Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, April 25, 1857, Image 1

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esbyterton nannor, Vol. ir s ' lllo. 316 •
resoyt er too Advocate, Vol. XIX, _M10.26. DO. WHOLE N . '
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YID MCKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Original ottrp.
Thoughts on a Petrified Fish.*
ie hest thou come, strange relic of an age
pest ? What rivers, lakes or seas traversed,
I thy wanderings through the pathless'deep ?
A. convulsion of the elements
.hou been oast ashore, and left submerged
;h, high up the hill-side, now afar
all thy native waters P•
Once, perchance,
region was the bed of some vast lake,
the retiring waves disclosed to view
hills and valleys, now so beautiful.
inps, if through, the dim. anddistant .past
istory were traeed,!t : would lead I,la ,back
• (Eluvial, when a guilty world,
ig provoked God's justice, and Oozed
;e, sunk in the overwhelming flood.
ills one family, within the Ark,
!e the water's rough and dreary tide,
,en the dove had brought the olive-branoh,
lifeboat safely moored on Ararat.
too. perchance west driven by the rush
) wild flood, till, foundered on the hill,
eep imbedded in the sob, the waves,
ug, left thee thus to be , transformed,
Idrous process,.into solid, rock.
It thou a voice, what stories we might hear
primeval ; of the solemn march
curies; the course of human-kind
it successive generations fast
ing, like the swiftly-flying clouds.
mighty changes have occurred what,
ired—what empires then and fall'n—what
re commotions racked the vreary eirth,
Lou didst swim the clear primeval lake!
~ a memento of a by-gone world
standest, mute, but eloquent ; a link( r
ag the past, with all its memories,
?resent, with its lights and shadows, hopes
fears; and destined, mayhap, to tremaini
strange associations clustering round;
the all-corroding. tooth of Time,
e consuming fires of the Great Day,
crumble into dust thy rocky frame.
:pendence, lowa,
his fine specimen of petrifaction was, dug
a hill in Tusearawas County, Ohio, at au
tion of about two hundred feet 'above "the
. It is nearly three feet'lcing,Amd, on an
e nine inches in circumference.
o r the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
'cd• XV.—Necessity of Regeneration.
it be born again.—JOHN rtr: 7.
DEAR FRIEND :—After so long.atime,
write. I have spoken 'of tho.neces•
regeneration, and given , you some
for it. I will now give you another
for this necessity : renewed by
you have nothing spiritually, good.
is the doctrine of total depravity.; not
you are as bad as you can be, but that
are destitute of holiness, and nntil,re
by the Spirit of God, you, have
g that is spiritually good,, no holiness
,rt or life. That you may have many
ie qualities is readily granted; so hive
of the animal creation. Who hrui not
of the generosity of the lion ? Who
not know the attachment of the dog to
, ter ? And who has not witneiied in
1, so beautifully referred to by our
: in his lamentation over Jerusalem,
g instances of care for her young ?
tt. xxiii : 37-39; Luke xix : 41-44.
what" courage will she protect her
! with what tenderness and affection
he gather her chickens under her
,ble qualities you may have, as have
the beasts (.f the field, and the
the air; but amiable qualities are
ul excellences, and they are still
removed :rota spiritual goodness.
may have moral excellences even,
Ls external acts are concerned, is not
; but moral acts are not spiritual
is ; they are not holiness, and that is
,u need—holiness--holiness of heart
Birds and animals have not reason,
cinet ; yet they perform many acts
look like the dictates of reason;
.e not rational acts ; they are only the
ions of that instinct which God has
them. So unrenewed men may per
bony acts which appear good in them
, and which, considered in themselves
part from the principle from which
erring. may be regarded as moral acts;
ire is no spiritual goodness about
no holiness—because they spring not
toly principle within them. Just as
,n of an animal is or can be the ac
a man, or a rational act, though it'
tear like the dictate of reason ; so n°
,1 an unrenewed man can be a holy,'
)ecause he has no principle of boll.
bin I.i m. This you may see beauti
id forcibly illustrated in Charnock'S
it work on regeneration, published
Presbyterian Board of Publication.
=ember that your nature, is depraved,
,ur heart is corrupt, and that all your
i ts, and words, and acts, and,all your
Its and feelings, spring from, arid are
_ by this depraved nature and tliis eor
heart ; and you can but see, and I trust
that notwithstanding all the amiable,
tics you may have; and all your moral.
Hermes, you still 'are destitute of spirit
odness—you are *holly destitute of
ss—you are flesh and pot spirit, carnal
nut spiritual.. And' as, to purify a
u, you must go to the, fountain, an d
tthe evil there,
so, that:your life may'
,utified with holiness,,your heart must
changed by grace. UntiL,renewed
I'B grace s there is and can be op spir
goodness about you. For out; of, the
'dance of the heart, the mouth,speaketh;
from the same abundance, tbe name
tain of evil, flows the whole current of
life; and like the fountain, all is-cor
. For from within out of the beaft of
, prodeed . thoughti, adulteries,for
tions, prirders, thefts, eoveionsness,
hOness, deceit, laieiviousness, an 'evil
blasphemy,ipride, foolishness : time
things come 'from witbin--tbe edrfupt
're—and dad . ° the man. Ye mi'o3t h 9;
again --John : 1-8; :
34--S7; and xv : 18-20 ; Mark vii :
Besides, you have by nature no disposi
tion to seek after God. It is no more
contrary to the nature of water, to run up
hill, than for the wieked heart of man to
flow out after the holy Lord God of •Hosts.'
How often have you been urged to seek the
Lord, and yet as often you have refused ;
and in'this refusal you have but acted out
the native, bent and inclination, of your soul.
You have found in you no disposition to:seek
God , and serve him; =your natural inclina
tion is oPpoied to him, and his law, and'ser- •
vice';, and this shows the necessity of a new,
heart, of a disposition to seek after God, an
inclination to serve him:; and, hence, , you
must be born again.- 7 -ITolin iii: 7.
Not to enter upon metaphysieal questions,
it may suffice to say, that the Will is always '
as thagreatest apparent good; or, we choose
what we like best, or what agrees with. the
state of our hearts ; the strongest, motive in
the view of the mind' controls_ the will
And the state of the heart, or affections is a
part of a motive, or gives strength, effieiency,
and. success:to motives. The:astrongest mo
tive, in itself considere,d, maybe the very
weakest in the view of the mind,' owing to
the state of the affections and' the,' habits of
life. Hence,. whatever the motives in• them
selves, the will "is always determined by
the preceding state of mind." To the in
taniperate' man, what 'are the 'blessiogs of
sobriety in comparison With thegratification
afforded by a single glass of spirits, To the '
wicked, , what is the future possession of.
heaven to the present indulgence' of sin ?
Nothing. Holy motiv'es"Cmn haie little or
no influence :upon a 'corrupt heart. The
heart, must be, changed before 'the motives
of the Gospel can have.a controlling influ
ence. Ale,n will not; morally speaking, they '
cannot, choose that which ie : good,_and holy,
because ',their corrupt hearts control and en
slave their wills,:.; perverting or rendering„
powerless all the motives•whiehniay be pre
sented to them...-The •state of the mind—
of the heartand i affectiens = deterinifies the
will, Deuce, our confession of.e Paith
teaches correctly,,," 4an, by his fallinto a. ; ;
state' of 'sin, ;hath'Whelly i lost all ability of
will to any spiritual . golad accompanying'sal.',
cation; seas a natural man being altogether.
averse from that which is good and 'dead in'
sin, is not able, by his own strength, to con
vert himself, or to prepare hiniself there
unto."—Con. Faith, Chap. viii See: 3.
This witness is true. As a sinner, you have
no ability of will, and no inolinatioti - to deck:-
God, because your Will is controlled by your !:
corrupt -heart; and because of thie corrup
tiou of your' mature, you see in tigsiis ,Christ
no beauty that you should 'desire.him, no
loveliness that you, shell('• chnose him as
your Saviour and portien.:-Asa. liii: 1-3.
No; no ability of will ; you cannot choose.'l
that which' you hate; you cannot chonse and
delight in that, which is you! aversion;, and
hence'resits Christ said, No. man can come`
to me, except the' ither which hath sent Me
draw lim:--,Tohn vi: 44, 45: So you must I
be drawn. A moral
_agent, you'are free to
choose and act, and hence responsible
•,; but
you are a depraved moral
,agenti and hence
you choose and do' hat is evil. Your na
ture must`be changed, your 'heart renewed,
your will set free - from bondage to corrup
tion, before you can see`the beauty 'of holi
netis, and delight in God' and his service,
and choose him as your chief gOod. Earthly
considerations now control you, because your
mind' is earthly and carnal; sin and its
pleasures are your •delight ; these are what
influence yoUr choice, and control your will,
because they agree with your natural cor
ruptions, and accord with 'the state of yOur
heart; hence the-necessity of a change in
your heart, in the state of your soul, in your
disposition and affections—in your very na
ture--that you may Make the,things of God
your choice,.and delight in them, and ',come.
to Christ for life: Ye must be born again.--
John iii 1-10. '`
T M. B.
There' is here no excuse for your impen
iteney and unbelief. Your nature is your,
own; your wicked heart is your Own ;`,.your
sin is yoUr own. That'state of mired which
controls your will is your own; your will is
your own; and all the acts of your will are .
your own; and, you, are. responsible for them.
The will is not determined by,any Jaw of
necessity ; it is ,not independent, indifferent,
or self-determined; but is always determined
by, the preceding state of mind .. so that a
man is free, so' long as his volitions are the
conscious'expression of his own mind ; or
so long as his activity determined and
controlled by his reason and feelings'," or the
state .of his own mind.:."We are conscious
of liberty. We know ourselves to be free
in all our volitions. They reveal themselves
to our inmost consciousness as nets of Felf
determination. We cannot disown tlaem, or
escape responsibility on account, of them,
eionitwe try • and yet noman is conscious
Of ability,to ehauga his own heart. * * *
There are three things of which every man
is convinced, from the very constitution of
his nature: I. That be is a free agent.
2. That none but free agents can be ac
countable for their,
: character or conduct.
3. 'That he does not possess ability to change
his Moral state by
. an act of the will. * *
Free Agency is' thePoWer`to decide aceord
ing to brik'claaracter; ability is "the power to
change our character by a volition. The
former, •the Bible' and consciousness affirm,
belongs to man in every condition of his
being ;• the latter; thia ,Bible: and conscious
ness teach, with, equall,explieitness, does not
belong to follea-tnatt.!!.. Ile,cannot change
his own heart. This, is ilhe work of God's
Spirit. And yet ,if man, is a G free and re
sponsible agent,,because he of his
own acts, and because heis determined to
act by nothing out'of - himself, but by his
own views, convictions, inclinations, feelings,.
and`dispositions,;so that hi' acts are the true
products'of` the man, and reilly'replesent or,
reveal what he is." They show, not that he,
is excusable for his conduct, but, that his
very nature is corrupt, and must. be changed
by Divine grace, before he can choose and
act right, or will and do, what:is well.pleas- :
ing to God. He is 'free and responsible;,
but he is a sinner, and wills and acts an
Hence, regeneration, which is .thus seen ,
to necessary, or effectual galling, which'
is the same thing, is declaie4' to- be the
work ot,Qpd spirit whereby convincing
our sin and 4ery, , enlightening
onion:o3de in the knowledge of
,Chriiii; and ,
reneviin ;wills, he loth persuade and,
i gnebte get.nt.brae e Jeaos"lekriet,
offered to toi the GoopeLPT--Ste. Cat.,
' iittg,t; :1'.2. , ', , ii 4 5:.,.,; V: 0 „:.,-,; I.
Ques. 31. And our Confession of Faith
says, " When God converts a sinner, and
translates hiin into the state of ,grace, he
freeth, him Irorn his natural bondage tinder,
sin, and by . his grace alone, enables , him
fraelY'io will and'to do that which is spirit
ually good'."--Cori. Faith; Chap. "is See. 4.
- What.more 1-have to say of the necessity
of:,regeneration,, must , be reserved till my
next • Ponder what Ihave, said. Study to
knotolhe tidal,. and the truth shall make
you free; 'this is the means' of our,spiritual
liberation and renovation, as we'shall see.
And as yon;study, pray, remenibering!thet
If. the,Sou,shall make you free, you shall be,
free indoed. 7 -John 31 7 - 7 36.., Read
Ps. li; 16a: iiii v lareV: vi and alsii
,Hymns 76rand 874 zof our l Paalms and'
Hymns.' `totrits;ittuLT:
For the Presbyterian Banner and A.dvocate.
The Baptism by Philip. -
Ma. EDITOR :—I. have been, d i elighted
with the aftielea - Of your` correspondent,
" L.. N..T.," an the `sdbje'et'itif - baptism.
By; reason: of in. unusual pressure -of en ;
gagements, I have, not been ,able-,to/read
them' all. There
, is one, point ,which, if
'treated of in the series, has escaped my no:
tice:* It might make a section 'under the
caption, t - '
Itnmersionists-d upo'n the - baptism of
-the Ethiopian eunuch-. :Notwithstanding
the conclusive areument of "L. N. 4D:" on
the Scripture record, let us, suppose, for a
moment, iti'aff "into the Water," means "un
der' the water." Then' the immersion is not
of: the • of baptism lOnly; but alai) of
the. person. who, administers the ordinance.
The evangelist is .very explicit . in his , state
ment, and repeats it that there Mightibe DO
mistake, `"Eind they went &we' bOth
the Wathe,' both- Philip and - the,mitinch;"
just as .;certainly as 'one went under the
water, so Pertainly,did the. other; for "they
went qpimi:hoth,into',' 7 —,.".orTr_ehilip, and
the eitnueTt' If this was intmerston,. it
ins not' baptism . _for Of'this, their "both"
partook,` ohlY`the "eunitch was - wbap
tized." Thp evatgelist-immediately adds,
to ,this specific account the :deelaration,
"and he baptized him." 'What was that'
baptism ?: Certainly it was not the going
into the water; for then was Philip also
baptized, ''and'-our iminerbionisis may talk
no more of ".one- baptism." • If it. was
" gomething else was not the iwemersion,
. ,
and the twoshould no longer he copfountled - .
Let no stickler for the Scriptural authority
of immersion, fail to adhere strictly to the
record. Let the minister immerse' hhiself,
with the candidate, and after - the immersion
is over let him adnainister the Scriptural
ordinance of baptis - m which- is manifestly
sorrcetTtxnyilse than immersiott. W.
' ;<L '-. FrOhl the Ainericart. Meilisetiger. ° "'{`•
, A -Pastor's' Experience:' '''
Three years had now passed away tied no'
;conversion. - had'occirred. With my preach
ing all irty people appeared to be well sans:.
Tied.-, Some said if tbe church would awake,
we relight see _.a ,different time., , .Some said
,we need not look for a constant reviVal.
Others still thought that in his own 'good time
Gocrwould . cOme by his Spirit, andbid Work'
would go on.
.But, as a pastor, I was going to the judg
ment.seati to meet my hearers. Had I done
all I ..could ? Was there nothing
,in my
manner; was there :nethitig`iit i .my heart,
that grieved . the • ;Spirit,?' I trembled to
answer'such questions:.
I took the "-Saint's' Rest " into mystudy,
determined to see if Baxter had any thing
appropriate to my case. I had . not:read:far
before a spirit , of fear and tretabling came
over me., What if. I shoUld lose heaven at,
last ?= Then all my life come up in
review. The ruin , of the damned, who lose
heaven and endure the 'torments of final_
despair, seemed a great and terrible, reality.
But the light of God's countenanee seemed
taken away from me. I felt undone. '
Sabbath' came I must preach. But I
could tbink of nothing init those teirible,
eemparisons,of Baxter about What the lost.
Sinner will.lose, and what:he . will endure' if
.he sinks, o-hell. L =preached- to •Ohristiane'
as one that felt most deeply for' folic, pro; fessors,
fessors, but most of all ,for myself. My`
sins,against the law, against -the mercy of•
9-041,,.against the, .pity ~ of , :Jesus,- seemed ! .
sinking .me. , • • ' • - -
In my eongregation,l observed a lady ap-'
peered to, swallow' every W,Prfl. I weitt semi
afiaiNiFited'iier. .S'he was impenitent.. ,She
felt like a ruined sinner. She was afraid
there was no mercy for her. I told her,
her sins'were mueli - greater probably than
'she had any conception ' Of.
,'I visited; her
the second and the, third time. She had.
not a tear to shed. , She had taken sides'
with the law, justice, and judgment, against
'herself. She was in bitter anguish; , She
said e was lost,', that she could not pray,
that,nothing in the 'Bible gave her, the least'
hope. I saw her%again.- I found her sink
log into terrible gloom. She , wanted to
know if I thought there could be any hope:
,At' this, I betook 'myself te ;Calvary . . I
showed her, the Rook that . was ,o of I
showed •her ,the -boundless compassion of
Jesus. It was while talking with her of
the abounding mercy of 'Goa, that light
broke into myoten mind. MY own despair
gave way to, a flood of joy, I left her, And
sought a place to weep for joy. I beheld
the ever blessed Saviour.. "I ' felt 'the`
streams r of mercy flowing Vann froth his
e pierce side. ,
i But as soon as I left her she thought her
I last hope was taken away. She thought
that I despaired of• her conversion, and , for
this reason" had suddenly left 'her.' 'Then,
she went away alone: Her sins, Were liite
mountaibs. No friend, could .help , her.
She stood on the crumbling brink of woe.
It seemed to her that she deserved -eternal
despair.' It-was then that she dropped. on
her:knees; and cried in hitter groans. '. It
li4sed 'kli. Saviour now to show here his
compassion. '.She. wept: Tears fell in gush
ing streams.' She thought,-0 how could I
-have sinned against such love, such pity,
suehglory . , ,
When I next sAw her she appeared iike
one who could not forgive •heitself that' Ad
i - : , had lived :all in siii: ' But 9, the
' 3 love of 'Jesusi to her she could*ve,r'tell: ,
By - thri time, wherever - 1 went. 4 all my
'' -1
' k il M • * '
„parish, stignerswemaym ene 0 -, y inquiry
meetingi. , ..WB3l,OTOWded. - Aly -congregations,
:, were solemn:" , Buttthiti`las the type, of 'the
work from first 't6past , : whether penitent
or impenitent, ,ellt, took sides , with justice 1
against themselves nd sued , for ...mercy op
the last hope. - 'n,4 when the ,converts
offered thetnsel4s d fiii• - adnitsien- to" the
ehUrch mercy was Ptheir Phia.:.* ''S.:' V t
z .3'." -.1 - IS-r, ~ , Z 1 1.•, , , , ,r , i .1
From our Lan .N , tibrrespopleni.) 1 ,
Robert.: Owen, , and Is igtestr,,Folty===-Bakneriton'ec:
..dispeat,to thpElectorig,Fiverton- 7 ,Thg,,;, j . I"reis,7r
and Vie' Tory Party ' BiscaliVation, iind'iti Ile-'
sult.i=,The. "-Time.% rtzhekiteistinkiltOraidry
Father Ventura ,, . die IlirapA,, i gottr,t-=T/ili
,' Con o,verig---,,fudgrnent o'f , , the,
FrivyCouneil—ite hi3roliiiie ilipiel-121A ?Mho
to Ramo:ism in the Lgligircli- T E:ro.otianiqin o and
the. Bishop " Assessozs 1 , r —Rolnanism, Trap/7. in.
Nhe • WaseEnd:L•TraitSitionissn'tietlifoilier'of !Dis:'
,and : the
cation, and its 'Fruit WastibnTromivag,..
tyre---tNete Miesiernru .thikittytetlatig
nile Literatpre ?'" ..P m eetetzdz.t? Witei
u ittai I :lir) pl.,
erhfi r -Posteertpt. -
oNn iO•,tM ' March ••7••,-{
'L ,
That pod, ol gen vt t,l'.crtTvwsv`i
the Flocialilt; , hitivvi4ntty'oheetne a (Convert
to sPitit.rappingi , sone.' time
ago, (perhaps he,ikaag4ter,Led_.lPiatepiPipP more
recently,) that there ws,,attei h o is
cism, a spiritual trod unseen world that, lie"
had Otirireise, - ;rit'eqiunir, 'With the
soul of' no resi a ipeii6iifige than' the late.
King : George ; the war,• he
onnY. o 4fa,a.,mectillgito lCAciiihOikNo.oe. l 9f
war machine, wnic i li was `to be so terriblr
.., • /
dentandArresistibly „ ructive,, as to annihilate
an enemy's torceg bener
olently; to put aht!ertiitteswitlibylithe'tact,
that any army. seiitto;thwfleld against.the •
nation which .P,QFP9Pritliif;iliv.9l4ion,;inn 4
be so sure destry.ction,
coUlinit,:felo de 'en shOW'
their `faces alfl.w. Thenliertildiinint
Owen has' been tmOt vontlanraddressitolthe,
electoral constituencilkolitye:Aiited King s
dour, offering hiiizaelfna,sla ‘9411414.?..t.9 fur Par;
liamerttary honors, provaed, he is elected
_ex' perise ; 11'1Rn - fibrin to
bring • forward a praY fiirt r khe'nini4digal re
generation of mankiniEi Liiiight.have gbasn
a BPPC:ine r t of ) th94PePße l 4,,h l .4 it is -no t
worth re : printina.
LORDPAWiEItstoN after 'considerable
and probably :designed 4tlay, ~,has asned his
addresk to the electors Tiverton, *lnch.
boititigh'he has ietiresented fori nuiiiber of
years.' iv is telling , manifesto' !agaitistrhia
political opponents ;:andb.its sting tin:tlae.
truthful statement , as , to , their conduct and
incompetency. in connexion with the Tens
"sie, , n `war. Yet he boldtiout the prospect of
the gradual extenaihnqif reftirin',
ion • with the'. s iread►vOf idicationfl ,, :?lle.
confidently predicts a z grogt
The Pre'', (anabiel)glT3
Derby party,): sayi,, , that almerstoil erilp
wanted an OPpoiluniiy 9 .'t i o - . Lr YttissolfeT : Parliat!
tont and Viet When; lib** linhitinair
iioti ofzforces gathering against hiitiPliVifelt
like Napoleon en the neorning,ettholgth
of June, 1815, when he saw the. English
=drawn -up•lon the' heighte of , Waterloo I and
exultingly exclaimed, "I have them!'"
That, may be but - certainly the coalitionists,.
%Tr rarebit - a
nil :Ake!: eager! for:lila,
overthrow, beeautielthey expected the Queen
would accept 'Palineriiteri?s•fesigitatibia, aid
send for Derby,: : They . ;havedmade latal
mistake ; • •TheAlaPoii4hl, l l , haa4 o l l 4:thera
unprepared with candidates fifteen, Liberal
county members at least, come in, instead.
, .•
of as many' Conservatives, and the result
wilt bele herifY '-blow.'; and. sore 'diacolirage
merit :to .the Toryisni .6f :the. oidi school,
High Church bigotry ~aud, Tractariantreach=
ery. Palinerston,ia.mester or. M . ,,pitAslion;
and' Sortie s'ay thal as ' the debate waxed
and his motley opponents rushed infe'the
`arena; he Wait:heard' jeyonaly liiimining and'
and repeatAng,theiphrases;
Teil_and.tronizde ;
Bleck' siiitite and white,
Blue.spiriter and giey,!'.4..e.
,t the .Mansionx.Rouse,-a,.Lord-Mayor'S'
Feast was given to the- Ministry, last week
with , 'great enthusiasm*. : The Premier's
speeeh was arfinifeito; "
marked by his
ustial adroitness. •'Lord Malmsbnry,'in `op
position Peer, , comes -ont :in the Tithes,.•an
cusink,Palmerston of._mis•statemente,nhout
the Chinese .business. • - .
The nominations began yesterday.- but:
this day is virtually the 'the
strukgle 'London the provinces.
f'.Whatl an esperienoe;" , sayi the' Times, -
‘ ,been Igained : ofi difficultieS
oratory, by„itt•PßMher of ( gentlemen.
hei . 9re - .theY i ge h.fd jeznight 14,-w many
things intended "tb .j ba,said Wine r -41'Bit the.
Orator—Si' aliOrtiOn in one ptirfnfiii speech;',
a flounder another all the' more pro;
Yak i ng,: be cause hie, can la o the
World he got into it." But the., Tiny:Leon-.
soles the noipnrators by saying . , We respect
good speaking as a ister;ling; i talent; hut
While ndinireywe" , dii3trusti 'oratory. "his
, bery,-electionlista, snykio dicioliciars.ns . aThih`
Jest is .obidetone'and.rD"braeli.,zin.
contrast, ffPonriston in, on exce)le,ot speaker,
butli netin orator - " t Defend us then
from being geverned by orators tt We want
men., who can ithink r , i and, Men. who, can
speak but mot men who can. make things
appear different Iftoirrwhattliq are by the
mere power of language how completely
wee • the
whole t Chiaese ease the cr`eatien of
oratory, I is.,•not 80,,eisilY,
takervin.P 4.
FATrinn. .VElgurt,4, , a , celebratcd French
preacher, is delivering. la series .ofAserroons
during Lent, 4o= Louis Napoleon= and his
COUrt. He lashes '""ith a~boldnesa kinked
to that ofNassihirt ,it"494auht; in the days
of Loufs iTY.,the reeff of those high
places. =The Emperors bears it patiently, •
even while spokerkito`'and
_exhorted 'withex
traordinary plainneSd'of ( OPeech: Doubtlesi
he enjoys ,the perturbation of tbose'iosdies
his,, wbom. he Acroughly despises, and!
who have got rich t tthepreacher hintsiby,
wickedness. =lt is toqie feared, that after
Lent, things will'heilt - bid alptefore.
• A "Itz,,
The KNroirrsrutipetE CONTROVERSY, in
refererieb to'illega • Popish furniture and
usnages in the chrirehei there, .has Been
finally,. decided =by, :thetjudicial Committee
of the„. Prjyy.CoupAd. s ol no 411me...ago t
mentioned thatl laml.,..„bten, present .akthe.,
- 4;
, of a . judgmepfi by Doctor Lushing=
,Barnabas[lWil•re&e4i, which
tore- of Monk, used' aslitycommunirmiablel - f
11).*P.r.,%1.Vg , ..141 0 1 944 3 E0f 201gictpf pglois
hitherto 11.s_4,,atd z kos9,l3titute, RllO O Bll4
Rily, r or . otyer l decen stuff . further Jo"'
1 :L3.7.34c:3 aUdre '7 61:;
.wistration of the iacrament orked with' lace,.
.and to ..substitute "a fair; ihitelinen cloth!?
But. besidPq; crosl3. on the
l as also the cross on or near " the
alfar;7 was` . be taken away.
'The" iidrike i nt' litOalal' r
(Lord Vensleydale; 'add-three lotlier lawyer - Si,
Ifet thittgt .t,hOtJudicial,Rotninittee, .and the
,pf,„,Canter4l4l3l,and the new/
of, London, sitting as :f 4 AsessOrsi?!,
' the,' Cjiiilt a osk r ibaV np the qilesten of the
crosses, on which point the chief
,on,bothli aides' l ha r d. been Urged ilk the bar:
;!4.9qTakiike:til tklt,3ort,i4 eltftrtPlishing - !
"ton s.juugmea by r w`aich,the' egooden, cross
fora thig Mat of St. ordered,
f1f4J136 thkcA awdy:;*--33fit. tileLo hercross
4 ‘71.1:1te..1 istijs.balfekthek 44 l46rsalttir,'..*"
i 4! is must G; (..416i§diliftesti 101
ytaT!ce, RCIWXIpPt ott l .theser, taii,ntsz;,3
,as ate. to
cieliAoWfor a`ebtimuniori
The uselrif the Gross is Certainly:different
its suggestiveness froth . that of the crucifi,' !
•(a, cross with the fiaure of y a slead Christ
- uport*,it and as an
,arehi;tectuFal eraatuent,"
it - ni common ` in etureliea'aswel . ,l :
as in those theditrai stitictures which one
seiesieverywhere now:erectedil-Dissenteri."
But, -then the use of it ; at ally can only 1;e" z i
,i plpaded . for on the, j ground, l ofan antiquity;
not NIT( among the 4. r st i of. )
thOse} sensuous 'embl e ms to
which epostolie contite
inance;, whateVer.-. r.l.knoti it is to be found
in the catacombs - nt,ltome., .But for. my ';
part, when. I remember, what have peen
• en reem
-tt.;; •
in "Popish, countries, and especially, in Ire-,
land,leading to the Conviction, that Wherever .
'thifreiosi is Most .ihonoredi rther , grand doe-
trineiof Christ•erucifiedu is .awfallY entraged-' 1
,or : ignered4 ,and l when,s„know,,,,that, the
Laurin Church, at ,tite : *formation,
tanned" the ores's, dAinao' of real,
' B inn I`cannotbut deprecate the use
of rthissymbol, evil' in its)teridenc3r. '
' Pf-th..o).Erivy CounciLwas
" te
no - romise "; `decision and will give
fair:apology for I . ,icidel Bennet, el' 40e genus
a~rnne, for the Church; instead '
of going over to the Church
[l' Still. , itliStoodland'Protestant'in the.mainl.
It innequivocibly deiounces—ther idea 'of an 7
altar and Accordingly cam-
1 311a4/(B ,r, ihe ,stiactiffe j. ef stone,to . be
put awai, and' a real / co*nuniOn,ltable Se be .
lqf l the f" . ciedetien table"' the Connell
to-lbe :retained,' it is onIT as a:
I,llF o PeNe4o.i4nAi 409. table, whereon to lay,
the elements not an appendage to an altar,
1 ‘,
as it always has been regarded. various
"COloiiiii4'be uleiVduring different'cla?Ys of
Divine service; «'a; fairy
cloth , '" unlit „he queed in the velebration of
, the _Communion itself. .The ArchbishOp
and 4Bishop coftenried
r •t"- •?
' laymen 'and, lawyers really decided the
the incurable' Erastiinitimpof • the' Church of
England. ' . ~•-, ' • ,
'--ROMANISM 1 3 noPER has recently been
xeryqbtk,sy,in the, di'striets of, Briampion:ind
Citel§ea, mot ,far from„ St> Barnabas.
Vile fathers of Ale Oratory have been Otrud.
One 'Of'theiii; insi 'lifter; 'etainfied' all the
cl 4 ‘
ariehioners'l , brylitue the authority
graLted , hitn by .Cardinal ftiyiseinan..?; , An
other : hasi,been„.4leliyeripg ; Jeepires t in his
ehartel,attaehing the the : ule of
fa`iiii for bbriatiarts To iheseje l eihree.yery
able be'en' ' e 'by •tlie" Bev.
, iDr.A3utler, ''oneq , a I.ltotnish - priest'. , The
leek, ,of ifthese , l replies the .
PrPseuP(Pf at. 4,,trge..RuAiefiPe.,• , , , W l lc 4 0 . Ta
rats endeavored, to prevent the lecturer trom
• 0.1
being heard, the dt,sturbers: bezng led by one
of th'e ilerverti fieviPihtdia,n4fant, who are
, very, numerous' in thedistrict; And no,
,wooder l that,..theY, are,numerous, with -such ;
pioneers as ,Liddell andhie Puseyite 'band:
§nnie are suse,,toprefer the ' real. thing,"'
pure' reanisiu, - I who, 'Wye' the.
'Co be 'eon- .
-tent ihr -tihie 'With its' :niiierabfe irnitation. •
With snoliwalliisr, ;as the Jraotarians, the,,
Cardinal ,oan-:.exelailn icThe .work goes
brayely en 1 Atpe, above meeing, a. let,-
ter was read, , fronihn Bishop_ `London;'
approviti'd'Di:l3Uirer, , di a laborer'.
znh~s'=diocese: s ,
•-e •
TitioTaupimrss.t, where it does not lead
to Pbper'y, piddifc'es'a i'VWertni.ieaetion
falioiwof dissent in- inanY'Placei. l ' , ' Thus an ,
Eiangelieal a recent=
; nkeeting 9f r 9 Mwn.99.4gregsAl9,4,llkentiened
•that.he knew. oountry. town where „these
fliford . gentry had begun their, tricks;
making all planar' of 'chili:464 in the seat=`
ingAb.; of the 'building. - And' 'What' with' +'
lhese2alterations.'and intoifferableirirrogancei;
the people in,large x pupberkwere,diegneted.,,
Thepews ot the gallery being not pleasing
v. . .0 . • ' . 1
in their tyle to the teneirators, were aeld
4elkaSed them, set own
galleryoand,..speedily these. ~pews.;'
g1ec.944T9h,,w,er0 in the„,
chapel i 7 '
fSt' Hfc.
Doctor M',Crici commenced two evenings
the smaller room , of Exeter Hall, a
course of four` lecturei op the EAIu
io.iiitatforr ',lle • gives this
course 'at' the re pie at' -the ‘‘' Young' Men's
Societies. Union;" connexion iwith n our
London churches:. No man Jiviegis better,
qualifked .to, treat such.. p, subject ~both pie:
tonallyand ably, well' as in strict
hetenea tohist'oricaliiut;h.
,To„epmplete my present .references to
Bemarimm and Protestantism, let me refer
toBELt#iUiOI Af Antwerp," the agents of
'the. Bible' Sfielity, some faithful ministers'
and yuung men, together , with . colporteursi
have been exposed to mob insults and oppo-
Alden from the priests because of:the dis
tribution of the Scriptures and holding
prayer-Meetings, at'which the Bible is ; read
and explained. r
The Abbe Combalot, a distinguished' ad
vocate of Popery,, has brought the question
before the elite of Brussels in that, old
cathedral where once I saw idolatrous wor
ship perforthed His rageand fear may be
judged' of by his aasertions':that Pretestapts.
purchase conversionsyspeeilatifotitheihunger : ,
of „the,ppor, yhile,, ) with ; the o
i i n' 4.l l ,,t r ° b lTY)olixt i ,efl?f la Z e bri l E n ll ll P:Orl an 4
, ' even murder maybe practiced justified'
`He iliforitieldiaiddiertaiVtin'tl'
i(Othe Bible Scicititygit4 dfiettliteCCAP hod
Hof 13ibIlkik41:rAY-f,ix3lo-Airgest''..!
RlTsBl4l°4u- atleast Moen
27 0 14 1 0. nS tn.. one Ft httuarect anlJri, nixty
languages,) " but which are. not read
by any one. Yet, in the same sermon, he
avows that the Bible makes him tremble,
earnestly imploresithe people .to come to, the
Church imenseed,ou all sides by -r
the bible, the, circulation of which he
afErms`te be'a persecution of the:Church '
Rome, the most, terrible she'has ever` had to
endure:". •This same 'Abbe', - preaching . ,at,`, l
Liege, was oballenged , to avPublic discuiston,
Which however he,deolined.ta accept 1.
Never have I felt
,ipop,e q d, than i.n...wan
dering ihretigh.`& 'streets Of, Antwerp,
where? litice Prete'Stani" bii:s6cl!liqi6d -
-riversi under thelcinel . persecutions'OrAlaa:"
Beautiful' as •is the- cathedral and its apire -.
o"rWed a bY.) CharlesP. l P,lPes el
IVieehlidlace,),and glariousffs are„Ruheres , / ,
" , ()Il y et r v6 - &6keak
iNfoiltiON* 4 4lo4.4lii
ra n d mictiieff.6fittlbtl* -Ik/seta:lit:Ai/ 4111
Itof4Ne) PO AP iffittithat:ifiwavlace cal9ost
4, ,wh011y - ,given to. idoltOry lltoq ' .ofr4
t.q.„ 1. , 1> ..yO7
, Brussels, aid its square- in, front of the ,
1 - v,J
Hotel De Vine' wnere tnarrotrtant mar-
Connts , Egiriont and fHorn,Tit:talked on ,
,the,seaffold.`.:Bilt With allree pre , sipal free
Constitution and theißiblelithroad 'there is
hope for Belgium andthat,the, martyrs in
a baqa of noble' . confessors,, shall, yet, rise-
and 44 asdend • ta'heiver;"'
,While, - ,`e their
enemits'. , - diSmay , '"lihall behold them.
hastheen'-reeently diieeted the TltAirEiS
DEv•LrvalesTtiN, , ivill, , be:glad to learn that'
the ':.Directors,, of., the London Missionary,
Soaiety haie determined to, take immediate,
steps for the establiShinent, in the,first ,
stance; of two principal '' statioirs the one
on the North, of the ;Great River l'ibribes.e, `-
atnPng,4 , l2e *akolologand.- the/ other:en the
South among the Natabele. •. it isjotended
that felloklaberera, Shall be •employed,With.
Dr Livingston and 'ividffaf; :j. arid:Kline I:
of:tligise,' it is' = in,
Smith Afriesii
..aeootink. , . of ••hi
travels, will ,be publishedi -immediately by
kr, - Murtay:, the , eminent_ bookseller, it
will form a `weiliffeta ellaptei in ihe'listory,-
of.-,moderny disbovery ; 'antllta reVelaiions, se
,startling as,„ 4p . f . the, .ex.isteneeof -swarming ,
myriads. of immortal beings , in ; the,,heart "
where all was supposed desert,
silent Void, on' the Chi reli: Ohrist,
the Mat: viten - trend ablenrri
' A NEW - MOvimi* Pkiin for pro
; vidiresas mtabl a I laeolis I Tor - 'the y web,.
brought under the notice of theTract;Soeiety„
C°MPlitt.eP):4 RAI* IneetiOg•loTheiTonlonse
has, 3mi:dished ..:translationt
from ilie - EngliSh of our juvenile
thins';' but =many 'Of these are hardily ren-b:
dered, andlbesideS; refer Customs ,
to which the,:Trench,. are _,total:strangers.,:
Thfis for example as the trentleman. froM
A9rn.Q f --- 3)i :4 ° -°Ol XfPloYin
min r
informed' ite, when a hookp .read,
Which tee,"' to
;Many peasants; in7Tiendh it would
telligible;,inasmuch as :they alever.saw. tea;
And if,.g l 9Y-NFPNe-.P;ren,ented,NitAlsolne,.tteY
would bell ii,pouf olf,the extract s and place
it a vegetable on their tables
The new inOiCinenenhis at the writing,
,Frerich "pastors' and other- Conipetent
.pereone, ,(who are Wire, properly remunera
ted,) such„ books as ,Ippy,bring,:rpligieri
before'" ioutig; France," . in an interesting,
natural:an profitable; anier- pPr
eitant Trench 'Bankers' of Piiii,:nithmigh
most of them arer" dead Protestants," have,
been induced.] tn Anbeeriber and, in ,a feW
weeks it is expected that, £5OO will be in
hands i for the ipportant objeckin No
'aleis'ijought; :ViiiC-'ll6 :i4.0.44 . 6 . 'd, 60 of
France. The movenierit nalte one,
and it bids fair to proven blissingto France..
A ipopular Wittgreitski has not
'entirely departed , fronif England. A man
,was triod,this- weelr,„at Stafford, for obtain
ing sum of money,, of about £3O, by,` false
pretences, frora — a faither; 13Y , pretending
that liis' wife ,' child , cattle and goods;''
were bewitched - =that rinather •
had , 'put r on ' thettkohrofighlparties . called
bull and Cotten,,tbe• spell of,witehcraft,,,and i .
that he, the,,prisoper, had,pcweito remove.
and free there Great interest was
excited; and the eitafinination 'arictaged the
grossest; credulity. ' The priaohei had man
,aged drug the cattle 'and the lamilY,!4
a :little- , child died- Akstrong: cormilsions,
_itisktrst the , farmer pay
gsAtt.' for ;each'et the cattle;:' si. for him
self, 5s for the dairy-inaid,'n'nd si.' fti the
":dieese.kettli. "' The ''"aliese.iitile
turned , euebrolien, and oraeked eliebads; and
so r ;it: : -was bewitchedx,talso.),' ,• So the
Charges y ,went„,till Alie d prisonmeanic as a
servant into tliehouse,, and, matters, vi:ent ,on„
quite to inind,:*and to ldic , greai profit;''
He Was sentenced •te"fiVel4 . Moritila iniLd
prianiment, and , , hard
<74Pn;.:.`lF, eXt Ao.,Ne*Yori, in , : ten
days and communicate with. Constantinople
in twenty minutes when, stn the opinion of
eveiibedy, hnt the and the Pppe,
We , pass , for a very civilized 'and enlightened;
people, and when. schools of: everydeiscrip 7
gen arc sprinkled cryer;the;conntry;lind , the
cry is for ~Tote,VELL,,thif; very ,tinie
" - thins up 's: real trial for Witcheraft.' •
P. S.' The diseussibiaboit the ineompe
teney.of,Engliiiir. clergyies - .preachers, eon
t qt/P# in ; the ~pages of the; and: ex.;
cites much interest, J .• The ptraetice,of:using
littiogr'apheil_ 4 sermons (sold from 10d t 0.155;
each;)" exposed j deranineVd.", ..The
-main , writer layS, 14 1 desire fewer` Preibliera
aad-better7preieheisxi I =would eieparate the
eermon,altopther ,from .=the cervice." He
would restrict the main. body of the clergy
to'paitora/ duties. .
He:who knew no sin, who, needed no for-,
giveness, and whose mind was, not liable to
be'diverted and'ilistraoted,, as ours is, inain- j
-Mined , secret prayer. ahough
of ,His soul Naas. devotioni and „every breath
bore ,npon,it, and wherever, lre.was be-held
perfect and' urtinternoed„lxtmmuttiou
the Father,:yet he, - wits wont to se‘elride'hirit
self 'to 'pray; ''.With ihetia`lidikitegeii%Ver .
us; thi'lsersissityc:rif ItyitisdicWiiii
the illutkillePeof the'ANterid'retredemptibrt .
,M.AP,P4,Vvke , ),f9P,14,4-P,iittlefttor:tit. e4r, , .:
"Aare speaks volumes to y us' „ I .W . as its
neeeiaaii ' foiThini; and': not u fa?lhee t .poar,
propitiate, ausoul'itii) 0b
...76;83 witisprilegottbre , l randsti
oanst thou, durst thou;_ . say ; it Os met figs.,
Philadelphia, South Tenth Street, below Chestnut
By Mail, or at the,Offfee, 'i 'Year, /79., - , SE E PROSPECTUS.
Delivered in the City, . Llo
thee ?- Came thou not find--a secrecy, or
mikesolitude 'I "And . if the' 'day is not
thy.dyrn;;ls not That was the
Saviour's time of prayer,and the 4 pold moan
4ain: top . ; his oratory. ,The,Seriptures do
clearly teach, that secretzpayertught to be
iib only daily`--" giVeide "tiffs c!ir!daily
bread,l),ut,eften,through the ay ; Daniel
„arid; Payid 2 prayed, three times, ar day at least.
"To pray frequently, is to pray fervently.",
.L i t iottrt . ffs
:siild 4 tlciai:^wheti.itlit-..- . mother •Bf4i/itAingtott
tt of
s9ntivattl immtili . plask raeter
'ork , it, t a early
.elideavored, teadti him Ithree- thin gsi: obe-
PtNti better ad-
Oren t: '
SECRET RELIGION.—God is , often lost in
playervand ordinances.- ." - Enter into thy
ohamtlei" said " and shut thy door
about thmo.' ffAllut,thy door about thee,"
meaea mUch.; ,Out,; not only
frivolity, but business, notbnly the company
abroad, but the company at lhome kit means,
let thyl poor Boni haire : a-little rest and re
freshment, and God ,have opportunity to
speak to thee in a still small voice, or he
will spealvin'thurider. .1 am persuaded the
Leid *mild , : often aniak .more snftly if we
would shut t.ile;doe.r
DR: CummiNg,--S con after the
celebrated Dr. Cumming :was licensed .to
preach4e : went-,to. London,.poor and un
knoWn, staking with.' him a letter of intro
ductionVa-halfecWhom he asked what he
edu r la i dinoVilin t :"Yee falafliepliecl that
had la small:Chureli but 'Cana not pay
aimunster p but would stay a month
with theM i he would. bcard him. Theiyoung
preaphpr assented and- . said, if theywould
give him the.pew : ents e always be
'"why," said',the hiker, " they
not fi t urirasilt for' thy - The
baigain,'remains, and the :popular
HAPPINRSS:---If. God had told ::melsome
`time :
.ago,,, Aliat he pos about to make
me as happy,as could be in this world,
and, ,then had told th u p he, should begin
by:eriPPling , ine in all inyliiehs, andremov
in:ln:l6'l%in' all `in3r : istiar pewees of enjoy
` rent tI should • have thOught it al very
I :strange:mode of acconiplishing his .puil)ose.
,And: yet haw-is, his ,-wisdom manifest even
inthis T for, if you were to see .a mail, shut
up, in a close room; idoliaing a Set 05f ` l ,4.mpso
"ind'rejoiChig in their-light, and you 'wished
.to make him truly hippy, you would begin
g lamps, and-then throw
ova , shutters .to; ;let in the light of
heaven --=Payson
THE SODRGE or Ityrss. • —Christiansfroiglit
avoid trouble and inconvenience if
they would oiNlbelieve what they profess
—that God IS' ableto make them happy
withbut:anything: else.l They i..zulgine if
such a dear friend were to, : die, or such and
such, blessings to be removed, they would be
miserable;, whereas God pan make them a
thOniand'tinies' happier with:Out them. To
inention my own . esie. God has been depriv
ing:me of.cine :blessing after another,• but as
every one was .removed, he hes come in and
filled up its
_place and now, when am a
cripple, and'uot able
,to move, I am happier
than evert Was in nig life before, or ever
expected to be ; and cif I bad believed thus
twenty years:ago might ; have been spared
lunch anxiety. ; —Payson.
i• r - DARE AND DO.
Dare-to think, though bigots frown
Dare in words your thoughts express;
Dare to rise, thOugh oft east down;
Dare the wronged and scorned
,to bless.
~I:tarefroin custom
,tp depart;
, Vire thnip4enless pearl possess;
'Dare to wear itnbit your heart;
" .Dari;When sinners eine, to bless
Dare forsake what you deem wrong;
Date to walk in wisdom's way;
Dare to give Where gifts elong;
Darit/ed'slireeepts to obey.
„ Do. what conscience , says is right;
-- Do What reason says is best,
Do with willing mind and heart;
".`"'Do Yonr duty and be blest.
DIVINE INFLUENCE.-It is the common
'experience of the faithful, that while en
deavoring with all'their ,might to work out
their 'bWii , :ailVation, they have found God
- working in-them= both to will and to do—
while keeping their' bodies by fasting, and
presenting theikprayers to God, they have
lOurid_his Holy Spirit moving upon their
souls, pleating their Views, confirming their
faith, 'fixing their 'thoughts, inclining their
will, enlarging their hearts, and overspread
ring =them with 'such a sense of his majesty
and , meTcy as neither 'nor they are able to
While praising God they have been
caught (like Paul,) into, the third heavens,
and,seen . or heard, or at least, felt things
Which=" it is not possible for them to utter!
While hearing Ged.'fit. Word,,, their hearts
have`'been 'all." opened as, 1 4 ydia's was."
Vllitim feeding upon Christ's body and
blond, their souls have been strengthened
'and refreshed ! and they could Bay-2. Cor.
iii : e''l.--I—Bishop Beveridge.
of thel - gonCtrien - t there is an Indian Sum
mer m ore . beautiful than that , of the season ;
_and more sublime than the
most'glorieue Indian Summer the Feria we
er ! is the Tudian Siimmer of the
soul. , When the, glow of : youth has de
parted, when the . warmth ; of laiddle age is
gene,,and the buds and blossoms of Spring
are changing, to . the sear and yellow leaf,
then the mind of the - good man, still ripe
vigorous; rlaxei his labors, and the
memories , `of a ..well-ipent life gush forth
from, their,,secret ,fountains, enriching, re
joicing,lrdi the ; fertlising; then e, trustful
resignation of the shedsnrolpd a
Sweet. tind'hillkWitireth, end tlie'so,ll imam
iinatralreatreiitylatre, 'restricted
to7.tireMarrotcarifiiies of buiiness?bufsoars
amend, the, a. Winter, , hoary ; age, and
dwelli:iealef47,li:_ed,,bappily Upon that
Spring, and ' Bummer ,which await
him withirilihegaies evermore.
:Let us idrive for and/look trustingly 'forward
„t9.1 1 0 - . l .l4PaPnwer like, this.