Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, May 23, 1857, Image 4

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    gittrark Botices.
BOOKS sent to as fora Notice, Neill be duly
attended to. Those trout publishers in Phila.
delphia, NOW YOIrK*ASZCag
. alisky be left at aux
Philadelphia OfitoeAll South 10th dt.,bolovt
choithut i In oars of Joseph M. Wilson* BM.
nal or Historical division. By Charles Pettit
ifellnaine, D. D. Thirteenth thousand 7, pp.
408, 12ttio. Philadelphia Smith 4. English.
This is one of the hest popular works within
our knotfiedge, on the important subject of which
it treats. It h is a book which is easily and pleas
antly read; it is entertaining and instructive;,
it draws the reader along, enlightening his mind,
and affecting his heart. The . young find them :
selvee attracted; and the ladies enjoy the - study.
It Should he in, every family, Which may not be
&Weedy well supplied with treatises on the Evi
The work is extensively reeommended by the min.;
Wars of our own Churoh ; and'by xnultitudes of
distinguished clergymen of other denominations.
Mr. Lewis,
, Agent for the sale of the book, is
visiting PittsbitrgiCand - the neighboring towns,
saad.offersit at the reinarkably low price of fifty
EarzoTl9llAoAzimi. , : The May No. of the Bo
lactic is, enibeliehed 'by a splendid likeness of
Handel, and presents a rich Table of Contents.
The articles' on Philip It and hia , thnes, and on
Mrs. Howring's Poinis, will beeread with peculiar.
lat(o9 B t4t . -
PLouutqlsoom; foi• 111 . tiyi
is before us, enriched - with:a . . Taxistrof exueltini,
Family and Private us. With the Text coal
plete. By the. Bev. .7: C. Byle, B. A., Christ
Church; Oxford Rector of Heiraingham,
folk; 4utbar " Living or Dead ;" " Rich or
Poor;" " Priest, Puritan, and Preacher," &c.,
ST.MATTHEW: 12m0., pp.' 413. New York:
Robert Carter 4. Bros. 1857.
Happily Mr. RYle's works are so well known
in this country that we need not occupy our space
in characterizing them. We believe that the lia
ner first made the American public' aware of the
value of his 'Writings; by the publication entire
of seiner of 'his earliet written tracts. We hail
the appearanne of every volttme or tract which
proceeds from'his_ien.— The one before us is well
suited to fill Up's: vacancy in our •religious Mara.
tare. The author had three objects in view in
preparing - it. He intended it for use at fam
ily-prayers ; as an aid to those who visit the sick
and. the , poor ; and for private devotional reading.
The ,book is well suited for each of these uses.
A portion of the text , is given, and , then 'follows
the comment, and few notes are added when
special ditllculties 'occur:'' bue_regard is paid
to the length of each comment, and consequently
the'use of the volume will not needlessly prolong
the'family devotional exercise. This book hos
our hearty approval, and we pray that it, may go
forth with an abundant blessing from the great
Head of the Church.
Tau Omra.BßANorr, or White Oak Farm. 12m0.,
pp. 329. Philadelphia :d. B. Lippincott f co.
The author of this tale has constructed it-on
the principle that Slavery per se is not un•Scrip
tural; and his object is to 'show how bondage
may exist in connexion with gentleness, kindness,'
and the other Christian virtues. He offers it to
the North and the South as an Olive Branch in
all good faith and Christian affection.
BLACKWOOD'S Mactaziss, (April, 1857. New
York: Leonard Scott d• C 0.,) contains All
Pool's Day, or the Rival Robbers; a Political
Pantomime. This is a caustic article on Lord
Palinerston and the Ministry. 2. Scenes of
Clerical/Life, No. IL 3. Mr. Gilfd's Love-Story,
Part IL 4. Afoot. 5. BotanY and Brigands in
Greece. 6. The Athelings, Part XI. 7. The Land
of Gold. 8. Meleagher's Lament for his Wife
Heliodora. 0. Remonstrance with Dickens. 10.
Letters front a Light Donee:No. lIL "The lasit
article, which hears on the-home 'policy' of Brit
ain, is exceedingly powerful. The number is a
good one. •
VIEW. Bi-montbly. - Edited by Dra...Groas and
Richardson. Philadelphia : Lippiricou, Grainbo
t Co. • =
The third number of this excellent journal is
before us. It sustains the - high character of its
,predepeSsorti: ' The subjects are arranged under
tithe general heads, viz.: Analytical and Criti
cal Reviews; Otiginal ComMunications ; and a
Bi-monthly Periscope. The last is sub-divided
into Surgery; 'Prude:ll Medicine, Pathology,
Therapeutice and Materia Medina, Obstetrics,
and an Editor's Table, which may be called an
agreeable melange of subjects, semi-medical in
character. The works reviewed are, , Broca on
Aneurisms and.their Treatirtent, (continued from
March No.;) Jewell on Historical Sketches of
Quarantine ; Medical Notes and Refinotions, by
Sir Henry , Rolland, liart.; and, a. Report on the
causes which impede the progress of American
Medical Literature, by S. D. Gross, M. D.
These are none of the namby-pamby thingasuch
as come to us ih some journals'dignified with the
nome of "
.Reviews." They, are thorough, dis
criminating,' and:scholar-like. The able editors
seem to have cermet ideas of the reepensibilities
of the profeision at large;and" of th'eniselves as
medical journalists. We commend the Review to
our professional readere. While their arduous
duties leave them little time for reading large
works on specialities, a:good journal, by the mat
ter being condensed, will keep them posted up in
their` profesidn, with cemparatively little labor.
They can have none better for this 'purpose than
the Renleia. It is to; lie had of the Publishers, or
from .7: bl. Bookseller, South Tenth
Street, Philadelphia.
BLIND Tom, or the Lost Found. 18mo., pp. , 816.
Philadelphia : William. S. and Alfred Martial,
No. 144 Chestnut Street. 1867.
This little work is admirably written.. It, is
exceedingly true to nature, and fraught with Gos
pel instruction for the young. n ' , We hope to see
another volume from the same pea, as soon as the
labor of preparation will permit. Parents will
find this an excellent juvenile book.
EVELYNE GREY. By J. Macgowan, 'anther of Aunt
'Edith; EbroOe Egerton; Clara Stanlei &e.
181ao, pp. 872. Philadelphia: William S. and
• Alfred Martien. 1857.
Tom, this is a really valuable book
for young Pertions. The author is well known as
an eminently , . successful writer of instructive
works for youth, the tales mentionedin the title
page of the volume' before-us havixtg had an ex
tensive circulation.
Ti* Ilimv - Elwr TOKEN. A Gift=Boek for Chris
time.- By D. A. ..flarshoz. 12m0., pp. 491
New York : H Dayton'. 1867,
If we mistake not, this book will take a high
place In 'our religious and devotional literature.
It well deserves a place on the household shelf,
beside the Fourfold State, The Pilgrim and The
Saints Rest., The yolume contains four (link*
,parts or treatises: The first is &Voted to :the
A ' Love of Christ;" the theMa of the second is
"Christ and Min Ciuoified;" the third, which is
occupied with the incidents of the' Divine life, is
entitled " Wanderings 'of , a • Pilgrim ;" and the
f9itith appropriately friale ,of
: , 11nd." We have been greatlY,l)leMfOlith' this
volume It m rteatlytgottupyaha in every way.
niied to form a - valuable gift book. Our desire
to see the work extensively circulated, leads 1:19
to suggest to the pubil6hers, the propriety of pre
paring nn edition in which each of the parts
would form a distinct volume. For travelers and
sick beds, such neat little volumes would be in
irnr'the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Bible Narratives.—No. 30.
OEN. XXii : 20-24.
When Abraham started, at the first call
of God, in company with his aged father,
Tenth, and with Lot, the son of Baran,
Nahor was left at the old residence, in %Jr
of the Chaldees —Gen. xi : 29-31. •Na
hor, as well
,as Abraham, seems to have been
a son of Terah's old age, as he certainly, as
some think Abraham was,,is married to, his
neice, the sister of Lot, whose father was
born to Terah in the seventy-first year: of
his age, (Gen. xi: 20,) while Abraham is
not born till in his one ; hundred and thirty
first year.—Gen xi.: .32 ; comp. xii. : 4.
It is evident-that Nahor continued his
settled life in , lff of the Chaldees fora great
while; for'we 'find - hint here' when Eliezer,
the servant of Abraham, goes to Mesopota
mia for B,dbeka h. - Gen— xx.iv 10: Though
perhaps a part of - hie faMily removed to
Etalatir at the departure of Abraham and
Lot for Cpaan, in Order to hold Possession
of ~this new.settlefeent Or At may be.that
tabarocaute,thither in, after years, to ,dwell
in the 43oun try ' shepherds , . • do, having.
,nothing: More- than a 'lotted , home:•--Gen.
xxix : 4, 5.
From Beersheba, the present residence of
Abraham, to Haran, via Damascus, is not
less than one'hundred and' fifty leagues. If
Ur of 'the Chaldees was from fifty to seventy
five leagues farther East, as we think wag
its. most probable site, then the homes of the
two brothers were not less than six hundred
miles apart. It would require almost an
entire 'inoon, - or maiith; for 'a - corkiiiiiirof
'travelers to pass from the one place to, the
other. A difficulty no less formidable than
that of the distance, would be the political
hostility 'in Which the countries betieert
stood toward each other. ,Though ;there
would be communication 'between Nineyah.
beyond Ur, and the country of the Pentopo
lis, while it remained tributary, (Gen. xiv,:
4,5,) yet the war of the 'kings, with the '
part Abraham took in it, may have closed.
thiS channel of communication between him
and' his. kindred who still dwelt in the coun
try of his nativity. Even if caravans of
traders, or of eraigrants, cad pass back and
forth from Mesopotamia- to Egypt, Abra
ham seems to have business or so
oiaF intercourse with the latter country,
since his unhappy difficulty with the court
of Pharaoh, on account of his wife.—Gen.
xii : 20. ,
Language, too, would be an obstiale in
this, age of the -world, in the way of the
transmission of news. It >is but a few
generations since the miraculous cot:di:talon
of tongues; and, as yet, men have not
overcome the barrier'to that extent to Which
they did afterwards, .by interpreters.—Gen.
xlii : 28. This barrier to family intercourse
from distant places, would not have. been
much in the way where the languagnwas
the lame, if written characters were now
used.. But it, is, probable that, as yet,
writing, if it had an existence at all, was in
a very rude state; not that man had feebler
powers in' those than in later ages, but be
cause, with his long 'life, and his dePend
enee on direct communication from heaven,
through the medium of one common speech,
for religious truth, he did not need 'written
language. As God introduced -providential
restraints, such as distinetion of language,
for the mere tffective government of a sin
ful race, so
. Ire arranged for the proper
transmission of revelation by, a written
record, when the Church must beconie sev
ered from the world, and must pass through
it as a little stream of mountain water flow
ing in the midst of stagnant marshes:' Tra
dition will be affected by its medium '''and it
will vary with-the views of the ige4hatut
ters it A revelation, for the use of fixture
ages, must, therefore; be written. For this
end, God gave iviadoni to the Hebrew' race
to form a written language. In the age of
Noses, this language seems to have attained
its highest rdegree of perfeetion:` And as
We find, centuries after the age of Moses,
very little progress made in 'communicating
thought by charatters or letters in nations
remote from Syria and Egypt, we may ra
tionally conchide that written language was
first used, to any great extent, for recording
the messages of mercy and wrath- front
heaven to men; as when GGd 'Wrote with
his finger the law upon tables of stone.
Letters containing news could, `not, there
fore, pass between the two brothers Abra
ham.and Nahor.
Religion, alio, or the antagoniiin between
the true and thee false, would be likely to
alienate, as it' did,' far distant frienda. No
principle'of thishumati heart will contribute
more to fan the fire of hatred; if once -kin
dled in the bosom, than the religious one.
If there is a fixed belief in the for of
piety attended to,,and if long existing ens
tom, as •well as present earthly t prosperity,•
add their sanction to the rites and worship
observed; alittle company of those truly
the people of God, though they do follow
the path marked plainly by an angel of the
Lord, will be despised. The men `of 'the
world and those whose religious rites but
sear go,nacience, and pulp*, the , path. 'to
hell, do'`not seettufiklititfliielt shines from
heaven to guide God's little flock. = Thus
Abraham may have leen counted visionary
by the multitudes of the great empires `of
Chedorlaomer and Pharaoh. His own
friends, whom he 'could not persuade to 'go
with him in search of a' "better country,"
may have cast him off Nut all sympathy
and friendly intercourse , for a time. Not
until they heard that the God he was serving
was', blessing him in earthly . as well , as
heavenly things, would they send such news
as that recorded in these verses.
It was now half a century since Abraham
bad -left;..llaran ; and about fifteen years
more since be had removed from Ur of the
Chidddel. The, Bible .account, „with the
manner of its. introduction, leads to the con
clusion, that during all this period no news
came from the City of Nahor to the tented
home of Abraham. But now, a little while
before Sarah dies, some one bears, news
which would be talked over with great
pleasure by the aged' patriarch and his be
loved wife; and perhaps, by many of the
aged servantsur subjects of Abraham .to
whom the names of
_Zialior and %foal).
would- still be familiar, and perhaps their
remembrane,e precious.
The Bible is written' as a record of the
plan of Redemption, andlts bleforiiit Parts
are the annals of the evolution of this plan
toward, completion. Thiis i, great empires of
early, ,times are hardly noticed. Whole
centuries of the history of-entire races are
plotiOd si4noe.' It is only -when. the
oivioltiAtivitetostime Wayocoixiiecteld lith-!the
Chaimlo, thatitßeitaitnottareAllenit'Ori
A, A A,!;_,
~~E ~ilblC.
cred penmen. Therefore, bad it not been
that wives for the patriarch sucep.ssors 'of
Abraham must come from the house of Na
hor—and were it not in order to describe
the origin of several tribes. which after
wards yielded proselytes,nr which step& in'
hostility to the Church of Israel 7 ---the
house of Nahor would have beenlost to his
tory. as the very names of some great kings
of 'Egypt, whose pyramids we see, *bile
the builders - are long since forgotten by air
men. Though
,fentales are not - generally.
named, yet here a chief, design :is . give.
the genealogy .of the, future: wife of; :Isaac,
Huz or Us ' Bus, and Aram, agrandson, are namednaect either to sho* that; the old faraily" ,
names were retained; (Gen: 23„)Or:as the
fathers of. tribes which, little later r figure.
in sacred bistory.—Job. , i : 1; • xxxii :.2
That the title Aratnite, or Syrian' came- front ,
' the elder Aram (Geri, 10
dent from the fact that Bethtiel so
(Gen xxviii ; 5,) though be. is the uncle
the later Aram. ,• -Chesed, .thaldee, was;
perhaps so named teshoti , the attachment
of Nahor 'to this. form of idolatty; Other-'
wise,the and ,Chaldean are.
carried.,backlrolu the. age of Moses,, and ap
plied to this. one, , the time they
were not , The descendants of Abe:
other. sons are among their 'kindred,: 'as
the children of , ketiirah* aMcing 'rah.
=elites: TEey are perhaps :411 included
under: the .rgeneral peopleoef.
the 'East."G.i.trixt t 11 , ~ •1
Weleein fibin thia brief 'aceitint' - cif the,'
home of Nahor, that' ptilygataYWas already;
native tethey soil whence, - Abraliam,came. .
arid Ahati,whileAbrabatifcannOtt .oleared;
fr in gall gat for its i introduOtionl'into; hiss;. `
honge, jnOtjhat Slionldliate
the;;beriefiP , the 'eastern;
the lorce of =circumstances, .'which,;Seemed,,i
evan . to his wife, „out. of the -ordinary:course
of thingsWe tili& - lave - cOnfirtned , :rWhaV
is before intimated, that aboitt period
there was s..stagnatien - in !the advance
the population
.of., tlae -.lWhetherit;
bas an extraordinary, or Only.!an ordinary
cause r .i.s-
.not known,.„.Prowdett.pcpulation,..
and difficulty of subsistence, lead to late
Marriages. This ,may::,bave . ' i tilready been
the case in some ; mitiona Of the earth.
The fact, however, is clear. Up to Terab, the
average of ti - generationle'thirty4Wo -years:
—Gen xi 12 25 Terali` is seventy
ydrtiif 'llerati;., and ::on'e'
hundred: :a 0,4 thirty ; ak!:that ;. :Abrab4iii,..
the.daughter.. of zillaran r se s
that he is likely nearly of equal age with
Abrabam.-.- - From-this-to-the- marriage of
Rebekah, the :7 mnd . daughter, ,of-Nahor, is
onehundrecl,and forty,years:Gen.xxi ; :.,
xxv '2O. Jacohishorn,twenty , yearsitence,
and , at-the •ageof .seventylie Marrieg . 60 -
two da.ughtersof Thus„if Rebekah,
Rachel,- and'Lealr,;were youthful Wheithey
became wives of isatic.atid•Jaeob, the aver-`
age of the generations of Nahor, Betbuel,
a nelliiiiii,"*Orildledlierit - seventy:-'years,
and but little less than those :of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob G. W. S.
..Itt:itte:: Nitt.jt:.;
Letters and. Letter Writing.
I - Wonder Whether there is another of
our many privileges bighly prized, yet
as:fiequsntly 'neglected, or as cordially. abused
as that of letter., writing ?
4 t To think rightly'-is of -knowledge; to' speak
fluentlyis of nature. • •
To read willi'proftt is of care ;- but to write attly
. .
is of prantioe. ,
Idea is a shadow ; speech-isfibeting,
as the wind.
Reading., is an unremembered pastime; but a
Writing is eternal." . ,
, Yet how prone tbe - ybung . ~aineng,'
the!alluring endearnienta -of new'honte, new
friends, new cares, and ainVingliushatid,
iniicitisir the - sordi'ellattt
home are expecting the promised letters !
How sadly they ere Wondering, in their
loneliness, whether the pet dove which has
left its nest to seek shelter in a strange
bosom,. 'is happy, is contented Whether; in,
the tieWheme; the .strangersr*ill-'prize,
they have done, the child of their old age . ;
or whether -the young :.•hcadvis,,pining for
oldresting 'plane in . a 'loving mother's,
arms.. Aye,,sister bride,- tbey are looking,
and •loving, and longing; so stealtinie
'their eakes; . to' Write to the aged 'mother a -
cordial` transcript of young heart, which,
till late, hack never a joy or a sorroWunshared !
by her unselfish- sympathy:
And thou, ton; mother, with. thy matron's
cap, and thy silvetAltreaded blur; foiga not
in thy daily household dillies, how dear to
',the young ones away-from thy side, is every
WOrd that °Candi, from that - too' lately ippre- ,
ciated heart'of thine. Remember tbeyoung ,
son- far . away'' among atrankers. Compon,
forks ;not' always the '.trustworthy' trust worthy or' the,
. , .
pure minded, will strive to, lead him to, for
!, get-thy home -counsels,. mod perhaps. -they
may .succeed. How Inoweet then hut- due'
EE Written word - 'from may prove ' the
feather Wanting in the balance, and fin-,
aught thou knowest i may determine his
Course for time, - *reliance for eternity?
how fraught -with strength' to an ' ' over'-'
tempted, tsorely-tried heart,"-thas a letter - from
'a loving mother proven! ,
And the still younger ones; the daughters
at school; they, .too,- need help from- that
magic pen. of thineonother. Thinkest thou
not, that with the prying' eye of strange
criticism,'thelutilage of stern "mestere, and
the feinting' of new intimacies, they' may
.! need, ..,sometimes, , cotiniel
.from thy loving
i! heart ?
For a letter, timely sent; is a rivet
s to
,the,_ o bo n
of affection; .
And' a-letter.untimely- delayed, is as 'to- the
Thepen itowing.with- love, or dipped -black in
hate, ..
Or 'tipped with -delicate courtesies, •or harshly
• edged with censure,
Hath- quickened more good than the' sun, -More
evil-than the sword,
More joy , than .woman's smile, more woe 'than
frowning 'benne
And ehouldst thou ask my judgement of that
which hath-most refit in the -world'?
For answer take thon this; The prudent penning
• . On letter." •
dare say, there is not one; tunong_those
who may read thesejiiies, who has not snugly
laid away somewhere, in trunk or , box,. in
closet or drawer, a pile of old letters. If
there is one, we pity him— r no Mother; he
sister, no friend, no sacred old-time meino
ries, no magician's wand to awaken the
It has seemed to me that the' key to the
vault` in Which lie buried flu Past years; is
bidden haneath the'yellow folds . of some old
manuscript; and if any one is skeptical, let
him sit down as we:have done, alone, some
Winter evening, and undertake to re-read
some of these old time epistles'
See, hew the spirits of the, departed come
thronging!, That grey,paper, with its pale
ink and its tear-stains, comes there not au
.owner 'to , claim it? Aye, a mother; we
InoVrthat by her. Silver -hair, and earnest
deiy eyes; for
44 Alp thg's ,tears near, the lid,
biPtfieenfteara. caunnt.
givrvraYted i ot l yoterbtutftrranalityttobl4
1 ,t, car
_ . ;BAN A
NER A N D D ocA TT •
alone : she wrote to you ; if you re read it,
you will find it, fresh, as when first dictated
by her loving heart, for such things never
grow old. A packet with blue ribbons,
love letters, your sparkling eye tells that, and
now I know that the wand of the enchant-
MPS 'lEt conjuring,up pleasant visions, of hap
py meetings, Of waving tresses, of dewy red
lips, of sweet words and solemn promises.
Well, she who penned those delicate
characters is nothing to you; now; yet the
dream was sweet while it lasted, and for the
sate, of old times, you cannot find heart to
destroy the only remaining evidence that
you were once so gay and lightsome. An
other, With% black seal and long tress of
sunny, hair.- -adead sister ah, time, time,
could haek I Another pack
age, and another memory. The hand that
penile:l-these; is just now handling a bayo
net, but . the heart ;that- dictated them Is,ever, and trneras steel.
Shall I, can I, would 'I bury the past?
No. never. trand ' , in hand with 'Hope,'
walksillremeri,`and Fait h'irithoutMemory is'
no'intireFaith,lrithlindYanaticistn. , Had I.
ceased to trust: in : man, had flost.faitiiin the
promises of God, had I , given tfp ,, hope in
iheiy6444-woUld , say; " destroy them; the&
last'reaorilsOf the past." But now .I 'am
sure--as I picture how:My *the? It:inked,
- when :she said, " Not my , will, but thine,
'oh Lord, be done,"-and-"folding the drapery
of her couch about, Wer,lay downtci'pleatiant,
dreaine--ram sure, I repeat, picturing tcr
have mine:faith to plead, in prayer,
knowing that. God's, promise ,is lo the third
and fourth generation of them that love
ihin'andk 7 :keeplthielifecitnittandatentst: And
'when; 'With' the' lakflienning of her living
3 fititkii4,l4ifere t Ms, I , call to remembrance,
how k wy A sister, with! h ez , meeleeyes Axed on'
,the glories'of the spiritiwbrldi fotind;Strength -
to say, Though-He slay Me,' yet will I trust'
in Elite." lam doubly determined to so
run'the, Chriistiai,race as one who wbuld win
a prize.
`The - Child's Prayer.
BY .110DGEf!iiE,AD, ESQ.
Into her chantler.:wejiP
A little maid, ottellsy,
chair.he knelt•
Jesus, my eyes I close—
Thy, form I. cannot see;
If thou. art nearme, Lord;
I pray thee speak to me.
A still small voice she beard.'within hersonl,,
••• What, is it, child I hear thee—Aelithe the:
"I pray thee,•Lord," she said,
That thou wilt condescend
To tarry , in, ity , heart
And ever be my friend.
The,path oflife in,dark—
f would notlo astray ;
0 ! let me have thy band,
. • -
To lead me in the ' - way."
"Fear not—l will not.leay.e thee, child, alone ;"
She thenght:she felt a still hand
" Th q , telt inn
,I,ordi Oat. =
The living pass away—
The &don' miq die;
And even olitdren may.
. ,
Till I a woman-grow;
They die,i what eau
A little orphan do'
"Year not, my child whatever iit may come,
I'll not forsilie thee till I bring thee home:A
Her Hale pre,yer, was said-
• And ifrom her-chamber-now,
She paste& foith, with the light
Of heaven upon her brow. -
4. Mother, I've seen the Lord—
His hint:tin Ifelt ;
And,-0111 I heauLlOkeay,
Ai by My cilaii.firielti
'Fear not, my child 7 whatever.lll:may come,
111 not foraake thee till I bringith,lome.'"
fiyr tke foung.
A Sisteiii , neaoe
• A little boy of wen, or eight:years r lad
learned to swear. Whenever he heard a
new form of : profane language,, he. would
treasure it up in .his „mind, endihen glory
in astonishing apd . diiitressing:,khe 'servants,
some 'of whom ware pious, by his huge
;unheard' of oaths.
After "a
time, a servant woman' hearing'
!him one day swear most shOckingly, told
it to his eldest .eisier:' She called him ,to
her, their pareittelliging"abient, and told
him .of dielfeseli, wiekedness. He
wept, and most '6f all , when she spoke of
their father,- *Wires sure to administer
stern rebuke and .severe phnithoient.
he begged that hie parents might not be told ,
ofit;- she proposed'not to tell, if he would
promise never to use such language again. ,
The little fellow hesitated, and at length
made promise.
„at I:was - faithfully kept
Though .mingling mith many , evil
! foss, who often sought to. make him swear,
titough , inJmanyirespeists sadly wicked him
self, he neverrafter spoke a word which •be
knew to be profane? Exposure and punish
ment enuld hiive restrained Mellor it'
time i . .160W much - better was this .aietiee ju
ditions coarse ! Many h boy .whosetpreeo,
cious depravity fills his friends which - Ugh . .l?
inight•bo restrained . by the prudent and .
featicana'efforte'Of 'an elder sister.
When this lad -had reached ,the age of
foUrteen, the same' sister . sought him one
day;• andnrged that he ought to become a
Chriatian. She spoke 'of the uncertainty of
life, and the hardening of heart - and every
way increased difficulty which comes with ad
vancing.years ; of.the pleasantieswof piety,
• the ad vantligle
_had,enj . nynd a
religious ednration. iostaritli re
plied laughingly, ,! 0 Oster ) don't talk about
all that now, whet is the use , OrbOthering
myself abut religion now ? Wait till lam
grown up, sister, And then I 'line about it."
Still she ,l eaded , and still he tried to laugh
it off,,, quite ;disheartened, , she said,
"Well MY dear yiiniag . brother,' you know
what you ought to do ;• I pray . God it may
not be said of Yon at last , " You inew,your
duty, and you did it• not.". iihe turned .
away in despair, to weep and pray.
The-bey walked off.whistling a .gay tune,
but the tearfukpye 'and treMulous voice of
his loving aiid,,deitily loved sister, made her
last words sink, into his heart ; he could
not forget themflhe. could not shake off the
solemn irnprinisekm. Though for two
years longer app a rently reckless, he often
remembered that earnest appeal, often trem
bled least ho should die;olten almost deter
mined to 'seek- the , Lord. His sister never
had'the heart to speak" of it again ; and it
. ;!iaailot till several..frears at* he became a
inteliked 'Clifisiinn, Abet.* - .hoe* boaP
poTer62l, -by -iliad been the
, impreesion'. prOdueedv-byher Under- ' an d
Ail learning::..:..: " :*. -
idled**. total':
gaT.t, and pious sister upon her 3, , cunger
brothcr, may be greater in some re , i)Pctx
titan even that tf a mother. Let doter iav
it to heart. They know 'rot bow much
they can accomplish. Even when repulsed
and despairing, they may, by the Divine
blessing, have lodged an arrow of conviction:
Even the eeemingly caretess may in fact be
deeply moved.
Happy Mary.
She moved abbut the house-like a sun
beam. I beard her singing as she passed to
and fro, and her ?mother heard her too, and
said, with a fond smile :_
"It is . Mary ! She• is always the same,
always happy: Ido not ••know , what I=woul'd
do with Out her." ' • '
"I do not know wbat any of us would,do
without Mary,f' *pealed her eldest , daugh
ter, and the rest ;echoed her words.
Her youngest b, caber is of a violent tem
per, and i s' always quarreling with somebodY
but he never qOar,rels with Mary, because
she will not qurrel. with htm,' but, strives
to turn aside h l ts anger by gentle words.
Even her very presence has an • influence
over him
'Banks of Pittsburgh: par
Banks of Philadelphia, par
Bank of Ohamberrbtr.r&
Bank of Geto7sburg, 7A•
'Bank of Middintoirn,. '44
Ranh of Neivaastice,
;Brie bank,.
Farm. .0 lirov..WaYnrorg. 4
'Vranklin bk. Wasbl ngtont par
.Elarrignirg bank.
Batik of Warren,
York bliki •
Inallef Votes, .3(4.
,All.'otber solvent banks,. par
State,hankf, and brandies( se l
otheeolvent bank",
1 NEW intai.fairt;
All eOlvent `
New 'Yea City, Per'
'tt countei„ 3,4
0. a y
A p_x.E,R,T,I-,8 ...Y ..WE N
1141' VALTDS
• •
• , • , DR. J. W.'SVIKAS,..- • '
CALVIN M. torrcri,,
inendwat Ile 'ET. CLAIR TIOTEIL , Pittelanglt, Pa:, till
SA' itliDaY-EY.F-NIG, JUNE 2011., 'where he may be Con.
stilted by I base 'wishing to avail - themselves' of De:C. N.
Fitch'a eyetelb of treaime,nt, ,
The roaktthiation remedial measures adopted by pr.
Teteli and Dr. Sykes hag' been ,o aniPijr teeted. - ad so *build.
itatlY Pray' d b 4 in practice all ,tbat,it claims to be
theury, that its oligirmters do n t'beettate to assert: tli.
their system, reJief . rely' be obtained in all eases,notabee.
Intaig beyond the r ash of remedies.
By 'this plan of treatment. tne advantage of - .Medicinal
earl Sthenetrophie tebelagons Is add:d to ti3MotepprOprit
ant remedies; to renovate andaustain the mar h
•oftlie 'general anatenu and' with `meeliatti , al•
sash ns as the ease reay_inuieate joined- to - nroper etlention
M.M.enelse, didt. , friction, &0., &c., will not only
affer.denore or le;sa relief IM - almost. alreaseChutwill Meet
permanent cared in many ea es, in 'which only partiai ar4
tmacsary • relief could be obtrtitosi frim any one of the
nhyremeasure..ingly, - , gilt although !army otherwise,ietet
case's of omsamption may be tnns relieved, there ' , re - still
marly' , whteh• bard pasitcr-bqoudlOpe ;- mid are
in any may Inc - Heed to a filissascsodusitlious, and so •fusrfu , ;•
lytatetas cons - emotion, carnet lie too carafe' to give heir'.
casts tkteljj attention. The delay even of•a few weeksmay,
in menz cases, turn the scale,agalust the patient.
as - hese it is iosable. , we always prefer +Omsk@ a paixonat
auentisetion , tied 'amp sace - rtein. the - precise Condition
Islip as we wish to undo take tie case whale we have not
ehanoeof deing geed.; and- wdiriali no one to:coin : mit us
who Is sotready to bean the truth'. ;
• Those unable to Whitt is' writing, be earefni to:
lithots.thelr Gil' es frillY:answsi ing 'at length. our. published'
diet o, '4DlReStiOtta, Which wilt is sent to any reguestinglt;
sand the necessary remrdies, as well for diseases:of — the
I..prigeSsrid, merrier*, as for Pentair? titssaiss;,znaybe se4by to sitarist any yr rt of the United States.
— Oonsialtation Eire. OffieWbonis, 10404 eoloolf
St. Clair Rotel; Pittsbnrgli,lday'l2o),ll3s7. [lffYl64l
!ISSUE-ffli 0 IT . TI!..itA: Iknkiriltr-
JU CAN 'ITACT SuCiETy, 363 ChestAAt Street, Phila
he Family Bible, with brief notqf and.instractione;mepa
and tables; including tba references and ntargirisl , eadinga
of the' Polyglot ' Compl te in One vcilanke;l6l9 peva,
tivo. Embossed etteep. Price $2.25
Why Do I Lire? A kind and aident appeal, showing tbe
true end of 'life, the dutioa of. alba , Pliriatiantin:theiveried
rPlatione he stotains c ana his- encouragements and motives
to fidelity. l lt mo. 20. cetitk- or 30 gilt; 'Postage
7 cents.- .
Emeiie Royce Bradley. Ten years a Missionary in Slam.
Pp. lid, limo ^ents or 25 gilt:. Postage 8 cents.
Religion in Common Life. A Sermon preached before the,
Queen of England. • oun4( don "Not slothful in 'business;
fervent in sprit; serving the Lord." Pp. 45;18mo. , Paper •
covers 3 cents, or 10 gift.
Your S •ul : le it • Safe t By the' author •of "Lights-and`
Shadows of Spiritual Life A 4ender, winning ! appeisL: ;
Pp. 48, 18mo. Paper covers 3 . cents..cir 10 gilt., .
These nooks-with any of the Sociiityte publications, mil.
be sent by midi, post-paid, on receipt of the price and post..
ago ahtlexed to each.
rmw TRscrs.
Margaret, the /lawman's Wife. Pp. 8.
The Poorest Of the POiw. Pp. 8. . •
The Soldier. Pp. 8 The Sailor. Pp. 8. .
The Power of,the Bible. Pp. 4.
The Sinner attne Jo ignnant Speechlees. Pp. 4.
Handbills. or one page ? Tracts and Hymns, rtcazltlyissuid
tem NiC9ltalli) . l4/1.--- - . - ,
feed-Corn ; or 48 handbills by Ryle. of England; issued
ire a separate packet. Price 6 cents.
• A neyeratalogne of the decletYcompletelist of publics
'4ions. with iprire. and t:ostage•ofoiach book; Cah:alwaya he
had on application at the . TKASA,'T
803 Chestnut Street, one door below Tenth,
.1X .111 ILLIc fgeardidic BOOK
; ,111 Testimony of the Rucks; or tieplor iu Its •••earinee
on the Two Thsoltrgies,'•Natiiral andlte ettled4 By ii Ugh
Hiller.. Just received and for sale by
my2.4t • • • , • 61 Market-bited,: :
inaIOSBYTISRIAN„ 413001 L. adoßtS.-:-T11:11.:„
is "now Sfell fninisbeit with till the
docuiotthe Presbyterian Board'of Pnbllcatioh,andsepeelilW
with tbose that tun anitable for Sabbath . School Libreria*,
There is alsolt"good supply of nearly 400 additional'illutiniq
attested with specie carerframilis nummtull tinbilcatiOnfi
of the, biessastinsetts 8:8: sbdety, tnifilonnWS
. . .. . • • •
Orders (top sny . . Eszt.ol'Aliegoontry. will be promapey ate
tended to by addretninittie ettbisidber'. Mousy riirObekiint
Iby mallet our; risk • . ..... .
.. ~
Aleo, a good supply of stationery.
uovl7 .. . • :..7A MRB e... 'IRWIN, Libeiriavo•
(Successor to Bailey & Renshaw,
' 258 Liberty 'Street,' .
.Has just received big Spring stock of cboico.Farnily Grocer,
.141116 ircinding
• 450 hr. chests choice Green and Black Tout
-60 bags prime Rio Coffee •
•-• .2.5•-• do. do." LagnOta boffee; • -3
.85 mate do. Jam, do.
..! !..
4 hatea do Mocha do. " •
2 1 barrels New York Syrup;, . • .: . • -I.:
6 hhda. Lovering'', strata Syrup;
12 do. prime Porto Rion Sugar; •' '
50 bbk. Lovertug's double relined, SPSIEri •..
25' dd.:Baltimore soft do. do. -
.'Also;-Spiass Pickles, Sauces; Fndts.:l l s l .,6.l Oar
Hams, Dried ierf, de. &c, whoiesals.audirstan.
•Oat.docaos inrolibad, givingesi . eitiiisidiblettstosla
• _
MI , Vat 00XINTIN irEilkEtt,
The present Session will tines CI the. 19th of. March. i The
Bummer genii:hi will ootiniente 'be TiIfIiVWFDNEPDAY
lb( &MIL. This Institu'lon le dellg,ned. for both )ales and
Females. Strt.t attettion Is paid to the impr'vement of
pupils In - ell theme' ietipeetelia which parents dish* most. to
imp their, children advance. To add efficiencp to the ?dueled
D.paitiatwt, the services of Prof. Laiderer. lateet Ger
many, adadiably - ipialifod for the stadkon, have b.ien Fe
cared. Prof Larder.r will also give instroctlen in the Ger
man lam:rune. For terms, 2e, see Imblbihod l Oatalogue.
fe2R . . .
Ohmic/4 iichool for Ynneg Gentleden.--The - neat
Term begins on Monday, June let. Boarders: $l6O . per an
num. French spoken in the femily. For Oircnista ltd.
Ballston Slut,. BslSat go
— 319 Liberty Street. 1 ittoburgb. Pa., minufitetitres—
, steam Engines, of all slum atorronted bat quality;
Steam lioilers of stomped Juniata Iron ;
Portable Flour Mills; Smut Maobittes;.• • .•
French Rurr Mill atones, Mill Irons, Mill Sera% aistian
Proof 800.
lie also iseepr on hand, Bolting Cloths, nix Belting,*aad
all exti-lee in the lino.
Ordeis felled with dierateh. toy 9 titn
laud and stucco work ; Hydraulic Cement for °Warns,
public: works, Le, always on band, at 319 Liberty Street,
littaburgh W. WW. WALLA.C.Ir.
2(1110tiL FOlh. littYS—Mount Joy, Lancaster °minty,
Penna —E. L. 510011. h, A. SL, Print ip.i.
To parents desirous of edncating their sons 'abroad, this
Institution present.. the inducements:
. Ist. The location Leone of unsurpansed healthiness.
2d. The moral itdiuencee of the place arehighly favorable
to a proper development of character;
ltd. The Principal is assisted lu the different departrifenta
by teachers of es perience. and ability.
4th. The boat-dug pupLia..are limited to such a number
only as can't e pleasantly and comfortably accommodated,
and receive those individual attentions regarding their
health, manners, morals, and Audios, their ab...,ence from
home requires.
sth. It I, eerily accessible from almost any point by rail
6th. The, expenses are moderate, *being. bet $150.00 per
ecliclastic year of ten months, Including board, washing,
tultfori, fuel, and lights. German,•Ftench, and' Music are
extra: .
Pupils are admitted-at any time.
. .
References of. the t Igbest, respectability given, if desired.
For fu , ther partioulam, address the Principal.
JUIF SABBATH S OII OOMI7- 3 :Piiiii 76 deliiitgLjtisti ptitAiditd
forfsiU by, r. ,ifit.10826201tat610.4
. • .14V ; dei4thS4VVitetSb
NEW JklEtitEra intiAwAult
All melvent
etit banks,
All solv,vp.,t . .banka, 2
An - solvent
lAD solvirif hanks, 8
All achvent ;ban/ : .4:
AU a
- rtinikNe ` • ,
State bank and;,tannehasi f 511
Bank of 'StateOf kftekiourt.
• .
1616 r, ktfir61n6.,c64364k 6.
solvent - be.n:§s, • • • -' ' 8
All solvent 'beaks,
Inlimirt . 'A 94,1:1 1 UY OF' TEN TEADAERS.
and the School Rapidly Ire rearing.
Awarded to this Onilege r by the ()pie. viehigan. and Penn
sylvania cote Fars: in 1865 and 1818, fotihe beet Business
and Ornamental Writing
Taught bTamractical Wain. ss man, who published a popu
lar work on Book keeping RS early an 1819. In no other
Commercial College is Book , heepinse tang& by a Teacher
having an equal amount of, experience in teaching, and
Business Practice.
TERMS, &e.
Pull Commercial Course, time unlimited, - - - - gro"u-
Aiersgetitue toricOm plot. a thorOUgh Course;43tol2.weaks
Can enter at any. time—review, st pleasure- .Board per week,
$250 to $BOO. Prices tor tuition aid board--healthiest
city, in the Union—lts ' great , ivariety • or , business, , make it.
tho cheapest and most avallable point in the Pnitrd States.
for young non to gain a Basilian Education, and obtain sit
, ..
Siterimentr of Writing, and Circular, Font free of &ire
Addooso - - . • F. INT: JENSIN4I.•rr•
fediPittsburgh, Pa.
Dlor•FE. , , 101 irk ID AMT I L JEV POLLEGA*9
Founded in IEOIO, and.inoorporated by the Legislature of
Permaylvania,'lrltb perpetual charter.
rk4 4sevest Wive of the7iind fa the United States 1
His Enceliency, the Hon. James Buchanan, President
fff tla. United Staten.
Hon Judge Wilkins, Hon. Charles Naylor,
Hon. Jruitee Hampton, General J. K. Moorhead,
Hon: Judge , Lowrie. 'WP
indent of the Faculty—P.M:fn . , author of the 4 .lCcrth
Anierimn A rconotee t."
The liNvulty intdrulSe tire Preferscire if liook4teepirs: and •
from :eight to ran. other .Professurs and, Lectortraitneindingi
one of the best tenmon in the United States.
About 4,000 itudents rare coitipltted'avir Commeitial
educattoi. in thie Itmitution. large mit:abets of them now
autev g -the moat euceesefta and honorettmerehants In the
Pamphlet 'Circolara, with sterimena of our Penniati'a
writing. mailed to'all'paea of the country.
Sindentg belle acreas ton btu ary of 3.000 voiumea. ' '-
DUFF'S Rolgt. ILICEPINO. Flarprea new enl.opti editioo /
pp. 222. rola) octavo. Price $1 50; rstage 21 cents.
DUFI O B - BTitti.BIBOAT 1800K-ILVEPII:G. Price 'sl.oo
,pet,tiale hy - .l . llthe principal Booksellers. eplB-tf
Wig did .11P400% V G: INSTITUTE,
MP. • DIXON;iIiLINOIBr-,•Thie , lestitntiou, underchaw ,
of the PisalZrx
eof ROA' RlYer, is now open for - The reeep
tion 'of atud4nta; • lligehig a location plignant, healthful and'
*.asi , of Losses, with':aii able and effinient corps °flew:hers:
it is hoped thatAt will receive Abe, patronage of tbe.publie ,
For terms of Aujtion board, &e.. apply to any ; gerubor
Bock River Presbyter y; or toibe - President of the Inistltri-
rime isk6uP.R.fx 'rue onntIPTAL liPtkel.rE
A., ORA A IM—Part t. Full directions according to the
Oriental Art , ertianing- the wildest Horse or nolt." Patt'2:
GeheralOare oflthe Horse. Part 3. Diseases and their Care.
'IMP!. Plot the - took' toi the Farmer, Lirery'Stsbier. and'
for these engaged lu leaching:the Ar.blan'Art The whole
will he eeat to an) part of the United:Astra. (posspsid,) tor
25 cent; ali r tOpieir for UAW' Address . .
MO • E. It.SWCinelinati,
uL .t,
O. II 4I 4) T H., NOCO P U ' An t A'; I. '
The Winter eleiadon, of floe montheorill commence the tint
Wednesday M Novembei. • '
Expenses, for Boarding, Fnel,Xight andTnition In the Pm.
glint' branches. $6O per &lesion. Ancient and Modern' Lan
griagee,'elibb iss. 'Lesions on the Pitincii wed 11141 of IMrtrcto
meat., $l6: Painting and Drawing, each $5. • Or- the pay !
meet of 160, will ineludi the wtiole.
A daily stage connects with the care atbliowark, DeL,and.
also at Parkeebnrg, Pa. Address
J. M. I DlONalri'or
Oxford,Sept. 20, 1856 SAMUEL RICFIIS I .OO7-01,. ,a,
ter r c triro is . le milt km irs'iM V-. 11
Jim L. GI. 4518.1 hit at.d IV 8. ALEX/IP/Dick Principals.--
Tins Institution itz located in Kf kacoquilles H'al'ey—st
noted for IVanty of wenery and beititliftilceis. and Pa being
the home of Logan, the Indian Chief... This, Eleminaz;y .
orb Hs tare opportunities to male 'and female pupils, fzif
gulring a thorough Adulation. • .
The shzdies pursued in both,Departments are tboae.beet
Maculated ttio , develop the. mind, end irhich hUvtfbeen Wp
proved, tuid *coition , taught by the mostesperiencied and
succvs‘Tul t , echere. The students of this Institution art
removed as far as;pastdble froantemptation; as.ttis entire*
in the country.
The Principals sot only devote their entire time to the
personal instruction and comfort of the pupilatbut they
pre assisted by Several tea - chars, who are eminently ("Mill
feu. by their ability, and skill. for their:profession:. •
TEIRSIS., $66 00 per Bese.on of five months,: $27 60 .„FaTt•
bie in advance: For • thh s u m, the • student is'entitl 7 if to
board.: tuition in Englit h. and furnished. taints A ;clednoz
tion of five dollars made for clergymen's dm:telttry, apd for
orphans.' Light,:loet; and omitting. at ttie renew:4 the*
student. The common charges for Music and the Lan-
The Pennsylvania Central iivilroad.- which coohecitisiikkat,
Italtimn e, Ptdladelplhia, ec! York. and Pittel;urgb; paws
through Lewistown, Pa.: tenlniles 'run - the Betnidarl:kle
this place, Eh/daunt can take the..cosch for
there conveyances may be proeured ; or Lir re-tiffe'd, the ' Pidir"
ripele.wilLmeet-thetn there, with .convey Ince from•the.Sear
The next Sewlon commences on the lit of May: ANIT.Od.
*logien, containing full information, addreso • .
L. O. BRIER and H. 8. ALK.B.4Nigne;‘ .. ..
ap. ishitaiguillek•Ra.
. a. The Presbyterian Board of Publication have lately ad.
ded•ttr their Catalogue the following valuableandlibdrinatJ
lug books for the Fabbath Schad and the Family: .
Dar with the'llapeakers. Written fOr'thiZoo4of
_Publication. 18moo '--PTIC 6 lb C"
2 The Piret Sabbath Excursion, and its Conseq u ences
3 Smo.; pp. 72. Pricel.6 Ma.: . t
3. William. Bartlett. or the _Good Son; The Contested
Feat; Lessons' of the Stare; and Who is , the liappitnittirie
3finro , pp: ICS. Pricelfi'dod 20 cm.
4. Learn to Say 1; 1, or the city Apprentice. Written hi
the Board , of Publication. 18ato., pp. 122. Pzidi
26 mints.
• •„; ;,.. •.:,
5 Footprints of Poperry, or' Pl.cis where Iffarty're bare
Suffered:, .1.9m0.. pp. 177. ?deli 25-and 30 cte: _ • .
6. Rhymes for the Nursery,' IBwo , pp. 91.. Price 20 a n d
25 cants. . ,
7. Select Stories fur . Little .Folke.. compiled. by Addl .
1 , pp. 216. ' Price'3o iiiid 86 eta:" '
B.' Kenneth. Forbes • or sForrrtt en ;Ways Oflttidyin - g:tlie
18mo., pp 838. .Prica 35:and 40 cent&
9. The Child's Scrap Bock. Compiled by the Editor. 18mn.,
pp 144. Price 20 and 26 - eamta: • •
70. Gems from the Coral-Islands. - Wroteen Poleynesla;
compri/ing the Blew ; Dehrldes Group,. the Loyalty Group,
and tho,Now Caledonia Group. By the Bev. William Gill,
Itet otonga. 12nt0.; pp:232. ' Price 60 Cents. • •
-11 Gems from the iliilan'ds or lockientis6f:Controst
betweensElavage and:Christian Life, of the Broth Sea
ere ay tho xev. William Gill,. o!,/latiltopgx.
l'olynesia, comprising the •Barbtoitga 'Group, i i enrbytild•
lands and • Seise/ Island. With 43 engravings.
pp 280. Price 76 cts. • .' • • •.;
12. Faith and Works,. or the-. Teaching „iiof the, dijistlell
r ani Jamte, on the Doettine etiluitifiittioreperf
Darnionloua: By L. 11. Christinn, Pskov , of the Pi rif.arPfeit.
hyterien church, .Philadelphia, lame..., -pp; 138:
and 25 cents:,
to be' Converted * Chirlat
13 ' By Whom lathe World . . or lane
Chriet's ktepiii4er.tativet and- Agente for.; the Conversion of
the World by the ROT.: Thcbles Sinyth, D.• D. Published
hr request of the. Sy nod offiSouth Carolina. 16m0., pp.:108.
Pries 20 sod 25 cts.
• 'l4. -The Cleesthates, or•Hte College Bei - tied.. Pi a Pi:4;4114-
terian,mtuiAter. : 181 no .; pp,tE•s t.Price
.15. The. Pned.tytothret,„bneenEe Peolmodist. Thohies
llastinge. Pp: 258: PriciiBo'eenti.
- ,
JOSEPH 'l'. -ENGLES; PnhHebleg Agent.
; ;Etght i jr . ChestnnttSt.....enitahettpldo:
TE: 4 7 111 4 "/' itif - T - '1 A . 49 ;
• • the public ' •
where may be found a large • assoFtment oolllrirtrybk:so •
liry, Goods, required in • furnishing .; :honer, thin itathill'
the Unable' usually eipeiiiinced • ire-iiiinting suah , altrollie
i i :various •plaires. - In eonsequinee -ofmnstigiving, onnysit-1
intion to
. ;this kind of steak, to theoexedirs!,:aof .I'4lllol
ad fancy goods,
• we.can krinsiantei:our irty and'lim;
is be the moat favorable in • the market: • •- • • ••• A
ke ere' able to give perfect eatielaation, being i lhe,swim.
ieraatiefisb Lnisk Sweat IN. TEE OiTY 4 haring bat!
more 'than twenty years. *regular Importers frourialie
;if the 'Fiest ' , minctfacturerelln Irebind. .We - .saffer, abort
Forge stook of
tt the best qualities to tai l obtained, andne the Tery'lawes
trice& • • Also,. Blankets, , Quilts; Shadings. Tiskingrj
task Table Cloths, and -Napkins, ;Dwellings, I.biapers,
jleackabacs, Table and Piano Covers, ,Dann4tca• and Mo.
gawk Lace and Stislin Outtains,-Dlinitiee;lnrnitnre
thhataes, Window Shadings. Ac.,
• 8. W. oorner OiIf,STNTIT and SEVENTB,
0110.:tr lnglidelphia. •
14I1TUY619•II;iA:B`•R,O; o;T:l.Bit'
On the same Block with NiLlo's" Glaiden,.arid
Thomas' Church. I- •"
Rooms 50 cents to $2OO per dfy.
Or, $2OO per day for Rooms and-Board. •
Rninteer, this hones. obe Of the Cooleitt d beet Ten
-I.llaftid io the city; And all Wttiter it cow 111162 d An thout the
Me temp/Tatum of. the tropics, ,being heated thoroughly and
throughont steam. • • •
mh2t4m* •
. ~.
Fr............,.N LOC K S : OF 'Mk
WORLIViire oily striplings in coat; ($6 id $9, orlf
made gunpowder proof, $lO, and less at wholasalaT; The
teat which they have endured is unparalleled. The great
sat lock-pickers in the world: 'Stimulated - by the offer of a
large premium ion several years, have soughtin vain far
ft clue to pick them. They not,only bid defiance to all lock
pickers,,.but the offer .of Two -Tnoutuarna:/dtikaaT6S(PiCk
kg is continued to Junerlfitin with ample guaranty.. The
world is challenged for a competitor to produce a lock of
equal value, for five times Ito . o oetwhether it is need for
the epecie•vanit, night latch, or desk.
:S.ll. .wooDErßamoz; .
24 !Perth Amboy, N. J.
- •
mg; S . E. WOODS/4.0Z," 81 :— . -Youhave been awarded an
hodorable mention; with. special ipprobation i for bnrglar
proof Locks and Night Latehea. They were considered by
the jury to merit all, that you • claim, ea being the
cheapest, and at the same throe, the safest and most &arable
Locke on exhibition,'and i-valuable acquisitibittestiraiiem.
munity. Yours, truly,. .
R.... .. , .. 1 .1z,,.; ~ ,
Commissioner of it . Mles; Crystal PalTseT,"*4Vltlik''''
iy2Zeowly* • , • '. .
.. • •
Wa re.RT, Pltteburgle; dealer', in Watnli*leiintry,iind
'FIKIRTAIBIsTi!,, /FLOUR REILLISic-4,, .01051.017111.,
W••• ' • PeRIBER ie manu.acturing Portable Fioni Mithi, of
rt quality superi o r for einiplicity and d- t !
to any now
ionise. i Ttiey can be driven bynattpuni waer;
anintraibertnen othorsepower,
and will prov au acquisition to iron tes, stock feeders,
e. ' enlis
Many persons throughout the country, who have enrpins
powei.i or nower, tmly7employed a , parksofithe 141130 on..otherl
imeittece, bilatroduolng pup ot.iwore ,Dr, the mills ,into
. 1
i heir eatablialimeiite Mai iirentlY benefit tterni.lvea.' Two '
r-f thew milli (28 Mehra in dhiMtei.) dna
4 ' 4 4,121)
• • bushels feed per-loos ,Almotheit tlonring ‘theat can Neiman
daft* lu operation at the 011 and,Feeil Mill er3.res,ratall
• •cum,•& 013..-14beomeatent 14Alieny.
Or dtri l 2 l lled with dinimigb
_._ _ PC:lJ : m r.iw i lirl i -Va1..p.. !.
'-'-' - }P ' I T I R ID t'i ':' .O AI aw-mwmpqmpreftwmarib. S,
VI I • STKA t•a44•1.1.: ire :t Iv %
and 3z Liberty Ft,
Tablt ta. and tirarest,,,... ; . t,
Furnitura and itVa.b mond Tops std 'togy•sity . " .
by machin.ry In less limo and bint.r t.
dont , by mere manual labor. Fur trular attt
the manufacture of
of which we have generally • n hand, h our ,
a ler4o variety of beautiful pat terns. nue aof it e
sign and Domestic Marble. Builders' and
are invited to examine onr stock of 31ateta1a. a .;.....
auseed that aftrr doing Fo, e. , ""d lea' tine s •
upw yds) hundreds of perwme who now ecabider
yon,' the it means, will be unwilling to rem-in
out "urchoslng• one or wore. They are an
room, are always neat, require no paint, aad enru
fire. •
ll,ara k Stowni mode to order.
Ot.r stork is the largest in the West: and e ,,.
turei bythe aid of meebinery, is worthy th q idt , tt ;
purchasers. Orders fallettgrlth di patch.
Av. S W. W .111.61
319 Liberty treet,
snbecriber, being provided with Raw
Meilen, and a great variety of Priutine Type, mid
lkswes, is prepared to execute Auy a.acrip um
palinippet f e, Cards, Bills, Labels, to.
, rent Deeds, Blank Books Paper and 964inai n .
J T. Bflayik:`
No. 84 Mtn Street, as
FttsbrawAl•Dez a. 18/A
• JOAN 0. MEAD A sows. ctured tr
The oldest and most experienced n.rcmo Maim. •
United FtatPs.
The most elaborate and richest patter-,
in America.
N45:16 South Ninth Street, above Cheortr..
Near the Girard FlNtp..
X. J. R. EAT6N.L . I. W.Tilloto Unlit , ' sity, 7 etirfo t ,!.
Teoneeeee, Pays Notstithektanding the irrprular
fir'. 8. A. Allen)) World's flair Restore . dr. the fit!'tt; •
of hair ceased, and my grey loam were resteh d
original color."
Vey M TIIACITER, (60 years of age.) Pitcher. e
.Co.. N.Y.: ..!*ly bsir Is now restored to its MUM,.
MA cea ses to fail
• •It•EY. WM: CU'i . TMEL Zd:Motlier's Maritime, T •
bait la clisagwi_to ns to.ral color."-de.
• • Fn .. ,y ) ,. D. D.; concord N. Ur "Nl7:bsirat:.
war. grey, le now,rrstored to its natural color.' At
ELL D. CLEN DRNIN,Clikap. 111. : ran add al• •
grid rocrminirrid to my frierds "
.11.MY.,D T. WOOD...Middletown, N.Y.: " M - eu i, : •.
grs - etly tbirkened also that of one of my tam!). • L
becoming bald
..1 . .h . V.J P. TUSTIN. Charleston, S. C.: "The ablt : !
bewiinhig obviarea. , and new hair forming " &e.
!tiff A YRINK, Surer Creek. N.'4.: "It has T,:
a Bond effect 1311 my hair, and I can and hare
'REV. A. BLANCHARD. Meriden, N. IL: "We thick,
higiblv of 'Ponr pipp.rtitoti," &e.
DRY. LC SMITH, Prartsbureth. N. Y.: "I ivaPPeg v ,
to tho my grey Voir fungi as aims T wa.q young."
JOS. MrILED; Pertor. of Wept D R. etrireVS •
R.I'V D. NIORRIS. Cross River, N. Y.; MRS. Her
PRATT, Minden. N. Y. •
We might swell this lint; but if not COTTincei, TIT
Or World's Moir Dressing '.'is essential to ups • ith
strAer, and is the bast flair Dv-arsine for old orroont.4-
bt'ng 'often efficacious in Me of hair failing, ke. erl
the Restorer., ' .
"re; hairmi, Bald, eitrnone afflicted with disonies t :
hair or scalp', read the a re. and jndge of
''T DOES'NOT SOIL OR STAIN. Sold byall M.. int
wi.oleenle and retail merchant in the United Stater„f
or Canada.
.T. PLE‘incia, Agent. Pittsburgh
.11111- Some dealer' try to eel) ar•feirs instead nt . t!
wbich they make more profit. Write to Depot fur f;r• - .,
and information. sit•rt •
toots AND stions,' nouTs AN D
—=JAMES ROBB, NO. BO Market Street, bets
Market Hones and Fifth. Street, would call the Ram:
' hip friends and custoisiers, and all others who may few: l ;
wiih tbeirtnide, that for the fornre be will be facade.
New Shoe. Store. as above, with an entirely hew Rea
Bo.ts, ShOes,.Gaitera. , Slll4:eirs; Palm Leaf. Pedal, Triads
If 6 to Braid Zlats , 4c .;,consisting in part of, Gents' Far; i^; rongressflaiters. Oxford Ties, &0., &e.;
and Children' Fancy Boots, Gaiters. Ties. Mire, &e..
be•mtlfal; Boys' and Youths' Drees Boots, Sheer, Tier r.
Ria sfopLis one of the Largest over opened in tbiP 'Atte
sir briteese4erythlng warn by the ladies of Pbitadeli Opp
Nee.Torkiand,.ho trusts, aampot , fall pleam all. fee
care hes been taken in selecting the choicest goodsar
contipuee to manufacture, as heretofore.C:.
iitipticins . clf Matta and Shoes; and hip long eir..tio • •
°Tar tFtnt7,yektire to bueineesjin this city is. he truPtme
doient guaranty that those who'Lsvor him with thettmy
iiilrbelldits 'dealt with ' alt
LLIUWATRIag,&.BONS, No. 21. 8. THIRD le.'•
kit 'and Mastoid Streets, Philadelphia, Lan`
sal* _ ,••
!rid LPatas 'Ripe, Tanner'. CM; Tam
timpriglAT'p Toole at.the lowest prices, and urn the
- 411111hiaill dizal..Leether the rough. hesnte:
whielithe highest market pates will be given in
o r
tgliiiiiirtenrehabre-for nide, • lanther *nth& teem 47
nal gild on eoinculinien.
1 f SAFETY TRUST alnut Streit,
liV ant corner of TLird. Philadelphia.
Incorporated Ly_the State of Pennsylvania.
'ffilmey is renelvedir; an) 'anin. l large or rn all air
fp:rm the day,of deposit to the day of nithdrent:
The office is open 'every day ,ficim in
till 7.o'cloek .in Life - evening, and on Monday and Inn :
o %enin."tiUß,o'clock-
nterest Piyo'Per i Cent:
-Ail 'an:p r ier's!. sznalL,Kepaidbaclr in goki, on LK
w'thout nOtice, to any &Mount.
• Thimeirtnpany:confinee ittetruitinees entirely to ti*
Ingot money,op Intel% et... The inveetments, amount::
nearly olar lifi 'LION 'A ND'A HALF OF DOI). slZe:
prehli%hed.• repel* ofiSSillfTS, : are made in conimmiz"
the ptovisions of the Charter, in SEAL .I , FTSTF. '
GAGEK'GROllND:RllNTS;and'lnichltirstclarr EMI rit.
wilL..alw,ays insure , perfect security to the dr; 0,1 Or. • .
which canner' fail to give 'perinineney and ttablli(y
old and welkestablishedlnstrpstion. jolly
ittEttel:o,4.'ieittlyttte d< REITN
practice of )
rine snii7Snrgery.. , ,Oflce, in. Dr. Hines residence, No.
kali - Street, ppp_oeite the CattedraL
miillstiend•at the °giro* daily. end may de d:
snited at litrindhlinnee, in liast kilt:say. in theme
e„ld eveninci.
tin HI Wf • 11AS IMO 0 .
..:VOJEWllieliing: Agent and Trresorer. f t do;
lowing Church elererprines. ill the Synods of, priTsuria
. 2 /Br. Gen 6 rel Allm'lntdVec BOARD OF MAJESTIC 3r.:
SIGNS; ,the General Asseanbly'a BOARD OF ELIA - Art!
TEE, (St.,,Lauisi; and.the• FUND ,FOR SIIPERANECArt:
Correapondenta.eill.pieaee address him as below, at=
diatincqy the Presbytery and Church, ;ram which roar:.
1.501111 lAre 'll4rit."; and when a receipt is required by no .
rams of the pas; office and Darn fy.
Adlie'retbfore, monthly reports will be made thread's
Pre l fbrterion•Banner antif.gdecateand the, Pews and For
!heard. J. D. WILLIAMS, Tres-urer.
114 Smith fi hi Stye*
Pittsburgh. lb
ilk..Nr:* • T,•4 A.. -A • .B. L. I S DS.
'IIISBS OciraiSECONTY Ettriet, above Market, P 131.04 ti
. 7 2trisilarowt - ,.ehealie: at; and best assortment of P: e
ItANC.DILINDE of 4 aay other establishment in the rz
, XIINBStPAPUO..prt 'apt 17 attondo4l to. Give W. a -
'mkt siGsfy viii
iiL're ivigie ORE MAN r
mu t: 664 iilloutAPOUliTil• Street, below
Stam Die‘tilikini'and Engraving, Diem Deng I .:
Tebpea Fed with Buelneas Cerde , Donis:copeck 1:1'
apes, selfeealed and printed directions, Paper Bag: it k.
Aultariata; grouses; k.e.,• for ':petting up garden ma
.tP4O/ 1 , 4 1.. of all kinds, viz : Cards, BN•Head°, is
..;•ENGRAVING 'of Visiting and Wedding Card%
veMpee to , f!t. exactly, 'of •the finest English, Freud'
American paper.
Envelopes made to order of any else, gasp**.
miptlemr..Converyancer's Envelopes for deed., tesvtr.-•
. oldpaperapitc., made in the best manner by
Tvid. COL--• •
gent .
• . by rpm* or as per egreauw- ,
' eip/44Y;
o RAN A-BmA , TIHP M en 0 0 L ft, 13 / -13.
psor. Jacobus's Totes on John, new edition.
.4 at Mark and Luke , new cdirk:•
•Question'Books on the sam, , Interweaving the ;he ,.
On klattliCw, with Catechism annesed,) V
On'kfirk and Luke,' ' 6 each 1.5.•
• 4. oc , ;be •two volumes. bound in one,
.On Jolin e •witb Catechism also annexed, 1 tO
"They' terild be forwarded to say address, if Pre( r
to ' • ' JAMES A )raft'!?:,
Pres. Board of Oolportsge.:Se. Oleic ft.
' • . JOTIN S. DAI
6b Market Street, i ftieT.•
WM. S. Essr , •l l ,
St. Clair Street, Pitt,"'"
1 . Elitlqlrf LLOYD. . . i ... ,A•
' ' K ENSINI6II T O iV:I/Roi9 WOII7IE6—I ,
ore i t e li
i • & BLAC K, Manufacuirers of Far, Sh.rt 1 .'"4.
A ogle Iron, piai.4l, and Spikes; also, Flat Bar-l'oneB 6
rood I iiii):: . :..)
A - 4013-- -14A.1111011 LOOKS, b6.Y
Thlid BtreM *bare Vine Williamspet.
.li. arvolo!
____COTINSELOR AT LAW; and SOlieltff
1 4 1 11*. No. 133 Fourth Btreet, above tht o'r r
",,,E l ll42,•Pittsborgh, Po-
P P 11.11 —nvw sPRIN O
TERNS.—Fine mom and hail Paper }}wri t ;
rmedium do.; oak and plain_ parierl ceiling end ofltrc '.
1t ~el~et and flowered bordrra. centre piece,. it'.'.
Wall Paper; a large stock of tranvia.. rot end 0 15'
Ebadee • S. C. CPCSSA S %.
. spit N. _ 6 Fedora } Street, Allretienli
1 3.—Experioneed Paper-flanging emplopd:_,ige
irAtitERVIIEW WlTHsprig ED PI igv r •
QOaßt. one Answered in Se.riptnre Lang , W- r.
Loyal Young. With recommendation b, the Eer•X :-
Ott. and introdoction by Rev. Dr Jacobus [lir!
BY !nail, ,pre•pald, SO cents. JlDlet piabllibed and
JOHN S DarfrAl v
el Market Street, Pittlbine—
AlrilerriitAia ACADEMY. AT A IRV V• F
t ii #
1- ' Tviikinrora Valley, Juniata oourary. Pa, ° D4 ":: go
I 4,
mile from
.the. PerrYgvine Station of Penns,' tau
[ rl'''H'll or t i rinmeil3ensiont will commence " m"6"Y. 0 „....
, Itt:
Whole expenge:per gegslcu of treetptcf Z :
I re ' rit " lrd " ab°M; Tration; Wracking and Inriderarelg.: s- • !*
PPe i'illihnitgiotivance.
:'' I /11 4 11, o ki 8 'i
.4astiatittaelowridosiartDAlVlr D r 8.....„,...... j ' f'
' e