Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, July 25, 1857, Image 3

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    ond also notices ape appointment of James
Martineau, brother to Harriet Martineau, to
the charge of a 'Unitarian Theological School,
with commendation. But this same Mr. Mar
tineau has, forseveral years, given utterance
in his many and various writings, to undis
guised infidel sentiments.
The favorable expectations once enter
tained concerning the future of Professor
Huntingdon, have not been realized. In
the July number of his journal, there is a
circular, which says of the aims of the pub
lication : " Its theological position is thor
()u glily unsectarian." Unitarians and Trini
tarians are thus embraced in one fellowship,
no fundamental difference being admitted
between the two. But the pervading spirit
of the publication is now altogether Unita
rian, and opposed to Evangelical .doctrines.
The effort to raise $40,000, to secure
Tremont Temple es the Headquarters of
the Baptists in this country, is about to
prove successful. In addition to the church
accommodations, this property will, if judi
ciously managed, bring a revenue of several
thousands per annum. The Free-Will Bap
tists of Maine lately held their yearly meet
ing at Portland. A. large delegation was in
attendance. They claim to be, at present,
the largest denomination in the State.
The Eleventh Anniversary of the Metho
dist Biblical Institute, at Concord, N. H.,
was held on the oth inst. A proposition
was made by a getleman in Boston, to give
the institute $15,000 worth of property,
upon condition that it be removed to within
a few miles of Boston, and that $50,000 be
added to its present endowment. A corn
mate was appointed to take the matter into
consideration, and report at the next annual
meeting. .
Feeble Churches seem to be on the in
crease in New England. Ex-Governor
Slade says that he is acquainted with ten
churches in Vermont, that will soon cease to
be self-sustaining. This state of things is
attributed to emigration to the West, to the
absence of revivals, and to, the neglect, in
some places at least, of the precious and dis
tinguishing doctrines of the Gospel, and to
the substitution, in their stead, of mere
moral disquisitions and political addresses,
by the pastors.
The Good Order of this city seems to be
in great jeopardy : to restore quiet and peace
as quickly and as easily as was supposed,
seems impossible. It is a fearful thing to
evoke the spirit of lawlessness in any com
munity : silently and imperceptibly will it
pervade the whole frame-work and texture
of society, ready to be aroused at any mo
ment, to be followed with most disastrous
results. The President of the Metropolitan
Pollee Commissioners has resigned, owing,
as he alleges, to the rapidity with which ap
pointments were made for one of the Wards,
without any opportunity being given to make
a sufficient examination of the cha t racter and
fitness of the applicants. On last Saturday
it was found necessary to detail a large po
lice force for the protection of the Street
Commissioner's office. And great excite
ment, amounting almost to riot, prevailed at
the same time, among the Sailors, owing to
the movement on the part of owners and
masters against advanced wages, because of
the difficulties to which they give rise. That
New York should be subject to occasional
outbreaks cannot be considered strange,
when we think of the character of much of
its population, the arts of demagogues with
which they are plied, and the many incen
tives to evil with which they are surrounded.
It is said there are eleven thousand places
in the city and surrounding towns, where
intoxicating liquors are sold Who can es
timate the injury to public morals, to public
peace and tranquility, and to private char
acter, occasioned by such a tremendous en
ginery as this !-
Great complaint continues to be made of
the Desecration of the Sabbath, by the Ger
man military parades. These people are
welcomed to our shores : 11 here, by industry
and economy, they may speedily acquire a
competency, but the greater part of them
seem utterly unable to comprehend the sanc
tity of the Lord's day, as it is understood
and observed by the great mass of the Amer
ican people. But if the force of public opin
ion is not sufficient to conform them to our
views and habits in this particular, they
should certainly be made to know the power
of the civil law, and to feel that we claim
a right to use the holy Sabbath as a day of
sacred rest, and that this is a right they will
not be suffered to invade.
The Times of last Saturday, in an edi
torial column, makes an announcement,
with comments, that will astonish many
throughout the land, and which, if con
firmed by actual occurrences, will be one of
the most unexpected events in modern
times. It is no less than the .Anticipated
removal of Archbishop Hughes. No man
has been supposed to stand higher in the
estimation of the Papacy, to have received
more decided marks of approbation and
distinction, to have been more thoroughly
confided in, or to have done more for the
aggrandizement of the Papacy in this laud,
than this Prelate. He was the successor of
Bishop Dubois, a Frenchman by birth, and
from the heginninglas discharged his Epis
copal functions with ability, however much
he may have teen lacking in prudence at
times, or however he may have erred in ex
bibiting too speedily and too openly the'
avaricious and grasping designs of " the
Man of Sin." Yet this man, who has so
long occupied such a conspicuous place in
the Hierarchy and before the American
people, must come down from the elevation
on which he has stood so defiantly, and give
place to another, if the Times be oorract.
It seems the clergy of his own diocese are
the ones most loud in their opposition to him,
and most clamorous for his removal. Those
of them how present in Rome are said to
ask his removal for two• causes—because he .
has omitted to notice, with proper solemni
ties, the dogma of the Immaculate Coneep
tion ; and because, when the Pope's Nun
cio, M. Bedini, was attacked by the press,
stoned by the mob, and burned in effigy in
many of our cities and towns, his Grace,
Archbishop Hughes, found it convenient to
retire to Cuba, instead of coming to the aid
-and relief of the messenger to the churches
subject to Rome. If for any cause he is
really to be supplanted, no doubt every
means will be taken to make his fall as gen
tle as possible. Most probably he will be
allowed to petition his Holiness to be re
lieved of the cares that press so heavily
upon him, that he may spend the remainder
of his days in seclusion and devotion. It
is rumored that if an Irishman be appoint
ed, Bishop O'Connor, of Pittsburgh, will
be selected, and if an American, Bishop
M'Closkey, of Albany, formerly coadjutor
of New York, will be the man.
Putnam's Magazine was hailed with fa
vor at its first appearance, as supplying an
important want in the literature of the
country. But it is not too much to say that
its literary character has disappointed many,
and its treatment of evangelical religion,
more. At first, the absence of any direct
acknowledgment, even by implication, of
the claims and value of the Christian reli
gion and its institutions, the almost total
absence of any thing savoring of the spirit
of Christ, was noted as a defect. On the
other hand, not unfreqaently has occasion
been taken to commend the philosophy and
religion of Swedenborg; and opposition to
theological errors of all shades of opinion,
was dealt out in small measures. However,
the opposition of this Magazine to earnest
and serious piety, is becoming much more
evident and bold. In the June number,
Dr. Bellows is applauded for his superior
skill in discovering what was supposed to
have escaped the notice of the less saga
cious of the clergy, with regard to the
necessity for recreation and diversion of
body and mind. Then the Magazine re
minds its readers that "the time has , come
when the pretensions of the Church must
be abated, in order that its usefulness may
be extended. It is so charitable as to say
"that the professional Church has no mo
nopoly of Christian truth, Christian charac
ter, or Christian feeling." But that nothing
may be wanting to exhibit its dislike to se
rious religion, it expresses itself thus :
" The vast and increasing number of
honorable, upright, and respectable citizens
who compose 'the world,' can no long er be
terrified into a senseless disregard of the
first laws of human life and human society,
by the spectres of antiquated prejudice and
of venerable blundering."
The New York State Lunatic Asylum
was partially destroyed by fire on Tuesday,
the 14th inst. The loss is estimated at
from $lOO,OOO to $200,000. Five hundred
I patients were in the Asylum at the time,
none of whom weie seriously injured.
The Life of Dr. Kane, by Dr. Elder, is
nearly completed, and will be soon issued
by Messrs. Childs & Peterson. It will con
tain an account of his early life and travels,
in addition to those in the Arctic regions:
The publishers of the Arctic( Expeditions
have already`•paid $60,000 to the estate of
the author , for copyright, in a sale of nine
months. And there is every reason to be_
lieve that the sum will be increased to
$lOO,OOO. " The Life" will be in one
volume, and of equal size and beauty with
each volume of the Expeditions.
William Ogden Niles, known for many
years as the junior editor of Hiles' Register,
died at the Girard Rouse, on the Bth inst . :,
from an attack of paralysis.
The Philadelphia High School had 'its
commencement on Thursday, the 16th inst.
The 'degree of A. M. was conferred on ten
graduates of four years standing, and that
of A. B. on thirty-two young gentlemen
who had just completed the course of four
years. This institution continues to main
tain its high character for fidelity and learn
ing on the part of its professors and teach
ers, and for diligence and success on the
part of its pupils. •
At the Laying of the Corner-Stone of the
new Methodist Episcopal church, at the
corner of Eighth and Franklin Streets,
Bishop • Scott gave some interesting facts
concerning the introduction of Methodism
to the Quaker City. The first Society Was
organized by Captain T. Webb, a British
military officer, and a Methodist local
preacher, in 1767 or 1768. Muni's. Board
man and Pilmon, the first missionaries sent
over by Mr. Wesley, arrived, in October,
1769, and found Captain Webb and a so
ciety of about one hundred members. The
first class was formed in a sail loft belong
ing to one Croft, on what is now Dock
Street. The first house of public worship
owned by the Society, was secured in 1770.
It had been originally built for a German
Reformed church, but had been sold on ac
count of debt, to an individual for £7OO,
who afterwards' sold it to the Society for
£650. But at present there are within
what were, then the limits of Philadelphia,
(not the =consolidated city,) twenty-nine
separate . charges, twenty-eight effective
preachers, and ,eleien thousand nine hun
dred and seventy-eight members and pro
Poe the Preebyterian BMUS" sad Advocate
Presbytery of . Stoubeiville.
.The following is a list of Supplies ap
pointed for this Presbytery :
konroesville.—First Sabbath in July,
Mr. Herron ; to administer the Lord's Sup
per. First Sabbath in August, Mr. Knox.
First Sabbath in September, Mr. Hamilton.
First Sabbath in October, Mr. Reid.
New Cumberla,nd and Big Spring.—
Supply themsekes. „
Kilgore.—Mr. Hamilton, one Sabbath at
discretion. First Sabbath in August, Mr.
Brown. First Sabbath in September, Mr.
Brugh ; to administer the Lord's Supper.
First Sabbath in October, Mr. Knox.
Richmond.—Mr. Campbell, one Sabbath
at discretion. Third Sabbath in August,
: 1 .Parkinson; to administer the Lord's
Third Sabbath in September, • Mr.
' J. R. AGNEW, S. C
For the Presbyterian Banner and:Advocate
A Card.
REv. DR. MCKINNEY :—ally Dear Bro.:
—Permit me to acknowledge, through the
Balmer and Advocate, the kindness of
Christian friends in Canonsburg, Pa. I
have received from them the sum of forty
dollars toward replacing my books, which
were lost in the burning of the houses of
our Mission at Canton, China. Of this
sum, twenty dollars are from the young la
dies of the Olome Female Seminary, and
twenty dollars are from the members of the
Presbyterian church. I wish to express my
grateful thanks to all, and especially to the
"class of little girls" who added their con
tributions. The remembrance of their
kindness will be suitably perpetuated by
designating the books purchased therewith,
as " From Christian Friends in Canonsburg."
May He who has enjoined upon us "to bear
one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law
of Christ," and who has promised that
kindness shown to a disciple, in the name
of • a disciple, "shall in no wise lose its re
ward," bless them with •all spiritual bles
sings, in heavenly places, in Christ.
Baltimore, July 6th, 1857.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
• Testimonial of Respect.
At a pro•re-nata meeting of the Hum
boldt Literary Society of the New Alexan
dria Academy, the folloWing resolutions
were passed with reference to the death of
James W. Stewart :
WHERE" God in his mysterious deal
ings has seen fit, by a marked and striking
dispensation, to remove from our number to
the spirit land, James W. Stewart, student
of the New Alexandria Academy, and mem
ber of the Humboldt Literary Society
Resolved, That in his death this Institution has
lost a worthy 'and promising shident, our Society
a kind and amiable member, his relations a be
loved and affectionate son and brother, and the
world an honest and upright youth.
Resolved, That we hold in lasting remembrance
our esteemed brother student, who so lately
shared our joys and sorrows, and as by his amia
ble disposition he has proved hdaself worthy ef
our esteem.
Resolved, That we sympathise deeply with the
bereaved mother and remaining brother, and that
while we bow in humble submission to the will of
God, and mourn his loss ; yet we cherish the
fond hope that in the spirit world we shall with
him join the redeemed hosts, to sing the eternal
song of - praise around the great white throne in
Resolved, That these resolutions be recorded,
and copies forwarded to the county papers, the
Pittsburgh Gazette, and Presbyterian Banner and
Advocate, for publication, and papers sent to the
relatives of the deceased.
JAS G. LAtikElt, Presq
McKelvey,, Seey.
Ntbys •gigartmenL
Oppourourry.—Attention is requested to
the advertisement of Dr. Jeffery, of . Herriotts
ville. A valuable and pleasant property may be
had on reasonable terms.
A Prpjeeted Literary Enterprise.
The number of journals in our country is
sufficiently large—too large for many of them to
attain to the highest degree of merit. Talent
and time must both be paid for. Able writers
C 1113130 be induced to devote days and weeks of
energy to the production of articles for the peri
odical press,,without a large remuneration.
This remuneration can be, afforded by publishers
only as"the result of a, very extensive circulation.
The contemplated periodical, if it shall ennead,
will likely displade others. To this privilege it
will be entitled, if it- shall meet the literary
'wants of the country. The Boston Journal,
speaking of it, •says •
"Such an effort , resolutely formed and strongly
based, is now soon to be developed by, the wealthy
and enterprising publishing house of Phillips,
Sampson & Co., of this pity. They propose to
start, early the coming Fall, The Northern Dfa:qa
zinc, monthly, at three dollars a year, to'be alto
gether original, and to aim at the highest:literary
and political character. The best of our Amer-
can writers have been secured for its pages, and,
an agent of the publishers is now in England to
Aire aid in that quarter. Such men as Emer
son, Longfellow, Lowell, Hawthorne, Hunting•
ton, Felton, and Agassiz, are to be its -master
spirits .It will, like the first-class British Re
views, discuss affairs of State—the higher -grade
of politics—and seek to give food for strong men,
not milk for babes, on all the greater themes of
practical life, as well as to separate the false
from the true, the low from the high; in our
struggles after an American literature. The ad
vent of this important enterprise will be awaited
with interest, and its progress watched with
eager and hopeful curiosity and favor."
ST. Louis, July 17,—The Democrat publishes
advioes from Kansas, stating that Gov. Walker
has issued a proclaniation declaring his inten
tion to put down all opposition to the Territorial
laws, by force. He warns the citizens of Law
rence not to organize under the Topeka charter,
and censures them for advising other towns to do
It is rumored that seven hundred troops were
summoned to march, against Lawrence, and that
it is the design of Governor Walker to retain an
army in Kansas, and break up the Utah expedi
Both Gov. Walker and Gen.. Harney, it is said,
have the power of discretionary orders hereto-,
fore transmitted, to detain troops destined for
Utah, to preserve the peace of Kapsas.
Sr. Louts, July 20.—A gentleman from Kan
sas on Friday, States that at a public meeting
held in Lawrence on Thursday it was determined
to resist the United States troops, if any attempt
be made to collect taxes., A gentleman met Gov.
Walker ten miles from Lavreoce, with seven com
panies of infantry. It is said he would arrange
matters peacefally, if possible, but would use
force if necessary. The Free State men were
hurrying to Lawrence, and Lane had been sent
Tag following from the pen• of ex-Senator
Hannigan, of Indiana, will be appreciated by all :
"We cannot refrain from calling , the attention
of our readers to the "'Hair Restorative" of
Prof. 0. J. Wood. It will be seen that he has
numerous certificates from persons of the highest
character, to the merits of his Restorative.
From positive knowledge we are also enabled to
say that it is in every sense what it professes to
be, and we do not hesitate to pronounce it the
finest preparation for the - head and' hair which
has, so far, been devised .by human 'ingenuity.
We have seen it arrest threatened baldness, and
restore to the head its original profusion of nat
ural and glossy hair; and when the
l atter, has
been prematurely tinged with gray, we have'
seen it, like magic, restore the colors of youth
and health. The distinguishing property of this,
we might- truly say, miraculous " Restorative "
is, that it gives to the person that uses it the
same head of hair they wore in youth, thus acting
in strict compliance with the first and greatestof all
toilet-makers—Nature. No one who has used it
will hesitate to' unite with Us in this testimony
to its peculiar merit."—Covington (bad.) People's
Sold by all. Druggists.
Fon A Paw DAss Lonozn.—Our sales of Gents'
and Boys' Clothing. furnishing goods, &c., will
be continued for a short time • longer ; and feel
ing confident that the character of the stock and
the rates at which it is selling are, real induce
ments to purchasers, all sash are solicited to
make an'examinatiOn; CAIINAOHAN,
• near the Post Office Allegheny
The Harvest, South,
The Southern wheat crop is said to he the
largest ever grown in that part of the Union.
Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina
produced, in the aggregate, four and a half mil
lions of bushels, and Charleston is the market
for nearly the whole of it. For the last nine
months there have been exported to Spain from
Charleston, some sixty thousand barrels of flour,
in sacks and barrels, said to equal. the Spanish
In Fredericksburg, Va., about four thousand
bushels of wheat have been sold at $1.60; de
liverable from the Ist to the 15th of August.
The Herald says: " Thus far not a bushel of
new wheat has been delivered in our market,
though some few sales have been made at 51.60."
prrrsnireau, Tuesday, July 21.
ASHES—Pearls. 6,4 c. Pots, 6Y2(gle. Soda Ash, 3%@93c.
Rums-42.62 per hush.
BUTTER eau Elms—Packed, Rutter 14(416c. retailing in
market at 18(q)20e. Eggs, 10@l1c.; retailing in market at
10018 c.
Bleou—Western Shoulders, 10Me.; prime city, lle; corm
try. 1134 c. Sides, 12 3 4 e. Slain Rams,l2Xol3c.; Canvaesed,
13c1.4; Sugar cured, 14e.
Moons—Common, $1.25; better qualities, $1.8002.00;
fancy, $2.2502,50.
Cuacsa—Western Reserve, 10c.
DRIED Racy-14015.
DAM Fainv—Peaches, $3.50.. Apples, $2.2502 50.
Vasimans—Prime Western, on arrival, 50e. ; from store,
56c. per lb.
Moun—Sales on the wbarf at $6.55 for superflne. and
$7.0007.06 for extra family; from, store at $6.6206.75 for
superfine • extra, $6 8707.00 ; and xtra family, $7.12557.25.
GRAIN- 1 0ats, 40045 c. Corn, 70075 e. • $75080e.
Wheat, $12501.85.
•—$9 00013.00 per ton. , •
lorti.o-10t14. - {on . rti,
The British mail steamer America, brought
Liverpool dates to the 4th inst. Nothing very
notable had occurred since, the sailing of the pre
vious steamer.
The parliamentary proceedings "are not very
Mr. Baiing called the attention of tbe House of
Commons to the necessity of taking steps to tacit
tate, by emigration, the supply of labor in British.
M. Labouchere admitted the importance of the
subject, and that it was the duty of the govern.
meat to assist in the formation of a system of em.
igration in order to promote the prosperity of the
colony. At the same time it was their imperative
duty to take care that no possible approach to
ward the reproduction of the horrid system of
slavery:be made.
The Daily News is authorized to state that the
Earl of Shaftesbury is decidedly opposed 'to the
importation of free blacks into the West Indies,
regarding it as perilous in the extreme.
The Duke of Marlborough is dead.
The steamer Fox, fitted out by Lady Franklin,
sailed from; Aberdeen for the Arctic regions, to
engage in another search for the 'whereabouts of
Sir John Franklin and his companions, or for their
The owners of the steamship , Great Eastern
state that she shall be launched in September,
but will not proceed to Portland till April next.
Her total cost will amount to nearly £600,000
A bill which was introduced into Parliament as.
an antidote to the Divorce bill, the object being to
exempt the clergy from the duty of marrying per
sons divorced on the ground of adultery, was ,re
jected in the House of Lords by a:vote of yeas 62
to nays 23..
Gen. Cavaignac has been officially announced
as opposition 'candidate from Paris.
The advices from Kabylia announce, more vic
tories by the French troops. It is reported that
theylad become masters of the wholecountry.
The Emperor and Empress of France are about
to visit the exhibition at Manchester.
A reduction in the rate.of discount by the Bank
of France is looked for soon.
The Paris correspondent of the 'London Tiiites
saga, that the reneht- Conapiraoy of the Italians
against the life'of Napoleon it" more serious than
was originally,supposed. Twenty-one chnspira
tors have been arrested, who are said to be, ,o,on
nected with those recently arrested at Genoa, who
profess to proclaim a republic in that city:
Nothing new has tratiaPired in relation to the
Mexican difficulty. The Mexicati •Minister still
remains in Madrid, though meditating au early
return to Paris, where it is supposed he. would
await the arrival, of further instructions from his
The revolutionary 'movement at Legtorn btu'
been suppressed;
AdviceS received in Paris on Fridiky, announce
further insurrections in Italy, organized by MU-
Two handred arrests have been made in Genoa,
and muskets and large ammunition
have been seized.
k dispatch from Vieniii anibiinces another at
tempted insurrection at Sapri i in the Neopolitan
Diplomatic difficulties with Belgium continue,
and the Belgian Minister Is awaiting his passports,
preparatory to his departiire. He is charged With
stirring up the agitation in the Principalities, as
suring. the people that the European powers had
agreed upon the expediency of a union of the
Principalities, and the establishment of a mon
archy under a Belgian Prinoe. It is intimated
that this rupture has been brought about by Lord
Stratford de Radcliffe.
Several foreign ministers have visited the Bel
gian, minister, and it is rumored that those of
America, Russia, France, Spain, and , Sardinia,
will present the Sultan with a joint note. on the
0 ins.
A letter from Hong Kong states that Lord Elgin
and Baron Gros will have interviews with. Sir
John Bowling, at Singapore; and that:no import
ant operations would be undertaken until after the
The French journals doubt the statement that
England had asked France to send troops to
Naw Yong, July 20.—The steamship Vander
bilt, CaPlain Wilcox, from Havre and Southamp
ton at -8 P. ,of the Bth inst., with one hundred
and two passengers, $200,000 in specie, and one,
thousand tons of merchandise, arrived at quaran
tine at 11 o'clock this forenoon.
The Collins mail steamship Aagniic, Captain
Eldridge, has also arrived.
The shipments of snide to the' East, from
France, amounted to .C 1,687,266,• for the present
year. From England the shipments have aver
aged about a million and a half per month.
Tbe shipments of telegraphic cable on board
the Niagpra, were proceeding satisfactorily.
She was expected to be ready for sea by the 20th
The,'Susquehanna was expected in the Mersey
on the 11th.
The Paris correspondent, of the Times says that
the insurrection in Naples is put down at all
The three Republican Candidates were elected
in Paris on ,the sth•and dth,:notwithstanding
' all
the efforts of the Government.
bold its next meeting in Washington, on the Fliat Tuesday
of August, (4th,) at 7 o'clock P. 3i. The public exercises
will consist of sermons and' eiseys, by Eel. Messrs. Allan,
Willson, W V. Milligan - A full attend Mme is,
essential to .the prosperity of, the Association.
(Signed) . JAMES M. PLATT, Clerk.
JEFFERSON COLLEGE.—The Bowl of Trustees will
meet in the Library RoOM, on Tuesaar, the 4th day of
August, at 10 o elook A. M. The members are requested to
be punctual In their atten4ance. ,
• .
The Oonkmenotw i nt, at Jefferson Coffer will take place
on Wednesday, the sth day of AugnA;:exercisas to com
mence it '9
o'elooli d M q 41,0
The PRESBYTERY Q@HEI I I . arrY - duds ad
journed. to meet at itieedate: +1 1/14.' SOki th Monday (27,h)
of July, at 10 o'clock • JB, ‘ „ , 50*, S. V.
The:PRESBYTERY OF TORT 7 t , hold , lte neat
#44,44 meeting in 011, d;Tusilliay of
Anglia, et 11 o'clock R. M. J il," " •
stselt kArto
. .
4 arritb,
On Tuesday evening, July 7, by Rey. A. H. Lackey, Mr.
OEOBOE S. Dieser to Alin ANNA WHEN, all of Freeport, 111.
By Rev. Wm. Edgar, on the Oth of July, Mr. JiMOS Ru•
MOUT to Miss ELIZABETH WALPOLE, of Weetmoreland
County, Pa.
By Rev. J. L. Wilson, May 21st. Mr. Anous ST. Cum to
MISS MART ANN Dramom. June 11th. Mr. Joan GIBSON 10
MIES ELIZABETH M. CLARK, all of Scotch Grove, Jones County,
On the 16th inst., by Rev. A Ml:twain, Mr. DANIEL C.
WEIR to Miss CLARISSA DODSON, both of Indiana Co., ?a.
July 13th, by Rev. S. R. Reed, Mr. Jona BADGER to MIN
MARY LYONS, all 01 Pittsburgh.
July 9th. by Rev. J. M. hl'Elroy, Mr. Manny M. Premix,
of Carroll County, Obloieto'Misa MART ELLIN POTTER, of Ot
tumwa lowa.
May 7th, by Rev. John W. Walker, Mr. EDWARD HALBERT"'
to Mire ELIZABETH WILSON, all of Ligonier Valley. Pa. On
HUSTON*, all of Ligonier Valley, Pa. June 4th, Mr. luso
TOOL to Miss Susan MORMON, all of Ligonier Valley, Pa.
June 2.74, Mr JOSEPH LARIMEE, of Westmoreland County,
to Miss MARE KtRERRi of Ligonier Valley, Pa. July 2d, Mr.
SNIDER 'of Donegal Township, to Miss CAROLINE MC.
KBE. at Ligonier Valley, Pa.
Dian—Near Chariton, lowa, on the 18th of
June, Mrs. MARY FINLWr, consort of Mr. Henry
Finley, and daughter of J. W. Stansbury, Esq.,
of Deerfield, in the 22d year of her ago.
A few months since, she `went ont from our
midst a young and happy bride. Thus early has
she passed away, leaving a husband, a little babe,
and many friends to mourn ;- but -not without
hope. She bore her afflictions patiently, met
death with calm resignation, and has gone, we
trust, where " no more death, neither
sorrow, nor crying, nor any more pain."
DIED--Ort the 30th,of May, in Franklin Town
ship, Columbiana, County, Ohio, Mr. Piton KING,
in the 80th year of his age.
Mr. King was born in• Lancaster County,• Pa.
In 1804 he removed to Ohio, where he resided un
til the time of his death. He was for many years
a Ruling Rider in the Presbyterian church of
Bethesda, in the orga,nization of which he was
actively engaged. One of the first elders . chosen
in this church, he continued to discharge the
active duties of the office until a . short time be
fore his death. As a member of Session, he was
experienced, judicious and firm. As a, member
of Presbytery, he was accustomed to form his
own opinion, and freely and fearlessly express it.
As a member of the' church, he was eminently
consistent. He was noted for the regular; ob
servance of family worship. It is said that he
was never
, known to neglect this duty, morn
ing, or evening, when in his own house., His at
tendance upon the outward ordinances of religion
was regular and exemplary. His , end was peace.
Hope, as an anchor of the soul, sußte,fned and
comforted him throughout a lengthened period of
sicknese and bodily debility. "Be not slothful,
but followers of them who through faith and pa
tience inherit the promises." COMMUNICATED.
' DlED—AtConnellsville, Jane 25th, Mr. JOSEPH
R. Ta - rtoit, in the 60th year of his age.
Mr, Taylor removed to Connellsville in the
Spring of 1839, where he resided until his death.
Through, this period he had been a member
of, the treabyterian Church, and for years before.
His first colmeition had been with the church of
Unity, :Westtnoreland County, then under the
pastoral, care of Rev. Charles Henry. Mr. T.
was respected .by thime who knew him. He
leaves a family, reared under his care, who have
been benefitted• by his prudent, counsels, and
sunervision. His death has been a severe stroke
upon them: It was unexpected, and came to him
through-.intense suffering. It was but some
forty4eight hours from the time he was taken
don from his usual health, till his removal ; and
&ming this Hine,. his pain was so great as to un
fitl him for con Versing, or 'even dellecting his
thmights. He was aware,_ however, that his - end
dieir near, and could say so in a brief 'respite
from pain which* , he had a few' moments before
his removal, as well add that 'he could still
hope in his profeed Bayiour. On the 'Sabbath
preceding his dOatk,linhad sat down, with others,
to partake oftheLord'sOupper ; on the next day he
was in attendance, upon the services of the sanc
tuary ; and oitthefollowing Thursday he was no
more. How, audden. the removal ! "Be ye also
Drun—Oir Sabbath morning, Jane 21st, at the
residence of her father, T. K. Knox in Benner
township; llauninsr ANNICNOX, in the 2fith year
of her age. •.
This impressive dispenaation of Providence has
created, a Wide breach in the social circle of the
young in which she moved, designed no doubt
as another illustration of the solemn truth, that
the young may die, and that life at least is but
transient and uncertain. In the deceased were
happily blended many of the ornaments of female
character. She possessed an intellect of more
than ordinary sprightliness and vigor, which was
associated with a sweet, amiable, and retiring
disposition, that greatly endeared her to all that
enjoyed - her confidence and society. For the last
two years she was the subject of much religious
concern. Her mind was deeply impressed with
the necessity of giving her heart's best affections
to the Being whose goodness was displayed in all,
that she beheld, but particularly exhibited in the
price paid "for her immortal soul. She sought
him•in prayer in the silence of the night, as well
as in devotional retirement during the day. As
a sincere seeker of the favor of God, she was, an
interested attendant upon the services of"publio
worship, and upon all the means of grace acces
sible to her. God, in his mysterious workings.
seems to have been preparing her fora season of
efilictims. About four months since, it became
apparent to her family, by unmistakeable indica
tions, that the ties that bound her to earth would
soon be severed. Phthisic Pulmonalis, a slow
but sure destroyer of its victim, had marked her
as its object. , In-all "her affliction she was patient
and resigned. The God whose peace and favor
she had so long and' ardently sought, sustained her
in her affliction, and cheered her soul with the
consolations of his 'rich grace. As she neared
the Shores of the glory land, her prospects of
final enjoyment brightened ; and with the confi
dence and. composure resulting from a well
grounded hope, she informed her anxious and
weeping parents that she was not afraid to die,
and begged them not to weep for her. She is
gone. Yes, we have lost her l but our loss is her
infinite gain. Rest, thou loved one, in the arms
of thy precious Saviour,.and happy will it be for
those thou bast left behind, if they shall meet
thee in heaven.
She died in Jesus and is blest •
How calm her slumbers are!
From sufferings and from sin released,
And freed from every care.
Far from this world of toil and strife,
She's present with the Lord ;
The labors of this mortal life
End in,a large reward.
From adverse blasts; and lowering stoma,
Her favored soul He bore;
And with you bright, angelic forms,
She lives to die no more.
Dian—ln Huntingdon, on the 26th nit., aged
24 years, HENRY 11M• Kim, only surviving son of
the late Hon. John Ker.
Death, within the last few years, has made sad
inroads upon this interesting family, Of a
family consisting, four years ago, of eight, five
have been tahen. The subject of the preseitno.
tics was the eldest of three promising sons, all of
whom, within the last four months, have been
called to exchange earth for heaven. About six
months since, he accompanied to the South a
younger brother, who was in delicate health, and
who sought a milder climate with the hope of
being so far restored, that he might be able to
pursue his studies preparatory to entering the
ministry. This hope was delusive, and in about
three months from his leaving home he had passed
away ; not, however, until he had received the sad
intelligence of the death of his youngest brother,
a noble, pure-minded boy, who, while at a neigh
boring boarding school, had suddenly died.
Thus, in four short months, was a fond and affee
tionate mother bereaved of three promising and
noble sons. But, while she mourns over her
loss, yet she does not sorrow as those without
hope, since we have the comfortable assurance
that our loss is their eternal gain Henry M.
Her was a young man of the - finest feelinge.
Seniitive almost to a fault, he at all times'had the
greatest regard for the feelings of others. He
was endowed by nature with many noble traits of
character, which had been developed by a good
moral and religious education. He was remark
able' for his sincerity and veracity. Although
intimately acquainted with him for years,l never
knew him to vary the slightest from known
truth. In friendship be was constant. Slow to
receive any among the number of his friends;
yet, when trusted, they had his unbounded con
fidence. Nothing seemed too great a se.crifice in
behalf of his chosen corlifmnions. Selfishness
had no part in his character ; but he seemed at
all times willing to incommode himself, if he
could in the least add to the comfort and hapii
nese of others. These natural traits of character
were beautifully adorned by the graces of the
Christian. Having united in his youth with the
Presbyterian ohurch of Huntingdon, of which
:his father was for, years a worthy and distitV•
gnished elder, he led a consistent life.. He, was
particularly remarkable for his submission to the
!providence of God. Although depressed by the
repeated strokes he was called upon to bear, yet
he felt it .was right since God had done it, and
not a murmuring word fell from his lips. When
the command came to him, "Set thy house in
order," the raessenger found him fully prepared.
During his illness, - while speaking of the prob
able result of his disease; he expressed .himself
as joyful in the prospect of meeting those gone
before. In the morning of the day on which
he died, he called his mother to his bedside, And
stated the place where ho' wished to be buried.
/I.t this time, seeing her weep, he said, 46 Do not
weep for me. It does me good to talk of these
things. lam so contented and happy. - can
now give up every thing." His departnre was
calm and piaceful. 'Of him it can" truly be said,
Mark the perfect man, and behold the up
right, for the end of that man is peace." W.
W. .4
ACRES; well improved, tea miles from the city of
Pittsburgh, on the turnpike leading- to Washington, and
within a fevrminutes walk of the located site of the Char
tfers - Valley Railroad. On this lot, there is a comfortstie
frame cottage?' house, partly new, containing fire com
fortable ivoms,.beeides a good 'kitchen and pantry, a good
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There is alsi a good frame stable and carriage house, and a
neat house, suitable for an office, or workshop for a me.
chanio. A young orchard,..beerlng a variety of the choicest
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jy2s-at . WILLIAM JEFFS:Mr, Herriotterillej Pa
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JAMES BuCHANAN, D.D. LLD. 12m0., cloth, $1.25.
The Author of this work is the successor orDr. Chalmers
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It is a clearly and vigorously written hook. It it par
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The Burton le published weekly, In the allies of Pitta
burgh and Philadelphia, and ill adapted to general chrouhitkilli
in the Presbyterian Church.
IN CLUBS of twenty, and upwards,
DELIVERED in either of the cities,
For eight lines, or less, one insertion 60 cents ; each sub
sequent insertion, 25 cents. Each additional line, beyond
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Wary benefit of Individuals, should be paidfor as Raeinesa
Ram by mail, where no good prortunity is otherwise
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PASTORS sending us twenty subscribere and upwarde
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N. D. When Preebyterlen families are very much Memories!,
hey may be accommodated at the Club price, even though a
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ole. The Pooirwe shall favor, to our utmostaidlity. Let the
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monta...rd Two Dollars and Fifty cents, at the end of the
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If Paetore, in making clubs, find some persons not
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ICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 929 Chestnut Street, Phila
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Tim WINTER STAMM of 185 T-8 will commence on Monday,
the 12th of October, and continue sixteen weeks. A full
end thorough course of Lectures will be given. occupying
six or seven hours daily, with 'good opp - rtunities for at
tention-:to practical Anatomy, end with ample Clinical facil
ities at the Commercial Hospital. The preliminary course
of Lectures will commence on Monday, the 28th of Septem
ber, and continue daily until the commencement of the
regular Lectures.
The arrangement of the Chairs will be as follows :-.--
T. E. Sr. JOHN, AI D.,
Professor of Anatomy and Physiology.
C. D. LEWIS, - M. D
Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
' A. J. HOWE, M.D.,
Professor of Surgery.
Professor of Materia Medics and Therapeutics.
Professor of Medics-1 Practice and Pathology.
Emeritus Professor of Cerebral Physiology and Institutes of
Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children.
The terms for the Session will be the same as heretofore,
vis.:—Matriculatien, $5.00. Tuition, $20.00 Demonstra
tor's Ticket, $5.00. (Every Student is required to engage in
dissection one Session before Graduation. Graduation,
$25.00. Ticket to Commercial Hospital. (optional,) $5.00.
The Lecture Rooms are newly finished, neat, and com
fortable, and in a central locality, (in College Hall, Walnut
Street,) where students will find it convenient to call, on
their arrival.
Tickets for the SeSSiertMay be obtained of the Dean of the
Faculty ; at his office, No. 113 Smith Street or of Prof. C. IL
Cleaveland, Secretary of the Faculty, No. 139 Seventh
Street near Elm. JOHN KING, M. D., Dean.
114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nearly oppoelte the Cu•
tom House,) have just opened a very choice selection of
Of the latest importations. Also,
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This stock has boon purchased for CASH, and will be offer
ed to the Trade, end also to Families, at very moderate ad
vances, from whom we respectfully aolicit a share of patron
age. .
ej -. JIiFFIMSON tiOLLEGB, by RSV. Dit. BbilTll, is
now ready. Copies can be bad of the publisher, wholesale
or retail, Gazette Buildings, Pittsburgh. Orders from
Booksellers, Agents, and Colporteurs, promptly forwarded
according to directions.
Copies mailed to any part of the United States, for SLIB
Address J. T. SHRYOCK, Publisher.
'y Stf
STITUTLON is under the care of the Presbytery of
Zanesville, and is located at Washington, Ohio on the Na
tional Road. half way from Wheeling, to Zanesville; and
only three maw North of the Central Ohio Railroad. The
surrounding country is hilly and remarkable healthy.
A large. tasteful, and convenient building, has been
erected and furnished with suitable apparatus; th. under
signed devote their attention entirely to the institution,
and all the necessary arrangements have been made for
educating young men on the most approved principles.
The alum of studies includes an English and Classical
Department, and in extensive enough to prepare students
foe the Junior Class in the.beet Collegea. Strict attention
will be given to the comfort, manners and morals of the
pupil., and they will enjoy the advantages of a Literary
society, a Library, and a Philosophical Apparatus.
Very smaller backward boysare notreceived, nor will any
be remain who are either immoral, indolent,
or unwilling to form habits of diligent study. On the other
hand, we Inviteyoung men of good character and studious
habits, who desire a good education to fit themselves for
business or for teaching; and especially pions young men
preparing for the Gospel ministry, whose presence and in
fluence we highly appreciate.
TERMS or TOITIOX.—In the Classical Department, $12.00,
per Session of five months; Senior English Department,
per Session or five months; Junior English Depitrt
ment, SS.OO, per Beeslon of Ave months.
Tuition fees must be paid in advance. Rooms and board
ing will be furnished by respectable private families, at
$2.00 per week. The Sessions commence on the first Mon
day of Msy and of November.
REV. J. E. ALEXANDER, Principal,
P. Y. IdefiEll, A. B, Assistant.
j "I -17
land and stucco work; Hydraulic Cement for cisterns,
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je3o et
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Looks on exhibition, and a valuable acquisition to tin man.
mniaity. Yours, truly,
SMAITEL RE1900101 . ,
of Juries, Crystal Palace, Nor. 1814.
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