. . . . . . : T. , 1 11 J a I ~• , :. A v_ i : ..i.. I , . :; -: . :k i, .._ , . . . .„.. .. ~....„., .... .... :A 7l . : ~.. .. , . . . - . ... ~ hyterlau annwr. 01. Vlga* 34. , "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE 'I DESIRED OP THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THINE VI DO. " `. 'WHOLVN bytar I a al Advocate. Vol. XIX. o. 29.1 • it. . . . , ...,. ..,,, is„,,S .'•': ,',, I , ; vortiti, F ~. fr, 4 ..,,, : - . , The Fi ny 3. la. A. th. .5 .... ',;ce come the flowers? '\ hat is their mission hers, ey come from the bright, wt. • . =ere they ever, ever bloom; , t. • ~ e care is unknown and angut, ', . heard of time, death and the tt 're tokens of endless, boundless 1, !‘• • rots our Heavenly Parent true; btastes of the joys which in heaven.',e. td charms for the hopeless, too. a . l, 1:11. K oh. LI a L n • ' iTonesv t or ' Weide% s '• .. , - and 'other ' ~ r ' -1 every. sentt. .. ) . ' people toshay. .. , • glaringifalsific. ..... . : -, y eVer -been minim. 14 . < Church ! ~ - '-' ' THE:PETh e ' lh spite of the .rebt< r dttoed '..by :Perrin: and, WV writers :;persist in._ denyi. ,eth tlenses r' of . -Piedinont Me c: ,t, ...., ly And - what excuse do theYs., en 'diatins' the solemn "professions C 'practice, so often uttered- by. •,.. itel :witnesses of Abe, truth ? . ;Simply, p rar during the twelfth century there , b, s ei in ; the Southof Trance:talsmall-Siee nu, :Petr'obrussians, who refusedjharitism t lents , on the , ground that sthey - were int oil bits. of:: salvation:: ,-,These ' , people .were, ts in great extent, confoundedswiththe Vaud°. -or Waldenses, :because they .-had frequent 1, •• intercourse, and ::made dooms:ton - pause ,with-,. them against , , the ? Papists,. s - Soons after the t • death, of their; founder, s Peter de -Bruis, 1., they „dwindled , away • and,risecame extinct. And:here let it ..be, .noted. that this,.is the -;.•. :Bab t I ...for. _.win ;the Apos , .. :received- , i. _ .. , . , • :different , . frt it') i glossin by.whi Ist . - off.tGOd- of- -not s Tliess. ii;::.:lssse s , Alf i i itandlastiandthol: :i s ihitve'beentanghtOt epistle.”. Again, I in;. : thirds•oliapter ir•-•4‘; Now a _ r brethren; iri ! the - ,name: . i 1 I - , :Christ; i that , ye • withdraw et 1 -:- every ibrother othatiwalkath. .mot infter the, Itadition mhic. t• ):tof uselss-4.slis:,;-_: .. - .a Qili:.:-.*„...1.1i: If, therefore, the 'primitive Ch. ceived - a tradition :or order -• fitm 6 ... .F. .4, , 0. Apostles to' baptize infants s theywei M. I ',er to hold , it ~fist and: obey it E .Orige i ~ ' • . every- opportunity to_ know..whether- sue Pc - order had been received from the Apost. e ,-He was decended 'frame .Christian anoesti, ;- ~d reaching'back to the Apostolic age. - His - - - - - - I 3 : . • , pedigree has been . transmittedsto uns , by n , , Is, - singular :providence. ',Porphyry, .a , bitter,. ,1,. .z.--,i. - enemy . to:„. OhristianitY,. , represented;: 'the' the . .., - -Christians as a 'degraded people.; destitute* tures, ' .. C . salt science;::' But not being able to. , conceal -nature. .. _ ~.. • . . . .... . . .. _ . ~ oh . '-the splendid hteraryattaitimenta -of sOrigen, mature,,- _ a, at he pretended that he was firsts -heathen„ ; . whi c h,; a t ~ se, and had--learned , . their philosophy. ' In •ness 'and t, . . e .. order -to cenfute -this. falsehood, Ensebius, slfsany.,man ; . . the historien, - Setsforthide Christian descent._ to. him—he ~ L. It seems that hie father suffered martyrkom s . againsend,borns • and that `has 'grandfather' and 'great-grand John iii :. 14-41. lather' . were 'bra' •Chibitiens. - The latter 1.. s Foui.th', t,Herfis . . mils Chive livid in the- timeia .r of the Apos- work—begat linstis r , , .., ties,"and might~ 'have' heard them- preach. again; he,-the -Agent, 'Stich is the man who= testifies , •• that' the Ghost is the ,Agent: . ... 10 'Church; "the •Churob; , gave baptism to ,renewing., of the_ : t HOY: -A. _ 1 p ' infants, and- had'lreceived'an order from : the Agent. Tit iii : 4_7, . Y Apostles tothat effect - , What now beConies - Fifth And 'here, ten, ifs at of the assertion '',"; that infantripeptismis one 'the;Word'•of truth`; the - Gospe, sk- , t 'of -the abominations Hof , Popery,4which was , , -viill.• begat ite; me/dais , the 'swo. •• it „.. anknown.ins the Church beingtborii -egainsnet .of , f,corrus. . . . 0• , ' stivesages ?". i -Thettestimony-of,Origerneonts but of incorruptible,,,,lythe Wordy pletely settles the , historicalsquestion, and ,which livethiind .alsideth ,forever,- . leaves noreasonable doubt , but that.infant 18 ', I'. pet. t :'o; 3.' , • ' , , .. oat', - baptism 'prevailed - =ins the. ;Apostolic, times: ' '-iSith."`Alid there is else , the end= 1 - •' - . . - • I•s•,N - . D. -,:‘ object,or desigtH-that God..Maybeglorih, 1, , • - s.sss.- - • '. . . . - that:we *mid be askind,pf ftrit,frnits of h Pconsecrated= to creatures, ;that .we might . be eonseerged to , , is his service, .airk live to .his glory;as the first . 'sm. . ' finlike of thelier - yesf 'among-the 'ffetiif were, s • „ • THE VAUDOIS Oh WALDENSES. - , .. - ' 'deleted telltini.' l Of , ins redeemed, be; says, .- 1 , .; . This people. ave , I formed, for -myself , ; „they . l. The WALDENSES,. ;OT :Vaudois, of • ' ' ' dmont, are famed as - witnesses for, the . shall ssliew. forth .rny,, misc.-t r ip.. xliii : 2r.'; 'fig? h in those ages of darkness, when true . This is the chief . .end of -man, .kii,nglor a ify; ~i .4 ' , . , 3. u 5 .n : i ion seemed • almost extinct. Secluded Odd; and enjii - hirti•for'ever."Shnit. - 0 t . ... 'am . ounteL .en lonely valleys from the rest of the , DIY DEAR FRIEND t--There„ is: no book Ques. 1. Let this be the end'of your d, they seemed to, have preserved the _ln, !asp. ~ , like•theißible.. , sitis theiountain'ofstrnth. b !4';.!.4 1, - o ... ' ' a:6l l 7 . " . o l 4 7 o rea 'ssey'r . a. ltead R 4. m 4;‘, ssitowings , ret 's licity and purity of the Apostolic times; .We cshouldt: study, t- witliseare,,, and, give xi:, - and: : . Hyrun - .. s - ,,,,.v„ . cni - Rs yrtimi.: , - , l . o4rtiear . s7 „ o . l s, . ' n all elsewhere were , inundated; with ~ gookheed to its leaehings„ „Some ,very iii- .'' . . . ' - Y. dredstinsustilids. „ . That they refusini to- yields obe- , teresting, and. important, .lessons are taught' ~ tions:ivilthelinci . cc to Rome, and were on this- account; us in,the. vemes; cenpectekwith,thepassige ' `, state. a labor] eits cruelly and , brutally ' persecuted, is • quotekaboves and. among,,thern are ,thesie: ,ri V Times hass been!iiirs, ' ,s sto all the world. It is equally notorious . First. God is not the author of sin Let - -finteferotiee to our C al • 7 hey maintained infant baptism; Sir no man ; say , when ..he., is _tempted, I am : i detinintitin thelNerthei k ft , , ,, : ,,! U Morland, who visited them in 1657,, tempted of GO ;, for God cannot be tempted - f.),'Theilforegeling',-Staltint, • 3 ~, ,: , puistment of the; ritish. Government,. with .evil neither, tempteth he any man • and suggestiVe.Gs'Oneithii. . piled then history from books and but every mania tempted, when he is drawnlnnt, namelYitlintlifotWithsti, .t,. : . ors pts which had. escaped the flames away of his own lust, and enticed—James'•of war land *Migration; theme, *As's... , - ,t , e imiuisition. From one .of their most --- i : 13-18. The Wording; "means a vehe „:s,,s, , . ~. creases in this country. Thisr, • s ,, slept Uonletsiuns, furnished by this an- merit, inclination;” and there le in men. . --leentriattivithitFiaifice': - 1, I“believt. , .. , •-. • .- , . . we take the fellowin , extrag : ' a natural inclination, or proclivity to 'sin, a bariseefrens the%l-SUperior , ptieritkSt. I 1" We have but two sacramental; signs left, heart that ii'WiCked; and thiS heartS Or ; , andlfroni the mare thormighlietrole. . ; ..,,, .... i . , • - by Jesus Christ: the one is' Baptism ; lust, istheir'own God 'is not responsible s - :stthelfairtily , institutien) , • , •,, .',*!!"' e other is the Eucharist, whiCh we're- for it, every man `is ''drawn aWay-Of -his. ~.-'• -A foreigns-&istreititinVwhetknoWel. , • ire to show that our perseverance in theown lust-'-his own. depraved heart. ' -„", ; . - , ; •weirstoldsinsti, l 4l feW ditya! - SgoS - - , that. 'i aIL - ith is such as we promised when we :were , ... - . . • 'Second. Hence, we are here taught, that, . The,,EnussiA:N•DIPEICULTY WITH ISWIT- riedT , Freitelinittif ednaideisl;tlidt-two'ilhildr, a plized, being little children; and more About one hundred .and ' fifty years after we have natures 'that are ;depraved,"•`and that ziniitinhai not yet, been arranged. ' The- s•rire‘inifficientVii - ' third/a eidaniity,.:ittid that,! ; vex, in remembrance of that great benefit the-Apostles, there assembled.at --Carthage a actual transgressionis but the acting out of King= has' poliitifely•lefneed'te'retieuffee tie • froniithe , leaf lof-r# 440 qiiiiily; therets iven to us by Jesus 'Christ, when he died Council of sixty: six bishops,- or pastors, over the depravity of our natures, everyman is claim to thelitlreTtipee of Neufchatels sjeften -11 ,, Virtitat teparation ,, ofeliiiiibend and''. or our redemption, and washed- us with his which-. resided the martyr Cypriam , Fidus, tempted when he is .drawn away of•lis own and iiic:thiiittieuilni''UnlYebacked by his • wife,` which leads torthetinosti , denieralizing: -. t . q., .„ , ~ f .rc eious blood."—Page 39. • a country:. pastor, proposed 'ld it a..query r -lust his - own evil hearttand wicked inelinii-•- litsithers - itheisPritideWr"Pruasiss , and . the •enifiSequebeeti..:lf`Besides, ll:PParts!ztliere =are ; , ..,,-:'.a. ~. . John Paul Perrin, a descendant of these namely i . Whether an, infant might be bap- tion—and enticed, or :led astray" -,.' Then, ,Court-partyssbutsbYsAnstria add Russia. ili, , lmiltiiu - do nfsblielielord,i Wheofiniain so, oral.. . euple, wrote a very full account of their tired, before it.. was eight : days. old ?, The -whew lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth He also demands a round sum—two millions , frequenting cafes, ,tatuviplaces•Het i 0 worse m g, ectiine and Order. - It seems that their question,Jet it. e noticed, was not,,whether sin,actual transgression ;, and.sin., , ,when, it trance—it is said, AS alliudemeity i tor less‘.9f . cheingeri: ,, lt in to "tbit'fdated, , indeed; '''''`' .. with' denying j infants ought to be baptized; for that was •is finished, bringeth forth , .death.—Jae 'i ' •partof therevettue'ef lila domains ;England ' home life friltvitivifeeoitifOrtd but its ; a wimi ttit , , forgive . _ , - .ins' . ,,• .- side' .. '.. , t. : . . . -- _ , • •-,?.- • - Times ) t he ----, . Lut. whether it was neees-1 14, 15. .So he, the writer, , James, adds, and . France are on the of Switzerland: , --lialleWitiginfitienties , and , liveet eliantles;sis 0 ' - -*I- 0, the 16th verse • Do, not : err, ,my beloved, The latter is-,-indisposed, to recognize 'the lsutj.feebly deseeleped inFranoe.''l Doubtless no w ; /11144 "' .- ... ) . - .1,-. ssnth : .do not err; '" alleged." . rights Of ....Pruesia—she- will ...there i are tikiiy... , hapiii'ekeeptionti; 'het, -'RiOnolit of `A, ` - - • 4-1 `' ' - iii itAcit'fle 14 - ..., , ,orni atones y o insurgent. sw a , with .. popery so preves , , , .. , . • ... .4 despotism , [v. , - - ...situ- lent, society, in many placesOislalniost in - a - : ~,, - . . 1 - - yonstitutional fsnst - - • free speech, and frt. .. , a. I, ..,,, VID MCKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. -IN ADVANCE. Original `tarp . . The Flowers. DY J. Q. A. SULLIVAN, come the flowers ? What are the flowers ? at is their mission here? ,ome from the bright, gay Eden above,' re they ever, ever bloom; care is unknown nod anguish unfelt, earl of time, death and the tomb. ,m tokens of endless, boundless love, im our heavenly Parent true ; ,astes of the joys which in heaven :erist, d charms for the hopeless, too. cheer the heart, and they lift the soul nobler birth on high, God in his glory loth live and reign, lug of the upper sky. attune the voice to sing his praise, the blessings he hath given, turnbly ask his pardoning grace, a blissful home in heaven. rt, Pa., 1857. r tho Ptoobyterlan panner and Advocate. Infant Baptism.•—No.l. now invite the attention of the to a point of . difference, by fax tha iortant of any, between the Bap-, reu and ourselves. We insist that, adult believers, but their infant also, have a right to baptism. ,n the contrary, contend that, none ieving adults are entitled to 'that, ice. > ze brethren display, on "all' occasions, st bitter hostility to What they call sprinkling, and assail.it with an oh which we may as well consider at 6set. They cry out that infant bap s one of the abominations of Popery, was unknown in the Church during; -Unitive ages. ' HISTORY OF INFANT BAPTISM. y t if indeed it owes its origin to Popery, we may expect' to find 'Same, at least, e early Christian. seets:wbo escaped uthority and influence, of .Rome, quite from so serious an: innovation. taut unfortunately for the Baptist% the are all against them. 'Of all lose ian communities which were' never the influence of Rome, bit always led against her, ther.O is not; one does not maintain the baptism of in- There is, for, example; , The GREEK CITURCHti which , nearly sin numbers that of . Rome. it never )41 in the least to the Papal , power, but ed it from the beginning. They area authority with the Baptistd,, because, practice inn:herein. Bat it is noto-, that they also practice infant haptiim. The ARMENIAN CIIIIRCU is another ie ancient sects which never had any. :ion with Rome. They separated he Greek Church at an early period, , em to have remained faithful to their ligion and worship. They are at' this stinguished among the Oriental Chris "or superior intelligence and purity of They practice the baptism of in lipping thrice and,sprinkling thrice. The NESTORIANS, or more properly HALDEANS, of Persia,:are another of the Greek Church, detached from ent stock at an early period. They the use of pictures and images in ;hurches, and in some other reapects conformed to the simplicity of .t4e toile age, They baptize children. The SYRIAN CHRISTIANS, Or, as they themselves, the Christians of St. as, reside on the coast of Malabar, the Southern extremity of India. sprang from the Gentile Ghuich of ch, in Syria, and take their name fiVIII ostle Thomas. They are named in as far back as A. D. 356; and were, time, of considerable standing. heir isolated situation, they retain rougly the features of their descent he eqtrlitst Christian communities aptize their children, and, by affusion. The ABYSSINIAN CIIIIRCH is a branch • Egyptian, or Coptic, with which it etains some communication. In the entury, powerful efforts were made by opo to subject them to his authority, itbout success. They practice infant THE VAUDOIS OR WALDENSES. The WALDENsES, ; or Vaudois, al nont, are famed as witnesses for, the in those ages of darkness, when true on seemed almost extinct. Secluded air lonely valleys from the rest of the I, they seemed to. have preserved the' licity utd purity of the Apostolic times; i all elsewhere were inundated] with That they refused to yield -, °ba c() to B.ome, and were on this account, t cruelly and brutally persecuted, is 'u to all the world. It is equally notorious hey maintained infant baptism; Sir el Morland, who visited them in 1657,, , p , dutment of the . ritish Government, Riled their history from books and cripis which had escaped the flames t e inquisition. From one of their most 'lent Uonfetsions, furnished by this nu m, we take the following , extract : 46 We have but two sacramental signs left by Jesus Christ : the one iii Baptism; a other is the Eucharist, which we re ive to show that our perseverance in the ith is such as we promised whew, we were pared, being little children; and more r er, in remembrance of that great benefit ven to us by Jesus 'Christ, when he died , r our redemption, and Stashed us with his 't cious blood."—Page 39. John Paul Perrin, a descendant of these role, wrote a very full account of their ctrine and Order: It seems that their Ithics had cbarged them with.. denying baptism of infants, to which their his- Irian thus replies: " The fourth calumnie was 'touching bap tame; which it is said, they [the Wei deuses,] denied to little infants; '.but from this imputation they quit themselves as fol ioweth :—The time and place of those that are to be baptized is not ordained • buftbe' eharitie and edification of the church "and` congregation Must serve for a rule theiein, &c. ; and,: therefore, they to ihoja2 the children were nearest allied, brought flair infants to be ;baptized, as .their parents; -or . any other whom God had made charitable in that kind."—Book 1., eh. IV. p. 15. Again "King'Lewis XTI., having been in formed by the enemies of the Waldenses, dwelling in Provence, of many grievous crimes which were imposed upon them, sent to make inquisition in those places, the Lord Adaue Fumee, Meister of Requests, and a• doctor of Sorban; called' Payne, who was his confessor. They visited all ;par ishes and • temples, 'and found neither, 'images, nor so much as the least •thow of any ceremonies 'belonging to masses and ceremonies of the Church of Rome much lose any such crimes air '-were imposed:, 'upon them; but rather that they:kept their Sabbathei•duely, causing their childreu to I lie bapiipici according - to the- order of the primitive dhurch,.teaehing them the. arti cles of the Christian faith,. and the com mandments of--'-God."—Perrin; Book L, ch. VI., pp: 30, 31.. • I am sorry to retiniik that'Mr. ,"ones,' a •Baptist,' in' his " History #of the Waldenpes," quoting avowedlytfrom•Terrin and Other authorities( cardfully siwpressei every. sentence which would .J.show those people to ,, havwbeen LPedobeptists.: , A.more glaring; falsification of historp has hardly ever been committed outside of •the , "Papal Church ! THE 'PETROBAUSSTANS. In spite of the abundant testimonies ad duced by Perrin and. others, some Baptist' writers persist- in denying that the, Wal-- demos r of Piedmont were ,- Pedobaptists. , And - wltat excuse do theYcller -for Contra dicting the solemn professions;of 'belief, and practice, so often uttered by tbesc pions ,witnesses of , theo truth? 'Simply this,: that' during the twelfth century there sprung up, in the Soutlrof France' , al small =seet - jcall'ed , Petrobrussians, who tefuseda:baptism lb in on' the - ground - that ithey were incapa ble of: salvation, !These , people 2 werei to' a great extent, confounded with-the VandoiS or Waldenses, ,hecanse .they' had frequent intercourse, and. made dcommon cause r with them against the >Papists. S e oon., after the death, of their: founder, ,Peter de Bruis, they dwindled - away andabecame extinct. And here let ; it be. poled, that this is the . first Christian society recorded in history who rejected . the ; baptism of, infants,,' and that=they did so expres,aly on t ! he assumption' that, infants were ,not,capable of salvation. And what now becomes of the assertion, that infant - baptism is an innovation 'of' Popery ; ? We,have seen that the principle„ 'has been ;maintained by all the - ancient sects, iiithOtit , exception, who `separated from the great' bedy of the Church before Popery existed—by communities . • whiCh never hid any connexion with Rome—, which,' were scattered .far _apart, in 'the in= terior, of Persia, in, a t ,reniote ‘-corner'of In= dia, in the, , farioff regions `of Ethiopia,; and' in the. seal/de& valleys •of , Piedniont. `With equal tenacity Bare infreferlii the practice of infant, baptism., THE - PELAGIAN CONTROVERSY. , If now we gO back to a period within three hundred years of •the Apostolic age, we shall.find ample evidence that no Chris tian society that.refused:baptism to infants, had then existed. About that time, Pe- lagius *Balla- the doatrine that -infanta are born-free from moral •defilement. He was opposed with great vehemence by An, gustin, who pressed him witly,this tpowerful argument: t t" Why arainfants >baptized fcir thetremission of; sins, if they have.no sing"t "Why arathey washed in the , laver .of re generation, if they have, not pollution•?" Pelagins, and teelestins, his principal abet tor, were greatly puzzled and embarrassed with this argument, and knew, not how to evade or resist. its force, • without plunging still deeper in difficulty. , At last seine one charged upon them a denial ef, infant bails - , tism, as, a necesssary inference from, their doctrine. Pelagius became indignant "Baptism," says he, 4t ought to be admin tered to infants with the same sacramental words'which are used in the case of adult persons."—" Men slander me as if I denied the sacrament of baptism to infants" "`I never heard of any, not even the most impious 'heretic `who denied - baptism to in , fants; for who can be so impious its to hin der-infants from being baptized, and born again in Christ, and so make -them - miss 'of the kingdom of God." Celestine also con fessed " that infants were to'be baptized ac cording to the rule of the universal Church." Augustin, - in the course of the controversy, makes the sweeping declaration, ".that! he had never heard of any.Ohristian, whether Catholic or sectary, who taught any other doctrine than that r infants were to be bap tized." Augustin lived in Africa. Pelagius was a native of Britain, but resided a long time, at Borne, then the centre of the civilized world. He also visited, the principal churches of Europe, Asia and „Africa. Celestias was born in Ireland, but settled permanently at Jerusalem. All . three were learned men, and must have been familiar with the early Christian Writers. If in any part of the worlddthere bad been a church or society, which denied baptism to infants, they must have read, or heard of it. It ap pears" from their testimony, that no such so ciety had existed' within the memory o Passing by, the ample testimonies of Olnyostom, Ambrose. Wand °triers, and as cending to a still earlier period, we , meet in creasing , evidencetthat ;infant baptism was an - established usage of the , primitive Church. THE COUNCIL OR CARTHAGE About one hundred and fifty years after the Apostles, there assembled'at Carthage a Council of sixty: six bishops, or• pastors, over which presided the martyr Cyprian: , Fidus, a country pastor, proposed 'ld it a :query; namelyi Whether an, infant might be bap- tined before it was eight days old ?, The !location, let it be noticed, was not.lvbether infants ought to be baptized; for that was a settled point:; but whether it was neces. sary to wait till the eighth day after the birth ? The following is the unanimous • decision of the Council: " Whereas you judge that they must not, be baptized within two or three days acter;, tkv . are born, and that the rule o,f, eircum-, Omuta is to be observed, that no one should be 'baptized and sanctified before theeiglith dilY lifter he is horn; we were 41f in - the Caiihin of a very differOntopiniort:"'As for 'What- On thought proper` to be dene, / no one was of your mind; but' iii'alliathilludgid ,•; i?'r 1111 1111130(0.1100k110440Mtf. atlialowil:lLlol3Dift :4010egtoim:lw,T:1:54.11 FOR' THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1851. that the mercy and grace of God is to be oeniea t) no human being' that ile,'born." " And this rule, as it holds for all, we think more especially to be 'observed in. reference to infants, even to those newly born,"---- Cap. E:pist. 66. , TESTI:6'IONY OF ORIGEN. This celebrated writer was bora at Alex andiia,‘„eight3i-five years after the . death of the-last Apostle. ' was certainly the most learned man of the.age.". lie *id iedueated ''at Alexandria; and; to-acquire knowledie, he traveled in,Cappadoeia and ; Arabia r , inTJtaly and Greece, ,and,spent the greater part of his life in 'SYrie and Palestine, the Seat sift , the first' Ch riatien *Chnichis,'ltere . ' he amid not fail to Weenie intimately .sacquaintedl with their .prindiples , indt usages: -Jt is'itruc( ' thaty like most of ,the ,Christipulathers, was, betrayed into "some, Berens errors in ; doctrine., But with his opinions. we are not at present - concerned: We 'bring 'him' for= Ward': as a witness} to''altimple =Mgr of fact. • Helebuld , ,not be :rdistakert.att.to whatiWits daily occurring ,before:,his ppnbeyes,„and-, there was, no possihle motive to insiuce huh to'deviate from the trah. 1 16 his - Homily on Levitions„hesays i : • " Whereas;tifehapiiial'Oethe Church ist .given .fore ihe4orgiveneds-fof sins; infanta also: areeby the usage of, Church,baptited.; when if there, were i nothing c infants that Wanted forgiveness and merey,,,the grace of baptism would` be eierildes them." Again n `his imlnfants are baptized thefergiveness ; ;sins. Of .what sinS ?,vor ( when -lave :they sinned ? or how can any reason, of. thelaver„ ,in , their case . ,-hold ; good, but,accerding to 'that mentioned we entiened even now r none is; sfreefrom`pollutien, thenglf.' Mal l& be'r but of the: length Of one .day - upon the , parti,2, 7 !. Again; iti,his Cominentary , on ; Bomans : For • this , also, it, was, that 4he Church, had from the = Apostles a tradition [in Ordal ft to give baptism even to infant? 1, " For, tney to`whonl niyaferies were .eom mitted,, knew'hatitherels fin alt.petions the natural pollution, of f niini, which must:be done away by water and the Spirit."—Rag ; VOL I pp. 104-106. INSPIRED TRAMTIONS. Baptist ;writers 4press /great--contempt for whit Origen istyles, Smut the Apostles.'; /They forgetthat :traditions received. , from— inspired: meii,s :are Jwidelp, different: from those fablesi land , corrupt glossed by, which the. Jews .madethe = Word. - of: God- of none effect. r St! -Paul,;: in r 2 -115;545,:,-Therefcirerbrethren;c Stand fast,randthold the traditidna.whieh ye ,hive'been=tanght,')whether hywcirdi.or 'our epistle'? in, the 6th,veri3e oaf, the thirdr chapter, IC No,w • Nve4.cominand -yen, t F brethren, the -,name of '-our.lierd Jesus Ohristi;, that -ye: withdraw nyofirselvesifrOM , every ibrother ,thatiwalketh.).diserderly; add' mot: after the tradition ',which he received i‘ , „ If, therefore, the primitive Christians re ceived - a tradition or order:from inspired Apostles to baptize infants ; :they -were bound to hold it -fast and .bbey iL Origen had everropportunity to know whether such an. order had been received from the Apostles. He was decended from aChristian., ancestry reaching back to the epistolic age. His • pedigree has been transmitted. to us -by ,a singular providence. Porphyry, . a bitter - enemy to 'Christianity, ;represented. the - Christians as a 'degraded people.; destitute,of ell:science ,= But not being: able tO , conceal the' splendid literarynttainments of POrigen, he pretended that he was first heathen! ; and had learned. their philosophy. In order -to . confute -this falsehood, Ensebius, the historian, sets forthhis Christian descent._ It seems that his father suffered martyrdom, and 'that his grandfather and'great-grand 'father were 'both` Chriatians. The 'latter must hive livid in 'the .timesof the Apos tles, and might ~'have' heard them preach. =Such is the -marl who = testifies that .the Church; the =whole Church; .gave baptism to infants, and had receivedan order from the Apostles 'tothat effeeL. -What now beeomee of the assertion ':".that infant Isaptismis one of the abominations. of Popery,' which was , unknown in the'.Church-iduringAthes ..tine nges Thetestimony-of,Origerneom -pletely settlee the • historical question, and leaves no reasonable doubt but that infant -,:baptism .prevailed dm- the Apostolic- times. Lt. N. D.- Forthe Preebyterian z ßannea: and Advocate -Religion: OR, LETTERS ATO A FRIEND ON TUE ;DOCTRINES AND DUTIES OP TRIO BIBLE. Letter XVIIL--Regeneration. Of hie ail will begat he us kith " the word'of tilith, that we should' be a kind of first fruits' of his creatures.--/Amrs-r : MY DEAR FRIEND :—Therc is, no book like the-Bible. It is theffountain-of , truth. ,We ,should. study it with- care,, and, give, good to ; its teachings, , Some ,very 'ln teresting and important )essons aretanght us, in. the : verses z cennected.with,the.passtige quoted, abovei and among, them are these : - First. God is n ot the author of sin. Let no man say when he. is ,tempted, ;; I am, tempted of God,;, for God cannot be tempted with .evil, neither tempteth he any Juan ; but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed —Jetties i : 13-18. The Word inst, means a vehe ment inclination;" and there is in men a natural inclination or proclivity to'sin, a heart that 'winked ; and this heart, - or hist, is their own; God 'is not responsible for it; every man is drawn away Of -his• own lust—his own depraved heart. Second. Hence, we are here taught, that, we have natures'that are depraved, 'and that actual transgression is but the acting out of the depravity of our natures; , everytioan is tempted when he is drawn away of. his own lust—his-own evil heart And wicked inclinetion—and enticed, °vied astray' Then, when lust 'Lath conceived, it bringeth forth sin—actual transgression ;, and sin, , ,when it is finished, bringeth forth death.—Jas.l 14, 15. So he, the writer, , James, adds, in . the 16th verge r Do not err, my beloved ; brethren.;, adhere to the truth ; do not err, either by charging God with being the author of sip, or by adopting the notion, out all sin consists in voluntary, actsoi that there is no sin but in the voluntary trans greagiOn ot,known law, for that it3-a virtual denial of .thedtiatrine,of, original sin..Therb' is lust or depraYity,batik of,, ankbefere acts of sin • and, hence, there is original nate is well as actual sin ' - kind "din is any swan 0 con °run y unto, or ,transgression , • - MEIN oil?. 0 1 / 1 1 - ! tr , :",itfiry) t'at 1 4 . -L7 of, the law ,of !Gad."—Short. Cat., 4 - 4nes.' 11., ,17.1 p net eri,,titen, my belovedbrethren,' 'says James, iri , regard lo the •natnre , of sin. —Jas. 4: 14-10,1 , aemember I that, as where light is not, there is .darkness, so where holiness is pot,' , there-is :kn.' Our natures ere ° depmed ; , ; ,, cur mind ft,nd 'con seiepee delledi r lopin l iatot a mere neg,a tive, it is a pOsitrye ,evil.; and in it we are born.—Tit. t:' 15 - ! 1 ' ' - • ' , , - , Ai-M. ttincitherliresaroit , tis titifghtliin this connnion hr Asfifraitinaa*turitlly ,depraved, there is no goodm!Lin ; •pa „ucktil,ore,nowed t a by the grilse_ ofS ln this respect, also,- Ilinte gg.44 9 440 OtoAt not , IT VI Be ' l ware Jr errot . ,9o 1 4.10 not err by supPos n jp g .,, : 0,,er, 9 ,43,aiy ~, ag h t i f i lipg.. t ip,„ye i n 'ile ?! .pendinily, of Gls grace; _ for every,gerld v gift== -so Tar is Gro both being the anther of 'gin ithift lire la tfit pfdithor 'oT all-Abodnets .-: fon atter - rico& giflOvand every.perfeckgift isi ftent..abdye, call* 1 ! tb , krAwatki, PaAller.9f lightl6,, , ':rAhbßiole' a ltl an ! / 1/1 fleas _ ;the r„sh , ,-ot i tu'rptng. if, i to. , is ? anY g s RI. driiTi's 'dot natiiiir a'-' ir cisatict43 Hess;' bit - 4 e gift of , Ocill land he fruitbofi his;: race lience,fit'is added, ;Of, his c wilotrAVill thfiiiiitlho3 ll s tYgil , k the word of; truth at Jae ,a kind of first frdits of. hls,, i b,reatures — 7 . , ' ,' s,e r e l foret do i W et pretend, ''to We' Wser'thitif ; r t r etiChers' ikii to` bon Icifow' more= o , he , BibreAllaikthey; piltrr e humble and' , aehable ;. - --.7iffiterefore; my 4 4 belated Wethrs t evary,manibe(awift to bear I slow to speatislow :to : wrath( don?t; be I offended at the, tfith, for the'wza4h of rein worhith not ih4,,,trighteinae'sa l of Gr'sd: - Wherefore lay UprerVall , filthirfel'A,lttndsitper ,, ' fluity.; of r. nal:lg' esi, ) and `ireceive ~with oneetragg3the sng ~lpd Word, whiciis able [ 11 to save your souls Jas. i: 13- 7 4:1... , 1• ., ,So much for general soliktnenterYlon this Chapter: - sB + lbokinerti riartibfilarly air the 18th us t with ,th be aO l ~4 There g,l e I,yorciq,: He God must be a Second . . ot God in does it, ni it but bee not of )oblig OWLII ,oanse of an goods peas. have‘rh and I will I have comp: that willet of Gre4 'his own ,given us began; 95 11601,1iigIr it listeth, and so adv the , Spiritrworks_where he pleases, and when ,he pleasee,,and how he pleases. Of his 'own will.—John `iii: 8. Third. We here 'see; also,' the-nature of regeneration : -have) . spoken ofe its , neces sity; •we here see its nature : begatle us— of, his own will begat-he us is being be gotten again, in other places being, • born sgain,. and ! inlotheis, still, ,a new creation. This ,gives.; us, Nome , idea ,of the nature of the change:. It r is the renovation.of our na- , tures, a radical i and, entire . change in our natures—the giving , or , implauting of a new nature,• and lencel-.cOled the- new: man; which,. after Gok is created..,in, righteous ness .and true holinesf3. = -Eph. iv : If, any man be, in ; Christ--- r samingly ,united, to him—he , is a new creature, ~begotten' 'againi!andbornfrom-above.---4;-.oor. 17; John iii Fourth.,,Here also the, Agent in this work—begat be, , ,us.; he !lath -begotten ue, again; he,-the -Agent,-is Divine` The Holy Ghost is the Agent..s Regeneration is the renewing., of the, Ghost.,. He is the' Agent. Tit. , Fifth: And 'here, the mental, the •the 'Word ''.of truth; 'the Gospel s lust own begat qui . tus.Pwith. the word .,. of truth; , beingtborn -,agairiolot • of .corruptible k seed, but of incorruptible by , the Word ,of God .which and abideth ,forever.—Jas. : 1.8 • 1.. Pei. i : 'Sixth."Atid %ere is also the end - -;—the objector desige, ,2 -that God Maybe. glorified; that.we should be a•kind,of first fruits of his; creatures; ,that we might be consecrated to his'service, and live to. his glory,, as the first fruits' of 'the 'battled 'among "the 'devoted tOldni:§ Of-lhis redeemed, be . says, Thii peoplelav&l formed , for myself , ; they shall shew- forth.my xliii : 21. ' This is the chief, end of man, i 4 Tn:glorify God, and enjoy Ques. 1. Let this be the chief' end'or your being, and`Giir*Trbleiii.yuu., Read Rom.. xii Frotinsi Front our London co rr es pon de n t :The Prussian Difficulty ?Nth Switierland--Qtleen Victoria:=-The t a l rinzes"' on '4. BMW" 'Preaching L. —Flesh. Whitfielcli and:Woileys ;Wanted French Aliletary,..bfedal and British Soldiers—lnstances - Rare Vaor—` , Statistirei as to lievenie; Public 'Debt; •Imports and Exports, Shipping, Saving? Banks, Population, Pauperism, and ,E;migration —State of Sociity in 'Francs-- CdUse of Decline of Pdpulationi :theri-L 2 -The, Priesthood) ilated:— poperin P,arfs---Senstious Baler Spectacles— Passion Week in".l;pidon—.The Gay IVokd and BO& Penitince l2 -tHolgdtiys versus the Sabbath—A Scotch , Lady ; Accused of Murder - 7 , The King' of Sardinia and the Pop!-- 7 Scene at Knightsbridge. • othogVaz ~-V aiion, ' of 'Ehe' i bispute--Dr; • N' Crie• and Lord ,Shaftsbury. , , , L9NPIDN, APril.l72-187 . . Thiii:Pntwater4P7g,rol3l.nyr,TirTn Swrr has not yet been arranged. The Kiiig =taw poditifely•tefuied`thliendiriice his claim to tliblitlelif — Ptinee of Neufchatel, and fiCibligisuligirbilirl t backed by his •brOtheri . Lthiioriiiiifel4fitPrussia,' and the Court .partyrbutnbjr.Austria and Russia. He also demands a round sum—two millions tranos—it is said, ,as, an iudemnity,for loss of part of the revenue of. ris doinains. •England and France are on the side 'cif SwitZerland. The latter is • indispo,scd to recognize the. "alleged." right, of. :Prussia—she : wiD grant a goniirat amuse y to the insurgents of September, maintain: the charitable institu- trona of the Canton, ; '-and defray the !PIT • epelpies arisTgArorti.rtdoootipafion by ..tbe federal i army - .Th'e atiebhiteX refuses giJ rn"! ennindlemn111011110n ; to„ e 41,0 of tea f ; , ; 11 ,F,1"00 l ore of, op' • ' t dthiinitt Oiitht Who given:: 1 , ..„ i t n Y Ptiw/OralerifY Pi POi Pawl . -qs r seas in Neufchatel. If Prussia continues • obstinate; they will lirobahly *Oars that the Oonfeienee is dissolved; and thew take such ineasures as quay appear to them ad- - , yl,s* able. QUEEN VICTORIA , iclnow: , ,,the mother of nine • children, a, daughter, baying s been hdded to her family r duripe the preient iveek. All - her children are ' healthy and vigorous;kand-She'-luis 'never' known- , the' iagony.: of fie bereavea , is now, !! thirty•eight ;years of age. , l-/AO7lll. Wife and, mothar, t Aht is a !Rolle!, woman,, has a. ( warm. ,and great conamp* suite. liake"di de ! piiiiosii'itayaq T riiiilhiig':ltielig-• Priiii`eliaf Prussia; i''s ~po"stponed } Ftill~the; be-; yearn. ,, ::, , ; The' °E.t;EaI"roNSP i.re , now 'catepletedi , wulaige `.imijoritY;rand la, j4l4fgftiinfustglifillf ruse Vnt451 111 4441 )1 a% Altaatbdiftelf-lesc4hiNith Ciiiiegvilt. 31's artilile'eticithesiubject: „of,PREACHING; 4nuconneition!especiallyWit , h the complhintshas .to: the ,Cll,u,rch .of t Eng, find clergy. Referring tofthe demand? for 'lf loud" fritiohttig, like that of Mr. Spur -geni, the " iiieirster" , prehehitrit-SaYtt thit , .themriery'.:cotilPronit.se , l 'character ipf! = the: t ! ,Qhhroh,..rieitherifißome ',nor Genevan; will well.permit l this • that ,quietness is, preferred . ' and is natural, but that without ircipfoprie t E'vangeli'cals,_whoses are near akin44o ,Ataii iie inight :put forthAlieiratrength iicEthis Away v.TheMonc,,i a rditneni, Atimughaminientioptly, is,uot, I the, the,„9/4,,dopt4ne . s, euthusiairn; as iirlinimoityih ;. 1,) P , 1 1 ?“1 . earnestness -Dan tne preacner 'eau wris'Oblergymatipliind If living nowywouldlscariely.begikrest.olit of 44e..Cherc11 , 10ibTeitheir would :though' not if loud "! yet ~) was, so Might:* - ..• „ 1 „. Ile ?cant many such, m en, ,en t hoth sides of the ' 144: - 'itrieti'er "to praYer f Aleidi themvfortiiicitiiii that. .7z Speedily !)-: r,;s >i .1 h . : , t ( ) tha iwp, giihrz4id f his I crea t tlues; interest in thpse, , it : '•ft ."‘The" -!Fri#Scisti aWitilriat I I BrEDArdt has nbeeiolargely llidtribnted tot mincer° thissioned. :1 M 9ersiaM4 so l .4ieTs Of, ;he { Briti sh , army ; , Al c i kur„littndred of , these were ' distributed in „ the diimea, and one hundred since to those 'wife , had"retfirnid' home: ' ' 'These, 'like lire !the . ') 'Vittoria. Creis',)4re=reivar_detfot distingirkihed ,-., seat ,andr bravery': during.l the ;war,- in the, t i trenches- or o n l the , batt1e...044., glint; of extraordinary. v alor,„ ' by Ir 3 ish, ' Ocot ' ch and Englishsoidiers,are e t a ii e a . The field of Ilkeiliatn , 4,eiallivdiiili : 4,lo , 6 111'6 sot -i &eels hattla,f!'briggs 'out th6filtriitcin.lWoh 11+ ( , pbrsdin ilityl irlil r hence-, ip ) it.tpy , tte`x,t. .9to l ,49'Zt ere ., l s 6t Y) gf , lt4rtietp:fi. H'o , I 18 Ulna. tO Ido eased 7 t6 46(it4 :iplessuregief thifi fi_hilkOWPAghint pl i rposß o ;Ael 34, b,nt ,nf own: ' sgtb." I will lito7eim*SY; on.litrwhomd en, it is not of !Lipa, rtliat runueth, frirolltOrind stri king colors. One r at sergeant, I ,far l in fdvance•wit,h number of , men; wire., lakes the' coininand,,and,:though attacked nuMfAircitillintains his' i posE: 'Ano l ilidr-Atlkrtion'of regidinnaie their .bardar having:gime beyonsitheir position, and. a on: their Iretnrn itheingi known tkat a ) young. eußigti ih: 1 4 11( 4 - 7.$17z.i91,112 1 .3 3 413-4434 A ttiV, body froinnn exposed spot; while, on! the' same day, the only o ffi cer of his' company being WiDuiide'o',Veliiiii - the company and ifetTitlidiirinerttie"-ishirigeld Ylather, (an Irishman,)- private D. Sullivan, one of his , comrades being•made prisoner by five of the enemy, rushed at them, killed three, - and' rescded hie doiniade: 'And whether in L'the ;brittle:field the- treziches i luilivan dis iatinguished for valorem& spirit. Thelig - to ' H* las ST TISTIm s ay be J , lntiniestingtokriany-of tini-reriders : • ! IThe net •Irevenud tilaktesyear was - , t,t72,-' . 21.8,988, the• blame tax, elono,producing „noarbr,gdzteen The:,grand toistof ibb bliil debt at thielosi of: the year; *al ( :001;?8)488.."' iinporbk iiftton'iWerit4io2%BBo2B 'founds; ;. and , - ofc• woo1416i211;892 Tonnds. r - ; The 4calne of.-homaprodnao' exported, - /was ;4114,- *, 890A57. jots& tonnage of vessels en tered "and, eleared, was 12,945,771:. "British; : 1148 1 60 $ 218"fareign: 18;419 'sailing yes 851:18teimere; ' dere employed in -theillimime • 4ndm foreign . ' , trade; • e mployin g • , /.75,9,10 men— , X 16,476,000 i was, coined at 1 ;.the..,,,y,e1 Mint. The capital of •Savingo' , Biiiki::liuounts to upward of thirtYlfoiti sterling. • • • • a The-estimated population rtifj Englifill and (Wales was-19,044;000; the:births, 657;74; denth5,'391,869.; the:rnarriagea r ls9,ooo. The population of. Scotland 'was 8 088 177 • ' - (London will equal this in :ten s reas,)• the thirthe' • • • Lthb deaths,' t8,452i - end the riespon;als; 20;494. 4 ' • • .1 (The poptlation istatislioa rani 110 ; evert. Marriages are decreasing.tllygo. Art to.penperiern, on the lat i of c laimayy,' '1857; there were 843,806 tliVic'England init'Vales inf 79;- 1 973 ;. anditilirehibdi L sB;o94.' ;As to emigrationlithettotali number• from. _the United Kingdom to,i,verions destinations 'amounted to 176,554, a decrease, compared with each of the six years previoiii;" these - Showing' 'return s;.> for reitinfpfiS, ain 'each iof four` yearx,cofihntnieenithikretrind4our inn :: dredlthousand::. It iis:priihable that ernigra T , *on , ivilthclinef‘ssed this 'year - I .from tie ' , state of Jailer) eipeoirillyl•inf'l;or:dori.. The Tinterifhas been-'urging -hap then rdtillern elite • inlreference to:etir is the derhindtin thorNorthetniStitealotl.A.lneriea. ' Thai :foregoing. etitiaticirrsibiatefirialmbie and suggestive. ,,, 'Orreithinglinaybeliointed, out, namely,- thatiffottitithstandiiik the waste of war land *Migration; the- - population creases in this country. thict.is:a• 'striking itiontrast*wittyfirtiinn.' , l , I thelieve' it largely. rarises from ' then superior ioftiOciety,.; -.midi froth the:more:tliorongh-devolcipinent of institution. •• • • • • ' ' A foreign gtentleirian; wholknons France. • hwellVtOldl'albe, fay/ - drt.ys 'a ko, that. -a mar ; vriatirtsliellnatin onnsideirandt-two•iihildien wrira'anifieie c olV thirdla calamity,-.knd ilioni! the:fear lot's; ilargeofriinily,'.there is ir-virtbaleatiiitinition:efthusitrand and' •liriff, , whirl lift& deMoralizing: Pctitisequences::,' 4 Besiiies, ; are, kagmidatude whit so, , frequetting °idea, 4fullilitnes• of s worse $ character: 'biadaterl,.indeed, ttit " honteltife"-ixit'frilysititb:l6l'6o*fOrt, i but-Sts iohallnwink•inflikinoirliand , "iiireet charities Pis :but-'feebly d'evelop'ed in'Franoe.- 1 Donbtlapa 'there°i are many happy eienptioo; ut 'What"' frith' infidelity'' and popery si3'prifi,- lent, society, in many places, ia , almost in 'te 1. state. of,-ditisolntion: • .3Vlichelet's.“..Priests„ Wernenr•and', Fami- It}es,", , a pamPhlet pro duced a great settler tam a few yeais ago ;:.;but its telli ' ug stale -41 merits as to priestlresPiOnage , i4airie-the .“AireOtorm - who ein .tnides himself•as then:der eff•thelbusehold; , : * tb •finr atitiiii hithrethaeNtife7Otifd , letifir 1, ' 41' 10 /qv 11111411 . 111 ICJ, - 48111 ,1 Mir ' PTSY:7:74.9m. is ril-r-a - Co - o . "t7YJ t ;: ;ace, c which r w,ete Miefor'thetiriold zr pewer i u'ilavifillly, are still,l fear, applies bleu :Vergeri proposed to 'make revelations as to: the priests,- but his secrets ars , bhried in ,php grave., ; the'Parisian : people— rather the men--.-hate,and abhor the; priest- 1 , hoof]. It was only, last week that 1 ,, a , `man iniriltedi bind - of Eedbiiss- .Rio's intht 'steilifts,' , • , g • out -cc Thet•Ver , .. gars, the Yergeii 1" ;:i He was - arrested, aila, sentenced lo: re,term rof„iroprisonment; the Abbe who, acculed,-him„,stating -that ,therer ' had Ve4ii:filitierit ilistanneti,. of late; when tliiiirielitlinodliadjbeiiii P ins - lilted.' fl'illtillyrPoperrienPariff is iitrong,;•-t There; ieriereigrel.tl efewdrusiii the. churches during Veterlteek,.,,oedeptiopaterr,anda,iittmateff liy!the„spset,Ouler 'die' plesiiiiitiatibillY!ni hibitid,'oettie scenes 'Of the Citicifixion and', the "Burial `of k3htist. ' 11tOine"sliiiiairl aki,, ',thusiappealecii-toithi , serianbus Eimiman; the, 1 t tl ll If fßObliCiaillj°44l4l4lgtaift l i t 41, riff eafottllikw,Agilel.Rns:99l7,u,Pticin lies be=' heath the surface or tioinety,,, ' ' ' - . ,..t „eil r f.:•:;../_,- • • In Passgotr a ilK.Aggß i mlee,,, as. _last week, witiUalle,d,:the, Emanate and "tritetarians ofliindbniAtelii7 iiiigy”. ' Tifs'retaining of holyileysirariliCiat Mistake iin•the part obthei Eriglialq•Swies ind iGerman Risformed : iGhnielies.-::.,Theralwa.ys interfere yith :the. Inpeal por f er fof . the en/y.bolyclay which', as a th't Lo r d ' s - Dai,'" - bearti with it its own Vi 6igaabildk r illia' iiiiillYijil li to iiiilliial inlb• "litlety c l iiimple;' t ifflipferne, o slid' alona:' ' ~In 4 Germany; ainoq the:Protestants, the Elistiiii 40yd:1.s, especially of • Good Friday and . Easter Sunday, are better ; „kept than ! the' ''Slihbath. Nay, there "ari" many4iiii mi ll, . 'tate - the Sa6rainerd iliiiti, G islio litiikiii Itii= l ibproieh the' table 'ofietiriat :itt)tOthEirvilizigi, *isava, 'perhaps,- on; Christmidi - day.- , 4! Nig' IPPFPi -1!le . .111::!X° ainPlgilldlfillfhole, . - j • ,ceurch on these days , but are absent eery: "Ilatilifitli''aitihl - yealt "' t '' "' ' ' • - ' ' ' ' 1 -'v'Ainiiiiflifkii s `Cliiifahiiiliti and' Tiactirisine wheis•ptirtrerhdaY:seirice`is•piettywely main-- , ~•.-V0,0115 Elstitillaimilatauperstitious reverence; for, holydaysi with!, more or, less intensity prevaile., No dealt devotional feelings, real ityl iiich Ito' sriteeri;)are' isivikenedim the limititiof 'true diseipled ainehilitlEiefigelicar ;Mh'areihuien 'hei r s! or' abroad': i :•• ißutif 1 ieriest,. iitheh t helydays dor always lowee4,he- standard r . ,..0t r4Ohtth-,,otservaece..,,Puritienirm , sir* OA arn. arty in 'Righted ; , :tlin the `Sabbath '• ariltie'iiiiii Villijestio,Ower; to train ajieople ( fol 7 00iL li • iiiiiiii'Wliiirel-ntettilipaak of • the , afiliihdtFatlielsvati'dNeivrEndlan'd,sfid the •Rietted, Eitates-,-where,..iit,a , rtypeuntry is the ;,8,>11,1,4 )Sep, . 0 F r f(!llßlred. l?Y• -*O, 0 natilifiaLintigetioe - loi'ill that is giibd and 'ti r e; iti r ig n igahtliddi n iilieitt L' th6 ' ''g ' irtibath Vaitadditeutillu'atiiiiuslithittilanin t amildi? f , " ) = if.:"DracitigilPaseinnt , Week .int Landon) !tam P:resbYt9r.law.•eyerthere •le' l3 4 l Ktli.3 o ..qttikei #IA El!wkli;' ,, 1 1 11 4 ( en ,Silti . B , l t n Ke-s-tYPPg ht • s • A. secret iiipeistitien, as to its peculiar liftWkiiiiii4pr:Strailiiin'the kiYcilld; "arid El 6 .r•i r iSe' that °Week; fel'' , d ilie'n intilitl I pert, I the' ' , .Wlieatriii . ,rs'ire , iislolidd4in'in area will , Efciii .• Concerts. •At the Opera; ouse in the, Hay , market, Mr. , Adam,. with his celebrated Orrery, figures on'this *O4 - where the great 'singers' had' been Singing, and acting the '' week before, aridriiii , theterflioahlitftelden lie-recently by the dancers of , the Wallet. Then, at Exeter Hall, for- tlie-,eq,uvocal . Iteligionists who like Oratoriea,:aiii a re van: i 'wit to be - stirred and etit'ertainadid h. re'citcs `4oolt-Of the sufferiiige•ef Christ, %M.: the 'lips, jletii of noted; and often notorious actors and '.-for;---for these,- the 4 , 4 Messiah ",.is , pro :, vided, g 5 together with Isisel t in - Egypt," , and Elijah." But " Easter Sunday "' ' • ; oVer; • arid '''PassiiinVeek'" past; tliegreae ! wititiliktif-liiehiiiii`xiittithetd iWgayetie'll with D wester' zest i t.thaart heforit; :An ,enforced i ,I,l,oetem;pegasee f as, opposed' to t thei genuine , Pe'4 i .r ee k 0, 1 . IP- Ffit'Pkilf,l , i1t11 1 ,107 ., ft# l , awed ! .7.1 kr, TeaOlun- • Tlia brat 4 1 lirsrAile t ei the •'''ifecOnd is isaitti. '-' ' • • - • : -3. .:•.i. ••.; -. ' '''WheriWill the , tifneltiorrie; when , all•Chiii. • :: 'Arms; with' the New •:Tentanient.,:iif their r hands, shall learn, that the truarminemora ,:tion of the death ef Christ i iii not the Fistl • 'itif Good Friday, but the Feestief the Lord's. '' Siipper f - arid the' - true eoriiiiiienotetion of a '.., Saviour's resurrection' •it ,not Lilco'. Annual ?iand;inin.disvised• Festival•oflNaster Sunday; hut:oe, 74 eddy Festival of ,the LorCe day, or,,aajteitin Martyr calls it, e' iii Queen 'of Days r .. ~• , A g reat Beniation , : has hcerkprodtieiel' among ;the (inlet people ' of alktigoititrY the , ' Anitaiii off - illrouridlaiiir; of 'lvlfe ketable. family :1 lite; hechatged with' poisOiniLg her , loSerptycratig:Frenchiteacher of languageh wh944d=s44l hie ; addr esses to le?'•fP,T BOUM time. , Ha was seized `with illness ;. ,a_physi;" -• Oran attended him ; and -after 'painful suf lqeiingie, he expired. On elaininatiOic-Lsus. • pinion having been , excited/v.6e faet, that -•thelladyi had disciazded her admirer, and had, accepted, an,,nifel. of marriagel froin, a more, , wealthy suitor, g as, well as from•thiiplikohase 'by her; oneediiroceaSions, of iiiveritlie l'h i idyWas'exiiiiiandliindlfioiaoliToffiiftlkartim •Attempti f haiaibein Made' to showuthat 'the ii,young lady bought the, arsenic for cosmetic , : .purposes,;, but, .. the case; as it stands at 'present, 'goes right against the accused, and ' bail'is• - refused. • ' '-`'The Mirror :inspired-by , thia eviiiitirt great. ,Among' - the 'tipper - cliiiises P of-•sochity, and !, especially, among females, murder is a crime never heard So,f ~i these days. : Jf,,(whieh God reibfao. gagi . .Bally i exists, and should , God home, capital Ptiniehment, . 1 t folloiri4what EVlatirfilfteault !• I T-1 e lady was •v irsergayi . and fond' of fruihionablci•pleasura • „ andsociety. What ..need, have ,;we all of Divine keeping, and to cry eao4,contionallyi: 'fi Add Thou 'Me up,'andi shall h e safe !" i ...IL:, - • .. . , - -6. ~..) ,:,..:•• : ' • , . The Sing „ of flauunt4 is , said to bade..., . `''ulipiiif tira 4 COnisordit, of "alliodified °beryl- . ' ter,- WittillerTispe: Tliiiilii inarely a piece' i of Stutef-iiiilicy;lind tan attempt to'coneiliate that priests,' ,hia irreconcilable -foes. - •liieL l „lie,v,e4it will be , fruitless. The -, King, wants his grand e nemy, an Archbishop, , to be hen,t 7 ' liiably '4;6 iitit'of his' dorniniari, by ireceivr: ing a Cardinal's Hat. 'But - can 'the' .Pepe, • forgive) his confiscation of Chureli)property, • of which ? (eonnierated the.. otheridaytin,the, Times,) „the, i limenet is • very, large ? ' ..Or, nOw;that "'his most dear 80 1 0 p ram *. 4cieePit 'of Austria, is angry with Sa r dini a, • iii it to' he istipliosed that 'the Potieftlie lover of , despotism, will make any advances-to a „constitutional; Kieg,? A free- 'press, and free speech, and free Parliament,_he_caneot ~texpip,with. •-- . . 1 • ..,...1,,,,D.1 . 0 -••• _11, , ,,,;,,....ti k.:4 '''”` ;I i,1,7:Y"1:4-•A■lg'tm°Fm344l 4-..sYs,•.i.„l4oTti,nriass,itre, : a* reista7eitikeiyaione cross; from allarpteatfoordiag to that decision; of le` if pit nomiin-cipt. tl9lci. I g M'athits;. 'they have '. • • sese, ii,r4ll ti.;-Iti •UV g - ' - 'lkit.• .3 ti ' •:.1 7110 irt"0 1111 P .1•6 , 7; ; frt./inset/I 'a .nlei-C ' I Philadelphia, 111 South Tenth Street, below' hestnut By Mail, or at the 011169, 151.50 Yo , F) SEE PROSPECTUS. Delivered in the City, 1.75 obnOziono-churelottarden,' who has been their' persevering prosecutor in the 'ecelesias treo'itrtietkl 'afresh to hiaoffice. This last waii - itetiomplikhed,;es is isnot, on .3.needay last, st4be • Easton; vestry. The notorious 'Mr...biddel, the succes6 of Mr. l'illettfet, 'and' ithititor in 41111113i6iitinge, bolyings, and. heresies, ,was, 'Annielle i d, on ~4iiii ; t 9 coasion,• to listen to r very-,plain ,speak ing, and to know, practically, that ,he was minptmlizeoand,,Brotestant , *ecuutte was in the .and counseled peace and har- IngiVl evig , p e are d for "liberty of ! ,i_ s tegultetir for every one," (that is, for Mr. ?Abiddelipstbie case,) 'to , judge , for -hitnself air hp rote the. }tont: 'Midi Baring, foiikOpiiSe the ie:4rifOritineiipir- Mi. Wester ' nedess4y,tff otiplyfike l "!,lk,e, machi „iltios,of Jesaits.! ) , -.7l.oAeolap;d that ~, R thet Brotkaisatta 114 geinedievszy thing of ofirtiritiantAr by agitibridariirow, Via that totgOniiidif who was 'Ceti& Pietestant, "would never 11115 i Poptili . ,iiyilees to be introduood , iptu a - Frotesunt Ohnich." Mr :Granville 'Berkeley's. speech , ran 'thus : ' a Mi - .. Giaavi2le Bi elev - :d thr g erlceley, remarket,t,, mat at le s4fOriiiitioia; a wide margin. was left to enable Rotiti:oPa s thulics to enter our Church, which, but . foir'etirttdnleims apd:,sereinquies, they could not have done:, 'When,, however, the Chfirch of Eng bails, those forms and cere monies were done away, with . ; and they had only Arat43 o said to be :long to the•Churelinf t Pao - gland; bit, in reality, to the .Church 4014,- ears And these forma which, ip s ilm,Romisp Qharohorerst proper . s. fOr - diiiotiobissalite;lki the .Clietrish ofEngland, 'tniimmarY. I [Afitilatcas.] It made his • blood toil to go into tit. Pint* and Witness ask itnitation ofthe ceremonies: of the CimiOh from ; which. .tlie minister . , saidlie dissented. If rtiterynseyites weie Itoracm Crholics,.iet them Ito: ; itv*.o 04meiblintleti; If they dissented fro& . tli4 id one objected to their tearing' *and , ciiiiiiingliPiii4iyitelpliiees 'of dis - ;!ienting rtiorshiti ; but Whatle - dittobject - to was, , iths.t Are rnseyites tdekllossession of the Church ; Of - England, and introduced mummeries and cere monies the Church " resUgnaut to o f cig d. and tihlilifeelitiedi-the'lieople of 'England: Allear, li:hear.] •• • ; said that ricitd 'from the Archbishop of to . the effeet; that`he i considered 7:the=reeent 7-judgment a:grest-victory for the Protestants and: ; that the sacramental pertyl .., inust holt leave (he Church of Eng , 101 l isioriimental'pirty" leavi , the 'Church of ; , Englind;;ll4o not r believe:, • c , .has an „amusing ipiece of(satire, called "The Battle of the Chiiitian Tem ples, translated from a' Latin MS. ,recently discovered in the Vatican."-' read ers of . the — Ban - ! z,` arid - Advocate will relish, P think, tiebimen rlegiVes, snb rstantially,Ttheqlistory. of • the' wholeiaffair. .I.k4PP.r.CaPik# l lco. ITV 'Aoraltur.iii*Y7. style) how " furnis,.Arca „being Consul,” (that l is-heing,interpreted.dnring the Mayeralty of Aldernian Finnee,) «the pea& of the state 'iraVaikond - deal' diafirhea : hy iliepeople 4411tfillih*tianstrkliberecmfe•Cf•theiii- " de l!'sdred, to. adorn: their- temple's , afteir this man ner of the temples of the gods, -with altars, carved lmages,!c&c.; -and how crowds of wophippers came, " the priests singing and offering incense, and the minstrels playing." these tenaplei was if, Pens .Ednitis," ' Oinigltelkidge;y the 'Othinole ", Via Pim v(iStrAPitnlici:ol,mßraWlii 'having arisen, they went to a " profane , tribunal," as all admitted•it-waswrong to do, and not "to their-own,teachers. Th 9 Praetor Pembertonius •Leitts; (Mr. ;Pemberton Leigh,) associating "three skill ful namea - Parltins, Pattisonius, Barons Park, Pattison, and Maul,)' "10 - 10711finilt — Vras agreed to add a 'thwOhrintiattlamens as elbiessors," :'(two of the lisiliopit asnisessors.) Now for , the finding-very accurate account of it— under 1116 veil of Classical and. heathen 45hinutiology : • The cause of the Christians being heard at very )ntolerable length, the Printer said Mail:on liquet. and tooktheeVedoiliberation and on the day of - mat r god Satiirretiow'lair liatit,ipronounced ,Pidgmettt. ile,chided both parties for their ran cor' and'lcillY," the former being apposed to the •-lawi of tlie.religion by which they pretended to bonnd,, and the latter being shownby their Making so - vest a /natter of the absence or presence df alewTpicies , wccd„ - lowii; and Bilk. The Prtetor then decided, that having examined their traditions and ,their laws, he saw no reason why &wooden cross whereof complaint was made 1 sliontd - not - retrain; the' Stunelteing regarded as an architect'wdevice. - diciest • one part of the Christians broke, out into a fierce shout of tri iiraliti;brit4eredonlielied ta silence by the lictors. The Printer neit said that a marble altar, erected tholwo temples in imitation of the alters of the "go`dS, ninethe Ulan airay,vrith 'a* cross thereupon, gird . erwo'odoitlable trubstituted. • Threat another part of tbe Christians broke out into a fierce shout of triumpil„hut were compelled to silence by the' liiiiirs. — Next it was held that certain tableVrealled , (lredenbes, 'Which had ,rgivon great offence to the iconoclastic party, 'be as Might' the 'embroidered eloth'W•tire*lth%therriiiiistit had beenewont to - ,,SoYer .the i , said ,ahar when not offering sacrifice, and 'ithereiriththe.+ - might now cover the table, -teoCtfist l uh'msa fi vo til a '7 ll3:l4* Whether ft were an altar- ore nor, rßitt the embroidered linen and lace which ,had been i placed upon the said altar were not fib ` btfuitedagain.' Finally; the - Traitor con demned each party to pay his own-costs, and dismissed,-the.-Christians with counsel to live together is atnity,-,and to,Temember what one of ourseldes heel' See how these .!christians love - ani iutother."' The sentence striking ,both ways, neither putty fixed the gar- Green Patin at_his advocate'Saca4 which, sfeve r ithiileie; 'either • Might: wilirlarril &Me, both • having enongh and to spare Of greenness. WOMB - hatkeliyered;-thimweek, the last of his foui, admirable lectureson the :English - Reformation. It was of the same high character, is to 'admire* mind - breadth ' of*kw; iii'ivell'ailktthoi"-and ) 'pictorial (power; -141 )- wefts prev tiding 'lectures. .-Lor&Shaftsburrpresided, land Was received with greatenthusiesm. He 'expressed the deep obligations of Evangelical Churchmen 16` - and maintained, that the lafeti ‘Of'bileown Churchclinsi always to revert -to-the- era and principles of the Martyrs of the ,Sixteenth Century. He hoind.that •Dr.lkr!Crie would give ere long, 3 4a course of lectures on' the Scottish Refer ,Mationt he thougbt, surpassed in • deeds ,of t.moral :heroism, faith, and - martyr 'Suffering, those to be -found in the history of any ciVilized nation. J. W. P..S essure on the money mar ' t • - ketr.cmitinuee . 1 Part of the Chinn' expedi tion*haS.isittiled:. An aimisthie, by last ac counts, was justformed bettreen troops; improsintei of peace, .now : probably ratified. THOVG,# Oyility,teaehepps tct epill others highest - trittek " yet Viiifility and tnitefrini toegal Ive by the Idkrarest. O. 242 A th