Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 22, 1857, Image 1

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    PRLSBYTERIAN,.,_,..I','',AN - Nii]R & ADVOCATE.
Presbyterian Banner. Vol. V. Noe 48
Presbyterian Advocate. Vol. XIX, N os 43.1
DAVID MeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Original ottr.R.
The Decline.
I have a fair young sister, loved,
And lovely as the day;
And yet they tell me, she from earth
Is passing fast away.
Shu talks, she smiles, she seems ns bright
And joyous as before;
No pain is hers, and still they say
I'll see her soon no more.
She seems not sad, her joys are full,
She's free from grief and care ;
She makes home what it is—a home ;
Oh oould we spare her there?
And yet, methinks there is a change ;
Sometimes she breathes a sigh
Unconsoious, and a strange wild fire
Lights up hor deep, dark eye.
'Tie trite, her cheek is sunken now,
And like to marble fair ;
'T is true, the blushing tint of health
Blooms not like roses there;
'T is true, her small, white band seems cold
When it I press in mine—
All this, alas i I fear but marks
The progress of decline.
She pluck'd for me bright, blooming flowers,
Fresh from the parent tree,
And for her sake I could have wished
Bright flowers they'd always be.
To save them from the blight of change
I tried, but vainly tried,
For though their fragrance still remains,
They withered, faded, died!
And she is fading like the, flowers,
Types of mortality; .
And like them, too, she'll droop and die-->
Ohl tell me, must this be ?
.llust we convey her, soon, to sleep
Her last long sleep alone,
Where tall grass, waving, sweeps the ground,
And drooping willows moan?
Must we consign her to the tomb,
Where silence, shades, and darkness dwell ;
Where time unmarked, unmeasured flies,
Since naught occurs his flight to tell?
Oh J to the heart, how sad the thought
Were this the end of earthly friends;
But Inspiration kindly speaks—
" There is a life that never ends."
She, o'er the grave where Christians sleep,
Stands ever like some angel fair,
And smiling on the passer by, '
Points up and says, "Not here, but TUN= ?"
Then why should tears of sorrow fall?
Then why with grief our hearts be riven ?
When sister leaves her earthly home,
She 'll find, we trust, a home in heaven.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Evidences of Regeneration.
Letter 11.—Union with Christ,
Therefore, if, any man be in Christ, he is a new
creature; old things are passed away; behold,
all things are become new.-2. Cor. v: 17.
MY DEAR FR - rgrrp :—I begin where I
left off. There is then, as we have seen, a
vital union with. Christ as well as ,a legal :
union; the legal union is from eternity; the
vital union takes place here in this world,
when we are born again and receive Jesus
Christ by faith. This vital union is formed
in regeneration—hence its connexion with
the evidences of regeneration; for we are
united to Christ by the work, of the Spirit
in effectual calling. Then we believe and
become personally interested in the covenant
of grace; this covenant is then made with
us, and the seal of it may then be applied
to us and to our offspring, as it was to
Abraham and his seed: for the covenant
with Abraham was the same as that which
is made with every believer; for Abraham
believed and was justified, and he received
oireumoision as the seal of the righteous
ness of faith or justification—his own per
sonal justification.—Rorn. iv: 6-12. Hence,
believers are the children of Abraham; and
if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's
seed, and heirs according to the promise.—
Gal. iii: 7-29.
Now all, whether Jews or Gentiles, all
Ivho were included in the covenant of grace
between the Father and the Son—all of
whom Jesus Christ is the legal Head, and
Substitute—shall be effectually called by the
Spirit, and become united to Christ by faith,
in time, and be saved. To these, as we have
seen, Christ had special reference in his
atonement, for they were chosen in him and
given to him, by the Father; and hence,
while his atonement is sufficient for all, and
infinite in value, it was from eternity design
ed to be applied to the elect, the chosen
seed; and so it is definite in its design. It
shall be applied to those for whom it was
specially made, in whose stead the Redeemer
died. It not merely renders salvation possi
ble, and opens the wily for the full and free
offer of eternal life to all who hear the
Gospel, but it secures the salvation of ''the
chosen seed; it secures their vital union
with Christ, because there is already a legal
union with him; and in the whole transac
tion Jesus Christ is their Representative
and Substitute. Thus he says, I have loved
thee with an everlasting love: therefore,
with loving kindness have I drawn thee.--
Jet xxxi :3. The vital union is the result
of the legal union, just as regeneration is
the carrying out of the purpose of election.
This vital union is the subject of Paul's
remark in 2. Cor. v : 17: If any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature. Without this
vital union there is no salvation; and it is
inseparable from the new creation, inseppra
ble, from the new birth; and ye must be
born again,—John iii: 7.
Hence, we have here the result of this
vital union with Christ, or its inseparable
adjunct: a new creation, renewed by the
Spirit, born again; if any man be in Christ,
united to him vitally, he is a new creature.
—2. Cor. v: 17. He was dead before; he is
alive now, and walks in newness of life.
Christ is our life; and where there is a vital
union with him, there is life of course, for
there can not be dead branches in that living
vine. By nature we are dead; being united
to Christ by faith and the indwelling of his
Spirit, we have life, and are new creatures.
There can be no living union with Christ
where there is not a new heart, a new nature,
regeneration by the power of the Holy
Ghost, for till then 'death reigns; all is'dead,
spiritual death. If any man be in Christ,
vitilly united to him, he is of necessity a
new creature, for there is and can be no
vital union with Christ without regeneration.
This union is one of the first effects of re.
generation; it is formed and consummated
i u regeneration ; it is its inseparable adjunct;
and where the union exists, there regenera
tion has been experienced. The soul that is
united to Christ is born again.
Hence, we have here also the evidences of
this change; as there is a new creation where
there is vital union with Christ, so this will
be manifested in the whole spirit and con
duct of the man : as he is a new creature,
so old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new.-2. Cor. v: 17.
Scott, in his Commentary, says : "He is a new
creation of God. By spiritual illumination,
and its invariable -effects, a new judgment
has been produced, with new inclinations,
new affections, and purposes; from which
new words and actions must proceed. Thus,
old desires, intentions, expectations, con
nexions, and satisfactions passed away, and
were superseded; for, behold, by the marvel
ous operation of Divine grace, all things
were become new! So that the Christian
experienced new hopes and fears, joys and
sorrows, desires and aversions; he learned
to speak a new language, to choose new
companions, to act from new motives, to
aim at new objects, and to attend to new
employments. Every thine , was now cast
into a new mould, received ° a new impres
sion, and took a new . direction, from the
knowledge of God, from faith in Christ and
love to him; from humiliation for sin, and
hatred of it; and from the desire of holi
ness, and the hope of eternal life." Re
generation is known by its effects and fruits;
vitally united to Christ, the branches of the
true vine are known by their fruitfulness.—
Matt. vii: 15-20; John xv.
And, hence, here is the universal extent
and application of this test : if any man,
any man any where; if any man be in Christ,
he is a new creature, and it will be seen in
his life; the new creature will live a new,
life : old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new.-2. Cor. v : 17.
This introduces an important subject—Tux
it may be well for us now to direct our
attention. This I shall do in the present
series of letters; and preparatory to this, I
have spoken of both our LEGAL and our
VITAL union to Christ.
Great is the mystery of godliness.-1.
Tim. iii : 16. There are many things which
we can neither explain nor understand.
Among these may be the NATURE of regen
eration, in which we are united to Christ,
as seems to be implied in the language of
Christ to Nicodemus. The wind bloweth
where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound
thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh,
and whither it goeth : so is every one that is
born of the Spirit.—John 8. Yet it is
desirable to know something of its nature,
that we may the better understand its
EVIDENCES. Hence, it may be well to re
view what has Van said in forrifet lett&S,
and thus present ,a brief summary of regen
eration itself, preparatory to a consideration
of the evidences of it; this I may attempt
in my next, and then proceed to consider
the evidences of regeneration. But, for
the present, I have written enough; and so
I close with kind wishes for• your welfare.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Preaching Viewed in a Business Light.
Christ said, "My kingdom is not of this
world ;" yethe came to establish it in the
world; and while it remains in the world,
it is so much under the world's influence,
that even its friends often see it with the
greatest clearness, from a stand-point in the
world, outside of the kingdom itself.
Many men can estimate the value of a thing,
only by what it costs in dollars and cents;
and when going into business, they base
their estimate of the- expected profits upon
the capital stock invested. So much capital
ought to secure such an amount of profit.
Allow me to look at the Gospel ministry
by this rule. Allow me to present a few
facts and figures, showing the capital invest
ed, and the profits in dollars and cents, arising
from it; and .I do it, not intimating that
I the value of the preached Gospel to the hu
man family can be calculated by such a
standard, but because the reasoning powers
of some can be reached through the pocket
alone. I can accomplish my purpose best,
by selecting a particular case ; not a fancy
one either, but a real one ; and one which,
to my mind, is a very fair average. 40 1.
knew a man in Christ, about fourteen years
ago," who determined, by Divine assistance,
to devote himself to preaching the Gospel.
As a business man would say, "he conclud
ed. to make an investment in the business of
preaching." He was then teaching, and
with encouraging success. Situations of
promise in other pursuits were also open to
him; but he passed them by. In the
Spring of 1844, he commenced a course of
study regularly; and in nine years after
wards he was licensed to preach. He then
entered into business proper. Now, the
amount expended in fitting himself for busi
ness was his stock invested in it. This is
made up of different particulars: First, the
amount of actual expenditure. This for
tution, board, traveling, clothing, &c., at
a very lew estimate,, $150.00 a
year; for nine years $1,350 00. The amount
which he might have laid up each year out
of his earnings, had he continued teaching,
or entered some other business, for which
he was then qualified, is also ,$150.00 a year;
for nine years $1,350.00. Add to this the
interest of this annual investment. Suppose
at the 'end of each year he, ,had put the
$300.00 (the $150.00 expended, and the
$150.00 saved) out at interest; by the end
of. the ,9th year, this interest would. have
amounted to $648.00 at six per cent.
Add to these sums his library,• worth, say
$152.00, and the several particulars will be
as follows :
Amount expended, $1,350.00
Amount which- might have been
earned and saved,
This, then, was the actual capital with
which he commenced business four years
ago, last April; a capital with which a
young, man might enter into , and pursue a
a prosperous business in most pursuit& This
calculation, auy one can see, is a common
sense business calculation, and if it is not
correct, the error consists in its tailing below
the facts.
I might have included in the above cal
culation, the capital brought by a second
person, who, after two years, entered into a
co.partnersbip with the first. This capital,
calculating it as we did that of the first mem
ber of the firm, would increase the original
stock $1,500, 0n.82,000 more • and this ad
ditional capital has added fully in a corres
ponding degree to the prosperity of the
business. But lest some one may insist
that one person might conduct the business
as successfully as two, or that the expenses
of the firm are increased in a proportion
above its efficiency, we will pass this partic
ular bye, in our inventory of the original
stock. I shall leave, for another occasion,
some figures on the profits of this business,
and the expenses necessary to it.
Far the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Door-Yards and Church-Yards
There is a very general neglect, both in
city and country, of door-yards and church
yards. Passing among the beautiful hills of,
our Western Pennsylvania, (than which there
are few hills more beautiful,) there is nothing
more common than to see a large and dom
fortable farm-house rising out of a wilder
ness of weeds, surrounded by broken fences,
with no evidence that ever the hand of taste
bad stretched a line there, or planted a
flower. This is not as it should be. A large
portion of our population have yet to learn
the refining, nay, even moralizing influence
of trees and flowers. I have heard the tidy
house-wife intercede, with tears in her eyes,
for a little spot to plant flowers in. And,
when I saw the much more precious flowers
blooming by her side—the "olive plants"
of the household, whose opening buds were
her especial care—l thought I could guess
the impulse which started the tear. But,
the good farmer, with a sharp eye to the
money profits of his labor, "would rather
plant potatoes." Little does be think how
much a love for flowers, early implanted in
the hearts of his children, may have to do
in "in keeping those hearts clean from baser
That is one aspect of things. We see the
same thing repeated in our church-yards.
Our churchyards will be very, much as our
door-yards. How, sad to see these hallowed
spots, whose dear old associations will follow
us through life, and all of which might be
beautiful associations, lending a fresher
charm to religion, even, surrounded with
rubbish, overrun with weeds, and destitute
of fence or gate, to protect from unhallowed
intrusion. Yet there is no more common
spectacle in our country parishes, even
where the wealth of the people renders
the neglect quite unpardonable. A Sabbath
in the country—how refreshing it is A
church-yard in the country—bow beautiful,
it might be I
' — The followingrextraets, taken-from•-an 7
tide on Grardens; in the Religious Magazine
and Independent Journal, for June, are so
much to the point, I would like to see them
in your widely-circulated paper. Speaking
of door-yards, the writer says :
" I count the man who adorns his little
lot, a benefactor. In the narrow home of
poverty I have seen the rich flower in the
window, groving from a cracked and useless
teapot. I would answer for the heart that
planted it. As a traveler, the presence of a
flower has always encouraged me to ask a
hospitality; and I remember when a young
man, and compelled to look up the' strag
gling members of a parish, I always took
heart when I saw a flower in the window, or
a bean trained by the side of the door. In
voluntarily I judge of men inside the house
by the look of things without. A neat side
walk, a • well-kept yard, where there no
room for more, say more of the occupant
than I could gain by an hour's talk. As
the garden grown over with thorns, betrays
the sluggard, so should I expect a heart
sluggish in its charities and its humanity,
where ; 'I found no care for nature at the
door. Men who scorn every thing simple,
and place a value only on what the world
stamps, may smile ; but there 'is nothing
which will say more for or against a man
than his attention to, or neglect of, the little
spot which he has. Every man, in the care
only of his !yard, may be a benefactor to
every one who passes his gate."
Again he says : " I think, too, that our
churches should see to it, that the spot of
ground on which they stand should be prop
erly adorned and, kept in order. We read
and hear a great deal of English church
yards, and they are not mere places in which
to bury the dead, but have paths, and trees,
and solitude—all adding much to the charac
ter of the place of worship. What more
beautiful than the prints we see of English
rural churches ! Here, we put churches on of hills—on bleak commons—in little
pinched-up spaces, on the corners of streets,
and leave them bare and unadorned. No
nation on the globe so generally neglect
their places of worship as do we. The Mo
hammedan is greatly before us. I can re
member a few church-yards in our country
towns; their beauty always makes one glad,
and. I venture to say, no man ever sees them
without being pleasantly and profitably im
pressed by them. Sometimes in the city,
amid a wilderness of brick, you come across
a little patch of grass carefully trimmed, a
hedge or a few trees, and your steps are ar
rested, and you inwardly confess how greatly
so small a thing adds to the appearance of
the. place ; you feel how appropriate that
that which is holy ground should be fenced
in and made'separate from all other things.
It seems to breathe a sort of Sabbath sweet
ness,-and whisper its benison, over the noise
and struggle of the , City's busy life. A
church should stand in a garden. That
which is without should be inviting and ele
vating. Or if it cannot be in a garden, its
yard should show care and culture. It
might be laid out and planted, blossom with
flowers, and resound with the song of birds.
It might look neat, and trim, and inviting—
a proper portal to the house of praise."
These extracts are worthy a serious
thought. We have refused very much when
we have refused to consecrate our taste and
our love of the beautiful, to the worship of
God. . H.
JOKING.—Thou cared not joke an enemy
into a friend but thou may'st a friend into
an enemy.
From our London dorrespondent.
The Protestant Alliance Prizes—Candidates,,andi '
Mode of Erantination—Restelts—A Renta426 , ' ,
Youth—importance of the Tr'aining of
..acpUtieitte, rt
both la England and Auipica—lndia Intense;',-
Anxiety Military Preparations,— Forthcoming'
Party Debate—Lord Ellenboroughnizd Christina'
Missions—Cartridges and Caste-L—The,Qaten aG
Aldershot)—The Troops ancitadia-AfortaW*A.
Troops--The Yellow Fever-: e - Afer'phant
and the Island of St. Thomas
. - 7 -r:P,eath and tner
al of Beranger—The Cunuir'y Emperor and the
Republicans—Probable Dep 'Nan 'from•lreland
'to America—The Rev. Dr.- ooke—Prefarationa
for the Alliance at Berlin-- e Refugees in Eng
land—Dr. Vaughan—The tlantic Cable—Mr.
LoNnorr,t uly 24, 1857.
formerly intimated, annu 14prizes to young
men, for the best answer' g on 'the Popish
Controversy. I have bee recen4engaged,
at the request of the Com' ittee,And in con-,
cert with two Episcopal gyiiiiitr;" in 'Ciiii-'
t r.
ducting the examination , f the candidates'"''
Perhaps a short account of the mode might ,
be useful, as furnishing suggestions for sim
ilar examinations . iti,,,tlie United States,
where, as with ourselves,. Romanism is so
active and malignant.
The examination began, by placing before
the candidates, sixteen in number, a series
of written questions. They were urnished
with pen, ink and paper, but were denied
the use of books for reference. The first
portion of the questions, bore on the Suprem
acy of the Pope ; the second on Romish
Idolatry; and the last, on the Pardon of
Si.n. It was required that the , historical
and literary references should be accurate;.
that quotations from. Scripture should be
exactly in its own words; and' it was also
intimated that correct spelling and grammar
would bear on the ultimate decision of. the
examiners. For two hours the candi
datee, collected in one room, continued to
write, (from 8 P. IV , to 10 P. M.,) when
the papers were collected, 'and forwarded,
by the Secretary, to each of the examiners.
About a week after, a second series of print
ed questions, more searching, and touching
on more recondite points of the controversy,
were submitted. We found, when the
written answers came back, that three can
didates had retired from the field of compe
tition. From a separate view, by the exam- -
iners, of the two series of answers, they
affixed a number of marks, corresponding
to the respective perils of , the candidates.
Finally came a viva voce examination: The
candidates, and a number of their friends, met
in a large room, and each examiner, in suc
i•cession, questioned the parties on the more
knotty points of dispute, and, broUght out
the capabilities of the candidates as to actual,
and public combat 'with Romish gladiators.
The result of the whole was very satis
factory. Four prizes of £10,'£5,43 and '
£2, nspectively, were ' given to. as many
candidates, while to six others, certificates of
merit were awarded. It is worthy of notice,
that one of the " certificate-of-merit" men
last year, was the first ';' pze-man this year.
years or-age, and an apprentice or assistant`
in Apothecary's Hall, London. His accurate
quotations from Church Councils, Creeds,
and other standard authorities, so impressed
the examiners, that the propriety of his be
coming a minister of Christ, (in the Church
of England, of which he is a member,) was
suggested to him. But it appears that he
is equally eminent in Chemistry; and other
kindred studies, and that his position and
prospects are likely to be shaped accordingly.
I would respectfully suggest to Protestant
Associations in the United States, whether
a similar plan, giving it due publicity, might
not be found most useful in raising up froiri
among young men, (and these not students
of colleges) well-trained champions for the
faith, who would be ready, any where and
every:where, to put to shame the subtle and
plausible emissaries of Rome.
From INDIA there is no further news.*
But sinister rumors are abroad about revolts
in the Madras. Presidency, and the mail ex
pected three days hence, is looked for with
intense anxiety. The Government contin
ues its active preparations to dispatch troops,
and quite a revolution in the military ar
rangements of. India is, I believe, resolved
on. Whereas, hitherto, the proportion of
European and English troops has been small,
as compared with the native soldiers, now
we shall have, it is said, one European
regiment to two regiments of Sepoys. Be
sides this, a great demonstration must be
made, to impress the oriental mind in order
to consolidate our power, and to prepare,
we trust, for mighty and beneficial changes
in the grand future that Providence reserves
for the teeming myriads of Hindoostan.
A PASTY DEBATE on India, Rill 001:0
mence on Monday evening next, the 27th
'inst., in which the Opposition will do all
they can to damage the Ministry; and I
presume, also, not hesitating to attack the
Governor General, Lord Canning, himself,
demanding. his dismissal on the ground, that
be subscribed to missionary objects in his
official capacity. To this Lord Ellenborough
has already referred, offensively, in the
House of Peers. There seems no doubt
that the greased cartridges had something
to do with the mutiny, and that a clique of
"red tape" officials at Calcutta, continued
to send out the cartridges after complaints
had been made. But the causes of the
outbreak have been multifarious, and a cri
sis long predicted and feared by the thought
ful, has arrived, pregnant with vast conse
quences. The Bombay Tenses predicts that
the struggle will turn on the destruction or
preservation of Caste. If the issue ,should
be its practical abolition, what a mighty bar
rier to Christianity would be swept away.
The QUEEN has been reviewing troops,
for two successive days, at the Aldershott
Camp, in Surry. Many of these soldiers go
to India, doubtless to return no more. The
climate, coupled with intemperance, makes
sad havoc with European troops; and the
new policy will entail constant drafts from
England for years to come, to 1111 up the di
minishing ranks from disease alone, to say
nothing of the collisions of war, should such
occur. China, however, would be even
more fatal, as the scene of a campaign. As
to garrison occupation, the West Indies have
long had a bad pre-eminence in reference to
the mortality of troops, although there is,
recently, a great improvement.
A great outcry is made about the frightful
mortality from YELLOW FEvEI at the island
* We have an arrival since this letter was writ
ten, and give some details in bther columns.—ED
' . Thomas, of those crews of the mail
is t;
tyl o
i s,4* ships which stop there for coaling. A
!Qhfiplain in one of the Wands, a minister of
>thrM,, lauroh of Scotland. gives a harrowing
,a 409 Mit , of the Scenes on board, a fter leaving
Ahat:island, and strongly advises its Ighoo
donment, as a coaling station. &eta En
gineers, seamen of all cla.sses, :,voutig wen
mostly in full vigor, depart flow Southamp
ton, and when the ship comes back, thetr
relatives find, to their horrot, that many of
them have perished.
The DEAiu OF BERANOFF,-tho French
song-writer poet, cook •place last week )
at the age `. ; 7 years. His, popularity, was
wonderful, an the Republican party, tak
ing heart 'ftrea the election of Cavaignac
and other , leiders, •for Paris, resolved to ,
make Beranger's funeral the occasion ofione•
of those popular, demonstrations „which ,ere
now has _overthrown a dynasty, and deluged
the 'streets'' is - : , w,itli:holetd'i' 4161fi' the •,
!..ELl`ltxhinvEmperorLwas , awakOro 4 tliiitt•
and ere >thebielth willVel I — Ontrdithe . poet's
body, out comes an article in the official
Moniteur, announcing the death of Beran
ger, and the intention of the Emperor to
defray the cost of his funeral out of the
privy purse. But with this was a hint that
the Government was aware of the intentions
of the malcontents, and, would not permit
any but persons officially invited to form
part of the funeral cortege. And so, guard
ed by soldiery, the poet of the people, who
liked not tyranny, was borne to Pere Le
Chaise, while multitudes crowded after, or
gazed on from windows and 'house-tops.
The affected lamentations of the Emperor,
over the loss of Beranger, fill one's mind
with contempt for the transparent hollowness
and hypocrisy .of the man. But, as a piece
of crafty policy, and as affording a glimpse
into the perils of his, position, the incident
is worthy of notice. Who shall predict the
future, and the fate of Louis Napoleon ?
He has played a great part; for some years,
in Europe, and hitherto has borne r'a charmed
life," because that Providence has its own
purposes to subserve and advance.,
At the- close of :the proceedings of the
a Deputation to Canada, to visit the Presby
terian churches and emigrants there, was'
warmly advocated. It was suggested, at
the same time, that any Deputation going
thither, should also visit the United States,
for the Home Missions of the Irish Church.
The generous reception Which was given to
the Rev. Dr. Dill, and the ReV. Jonathan
Simpson, pleading in its behalf, some years
ago, is not forgotten in Ulster; and it;was
Armed, with apparent justice, that-Meth
odist deputations from Ireland, had received
money which otherwise would have been,
gladly given by Presbyterians to their own
brethren there. Dr. Cooke stated that he
was ready to go to the United States•with
Dr. Edgar, if called on; that, old as he was,
he was stronger that young men, who re
quired a jaunting car; while he could walk
fourteenmiles at azstretch I: Rut" he would
go, only lific;it one Conititiontlili here
should be no fetters placed on him- as to
where he should go, or not go. The refer
ence, no doubt, was to the slavery question,
and the old cry raised against Dr. Cunning
ham and the Free Church Deputation, of
"Send back the money." Two men so
eminent as Doctors Cook and Edgar, would
be received, I doubt not, with open arms,
in America and the cause to, be pleaded by
them, is a noble one.
The Times correspondent, at Berlin, re
ports that active preparations are being
made in prospect of the EVANGELICAL At-
MANCE meeting in September. Large sums
of money are being collected for the ex
penses. A convocation of several thousands
is expected.
The High Lutherans are guilty of such
misrepresentations as to the designs of the
Alliance, that public lectures are about to
be delivered in Berlin, to counteract their
malignant statements. Private families will
receive foreign guests, and accommodation
in this way, or otherwise, will be provided
as far as possible. I have just received , a
circular to that effect, and inviting my pres
ence as one of those who signed the origi
nal address, expressive of sympathy and in
terest in the contemplated gathering. The
`Rev. Dr. Baird has arrived in London, as
one of the Americans, accompanied by the
Rev. D. V. NeLean,D.D., late President
of Lafayette College.
GEES from England, by Government author
ity, is once more agitated. Russia, it is
said, has sent a formal remonstrance on the
subject, and France is reported to be press
in., on in the same direction, especially on
account of the discovery of a recent plot to
assassinate the Emperor. The reported at
tempt on his life, to which I alluded in my
last, does not seem to have been really made;
but bad not warning been given in time, it
was intended, say the French papers, to take
up the rails of the line on which he travel
ed from Paris to Plombieres. Three parties
are arrested, and are , said to have confessed
their guilty intention to kill the Emperor.
Ledru Rollin, the quandorn leader of the
Red Republicans, and M. Mazzini, are also
charged with being in the plot. 'Being ab
sent, howeVeri and unarrested, they,will be
tried and condemned by default, and thus,
it is expected, that England must send them
from her shores.
Of Mazzini's willingness to embrace•as
sassination in his plans,we have had suffi
cient proofs; but the Daily Telegraph, of
London, denies " or: authority," that L.
Rollin knew any thing of the proposal oth
erwise than that when, some weeks ago, a
man called on the patriot, offering to shoot
Louis Napoleon, " the ineffable. scoundrel
Was kicked down stairs." The abuse , of the
asylum afforded to refugees, will hardly lead
to its abolition. If any English Govern
ment ventured to propose it, the nation
would make them speedily repent of their
attempted submission to the dictation of a
despot like Napoleon, who, may, when it
suits himself, become our deadliest foe. At
the same time, "Freedom's `battle" may
not be fought by assassination, which, on
political ground, will not bear apology, or
be aught else but foul murder in the sight
of Him who says, " Vengeance is mine."
The Rev. DR. VA - UM:CAN, President of
the Lancashire College, has intimated that
from personal and domestic, ,as well as pub
lie reasons, he , will. resign, his. office at the
end of the year. The "public " ground it
is difficult to comprehend , as he does not
seem to have had any sympathy with Doctor
Davidson's sentiments. The aberration of
the latter is greatly to be .denrored and if it
he followed by the resignation of the former,
it will be followed by serious injury to.thc
College. The . number of, students there
has never been large. -
The deputure ,of the Ayanteynnon and
Niagara, for the LAYING DOWN OF THE
next`week. Cordrary to the original inten'-'
tion, the two vessels will not separate—each
taking its course.toward the_coitst, Emit and,
West, from amid-ocean position—but, will;
remain near each • other, all the way.
Should the"mighty Teat be accomplished
safely and successfrdly, what au 'electric pulse
of gladness will thrill the hearts of ihe mil
lions of your country and ours,. and what "a
fresh pledge and bond will be given of their
close unity, and their ipevikable and glorious
iinstin4la r benek,AS'of 'the 'Wliole world
asTerimpared-witirl'our t.IIOTAL 1 4114 t..klain
dian - troubles will hasten on raiiwaystivongk,
Bible lands, and telegraphs beneath the
ocean,' so that in twenty years more, the
ends of the earth will converse and (let us
hope) exult in peaceful, heaven-blessed fel
lowship together. The first message, they
say, is to be from the Queen to the. President,
in these .words—" Whom God bath joined
together, let not man put asunder."
THACKERAY has been lecturing on
"Street Preachers," by which terni
means public moralists' and wits. He goes
back to Addison and others of the last cen
tury, comes down to modern times, and
complements Dickens, Punch, and. Douglas
Jerrold, and lays a claim, also, for himself.
He gave the lecture, for the 'benefit of Jer
rold's family, the day after his defeat at Ox
ford,,where he had presented himself as a
candidate for Parliamentary honors. He
attributed his defeat to his views on the
Sabbath question, which are to the effect
that "the people on Sunday afternoons,
should amuse themselves *after their wor
ship." That .was very unsound "preach
ing" from
-the hustings-pulpit. J. W.
A Story of the Battle-Field.
A soldier , was wounded in one of the bat
tles of the Crimea, and was carried out of
the field; he felt that his wound wee mortal
—that life was quickly ebbing away L—and
lie said' to his comrades who were carrying
C. Put am down ; not trouble to, carry
me any further; I am dying."
They put him down and returned to the
field..' A few 'minutes afterwards, an
eer saw , the man• weltering , in his blond,
and asked, him if he could do ,anything for
"Nothing, thank you."
"Shall I get you a little water?" asked
the kind-hearted offie-er.
"No; thank you; I am dying."
" Is there nothing I can do for you? shall ,
mrite to_your.friends?!!--.
"I have no friends you can write to. But
there is one thing for which I would be
much obliged; in my knapsack you will
find a Testament—will you open it at the
14th of john, and near the end of that chap
ter you will find a verse that begins with
'Peace;' will you read it?"
The officer did so, and read the words,
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give
unto you; not as the world giveth, give I
unto you. Let, not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid."
"Thank you, sir," said the dying man;
"I have that peace; 'I am going to that
Saviour; God is with me; I want no
more." and instantly expired.—Old Jona
The Dream.
I once heard of a minister who stated
that he preached a number of years in a
certain place, without any visible benefit to
any one. Finally, he concluded it was not
rightior him to preach, and in consequence
thought he would give it up. But while
musing on the subject, he fell asleep and
dreamed. "I dreamed," said he, "that I
was to work:for a. certain man for so much,
and my business was splitting open a very
large rock, with a very small hammer,
pounding upon the middle of it in order to
split it open. I worked a long time to no
effect, and at length I became discouraged,
and began to complain, when my employer
came; said he, "Why do you complain?
Have you not fared well while in my em
"0, yes."
"Have you not had enough to eat ?"
" Yes."
"Rave you been neglected in any way?"
"No, sir."
"Then," said he, "keep to work—cease
your complaints, and I will take care of the
result." He then left me.
I then thought I applied my little ham
mer with more energy, and soon the: rock
burst open with such force that it awoke
me. Then, says he, I ceased to complain—
I seized my little hammer with new vigor—
I hammered upon that great rock (sin) . with
renewed energy, nothing doubting, and soon
the rock burst. The Spirit of the Lord
rushed in, and the result was a reward: of a
glorious ingathering of souls'to the heavenly
Thus you see, my brother, that to per
severe in well-dOing is the sure way to gain
the prize.--Youth's Guide
The World's Spirit.
If it be true that the present is the Dis
pensation of the Holy Spirit, not the less true
is it that this is emphatically the Dispen
sation of the world'fi spirit. Never since
the world began, was its influence so subtle,
pervasive, and spiritual as now. Much 'of
our religious literature and family in
tercourse is pervaded by it. Our social at
mosphere is loaded with it. We daily and
hourly breathe it. And few constitutions
are spiritually robust enough to resist the
taint. Our only safety lies in our acting on
the fact that "greater is he that. is in us
than he that is in the world;" " praying for
the supply of the Spirit , of ehriskJesus;"
and "watching unto prayer."--Re v . Dr.
CONSIDBIC in hew, many : ways Christian -
usefulness is, promoted. when dove Travails. ,
9: 17101/g believe% and Yrkat..e4.9.ffects follow ;
when they act alone , -and in a contrary
Philadelphia, 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnu
By Mail, or at the Office, $1.50 per Year, t SEE PROSPECTUS
Delivered in the City, 1.75 "
Life is not entirely made up of great evils
or heavy trials; but the perpetual recurr
ence of petty evils and small trials is the
ordinary and appointed exercise of the
the Christian graces. To bear with the
failings of those about us—with their in
firmities, their bad judgment, their ill-breed-,
ing, their perverse tempers—to endure neg
lect when we feel we deserved attention,
and ingratitude when *a expected thanks
—to bear with the company of disagreeable
people whom Providence has placed in - our
way,. and wborn he has provided or purposed
for the trial of our virtue—these are the
hest exercises of patience and self-denial,
and the better because not chosen by our
selves. To bear with vexation in business,
with disappointment in our expectations,
with interruptions of .our retirement, with
folly, intrusion, disturbance--in short, with
whatever_ _oppose§ our will,,contradiets our
to .he mere "of "the essence 0 self den i al, than.
D tar tnrir praDr--aalteiFt&iet:-GE:car_olff 1)
imposing,. Theie constant, inevitable, hitt
inferior evils, properly improved, furnish a
good, mural discipline, 'and might, in the
days of ignorance, have superseded pilgrim
age and penance.—Hannah Moore.
fatts alts ►Jsleanirtgs.
PULPIT discourses should resemble a clear
mirror; they should give the hearers a faith
ful representation of themselves.
GOD sometimes calls us to stand still,
when we are most anxious to proceed; this
is mortifying, but we generally find it is to
see his salvation.
THE GOODS OF LIFE. -Speaking of these
Sir William Temple says : " The greatest
ple3sure of life is love; the greatest treas
ure is contentment; the greatest possession
is health; the, greatest ease is sleep; and
the greatest' medicine a true friend."
COMPQRT zrr. LIFE.-I have often said,
and I must take all occasions to repeat it,
that a holy, heavenly life, spent in the ser
vice of God and in ' communion with him,
is, without doubt, the most pleasant, com
fortable life that any one can live in this
THE soul considered abstractedly from its
passion, is of a remiss and sedentary nature,
sloir in its resolves, and languishing in its
executions. The use, therefore, of the pas
sions, is to stir it up, and to put it upon ac
tion, and awaken,the understanding, to en
force the will, and to make the whole man
more vigorous and attentive in the prosecu
tion of its designs.
elon was almoner to 'Louis XIV, his Maj
esty was astonishad to find, one Sunday, in
stead of a numerous congregation only him
and the priest. "What is the• reason of
this ?" asked the King. "I caused it to
be, given out, sire," returned Penelon,
" that your Majesty did not attend chapel
to-day, that you might know who came to
worship God, and who to flatter the King."
ComarnumoNs.—The converted heath
en are putting so-called Christian countries
to blush by their large charities. Dr. Pratt
writes from Aintab, Turkey, that the contri
butions of his people, - during the past year,
have been for the heathen, schoolhouse,
church-edifice, poor, &c., besides the pastor's
"salarY; about 8,000 piasters, (2,000,) and
that the audience has averaged 670 per
sons, (the Sabbath before writing , there
were present five hundred men and.two hun
dred and sixty one women.)
What is so needful as salvation ? Fie upon
this condemned and foolish world, that
would , give so little for salvation. 0, if
there were a free market of salvation on
that day when the trumpet of God shall
awake the dead, how many buyers would be
there! What are all the sinners in the
world to that day when heaven and earth
shall go up in a flame of fire, but a number
of beguiled dreamers ? Every one shall say
of his hunting, and of his conquest, " Be
hold it was a dream."—Butherford.
MORAL BorasYr.—They that cry down
moral honesty, cry down that which is a
great part of religion—my duty toward God
and my duty toward men. What care Ito
see a man run after a sermon, if he cozen
and Cheat as soon as he comes home ? On
the' other side, morality must not be without
religion ; for if so, it may change as I see
convenient. Religion . must govern it. He
that has no religion to govern his morality, is
not better than my mastiff dog; so long as
you stroke him and please him, and do not
pinch him, he will play with you, as finely
as may be ;* he is a very good moral master;
but if you hurt him, be will fly in your face.
M. E. CHURCH Bpi:am—From the gen
eral minutes of the Church, just published, it
appears there are 23 conferences,. 2,171 trav
eling preachers, 163 superannuated preach
ers, ,4,Q00. local preachers, 309,382 white
members, and 60,770 on probation, 30,490
Indian members, and 296 on probation.
The total of ministers and members is 645,-
708, which is an increase of 15,716. Seven
of the conferences exhibit a decrease, sikteen
an increase. , ,
The nuinber of members and ministers in
the M. E. Chureh (the church North) is
306,204'; adding to this the number in the
M. E. Church South, and we have the grand
total 1,353,912.
The SIM may warm the grass to life,
The dew the drooping flower,
The eyes grow bright and watch the light
Of Autumn's opening hour ;
But words that breathe of tenderness,
And smiles we know are true,
Are warmer than the Summer time,
And brighter than the dew.
It is not much the world can give,
With all its subtle art,
And gold and gems are not the things
To satisfy the heart;
But, oh if those who cluster round
The.altar and the hearth,
Have gentle words and' loving smiles )
How beautiful is earth