Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, June 27, 1857, Image 2

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    •Xlartiter anb Alliatatt.
rigenars.-= ridrais.'a.s; or in Clubs
11.25; or, delivered at residences of Subsoria
bars, $1.75. See Prospectus, on Third Pages
REF EW A.D:F shoilddlbe prompt; a DUI,
while lieifore the year ',lnc:Ores, that we' am*
stake full arrangements for a steady supply.
THE RED WRAPPER indicates that we
desire a, renewal. Ifs however, ill thil;h111:114011
of saailingS 'this signal should be omitted, we
hope our friends will still not forget us.
REMITTANCES.—Send payment by safe
hands, when convenient. Or, send by mails
euchring with ordinary care, and troubling
riobeidy with a knoWledge of what you are
doing. Far a large amounts send a Draft, or
large notes. For one or tyro papers, send Gold
or small notes. • , •
. .
TO MAKE GUANGXI, Send postago stamps,
or better still, send for Astor* papers; mai VI
COY 8•194011yallalberills or $1 for Thartywa t rier
numlborr• , •
DIRECT all Letters and Communications
to REV. DAVID MoKINNET. Pfttsburgb,
TEM attention of ministers and Sessions of
the Presbyteg of Allegheny City, is called
to the meeting at. Concord, on next Tuesday.
—A Presbyterian church; was organized in
Karina City, by the Rev. Mims. Bracken
and Symington, Mo., on the Ist Sabbath of
April. The labors of Mr. Symington are
divided between this place and Westport.
A call is made for aid in erecting a church
in the former place.
are much pleased to, learn that Dr. Howard,
of our city, will preach, in the. Second
church, on Sabbath morning = next, his ser
mon delivered before the late General As
sembly on Domestic Missions. We listened
to the sermon once with great interest,
and would be, pleased to hear it again,
and would Invite all who conveniently can
attend, to be present,. .
LINDSLET.-A memoir of the late Rev.
Philip Lindsley, D.D., edited by the Rev.
W. B. Sprague, b.D., with a selectibn from
his writings, will be published during the
next year, by. Lippincott & Co., of : Phila
delphia. Persons having in their posiession
any of the Dolor's letters, or any facts of
interest concerning bhp, are requested to
forward the same to Prof. N. Lawrence
Lindsley, Lebanon, Tenn.
It has been recommended: by our General
Assembly, and partially attended to by our
churches, that a collection be taken up on
the Sabbath immediately preceding, or on
that succeeding, the Fourth of July, fort the
Colonization Society. We wish that the
custom were universal; either directly on
behalf of the Society, or for sonic one of the
plans for•acoomplishing the great object had
in view by the Society. In another column
we give an article on 'the' Asnmurt USTI-
Turt.E. This school is worthy, the cordial lib
erality of the Christian, and the friend of
the colored race. Let it be favorably re
Not ail Satisfied.
The Second Presbyterian church, Cinein
nati (N. S.) have, by a vote of twenty-five
to sixteen, protested against the action of the
Assembly at Cleveland, leading to a divisitin
of . their body.
The Journals,' North, with the exception
of the Christian Observer„of Philadelphia,
sustain the Assembly, and saythe action was
not divisive. They hence cast the 'respon
sibility on the South. The Observer thinks
differently, and sustains the South.' A
Southern New School Assembly is not, likely
to draw off the Northern conservatives; but
the result may be their separation front the
extremists, either by a , third organization,
or by a return to the Old School.
Unioief the : Associate; and Associite Re•
formed Churches.
The 'Basis =of union between ' these two'
bodies having been adopted at the late sed
sions of their ,highest Ecclesiastical Courts,
the connexion .is likely to be consummated.
It is to take place in one year from the adop
tion of the instrument. Whether it will
make one body or three bodies out of two, is'
yet to be determined. There is still some
variety; of sentiment among the .members.
We trust that it will not result in ,farther
splitting -11311011 g Presbyterians. We would
never 'Crowd together those Who cannot
agree, but would hope that among the truly
orthodox there will be found . Some one exist
ing denomination in which' such as cannot
adopt the, Easis may •thid, for themselves a
happy home; and a suitable•field for. labor.
A RATmeATIoN meeting was held;in our
city, on` Monday evening last, by members
of the two Churches, at which resolutions
were adopted declarativeuf arpurpose to act
tbgether-fromthe present.time.
The Fourth of July.
We see, in many of our secular exchanges,
the annunciation of loud calls to preparation
for celebrating the anniversary of the Dee-,
laration of Independence. The end profes- -
sedly in view we commend ; but the manner,
in which that great national °writ is com
memorated, does not always meet our appro
bation. The ,reading of the celebrated doc
ument is highly proper; and patriotic ora
tions are proper; and a good dinner may be
unobjectionable; and against the consump
tion of a little powder on that day, we should
not declaim`with any great violence, whether
the ?thing were done by large boys or small
ones. And we would= find no serious fault
with the ladies if they should choose to take
an airing on that day—a promenade or a
sail, andpaiticipate in becoming festivities.
But we object seriously to the drinking
which is usual, and the carousing, and the
party political declamation and abuse, and to
the vain boasting, which • are so common on
the occasion. We disapprove, also, of the
extreme selfishness often manifested. The
day should be one of generosity. A time
for the bestowing of gifts, filiYaising Means
for the spread of knowledge, and for the ad
vancing of "virtue, liberty, and in'depend
en e."
Insmity and Religion.
The numerous eases in which we find in
sanity developed in connexion with religion;
sometimes seemingly but co-existent, at oth
ers apparently - ,spiinging from it as 'a `cause,
and often leading to the most disastrous con- '
equences,makei the subject one of immense
importance Its importance concerns every
individind; but especially does it devolve
upon the Christian minister responsibilities
which he should deeply feel. In cases of
mental disenie theminister, as being the man
charged with the cure of ,souls,- is = first sent
for, and is mainly relied upon. He ought
hence to be a man well instructed', and pos
sessed of great discriminating powers. He
should be able to discern the character of
the disease, to ascertain its cause, and to ap
ply a remedy. Does it need to be treated by
the physician? Or by the minister of Christ?
Or by both? Can he direct to the proper
medical adviser? Or are Gospel remediei
the things needed? Is the, patient in a state
to receive these? Does the minister know
how to apply them—how to discriminate----
how rightly to divide the Word, and give to
the insane one (often the distressed and dis
consolate, the dejected or the "tortured,) a
portion in due season ? ;1 , -
The mutual influence of body and mind
upon 'each other,- is very great and should
be intimately known. ' The physician needs
to know it, that he may call in the minister to
his . aid ; and the minister needs to know it,
that he may turn over a case partially, or
chiefly, to a 'physician. The professions,
both, doubtless, are very, much, at fault on this
subject Ministers especially, as having the
deeper interest in charge, are ; negli r
gent- of the acquisition of knowledge which
will qualify them for the : effective . discharge
of their duty toward those Who resort to
them for relief. There should, be far more
attention than what has been common, paid
to the causes of mental distress, and far
more close and ,discriminating observation
upon the influence °trundles. Every case
must have its peculiarities, but still there
are generalities under which particular cases
may be classified, so that 'experience may be
made highly valuable.
But we do ,not mean to write a treatise on
the subject:. We would merely call attention
to it, and give an intimation"direpting inqui
ry. In the June number' of the .Eclectia
Magazine, We find an excellent article. It is
from the. London Quarterly, and is a Review
of three important works : The power of the
Saul over the Body,' considered - in - relation
to Health and Morals, by GEouGE MoonE,
M. D.; Essays ou the partial Derangement
of Mind, in supposed Connexion, with Reli
gion, by JOHN CREYNE . K D.- The Use of
the; .Body in relation to the Ilfind, by
GEORGE MOORE, M. D. The article was
prompted by the recent tragical end, of the
eminent'Hugh Miller,, of Scotland.: It .is
quite too long for bine columns, but copious
extracts will be birth "interesting, and pro
motive of the end we design.
The Reviewer says
Not only is the body influenced by the
mind, which most, know, but also the, spirit
ual mind is influenced, in its progress or de
terioration, by the body, which fewer under
stand. ,Hence - Dr. Moore has written upon
the :morality . of the 'stomach.
We are hedged in by laws which,are re
ally what the Median and Persian only pre
tended to be—unalterable. . Alen may niod-.
ify or direct, but theycannot alter the laws
by :which the acorn becomes the oak. If the
seed of the oak, is cast on the sea, or set in
the sands on its shore, or exposed to the at
mosphere on a stone or on the hard soil, it
will not . grow;-:because, it is subject to laws
which all these circumstances violate. And
similar remarks' are applicable to every or
ganized body with which the wants or the
fanciew of man induce him'to deal. 'Stearn
and the electric fluid will obey him, if he
will first of all obey them. Steam will do his
bidding, if he will investigate the constitu
tion of that most subtle machinery, in which
alone the laws' by which it is hedged in, will
permit it to work. And the electric fluid
will pass under the ocean, and carry his mes
sage to earth's Poles, if he will eipend
for inventing for it that machinery without
which its marvellous powers will yield him
no obedience.
And to follow up' these cases a few, steps
further,:for the sake of illustrating the inax
im, that man and his world are hedged in by
laWs so stern and unyielding; that in other
instances they either enforce obedieZee or
result . in. death-:---let =•us look at, the ship,
richly freighted with human life or material .
wealth, =which steam, obeying its own• laws,
is urging over the unwilling seas, winds and. I
waves fighting together against its proe b ress
in , vain. What t.a. 'glorious vision forhim.
whose thoughtful .rnmd is stored with mate
rials for filling up. the , vast chasm between
the Indian's -first rade attempt to make a
road On the waters, and that gallant ship 1 On
she sails, mail's pride, and glory, and faith!
An explosion more terrible than thunder ,
shivers the goodly :vessel into fragments.
That fearful crash that shook the stout heart
of every sailor on board—that momentary
climax of human misery, too awful and too
profound 'for .words to body forth—the float
ing spars, the sole remains of that noble yes
sel--what do they tell us ? They simply tell
us .that some Quo of the laws by which steam
is hedged in had been violated } and that it
exacted death in some of its most terrible
forms as the penalty.
'But, further, 'a machine may not only be
destroyed at once, but also damaged, and, so
become more or less unfit to fulfil perfectly
its , functions. Or, there may be latent evils
at mark, counteracting some one of its laws,
but so slowly that the fatal issue comes on at
last almost unperceived. + Such has been. the
origin of the destruction of some, steam ma
chinery. There has been a weakor faulty
part overlooked or undervalued, which,was,
however, contrary to the laws by which steam
(to employ the phrase of another) "is hedged
in ;" and when, in -its certain march, the
evil reached the prescribed degree, the engine
was destroyed by the laws of its.own steam.
And this is strictly applicable to that or
ganized machine which as hedged in with
the unalterable laws of health and disease, ef
life and death—the human body. Not only
will some sudden and palpable disaster—the
knife thrUst into the heart--produce instant
death; but there are other evils, fostered
either by, ignorance or a wilful violation of
known laws, which will gradually, but as
surely, prepare the body for preniature de
itruction or inefficiency, as the overlooked
or disregarded Mischief in the steam machine.
For just as we have seen mechanical instru
ments laid a side as useless, because some law
of their constitution, had 'been gradually vin
fated so' have we seen 'human bodies preina-
turely laid aside as useless, for like causes,
either in the sick chamber or the lunatic
asylum. And the two cases are philosophiz
tally, and not fancifully, parallel.
",That mental derangement: may originate in .1
superstition or fanaticism—by either of which,
behind a visor of religious zeal, all sobriety, of
mind is invaded, to the interruption of social and
domestic duties—will be understood by those who
know that insanity, in the predisposed, may arise
from any;cause that .excites; at the same time
that it agitates, the mind. But that true religion
which removes doubts and distractions, explains
our duties, and reconciles us to them, and teach
as that all , things,work 'together for:' good' them ;
that love God ; and thus not only guides, but
supports us,, as,we toil through..the.weary maze
of life ; which, in every pursuit, demands mod.
eration and method—that true religion should be
productive of insanity, is not easily credible, and
would require the clearest evidence."---Page 131.
Again, he elsewhere expresses himself
hus :
" We firmly believe that the Gospel, received
simply, never, since it was preached, produced a
single case of. insanity; the admission that it
has such a tendency, ought never to have been
conceded to the enemies of, the press. We have
granted that fanaticiste and superstition have
caused. insanity, Its well as they may ; nay, de
rangement of the mind may often save been
caused by the terrors, of the law; but by the
Gospel—by a knowledge of and trust in Jesus—
never."—Page 144. ,
And the testimony of Dr. Moore is to
the same effect. Thus we read :
" Some say religion is a frequent7cause of in-.
sanity. No; true religion. is the Spirit of love;
and of power, and of a sound mind;-ever active
in ,diversified ,duties and delights, and' always
busy in a becoming manner, and in a decent or
der. But the wild notions; unmeaning. supersti
tions, 'spiritual bondage, unrequired and 'forbid:
den rites and ceremonies which wayward men
have substituted for the liberty of God, beginin
disobedience and end in darkness.--Potver of the
Soul over the Body, p. 296. •
What is denominated religiou's insanity,.
is' the result,doubtless, of bodily disorder 'as
well as of moral delinquenciei. The 'll,e
-• •
viewer, speakincr of the spiritual condition
as influenced by disorders of the body, says:
By investigating the` influences of food
and drink on 'the;' mind, we soon discover
the strongest motives for' self-denial, and
learn 'many i'lesson"concerning the nature
and extent of our responsibility. The com
fort and efficiency_of the intellect, .nay, the
moral perception,mardinese,'and virtue of
the mind, depend greatly on our use of
aliment; and in the'very means by which
we sustain the strength of the body, or most
'directly disorder its functions; we at the
same time either fortify or disable the brain.
It is of course known, that the physical na--
ture of than depends upon'his food; but it
is less known how much the moral nature
depends upon the physical nature; or what'
changes in the temper and disposition are
introduced by physical influences.
Dr. Cheyne remarks, that he never.' saw
a case of mental derangement, even when
traceable to a moral career, in which 'there
was not reason to believe that bodily disease
could havCbeen detected before the earliest
aberration, had an opportunity offered for:
examination." And the same highly re-,,
ligious and scientific authority adds, "Not
only does every deranged state of the in
tellectual faculties and the natural affec
tions depend upon bodily 'disease, but also
derangements of the rdigious rind more
sentiments originate in diseasei of the
body." Hence •it can .be „explained, that
the sinking of despair is' not' more dreadful ,
or extreme than the hopelessness which de
pends merely upon the disease of the nerv,
ow system. But what warnings are -con
veyed-by such facts to him, who, instead of
mastering his appetites, the indulgence of
which is the fruitful parent of so many dis
eases, is masteraby them !°
In speakina of conscience—even
science—as affected 'by health and disease;
and especially ,by the excessive use of ardent
spirits, opium, tobacco, •andcther narcotics;
he adds:
Since, therefore, disease affects this guide
to all right conduct, it
,becomes important
to ascertain the difference between a sound
and an unsound, conscience, in cases in
which the condition of the bodily health
must be taken into the account. Painful
and humiliating as such a view may he, it
only confireis the maxim so, often Other
wise proved, that God 'does not interfere
with the laws'of nature ; and therefore adds
its warning voice to urguthe duty of mas
tering those passions and appetites whose indulgence leads to more bodily ailments
thin the legitimate wear and tear of a long
life. All, disobedience, to Divine laws, says
Dr. Moore, Whether natural or moral, must,
be followed inevitably by suffering and disL
order. In such cases, which the careful'
Christian minister is sure to meet with, the
irregularity of the condition of the con
science may help to detect the true cause;'
for relief, without the adequate causes .of
oonfeision .to God, repentance, faith, and,
love, cannot be genuine experience, and maY
fairly, therefore, point to ;some 'bodily, dis
turbance which affects t whole mind.
Indeed, this theory has been., confirmed . ' be.
yond doubt at the dyin g -bed, where it has
been so often needed . : to satisfy *esker
minds, which longed' to see the undisturbed
departure'to his heavenly mansion of one
who has so, often Proclaimed the power of
religion to triumph over death. The oe
casional dark cloud which enveloped the
mind of Dr. Scott the commentator, during
his Jest illness, is justly accounted for by
,the time when it periodically re
turned : that is, says his, biographer, "it
always came on with the daily, paroxysm of,
fever." Dr. Scott himself took this view
of his cane, as its true solution. And the
testimony of another. (medical) writer is
pregnant with instruction to the careful and
thoughtful spiritual visitant of dying.beds
" Good men may be unreasonably depressed,
and bad men elevated, under the near pros
pect of death, from the mere . operation of
natural causes."
Of the Christian graces, HOPE is, one most
intimately connected with the soul's , joy.
Hope is an anchor of ,the soul. Tfre are
saved by hope. Hope unto the end. Hope
maketh not ashttined. Hope that's in, God."
Rut even hope, so essential to human'ha.ppi
ness, whether the soul cOntemplates time or
eternity, ,has its operation controlled. very
much by the physical condition. ;
Disease soon changes a buoyant* into a
desponding nature; and this again resets
upon the body, and weakens it still more.
The, medical statement of the ease is thig':
—indigestion will produce despondency,
even when there is no moral cause to ac
count for the destruction of hope. And the
essence, it, is said, of that species of mon
omania which is commonly' called melan
choly, and 'which, always depends upon bod
ily causes, is the suppression of hope. Of
course, this is not the whole statement of
the case. The inconsistent follovier of
Christ can give another account of the loss
,his hope; and it is the part of a skillful
spiritual guide to ascertain the true cause
of the malady, that he may be able to'pre=
scribe 'the proper course to be pursued.
The. rty third Psalm ' ei.14144 very''
and beau
tifully' truthfully'Procegs'
ioul)from "despondeney to theii'recovery of
Dr Cheyne once heard a lady of high
Christian principles, whilst laboring under
. 4opeloOSllesS from, l'OditY- Aig.P.lses declare.,
that God dOomed her to destructiOn,
and. n was -promoting his t decree by means
of the ingratitude of her dependents. An
anxious dread of some temporal evils, with
which attacks of h,oplesniesi 'inay begin' in ,
pious persons, often retires before the more
dreadful anticipation of everlasting destruc
tip.,.Such persons imagine they have been
deeeiVing themielveti•With , false hopes, , and'
that they never had within them the root of
fine - ditretne cases of this
kind there is frequently the temptation to
suicide. But that such a state of soul may
spring from bodily Causes is confirmed by
a remark of Dr: Burrowes, "that:the opera
tion of certain medicines in such persons has
removed a propensity to suicide!' It was
remarked of the. late Hugh Miller, that if he
had overcome his reluctance to resort to
drugs, and taken the prescribed dose on that
fatal night, the catastrophe might have.been
averted. ' •
But we cannot pursue the very excellent
course of:,, remarks, in, which the article
abounds. We merely add the expression of,
a hope, that our ministerial brethren will
make the matter a subject of some attention;
and, as but few of them can have opportuni
ties to, attend minutely to the acquisition of
a knowledge of the healing process, they will
,bestow especial care upOn the preventive
remedies. Teach those things, and prac
tice them also, which belong to the preservi;
tion of .a sound mind in a sound body.
The Trials of an Editor.
We are much obliged to a friend, whoui
our eyes have never yet beheld, for the fol
lowing article. We trust that it will be
read; and be regarded as all in point, except
'the -, : signature. That :should have been
SOMBBODY, 'rather` than NOBODY. 'But we
shall let him pass m his modesty, since we
are told that before the: High and Holy one,
all nations• are as nothing. -
An editor may be supposed to become
very indifferent ,to fault.lnding, and not to
be moved, Unless by something very severe.
This is ordinarily,. with the religious press,
at least, a very great mistake,. He, has his
iensibilities; and they may become even
more acute by their *being operated upon.
He has set himself for usefnlneis in the
Church and the world, and desires also suc
cess in business. Neither of these can be
accomplished unless - he shall Make himself
extensively acceptable. TO this end he pro
poses to himself a subject, or class of. sub
' jeets, lays his plans and pursues his course,
turning to the right onto theleft for no one.
And still he needs to know the effects of his
doings—their acceptableneSs, and their influ
ence boat upon the critics and the masses—
that he may, wisely modify his movements,
and adapt . them to the emiat which he aims.
An editor needs information—needs it from
many, and never is unthankful for Sturg es tions which come to him, in fraternal •faith
fulness, provided may , that he is treated
with respect, and not too seriously impor
tuned nor worried, with long lecture&
But as to his trials, or rather some of them
• listen' to our , correspondent. He founds his
, remarks upon,.
job xiv : timtis born of a woman is of
few days, and full of trouble.
ECere is'a good test fol. a sermon on the
trials of an editor. Whether his days be
few-or many, they surely are fall of trouble.
No man need have more.- He has his per.
sonar and relative trials, his bodily aches and
pains, and his mental conflicts, as well >as
other men;* and then he< must try-to please
those Whom he never' saw, an& receive , the
rebukes and censures of the very ones whom
he tries to please and'benefit. , He offers the
very best he can find to his friends and his
enemies ; and yet they are ready to reproach
him, because he does no better—although, it
may be, they have not paid him for his
A list of his-trials would be as long as a
description of a modern belle's wardrobe.
His•patience, as well as his eyesight, is tried,
in reading a multitude of manuscripts, some
Of 'them as unreadable as Arabic to a
donkey. , 'And then he must select what he
thinks the best,• and consign the residue to
the flames. But woe to him now; for some
,good but'disappointed-biother will send him
a violent Philippic for. rejecting his article,
albeit neither the editor 'nor-the compositor
could read it ! All this',' however, he must
bear Patiently, conscious of , his own , recti
tude. Some years ago----for am getting
old--a friend of mine wrote,- an article for
the paper; but it did not appear: In his
trouble, he consulted me about it ; he
thought of> writing a sharp letter to the edi
tor; for he did not like silent contempt., His
,article had been treated in that way, bUt he
was - not disposed to be silent.:' I told him
he :had better 'just keep- still, for editors'
were an independent sort of beings ' and
would do. just as they pleased And so
think , they should I
Not only , for. rejected -articles are they_
censured, but for printed articles, too. No
one who has ever been in a printing office—
as I often have, and in former days even in
the:editor's sanctum, too—l say no one who
has ever been in a printing office, or even
seen -a single 'type, can look on a printed
sheet, and not be filled with wonder at the
few effort ,in it; scarcely one in a whole
column, or even on a whole page ! And yet
. manY a man who has sent an article. to the
paper in such a band :that twenty prin
ters could not read it, will fret, and scold,
and groNirl fora month, because it is •not cor
rectly printed in every particular, even to
the dot of an "i," and the •cross of a "t"
The very fact that he writes , in such. a hand,
is proof: of 'his impatience; .and lence the
editor had better beware how he deals with
such articles. In any case, he must expect
trouble. It is woe if he •rejects, and a
double woe if he prints !
And then there is every variety of taste
among his readers. Some abominate long
articles '
and others are quite as much. dis-'
pleased with short ones.' Some want• solid
matter, others light; and some are so un
reasonable as to find fault if every article
in every paper is not just to their taste and
liking; as if the paper were made 'for them
alone; and as if there were not five thou
sand families and twenty-five thousand read
ers to peruse the very same sheet ! Why, a
newspaper is for every body, and hence
there should be something in it good for
everybody;-and so a religious paper is not
for ministers only; nor for Church mem
bers only; nor for the old or the young
exclusively; nor for established Christians
only; or the inquiring only ; it is for all;
and hence / should be in a measure adapted
tO all: • But - of this adaptation; thaeditor is
the judge; and it is presumption ha Ilk
readers to call him to account; if they~
were the only persons .in the world, and
both the editor and }lie paper . Wfire made
for them
For myself I seldom now read a series of
articles on any subject. But it was not so
with- me twenty. or thirty years iago. Then
these were the very articles from which I
derived most benefit, and in which I most
delighted. Then I read '.every, word; in
every paper. And as I was then, so very
many may be now ; and shall I complain
because the. editor sees fit,to gratify, these
earnest attentive: readers ? The may
be few in comparison of the whole, and yet
'1 venture to-say t - hey are the very - ones - who
receive most benefit from the editor's labors,
and thelabors of his correspondents. Some=
read little besides their paper and their Bi
ble, for the good reason that they have little
else to read. remember,long, long ago,
lying ,a, - walle in my bed at night; trying to
devise ways and means to raise a dollar to
enable 'me to take a religious paper, and
could not do it ! Others; may be thus
situated' now, young -persons in irreligious
families, and they are the , Ones who devour
the whole paper, the long series of edibles
and all; and they are the ones, too; who are
most . benefitted ; looking forward, it may be,
to the work of the ministry, as I. was, ant
learning their first lessons of theology, as 1.•
did, from the religious paper; and. who
shall• complain if these babes are furnished
with their cup of milk? Mr. Editor—
pardon me, my tears fall htre—if there be
but one such. among-your readers, your la,
labors are not'in vain. . There are more than
ote. Why, one of your papers is, handed
by me to a neighbor, and after he reads it
he sends it far, far est of you, to-a friend,
who has• no other religious reading ! So, go
on, and God .bless yon. I, You are doing- a.
great and a good work. Let cynics growl,
if they please, With a. • conscience >void of
offence, you. may repose in peace ; arid in a
coming day you shall reap An abundant har
vest. If you have your trials, •you also,have
your pleasures; and for your encoUrage
ment, know that in this no great
good has ever yet been accomplished without
effort, self-denial and sacrifice; and „often
the most.useful are -the most •censured.
American Sunday School Union.
The New Orleans Evening• Times contains
a notice of efforts and progresSef , this Insti
tution_ in the South-Vest. 'We are pleased
to see that Dr. J. S. Copes,,of New Orleans,
has been appointed a Vice President of the
Unien. The Times," speaking of the 'prin
eiple of the ParentiSociety, ""to establish a
Sunday. School wherever there is popula
tion destitute of it," says :
On this broad plan, the "South:Western
Sunday School Union" has been organized
in our midst, auxiliary to the parent Society,
but - under the 'entire guidance and control
of Southern men. They have established a
Sunday School Depoiitory in this city, which
they' are endeavoring to endow, and to keep
amply supplied with the publications of the
"American Sunday School Unioni7 for the
immediate accommodation Hof the South-
West ; and to' this they ask the attention
and aid oral the friends of Sunday Schools,
thus to = quicken and strengthen this: noble
cause •in all the South; and it is truly, grad
fying/to see such names as that of our re
spected fellow:citizen, Dr. 'Copes, connected
with. it.' • r. '
—The new and spacious 'edifice for the ac
commodation of the Female High School,
established by the Presbyterians of Louis
ville; has been completed, in'part. This in
stitution continues highly prosperous. - The
PrinciPal is Prof. R Williams, formerly
Professor' of Natural Sciences in Jefferson
College, Pa., and afterwards Principal of the
Female Seminary at Sewickley, Pa.
astern S=Lmary.,
is reported by the Puritan-Recorder, to have lately
presented the Rev. Dr.,Waterbury,.s6,ooo, upon
his resignation of that charge; as a token of their
appreciation of his services, and of the regret felt
at severing the ties between pastor and people.
Quite a different spirit is not unfrequently 'seen,
in the dissolution of pastoral relationships.
The HON. N. P. Btacs, late ,Speaker of the
United States Honse;of Representatives; was nom
initted for the office of Governor of Massachusetts,
by the, American State Convention, on the 16th
inst. He has: since iaccepted. the nomination.
Eliphalet Nash, of Springfield, was nominated, for
Lieut GovSrnor, and John H. Clifton for Attorney
General. This Convention declared its adhesion
to the rebolutions of the Springfield American
platform,' but repudiated those lately passed by
the 'American Convention fa Louisville.
. .
The celebration of the BATTLE or BUNIIER BILL.
and the inauguration, of ,the Statue of General
. ,
Warren, on the 17th, was the great event of last
week. Immense crowds of citizens were present
and a ,large number of distinguished gentlemen
from a distance. Among the latter.were the Gov.
ernors of New York, New jersey, Connecticut,
Rhode Island, and Vermont-;;therMayors of Bal
timore and ,Montreal;. Senator , Mason, oflVir.-.
gine; Judge Breese;of Illinois; George Peabody,
Caleb Cushing, and many others. Theproces.sion..
was , about one hour in passing la.-given point.
The Free Masons, with their:varied and imposing
regalia, numbered' some one thousand live hun . -
, dred. The Statue of Gen.: Warren was Within an
immense' pavilion; ;holding seven thbusand'per=
sons: Addressea were made by the - Hon. G.'
Washington warren; Gov. Gardner, Of:Massachu
setts ; Gov. Due,r, of Rhode Island ; Gov. Holly,
of Connecticut; Mr. Mason, of Virginia; it C.
Winthrop, Hon. 3. P. Kennedy, of Maryland, and
others. But' the great speech of;the occasion Was
by the Hon. Edward Everett 'This was in the
best style of the gifted author, and was frequent
ly applauded,
Tue 19th class of. Teachers Ex.-G.014 4 m0*,
will assemble at Hartford, Conn., on the .7th of
August, and leave for the:West on the 19th of
September. ,Among the requisites-of applicants,
thorOugh acquaintance with the'common branches
o f an - English Education, sante expericncein teach
ing; and decided piety, are mentioned: During
the few weeks spent at Hirtford,' befOreleaving
`for the West, a courtie-of zratuitouSthstruction,"
preparatory to the work in'which they are about
to engage, will be given. Every' one sent out
under the auspices of this - Society, is expected to
teach at least two years; except in cases of decided
failure of health. The traveling expenses to the
West are paid by the Society: " No second-rate
teachers are wanted.
The appropriations from the STATE TREASURY
OF CONNECTICUT, for the last five years, forbe
nevolent, literary, and patriotic purposes, amount
to the handsome sum of , $268,966.96. Can any;
one tell the sum appropriated by the rich, and
povrerfol State of Pennsylvania to similar objecti
in the same period?
.IVbenevolent layman of Connecticut has pro
posed to .be one of fifty that will - puichase t Foxis
ITalitreAno'nottessort:Lotnc In!the'Wegt; itfertite
~ , . . • , ,
not exoeeding $1:50 per acne; for sites for
. • '
°lurches, parsonsgos, school hO i ttses, and church.
5 ii. 111: • ...
lfuidii, for -eighty PongregatioAl churches, in
Minnesota; and Salsas.
Immense crowds. congregated at the - wharf,
along the streets, and in the Park, to greet the
Yet the conduct and character of the multitude
was not such as to assure Gen. Walker, that his
reception was at all flattering. The Confusion
Was great, the rudeness indescribable, and the
whole affair altogether ahhbby. Mr. Vanderbilt
will most probably bring the General before the
Courts; lo answer for - his conduct toward - the - Ac- .
cessary Transit Company, while in Nicaragua.
When will Americans cease to lionize every mere
adventurer that crosses their pathway?
The city seemed on the' verge of a Fasirstri
Ravevormi, on Tusday, the 16th. A writ was
issued egainst Mayor Wood for resisting the laws,
but the Police captain who served it was slim:ee
rily thrust out of the office. He was reinforced by
,fifty men, who were beaten hack by the Mayor's
forces, with much bloodshed. Meantime, the Park
was fdled , by the vilest,"most desperate, andlowest
,of the- population,,loudly in favor of the Mayor.
The aid ,of the 70. Regiment, just about •to leave
for Boston, was. called in, when the disturbance
was quelled without farther violence, and the
Mayor surrendered himself to the authorities. A
large number of indictments are hanging over his
head, on which he will be brought to trial. 'This
is the first time since the'Astor Place riots,'eight
yeare ago, that it has been found 'necessary to
call out the military to enforce the laws. The
next daY the Governor oithe State of New York
was called from the procession;at Boston, and the
7th Regiment quickly,
,afterwards, to return, be
cause of apprehended outbreaks ; fortunately, qui
et was'restora
The Semi-Annual meeting of the NEw YORK
STATE. TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, .was held at Albany
'on the:l6th. About fifty delegates were present.
The new Excise law was earnestly discussed. The
following resolutions were at length adopted:
.First:' That the true law of ten:Terence is total
abstinence, and, the true rule of legislation, pro
hibition ; second, that exertion to secure the latter
must net be relaxed; the third dislaims responsi
bility for the Excise law
Resolved, That ,while weliffer as to • the "value
and efficiency of certain. provisions •of the late
Excise act, we will ,00ntinue ,united and importu
nate in our demands for a law of entire prohibi
tion as the only efficient remedy fofmtemperance.
During the meeting; Mr. Delavan: stated that
if the Society, did ; not pay its debt of $6,000, he
would do it himself.
- The New York publishers of the Ram. C;
Srunonow have already,remitted; a large sum, to,
him. • The_ profits are great, owing. to th r im.
mense sale. . ,
Among the works:which:the Appleton's, have in
fifteen large volumes, octavo.
Thanew work about to be published: by Mr.
NENTS t is from thepen ofthe Rev. D. R. Thomason
Coxe, Secretary of the American Industrial, As
sociation. • . .
The Tunas' . in , the Parks and private' grounds
are suffering very much' from the attacks of 'the
canker worm.
Joni' C. SiwiMis, eminent for enterprise;
wealth, and integrity, : died last week, at his home
in Hoboken, New Jeriey, aged seventy-two: Be.
was one of the fa3nily of brothers so long and
successfully connected With ; canals • and steam
boats. He was'a liberal supporter' of the Epi
scopal Church.
The 'belief in the disastrous effects of the
COMET, is said to have prevailed so widely among
certain cla:sses,"as to leseen greatly 'the deposits
in the Savings. Banks, on the day on whieh its
work of destruction was to have taken place.
Yonx has dissented from the action of the Gen
eral Synod of that Church, in adopting On basis
of union with the. Seceder Church..
Mr. Hecker, editor of the Churchrian,,
copal,) has opened a •Mrssunt CHAPEL in the
Churchman buildings, 256 Madison Street..
We take the Tolloviing • description of the - Nnw
Cuonoti, in process' of erection 'for Dr Spring's
congregation; from an exchange. Every thing'
connected with the Old Brick," • will' interest
many of our readers:
The New " Old Brick' Church."—Rev. Dr. Gar
diner Siring's 'CongfegatiOn occujiy teraporary
quarters in Hope• Chapel, 'Their ne'w church is to
be built at the corner ofFifth Avenue and Thirty-
Seventh Street. The size of the lot is one hun
dred feet on the Avenue, and one hundred and
sixty feet On'the streecand cost the congregation'
$58,000. 'The church is to be of'-fine,-pressed
brick, richly and elabbrately,trimmedwith brown
stone. tlt will have , a front of, seventpftve feet;
and a' depth of one hundred andforty-five feet.
This includes the ;Session-room which, will be'
situated iii,the'rear. There willbe a court yard
bet Ween the churchipid'tha Street; of fifteen feet.
The style will be the Corinthian..' ' The main
auditory is to be fifty feet in heighth, and with
the galleries, about two thousand_ persons will be
seated. The building will have a stone steeple
two hundred, and twenty feet" in heighth 9 ' which
will contain belfry and clock. The leeture-roonii
Session-room, and the like, will be under the' ame
roof, and ,connected in one facade, ; so that , the
harmony of the architecture will remain unbroken.
The singing gallery will be behind. the pulpit,
elevated ten feet above the floor of the altar, with
a facade of cagliola Corinthian: iolums. It will
cost $140,000.
A large meeting of the HOLDERS or Rea:moan
Borns, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County,'was
held in the Exchange, on the 15th inst. Mr.
John A. itroWn was . appointed Chairman, Wand
Mr. X. R. Fry, Secretary. ' A 'statement of
amount of bonds against the city and county' was'
given, ancialse an acoonnt of
, the' assessed value
of the'realand perional preperty Of-the city and
county. Their ability to Meet all their 'engage-:
meads was freely 'admitted. - Resolutions; were
passed, stating that, a failure au the pert - of the
city and county to meet the interest falling due,
would seriously. affect the business relations of
their citizens; expressing a firm conviction', that
their reputation for integrity will not be allowed
to be impaired;. and deprecating the effect of the
proceedings of the late County ConventiOn, and
calling upon the people •tocennteract the effects
of ihat , Convention.
The friends of the Hon. Wm B. HEED, honored
him with a, public dinner at the La Pierre. House,
on last Monday, previous to his departure,for
Chins.. •
INIAPENDENV of the North. , 4meziean, upon
his return from the late railroad:excursion; to the
West; states that he traveled' three ihousand five
hundred miles, in an absence from home of twenty
days, and that he rested thirteen of these.
The EPISCOPALIANS Of•the: Quaker City - do not
alloy their zeal in' church extension' tozi be inter-.
minted. They have a' fine 'lair church 'now. in
progress ;Wand on the '26th for' May -the corner
stones of tyre Jiew 'enter'prises were laid in one
afternoon. The 'matter' edifice' is to' be called
Trinity MissitiC Chapel, • tind situatedi ,
On the
corner of Tvierity-Secend LootoitHtriets..
The larger edifice to be called the Chnreleof the
Holy Trinity, is located at the corner of Walnut
Street and Rittenhouse •Square, one of the finest
points Intim city.,
The HaTionanSarzry p`~,-,of Philadelphia,
has .now a capital t „ef . $1,500,000,, in s zeal estate,
mortgages, ground rents, and othar i first alms se
curities. , . '
The. Jornuottx, of < the Mantua
Presbyterien-churel, haa oeunn r eneed out-door
preaehing„•on Sabbath ... afternoon, in that-bean.
tif6(lPlia,*.ordthe satidieneetrfare enT
conging, and 'the attention to the preaellit,
the Word, good
Two. BENEVOLENT GENTLEMEN have pled 2 ,3
themselves to the editors of the Presbyteri an,
one thousand acres of land, each, for IValles,e,
ivilii; r 3g - to come to this country.
Trim _Ronner of the Cross, in Philadelphia, an q
the Churchman, of New York, formerly agreeinz.
in High Churchism, are now engaged in a Eer c ,
war of , words, breathing but little of the spirit ft
The Cuturmartou of the Presbyterian SaG l .7!;
School Visitor, has reached fifty thousand. It
published semi-monthly, at $7 for forty copies,
$lO for s4ty, and one, hundred for $l7.
Rev. Ross SEVENSON has been called
West Sishacopillas, Pa.; also to Farmin g ,
ton, 111. We have not learned whetlie :
Mr. Stevenson has decided on acceptiu , :
either of these calls.
Rev. JOHN M. G - ALLOWAY'S Post Office ad.
dress is changed from Steubenville, Ohj o
to Clearfield, Pa., whither he has remov e d
to take charge of Presbyterian ehurcli
in that place. Correspondents and oth
ers, will please note the change.
Mr. JAMES A. MCINTYRE, a student of the
Western Theological Seminary, was
licensed to preach the Gospel, by the
Presbytery of Allegheny City, On Tues.
day, the 16th inst.
Mr. THos. G. SMITH has received a ca ll
from the Fourth church, Cincinnati,
Ohio; Mr. Thos. F. Courtleyow one from
the church of Williamsburgh, Ohio ; and
Mr. James H. Clark, one from the church.
es of Pisgah and Somerset, Ohio.
The pastoral relation existing between the
Rev. S. F. PORTER, and the churches of
Frenehtown and Kingwoood, New Jer
sey, has been dissolved; by the Presbytery
of Raritan.
Rev. LEWIS GANo's Post Office address is
changed from 'White Hall, New York, to
Albany, Illinois.
Rev. Mr. WOODROW, D.D.,has removed from
Worthington, Ohio, to Nicholasville Kv.,
to take , charge of.theTresbyterian Chid
in that place., '
Rev. J. P. BREATEges Post Office address
is changed, from Franklin, Decatur Coun
ty, lowa, to Leon, lowa.
Rev. JOHN WISEMAN has received a unani.
mous call to become - the pastor of the
Presbyterian •church in Greenfield, Ohio.
Rev.:J,osEPrt G. SYMMES was installed pas
tor Of the First Presbyterian cburch, Cran
berry, ‘T., on the 28th tilt., by a cone.
Trattee cf . the Presbytery of New Brans-
Rev. T. W. SIMPSON was installed pastor
of.-the :Springfield. and Mount Paran
churchesi •Md., on the 7th inst.
Rev. S..M; Coomes Post Oirme address is
changed-from Clearfield, Pa., to Walker,
Centre' County, Pa.
Mr. T. R. IlAnalnA.m. was ordained to the
Gospel.ministry on Sabbath, May 24th,
by the Presbytery of New Orleans.
Rev.. C. BEACH . hai preached his farewell
sermon: to the <church in Woodville,
• . Wil
kinson County, Mississippi. The church
is now vacant.
For the Presbyteried Banner and Advocate.
TheOitigietti Seminaries.
MR. EDITOR :—Prompted solely by a de
sirefor the welfare of - our Zion, I ask a small
'pace in :your columns, ,on the question of
-Theological Seminaries. The subject is
one-involving, deeply, the cause of-Christian
beneficence, 'and for this, as well as many
other reasons should - be seriouslyconsidered
and discussed., The present juncture seem
to be , appropriate.foi such discussion. We
need light, and-light is elicited by sober dis
cussiorr. The design of the writer is not so
much to discuss thisquestim himself, as to
evoke discussion from, abler pens. As to
the policy , of 4stablishing and endowing
Theological Seminaries*,-. we regard it as not
only .Wisetand judicious, but as fully settled,
end not now. reconsidered. Some dh , -
advantages,- We - freely confess, attach to the
trainingg-uf young3nort for the ministry, in
Theological halls ; yet the advantages, all
things considered, ,so manifestly preponder
ate, as- to preclude all - just ground of con
trovemy on this phase of the sulject. There
-are, however,- two.,Other phases of the ques
tion, whicitzeralay - no means so obvious, and
which,ought to be.-much-more fully consid
ered and- examined -by the-, whole Presbyte
rian Church. I mean, Ist, the multiplica
tion of Theological Institutions; and 2d, the
multiplication` of Professors in those Institu
tions. -
There-is quite a, general impression, Mr.
Editor, abroad in the Church, tha the
manifest tendencyto multiplying Theologi
cal Seminaries:n, the South and West, is in
jurious'and: unwise. Dr. Prime, of the New
York. Observ'er deVelops 'this impression,
in a late i ssue of his excellent periodical, in
the following language, viz: "The Old
School Church is pursuing the very donbt
,ful policy of mtiltiplying Theological Senli
nariee in - the West, :The might have added,
the South," instead or fostering one or to+
that Will,with.far greater economy and e 5
cieriey educate all the students the churches
will furnish. 'One first-rate school is better
than half a dozen second-rate." A lane
majority of the Church; I venture to affirm,
both temisteriaLand laical, will cordially re
spond to the justice of these Temarks. Carl
.there possiblybe any necessary for some half
a dozen' such Institutions at - the present
time, in our branch of the; Chinch ? Certain
ly not. Aid if not demanded by the laces
. sides 'Of die Church, the policy.of their mai:
ApliCation evinces:a blind extravagance 0'
both men and money, in their support alla
endowment. - -At the. present time, we has . '
not morel (if so many,) than three hundred
students prosecuting -study preparatory to
: the ministry. Of course, three Institution!.
instead of six, with on e hundred students ti
each,.cotild Conveniently accommodate theta
- !:.Neatly-one half of this whole number
has ofteirteen a Princeton at one time ,
with Out any Complaint. so far as known to
the rviiritsiythat they were overstocked ,
What loss weld:possibly accrue to the cause
of` - ministerial education, from a reduction,
!' from; six4o - :three Theological Institutieo•
1, The three South of Mason's Line, at Prince
Edward ; Danville , have prob
alily all ;
told, not more than one hundred
studentS. Why should not these three
in be r.
- engrossed one first-class Seminary, looted
at -either of those places ? What a savit);
of men and money I - What increased
ciencywouldprobably be given to the la°'
business -of Theological • *education 1-a7
stead - of. three -feebly sustained, sickly lB
stitutions—gasping for life, with an aggre
gate of less than one .hundred students --4
Theological school of the first grade in t he
number and • , qualifications of its Professor:
in the cbmpleteness , of its endowment, and
in the number of its students, would at once
Irise up *the South," and would be to tu
ywholetSOutly.what -Princeton, thirty Yeats