.te.' . ~ 1 .,., ...e. ..t.l I ts . 4C^ ....0 _ --.. - ... + ... ,-..-,J4,-, 1- - .
It' d : 5- SI I .S r .IPIVIT L IP• IN`fiVslrer?..,Z—l.tiecrili9eil: tlre* solemn, was the
t latetitliat. cieshy the church where they
autder a Wi‘ers e viz.: i r y t t ne r eye, t ,,,,,.."1;
. ear, lie nose;
were •
satins' and .during all their 'seesians,
: : Aff i° l"- n.. " l lsl . P. an n d At e 9 /I (..e gli i a, lil 'i orr lr j ; 4 ' r i l a ' k " m P. ' 37- , :a.. lovely * child, the daughter of the pastor of
ration are exceedingly beautiful.
:•::. y ,-t A ;'
.that church lay dying, and was . dressed for
: the grave. - And ti e first duty, of that' body,
,after their adjournment, was to attend the
funeral of this . child;; in the 'very same spot
in which they had been sidling 'as a y
ter -
. ____ - - _ __ . - _ ..- ..
>.-~r.}i ~z
FouultAL EULOGY at the Obsequies of Da. E. K.
KANE. Delivered in the Second Presbyterinu
Church, Philadelphia. By W. Shield;
Pastor of the Church. 12m0., pp. 34. Phila
delphia : 'Parry 1S• McMillan. 1857.
At the time of the delivery of this oration, it
was published by several of the leading Philadel
phia. papers: so that the public had abundant op
portunity of judging as to its high merits as a
literary and classic performance. We are glad
to see, it Issued in the present form. TO many it
will bea valuable memento, not only of the great
lamented dead, but also of the , spontaneous grat
itude and respect of an appreciating cominutity,
that sorrowed because of his early removal.
TFIE TVEsnriforEn REVIEW. July, 1857. New
York : Leonard Scott Co.
One of the most remarkable papers this
number is devoted to the " Manifest Destiny " of
the United States. According to the writer, this
country is passing through a revolutionary crisis
as decidedly as when the tea was cast into the
harbor of Boston. The abolition party are the
especial favorites of this 'writer. The late work of
Hugh Miller, on the Testimony of the Rocks is the
most savagely handled, in a brief review, the
object of the, writer being not so much to assail
the man himself, as to show that he was en
gaged, and that he 'mew himself to be engaged,
in a hopeless effort of reconciling the testimony.
of Moses in the Word of God, and the testimony
of nature , in the earth that God has made. The
article is one of tne most determined indirect as
&lulls on Revelation which we have eeen. The
Theological department of the paper on. Con
temporary Literature is, as usual, equally hostile
to Revelation.,
Par the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
The Hotel and the Bible.
In a paper in one of our Eastern cities,
appeared, lately, the hotel advertisement, , a
part of which I send you, and which sug
gested the following dialogue :
" The ---- house is in the place
Where you can get your conscience eased;
Call and see us, when you 're passing,
We have plenty that's enticing;
We have liquors of all description,
Which you can have on cash condition;
Come one, come all, this very week."
Hotel—cc The place where you can get
your commence eased.
Bible---" Having their conscience seared
with a hut iron."-1. Tim iv : 2.
" 4 Have always a conscience void of offence
toward God and , toward men."—Acts xtriv
Hotel—" Call and see us when you 're
passing. ,,
Bible—" Avoid it, pass not by it, turn
from it and pass away.' —Prov. iv: 15.
Hotel—" We have plenty that's enticing."
Bible—" My son, if sinners entice thee,
consent thou not "--Prov..l 10.
Hotel—" We have liquore'of
.01 'll,eserip
Bible—" Wine is a mocker, strong drink'
is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby
is not wise."—Prov. xx : 1.
"Who hath woe ? Who bath sorrow ?
Who hath contentions? Who hath bab
bling ? Who hath wounds without cause?
Who bath r dness of eyes?"
".They that tarry long at the wine; they
that go to seek mixed wine.
"Look not thou upon the wine when it is '
red, when' it giveth his color in the cup,
when it moveth itself aright : at the last it
biteth like a serpent,, and stingetb. like an
adder."—Prov. xxiii : 29-32.
" Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor
drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and
ruakest him drunken also. :
Hotel—" Which you can have on cash,
Bible--" Ho every one that thirsteth,
come _ye to the waters, ,and .he that bath. no
money; come ye ; buy and eat; yea, come ,
buy wine and milk widow money and ma!
ont;price."—lsaiah Iv.:_ 1.
Hotel—"Cloate one, come all, this' very
Bib/e—" And the Spirit and the bride
say, come. And lot him that heareth say,
come. And let him that is athirst come.
And whosoever will, let him take of the
water of life freely."—Rev. xxii : 17.
" Behold now is the accepted time, behold
now is the day of salvation."-2. Cor. vi: 2.
E. W.H.
For the Presbyterian Banner and advocate.
New Presbytery of Lake Superior.
Very many must be interested to hear of
the organization of a Presbytery in so im
portant a field, on the extreme Northern
frontier of our Union. Missionaries and
ministers of our Church have been laboring
lonely and single-handed' ever since 1853.
Churches have been established, and are
growing up under their teachings and their
care. Houses of worship have been built,
and others are in progress of erection, to
meet the wants of this growing region. And
now the laborers and friends have the satis-
faction of finding them gathered into a
Presbytery in full connexion with, and un-
der, the care of the General Assembly.
This is the earliest Ecclesiastical Judi:
catory organized in the Mining Region, or
round the shores of Lake Superior.
The trie.mbers convened, accordinc , to the
appointment of the General Assembly, in the
First Presbyterian church of Ontonagon, on
Wednesday, 19th inst. The opening ser
mon was preached, and the Constituting
prayer was offered, by the Rent. J. M. Bar
nett, of Superior, Wisconsin. The Presby
tery was organized in the connexion of the
Synod of Wisconsin. After baying chosen
Rev. T.'R Elden, of Bayfield, Wisconsin,
to act as Temporary Clerk, the permanent
organization of the Presbytery was perfected,
by electing Rev. J. Irwin Smith, of Onton
agon, Moderator, and Rev. J. M. Barnett,
Temporary and Stated Clerk.
The following paper was then offered by
Rev. J. M. Barnett, and unanimously
adopted by the Presbytery, and its adoption
followed by a delightful season of devotional
-exercise . .
4: I
~.That a body constituted by
the General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church, we do here, as our first act, record
_ 4 RF .. s llyro ._
RI -
t O - AL
The Rules for Judicatories were adopted,
the usual business of Presbytery transacted,
and Presbytery adjourned to hold a session
at Hayfield, at the call of the Mod,
erator, and its regular meeting in the lec
ture room of the First. Presbyterian , church
of Superior, on the evening of the first Fri
day in June, 1855: -
J. Irwin Smith and T. R ,Elder, minis•
ters, and J. Harvey Nourse, Ruling Elder,
were ap. Pilate(' an Executive Committee on
Missions, for the Presbytery, to whom
communications respecting the cause in this
field may be addressed.
In accordance witi. the provisions for or.
ganization, the Presbytery defined the fol
lowing boundaries,. subject to approval by
the next General Assembly:—Line begin
ning at the St. Mary's river, on the forty
sixth parallf I of North latitude, and follow
ing that line Westward to the sixteen h men
ditto ; thence North ward upon that meridian
to the boundary of the United States; and
thence Eastward along that boundary till it
enters Lake Superior. J.I.S.
Ontonagon, August 25, 1857.
An Impressive Fact.
A vessel was overtaken wi!b terrific hur in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
After the most astonishing r fforts to weather
the storm, the awful batel igenee of the cap
tain broke on the ear of the passengers,
" The ship is on her beam•ends; she will
never right again; death is certain I"
" Nut at all, sir l not at all, sir !" ex
claimed a little sailor boy; " God will save
us yet.."
" Why do you think so?" said the cap.
taro, with strong feeling and astonishment.
" Because, sir, at this moment they, are
praying under the Bethel flag, in the city
of Glasgow, for,all sailors in distress, and us
among the rest; and God will hear their
prayers; now see 91 he, don't,."
The captain, an old weather•beaten tar,
exclaimed, with the tears running down his
cheeks, " God grant that their prayers may
be heard in our behalf, my little preacher !"
At that moment a great wave struck the
ship and righted her. A simultaneous shout
of exultation, gratitude, and praise, louder
than the storm, went up to God . A 'few
days after, the noble ship rode safely into
New York harbor.
The Uttalcer's Gift.
A brother writes me that when he was a
youth, his father said to him one day,
" Levi, can you make up your mind to
live at home and be :a farmer?"
"I would rather be a tanner than a far.
mer," replied Levi.
" Very well," responded his father, who
was willing to let Levi follow his own tastes,
as he was now seventeen years old; Very
well, my son, I will try and find a place for
Very shortly after, a place was found for
Master Levi, with a good Quaker. When
the youth presented himself at the tannery,
the honest Quaker said :
gg Levi, if thee will be a good boy, I will
do well by thee; if not, [ will send thee
home again. All the bargain I will make
by thee is, that thee shall do as wall by me
as I do by thee "
41 Very well sir," said Levi, "I will try
what I can do "
Levi now went to work with a hearty
good will. He worked bard, read his Bible,
was steady, honest,,and good natured. The
Quaker liked him. He liked the Quaker.
Hence the Quaker was satisfied, Levi was
happy, and the years of his apprenticeship
passed pleasantly away.
Just before Levi became of age, his mas
ter said to him
"Levi, I think of malting thee a nice
present when tby time is out."
Levi smiled pleasantly at this scrap of
news, and said, ":I shall be very happy to
receive any gift you way please; to make me,
Then the Quaker looked knowingly at
Levi and added, " I cannot tell thee, now
what the present is to be, but it shall be
worth: more than a thousand dollars to
"More than a thousand dollars ?" said
Levi to himself, his eyes spadding at the
bare thought of such a costly gift! " What
can it be ? I wonder if he means to offer
me his daughter for a wife? That can't be,
because I have heard it said that a good
wife is better than ten or twenty thousand
dollars. No, it can't be his daughter. But
what can it be ?"
That was the puzzling question which
buzzed about like a bee in Levi's brain, from
that time until the day before he was of
age. On that day, the Quaker said to hint :
" Levi, thy time is out tomorrow; but I
will take thee and thy present home to•day."
Levi breathed freely on bearing these
words. Dressing himself in his best suit, be
soon joined the Quaker, but could see nothing
that looked like a gift worth over a thousand
'dollars. He puzzled himself about it all
the way, and said to himself, "Perhaps the
Quaker has forgotten it."
At last they reached Levi's home. After
he bad been greeted by his friends, the
Quaker turned to him and said :
" - will give thy. present to thy
" As you please, sir," replied Levi, now
on the very tiptoe of expectation.
Well,' said the Quaker, speaking to
Levi's father, "your son is the best boy I
have ever bad." Then turning to Levi, be
added, " This is thy present, Levi—A GOOD
Levi blushed; perhaps be felt a little dis
appointed because his golden visions were
thus so suddenly spirited away. But his
sensible father was delighted, and said to
the Quaker, who was smiling a little wag
gishly: ,
" Would rather heir you say that of my
son, sir, than to see you give him all the
.:~b%..mmS~i , WNG'f+CFA'G!'~'NS^'Fi,y`._'!z::lt:~4Ah:WuY`i.~t+.:R:-11. fq~t.:W9 ' I:4Y'i JaA . t~RWt~r~ > hßJrFhVl:4 \' bN'M.<.U't'~'k:-ThTN " R:£ieY2K ; tvC!''iYAwY - i,3i:nYK:4flß".ih"l~ $ d!~+p'p
, 4;:tJ :4 411 - money: ere Wirth,- for t• A /pod' olaihe i .guds t, ! ;r,emoves i
?a to ti%Wei.• ieg'arairigi• fl o ° 4 CAC. )I PP 9 , and requires to be
Tiffkt) and. th Quaker ,out, in yqu? e l lea r e. water, an
t , waS tek9 IL N.O , ‘t, h j. fiP Ti is tkc,h,esc,
1T vt a food mime 'good thdfil met Pm 4 Atis)Rl, and i pqh,
a hot taw -eat lunic IF A gT , ,ti,ti nntpj;er , of IheaUti4l, dresses
tb - the the"bitner.'itr dt e d qfN II- PIRRT3ect - ,ilivi4 - the
good 46aq Qs, 4pli i .As,,YvP4 !A,prq, Ah1tP4 5, A 1 ,1 1 61 LA, Q4 ,0 1 1 4rP., fr:9 l A AfwArp:k.,
atl thei,gold,„ir . urisy furinsis c atud,..,iirenioui, our 5. ....11! 10 11 1 ,:: . 1.c,sAet..!1:::the:.
OPs>ibitlie•world..l) ...tit` , 4 4 tr44:4 f !water f_.or t .cogi.;qc..) d aoli,cip . ,9 3 4ps i s„slio,u1s1
Ci" P , 1146,c1 s cord
„,- f
, _ .
• tirecim4i de'scoe`;the'
Alame-gifteiromp,your,,,pappM, teachers, and
: i ff4tads.:le , al3ut, inark , mel A goo() name is
the;fruit of a good character. If your heart
is wicked, your ?lame cannot be good.
Hence, want a good. name, you must
ask Jesus to give you a good heart
aria. Sunday &hoot Advocate.
From the Rurai New Yorker
The Wheat midge.
Moottn:—Your correspoi,dent, J.
H. 15., is mistaken in his' views of the uni
versality .f the means by 'which the midge
(weevil) can propagate "itself. That it at
tacks late sown barley and rye, is true,-in
measure; 'but its natural' pabulum is the
wheat kernel. Winter barley almost
entirely escapes the ravages of this insect, as
does Winter rye, being much more forward
than Spring sown, especially yin wet seasons.
The insect found in the mullein,- is an
entirely different variety, only like in color
anti size: It is lively, active creature,
having six legs, white the..larvm of the
weevil is a maggot, with none. Lean hard
ly conceive that an insect the eighth of an
inch long, could sustain itself cu a seed, not
one twentieth of an inch in diameter, as is
fed clover.
The experience of the Eastern farmers
establishes the fact, that the entire suspeu•
sion of raising wheat in large districts,
almost entirely atiiiihilates the pest, and
they can again raise wheat with as much
success as the climate and soil will allow.
Prom some effect of the seasons of '55 and
'56, there was a great dimunition of the
wheat midge, and those farmers who had the
temerity to sow under the discouraging cir
cumstances of . foimer sears, had fair average
crops; which induced an increased seeding
for this, year, and results in almost a rota:i
failure, and will greatly discourage its repe
tition this Fall. It is possible that some of
the occult operations of the season may
greatly decrease their numbers, and that
the wheat crop may prove remunerative;
but it is rather a forlorn hope. H. Y.
A new Xode of Preserving Green Corn
Has recently been invented by Mr. Stephen
Culver, of Newark, N Y. His process is to
cut or split the ear longitudinally, by means
of : a suitable apparatus, into halves or smaller
divisions, and to dry cob and all. It is said
that the labor of preparing for drying is but
a trifle—and the corn, being dried on the
cob without boilieg or extraction of pith,
takes up during the operation a large pro
portion of the saaeharine and other nutri
tious elements. As soon as the cob is laid
open, it curves inwardly and separates the
kernels from each other, so that by the ex
posure of the ioternal part of the cob and
the separated kerne.s to the air, the drying
is effected with greater facility than by any
other mode yet made public. Mr. C. has
applied for a patent for this process, and
also for a cheap' and simple machine for
laying open the ears of corn.
Gathering Fruit
Much fruit is injured every season, and
its value lessened by carelessness io gather
ing Fruit carefully gathered by hand will
not only keep longer, but as it looks much
better than when bruised by rough handling,
will always sell more readily and at a hieher
price. A little care and neatness in select
ing and putting up fruit for market is by no
means labor lust. Any one, will pay more
for a neatly arranged basket of fruit than
for the same carelessly thrown together. A
few decaying specimens will not only injure
the sale, but often really injures and some
times destroys the whole.
Ripening Pears.
Those who are growing pears should re
member th , t all varieties are much better
for being picked three or four days before
they become ripe. , When fit for picking,
the fruit will be swollen and the skin smooth
and glossy, and on taking it in the hand
and raising it up, it will separate readily
from the tree. The pears should be placed
on a shelf or in a diawer, in the house, and
will ripen finely. By keeping them in a
cool place the ripening may be retarded.
Washing Fine Woojen and Muslin Ar-
The gall of oxen and cows, has been used
from time immemorial, for removing grease
and dirt, from fine woolen goods of delicate
colors. Its action is the same as soap in re
moving the, grease, while it is almost inert
regarding the colors. In the hands of
skillful persons, however, soap is just as
safe; and is more pleasant to use, because
the gall has an offensive odor. To use the
gall, it should be mixed with , just as much water as will allow the woolen article
to be squeezed and handled. freely. It re
quires considerable handling of the article
in the liquid before the gall aetwthorou g hly.
After the dirt and grease are removed, the
dress, shawl, or whatever it may , be that is
washed in it, should be thoroughly rinsed in
clean, soft water. It will take three or fem.
fresh supplies of water to remove all traces
of the gall from the, goods, and none must
be left in, on, account'of its offensive smell.
This is a very safe process of washing
fine woolen articles. of light green, blue,
and various other delicate colors. Chil
dren's dresses, of floe merino cloth, may
be •safely washed in this manner. One
gall will suffice for a small dress. Another
plan, and a better one for washing fine ar
ticles of dress, is to dissolve some fine soap
in hot water, and allow it to become quite
cold, then wash the article in this, takinF
care not to rub it violently. The soap suds
should be quite strong, or the soap will be
decomposed bir the'grease 'in 'the article to
be washed. The suds must be thoroughly
rinsed uut of the articles in cold, soft water.
Scented 'soap is the best to use for such
delicate operations, because it imparts an
agreeable perfume to the article of dress
Another process for washing fine muslins
of delicate colors, is to take some wheat
bran—about two quarts for a lady's dress—
and boil it fur half an hour in some soft
water, 'then' allow it to cool, strain the
liquor, and use it as a substitute for soap.
i les.
Taught to Fight.
Casey, a murderer who was executed at
San Francisco a short.time ago, just before
the rope was put round• his neck, made a
short and broken speech, in which he traced
back his crime to its fountain-head. "Gen•
tiemen," he said, "I am no murderer. My
fduAi are !lYTibluse dearly education. Where
I belonged, I was taught to fight, and that
to resent my own wrong was, my province.
I have an aged mother; and let her not
hear me called a murderer or assassin. I
have always resented a wrong, and have
done so now.
"Oh my poor mother, my poor mother;
how her heart will bleed at this news ! I
but resented an injury; my poor mother.
This wring her heart. Oh God, have
mercy upon me. My Jesus, take care of me.
0 God, with the accumulated guilt of twen
ty eight or twenty.nine years, have mercy
upon me. My poor mother !"
The hot passions of the boy, as you see,
had Dever been bridled.; He was suffered
to fight out an angry spirit, like the wild
beasts of the forest. Tt is a mistake to call
this manliness it is brutality; it is a thirst
for blood. True manliness checks personal
resentments; it is temperate and forbearing;
if wrongs are to be righted, they are to be
righted not by personal violence, which
would turn the world into a den of tigers,
but by reason, by just and sober views; often
by fOrgiving and forgetting many things
which cannot be helped or atoned for.
" The patient in spirit is better than the
proud ie spirit." "'An angry man stirreth
up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in
Collections Made in all the Principal Cities.
Corner Fourth and Smithfield Streets :
New York, -
Philagelphia, -
Baltimore, - • - • -
Cincinnati, -
St: Louis,
New Orleans,
BA - '1 NOTES.
Pittsburgh Bulks, par Ohio
Philadelphia Banks, 'par Vii
Other Eas ern Pa., par Indiana.
Interior Pa.,l Kentucky,
New b'nglad Ranks, l / 2
New York City,. par Mirbman,
st a te, Otinoia,
New Jersey, 1 Wisconsin,
Delaware, I,N. Carolina;
Ealtimnre, ' part C. 0
ttlaryland, 1 Tennessee,
Lietrint Columbia, 1 Georgia,
New Castle, Pa,
Erie City, "
Luneaster. ",
Kentucky Tru4 Co.
Seneca. Omni Bk.. Ohio,
Union Bk., ,andusky,
Canal nk„ Cievebutd,
Come. Bk., eine'. nett,
Com. Bk., Porthemboy,
Union Bk , N. J., Frenchtown,
The following Batiks are reported cloned
Warren Cout.ty.Batik, Pa.; Kanawha 'Bank, Va.; Rhode
Is'aud Central; Farmers' Bank, 'Bickford; Farmers' Bank,
Paratogo County; Trenton Bank, IL I.; Union Bank
Frenchtown, N J.; Bergen County dank. N. J.; Reciprocity
Bank, Buffalo; bollieter Bank, Buffalo; Cumbeiland
enemas Bankii "
Farmers' nrie Mechanics' Bank, Kent
County; Ohio Life Insuranceand Trust Co, Cincinnati; Life
I.inuic toe and Iruft Cora pany, hew York; ttooater Bank
_Danbury Conn, Morahan's' Nachange Bank, Bridgeport,
Olin.: Mount Vernon Bank, R. I; Island City hank, N.Y.;
Olivet-Lee & Cfl2B Batik, N. II.; Lanky Bank Vermont.
.L LEOP. and theological Seminary for the education
of colored men, under the care of the New Castle Preeby ,
tory in Chester County, Pa.
The 'first fntl Sopalon will commence September Ist., and
continue eight months. For particulars. address Rev. John
P. Carter r rresident of the Lusatia.... Peet Office; Oxford,
&AMNON, a Monthly Magazine of ferty-vight pages,
Conducted bo the 'Faculty of The Eclectic College of ldedi.
eine, is published at One Dollar a Tear, payable in' advance.
Communicatmos for subscription, or for specimen numbers,
should be directed to
Dr. C.ll. CLEAVELAND', Publisher.
139 Seventh Street, Cincinnati. (thin.
4 y 6m
Institution is mooted at aleadale, Hamilton County,
Ohio, twelve miles north of Cincinnati, on the Cincinnati,
Hamilton and Dayton Railway:. Glendale is a new and
lovely vida.m, withgracefully winding avenues and elegant
maneions..shaded by 'forest and cultivated trees, and ores ,
mented in the most tasteful and expensive manner. No
place can surpass it as the seat of- a Female College, com
bining as it dies acee•sibility, healthfulness, quiet seclusion
and reined society, without exooure to the evils resulting
from a location in a large city, or in proximity to Institu
tions of leaiming.for the other uox. . '
REV. apsEpit - G. MONFORT, D. 'D., Pre.ident.
Rev. S. S Potter. A.M., - , Mins. Leon hive,
L. G. Potter, A. [4., Mons C. Beaugurean,
Mrs. E. J. McPherson, Associate Prinettal.
Mrs. Hannah Monfort, Misa Jeattins B. Potter, -
Phebe Potter, ' Sarah Parke Morrison,
" Henrietta M. Potter, ' " Mary Parke M.Therson
. . . .
Ilacrime CAROLINE RIVE, Principal
_ _
Bettie kittbe, ' Prof Henry mith. (Harp)
The corps of Teachers is able and experienced in alt the
Departa eats. iiladame Rive received her training in Bit
rope, under the renowned (Miele, and is unaorpassed in her
department in the Western a entry. Her associates are
also nighty qualiffedfor their work. Tbe :Music:Department
was never so vv , rthy of Confidence, and it is intended to in.
creaseito attractions with its patronage.
The Course of Study, recently extended and elevated,
comprises all the branches of a thorough' English and Clas
sisal Education; while the instruction in Vocal and Instru
mental Music, Drawing Painting, and other Ornamental
Branches, will meet the highest demand of the age. The
pupils have free access to a well selected Library of over
two thou Sand volumes The College is provided with a
good Philosophical and Chemical apparatus
The grounds belonging to the Institution are richly
adorned with trees and ebrubbery, and a spacious botanicel
garden is to be carefully cultivated ;every year, furnishing
delightful recreation and profitable study. The buildings are
ample end elegant, coo •latla gof a fine Chapel, 42 by 85 feet,
six Recitation and seven Music Remus. a Drawing Room,
Dormitories. and a Dining - Room, eapatile of accommodating
one hundred persons.
Gold's Patent Heater, the latestimprovement for securing
a pure and healthful' heat, and safety from tire or accident,
has been introduced into the buildings. It is confidently
believed that no nther Institution in the Western country
affords equal accoinmodatione and facilities for the comfort
and improvement of the pupil. .
Boarding, tuition in all the branches of tbe regnlar course,
'washing fuel, lights. rooms furnished, &c., per annum pay
able half-yearly in advance, $25000.
Ornamental Branches, and Modern Languages, extra.
, The next Seeston will commence on Monday, September
7th, 1857.
kor further information, or Catalogues, address the Pt es
tient, or either of the Faculty. au 1.5-6 t
TY TRUSP 00BIPA.NY—Walnut Street, South•Weet
corner of Third. Philadelphia.
Incorporated 1.,:y
. the State of Pennsylvania.
Money tl3 received in any s um. large or small. and interest
paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The office is open every day, from 9 o'clock to the morning
till .7 o'clock in the evening, and on 'Monday and Thursday
evenings till 9 o'clock. '
Interest Five Per Cent.
All RIMS, large or small, are paid back In gold, on , lemand,,
without notiaa, ta any amount.
This Company confines its business.entirely to the reacts,
ing of money on interest. The investments, amounting to
made in conformity with the provisions of thO Charter, in
such first-class securities as will always insure 6erfeet se
entity to thedeposlioreand which cannot fail to .give per
manency and stability to this Institution.
E W EA 'w "lb US E---WIDOL
114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nearly opposite the Cur .
tom House,) have just ripened a Very ehoisegelection of
Of the latest importations. Also,
New Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crushed and Pulverigeff Sugars,
Rice, Ricellour, Pearl and Corn Starch, Farina, Yeast Pow
ders, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Cocoa; [aroma, Extra No.l, and
Spiced Chocolate, Pure Ground Spices. Castile, Almond,
Toilet, Palm, German, and Rosin,Soaps. Sup Carbonate of
Soda; Cream Tartar; Extra`Fine Table Salt; Pure Extracts
Lemon and Vanilla; Star, Mould. and Dipped Candles; Su
gar Cured Hama; Dried Beef; Wster, Butter, Sugar and
Soda Crackers; Foreign Fruits, ac., &c.
This stock has been purchased for CAM rind will be offer
ed to the Trade, end also to.Famhles, at very moderate ad
vances, from whom we respectfully solicit a share of patron
age. ' '
.1A.T.18 6SNn. . . , • , • • WM. C. AZITzli,
LTA': have associated 'themselves in the practice of Med
nine and Surgery. Office in. Ur. It ing'e residence, No. /12
Fifth, Street, opposite the Oithedral.
Dr. Reiter will ittorid at the office daily. and may be con•
suited at hie residence, in East Idlerty, in the morning]
and evening& onlifdr
„ t• PIT
-- ii4 )l 1 11614 5 1 h p-ao;•iir
`t- REss yrs. -AN - . . ad.l
,11E,TN 113 now wall faroidLeo 14.t.4 all 1 - baMubli.nfrf 1
~,,,-- . 1,'
.. , riinß'ilaid 6fpublitAtf6A;ltnchdirccittliS
:•-• " Li W A tt wa b [ ' Li 1 rtkii% a iliksiM i” ititil'binte.'lllElTl7atii ',.ftligo,ktitra,lries,T
I, , ,There i§ kilo 0 ; gogdp e llA ,of qiallY, fP O
,14ditwAttl ;70 um F.: l .
rich:, thv Ilux.eiottAyubLkalidilt
l' ; r4tL t :-At ith 'egu3e#lB. B:Tociebflta*l tbir! 4, ll , 9l , Par' 4 4i') I
iI :. 41 40 1 tdoiliftivithibyLF bait iiii tti&etilit . ittioii niti"e'prcim - p - iy,a..
" .-t ' 46 ded:f 644,- "it re x o lo4 a IVP'.9I/ b PF , Af?.II 2I -4 ' . .! , u t.
I ;
by, u Wriiiii iigli. L
I i m bi a oitc B :froodi gdpp6flof 41Untiiiistr u. 0 ii 4 r... .
„ t , . , Awl ~ .OULRERTSON. Librarian.
,:. ,tr,i ,
'AL POINTED Receiving Agent and:Treasurer, for the fol
lowing Church enterprises, in the Synods of PITTSBURGH,
The General Assembly's BOARD OF DOMESTIC MIS
SIONS; the General Assembly's BOARD OF EDUCATION;
the General Assembly's (Allmon EXTENSION COMMIT
Correspondents will please address him as below, stating
distinctly the Presbytery and Church, from which contribu
tions are sent; and when a receipt is required by mak, the
name of the post office and County.
As heretofore, monthly reports will be made through the
Presbyterian Banner and Advocate and the Horne and Fbreign
Record. J. D. WILLIAMS, Treasurer,
11 , 1_,Smithfield Street.
myze Fittsburgli,-Pa.
V 5 T A. I BR/ I TTS I N A B OO,
N 0.32 North SICOOND Street, above Market, Phiiadelplikt:
The largest, cheapest, and best assortment of PLAIN and
FANCY BLINDS of any other establishment in the United
E r REPAIRING promptly attended to. Give an a. call,
and satiefryourselves.
Ilia TORY, 663( 1 South FOURTH Street, below Oheptn.ut
_ .
. _
Envelopes; Die' Sinking And Engraving, Dies Altered, En
velopes Stamped with Business Cards, jorateopat,nie Envel
opea, self sealed andrinted direetions, Paper Bags for agri•
culturiste, grocers, ac., for, putting, up garden „seeds and
:groceries. . .
PRINTINO of all kinds, viz : Ozrds, BM-Heade, Oix
culars. - '
ENGRAVING of Visiting and. Wedding Cards,,witb . en•
velopes to fit eraitly, of the finest prtglish, French aid
American paper. - • •
.kinvelopes made to' . order •of any. size, quality, and da•
criptio Conveyancer's Envelopes for deeds, inortgagei
old .papers, Act., made in the best manner by ."
N. B. Orders sent by Expires, or is per agreement
—JAMES ROIIB, No. 89 Market Street, between the
Market House and Fifth Street, would call the attention of
his friends and customers, and all others who•may favor kiln
with their trade, that for the future he will be found at his
New Shoe Store, as above, with an entirely New Stock of
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers; Palm Leaf, Pedal, Tustin, and
Braid Hats, &c.; consisting in part of Gents' Pansy Opera
Boots. Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, Ae., Ae.; Ladies', Misses'
and Children' Raney Boots ' Gaiters, Ties, Slips, Ac., very
beautiful; Boys' and Youths' Dress Boots, Shoes, Ties and
Ills stock is one of the largest ever opened in this city, and
embraces everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia ea'
New York, end, ho trusts, cannot fail to please all. areal
care has been taken selecting the choicost goods, all 01
which he warrants.
Ile also continues to manufacture as heretofore, all de
scriptions of Boots and Shoes, arid his long caPeriettee "of
over twenty years in business in this cityls, he trusts, a suf
Schutt guaranty that those who fever him with their custom
will be fairly dealt with ap26-tf
ER ,
Teen Ittarket and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, NITS fOI
Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanner's Oil, Tanner's
and Currier's Tools at the lowest prices; and upon the'besi
far All hinds of Leather in the roughwanted, for
which the highest market price will be given in climb, or
taken iii exchange for Ridee Leather torad free of charge
and cold on commission. 1.715-1 Y
J. EL EATON, L. I. H., Union University, Murfreesboro',
Tennessee, says: " Igetwitheranding the irregular two of
Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restore. , &c.. the falling oil
of hair ceased, and my grey looks were restored to their
original color."
pima% prem
paree . l 4
paryi "
% dtacOMit
Rev At TR A.CREft, (60 years of age,) Pitcher; Chenarga
Co., N. Y.: "My hair is now restored to its natural color,
and ceases to fall off.'•
REV. wk.. MITER. Ed. Mother's Magazine, N. Y.: "My
Lair is changes to its natural color," &c.
REY. 6. P. STO , Tk D. D., Concord. N. R.: "My hairwhich
was grey, is now vutored to its natural color, &c.
RKV. D. CLENDENIN, Chicago. 111.: "I can add my tett
timony, and recommend it to my friends"
REY. D T: WOOD, Middletown, N.Y.: MyoWn hair has
greatly thickened ; oleo that of one of my family, who was
becoming bald"
tt P. .I`IISTIN, Charleston, S.C.: "The white Wrie
becoming obviated. and new hair forming," &c .
.11.1Tir A. FUNK, Silcer Creek, N. T.: " has produced
a good effect on my hair, and I can and have recommended
REV. A. BLANCHARD, Meriden; N. H.: "We think very
highly of your preparations," Au.
REV: B. 0 SMITH, Prattsburgh. N. "T was surprised'
to find, my grey heir turn as when I was young."
REV. JOS, McKEE. Pastor of West D. R. church; N. Y.;
REV. D. MORRIS, Cross River, N. Y.; MRS. REV.
PRATT, Hamden, N. Y.
We might swell this list; but if not convinced, TRY IT.
Or World's Hair Dressing : . ts essential to use v ith the Re
storer, and is the befit Hair Drefsing for old or youngsmtant,
being • often efficacious in case of hair falling, /to., without
the Restorer.
nn sale
no sale
Ore3 2 -halied. Bald, or persons idllicted with diseasesef the
hair or scalp, read the above: and judge of -
IT DOES NOT SOIL OR STAIN. Sold by all the principal
wholesale and retail merchant in the United States, Onba,
or Canada.
J. FLEV/Nd, Agent. Pittsburgh
Some dealers try to sell arlicles instead of this on
which they make more profit. Write to Depot..forCircniar
and information. - ap46m*
F 0 Et S 8.8 A Till SCHOOL St BIBLE
Prof. Jaeobus's Notes on John,
new edition.
" DO ark and Luke, new edition.
" " Matthew; cc
Question Books, on the same, interweaving the Shorter
On Matthew, (with Catechism annexed,) $1.50 per des.
On Mark and Luke, " each 1.50 "
or, the two volumes bound in one, 2.25 "
On John, with Catechism oleo annexed, 1.60.
They will be forwarded to any:address, if orders be sent
. Pres. Board of Colportage. St: Clair St., Pittsb'gb.
65 Blarket Street, Pittsburgh . : •
&ZAP . St. Clair Street; Pittsburgh.
• t oF • • Manufactured by
The oldest and most experienced ELECTRO Pureas in the
• ' United States.
TEA S p kir o tzUßNS,
The most elaborate and richest patterne •
in America.
No. 15 South Ninth Street, above Chestnut,
Near the Girard Rouse •
eenT-ly* Philadelphia.
The author of "The Great Teacher" Bret won distinctiOn
by hiebrilliaut displays of pulpit elogunnce. So great was
his renown that his services were in Constant request for
special occasions throughout the gingdota. The Sermons
here presented to the public, fatly sustain the reputation
which they procured for their author while They
are entitled to be ranked with the best models of this sort
of composition. Some of •hem are masier-pieces. unsur
passed for grandeur of conception, sublimity at thousht,
and impetuow, glowing eloquence. Original without being
eccentric, liberal and at the same tim evangeli sal, they
stimulates ad enlarge the understanding while they warm
and satisfy the heart,
Neu Edit loris of the foiloiting Works by the same Anther
Or, Characterirtics of our Lord's Ministry With an Intro . -
duntory Essay. by lIISiIAN DUMPEIR*Y, D. D. late
President of Amber t College. 12m0., cloth-85 cents
He writes like one Who has long been accustomed to "sit
et the feet df Jesus," and has eminently prokted under his
teaching. Ido not wonder at the aridity which is tasten t
ing its wide circulation in England; nth' at the high terms
in which tz is reuanmended by an many of the bear judges.
Ism sure th it it deservs so, equally rapid and wide circu
lation here —Dr. Humphrey's Intrcduction.
AC& ['AMT. located in Chester County, Pa.: se its
The nest Session will commence Toes& y. September id..
1857, and continue forty weeks. Students admitted it ici'
time during the Session." , - •
Among the advantages which the above named In,titt::: , :
affords. those as under, may be mentioted
Mrst—The method pursued in imparting a,*
the Greek and Latin Languages, is that of Literal , 10,'n
terlinear Tranilations, tarnished cratuitously. vii: ,-11 ~..i .),,,
slates the period of study, reduces the amount of lider. ala
increases, beyond all other systems, the actual acquirtua tj '
of the student. '-
Second—Penmanship and Drawing. The artist ila,"
charge of this Department, is one of the best in tb • :-^r , :
a..d was awarded the premium fl.r his specimens at the :11
Ohs ter County Fit•rtirultural Fair.
Third—Modern Languages are taught by a Gerrass.
_ll 1 ;a
speaks fluently both the French and the German l•-• .
Fourth--)dosical Departinerit This department ir-
, 71 c
1:t .
the supervision of a native German, possessing rare • •
knowledged ability and attainments.
In this department those desiring it, may reeeire ieststl'•
Lion in the Classical Compositions of Mozart, Iteribot•v .
Bow el, etc
During.the - SeesiOn, addresses on topics of Science and.FT.F.
emture, will be delivered by the foil win- gt-idleais!!• r .
D. ft. Hotshkin; 'Rev. Robert Lowry; wing,
li. ma 7
LLD.; ,Professor, F. A. Mills; v..K. Gaston, 3 - 1 I ) '' Rev
E. Voorei'E'`. Towri•cmd, D. D. 9; Wiliam hider. !it D.: Cr!.
Thomas Eitsgtrald; Rev. T Snowdon Thomas; Ttillis , v ,,,, t .
Blakeslee; 41, D.; Urn. D. M. Smyser, and J. B. P . i , 1,.
M.D.; in' connexion with many others not yet tesuclr i i:
Also; a comae on Agricultural Chemistry, by a 1 '
. .
MAN PRINIG*AL; • 1 simnel:teacher and lecturer.
Or, the Constitution and Primeval Condition of the Roman I ~ The Intr_oductory Discourse of the
Being. A Contribution to Theological Science. With a i livered by the Principal ony . ,
..... , I.
fine Portrait of the Author 1.2olo; cloth—sl.2s. lief J N. C. Grier, 1). V • ''.
I EXSI.IINItte aOIII7 , IITTEE .. . . . .
Wedneses S S7p gi te r ni n t7;r ll ;l e l` if:
The distribution and arrangement Cifthought in this vbitiM . car
to ,
; ' llliller also • iter Alexander M. Wiggins, .d. A.
are each at to afford ample scope for the author's -remark- togas
' refe d re; p n '
r ee f :, : pe te t r u m s, s wh an ic d h
w fu i r li ti b M e r m p a ir il t e i d eu b la y r a s d s d e r e ,,p ,„
lade powers of analysis ii, d ilhistaation In a very
, masterly _ either g" " 'l:'
way does our author grapple iwith almoiit et ery difficult. : : Prinriel l
ofttic undersigned. Z. C. COCHRAN. M. A-
R AG. Mumma; i . , i.,
and perplexing subject which comes e ittena the range of his j Ip 47 l ,:g.'"F oollee ` ?,-. SurgrintemAen • su,
proposed Inquiry into the constitution and tionditionuf roan '
Pritneval.-Londos. Evangelical Magazine. ' ' '' ' I .
. eV- Yoflnstitution , by DR. 9511113,, is lima
- - TUE 1115T 0
Or, R isle
Or, the Fatally, its Constitution and ProbatiOls. 'l') o , ' sale in most book stores. Copies containing th•
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„coa t
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.11. v itl , l ",
UM "Great Ooromission "placed him' - this Catalogue. $l.OO. Copies mailed
among the foremost . 119 Agents 3 .' 11
tor $3
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writers of the age, and, his reputation has 13 e il loans: and without Catalogue for $ . „ be,.
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tattled by file later writings. Rot here 18 . 1 ii e ' ll W 8
8 richest work.
ens- . sell;this , and otter works, to whom aII , i 1 „ .,1L 5 e , ",',,, a ,a
Whoever would understand h l -
01:1. the ps I be Oren Active young men,
ow argely this world is Molt ''. g- my t, gt 00 per dill%
InLYas its found , tion, should sin land thought- money, can make from o. 0 • gfiftricti.
fully turnover them pagt:s..--G t'' • ' • w Y - - 'Address the Publisher,
p reit• Tribune. i J. T. i- e,,,,
Pitbi.arih. ~
with a :qt. .11 W.
GOMA) &. _LINCO LN, :-.1 N. ' — The following resolution was tinamimauttl).2.,;
No. 59 Washington Street,Boston. ' b
Voter v Fick i r ;
, the ed. f T ustees of Jefferson College, ou 1.1 1!t
he r
~, Resniaerli Tint witliottt endoesing every set , - ,
.;,, ~,,,,y
AL 48 a g kThT.—Sitriate,l ten miles West of the City, at - contains, th e ti onr a recommend to the P uhlie. .. I tV, n ii‘ll , ,
the Iliva illlaffitittion,of 'the I),,Ft. W. and Chicago ffqt. , Jefferson College reposed by Dr Smith. as s F •-,, t i till)
Ear further particulars, address S. FREs.Sx, .m. D.,, • correct exhibition ' o P f the leading wake.
Box uo 1, Pittsburgh. Pa. 1 iconersble "Institution. facts in the lustOry e_ ,
Cr, the Christian Chureh constituted and charged to convey
the Gospel to the WOrld. Witlian introductory essay, by
WILLIAM B. WILLIAMS, D.D. 12mix, cloth—SUM.
Of the several productions of Dr. Nan is—all of them of
great value—this is destined to exert the most powerful in:.
flumes in forming thexeligimis and missionary character
of the coming generations. Rut the vast fund of argument
and instruction will excite the admiration and Inspire the
gratitude of thousands of , our own land as • well as in Eu
rope. Every. clergyman and pious and reflecting layman
ought to possess the 'volute. and make it familiar by re
peeled perusal ,—Purittin Recorder.
Contributions to Theological Science. New and revised edi
tion. • 12m0., cloth-85 cents: • _
If. we do not greatly mistake, this long looked-for volume
'Will create and sintain a deep impression in the more Intel
'actual elides of the religious World.—London Evangelical
Magazine. ' . . •
Dr. Harris states in a lucid, succinct and 'often highly
eloquent manner, all the'leading facts of gtology, and M sir
bautitul harmony with the teachings of Scripture. As a
work of paleontology fu its relation
_to Scripture, it will be
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tf.:l)l.l` e
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ALA GAV2' , ArtiLYT TH kuUrilt c li"1
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, Taught by a practscal I,lThirat-A8 man, ho
lar work on gook keeping as early ae h,
Commercial College 1.3 Houk-keenit g tanniit
having an equal amount of experience in Leath_
Business Fractice.
TERMS, &e.
Pull Commercial Court°, time unlimited, -
Arerage tithe to complete a thii.iLligh Coors:. f
Can enterer, any time—revive , 'et oleaime.
$2 50 to $3.00. Prices for tuitt;tu d
city in the Union—its great variety of
the cheapest and most available point in the tett;
for young men to gain a Business Education. aoti
Specimens of Writing, and Circular, entt free
fe2i Pitt ebb'
The Winter Session, of five months, will commence Ir.
Wednesday in November.
Expenses, for Boarding, Fuel, Light andfinition in 4, .
glish branches, VD per Session. Ancient and hot
gnages, each $5. Lessons on the Piano, and Use Di 1 . 7,2
meat, $l5. Painting and Drawing, each $5, 'Jr
merit of $BO, will include the whole.
A daily stage connects with the care at Newark, Dri ., ei
also at Parkesburg, Pa. Address
3. M. DICKEY, or
Oxford,Sept. 20, 1.855 'SAMUEL DICKEY.
F 11,25.4.
the nubile to the
uousiorszprire DRY GOODE
where may be found a large assortment of kal
Pry Goods, required in furnishing a house. thus
the trouble usually experienced in hunting such arc e.t . .
in various places. In consequence of our giving reo
tention to this kind of' stock, to the exclusion of
and fancy: goods, we can guarantee our prima and 5t7. , :
• to be the most favorable in the market.
we are able to give perfect satisfaction, being tee
6STABLIVIED Imam Swim ns rim CITY, and havin,c
for more than twenty years regular Importers from sc-,,
of, tht . beat manufacturers in Ireland. We stor %;-:: •
large stook of
of the best qualities to be obtained, and at the very k, .
prices. Also, Blankets, Quilts Sheetings. Tickicp, ir.
mask Table Cloths,: and Napkins ; Towellings,
Finekabacs, Table and Piano covers, Damasks t.n•J
roans, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Dimities. Fur: - ..1:z.
Mintses, Windoo. Shadings, kc. be.
*S. W. corner CHESTNUT and SEVENTE FF .
11030-tf hi] adc 1 -fp
jrol3lll A. RENSHAW,
(Succelsor to Bailey & Bellamy)
-253 Liberty Street,
Has just received his• Spring stock of choice Family Or te.
les, ireludipg
150 lir ehestlichoice Green and Black Teas;
SO bags
,prime .Rio Coffee;
25 ' do. sm. Llignayra Coffee;
85 mats do. Java do.
4 bales 'dol. Mocha do.
2 1 barrels New York Syrup;
hhds. Lovering's steam Syrup ;
12 do. prime Porto Rico Sugar;
50 bble. Loisering's double refined Sugar;
25 do. Baltimore soft do. do.
Also—Spices, Pickles, Sauces, Fruits. Fish, Sugar-CurEi
llama, Dried wecf, &c. &d, wholesale and retail.
Catalogues furnished, giving an extended list of stoPk,
anlB4f ,
Domestic Duties; or, The Family a Norte,. 7
Barth and 'Heaven. RI the Rev. Rufus W. Bailey.
pp. 120 Pric' 20, and 25 cents. The duties of buttai
and wives, of females, of parents end children, are I.l t o
stated and enforced in a style at once attractive aci
11. Ella Clinton; or, lay Their Frnits ye Shall Rrev
Them. BY. Cousin Martha 38m0., pp. 206. price 25 ac:
30 cents. This is an eznaaging story of an orphan girl.
111. Lessons for the Little Ones. By a leacher of it
tants. 18mo.. pp; 180 With engravings. Price 25 sr. ,!;:,
mints., These lessons. derived from Scripture ; are full ofis.
erest for juvenile readers.
IV. Gleanings from Beal Life. By S. S. Eglireau,
tberess of 'Lizzie Ferguson." 18mo.. pp. 180 Price ~;,
and 30 cents. It consists of fourteen sketches dra ws i r ,„ c
real life, all exhibiting the beauty of godliness.
V. Annie Grey, and other sketches. By Olive. lima.,
pp. 72. Pri.e lb cents. Seven short. but intelemn;
sketches. intended especially for little girls.
VI. Children of Abraham ; or, Sketches of Jewish &A
verts. Being-in part a so4uel to Leila Ada. 18mo pp.
Price 20 and , 25 cants. The readers of Leila Ada wit t*
pleased to lettrn something more about her comin
who stood by ber so n - hly at the time of her fiery trial
IL the Life, of Mrs. Sherwood, author of Bear
Milner, Little Henry and his Bearer, Ac. Abridged 07
the Board. 1.2m0., .pp. 162, with a portrait. Price ii
• VIII: 'A Spiritual Treasirry for the Children of Grd:
consisting of a Meditation for the Morning of each De} in
the Year, upon seleet tests of Scripture. Humbly intruded
to establish 'the faith, promote the comfort and 'tantrum
the practice of the followers of the Lamb By
Mason. ' 12mri., pp. 510. Price 70 cents. This lea reprint
of a work long and well known to God's people. es one of
the • best b.oks.of.devotional reading to be found in the
English language. '
ASpiritual Treasury for the Children of God; Con•
siting of a Meditation for the Evening of each Day in the
Year, upon select texts of Scripture. By William Maros.
12m0., pp 508. Price 70 cents. This took should find a
place by the side of the Bible in every closet of the land.
X. . The Bishop and the Monk; or Sketches of the Lives
of Pierpoolo Vergerin and John Craig Converts Itsm 1,.
pery- 18mo pp 166. Price 20 and 25 cents. These are
very interesting and 'instructive sketches cf the lives el a:
Italian Instep and a Scotch monk, during the time of the
Reformation from Popery.
1.1. Isabel; •or, Influence. 18mo., pp. 155, with en.
gravings. Price "X and 25 cents. An excellent volume inr
the Sabbath School library.
XII. Little Talks for Little Folks. Written for the Pre:-
byterian Board of Publication:- 18mo.. pp 72. Price Ii
cents. An admirable little volume for the little ft Ike.
XIII. What is Faith.? By the Rev it. 11. Beattie. Dal:
!teed by request of the Synod of New York. 18ruo
302. 'Priedls and 20 cents.
XIV. The-Holy Life and Triumphant Deatb of sir. Jobe
Janeway, 'Fellow of King's College. Cambr:dee. By The
Nev. James Janeway. IBmo., pp.. 166. Price 20 and
date' This i% a striking narrative of one who lived ants
twenty-four years a on earth, yet attained to a Eirgulal *3 - .
alted piety, and departed in triumph to his heasebly
- XV. Gems of Thought; being ilioral and Religious fir
!tendons from Matthew Henry and others. Bd cud b 5
Harrison Hall. ,32m0„ pp. 128. Gilt edge. Price 25 i . rit , s
XVI. Our Friends in Heaven; or, the Mutual fiertgr,.>
lion of the Redeemed in Glory 11-mobstrated. By flu 14. v
h. 1111. Killen, Comber. /2mo, pp. 225. Price 45
'XVIT. In Doors and Out of Boors; or, Life among de
Childreu. By Mary . McCalla, author of Pirteriti
Book. Square 162uci., , pp. 183, with five b autiful rsko , i
engravings A very attractive book, which caun. t hot
Published by the Presbyterian Board of Publication,';
821 Chestnut Street; Philadelphia.
Jel3 tf .I(ISEPA P. SNGLBS, Publishing Age:J.
STITUTION is under the care of the Pres.Mte;::
Zanesville, and is located at washirgton Ohio n tbe7.t
tional - Road half wat 'from Wheeling, to Zanesville; VI
only three miles North of the Central Ohio liallroed. Tig
surrouneing country is h lly and remarkable healthy.
A'large, tasteful, and convenient building. ha,. he , .
erected and furnished with suitable apparatus; th unti,r•
signed devote thwr attention entirely to the in:din:pa ,
and all the necessary arrangements have been node tar
educating young men on the most approved principles
The course of studies includes an English and tla,deid
Department, and is extensive enough to prepsre
for the Junior Class in the best Colleges. Strict attesti.m
will be given to the comfort, manner s and moral= of dr
pupils, and they will enjoy the advantages of a Litersty
Society, a Library. and a Philosophical appsratue
Very mall or backward hays are not recei , ed. nor will sr , '
be permitted to , remain who are either immactd. ind 1 , 1: 1
or unwilling- to form habiteof diligent stud,. . On [hest! ,
hand, we invite young men of good character and stiel.‘ ,
habits, who de sire a good education to fit them• ire
business or for teaching; and especially pious youngra ,2
preparing for the Gospel ministry, whose presence at.:
liuence me high y appreciate
- Toots ok . Turtle:v.—ln the Classical Deportment. SP 2 '''
per Session of five months; Senior English Pepsi-in , IL
$lOOO, per Session of five months; Junior Englbb Delete'
molt, :AN, per Session or five months.
Tuition fees must be paid in advonce. Booms snit 1' ^'-'
ing will be furnisbf d by rerpeetable private
WM per week, The Pessions commence on the lir,t
day of May and of November.
.11 1 iV, J ..E.ALEXA.NDBR, Prircirs l .
J. Y. MOINE, A. B, Assistant..
• ly