Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 29, 1857, Image 4
‘ 4 !I otirgt The Light of the House. Patting o'er the carpet, Patting up the stair, Tiny feet are running, Running everywhere. Peering through the window, Little Willie's face, With its smiling features, Brightens every place. Bunny curls are gleaming On his baby brow, Innocence is shining From the blue eyes now. Down beside his mother, At the close of day, In his childish beauty, Willie kneels to pray. Folded are the white hands, Raised the starry eyes, And the voice goes upward To the silent skies. On sweet mamma's bosom Willie falls asleep ; Round him gentle angels Unseen watches keep. Thank God, gentle mother, For the jewel rare, And may the Great Giver Bless you with bis care. rtttrarg seirts, BOOKS lent to us for Notice, will be duly attended to. Thalia fro ia publishers hi Phila. delphias New Tomo usay be left at our Philadelphia Ofilee#lll South 10th iStnbelovr Chestnuts in ear* of Joseph M. Villsont TRH NORTH-WM COAST; or, Three Years' Res idenoe in Washington Territory. By /aims G. Swan. With numerous illustrations. 12m0., pp. M. New York : Harper 44 Brothers, Franklin Square. 1857. We have read Mr. Swan's book with much sat isfaction. He tells his story without any attempt at fine writing, or philosophical expositions. His object is to describe that portion of the territory which lies South of the Straits of Fuca, and North of the Columbia River, including the soil, climate, natural productions, state and character of the Indians; and, in fact, to give a faithful picture of the region, euch as it presented from the year 1852 until the Autumn of 1856. Mr. Swan's residence, or head-quarters, was on Shoal water Bay, lying to the . North of the Columbia, from whence he diverged in different directions, and thus became intimately acquainted with the actual state of 'the territory. His experience confirms the statements of Mr. Blodget, of Wash ington, relative to the mild, and genial climate of the Western region, and his book is a valuable help to the right understanding of the delightful prospects presented to settlers in that distant but important part of the great commonwealth. A CHILD'S HISTORY OF GREROR. By John Bon ner, author of "A Child's History of Rome," &o. In two vols., 18mo., pp. 315 and 292. With numerous illustrations. New York: liar- per :'Brothers. 1857. We have already had occasion to commend Mr. Bonner's History of the United States, and after. war& to speak in language of still stronger ap proval of his History of Rome. Now we are called on to say that in the two pretty volumes be fore us he has been quite as happy in compiling his History of Greece. We have examined the work with much care, and we can truly say that it is a capital abridgment. The sentences are short, and very direct; at times the language verges on the humorous--sufficiently so to arrest the attention of the young reader; but it never sinks into the vulgar or slang style which betrays an imperfect education, or a low mind. The vol umes abound with capital _illustrations; and while the work is admirably fitted as a prepara tion for extensive reading, it is equally useful for marking off the great points and features which are discussed with such amplitude and philosoph ical research in the pages of Thirlwall, Milford, and Grote. THE CANADIAN PRUSTITTNR. August, 1857. Mon- treat: John Lovell Under the management of the Rev. Mr. Kemp and Mr. Fraser, this monthly bids fair to be one of the moat valuable Presbyterian Magazines published on this Continent. There is a thor oughness and substantiality in the original arti cles, characteristic of the literature of the parent Churches in the father-land ; and the selected pieces are judicious and instructive. THZ NORTH AMERICAN MRDICO-CHIRURGIOAL Bram, for July, made its appearance at the proper time, and should' have been , noticed soon er. The present number sustains the high char acter given to the Review by its , predicessors. It contains Reviews of Martin (J. Humid) on Tropical Climates ; Dixon's Guide to the practi cal Study of Diseases of the Eye; Bernard's Physiological Experiments ; Guy's Hospital Re ports for 3.866 ; Statistical Report on the Sick ness and Mortality in the 'United States Army, prepared under the direction of the Surgeon Gen eral ; the Physician's Pocket, , Dose and Symp tom Book. by Dr. Wythes; Hogg on the Micro scope ; Todd and Bowman's Physiology; Tilt on the Change of Life in health and disease ; to gether with eight original articles, notices of the proceedings of the American Medical Asso dation of the Pennsylvania State Medical Socie ty, of the Quarantine Convention, an Editor's Table, and a Bibliographical Record. It can be had of the publishers, J. B. Lippin cott & Co., Philadelphia. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate Barley Growing. M. EDITOR .—Since barley growing bas become quite a business in various locali ties, it has occurred to us that a few words through the columns of the Banner and Advocate, might not be amiss. In lofting over the farms in this vicinity, perhaps one third 'of the fields are made to produce this grain. Nor are these fields the property of the worldly, or those who make no preten sions to morality; but the possession of those who stand high in the community, and in the Church, and who are looked 'to as patterns—whose influence gives a shade of right to whatever 'they may sanction. But why institute an irtsF ry here as to the propriety of harley-ranling ? Has the farmer not a right to use his soil in what ever way it may redound to , his interest ? There is a demand for the article, and in pursuance of that demand, he scatters the seed. He finds that it pays, and his pock ets are replenished; and, regardless of its use'and'ultimate moral bearing upon socie ty, he consoles himself with the comforting reflection, that it is no concern of his to what future use it may be applied. We hold "that the earth is the Lords, and the fullness thereof;" that all the pur suits and avocations of life should have direct reference to clothing the naked, and feeding the hungry, or ministering to some substantial want of poor humanity. We hold these truths to be self-evident ; and whatever practice or occupation does not comport with them, must be, to say the very least, of doubtful propriety. Let us not be misunderstood ; we do not mean to say that barley-raising is per se sinful. We believe that nature intended it to be applied to other purposes than those for which it is cultivated. We think it the duty of the farmer to look beyond the mere production of the article ; especially when the perversion from nature is so apparent. Whence comes the demand for the article, or whence is created the necessity of its production ? Does it arise from a healthy Christian spirit, or a legiti mate want in the community ? We can not answer these interrogatories in the af firmative. Would that we could. We tell the farmer, though he may not be aware of it, that he is encouraging and stimulating a morbid appetite in the community; pander ing to vice and inaugurating debauchery, in various forms, in almost every village and hamlet. Whence proceeds the numerous murders throughout our cities, that have so recently shocked the moral sensibilites of the community, which have become callous owing to their frequent occurrences? Do they not, invariably, proceed from, or are in some way connected with, the drinking revelries of a lager-beer saloon ? Has the barley-grower ever >thought of this ? He may return, after having delivered the pro ducts of his soil at the brewery, with his pockets glittering with gold; but does it occur to him that future drafts will be made upon his purse for the use of the Common wealthyto bring to justice some devotee of the rites of Bacchus, whose appetite he has stimulated, although- reposing in the con sciousness of having done no wrong? But in these remarks we do not intend that any odium should attach to those engaged in that pursuit. The time was whenit was considered perfectly harmless, and in accord ance with the strictest rules of moral recti tude. No man, not even the most scrupu lous, had any misgivings on the subject. The time has come, however, when Chris tians are called upon to take a higher stand, and to reflect a living Christianity: in all the practical bearings of life. Let farmers, al ,d especially those who profess to be regulated by the precepts of the Golden Rule, consider this subject and its moral bearings upon the community. With them it should, be a a question of serious moment, Whether they have made their farms conduce to the hap piness, comfort, and moral elevation of their kindred. To those, we know it -would be a consoling reflection that they had alleviated suffering, and wiped the tears of distress from the. affectionate brow. But we must close our remarks. It is our object to call attention to the subject rather than to give its bearing upon society. We hope that some one else more skilled, whose percep tions are more acute in tracing the relations of cause and effect, may be induced to take the pen, and do ample justice to the sub ject. If, however, , no one undertakes the task, we may recur to the subject again. BETHANY. Upper St. Clair Tp., August 17th, 1857 for t4e goung, The Little Missionary. "I should like to be a missionary 7 aunt Mary," said little Ellen, "just like uncle Wil liam. Do you think he would take me with him ?" " And leave mamma ?" said a kind voice behind her. "O, no, mamma 1 I had quitc; forgotten that. I never could leave you. But still Ido wish I was a missiona ry." "And it my little girl had her wish granted, what would she do ?" " I would tell the little children about gentle Jesus, mamma, and how he loves them ; and I would try to get them to love him, that they might go to heaven." " Well, Ellen, lam willing you should be a missionary. But can you not begin at home ? You can set a good example to your brother; for, if you are dutiful and affectionate, lie will try to imitate you; and as he cannot =read yet, you can teach him your texts and hymns, and tell him the Bible stories you are so fond of." " Oh, thank you, dear mamma I I can do that; And now will you please to give me a nice little verse to teach Willie P' " Will this do, Nelly ? Little children, love one another." Ellen looked veay grave ; for she remem bered that often, when her little brother teased her, she was apt to get angry, and forget altogether that there was such a verse in the Bible. However, shewent to look for Willie ; and when she had found him, they, sat down together and she taught him the, text,;" and then, in her own simple way, tried to explain it. Poor Ellen I The day, so well begun, was not to end without a trial of her love. When she went to play with Willie, after dinner, he was sitting on the nursery floor, tearing out leaf after leaf from her pretty "Bible storybook." " 0 Willie, Willie, you. naughty, wicked boy 1" she cried; "how could you spoil my book?" "Little children, love one another," whispered conscience; but Ellen was not ready to listen to it. When, however, she saw how' grieved her mamma looked, and heard her say, "Ellen, is that .a missionary spirit ?" she was very, very sorry, and ran away weeping very bitterly. At length s day came when Ellen must leave her mamma. She stood by her bed side ; and papa and aunt Mary were there; but they could not ease her pain, or go with her through the valley of the shadow of death. "Mamma, _ papa," she said, " what are you crying for ? I am, not afraid. 4 He shall carry the lambs in his bosom.' I am one of his lambs; and I want to go to him. 'Won't you let me ?" They could not answer her; and she went on. " Sing for—me j dear mamma. Sing 4 Bright glory.'" Her poor mamma tried ;' but sobs choked her voice, and she could not. " Papa, will you sing ? Aunt, will you ? Nurse, will you sing 'Joyful' for me. All tried, but all failed; so little Ellen raised herself, and sang : Little children will be there, Who have sought the Lord with prayer, And trusted in his grace. Oh, that will be joyful ! joyful, joyful, joyful! Oh, that will be joyful !, when we meet—" The little head fell back upon the pillow, and the song, begun on earth, was fin. jelled in "bright glory," for little Ellen was dead. What a Blind Boy thought of Heaven. At a Sunday school in 'Albany it was asked, "Why is heaven a happy place?" For some moments there was silence in the school. It was soon broken, however, by a soft, silvery voice, which replied: "Because Jesus is there !" This beautiful answer came from the lips of a little blind boy, named George. Happy boy I Though unable to see the beauties of nature, or the pleasant faces of his . friends, or the pages of the holy - Bible, yet his young heart had opened to. the story of a Savior's love, and he felt• that where Jesus is there is heaven. May Jesus 'dwell in that blind boy's heart I He will then carry a little heaven.. With him as he gropes his way along the unlit path of his pilgrimage. THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. ENERGY.--"The longer I live," says a great writer, "the more certain I am that the great difference between men, the great and the insignificant, is energy—invincible determination—an honest purpose once fixed, and then death or 'victory. That quality will do any thing that can be done in the world; and no talent, no circumstances, no opportunity, will make a two-legged -creature a man without it." A WORD TO BOYS.—Begin in early life to collect libraries of your own. Begin with a single book; and when you find or hear of any first-rate book, obtain it, if you can. After awhile another, as you are able, and be sure to read it. Take the best care of your books, and in this way, when you are men, you will have good libraries in your head, as well as on your shelves. for Or Ngia. A Lesson to a, Scolding Mother. A little girl who had witnessed the per plexity of her mother on a certain occasion, when her fortitude `gave way, under severe trials said : 44 Mother, does God ever fret or scold ?" The query was so abrupt and startling, it arrested the mother's attention almost with a shock. "Why, Lizzie, what makes you ask that question ?" Why, God is good—you know you used to call him the Good Man ' when I was little—and I should like to know if he ever scolded." "No, child, no.' " Well, I am glad he don't, for scolding always makes me feel so bad, even when not in fault. I don't think I could love God much if he scolded me." The mother felt rebuktid before her sim ple child. Never had she heard so forcible a lecture on the evils of- scolding. The words of Lizzie sank deep into her heart, and she turned away from the innocent face of her little one to hide the tears that gath ered in her eyes. Children are quick ob servers; and Lizzie seeing the effects of her words, hastened to inquire ; "Why do you cry mother? Was it naughty for me to ask so _many questions ?" " No, love, it was all right. I was only thinking'how bad I was to scold so much, when my little girl could hear and be troubled by it." "0, no, mamma, you are not bad; you are'a good mamma; only I -wish them was not so mitny bad things to make you fret and talk like, you did just now. It makes me feel away from you so far, as if I could not come near you, as I can when you smile and are kind ; and 0, I somtimes fear that I shall be put off so far I never can go back. • 7, agam. "0, Lizzie, don't say that," said 'the mother, unable longer to suppress the tears that had been struggling in her. eyes. , The child wondered what could so affect its parent, but instinctively feeling that it was a case requiring sympathy, she reached up and laid her little arms about her mother's neck and whispered : "Mamma, dear, do I make you cry ? Do you love me?" "0, yes, I love, you more than I can tell," replied the parent, clasping the child to her bosom, and I will try never to scold again before my,little sensitive girl. "0,1 am glad. I can get so near to you when you don't scold; and do you 'know, mother, I want to . love you so much" This was an effectual lesson, and the mother felt the force of that passage of Scrip. tore : "Out of the mouths of bes have I ordained strength." She never scolded again. Agricultitral, Productive Labor. Reason as we will,,the impelling power in the accomplishment of any design, is reward. A. return in some form is what actuates la borers in all conditions of life; and amid the multifarious employments pursued by the human family, the gratification of some pe culiar development of mind, or the supply of some want, is the incentive that inspirits the toil-worn and urges the task to completion. Were it not for this " meed to be won," en terprise would lie down and die—the eulti 'voted fields become desolate, silence brood where now is heard the hum of the busy wheel and the click of the shuttle, ships would rot, and ocean indeed be a "waste of waters," while despair, mantling the hu man face, would reign sup eme. We prate about the "infringement of our liberties," when we discover, or think we do, some ag gression, but if ever any one should endeav or to wrench from the people the liberty to labor, the period has then arrived to drop all words, and put in play, arguments noted for the proclivity to horizontality by them impa'rted to'the object against which they are brought to bear. Work is the necessity of a healthy man, and one who would remain so. Physical strength is given us to use, and mental power is furnished to guide and direct that we be not " blind leading the blind," and meeting with the fate inevitable under such' circumstances. Work is to a ,community what the heart is the physical system— the engine which not only gives circulation to the sources of life, bat prepares them for use, by abstracting whatever is pernicious, and infusing whatever is needed to sustain, invigorate and fully develop. The edict, "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread" has proved to man, constituted as he is, his greatest earthly blessing. Were it not for his opportunities and capabilities of per formance, the block of marble fashiond under the chisel would be his peer. For all man has, is, or will be, he is indebted to toil. All the acts that have blessed mankind, sprang from the giant brain of Labor, guided aright; and though those that have shed baneful influences bad the same great origin, right motives and right ends directed them naught. The farmer amid the class of productive laborers stands pre-eminent, and in his pe culiar vocation every stroke should be made to tell fruitfully. The mechanic may go back, tear down, and rebuild, without more detriment than mere loss of 'time; the farmer, if be mis•directs his energies, wastes not only time and toil, but the results thereof. The principle inculcated in the advice of Putnam at Bunker Hill—" don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes"— is one worthy of study ; there should lie no waste of ammunition. from the turning of the furrow to the marketing of the pro duce, every implement and assistant should be right. With the best tools the best work can be performed, and wherever the best labor is given you will be sure to find the best returns. Another requisite to productive labor, is the entire absence of brakes or hold-backs when the prosecution of any undertaking is decided upon. With a single exception, every means to insure success may be taken, but the result may turn upon that isolated point. A striking illustration of this fact was observed a few days since, while on a trip through the Genesee Valley. A friend was possessed of two pieces of wheat—forty and ten acre lots. To the former of these he had held title for a number of years, and had done what was in his power to render the soil fertile by manure, drainage, &c.; the latter was a late acquisition, and every thing, except draining, bad been .given it with the hope of profitable crops. Equally careful in the preparation of the land, set extion and application of seed, it was to be supposed that being similar in soil and re ceiving similar treatment, the coincidence would be carried out to the end. The re sult is, that while the forty acres will yield considerably over eight hundred bushels, the ten would have been quickly stud to any one offering fifty bushels. The dampness of the soil had retarded the growth and hard ening of the grain, and the midge had levied upon and appropriated almost the entire crop. Between the two fields there, was nothing but a narrow cattle path leading from the pasture. In conversation with the cultivator, he remarked that " when he had completed tbe course of draining which he intended to give the ten acres, he would not pay any mama premium to insure his crops." In water-soaked soils the nee,essary heat can not be generated—vegetation does not re ceive a tithe of the benefit it ought from stimulants applied—the air is shut out, and half-drowned roots will not support any thing more than a half grown crop. - Again, productive labor is that which, raises maximum crops in the most econom ical manner. As the agriculturist occupies the most extensive department of human in dustry, how important it is that he sheuld avail himself of every means by which this end may be attained'! Whether the prc duetion of cereals, the dairy, stock-raising, or fruit-growing be best adapted to his farm, the object he should always keep in view, is the attainment of the highest standard of returns with the least expenditure. To ac complish the husbanding of all the sources of fertility—the thorough preparation of land—care in the selection of seed—obtain ing the best strains of blood for domestic animals—in fact, the exercise of all the the means and agencies that can be brought to bear are necessary. Without this, com plete success is among the impossibilities— with it, obstacles apparently insurmountable are passed over with ease, and the Harvest Home is redered a season of plenty and re joicing.—Rural New Yorker. I isallantotts. Politeness in Married Life. "Will you ?" asked a pleasant voice. And the husband answered, "Yes, my dear, with pleasure." It was quietly but heartily said; the tone, the manner, the look, were perfectly natural and very affectionate. We thought, how pleasant that courteous reply! how gratifying must it. be to the .wife!— Many husbands of ten years' experience are ready enough with courtesies of polite ness to the young ladies of, their acquain tance, while they speak with abruptness to the wife, and. do many rude little things, without considering them worth an apology. The stranger,, Whom they may have seen but yesterday, is listened to with deference, and although the subject may not, be of the pleasantest nature, with a ready smile; while the poor wife, if she relate a doinestie grievance, is snubbed, or listened to with ill-concealed impatience. 0! how wrong this is--all wrong. Does she urge some request—" Oh ! don't bother me !" cries her gracious lord and master. Does she ask for necessary funds for Susy's shoes and Tommy's hat—" Seems to me you're always wanting money!" is the handsome retort. Is any little extra demanded 'by his masculine appetite—it is ordered, not requested. Look here, I want you to do so and so; just see that it's done ;" and off marches Mr. Boor, with a bow and a smile of gen tlemanly polish, and friendly sweetness for every casual acquaintance he may chance to recognise. When we meet with such thoughtlessness and coarseness, our, thoughts revert to the kind voice and gentle manner of the friend who said, " Yes, my dear; with pleasure!' "I beg your pardon," comes as' readily to his lips, when by any little awkwardness he has disconcerted her, as it would in the presence of the most fashionable stickler for etiquette. This is because he is a thorough gentleman, who thinks his wife in all things entitledto pre cedence. He loves 'her best—Why should he hesitate to show it, not in sickly, maudlin attentions, but in preferring her pleasure, and honoring her in public as well as private. He knows her worth, why should he hesitate to attest it ? " And her husband he praised hei," saith Holy Writ; not by fulsome adulation, not by pushing her charms into notice, but by speaking as opportunity occurs, in a manly way, of her virtues. Though , words may seem little things, and slight: attentions almost value less, yet depend upon it they keep the flame bright, especially if they are natural.-- Ladies' Enterprise. PRICES IN THE OLDEN TIMES.—ID 1299 the price of a fat lamb from Christmas to Shrovetide, was 16d, Three years after wards the price of a fat wetber was is. and that of an ewe Bd. In 1050, the price of wheat per bushel was 21d. and the cost of an ox 7s. 6d.; in 1150, wheat was 4-fd. per bushel, and an ox only 4s. Bd. Hus bandry labor at the same time was 2d. per day. In 1250, wheat was Is. 7d., and an ox £1 10s. 7d. It should be recollected in reading these figures that money was worth infinitely more in those days than it is at present. SCRIPTURE PRlCES.—tibraham bought a piece of land :for a burial place. He paid 400 shekels of silver. The lowest sum at which a shekel is estimated, is at two shillings and three pende. This would make about $2OO for the burial place. In Solomon's time it is mentioned that the price of a chariot from Egypt was 400 shekels of sil ver. This would be about $250. The price of a horse was 150 shekels, or fibout $72.00. King Solomon, in a valuable chariot, drawn by two or four horses, made as 'showy and dignified an appearance, perhaps, as any princes have done since. ADVICE. —Oftener ask than decide ques tions; this is the way to better your knowl edge ; your ears teach you, not your tongue; so long as you are ignorant, be not ashamed to be instructed; if you cannot satisfy yourself, seek satisfaction elsewhere; all know not alike, and •none all things; you may help another and he you. CRIME AND MARRIAQE —The chaplain of the Surrey County jail communicates to the London Times certain criminal statis tics, which show several instructive facts, and of rather unexpected character. It appears that of two thousand three hundred and fitty•seven prisoners, only three hundred and seventy were married, and•these had an average of less than three children each, showing at once the humanizing tendency of the marriage relation, and also that its re sponsibilities deter, far more than its burdens and difficulties provoke, the criminal incli nations of the middle classes. A remarkable evidence is also presented, in opposition to the ordinary opinion that want is a leading cause of crime. The committals in July and August, when the days are lobgest, em ployment most plentiful, weather most fa vorable, and food cheapest, actually outnum ber those of the severe and distressing months of December and January. FAITHFUL.-A young British officer, who was mutilated and disfigured in battle, requested "a comrade to write to his betroth ed in England, and release her from the bridal engagement. Her answer was worthy of a true woman :—" Tell him if there is enough of his body left to contain his soul, I shall hold him to his engagement." EPISCOPACY.-A writer in the New York Churchman is greatly scandalized, because the Rev. Dr. Eastburn, besides considering himself not Bishop of Massachusetts, bat only of the Episcopalians in Massachusetts, even believes that if a Baptist Bishop were elected to-morrow, he,would be as much a Bishop as himself. PREACHING.---Baxter said, "I never got a. fanciful text, or an ambitious theme on my knees." " Special, internal, efficient aid," says Dr. Henderson, , " will be granted to profoundly humble prayer." Says Wick• liffe, "Great sanctity in heart and life will bring that eternal light from the Spirit, which cannot be dispensed with in the in terpretation of Scripture." ADVERTISEMENTS. ARTHURS, RODGERS & CO., BANKERS, AND DEALERS IN GOLD, SILVER, BANK NOTES, EXCHANGE, TIME BILLS, AND CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Collections lifade in all the Principal Cities. INTEREST PAID ON TINE DEPOSITS. • Corner Fourth and Smithfield Streete, PITTSBURGH, PA. EASTERN EXCEL ARGE New York, Philapelphia, Baltimore, WESTERN EXCIIANGE Cincinnati, - - St. Louis,. - - New Orleans, - BANK •Ni Pittsburgh Banks, par Philadelphia Banks,' ' par Other Eastern Pa., par Interior Pa., New England Banks, I New York City, par if CC State , i o New Jersey, k Delaware, Baltimore, pas Maryland, .94 District Columbia; 3/4 BROKEN BA.NHS New Castle, Pa, Erie City, " Lancaster, " Kentucky Trust Co, Seneca Count Bk., Ohio, Union Bk., Sandusky, Canal Bk., Cleveland, Com. Bk., einelenati, • Com. Bk.;Perthamboy, Union Bk., N...T., Frenohtown, ELRILISBURG FEMAL.E KJIL SEMINAR' .:This School will reopen on September lot, . with a fnh corps of efficient and accomplished teachers Reference may be made to the following Examining Com mittee :—His Excellency, Gov. Pollock; Iron n, G. Curtin, Secretary of State; Ron. IT. C. Hickock, Superintendent of Common Schools; Hon. Ephraim Sanks,Re . Charles e. Hay, Rev. T. H. Robinson, James W. W eir, Esq., John IL Briggs, Terms for boarding ten months, $lOO. For further par ticulars, see Catalogue, which , can be had on application to James W. Weir, Esq., President of the Board of Trustees, or to the Principal, sirs. Le Conte. auB-4t THIS DAY PUBLISHED: -•• THE POSTHUMOUS WORkS OF TILE REV. JOHN HARRIS, D. D. EDITED BY ELT. PHlmr $.11:1711; B. A. Vomts Pam. SERMONS ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS The author of "The Great Teacher" Snit won distinction by his brilliant displays of pulpit eloquence. So great was his renown that his services were in constant request for special occasions throughout the kingdom. The Sermons here presented to the public, fully sustain the reputation which they procured for their author while living. They are, entitled to be ranked with the best models of this sort of Composition. Some of them are master•pleces, unsur passed for grandeur of conception, sublimity at thought, and impetuous, glowing eloquence. Original without being eccentric, liberal and at the same tim evangelical, they stimulate and enlarge the understanding while they warm and satisfy the heart. New Editions of the folloiring Works by the same Author are now ready: THE HERAT TEACHER ; Or, Characteristics of our Lord's Ministry.. With an Intro ductory Essay, by ICEMAN HUMPHREY, D. D., late President of Amherst College. 12m0.; cloth-85 cents . Re writes like one who has long been accustomed to "sit :at the feet of Jesus," and has eminently pro... Red under his teaching. Ido not wonder at the avidity which is hasten ing its wide circulation In England; nor at the high terms in which it is recommended by so many of the best judges. I em sure that it deserves an equally rapid and wide drew lation here —Dr. Humphrey's Introduction. ' TH33 GREAT OOMMISS (ON ; Or, the Christian Church constituted and charged to convey the Gospel to the World. With an Introductory Essay, by WILLIAM B. WILLIAMS, D. D. 12m0., cloth—sl.oo. Of the several productions of Dr. Harris—all of them of great value—this is destined to exert the most powerftilin (Menus In forming the religious and missionary character of the coming generations. But the vast. fund of argument and instruction will excite the admiration and inspire the gratitude of thousands of our own land as well as in Eu rope. Every clergyman and pious and reflecting layman onght to possess the volume, and make it familiar by re prated perusal.—Puritan Recorder. THE PRE-ADAMITE EARTH; Contributions to Theological Science. New and revised edi. tion. 12m0., cloth-85 cents. if we do not greatly mistake, this long looked-for volume will create-and sustain a deep impression in the more Intel lectual circles of the religious world.—London Evangelical Magazine. Dr. Harris states in a lucid, succinct, and often highly eloquent manner, all the leading facts of geology, and their beautiful harmony with the teachings of Scripture. As a work of paleontology in its relation to Scripture, it will be one of the most complete and popular extant—N. Y. Evan gelist. . MAN PRIMEVAL; Or, the Constitution and Prirtieval Condition of the Human Being. A Contribution to Theological Science. With a tine Portrait of the Author 12m0., cloth—sl.2s. The distaibution and arrangemen tof tit ought in this volume are such as to afford ample scope for, the author's remark able powers of analysis andillustration. In a very masterly way does our author grapple with almovt every difficult and perplexing subject which conies within the range of his proposed inquiry into the constitution and condition of man Primeval.—London Evangelical Magazine. PATHIARCIIY Or, the Fatally ita Constitution and Probation. 12m0., cloth—PM. His "Great Commission " placed him strong the foremost writers of the age, and his reputation Wet been well sus tained by his later writings. But here Is his richest work. Whoever would understand how largely this world is built on the Family as its foundation, should slowly and thought. fully turn over there pages.—Detroit Tribune. GOULD & LINCOLN, No. 59 Washington Street, Bostbn. y2B- y WRAP BOOKS—PBESBYTERIAN ROOMS, ST. CLAIIt ST RPET t PITTSBURGH. For Sabbath Schools—The Little Boy's Treasury; Evening Visits; Apples of Gold; Little Girl's Treasury; Noel's Meditations on Sickness; Faith, the Principle of Missions, de.. &c. Bailie on Philippians; Marion Ramie; Lucy Bunlevy ; Elect Lady ; Mason's Spiritual Treasury ; Gem, from the .Coral Western and Eastern. In order to be prepared for the Pall sales, each a supply of Sabbath School and other books has been obtained from the Presbyterian Board of Publicm ion, as must meet the public call. The stick is now so complete, and so moderate as to prices, that it must enSure the approbatl2n of the churches and individuals. au22.lf JOHN CULBERTSON, Librarian. : • • ••. I • II : DISH efENT.—Situated tell tulles West of the City, at the Hafeville Station of the P., Ft. W. Hod Chicago For further particulars, address S. FREASE, M. D., auls-3nro Boa 1301, Pittsburgh. Pa. NEW HOOKS AT E. C. COCHRANE'S, 6 Federal Street. Allegheny. The pity—lts Sins and Sorrows, Thomas Guthrie, D. D., Expositive Thoughts on the Gospels, Kyle; Lessons from the Great Biography. Hamilton • The Song of Solomon. compared with Scripture, by A. L. Newton. The Christian Philosopher, Thomas Disk, revised; Boat Life in Egypt. willing' 0. Prime; Tent Lifii in.the Holy Land, do, null Airl it it D—JABLES LOCKE, M. Dot DEN. .118 T, Third Street above Pine s Williamsport, Pa 3904 f Para% Pram par@l4 : 46' par®lA - . % discount. - - Par. OTBS. ' Ohio Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, N. Carolina, I S. Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alobama,- Canada, no sale no sale maRBSBYTERIAN BOOK ROO/MS.—THE Depository is now well furnished with all the Publica tions of the Presbyterian Board of Publlcation,und especially with those that are suitable for Sabbath School Libraries. There is also a good supply of nearly 400 additional volumes, selected with special care, from the numerous publication" of the Massachusetts S. S. Society, - .merican S. E Union. Orders from any part of the country will be promptly at tended to b.y addressing the subscriber. Money may be sent by mall at our risk. Also, a good supply of stationery. novl7 JOHN CULB ERTSON ..Libraria H E UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN AP POINTED Receiving Agent and Treasurer, for the fol. lowing Church enterprises,in the Synods of PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENY, WHEELING, AND OHIO. viz Tho General Assembly's BOARD OF DOMESTIC MIS SIONS; the General Assembly's BOARD OF EDUCATION; the General Assembly's CHURCH EXTENSION COMMIT. TEE, (St. Louis); and the FUND FOR SUPERANNUATED MINISTERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. Correspondents will please address him as below, stating distinctly the Presbytery and Church, from which contrihu• tions are sent; and when a receipt Is required by mail, the name of the poet office and County. As heretofore, monthly reports will be made through the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate and the Haw a nd Rtreign Record. J. D. WILLIAMS. Treasurer, 114 Smithfield Street. my 24 Pittsburgh. Pa. vENNT I A lY BLIBIDS. A. BRITTON . CO., MANUFACTURERS, k WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. N 0.32 North SECOND Street, above Market, Philadelphia. The largest, cheapest, and best assortment of PLAIN and FANCY BLINDS of any other establishment in the United States. j REPAIRING promptly attended to. Give us a call, and satisfy yourselves. OLBE RT 9 S ENVELOPE MAN UPAO— IL/ TORY, 5534 South FOURTH Street, below Oheetnwt PHILADELPHIA Envelopes, Die Sinking and Engraving, Dies Altered, En velopes Stamped with Business Garda, ilanueopatnic Env el topes, self sealed and printed directions, Paper Bap for agri• cnituride, grocers, .&e., for putting np garden seeds and groceries. PRINTING of all kinds, via : Cards, Bill-Heade, Oir ciders. ENGRAVING of Visiting and Wedding Cards . , with en• velopes to fit exactly, of the finest English, French and American paper. Envelopes made to order of any else, quality and de. cription. Conveyancer's Envelopes for deeds, mortgages Old papers, &e., made in the best manner by WM. COLBERT N. B. Orders Bent by Expreos, or as per agreement apl4-ly MOOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES. JUlh' —JAM_BS ROBB, N 0.89 Market Street, between the Market House and Fifth Street, world call the attention of his friende and customers, and all others who may favor him with their trade, that for the future he will be found at his New Shoe Store, is above, with an entirely New Stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers; Palm Leaf, Pedal, Tustin, and Braid Nate, kc.; consisting in part of Gents' Fancy Opera Boots. Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, kc., ix.; Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Fancy Boots,Gaiters, Ties, Slips, Ac., very beautiful; Boys' and Youths' Dress Boots, Shoes, Ties and Pumps. His stock is one of the largest ever opened in this city, and embraces everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia ant: New York, and, ho trusts, cannot fail to please all. Great care has been taken {in selecting the choicest goods, all of which he warrants. He also continues- to manufacture, as heretofore, all de scriptions of Boots and Shoes and his long experience of over twenty years in business in this city is, he trusts, a ant Hama guaranty that those who favor him with their custom will be fairly dealt with ap26-tf HID E$ 1 L AND LEATEER STORE.— D. KIRKPATRICK & SONS, No. 21S. THIRD St., be. ween Market end Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, have foe sale DRY AND SALTED SPAIVISH HIDES, Dry and Green Salted Patna Sips, Tanner's Oil, Tanner's and Ourrier's Tools 4 the lowest prices and upon the best terms. .41Ed- AH kinds of Leather In the rough wanted, for which the highest market price will he given in cash, or taken in exchange for Hides Leather tored free of charge and sold on commission. jyls-ly WT IS NOT A DYE:—PRESIDENT J. H: EATON, L.L. D., Union University, Murfreesboro', Tennessee, says : " Notwithstanding the irregular 11110 of Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World's Hair Restore., ac., the falling off of hair ceased, and my grey locks were restored to their original color." Rev. M. THACHER, (60 years of age,) Pitcher, Chenanga Co., N. Y.: "My hair is now restored to its natural color, and ceases to fall off." REV. WM. CUTTER, Ed. Mother's Magazine, N. Y.: "My hair is changed to its natural color," &c. REV. E. P. STONE, D. D., Concord, N. H.: bai'r which was grey, is now restored to its natural color,`' &c. REV. D. CLENDENIN, Chicago, IlL: "I can add my tes timony, and recommend it to my friends." REV. D T. WOOD, Middletown, N. Y.: "My own hair has greatly thickened"; also that of one of my family, who was becoming bald." REV. 3. P. TUSTIN, Charleston, S. O.: "The white hairis becoming obviated. and new hair forming," &a; REV. A. PRINK, Silver Creek, N. Y.: "It - has produced a good effect on my hair, and I can and hare recommended it., REV. A. BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. H.: "We think very highly of your preparations," &c. REV. B.C. SMITE , Prattsburgh, N. Y.: "I was surprised to End my grey hair turn as when I was yoing." REV. JOS. McIIEE, Pastor of West D. R. church, N. Y.; REV.' D. MORRIS ; Cross River, N. Y.; MRS. REV. K. A. PRATT, Hamden, N. Y. We might swell this list ; but if not convinced, TRY IT. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSAIIITM, Or World's Hair Dressing, is essential to use with the Ro• storer, and is the best Hair Dressing for old or youngertant, being often Sfficaclons in case of hair .failing, &c., without the Restorer. Grey-haired, Bald, or persons &Mimed with disear,esof the hair or scalp, read the above, and judge of MRS . S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. IT DOES NOT SOIL OR STAIN. Sold by all the principal wholesale and retail merchant, in the United States, Cuba, or Canada. DEPOT, 355 BROOME STREET, NEW YORK. J. PLEMINd, Agent, Pittsburgh. 41Eir Some dealers try to sell articles Instead of this, on which they make more profit. Write to Depot for Chenlat and information. ap4-Bm* OR SABBATH SCHOOLS, BIBLE F CLASSES, AND FAMILY IN STRECTION— Prof. Jacobus's Notes on John, new edition. " Mark and Luke, new edition. " " Matthew, " Question Books on the same, interweaving the Shorter Catechism. On Matthew, (with Catechism annexed,) $1.50 per doz. On Mark and Luke, each 1.50 " or, the two volumes boned in one, 2.25 " On John, with Catechism also annexed, 1.50 " They will be forwarded to any address, if orders be sent to JOHN CULBERTSON, Pres. Board of Colportage, St. Clair St., Pittabth. JOHN S. DAVISON, 65 Market Street, Pittsburgh. WM. S. RENTOITL, fe2l-tf St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh. AriENTRAL ACADEMY, AT AIRY VIEW Tuscarora Valley, Juniata County, Pa., one-fourth o a mile from the Pdirysville Station of Pennsylvania Rail raod. The Summer Session will commence on Monday, the 16th of April. Whole expense per session of twenty-two weeks for Board, Room, Tuition, Washing and Incidentala,Sss, pay able one-half in advance Mr- See Circulars. DAVID WILSON, marli-ly Principal and Proprietor, Port Royal P.O. SILVER PLATED WARE, Manufactured by JOHN O. MEAD & SONS, - The oldest and most experienced ELECTED narE3l3 in the United States. ' TEA SETS AND URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, TUREEN'S, &c., &c., OP The most elaborate and richest patterns in America. ALSO, SPOONS, FORKS. LADLES, PRITIT, TEA AND TABLE KNIVES, ETC. • No. 15 South Ninth Street, above Chestnut, ' Near the Girard HMSO eeTT-ly* Philadelphia. JOHN B. DPFA.DDEN & SON, 95 DIAREET yr STREET, Pittsburgh, dealers is Watches Jewelry, and Silver Ware. . myl OAT Irs ECLECTIC COLLEGE OF NIEDIar C [NE, CINOINN ATI, OHIO. Ten Wurrse. SeSSION of 1357-8 will commence on Monday, the 12th of October, and continue sixteen weeks. A full and thorough course of Lectures will be given, occupying six or seven hours 'daily, with good opp rtnnities for at tention to practical Anatomy, and with ample Clinical facil ities at the Commercial Hospital. The preliminary Coarse of Lectures will commence on Monday, the 28th' of Septem ber,. and continue daily until the commencement of the regular Lectures. The arrangement of the Chairs Will be as follows : T. E. Sr. JOHN; M D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. C. D. LEWIS, M. D., • Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. A. J HOWE, M.D., Professor of Surgery. C. H CLEAVELAND, M. D., Professor of Materia Medics and Therapeutics. WM. SHERWOOD, M. D., Professor of Medic•' Practice and Pathology. .1. R. BUCHANAN, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Cerebral Physiology and Institutes of Medicine. JOHN KING, M. D., Profeesor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. The terms for the Session will be the same as hen3tefore, vis.:—Matriculation, $5.00. Tuition, $20.00. Demonstra• tor's Ticket, $5.00. (Every Student is required to engage in dissection one Session before Graduation. Graduation, $25.00. Ticket to Commercial Hospital. (optional,) $9.00. The Lecture Rooms are newly finished, neat, and com fortable, and in a central locality, (in College Hall, Walnut Street,) where students will find it convenient to call, on their arrival. Tickets for the Session may be obtained of the Dean of the Faculty, at hie office, No. 113 Smith Street. or of Prof. C. H. Cleaveland, Secretary of the Faculty, No. 139 Seventh Street, near Elm. JOHN KING, M. D Dean. jy4-6m Tin Ec CHAMPION LOCHS OF THE WORLD, are only striplings in cost, ($6 to $9., or if made gunpowder proof, $lO, and less at wholesale.) The test which they have endured is Unparalleled. The great est lock-pickers in the world, stimulated by. the offer of a large premium for several years, have sought in vain for a clue to pick them. They not only bid defiance to all lock pickers, but the offer of Two TEIOUS&AD Houma for pick ' rig is continued to June, 1857, with ample guaranty. The world is challenged for a competitor to produce a lock of equal value, for five times its cost,whether it is used for the specie-vault, night latch, or desk. 8. B. WOODBRIDGE, Perth Amboy, N.J. HEAD THIS. Ha. S. E. Tirooraumos, Sa:—You have been awarded an honorable mention, with special approbation, for burglar proof Locke and Night Latehes. They were considered by the jury to merit all that you claim for them as being the cheapest, and at the same time, the Went eadmovtdurehle Locks on exhibition, and a valuable acquisition to thu corn munity. Yours, truly, al Bsvoosv, Commissioner of Juries, Crystal P a l a ce, Nov. 854.1. jy22-errerly EST TROY BELL FOUNDRY. [Established in 1826.] BELLS. The subscribers have constantly for sale an as BELLS, sortment of Chnrch, Factory, Steamboat, Locome. BELLS. live, -Plantation, School house, and other Bells, BELLS. mounted in the most approved and durable Manner. BELLA, Nor full particulars aa to man recent improve- BE LLB. merits, warrantee, diameter of Bells, ls, space occupied BELL;; in Tower, rates of transportation, AT., send for a BELLS. Circular. Belo for this South delivered in New BELLS. York. Address A.NENEELY'S & SONS, agents, . West Troy, N. Y. roar CITY cola BIERCIA L AT PITTSBURGH, PENNS:VI:VALI: --Ll:* CHARTER:A) Amu, 1855. HAVING A FACULTY OF TEN TI • TWO lIUNDEED AND SEVEN syrb, IN DAILY Art LZ: TIAN CI:, and the School Rapidly In, reasiag. LARGEST AND AfthST LtIOROUGH COX,ti; COLLEGE OF .771 E WEST,- • TIIRIE SILVER ItIEDALS Awarded to this Collage, by the C.'hio, /I lchigor, At v i Sylvania mate Tails, in 1155 and 1556, for the b e , 1 .. and Ornamental Writing. IMPROVED SYSTEM OP 13001C-EtTIT: Taught by a practical business man, who lar work on nook-keeping as early as 181 p. l y ; Commercial College is hook-keeping taught having an equal amount of experience in teitOd, Business Practice. TERMS, Full Commercial Goitres, time unlimited, Average time to complete a thorough Course, G is 1 Can enter at any time—review et piestnie. 8150 to $B.OO. Prices for tuition and board-1:„ city in the Union—int great variety of husk.- the cheapest and most available point in the q .• for young men to gain a Business Education, I*. nations Specimens of Writing, and Circular, sent kr- Address F . W. Jr. • fe2l. Pittsll. oXFOILDEafa.A..LE SEM CHESTER COUNTY, PA. -- 1 The Winter Session, of five months, will counno. Wednesday in November. Expenses,for Boarding, Fuel, Light and Tniticr. glish branches, $5O per Session. Ancient and .' • gnages, each $5. Lessons on the Piano, and We ment, $l5. Painting and prawit' each $5. Or "" ment of $BO, will include the whole. A daily stage connects with the cars at Namara, also at Parkesburg, Pa. Address 7. M. DICKEY, or Oxford,Sept. 20, SAMUEL DICKEY, Cal VITE INVITIM THE A.S'rrEN T sty the public to the PHILADELPHIA HOUSX.KEEPING DRY GOC;DE ; where may be found a large assortment of all k: 7 Dry Goode, required in furnishing a house, tans Fll the trouble usually experienced in hunting such arii in various places. In consequence of our giving tention to this kind of stook, to the exclusion cf end fancy goods, we can guarantee our prices and to be the most favorable in the market. IN LINEN GOODS we are able to give perfect satisfaction, being the 'ADP ISTABLISHED LINEN STORY IN THE CITT, and haring for non than twenty yews regular importers of;tbe best manufacturers in Ireland.. We !Are!' a 7-, large stook of FLANNELS AND MIISLI.NS, of the best qaalitien to be obtained, and at the very prices. Also, Blankets, Quilts, Shootings, Tick-1;7% 1, mask Table Cloths, and Napkins, Towellitms. artekabaes, Table and Piano Cowers, Damasks \, reams, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Dimities, Furt?t;+•. Chintzes, Window Shadings, de., do. JOHN V. COWELL & SON, E. W. corner CHESTNIIT and SEVENTH Sta. ap30.0 "Philede JOHN A. RENSHAW. (Successor to Bailey h Renshaw,) • 253 Liberty Street, Has just received his Spring stock of choice ramill - Grrrir. ies ' including 150 hf. chests choice Green and Black Teas, 60 bags prime Bid Coffee Coffee; 85 do. do. Laguayra coffee; 85 mats do. Java do. 4 bales do. Mocha do. 23 barrels New York Syrup; 5 Idids. Lovering's steam Syrup; 12 do. prime Porto Rico Sugar; 50 bblE. Lovering's double refined Sugar; 25 do. Baltimore soft do. do. Also—Spices, Pickles, Sauces, Fruits, Fish, Engar-C - awl Hams, Dried *leaf, ac, an, wholesale and retail. Catalogues furnished, giving an extended list of strA. aplB4f NEW VALUABLE PITHLICA —I. Domestic Duties; or; The Family a homely Earth and Heaven. By the Rev. Rufus W. Bailey. htr. , , pp. 120 NMI 20 and 25 cents. The duties of hug 2.7., and wives, of females, of parents and children, are LI stated and enforced in a style at once attractive Lesl forcible. 11. Ella Clinton; or, By Their Fruits ye Shall Retv Them. By Cousin Martha 18mo., pp. 206. Price 25 eV. 30 cents. This is an engaging story of an orphan girl. 111. Lessons for the Little Ones. By a 'reacher of Ir tants. lanao., pp. 180. With engravings. Price 25 acs ^E cents. These lessons. derived from Scripture, are lull of ix• tenet for juvenile readers. IV. Gleanings from Real Life. By S. S. Eglireau. ac• thoress of "Lizaie Ferguson." 18mo., pp. 180. Price and 30 cents. It consists of fourteen sketches, drawn fret real life, all exhibiting the beauty of godliness. V. Annie Grey, and other sketches. By Olive. limo. pp. 72. Price 15 cents. Seven short, but intertsur: sketches, intended especially for little girls. VI. Children of Abraham; or, Sketches of Jewish C , r verts. Being in part a sennel to Leila Ada. 18mo , pp. Price 20 and 25 cents. The readers of Leila Ada will fe pleased to learn something mare about her cousin /FRI: who stood by her so nobly at the time of her fiery trini VII. The Life of birs. Sherwood, author of Ilene- Milner, Little Henry and his Bearer, &c. Abridged f! the 'Beard. 12m0., pp. 152, with a portrait. Vries :7 cents. • A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of Gii consisting of a Meditation for the Morning of each Day the Year, upon select texts of Scripture. Humbly intendf. to establish the faith, promote the comfort. and influtni the practice of - the followers of the Lamb. By Billion. Mason. 12m0., pp. 510. Price 70 cents. This is a reprini of.a work long and well known to God's people, es one of the best books of devotional reading to be found in the English language. IX. A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God; toe. slating of a Meditation for the Evening of each Day in the Year, upon select texts of Scripture. By William Neer. 12m0., pp. 508. Price 70 cents. This book should trod s place by the side of the Bible in every closet of the land. X. The Bishop and the Monk; or Sketches of the LIT- , of Pferpsolo Vergerio and John Craig. Converts from I pery. 18mo, pp. 166. Price 20 and 25 cents. These sr: very interesting and instructive sketches of the lives of i; Italian bishop and a Scotch monk, during the time of It, Reformation from Popery. XI. Isabel; or, Influence. 18mo., pp. 155, with er: gratings. Price 20 and 25 cents. An excellent volume fa the Sabbath School library. XII. Little Mike for Little Folks. Written for the Pro' byterian Board of Publication. 18mo.. pp. 72. Price cents. An admirable little volume for the little folks. . . XTII. What is Faith / By the Rev. R. H. Beattie. Fat lisbed by request of the Synod of New York. 18mo., N. 102. Price 15 and 20 cents. XIV. The Holy Life andTriumphaut Death of Mr. Joh Janeway, yellow of King's College, Cambridge. By tt- Rey. James Janeway. 18mo., pp. IN. Price 20 and 2 cents. This is a striking narrative of one who lived only twenty-tour years on earth, yet attained to a singularly alted piety, and departed in triumph to his heaved; home. XV. Gems of Thought; being Albral and Religious tlections from Matthew Henry and others. Sebeted Harrison Hall. 32m0., pp. 128. Gilt edge. Price 25 cents. XVI. Our Friends in Heaven; or, the Mutual Reeogne tion of the Redeemed in Glory Demonstrated. By the list J. M. Killen, H. A, Comber. 12m0., pp. 226. Price 45 cents. XV.U. In Doors and Ont of Boors; or, Life among th€ Children. By Mary McCalla, author of Pictorial &vv.'. Peak. Square 18mo., pp. 183, with. five beautiful colorpl engravings A very attractive book, which cannot butk popular.' r i r db A thePsl l te- r r Board of Publication, NS2ehutceet,gil epb i .. o. jelltf JOSEPH P. ENGLES, Publishing Agent HZ MIL L ER ACADEMY.—THIS T STITUTION is under the care of the Presbyter: , d Zanesville, and is located at Washington. Ohio on the >s• tional- Road. halfway from Wheeling, to Zanesville; sad only three miles North of the Central Ohio Railrcod. the surrounding country is hilly and remarkable healthy. A large, tasteful, and convenient building, has been erected and furnished with suitable apparatus; th. signed devote their attention entirely to the institutirt, and ail the necessary arrangements have been made f.e educating young men on the most approved principles. The course of studies includes an English and Cle.9ilcal Department, and is extensive enough to prepare guldens, - for the Junior Class in the best Colleges. Strict attentn will be given to the comfort, manners and morals of she pupils, and they will enjoy the advantages of a Meal Society, a Library, and a Philosophical Apparatus. Very mailer backward boys arenotreceived, nor will anY be permitted to remain who are either Immoral, indelsr , or unwilling to form habits of diligent study. On them/sr hand, we invite young men of good character and studixg . habits, who desire a good education to It themselves fa business or for teaching; and especially pious young am preparing for the Gospel ministry, whose presence and finance we highly appreciate. TEEMS OF Trarion--In the Classical Department. per Session of five mouths; Senior English Departels $lO.OO, per Session of five months; Junior English Popere men% SS.OO, per Session of five months. Tuition fees must be paid in advance. Rooms and bowl ing will be furnished, by respectable private &unlit-. st $2.60 per week. The Sessions commence on the first day of May and of November. REV. J. E. ALEXANDER, Principe', J. Y. MOIRE, A. 8., Assistant. j+ll -1y grit) A T E SV IL LE MALE AND FEMALE IL,/ ACADEMY, located in Chester County, Pa.; us I: G' LISH, LINGUAL, MATHEMATICAL, COMMERCIAL .or EN% ART INSTITUTION, - The next Session win commence Tuesday. September Ist. 1857, and continue forty weeks. Students admitted at acs time during the Session. Amoog the advantages which the above named Institt: o affords, those as under, may be mentioned: First—The method pursued in imparting a knowleße Cl the Greet: and Latin Languages, is that of Literal end - terlinear Translations, furnished gratuitously, wh'eh aULr viates the period of study, reduces the amount of labor. • increases, beyondall other systems, the actual acquironet ts of the student. Second--Penmanship and Drawing. The artist having charge of this Department, is one of the best in the State. and was awarded the premium for his specimens at the late r Cho -ter County Horticultural Fair. Third—Modern Languages are taught by a German! I h' speaks fluently both the French and the German IX' gnages. Fourth—Musical Department. This department is ay the supervision of a native German, possessing rare and l' - knowledged ability and'attainments. In this department those desiring it, may receive ima tion in the Missies' Compositions of Mozart, Beethoe ,, Bane el, etc - During the Session, addresses on topics of &Anse end Gt. erature, will be delivered by the following gentlemen: Si': B. R. Hotchkin; Rev. Robert Lowry; Thomas H. Rurr;: LLD .; Professor F. A. Mills; A. K. Gaston. M.D.;Res E. Moore,•.H. Townsend, D. D. S ; William ilder. M.D.; C , ,* Thomas Fitzgerald- Rev. T. Snowdon Thomas; Blakeslee, hi :D.; Hon. D. M. Smyser, and J. B. Mud* H D. • in connexion with many others not yet heard iklizO, a course on Agricultural Chemistry, by a Mond teacher and lecturer. The Introductory Discourse of the Session will be ‘ 3.e: livered by the Principal, on Wednesday, September Bahamas° Cousumax—Rev. J. N. C. Grier, D. D.; Miller, Esq.; Rev. Alexander M. Wiggins, M. A. For references, terms and further particulars. see e i ". 3 .: logos and Prospectus, which will be mailed by addreisub either of the undersigned. Z. C. COCHRAN, N. A- Ray. A. G. Mossuson, Suverintendents. aiSS-So Frit:Va Was. R. MoRRIsON. JEFFERSON. GOLILEGUB,,—TIIIff, DirB i r9; RY of this Institution, by DR. SMITH. ism"' W. / sale in moat book stores. Copies containing the cm alogurci the Graduates and Honorary Members, at $1.25i this Catalogue. $l.OO. Copies mailed for $1.38. with Cl t3 r, logue, and without Catalogue for $1.15. Agents sell this, and other works, to whom a liberal discoust be given. Active young men, with a small amount of money, can make from $3.00 to $5.00 per day. Address the Publisher, J. T. SIIBTOCK. Pitmbursh. N. B.—The following resolution was unanimously' by the Board of Trustees of Jefferson College, oa the alb " f i t August, 1857 : Resolved, .That without endorsingermi g'llti men ` f contains, the Board recommend to the public, thellisto _ Jefferson College, prepared by Dr. Smith , as ssbstardialV.: correct exhibition of the leading 'venerable Institution, facts in the history of