Eastern Summary BOSTON of the formal and Afessenger, says, that in eight of the New England 110 States, the NUNBSIt or BAPTISTS is mail less than ten years ago. The cause 3erease is attributed to the large emigre t.ward ; but, at the same time, it is stated, Western Baptist churches have not re correspond' uv increase. ,rty.third nnnual meeting of the Arum -IST PunmeArtoN Socvery, WaS held in , the 13th inst. The number of stereo ;es now owned by this Society, is forty. mud and eleven. The whole number of inted during the year, is twenty-three four hundred and thirty-eight thousand. ipts have beet, $48,00; the expenses, A history of the Church of Christ, earliest age to the present time, is now of preparation under the auspices of Great attention has been lately with regard to the early history , of the denominations in this country. have just been purchased in Boston, NORMIATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, 30, (11 Which extensive and elegant tre to be erected for its valuable Libra tuitional collections illustrative of early history and literature; also, for the ao ion cf the various other Societies of nation, and for a public reading deign is, to make this place a kind us Exchange, where clergymen and the Congregational order, from all I;ind, may meet for conference and .2 7 Cln of HARVARD COLLEGE have .utions condemnatory of the Secret, or ,er societies, formed in connexion with the literary Institutions of the land. will probably receive the approbation the Presidents and Professors in our The Commencement at Harvard will thiF year, on the 16th of July. The celebration is to be held hereafter only 'tree years—the year in which the Tri alogue is issued. This year, the cele ill take place the day after Commence ti Oration will be delivered by the Hon. rerett. NEW YORK THOMAS J. OAKLEY, Judge of the Court of New York, died on the 12th was one of the most distinguished jurists of the State. His loss is univer- ME vrietors of the New York Times offer a OF $4,000, for such information as will he apprehension and conviction of the or murderers; of the late Dr. Burden. ;ed motive for this, is the absence of 'orts from other quarters. exercises of the graduating Class of THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, were held on the 11th inst. The graduates num- .aty•ono. ibrary of the late Rev. DR. SOIVROEDXRP d at auction on Tuesday, the 12th contained some old and valuable books its collections. Watson's London Poly le, with an Appendix and Lexicon— of which is given in nine languages— lB2. One of the same edition of this ly sold in London for $360. The ~almud, in twelve volumes, sold for !I' volume. A manuscript copy of the ... the Arabic language, brought $2.26. Thesaurus Ecolesiastious, in two volumes, for $7 per volume. Bomber's Rabbini :, an old work, in four volumes, printed e, from the Library of the Earl of Oa sold for only $2 per volume., The al bidders were Dr. Cogswell, of the Astor Dr. Cruse, of the Library of the Union ;al Seminary, and a secondhand book- . the corner of Fulton and Nassau Streets. New York STATE COLONIZATION SOCILETY twenty fifth Anniversary in the Rev. Dr. church, on Tuesday evening, thel2th ,121e011 Phelps, President of the Society, the Chair. The Annual Report, which very favorable amount of the last year, by the Corresponding Secretary, Rev. Pinney. Addresses were delivered by r. Francis Burns, (colored,) a resident of for the last twenty years, and by the Rev. rune. The receipts of this Society for the , as well as the receipts of all the other it Societies having New York for the operations, have been placed, for con of reference, in another column, to •efer our readers. irtyseeond Anniversary of the Amnnr- LIT SOCIETY was held on the following the same church. The audience was very Chief Justice Williams, of Connecticut, The great objeot of interest was the the Investigating Committee, appointed ;9. After a few remarks by the Hon. Fri:linghuysen, in which he bore testi the readiness with which every facility work assigned the Committee had been by the officers of the Society, the Re read by Judge Jessup, of Pennsylvania. ,rent subject of discussion, at the time of hutment of the Committee, was the rela- the Society to the subject of Slavery', we resolutions proposed by the Committee and also the resolution with respect to the or emendation of works published by .ty iation to publishing upon the subject of the Committee recommend the adoption flowing resolutions, as marking out the iscrimi nation between what the American misty, according to its Constitution, may not publish : 4, That the American Tract Society was .:(1 for a definite purpose, namely: ",To knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as mr of sinners, and to promote the inter nal godliness and sound morality, by the on of religious tracts calculated to re approbation of all evangelical Chris- That this Society cannot, therefore, with itself to be made a special organ of f religious or moral reform, mech. as Anti-Popery; Anti-Slavery, ; :Li', its proper sphere, its influence istaiii the cause of truth and righteous- I derartmentt3. ii, That in endeavoring to accomplish its d holy mission, the Society should deal uledly, and bear impartial testimony all forma of fundamental doctrinal error immorality, prevailing', fn vithroxid ,art of our country. veil, That in the judgment of your Com the ratifieal aspects of Slavery tie entirely Use proper sphere of this Society, and cannot zed in its publications : but that those moral , iet, grow out of the existence of Slavery, as ho.,e moral evils and vises which it is known wad which are condsmned in Scripture, och drplored by evangelical Christians, un. y d, i LII within the province of this Society, and ought to be discussed in a fraternal and •1. That whatever considerations in the are met this 'day to express our sorrow at the die , h.‘v,i seemed to recommend to the Pub- pensation which has removed the pastor whom we C. , n,olittee the course pursued in its loved, and whose instructions and example, we or , rthin works, yet, in the future pub- prized, to tender our sympathy to the bereaved of hookm and tracts, no alteration or family, and to acknowledge His sovereignty who I ”I she sentiments of any author should has directed the event. Lot w rks not adapted to the design of Resolved, That we sensibly realize ,our,grcat ety in their original form, or by a regular • loss, and mourn because' we will here see his face a .bri,kent2nt, should he No oily omitted. no more: .that we will cherish his memory for led to the Report is a statement of the the estimable qualities of his mind and heart, of' the Society, since, its formation to the and because he loved us and spent his strength to - serve time. During that period, viz., thifty- , . Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the UT, 4,508,340,551 pages have been cirou- tifilltded;Amily in their sore bereavement, and this and foreign lands. The receipts of commend them to their covenant keeping God, •ive who says to them , " Let thy widows trust in me;" liety for these thirty two years, exelus fora judge bt the fatfatherless' ;and the widow, is : •eceipts for rents,° have been : D,oteons God,izthisiholydfabitation. wit oi;-,e :- ° , • • is, $2,180,716.87 ; sales, $8,306461.63 e•••.&..soeldrheitt-While`vre sorely feel'thh. stroke —teaaliiiag a total of $5,4fir,,8G7.70. On motion of the Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, of the Taber nacle church, seconded by Horace Holden, Esq., an elder in Dr. Spring's church, the Report was adopted without a dissenting voice. The annual sermon before the New York BIBLE SOCIETY was preached on Sabbath evening, the 10th inst., by Rev. M. L. P. Thompson, D.D., of Buffalo, from Matt. xvii : 19. On the same evening, the annual sermon before the AMERICAN HOBIE MISSIONARY SOCIETY was preached in Dr. Adams' church, on Madison Square, by the Rev. Dr. Sturtevant, President of Illinois College, from Matt x.: 5, 6. At the annual meeting of the Directors of this Society, held on the morning of the following Thursday; the late action of the Committee with regard to churches containing slaveholders, would seem to have been indorsed, for the same Committee was unanimously re-elected. The annual meeting in behalf of the AMERI CAN BOARD OF CODIMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MIS• SIGNS was held on Friday morning, the 15th inst. From the annual ,Report, it appears that the losses of this Board by the late troubles at Can ton, amount to $14,000. We clip, the following from the account given by the Times: The receipts of the 'board are $29,000 ahead of last year. Thirteen thousand dollars were asked for the building of the missionary packet Morning Bear, and $28,000 were contributed. The handsome surplus remaining is set aside to keep the vessel in repair. • , The speakers at yesterday's meeting were rep resentatives from Asia, Africa, and the Sandwich' Islands. Rev. Albert Bushnell presented the results of the operations of the year in the Gaboon Mission, in West 'Africa ; Rev. E., 'J. Beckwith, President of Oahu College, spoke of the Sandwich Islands; Rev. Dr. Riggs told, of Constantinople; Rev. Benjamin Schneider spoke for Aintab,- in Turkey; Rev. T. Dwight Hunt, appeared for California; and Rev. H. D. GBREID," of this city, spoke for missions generally, and New York in particular. Dr. Rigg's pressed the necessity for the establishment of mission stations in Wallachia and Moldavia. Mr. Schneider 'gave an entertaining account of the progress of missions in Aintab and its vicinity. The Annual Sermon before the 'APOIMOiII AND Foitztax-CnnisvAN UNION, was. preached in Di. Asa D. Smith's chivoh, by the Rev. Dr. Forsyth, of Newburg, New York, from Luke xxiv , 47. The Annual Collation of the - CONGEROATIONAL UNION, came off on Thursday evening, the 14th inet., at the City Assembly RoTns. Wm. M. Everts, son of the late Dr. Jeremiah Everts, pre sided. During the evening, addresses were made by Rev. R. W. Clarke, of Broeklyn, Rev. Dr. John Tod, of Pittsfield, Mass., Rev. Dudley A. Tyng, of Philadelphia, Rev. Dr. Wilkes; of Mon treal, Rev. John M. Krebs, D. D., of the Old School Presbyterian Church, Rev. Mr. Williams, of Mosul, and others. On the same evening, the DISOIPLBS OF SWE DENBORG celebrated'the centennial anniversary of their order; and on the following evening a, dis course was delivered in Hope Chapel, by Prof.. Bush, on the doctrines, present condition, and future prospects of their Church.' PHILADELPHIA. . „ The Rev. Joms A. 'COLLIiie, distinguished and active minister of the -Methodist Episcopal Church, and well known in the Middle States, died on the 7th inst. The Annual Meeting of the PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL &cum was held in Dr. Brainard's church, on Pine Street, on Monday evening, the • 11th hot. Henry J. Williams, Esq., occupied the Chair. This Society is composed of the two General Assemblies, the Associate Reformed, Se ceders, and Covenanters. At this meeting, the other division of the Covenanters, commonly called "Old Side," was added to the Society., The Society unanimously adopted the act of in corporation lately granted by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. The Annual Report was pre sented by Dr. Van Rensselaer. In this Report, a very feeling and just' tribute was paid to the former Secretary, the late Rev. Richard Webster. This Society resolved, Ist, to publish an annual volume of transactions ; 2d, to make an effort to raise $lO,OOO as a permanent fund; Bd, as it will be, next year, • just one hundred years'from the re-union of the Synods in 1758; it was resolved to memorialize the two General Assemblies on the subject of celebrating the event in some creditable, way. We clip the following proceed ings from the American Preebyierian : After the adoption of the Report, the follow ing yelics were presented to the Society, accom panied by addresses which seemed to be interest ing to those present : By the senior editor of this paper, a Sermon preached by Rev. Robert Cooper, called "Courage in a Good Cause," one year before the Declaration of Independence, to Col. Montgomery's battalion of troops under arms, at Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. Mr. Wal lace read several extracts, which had in them the true ring of the old. - metal. This was followed by some, remarks by the Rev. S. J. Baird,' in which be stated that John Knox 'laid it down ex pressly, in his works, that kings held their thrones by the election of the people, and could be lawfully deposed if they violated the Consti tution of the realm. Rev. George Duffield, Jr., then presented a MS. Salmon of his great-grand father, Rev. George Duffield, D. D., preached in 1777. It added greatly to the interest of the oc oasion, that Dr. Duffield was not only chaplain to the first Congress, in conjunction with the ven erable Bishop White, bat also ,the first pastor of the Pine Street churoh, and lies buried beneath the floor of the building in ivhichthe Society was then assembled. Dr. Brainerd then expressed his gratification at welcoming the Society to Old Pine Street church, and added some rerainis. ; comes of Dr. Duffield, which he had received from old members of his congregation; among other things, they said that Dr. Duffield, in• a sermon, declared to the men of Ids congregation that they ought to be ashamed to be staying at honie when the army needed soldiers and soon after joined the army himself, of which he bad been elected chaplain. Dr. B. coneludedby pre smiting to the Society a scarce volume of the Sermons of Gilbert Tennent. The following persons were then elected officers of the Society for the ensuing ,year : .Prisident.—Rev. Dr. Forsyth, 'of Newburg, New York.' - . Vice Presiderete.—Rev. •Dr Elliott, Allegheny City ; Rev. Dr. Brainerd, Philadelphia ; Rey. Dr. McLeod, New York City; Rev. Dr. Beveridge, and Rev. Dr. Pressly, Allegheny City. •‘' - • Correeponding Secritary.--=-Rev. Samuel J. Bal'id WoodblirY,'N. J. Recording Secretary.—Rev. Dr. , Dales, Phila delphia. „Executive•Cotnrnitice.--Rev. Dr. Van Rensselser, Philadelphia; Rev. Dr, Backus, Baltimore ; E. Hazard, Esq., Philadelphia ' Henry I. Williams, Esq., Philadelphia'; Rev. Geo. Duffield, Jr., Philadelphia; Rev.' Benj. J. Wallace, Philadel phia ; Rev. Dr. Dales, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. Cooper, Philadelphia; George H. Stuart, Esq., Philadelphia;, Rev. Tho Mas H. Beveridge, Phila delphia. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Appreciation of the late Rev. L. W. BY THE CONEBEGATIOI 4 . A meeting of the congregations of Landisburg, Centre and Upper, which composed the pastoral charge, of the Rev. L. W. 'Williams, deceased, convened at the Centre, on - Thursday, the 14th inst. WHEREAS, The Head.of the Church has taken our beloved Rastor to his reward, therefore we TH RES 13YTERIAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. which has terminated the life of our lamented pastor in the midst of his usefulness, yet we do not murmur or complain ; but desire to how sub missively to the will of Him who inflicted it, and say. " Not our will, but thine he done." Resolved, That these proceedings he published in the Banner and Advocate, and Presbyterian, and also that a copy be sent to the afflicted family. JAMES CLARK, Chairman. J. A. Linn, Secretary. BY STUDENTS OF TUSCABOILA ACADEMY The students of Tuscarora Aestlemy, in a meet ing held May 15th, 1851, adopted the following resolutions relative to the death of the late Rev. L. W. Williams: Resolved, That we express our deep and heart felt sorrow at this sudden and unexpected dis pensation of Divine Providence ; while at the same time we bow with Christian submission to the voice which ever speaks in love, and say, " Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy Bight." Resolved, That the deceased, while laboring among us during the revival of last Winter, en deared himself to us by his faithful and forcible presentation of truth—his solOnn warnings, his affectionate exhortations, and Jespecially by his earnest solicitude for our eternal. welfare. Resolved, That we tender to his sorrowing friends and bereaved family our heart-felt sym pathies. Resolved, That these resolutions be transmitted to the Banner and Advocate, and the Presbyterian, for - publication; and oapybe sent to hie J. A. PATTERSON, 1 , . W. ' S. W. PUMROY, . Committee . - B. NOTT BOSWORTU, t • , - = J. H. Wnsort. ;., . . . S. L. Fisler, Secretary:. . . For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate `Mendota,. MENDOTA, ILLINOIS, May 8, 1857. REV. D.' Mdii.INNEY, D D —Dear Bro. then:—By request, h forward to you a few facts connected with the interest of relig,ion in the Presbyterian Church in this part of Northern Illinois. *4- The edifice, erected at this place by, the First Presbyterian congregation of Men dota, was on Sabbath last (3d instant,) dedicated to the worship of the triune God, and Rev. J. S. Henderion installed pastor by a committee of the Presbytery of Chica go. Rev. 3. McKinney preached the ser mon, presided and gave the charge to the -pastor," and Rev. C. R. charged the people and offered the concluding prayer.k The building is substantial and neat, and has been well, furnished by the ladies of the congregation. Edifice and lot worth about $5,000. All free from. debt. This has been .accomplished in part, by the liberality of the citizens of 'Mendota and vicinity, and in part by the aid of the Church Extension Committee:of the General Assembly'of our Church, the importance of which cannot be fully estimated. 4n the same day the Sacrament of the Lord's. Supper was observed. Ten mem- bers were added on, examination and by certificate. Cur hearts rejoiced, as we compared.the present with the past. Not since the organization of our .church were we permitted to sit thus in the house of the Lord and celebrate the death. of the Saviour. We. said "How amiable are thy tabernacles 0, Lord of hosts." This congregation was organized August, 1855, with five members. The labors of the present pastor commenced about two months after the organization of the congregation. Since then, forty-seven members have been added; We are enabled to say, "The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad." -- Mendota is a rapidly . growing town of from 2000 to 2300 inhabitants, loGated in the centre of' the most desirable part of Northern, Illinois; 88 miles from Chicago, at the junction of the Illinois Central, Quincy and. Burlington and Joliett, Mendota, and Albany Railroads; is three years old. Presbyterian families desiring to emigrate to the rich and fertile plains of Illinois, will find this a healthful and desirable point, with the advantages of a pleasant topa6rega tion, a good house of worship, and theMen dota.Collegiate Institute affording' all need ful facilities for securing for their children of both sexes a thorough Christian educa tion. May the great Head-of the Church eon tinue to smile on the efforts of his people, and to his name shall. be the praise. .ens ptgartment. ;' : RUMS.' • The important bearing of , Ilansas upon the sal cial well-being of ,the whole country, makes it the duty of a journalist to give the leading news relative to affairs; when matters rdiable can tr e known. Unhappily this is notalways the case. Partizans have been so much in the habit of in venting, exaggerating, and misstating things, that 1 it is almost impossible, ordinarily, to feel confi i dent :that . we have' before us:' .:It is now, however, an ascertained fact, that there is free access by the Missouri and that immigrants in great numbers are flocking thither. , The absorbing question at present, is the foi l:nation. of a State Constitution. The registry of - voters, taken under the Territorial law,, is com plained of as defective, partial, and' incorrect. Hence the Free-State men talk of not voting for Delegates to the Convention. If they - shall not vote, nothing can be.expeeted but the election of pro-slavery men, and hence 'a Constitution of that type. But the , labors of the Convention must ,be submitted: to,the people; and if, then, there is the large majority ,of Free-State' men which is claimed, and if the election shall be fair, the Constittition will be rejected. This will sub ject the Territory to another effort and some de lay, before'it can be recognized in the sisterhood of ;States. Let parties, however active and zeal ous, be also patient and honest, and things' may come right the end, the :majority will rule. Governor Walker last - week took the oath of office, at Washington, and departed for the Tetri tory. He is a gentleman of much firmness; and of great administrative ability. His birth and education were in Pennsylvania. His political - . life was developed hi , 'Be is regarded as Southern in his feelings. We see thatleading men, North and South, accord to him a fixedness of purpose to act uprightly. In an address, publishetlin , the E Y. Times, delivered by the Governor; just before setting out 1 for Kansas, he.says: "The people of that Territory had a clear and unquestionable right to decide for, them selves upon the adoption of a State Constitution -1:-andanytattempt on the part of anY Convention, or any other body of men, however respectable and influential they might be, to impose upon the Territory & Constitution not sanctioned by ..the popular vote, would be a usurpation and a, wrong which could not be tolerated. for a moment.. So far as the utmost exercise of his official powers and his personal influence would go to secure that xenon, Governor Walker said he was determined the people of Kansas should have an opportunity for a full, free and solemn expression of their will upon the adoption of any Constitution that might be framed—after a fair and satisfactory census !, o f a u th e bona fide inhabitants who might be in the Territory at 'the time. Re considered this due to them. It was part of their inherent and inalienable sovereignty. And he'should consider it, "not only a Pettit of law and of officinl duiy, as an officer of the TaTitory, but a point of honor as 1,?, man and et. Or typten,, i ,4o do everything:in his .power toliedoe;t9 oon.the,Vp i n, 4w,nqd puted:::exereisektrttitis fundamentaktight.9- This be:ol:l4lrelitietO be the great point asset:l64llb the peace and welfare of Kangas. If the people could have such a vote, all dissensions would be settled. And he regarded all the past differences —the contests about the Legislature, about the Topeka Constitution, about the census and regis ter of voters—as preliminary questions; import ant, undoubtedly, but deriving most of their con sequence from their relation to this great and paramount question—the right of the people of Kansas to decide for themselves upon the Consti tution which Play be offered for their adoption. If this could be properly and satisfactorily ad justed, all the difficulties which now embarrass the settlement of the Territory would disappear," That this is not a mere thought. with Mr. Walk er, but a settled purpose, founded on his Sense of right, and the execution of which maybe con fidently expected, would appear from a quotation we see, of his speech of Deo. 10, in New York, on the result of last Fall's election. He said: " Is it not the duty, then, of every, patriot, and especially of every member #f the Democratic Party, to yield to the in-coming Administration a cordial support in settling the only questien which threatens the safety of the American Union. To accomplish this great purpose;it is necessary that all external violence and all ,interference of citizens of other States shall he removed from Kansas, and that the peoPle who have settled,' or shall settle; bona fid4 in that territory; shall be permitted to decide the question ,for . themselves. Not only must all.external violence,. be, removed, l but alt those unconstitutional jaws must. be annulled which interrupt the free discussion' of the very question upon which thippople of Kan sas are called' to' decide, 'or which prevent, by test oaths or otherwise, the free'. exercise . the eleotive franchise. * ;upon : this •prinel ple,,,Kansas shall come into,the,Upion with a con stitition similar to that of Virginia "and other States of the South, by ihe'free ' and ,unblased suffrage of the'Majority of her own people,. every justand patriotic citizen of the North will Asheer fully, submit to their. decision. ,on the. Pth er land, the majority of the people. of;Kensae, with, the same free and unbiased - stifferage, as seems moat probable, sheuld deCide that theiti rocalliV stito.tions shall he similarlo - thinie of , New:York or !Pennsylvania, the. Democracy . ; of the South. will cheerfully acquiesce in their ;decision. And, fello'w:citizens, is not: this the only ; practicable way in.which this ag4ation can be made to ter minate and the country be relieved froth the • perils by which we have been environed Such, declarations from,sucka man,,thefavored, appointee of the President, autherize the hope, that, however unjust may have been the past legislation and present laws Of the Territory, the people may yet, if they are faithful to their duty, have all their social rights, under „the great prin ciples of equitable government: The George Lam has arrived' froin bringing $1,700,000 in treasure - 'The Prometheus also has arrived; With Californiii'ddes to 20th of April. A bill has passed the Senate; submitting the question of paying the State debt to the people. The news from the mines was very favorable. Business at San Franeispo was very dull. The crops in California promise to'be aliuntdant beyond all precedent. - The Democrats have carried the charter elec tion at Sacramento by large majorities. A small steamer has been launched at Stockton, being the first ever built there., : ..-.., ., A quartz boulder, valued at $8,009, has been found at Minnesota: ' The Diggers are being eMployed as domestics in various parts of .the Staley witll7, satisfactory results. There is, as usual, a long list , of crimes and casualties. If was generally , thotight that the people of Oregon will adopt the State form of government, and a constitution prohibiting sfavery. The Winter in Oregon has been more stormy, and the snow deeper,than,e ; *,before known. Brigham Young was compelled to flee from Batt Lake to save himself from thifiVy' of his flock. The Havana correspondent, of the: True Delta Bays theta private letter has,b,ee'n received, stating that Gen. Walker hid evacuated. Rivas, and had taken refuge on board a ''British man-of-War at San Juan Del Sat. - The Isth!topthe• , The Governor of Panama ltas issued a procla mation prohibiting thebentri of adventurers who have taken, .or intend to take a part , in 'the Cen tral American war, into_ Pseania. From Pitzgerald'a Philadelphia City Item, ,a Weekly Fami ly and liminess Paper tr Town and Cenntry.] , . National Safety Savuig Fund. It has long been onr intention to make some remarks in relation - to Vie' Saving Fund system in general; whicli 'teen 'produetive l- of inch greatA4public , eadvantagerboth - winL , Europe'.'and.in this country, but at present, we have only room to give a few, suggestions in. r relation,te',the Sav ing FunclOf the icational Safety Tina 09mpany. J. ; S. .H This old and well-established institution has acquired such a high reputation, that a great many of our vrcalthy,citizens have their it as the best place'in which 'to depoSit their money ; andpeePle who have :large'sums• which it is 'de sired should be kept`with a sPeciii regard to se curity, often come from egrear distanon to put their money'in the SaVing. Fund; Where the de positor gets interest for it, and from Which he can obtain it again at any Moment it is called for. It will be readily . understood that an institution which cenfines its business entirely to receiving money On interest, and which has nearly a oiedion and a half dollars, all in: Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first class securities, as required by thechartV, possesses, elements which no train of. circumstances can shake, and which will never fail to command ,the confidence of peo pie,, who do business with it. The office is in Walnnt ; Street,`.. South-West corner of Third, Philadelphia.: 'Sr. Lours; 'May' 18.-The-Utah mails, with dates to the seoond of April, states that the Ter ritory is quiet. :Preparations - are being made to send a large,number of missionaries to. all, parts of the world. The accounts of. the moveruents of Brigham Young .do not.agree, with these re ceived by way of 'California:, •He'sierited to pos sess the entire.tainftdenatx:oUtlie')ieople, and was plannilaran :excursion . to. WA Mormon• settlement on Salmon river i ;fer.somo4on)ixt_own cause :, The Mormons at'San,Barnardo,, and thedsur i rrounding Sattieinenin; , Lake City.; *. • ;•,• • ' • ' The Chymineetare -A-Arc:der arrived at Fort Laramie, 'who . reported that 'they acknowledged the lose of t toix.V wtgrtiorix:Etent to commit depredations on the Oalifoinlik road;: in consequence of which they pijoii rs , o f sixteen tinders; and disPieohed'ilie huhdied tiers to.the road, to avenge the loiii•of the tribe. The grass -crop wawa 'month laturAhan usual. fortigi• Ifitiligtnte. . The Asia htis arrived, with Liierpool date's to the 2nd inst. The'.Oriith 'American thus sums , up the news. The EnOshPirliameut had assembled, arid had prorogued with the formizlities attending •the opening. With the exception of increased' 'dis content in the Turkish principalities, the news in that section is not important. Evelyn Dennison .has been elected Speaker of the , British . Parlia ment. The RusSianDuke,COniitintipe bad, been received in Paris with great'henoiS. The Queen of Spain's speech will announce the re-establish ment of friendly relations .between Spain and Rome, and hopes that Mode° will apologize and pay the indemnity required, otherwise Spain will take hostile. measures. Reports are again in cir culation that the King of Denmark will be . foiced to abdicate: The accounts of the revolt of the Chinese, and slaughter of..two thousand of them •at•Saraw,ak, are confirmed.. The collision, of the ships Tuscarora and itadrew Foster occurred off llo.h.andcln midnight of Tuesday,.the 28th ult. The Andrew Foster mink, afraUst: immedilitelY,`bitt -the 61..60 saved 'themselves -in. 4heir boats; add lwerelleaded Ttucarora;luid about six hundred passengg-sai,WrArd i p- e tk..sops= ,fr l m • M E' tR a n ag l': qra. t &Ana" anithanbes p r esentation 11 the `A s icre gov- California. Oregon. Utah. Nioaragna.F Fronttrtah ernment of a silver mednl and sum of money to the Margate boatmen, who rescued the crew of the ship Northern Belle. The Swiss Federal Council has, by a unanimous vote, agreed to the proposition of the Four Powers for the settlement of the Neufchatel question. The Duchess of Gloucester, the last surviving daughter of George the Third, died on the 30th ult. There teas no -opposing candidate to the election of John Evelyn Dennison as Speaker of the House of Commons. According to the Board of Trade returns of the Imports of March, they show an increase of £l,- 000,000, compared with the same month of last year. Lady Franklin has purchased the Aberdeen Clipper, for another search for her lost husband, arid given the command to Capt. McClintock. It is not improbable that Lord Palmerston will at tempt a little Reform bill, in order to disarm ri valry in the New Parliament, entreating the ex tension of the right of suffrage to all the learned professions, commissioned officers in the Army, Navy and Militia; railway 'servants of a certain rank, schoolmasters, t and others of a certain amount, of educational, training. The reception of the new Austrian Governor-General 1.1 the Lombardo-Venetian provinees was rather cold. The aspect of affairs in the Danubian• Principali ties is serious; owing to the unfavorable disposi tion of ,Kaimacan; who exhibits the utmost hos tility toward the, party ',in favor of the provinces. Dispatches, received from the French AmbasSa-. dor, atlla.drid, announce "that the SPinish gov ermnent accepts the" principle of the arrangement proposed with Mexico. Le Nord say's' that the French authorities will formally demand a per manent embassy at Pekira„ and, in case, of re fusal, will endeavor, in concert with the English forces, to penetrate to the capital by `water, and then dicate terms to the Chinese: The Coolies on , board the Peruvian ship Carmen, for Calloa, revolted and set.the, vessel on fire, when they ,all, numbering two hundred , perished in the vessel. ,The 'Coolies on board the British ship Zialand, also'revolted'and set fire .to the ship, but the flames-were extinguished; - and - ill tlia" struggle larenty-seven of the_CoZilies ,were killed or ;wound fed b@foratordeKwas r.Cstore..d! a ( iYiges:treß l Slog ghai~ ip,y3,B,tAttsqutt4i band s• of t i:epels hnrned,'.llO-hoir, in .theProiinoe of Leang-ier, , and 'fifteenchops' of tea'ivere destroyed.: The Maas: rin authorities of Whaniponehad , •aentericed three 'Chinese merchants; o death for having conversed, upon commercial matter's with the English, con trary.to commands. • By, the terms of the 'agree. meat' in relation to the Neufchatel question, the King of Prussia is to get a million of francs, but ,the Stviss, , it is said•will not recognize his' title of Prince of Neufchatel. gtlitt - t5 IM, A Friend of inions is tarnishing ns with Burglary proof LOCkI9, to sell and apply the entire avails to the cause of Missiona. Their safety has endured the severest test; and we are allowed to . 6ll.theria simply at the' oz. . $4.60 to $0.75. Will not the friends of Missions give iid a "Presbyterial' Notices. „ The PRERSYTERY OF WASHINGTON etands adjotirned, to meet in the First Presbyterian elixir& .or 'Wheeling, on the 9th day of June next, at 2 o'clock P. M. - • - • JAMES J.I3ROWNSON,Rtated Clerk. , The PftESBYT CRY OF RUN. TNGDO*_erll hold ;in ad journed meeting on the Second•Tneadar(the 9th,) of June, at U o'clock A. 4.,:b3. the, Liek. Ran Presbyterian church. ROBERT HAXILL , Stated arrieb . 111111tJ Si= . . „ On the 7th of. May,' by Rev. 0.' , . H. Miller, Mr. Moses McGowAN to Miss 'Etztainern Metaithrtur., On the same day, Mr. thaitieroratt:BEWALD to Mise Ivy Bare--all of Alle gheny. County, Pa. On the 28th nit, by Rev. jamas Cameron, Mr. Tumults J. LAVE to MISS MA/MAUVE ADAIINE MCCOLIOUGH, all Of Peoria On May sth, by Rev. Israel Price,, Mr. ,Tosism D. Pines to Miss SARAH J. WANOONEP.i both of Carroll County, O. At Amity, May 7th, by Rev. W.. P. Harvison,llr. JAmes A. BOONE to Miss ELISABETH JANE SNARE, all of that place. • On •the Bth inst., , by Rev. W. - A. West, Mr. Dino D. 'SKIN. NEB, of Upper Path Valley; to' Miss JANE Been, of Tusca rora Valley. On the same day, t iIIr.MENRE H. Hmmosi,:of Three Springs, Huntingdon Coonnty, to Miss NAROISSA daughter of Mr. John. Skinner, of Paunettaburg. • On the sth ult., at the Middle Spring parsonage, by •Rev. I, N. Hays, Rev. JOHN E. WooDS, of 'Bontonsport, lowa, to , Miss CAROLINE SLICING, of Middle SPring, Pa. . . On. Tuesday, April 28th, by Rev. R. , Merrill, Air. T. B. Mel sir;' of Scotch Grove,' Uwe, to Miss Mimi= Radar, of Waynesburg, Ohio. • On Tuesday, the 3.2 th in, ,' Robert %min, Aev. GEORGE EtTAOTT, of Alexandria, to Mss' baba, 'daughter of William,J. Wilson, M. D., of Potter's Mills, Penn's Valley, Pa. On 'Tuesday, the 28th nit; Mr. ROBERT HOLMES, of Jaeltsonville,, to' Miss B. M., daughter of Mr. Richard Oonley, of Oak Grove, Penn's Valley, Pa. bltrarg Disp7-April 19th; at. the residence of her father, (David Mimiiron, of Carrol Township, Washington County, Ps.,) Ems CliaNittiy wife of Doi liengwell, in the i2d year of her age. Uniontoirn;Ohici, - ma the ll.th of Apiil,4l): the 75th year of her age, Mrs. Risz.s.suswitioConeuagy, ;wife of, Mr. Robert McConaughy.' — : • ' The Subject of this notice had htionn member of the Pres bythriau Church .for about fifty pears, hitving been rec'efred into communion under the 'venerable Dr. Herron, while he was pastor inEastern Pennsylvania. aver humbled with a sense of her Own sinfulness; she clung fast, to Christ. and his rightenuetiessite her sOnrssi of comftirt and belt, in time . of need. In her last illness, while she esPreised a strong desire to depart and be.with.Chriet, which is far better, she patiently waited till her change came. ' Her end waa peace. "Let me diethe deith . of the righteous,' and let my last end . Dien—At Kittanning, Tuesday, May fith, at 11, eelook A. M of pulmonary disease, Mrs. Mori R, sidle of Mr: Joseph MeCartney,,in . the 88th year of) her age. • • • Her. sickness, though protracted, was borne with Chris., tiilu resigniitlon; She did not dread death; she knew it was her life.. In submission, Zhe prayed . to be released.' Her • companionship here wee sweet; yet Ishii knew Wein' wee a sweeter companionship above. She longed to ho with Christ—to 'WI him as he is-41iat she might be like him. Wo mourn her loss; should we not, rather rejeice at her gain? She is better off than . ' we. " Blosied are the dead which die in the Lord." DIED—Of hemorrhage of the lugs, April 10th, HENRY H. Beciru Bag , of Annapolis; Ohio,. a member, 'and snlmin bleChiistian in the Presbyterian Church, aged 53 years. Dim.—April 10th,: Mr. Busk:, of-Annapolis, Jefferson COunty, Ohio. Mr. Sproat was a citizen and a Christian much esteemed, is - well as Mr. Becket,' by:' all who 'knew him. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church.. ' • . . • Dnco—ln Jefferson County. Ohio, on the 201 h of Mre. Matz Russia, In the dash year cf , her age: ; -• The deceased was a,constsient Christian, an affectionate sister, and a, sympathizingcrlend. She has leftstargeeircle of devoted Mends to " mourn theirldee. She - was a liberal heated meititier of the Pieabyteiian Cliurcl at Annapolis, Ohio. 1 _April Cith,'it his resideli - ce; iii Mill , ereek, Erie tin., Pa., Mr. GEORGE REED, in the 80th year of hinage. 5Se-deceased. was. born in.Tork. CotintaylPs,.., of. Irish deutient. Of his early history and religions experience, the writer lrriovie nothing; but if aPpears Hist, when - quite young, he became the subject of Divine grace. He joined the church in Chestnut Level, before 'emigrating. In - 1801; he came first to Erie County, with.Joseph . hicOreary, his fu ture brother-In-law. , --At that.tdmedt.vrasta wilderness, with only hero and there a small opening in. the dense forest; and the place where Erie City now stands , contained only few cabins. Ho selected and purchased a tract of land, and made Dome improvements on It. In 1e.94, he, brought his wife to it with him; and there they lived and toiled together for,more than fifty-three years. At that time, and for years afterwards, when the people met for worship, it was in pri yate laonzes or barns. . They, too, know. by expeilenesimany Of the toils and hardships of a frontier life. Mei the war of 1812 spread terror in all - this Lake region, he was a soldielV in his country's army. He and hie wife united on eirtifirate, 'ln the organization of the Fairview church; by the Rev. Johnston Eaton, in June 1808. He was then slectedand or dained one of three Ruling'Elders: . This offic e he bold the remainder of his life—nearly half a celattiry. This was per 'haps the first; or at least one of UM first, churches organ ized in Erie Counts, of any denomination. . Mr. ,Reed was a man of vigorous' constitntioni strong mind, and good , judgment; a kind-husband and father; and, withal, a staunch . Presbiterian. He rend and thought for himself, and took a deep inteiest in the doings and wel fare of the Church, especially about the time' f the difision in the Assembly. He was. a Member of Erie' Presbytery when it afterwards divided in Meadville, and• by no' m-ans " a fence man." He knew that Yds home was with the Old School. However, herwas a peace man,,and had no disposi tion to be intolerant and - centioiloustoward those who dif fered with him in eel:lß:Mini; Ho liV'ed it consistent ''Clirl's• Gan life, was alt ornament in theibitrati, rt . cloae *Wild of pastor; and a Albeml it_ippoiter of -the Slospel,arid con- Vilnitor to the sereralDiatdmf the,Clittio . ll, sad to variene benevolentotherenterprises.lie seemed to bare loomed, by experience, the truth of our Lord's sa7ing, "It Si'moie blessed to ;jive cOms fella subscri ber to the rel *iota rpitimir Banner and P / 711, "D 4 9! fr° 2l ,:Arit*ar t 4n:c l o. l 4 4 4 l44 _ 1 °ft, it 011.06 he 'Ant to the hoed; of God thirongh storm end cold, when ho did not expect to hear with much satisfaction. lie loved the sanctuary, where he had recorded his vows, and where the Lord visits his people; and his seat was seldom vacant. Ile was ready, just waiting, and rather anxious to depart. Ile remarked once to his minister, that if it was the Lord's will to take him away with this disease, be would like to hare a little time of comparative freedom from pain for calm reflection. He got his request; and was so easy fora few days, that hie friends thought ho was much better, and might yet recover. lint he took worse, andfrom that time, sank rapidly, retaining the full use of his reason till his last breath. Re was often engaged in ejaculatory prayer; and his last audible expression was, "Lord, receive my spirit." And we have no doubt that the Lord answered this, his lent prayer upon earth, and that he has passed from his life of prayer and faith to his life of glory. He trained his children in the way they should go, and bad much comfort in his family. Tbree of them' have gone be- fore him to the .spirit world, leaving. good evidence that they were prepared, for their change. And three of them remain; two are elders in the church, and one the wife of an elder. , W. X. Vl'resbyterian" please copy Thaa—On the 26th nit., of scarlet fever, GIORGI'S WAEDIEG TON, eldest eon of Mr. Robert. Osborn, fa the lath year of his age. • . • The unexpected death of this loVely and promising boy is, to the bereaVed parents, a most painful and trying dis pensation, and, bits made a sad and irreparable breach in the circle of his loved and loving friends. Out down amid the cheerful . Vuoya'ney aMd joyous hopes of early "youth, like some bright and beauteous Hower, he has been trans planted tothe celestial Paradise, there to grow and flourish in perennial vigor and Immortal bloom. "Weep not; although lie died in early, youth, Ere. hope bad lost its rieh,,romantie hues: . When human bosoms ' seemed the homes of truth, • earth' still gleamed with beauty's radiant dews' Yet Jesus took him, and . with spirit shriven, He passed, as 't_were, on smiles from earth to heaven Weep not for him." Drati—On the morning of the lath lust, at her late resi dence, in Kelly' Township, Union County, Miss &man CLARK, aged M years. In the year 18:12., -Miss Clark connected herself with the Presbyterian ,church. of Buffalo, then :under the pastoral care of the late Bev Mr. Hood; and from that , time until her dea r th, she `maintained a life of consistent piety.' The Word-of God waif her imost Prichinit esithly treasure; her'iibitto'apetiff two'honin daily in.the study of its con tents, thus replenishing her Simi .with ~spiritual feed. -Her attendance upon the public ordinances of Divine worship was constant ] . and regular; and in her !ntereourfie ivith others, she utiffernily the principles of the CMS pal.— She died; rabies on the efficacy of that grade which shei found sufficient: for her dUring her life; atuther,re.. mains) attended : by a large concourse of friends and ac guailitancas, were committed to their last earthly resting place, in the Cemetery at lewisticirg.to await the summons of her Saviour, on the morning of the resurrection. " oleo's in the sight of the Lord lathe death of his saints." ADTERTISEMENTS. iniUBLISHICIVS Ass.ouNcratuigNT:—,TnE HISTORY OP THE - PRESBYTERIAN CIIIIROR IN AMERICA, FROM ITS ORIGIN-A:INTEL TIER PEAR 1760. Wirh. ,J3iographical Sketches of : Two .Hunttreet of its Awl!, Attiaisteri. By the Rev. RICHARD WEBSTER, latii'pestor* of the Presbyterian church,- Manch Chunk, Peunsylvania. With a Memoir ,of the author, by the Rev. 0. Van Reis- D. 0., and a' Historical?. Introduction by Rev: liam Black‘vood, M.O: Published by auttority,of the Pres hyterienllistorical Society; is now ready, and will be sent to any. part Of the United States, free of. postage.. • * This , work, for which thalabor of twenty.llve years was expended'by the author, and which is now published for the benefit of hiv fatally, is offered as, the. moot interesting, unique; end valuable history that has yet appeared; it is the volume to irhich must cOme who 'Wish to forni a correct estimate of the importance and valrie, of the Presbyterian eldinent in society that led to such grand results in the for. mation °tour present governMent. To give those who have not yet seen 'the volume, &Me idea of its vain., a list of whet it includes may not prove amiss. • First,- A Mezzotint Likeness of the Author, engraved by John Sartain. _ . The 'Action of 2 the Pfbabyterian Hishiricel Society, ap pointing a_Comraittee to superintend the publication. A Tible of Centents,full and eomplete. - A Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. C. Van Rensselaer, including communications from the, Rov. Wel lade; Philadelphia; the Rev. P. De W. Ward, Geniseo, New York; the Rev. J. W. Scott, Holmeskavg, Pennsylvania; tae Rev. J. F. 'Sakai, Augusta, 'Georgia ; the Rev. Dr. Sua kin Hollidaysburg,; Pennsylvania; Mr. U. G. Rockwood, An Uistorical Introluction, by the Rer.William Black- The History of the Presbyterian Church in America, by the iteer.ltichard Webster. • The Biographies of Two Hundred of the Early Ministers of the Presbyterian Church; and a Sketeti of the Chttreh itt New York. prepared from the Bellamy Papers, by the Rev. Richard Webster. - A List of the Illographies, arranged chronologically, 'and also alphabetically. The , Appendix contains, the actions of the Syliode and Presbjrteries, reecirnmendiug the book to all their church officers and menlbers. . The' Origin and Objects of the Presbyterian Historical Sodlety, together with.' Its Constitution:and Its Charter of Incorporation, prepared .by" the Rev. Dr. Van Rensselaer. List. of Subscribers. to the .book, sent in previous to publication, containing the names and post office address of nearly two thousand subecribere—a fact unprecedented in the history of ecclesiastical literature In this, or any other country. The work makes a royal octavo volume of 720 - pages, printed with good type and paper, bound in cloth, extra, at $3.00. Address JOOSPEI DI. WILSON, Publisher 111 South Terith - St., below Chestant,Thiladelpha. AG]NCIES In order to enpply the demand, and give facilities for the wide circulation of this History, the • following voluntary agents for the:work will receive subscription, and in some instances; deliver the volume to subscribers: S: K. Wh ipple ' A Co., Boeton, sLaasachusette;' • • - • Rev. A. G. Vermilye,-• " Newbnryport, Masi. • Piak Little, ' ~ Albany, New York. Rev. F. De' W: Ward • ' Genesee. NeW York.. • : ..". David Tally, :•• ; Ballston Spa; New York. • . Jaime S. KnoWlson; Troy, Now York'. IL Carter & Brothers,. New York.' • - Rev.:W. R. Glen, .. • . German Valley, N. "A. H. Hand, . Bloomsbury, New - Jersey. • - A. .12 Hetrich, . . Elisabeth, New Joreey. : J. T. Osier ' . • • Princeton, New Jersey. ; Rev: Hikocic, Scranton, Pennsylvania. A.M..Lowry,• Port Carbon, Pa. - O. J. Collins, • • • Danville, Pe. Joins Faster, ' • Triwaild4Pe. .• . • . •" John Armstrong, Hazleton, Pa. . , : " John Gray, DD.. Proton, Pa. . Franklin Orr, - . • Kent, Pa. . • George Wiggan, • . Tamaqua, Pa. J'; Simplon, • • •• • Stuumit Hill, Pa. - O. G. ROckwOod, • •• • Mauch Chunk Pa. • . • • Rev. J. Dorraime, DD.,Wilkeabarrie Pa. Rev.' B. H. McDonald, . • George Livingston, . Bellefonte.Pa. • John S. Davison, • PittabcagbPa. • • • I George. C. Chambers, Chambera burg, Pa. •. • Archibald Bamilton;, Oochranyille, Pa. • • . Rev. S. Gnitain, • Baltimote!Disivlakid.• .7. D. Thorpe, • - • Cincinnati, Ohio. Cyrus' bleGlaehan, , Meigsiille, Ohio. ' 0: W. Wye'off; • Richmond, ^: • 0,0. Beatty, , Steubenville, Oblo.. Erie. P: W. Thompson; ' • Prairie City, Illivass. ' a.' - Aztell, • 111 • . " Peter Haseinger, . Dioro, Mud& W: H:'MaFstlfiue ;' ' ; • ' Keith & Woody ; • ••• , St.l.oule,.ll:llesoint• HD.; New Orleans, Lettish/Hi. , ) • " J. P. McMullin, Pleasant Iti= s tabsims; W.,ll.:Mitchell,DD.,, Florence,. • • N..A: Pratt, I)D..' -• , f Roswell,Baorgla. A. G. Stanford, , , Columbus, Georgia. 3: A. Ansley; ' Augusta Georgia. Roy. A.-Ryors, DD.,: • . - Danville, .Kentiicky. F. O. Strehen, Hophineville, Kentucky: • A; " ' ,•*: •:- '" Louisville Kentucky. •-• • Rev. .1 R.• Bain Nashville, Ten u este a. ! • • " R. . . Kiwi - Ville, Tennessee. ' . Germantown, Tennessee.' • "T. Smyth„ DD., , Charieston„Sonth Carolina. ' at lidwin Cater, Haddrells. SoutliCarolini." Ca. Orkt,: • • • - Columbia, South Carolina. , hay..l S. Harris, Guthriesville. S. Carolina. ; ' ` . .“ , ;1 1 r. H. Poeta, DD., Romney,' Virginia. • • I !- .T. V..Mesore, DD., . Richmond, Virginia. B.N. Watkins,' '' Virginia. • • Pleasant o:,Howard,; Het Creek, Virginia:- - - James E. Campbell, . Rising Sun, Indiana. -B. C. Doremus, • I Oakland College, 1E; ?dandle, ! Jackson, Mississippi. Arrangements are. being ,roade..to appoint an agent for eabli'PreebyterY, of whiCh dna' notice will 'be given:ln:the columns of; thin paper: Address .• .• Jop . t..H 41. WILSON, Publisher, . / l ititieuth TentliStreetibikoir Chestnut, PielladelPhil. - • WOB PAEITILL ES:—VERDII- KEtIGES charged with mercury, or Which require cal . OMel as 'no after-cure; are deadly to children. The are.all vegetable ; yet their effect le more immediate and complete than that ,of..any mineral preparation. No less direct; rapid -and certain ia the operation orBRISTOL'S SABSAPAILThL.A. In all ulcerous and eruptiya It Poritlei and re-hivigoratea the whole system. fi&d T..Lamnan droigiete, 69 Water Street, New York, and by all druggists. Sarsaparilla, $l, aid Peatillee Zo. per bottle. inr23-1t eoL,L, tur A S OINTIIIIONTTELBELE "sire millions of minute orifices hi the skirt. ''Through Igiumegeg the Ointment melte, u nder. the hand, it is conveyod, to the wakes of inflammation., In this way it rapidly re. Heves asthma, erouposofe throat, rheumatism, and all erup; gone and ulcers. . Sold at the manufactories, NO. SO Maiden Lane, Now York, a*d:No. 244 Strand, London,' and by , all driggists, at 2be., 62 1 /,,e., and $1 per pot. • . . my2B-1t J. P. WILLIAMS,. - JOHN JOHNSTON. NEW TEA W. AHEM o'o SE—WHOLE BALE AND. RETAIL.—WILLIAMS At JOHNSTON, 11.4 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nearly oppoelte the Cut tom House ,) have just opened a very 'choice selection of • GREEN'AND IIhAOIC:TEAS, - Of the latest iniportations. Also, 11.1.0,'LAGUAYB.A/AND OLD GOVERNM J ENT AVA COF FEES, ' New'Hrl eans, Cnba, Coffee, Crashed and Pulverised Sugars, Rick Rice-Flour;Pearl and Corn Starch, Faring; Feist Pow dsra,ltacceronl, Vermicelll,.Cocoa, proma, Extra Igo. 1, and Spiced Obocolate, Pure Ground Soiree. 'Castile, Almond. Toilet, Palm, German', and Rosin Soaps. Sup. Carbonate of soda; Cream Tartxr; Extra Fine Table Salt; Prue Extracta Lemon and Vanilla; Star , Mould. and Dipp ed Clanales; 'Su ger Cured Hares ; Dried Beef; Water, Sutter, Sugar and Solt 'Crackers; Foreign Fruits, Ao., Ac. . This stook has been purchased for CASH, and will b e offer sti to the Trade, And also to Families, at very moderate ad vances, from whom we respectfully solicit a share of pstron , . WEST:TB:OV BELL •SPOUNDRIN'. ' , (Established in 1826.];• • •.. Berm. ...The out:ed. - Mere have oonatently an es- BELLS:nsortnient - of Chuich, Factbrjr; Stbarnimat;locinno. RAMA. .kientation,i School hguee, and other. Belle. `BELLS. mounted in g th e moreariproYrid'and <1'11;4E11e man nth% :MILLI. For full parkiculareAs tO mithr recent improve. BALLS. ments, warranters'Aiameter of Belle, splice occupied 731iL13.• 'Tower: Anita of t trunsiiVitiiiien. eend - ffirie 413LLS.Mirceillirq4•14,1Par Abe South dellvstedllin New inMUVYlnC"Addirmsk_2____, , -SS 10 00111181 U 41. , (smilimiArS4 SONS, Agiiiiiiiftv znyletow-tt West Troy, N. Y. PROSPEOTtIB OP SOF PRESBYTERIAN -.',AKXER =I Abtotatt. The BANNER le published 'weekly, In the calm of Phial bargh and Philadelphia, and is adapted to general olenulatlos in the 'Preebyterian Church. TERMS IN ADVANCE, IN CLUBS of twenty, and upward!, DELIVERED in either of the cities, ADVERTISEMENTS; In Advance. For eight lines, or leas, one insertion 60 cents; each sub segment insertion, 25 cents. Each additional line, beyond eight, 8 cents for every insertion. , For eight linee, three mouths, $3.00. Each additional line 26 cents. For eight lines, One Year, flO.OO. Each additional line $l. Cense of two lines, $6 a year, and $1 for each addl tional line. BUSINIB3 Donors. of ten lines or leas, One Dollar. Bach additional line, 5 cent?. Ommunnications recommendatory of Inventions, Me dical Practice, Schools, dke. &c., being designed for the risco , Wary:benefit of Individuals, should be paid ; as Business Notices. BOOT by mail, where no good pportimity is otherwise at hand. Drafts or notes of the, larger denominations are preferable, Where they can be conveniently obtained: ' PASTORS sending us, twenty subscribers , and, upwards will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge. N.B:When'Preabytorien families are very much dispersed, hey may be accommodated at the Club price, even though.. 'ew of the twenty be wanting. 'Let all be supplied, if posid ole. The POOR' we shall favor, to our utmostability. Let ..r supply be rm.i, but every paper paid for. For Two Dollars paid, we will send Seventy numbers; or for One Dollar, Thirty-three numbers. This is for the sake o of easy remittance. *** IF credit is extended (we wish It may not be 'needful to eve reedit) the Corawnow is Two Dollars, after the third month, :Aid Two Dollars and Fifty Wants, at the end of the year. Thee are b l eterudomary prime for other papers, If Pastors, in making-up, clubs, find some persons not ready to pay at once, theymay yet send on the names, at the Club price, on their own responsibility to pay ns shortly. It is desirable that clubs date their subscription periods at the sometime. DAVID IlloKlNNZT,Froprietor. GOMB & LINCOLN'S VALUABLE PUB. LIOATIONS, for sale, at Publishers' prices, by JOHN S. DAMSON, 81 Market Street. Among them are the fol lowing: . . HUGH MILLER'S WORKS. . The Testimony of the Rc cks. $1 25. My Schools and Schoolmasters; or, The Story of My Ed heation. $125. _ Ths, Old Bed Sandstone.- .$1 00. ." The Footprints:of the Creator, $1 00. First Impressions of England and Its People. 1 00. Geology of the Bass Rock, (Carter & Bros.) 75 eta. Macaulay on Scotland; a Critique by Hugh Hitler. 25 ets., Kitto's Popular Oyclopsedia of Biblical Literature. 3 00. The Natural History of the Species; its Typical Forms and Primeval Distribution; by O. H. Smith; with an intro diction, containing , an abstract of the views of Binmen bach, Prichard, Backman, dgassiz, km, de.; with elegant illustrations. 1 25. Badie's Analytical Coneordarice to the Holy Scriptures. or "lhe Bible presented - under Distinct and Classified Heads or Oraden's Condensed Concordance. 1 25. - Christian's Daily Treasury; A. religious exercise for every day in the year; by Temple. 1 00. The Church in Earnest; by J. A. James. 9th thousand. Mothers of the Wise and Good, 76 cts. • My . Mother; or, Recollections of Maternal Influence '75 cents. Dr. Tweedie's Books: Glad Tidings; or, The Gospel of Peace a series of daily meditations. A Lamp to the Path; or, The Bible lathe Heart, the Home, and the Market Place. Seed Time and Harvest; or, Sow. Well and Reap Well; a book for the young. Home, ( London) 'WORKS BY JOHN HARRIS, D. D. The Preadamite Earth; contributions to Theological Sci ence.- 1 00: Man Primeval; ,or, The Constitution and Primitive condi tion of the !Inman Being. 1 25. Patriarchy; or, The Fondly; Its Constitution and. Probe tioa.. 1. 25. The Great Teachei; or,'Oharacteriethei of our tOnre Mfn- The Great Commiesion; or, The Christian Church coast!, tuted Mail charged to convey the Gospel to the world. 1 00. Chambers' Cyclopmdia or English Literature; two large imperial Octavo volumes, of 1400 pages; with upwards of 300 elegant illustrations. " Wholo English Library fused down into one cheap Chambers' Miscellany of linefni and. Entertaining Knowl edge; With illustrations; 10 vols. chambers' „Home.!Book• and Pocket, Miscellany; a choice selection of interesting and instructive reading for the old Chambers? Repository of Instructive and Amusing Pa. pers ; 1 vol. . Avoine's Cyclopmdia of Religious Anecdotes; Bvo. if dotes; Byrt , GOMA. & Lincoln's iralnable series of Juveniles : Anecdotes for Boys and Girls; 2 vols. How to be a Han and Lady; 2 yols. The. Aim Well Stories; 4 YoM, illustrated, 63 chi. kliseellaneena and Literary Aztec- h • V/ • . Whislier. or The Manly Boy; Oscar, or The Boy who had his Own May ;. Rile, or Turning Over a NewLes.f. Clintrn; or, Boy Life in the Country. The Christian Life, social and Individual; by Peter Bayne. The Suffering Saviour; or, Meditations on the Last Days . of Christ ; bY.Krummacher. 25. . • . The Better Land;. or, The Believer's Journey and Future Horne . ; 85 ets. ' Plurality of Worlds; new edition; in which the author's Reviewers are reviewed. 1 00. Thesaurus of linglich Words and Phrases; so classified and -arranged as to facilitate the expression of ideas, and assist in literary composition. 1 50. Guyot's Earth and Man. 1 25. ' Knowledge is Power'; view of the productive forces of modern society, and the results of labor, capital, and skill; by:Chas. Knight. I 25. Modern Atheism, under its forms of Pantheism, Material ism; Seeularism, Development; and Natural Laws; by Tanks Buchanan, I/D., LL-D. 1 25. • • EfMaRIMMWMM Ripley's Soared Rhetoric; or, Composition and Delivery or Sermons. 75 cts. ffare's Mission of the Comforter. Philosophy of the Plan of Ssivation; by J. B. Walker 75. cents. • oct Revealed in Creation and Jesus Christ; by J. B. Walker. 1 00. &c., &n, &c. Discounts to Clergymen, Students, and the Trade. JOHN S. DAVISON, ' el Market Street, Pittsburgh. myl6.Bt HUGS MILLER'S WORKS. THE NEW VOLUME This Day Published, TIM TESTIMONY OF T ILE ROCKS; THE BE &RTNOFf 'OF GEOLOGY ON THE TWO THEOLO GIES, NATURAL AND REVELLED With one hundred and fifty-two Illustrations. To which illirethsed Memorials of the Author, embracing . a minute and authentic account of hie death, With 'other metters. 1 Vol., 12mo. • pp. 516. Cloth, $125 CONTENTS. Lecture I. The Palmontological History of Plants. 2. The Palteontological History of Animals. 3. The Two Records, Mosaic and Geological. 4. The Mosaic Vision of Creation. 6. Bearing of Geology on the Two Theologies, &e., • Part 1.. 6. Bearing of Geology, &c.. Part IL . ri• 7. The Noachiiiii Deluge, Part I. S. The Noachian Deluge, Part 11. 9. The Discoverable and the Revealed. 10. Geology of the Anti• Geologists. . • 11. Recent Fossil Plants of Scotland, Part 1. 12. Recent Fossil Plants, &e., Part 11. New editionsds of the following Works by the same Authcr, are .now ready, and may be had in sets, uniform size and bindings : MY SCHOOLS AND SCHOoLIki ASTERS ; Or,,The Story of my. Education. 'With a portrait of the Author from an original Talbotype. 12mo. Cloth, pp. 561. st2s. TEE OLD RED SANDSTONE; Or, Nair Nalke In an Old Field. Illustrated with Plates and Geological . Oactiona. 12tno. Cloth, pp. 283. $l. MLiaM4UOQa The Astitiotios of Stromnoss. With tourosrous lllus ttetionsj Memoir of the Author, by Professor Louis Agents. 12mo. Cloth, pp. 355. $l. • • FIRST IMPRESSIONS . . Of Ragland and Its People. With a portrait, engraved from Boner's Pililting.. 12mo. Cloth, pp. 430. $l. Prom Professor Louie Agaesiz : " The Geological Works of Hugh Miller have excit&l the greittiet interest, not only among scientific men, bat also among general ;readers. There is in them a freshness of conception, a . power of argumentation, a depth of thought, a;pnrity of feeling, rarely met with In works of that char acter. ; . . .. But what le in a great degreepeeullar to our ritithor, is the sueoestful combination of Christian doctrines with pure Ectentitlc truths From Rev Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D.: '''',Since the death of Sir Walter Scott, be (Hugh Miller) is the greatest Scotchmanthat is left." From Sir David Breivater, LL D., F.R.S.: "Among the eminent students of the structure of the earth; Mr. Hugh Miller holds a lofts place, not merely from the discovery of new and undesoribed organisms in the Old Red Sandstone, but from the accuracy and beauty of his de. sctiptions, the purity and elegance of his compositions, and the high tone of philosophy sudreligion which distinguishes all his writings. . . . With the exception of Borne. , be uneducated genius which has done honor to Scotland daring thi teat century has never displayed that mental refinement, and classical taste; and it tallectual energy, which mark all the writings of our author," From Rev. William Buekland; P.R.S.: Dr. Rockland s aid, at a meeting of the British Alsace& Geri, have never been so much astonished in my life, by the *mere of any man, as 'have been by the Gedlogknil descriptions of Hugh Miller. That wonderful man deseritieS them. objects with a facility which makes me ashamed of the comparative iimairrottess any poverty of my own de. awriptions in the Bridgewater Treatise,' which cost me hours and days s Or labor. I would give my left hand to poe ms imeh powers of 'description as this man: and if it pleases _ Providence Providence to spare his useful life, he, if any one, wilt certainly . rendei silence attractive and popular, and do equal service to Theology and Geology." From Rev. William Minna, LL.D. : "lie succeeded in placing his name in the first rank of !knish scientific writers and thinkers. His works are char siteriied by a fine union of strict science, CIIIBPie diction, and enchanting description, which rises, not ucfrequently, into the loftiest vein of poetry." From Sir Roderick Murchison, F.R.B : ;' sir Roderick Murchison, in his address to the Geological Society. "hailed the accession to their sci-nica of such a writer." and said that "his work (Old Red Seud• tope) is, to a beginner, worth a thousand didactic treatises." MOULD & LINCOLN, 50 Washington Streit, lloston. feb2B IYSC &RONA ACADEMY, FOUNDED IN T .IS3B_.r•The Summer Sesedon of this Institution opens on this Tat' of May next. The last Catalestne numbers 100atadenta, Drom.tenlitutes of the Union. The Course of tnetruotlon ts fall and thorough, both as to preparation fur huffiest; audlor College. Students have been entered by the ; Prinelpal at Yale, Princeton, Dickinson, lafteyette, ferson,Washington, and Delaware Colleges. Location in the ithunDY/ easy of &Mega, heelthf ul, free 'tom temp tatiou s, and in the midst of beautiful scenery. The moral and religious end around the Inttitelllon are all the most ,anado UP parnta can desire. For Catalogues, containing full 'llifonneition, apply at this office; or to Lew c . , J. /I.)lll.U*Aililit,..d. IL, FratilliVa l , mle . 2B:Sms Aatiorida, Juniata County, ra. Sx v oll pOr L 2 tt cc 1 . 55 ti tt