Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, September 12, 1857, Image 2

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    mYP:- _a.:^Mt~l,^;t~;a+tmWti9t.~:'rtLror.`sfJEw.'Y24Yi-
ii .A. , -. 4 ..- ; -,.. 1
Winter ant 4 .-.lltrocatt
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Siegal fill advahori or 11111 Moho
111.2111 or, dolimorod at rooldoitoor of Baba:tri o
boil, *fat; his l i t s ollitoetnoi oa Third Pago.
R EII EINA L 13 should lims prompt; a little
while before the year iiipihreai that we away
fl# l6 Frrilirerirlitager alteatlY saPPIY•
THE RED WRAPPER Indtomtit that ora
dultron ronsoral. If, how•vor, In this hoots
of 11111aillaWhis signal should In onalthttl,nam
not (argot. usi.
RIIIIITTANOBS.—Sond payment by sate
Inindarialtan caltraniont. Or, read,bymall,
'meiosis's with ordinary oars, and troubling
nobody Inritb a knowledgo of what you aro
doings , For 111 11111firk amount, mend a Drafts or
largottoton For ono or two papers, mond Gold
or monUnotta. •
TplitAgE CHAINFOInt Mood postings Oplowlso
Sr still, land for moor. papers! sox.*
for'illieroOty nuraltoiri, or $1 for Thiritimthroo
. ,
DIRDOV all idottars and Columnanteations
to RSV. DAVID leloluaNDY. Pittsburgh,
Somr, Exoarlwrci AnTiorze on hand, do
not appear for want of room. ;
requested to .the Notice of the meeting of
this Board, on Thursday, the 17th. Lek the
meeting be,full. • •
PRISBTTEBK 'OF - .AikixesENx Ciir—
Thio.Stated Clerk-of this Presbyteryrequests
us tO 'state that nest meeting will be on
the third Monday of September, and not on
the fourth, as advertised last week.
RE; will open on
,the 21st inst. The Faculty
is . now lull, being composed of Professors
Breckinzidge; Hinnphreys, Robinson, and
Yerketi. .:The' price of board is $2:00 to
$22 5 per week. Assistance is gi..ven to in
digent students. „
Allegheny Synod.
SUBSCRIPTIONS to thevßanner & .Advocate
maybe'handed to the: editor at the Synod
in 'Erie We shall behaPpy to meet many
frietids there.
PANMENTS rto . the.yarions Boards of the
C'kurdiortay be made, at the same place, to
J. Dr. Williams, Receiving Agent, who
wiifittend for'the purpose.'
--.'''.naMieliOhttroh.llxtendedv - -
The new Presbytery of "Lake Superior,"
earries,,, i onf;lo4iimb: ork k antiatioa to the ea
treme Mirth-West of our inhabited country,
East of the Rooky Mountains. An account
of the-first meeting= may be found' in :another
colunan!' The geed brethren are far away;
people are rapidly flocking„ thither,,Snd the
ceaseless and farpervading t in its
rapid movements, 'enables us to bold inter
course. We are one.
PrlifeisOr Elea
We have just learned that ,the Directors
of :the North-West ilTheolpgicaL Seminary
have electedeßev, N. L. Rice, D.D., to the
third Chair, the one declined by Dr. A. 13.
Brown. .1:144 ~, , Icept,an9e will be hailed with
pleasure the churches. The Directors
also took lame preliminary steps towers:lint.
ting the 'Seminal' , under the mire' of the
Geoeral Aslenibly.
kurthiq information we expect from our
Correspondent, North- West, next week—
(,End, of -Volume ,71#12.
ONE number more will complete the
Fifth, Ye/wee tlie Presbyterian Banner.
A large numliei subiciiptions will termi
nate with the volume. We respectfully
request a fuliiimir prompt' reneival. • If the
list of subscribers is perMitted tndeeline,
the. terms of subscription must be iaised.
We plead with ; our brethren of the Ministry
and F i ldership,, and with all our friends, to
lend us effeetivn aid in fuinishing - to • the
churches a sound Presbyterian 'paper truly
good, and realty chew.
Fifth Church, Pittsburgh.
This edifice is being re-opened formorship,
with thelprosgilot Of forming. a new liongre
gation. Worship is held, bait statedly, on
Sabbath afternoons, and good oengregations
are in attendance. The Old Version of the
Psalnxa re alone need: There' is a:Sabbath
School of over eighty piPili,"condirot'ed by, a
few, enterprising, teachers-„ We trust; emit
Presbyterians, will appreciate the effort, and
lend whelping-hand: There is an `abrindant
popitlation speedily to fill the house, and
PitAtirfOirs"Will not have done their duty
till #hie end G is accomplished, and a pastor
Livingstontes Seventeen Years," .ite.
derrispiinden't deitcribes'lii‘Amdk with
thiViitlii, and ekes : ft . 's heritable
•11l (hi:,.3
count of Dr. Livingstone's labors and travels
in Wfries4ff7. WC think not.' ieive , not
sea but' the eetieript f ion ' gfieif
th,ti_,o 11
,110.Plt W , Ce
, Oink,
Drolii,,is notlet published;
but it maybe eipei3ted shortly. We-seethe .
in in - exchange : ' "The
144 Sin's. Ifarpiihivii in Press ,the great work,
in „which Dr.:LiVingstone:pairiteS, the his ;
toxy of his diseeveries",in r Africa." ,
the fiThirpers we may eipeob the genuine
work, and would :bhp none till that 'Shall
Notice to the; Itifeimbers 'of the Synod"of .
The PittAkurgh„Fort ;Wayne and ,Chicigo,;
the ;Cleveland and Pittsburgh, and the,Cleve.
land and Maiming ' , Railroads, , have'agreed;
to return the reeinbiiiii of the Synod of Alle
gpy, free of charge, on the presentation to
the Conductor, of a certificate,from the clerk,
stating that theywere members of the Syn ,
odL—that: they have traveled:lon the road,
anti r hain Pia full fare in , going - IC the meet.
ing. , The { Cleveland, Pamsv e and Aibta
bula Railrcad Company state r that their es
tablialied4olicy; and their uniforurpractiee:
hitherto; .'refirildrs -- it impossible for' thein
enter. intn'thifrarran 6 . 14,
• Pittiibp r ih 'to i Cleye'land, the fare;
, . ~„ 84,00 ,
PP* 10titigstown ,t;;;Clevelimd; . 2.10
Cfever4 tot .. • 2 4 0
'HAP) ; • a n : ;I t:
Brw rs Egg* ri• {frVi r M.
s s. Ash 1(4
The temptations that liOn the path of
young ministers, at the outset of their career,
are both dangerous and deceitful. Unless
the intelligence and piety of the licentiate be
of a high order, it is"possible that the - direct
end for which the ministry has been insti
tuted may be overlooked from the com
mencement, and that the effort, whether in
ireparing ,for the pulpit, or when engaged
in the public sanctuary, may not be so much
to save immortal souls, by leading them to
tlie, Saviour, as to makenn impression on the
audience, and convince the people that the
speaker is possessed of commanding talents.
Presbyterians are made familiar with the
Shorter Catechismin early life, and our young
Men are, or ought to be, fully conversant
with its teachings when they leave the Sem
inary and 'enter on the duties of a licen
tiate. Now, to many such, it may seem tame
and common-place to prepare sermons in
I which the great cardinal doctrines of that
invaluable compend are expounded. Such
preaching would, as they imagine, dis-.
play no originality, no philosophy ; and it
would afford no room for poetical composi
tion, nor for rhetorical display. Accordingly,
a theme is chosen on which the writer may
expatiate, and which will enable him• to
utter his deep thoughts and most profound
and original conceptions, and to give forth
his utterances in all the brilliancy of `a style
surcharged with 'tropes and '-fignreS. , His
audience may perceive that he has graced
his performance with a text from the sacred
Record; and, they may also perceive, that if
he have a distinct plan in his own mind as
to the track along which he is to lead his
hearers in his discourse, or if there be a
connexion between the text and the oration,
he has carefully avoided giving them. any in
formation on the subject; for this, also,
would be trite and old-fashioned. The lan
guage may sparkle with gems of beauty, and
while the forms of expression and the gen
eral tenor of the discourse may seem to inti
mate that the preacher has soared aloft
into a region of sublime idealism, or,
on the other hand, has sounded the depths
of metaphysical abstractions, a general im
pression may be produced by the perform
ance, that the orator was no doubt elo
quent, learned; 'and 'very original; and yet,
, these, puzzled admirers, if well catechised,
would be fOund at as great a loss as the
preacher himself, to tell what was the object
of the discourse. It may be very true
as a sentiment in poetry, or a dictum in
philosophy, but the value of the information
which it communicated to sinners standing
in the presence of a righteous Judge, was a
nullity. it is an important point for •young
candidates for the ministry to have deeply
engraven on their hearts, that the great ab
ject of their functionis to preach the Gospel,
and. thus lead souls to Christ.
Forrnal logic and metaphysics may have
been studied when at College. The irresist
ible demonstrations of pure mathematics,
may have been delighted in, and the beau:
ties of Greek and Roman eloquence mayliave
been felt in all their refining and elevating
influence, during the training of an educa
tional course; but when the Gospel minister_
stands in the pulpit, he presents himself
there as God's messenger, to teach the peo
ple what God would have them to believe
and to do, as 'he has revealed his will in his
Word. He , does not, ascend the pulpit to
teach the art of reasoning, and to show his
mastery of logical fence, by slaying enemies
of his 'own construction. Ai a servant of
Christ, he, does not dischargethe obligation
that ; is laid on,him, by, spreading out before
'his audience the wonders of natural history
as they may be seen on the earth, in the air,
or the depths of the ocean. However con
versant he may be with poetry, philosophy,
or literature—how much soever his mind
may have been expanded by astronomy and
the study of the immensity of the works of
the great Creator, or his judgment strength the influence of the exact sciences,
still he is to remember, that as a minister,
his special, peculiar, only office, is to *open
up before men's minds, and press home on
their souls, the great realities , of the Divine
Let it not, be said that this is an under
valuing. of learning, and that in'accordance
with the views here presented,' an aspirin*
for the'ministry would first be educated in
the arts and sciences, and then, ddring his
future labors, - 'be debarred from profiting by
the study of his former.years. Such is not
the 'base. ' It will be found that the advan
tages gained by, the student in the study of
logic, , will enable him all t'ae, more easily and
elearlY,tO expose the false reasoning of form=
alists;. and .of mien who:procrastinate in refer
ence` to,their SalVation.' EXteniive and mi
,nute acquaintance, with , natural hiatery, and
the kingdom of, nature gene,rally, willonahle
the preacher to adduce such illustrations as
will; -(from their novelty and appropriate
neas;) secure attention, nnd;When judiciously
used, be fOund not only to.expound the
meaning of ,the speaker so as that dull un
derstandings will comprehend it, but at the
saint' time to invest the subject with the
graces of an attractive scholarship. Dr. Ham
ikon,. of London, derives much of, his power
in the pulpit from this source; and:yet, while
it is - known that he is a profound Naturalist,
he never introduces his knowledge, except as
illustrative of great , spiritual truths. Mathe
ranged learning,may,,,diseipline the mind to
close and iecurate reasoning; and the mod
'els of doquence which . have come down to
us from the olden time, may' be profitably
studied in order to ascertain' the most pol
ished and effective Manner , in which to, pre
sent truth tnan audience,.and carry convic-.
tion to the Mind: The Study of the sciences
as an intellectual gymnastic is invaluable for
the mental discipline it affords, and, in active
duties the factS and information'Which are
treasured up in these great
,store -houses of
human knowledge, may be, profitably : used in
order .to elucidate and expound ;' and here
' "Odd taste and teal scholarship will alone'de
-64e 'Correctly, the amount OCilluitration
that eank,Fo4tably employeC ` Thus it is,
.7 t:-1
The Preaching that Does Good.
that while the Gospel preacher is not a Pro
fessor of Logic, nor a teacher of science; he
may, by the cultivation of all branches of
human learning, have his mind strengthened
and prepared for the great work of the min
istry, while history, philosophy, law, .and
every department of learning may be laid
under contribution, and their share of in=
formation used with effect, in bringinecon
viction home to the mind.
There are others who, equally with the
class which we have described, look upon
doctrinal preaching as , bald and
. antipiated,
and who rest their hopes on smart and
piquant sketches of "character: 'They setae - on
the fashions and follies of the day, and by
trenchant criticism, seek to cater to the taste
of the mob. Others are ever on the watch
for novelty, and to this class nearly all events
of a public nature are equally attractive.
An examination of any cheap, secular, Satur
day paper will enable persons to form an esti
mate of the large number of preachers in our
great cities, who seem to be destitute of all
subjects for 'their public ministrations, and
who mainly rely on the exciting topics of the
last telegraphic dispatch, or on some new
form of political agitation, for their next Sab
bath day's oration. Their number is legion,
and their influence is often evil.
Let our young ministers be assured that
there is great danger in, adopting such persons
as a model. Theymay create a ferment for a
time, anti enjoy popularity with the thought
less excitement-seekers;who will be ready to
leave them on the appearance of the next
novelty; but they fail, utterly fail, in accom
plishing the ends for which the Gospel min
istry is instituted. Generally speaking, also,
they soon exhaust themselves. For a- time,
their bold descriptions and startling phrases,
and words used out of the ordinary accepta
tion, may attract . the unthinking; but ere
long, their style, their terms, their stock in
trade, soon become familiar to their, follow
ers, and in the course of a season the orator
and.the audience are generally ready for a
change. We would, with all earnestness,
endeavor to impress our licentiates and young
ministers with the conviction, that in order
to wear well and to do good, they must, by
the grace of -God, steadfastly adhere to the
preaching of the Gospel. To do this effectu
ally 'will require the exercise of all their pow
ers, and present unceasing opportunities for
the <use of all their learning, and a display
of all their talents. Let them think of the
deceitfulness of the human heart, and of the
many useless, dead and formal professors
which are found in connexion with churches,
and what a field is here presented for mas
terly analysis, and for setting forth the' dif
ference which exists between the living and
the dead Let them censider the import
ance of the blessings which the Gospel holds
forth for man's acceptance, and the wondrous
character of that love and mercy which led
to their bestowal, and then think of the sub
jects for persuasion and appeal which are
here afforded. Be assured that the most'ar.
gumentative 'reasoner, and the most powerful
logician, will find ample scope for the exer
cise of all his powers in dealing with the de
vices and futile apologies of sinners on the
one hand,, and with the unsound views of,
errorists and heresiarcha on the other.
Let no, fear be entertained, that the system
of the Gospel is contracted in its character,
and that the preacher will won become ex
hausted for want of appropriate themes.
When the,young minister has discussed the
topics which, ordinary minds, will find in
Bevelation—on the subject of the primeval
state of man, on the legal and moral
consequences to' the race from • the' fall,
on the character of the remedy, and how
the benefits and blessings are to be enjoyed;
When' the nature, uses, and connexion of
'faith, repentance, and the other graces of the
Gospel are examined; when sinners are
brought face to face with theie things; when
the great question is shown to be,_ not merely.
whether or not they believe and generally
assent to the truths thus proclaimed, but
whether they have actually and truly em
braced Christ; for their own salvation, or are
still delaying, Mid intending, .at. a, future
time ; to believe ; when the marks of a regene-,
'rate - life are exhibited, as contrasted with the
resemblances to be found in the mere moral
ist and formalist, when the beliefs and emo
tions or experiences, •and the actions of the
renewed are contrasted with the condition of
those who are still in a state of , alienation
from God; when these and their kindred
topics, these mighty themes of eternal import
ance are taken up, and with all the powers
of the preacher's soul, pressed home on
his people, he will find that fresh aspects of
these subjects remain still, for energetic
treatment; for, alas i he will perceive, that
notwithstanding all that he may have said—
all his reasonings and illustrations, all his ap.
peakand prayerl—there are souls under his
care yet unawalrened and uninterested.
Only let our young. ministers realize the
fact, that to leadsmen to: Christ ; or the salva
tion of their souls, is the great end of the
ministerial office, and that the faithful eibi
bitien of the Gospel—not philosophy, not
astronomy,, not heathen ethics, not sketching
and portrait painting, nor diatribes on poli
tics; but the Gospel—is • the instrument
whereby this great work is to be achieved,
under the blessing of God, and it will be
seen, that no preaching which 'does not con
tain the Gospel, need expect God's blessing:;
and that farther still, if the preacher should
wear 'well and long in his office, as well as
do good, he must keep himself to the work
for which the ministry was ordained.
Who are =the ministers, whether in town.
or in country, that remain longest in their
charges, haie the largest flocks, effect the
most good in their localities, and win most
souls to the Lord ? Why, they are those
men, however varied their talents may be,
who confine themselves 'to the work of their
mission—Gospel preachers—earnest men,
who feel that nothing is done if the Gospel
is not received at their hands; and who,
therefore, 'if failure or deadness is perceived
among their, people, gird themselves again
for the work of the- Lord, and put forth re
newed and -.still ,more vigorous efforts
bring men to Christ. Their burning zeal
and real eamestness will clothe them with,
power, and invest their appeals with real
heart-felt eloquence, and in the end they are
sure to enjoy their reward. It is such
,preaching that wears well, and it is only such,
preaching that does real good.
i i I
The Richmond Convention.
This body, composed of the, representa
tives. of Presbyteries and churches which
have withdrawn fro.i the New School
°eraT,:Assembly as we noted last week,,
on the evening of Thursday, the 27th of
August; to the - it - timber of - one hundred and
twenty-four. No Presbytery from a free
State, was represented: Two gentlemen,
from churches in Philadelphia, and one
from !New Jersey, were admitted to seats.
ion. Thomas Maynard, of Tenn., was called
to preside over the meeting. •
This Convention being one of vast import,
apparently, and having also some bearing
upon vital interests of the Old School
Church, demands some more than common
notice at our hands. The Philadelphia
New School papers, of last week, give us
but a very meagre account of the proceed
ings; and the Evangelises report is not full.
We copy mainly from the Central Presby
terian. We may, hereafter, recur to the
subject for comment : and shall then use re
ports in other papers for greater fullness, or
to confirm or. modify, should, any thing of
the kind seem needful.
The Central Presbyterian says:
When Mr. MAYNARD took the chair, in a brief
and appropriate address he acknowledged the dis
tinction of an election to such a post, and stated,
that if God in his providence had a distinct work
for them to perform, in a separate capacity, he
would assuredly give them the wisdom necessary
to guide them to successful results. If, on the
other hand, they had misread the teachings of
Jehovah, as men have often done, their under
takings would come to naught.
On Friday, a number of new delegates arrived.
The Committee to prepare business not being
ready to report, a part of the day was spent in
devotional exercises.
Prominent among the attendants from a dist
ance, was the Km Da. CONVERSE, Editor of the
Christian Observer.
On Saturday morning, the resolutions present
ed by the Committee were taken up. They are
its follows
WHEREAS, All acts, resolutions, and testimo
nies of past General Assemblies, and especially
the action of thel.ast General Assembly, whereby
suspicions and doubts of the good standing and
equal rights and Privileges of slaveholding mem
bers of the Church, or imputations and charges
against their Christian character, have been ei
ther implied or expressed, are contrary to the
example and teachings of Christ and his Apos
tles, and are a violation of the Constitution of the
Presbyterian Church.
And, whereas, the relation of master and ser
vant, in itself considered, or further than the rela
tive duties arising therefrom, and slavery as an
institution, of the State, do not properly belong
to the Church Judicatories as subjects for discus
sion and enquiry.
And, whereas, in thejudgment of this Conven
tion, there is no prospect of the cessation of, this
agitation of slavery in the 'General Assembly so
long as there are slaveholders in connexion with
'the Church ; therefore,
• _Resolved, That we recommend to the Presby
teries in connexion with the New School General
Assembly of 'the Presbyterian Church to with
draw from said body. .
Resolved, That in the, judgment of this Converts
tion nothing can be made the basis for discipline
in the Presbyterian Church which is not specifi
cally referred to in the Constitution, as crimes or
Resolved, That the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church have no power to pronounce
a sentence of condemnation on a lower Judicato
ry or individualstor any cause, unless they have
been brought before the Assembly in the, way pre
scribed by the Constitution.
Resolved, That the Convention recommend to
all the Itrisbyteries in the Presbyterian - Church,
which are opposed to the agitation of slavery in
the highest Judicatory of the Church, to appoint
delegates in the proportion prescribed by our
Form of. Government for the appointment of Com
missioners to the Assembly, to meet in Knoxville
Tennessee, on the First Thursday in May, 1858,
for the purpose of organizing a General Synod,
under the name of The United Synod of the
Presbyterian Church in the United- States of
Resolved, That the members of this Conven
tion adhere to and abide by the Confession of
Faith of the Presbyterian Church, as containing
the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scrip
tures, and that we adhere to the . Forrivof Gov
ernment and. Book of Discipline of said Church.
Quite a spirited dOste sprung up on a motion
to strike out the woias "New School" from the
first resolution, because, as it was' alleged, the
term had been originally applied as one of re
proach. Various amendments were proposed,
such as "General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church, often dessinoted as New School,' "so
called New School," Ste.
Do.. Ross, (of whom we have more to say pres
ently) contended that the appellation New School,
was ar time-honored one, to be ,venerated and
greatly loved, and that if it were stricken oat
from the resolution, it would look as if they
were going right over to the Old School."
S" .1 wish we were," said an elder in a low
voice, who sat near us; s , that is just what I
Finally, the resolution was amended, and adopt
ed so as to read thus :
. ,
"Resolved, That the Presbyt e ries sympathising
with the objects of this Convention; are invited to
withdraw from their ,present :ecclesiastical rela
On the second resolution, [see above] there
was an animated debate as to whether every dis-'
ciplinable `offencels "specified" in the Confes
sion of Faith, and an attempt to amend was
made by moving to insert the words, "or
pliedlp" after"" specifically ;" but this was de
feated, and the original resolution was adopted.
The great debate of the Convention, was on the
fourth resolution, which we ask the reader to re
Various amendments were offered, some pro
posing the name,"Constitutional Synod,. oth
ers " The Genera "
Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church, South," in the place of " The United
Synod," hc.
During these discussions, MR. J. RANDOLPH
TUCKER, of Va., rose and struck at once into
the merits of the whole question, by bold'y ad
vomiting a re-union with the_ Old School Church.
He asked whether it was the object of the Com
mittee to widen 'and deepen the gulf between the
New and Old School 'Churches in the South.
Must animosities be endless ? Must separation
be perpetual? With great force and beauty he
proceeded to show that the law of love was the
supreme law of the kingdom which Christ bad
established'; that the unity of the Church was
the blessed consummation toward which the spir
it, the precepts, and the intercessoryprayer of its
Divine founder all tended ; that a united Church
would. be, the harbinger of a converted world ;
that division destroyed charity, and unpaired ef
ficiency; and that the present separation be
tween the Old and New School bodies was not
only unnecessary, but disastrous to their highest
interests.- - -
He contended that it was idle for New School
men to object to the Eascinding Acts of 1837,
when they themselves, by the adoption of the
first resolution, had eascinded their whole Northern
'Church, that, a permanent organization would
make the chasm wider between the two great
branches of the Presbyterian family ; that the
New School, South, in a separate capacity, would
be feeble in influence, in resources, and 'efficien
cy ; that it would be a sectional Church, inasmuch
-as not a Northern representative was then on the
floor, and as a controlling Southern spirit would
prevent it from being a national Church; that
such ecclesiastical divisions tended to -a dissolu
tion of the Union, which he deprecated, as long
as the honor and rights of the South did not de
mand it.
Da. Ross next took the floor. The first por
tion of his speech was exceedingly humorous.
The Doctor's manner s i s very free,
bold, and,
when in a' jocose Mond, absolutely rolicking.
After his fanny:passages, be leaned over the table
beside which he stood, and laughed heartily, self
it did him, good to join in the mirth.
He passed over the ordinary difficulties in the
way of re-union, lightly; as for the Exscinding
acts he regarded them as a species of Lynch law,
and would not be hard on them, as he was at times
in favor of Lynch law himself. He gave the Old ;
School the credit of being far-seeing and wise in
cutting off those troublesome North- Western men
—at that time, he said, he did not know as much
abOut thOse precious scamps off he bad since
learned. So that he would require but a mode
rate repentance on the part of the Old School.
Indeed he added, that without repentance they
(the N. S.) had got satisfaction out of them, by
thrashing them for the last nineteen years.
As to Adam's sin he 'bad no difficulty, and ex
plained his view of the manner in which we all
sinned in him. Differences too about the atone
ment did , not keep . him aloof. He would, how
ever, decidedly oppose the rule of 'examination
which was in some cases but a rule of malice.
But the grand difficulty. in his .way of re-union
was that the Old School would not come up to his
platform on the Slavery question His position
on that ;Albin: was the only one that would give
pence to the Church, peace to the country, peace
to the world—and that was, that Slavery was or
dained of God. He defied any one to meet him on
that issue, and declared that there were but three
theories on the whole subje.ct—these he called
the sin theory, the toleration theory and the God
, ordained theory. The last was the platform on
1 which the whole South must ultimately stand.
After elaborating this view, the Dr. wound up
with a peroration about the sun illuminating the
mountain tops, while from the vales below, the
songs of happy millions would rise in thanksgiv
ing for the grandest religious, national union
hitherto known among men.
Perhaps no man in the Convention attracted
more attention, or was listened to with more
curiosity than Dr. Ross. He is a hale and vigor
ous old man—full of energy and fire, yet self- con
tabled, and able to calculate the effect of every
thing he says. He is vehenient in manner, and
explodes his' words. one by one; like the firing of
torpedoes. He seems to be very social in his
disposition, good natured, and ready for a friend
ly fight with any thing on the earth, or in the
waters under the earth.
On ,Monday morning, after the preliminary
services, Da. BOYD, took the floor. He commenced
by remarking on the peculiar and trying position
in which be and his brethren were placed, in
being compelled to prefer a distinct organization
to a union with the Old School. But it wait a
matter of principle '
and though some of the
younger members of the Church, who had come
into it since the division of 1837, might be disposed
to throw themselves into the arms of the Old School,
he who was more familiar with the original causes
of the division, never could until that body ahem;
cloned and disavowed the principles and acts which
led to the separation. He reviewed and de
nounced the Exscinding Acts as unconstitutional
and unjust. As to slavery he - contended that the
Assembly bad declared that relation to be irre
concilable with the Word of God in 1818, and
that 0. S. Presbyterians re-affirmed the same in
18t6. He quoted from Drs. Rice and Breckin
ridge, and from 0. S. pipers—the Central Pres
byterian among them, totally misrepresenting its
position and declarations. As to the conservatism
of Northern Old School men, he was more than in
credulous. They lacked nerve, and the courage
to suppress agitation.
With regard to the differences on doctrinal
points, Dr. Boyd insisted that he had the concur
rence of some very distinguished Old School
Divines in his own published views. Speaking of
original sin he declared, that for his part he never
could admit that a new born infant deserved the
wrath of God because of its native depravity.
u •
atogV. W . H.
.... ILI
ATTHEWS, of Virginia, made a
speech in favor of re-union. He called the at- •
tention of the
to the fact that the
great majority of their private members were for
re-union, tbat not one-third of their Synod was
reported to the Convention, and their principal
men differed among themselves as ;to the diffi
culties in the way of a return to the Old School
body; some finding insuperable barriers as in the
Exscinding Acts, others in doctrinal differences,
others in the examination rule, and at least one
(Dr. Ross) in the unwillingness of the Old School
to adopt a particular theory on the Slavery ques
Mr. Matthews argued the advantage of re-union
at considerable length, on the ground that a sep
arate organization would be unnecessary, attend
ed with heavy pecuniary sacrifices, weakening to
feeble congregations, and prfjudicial to the high
est interest of Presbyterianism.
Da. L.E.Acu was another of the members of the
Conevntion who made a protracted speech. He
advocated re-union, and found no insurmountable
barriers in the way because of the ExEcinding
Acts, or on account of doctrinal differences, but
`his chief difficulty was in consequence of the ex
amination required by Presbyteries. He entered
into a long discussion of the history and constitu
tionality of this rule, and denounced it In terms
which manifested his utter and unqualified abhor.
rence of it.
Ray. M. M. Meant LL, of Tennessee, was the
Mr. Marshall is the grentleman who has gained
considerable notoriety by the published replies to
his circular letter addressed to Dr Breckinridge,
and several Old School editors. These replies ;
were read in the Convention, and if listened to
must have communicated a great deal of Rhole
some truth.
He earnestly contended that there could be no
union with the Old School until they repented of
their unrighteous acts, and disavowed them. He
thought that if the Old School would only repu
diate their unconstitutional doings, there would
be a great revival of religion. He declared that
his Church did not stand with the Old School on
doctrinal , grounds, and illustrated his position in
a way which made it , plain that he certainly could
never enter an Old School• Presbytery by exami
natinn - an ordeal, which he vehemently denounced.
He made a violent assault upon the Old School
doctrine of the atonement, and exhorted the Con
vention to go into a permanent and aistinot organ
ization keeping to themselves, turning neither to
the ri ght hand nor to the left, 130 marching on
ward to victory.
We can give our readers no idea of the resound
ing and impetuous rhetoric of Mr. Marshall. To
compare him to anything short of Niagara Falls
would be doing great injustice both, to Mr.
Marshall and to that highly popular cataract.
When MR. SHILLINGFORTH, of Pennsylvania,
took the floor, he stated that be occupied the
peculiar position of being the only representative
from North of Mason and Dixon's line. The was in
favor of organization, though not of a Southern
organization calculated to repel the sympathizing
churches at the North. Re could dever expect
to find rest from agitation - by going with the Old
School Church.
The discussion was continued by BONS. J. B.
jARNIOAN and W. CooKE, of. Tenn. D. NEW
TON of Mississippi ; and R. Mn..lionnisoN of
DL BOYD stated that he had received a letter
from tits editors of the Central' Presbyterian, with
regard to some remarks made by him onlionday.
He read thO letter which was' written, to correct
his statement.that that paper urged, that the dis
cussion of slavery " was not inappropriate to the
General Assembly." The editors state, that
while they object strongly to the introduction of
the slavery diacussion into the General Assembly,
yet they object to a refraining from this discus
sion being a rule of communion. The letter also
alludes to alleged misrepresentations on doctrin
al differences, which Dr. Boyd, replied to.
REV. G.E. READ stated that he had been edu
cated arid ordained in the Old School Church;
left that Church on account of its violation of
principle, and'gone to the New School. He bad
been called from a New School church in the
North, to one in the South, and stood here a full
blooded Yankee.
The reverend, gentleman then went on to dis
cuss the question under consideration. He said
that the Presbyterians had thought proper to di
vide, and had since that flowed on in different
tracks. Now, they have come , to a narrow pass
in the mountain, and the question is, whether
they shall unite. Neither; however; need go
back, whether they go on together or not. He
favored the organization of the. New School
branch for permanence. It woad be a stand
point from which we might make to. or receive
overtures from the Old School. Any other step
would be a disgraceful step.
Bar. Mn. Thoßtasoit, of Kentucky, deprecated
the spirit in which the dischssions of the Conven
tion had been conducted, and which he would re
-gret to see go fortluto the public as the spirit of
the body. In his opinion, to require the Old
School brethren to repent of the resolutions of
'3B, would be simply to render the union impos
sible. Neither did he object to the position of
the Old School on the subject of slavery. They
had'controlled it in their Assemblies, and could
control it in future. He was ,opposed to laying
down. conditions which the Old. School could not
accede to, and which would 'make re-union im
Afthr 'some further observations from other
members, the resolutiods As amended, and the
preamble; were put to the vote, and unanimously
The following resolution, offered by Ds. NEW
TON, was then adopted, (Messrs. Boyd and Mar
shall not voting.)
14 Resolved, That the union between us and our
Old School brethren, could it be effected on terms
acceptable to both sides, would be conducive to
the best interests of the Church of Christ, and
this Convention, after a full and free interchange
df opinion'and views on tlie sul t ject, do now re
commend that the Synod, when formed and duly
organized, .shail :invite the General Assembly of
the Old School to a fraternal conference, with a
view to union.
This resolution was opposed by Dr. Boyd, Mr.
Marshall, and others, as going too far, and being
inconsistent with self-respect. Others urged that
unless something like this was adopted, many in
dividuals and churches that now were wavering,
woui i 'go over to the Old School, and that to re
tain them, and to avoid the odium in the eyes of
the world of perpetrating this scheme, it was ne
cessary to take such action as this. Dr. Ross
consented to it, (though he goes for a new de
nomination entirely, untrammeled by the over
shadowing influence of a large church,) because,
as he termed it, it would be a " sop to Cerberus,"
something that would serve to retain those who
were wavering, while it would not prevent the
new organization. It was e urged that if this step
were taken, the odium of continuing the schism
would be thrown on the Old School, if they re
jected the proffer, and thus the New School would
have the prestige of moving in the direction of
reconciliation. We believe that a large part of
the body sincerely adopted this resolution, with
both a desire and a hope that it might lead to a
re.union, but we think it due to truth and candor
to say to our friends in both branches of the
Church, who have cherished such an expectation,
that after listening attentively to the terms in
sisted on by those who are likely to control the
action of the Synod next Spring, we are forced to
believe that, all things considered, they are un
willing to form any such union as would not in
volve conditions which our Assembly could not
concede, and hence a union will probably be then
farther off than ever.
The Christian Observer and the Presbyterian
Witness, newspapers, were commended to the
patronage of the New School people.
After the appointment of REV. JACOB MITCH
ELL to preach the opening sermon, at the meeting
of the General Synod in Knoxville, the Conven
tion adjourned, sine die, at one o'clock, Wednes
day morning.
Commencement ot Washington ; College,
The Annual Commencements of our West
ern Colleges are seasons of high literary fes
tivity, and call together a large assemblage
from their numerous friends. That of Wash
ington occurs on the 16th of September, the
same period of the year as aforetime. This
is more favorable for attendance than in the
month of June, as was clearly ascertained
by the experiment. The programme of ex
ercises offers a rare banquet ? such as the
public will readily appreciate. On the Sab
bath morning preceding the Commence
ment, the Baccalaureate sermon will be
preached by the Rev. Dr. Scott, President
of the College. On the evening of the same
day, the sermon before the Society of Reli
gious Inquiry will be delivered by the Rev.
Mr. MeMasters. On Tuesday evening, the
15th, will be the address before the Lite
rary Societies, by the Rev. Dr. IVlcGuffy, of
the University of Virginia. On Wednes
day, the Commencement exercises proper,
will take place, commencing at 9 o'clock
A. M.
This graduating class is the first that has
been carried through, under the new regime
of the College ; and it is believed that their
accurate and thorough scholarship will well
Llustrate the abilities of their Professors.
We are glad to know that the aim at Wash
ington:College, as well as at her sister Col
leges, is to greatly elevate the standard of
pducation, and that already, in various ways,
the excellent effects of such a change are
felt. The College is understood to have
reached a higher point of substantial prosper
ity than in many years last passed,; and we
doubt not, that with its eminent Faculty, it
is destined to - a steady and solid growth,
which will redound more and more to the
literary credit of our Western Pennsylvania.
—Oar brethren, the Protestant Methodists,
have been holding a Conference in this city.
Their number is not very large, but they
engage with energy in their work. The
slavery question, however, greatly disturbs
their peace, and impairs their efficiency.
Like some others, they can neither settle it,
turn it to a good account spiritually, nor let
it alone. Dissension and distrust are like to
result in alienation and division.
Rev. J. WiLsoN's Post Office address is
changed' from iDoaksville, Arkansas, to
Boggy Depot, Arkansas.
Rev. JOSEPH BEGGS' Post Office address is
changed from Andora, Pa., to Levering.
ton, Pa.
The pastoral relation between the Rev.
HENRY B&owN and the iioshen church
has been dissolved by the Presbytery of
West Lexington.
Rev. JOHN A. KnumoNs has received and
accepted an invitation to supply the
church in Raleigh; Tennessee.
Rev. JAMES H. DINSMORE has declined an
invitation to supply Shiloh and Olivet,
church, in Shelby County, Kentucky,
another year, leaving that church vacant.
While so much is said of the Rapid Growth,
of Western cities, and the great increase in
the value of property, we are not to forget
that the older cities of the East are also
progressing in population and wealth. The
total valuation of real and personal estate in
Boston in 1852, was 8187,680,000; now the
valuation of the real estate is 8148,902,100,
and of the personal estate, $108,291,000.
So that in five years the total valuation has
increased $69,513,000. The increase from
last year is 88,030,600. The fixed rate; of
taxation for the present year is ninety three
eentia on one hundred dollars.
The Puritan Recorder 28 now in the
forty-second year of its publication, the
New York. Observer in the thirty-fifth, the
New York Evangelist in the twenty-eighth,
and the .New York .Independent in the
ninth. Yet it Seems that the age of the
Puritan Recorder, the ancient fame of the
city whence it goes forth, and the sacred
memories of its Congregational worthies,
will not shield it from depreciation. The
Independent lately styled the paper a " pro
vincial sheet," which appellation does not
seem to be relished by either the press or
people of the city in question. •; Concerning
this term the 'Evangelist remarks:
"We knit' , that the New York Herald
was in the habit of speaking thus of Boston
and Philadelphia. But fora Congregation.
al paper to take on such airs toward th e
capital of New England is decidedly t i e b .
We thought that old Massachusetts was the
Canaan of CongregaConalism, and th at
Boston was its Jerusalem. So it was is
former days. But all this is changed. Th e
seat of power has been transferred from B ea _
ton to New York. The Recorder and the
Congregationalist will please to hear this
in mind, and act with becoming modesty,
and not speak without' orders from h ea d .
quarters. Ministers from Boston and Hart
ford may come up here to the Annual 'F east
in the month of May, and be admitted to
the Congregational Festival, and perhaps h e
indulged in saying a few words; but let
them not presume too far, but keep in th e
background, remembering that they are only
brethren from the provinces.'"
And the Baptist paper of Boston sap :
" The oldest Congregational paper i n
America is spoken of by its New York en ,
temporary as a 'provincial sheet.' This,
we suppose, results from that journal's bein g
published in Boston. New York is the era.
tre for "national" and "leading" pap ers
Boston publishers, papers, authors, fabrics
and wares of all kinds are " provincial"
This is the vocabulary of Young America,
by which New York claims to be the Pari s
of the New World. Let all of the various
provinces' take notice."
" The Testimony of the Rocks," by th e
late Hugh Miller, published by Gould &
Lincoln, has reached a sale of fifteen thou,.
sand volumes in five months. This proves
that, notwithstanding the vast amount of
fictitious literature issued and read, there is
yet a craving for the substantial and ele-
vating, for exact scientific truth, and pro
found reasoning. It is stated that these
publishers have remitted to the widow $BOO,
as a return for the proof sheets of the work.
Many of the Christians of New England
have been awakened to Greater Inquiry
with respect to their churches, and the gen
eral interests of religion in their respective
States. This has led to the careful collo°.
tion and comparison of statistics in several of
the States.
The report on Public Worship in Vet..
wont, states that there are at least 406 , 1
families in that State, no member of which
is a habitual attendant on Evangelical wor
ship. If we estimate each of these families
at five persons, we have 110,320 persons, or
more than one-third of the whole population
of the State, who neglect the house of God.
The whole average attendance on Evangeli
cal worship is 55,410—1e5s than one-fifth of
the population. - Upon what are styled Un
evangelical' meetings, the attendance is
9,oBB—about one' thirty-fourth of the peo
ple. The habitual neglecters of all public ,
worship amount to 77,640—a little less than
one-quarter of the whole population. It
will be seen that, after making all due al.
lowance for the aged, infirm, sick, and chil
dren, there is still a large part of the people
neglecting the public means of grace. Nor
does this result from the want of churches;
for: there is one church for every five hun
dred inhabitants, and three-quarters of the
sittings are in Evangelical churches suffi
cient to acconimodate as many of the entire
population as can ordinarily be present at
one time. Yet the membership of the Con
gregational churches has decreased twenty
eight per cent. in twenty years, and the
number of pastors is fourteen less than in
1837, while the stated supplies equal the
pastors, within one. The condition of the
churches in 18.57 and 1857, may be seen
from the following table :
Churches . . 200
Pastors . . . 84
Stated Supplies . 40
Additions . 1,035
Removals. 908,
Total Numbers . 23,481
This cannot be attributed to the increase
of other denominations, for they have di
minished in about the same r.tio, but to
emigration to the West, to the want of spir
itual life, and to the absence of genuine re•
vivals. And should the same prooess go on
for twenty years more, many of the churches
will become extinct.
The General Association of New Hamp
shire met at Keene, on the 25th ult., and
was opened with a sermon by the Rev. J.
M. C. Bartley, of Hampstead, from Col. iii :
11. ; Christ is all and in all." The addition
to membership during the past year, has been
two hundred and forty-two, over the loss oc
casioned by death and removals. The
amount contributed to the various benevo
lent objects of the day, has been $30,240, or
about SL62 for each member. The report
to the Bible Society Anniversary stated that
every child that could read, in the State,
and that was previously destitute, had been
supplied with a copy of the New Testament.
Resolutions were passed, approving the ac
tion of the Home Missionary Society with
respect to churches containing slaTeholders,
and also the Report of the Committee of the
Tract Society, and expressing the hope that
the officers of the Society would carry it in
to execution. An animated debate was ex
cited, upon the introduction of a resolution
by the Delegate from lowa, expressing the
opinion that the time had come for the sep
aration of Congregationalists and Presby
terians, in the work of Home Missions. In
thiti discussion, the delegate from the New
School General Assembly took part, but no
definite conclusion ,was reached.
The Annual Commencement at Brown
University, Providence, R. 1., was held last
week. The Alumni were addressed by
Samnel. S. Cbxe, of Ohio, the Literary So
cieties by Wendell Phillips, and the Society
of Missionary Inquiry by the Rev. Dr-
Plumes., of the Western Theological Sem
The Weather has been cool and pleasant,
and without any prevailing epidemic. The
Autumnal business is fairly commenced,
with promise of large transactions. The
monetary crisis has caused much excitement,
but failures and suspensions are still mostly
confined to num dealing in stocks, and ex
traordinary speculations. The disappoint
recut caused by the breaking of the Tele
graphic Cable, has been very great, but the
idea of abandoning the project has not been
. . . 193
. . 70
. . . 69
. . . 616
. . . 547
. 16,857