. ... . ... .. . _ .. t . . . . ~ . . : . . . .. .. , . ••••• Mlilo , . . . , , SiByTERIA)I . . .. . :,..1. ; - I • ''. ,i ;;;; ;.;.. ''; .: '' AC, ,_ , , .; .1 1.r .„ ':1 ;• I I V . , 0 i C AT,, id , , .... ~„..., '''`r. .. .., ~ ~ „; . , L. : .. _. • . _. . . . . . . - _ - . . • ..., . , ~- .„ ~ . . ... . ~ „ orlon Bonney, Vol. V, NO. 33.. , . - - ' •, ' - - - *Arlan AllllrOOOte, Vol. X/3 9 NO. 30. I " ONE THING. IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I DE4IRED -OF THE LORD "". "THIS ONE THING I:-.DO," .. . . . , . ' . . f 2 D McKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING FIFTH' STREET; ABOVE MIT :.'• ELID-OPITTBRORGIUTA , •. . . : - . ~ • ' , - - •—Philadelphia, -Ur Sontlr Tenth-Street ' bet* , hrieu, r,:,. ~ 7-, - - . • •,:" ;f:\ L' ... . . livA • ~• . . i .) - !'t -1.-- •,1- •I ..... ff. i i . our] , 1 ng 11 ..,,, co 5 ! =.718 . ; ' . sdAP? • . te-Pi Ll 4 tv--Avi Th.f.,. ii.eiit i th ,terlit'hi ee flit no by, EE • • - ?...1,,.. 1 1. , - . 41 . . " .-. 51:0„;is ',..::....... • .ee rAti! ..,, . ) -. een t . rt 'lpBfial' :,... .. ~ •• : i ? ilibbl. ! - qu indthi "er tittrht d 'i. r...* ..- '.. . , I ..- ~.. , 41 b 1 79.P-`.l'. Pe.ie,,, sli 'the ri irelith .. _ is not ..., a not.!E i..whiel . „., .. n bnt so .. , ,:u. , ...: id: du .?,.e lie AU c tildehi' •.. . 0 iniiracl • ... sr. L _ - 4 3r'4 isonytt wy, t ' ilwy, I6o'f alumni pfottri .., oroirii, • i lie,l . ant ~..,....... 1 tne e , i'telies, • leby--,:d • rid one . - fainot. , , 1 ‘ ( n spirt, ri, Itreac i , ,ilperse, ~, ri - I ii.,reft, o.l' 17.9 c >_ gn , .. 'Alert' ' @IOW :- !! ~r t m Id , iii N, ~ ‘eyne-,,i. ~.r9 ih .of, 'qtride th , . Ifiices eitlie, .. ' ERI.,. er '',litilii, iiiblie . ..., o,k9eLlA natati •Po r 3. ll ii ,, .. , ,,_ '. t needi. 4d `emnt, ..,=5 - n fOPO *ot, Ten t • tar '''?resli . , . e .. lit%I.:618 #11 ,8 „, te‘i.t, ': Bu ~, d • ',•, . few ~ ~ L .(, ; Id w. I h nail .e ..,°--- ; nt ;11. • il ~..4.:', . ..--:. - .T.i .11%.9 1 14-.9 d 0 - PfP..#4 . .en _..„mortea4ii this country„,the_inevenen ; . of --- - ••tt9Yl l, . i '''..iiet, iiiidg 'iniieh'ion'etiscliiiiiiii Iliii' yek. i . :th . • - • ,., •tY - $ iAl l -P O l 9 Pg 4 e- ' !'sliveliiithe r lact th P ataklr;tWright g ,iNeUr. liiii- V . , ~x:* ore his really sound 111 Z I P"P 3 ' '‘,:ibtet at3Southeimpton,baalbrouglitbefpiethe . 1. .Itttetr. were give, .brke many a sutorVheart; .' chur ' ehlelepesigenilthi - ehrmeeht4 . lo t9fA ,, 7 ', flit f.,-!••• ' ,t .....,,- wiro-lat - Pia-'l)alitdril : d the -- I;" 1" -- "T -- - d all • .._A an e unre en ing Tor y who a oppose a• . move barriers mit - f tue way edit which to n" - A= -..gu,,,; ~.get,;-in zthaoNertbernlvortion - ...0ff lulus!, voliticaftreform. Tandl.w.isiase'obsiiteritib.9st ;i , f !-',',' ~,,t,',..- oat``,l, .Itill' ' l 9 I '''' t ••••) i rk ' I It: of Go • ; - 7 • • • carr,. 1 prae ie y, is ry, i en , • 4 r _- E „. ; ,raemfborn i Rresbyte,%,!at.ttLtestitiAineitirtegaglitny, PPP ; ii ~agaiiikt,tile•-„rigtits of ) ttic,,,ppripleAt th,eila.sL ; i .41; e •-, 0 , 0 p l osaltik thaVeaclit'synThilbtlho'uld ''ac't mammami -.....ug,:u5,-.=are4iioOrnieg,forward.,; 1 , 1_34* r4 4, 355,17 5 a b c, h r 44 101v * , pu l p4 A y il os . ,Aprii i The second remarkable, person .(not. was; , . •. . . -tel '''' Ite -I f'G ';-- 't li t - -,..-. . ' t , , ,,,,, .;.-, --a , I f.on .-rit, , ,,.r ~. 2 . a,- - r,..., ;.., ,- ;; ,- 4 ., 70 • ustpara. separa tely ...Ma r5,.,0 ~. .overnmen iu ..0 . ;;r . z at and.devoting themselyea,..to, thernimatry„,cf 20.t.h, ; 26th,,and,,-.7,th. „1„t was geed. ,to be but) es Thomaslltnney, thewell-knoWii min- th tth hld ' G I A bl ,Oti' , --pal, 13 ~ . -i,., a -f'•, el.f.e;.: ~.., ...I As ia..,. . ePP11 . , , ;:....5.7P. 3 ?4. ,Y, - ..;•7','A. Carib 7 , 0):1441i.40.n. :.m.., A , , t iy,',n4 - ,tii, e i! ; : iylli d ,he,, i ,. l e-,', 'there: '' ' fire : Nei VirVii Was:,:aiat/liede! ? '''lLii! . 'lster 'eff ttielcre"igliLlleilse. ape ,on on„ for - Missionary College 'arid liindred; enter!. 1 ,. - ... ..,,, ~. . . . ... 1, ---,,toonr!serioasness;Tat'7-o-i; ii d reed - to the 'A:metal:4y "from' Presby terieS , active and devoted actor'- abont ‘litd) take ' ',.. ilide autbdr- - Itif 3 iClßeligion4 4 / 3 est -floili3oth ! '`li H il''setif' A Tiie r OICIV - i:esidC,l 4- ' l ;Vres n en i i wilfie ' ' ''''' '''''' l ' . ' ''' - '''' Sr .Joupathii.daring,. sermon,: 'anti:. communion . .-,..., ~.-.: , ... .c, Synods . . •, f . ..,,, ~, ~ , , ~- .,. ~ .T.. .. , -..-- i • , conaecoed with then 9 W1 . 8091:999, : foharge-kof , thetchurcherobKeithstmirgi and 1 1,-Worlde whichmiohirilententionsoisdoni 1 .-:-f-r -... -:....,--,....-• , ...1 ,-.. i .•., ...- --..0, --,,, ~.,-. ..-,,,, - c .-..--.---; --.- .. .. • .-. .. -- - of _. Ifi teaches ttraC "ur 'the .God i 0 se rv i c es,the presence, ; .of Spirit.seemed Alt by . .all.'' The .Wor'k ' irteieije, ol in over .4.0 toiot; Chica - go;'.4ind allinbis.t. ThulAs' 3ie ; Aledo .4b*ti)l l lol7' aXe ; 1 1.,,e‘' , $.0 1 (ititkoklak9b '• . ;,th,4 1 Yibea1t4.4!,,P..,f.P.WaT.i,5,,t atittia .9Y 7 A -gaWfl i , • .•-,, - -- l'l'', l -• e ,=l-------- '-- =., - -- - - --- ---$. l''''to -promote ' mutual-gob& feeling' the , - 1.. 're a:within: , forLucelatiastical tirtoOrPOrlitibU! - "' , ' , 'JG.lii!".4 4 t - ' le eneouraging dralleatio,n..-,;./We l i are, hy 3 - 5 it..,., of,great,,promise.„.ln„r,pspect ok the,Argln ~ proves that, even forthis. ife, it werebe ta, , . - ' - - d i d 'f''' the services tiontinne , until.suspen e. .or , , . :,.,,, Sece,,,s,Toti ichuiehsit„,of L iS, entla,l4,,,, , :were- h 4 . h -.A . d a . --..:43--17.: .:. ~.?-I';':,'•. axis -4".'J h t.lAlif t 'l ;ill rl.t,iit3 2 ,;•'WOr,th,yl of, mode, e ,thatithefflleliefnand vog- • ,bt the eitt i e g •• et p r -e e •-bi t e r - i' , i n ' ' , mi t ' al l ' u - i c li . = ~ . s_ityin,„g - „te.,0,,0r, ; b„ . .r,ethre,n,,,i11e,,, 1 0,,t,11..,e,,r.-,n0„.4„8,„'?t,...,t,,11e,„ ; nearipe,, , d,..o,a;t : lit', ean. i .ta i iitiuls ;, , ,, ;„,a,,, , , ~ u 4,j , all ,!' t Safer, ,Icappier,*- to , ,iiv , e_u_n_ r er , t,,,, , ,e shadow of ' - ~.er - ' •.... -, •' ' ~ ,;- - ' • ''•- ' - . uhuron that we are enaeavonng to do our compieteiy aid for a most neat ana coin , vilid-Creisc-. mid theinotiveeand I.llflueimeeof th We felt that. the chnteh, povi . Without a , $ =;4+;'.- .i,-; f ki.. , 4, i i'•••.:, '.l 4 • •••. ~ •' ,••, ~'• ~ • -.• ••-,—-, r- - P ••, .- ; •,,, 7 ,; -. • • ;,-. ' ,years. in treaty befor e t h e.ADDee- - whole duty by thefield of labor which G-od; fOrtableittoiise'foeiforsitipkbefore , a church ; , .....taa'faith of the4opel; iiiiticWhichlJl tould : ..., i , i , e i. e ...ae. , : ther i b . ! a ,i i- ,-tri-,.. - Pastor, Ural'im preaching for itext'' Sabbath, „ _ . ~_ . .. . . : • -.,. . ~, . .. •has- intrustedite..bui-eare? net onircultivet- .. - had lie. entorganiietAA Thedatter hothepohit i emish-TWerefite•the=ba - ndti of revery' young , mait •• ::-b h = --,h ,, ..-= - fii , ,s -i t ieq.. -r P o , could not besett. :. of, ing it to. the Utinest - , ef: , 'Oi , ir;ability; 'but .atiwttich the,,,,Mereer.,Collegiate 1n5p,494, 1 4; in the world, who speaks andffeadsr , the !' swami: am p ,. -- 'I , pifealiheit on_ ' the - folloWin "'Sabbath; t B A H , . as, great; hibott . ing to' raise -Up, ‘Lai . :4 ;Gdd a .-.iiiiitirtittients,: ipeatert,- 7 , 7t ati l iastitutio,u,start . e4 4 throtiet,t,lte i • n. .lllpglish tongue. „, , ;,,,,, , ~,,, „,,,,,., ; , ,i , / , , _, , T '" f When the interest se9meii those who --shall fill:our places' when 'we are liberality of twO Wealthy' indiViditals, Whe - 'TheMati - Bil'ineirT'Whynite - ii „here at' i 'which leaie - tii contintie' till ''' Wedireaday. .ading all matter and all, space,and; -.. • ~ c alled Upon tolit'y du:V. , Uillior. iteide:7P- , Theffei 'lliVii'"debal'iii'tivi'zi s ii n po' !IA tre clora i iiiiiio t ,!•-l'ii, e'weaktld'ii..PthieirlTyds,:-'i'liale'befiviii. ..-, talk 1 land ta very e oquent y very = lonely,p . •-- ,• • • . - . ..Fiftyifonr were received into - the:ebb rch'on ' .... ~. . now,, 'youths are libaitered'Ova eimeuri.widerox-i - ebd o,44.oolll';eiiiih,`ltO tlietEiketiriael' she,,' .t. - meeiing.tHiAifd . valet tinteae .. lifol= ' examination, .= most - of whom- ; ''' :reeeived ' the God ;and yet it does not believe at ill' . ~toidot.field; b ut wig believed 4 are:actuated! tiestitation.ie underrediarge of the,Presbytery' f it - Lortilsydayi; anilloug rr-- '!;_ ' being whom we call 'God ; it,,'oes: ordinance Of Ifintitinki. ' .A:; - : large ' ronoition 1. sieve l . - . ..4..t.4 • Werelmilig. , cde&basitexiseeded .Pour.'",high- , ;With.iiiietipirit, aiid tare , one, in lietirtbi May, lot $1.34434ex.7 7 14 0 . gmeeffthlsppegii . lo,4l', - f li 7gui, 71 , op, Aa pi-- in any reve ation zrom tioa as; ~. theLord`Sul e` em, au • • ' - ,' .e.cr PesP,..,—,, v. „, . ‘,„ ,.:. .th ''''' el 'th ', id thwiPrkbytetitis )7 i . - entjetter ....From all,.thatim,e sad,; and Let est' exile° tationsi arid= 'obureh%iinxi - because it holds all men are inspired,{ = r• - - •' . froyselt Alt-that, with .' the. 'content , o ~, an t D ... adder? whose !Charge ' , they ratei,,:==lithatii the" we laveieasunte;thaeliVeeiiBld talte cons : , • ' - . - ' '''W yonder-' not of - 14'9't 0 1 • ( ' ' ‘., dis in all men and in all thing, find', It o" truth! , as- - it is in.-Jesus,-frnicyibe promoted''age . .. e that r hr :, '' • Nine churcho(whicirha&been' obtained. "'. ~ . ~. that .. v .....„ .• , -the _ 5 h,.. 1 ..„. ~,..i . i, attention~ to ~.1,,,.. .. re is no God apart' from the visible' I through' their ageneyite . p ace. , p e eiyer any' e rya.,. :literally, no. , • 0-64:1- 7 no God woe -dught Ito Amnia. ;Most .of .my furniture f • world's regicidelfWhinh'Ut is , th l eii , dosigif i= if 'iteryeAdierv4 -. .- -:,- !'-. r" real, personal. existence.—Ps. xiv. 7wfiettlerreia;el Moved ,to Deinlapaville,:whilst ~,,,, „ i _ , d yet to hear the pantheist talk y ' , . on. ,I. =detainedl , _,by • the. interest; in .the 11 , ''..*' lt '' lln . a " taKe ' ' ... ; - ..: , --• q -',-, , with ,- , 'But , little actual• progresslas-been mace, °aurora. ,',, At: the , elOse, - . when 'starting, ' .think him wondrous wise, and won- m 'by NEI - in -Seminary'rnatters, of -late: , - Two • . I *ll I had h , .. .rous too, for he will tell yeti pad is y -fainily-for. :Dun spew e,--.three or - , four ofint "li b ken by a kick from a companies holdifielaiid in the'reighbei-' Where and he sees God in everything, 1 e .a. t eli• 19_ -,..1iq ~ c _., ~,- .' ' - . ere is something very gravid in some ' ' j ci h- a donation ..oft4land," , hors li . I 11 °One me for several of 'Chicago, R A 'Pik'''hii -- . a call of (} okrto ' . : ~.. conceptions, and very poetio, =and Weeks. ~Wtte,t er ik hs.??F4 O aptiyatiog; and hence the wide-spread' ' ' ' pettiVol - • remain...at, Carmel, 0r,.,n0t,..the, issue, is an -1"1°,.e than tl';''' ; ace of this species of infidelity; ,and , arrangement for my remaining here if 1 ~ spared This Week ~m.'y furniture is to 1' e the danger too that many, very many, ; be led away by it, especially. when we ' 'brought ' back - I' write .I . r ern yr-- Which I have occupied tb , - - , that it is even now in some 'of of r .and night, in with 1." - • es and our schools, in our books and t h e ' eres ,:,,_ 5, works of science and , in novels -•i - . ctitious trash, in minterous associo Sflr'' in clubs, in 13 counts, in lib , - ' E—very many of the -- • . tuiritml with ' .:.:,.:41i 'el • • • ,pr y '' If >0 , St hi ~, „ • .11 V I l ia C '. ~ ~ -IN ADVANCE. riginal Vottrt. Forget Ere Not,--To Mary. BY W. WHITTON REDICK. * On thy bonded knee, on for those thou invest dolt pray, tt sister, then remember me." HON. N. AVERNTT. my harp, dear sister mine, 1 my muse in song Divine, re a verse for thee, inwrought in trite words, ig Forget me not." But when to meet again? at. death ? with joy, or pain ? cations Where'er the spot. the time, forget me not. sunder us afar, than doors with bolt and.bar ; ;ht can bar the range of thought, not, forgot me not. shine now ; yet soon a cloud our brightest prospect shroud, h its lightnings' fierce and hot thing woes—forget me not. rms may sweep around our Way, bring back no sunnier day ; we find some meeting spot, .13 not, forget me not, ~ cares, and joys arc found, ss your hours in daily round, on me a passing thought, our prayers, forget me ngt. ,th morn with oalm appears, !tin hcils. and fervent prayers, with holy rituals fraught, c not, forget me not, . when roseate light up-springs, les the stars ; when morn-bird sings, :Fit airs stir, I'm ever taught that does forget me not. when eve, with dreamy eye, stealing downward from the sky, angel bands with her are brought, eee, I know, forget me not. naught such cheer and solace hathi riefs and troubles orowd my.path, sweet thought-0 precious thought! lends like these forget me not. es so angelic and Divine, . storms that gloom your;path-und.mine,i beyond, a meeting spot, le nut, forget me not. , iltoy,, 1857. • e Presbyterian Banner and Advaeato. Religion: S TO A FRIEND ON TEE DOCTRINES AND DUTIES Of THE BIBLE. X/X The Personality of God. own will begat he us.—:JAma a I:.18. DEAR FRIEND :—ln former letters_ spuken of God,. his character, and It may - also be' retnetribertia•t k orl7 )ken of the personality of God. I V be required that the preacher should explain every word or form or ex he may use." Vreaching. ,elligence in the hearers; .and if words and phrases which: , they-do , rstand, they should seek , iriforma- At in these familiar letters !I may explain, or explain as .[.proceed. let me say that the passage above from James i : 18, teaches, as I re in my last, the personality of 'God . ; les to him a will, and ants the result but who ever heard of an impel.- log, or a principle, having a, will, g things as the result. of its-volition ? is said of Gud : Of his own will us. Here is personality. God is -an essence—a conscious existence ,ellipeut being. He has intellect . He has a will of his own 'hie —James i: 18. Hence, having Ice and will, he is a personal being. the world itself, nor merely the ie world, nor yet the only substance nature and mind are the pherio it he is a personal, independent, ant being, who made, and who he world ; working all things after lel of his own will.—Eph. 3 , nfidelity of the present day denies 're is any personal God, any God ly and independently existin,, ,, , ,, any t from sin and independent , of, 'the creation. It teaches that God is —or the soul of the world—or the ,tance of which all things are but la, In some form it teaches that Jog is God, and that God is every Hence it calls GOd the Grist All; 1, God is all. It is-pantheistn, and lot a species ,of, atheism., It may God as the soul of the universe— king all matter and all, space—and ilk very eloquently and very piously od ; and yet it does not believe at all being whom we call God; it4oes ieve in any revelation from acid as, >ecause it holds all men are inspired,, d is in all men and in all things', and, Ire is no God apart from the visible! : literally, no (tod---no God who! real, personal existenoe.—Ps.. xiv. pd yet to hear the pantheist talk, you think him wondrous wise, and won pious too, for he will tell you God is phere and he sees God in everything; ere is something very grand msome conceptions, and very poetic, 'and ptivating; and hence the wide-spread ee of this species of infidelity; and .he danger too that many, very many, : led away by it, especially when we hat it is even now in some of o , r :s and our schools, in our books and in works of science and in novels ;titious trash, in numerous associa• 3 clubs, in lyceums, in libraries, in —very many of the popular lecturers taintcd with it—and even , in the and the devil has his colporteurs lug it 3 productions all over the Donee I have felt it important to you against it, and to guard, you it, by keeping prominently before as great truth. There is a persorial the living and true God. If it is a , thing to believe there is a God, it is a, thing--and a dangerous and, fatal : —to believe there is no tied. And, as' practical purposes, we may as well , e there is no God, as to believe "that las not, or is not, a personal exisi :. -4eee :hid of the, pantheist is .no God,'Son if rorlds wevobletled from*EitateneaAlteP. ibis God would not exist; but the God of the Bible, our God, is a God who exists in and of himself; he existed-before the worlds, and he would exist.if there were no worlds. Fie -made the worlds; be governs the worlds; he made us,' and he will bring us into judg ment; he will reward his, people and he will punish his enemies; for he is the Moral Governor, as, well as the Creator, of the universe; the Author and Sustainer of the moral law as Well as or natural laws,; the God of grace and redemption as well as of nature and providence:' . This may suffice by way of explanation. You, will now „understand what I mean.by the personality, of 'God. - I mean that God has a real existence of his, own; or, as Paul says: He that cornett). to God must.balieve that,he is, that he netnally and ;really existai : -410. xl:6. You exist, and of 01581 ) . 9,4 are ,conscions-rand you ( have Intellect and.will of your own. Now, as you,haveta conscious personal existence derived from God, , so he has a.g O ntitelptlq personal.ext.istence in himself—an intellect, and will of his own; he is before all things, and by him all things""ahniist.—Colossians is 15, 17. And-the 'deeigii:'-of'tlie'expres sion is to ,guard ,tythi \against:the spirit of infidelity which abroad -int, Oen. world and even in ,the ehnrch.. As Satan himself is transfortneft.ipw 411,, al?gel,of. light, even so its ministers ,mayplso > be, transformed,.as the ministers.of-righteousness.-2. ,Cor. ix 13-15. When we speak. of ,ourselves We say, we, rind*. When we Fray, we address,God as the ifearer and,Answerer of prayer , saying, Will not Thou heir it's. We are eonsoious of cur .own personality and we address God, as a personal-being. 'he Tupu of our prayers rises in solemn Riiariv'agaiest our own most hidden self-conseionsness.' ; —Tal.. - . loch's `Theisin.—Goty - GREAT AM Not very long ago' the British published , re.'prize essay, 'on 'lnfidelitY, its . causes, , aspects,- and agencies ; this has:been republished , in this country by the Carters; and it would be well fer every family to have a 'copy of -it. There are a,lio slater` , works , on the same 'subject by different authors; and there is-another of older , 41ate, -, McCosh on the Divine • Government,i,. Physical <and Moral. Some of these alLtehould read And in additions to ally:these we greatly need a plain and,- popular treatise on the subject, adapted, to- alholasses, and so ,cheap• as to secure its.general circulation; for the two great'opponents,,,of-Ahe Church and of vital ,piety: for Y.Prs,to con, will, probably be Mormonism - and, Infidelity, and a third the, eint product of, these two,---the spirit of licentiousness,,'spurning the . restraints of all lair, human and. Divine ; and this very spirit is now festered and inflamed' by a' cor rupt press, whose issues find their way • into every portion of our land — What' call for Christian 'actitity, and: for the iiiffdsion . of the Bible; and religiouebbOkserfiracts;'and ref it,, cps teivetts!pari;' _ Fffert and to 'prayer.:' Bliv-atr digression, perhaps Unnecessary; hut I'hope dot altogether useless. ' In ray next I - will try to'return -froth my Wanderings, and 'hope I may'get back by the time' I get through! YOURS', TRULY: Fat' the Pttimbytetiezi Banner ate Advocate. Revival at Mt. Carmel, Indiaaa. MPKINNEY Si . n.:—.4o en courage the,expeetatiop or,tiosrs,people, stimulate to.prayer and, effort, as well express our devout thanhfpiness to the Head of the Church, Lwish to recor.awhrit God has Tees ntly done for us, at Mt. Carmel during a communion -season r w a hich was ,to be my kat service in Connexion' with them a minister. The few aceessiline to the church: durini the list two `pears; with' some other " indications of 'deetensiorin ieligicue' interest, led to an' engagement; Some two months ago, to 'leave for Danlaps4 -Hilt latterly, from the inoreaie :iitteiv. dance, and seriousness of the '6iingregation; together - with greater 'earnestness ''at 'Our prayerzmeetinga and some - diseir of-personal concern :on :the Subject' , of religion, we .felt encouraged to expect the :presence , of the Lord with= neistoour meeting., The preach ing of .brother who absisted, :was accompanied , with. 'special power. , tOw Sat urday there , was imuch'l seriousness; hut on Sabbath,: during sermon, and-. communion seryisaes,, the presence, of-the Sp . irit seemed felt by ,all The work increased in power as the services Continued; until ,suipended for the sitting of Presbytery in our church. We felt "that the ° etnireli, now Without a Pastor, 'and preaching for next Sabbath; could not be left. I preached on the following 'Sabbath, when the' interest seemed still as i great, which' ed to continue till Wednesday. 'Fiftylfciiir Were received into the church's= examination„ most of whom 'received the ordinance of hiptisrli. A large propoittion Were yoting. "Cidd hatreibeeded , ours high est, expectations, and , both the. ehureloand itoyself felt that, with the rcontent oft;Dun lapsvilfe church'(whieh , has been obtained.) 4. Ought tto remain = Most of my .furniture was' already,retnoved to Dania paville,.whilst , we werevAletainedly the interest , in the church' the closei, when 'starting with my ,family for sDunlapsville, had ,three or four of , my r-ibs> broken, by a, kick from a horseoyhieb ,confine, me for several weeks. Whether ,thin wets a call of pod ;to remain at. Carmel the issue, is an arrangement for my ,remaining here if spared This week my, furniture is to be brought b f aei: I write,,fro,m my chair, which I have occupied these, five days, day and, night, with , considertible, talk, yet with the prospect of a speedy "recuiery. It is said of the good man , "He keepeth all his bones; no one of them is broken." Yet ''l can say, irt'view of the yak, " has made me to 'hear 'joy and gladness'tbat the'bones which he _M hath broken ay rejoice." WHEN the veil of death has .been drawn between us and the objects of our, regard, how quick•sighted do we become to ; their merits, and how bitterly do we, then remem ber, words or looks of- ulikindpess which may have escaped us in our intercourse with them I How careful should such thoughts • render us in the fulfillment of those offices of affection winch it may yet be in our poiviniteierferm t For "ivho can ,tell hOw soon the moment may arrive'yihen - reliant- JAMES GILCIMIST. •-t" j . ; FOR THE WEEK ENDIN G - SitTURDAN4 MAY :234 , 1857* .t i tt 5 !I _op • I.4Ct I Western Correspondence. Da. ik.r.K.INNEY:.L4he I Spring meetingu of our Western Presbyteries are being held; and cheering reports of die . gracious out. pourings of the Spirit of God upon our churches, for the past Winter, are again brought up in an interesting manner for review. The reports are, not of any, great or unusual excitements, of much stir or noise ;' but''of gentle, refreshing . Ontpodr ingsiof grace ; of , Ch drolies bly, alinost, to more , earneit prayer,-•more diligent use of the means , of, grace; of sin. [kers, without being, aware ,of ; any, unusual efforts in their behalf, bronglit to the font of 'the and 'consiiiined' to u giie the SaiiViorir;•-• made willing 4i:l'o4r:day Of power.; T Presbyteries of Chicago; Mock Sp:tmler, Dubuque,., Cedar, ; ,Pes lgoioes t Titinebagc, San garcon, Kaskaskia, and 'Peoria;hfave all iad reason to thlink4hEr Lord 'Of ilhre s lllriiesi Raging th - emi'bly zgrauteng onee.eupOu someofvtheire,chnrchese,t Would that Ale Lord. had., thus rblessed us a 11... .But alas I me r monder not that he withholdithe Copious' rain. We are so cold, SO worldly, Shigive'fi to' aithlessneig, tiiit, i irere'li% not God,. brit ; the 4woulcD b brass above:-:us, and. ',not Toyen - ,the dewside,scend: Oh, for more, faith! Several features of .interest4olthc,,wholc Church ,appear, in ~contemplating the fapts elicited at theeting4 Of 'Ori t r WeiterliPresl4- teries. le, - that . '"tWelitWard'the'Star of empire takes its:Way'Linet only,-; but that Christian enterprise ; is?directingrherbatten.. tion to the Western field. Yourig y uvi o just from the Sernivary, desirous of finding fields of labor, go not North, nor East, nor South ; but theirliignifiegare of the West; thither ; their footsteps• ; tend,;, r an,dovoure often called to grant liberty to such to,labor within our bounds. Mfg We. like to see. Let thU ; y6ung'Und . energetic east in their lot , withutie,` twith'lhe West, .kneiti her wants, and, by their - - labor; give ;tone to her soeiety,,,and , 4 fright direction. to. her ( sources. Let them come—those who are willing to endure hardshiPS as good soldier's of the diOisLJniitileV'ery 'village and every 1 neighborhebif haiil - ithe pure ;'4.3-ospel`. `Sci inualkkef ' , error at present 'abounds—subtle; insinuating errer = that we much need,lahor ere well skilled in the preaching,of Christ. Another circumstance elicited at our late meetings of Presbyteries is, that our Vest ern[churehes are exactingin 4 4lleir'dern . demands I upon -their pesters:- ' They Lar j e oftentimes expeetedLto.he what, ifytheyrivereovould-be tileoil . 44 l , of , 1 ,11 . 9 P . hu,T,Cti ': 41 0 7 a,:rP.' , .944n,.. eag P tletl„nPen,o what, it, they,did,would, he tile ruin ONfiem: - MiniSt6re iAing irna. hie or unwilling' to be, or do',' what iS .iliti eipactediof them ; find•it. necessary Ito leave their fields of: laboni. arid Preabyteries iliac often called, upon; to dissolve the connexion ibetween-PaatoFs,,a_.nd PenPil , iP,, mar,iien staitees, perhaps, but lately formed `''These aie'oftetr i thd most'Unpleasent bases Coiling ..liiitrknrorsideraliorr-tof___"lF',..reslixte - The :evils partly! in ,thelfaCt, that-out 1 churches Ara PomPellea3ta•dePP 23 d) •in part; , for• aid to support their pastctrs,:,upon,the ungodly community ; ' , hence, b. ' man must ! found' who Will' be popular 'Cootie,. te' - draW,' if not such ,to , the ,thouse. , Of •God and to ( Christi the required, : :cash from . their, purses. . Partly in that every ! place whether large.or small, is regarded in the "West as ,a peculiar I Aide, and Mint haVelt peculiar man; ' and ‘ partly in the fact, Alnit:church' Members • themselves •are mot tinily awake , to!thei real Iwants of the Church, eftentimes, l it is ! to)be feared, laboring, though with no such inten tion, tcPsecure , a.present good at. the sacrifice of ' all future :benefit. I do not :speak' of these 'things for the -purpose- of censuring anyone,,but 'that the' evil n:l4 , be brought before the, mind, and, : reinediesouo:t,,and, if possible, , applied. The : time ; is, coming when the Chdrch,,able , to sustain her pastors unaided li,,v)the ' world( will be 'more -inde pendent, and can retain 'the laithful;' godly servant of Christi-without -the fear of sub jecting liurfto &want ..ofatainporat.'3Support, because l he may MS,',l?9, ~just ,I.S.:P9Ptaictr as the ciathoyqus and unfeeling - world may de,- sire. . • • ,_. . . _ Afiether fact' eitliibitedib 'the :replirtis- of . . our 'Presbyteries; is, that young ; men , born , and:reared. among :us r arucoming,forward, and. devoting themselves .to, the,ntinistry, ; of reconciliation. Ik * g.ny , I nsides will be re-: .ported to" the' :Aliiernbly 'froid' 'PlefSbyterieS, 1 connected with the of Wikenbsin,' 1 Town, Chicago, and .Illinois.;.. ThisAs .an encouraging indiestion--.‘;iNeii are, liyJsit, saying to our, :iacet4rel At! 9#l9l.,pactl of,,qie . Church, that we are endeavoring to do our whole duty by akield'Of hilibi'libieli God; his intnisted te bur-care? net only cultiva„t ing it to the . utmost of nur ability; but laboiling to raise - tip, , ati ;Gad's'l instruments, those whe shall fill oar places ' .when 'we:are called aptinto lay ournrinor , aside:l ' , Theee, youths' are nowt 'metered' d'vei , 4 bUr wide fox-' teridedifield; but 'Wig believed 4.reinet.uatwi with one spirit, and tare , on e, in beartii May the Lord: . guideqtlieni.and tha-Presbyterihs Uuder)'.whose ialititge , they 'are,: Aliatelthe truth' as it' is in Jesiis, , mitytnpronloted' through" their agency - to that <plebe! in 'the world's reglirde; , whioll' it is , thistAieSigiii if Goa it Shall' take. - ' ' : ~, .i . - But little actual progress-has beenmade by as in- Seminary matters, of late. Ttio companies .holdingland In the'n - eighborhood of Chicago,-at Hyde Park,lieve each , made a donation'of .land;' , . amounting k iitu , all !no more than thirty-acres; very valuable 'pros pectively, qualifyinglhegrant with the con dition that improvemente to the ammint'of from $5O to $100",006 be`-put Upon - it in the, next live years: - 'lt is thought, however, that this - restriction can tbeTmodifiedin , such a manner that, in case the exact - amount required , be not, expended, the• interests of the Seminary will not suffer. ' A pledge , of $30;000 cash for the Done - Professorship has also been secured. At ,a' late :meeting of a Committee of the-Board-of Directors, a p i tt nifor . .4omilding was prosented i .compart ing with the en.largediand constant - 1y ex panding, ideas ,of our Western men, who look through telescopic eyes,, but was ,re conarnitted 'to ' the architect' by` by the there' sober Cortanittee, some of whom, being clergymen, , know the difficulty of money getting for even,. the necessary purposes; of life, with thedireotien that the,,,pl Et a jp it s general outline / be "preserved," . bilt ,that it 6 materially modified 65' - Size!' ThiS'iden incliiden'Sfrideit,streonik.SteWerd'lrdepart ment, liectnierobins; Library, 01iitileli-and, PrdfesslittliliblisesfiLbeneatli.. l oneroofioittiiill,!. 'af *kik liAttkrietivini;*thqiiiity Nzoi4o7!, J,.... ~, , i ~.., . a ,:Aurte -111'. ) 41,11.; ii 4,1 iI y ,;"..,, 1 ~. ~,,. ski ,sivv.p.“. il exp.ensive • and those tv4ositoßst Vag prop erty to be ' benefited by thef*ectickn i‘ ofsnoh 1 an edifice, shOuld give I:?y,.:Sir''''iii j e liiigesi part of the funds. bet Cliiitiktegi4iferotuidlf and buildings, and ,whate, Jae tiChuirih outside of Chicago-:may, 01r : that iin ! lie,- voted to the endowment fR tr , , , , {,. We fedi, here in the W t; that this "en terpride' is looked upon vh i t . istiu4tllTatira4i I parts of-our =Church ; . the% iiiilitthiiiielii , a mciverhentiof the - Nortirigtiiiint (ithe , tBosill - 7 -an enterprise, according I tif tbo t retkame , of the St. :Louis .Presbyieriaa w drsigned py .. - , un 1 ~.... LICI L. the prime movers to prepare t e.way for ve opening'ihBPplasiefy iiifita l iiniathak Let'ine'lttrt4s the brethraiff: 10s/Peingtiti4: iti without; pretending to+ egnith‘.desiA : of, those originating the ,e P11110112.0/41' t can assure them twit. t t i a e ! ~ ,11 1 and ths, l ' elifirWes included in the S 4, >8 !pen the :. Migissirig,'r C 6 fdPeiiitiiiiiii , C:2 -, ,R . `ii, l ifif as :truly and' devotedly attar _ Aervative position- of ) our:0 . r, , t , , , In , rpki sajeat3 '11f.i0471, 1 71 aware,,, ~. kei'MkTotO.beT ideality • and will. defend t trtositiost aiiii "contend Co' the list; ig,ainst li: 're Otrening of the question now so amicably and skiisfrie torily settled. ~I speak-in—this matter only for the Sy t nodeot_Qhiotor,„. : lUinois, Wis coqsicil ,4hd 1 0 ,74.7 as , Fl o if,,lri4c,oll these been "``mostly "with_ the 'brethien ~'Of Syn i eda",;" ' and' ' I belieiPiliiit did' 'theie Synods Ihink the . deka' OfiNgke .fthindessu of this Linstitutiod,w,hat has betlquakorge(4lls44 9/46 1 NY iwouA , PITY OA all4aitFltß9Gß,P l ,i,sh that inrpose r not cow., , cot ;theta Ns:quid:4 found ik.dioA any - lihi,i'acJ o tii . filoiii ale obj e'er. 1 do' not thiiilei'ytnf"ebiliniii;lik . . . • any other' Subjeo4i'greatertarrityLamtmg- mai tilionatpowthis.* , aWe:lovAstittoi losl* SO, OP: , t4ro;:-.-al;k4 eFons.Pflv.'nitlY,l!i f nintSkl4P= .41f. our. Churchupon tare " - vexed 4uestiiin,' and are resolved, :I),y God's help, to aidi - ,ear e bietliren 'Tin - maiiifainide-'-irks 7l Tigia i' but littleElioubt , 'elle foirrhSfabllsculentione4 above, itiviting Missouri Imager, witb,the% upon the great , work .9f, tinadiag,uß n„pent : inaryfor the NOrift-WeSi, and for aught - I knows - no doubt" of 'i;:itiOr %l i lies SyliddS uniting alkiciiri. thee tninfa ( ibriw'lltruaf, if li tZ snob_ Z an invitation :shoal ' ibeeXteildidit MissouriAV ll l, 4 l°tf fr9Tß.w.h. limigfpPS, ke* tats to engage„in this f uobhiliftd,eftsg. , , , ,,_ The , many ,friends y in, ens Ivof ~ ~..„ , A 5 . j' ~. LA,. ' `,. PI '' ' Rev. S. T. Wilson, Of Roe stand, wiliii gret, to leairiiihat'Ve ) htillfil rileveie' like: .irrhage'cOf l'the threat'lllre! iris, in cow sequence, obliged .fo discontinueilbili,latiors for some weeks, bat is, r , oty lautter,un,d' will, we hope, be. able, to,req# o ll fq:saajil!, efrort,S. His people t Who ar g,featly - a tta r etiett te'hilii,'eVidelked theit 'iqfpreciitiOn Of , big worth= asp a'' niala,lail'alifie's'erVi'eds •tes , i pistol , ' by.voltintatily, raisings:his)salirytto>sl,s4 per Ilanutli. - ; -I,:,.ria 1.':..,'..‘ Rev. .J . C. Bayr was, at, the last meeting Of the Presbytery of Rook 'River,, , released from the pastoral.. charge, -. of the' church' '• at Princeton, ' , lll. ' Brother/ Bilir Alai:greatly epdeared:Thienst itoitg , leeted:7,,wety ;,. .and.i,ye sineerely, , l itive th4t 1, Tfald 'will 'inifient, ;sitiVie - lie' will feel it liiii-drityhtO l llabor, i land 3 give hi'd strength:.:toiliii. Minitei:t in ithis ryety; 4:wady) region.-; The ..,oharst . h.l.9,f i Princeton ;has, blve, learn, , employed„as,,temporary i snppl - 4 the Rev. Nr 7 .Aliiligan, of Ohio, whpexpeets t i n oontinne Witli - lhem - a'few iidn'th's; Brother - Rodgeit Who received s a - tall' 1 tevikVeekS'ilece;'€o" theYcharch . at Sterling, ands who . was thereupon: received -.into the Presbytery has, bythe advice of his pby si,f,ians as 0 Mrs: Rodgers' state, of ,health, concluded to'deelipe the call, and either 'go' farther' 'Thns Sterliily;lid din perfa.'xit and moStien - ;; eouragnig, fieldi Ofilabori is stilt Mteanto. I lad the .pleasure, ii /few. days ,since, o pf visiting apart of:Abe : field Ander, Aharge of ti( ;"A res l? )- t ex7, hag giveattiein goO l dly heritage.' Located in one of richest portions' 'of; cvitli active and laborers:; engaged ' I I in. the. of evangelization ' , .Witt o ,oCaß w9PlikeF t'l?),t4.l2.SYAvlTY.Jl9tr..s9.lllq,illp the Assembly yi•413:,. the most cheering report '`God . the'di."l"filisaa RSV. a.' Ers'Neilliti;‘"lio "haVial.'patit6ril charge; hi z the iNorthe r rnl'Vortion of Mathis j kre§byte,,rykat..l‘,.! ceabn.nnion,..Booq4r, upon §PliirC43s ~§01 ? .#1 1 ,0A91 1A M9PlaYil of APIA 25t1t,.26th,, , ,ana it.* was good ,TO there. - 1441 Wafi 'also pres~eu't, an active and devoted pastor, ibddt, J'tri) take 4c hargeliof , the.schlireliestof iKeithsbitrgilnd Alecto.- .. 1 1lheseAsSt. are ; new, fields4eft.laboy, of great proTiefit., 7 41,respec t of; the y foi to flearned that the - inhaiiitsnts r lid built and id'ati fast "cleat" anil''com fcirtabbiltoii664or' Niorishifq , befeure'..3 Ott litCh hifibe orga nized..l Ilhe (latter is dliepoitrt .atl which the, , ,Meroer•Rollegiate Institoy a tOs I; ..leptte4,- 7 -, t an t institntiop.,started 4 throush,, th liberality of,, ;we hive - ated'iiign s ty acieS and o,l,4ooltr , Vilah,'ltO theent'efiriail. 1'h&" underrellarge of :the,Presbyti;ry', lof?Sgh.4slex;.But 419Xes , qt - .0144 1P.044 14 .P1it1i.R; mubeant.etter Fronraithat f m sap,; ` t ,y we have rastethtolGedaid I,4te conr, '."'W74pl thank Gad T i V aiee-onder a* iitt'hQthrei - SehityleildiiieLattedtiert- td Itheif iPkesby-' 7 ' l %NOEiTH=WESTIr t , . , ' -I! 1} fl- : ~.i .!'%.r...J.:*. AT 1):41 ,11 . :, , tri; ~ , ,1.- . ,oa . ii ;;;i:i 77 i • THE FIRST T-WENTE YEARS.-five as long as yow, A tply t .,tha tj ,fL!str, t twenty years form the greater, par't' y ' ioitr, life. They, iiirhe'itlherierei`asaitig - i;'thePeenc ' toFrhave'; been - L. se6wlreni blook , ..thaek:3o Ahem ; andr:they t takempimore .our (memory than ..yeAr,q thap, n qu,peeed , If ,this be important that` fin platiting -good)"Wiireol; 'pler'eultivatingagoodltastes, etrengthel3ing .good 'habits r, and,fleei ng , thaseipleasures lArl'i°ll.aY-11P,bite.rr!Wirr4 sorrow fer,tfre to come. Take good care of the first twee ty years of your , life, and you may tie V .Ibat , the last tivelity will take. good.eare..,of POPE, the moralist,• not the Poire of - Enron said : 4 orliere never ,was faetion, sect, oreabal whatsoever, which the most ignorant were ;not , the moat vio lent; for a beciikoot a.hnsier animal than •.blockhead!' :It " not thr Fakir it.blookbeaa. is one men making the` most noise who nre , dmnglbe most gond, !alidAniot the mast' noisy who are doing-Abe most. harm, The:. silent, lerafty,enteeltry,An ,sanni,ips of ,trtitb, 4 religion, Joharenter,lpid ;morals, are theimen toixnfe!irlAconatit4cissio 1.13411 ntlawes , ~~. .-~ .~.. iii IZIEU MEE If!Ell 1 , , From our Cforrektionfient niuwed Meeting of i the EnylisitSrod-21Telocastle ,`"-. • tipina:4',Vi'il7lB;lfintialmirealthalis'Hiei.VPirel Ariggf, T rAsox,a4d...arezo7llo, Attriol9o Artilkcyra Arcinastle-,Preskytaianisnt,P,l2o and -Present jOebiliaMai r Edrlon ..ruiC'oitUaliiibri-Syn9dical I kDoink§ letntivinebates-- - t•igi s ritigi n e , PrgFA ROfBCiRn9P-i 'ftf 'rte amo Ptesbyteelans in'Elp an d-LForeign, r ne--cbr,llDafßandsHuihdllitlir liXettimpy . I PP*. R9MB,!!--77 - PPM Air Priipong by Ea s op.sel'iabliteriaiii—Tplitii at 7 a , xpeeaif,cti.. 1 (..) f 3 . . 1 141 . .4 oc l Jit.MIN SX/10:1).;i7X 01 7 , /..104 oPft.OOTW-figivi IRF.A9NlMEti al lefi l 4af t a b .,92Th i i / 45 1 Erie ~1 1,4gfia5t t hstlgesent4 w eek. 4 5Newomtle-ppo? ” Tyhp;' . Jetvivrntatoryinittheirhiraefid.9 . ffSonantim'es o,4l,MplauthtfjP.thAnflAihniCD*rotoisi, in itef4tr''tt. 9 l - i% ' ehias i';:t o Snitds.4ol: •7 / 4 4 t, aa. a- -3 .• Arel&gnE IBM Cr& yMaii` t_ "Aq W tff i '§t le 79.P.4Y e •I iJi. l 59 1931 r 4lfSgi,tto bargb, coal•inines * end the J.A. • • u.re'' veeith which the mineial treess'of, the district' secure to the' Ithabttinis: The stranger. 'does not like Lits 4inokeandratist ; f Bata yet, lie not s 6 selfsdn'astto fdrgetpthat , only rblackens t,be Atmosphisre„bylt mak him" piens, ac •at • - Of - us km ' k go , - . `.+ , l Almighty; Miracle ...of ~ pngineering ..2.ito trim's ,§Vy.9 l tiaThthe kiste die r4et reed;' r laty br6adpaltgiiiiig-tiassitAtifot ;ably , lif its topolost7tierl'fot Liiifway,Jiiiiins,butfunder i4eath` this, fproirisaes 40 . feet, Rmseßgers, ans the Tyne,. and affords, by 'ipeeti.ike" Of onthe ‘4 ' water; the smohiii; 7 fieiefteiqt=iect and -town `;v:livhile:by,siiight,lar over the calm a,nd fierce,ol,o, affiisnane• fire Newoastle' t, is &Mens' 'English 4 - .1 spiritual reininie6ericee. Ille r rei , rpreached: and labored;; /persecute (Li:T.49les. YI of Scotland !wand a.refttge - , and those. who have read the history of modern revi vals - and the life Of - Hobert -M'Cheyne, -know Ythati -W*lllam urns- (now -"ourbi iiiionary in Chinalyhere.preached,in warning word , tiofilionnils,pyvhileM.Clieyne,,under .14.p i sh; ! iliimir : of, the firm t church ~of. "Nichnlas, spoke to listening multitude _ 411ile Moon' fell On fic'6B f 'ihe 3. 'egreatiihif4i'.lllkone","Land of 'the, .:retributibne tof In NewAsatiale-P.T.edlYterianism.thas e ( far PlanY„'"lßE:rati9asp:4 4l a .place aad.ah9m?. Not' that t its, 111sfoii has been a fawishing, or"unchequered ouc Thepeople are sturdy, aridi driiii't====lthaitiliyaigillf they, 'tea 62 rtalbe imith Ltlfeib•stalwart limbs rand' brawny -An.? the, str9eta,,,ar...m-PPl?lia - -ataP l3 4 - - Scottish MOdeistfain..liere ton. , had "'its caldlekited Tfui`7B6Ot iisli Seceision 43ent, itis faithful 4 ' neii4o beir for thei old 4iiths ;?.if , ..end Evangel ical,Free...Churchism.has operated here ever „since Pilirl l ,l3.4 o ar the able ministers, dad "Of'ivh*Ota Si) well known to `ironfielf, and -IniatiYqhf as -olaithful servant! to , thivciusw, of ).Christ, and -of 11 Old 7 School Presbyter . ianisin,. , in. ) itl4Phia; ) ) c ,lnfidelity, in, 'Neweastle r has:. been :Aong "ac'eUsiaiitad ia laAl3.'` lilasPhemies. Seettlariatrr has-its' bobisellekti-an'd its aposties';.-itere, , thelStittilaY , 'League • - #tnislits ~ congenialf-eo-adjaters, in its :infarnousi at rtempts te c abo t lish .j cfe . , { Christian Sabbath,` ''under fa lse" and j ca ' n'ting pretinees while practical ungodliness prevails extentitiidY, SktartliasPlisif4eatpandegrekt anal lrity. 'Let‘Pinel litadstliat 7 ittitfits , ltere'ithat two , remarkable men , of , Modern ;history, were ,I.Ttfe.firStvfgr,l4 o rl l ,9l l l l 1 1(4.19TAI, 1 1). 4 4 10i'ing , 9 1 1•P°4 1 er'p # ll °o 1 0.°k 4e - lays before his realty sound j i ndgments were given, broke many a suitor's 'heart, and the unrelentinrThry, - who opposed all .voliticalltrefornqamftwasialVobsititent)bigit „against / tlfe•Aigths, c the,people,tp, tkoilast. The second remarkable. person „(not was, • r r”:" 2141 but) es Thomas Btnney, tlfewell-knoWn inter ''of! thii"Weigh Ofilpel'l'L , author.of “Meligionliliest for Both ic;Worlds,l,whichi , l riehiri:sententiousAvisdpin, '.fai.C..Vl.l?.eat%Ole,lB.ectqaTilt amp proyesiliat,, for this fe r wers happier,AO firider tiOlialloW' of the Cross; add this'iskitiiii:arid'.infinenCesiof -.theTaith of the4Opel"; mould eiwishiTwerei 41 . 0/Tu t young .men in the world, who speaks and imclef:Alm „English tongue.' Thomas Binney Why ' lie is fibre at- WV tide Veil: ttmel'ofvaiir meeting. Ye lie-3 I. preachedt tw t,Lordisydayi; and C,l.lMPle.ras.ki9tJel 3 tßren% t'VP, and Labors of q t t. Pauff l He opines to our isrf .4h ;VI Difn, Synod. too; and afterwards dines With Tis. ' e nd° filfd iti r e t &PAW' ditiLe!st subtirbso , l6oking onrike wherpiherplayda iarboybciod,p,and.:lt.?iv , his heark,was ,rnade F end., by.the ravagespf time and death.. And now, look r af bint,as *.. . f our .IVlodeiater, (Kr: ',Thoniiison, of ) t - Wool 'WhoSe he-144`1'hein 'n.'s'eate'do.neritions,this name to:thedarge-eoni t, panty; and, he Exisesuto , freturn, f thenks,i his ,dheightlisigrest r and his r franke w mattive., , He somewhat', bent 1,944 . his 4 . hair,. is little tinged' with age, andlitslnTown4yOkfull if light: and'ple'asa`nti : r Witty and" wise, • hecexpiesses , hist love tto(our Chisrith, an d, his desire for its..enlargmnentAnd PxtePsien'jn England,, thilks ,that, s ive,l3two ;30 111 ;8- '4ton to 00, and certain ; charac t er i s tics in our , ' systeni mums, he is not sure but ' that and hiiiiii'endat(Conifikkatibilitliata)liiight ..ti'prefitabyi her lifsalOvingly suggests, ese. t havb,:soluo i things,,tbat, ypes, 2 knight ,Proft bow he is theopn of a NpweastleVesbyieriaueliler; and g ives a' 'reiniaiieenee of Presbyterian - Sernion had= been , announced}' , at -howevei,` while the' . lininistiirs, save, the.,preacher,.etitik-ele, pew, lie, ihhe self a little boy or perhaps one more was the only anditor. And then, 'with his peon ' liar Odor , ishottC the; tt,VOU'i reinathlferifitthift i,ihaviaPresbytaribwibloodi.int `my aeitis will i5PANY14, 1 44940 Acc9,1414.4 0 .g 101 Lapyintpoatpr Munpir t qf 31nclies ter, nano reisiprooritee bot the wit and the 4104 lanintitiiiiteilaiitiiiilaWaly NAM an iffiZe pints, by hy a ,refe , renee Jo one of the leading, rniiiiters of s i - fine'heater, who:)iad been the ; -i'stin4Ofg a iPtesbyteiiitt iddir, 'too, 'ittuNdir-: ~ e astle-,how-natural itiwasAre the-olden tame, ,470:ten,llye,ngelisea,and,Presbyteriaiiisokmere! I ,,,,.#,Ney,ered, that.,parn,eat„39,nag IW) n atiolld; hiie - iiiiit4'd . theChurch' fth fth ' , , q . eir a , era. •lhe j meetin l g'ef our SYnod was held a: • ehtnthAo .sWhiohl "jOhtelinok" *Weis' al -;:maidezand: of whi c h the , Rev.rl?e ;Miller, ttqllfri9PA4 of , All(Dimste;t. valid now, and unable to t he Aresent wit c h us, - tiethe 3 Built in the -•inedikval;snEyle (Dols'-'well iii the iiitBiidr -;bet itheiinidfortane ii,--gliereittieentrastingoas -ylvqll-Fa rqfP-TeP9P4kgktgrAttl bqfvety, , Nlofd , -* yeTahly.wiP.thovhmet4l,eilk,frowt4e,, plane d 'enti. !tutelar ineiad'aii. , '4f t' trhik 2 ettat" halve iikert . '6 3 'iltia , f'iitti r illid, , •rthat'** l, Speakers' , arelleard444l „ 179144fifilZIA &Tin ant nitita t udgsgi Sabi 4:1)1111a:4% .96 • tee f t epp ,#e sa # • ,« ,441 p ~ if Voisigrilifjssibis, iOrgimiL(geitiont; and the Depettatifons gistleriabareheb. ,The,desirableness; in England, of adapting oniselyes'tothe devotional. tastes of Chris ,matterai of praise. and song in the house OfAhe Lcar---titer' repeated clisens 7 , aions the' , principle` and: long )continued ~efforts; tto 'obtain -al suitable, collection- 1 1ms ,beenpractically Irecomi;ed„, thp adoption of £4Binall book, entitled fqaraphrases and etipPleiriOnal j i,o ertii'liii.ned.= in the' •Pretaliyteinmettireb in England." The collection is hall ihte'eded ~t_os be .=more thaw ImppleSentitl i o andt our Peale:ism:id Paraphrases asthitbertoiu use are to retain their sepremacy. Bat, to meet the ` leaves of 'their .riy English' "who etthc do - /oiri-our-oommunion, 'arid ''feel' e want of „those,;:sicied = songs of alopl6,dy, • Charles Wesley, ,Cowper, Newton,,llontgomery, and others-- T or who, do notijoin T us, from their ,stumbling at our old Psalwodyt and more; `over to give 'exOessio'n strains dear • , ',.to inarirof frcief ,, Chiliihticid;'t and ,the Outpourings of conseciatedlgeniusand seii4npa o f God wettlid need, andhave now obtained, a follection , of ,hymns,in ,sall, '(one hundred` and f, sixteen hymns. in all,) - Iblit"-preciona; containing - "the: etiiiieeet - Of • itynans,tliigieal literittriti and the most Suit- ,:able to .praise. .I , trust and believe that this will be a „great blessing ..to our Ghnreh- to England. I I love, not :, the , old ` - 'psalniody - leas, nor the Maas `of Peo tO'hbar and hiloW'that; ere long) itfr.willthnd your f'Old , School Xarther, after%/being7twd 12YeaT a s a_ Convener'Conl-jqttfes)} and four year s member ofsticpe,ssive Cem;! mittees engaged in selecting hymns, come torethe notelipion s that most Hymn 'liplike are to 7a,io, - that 'cis §*,iied ;public it 6 fo 6 lP ; t he really ' poetical rand choice=hymnnology : of English', literatnie {jig P•comparativelidlimited. Atthorotighlrevision -4.4440-leile.tario4fie r taplAo9;lm ga„,on Tr Watier4" CIE' the Church of Scotland, :is ; greatly needed; ,hut, I . ,hardlpexpeet.to ;seethe:se:attempted ,inthisi.generatiom , A kindred 'topic iiCtihe 'Orgerf QieStion. Th94o.oBtion came np fon a Tef.efen,:fr9ni the, Lancashire - Presbytery., rji::congrega tionaatoLiverpool continued , thn4irgani'after the .virtual prohibition`-Of Seettri-s'Syned.; T402115Y.,404 now.P decs lies ,thatthis 'and another - congregatipeietain„. theirorganp; while the resolution fts „year ‘ remaiea,uti- Th 6indes .repealed. ci A,-party:whVlthiiiktlitiPienlot organsusiii ' ful audidangerous,-are , dissatisfiedtwith !the deciaion which was ,carried hy so. narrow-a majority. . f) , 4, As to our College, D. M'Criy,s appoint,. meat - 'wash of - Venerateongr'atula 7 thi•'SynddilandAhatientleiriblestid, Cdreastin‘reference tAy this devotedneseftoLonr WaPinelltreoqiYeSLifie.i , As i t6' nnion,yrith the, United r Proshyterian dhirreheoi the tOoieuient'hai Aibt made muelr - litogress , ldurthethe F - ave - itiithefact thatix.r:cwfightpar Jt,ter ;Southtimpteayihaalbroughtliefore:thn ChurehLaTyypositionjw,hieh r moulittood move barriers t out Of. the weypriettichlly i , ,'l)n,t which, to 'AV thateaolitigyfiedbehroild 'dot i;SeparatelyAin":xmiitterszfof Elloterinhentipliat that, there shonhit be = a „General ...Assombi for-Missionary, pol VCI lege arid kindred' enter ,prises . ee. ,The only repot , present Ivor i;)e t& promote `' mutual.`'goodt`feelin'g; ~rtli'e`l'liest ,IlirepaMtiOn. for , eobleSiastital ,,, ineorPoratiOp.l 4 ;,, iworthy; of. notice „that: tliemiteliefland 4churetkp§,,,o(,2,§4Q#4l:47:WerP i t ten years; in treaty before - a 4 c - tiiitelt Presbyterian Warld t ,'"Whe I.consureniatedt • In reference to onr,,-,Xoreign.4tiesion o two additional TW-Anari9sf .. B PPRl)goffPrth is like sniiw;., the-weir - Me:it 'falls 'China, wttero (at AMoy,„),f i l i t , e work I , the longer „it dwells ,o.pon, j antlitho deeper- it goes on wits any; inteiruWttott *ain't:he sinks, into the. Coleridge. collision wilieligiihliken'ineVe -l betieeri the ' ' ' oGOvernoir,ot,Qakitormanditherßritisii: ,;2•44i„ 1,1 _AMATI.-Q -inElngst dstigoronei ::When it fj.,j31.)4s .Swatow' • , P"4a l4 l l :fO la t'- ,3 l ea 4. e n • -c t .' e at no ir l eatAiStance Klein Oantne,. .; oar wisdom therefore to „Alt* I ~.,4iatg; teltat 2§ Depatattons from t o Irish Fresbytenan who "." `A?" . '''''"*: s, I'4n C ' . unuran, and the Free Churen zeottand, UNweg.—Wnen -we desire to sobeit ' , ifeidnined; r "tind' wholly' ;:hronghtgepilitidhigslWithahemlas to itomel i:Jsidetkovbirenicietineeeviif-it ; when il;fis,ob f,v4:forolgnloperagiona..;.:,..t.i, ; •;917d itained, minds:Tun onlyion!the ;bad: ones. Diiff;'writingzfrom LITENNS The 4 spurt , of Lpoliteness pasedirl that .:a ~.7.Professorship.).rofir.National-ii_oonsititain our giving:m:o laniattention to ~„"T„inplAileFs 14!c1.1arD3P4ge,thOrthose.eronncl -i•SgOnefliP. - nleTql l .Yof:Xxr,El4 5 14;LERiehPubli he per:Reel:4ly endowed, . Thcwoposition. : ,:pe r. ,e,re left oontfitt withua, ; and, with them hasVeen reeeiVed with entiOsiesin and will setvee.—L • ' he'eliiked out•At e oiiiitirtk it ille i' s'native' balithe,p that:4;lls the world place; tjtkediniCtitiki to r liCcereOted' the test withterror, , - itto ber..defraye ,bythe penny sitbiciriptionlslot Were ' ihaif'tl a wealth , bestowed' on vamps !iL !forking nywalt,!'xrcer,igip,kingdoui,•;: l ,The) i'atid4ottits - ' 46 l 'estimony . ..,.4 the:, Ttooks?' is .already r.GirOn to redeem , the - human mind from , errors, the second edition ' It is the fit a nd. crown ; v.. 4: e ; Thor!! were I mo need of ,arsenalsior forts." • • ing memorial' ova groat man. I en clos e a • ' oharheterlatic,Catraetjlia;follniiiit ..ITorgarr.t* thing should' occasion 'demurs:. baseriehr In'. andAifferences.between true friends;. When. ,' 3 het end greatesCef:the.:Anirks...ot<the!ilatei! %F e i x . g e d l-(k hot in resenting a.- Hugh Miller, ".The.TestimonY.of ‘ thepitocks,", we High .in demanding our rights, or fiad'the following picture of theWoiledibreithin: hard in denying a kindness, we shoild an. The oreatorthawppekee, thit stakti4Ook; ewer the temptation with this question, out from: ppeniftgs,of., deep. upelendediKae,; and , u Wh a t is Ads. 4etiveeismse foul friena as day rises, and"the'plenet of morning p a te s , i n • the`East,• tijkibroken.' , TolotidlethiaVoutilti‘hted..'i O.TEIBRE , are tones'. that will kannta from, bronze iata-gOl4, and ,anon the jge . l44 beconiee t though: lonely : • - and aelength the . glorious sun arises out of: wte4eig,, 4 tunreiritezioini hiliiionite9kijiliehigl : path,be o'er mountain or seas part front ' - us, only a. brilliant day ; the waves, iofiaidseper and go ' blue than before, dance, and sparkle in the ...light; Wtteli.milnoq ceases to be 4 ( TilifY -hopes which ''otti"htuiden can c•classonn 4 ba-gioblefbrightszgrasi; addlasahelinut., - - declines •autid. even richer c u r es than thome u which tiNciVii4iiclahikakir'W m od n a F )ziugk9ol.oo§PAPAPOiteetillOtitbe,s away; , e appear nit&orbed.dni itlieuktdmaikeyoUthek d Vir- '1'111411.4iji4.1.'-)313611111111441' .can 1 9/ 1 12 w w i t t" a s j enr . es d atar b g ti 4tilli g ilitlitihkirkk4 r i ch 1.4 1- T fit v. ,, ,rf , T 1 "71 f'l7 • ..1••• • • ). • „It .1)1 , • - ••?r , r 7the .$ 1 . 50 0P,e,r the Cit y; tt SEC REIVUS. ' ,4,1r1,445,:ti ifiwab lit OM MOMIEMEMMI ' ' iiii Via PA Marling& 7 gnk i fiarMifithe "drikiii"i", tieirrfrandistii ) ,'lsxWbfA of 71 la anti t Odgite" e eliil Bl deAC idgti#Ads, ' 4 4:diVedgiWaVil ,Vidl e plEls ' Vtivers, and broad lakes • and a triab - 1- . fliialbver Mr. ' .11filitielliCitifitip 4 e t qe1Wel OtithitArrt: and 4ifeifftfOrn stfienWuniatkiii-Ve&W•dGib.n "titilidgelialk 'al i oEg c Thl illitiV,"diliVitre" I tal' %Ito- # the water iti , questAf their i ii Tt ni i... a .ile %As 'prfaierizellon_l4lB' , 'la ;mi eam Pinggretint hi Ro'veriti fl'ock's; Sic :lea? in the calm of a Summer evenin , over the natfower - as, OYlNghirwattr _ air Igs • Tugs, the4hipk_woods. i • AlFko9eap.- • won . sters; great s r , leviathans" tempest e eep as. t 11,6 heliii'thiiiilingiV Ville cidier !the k. i fil to : iithlAerlaile lifellpfdiSMAkirillStn4-PuttlPiegeir Actstx,..ilq goeth s 'n)mikle, as out of a 1 seithilig ,pot 7 i) . 't ( caititiriin r . 'Motatnuiti')ciTitiAih,,lfEeti in li?assivelscalmeditunt ithrxivepg.forlfewAiejflat i T,,tili IF, tnnadows ;trkrth,, air ? sintilrater an charged with - aiiimil life, arid tge' sun Bets a-on Vsekdne, in which unerring instinct pursnistiunivemititiqgly its few simple ensl,t)4,eeuPP.oo and preservation of the i f; , ,: , . nil, liLwomikti2nof the species, and the, •' , 'ft° . *BEIim..M6ARNP.of the ming. :...-. : - ....`• _4l'-4,:.- s ltt 9' i' . '.._-* 44; ; 1 --.,),;;) bas day crea'O - n. on , , ittre."Tinneaslas `Tortnneld gir'itzioonlWpr , wailor3s,inAttainarShfa;.l4 7 afjpat,,ltipppgptilnns • rustles, among the rectis,,or.plunges„spllenly_}nto "the' ri ver great herds of ieleilii6ith"seelio their -• food•attnd t9ie youngeherhagetot.ithecvdod); ) 4hile .IR4misle of l fiercernatnre—the lion, the leopard, cliVdo"titithhe evening, or lie in wait for their prcyzaniid tarigled thickets, or -beneath,.some broken bank. At ,- . l . 4 epoimpOh e ay ) . wales tigialAe tak aft on i lenA th en, dilin,74lii,,sf4pontitile .49i41 4 )4cre a on , 'ffalned in. God's own image, thp,soene, • 'amid "the work' cif 'creation' 'ediSeS. ,, for-'4Vert upon ;,titeleirth. , ,lTtidnigat fella / once oaore, 7 timilthe prospect, aucl, there. d as, ye another', „mono w, th 4 niorroW'Of GOd'i'redithfat Di‘iiieclfattriffi in )gwhiChftherais?tio.more.orlitti*,e4sibbraijnpyitich, ‘.. blessed anti san.c.tified7heyond'all ,thodaye that i litdidid i e'befo're' has as . its'"llidtial*tilijbetukhe Alstienifttioniieftimitn. . An - Cover it. no evening ,i,s.,mpreiented : -in tbecre forqts' SpeCial tihi,"yet Su* isdems :to have teenitireilsitilime ,Eatleraula of f creation exhibited fn vlsiciao! i old to 'Vibe aeTheo:l who first ught:the c qsep seed, theasegineinuhovetheeliteveor Rose out of chaos; • and; rightly understood, w - mot' wangle ticietitifio(trtithvtlist- militatet4gegeeMlivetkilhe :milli/test or least,propinaktsfAsfiptails.* PREN!i4i4,gRE.OI:ERIGrAIas been Zied fE v with. anc?essir sereaatle 7 on-Type,:4nring. o : *l ; .:4 , nthiloel; t e n 'mutifeta tVei i glEh 9 BYiod: 4 We'4ng'fforthqo 'atfeetsliith xiher`in4ein of Idle .brethrenlifi SynCttita .4o3mbled. We /went Ctwo.J andf l two.!! by, ChF,ialiag friemilm4od and 4 fiev,en s ty com pOsed one:l,44lo3pda, 'and were rety indlgriateriiPfeilidet 3 / 4 40` especially toward—the-close.- Each minister mmlitte 4 4ooinilkpOditieliArldta*aliland'ile ~4Th9. 4 3, ;Pe, YviCA i. 4 0.0 4 1.4 4 0 9r,' No dmcwt,tne onerign_nt, of,pgew prfashing will' 4 l-.)e Mate eatenetvely E4daiii.-RTEitti i ;irides' lare iteolterirett cities, rand :,the .Misterqsays, , Ohadmpel/ them,' to z ootne thapnitfdyStatas ?• f . 1, • VP' e Rlble for any leaders oom stn I ritothillk ;Jai! , The ereochieteillefuter: I A genet[ lualmitieitils‘avitr , Earope.r • ;n • *The-'godity," historroVereation here re&Ar,(lo , l4.ktisli , 0 ? sgrtNttitieratibn• For six periods God wsonlfht. Creation was then • thiitakilie seienth.peribd; resta :. fgornilis' creates! no.more: uThiotPe . 40d r aicordingp Millen embrac es all time—en lirdefrdPnats iiceptiontall-the' en 4: o f , it ! . ; thlh. lA. ; as Apokezi, of by ~ t 4e. prophets:: • Peat . p_vents,:he E 4hinks, i .were ; revealed . to Moses in vititint i ,4itilt I ns some great fatnre e4ents wire 311,kaim tOiDitnieh and sJohn- and-iother prophets. ' l±ts,A. , ,ylisifin„"Awaspresenteato_the r mipd of Mosce, makuig 'known to him the ' creative tifbiklof &Whitley Vt j anduttniktho Ittfoqtteni - Gcolo- JettrllalWiltnttitillY,lPl3dr.grP , Phlos ll .7 , #escril)eg t e Iritinsao 'one of ' thtee of the days,, in the quotation given. To interpret acculaeelyi 'the PIVt. ,we, await ar4it hie,OriefdAlfWeloP me v and so, to read understandingly . the -recbit of • Nis' Of the 'paCt,' 'flinglit l inventigatel its aotnaittp,henoinena which. re- . . . main, and ou t rate Geolegimil Sci ence. plausible: • It td4.B, heantiftildmagifiationtw)lintTlet rtS 4 r,titard it ne ord,y a Iheom i still f and not make it the founda rlion 'of 'it' doctrine or 's duti shall Militate f. inliheAeast'sigainatmni :of the obvioriiiteaehing s of God's Word. ~ , , En. //irk1,15 9 -:- eatis. -ititod IA tattllT S. -h., : '4•7 : c ri'i." t' c S. - • ' ''Gob'sufavoritekord tile' world's biughing v'tkockir. - ` iii most mischievous hirs are th'ese mliodieertijust: on tlie verge of truth. ~ " I'mbirkikTioirsyrate- it file Which. 'rubs off much! of the; ruse; ofieelf-eonfuleuee..—Fett€• ?on E .gic' M l4B r oirno TMAttnnt ELI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers