Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, May 02, 1857, Image 1

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. .
byterian Banner, Vol. V. No. 32.
byterfon Advaeotos, Vol. 3134 No. 97. "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I DESE'A ; p THE . LORD:" "THIS ONE'THING I DO." - WHOLE N'
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`YID MeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
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* and unite us to Christ. Ye must be born • From our London Correspondent. . yea, when as to
,legislators n -- `4' rulers 414144 0 101 pa -of the bloody:Mary,t and, the ; with:the precious thingkof the earth.
Ottgtnal Ottrg. again.—John : 7.a n;
Triumph —lThe Overthrow of the ,great: small, "the :r1) artyr Bishops, of England." ; E and : the fullness thereof • and. 'above all
There is a legal union with Christ i from *Cobdenites—The Election, in its bearings on Trae • peace to the people and. the li
„,- .-„r with the,goOdlrill,Of.H,
,intwhodwelle in the
turiardeta and Romanism—Lord John Russel the present, this 'week, , oo -
eternity, when we were chosen in him, and righteousness ?" , When we • „ w„. bush , the 'Unabaratable. riaties of Jesus
, hope of Reformers--Polities and Christianity— J on
he was constituted our Head ; Surety, and es' noble sonnet, " What 6 - ut i o , a j ~,t g eo(otpur .Artillery, forces,' and .also ..fUhrist•-`4the '
4i e Death of Captain Iledley Vicars, . . The future of Polities—lnfidelity and Ultra-
SUbstittlqe, in• the covenant of grace ;- and Dia:lent' kick the Beam—The Overthrow . of Sir State P' re sadly feel that the- *- '',iukftivjPgliAsu°42;',7yar" far budding Bhi P a r of f , ( ,1 /fait:fie/4 per:. itt:ll , ,ktikastiiC ;
97th Itegiment,.Crimea.
•• there is a vital union with .Christ, consum- Wabitsley-i--Battle in Persia—China and its been realized under the best wars) o n ko-st 4 °°*°n• Nlw • - • •
This way !"—and then he fell, mated, here in ,time,. when we are: of Empr--Palmerstan on the American Comma- eminent ; and that the da ', - opened 'there, in connexion .
y w -
the bleak night of storm went on; the Spirit, and united to Christ by faith dore al
,Canton _The • Opium .Trade Money ‘,‘ sovereign Law sits Emprea-2;". , 3,.v
, 1 "with=-!,otteetuite , whose the . • ;
Food—Lord. Napier and the
L if e e j g
'ssin ; `"lt t3 e r s 4 e iB e n ?; ;:t ei p t
drowning good, repreesinei' W. M. Thomsourhat,rbeetrtot only-tilantor; z, ,, ,.:Theteriiibiatenergy of.,
4 This way P' the rest they tell, effectual,calling. This vital union, the re- ,A4ritt---Price
President -English Pre , 46,yterian,Th's ~/11:0- • „
ears, at the next morning's dawn. suit of the legal, is that Of which I have '
ravian Altwons and Pre, Australia.
spoken; and without regeneration, there is, =
LONDON April 3, 1557 p ea u n rili on cs ly .,c a i v u i r v o e h .wh li e f n e t a h n a d t
t silen"t
permeate citizenship, also.
Vi.. ; " he corse, the bier, the gun, and can' be, no such iinioa,.and,,of, course,wit he e beauty of holiness speaks - More 'efoqueizitly„
g o
f o od.
the t
liftioiongilielifinen •
slow retreat of weeping braves, ,
no communion with Chriet no life and no j They e . of God andi.dutY4haill
Infidelity tried, in South*ar get a — l ` •
,rartgels, 'l.Let,-patents'reniemberithis
1 ;•• I .cl the sad work is done, salvation.' Henee, that, you maybe vitally hearing. ) l- in'the• - Perion Rd e l ., the. '' tue'' ' intete4/44451ftrfnightti g latee - niin g i t i° P ii *
d that field of sodden graves.
noted Secularist but he was hoe , . ctionathe beet secular edlicationyin connexion
and eavingly united 'to Chrit,'and have 'fee- ,
with the teaching of the Bible. The queath to it is a virtuous exeniple;
lowship with him', you must be born again— hustings:. Fox, the Unitarian .his
r fears, T weep for thee, used, unless when ;a2legney';Of remembrances,
you must be born again .
seat at Oldham; but this
flare a light was on thy brow! . .
• account Or his religion, as h
was n '' 'pt o e rt ntT g etreet li ree li t i e l e b ri e ely Ahatis,/zot ~ sociations:.• The 'beauty or holinesi-healn
would that I could. be ' • - • ote ie ..:r -; , 1 8 h. „ , are 'feud ItelatiV4 Or Melia' is , • -
the China' question, Edward
. a beloved heart as thou!
proprietor of the Hon-Conlo - a nd,• 44.4 -; ' - ' frtA, 43' • r
of . Enguni , 1: 1 701 0 ,11 1 P. **Al 4 .
r victories in one, Apsiey coadjutor . to tb, .thaf,are, blared down -than precept cowl - 3lunifielddhri, t o*rgOeiii»iNfr
• en Illy spirit was set free; *.and:Anti-Regiu'on, Donum eve both
y life had searee„begun, been unseated, to the no small d omfitare
ripened for eternity. of illtra-Disisenters:
,sp, warrior, sleep,
hristian's is a hallowed urn;
(r thee a world will weep, ,
t ,
" slips of their sad Cypress burn." ust
hr .
' er
• i er
7 4c1
Co . ;
r • f t
e ,
• dw(
'is 1
• je,
e 7.
. is
e: .
~ : •4=. • ; : 701
• er•
" , on4
, n
, on
,is way !" and fell. Oh I
,oarken to thy parting breath,
follow, even fly,
through the trodden gap of death
.Ae, ir. hope like thee,
from life's warning dream;
d soon oar loves will be
'inn pure and living stream.
or the Predbytorlan Banner and Advocate
XVl.—Necessity of Regeneration.
,t be born again.—JOHN In': 7.
DEAR FRIEND follows, from what
len said, and is evident from the nature
case, that without regeneration, there
no fitness for heaven. And this is
reason for its necessity—there is no
for heaven without it. A reforma
t' life and manners is not sufficient;
outward reformation may leave the
untouched. A moral life is not suffi
for external morality is not holiness;
may be moral acts where there is no
al goodness. Morality, is not religion;
to men are but half the law ; there
io duties to God, and. God looks upon
art; and so long as the heart is not
all is wrong. Conviction of sin is not
:nt, fur there may be conviction where
sno conversion. The performance of
is duties is not sufficient; these can:
>minend us to God; they cannot river
his favor, rihr . can they of themselves
'or heaven. There must be a radical
in our natures, that we may be ac
and in order that our services may,
rtable, and that we may delight in
As God is holy, and man is a sinner,
ist be a change in the one or the other,
there can be any communion between
As God is holy, there must be a
in God or the sinner, before they
Tell together in love and blessedness.
holy, and he changes not; he will
holy; and hence the sinner' must
or perish. Man must be born again,
'e is no heaven for him Put the
unchanged in heaven, and be would
)m the presence of God, and seek
in hell; or should he remain, God
would remove his throne to some
part of space, and shut the sinner
seven, far from his presence, and
iven itself would be a prison for the
heaven would be hell ! Sin would
)11 of any place ! Sin remaining,
7 hell in your own bosom for ever !
you would be fitted for heaven, to
th God in his blissful presence, sin
-enioved, your wicked 'heart must
ge,l, you must be born again !
tun: is depraved, and that nature
'ren.,vated ; you are polluted with
, your pollutions must be removed;
st be delivered from corruption as
from condemnation. You must be
lain, or you can never enter heaven,
3r be prepared for it. It is time to
lest in this matter. Seek the Lord
, but one more reason for the neces
regeneration : There is no union
hrist without it; and we must be
to him by faith, or perish. This is
tit's work in regeneration. Thus'we'
tit in our Catechisms, as well as in
Iles, "We are made partakers of the
tion purchased by Christ, by the
1 application of it to us by his Holy
And, " The Spirit applieth to us
emptier' purchased by Christ, by
faith in us, and thereby uniting us
in effectual calling,"
or regenera-.
hort. Cat., Ques. 29, 30. As a
the Bible, you must have noticed
2h stress is laid upon union with
W e are chosen in him ; we are in'
ei<",tures ' • he is in us the hope of.
c I , ut on Christ; we live in him;
in hint; ho is our life ; he is the
we are uteruhers of his body; he is
Inc, we are the branches ; he is the
.stone, we are the building; there is
ademnation to them which are in him;
here forms of expression, and many
•s, express and describe, or imply, our
1r! '
with Christ.—Eph. i 4 ; 2. - oor.
Col. i : 27; Rom. xiii : 14; Gal. ii :
2. Tim. ii : H ; 1. John ii : 6, and
9 ; Col. iii : 4; 1. Cor. xii : 12-27;
n xv 1_14; 1. Pet. ii : 3---10 ;
: 1.
is union was proposed before the fours.
of the world, and hence we are
t in him ; but it is actually consum•
at our regeneration when we are born
Spirit, and receive Christ ,hyifaith as
Saviour. So the bond of ,union;on our
t is faith, and on his part, the indwelling
his Spirit. When we are born again, he;
his Spirit in our hearts, and we receive
by faith, and rest upon him alone for
ation ; and so we are united to him as
branch is united to the vine. We re
lit', life and nourishment from him, ißut
state of nature, we aro dead, dead in
passes and sine.—Eptk. ii: 1. There is
hio, no union with Christ, and of course
Lupe, no peace, no salvation. Rencethe
cu,ity of regeneration to make us alive
This union, described as Christ being in
us and our being in him; includes union
with the Father, and is of God. , -,Tolin x.vii :
21.; 1. Cor. i : 80. It is maintained by
faith, abiding in him, his Word-abiding iia
.as, feeding on him, iind obeying him. Th'e
saints have union with Christ in mind, in
spirit, in love, in sufferings, and in hie death;
they hate assurance of it, enjoy it in the
Lord's Supper, are identified with' Christ by
it, are ecimplete in= him, are exhorted to
maintain it; it is necessary to spiritual life,
to growth in grace, to fruitfulness, ,and to
salvation., The results of it are righteous
ness imputed,, freedom ,from condemnation
and fiom the dominion of sin, being created
anew, abundant fruitfulness, answers to
prayer, and confidence at'his coming; and
it is indissoluble. Bid you cannot have it,
nor its blessings and - benefits, without the
new birth. Ye -must be loin again I -
a. C. I
For the Presbyterian Bt!nner and , Advocate
gn AirikeninkAn the .ChnTO 44 - Upper
. '
Mt. Bethel; Pa. .
MR. Emoit :—lt will be cheering to
many to hear of the yecent interest in this
little, church, under the untiring labors of
the Re*. S. Sturges, who, we are aware,
at the time he resigned his pastoral charge
at Phillipsburg, N. Y., eight months.since;
Where, during three years, amidst multiplied
labors at home and abroad, in, building both
the spiritual and temporal • walls of that
church, he was followed:lv* continual out
pouring from on high;'retired from that field
of usefulness, not without feelings of the
the deepest regret. We trust, however, he
can now see enough "to' convince him that
the Lord bath "directed his steps." Be-
ing entirely. Of German Origin, this' has been
an exceedingly hard place for Presbyterians,
and especially for; Presbyterian ministers;
but we rejoiee•tWsee, at this, time, the fal
low:ground is being broken. Since the
gracious work commenced, several weeks
ago, nineteen persons, mostly heads; of. fam
ilies, have been added to our list of com
municants, and the interest is still unabated.
Truly, thig is a 'new eta in our congregation.
Td behold - thewierflowing prayer-meetings,
the densely-crowded, galleries at the hour of
preaching, to witness =the frequent tear, and
the penitential sigh, to heat many frem the
ranks of sin, crying, "What shall we do I"
Why, it is net only melting, but transport.
ing and'enrapturing ! 0, that the great
Head of the _Church. may continue to send
down upon us the spiritual rain. Not only
has our
,beloved congregation been very
much elevated by this . special ,visitation, but
our parochial school, of_ which the writer
has the satisfaction of being Principal, has,
we trust, also been materially enlarged and
_April 20, 11357.
I have found the following rules to he 9f
much service to myself, and respectfully
suggest to my brethren in the ministry, the
propriety of testing their merits :
1. Resolve to be brief, as this is an age
of , telegraphs and stenography.
2. Be pointed; never preach all around
your text without, hitting it.
3. State your propositions plainly, but do
not stop long to particularize.
4. Avoid long introductions; but, plunge
into your sermon like a swicinler into cold
water. • '
5. Condense; make sure that .you- have
an idea, and thew speak it right out; in the
plainest, sl!ortest possible terms,
G. Avoid all high-flown language; quote
no Hebrew nor Greek; aim to be simply, a
7. 'Be h'onest enough to own that you - do
avail yotirself of help frorn any 'source.
But in using helps,^ be sure' you never make
stilts of them, when your own legs are far
better. ,
8. Expect the Father's blessing,; y
are his servant, and can do nothing wit , -
out it.
Among the , many rules given the pre,ach
er, I have found it convenient to adopt :th.e
above, as being such as were profitable toe :
, And now, my brother, if they will do yo?,
any good, you are welcome to them .- 7 G
C. Bancroft.
• , Seeret Prayer.
Men never take so firm a hold of' Gi d
in secret. Remember Jacob. Thou shhuldst
pray Alone; for.thou idea sinned alon4 and
thou art ,tu die alone, and , to , bedged
alone. Alone thou wilt have to at ar be
fore the judgment . seat. Why
,ot ,get
p i
alone to: the :merey,, seat ? In tI4 great
transaction between thee and _Got, thou
canst have no human helper. You/are not
going to tell him `any secret. Youimay be
sure he will not =betray your cohfidence.
Whatever reasons -there may , bei for' any
species of devotion, there are 'tore and
stronger reasons for secret,devotionNothingembarrassing and disturb ng
is more in ise
cret prayer than unpropitiouicircemstances.
Great attention ought always to , he aid to
this point—" Enter into thy closet,"says
Christ. He says not a closet, / net. the
closet, but thy elbse.t., The habit of secret
communion is supposed to be farmed. The
man is supposed to have a closet--sorne
place in which he is accustomed to retire for
prayer---so me spot consecrated by many a
meeting there with sod—some place that
has often been to him a Bethel. The Sa
viour uses the word to niean any place where
with no embarrassment either from tbe fear
or Pride of observation, we can freely !Aix
out Aur.hearts in prayer to God. No matter
what are the dimensions of the place, what
its' flooring and cadopy. Christ's closet , was
a mountain, Isaac's a field, Peter's tie
the hotthe=e6p.—' 'Nevins.
To Preachers.
Govittinutivr, at the general election,
unmistakable. The country has pronounced
with 'rare unanimity, especially against the
Cobden party,' almost every one of them
having lost .their seats. The
~mover and
seconder of the 'subeessful resolution of cen
sure, which led to the dissolution, viz.,
Messrs.' Cobden' and' Milner Gibson, have
been thrown - out `from Manchester. Mr.
John Bright, also, (whose health had' failed
-him,. and who is 'on' the Continent,) the Ve
hement opponent of the war with Russia,
has received the severe . verdict of a long,
pent up. indignation. Certainly, to' be " a man,'? never was there- a
friend of war more pugnacious, bitter, and
insultingly eloquent. Majorities , / of three
thousand, at least, agaillst these men, and
that in the Cottonopolis•of MancheEter, pro
claim very strongly,: that Messrs. Cobden &
Co.'s habit, of always representing Russia,
China, and the rest of the world, in the
right, and England in the wrong, will not
be tolerated. For my part, I am a peaceful
Min, and' a patriot, I hope,, but,the way
theSe men, and others allied with them
have acted / seems to me very disgraceful.
I am satisfied if their sentiments prevailed,
a Utilitarianism heartless and selfish, with
out one throb of sympathy with the noble
and•the :generows; much lesti with the Evan
gelical, and prepared to allow "Derby and his
dangerous folloWers to take power and
carry out their; ecelesiaatical policy, would,
ere long, destroy the' old spirit of the nation,
and that foreign despotism would then pre
sume :upon our cowardice and covetousness.
The bearing of the election on ROMANM
is of no small importance. I have, ,in
former letters, dwelt on the inevitable ad
vance of Tractarianism, opposed to .
Evangelism, should, Gladstone regain his
position, in a British Cabinet. Lord Pal
merston's ecclesiastical appointments in the
Church, have, irritated High 'Churchmen
'much. But le is a mane of rare sagacity;
he sees, with a Statemnan's eye, how ?cit.:
national is this vile 'priestly elernent, and
how the mass of the people are Protestant
in their tendencies, and cannot bear it
much longer. Not that' Lord , Palmerston
carries into his •Church appointments - a
, spirit and a motive such as Lord Shaftsbury
would do. But he understands the genius
of thepeople r and, as-a Statesman, acts , ac
cordingly. His sagacity, is: quite extraor
As to 'Rim Et,zonoNs, Doctor Cullen,
1. theVopes Legate, has issued a'" pastoral,"
to instruct fife people. He denounces the
Orange Protestants very sternly, but they;
have, assisted by more moderate Evangel
eels, carried the Dublin election against'
him. He praises those ProtestantAso
called,) gentleman who vote for Mayrooth.
IThere is, however, a band of Romisb. " In
dependent Oppositionists," who wilt not fol
low the Cullen advice, which virtaally is on
the side of the Government, as long as it
indorses Rotnish chaplains in jails and in
the army, and s keeps up Maynooth.
At Belfast, 'thure, the Presbyterian.
Liberal has ben beaten. At Newry, the
Presbyterian oes in. In Dublin City and
and s
t o conservatives carry the day. I
It is a rions anomaly that the Irish
Governmen relies far more on the Popish
element in Ireland, than the Protestant;
and strang still, that Evangelical Protest
ants elect embers of their' own opinions, I
who, if t eir party - were successful, would
have 'to 'and by and see. Tractarianism ad
vancedin England and in the Colonies' ! ,
Pope'. is a:hateful thing; a great mar
,plot ; and :its odious doings in Ireland m
oon s' for this apparent inconsistency.
e election of Lord John Russel for
city of London, is a great 'success'for
cause of Constitutional "progress and I
form. He has been systematically run
awn' for the last few years. The Times I
eas . behaved shamefully-toward him. 'He
Lad not intended to present himself again as a
candidate for London °; but he:-was roused,
not only,by counsel to the contrary, but by
an attempt to make ,it a mere mercantile
struggle, to stand forth. Great enthusiasm
was elicited in. his favor, and his election is
a significant warning to the Premier Abet if
he will not, bring in caeasures of. Reform, he,
has a rival , who may supplant:him any day.
The general bearing'. of POLITICS ON'
RELIGION, as indicated not , long-since in
one of your own leaders, is > mast -forcibly
impressed on one's mind by this. general
election. It is; alas! too true that Chris-<I
dans have often sated as if religion had
nothing to do with politics; and so it .has
come to pass that the Christian pulpit and
Christian press have left the people unin- ,
strueted as, to the path they should:pursue.
'Here the tendencies to corruption and
bribery have been greatly. checked by re
cent legislative measures; but paid canvass
ing, open public houses, the undue influence
of landlo ,ds over tenants, and of rich ens
: tamers over their tradesmen, still shamefully
prevail. I have no doubt, also, that bribery
is secretly practiced. The general election
is a most costly business. It is estimated
that nearly £1,000,000 sterling is exgended
in direct outlay. The electoral body' does
not exceed eight hundred thousand. If
things were in a pure condition, such expen
diture, at the rate of more than one pound'per
head, would surely be unnecessary. A no
ble spectacle it is, to see a people rise up to
the exercise of privileges 'secured to them
by those "invincible knights of old," "the
confessors, patriots, and martyrs,who, through •
blood and flame, and," with , a great sum, ob.t
tained this freedom " for us. Any thing
is better than the stagnancy of despotisiu,
and the union of civil and spiritual tyranny,
as in the olden time. But shall not the
time yet come to you and to' us—shall not
there be a future: in .polities, when Messiah
the Peaceable and- the Pure, the Just One
and the Merciful, shall, with his truth, per
vade, . mould; leaven,', wield the world's
democracy.; when our "officers shall b e
3 peace, q and' , one exactors righteousness "L--
A. oef
t o
111 re
in ir
,Ct C
/ t ei
,o ' al
Id in
ar i
• ar
Ministerialists, too, (like Mr.
"red-tapisf," and cold official,
Secretary .for War, son of tl
Robert s ) have found themselves'
So Cardwell, a Peelite, is beater
City; even while Gladstone, wit.
Sympathizes in matters of religi
without opposilion, for the Univi
true exponent of the High_
Tractarian parties who nestle
Sir Joshua Walmsley, the 41:
of the "Sunday League" : pa
opening of the—Museum, Cry
5 4, on the Lord Way, has lost;;
This affords Evangelical. Chris
satisfaction. His vote againstftl
on the Chinese questibni'f dOttl
tributed to his, overthrow.
The cause. of philanthropY, iii,. qinnexiori
rime, will
with'Reformatories for jnvepil,=, rime, will
be strong in the new ParHarnett
News comes FROM PEltatit another
battle, and of a British vietory, and of a
Persian army completely, routed. This
makes the heart sad, inasinucli;a l s peace had
been agreed upon at Paris ...1 . 08 believed
by our
_politicians that this 'Weir will strike
terror into the Orientals: : 'Sit 'W. Wil
liams, of Kars, thinks that this ; war and its
issue, especially as referectii - 314,Xecurity of
Herat, closes the gate ' efltidia against
Russia, for a century, to .Come. 1 That is a
prophecy rather too bold. '`.llndoubteilly
Russian diplomacy turni , its.ey*o longer
Westward, JOl
but - Eastward'. `lt,-'',has obtained
advantages,..ton, by ,conneiti:duili f m
„ betlE
Persia and China, in; Connexion wi recent
troubles. • '. ' ' fi -L '
po CHINA, the Einierer'snll gedidisa
vowel of the eonduct ofilptier at q 1 ., 9 ,,.
ton; and his obientanyVtiaiiiii . , eipeuccr
on any terms witk-thi-B : " i i:%, me vhr ,
opportunely, to 31 1 E6 ~. --.., -' . . '.. -
Palmerston!sposition; and, as we itoped, alio,
to save an 4xPenditure of, money and blood.
The most authentic accounts seem, however,
i toludicate, that the Chinese Emperor, sup
pisng the English beaten, desires Yeh not
* exterminate them utterly, but to make
peace with them ! He keeps the other free
ports open and wishes not to cease trading'
with the British. But he thinks at Canton'
they will sue for peace,• or, -at least, will
gladly accept it as a' born. It is probable,
therefore, that a large armament will pro
ceed to China, as was originally intended ;
and that Lord Elgin - will undoubtedly, be
, .
backed by a considerable force in thekemego
tiations which he is enter into
with the Einperor. %I,
, It is an amusing ilhistration-of Palmers
-1 ton's adroitness,',,to'find -him pointing to the
immediate retaliation'of the Amei4an Com
modore at Canton; for the insult offered to
the flag of the United States, as a justifica
tion of the proceedings of Sir jobb. Bowing
and Admiral Seyinotir. ' -
v )
All civilized nations should no . i iniist on
formal 'comminication with the- Courtof
Pekin. :They should further, in" ton the
enntiimance of regular commuide ion with
the Chinese officials, .essential to' safe and
honorable residence in the count and de
mand *permission to travel thr gii the
ceuntry. .
But 'what 'is to be done withe oPiiiin
trade? Are
the Chinese to be compelled to
likalize it ? Or must we pith dpwiiour
selves ? The East India Company deiive a
revenue from the trade of nearly sour mil
lines sterlin g . Severity, thousand Irestspor
annum are . imported, yielding fty millions
Olinda weight Of. smokable extra.. This
coat the Chinese £7 000 000
) 1 •
. .
Does this smoking injure ? C., , opium
be used temperately ?, Mr. D. I ttheson,
who has been in China, (now a fverpool
merchant, and a member of our hurch,)
says the Chinese themselves rega • the in
dulgence as a vice, and .say :that, ewhen a
man smokes oninm, he is makin'liii`Own,
coffin," „ Mr. Mattheson imposes gradual
reductien of die'supPly, by five or
ten thousand chests per annum ;,d
General Anderson also i l
recommen t grad
ual reduction of 'the-growth in In a-.. -
Daring the last year, we have` en from
China about ninety millions poun of tea,
at, ncost of X. 4,500,000, and abo seventy
thousand bales of silk, (nearly d Me the,
usual quantity, and at a higher ice, than
usual) costing , nearly £5,000,00 .- This ,
partly accounts for ~the constant drain of
silver to the East, and the'embair *wit of
the money market here.
Yesterday the -Bank •of Engle
its discount to Of per cent. T
and other securities, have fallen
quence. If , war had continued, 'o
tion, and that of Europe- at lard
have been terrible. NYhile meat
high in price, the poor man's quail
is 7d. per lb.
The cordial reception of Oust A a
Don AT WASHINGTON, by the 1 "
and' the moderate' One; 'of the
aadress of the latter, I!.as given g
faction in this couptry•- -
Dourott our new Thl
Professor, is delivering popular lec
the request of the Young, Men's 1
iu`connexion with the, London - c.
on " The Early Reformation in E
at the Lower Room, Exeter Hall.
lectrires are very graphic, and brio
lecturer's peculiar powers. They
notices of the daya`of the Lollards,
Wycliffe, and Lord Cobham. T.
sketch the life and"times of Herir
Tindal's•,Bible &o. Afterwarga•
Mr. .thoinpiniii' will; eilihef,' bneleeted
-Moderator , of our Synod' ere this leach
your eye ; and, he is eminently worthy of
the honor. Many a soldier has had reason
to bless God for his faithful instructions;
and with young 'officers, also,, he has sat,
week after week, as the leader of a Bible
Class, till they were all. called away to for
eign service, and some to fall in= conflict.
Our Synod will assemble this year at
Newcastle-on-Tyne, on, the .20th inst. I
hope (D. V.) to send you
. 1x faithful sketch
of its proceedings, at
_the proper time.
The MonAvxmv.M.rssxolv to toe
nes of Australia has been suspended. The
cause' 'seems
• to be, the annoyance to which
the brethren :were subjected, by ceriain'hos
tile settlers in the vicinity, to 'C
8 tablish 1 a
right of way through , the land ~which
been granted them by- the ,G-overnment for
the purposes of the Mission. .'The' Colonial
authorities, however, , have recognised this
sight of, , way, and thus have virtuallybroken
,the settlement, as the only hope of doing
good the Miserable Aborigines washy in
dii6ing Them to encamp' within the"station
.allotment, and remain there fora time 'Under
instruction. This is all the more distressing,
as a growing; confidence in the. Missionaries
was beginning to - be 'manifested.
Peel, a
Ae Sir
3t' on).
bein be
goes in
y, as the
roh and
g leader
for the
. Palace,
is much
flourishing, and ministers Are , in great -de
mand. Dr. Cairns, at Melbourne, receives
a.salary of £l,OOO per, annum ; and I have
`just read a kindred account of prosperity at
'Geelong, in a congregation where a former
elder of my own has been prominent in zeal
-and r:msefulness. Union `between Presb'3r-
Aerian!bodies there_is making progress; and
Parliamentary : government is now in full
operation. The foundations of a great, Em
spire have been, laid; and if 'ChristianitY be
doixiinant, hew' glbrieus 'the futufe of Ans
t i tage, - bothAr : its Owa i population, and the
Iles of the - SOW:horn ocean I J.W .
- f .i:llorlePreab*late -
E - eTSMltraitte - .
There has been' much trnthfully said and
Written on- the shady side or a .minister's
life; ; and : that of his family. There is also a
sunny, side, even in this, world,.: to their, life',
wlient no muilty cloud seems to hover, nor
aught portending gloom, but all is unclouded
sunshine. .• Such 'a .season, it has been my
privilege recently , . to. enjoy, , through the
kindness of a grateful people, to whom I am
hound by, many, ties, and. whose generosity
is worthy of grateful renaembranon and ,
• On the tOth inst., I wes.vidied by . the•
united ..people of my chargel.' It was a ten
der and' refreshing scene. Fathers and
mothers in Israel, , venerable for .years, ex
ceedingly frail in
. bodily strength, mingled
with the lambs of ; my flock, and those of all
other ages,- in - etinfisriling an Unexpected
tribute of respect and'esteem to myself 'and
family-- . -nor did 'theyl•ebrne empty. We
feltiindeed y that we were : bat guests; though
in our own house, yet . gnesja in tlie,midst of
those whose kindness vrae
'The ladies--every Virhece bpst friend
and' 'counselor, the Mere consciousness of
whose presenee• is a. great •idassing—spent
several hours in making garments for ourlittle
ones,, from material which
had provided. At , about six o'clock, we
were invited to witengregational supper---a
grand entertainment, such as is but seldom
seen in a minister's house. The tables
seemed to groan under the weight, and-rich
variety of dishes.
After tea, Mr. M. B. Brown called the
house to order , and'reimi . the 844t1i 'Hymn
commencing, • • . .
"Oar acute Viingether krilt,"'
which was evidently • sunglrith much feel
ing. At the close .of exercise,. Mrs::
B. M. Kerr, . in. behalf uf , theiladies of .the:
aang':eWkdcl 3 : in a Yary. ll 2 annek, pye
-4Mls. 'McPherson it beautiful qngt,
and. titbit' lirtiCles; all' 'the l irorkiiuisiliii of
their lawn). hinds, and 'fit •einidein' of .. .the•
unity which binds ,us together iii.a;people;•
Mr. Win. Vrel 5 in behalf; 44 he people-of
Mount Pisgah, presented me with a sum. of .
money Which Was well calculated to melt my
heart, when assured that it was ' the widoi's
and orphan's mite Of my iharge. Mr.
M. B. Brown'then , in behalfik the,gentle
men; prasented-me with a very neat gown,,
made by..the ladies of oursewing circle, and
a, heantiful.pair 9f slippers; also, a purse,
"as a token of their appreciation of the in. ,
structive t t'
•apd y interesting
delivered' dinning the Sabbath' evenings of
the pest Winter,-to the young men;"'else,
a note, whisk:he Stated he.waa requested to.
Fesent,o l ) l3 N4,of an individual. About
the sitmetiine, a lady slipped another into
my hand—maktng,,in all, quite a handsome
inne:of‘moife r y,liidependent Of other valua
bles 41iiolk*ere left if my horn*.
-:Thel spirit jwhibh prompted this act of
kfridtiesii; ant 114' Christian sympathy and
brotherly loVe whicili;'reigned,. Can never be
forgotten by ine spread its fragrance
over my earthly`' history, *as that box of
ointment which the weeping penitent crushed.
over 'the feet of Jekoni"did over his. .And,
lik‘:Him, I would - emiaalia'il4 - deed in the
deathleis memory of the goOd.
May he who has promised tube the wid
ow's stay and orphan's shield—the God .I
which' has fed me all, my life long till this
day—the Angel which redeemed me from
all: evil—bless them with the precious things
otheaven;• with the dew and the de'ep that
doni3heth beneath; with the precious fruits
biought fortli byy, the sun; the precious
things put fortla - br the moon • with the
ruinous things, of the ancient mountains,
STAL the precious" - things of, the everhuiting-
r come
s very
, rn. loaf.
ug ral
t sa is-
+log cal
ie zes
,u s )
. land, ,,
I These
u .the
. ' 111.
1j,, , take
mend; entreaty, or warning.. Christianity
itself ; I believe, ()Wes by "far 'the' grtater
part of its moral poWer, not to the precepts
or parables of Christ, but:to his own eller!
acter. The beauty of that holiness- which
is enshrined in the four brief biographies of
the Min of Naiareth, has done more, and
will do More, to regenerate the world and
bring , in , everlasting righteousness, thin 'all
other agencies put together. it has done
more to , spread , his religion in. the. world
than. all - that has .ever been, preached or
written` on the evidence- OrChristianity.- 7 -L
Chalmers; - - •
Sin in =the Ohirch.
nave seerusich sin in the Clint* that
I have been ,ofton,,bronght by it tot's' sickly
State of. mind., , , But when I hayerturned to
the world, I have seen ',sin working there in
''srieh' measures and - forins,' that I have turn
ed, back again to the Church with: more
wisdom ofd mind and more , affection to it----
tainted as it is. I see sin,, noivhere
,putun, such an odious appearance, min the
Church:, It Mixes itself with the most holy
things, and 'debases them, and turns them
t o ;its own purPBses. It builds its nest in
_ the v,etly pinnacles of the temple, •The 'his
tory of the primitive ages orthe Church
has also checked the disgust which would
arise froin seeing the impure state of things
'before our' eyes. Folly and wickedness
'sported themselves even then, in shiest all
possible forms.: I turn, in such states Of
mind, to two portraits in my study John
Bradford and Archbishop Leighton. These
'never fail, in such cases, to speak forcibly
to my heart, that in the midst - of all'there
is 'pure religion, and to tell 'me whit that
religion is Cecil:
Antidote for Bad Tempers.
An ,excellent minister, ramming much
Inoixledge of human nature, .kgrhiell many
good ":ministers "never acquirei) instructed
Tor - da s imrs4ll - tne - ttienry
and practice niusic. • They were 'all' Ob
served to be exceedingly amiable and happy.
A. friend , Inquired if there was. any secret
in his mode .of education. He replied,
" When anything disturbs their, temper, I
say to them, Sing;' and when T, heir
them speak against any person, I . call them
to sing to me, and so they' have , sung,away
all causes of discontent, and every disPosi
don to scandal." Such a use of this accom
plishment might serve to fit a family for
the companY of angels.
Such, a practice would-sweeten 'many sour would annihilate that mor
bid love of ,tattling and scandal that often
embroils a community, and involves: it in
personal and family feu& If there were
more singing, there' might be less tale
bearing and slander.
If you find yourself speaking against
any ; person, try the minister's recipe ; and it
will act as a sovereign • remedy. Do you
allow your' temper to be disturbed ?, Try,
the minister's recipe and 'it will ealm 'you:
into a placid spirit. Indeed, the clergyman's
recipe is a,pariacea for many of .the ills , and!
disturbing causes of life.
Try it,
.and you will find its application
very simple and harmless, pleasant to the
taste and melodious to the ear.
ler the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Presbytery= of Zanesville:
The Presbytery of Zanesville met in Newark,
on the 10th inst., and was opened with a sermon
by Rev. Washington Maynard,from Rom. v: S.
Fifteen ministers and fifteen elders present. Rev: '
James- M. Platt was,chosen Moderater, and Rev.
John Kelly ,Cleik, for the ensuing year.
Anion& others, the following items of business`
were transacted;:
A CircUlar from the General Assembly's Com-,i
mittee on the subject of a fund for disabled min j.
isters, was presented by the Stated Clerk,
which. Circular was committed. to ,a Committee
consisting of Revs. M. A. Hoge, W. Merri
Grintesrand elder Wm. Shaw '
' to prepare an an
swer,, and transmit to the Chairman of the Gen-1
era ssembly i e Committee. .
Commissioners to the General Assembly—Rev.
Josiah Milligan, and elder Samuel Aiken, pried
pals, and Rev. W. Morris _Grimes, and Elder J. 4
K. Caldwell, alternates. •
Rev.-Samuel Finley was: disidesed to the Pres- '
bytery of Ohio, and Rev. Washington Maynard to 't,
the Presbytery of Columbus.
The pastoral relation existing between , Rev. !
Josiah Milligan.and, the churches of Rush Creek.
and Bethel was dissolved, and the churches de-`
Glared vacant. The pastoral relation existing be-,
tween `Rev'. Sohn. 'Kelly and the church Of. Mt.
Zion, (this church having one-third of-Mr. K.'l3
time,) was- also , dissolved; and a calt *as put
into Mr. Kelly's hands (for one-half of his'time,)
front the liuncan's Falls church, with a view of
uniting this and the Salt Creek church in one
-of the church of Cambridge,
p a
A s t t o r t a h l
e t hraerqguee.
t I
Presbytery amended the call from.that church-to
Rev. W. V. Milligan, so as to read, the whole of the
Unit), instead of two-thirds, and, six hundred dol
lars, instead of 'three hundred and,fifty.
Presbytery' passed the following resolution.
Resolved, That it is the -duty of 'Presbyterian
churches to defray the , expenses of their elders in
their attendance upon the meetings of Presbytery;
"and it is hereby recommended and enjoined upon
the churches 'within the bounds of.thnZanesville
Presbytery, or the 'officers having charge of their
temporalities, to take action in this behalf, and
to carry out thtpintent of Ibis resolutioni;
The repeitbetheTrustees of Miller -Academy
presents that institution as in a very prosperous
condition. • •
,churches of Buffelo, Mt. Zion; llopewell,;
Olive; Bristol; Bush Creek, and Bethel, obtained
permission. to supply lhemselviti" tilt the next'
stated meeting of Presbytery. , -
The Yellowing supphes were appointed, viz
Ni. Pleasallt Church:L-111 1 k gabbath in May,
W. V. Milligan. First Sabbath in June; T. E.
Alexander. First, Sabbath in Jidy,John Kelly‘
Second 'Sabbath in Atigixst, ' Wilson. Firl3l
Sabbath in September;. V. Milligan:
Presbytery adjourned, to. Aneet.,. Duncan''
Falls, on the list'Theaday MitY, it 11 o'elooli
LAtWid. MiA01111.113074 Stated4Clerkr•L
Philadelphia, 27 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut
By Mail, or at the °Mee, SLSO per . Year, t SEE PROSPECTUS.
Delivered in the City, 1.75 " "
TortheftimpyterhutßennerandAdvocaU6 =l ..
• • Richland Presbytery. l
This' resbytery met on the .14th-,inst,,,e t in,.the
,ohurch of Martinsimus, and , had,a;Npleasant, and
harinonions session. The. Bev John - Robinson
vras.Ohoien Moderator , and , Vir.,B Kennedy Tem
porary. Clerk.
„Mr, David Green was received,. ns.a ;candidate
t for 1 4ACI 11 :1 1 • I a 3i
Rev. John' M. liinsmore was elected the primal
-4,„altni*tel,il4-C9,m,,laliqalcker to. the(.....g.e11g14-4. As
semtly, and” Rev. John Burns his - alternate.
Elder Robert.Grahamalie -principal lay Commis
sioner, and J. B. Wintrn ger, his alternate. -;
Mr. A. J. M'M i
illtin, a Licentiate under the care
, of this Presbytery was dismissed to the, kreeby-'
.tery Of Ebenezer.
The Rev. Isaac N. Shannon was, received from
'the Presbytery of Crawfordsville. A, call was
presented.from the church of *ant Vernon .for
the pastoril labOrti of Mr. Shannon
The churches of,
a Licentiate under the.barti of this Preslbytery k
Mr. .7: C I Irwin, a. student ' of ,frheOVestent
Theological Seminary,,Was licensed to,preach the
Gospel of Christ, as a probationer. for the holy
ministry. J. P. Canifsvem., Stated Clerk.
fads ititV Oleaninp.
Ks up your teinper in dispute. The cold
'hammer fashions the red hot iron. •
TEN' Sgotch 'have thia proverb`: ‘c A gude
'word-is as sood said. as an ill one."
, THE least grace. is a, better security for
hUayen than the' greatest; gifts or privileges
-whatever. '
MISTAKES IN CruniTY.—Shall we re
pine at a little misplaced charity; we who
could no way foresee the effect ; when an
all-knowing, all-wise Being showers down
every day his benefits on the unthankful
and undeserving ?—Atterbury.
Happy the`man, whose Mary at his side
Unites with him in listening to the Lord;
Happy the •pair:to whom his pregnant Word
Reveals its treasures vast and prospects wide:
Hallowed the house thus filled and sanctified
By Truth and Love And lappY, also, he
Whose Martha, not neglecting higher things,
Busies heiself with that which daily brings
Content and gladness making home to be
• The seat of earthly comfort;'Household Care
With placid smile and brow presiding there !
But happier he, whose lot it is to find
(Alas ! in this imperfect world how rare I)
Mary and Martha in.his mate COMBINED.
RifVF4thE.—The - noblest revenge we can
take upon our enemies, is to do them a
icindnesi, for to 'return malice for malice,
wilkafford 4 -butia teinPotary-grat
44etition: to our 'evil passions, and ourOne
--TinietTiritcpnly rendered - the - more - bitter
against us. But, to take the first opportu
nity of showing them,how superior we are
to them, by doing them a kindness, or by
rendering them a service, the -sting of re
proach will enter deeply into their souls;
and, While unto us it will be a noble retails
.tion, onr triumph will not unfrequentiy be
_iendered complete, not only by blotting out
the malice, that had otherwise stood against
us, but by bringing repentant hearts to offer
themselves at the shrine of friendship.
Is thy path lonely Y Fear it not, for He
Who marksithe sparrow's fall is guiding thee;
And nota star shines o'er thine head by night,
But He bath known that it will. reach thy
sight 3
And not a joy Gan beautify thy lot,
-But tells' thee still that thou art unforgot ;
•Nay, not .a grief'can darken, or surprise,
S well in thy heart, or dim with tears thine
eyes; •
Butivis sent in mercy and in love,
To bid thy helplessness seek strength abOve.
"Mamma, when will the little birds come
again ? Mamma, when will God melt the
snow, that the little birds may come again 7"
"Precious darling I in all the wide world
beside; there is not to be found a lovelier,
Sweeter bird'than thou art I" And the fond
`mother drew the little prattler to her loving
-bosom, smoothed with a gentle hand the
sunny curls from 'that baby brow, and gazed
with a mother's love into the baby eyes.
Earnestly with her , little head pillowed
against its soft resting place, did this' bird
like child listen to the soft murmurings of
her Mother's voice, as she told her of that
bright land farbeyond the blue sky and the
twinkling stars • of the land where no Win
ter ; comes ; ; where Summer always is, and
the little birds always sing; of the bright
robed throng there; of the loving Saviour,
who had taken just such little ones as her
self, and said. "Of such is my Father's
Kingdom;" of the great white throne, and
the Father who sitteth thereon, who ever
watoheth over his little ones with tender
ness and care.
REAc.E.--LThe wisest and godliest find
(and such are sensible of it) that disputes
in'religion are no friends to that which is
far sweeter in it, but hinder and abate these
pious and devout thoughts that are both the
more useful and truly delightful. As peace
is a ehoice blessing, so this is the choicest
peace, and is the peculiar inseparable effect
of this grace, with which it is jointly wished,
grace and peace--4he flower of peace grow
ing upon the root of grace. But, brethren,
receiving of the same spirit from their Head,
Christ, are most strongly bent to the good
one 'of another. If there be but, a thorn in
the footi . the back boweth, the head stoop
eth down, the eyes look, the hands reach to
it, and endeavor its help and •ease. In a
word, all the members partake of the good
and , mill, one of another. Now, by how
much this - body. is more spiritual and lively,
So much the stronger must be the union and
love of the parts of it to each other. You
are brethren by the same new birth, and
born to the same inheritance; and such an
one shall not be an apple of strife amongst
you to beget debates and contentions. No,
it is enough for all, and none shall prejudge
another; 'but you shall have joy in the hap
pinesi one of another, seeing you shall then
be perfect in love, all harmony, no differ.
°nee:in - judgment or affection, all your harps
tuned to the same new song which you shall
Sing forever. Let that love begin here
which shall never end.—Archhishop Leigh
PY ,