Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 15, 1857, Image 4

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One by One.
One by one the sands are flowing
One by one the moments fall ;
Some are coming, some are going,
Do not strive to grasp them all.
One by one thy duties wait thee,
Let thy whole strength go to each ;
Let no future dreams elate thee,
Learn thou first what these can teach.
One by one (bright gifts from heaven)
Joys are sent thee here below ;
Take them readily when given,
Ready too to let them go.
One by one thy griefs shall meet thee,
Do not fear an armed band,
One will fade as others greet thee,
Shadows passing through the land.
Do not look at life's long sorrow,
See bow small each moment's pain;
God will help thee for to-morrow,.
Every day begin again.
Every hour that fiesta so slowly,
Has its task to do or bear;
Luminous the crowd and holy,
If thou set each gem with care
Do not linger with regretting,
Or for passing hours despond;
Nor the daily toil forgetting,
Look too eagerly beyond.
Hours are golden links, God's token,
Reaching heaven but one by one;
Take them, lest the chain be broken
.Bro-the pi/grlmage be done.
The Waldensian Church—Speech of )1 5
Pilatte, at Belfast.
In the interior of our Church we may re
mark the developement of Christian life
and a progress of that revival of true relig
ion, of love, and faith, and active devoted
ness, which began some twenty-five or thirty
years ago. We all know—alas ! you have
known it by experience, perhaps—that
churches sometimes become cold, and slum
ber, and lose their first love, and indeed
almost all love, for a time. And so it was
with the Waldensiau Church. A death
like cold had spread over it, but thank God
the Spirit has been spread abroad among
our people ; a revival has taken place, and
we do not witness, when we look on our
long-honored Church, the symptoms of
death, but an upward progress. Every day
some new symptom of life appears. The
Confession of Faith of our fathers, which
had been a dead document, and which was
by many repudiated, is now acknowledged,
and was twice, in a very few years, solemnly
proclaimed as the expression of the faith of
our Church. Our Church had no constitu
tion except that which had been transmit
ted traditionally through centuries, and
which was expressed in numberless acts of
Synods. Two years ago the laws of the con
stitution were gathered up, and codified,
and now we have our clearly written, and
well understood, and universally accepted
Presbyterian constitution. (Applause.) Our
discipline—the ancient discipline of our
fathers—had fallen into disuse; for there is
no hope of a faithful discipline in a Church
where there is no truelife—a mere legalism
—a mere formalism—in the things which
pertain to the proper action of the Church--
where dead orthodoxy has taken the place of
living faith, properly expressed. And as
this has been the case with us, so now our
Church has been re-constituting its disci
pline; and there is a standing committee to
gather up the principles of that discipline,
to modify what is, in their impression, inap
propriate to the present time, and to present
to the next Synod of our Church a code of
regulations. There was, for the education
of the ministry, great need fora school of
theology. The time had come when we
should not only prepare a ministry for our
Church, but a ministry for evangelisation
in Italy. As long as the ministry was only
necessary for our own Church we could
easily educate our ministers abroad; but
now they must be educated in Italy, and
there must be an Italian school of theology.
And allow me here, when I mention the
establishment of a school of theology in La
Tour for the education of the Waldensian
and Italian ministers, to pay also a just
tribute of gratitude to the excellent and ad
mirable school of theology, so nobly repre
sented here to-night by one of its profes
sors, M. La Harpe. (Hear, and applause.)
In many years have many of our students
been educated under such a man ; and not
only have they given us able ministers,
faithful pastors, learned Divines, but they
have given us one of our new professors of
theology, so that they may rejoice, though
some pupils may be taken away from their
school, that they have been the means of
sowing the seeds of another school of the
ology. (Applause.)
I can not enter fully into the details
of all that is taking place in the narrow,
but very busy, circle of our fifteen parish
es, and in the midst of our Waldensian
population of from 22,000 to 23,000 souls.
But allow me to mention one fact of a very
gratifying nature—that is, the universal
spirit of instruction in the Valleys. In a
population of 22,000 or 23,000 inhabitants,
we have 167 schools, which are attended
by. 4,000 and odd pupils, nearly one-fourth
part of the Waldensian population.' (Ap
plause.) And besides these parish schools
for boys and girls, and these district schools,
which are kept mainly during five or six
Winter months, we have also superior
schools—a college, -where some eighty or
ninety children of the Valleys receive a com
plete course of clinical education, and are
fitted for the theological department—a
normal school for preparing school-masters,
and a higher school, which serves the pur
pose of educating the young ladies of the
better classes of our people, and preparing
school-mistresses for the g‘ girls' schools.
This is the system of education complete
from the A B C to the school of theology,
which our young people can follow; and as
you observe by the numbers I have men
tioned, they gladly avail themselves of
these opportunities of receiving instruction.
And in this there is hope; for these people
must in due time furnish the missionaries
to be employed in the mission-field of Italy.
Besides this, allow me, in passing, to men
tion a fact which will be interesting to sev
eral. You are perhaps aware that, in the
Valleys hitherto, the French language has
been spoken; and perhaps many might be
surprised to hear that in Italy, among the
Waldensians, whom we are in the habit of
considering as Italians, the French, and not
the Italian language is spoken ; but those
who are so surprised must know that it is
owing to an accident that the French lan
guage has taken among us the place of the
An Italian dialect was primitively, and
until the year 1630, the language of the
Waldensians. At that time a pestilence
swept away all their ministers but two or
three. No more ministers were to be had
to minister to the people, and we sent to
Geneva; and we obtained from that city
ministers, who could preach, not in Italian,
but in French; and when they came into
the Valleys, as there was a degree of resem
blance between the two languages, the people
understood partly what their preachers told
them in French, and they preferred to have
a ministry in French, which they partly un
derstood, rather than have no ministry at
all. (Applause.) Thus did the French lan
guage spread, little by little, over the Val
leys; and now that new days have come,
and that civil emancipation has put the
Walderisiana on a footing with the other cit
izens of Sardinia—now that toleration and
liberty of conscience would allow them to go
forward, and not only worship God- them
selves, but to proclaim the Gospel of Christ
to others, there was a universal feeling
among the Waldensians that we should take
back the poisession of our own language—
(Hear, hear)—that we may be the better
prepared to spread the Gospel through our
Italian countrymen. Accordingly, several
of our ministers have been found, whose
predication is as eloquent, whose Italian is
as perfect and sweet as that of any speaker
in Tuscany or Rome; and now in our schools
of theology, part of the leptures is, of neces
sity, given in Italian. All our new ministers
must be able to preach Italian, and in our
colleges and schools, Italian must be taught.
In a few years the French language, beauti
ful as it is, will have disappeared, and have
made room for the more harmonious and more
useful language of Italy. (Applause.) And
now I will refer a little to our mission-field.
I can only remind you of those beautiful
congregations which, at Turin, Genoa, Ales
sandria, and Nice, have been gathered by
our missionaries, and at numerous places,
where traveling evangelists and colporteurs
have carried the good news of salvation, and
where men have received it. Our field has
been enlarged every day. Every day new
doors are opened; and we receive new ap
peals from people who wish to hear the Gos
pel, and who, having perhaps happened to
hear it in visiting one of the cities where it
is preached, wish to have it preached in
their own towns and villages.
For the Preebyterlan Banner and Advocate
Things Seen in a Recent Ramble.
The Rev. Mr. H-- accompanied me to
the residence of Doctor S—. My object
in this visit, was to consult the doctor on
the best means to be used "for the removal
of an inflammation, that had been to me for
weeks a severe affliction, and that now
seemed to give signs of becoming a chronic
annoyance, and even to endanger a visual
One of the first articles in the doctor's
excellent prescription, was leeching. That
this might be done, we were directed to the
residence of a German lady, who lived in a
distant part of the city, and who followed
for a livelihood the semi-surgical arts of
bleeding, cupping, blistering, leeching, Sze.
After a long walk, and many inquiries, we
found the residence of this woman, in cer
tainly one of the most dirty, filthy and
gloomy alleys in the place. We entered the
house, and found it ditto. The lady re
ceived us very politely, and excusing her
self, retired for a short time, into a dark,
back room, to adjust her toilet; for when we
first saw her, she was in dishabille.
During her absence, my friend and I
expressed our wonder how any human being
could live happy in a place of such apparent
gloom and poverty. This mystery, as the
reader will see, was fully explained to us in
the sequal of our interview with this re
markable woman. The room was small,
and contained little furniture. The most
conspicuous objects to be seen were large
bulge, or glass vessels, filled with water,
standing upon a table, in which swam to and
fro hundreds of lizzard-shaped animals of
all sizes, from the length of six inches down
wards. I confess, reader, I looked at these
snaky objgcts with some degree of trepida
tion. And my nervous misgivings were a
source of no little amusement to my friend
But, our doctoress returns, and in the
most sangfroid manner possible, removes
the lid from one of the jars, thrusts her
hand in among these now agitated wrigglers,
chases one (about the second in size) round
and round the vessel for a time, until she
catches it; and withdrawing her band, lays
the little fellow a captive in an empty glass
mug, that she held in her other hand. In
the same manner she caught two others. I
then asked, why she did not bring out the
largest ones. " Ah, she said, " tha too pig,
too pig—pite too deep—leave mark." She
then punctured slightly the end of her fore
finger with a needle, and with the blood that
appeared, tinged the !skin in three places,
immediately below my left eye, and holding
the cup with the leeches up to these spots,
the nasty, hungry, blood-loving rascals,
shaking off their apparent torpidity, seized
them with the rapacity of hungry sharks ;
and so deeply did they fasten their little
fangs, that when the cup was withdrawn,
they all hung suspended, like so many bottle
ear-bobs; and if I chanced to move my
head, in the slightest degree, they would
swing about like short pendulums, and their
cold, slimy sides slapped against my fevered
face in a way, as I thought, rather snakish,
and being so near my eye, they appeared
twice their real size; all of which made me
twit most nervously, at which cruel-hearted
H— did laugh most lustily !
The lady, misunderstanding, perhaps, the
merriment of our brother, thought fit to
endeavor to turn his attention to something
more serious, by handing him a religious
tract to read. He took it, and after he bad
glanced at it a few moments, she asked, "fah
it goot ?" He said, yes. Then, said the
lady, in a peculiar animated, though solemn
style, using English exceedingly broken,
which I will by no means,atterupt to imitate,
"I am a poor widow; my dear husband died
long ago; he left me with two children—
boys. These I loved very much; I wanted
God to love them too. I often prayed with
them, and told them that this good book,
(taking down a large Dutch Bible from the
shelf,) that this good Book was the word of
God, and that he said in it that he would
be a hubband to the widow, and a father to
the fatherless. And I told my boys to feel
that God,,was now their father; to love, fear
and obey him. That they must never lie,
swear, drink, gamble, break the Sabbath
day, go into bad company, or do any thing
that God bad told them not to do, in this
Book. My boys did as I told them, and God
has wonderfully blessed them. They work
all day in the city, and come home to me at
night; and Re all read this Bible together,
before we go to bed. We pray, too, and
oh, gentlemen, we do live so happy here!
One of my sons is eighteen years old; the
other is sixteen; and both, I have good
reason to believe, are Christians—they be
long to the Church. The oldest was con
verted two years ago, and he now experiences
daily the joys of pardoned sin. The other
had a hard time, poor fellow, in his struggle
from the bondage of Satan to the liberty of
Christ, but he at last gained the victory; his
poor soul was distressed for months. During
this time he would come home to me at
night, sad. Be would sit down there on the
floor, and, laying his head on my lap, as I
sat by him on a chair, cry and say, Oh,
mother, mother, pray for me, that 1 may be
happy like you and brother!' Then, gen
tlemen," she continued, " I did pray for
him, for it was so sweet to pray for him, and
it was easy too. I readto him the promises
of our blessed Saviour, as found in this
Book; especially that which says, believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be
saved can not turn it into good English,
but if you cou'd understand that promise,
gentlemen, in German, it would he very
sweet; yes, very sweet. Well, after a time,
my poor boy got light! Ile embraced the
Saviour by faith, and sung with David,
'Bless, Oh my soul, the Lord thy f;od; and
all that is within me, bless his holy name.'
Then we were all happy together. Ido feel
that God bas really fulfilled his word to me
and my dear boys. Yes, gentlemen, God is
indeed better than his word, good as that is.
I can not tell you how happy a soul feels
that has all its sins pardoned, and the Lord
Jesus Christ formed within it the hope of
glory. Gentlemen, did you ever experience
this.? Perhaps, you can not understand me.
I talk such poor English; but if you could
read with me this German Bible, you would
see that all I tell you is true. My boys can
talk and read English, and they say that
the English Bible says the same as the Ger
man. I want every body, the rich and the
poor, high and low, learned and ignorant to
know how happy true religion eau make the
soul in this life; and for this reason I send
off to the Tract Society and get a quantity
of tracts, to give to all the agicted people
that come to me for aid. I want to do all
the good I can while I live, and tell all I
see, what a precious Saviour I have found.
My boys, too, take these tracts with them
and distribute them to persons in the city."
Thus, dear reader, this woman talked to
us for a long time, and often could be seen
a sweet smile on her cheek and a glistening
tear in her eye, as she spoke of the love of
God in the soul. We questioned her closely
on the fundamental doctrines of religion, as
well as on its evidences; on the doctrines of
regeneration, justification by faith, sanctifi
cation by the Spirit, the freeness of Divine
grace, and the unmeritorious nature of good
works. She gave just such Scriptural
answers as all truly converted souls always
do on such subjects.
If I were able to give her exactlanguage,
and paint her as she stood before us, speak
ing with all the tenderness and love of a
true child of Jesus, then, dear reader, you
would join wish me in thinking her not
only a wonderful, but exceedingly lovely
But, I can not stay to tell you all. Never
before had I heard the like in suck circum
stances. I had for a time forgotten the
voracious blood.suckers at my eye, and gazed
with astonishment on this Christian lady,
whom I could feel in my heari - , now to love
as a sister. My friend H— was similarly
pleased and affected. After a stay of more
than'an hour, during which time the little
animals had filled • themselves so full that
they dropped off, we started; but not without
paying the lady well for her official services,
and giving her a slight pecuniary reward
for her excellent advice and sermon, which
latter she received rather reluctantly. As
for the leeches that had taken such a feast,
at the expense of my veins, the lady said
the law compelled her to kill them—so that
she dare use them no more. Thus, she
said, theywere like the ungodly who have
their portion in this life—" they does take
one gorge, then die!" An apt illustration,
thought we.
As we wend our way out of the filthy
alley above noticed, my friend remarked :
"Now we see how it is possible to live happy
in such a place as this, and in such an eight
by-ten room. The presence of Christ always
brings happiness. That poor woman knows
more of real happiness than many of the
sumptuously rich, who live in splendor in
Penn Street. Does not this prove that the
little that a righteous man hath is better
than the riches of many wicked ?" Yes—
and might he not have added, "Better is
little with the fear of the Lord, than great
treasures and trouble therewith. And better
is little with righteousness, than great reve
nues without right." And we were both of
the opinion that 'if our Lord Jesus Christ
were again to visit this world in the flesh,
and conic to the great city in which we then
were, he would doubtless pass by many of
the noble edifices of the rich, and find a
welcome among those who live in poverty
and comparative obscurity. Certain am I,
he would pay a ready visit to at least one
Christian there—poor, indeed, in this world's
goods, but rich in all that pertains to eternal
Come now, ye ministers, let us go into
the lanes and allies of all our fields and
cities and seek until we find the sheep of
the chief Shepherd. Let us feed them, and
in doing so we will ourselves be fed. Our
commissions command us to do it. God's
" hidden ones " are among us. Not many
mighty or noble are called. At our gates
are now lying many an humble Lazarus.
Let us visit and ask them in. What are
we doing ? Trophies of Divine grace lie at
our feet, and we look over them to the rich;
to these we call, and no man answers : then
we mourn and lament, "Who bath believed
our report ?" The poor we will always have
with us, and to them the Gospel is to be
preached. I believe it—and it is a great
consolation to me to do so. There are far
more true Christians in our cities than an
outward view might at first lead us to sup
pose. If all on our church rolls are not
holy, yet, all of the holy are not there.
After partaking of an excellent dinner at
the residence of a young, prosperous and
Christian lawyer in the city, I parted with
friend H—, and soon found myself, in my
ramblings, at No. 114 Smithfield Street,
where I met Mr. J. D. Williams, general
purser, and receiver general for all our
Boards, and every other religious institu
tion and Christian enterprise. He stopped
my perambulations on foot, giving me a seat
in his carriage; and after a long drive in
the upper part of the city, where I saw some
I beautiful private residences, and evidence
of much wealth and apparent thrift among
the citizens, I was set down at the beauti
fully-situated and neatly-furnished home of
the pastor of the Sixth Church. I was re
ceived with a welcome by this good brother
and his kind companion, that would have gone
to the heart of the halest man living, much
more - to that of a wearied and wandering in
valid. Here we unrolled and read the recipe
of the Doctor"; and all its requirements and
suggestions were carried out in every par
ticular; although this caused much labor
. and trouble to almost every one in the fam
ily, but especially to the reverend brother
and his sympathiziom wife. Long will I
remember the hours I lay here on my back,
on the well-arranged lounge, while the hand
of Christian kindness busily prepared, and I
gently applied or removed the prescribed
applications to my -painful organs of
:vision. While the gentle fingers of the wife
did this, the busy tongue of the husband
highly entertained and instructed me with a
recital of his first advent to, and his install
ment over the Sixth Church as its pastor.
He had encountered some difficulties, some
of which were discoura g ing, but he had tried
before God, to do his duty. He was much
encouraged to hope that his labors would be
blessed in that field, from various reasons,
especially that of increasing numbers that
from Sabbath to Sabbath attended his minis
try, and a comparatively large accession re
cently made to the membership of his
church. He was fully alive to the high re
sponsibility of his station, as well as to the
kindness of his people, and of his brother
ministers of the other churches of the city.
May God bless him, and make him a blessing
to that part of his vineyard, and to the world;
and may the people gather around and sus
tain him by their prayers and Christian lib
But my paper and the reader's patience
are done. 1 will finish my Rambles, next
week. ZED.
for ttt yalnes.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate,
• Women's Rights.
DR. MCKINNEY :—Dear Sir :—I am
well pleased with the story of the little tin
pails. There are but few wives and moth
ers comparatively, that feel the importance
of occupying just the right place in their
families'. It is their privilege to be not only
the "balance wheel," but the main-spring
also. Much has been said of "women's
rights," and I will make an effort to give
you my idea of it. It is a woman's right
to stand at her busband's side, even if he
has been placed on the walls of Zion, or on
the highest pinnacle of fame. It is her right
to make his home the choicest spot on earth
to him. It is her right, as he goes forth to his
duties abroad, (let them be ever so arduous) to
lighten them of half their burden, by her
tender sympathies, by her parting kiss, by
her cheerful encouragement and pleasant
smile. And when he feels that her heart
will be lifted in prayer for him in his ab
scence, to Him who never slumbers nor
sleeps, will he not feel strong and able to
accomplish any task ! Ye wives and moth
ers, you know not the power that our Father
in Heaven has given you. Oh ! try to ex
ert it aright. It is also your right to make
your home a little paradise regained, even
if wealth and all its attendant luxuries are
not there. It is your right to cheer the
desponding, soothe and comfort the dis
tressed, smoothe the pillow of the sick and
Buffering. And last, but not least, it is your
right to walk in the footsteps of the meek
and lowly Jesus; who is now the King of
Kings, and Lord of Lords.
Yours, truly, LIZZIE.
Spring Hill, Bradford Co., Pa.
ago a mother stood on the green hills of
Vermont, holding by the right hand a son,
sixteen years old, mad with the love of the
sea. And, as she stood by the garden gate
a sunny morning, she said, "Edwin, they
tell me—for I never saw the ocean—that
the great temptation of the seamen's life is
drink. Promise me, before you quit your
mother's hand that you will never drink."
I gave her the promise, and I went the
broad globe over—Calcutta the Mediterr
anean, San Francisco, the Cape of Good
Hope, the North Pole and the South—l saw
them all in forty years, and I never saw a
glass filled with sparkling liquor that my
mother's form by the garden gate, on the
green-hill•side of Vermont, did not rise be
fore we, and to-day, at the age of sixty, my
lips are innocent of the taste of liquor.
Novel Reading.
Upon no class of persons, perhaps, does
the habitual reading of that branch f our
literature, denominated, .by way of distinc
tion, "yellow covered," exert a more perni
cious influence than upon the young men
connected with our colleges and other insti
tutions of learning. We have heard it
asserted by those whose positions enable
them to judge intelligently in this matter,
that there is scarcely an instance on record
where a young man, who habitually and
regularly peruses works of fiction during his
undergratuate course, ever received that
degree of mental discipline which is neces
sary for a successful entrance upon the great
duties of life, and which it is the aim of a
collegiate course to furnish. And, indeed,
it is hard to conceive how the case should
be ottierwise; for, besides the enormous
waste of time, which is a necessary conse
quence of any considerable indulgence - in
novel reading, the mind, accustomed to fol
low some sentimental hero or heroine through
all sorts of silly unheard of adventures, and
to revel amid scenes of fancied pleasure and
happiness, takes little delight in attempting
to grapple with the more profound truths of
philosophy and mathematics, even when it
is not wholly incapacitated to do so.
It is a lamentable fact that at least half
of the young men who graduate each year
at our colleges, hardly possess even the
rudiments of a sound and substantial educa
tion. Many, after spending three or four
years within the walls of a university,
possess, in return for their time and money,
little besides their "diploma," to which,
certainly, in our day, no great importance
can be attached. Now, all this may be the
combined effect of many causes, into which
it is not our province to inquire; but we
think we hazard little in saying that the
evil in question may, to a very great extent,
be traced to the "popular novels," which
form so important an element in the com
position of the student's libraries in many
of our colleges. And so long as our young
men are content to spend the precious
moments which ought to be devoted to the
acquisitions of substantial -knowledge, and
to fritter away the knowledge which God
has given them, in poring over books worse
than profitless, to the neglect of all that is
useful and instructive, just so long arc we to
expect superficial thinkers, instead of pro
found thinkers; men triflers, instead of MEN.
We admit that it is very important that
the imagination be cultivated, and we are
quite willing to grant there may be, and
undoubtedly are, works of fiction which
have an elevating rather than degrading
tendency, and which are calculated to
strengthen rather than impair the intellect.
But such works, we apprehend, are extreme
ly rare. And the direct tendency of nine
tenths of the popular novels of the present
day, is to inculcate false views of life, and
to corrupt instead of cultivating the imagi
And we would say to students, whose
attention we wish, at this time, more par
ticularly to arrest, that it is a most erroneous
idea, to suppose that it is necessary for a
young man, while pursuing hie academic
course, to become acquainted with the
whole range of general liter4ure. Better,
far better, to confine your attention to the
text books, which have been chosen for you
by your superiors in knowledge and experi
ence—with, perhaps, a very few well-select
ed volumes each term, than to waste your
precious hours over a confused mass of
"miscellaneous trash." The elegant bind
ings and illuminated covers of this latter
class of, hooks, may serve as ornaments to
the shelves of your librarieg, and assist in
making a display on "commencement occa
sions," but their contents are ill-calculated
to furnish wholesome food for a mind duly
impressed with the value of time, and the
infinite importance of a thorough prepara
tion for the great duties which our Creator
designed us to perform.—Ep. Recorder.
BE KlND.—Hard words are like hail
stones in Summer, beating down and de
stroying what they would nourish were they
melted into drops.
Collections Made in all the Principal Cities.
Corner Fourth and Smithfield Streets,
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Other Eastern Pa., par Indiana.
Interior Pa., 1 Kentucky,
New England Banks, 134 Missouri,
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New Jersey, f Wisconsin,
Delaware, ~7 4 . N. Carolina,
Baltimore, par R. Carolina,
Maryland, -1 1 Tennessee,
District Columbia, ~ r 4 Georgia,
New Castle, Pa.,
Brie City,
Kentucky Trust Co,
Seneca Count Bk., Ohio,
Union Bk., Sandusky,
Canal Bk., Cleveland,
Coo,. Bk., Cincinnati,
Corn. Bk., Perthamboy,
Union Bk., N. J., Frenclitown,
THE WINTER SESSION of 1857-8 will commence on Monday,
the 12th of October, and continue sixteen weeks. A full
and thorough course of Lectures will he given, occupying
six or seven hours daily, with good opp rtunities for at
tontion to practical . Anatomy, and with ample Clinical facil
ities at the Commercial Hospital. the preliminary course
of Lectures will commence on Monday, the 29th of Septem
ber, and continue daily until the commencement of the
regular Lectures.
The arrangement of the Chairs will be as follows
T. E. Sr. JOHN, BI D.,
Professor of Anatomy and Physiology_
C. D. LEWIS, 11.
Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
A. J. HOWE, M.D.,
Professor of Surgery.
Professor of Matilda Medico and Therapeutics.
Wbl. SHERWOOD, fel. D.,
Professor of Medical Practice and Pathology.
Emeritus Professor of Cerebral Physiology and Institutes of
Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children.
The terms for the Session will be the same as heretofore,
viz.:—Matriculation, $5.00. Tuition, $20.00. Demonstra
tor's Ticket, $5.00. (Every Student is required to engage in
dissection one Session before Graduation. Graduation,
$25.00. Ticket to Commercial Hospital, (optional,) $5.00.
The Lecture Rooms are newly finished, neat, and COM
fartable, and in a central locality, (in College Hall, Walnut
Street,) where students will find it convenient to call, on
their arrival.
Tickets for the Session maybe obtained of the Dean of the
Faculty, at his office, No. 113 Smith Street. or of Prof. C. H.
Cleaveland, Secretary of the Faculty, No. 139 Seventh
Street. near Elm. JOHN KING, M. D, Dean.
TY TRUST COMPANY—WaInut Street, South-West
corner of Third, Philadelphia.
Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania.
Money is received in any sum, large or small, and interest
paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The office is open every day,from 9o'clock in the morning
till 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday
evenings till 9 o'clock.
Interest Five Per Cent.
All sums, large or small : are paid back in gold, on demand,
without notice, to any amount.
This Company confines its business entirely to the reeeiv
ing of money on interest. The investments, amounting to
made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in
such first-class securities as will always insure perfect se
malty to the depositors, and which cannot fail to give per
manency and stability to this Institution. jolly
ACADP.NIY, located in Chester County, Pa.; an ENG
The next Session will commence Tuesday, September Ist.,
1851, and continue forty weeks. Students admitted at any
time during the Session.
Among the advantages which the above named Institution
affords, those as under, may be mentioned:
First—The method pursued in imparting a knowledge of
the Greek and Latin Languages '
is that of Literal and In
terlinear Translations, I urnished eratnitously, which abbre
viates the period of study, reduces the amount of labor, and
increases, beyond all other systems, the actual acquirements
of the student.
Second—Penmanship and Drawing. The artist having
charge of this Department, is one of the best in the State,
and was awarded the premium for his specimens at the late
Chcc ter County llorticultural Fair.
Third—Modern Languages are tanght by a German, who
speaks fluently both the French and the German Lan
Fourth—Musical Department. This department Is tinder
the supervision of a native German, possessing rare and ac
knowledged ability and attainments.
in this department those desiring it, may receive instruc
tion in the Classical Compositions of Mozart, Beethoven,
Handel, etc
Daring the Session, addresses on topics of Science and Lit
erature, will be delivered by the following gentlemen : Rev.
B. B. lietchkin; Rev. Robert Lowry; Thomas H. Burroos,
LL.D.; Professor F. A. Mills; A. K. Gaston, M.D.; Rev. W.
E. Moore; E. Townsend. D. D. S ; William Elder, M.D.; Col.
Thomas Fitzgerald Rev. T. Snowdon Thomas; William R.
Blakeslee, M. D.; lion. D. M. Smyser, and J. B. Dunlap,
M. D.; in connexion with many others not yet heard from.
Also, a course on Agricultural Chemistry, by a proles.
sicnal teacher and leeturer.
The Introductory Discourse of the Session will he de
livered by the PrinciptiVon Wednesday, September 2d, 1857.
Exmoor:co Commerrsr—Rev. J. N. C. Grier, D. D.; B. L
iisq.; Rev. Alexander M. Wiggins, M. A.
For references, terms and further particulars, see Cata
logue and Prospectus, which will be mailed by addressing
either of the undersigned. Z. C. COCHRAN, U. A.
Ray. A. G. Montusom, sie ,„„„ kivviels Principal.
WM. B. MORRISON. $ auB-3m
Federal Street, Allegheny.
The City—lts Sins and Sorrows, Thomas Guthrie, D. D.,
Expositive Thoughts on the Gospels, nyle;
Lessons from the Great Biography, Hamilton;
The Song of Solomon compared with Scripture, by A. L.
The Christian Philosopher, Thomas Dick, revised;
Boat Life in Egypt. William C. Prime;
Tent Life in the Holy Land, do. anS
STITUTION is under the care of the Presbytery of
Zanesville, and is located at Washington, Ohio, on the Na
tional Road, halfway from Wheeling, to Zanesville; and
only three miles North of the Central Ohio Railroad. The
surrounding country to hilly and remarkable healthy.
A large, tasteful, and convenient building, has been
erected and furnished with suitable apparatus; the- under
signed devote their attention entirely to the institution,
and all the necessary arrangements have been made for
educating young men on the most approved principles.
The course of studies includes an English and Classical
Department, and is extensive enough to prepare students
for the Junior Class in the best Colleges. Strict attention
will be given to the comfort, manners and morale of the
pupils, and they will enjoy the advantages
of a Literary
Society, a Library, and a Philoeophical Apparatus.
'Very small or backward boys are not received, nor will any
be permitted to remain who are either immoral, indolent,
or unwilling to form habits of diligent study. On the other
hand, we invite young men of good character and studious
habits, who desire a good education to fit themselves for
business or for teaching; and especially pious young men
preparing for the Gospel ministry, whose presence and in
fluence we highly appreciate.
TER3IO OP Tuivion.—ln the Classical Department, $12.00,
per Session of five months; Senior English Department,
$lO.OO, per Session of five months; Junior English Depart
ment, $9.00, per Session of five months.
Tuition fees must be paid in advance. Rooms and board
ing will be furnished by respectable private families, at
02,00 per week. The Sessions commence on the first Mon
day of May and of November.
REV. J: E. ALEXANDER, Principal,
J. Y. Melt NE, A. 8., Assistant.
J 1 1-ly
WORLD, are only striplings in cost, ($l3 to $9, or if
made gunpowder proof, $lO, and less at wholesale.) The
test which they have endured is unparalleled. The great
est lock-pickers in the world, stimulated by the offer of a
large premium for several years, have sought in vain for
a clue to pick them. They not only bid defiance to all lock
pickers, but the offer of Two Twouserro DOLLARS for pick•
leg is continued to June,lBs7, with ample guaranty. The
world is challenged for a competitor to produce a lock of
equal value, for five times its cost,whether it is Used for
the specie-vault, night latch, or desk.
Perth Amboy, N. 3.
B. E. WOOMIRDGE, Sa:—You have been awarded an
honorable mention, with special approbation, for burglar
proof Locke and Night Latehes. They were considered by
the jury to merit all that you claim for them, as being the
cheapest, and at the same time, the safest and most durable
Locke on exhibition, and a valuable acquisition to the coin.
munity. Yours, truly,
Connaiseloner of Juries, Crystal Palace, Nov. 1854.
Depository is now well furnished with all the Publics.
bons of the Presbyterian Board of Publication, and especially
with those that are suitable for Sabbath School Libraries.
There is also a good supply of nearly 400 additional volumes.
selected with special care, from the numerous publicationi
of the Massachusetts S. S. Society, an ^ American S. 8
Orders from any part of the country will be promptly at
tended to by addressing the subscriber- Money may be sent
by mall at our risk.
Also, a good supply of stationery.
n0v1.7 Jolla CULBBRISON. Librarian.
IL POINTED Receiving Agent and Treasurer. for the fol
lowing Church enterprises, in the Synods of PITTSBURGH,
The General Assembly's BOARD OF DOMESTIC MIS
SIONS; the General Assembly's BOARD OF EDUCATION;
the General Assembly's cuulten EXTENSION COMMIT
Correspondents will please address him as below, stating
distinctly the Presbytery and Church, from which contribu
tions aro sent; and when a receipt is required by mall, the
name of the port office and County.
As heretofore, monthly reports will be made through the
Presbyterian Banner and A dvoca te an d the Hom gaud Foreign
Record. - J. D. WILLIAMS, Treaenrer,
114 emith field Street.
-my 24 Pittsburgh, Plll
N 0.32 North SECOND Street, above Market, Philadelphia.
The largest, cheapest, and beet assortment of PLAIN and
FANCY BLINDS of any other establishment in the United
Ur REPAIRING promptly attended to. Give tte a call,
and satisfy yourselves. feS•ly
56% south FOURTH Street, below Chestnut
Envelopes, Die Sinking and Engraving, Dies Altered, Ex
velopes Stamped with Business Cards, Homoeopathic. Drivel
opes, self swami and printed directions, Paper Bags for agri•
culturiets, grocers, &c., for putting up garden seeds and
PRINTING of all kinds, viz : Cards, BM-Heads, Cir
ENGRAVING of Visiting and Wedding Cards, with en
velopes to fit exactly, of the finest English, French and
American paper.
Envelopes made to order of any size, quality
,and de.
cription. Conveyancer's Envelopes for deeds, mortgages
old papers, &c., made in the best manner by
parali i - prem.
parW4 "
:74 discount.
- par.
B. B. Orders sent by Expreen, or•ae per agreement
—JAMES ROBB, No. 89 Market Street, between the
Market House and Fifth Street, would call the attention oi
his friends and customers, and all others who may favor him
with their trade, that for the future he will be found at hie
New Shoe Store, as above, with an entirely New Stock of
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers; Palm Leaf, Pedal, Tustin, and
Braid Hats, U.; consisting in part of Gents' Fancy Opera
Boots. Conran Gaiters, Oxford Ties, &c., Sic.; Ladies', Misses'
and Childrene' Fancy Boots, Gaiters, Tics, Slips, &c., very
beautiful; Boys' and Youths' Dress Boots, Shoes, Ties and
His stock is one of the largest ever opened in this city, and
embraces everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia and
New York, and, be trusts, cannot fail to please all. Great
care has been taken iin selecting the choicest goods, all of
which he warrants.
Re also continues to manufacture, as heretofore, all de•
scriptione of Boots and Shoes, and hie long experience of
over twenty years in business in this city is, he trusts, a suf
Meta guaranty that those who favor him with their custom
will be fairly dealt with ap26-tf
ween Market and Cheetnut Streets, Philadelphia, have for
no sale
no sale
Dry and Green Salted Patna Rips, Tanner's Oil, Tanner'[
end Currier's Tools at the lowest prices, and upon the best
.@i- All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for'
which the highest market price will be given in cash, ox
taken in exchange for Hides. Leather tared free of charge
and sold on commission. jy1.5.1p
J. 11. EATON, L.L. D., Union University, blurfreesboro',
Tennessee, says: " Notwithstanding the irregular use of
Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restores, Ac., the falling off
of hair ceased, and my grey locks were restored to their
original color."
P:ev. M. THACHER, (60 years of age,) Pitcher, Chenanga
Co., N. Y.: "My hair is now restored to its natural color,
and ceases to fall off."
REV. WM. CUTTER, Ed. Mother's Magazine, N. Y.: "My
hair is changed to its natural color," Ac.
REV. B. P. STONE, D. D., Concord, N. H.: " My hair which
was grey, is now restored to its natural color,' Ac.
REV. D. CLENDENIN, Chicago, " I can add my tes
timony, and recommend it to my friends."
REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, N.Y.: "My own hair has
greatly thickened; also that of one of my family, who was
becoming bald."
REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charleston, S.C.: "The white hair's
becoming obviated, and new hair forming," Ac.
REV. A. PRINK, Silver Creek, N. Y.: "It has produced
a good effect , on my hair, and can and have recommended
REV. A. BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. H.: "We think very
highly of your preparations," A:c.
REV. B.C. SMITH, Pratteburgh, N. Y.: "I was surprised
to find my grey hair turn as when I was young."
• REV. JOS. WEER, Pastor of West D. R. church, N. Y.;
REV. D. MORRIS, Cross River, N. Y.; MRS. REV. H. A.
PRATT, Hamden, N. Y.
We might swell this list; but if not convinced, TRY IT.
Or World's Hair Dressing, is essential to use with the Re
storer, and is the best flair Dressing for old oryoungextant,
being often efficacious in case of hair falling, Ac., without
the Restorer.'
Grey-haired, Bald, or persons afflicted with diseases of the
hair or scalp, read the above. and judge of
IT DOES NOT SOIL OR STAIN. Sold by allthe principal
wholesale and retail merchant- in the United States, Cuba,
or Canada.
J. PLEMINEi, Agent, Pittsburgh.
ACir Some dealers try to sell articles instead of this, on
which they make more profit. Write to Depot for Circulat
and information. ap4-6mit
Prof. Jacobus's Notes on John, new edition.
44 « Mark and Luke, new edition.
" Matthew,
Question Books on the same, interweaving the Shorter
On Matthew, (with Catechism annexed,) $1.50 per dos'.
On Mark and Luke, « each 1.50 "
or, the two volumes bound in one, 2.25 "
On John, with Catechism also annexed, 1.50 "
They will be forwarded to any address, if orders be sent
Pres. Board of Colportage, St. Clair St., Pitteb'gh.
65 Market Street, Pittsburgh.
fe2l-tf St. Mir Street, Pittsburgh.
Ili TM, Third Street above Pine. Willianoeport, Pa
Tuscarora Valley, Juniata County, Pa., one-fourth o
a mile from the Perrysville Station of Pennsylvania Rail
The Summer Session will commence on Monday, the 16th
of April. Whole expense per session of twenty-two weeks
for Board, Room, Tuition, Washing and Incidentals,sss, pay
able one-half in advance,
See Circulars. DAVID WILSON,
marl6-ly Principal and Proprietor, Port Royal P.O.
Manufactured by
The oldest and most experienced name PLATERS in the
United States.
The most elaborate and richest patterns
hi America.
N 0.15 South Ninth Street, above Chestnut,
Near the Girard House
se 27-1.74, Philadelphia. •
319 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,manufactures—
Steam Engines, of all sizes. warranted bst quality ;
Steam Boilers, of stamped. Juniata Iron;
Portable Flour Mills; Smut Machines:
French Burr Mill Stones, Mill Irons, Mill Screws, cast iron
Proof Staffs.
He also keeps on band, Bolting Clothe, Flax Belling, and
all articles in the' line.
Orders filled with dispatch • my9-3m
_ _
[Established in 1326.]
B ELLS. The subscribers have constantly for sale an as
BELLS. sortment of Church, Factory, Steamboat, Locomo•
BELLS. tire, Plantation, School house, and other Bells,
BELLS. mounted in the most approved and durable manner.
BELL!. For full particulare as to many recent improve-
BELLS. merits, warrantee, diameter of Bells, space occupied.
BELLi. in Tower, rates of transportation, &c., send for a
BELLS. Circular. Bells for the South delivered in New
BELLS. York. Address
A. MENEBLY'S & SONS. Agents, •
myl.6-euw-tf West Troy, N. Y.
now ready. Copies can Be had of the publisher, wholesale
or retail, Gazette Buildings, Pittsburgh. Orders from
Booksellers, Agents, and Colporteure, promptly forwarded
according to directions.
Copies mailed to any part of the United States, for $l.lB
Address J. T. SIIK.VOCK, Publisher.
land and stucco work; hydraulic Cement fcr cisterns,
public works, at., always on band, at 319 Liberty Street,
Pittsburgh. W. W. WALLACE.
STREET, Pittsburgh, dealers in Watches Jewelry, said
Silver Ware. myl f
Will extend his appointment in Pittsburgh till noon of
HIM ELSEWHERE. All persons, therefore, who wish to
consult Dr. Fitch, must do so before that date. Rooms,
Nos. 25 and 29 ST. CLAIR HOTEL. Office hours, 10 a. IL
to 4 nu., daily. 1i calls received on the Sabbath, except
in cases of extreme urgency. Dr. Fitch will occasionally
bo absent from the city on Saturday and Monday of each
week, and when in town wishes to devote those days to
writing, and would prefer to receive no calls from those
who can as well call on any other day of the week. On
of each week, Dr. Fitch will always be at his office.
Patients desiring to consult Dr. Fitch should not defer till
the last few days of his appointment, as they will incur great
risk of not being able to obtain the attention desirable, the
throng before leaving being frequently such as to preclude
the possibility of giving each case the requisite attention,
and occasionally even preventing his examining them at ail.
Consultations and examinations of the Chest FREE, but,
as Dr. Firth does not pretend to raise the dead he dons not
wish to treat any in the last stages of COMMIIIption, or where
a curative treatment cannot be adopted; and he desires none
to app'y to him who do not wish to hear the truth, as he ie
accustomed to tell those consulting him what be considers
their real situation, or the actual condition of their Lnngi;
and those who have delayed until their Lenge are destroyed
cannot hope for any encouragement.
Dr. Fitch would also add that he may be cm:united for
Affections of the Heart, (Sympathetic) Nervousness and
General Debility. Also for Dyspepsia, Female Diseases, and
all other derangements of the system predisposing to Asth
ma or Consumption. ant-4t
I as CITY uumutiEncult c!",
AT PrrrstwitGii,
TWO 1117XDR EP _LVD SETT. , Sr - rr r •
and the. School Rapidly hr rrr:in,.
LARGEST AM) .1110.!..7 Tiffrfit , l - 411 - r r,J;
Awarded to this College. by the (}file.
nylvania I...tate Fails. in ih:ki and (SIG, for I
and Ornamental Witting.
Taught by a practical business man, who t,,, t
~ •
ler work on nook-keeping as early an
Commercial College is Book-keeping tatorbt
haviog an equal nmonnt of experienct• to 0r.,14 . ".
Business Practice.
TIMMS, &c.
Full Commercial CourEe, time unlimited,
At erage time to complete a then 'ugh Centro,
Can enter at any time—review at
60 to $3.00. Prices for tuition and
city in the Union—its great,' variety of 1-.1,4
the cheapest and most available point in the 1, piz,
for young men to gain a Rusinoes Education,•:
Specimens of Writing. and Cirtathr, ,Ftnt fr e
114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nr.trly
tom House,) have „ifirt opened a very choice
Of tbo latest importations. Also,
New Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crushed and PulTerizel •
Bice, Rice-Flour, Pearl and Coru Starch. Varna. Yea ,•
ders, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Cocoa, Broma. Extra
Spiced Chocolate, Pure Ground Spices. Caetiie_t; !
Toilet, Palm, German, and Rosin Soaps. Sup. Carl
Soda; Cream Tartar ; Extra Fine Table Salt ; Put e t r,
Lemon and Vanilla; Star, Mould, and Dipped Cst.d.
gar Cured flame; Dried Beef; Water, Butter, Se, ..
Soda Crackers ; Foreign Fruits, &c., &c.
This stock has been purchased for CASII, and will I r
ed to the Trade, end also to Families, at very .
vances, from whom we respectfully solicit a share efueti.,..
Art i XFOILD sEmirtArt,-
‘ll ,
The Winter Session, of lire months, will commence
Wednesday in November.
Expenses, for Boarding, Pnel, Light and Tuition in the I
glish branches, $6O per Session. Ancient sod Nod ern L:.-.
gnages, each $5. Lessons on the Piano, and me of
meat, $l5. Painting and Drawing, each $5. Or th
meat of $BO, will include the whole.
A eiaily stage connects with the oars at Newark, Pd..,
also at Parkesburg, Pa. Address
J. M. DICKEY, or
Oxford,Sept. 20,1858 SAMUEL DICKEY, r,
the public to tbe
where may be found a large assortment of all
Dry Goods, required in furnishing a house, this
the trouble usually experienced in hunting such anklo
in various places. In consequence of our giving 0,,r
tention to this kind of stock, to the excinsion of
and fancy goods, we can guarantee our prices end siy le i
to be the most favorable in the market.
we are able to give perfect satisfaction, being the CIN: , .!
for more than twenty years regular importers from ;et..
of:the best manufacturers in Ireland. We offer ale
large stook of
of the best qualities to be obtained, and at the very le-, -
prices. Also, Blankets, Quilts, Sheet-hags, Ticking?,
mask Table Cloths, and Napkins, Towellinge, ,
Huckabacs, Table and Piano Covers, Damasks aza -••=.
roans. Lace and Muslin Curtains, Dimities, Furnit--
Chinizes, Window Shadings, &c., &c.
S. W. corner CHESTNUT and SHYEST If
sp3o-tf PhUadel:ht..
SCRIBER is manufacturing Portable Flour
a quality superior for simplicity and durability to any
in we. They can be driven by steam, water, or borse-pac , ,
and will prove an acquisition to iron masters, stock fa, .4
and lumbermen.
Many persons throughout the country, who have enrl , :,: ,
power, or power only employed a part of the time on oft.-
business, by introducing one or more of these mills ii
their establishments, may greatly benefit themselves. 1,
of these mills (28 inches in diameter,) one grinding over
bushels feed per hour, the other flouring wheat. can lie
daily in operation at the - Oil and Feed Mill of Messrs. Eci.
dam 2 Co.. Rebecca Street, Allegheny.
Orders filled with dispatch. W. W. WALLACE,
my9-3m 319 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh.
(Successor to Bailey 2 Renshaw,)
253 Liberty Street,
Ras just received his Spring stock of choice Family Grcri-.7.
150 hL chests choice Green and Black Teas;
60 bags prime Rio Coffee;
25 do. do. Laguayra Coffee;
• £5 mate do. Java do.
4 bales do. Mocha do.
2a barrels New York Syrup;
5 hhds. Lovering's steam Syrup;
12 do. prime Porto Rico Sugar;
50 bblz. Levering's double refined Sugar;
25 do. Baltimore soft do. do.
Also—Spices, Pickles, Sauces, Fruits, Fish, Sugar-Cured
Hams, Dried Beef, &c, &c., wholesale and retail.
Catalogues tarnished, giving an extended list of stack.
A Tale of Rumble Life on the Coast of Schlesni
Translated from the German of Biernatzki.
12m0., Muslin. $l.OO.
From the lion. Robert O. Winthrop :
"I have read it with deep interest. Mrs. Marsh has giver.
us an admirable version of a most striking and powerful
Prom Prot F. D. Huntington, D. D., in the Beli,givas
" Already the book has gained a great suecess with the
best class of readers. Wherever it goes it fascinates t
cultivated and the illiterate, the young and the old, tt.
devout and the careless. Our own copy is in brisk circula
tion. The vivid as d eloquent description of the F.traM ,
scenery, the thrilling accounts of the mysterious action
the waters and vapors of the Schleswig coast, &e, all fare
a story of uncommon attractions and unmingled erce
lease. The satisfaction one feels in its popularity is 'cit•
out abatement" Just published by
feb29 59 Washington Street, Boston.
—L Domestic Duties; or, The Family a Nursery
Earth and Heaven. By the Rev. Rnfua W. Bailey. Thee.
pp. 120 Price 20 and 25 cents. The duties of iniFbat
and wives, of females, of parenta and children, are here
stated and enforced in a style at once attractive e.I
11. Ella Clinton; or, By Their Fruits ye Shall EVW
Them. By' Conlin Martha. 3Smo., pp. 206. Price 26 sad
30 cents. This is an engaging story of an orphan girl.
111. Lessons for the Little Ones. By a Teacher of In.
hints. 18mo., pp. 180. With engravings. Price 25 aud
cents. These lessons, derived from Scripture, are full of i
t ereet for juvenile readers.
IV. Gleanings from Real Life. By 5. S. Eglisece,
thoress of "Lizzie Ferguson." 18tno., pp. 180. Price
and 80 cents. It consists of fourteen sketches, drawn front
real life, all exhibiting the beauty of godliness.
V. Annie Grey, and other sketches. By Olive. 18.nio.
pp. 72. Price 15 cents. Seven short, but lutetexti r.
sketches, intended especially for little girls.
VI. Children of Abraham; or, Sketches of Jewhl Coo
verts. Being in part a sequel to Leila Ada. 18mo ,pp.
Price 20 and 25 cents. The readers of Leila Ada
pleased to learn something more about her cousin P.n..
who stood by her so nobly at the time of her fiery teal.
VII. The Life of Mrs. Sherwood, author of Berry
Milner, Little Henry and his Bearer, Ac. Abridged
the Board. 12m0., pp. 152, with a portrait. Prise
VIII. A. Spiritual Treasury for the Children of
consisting . of a 'Meditation for the Morning of each Pio
the Year, upon select texts of Scripture. Humbly Mien
to establish the faith, promote the comfort. and intic.•:..
the practice of the followers of the Lamb. By
Mason. 12m0., pp. 510. Price 70 cents. This is a
of a work long and well known to God's people, as rue *
the best books of devotional reading to be found la tlr
English language.
IX. A Spiritual Treasury for the Children of God
slating of a Meditation for the Evening of each Pay in
Year, upon select texts of Scripture. By William :%;3".
12r00., pp. 508. Price 70 cents. This book should ,
place by the side of the Bible in every closet of the far . .
X. The Bishop and the Monk ; or Sketches of tio.,
of Pierpeolo 'Verged° and John Craig. Converts fr. hi
perY• limo, pp. 366. Price 20 and 2.5 cents. Thee
veryinteresting and instructive sketches of the lines
Italian bishop and a Scotch monk, during the time
Reformation from Popery.
XL Isabel; or, influence. 18mo., pp. 151, With
gravings. Price 2tl and 25 cents. An excellent rolon. ,
the Sabbath School library.
XII. Little Talks for Little Folks. Written for tb..1% . ..:
byterian Board of Publication. limo.. pp. 72. Prier :`
cents. An admirable little volume for the little t?
XIII. What is Faith? By the Rev. It. H. Beattie. TT'
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e s n:cellEec!
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Dr. Reiter will attend at the oilier daily. and may to "
suited at his residence, in Eaet lif city, in
and inanities. oclB4l