Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, April 25, 1857, Image 2

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    sAraar Niorate.
TEILMS...• 011.509 in advance; or in Clubs
$i.23; or, delivered at residences of Subserts
bet 5, $1.76. See Prompectuslon Third Page.
It HOPE IST AL S should be prompt; a little
While before the year aspire., that we stay
inks "full arrangements for a steady supply.
.4,11 RD WRAPPER indicates that, we
delide;ioesneWal. 'll4 however, in the kikete
ur malting. this signal should be otattledi
butte our., friends will still not , forget mt.,.
UF.MITTANCKS.—Send payment by safe
hands, when convenient. Or, send by mails
encoloslng with ordinary care, and troubling
uopody wieN a knowledge of what you are
doluti. Fora large amount, send a Draft. or
helms notes. For one or two papers, mend Sold
' small notes.
TO MAKE CHANGE. Send postage stamps.
or' bettor still. send for snore. papers; soy
I'm fie venty numbs' s. or gi Thirtyathree
Onntbers. ,
Dili EMT ail betteris and Communications
to DAV.. DAVID - 111clitINNILY. Pittsburgh.
'General Atisembly.
The General Assembly of the lf`tesbyterian
Chtireh'in the baited States of Aineriea will bold
'to next meeting m the First Presbyterian ChUrch
Lexington, Kentucky, at eleven o'clock, A. M.,
vu Thursday, the 2lst of May next, and will be
, opened' with a sermon by the. Rev.' Francis
McFarland„ , Dlr., Moderator the last As
`. The - Committee` of Comthisaions will meet in
'at) Lecture-robto - ;of the churCh; 011 the Wednes
day evening preceding, at eight o'clock; to re
ceive Commissions, and on Thursday morning,
the day of the meeting, at nine o'clock, for the
..same purpose.
Jour; LBYDITRN, Stated Clerk.
ALEXANDWEt T. MCGILL, Permanent Clerk.
P. S.. Stated Clerks of Presbyteries are re
spectfully requested to make out theirlist of per
sons entitled to the Minutes on a separate sheet,
and to send that, together with moneys for the
Minutes, to G. It Van Gelder, EFT, Philadel
phia, Treasurer of the General Assembly. .
MY.--The Catalogue for 1856, has just
reached our table. Students in the Male
Department, forty two`, in the Female De
partment, fifty-four. .The Institution is
. ponducted by a Board of Trustees. Rev.
W. Wooden(' is the' Piincipal.
Western Theological Seminary.
The Board of. Directors of the Western
Theological Seminary will meet in the Lec
tura-Room of the First Church, Pittsburgh,
'n the 18th day of May, at 10 o'clock A.M.:
The Examining Committee, consisting of
Dr. Marshall, Dr. Campbell, Mr. Paxton,
—Dr. Carothers, and Mr. F. G. Bailey, will
meet on Thursday preceding, at 2 o'clock.
P. M 1 in the Seminary hall.
W. B. MolLvAmE, Sedy.
The North-West Seminary.
, Our brethren are progressing with their
work. A liberal charter, has been obtained
from the Legislature of Illinois. Ample
grounds have been devoted, at Hyde Park,
which is on the Lake shore, three miles
South of Chicago, on condition of proper
improvements. A Circular has been issued,
'calling upon' the Churches, in the seven
Synods, for pecuniary contributions. A
liberal response to this call, will enable the
Directors and Trustees to execute noble plans.
NEW COLUMBIA, PA.—The little church
-of forty members in this "place, which is
served by Rev. D. J. Waller, as 0.11 addition
to his pastoral charge at Bloomsburg, has
been recently greatly blessed. Some twenty
five persons, we learn, including the aged
and the Ann& are rejoicing in the blessed
'hope of, the Gospel. Mr: Waller was as
',"sisted, in protracted religious services, by
Rev. John. Thomas. , ,
FRANKFORT, .K Thirty-three - persona
have lately professed their 'faith, and entered
into the communion of the church, under
the'pastoral care of Rev. P. Safford.
`Rev. A. S. Billingsley writes : "This is
a very fine country. There remaineth here
very much land to be possessed. There are
some 'five or six Presbyterian ministers in
the Territory. There is room enough for
seven times as many. The Church is not,
it seemS, at all sensible of the imPortance of
sending out men to preach to the teeming
emigration to this Territory. Some estimate
the: ntik= at three or four hundred a day.
This is sn important period to the cause of
Presbyterianism - The harvest is truly great,
but the , laborers few. Let as pray the Lord
the harvest to send forth more laborers."
Diath of a Iffinionary.
~Rev.;: Mr. Stoddard, rof the American
Mithion at Oororitiah, Persia, died on the
22d of January. He went out as mission
afief the American Board, in 1842. Any.
Dr Wright thus Speaks of his sickness and
death :
About the eighteenth day of the disease, the.
fever appeared to break, and for days we
regarded him as convalescent. But our. hopes
.were dashed to the ground. After-some days be
grew Worse again, delirium Came on, and he fell
into a ktupor from which be never roused. I was
_ •standing- by his bedside when he breathed his
last,, There was no, groan nor, struggle. It was
little child falling asleep. He was, peace
` ' fat and happy in view of death, Early in his
'disease be wished to know the probable result;
; and it was bis , desire, if such were the will of the
Lorde-to depart and be with Christ. He was
, sbfe, .daring his, sickness, to talk but: little, but
that little showed that his heart was,set on things
a ove.
:Missionary Faxewell.
ATar elirell• Missionary Meeting was held
in 'the Presbyterian 'church at Huntinffdon
L. on the evening of the 12th inst.,
meparatory to the' departure of Ivo mission-
-,arieis, its late members.' These were Mr.
`‘ , (lharles Sturgez;, M. D., a ruling elder, Mrs.
'Miss Harriet Gould, Miss -Emily
Smith and Mr. Charles SeHeck. They go
to th“)mahaw Mission, Nebraska.
Mr. Jarvis R. Rolph, Mrs. Rolph, and
'Miss Emily Ensign, missionaries of the
same band, but members of the Central
Tresbyterian church, Brooklyn, were present.
t These, with. Rev. J: Leighton Wilson, Seel
, retary .of the Foreign Board, and other min
liters; and 'a large n - Aber of' Ohristian pee;
, - i
tRIFi madeuP the Aespnl*geid- ,
event, connexion with ,a precious!
revival of religion in the eliurOb, is truly
The Discussions on Inspiration—Their
Cause—How we may ber,Safe.
The ocean is never at rest, and in this
respect :it is:an emblem, of the, ceaseless
revolutions and movements of the human
mind. These changes occur in the Church,
as well as in other associations and combina
tions of men. Many of them are caused by
the speculative tendencies of parties within
the pale of the Church, who promulgate some
false doctrine, which, when matured, turns
out to be a formidable heresy. Others, as
in the early centuries of the Church's his
tory, on professing Christianity, have brought
with them some dregs or remnants of the
system which they were supposed to have
abandoned; and ere long such Men, or their
disciples, are found to be the heads of par
ties, and the founders of sects and question
able opinions.
In our own .day, we have abundant evi
dence of the fact that this condition of
affairs continues to exist. The publications
which have been issuing front the press, on
the Subject, for instance, of the Inspiration
of the Scriptures, dating some years past,
clearly show that questions of profound im
portance to the interests Of . Christianity, are
being ViscUssed by minds'of no mean . power
and grasp;, that the doubts of some, the'
longing, and yearnings of others, 'as well as
the errors and assaults "of those who are ac
tually out of the way, and - hostile to the
cause of, truth are of such- moment as to
demand a thorough investigation. At one
time the battle of - the'Evidences has to be
fought on the field of .hiaory. At another
time the contest is waged with the Astrono
mer; and when this strife is decided on be
half of Revelation, then the Ethnologist or
the Geologist, will enter the lists, and defy
the champions of the, faith. At- present it
is, impossible to read the literary department
of the Westminste;. Review, to peruse the
pages of the learned work of Professor
Lee, or to watch the character of other
publications which are 'appearing in Great
Britain,: without: perceiving that the dis
cussion of the great question of In
spiration 'is , already begun there ; and,
as certainly as the sun in his daily progress
lightens our globe from East to- West, so
surely may we expect that the din and con
fusion of contest on the same subject will
soon be heard on our own shores.
Many among us, who have—not watched
the movements of .the human mind, either
,at home or abroad, may be at g loss to un
deratand how it has come .to pass, that in the
middle of the nineteenth, century, such a
question should arise for. discussion. Ordi
nary minds might be pardoned for,believing,
that •if any question had been settled and
understood in the early centuries of the
ChtirCh's history, that of InsPiration
belong to such a category; and it is with a
feeling • of uneasy surprise that they find
themselves: called,on . either to •take part in,
or to stand by and wait Until Others have
• . •
settled for them,.a controversy which essen-
tially affects the very existence of Christian
ity. Our object, at present, is not to discuss
the different theories of Inspiration which
have been pukforth by writers on the Evi
domes; neither are we about to assail the
objections which skeptical men have:
urged, against the authority of Holy
ture. Our purpose is merely` to turn the at
tention' of our readers to the causes which in
late years have been , operating in Great
Britain, and which, without- any desire on
the part, of those who were the originators of
the intellectual movement vihich we are
about to • describe, have nevertheless pro
duced that uneasy, doubting, and skeptical
state of 'mind, which, has brought, about the
present controversy.
It is now about a quarter of a century
since the ' publication_ of the celebrated
" Tracts for the Times," was commenced.
The men who afterwards stood out as the
leaders of the Tractarian movement, had
seen with alarm ,the rapid advanoes which Dis
senters in England had made in political and
social influence. Dissenters had found their
way into Parliament; and the Reform Bill,
which had been carried: by the influence of
the large towns where Dissent was powerful,
threatened still farther, by its influences, to
damage the Establishment. To increase
their apprehension, they saw that even in the
EstabliShment there was a large, and pop
filar element, of EVangelism,, which they
lieved would so modify the Churchi;that, if
no barrier were' erected to arrest its progress,
the Establishment itself 'would sobn he little
better than ..a Dissentincr communitY. In
these circumstances, the, scheme was_ ma,
tared for meeting the danger, and laying an
arrest, on` the dreaded progress of Evangelism,.
and Dissent: It was'belieied that there ex-
Isted a "via, media.;" a region between the'
territory of Rome, on the oneland, and that
of Dissent and Evangelista. on the other, in
which the true friends of the'Establishment
might labor successfully in rooting out
schism, and upholding "the Church. In
prosecution of this great object, the Tree
Wiens consistently-aimed at establishing "a
fine, healthy Churil feeling" iifthe country.
The power of the Church, the sacredneis of
her officers, the dignity of her character, the
inherent virtue of her ordinances to ensure
the ends of .their institution, were descanted
on in • glowing terms: - DiSsenters were
spoken `of in tones of pity or of , contempt.
They were pitied because they had neither
a ministry nor saving ordinances, and they
were contemned because they hesitated to
receive the oracular deliverances of men
who refused to reason, and. who, in the most
offensive and pompons manner, 'delivered
over to, the uncovenanted mercies of God, all
who refused to litter the ShibbOleth of their
faction. Very speedily it was fonnd that,
notwithstanding' all 'the power of the party
to assume principles :which required to be
demonstrated, and their assertion - of an ex
clusive right in Britain-to diipense such or
dinances' as God had appointed under the
Gospel, A.,queStion was urged on them yith
an 111199;14rtable degree ~of' pressure, and
they *Orel called , oit:toishow` hliw it canie tii
pass 'thee the . keparged; 'as itteST
had been, from the Papacy, could have any
influence in their ordination, or any sacra-
mental :power in their ordinances, which were
not equally possessed by other Churches, not
in vonimunion with•RiThie. 'The Churdi` of
Rome denounced the Church of England as
heretical, and as having voluntarily, by, its
schismatical procedure, deprived itself of all
the priestly virtue and efficacy which be
longed to the true Apostolic Succession.
There could be no more virtue in the hands
of the 'Anglican clergy, thin was• posiessa
by the ministers_of the other, Protestant
Chinches in Britain or .on the Continent,
which were equally under the ban and curse
of the See of Rome. The force-of this ap
peal came with a tremendous power on men
who had in the meantiNe; been contending
that Scripture was not the sole rule of faith,
but that Tradition was supplemental to it ;
who denied, contemptuously, the right of
private judgment; who rendered a super-
stitious reverence to the fathers'• and who
assumed that the model of * the fully devel
oped Church was to be found in some of the
centuries, from the third or fourth, to the
Seventh, and who, 'unable to' answer, the ob-
jeep:RS isrho attacked't their positions, toolt the
ground that it was better to believe than to
reason.* As might-hive beenlexpeeted, it
scion bewail - 6 apparent that the "V 1 , th edits' "
of these men, instead of being a straight and
continuous way between Popery and Dissent,
very speedily turned a corner and carried
them directly to Rome.
Among the Tractarians; however theie
were sects and parties. Disliking evangel
ism as they all did, • there were thcse among
them who knew that the • Bible forbade the
sin of idolatry,
in , and recognized the . use of
our senses religions matters, as well as i n
physical investigations. ' They could not
but see that praying to dead men, and
women was downright' idolatry ; and i that
the doctrines of the Mass and Transubstan
tiation "could only be received by men who
had ceased to believe the eVidence Of, their
senses,,and who submitted to be led abou r t
blindfold in an unreasoning credulity. They
had been .accustomed to hear the 'Scriptures
depreciated; in order that "recourse might be
had to the fathers, to obtain' proofs
for the Oxford doctrines on priestly dignity
and sacramental efficacy ; and they had even
become familiar with the argument, that if
the authority of .the fathers should be re
jeeted, Incense tLey contradicted each
other and Set forth statements and doctrines
which' were inexplicable, the same might be
urged against the Holy Scriptures,t and
thus their Confidence - in the Word of God
was broken down. Just now, , however, the
inflnence of a new force began to affect the
direction of the "current, and
.while the
stream of thought in these' 'teen's minds
seemed, as 'it were to'be arrested in its mo
tion, it was, by means of this fresh power,
impelled in, a new direction.
For a number of years, Mr. Carlyle' had
been deepening the impression which' he was
gradually reaking on the Knglish mind.
The appearance of his celebrated work
on, Heroes and Hero worship, marked
an era in the intellectual progress of
many, inquirers. Sober and thoughtful
men of . a logical charaeter, perceived
the extravagance and absurdity of the,book,
but there were many who were
by its boldness, and who assented to its po
sition without waiting to reason. To such
minds, it appeared •that all "the reverence
which the Scriptures required was rendered
by the admission of the feet that Isaiah and
Peter, David and Paul, were inspired, while
there was a manly intrepidity displayed in
claiming a degree of inspiration for. Knox
and L'uther, for Plato and Solon, and for
Mohammed and Napoleon. To, hold that
whatever truth was found in the system of
any thinker, and, that whatever right was
aimed at by the achievements of any
worker, vas an inspiration'`from'the Divine
minkseemed the conception of a philosopher
eminently qualified to-comprehend details,
and to classify them in logical order. When
it is remembered that the views of the
Tractarians had -made them familiar with
the supposed ImPerfections of the Scrip
tures, as well as with imperfectionsur diffi
culties in the fathers, it will, be - evident that
here was a view of Inspiration which ex
actly suited the minds ,of such'reasoners as
wished to find an , apology for not believing
the absurditiei3' which were taught on' the.
combined anthoritY of Scripture, Tradition,
the Inthersand the Church. In reality, it
left every one who adopted the theory, to
say when,he thought: Isaiah or knox, Paul
or Mohammed, inspired, and where hp be
lieved that they were uttering their 'own
conjectures 'lt put a pruning hook into
the hand of every one who chose to wield
it, and, it gave •him authority to lop off a
branch here, and'a shoot there, according to
the character of his own mind or inspirit'
Lion; and it thus made 'every man a' judge
for himself, both as to
, v4lat parts of the
Bible, or What; dogmas of Plato, or what,
acts of. Napoleon or, Washington were in•
spired, and to be recognized as Divine. It
was no wonder; then, that' as the Triotarian
Controveray unsettled men's minds on the
great question.of the authority of the Word
of God, the spectacle was soon presented of
one party—a credulous and an unreasoning
party goingoff to Rome`; while another
party was, prepared for the adoption of a
theory about Inspiration, which for a time
-appeared to free them-from their difficulties
about Rooranism; and yet left them appa
rently in possession of the , Bible after all.
We say apparently, for soon it became, ob.
vions that the Germanism which Mr. Car
lyle had passed through his filter, bad lost
nothing of its • essential character by the
process. ft was seen that in the fiends of
Germans and of Englishmen, - the theory
enabled,all., of them to reject or modify as
much-- or as little of the Bible as they
pliasid, aid to'indicate' the degree of au
thority'that should be awarded to any of its
statemerrts.. , It ^ thus reader every reader of
believe what we a.' not Bee and:
; - Let t intiiit'thin before vice have:
;prOiredn. itiiaret Of
happiness."—Tracts for the Timps, No. 86, p.
tSee 4 , 4 Tracts for the Times," No. 85. •
the Bible a lord and 'Master over the vol•
ume, and the uselesaness of such an Inspi
ration soon became apparent to all inquiring
main s.
ItAs not. at all ; strange, however, that
men like Sterling and Foxton, Fronde and
Newman, should, in, their perplexity, have
grasped 'at such theitr- They felt them
selves sinking, and,- like drowning men,
they were, glad even A° grasp at a straw.
`They' had sbareely send' it, hewever, until
:they found out their—mistake ; and their
course subsequently, as indicated by the
miserable ex perience• of: Sterling, and the
writings of the others,* shows that they felt
therriSelves to be `on ''an inclined plane.
They could not maintain their position, and
the• gravitating tendency of their ; principles
forced them downward. While these
changes .were ;taking, place =tong. the Tra a
tarians--one party of them recruiting the
forces of the Papacy, and another filling
the ranks 'of Skepticism—the influence of_
Mr. Carlyle and the German School was
leavening the minds of 'many who had
never been enrolled among the avowed fol
lowers of. Dr. Pusey and Dr Newman.
The controversies; however, which tools,
consequence of the reit:lmitable di
vision in the Tractarian party, helped very
Considerably to arrest the minds of many in
the Establishment, who never bad clear
views of the gospel. Of these, some were
men of learning, and intimate with the lit
:erature of Germany. Among the Dissenters,
also, there'were speculative minds unsatis
'fled with the past,' and on the Search for
something new`; anckhence it, came to pass
that ta' " Broad Church party speedily be-.
came as acknowledged section. of the Es
tablishment; and that -Dissent in England
has to mourn oVer the existence of a body
in its pale which is Inown to despise as il-
liberal •and- contracted, the views of their
fathers, and to pride itself on the , possession
of a philosophical new theology.
Thig narrative is replete with warning.
It calls upon us to watch welt the founda
tions ; to weigh ,accurately. the 'nature and
tendency of principles,' and to guard against
any departure Jinni' 'our Form of Sound
Words. It becomes us to be on our
guard, for the waves of- the human
mind are like the wave& of the ocean, in
their iirogressive tendencies. They do not
settle down into rest in`the place, where
they are first eieited into mcitiOn. Around,
.. on every side,,the impulse is felt, and
he expanding billows, as, they roll onwards,
lifting their, crested, heads in, Might, fall in
their power, and lash the adjoining raters
into foam. In such convulsions toe weeus
of the ocean and tho eands of the shore are
drifted to, and fro,„hp,t the rock remains
stable, and;the living objects that cling to it
are safe amid the storm. We may expect to
hear the noise of the tempest but even
though it should
reaeh us, and its raging
should .beard' around our Awelliugs, we
shall be• safe as surely: as we are clinging,
with'a living grasp, to ThE LIVING ROCK
• *See f , Nemesis of Faith," "Phases of Faith."
Pastoralßesignations,—Rev. Ross Steven
The, resignation of a pastoral charge is no
light. matter. Frequent changes .are to be
greatly deprecated. Ministers arc, we fear,
much at fault in `this,`and congregations
are,,probably,.still more culpable. This re-,
mark we make, while we maintain that the
pastor is entitled, in all honesty, to a com
fortable support'; and the people 'have; as
fairly, a right a 'good supply of spiritual
14 . is also a truth, that the whole Church
has a full right to the services of all her
sons, and to their location in portions of her,
field to which they are best adapted. Jesus
Christ may , both call and send. It is his
prerogative, • and he exerciseeit. Sometimes
he points to a new field of labor, by-a direct
call; issued by a church. Sometimes he
stirs up the nest, makes the servant un
comfortable, :withholds adequate sustenance,
and thus sends' km off to seek his proper
place for labor: We have great faith in the
leadmos of Providence. But let providert
ces be well studied,' and judiciously read.
Let not the pastor. be given , to change;
neither let the people: drive away the man of
God. The frequent changes in the relations
Of pastors and their charges, ire cannot but
look upon as evils. Sometimes, we, know,
a ehangels a: blessing; but ,often, we fear,
it is' sent as a' chastiseinent, to one party or'
the other.'
These thoughts are suggested by - informs:
don that . ,Rev Ross. Stevenson has been re
. „
leased - ..from,hiS - 1 charge at. Johnstown, Pa.,
an -event , which :We had not , anticipated.
The Cambria—riiViiie Siieakino'. of 'it says
Rev:ltoie Stevenson for the 'past four years
and a halt, pastor oCtitit' Presbyterian congrega
tion'of this'place, , preached his fare Well sermon
on Sabbath evening last ';The announcement
that mr. Stevenson ; take leave of his
congregation, hirtinght ,Marty to the church' who
were not members of his flack, but Who. have ev.
enterfaihedfor him the Prhfounclest reipectand
desired to manifest-their. esteen -by attending his
last public ministration. A more thatiordina4
audience was in attendance, and the remarks of
the smithy - I:Mater Werelistiried to with'marked at
tendon and-respect-mingled with evident regret
at the prospect, of the speedy dissolution of the
Pleasf"4 relations ,Which had heretofore existed
between the pester, and the people of this neigh
bOrlieod.' The'inhappy causes, iihiCh led to this
deterthination on this' Omit of Mr.. Stevenson, are
deeply regretted by large majority of his
charge, spa by- the community generally, with
whom he was a favorite ; and 'we feel .sure that
we bUt express theoommon sentiment ,in saying
that wherever he' 3 ge, or'wherever
i his lot
may be cast, he will' bear with "him' the profound
respect and best wishes for his future happiness
-and msefulness of the , people of this vicinity.
The dallya F y. , Tore:bytt.iiian. church, (Dr..
Seott's,) San litiiincisco, has•becr, burned, in
part. 'The fire, 'it islhought; was siarted by
some miscreant: The estimated loss is $lO,-
000 to $15 , 000 , which is covered by insu
ran* The phurch libtary ,was destroyed,
The Sabbath ; School libriny, and Dr. Scott's ,
library,were saved. Thei church furniture,
Which Wei not- -irisured; was:mach injured
14 4( 6 3 1 4a****Iguill4 41 .
laaNiiiliired 'for the
;:2 d I ii t
use of the congregation, while, the churck' is
Burning of a Chutoh.
Young Men's ChristianAssoOiation of
Pittsburg - 3, , 1
We feel that we are doing a kindness to
many of our readers who bfteirVisit'our city,
by informing them where a leisurp,hour can
be spent with great advantage. The Young
Men's Christian Association has nicely
furnished rooms on.'Fifth Street, nearly op
posite the Post Office, over the jewelry estab
lishment of Mr. James R. Reed. , In these
rooms are found noVoialfall the principal
religious newspapers of the land, but. also
very many of the secular newspapers, to
gether with all the principal Reviews and
Magazines of the day. These rooms are
open to all, from an early hour in the morn
ing until late in the evening. We do not
believe this institution has received the en
couragement and. support to which it is en
titled, from our citizens generally, or that
visitors and business men from a distance
have hitherto sought' the
,entertainment' and
instruction offered them in these rooms, to
~the,degree they might have, done. In, the
Presbyterian Rooms on 5t.: Clair Street, and
for these rooms on Fifth Street, the , stranger
may always find a`cordial welanne.
The`Mormonei'and the =Government
One of the bard questions to be dis
el ssed and settled, is, what . shall be
done With the Mormons and Mormon
ism ? Chtiatihns are sending the Bible
to Utah, and would ,cheerfally.
and sustain Missionaries. But the civil
rule is such f •that , Missionaries, 'though
American citizens, would be utterly' unsafe.
Even the agents of the United States GOv.
eminent, who are not Mormons & are unsafe
—powerless as to the discharge of their
official functions, in danger. as totheir per
sons,,And obliged to leave the Territory.
Utah is arranging to = become a State.
Shall we have, as a member of a confederacy
of Christian States, one Where the moral
law is violated, on principle and in general
practice ? We, trust not. ,We trust that
this= Christian people will never tolerate
polygamy. - . '
What shall our General Government do ?
judge Drummond has resigned. The
United Stateii laws cannot: be executed.
We see it stated that a strong military force
is to be sent to Utah, office,red by men of
character, who will take their, families with
them. Also, that Judges, who have fami
lies, will be appointed, and protected there.
If this shall be done, and be consistently
maintained ; and if emigrants who are not
Mormons, and if Bliasionaries, also—all
classes of men—shall be,,protected there, as
elsewhere, we may look for a change in the
moral condition of the Territory, and ex
'Pect'that, ere long, it will assume a charm).
ter which. Will entitle it to a place in the
sisterhood of States.
Judge. Drummond's letter of resignation
presents facts relative to the= condition of
thirigs'in Utib, which are startlinc; ; and,
cowing from him cfficially, their correctness'
may be relied on. And, the matter being
thus brought before the, : npaptry, it not only
opens up the way for action, but makes ae
,tion. :indispensable. Theletter is as'follows :
To the Hon. .Terentlah" S.: Black,' Attorney. General
of the United States, il'adlingt6n CitY, p:
MY DEAR Ste::—As I have concluded to resign
the office. of Jostice of the Supreme Court of the•
Territory of Utah, which position t accepted in
A. D. 1854, under the administration .of
dent Pierce, I' deem - it due to the iublic to gi've
some of the reasons why I do so.
In the first' place, Btighaim Young, the Gover
nor of Utah Tertitory, is the acknowledged head
of the "Church, of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints," commonly called Mormon,". and as
'such head, the Morrnotmlook: to bini,"and'to Aim
done, for the law by which they ire to - be gov
erned; therefore, no Jaw of Congress is brthem
considered binding:in any amanner.
Sedo .
ndig. 1 , Itomthat there is a secret oath
bOand 'organization among all the male members
ot . the. Church, to acknowledge no law save
the of the "1165 , Priesthood," which comes
to the people through Brigham Young;direct: from
God, he, Young, being the vicegerent of God, and
prophetic suboeseor of Joseph Smith ; •who was
the founder Of this blind and treasonable
Thirdly: I am fully aware that there is a set of
men set apart by special order of the Church, to
tate both the lives and property of persons who
may question the authority of the Church, (rbe
names of whom I will promptly make known at a
future time.)
• Fourthly. That the records, paperi, 8t0., , of the
Supreme •Court have been destroyed- by' order of
018.CW:troth; with the direct knowledge and appro.
button .of ,Governor B. Young, and' the, federal
officers grossly insulted fur presuming to . raise a
single question about the treasonable act.
• Fifthly. •That the federal officers of the Terri
.tory,:are constantly intuited, harressed, and an
noyed by the Mormons, and for those insults there
is no redress.
iSlxthiy. That the federal officers are daily cote-
Veiled to hear the form of the American Govern
'Mint traduced, the chief executives of the nation,
both living and dead, slandered 'and abused from
the masses, as well as from all the leading mein
hers of the Church, in the most vulgar, loathsonie,
and wicked manner that , the evil passions of man
can Possibly conceive.
•' Again. That after Moroni Green had'been cop
.vicied is the District Court before my colleague,
Judge Kinney, of an 8488.11iT with intent to clifil
mit murder; and afterwards on appeal to the Sit•
prism dourt, the judgment being affirmed, and
the said Greeh senteuctd to the penitentiary,
Brigham Young gave a full Pardon to 'the said
Greem.before he reached the penitentiary; also,
that the said Governor Young pardoned a MAO by
the name of Baker.,who had been tried and sen
tenced to ten years' imprisonment in the peni
tentiary, for the murder of a' dumb boy by the
mien of White House, the proof Showing one of
the moat aggravated cases of murder that I ever
knew being tried ; and to insult the Court 'and
Government officers, this man Young took, this
pardoned criminal with him, in proper person, to
chtirch on the next Sabbath after his conviction,
Baker in the meantime having received a full
pardon from Gov. Brigham Young. These two
men were Mormons. • ; •
On,the other band, I charge,the Mormons, and.
Gov. Young iu particular, with imprisoning tive
or six young men from Missouri and lowa, who
are now in the penitentiary of Utah, without
those men having violated any criminal law in
America, bet they were anti Mormons, poor, un
educated young men, on their way to California;,,
but because they einigraied frqin.lllinois,,lows, or.
Missouri, and passed %trent . Salt Lake City,,
they were indicted probate Conrk•andmost
brutally and inhumanly dealt4rith, in additio'n to
being summarily incarcerated in tbe saintly prison - .
of the Territory or Utah ; I„also charge Gov.;
Yougg with constantly. interfering
,with the
Federal Courts, directing the Grand Jury whom .
'to indict and w bent 'ncit'v and, after the Judges
obArge the Grand Juries as to their duties, that:.
this man, Young, invariably has some member of
Grand Jury advised in advance, as to his will
in relation' to their labors, and that his charge;
thus given is the only, charge known, obeyed, or
received by all the' Grand Juries °Vibe Federal'
.Courts of Utah Territory.
Again, air, after a careful and mitture investi4
gation, I have been compelled to come to the eon
olunion, heart-rending and sickening as it may be,
that Capt. John Gunnison', - and'hijliarty of
t eight others, , were niurdered - by' the •ItYdiaus in' .
18E4, under the order, advice;:.and.diriction oft;
;the. 9[mnops,;-,,itiutoons);oudrillistinl
guisliecl - predecessor, Leonidas Shaver, canto
to his death by drinking poisonous liquors given
to him under the order of the leading men of 1.114.
Mormon Church in Great Salt:Lake City ; that,
the late Secretary of the Territor,y, A. W. Babbitt;
was inifrdered on tbe plains by a bind of Mormon
marauders, under the particular and special order
or-Brigham:Young, Reber" C;llibiball; - and J. M. •
Grant, and not , by tbe Indiana, as reported by the
Mormons theriselves ; and that they were sent
front Salt Lake City for that purpose, and
that only ; and as members of the Danite Band,
they were bound to do the will of Brjgham
Young, as the head of the Church, or forfeit their
own lives. ,
These reasons, with many others that I might
give, which would be too heart rending to insert
in this communication, have induced me to resign
the office of Justice of the Territory of Utah, and
again return to my adopted• State of Illinois.-4.11 -
reason, sir, for making my communication thus
public, is, that the Democratic party, with, which
I have' always strictly acted, is tbe party now
power, and therefore is the party that should now
be held responsible for the treasonable and dis
graceful state of, affairs, that now exist in. Utah
Territory. ' I could, air, if necessary, refer to a
cloud of witnesses to attest the reasons .I have
given, and the charges, bold as they are, against
those despots who rule with en iron band their
hundred thousand souls in Utah, and their, two
hundred, thousand souls out of that notable-Ter
ritory, -but shalWatit do so; for tbe reason that the
lives of such gentlemen as I should designate in
Utah and California , would not be safe fur a sin
gle day. ,
In conclusion, sir, Ihave to sayi, that. in my
career as Justice of-the Supreme Court of Utah
Territory, I have the consolation of knowing that
I did my duty; that neither threats nor-intimida
tions drove me from that path. Upon the other
hand, I am pained to say, that I accomplialled
little good while there.; that the Judiciary is only
treated as a farce. The only rule of law by
which theinfatuated followers of, this curious
will be g .
people overed;iitha lair - Of the Church,
-and the temanatesi from' Goiterztor Brigham Young,
and him alone. 7
I do believe, that, if there were a man,prit in
office as Governor of that Territory, who is not a
Member of the Church, Oformon,) and he sup
ported With a sufficient military" aid,. that much,
good would' remit from such a. -course;" but, as
the Territory is now governed, and has been since
the administration of. Mr. ,Fillmore, atwbioh. time
Young received his appointment as Guvernor„ itis
noon day madness and folly to attempt to admin
ister tbe law in that Territory. The officers are
insulted, harassed, and murdered ,for'doing their
duty, and not recognizing Brigham Young as the
only law.giver and law molter otiearth. Qe this,
every man can bear incontestable evidence who
has been -willing to accept- an appointment in
Utah- and' tassure you,'. - sir, that no mau would
be willing tol.isk his life and property in that
Territory, after once trying the sad experiment.
With an, ardent desire that the present adinin
istration will give due and timely aid to the offi
cers that may be so unfortunate as to accept-situ
ations in that Territory,' and that the - Withering
curse which rests upon this nation by virtue of
the peeldiar and heart-rending institutions of , the
Territory of Utah may be speedily 'removed, to
the honor and credit,of our happy , country,
I now remain, your ohedient servant,
W. W: Damataosn,
Jastice of 'Utah Territory.
March 30, A. D. 1857.
GOOD EXAMPLE.---A - wealthy gentleman ,
in New York 'proposes to present a
, copy- of
Conybeare and llowson's 'Commentary on
Paul's Epistles, to each of ten , clergymen
of straitened means, as soon- ss his 'pastor
furnishes the names. •Great good at small
expense, might be easily effectedin tins way
in other places.
Cominlssienere to ,the General Assembly.
01%, 5 4.11: Brown, Da, Denjarain' McLain,
Rich4rd Lee,' Bosun:
A Ile benyeity, E. P. nwlft, P.D.. A. tamenin.
Philadelphia, J.' 11..ltraes. DD, Judge ShlifFßOdd,
B.ateltentk,, meet:Russell.
Fort Wayre, Wnt: Boner. - Joseph I:Farrell
Clarion, Jantes itiontgamery;Johu warn
Sella. ler, R. rat.thew '
ILs, J-.Retible.
Pittsburg, B. M. etcOlung, ler Gerdrirt.
, R:Stevennie, alrAlumes. '
Newcastle. A. O. Mon ison, ' Jac 14 „Belton.
'Thomas Loie, Arehibald'Armstrong.
Reistme, bert Wallece,, D. W.Shryock.
Gwregia, C. O. J , ;neka.D.; JB. mallarl.
Tuskalocsa, .• J. - J. Hope
Charleston, W. Lela, d. D. 11., A. et awford,
J.U.Thornw,ll, DD., Wwnsend. • ,
Cit‘clunati,. W. al Setvt, .F. et. Clapper,
illogheny, r. Loyal Young, • John Breckinridge.
'LETTEELFROM DUF.F.=.ti private let
ter from Pr. Duff, dated Bth of January,:
conveys the following interesting intelli
gence : "On Sabbath' evening, 28th De
cember," Dr. Duff says, "it was my haripi.
DCBS to admit five adults by baptism into the.
Christian Church_; three Mohammedann, ene
Hindoo young man .from, our; Institution,
and one llindoo fomale. The Mobarnme,
dans were bronght to ,a, knowledge/of. the
truth as it is in Jesus, by the zealous and
indefatigable labors of our native preacher,
Behari Lai Singh:" ,
Rev. WILL - 14Di T. MoAriAlit was, re
ceiied from the Assticiate' Riforin e d
Church, by the Presbyteiy of Bairer,• at
its late meeting on the' 1.441,u1t. • •
'W. WINES, students of the Western
Theological, Seminary, were licensed r on
the 15th inst., by the Presbytery' of Ohio,
to preach the uospel.
Messrs. P.R. BARRON, W. B. MoKEE, and
JNo. J. WALCOTT, were licensed, on the
15th inst , by: the Eresbytery of- Alle
gheny City. `
Rev. Ross 'STEVENSON has resigned, his
pastoral charge, at Johnstown, pl.: He
preached his farewell . sermon., .pn the'
llth ital.-. -
Mr. T. S. ELDER was ordained as Evan
, gelist, to go tu Lake Superior'; and Mrr
J. Y. MCCARTNEY was licensed to preach
the Gospel; by the Presbytery of Salts ,
burg,:, at, its late meeting.
Rev. JAMES Salmi has been released from
hie - pastoral charge, at Bridgewater,' Pa.
His Post Office address will be, fora dine;
Milroy, Pa. • '
has resigned,his
charge at : Perryville, (Milroy) - Pa. -
Mr: Itrbaxtto MoILWArN has been licensed
by the Presbytery' of 'Hist Hanover.
,CnowELL has been released
from his charge, at Upper Octorara,,with
a view to his accepting the. nall 4c,the,
Seventh Presbyterian 'church, Philaclel-,
Mr. WILLIAM E. having received
• and accepted a unanimous - halt to Thefra,s
torate, of the •First Presbyterian Church of
Coshocton, •Ohio, was ordained!"`bye the
Presbytery of Coshocton, on the 14th
inst., and his installation.lippointed for'
Thursday, May 14th. -‘ ,
Rev. C. IlroKatArr late of Rort Byron, t
N. Y., was jestaii,ed,at,gortage,,Wi s . on
the 4th inst.`,. by the Presbytery of
Rev. JAluxs 'WILSON' has removed' from Miss., to supply the churdh at'
Wheelock, Texas. •
Rev. R. S. l i kigasax has been balled to
Carlton Miss.
•• 4.1
Rev. DANIEL WILLIAMS has risigued his
• pastoral 'charge, at Westikt:etvien, Pa.
Mr SAMUEL Wilatrasis tin Ordained, by
' tbe Presbytery Of ildlikhdOy, - ort the kith
and installed'itiieintreville, Pa.
Rer. •GEO*GE CAIHNS hen . r el_Pased
fr om~hispastoralcharg e , at Buffil o )4l*
Mr At ~ C outititio46Vepts delta toyi§erttla
./ Grim and4Neiv Salem,.. '
Mr. JOHN,C. THOMPSON has been Roomed
:by the Presbytery of Newcastle.
Eastern Summary.
Daily newerapera do not e.eem to have
seeded` - eis well in the "Modern Athens," 4
might have been expected. F.fteen daiky p it ,
have died within a few years and the proprittr,
of three of those still in existence, have fitii t
There ar,e ten of this class of papers pu
which is probably about five too inn
New York, with its immense population ai
varied interests, has only thirteen daily new,
It is supposed that the LARGEST PCBLISiI
job ever undertaken, involving the greatest
lay and income, is now in progress by the him,
of Little,. Brown & Co. This is Prof. Aga;:;;,,
great Work, entitled " Contributions to the
ural History of the United States of &11.,
America." Voluntary subscriptions to 4 ,
amount :of $300,000 have been already nuitt
Ti.e first, volume is now in the press of ANIL
-Farnham, and will be issued in a stale
typograpby,never surpassed.
The senior ,class of the Divinity School
Cambridge, bad invited Tuzonona PABKER
deliver the usual l .Annual Class Sermon! B.
this action was not sanctioned by the Edellht.
and the invitation has been withdrawn.
The Annual Catalogue of HARVABD COLUGE,
gives us the following summary: Profest•icrl,'
Students and Resident Graduates
Students, 23; Law Students, 101 ; Scient.:l;
Students, 52; Medical Students, 118; Reside[,
Graduates; 4-298. Under Graduates—Senior:,
67; Juniors, 94; Sophomores, 95; Frcsbrau,
125-881. - Total, 679.
It is computed that there are in Radon ent
vicinity; some twenty-five thousand open or H.
(met gPIRITITALVITS, of whom only ten thonsan:
are avowed believers in this silly but ruinous d e .
lusion. They have three - places of public tear:-
ing open every Sabbath. A student was latti;
expelled`from Havarti, because of some Ffforti
at deception discovered by one of the ProfeFar..
in his attempts at table-tipping.
MR. LawnExce has cdrered to .contribute ore
thousand dollars anomaly, for an indefinite oun.
. •
ber of years, to the American Sunday Sch t s.,
Uniom:upon condition that a Sunday School
sionary be immediately dispatched to _Kansas.
On Sabbath, evening, March 29th, the Rev. Drs.
. .
Heratranar, rather, of the Rev. Dr. Humphrey,
thd Theological Seminary at Danville, ,
preached a sermon in the . First Cougregoth i„.
church of Pittsfield, Mass., upon the complen-_
of his fiftieth year of serVice in the Gospel tnt.
istry., Dr. ,Humphrey was ordained at
Conn., in 1807; in 1817 he was settled in Pm:-
field. Six years afterwards, be accepted tin
call-to the Presidency of Amherst College.
which position he continued for twenty-tw
years. .After his retirement from the College, 'Li
returned , to pass his remaining days among
scenes of his former charge. The Rev. Dr. IV.
the well knowdand useful author, is now paste
of the,church to which Dr. Humphrey forme:7
ministered, •
Complaint is made that the West is not
making the Spring payments with its nsua.
promptasis, owing to ihe immense specalation:
, , that have been undertaken in the lands of
Mississippi Valley. The money market of Chimp
. reported to be peculiarly stringent at L.,.
lopresentrtime: - •
TAN LEGISLA 2 .TURN of New York has late
passed a bill, limiting considerably the power ( -
the Idayor of F Plew yorlt City, with regard to pc.
lice n'ipointments.. This .has not been receive.
with a very good grace by his honor, Max
Weed: la anticipation of the bill going in:.
effect, it is said, he has appointed 'simile very o'.•
jectiontible men to important-Stations in the polic
- force; suelk as the keepersof drinking and gemblin:
'hawses, and those-Ling recognized as ruffians, is
whose keep ng ne Cher thii persons nor property
the citizens Bat few men have ei
appointectpablic expectation tea greater degree
in the' setae tirae;:thaa this. same Mayor Wood
A. ga l yor of 'the riqpisite abilities, and of ster•
`ling integrity, would`, be a'great benefit to tie
fS!y: . . •
The 141i:L. , N Pease bus been compelled to re.
tire from the.noted Five POINTS MISSION on al•
count of the failure of health,,owing to his or
dectus exertions. 4, suitable person has bee:
found to take his place in the City while he wit.
reside upon the form ,that has been secured :o!
the benefit of those reeeived into the institati.:
in Daring:oe seven years this missin
has- existed, .sorne fire . e, thousand have been re
claimed, from vegranoy..
-A. hilt in relation to. Tanury Clausen b
Passed the, Senate,r. which, though different
some - respects•froni the one origintdly reported t:
the Committee, seems to be considered (lasi::
objectionable by the friends of -Trinity. This ht.
requires ths app:ropriation•of a part of the fat,
-.‘ to the support -and extension" of religion ar.
religions-education in the city and State of Nec
"YOrk." The Ofinickin'an stYles the bill "an a::
of 'iniquitous sittiiiaticm,'; "and , hopes that
measure`will be'defeatediri the House of Repri•
The seventh' cirkpril, the birth-day of Cuotts
Forman; which had been, celebrated for severs
years willigrnat entl usiasm. by the Socialists
New yory,iras unnoticed by them this year. ID
.ierinei - ..followera are mostprobablyfollowic;
some new error, equally misohievous in its effirz ,
The New. York .Faarans BIBLE SOCIETY liar.
,during the ..,past year, collected and disbar -E:
,V l l9l-22, ; including &legacy of the late ,Nlr ,
Bettyer, long an, active and efficient member
the'Boolhty. ,Tharing the 'year, this Society Er
a reagniadeut copy of the Bible to Queen Victor'
.through ilallasoihich was most respectful:
The Legislature'has made an appropriation
$25,000 to the Lawrence (Universals=
tieuvansttr, upoW Condition that an equal
be seouri4lif the Universalists themselves, heft:,
any-part of 'this appropriatiOn is paid.
ThelatianivaY TatiEssacba Will be desulot c •
early in May, and large and ;elegant stores
en its site. This Will be a great St.'
noyaticti to the many ; `B3cieties so long accu'"
toner to hold* their AnniVersaries within its '
The Society has purchas.ed tett lots for a
edifice on Murray t the N Last COof
TkillY - feertb Street and Sixth AveLoei
s 7B b oo 9t vhicl t is but a fragment of what s'
received fi*Gie,,old place.
A Pta'ffw-Mas. als
r now e- • " held every Fed'
- u
B . f, o'cloch, in Dr. Alto":'
e 4Fltia-S?n Fifth Avenue, which is well swo t.
sithas been generally supposed that MOO
sr was , confined to Utah ; this appears to te
great mistake. The Times says the numbe r
believers in the Book of Mormon in New Yor k
-'."alarmingly large." They have frequent In": .
ingi, and a weekly paper, published every
'day. At the meeting held in Brooklyn, week
fore last, representatives and reports were /1. "
ceived from tWelvialifferent tciwns in New YP ,.
Ma.ssachusetts, and New Jersey. They r e p '
luFge.accessions to tbeir 'nutnbers. Thtir di" . "
Okohiono., among ",the Gentiles," as WY
pleased to.term those: ho differ from them.
used merely Ili recruiting stations. The neoph/
are hitirieil off with all possible exptditio
'I e speaksof this abconinatiV
a not distant,-.bat Ti -ko ines nt,,present and momentous e_
4 .a
iginth Annual Session of the Nalc ;
Pitt u
aittoe,..ef ;the Methodist . Episcopal Cho!`
convened in the Fleet Street church, on the
Ilst. The slavery question was up. .
tee "Ported; the majority against Wing P.