Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, August 08, 1857, Image 1

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Presbyterian Banner, Vol. V, 80. 46.
Presbyterian Advocate, Vol. XIX, 80. 41.1
DAVID MeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Original ottrp,
"The God of peso A Orin bruise Satan under your feet
shortly."—Suir. xvl.: 20.
A voice, a voice from the fur-off land,
Comes whispering gently to thee;
It biddeth thy sorrows afar to fly—
From sighing and tears to be free.
A voice from the land where Christ has gone,
From the laud where the nngels sing;
Where the tree of life in its beauty grows,
Where Jesus is ever the king.
Oh Pilgrim below, press on, press on
To that land of heavenly rest;
For thee, there is room in thy Father's house,
Thy home is the land of the blest.
And when," doat thou cry, "at home shall I
And when, from my sins all be free ?"
Now hearken, rejoice, and he of good cheer,
E'er long, yes, e'er long it shall be.
Then,Tilgrim rejoice, for above thee behold,
Bright stars of the morning appear;
The night is far spent, the day is at hand,
The hour of its dawn draweth near.
With that hour of the morn, thy journey is done,
Then, through the pearl gates shalt thou go,
And freed from all oars, no more shalt thou be
A poor weary pilgrim below.
Per the Presbyterian Banner and Advoeate
Infant Baptism—No. 7.
That the Apostles baptized little children,
and that they were authorized to do so by
the instructions of their Divine Master, has,
I hope, been made sufficiently apparent. It
is equally clear that in the absence of any
specific instructions on the subject, they
would haie been led to the same course, by
their perfect understanding of the essential
sameness of the Church of God under all
Dispensations For if the Christian Church
was simply a continuation of the Patriarchal
and Jewish, with a change only in the
ordinances and forms of worship, then the
right of membership was the same in both.
And as infants were received into the Old
Testament Church by circumcision, they
must be admitted to the New Testament
Church by baptism. These several points
we hope to establish in the proper order.
Fine. The Apostles must have understood
the Christian Church to be a continuation
of the Jewish, since they made no new
organization. The Gospel dispensation was
fully opened by them on the day of Pente
cost; and if the foundations of anew Church
were to be laid, that was the proper time for
the work. But no such thing was attempt
ed. .On the contrary it appears from, the
record,' that the Christian Church was al
ready in existence. It had been convened
some days before the feast of Pentecost, for
the transaction of business; and "Peter
stood up in the midst of the disciples, and
said (the number of the names was about
an hundred and twenty) men and brethren"
&o.—AOts 1: 16,'16. Here was a Church
of Christ, composed of one hundred and
twenty members; and they exercised the
highest functions of a Church, in the elec•
tion and ordination of an Apostle in the
place of Judas.
They constitute the first Christian Church;
and to them were "added" the three thou
sand converts baptized on the day of Pen.
tecost. But how did these hundred and
twenty find their way into the Church? It
is certain that they never received Christian
baptism. They may have submitted to the
baptism of John, but that could not answer
in the place of Christian baptism, as we
have shown in a former No. The leading
Baptist writers agree, that Christian baptism
was not administered before the day of
Pentecost yet previously to that time, there
was a Christian Church existing in full
operation; and how did the members obtain
admission without baptism? Mr. Alexan
der Campbell tries to solve the difficulty by
asserting that, "When a person is appointed
by God to set up an institution, he is not
himself to be regarded as a subject of that
institution."—Deb. with Rice, p. 356. That
is, if we take his meaning, those hundred
and twenty disciples were appointed to set
up Christian baptism; and for that reason
were themselves exempted from a compli
ance with the ordinance. • But this evasion
will answer no purpose; for Abraham was
appointed to set up circumcision, and yet
submitted to the rite himself. Aaron was
the first Jewish high priest, yet he was con
secrated in precisely the same manner in
which he consecrated others.
The only rational explanaticin of the mat
ter is this : Those hundred and twenty' dis
ciples, with their children, had been: re
ceived into the Church under the former
dispensation, by circumcision ; and had not
forfeited their standing by the rejection of
Christ. When, therefore, the unbelieving
Jews, with their children, were cut off by a
judicial sentence, pronounced by.the Saviour
four days before his death (Matt. xxiii: 37,
38, ,and Luke xis: 41-44) these remained
in the Church and formed the nucleus,
around which those converted in after times
were gathered. As they bad never lost
their standing in the Church, it was not
proper that they should be subjected to an
initiatory rite, in common with the rest of
the world. For the Jewish and Christian
Churches being substantially the same, mem
bership in the one, of itself, conferred all
the privileges of membership in the other.
Thus we see that the first Christian Church
was nothing more nor less than the Old Testa
ment Church purged of its apostate mem
It is no objection to this reasoning, that
those Jews who were converted after they
were out off, were required to be baptized,.
notwithstanding they had been circumcised.
Ms true that in restoring an excommuni
cated member, on profession of repentance;
we would not have him re-baptized ; but the'
cases are by no means parallel. • The unbe
lieving Jews, were cut off under a former
dispensation. And while they were in a
state of excommunication, Christian baptism
was instituted.• 'Hese it was proper that
they should be placed on the same footing
with the world at large, and when they be
came obedient to the faith, should enter the
Church in the same manner as the Gentiles.
Secondly. That the Apostles regarded
the Jewish and Christian Churches as es
sentially the same, appears from their own
The Apostle Paul, speaking of the exci
sion of the great body of the Jews, writes
"For if the first-fruit be holy, the lump
also is holy; and if the root be holy, so are
the branches. And if some of the branches
be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive
tree, wert graffed in among them, and with
them partakest of the root and fatness of
the olive tree; boast not against the branches.
But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root
but the root thee. Thou wilt say then,
The branches were broken off, that I might
be graffed in. Well, because of unbelief
they were broken off, and thou standest by
faith. Be not high-minded, but fear: for if
God spared not the natural branches, take
heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold,
therefore the goodness and the severity of
God! on them which fell, severity; but
toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in
his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be
cut off. And they also, if they abide not
still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God
is able to graff, them in again. For if thou
wort cut out of,the olive tree which is wild
by nature, and wert graffed contrary to
nature into a good olive tree, how much
more shall these, which be the natural
branches, be grafed 'into their own olive
tree."—Rom. xi: 16-24.
Here the Apostle represents the visible
Church of God under the figure of a good
olive tree. Of the natural branches, name
ly the Jews, the greater part were broken
off: and what followed? Was the tree, root,
trunk and branch destroyed? No such thing ;
the tree remained with all its "fatness,"
and the Gentiles, branches of a wild olive,
were grafted into it. What a. strong evi
dence that the Christian Church is, a mere
continuation of the Jewish 1 But this is
not all. The Apostle looks forward to the
period when the Jews, the natural branches,
shall be restored. And what does he say
will then be done with them ? They " shall
be graffed into their own olive tree." In
other words, they shall be reinstated in that
very Church from which they were cut off
for unbelief. Language cannot be more
explicit in reference to ,the substantial same
ness of the Church under both dispensa
The same Apostle addresses the Ephesians
thus: "Wherefore remember, that ye being
in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are
called unoircumeision, by that which is
called the circumcision in the flesh made by
hands; that at that time ye were without
Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth
of Israel, •and strangers from the covenants
of promise, having no hope, and without
God in the world.' —Eph. ii :11, 12.
What was that " commonwealth of
Israel," from which these Gentiles were
once aliens 7 What but that Church of
God 'to which the Jews belonged ? Bearing
this in mind, let us hear the Apostle fur
" Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers
and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the
saints, and' of the household of God; and
are built upon the foundation of the Apos
tles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being
the chief corner-stone."—Ver. 19, 20.
Who were "the saints," with whom these
Gentiles had now become fellow-citizens ?
They were the patriarchs and prophets;
Abraham, Moses, David, Isaiah. Again,
what was that "household of God," of
which the Ephesians had become members ?
The visible society of the saints of all ages.
Once more; what is that one mystical tm
ple, in laying whose foundations, both Pro
phets and Apostles united? No other than
that visible Church of God, which abides
the same under every dispensation.
Thirdly. The same truth is established
by indisputable facts. The Church under
both dispensations worshipped and obeyed
the same Triune God, acknowledged the
same moral law, and received the same glor
ious Gospel; for "unto us was the Gospel
preached as well•as unto them."—Heb. iv.
2. Under both dispensations the Church
looked, by faith to the same atoning Saviour,
through the shedding of whose blood was
remission of sins, taught the same funda
mental truths, insisted on the same terms of
salvation, namely, faith and repentance ; and
required the same qualifications for church
membership. What more is wanting to
prove that the Church of God is the same
in substance now that it was in the days of
the patriarchs and prophets? There is not
as much evidence to prove that the Regular
Baptist Church in the United States of
America, amidst the changes it has under
gone, is the same ecclesiastical body that it
was forty years ago.
It is true thatthe numerous and burden
some rites of the old dispensation passed
away at the death of Christ, and a few aim
ple.ordinances were appointed in their stead.
But let us not commit so great an error as
to suppose that external forms constitute
the essence of a church, or that they may
not be changed to any extent by the
Supreme Law-giver, without affecting the
identity of his visible kingdom. The cere
monial law was appointed for temporary
purposes, to keep the Jews distinct from the
surrounding'heathen, and direct their minds
to the coming Messiah. It was "a shadow
of good things to come." Its bloody sacri
fices pointed to the cross of Christ, and its
"divers washings," typically represented
the sanctification of the heart and life by
the Holy Ghost. When Christ at last ap
peared and offered himself on the cross;
that law, having answered its purposes, ex
pired by virtue of its own limitation, leaving
the Church unimpaired by the change.
Our opponents object further against "our
argument, that faith and holiness were not
required of the Jewish Church, and that,
therefore, it cannotbe the same as the Chris
tian. What an imputation against Infinite
Purity is this, that he should constitute a
visible Church on earth and not require
faith"r and holiness of its members! Truly
the 13aptist brethren should produce better •
-proofs than any they have,yet discovered . , or
else abandon a position , attended with such,
serious consequences. The Character of
God and the whole tenor of the Old Testa
ment Bariptufes flatly contradict their atiner
-tion and show 'that God has required faith
f.• $. . 1 7
'I; . , ; t, 1 : • ,A; t 14 :1 I, 8: 'GIL PA.
and holiness of all in every age who entered
into a covenant relation to him. If the
Jews sinned against him, they were required
to bring an offer-ng, and confess, and forsake
their iniquity. For all gross offences they
were to be cut f£ from the Church See
Ex. xxii : 20; Lcv xxiv. 15, 16, 17, and
xxiii : 29, 30, and xviii : 29; Ex xxi : 15, 17;
Num, ix: 13. L. N. 0.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Letter XXVIIL- 7 End or Design of Re'gen-
That we should be a kind of first fruits of his
creatures.—Jas i:18.
MY DEAR FRIEND :-I have spoken of
the necessity and nature of regeneration, of
the Agent in it and the means. The 'last
point to be considered is the end or design
of regeneration : that we should be a kind
of first-knits of his creatures; that as the
first•fruits of the - harvest among the Jews
were devoted to God, so we should devote
ourselVes to him and live to his glory.—Jas.
i: 18. "Man's chief end is to glorify God,
and to enjoy him for ever."—Short Cat.,
Ques. 1. The glory of God is the end or
design of man's creation; and this is also the
end or design of his new creation. Hence
we are to do all things to the glory of God.
—l. Cor. x: 31. Thus says Paul to the Cor
inthians, Know ye not that your body is the
temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have of God, and ye are not your
ovin? For ye are bought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your body, and in
your spirit, which are God's.-1. Cor. vi:
19, 20. Hence to the Romans he writes,
For of him, and through him, and to him,
are all things: to whom be glory for ever.
Amen. I beseech you, thereiore, brethren,
by the mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be, not conformed to this world: but be
ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
Rom. xi: 36, and xii: 1, 2.
I need say no more as to the end or design
of regeneration. The whole may be' com
prised in a single sentence, that God may be
glorified, and that we may be useful and
happy here and blessed for ever more. And
here, by. way of application and improve
ment, a few things in conclusion may be
observed :
1. I would repeat the question proposed
in a former letter: Have you experienced
this change ? As then remarked, remember
that the doctrines of these letters are not
human opinions • they are the teachings of
God's Word. Remember, too, the nature of
this change, and its necessity, for without it
you must perish; and then, in view of its
nature and necessity, answer this question,
Have you experienced this change? Have
you been born again? It concerns each and
every one; it concerns you, individually and
personally, and the question is put to you;
it is a personal question, and I wish you so
to regard it; bring it right home to your
own heart, and answer it now before God,.
Have you- experienced this change? Have
you been born again? Reader, Have you
been born again ?
2. My next remark is, As God works by
means and makes the truth instrumental in
giving spiritual light and life, be careful and
diligent in the use of these means. Read
and hear the truth; despise not, nor neglect
a preached Gospel, and neglect not to pray.
Use the means of grace, but do not rest in
them, nor depend upon them; for these
means alone can not save you, nor can you
by the use of them bring God under any
obligations to bless and save you. He blesses
in the way of means and in the use of
means; but not for the use of them, or be
cause there is any merit in their use. Use
them, but do not depend on them, nor rest
in them. They alone can not save you.
You must have the Spirit, or you are lost.
Yes, you must have the Spirit, or you are
lost! Lost !!
3. Hence 'I remark 'again, Ask, that you
may receive. Pray for the Spirit. You
must pray or perish! I repeat it, and I
mean it, you must pray or perish! Seek
the Spirit in humble prayer; seek the Spirit
in earnest prayer; seek the Spirit in perse
vering prayer. And resist not the Spirit;
grieve him not away, but yield to his influ
ences. He is even now at work with your
heart; he is convincing you of sin; he is
pointing you to "the coming wrath," and
urging you " , from that wrath to flee" Lis
ten to his voice, and yield your heart to his
control. Seeing the necessity and nature of
this change, desire it, seek after it, pray for
it, and rest not till you experience it. Re
member, it is a real change, from nature to
grace; an inward change, of principle, habit,
and nature; universal, in the whole man;
and rest not till you are changed. The
Spirit of God has disturbed• the quiet of
your soul; he has convinced you of your sin
and misery; he has constrained you to ask
what you must do to be saved and to cry
unto God for mercy; and now rest not,
never be at ease, till you find rest in Christ
and are a new creature in Christ Jesus.
And as one of the first actings of the prin
ciple of grace implanted in regeneration is
faith in Jesus Citrist, just come to Christ
now for life, come to him for light, come to
him for salvation; and come just as, you are,
do not wait, do. not try to make yourself
better, do not try to work out a righteous.
ness of your own; but come now, come just
as you are, come, sinner, come to Jesus,
trust in him, and then obey him in all
things. Give him your heart as it is, give
yourself to him as you are; come to him
now, and look to him alone for salvation.
And as another of the first actirws of the
principle of grace is a purpose to ° cleave to
the Lord—to rely upon him and serve
so be it your resolve to cleave to him. Be
resolved to serve him. This purpose is not
a new heart; this purpose is not regenera
tion; but regeneration leads to such a pur
pose : it is inseparable from those new views
of truth and duty which result from a saving
change; and as it is therefore one of the
first aetings of the principle of grace in the
heart, so form that purpose now, not in your
own strength, but in the strength of (*ed.;
and he resolved to seek the Lord with all
your heart, and to serve him while you live.
Let ethers do as they may, be it . your pur
pose to serve the- Lord and, to live to his
I glory. And as' youjorm this -purpose in
the strength of Divine grye, commit your
self to Jesus Christ and confide in him for
eternal life. Awake, sinner, awake; arise
from the dead, and Chrti), shall give thee
light; he will give you pardon, peace, joy,
hope, rest, salvation; free 'forgiveness with
all its benefits; yea, he will 'giro you life,
and in him you shall live fOreverl--Eph. v:
14; Acts xi: 23.
Here I close this series' of lettera; but
others way follow. Read rithe Bible; pray,,
repent, believe, obey; pit i on Christ, and,
walk in newness of life- ead Ps. Ii: and
cxxx; John iii; Rom. v: `pd' Ti; . Gal. iii;
Eph.. ii; 1. Cor. i: and 1; and Hymns
62, 262, 263, and 455. ~
From our Loudon ed. 'tipondeut..
Resignation of Dr. Davidson— Opinions Apra- .
gently Unchanged—The Press I,ssrup for .the
Defects of Congre,gationalis .r.,‘,"41 7 6 Qty
formist"—The Advanced o- i.,p2wee ,
ism---Analysis of the "Otior lNetspapei
Startlin,g Opinions and Daring, Avowals—Lead
ing Articles—Reviews and C4respondence—TraC-'
tarian Hymnology The lard Presence--Hot
Weather, and the. Cardinals— at Edinburgh,
of' Madeleine Smith—TheVei'dact—ltillian Trott •
bles—Waldensian Deputation: in Ireland—lrish.
General Assembly—The Atlantic Cable—Russet's
Lectures on the War—lndian Revolt,. and Anxious
LoNnoN, 41, 10, 1807
DR. DAVIDSON has, resigned , his Piths.
sorship in the Lancashire:lndependent Col
lege.. At first he refused, bat he found the
pressure from without too urgent to, be dis.
regarded. It does not appear that he has
been led to see that his opinions on inspira
tion were wrong, for his resignation was sent
in with an angry letter. But Undoubtedly
his views are' such as the-:greater part of
English Congregationalists, strongly depre
cate and disapprove. It is ' , understood that
a genutous present of money is to be made
him, and the British Standard, which ad
vocated his dismissal, warmly supports,the
proposition. But what can money do to
restore to him his position and prestige, as a
Divine And while we approve the fidel
ity of a majority, who compOled him to re
sign, is it not sad to mark in him another
example of the facilis deseensus, which is
the characteristic of a rationalistic condition
of mind?
If CONGREGATIONALISM has necessarily
failed in its weakness to do 'what Presbyte
rianism, by the vigorous action of its, Church'
Courts, would have done, at all events, let
us applaud the fidelity of Dr. Campbell, and
of other leaders of the Congregational press,
in this as well as in the famous dispute with
regard to the "Negative Theology:" Ra
tionalising and "Negative"tendencies will
still lurk in many minds, and probably a con
siderable number of dissenting students may
be more or less tainted. But Evangelism is
again in the ascendant; the old theology is
not now openly laughed at, ,t 'and even the
apologists of Mr. Lynch arecareful to show,
that while they thought thit - injustioe 7 .was
done to him, yet they are themselves thor
oughly orthodox. A decided cheek, has
been given to , the progress of most subtle
and dangerous heresy. The Nonconformist
is the only dissenting journal, which has
been the advocate or 'defender •of either;
Lynch or Davidson.
is now working deep mischief, and doing
the work of Rome in the very bosom of the
Church of England, by a new and most form
idable agency. I refer to the ". Union"
newspaper, which, as its name implies,
shows a desire for a closer union with every
branch of the so-called " Catholic" Church,
and especially with RoMe. It is true that
a Tractarian poet long ago exclaimed-:
"Oh, mother Church of Rome,
Why does thy heart beat so untruly.
Toward thy Northern child?"
But it remained for the year 1857 to bring
forth such a spawn of heresy as this "Ption,
which, (edited by clergymen, and read, it
says, by 4000 readers, three fourths of whom
are clergymen,) with unwonted audacity,
With intensest earnestness, with great abil
ity, - with an infectious zeal and priestly pre ,
tension, urges on its readers to the proscrip,
tion and hatred of real Protesta,ntism, wheth
er within or without the Church of England,
and which advocates almost every thing, in
doctrine and practice, which Rome demands
of her votaries,
To show you that I pm not makii.g these
charges and statements at random, I shall
lay before your readers specimens of the
spirit of "The Union," as drawn from only
one recent number of that publication. The
importance of the subject will be evident, as
illustrative of the tendencies to a crisis
which, though in one sense desirable, must,
in the influences brought to bear on the per
version of a large portion of educated per
sons, be full of peril and mischief.
The first article in the number of " The
Union" which , lies before me, is "The Ed
uoationni Conference." At that Conference,
Prinee Albert presided, and it was attended
by delegates from. all parts of the country,
and by friends both of, State and volun
tary education. " The Union" sneers at
the Prince Consort's words : " Some have
sought the aid'of the Ch,urch, to which they
belong," implying as'they do, a recognition,
on his part, of different Churches, instead
of only " The one Holy Catholic Church."
44 An address more . Pantheistic in its tone,
and more charged with the cold and leaden
tint of Indifferentism, we never heard.
All religious communities were ' churches'
in the Royal chairman's eyes; Truth, Divine
Truth—a mere negative quantity; and for
youth to be taught their duty to God, part
of which is to believe all the articles of the
Christian faith, was a matter in which he
had no concern !" That is pretty well in the
way of bigotry and pious slander, and so
also the assertion that " the assemblage
might have consisted, so far as it appears, of
Pagans, Parsecs, and Hindoos." Then,
there were' shocking " omissions and par
tialities in the discussions." It was a
great sin not to mention the Popish "vol
untary association of the Christian Brethren,.
a well known and most influential body in
France and Belgium," and too bad not to
have 'publicly held up to admiration 'the
Rornish " Sisters of Charity, another volun
tary association, who manage female schools."
The second article is, " The Schismatics
in Scotland ;" and who do you suppose are
these" Schismatics`?" Are they "The Syn
od of Preshyterian preachers," who are in
cidentally classed with the Record, as making
"untrue statements, and .bearing false wit-
nese" against "the persecuted clergy?"
Not at all. The "Schismatics in Scotland"
are those Episcopal clergymen in North
Britain, who will not submit to the jurisdic
tion of the Scottish Episcopal Bishops, nor
sign their adherence to the
.Popish Scottish
Episcopal (Ace', which recognizes a tran
substantiation the Elements. These last
—true Evangelicals, likh Mr. Drummond,
of Edinburgh, and Mr. Mile-3,,0f Gia'sgow,
who regard themselves as true sous of the
Ohurch of England, 'aild 'of whose poSition
its'Evingelic'al - Bishops warmly 'apprOve--
s.gThi Union" , cannot find language too
strong to „denounce. And • then, , , the
great : crime is, that two Bishops have coun
tenanced them The first is Dr. Gobat
who, it appears ''is gg tin Episcozial'cOoriion
---therestilt‘of a' tirlitirObetween the ChUrch
of England . and the Lutheran Establishment
of knissia,' who, Af t hatdng nothing to do at
eyttealena t whew he VealEleAt i p a4ently,
6trite 'atnondst the 'Eastern , iariatiana "
, ,
(those corrupt and ••fallen Churches which
" The , Union" includes in: " the "Catholic"
fold,) "took it into his head, during a so
journ in Scotland, to•assist the Schismatical
clergy there by his presence, and to join in
their worship."
The second Episcopal offender, is the
Bishop of Rupert's Land, who, "having
left his few sheep in the wilderness," (one
of the ,pleasant sneers peculiar to "The
,Union;') "thought it decent and becoming
to imitate Dr. Gobat." "He, patronized
the Schismatics attended their meeting
houses, (not "'churches,") and joined in
their worship." If "'he be not especially
ignorant of the first principles of, Christian
ity, and of the character of our Scottish
sister," he deserves even "a more =lan . -
fled censure" from "individual Bishops"
in England, and "Ruridecanal Chapters"
than even "-The. Union," gentry "feel his
tifted. in pronouncing!' (II) Take comfort,
however, dear Scottish sister. Let "the
persecuted clergy boldly put forward the en : -
tire Catholic faith'," and then "their powers
will be felt!' The "presence of our blessed
by. the Holy Spirit in the' Church,
must be recognized, ere long, by those with-
out the fold.' . " Scottish priests 'possesi
powers, graces, capacities—let them be used
at once, and then neither ihe Babel-toices
of 'Presbyterial:darn, the eccentric perfcirrn
maces of Dr. Gobat, or ttie fiehismatieal per
formances of, the Lord Bishop of Rupert's
Land, will hinder the Church from advanc
ing steadily, and eiercising, with vigor and
effect, her great and supernatural functions."
MUch the same self-comforting strain,
mingled with scoffs at Lord Shaftsbury, and
wonder at what "good Dr. Donne, or Bish
ops Hall, or Taylor would, have thought,
could they, have been led out of their graves
into Exeter Hall, to, partake of M. Cad
man's sernion," (extremes ineet---the Infi
del Dispatch, scoffs at Mr. Cadman's Evan
gelical.sermon, just .as does the Tractarian
Union,),pervadesthe.artiele,on "Exeter Hall.
Services.' These are a "sign of the times"
preaching is truly the order of the day;;'
by'this very means, used by Shaftsbury to
"hring Dissent into the Church," andwlio,
with " his brothers,"
has been, like Joseph's
brethren, ,who; sold - him, into, bondage.but
made this the very means of his exaltation,"
—bY this preaching, by "these very . weap
~will the Catholics, Sooner or later,
avail themselves to flood the people with the
streams of the true faith." .
Well certainly, this is something new.
The "Tracts for the Times" exalt .sacra
ments at the ; expense of preaching; so does'
Rome, and so do Traetarian preachers,_ at
least hitherto. And as for their sermons,
what miserable things they are. Two• or
three friends of mine lately went, to a Trail.
Wien church,. whose first. Rector And first
Curate are alr4dy gone to Rome, and then,
after observing the semi-Popish performance
and intoning of the Liturgy, the grouping of
the clergy, the lighted candles, &c., the
clergyman, in, his priestly surplice, preached
about a twenty minutes sermon in which
the main point was,, that 'whatever evil
there might be g in other sins, there was one
class of crime that was wellmigh unpardon
able; and that' was, "opposition to the
priesthood." The very foot of this " oppo
sition," any thing like want of submission
to the priest-preacher and his genus, is one
of the deadly sins 1
"Ritual 'lrregularity" bears testimony
against the Evangelicals-for not acting as do
the Tractarians, "in placing the elements
on the altar before the service began." And
" The . Union" is horrified ,at those Churches
where "the lessons are not read from the
leeturn; where the words of communion are
said to 'a whole milful at:once,";'(and not
whispered to each, as, Romanists and Tracta
rians love 'to do;) where the pulpit is
defikdhy,a gown (instead' of, the surplice,)
and where there is grave, reason to 'fear that
daily morning and evening prayer is repeated
neither privately nor publicly.
'Following these leading articles is a series
of, "Reviews" of new. books. In one of
these,. ,written, by a" pervert," .there is
much found to applaud, and the author's
charge of intellectualism: or Anglicanism,
that is, 'a tendency to draw from " the Mys
terious position of , the Blessed Virgin no
motive for practice" , and " devout ..affee
tion," e., Virgin-worship,) is admitted
to be "too, just." So, likewise, his con
trast between "Protestantism " and itsvion
tal process of Religion, awithout a real con
nexion with external agency, and " Catholi
cism," whose votaries "hope to be saved
by the Body whiCh has assimilated them to
itself," is acknowledged to be too' true. In
like manner, " the private study of the
Bible" as " tha guide of, individual Chris
tians," is as relay, deprecated, by the Union
ists as,tlie Romanists.
Next coins a paper on "Fine Arts," in
which the "AthentEum is quoted as deprecat
ing exclusively Protestant subjects for .the
painted windows of Glasgow Cathedral.
Then is " Original Correspondence," stuff- .
ed with Popery, and, including NO: IV., on'
"Confession Confession and Conversion." Amongst
other letters, is a pretended one from "A
Mormon," which I extract for your amuse
ment. " The Union" had been in an awful
rage at the reception, at Lambeth, of the .
Evangelical Alliance by the 'Archbishop of
Canterbury and four other prelates: •
To the Editor of the 1 ‘ Union."
.. am sadly disappointed at the line which
you have taken with. reference to , the meeting of
the Eyangelioal Alliance at_the official residence
of the-Aichbijliopof Oanterhury. I confess - I was
ebeered-beyond measure at the boundless tolera
tion of your estimable Primate in giving the sanc
tion of his sacred office, as the spiritual head of
the Church of England; to the schemes of i'body
of perapps—includiug Baptists, Wesleyane, Meth
odists, Nonconformists, Presbyterians, Zningli
ans, Neolegkile, and every other foln'ef Dis Sent;
hecs;use it afforded ma gleam of,bope that, ere
long, his,Grace.;would extend hisCatbolie liberal :
ity se far Ws te'piesidts at a meeting of the" perii
cuted sect of width I am au humble but devoted
member. ; ,Your faithful aervemt,
I migit, fill illy Whole letter with pungent
proofs o the Poperyfof-this new and ..forrni
' •dable.weekly fpapery , conduOted With
.consuipnate . cunning, and with an unsprnptk
lons : determination ,to, infuse courage into the
failing hearts of it,4l.Pa'rty. In, the Universi
ties, (wbere;' cenily,irt the commemoration;
the name of the =new Bishop;of Dirdon: was
hissed, to the, delight Ot, The .Uniona it
will be:4TO with avidity , , Tlie obje
. .
progress •m • •‘: 1 1- e d •
• *lite Ailitrby
tine . antiquity, midst :of necessity, therefore,
be erroneous, '-and , thus to end "in. a corpo
rate reunion with Rome!! . Her practice in
the Confessional, they wish to adopt as fully
as they haVe adopted her principles thereon.
One correspondent suggests, that twenty-four
priests should form an engagement to divide
among tbein the- offering of the " Holy Sa
crifice," each hour of the dayand night, and
what a shield "wou,lcl this he agairtstheresy!"
And finally, thespikeof Rome in worship
ping the Host, (they complainingly say,) is
„yet adopted, even while. Tractarians be
lieve in the. Real Presence, as she does.. So
another writes :
Thus ' with regard to the Blessed Eucharist, we
believe the true dogma; but we do not realize its
spirit. • The Holy Sacrament is not our All. It
is not our Worship. • It is scarcely felt to be our
God. We . do not xealize that you substance that
looks like bread is the Very Eternal God Himself;
that it is only by an express miracle that It is
withheld from speaking to us ; nay, that it is only
by a maSter-miraele of Divine long-suffering that
It does not arise and avenge itself on its enemies.
Hence:it is that,. to, so many among us, St. Thom
as seems far-fetched and'pedantic ; and Faber is
an enigma.
Verily,.,this Union" is a formidable
sign of the times, and the"spirit which'evokes
and sustains it, is assuredly diabolical, and an
The Ifyrnnology Tractarianism is be
coming more intensely Romish. In a Hymn
Book sold at "The =Union'? office, are several
Evangelical hymns, such as, " How sweet
the name of Jesus sounds," and "Rock of
Ages;" but there are two to ""The e Sacred
Heart of Jeans," and two to* "The Blessed
Sacrament," besides others most .Popish in
their spirit. Here is' Transubstantiation
boldly avowed: ,
"Nord made Flesh, His word transmuted.
Bread to Flesh, and wine to Blood ;
Though 'each sense the change disPuted,
Nor discerned the unearthly food•;
In the true , heart deeply. rooted
Faith adores her present God."
We "lave. had very HOT WEATErait,- re
cently, which;was trying while it lasted.
have never known, in Mjr memory, the ther
mometer in the shade rise • above 86; but
this year, on the 28th June, it reached 92.
There was a hot Wednesday i n.1813i when
it rose to 99. In the - United States you
think th,at, probably, a trifle, being, like the
Irish woman's' eels which were skinned alive,
" quite used . to it." But here we groan and
sigh under- heat, and our climate being so
changeable we make little preparation,,either
in clothing or houses, against it. At such
a time, stout John lull perspires immode
rately. sat in a railway train on a very hot
day, with a very rotund and rosy English cler
gyman, who now slept, rocking to and fro, and
then woke up oppressed. - : Poor . Cardinal
Wiseman must have passed through a heavy
trial by reason of the melting weather, and
it must have been a sheer necessity; (not an
indulgence for the flesh, oh no !) to have
iced claret' put on his table after, dinner,
from the coolest corner of his capacious cel
lar. Now that, the air is cooler, it is likely
he contents himself with old port; It is of
great importance that the body'corporate of,
this eminent ecclesiastic should not bulk less
than formerly in the eyes of "the faithful."
The trial of MADELEINE &maw, for the
murder of Emile I/ AnieHier, has produced an
intense sensation, only paralleled by.the trial
of William Palmer, last year. It lasted for a
7s hole week. .The painful fact came out
that their meetings, at first clandestine, af
terward became criminal. Then she grew
cool toward:him after a time, and accepted
an offer of marriage from a - rich. Glasgow
merchant, the, latter, as well as her parents,
all unconscious of her past conduit. " She
sought to persuade
,leAngellier to go away
to 'Jersey, her object being'to get married
in the mean time. Then she: seems to have
given him,poison twice in, coeoa, , which she
pretended to drink berself. 13e, was twice
violently ill. went from home recon
ciled, apparently,' to her, and ignorant 'of
her engagement still. A letter reacheehirn,
fondly urging;his return. He manes to-his
lodgings in,perfeet health from the country,
in the, evening"; is seen near her lionise at
half past nine o'clocki inthe morning,' about
o'clock, he comes to his lodgings in' a
dying state. The verdict, "NOT PRovzw,"
sets her free, but that is all
- There have been ATT.EMPTS AT INSUR
REOTION in various' parts of Italy, all 'of
which have been suppressed,, but not till
after much bloOdshe4 and misery. An at
tempt made at Turin against the Constitu
tional Government of Sardinia, is traced to
the Mazzinian party, all of whose efforts, of
late years, have been marked,by infatuation.
as well as cruelty : In connexion with this
was a conspiracy, , (discovered in time,) to
assassinate the Empercn%of the French.
Cavaignac and two other opposition can
didates have been elected for Paris.' This
is gall and wormwood to the Emperor.
present in , .Ireland. The Archbishop, of.
Dublin received them moat kindly, and at a
public meeting remarked on the deeply in
teresting position of both thc,Morivianaand
Waldenses, as not 'being Protestants and
" revolters from the Church of Rome," but
," never having owned submission to it."
,Reputation includes the - eloquent M.
Pilate to whom I referred in my last.
The Tuxes GENERAL . , .Aqsznintr is-now
hohjine its annual meeting at *fast. Dr.
Grandy, of Strabane, is Moderator.
The ATLANno CABaac, will
soon ' be ready to be sent to' ea: The 'Airier
twin ship /Vivaria is fast readying her porl
Philadelphia, 111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut
By Mail, or at the Office, $1.50 per Ye . eri SEE PROSPECTUS
Deliyered in the City, 1,75 " "
tion of it, and her tender, the Susquehanna,
is by this time, lying aside at Liverpool. Fears
an& hopes alternate as to the success of the
Mr. W., Ti. RussEL, the'eelebrated Cri
mean correspondent of the Times, has been
engaged ) by.two London gentlemen, to deliv
''er tLectures over the -United Kingdom, at
"ali c elperise of ,ElO,OOO, and it' s expected
that the sum realized will far exceed that
alitanni. 'For the benefit of ihe fabaily of
the fate Donglas Jerrold, Russel delivered's
lecture this week,
_Saint Martin's Hall; to
aTarke audienee, of whom I was one. His
`power of Word-pieturing, the beauty and
felicity of his figures, and the.description of
( the battles of Alma and Inkermann, as well
as of the death-charge at Balaklava, thrilled
the whole assembly. Dickens and Thack
eray were present, and attracted much atten
ption, ~.I,l‘ he .foimerqesdillnJtimeam t ellice,
. - -,.iit6VigkFt#•-‘9sithe
# nititith ? Thaekeray ttilecture
on : "Street Pieacbers,"
The INDIAN MAIL is expected this even
ing, with some anxiety. The telegraph will
inform you of the suppression or extension
of the revolt, ere this reaches you. All
will, I trust, be overruled for good.
What you may Expect.
It was for thy sake that the Judge did
suffer unspeakable pains, such as were suffi
cient to reconcile all the world to God.
And to consider that thou haat, for thine
own particular case, made all this vain and
ineffective; that Christ, thy Lord and Judge,
'should be tormented for nothing; that thou
wouldat not accept felicityand pardon, when
he purchased them at so dear a .price; it
must needs be an infinite condemnation to
thee ! How shalt thou look upon Him that
fainted and died for love of thee, and thou
didst scorn His miraculous mercies? How
shalt thou dare to behold that holy face
which brought salvation to thee, and thou
didst turn away, and fall in love with death,
deformity, and sin? And yet in the be
holding that face, consists much of the
glories of eternity. Surely all the pains
and the . passions, the sorrows and the groans,
the humility and 'poverty, the labors and
watchings, the prayers and the sermons, the
Unra.cles and the prophecies, the whip and
the nails, the death and the burial, the
shame and the smart, the cross and the
grave of Jesus, shall be laid upon thy score,
if thou halt refused the mercies and design
of all their holy ends and purposes. And
if thou rememberest what a calamity that
was,. which broke the Jewish nation in
pieces, when Christ came to judge them for
their murdering him, who was their Bing,
and the. Prince of Life; l and considerest that
'• this was but a dark image of the terrors of
the day of Judgment, thou mayest then
apprehend that there is some strange, un
speakable; evil in store for one who refuses
the. Salvation of Jesus, and rather chooses
that Satmohould rejoice in. his destruction
than that Jesus should triumph in his fell
city.—Bishop Taylor.
jfacts zau .IS leanings.
said of those whc; die young, that they are
like the lambs which the Alpine shepherds
bear in their aims - to higher, greener pas
tures, that the flocks may follow.
AIM AT perfeetinn in every thing, though
in most things it is unattainable. However,
they, who Aim at it, and persevere, will come
much nearer to it than those whose laziness
and` despondency make them give it up as
—When the great theologian was dying,
hiving taken leave of his family, he'looked
abciut and said,. "Now, where is Jesus of
Nazareth, my true and never-failing friend ?"
and so he, fell asleep and went to the. Lord
he loved: How unfailing is the instinct
which leads thupious heart to cry out for
Jesus in the last hour I The mighty in
tellect of Edwards,.after all its. acquisitions
during a long life of usefulness, must then
lean upon the Saviour's arm with the same
helpless dependence as a young child just
able to Syllable that precious name.
ali appear;" or, as now it is generally ad
mitted,- that"" We must all be num:Tested be
fore the judgment seat of. Christ" —a far
.more searching , thought. If we were to em
ploy a homely expression and say, " turned
inside out," it wouldl believe, exactly ex
press the intention of St. Paul; all that is
inward now, and . *thus hidden, becoming
outward then; every mask stripped off;
every , disguise torn away ; whatever any
man's work has, been, that day declaring:it;
and not according to its outward varnish,
but its inward subStatce.—Trench.
F.A4m.v . PniYER. —John Howard, the
philanitropist, is said never to have neglec
ted family prayer, even though therit was
, but ones and that one his domestic, to join in
it; always declaring that where he had a
tent, God should have an alter. .
This was the ease, not only in England,
but in every put of Europe which they vis
ited together, it being his invariable prac
tice wherever and, with whomsoever he
might be, to tell Thomason to come to him
at a certain hour; and, knowing what the
direction meant; the latter would be sure to
find his master in his room, the doors of
which he would , order .him to fasten. Let
who r would come,, nobody was admitted till
devotional exercises were over.
THE S prarr OF TUE Loup's. PRAISE.—
The spirit of the Lord's prayer is beautiful.
The form of petition breathes a 'filial spirit
Father.' • •
A catholic spirit—Our: Father.
A reverential spirit—Hallowed be Thy
A miesiona7 spirit—Thy kingdom come.
An obedient spirit—Thy will be done on
A dependent Spirit=Q - ive us this day
our daily bread.
A forgiving spirit—,And forgive our tres
pmaes as we forgive those that trespass
against us.
A cautious spirit—Lead us not into temp
tation, but deliver us from evil,
A confidential and adoring spirit—For
thine is the kingdom, and the power,.; and
the glorh foyer. Amen.
U 0