Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, April 18, 1857, Image 4
rtitrarg Notite. NOOKS seat to as !era Notice, wtll be duly' a tt e nd e d to. Those Oro= publishers In Phila. delphia. New !'ovrit, die.. nay be left at oar Philadelphia MC% ST South 10th Iglu below Cheutiaut. in ear* of Joseph K. Wilsons Nolo INTERVIEWS WITH INSPIRED MEN. By Rev. Loyal Young. pp. 90, 24taa: Pittsburgh : John S. Davison. This is an admirable little volume, and we wish tha.t`all our young friends could have a copy. They would be delighted to see how Jesus, and Paul, and Peter, and Solomon, 'and Moses, and thelither sacred writers, can answer the serious inquiries of our Nicodemuses, and the hard (luckier's, and scoffs and• doubts of our Oldies, Demises, and Herberts. The subjects treated of are-Glad ; Pumices ; Creation and Provi denim; Salvation; The Law; Means of Grace; God's Expostulations with various classes; The Anxious Inquirer directed. • The.. answers 'are all in the language of Seriptire, with references. The 'conception of the work is good, and the exe cution excellent.. , ' WET Do :I,tivs , By ii"es. nonage „Smyth, .D.D. pp. 206, 241n0.J American Trace Society. Tlcagßestion proposed is all importset ; 'siad it is iielk 4 eneaered, by one of our. ablest Divinee. Thematic deserves swextendedeiroulation., Itarnesgropts or ,ENGLAND; or. Sketches 'of Eng Rah Scenery and Society. Sy,. A Myeloid Ooze, , of 'Grace Church, Baltimore. 1*f0.,. pp. 821. Third Edition. New - York: Dana i t Oa, .881 Dmitri:limy. 1856. In many Serieqs this is by, far the most de lightful and truthful volume wich has appeared in this country on the subject of English Society, shun, the days of Washington Irving. Many of our •tourists pass through England as rapidly as Railroads can carry them, and they find all bar ren. Others ramble through the leading manu facturing regions, and visit London, without gene rating-into the country, and, above all, without getting into the genial heart of English Society. . Others visit the country without any knowledge of the objects of Interest, which, in an historical, antiquarian, religious, or literary point of view, are worthy of; examination and study, and as might be expected, they pass the most interesting localities- without knowing what pleasures they are hosing ; and if they inflict a book on their countrymen, on their return home, the generalities of, its pages, and the splenetic efforts after criticism, show that their own ignorance was, after all, the main cause of the dieappoint ment which they experienced. No person can travel to any good. purpose , in England; who , is not intimately acquainted with the history of the country ; with the incidents of importance in the lives`of :the great historical and literary person ages who have made the. country celebrated; with, the remarkable events which have taken place in -its Castles, Catindrala, and Baronial Manstons on the' one hand, and its cottages and village homes on the' , other hand, which have been the cradles of many of its most renowned heroes. Still farther, if the traveler froth this country be a gentleman, he can have little diffi culty in finding his way, into genteel society in England, and then all ,that is interesting in the land will be open beforehim.. In all these re spects Mr. Core possessed every qualification. He moved in the highest circles, was at home in the Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, 'fried in the mansions of the country gentry, and became ac quainted with every stratum of- society, from the rank of the peasant upwards. He brought with him to his journey an acquaintance With the minutiae of the general history of the country, and the historical interest of localities, such as is rarely possessed by any one. Ile has an eye for rural beauty, a mind that revels in the glories of the past, and for drinking in all the poetry of the monuments of England's greatness, whether seen in her seats of learning or of piety. Ac cordirigly, his book is as we have said, iecompara 'My the beat and•the most truthful exhibition of the great worth, and the. great moral and social beauty which is visible in English 'homes, that • we• have read for many years. : The book, how ever, has two sides to it Onr readers will cm derstand what we mean when we say that Mr. Core's warmest landations are reserved for the Bishop of Oxford, and the party in the Estab lishment, of which he is the leader. He touches' the abominations at St. Barnabas with great gen tleness ;and an Evangelical in the Church is as great an object of contempt -as a Dissenter oat side: its pale, while Land, Charles L, Strafford, and anchinen, are the objects of his admiration. Thns it is that Mr. Core, and all who think with, him, do not see that it was the evangelical ele ment in the Church of England, which, after the Reformation, invested it, with its early glory; that its beauty and its isefulness alike departed when the influence of Laud and such- men ouc (seeded in nourishing within its pale,,, a High Church 4 Principle which, as surely as it matures in any age and among any of her people, demon strates its essentially Itomish character, and that at present the 'conversions to. Rome which .have taken place amens the followers of the Oxford Traetirians, are. nothing more than an Matra tion of the fact, that when the dead mass of English , High - Churchilm is galvanized into ac tivity, and when the men of that stamp become , alive aid ' earnest in carrying out their principles to a logical and necessary conclusion, they al , mays find their ; muting place .in the Church, of Rome into these sabjeCts, honever, we have no here tieater. pace, , %JIM:MOS ON TON BEITIEIN PINTS. By Henry Beech late 'Professor of English Literature in the - 'University of Pennsylvania. In two vof. • umes, 12m0., Kw 828 and pp. 812. Philadel phia : Parry 4- McMillan. 1857. These are two very delightful volumes ? In mems,respecta they are better adapted- for family reading than either of the former cornea of Pro fessor:leed'S Lecitures, valuable and attractive as they unquestionably are. When the Lectures on Eeglish Literature" appeared, we commended them as displaying a fine,- healthy, and diserlmi ; nating spirit of genuine criticism. Ike second volume on "History altillustrated by iiihakaileare's . ,Play's," exhibited an originality of invention,end - it - closeness •of observation, which contrast most Yol'ablY with the superficial criticism and ex ieinporaneous writing which is so often published and puffed as if it were profoundly philoeophicaL The Sethi now before us was delivered by Pro:. intim Reed in the year 1841, and the Editor has given them to the public 'as they were then .de livered.. We need not occupy our space by any eulogy on the style and mode of thought or keen ness of perception of poetic beauty which char .,aoterized the lamented author. On these points we have alriady given our very decided deliver ..nnce, and. as we have referred to the fact that these volumes are fitted for genearal reading, we shall t condense the Table of Contents, in order that our meaning may be seen. The first volume contains a history of literature;with leferenoes to Spencer and Milton. After a close examina tion of the dawning period of English Mere Ore, Chaucer, 'Spenser, Shakspeare, and Milton, are reviewed. Then come the Minor Poets of . the seventeenth Century; Dryden and the Age of the -Destaration;lPope, and the Age of Queen Anne; while the volume closes with Cowper and the po ets of the later part of the eighteenth cent ury. Tha second vi.dime is occupied with Banks, Scott, Coleridge, Southey, Byron; and Wordsworth, with iheir“contemporaries. When we •addAliat , quo. tations, and that on every page the delightful spirit of the author is conspicuous, we think that our readers will comprehend why we point to this work as altogether fitted - for the family cir cle in the Rioter evening, or for the sea shore, or the forest shade in the approaching season. Ett ler the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate, Bible Narratives.—No. 26. THE OHIIHCH RE-ORGANTZED.---GEN. XVII : 1-27. There are four covenant heads named in the Bible. Adam, "in' whim all die;" Christ, in whom all the members of the in visible Church' "iire made alive; Noah, in whom there is a covenant guarantee of con tinue&probation, whether it terminates in heaven or not; and Abraham, the covenant father of the re-organixed and Visible .Church; or, as Paul expresses it, the father of them that- believe, and the father of cir cumcision even to the uncircumcised. The Church, as we stated in a • previous- Narrative, had an existence in the ante diluvian age. Then it was in ,the The father was .the..;priest of his house. Perhaps, without any distinctive seal,•the entire race of Adam' were considered alike interested iirthe -0 seed," common mother. Thus, the only distinc lion'. between the Gramli and the world': would be seen in individual repudiation of her privileges, as with "the sons of the giapts;" and in special • interpositions of God, as with Cain, and in the deluge. Now and then one would be raised up, as Enoch, and Noah, who, as 'preachers of righteous ness, would for a while unite the godly. But soon they would be scattered, as before, among the masses of the race. Similar things may be noted of the period from the deluge to the vocation of Abraham. In consequence, however, of the fact that the covenant with Noah precluded 'a second general severment - of .the righteous and the wicked by special, Divine judg ments; and also from the fact that the perversity of: man, during ;this latter age, required the intrOduction of providen tial restraints, such as diversity of language, race,, and position in society, it now became manifest that the hiunan 'race, as snob, could no longer . be trusted with the devel opment of Redemption. Therefore, the king dom of God on earth must assume a distinc tive form, as severed from common human ity ; and the sons of Noah must be forbidden any longer, as such, to claim covenant priv ileges through the expectancy of a Messiah. Their relation to Noah may secure natural life and a carnal seed, but their- relation to him, or to a common humanity, in itself gives no'covenant interest in a promised sal vation. There must now be family accept ance, individual faith, and personal submis sion to stipulated terms. Thus the covenant of God with Abraham recorded in the . chapter set at the head of this article, be ecmes exceedingly important and interesting. Without intending a notice of all that is stated and intimated in this wonderful Church, constitution, we shall call attention to the follovring, particulars. First. The intended extent of effect upon, man's interests is worthy of special in quiry. The Jew, during a great part of his history, has manifestly confined it far below the intention of Jehovah. The Apostles of Christ 'with difficulty broke away from their narrow feelings, to lay hold of the broad principles of the covenant itself, and to re joice in the benevolent and far-reaehing de signs of Jehovah toward the whole race of. Adam. Ev,en yet, with the New Testament opened, and held up so as to east its light upon the past, there are those who give God credit for doing what they allege` he neither prom ised nor intended in his covenant with the father of the faithful, and of the visible Church. But we appeal to the covenant transaction itself for the truth, and for re futation of aßerroneous Views. There is as promise to Abraham, that he should be a " father of many nations." This meets, by a different mode of expres sion, the promise before giten, that, in him "all the families should be blessed." Thus, the. name great end, though, to some extent,' by different ex ternal means, is held up to view, as had been 'held up during the -,past! twenty centuries of the history of: the human race. Mercy will extend her arms as wide as is consistent with God's char :toter and glory. Cenfirmatory of this is, the promise, " 1 will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, `the land ,in which thou art a s stranger, all' the land of Canaan" As inspired commentary is better than any other in giving the sense, we refer to Gal. iii : 16, and find that the seed was,not lit eral descendants, but Christ, i. e., Christ in his representative character. This the his tory of the family of Abraham , confirms. Numerous servants ,and eaptives are admit ted into covenant relation, by submiiing to the appointed seal. Yet, three large branches of the natural seed, viz., the. ,Ishmielitas, the children of liaturah, and the kdornites, ,hy their own act, are exclude 4 and this act, though like many others performed by, man, meets .the purposes of, God, gives lessons of instruction, and yet becomes a just. ground of exclusion. The chief difficulty to a world-wide extent of 'design, is the ,mention of ,Canaan for ':a possession. , This difficulty, :however, is greatly diminished; if we reflect that thoughts of the widest ,import are often in prophecy couched in local and limited terms: Thus, Christ is. David ; or the . Bert of David; and the Church, in her latter day gfory, is Jerusalem and Zion, from' which goes forth " the law and word of Jehovah." So Canaan proper, conquered by Joshua, rind from which the right was given to extermi :nate every native inhabitant, becomes, in David, the land promised from • the Eu phrates to the Nile.. And in Christ, the ,great 'representative , of the promised seed, the " land of sojournings " becOmes the ihole earth, the residence of:the "multi tude of "nations" of which Abraham is father. Thus the ides meets.what Paul de clares (Rom. iv : xiii,) of Abraham, that He was heir of the world." Second/y. The inquiry is scarcely less important as to the period during which it is designed this covenant or Church consti tution shall in in full force. Does it affect us in this age of the world ? 'ln genuity has been taxed to weaken the foice Of "everlasting," as applied to the posses sion promised to, and the covenant made with Abraham, or we believe every reader of the Bible woUld assent to a perpetuity of design. If, however, any doubt rests upon the mind, this maybe'-removed by,the ex plicit language of the New Testament, The seed is undoubtedly Chriat, or the Church for which he stands. The promise to him is that "his kingdom should have no end:" - and his promise to its subjects, is, to - be With them, "even to the end of the , world." .There can be no doubt hit that it is the 'same kingdom, of God, constituted and con tinued, in virtue, of, the covenant with which` was taken ,fibia.the Jew, a n A; kite* , to' n nation bringing forth, the I:MiEMi2 ME TAE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. fruits' thereof.—Matt. xxi : 43. There can be as little doubt that it is the Church sweeping over more than one dispensation, which is the old olive stock of peace, that still stands to bear the wild Gentile branches, and the Jewish ones for a time broken off and withered.—Rom. xi: 17-21. Thus; whatever change took place when New Testa ] ment times commenced, the Abishamie ec • clesiastical covenant still continued in fUll i form This is affirmed very distinctly by Paul, Rom. iv: 11-13 ; " Abraham re• , calved the sign of circumcision ; the seal of i the righteousness of the faith which he had, : yet being uncircumcised, that he might • be • the father of all.them that , believe, though. I they be not circumcised." Here, doubt i I less, there is an extension of the covenant I to the Gentiles, either with or without some outward align arid seal. But the Apostle adds, " And the father of circumcision to them not only of the circumcision, but also to there walking in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham, which he had, being uncircum cised"l Whatever, then, the sign of mem f bership is in the Church, constituted' of un r circumcised persons walking in the steps of Abraham, he is ‘the father of it. The 'sign I was originally applied to Abraham himself, Ito all those who professed his faith, and to theirGentilesdoinfant seed. by faith be- I come children of .Abraham, cMatt. iii : 9 ; `, Gal. iii : 7-9 .;) and it •is their duty to, re ceive; and properly :attend to, the !sign or seal, of , faith,-,which is ,baptism —Col ii : 1 12: 'The conclusion ' cannot, therefore, be i'lataved off, that , baptism, comes in the room of circumcision; and that the, laws Of the e one continue in full force- for the other, - : nn-, less se far - as-there are abrogations made, or changes specified. The distinction of -sex is taken away, (Acts viii: ;'l2',' Gal. 3 : 28,) but of other alterations we have no intima tion. The covenant with. Abraham is thus everlasting; and we of the -presei.t age are subject to the penalty of neglect, or we may profit by the appended blessing. Thirdty. With fully equal profit we think the reader may look at the. terms of , admis sion into the Church of which Abraham is the constituted head. They are distinctly pointed out in the words of the covenant, and in the historical sequel. There must be-a' profession of faith, a- promise. of obe dience to specified ternas, and a submission' to the " token of the covenant.", Extremes seem natural to man's erring judgment, and one extreme usually begets another. Thus, externalism, as of the sacraments as a charm, '.and prayers numbered. with a beaded amulet, seem so abaurd to many that they have gone to the opposite extreme, of ..a spiritualism wholly without outward forms, or with such forms as :they euppose will enable r them to' discern spirits, and to constitute a visible Church of those only who are members of the invisible. The-ene extreme being wrong, will not, however, make the other zight. - Any covenant, though 'God be its author, and a faithful party will fail in many speci fied cases, if erring man is the tithe; party, and is allowed, without specialinterpositions and miraculous guidande, to conduct - his part of the stipulated arrangement. Thus the circumcised man, who lived and died in the family of Abraham, without faith, would not have the righteousness of faith or of God, sealed to him. But he would have the privileges of meMbership in the family sealed to himself and children. Therefore, since God knew the deceitfulness of the human heart, and since he did leave to man, without any promised providential intimations, the ac complishment of his part of the compact, we are safe in concluding, that tied will guard his own honor in an invisible way, as to. thainvisible- Church ; -and ,that,he in tended to leave man to conduct the affairs of his visible kingdom, or Church, on earth, according to tangible, and clearly discerna ble principles. " A profession: of: faith intel ligently made, an apparently sincere promise' of obedience to the stipulations named, and a Manifested willingness of submission to the seal, was all'that need be'appointed of God, as it was all that could'be required, or would' be attended to, by man. - - As if to indicate• that the token of the covenant,' when viewed as a seal of external privileges, is different in sense, than when viewed as a seal `of the' 'righteousness ..of faith, of which God will take care that ifii properly applied,k the seal is given to the man only who is to be taken as head of the woman, asChrist is the head of the-Church. --Eph. v: 23 And though the Beal im plies faith in the adult, (Dent. x : 16;) and though, to be merely of the literal Israel, is clearly not 'to be a' Jew in the full sense, (Rom. ii : 29,) yet, with all this unfaithful ness on the part of individuals, Paul affirms advantage in -being a Jew, and profit in cir cumcision, chiefly becanse:God in this mixed state of the visible Church, according to his original purpose, was fulfilling his promise, in giving his Oracles to the world.—Rom. iii : 2. Strengthening this broader sense of the sign of circumcision, is the command to apply it to the infants of the sealed parent, upon the eighth, day ;. thus, at once making the Church consist of fami lies, and prophet ically intimating the change of sacred time from the seventh to the eighth day,or the first of a new series—the Sabbath of the Churah in her enlargement, with seal, of water upon the forehead, (Rev. vii : 3,) in stead of bloody seal upon the body. Perhaps the, most remarkable feature of the Abrahamic covenant, and that which is richest • in lessens of instruction, is the con ! tinned recognition of the _family.. <Many Modern'modelers of churches *mild, in their wisdom, discard this; and some-who do not discard it in theory, do practically- treat it with total indifference, or even utter eon tempt. But not so with Jehovah, or with Abraham.—Gen. xviii : 19. The March had been in the family, and now the family must be recognized in the Church. Civil government, it is thought, could not long survive the destruction of the great laws which bind the different members of the family together in harmony, and which call out , the affections •of 'the whole toward the civil polity itself,' yet civil government can mast without giving the right of suffrage to all members of, the family. These principles are recognized in the .Abrahamic covenant. They run, through the entire Jewish econ omy. They are recognized and re-affirmed as a distinguishing feature of the New Tes tament Church. This is done, not merely in repeating the old promise "to parents and their , children ;" but in breaking down the exclusive male representative system, Christ having now come ; and in making the wife the head of the, family where the husband is literally , dead, or dead in sin , ; thus, in a sense, bringing into the Church, through the faith of the wife, as well as the husband, the entire family.-1. Cor. vii : 13-16. But whilst the family ties already constituted, and those viewed as in prosneo tire, are to be sacredly guaxded, and appro priately recognized as within the jurisdiction of the Church, upon the faith of either head of thefamily, yet there is no right given to form relationships with avowed aliens and epemies, and then expect the Church to throw her mantel over thingi thus brought into the family. The weak faith that will allow such conduct, rather indicates ilie prepriety of thee ilio liftve so acted - being<iiiiit -off,- unless they give evidenceif repentance.—Ezra z:7, 8 ; 2., Cor. 14.. Individualsbro i eght into covenant relation by the family relationship, to one to whom God has given faith, may repudiate it; but they do' .so at their peril as individuals, whilst they leave the covenant of God, and the advantages which were designed to flow from it, as they were. If these things be true, asceticism, monas ticism, communism, and that ecclesiastical socialism built on the conceited notion of a visible Church, composed only of saints, have all the stamp of error upon them, either because, they wholly'destroy the fami ly, or beeause they bleak away from, and re pudiate the , hallowed influences which God has thrown around it. The Church of Israel was a Church of tribes. and families. With out any other change than what is necessary for a wider field; and a inore'varied human ity, the Church still in:Act, grand and dis tinguishing features, must• be. similar, if she would• do for the world the work which God , has put into her hands." ' •G.W. S. .cll . ''i4;ello . oiiio .. Toznperanoe TEMPERANCE is the tither of health. cheerfulness, and old, age: DRUNKENNESS has large :a family , that I cannot remem ber the names of one-half `of thorn. How ever, disease, debt ? *dished*, destruction and,death are, among ihem=not the most holiOfothoPoeholdiO the world- 'Tim WEAK. RicitT. -=j -it itiiraid of Aohilles, one of Homer's heroes„„tilat his mother dipped him in the river Styx, which made him invulnerable, except in the heel, by which she held hiin. , This. one vulnerable point proved his Alin; for Paris slew him With an arrow that :pierced his heel Thus it with all men. They may be invinci ble on almost every, point; but there is a weak place in everyman's character. Bach 'one`has his easily besetting sin. Quere Which is the vulnerable`spot in a little boy who goes into a grog-shop, his heel or his mouth , Drtms.—Hoir ominous that, gen , tence falls ! How we pause:in conversation, and ejaculate--' It 's a pity I" How his Mother hopes be will not when he grime older; and his sisters persuade themselves that it is only a , ; few Wild oats that he is sowing. And yet the old' !nen shake their 'heads and feel gloomy when they think of it. ,Young men, just commencing in life, , buoyant with hope, don't drink. TARE SOMETRING.—Judge ' Bates re, ,ctently. called at a village• store„desir;ng to make the purchase of a mackerel. Several friends were in who knew that the'.Judge had become a good ' .temperance man, and were willing to 11 little. The keeper, joined in the sport, and begged the , judge to tike a Bale something. ; , " What will you have, judge ? Take any thing you like.' . The judge`looked around, as if in some doubt what to.choose, and replied, "I believe Ltoill take a mackerel !" Helping himself, he gravely walked out of the store, and was not invited to take anything there again. To Young„ Husbands. UNLUCKY.—The yo ing merchant or` clerk marries and takes a house, which he proceeds to furnish twice as expensively as he can afford; then his wife, instead' of taking hold to help }aim to earn a livelihood, by doing her own work, must havoi a hired servant to help her spend his,limited, earn lugs. Ten years afterward, you w ill find him struggling under. a double load of debts and children, _wondering why the luck was' always against , him. Had they. at rthe first been frank and honest, he need not have been so 'unlucky. GooD.—lf yoU wish to cure a scolding wife, never fail to laugh at her with all your might until, she Ceases ; then kiss her. Sure cure. BETTER.— cc IVladam," said &husband to his young wife, in a little altercationiwhich will sometimes spring , up in "the best of fami lies," ",when a man and his wife have quarreled, and each: considers the other at, fault, which of ' the two ought , to be, the first tb' advance toward-a reconciliation ?" " The best natured and wisest of the two," . said the wife, Rutting up her mouth for a kiss, whiCh was given with an unction. She 'had' conquered BETTER. Be gentle, for you little know How many trials rise; Although to thee they may be small, To her of giant size. Be gentle though penhanee that lip May.speak a murmuring tone, The, heart may speak , with kindness yet, And , joy to be thy own. Be gentle;Wiiiii houri of pain 'T is woman's lot to bear; Then yield her , what support thou eanst, .And all her sorrows'share. Be gentle, for the noblest hearts At tinier must have some grief, And even in a pettish word, May seek to raid ielief. Beseutla; non.° are perfect here; Thow'rt 'dearer far .than life; Then husband; bear, and still forbear— Be gentle. to thy wife. Indians in Pennsylvania. The fewest number of people in , this State—at least East of the Allegheny mann tainsare probably—aware that there are any IniHans remaining upon their own soil. We confess that - we were not aware, that there was a single' family of the red man lingering in Pennsylvania. And yet it seems that there is a small ,remnant of the Corriplinter Indians living 'in . Warren Coun ty,. in the. Noith-western ,border of Oni Opp monwealth, sufficiently numerous to have a school in operation.for their special benefit. The following' ex i .tract we find in the Report of the State Superintendent of Common Schools, on this subject : 4 4 CORPiPiaNTER INDLANB.-11 1856, the Legislature passed an act, authorizing the establishment of a school for the benefit of , the Cornplanter Indians, in Warren ,County. Bra reference to the Report of the Super intendent of that County, it will be found, that under the direction of a competent 'femalo teacher; a school is now in successful operagee., .l'he passage of such a law was a diatinguished mark of the benevolence of the State, and her fostering care of the wanti and interests of all her citizens ; and every' effort will be made in the future, to give that last remnant of Indiwas within our borders, its full pOwer for their moral and Boo*improvement." , A WIPE :- • . She *dine own; And Lam rick in laving such a jewel, As twenty seas, , if all their sands were pearls, The lirlithrlneetar,and the woks ;pure gold. ccuxfJ.da<.`;,u a , W ~ RATES OF 0011101CHIlD PBTINSYLVANIA. Banks of Pittsburgh, par Banks of Philadelphia, par Bank of Chambersbnrg, Bank of Gettysburg, Bank of Middletown, Bank of Newcastle, Erie bank, • N. Term. & Dror. Harlesi,g, Franklin bk. Washington, par Harrisburg banks . t, l O Honesdale bank, Bank of Warren, 34 York bank, Relief Notes, 34 All other solvent banks, par OHIO. State 'bank, and branches, All other solvent banks, NEW ENGLAND MI solvent banks; MYR YORK. New York City, " Country, MARYLAND. Baltimore, Country, ADVER-TISRMENTS. VD ET 11 IC L MALE AND FEMALE ACA— DEMICAL DiSTITUTE.—The present Session of this Institution will close with a imbllc examination, on Friday, the 10th inst. The Summer Session will commence on the first lifonday . in May, and continue till the last Thursday of September, with a recess of two weeks in the early part of July. Our plan is to have two Sessions m each , each year, of twenty weeks each. This school is a re omistrucHon of Bethel Academy, in ex istence for many ye , ,rs, on a new site, and new basis, with greatly Improved and enlarged accommodations. It is now a Presbyterian Institution in which the youth of that de nomination will receive, be sides a sound and thorough Oise, elcal and Mathematical Education, a moral and religions training, moral fins the oonmienee and heart, as well as the understanding and memory. • The Bible and Catechism are Text Books in the Course. All the advantages of the school, however, are open to all denominations, without interfering' with their religious preferences. This Institution is located nine miles from Pittsburgh, in a very moral and religious community, where few tempta tions to lead youth astray exist, and where recently God, in • very gracious manner, has poured out his Spirit, making many to rejoice is hope, embracing seven or eight of its pres ent pupils. ..The country around the school is elevated, fer tile, and healthful, one of the finest regions of the United States. The Board are very happy to inform the public, that they have secured the sery ices of Dr. JOH N B. ST! LLB Y, A.M.„late Professor of Civil Engineering In Jefferson College, Pa. In him, as a man, a scholar, and an upright Christian gentle man, they have every confidence. The branches taught, besides the common. English branches, and the Latin• and Greek Classics, will embrace the higher Mathematics, Including Algebra, Geometry, Trig onometry, plain and spherical, Analytical Geometry, Conic Sections,Plain and Geod-tic Surveying, Civil Engineering, and th eir coordinate branches; together with the Natural Sciences including Natural PhlloFophy, Chemistry,Thysi. elegy, A stronomy, Ac. The school is furnished with a com plete set of Instruments, of the best 'Eastern manufacture. for Practical Surveying and C.vil Engineering, as Clicom ferentor, Transit, and Leveling instrument, Draughting in struments, At,. Pull instruction will be given_ in the field , practice of these branches, and practice in the use of thainstroments, with their application to the purposes also of Astronomy and Navigation ; the Course will be such as to fit the stu dents for immediate. usefulness in the field and office, in Combination with the study, of the text-books; and field practice lectures will be delivered on the numerous subjects connected with them, where text-books are wanting; and the constant elm will be, to make practical and efficient members of the community. TUITION, per Session of twenty weeks, from $B.OO to $lO.OO, according to the branches taught; to be paid invari ably in advance, or within ten days of the entrance of the pupil. Good Boarding, at reasonable rates, can be had for those who wish it, in families conveniently situated in ref erence to the Academy. By order of the Board of Trustees. ARV. GAORHE MARSHALL, D.D , President DAVID DONALDSON, M. D4Seeretary, pro. text In h AELAND FEMALE INSTIT,II7FIC; NOR 111, RISTOWN, PA.—Tha Summer Segalon of this Insti tution will commence on TUESDAY, the 2Sth of April. The Course of instruction embraces all the branches of a thor ough:l6oBh and polite education: TERMS.—Board and Tuition In English branches, per Session of dye months, - • $76.00 lessons on Piano or Guitar, with nee of instru ment, - - - - $20.00 to 25.00 Lessons on Elprp, with nee of instrument, Vocal ?Susie in crass, - • , Drawing and Flower Painting, - - 10.00 to 16.00 Painting in Oil, - - • - - 20.00 to 30.00 The Ancient or Modern Language", each, 10.00 Washing per doz.. - - . . 00.86 The Seasion Bill to be paid $40.00 in advance, and the re mainder before the pupil is removed. Circulars, containing particulars, may be obtained by addressing J. DRIER RALSTON, mh2 , 3sti" Principal. COTTAGE BEI lIINAItY- FOR YOUNG LA.DIES.Ttds Institution, with ample accommoda tions for fifty pupils, is beautifully located on the Bast bor der of the Borough or Pottstown, two honrs'• ride from Phil adelphia, by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. The interior arrangements and accommodations are of a strictly family character, and every effort made to render it, as far as possible, both a home and a school. Thoroughly compe tent teachers are engaged in the Ornamental and Musical Departments: • The pupils are under the constant supervision of the Principal ; and no pains are spared to secure to each the best of training in every study. The year is divided into two Semitone, of twenty-ons weeks each, commencing the first of May and November. For Circulars, with particulars, address the Principal, REV. W. R. WORK, Pottstown. Pa. pU. f . LILMSVILI.F. V8R1A.1.161. SENIN,AILY— B f On the Blairsville Branch of the Pennsylvania Rail road. REV. S. IL SHEPLEY, A.M., Proprietor and Principal. MRS. P. P. SHEPLEY, Principal. The same Teachers who have so successfully filled their respective posts of instruction, the past year, and some of whom for several pears, in this Institution, via., Miss Pond, from Bangor, Me; Miss McLaughlin, of this State; Misses Baker-and A. S. Noyes, from Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Mies E. A.'Boyee, from Brunswick, Me., will continue neat year. Ample facilities are here afforded for the study of Instru mental Music, including-the Plano, Guitar, Melodeon, and Thorough Bass; the various branches of Drawing and Paint. tug; the Latin and French Languages; together withallthe branches of a systematic and approved Course of PemaleEd ucation. The Terms are such as to place the advantages which this Seminary offers within the reach of persons of moderate means, as well as of the more effluent. - 1114 situation is ietired and healtbful, furnishing a pleas ant and safe. Some for Mimes of tender years, as well as for ladies more advanced, `either from the country or the city. Accommodations for seventy boarding scholars. The neat Session, will . commence on the SIONDAY IN MAY, and cbntin months. `' - - - ' For terms, dc. - see Catalogue, which wi ll be sent on appli cation to the Principal. The present Session will close with an examination, March 25th and 20th. , fe2B-80 OIFORD FEMAL E COLLEGES UUTLER County, Ohio under care of the Synod of Cincinnati Principal, Rev. 3:W. Scott, D.D., aided by eight assistant teachers. Expense from $llO ;to :S9O - ;per session of five months. Scholarships at rates still lower. The buildings and grounds are unsurpassed. livery modern convenience and comfort has been supplied. Rooms all heated with steam,'and lighted with gas. '&usions open - earl* in Janu ary and September. For cironlancor, information in detail, apply2-tf to DR, SCOTT, or MY. W. 13. ROGERS, Oxford, Ohio mh2 !WORTH SIVIIVICKLEY. ACRD JAY, SILA-• 11111 TER COUNTY, HENRY Waists, Principal. The present Session will close on thel9th of March.'. The Summer Session will commence the THIRD WEDNESDAY IHAPRIL. This Institution is designed for both Males and Tamales. Strict attention is paid to the improvement of papila in all those respects in.which parents desire most to see their children advance. For terms, AC, see pnbliehed Catalogtie. fe2B Sm OR D yririAin:szztuisAir• %Jr — CIIEBTER COUNTY, PA, The Winter Bandon, of fill', months, will commence the first Wednesday in November. Expenses, for Boarding, Friel, Light and Tuition in the En. glish branches, $5O per Session. Ancient and Modern Lan guages, each $5. Lessons on the Plano, and nee onnetro. meat, $15, , Painting and-Drawing 'each $6.: 13r, the pay ment of $BO, will include the whole. A deify stage connects with the ears at Newark, DeLl and also at .Parkesburg, Pa. Address .. _ M. DICKEY, or Oxlbid,sept.-20, 1855 ' - SAMUEL DICKEY. 011(.4; re. sep29-tt ACADEMY. AT AIRY VIEW, C ira Tu TllAL scsurora Valley, Juniata Ooonty, Pa., onedburth of a mile front .tho Perrysville Station' of Pennsylvania Rail road. The stunner Bowdon will con:immix) on Monday, the 18th of April. Whole expense per session of twenty-two weeks, for Board, Room, Tuition, Washing and Incidentals,sss, pay able one- half in advance . AKIP See Circulars. DAVID WILSON, Principal and Proprietor, Port 'Royal P.O ma 6- y DIXON C 0 L. I. IC OIAT II INSTITUTE, DIXON. institution, under charge of the Presbytery of Rock Riv er, , Is now open for the rec a p. Non of students. Haring a location pleasant., healthful, and easy of access, with an able and efficient corps of teachers, it is hoped that it will receive the patronage of the public. For terms of tuition, board, ic.„ apply to: any member of Rock River -Presbytery, or to the President of the Institu tion, ' ENV. W. W. HARBILS. Ell ACOQ,DEL LAM .811EMINAILT— NW L. G. GRIER aud.ll. E. ALEXANDER, Principals.— This Institution fs located in E iskacoMaillas Valley—a valley noted for beauty of scenery, and healthfulness. and as being the home of Logan, the Indian Chief. This .Seminary affords rare opportunities to male and female pupils, for ao• nutting a thorough education. The studies pursued in both Departinents are these best calculated to develop the mind, and which have been ap. proved, and are now taught by the most experienced and successful teachers. The students of, this Institution are removed as far as possible from temptation, ae it is entirely in the country. - The Principals not ,ly devote their entire lime to the personal instruction and comfort , of the pupils, but they are assisted by several teachers, who are eminently, finial lied, by their ability and skill, for their profession. TERMS, $55.00. per Session of five mouths; $27 50 paya ble in advance. For this sum, the student is entitled to board, tuition in English, and furnished rOOMS. A, deduc. Lion of fire dollars made for clergymen's daughters; and for orphans. Light, fuel, and Allibing, et the expense of the student. The common charges 'for Music and the Lan- The Pennnylvanin Centml,Beitimad, which connects with Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Pittsburgh, passes through Lewistown, Pa., ten' miles from -the Seminary. At this place, students can take the coachfor Reedsville; and there conveyances may be t procured; or if notified, the Prig eipall will meet them there,', with conveyance from the Sent. Mary. The next Session commences on the lstof May. Per Cat. elegises, containing fall information, address L. G. GRIER, and H. S. ALBXANDER, aPlan . Kiehecognillas, Pa. S, lOW ICICLEY ACADEMY—A CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL 'BOARDING SCHOOL. FOR ROTS, on .the PittaburgD, Ft. Wayne and Mauro Railroad, and Ohlo Rirer, twelve milea'frora Pittsburgh—HlV:J:B. TRA NELLI, A. M PriaciPal. ',Tile. thirtieth *salon ,tom marten on MONDAY, May 4th,1857. For Circulars, An., apply to Messrs. John IrWin Son, No. 57 Water Street or Messrs. T. H. Nevin A Co., 167„ Liberty Street, Pittsburgh; ,onto theyrhudpid, ,leyville'P. 0., AliellaenTeuunr. Pi. apt DISCOUNT. FOS THIS PAPA!. NEW JIERSIT A DELAWASS. All polvent banks, VIRGINIA. AU solvent banks, NORTH CAROLINA. AU solvent banks, SOUTH CAROLINA. AU solvent banks, 010101 A. 1 solvent banks, TEN . NBSBIN All solvent banks, KENTUCKY. All solvent banks, iNDIASIA. State bank and brandies, DUESOVEI Bank of Watt of Allorimsf,l4 WISCONSIN. IMar. £ Fire Ins. Co. cheek% 6 MICHIGAN. All .Dint CANADA. All solvent tanks, 40.00 2.00 to 5.00 S. H. SHEPLEY IRON CITY coilllESCiiat COLLEGE, AT:PITTS S BURGII, PENNYLVANIA. OIIARTERSD Amin, 1856. HAVING .A, j FACULTY OF TAN TEACHERS. TWO. HUNDRED AND SEVEN STUDENTS • :JR DAILY , ATTENDANCE, and thetichool Rapidly Increasing. LARGEST AND MOST THOROUGH COMMERCIAL :COLLEGE OF THE WEST. THREE SILVER MEDALS Awarded to this College, by the Ohio, Michigin, and Penn sylvsnia State Fairs, in. 1855 and 11356,10 r the best Business and Ornamental . t Writing. IMPROVED 'SYSTEM OP BOOK-KEEPING, Taught by a practical business man, who published a popu lar work on ikOkketmhig as early as 1819. In no other Commercial College' is Book-keeping taught by a Teacher having an equal amount of experience in teaching, and Dsteiness Practice. TERMS, &a ItallCommercial Conroe, time unlimited, •- - $35 ,00 Average time to cmnplete a thorough Course, 6 ton weeks. Can enter at any time—review at pleasure. Board per week, $2.50 to $3.00. Prices. for tuition and board--healthieet city in the Union—its. great variety of business, make it the cheapest and most available point in the United States for young men to gains Business Education and obtain aft nations Specimens of Writing, and Circular, sent free of chugs. Address P. W. JENKINS, • fedi . Pittsburgh, Pa. MNTICELESTING.PUBL ICATIONS.— a, The Preibyterlan Board of Publication.have lately ad ded to their Catalogue the following valuable 'and interest ing books for the Sabbath School and the Family : 1. , A Day with the Haymakers. Written for the Board of Publication. 18mo., pp. 72. Price 16 cta. .2. The First Sabbath Bactimion, and its Consequences 18mo., pp. .72. Price 15 cts. 8. William Bartlett, or the Good Son The Contested Best; ; Lessons of the Stars; and Who is the Happiest Writ 18mo , pp. 108. Price 15 and 20 cts. 4. Learn to Say N*) orthe City Apprentice . 'Written for .the Board of Publksittion: 18mo., pp. ir/ Price :11 and 25 cents. . _ 5. Footprints of Popery, or Pliant' where Martyrs have, Buffered. 18mo. PP. 177. Price 254iid 80 ctn. 6. Rhymes for ! the Nursery. , 18mo., pp. 01. Price 20 and 26 cents, 7. Select Stories for Little Folks. Compiled by .dddie. 18mo.; pp. 210. Prim 30 and2s eta. 8. Kenneth.. Forbes, n or _Fourteen Ways of Studying.the 13m0., pp'. 330: Price 35 and 40 cents. 9:TheChild'aScrap Book. Compiled by the Editor. 18mo, pp. 144. Price 20 and 25 cents. 1.43:41eme front the Coral 'lsland& Western Poleynesia, comptising the. New Hebrides Group, the Loyalty Group,„ sad the New Caledonia Group. By the" Rev. William Gill, Rarotonga. 12m0., pp. 232.. Price 60 cents. 11 Gems from the Coral Islands, or Incithintsof Contrast tutenter Savage and Christian:Life, Of the South Sea Island ers By. the Rev. William Gill, of Rarotonga. Eastern Poliriesia," comprising the Rarotonga Group, Penrhyn lr lands.. and . Savage Island. With ..13 engraving& pp. 285. Price 75 cts. 12.. Faith. and Works,' or the Teaching of• the Apostles Paul and James, on,the Doctrine of Justification perfectly Harinonions. BY L. H. ChristianAllistor of the North Pres byterian church, Philadelphia 18mo., pp,lBB. Price.2o and 25 cents. 13. .BY Whom lathe World to be Converted? or Christians Christ's Bepreeentstives sad Agents, for the Conversion o( the World. By the Rev. Thalami Smyth, DA). Published by request of the Brood of Bon" Caroline.' 18mo, pp, 108. Price 20 and 25 cts. The Classmates, or the College Revival. By a Presby terian minister. 18mo., pp. 203. Price 25 and 30 ete. 15. The Presbyterian Juvenile Psalmodist- By Thomas Hastings. Pp. 256. Price 30 cents. JOSEPH P. ENGLES,,Publishing Agent. fe2l• Ay No. 265 Chestnut St., Pniladeinhla. IiNTH INVITE THE ATTNATIODi OF the public to the Purr riBLPIII.6.IIOIIBKKIDIPING MIT GOODS BTORA, where may be found a large assortment of.all kinds of Dry geode, required furnishing a hone! thus saving the trouble usually experienoed in hunting such'articles in various , places: In consequence of our giving our at• tention to this kind of stock, to the exclusion of dreg and fancy goods, we can guarantee our prices and styles to be the most favorable in the market. IN LINEN:GOODS we are able to give I:oerfent salln wtiowbeing. the toast serABLINISO Lunar arms Pr cue aim, and baring been for more than , twenty yams regular hnporters from acme of the beat manufacturers in Inland. We offer also * large stook of FLANNELS AND MUSLINB, of the best qualities to be obtained, and at the very lowes prices. Alm, Blanket', Quilts, Sheetinga, Ticking', Da. mask Table Clutha, and Napkins, 'Towelling', Diaper*, Huckabacs, Table and Piano Covers, .Thunisks and Ho. ream, Lace end Muslin Curtains,' Dimities, lhansituri Mintiest,. Whelan Shadings, Ac., Ac. • , • JOHN Y. COWELL SON, S. W. corner CHESTNUT and SNVENTH 0804 f • Tu ia CH AMP lON 0 '41:1 K Op 'TINE WORLD, are only etriplings in , coat, aft to $9, or if made gunpowder proof $lO, and lees at wholesale.) -The test, which they Ohara endured-ill unparalleled. The great est lock-pickers in the world, stimulated by the offer of a large premium for several years, have sought - in vain ~ f 6r a clue to pick them. They not only bid defiance to all lock pickers, but the offer of Two Trumann Demons for pick ing is continued to . Jane, 1867, with ample guaranty. The - world is challenged for a competitor to produce , a lock, of equal value, for five times its cost,whether it used for the specie-vault, night Latch, or desk. B. R. WOODBRTDOR, • Perth Amboy N J READ THIS. Ma. El. E. Woonsares, Sa:—You hate been awarded an honorable mention, with special approbation, for barglar. proof Locks and Night Latehes. They Were considered by thejury to merit all that you claim for Ahem, as being the cheapest, and at the same time, the .safeet said moat durable: Locks on exhibition, and a Minable aegeleition to the eon; inanity. TOUTS, tru ly,t arum. Bassoon; Comndedoner of Juries; *rota Palace, N0r.11154. 22-eowly*- IT IA NOT A D Y N2- 7 -P'RIC SIDENT J. H. EATON, L.D. D., Union University, Murfreesboro% Tennessee, says " Notwithstanding the Unpile? 'use of Mrs. 8. A. Allen's 'World's Hair Restorer, Ake., the falling off of hair ceased, and my grey locks were restored to their original color." Rev. M. MACRE% (60 years'of age) Pitcher; Chenango Co., N. Y.:. "My hair is now restored to its natural color,. and ceases to fall off." REV. WM. CUTTER, Ed. Mother's Magazine, N. Y.: ' , My hair is changed to its natural color," &c. REV. R. P. STONE,D. D., Concord,2/.1f.: “My'hairwhich was grey, is now rsstored to its natural color;' - REV. D. MENDEN - IN; Chicago, "I can add my tes. timony, and reeommend it to my friends?' REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, N.Y.: a Myown hair has greatly thickened ; also that of one of my family, who-was becoming bald." REV. J. P. TIMM, Charleston, S.C.: "The White hairts becoming Obviated. and new hair forming," &c. REV. A. PRIER, Ellier Creek; IC Y.: "It has produced a good effect oik my hair, and I can, and hare recommended, it" REV. A. BLANCHARD, Merida, N: H.: "We think yery highly of your preparations," Ao. REV. B. C. SMITH, Prattsbnigh, N. Y.: "I was surprised to lind my grey turn as when I was young." REV. JOS. MoEEE, Pastor of West D. R. church, W. Y.f REY. D. MORRIS, .Cross,-River, N. Y.; i mss. REV. H. A. PRATT, Hamden, N. Y. ; We might owelltlais hut if not ootrilaced, TRY IT. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S TYLOBOSAMIDA, Or World's Hair Dressing,. is essential to nee 'with the Its,- storer, and la the best Hair Dressing for old oryoungertant, being often efficacious in case of hair Wilzig; de., without the Restorer. Grephaired, Bald, or persona entitled with diseases of the hair or scalp, read the above, and judge of MRS. $. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. IT DOES NOT SOIL OR STAIN. Sold by all the principal wholesale and retail merchants in the United States, Cnba, or Canada. tuga=m i; J. FLEMING, Agent, Pittsburgh. . , A" Some dealers try to , sell articles instead of this, on which they make lq,pre profit. Write to Depot for Circular' and information. ap443m* isTEW PUBLICATIONS, AND FREER $ 12% PLIES or Books, opening at S. C. COCHRA.NE'S, • sp4 A 11 4 0631 9. Pa. ALM P ira3L—BEFAW TERNS.—Fine room and hall Paper Hangings; medium do.; oak and plain panel ceiling and office, do.; gilt velvet, and dowered borders, centre pieces, ,dc. Cheap Wall Paper; a bugs stook of transparent and oil cloth t hades E. C. iXialltANß. ap4 No. 6 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. N. B.—Experienced Paper•Hangere employed. J. P. WILLIAMS, 1161111 W T . A WADIA HO 11:1 SE—WHOLING iII BALD AND 11.NTAIL.—WILLIAbIS & JOHNSTON, 114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nearly opposite the One• tom House,) have just opened a very choice selection of GREEN AND BI.AOH TEAS, Of the latest importations. Also, RIO, LAGUAYRA, AND OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COF FEES. New Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crushed and Pxtiverised Sugars, Bice, RiceElour, Pearl and Corn Starch, Farina, Yeast Pow ders, Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Cocoa, Broma, Extra No. 1, and Spiced Chocolate, Pure Grotto& 'Spices. Castile, Almond, Toilet, Palm, Gentian, and Rosin Soaps. Sup: Carbonate of Soda; Cream Tartar; Extra Phis Table Salt; Pure Extracts Lemon and Vanilla; Star, Mould. and Dipped Candles ; •Sn ear Cured Hams ; Dried Beef; Water,' Butter,' Sugar and Soda Crackers; Foreign Fruits, &c.; This stock but been purchased for CASH, and will be offer ed to the Trade, and also to Faninies, at very moderate ad vances, from whom we respectfully solleit a share of patron age. vallSW MOONS, NEW 001C14—AN ANA. LVTIOAL Concordanci 11 to the Holy Scriptures, or the Bible presented under distinct aiidelawilled headeca ! toPlos; edited by John Radio, D D., LL. D. Rill on the Book of Joshua; last vol. of Clark's Foreign Theological Library. Dramatic Arrangement`of lhe•AponalYpie. Critical 'Essays contributed to the. Eclectic Review, byJohn Foster, author of Essays on Decision of Character, An, Ac., 2 vols. Two Years Ago, by Rev Cheese!' Kingslay,rjust out: The Story of a Pocket Bible, illustrated, The - Household edition •of the Waverly Novels: My Lase Cruise; or Where;we Went and What we Saw. NOW .Biographies of .I.llrustrions Men, by Macaulay and others. •Three Bras of New England,and other exiting, by George Lunt, Al M.v.Boeildes *my of the athenians,translated-by A. lamb.. .A. practi c al Treatise on Cruses and Forest Plants, by Charles L. Flint, A. M.; (}ray ' s Lessons in Botany ,; . thane ' s Arctic Expedition, .Teiiss Journey. - Paragraph Bibles.' • For sale by . IL DAVISON, apll,2t 61 Market St.; Pittsburgh, Pa. NO W , IC A. Dllf. grow STORY .Op A .POOKEY bIBLN, with numerous andapirited inns trations. 1 volume, small Neatly bound in muffin; $1.25, free of postage. Prom the New York Observer : . • - " An ingenious and interesting as: ell as a sery.instrue titre book, beautifully,published, in which the various char acters into whose hands this 'Bible falls, are exhibited'with such satiety of Incident and illustration as to make a stirring impression. It is a capital book." A full eupply.just received and-for sale by . - J. S. DAVISON. apll-2t - 61 Market Bt, Pittsburgh, Pa. ‘O III ITHSIONIA-ZI • nor BROADWAY;OORNER OF HOUSTON STREET, N.Y., On the same Block Garden, and'opposite St. Thomas' Church. ON THZ IFOROFEAN OR AMERICAN PLANiAT OPTION. Rooms 00 cents to $3OO per day, NIHAU Br' RA. AT ALL HOUItS,AND AS ORDERED, • Or, $2.00 per day for Rcionis andEoard. In'Summer, this house'is'oae of the wooleit and hest ven tilated In the city;. and all Hinterit commands, without fire, the temporature of the troplas,lT;lng;*sted th oroughly arid throughout by Steam. • mh2l.4nor • naGii EICHOO inon.llolllooL 211: 1 r will be opened the! Borough etTareulem, - 14,110; g April For p a benyi County,'Rl, for jklaies, l4 .e.pd Femaks, on thee 1601;-,9* Tereetillo. T 0 xprirAL,Ds• DR. CALVIN M. FITCU, Author of the Invalid's Guide and Consumptive's 31 he , kc., will be at the ST. Milli HOTEL, Pittsburo, from MONDAY MORNI t NG, MARCH 16TH, J SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 16TH , 185 i, Where hit may be consulted daily. Sabbath excented4 Con.suniptiew, _Asthma, Clarmic Bremehais, de. Also, 6. Dyspepsia. Amu. Dianna, and other affections coati etipl with or predisposing to ennsumpton. If from any cause Dr. FITCH should be unable to remd c , during the whole of the 'Period above named, the app q t r ., ment will be concluded by his associate, Dr. J. DT. rtyK i .'.;: Those intending to contain Dr. Fitch are particularly; quested to apply as early as possible ; for on the ece r , of his former visits Dr. Fitch has round it utterly hie to give all the attention he could have desired i t, number who delayed visiting him until the last, eM thronged upon him during the last few days of his appoi t ; t " manta. _ - _ - And Dr. Fitch wishes it furthermore distinctly crud er stood that, although he consitiers Consumption a r e ,;. 4 ble disease, end treats it Mg such, still that be does nut or: tend to raise the dead, nor to cure patients Who neither lungs nor constitution left; and those who sj. treatment tom him must apply reasonably early In course of their disease. And be would add, also, that k t himself. and his associate are accustomed to tell these plying their real situation, nor need any apply who see nr : prepared or unwilling to learn the truth. A curatire tree; 'tent Will of course only be undertaken in cases where thee, seems some chance of remedy. In caze when these is aae , - . the treatment must of course be merely palltatiye . Consultation, pereonally or by letter, free. OFFICE HOURS, 10 to 4 daily. Chdr.ROtel, Pittsburgh. id arch 10,'5T. I,OOH AND JOB PILIN TIN G. T i r e subsetiber being provided with Steam Printing Presses, and 'a great variety of Printing Types and other tares, le prepared to execute every description of llrck, Pamphlets, Cards, Bins, Labels, ac. Blank Deeds,Blank Book' Paper and Stationary, On bind. ' J. T. SHRYOCK, No. 84 Alta Street, Gazette Building. Pittsatovh. Dec 8.1855. &calf TOWS M . KIRKPATRICK, ATTORNET AND COUNSBLOR AT 'LAW, an Solicitor in Clno eery. Office, No. 183 Fourth Street, above the corner withtleld, Pittsburgh, Pa. 011LINB. 11. 9 FADDIAN &SON, 95 !MARKET J STREW, Pittsburgh, dealers in Watches, Jewelry, N A Silver Were. mylkf SILVER PLATED WAB.E., Manufactured by ' JOHN O. MEAD & SONS, The oldest and most experienced =auto purxits In the 'United 'States. TEA SETS AND URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, TUREENS, to., &e., The most elaborate and richest patterns in America. ALSO, SPOONS, FORKS. - LADLES,"FRUIT, TEA AND TABLE KNIVES, ETC. No. /5 South Ninthlitreet, above Chestnut, Near the Girard House, Philadelphia. se27-Iy 4 E'S,' PUBLICATIONS BY THE ANEW. CAN TRACT SOCIETY, 303 Chestnut Street, Phill , delpbia. The Pilgrim Boy; pp, 144, 18mo., with illustrations; Pi cents, or 2b gilt. .4 striking narrative of the incidents is the life of 'au energetic lad who was thrown upon his own resources, and through many errors and hairbreadth 'Rope*, became at length a useful man, and an active Christian. Postage 7 cents. No Pains, No Oaths. With engravings. Written by Mrs H. C. Knight, of Portsmouth, N. t fiom the life of Barnuti Budget, of Bristol England, a distinguished merchant cf great benevolence and fidelity to Christ; pp. 120, 18mo.; 14 cents, or 25 gil . Postage 6 cents. Faithful Ellen. With frontispiece; pp. 106, 18mo.; is cents; or 25 gilt. An interesting history of a colored chili, who was long a cherished inmate of one of the best Cht tian families, and became a happy and useful mother of ft Emily. WE be venial 3 , acceptable to servants or &ami ties. Postage 6 cents. - The Farmer and his Family. With frontispiece; pp. if 18mo.; 15 cents, or 25 gilt Narrative of a proud, worldly English farmer, who, through the conversion and intlarnie of a daughter, became a consistent and useful Christian Postage 5 cents. , • Glimpses of Life in Africa. With engravings. By nr9 Anna H. Scott, of the Episcopal mission at Cape Nixon.; pp 641, 18mo, 15 cents, or 20 gilt. Affording much bindle gonna of Africans, and the adaptation of the Gospel to their temporal and spiritual wants. Postage Scents. Bible Primer of:the Prophets. By Miss F M. Caulkins, at New London, Conn.; being Part 111. of the series. &auto folly illustrated; 25 cents, or 35 gilt. The author boo drank .deep into the spirit of the prophets, and prepared a work which will bests acceptablaand profitable for parents es for chßdren. • Postage 10 cents. That Sweet Story of Old, or History of Jesus ; pp. 0, 18mo., with many engravings; gilt, 30 cents. Giving the history with great simplicity, and a happy adherence to the Scripture narrative. Postage 7 mute. These books will be sent hymen, postage pre-paid, ontbe receipt of the price, and the postage annexed to each A new catslogue of the Society's complete list of public* Lions, with price and postage annexed to each book, can Al. ways be bad on application at the Tract House, 303 Chestnut Street, one door below Tenth, Phila. jai -MOIOOI4B.AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, JAMBS ROBB, No. 89 Market Street, between the hiarkeflionste and Fifth Street, would cell the attention of his friends and customers, and all others who may Aver Mu 'with their trade, that for the be will be found at 14 , New. Shoe Store, as above, with an entirely New Stock d Boobs, Sheol.; Guitars, Slippers; Palm Leaf; Pedel,Tuatin, ant Braid -Mate,- &c.; consisting in part of Gents' Fancy Open BoOts. C.ongrese Gaiters, Oxford Ties, to.. &c.; T.diwe,liffesee and Ohildrens", Money, Boots, Gaiters, Ties, Slips, kg., very bountiful; 'Boys' aid Youths' Dress Boots, Shoes, Ties and Pumps. His stock is one of the largest ever opened in this city, and embraces everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia and New York. and, bo trusts, cannot fail to please all. Great care ha* been taken jin selecting the choicest goods, all of which he warrants. He also, continues to manufacture, es 'heretofore. all de. meriptiona of . Boots end Shoes and Wm song .experience of over twenty years in Midriff's in ttdsuity la, le tenet; a sot Went guaranty that those who favOilitut with their custom will be-fairly dealt with ap264 1 ID Et 0 /Xi "AiIitik , LICATIIER STORE.— ID.PiZERKPATRICIE•h 130101,1416.21 iI.:THIRD at, b wean Market, and Chestnut Maeda, Philadelphia, have for DRY AND.: 11441,TAD 0P43P781T BIDES, Dry end Green. Belted Teton . Teriner'e 011, Tennefe and.Onerliee Tools at thelenresitpnoesiand upon the beet tering. r . gir. All ; Medi - of Leather 'ln ' the weigh wanted, for which** 'highest market Wee will be given in cash, er taken in exchange for Elden. Leather tared free of charge and sold of conendeurien. jl5-On. A V 'IN O. POND OF TUE NATIONAL S 'BAPATIc ,TRUST COMPANY—Wahmt Street, Bost- West corner of,Third, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. Money is.recdved in any sum, lame. or smal . and interest paid from the day.of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every , isay, from 9 o'clock in the moral tin 7 deo& in the evening, end' on Monday and Thursday esmainge till P o'aduels. Intenmit Five Per Cent. All sums,large or email, are paid back !egad, on demand, without notice, to any amount. : -, This Company confines itsinutineas entirely to the read. frig of money on intereffit. The hiveitments, amounting to nearly. ONE MILLION AND - A HALF OF DOLLARSI ae per published report of ASSETS, are made in conformity vile the provhdons of the Charter, in REAL %ESTATE, MONT. DAUBS, GROUND RENTS, and such drat clan securities at will always insure perfect, security to the depooli ors, art which cannot ffjtJ~l . to give permanency and stability to the old and well4rtatilished Institution. jel-ly JANES IMO . .WY. C. BEM 118 .1111 ID A 1,4,..41115e SING & REITER 4 11 'hive associated themselves in the practice of Med Band Surgery. Office in th•.t Nines residence, No. Fifth Street, opposite ' , the Cathedral. Dr. Reiter will attend at the office daily, and =lv be OW illatfid /IS reddille . iii Bait ii rt y, in the mornings sad evenings. ociB4.f rip U. VIDGEIELEIGNIED HAN BEEN AP M. POINTED Receiving Agent and "Ereatturer. for the id' lawns' gator& enterprises; in the Synods of PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENY, WHEELING, AND OHIO, via: The General. Assembly's BOARD OF DOMESTIC MIS SIONS; the General Assembly's BOARD OF EDUCATION; the General Assembly's ,CHURCH EXTENSION COMMIT MEV, (St. Louie) ; 'and the FUND FOR SUPERANNUATEI MINISTERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. - Correspondents -will please address him as below, stag; distbactlythe Presbytery and Csurek, from which contribu tions ere Dent; and when a receipt is required by mil, the name of the pad office.and 'County. As heretofore, monthly reports will be made through the Prirbl laßanner :tad Advocate and the Home and IWO J. D. WILIJAKS, Treasurer, Presbyterian Rooms, 45 St. Clair Street, my 24 ' Pittsburgh. Pl' JOHN JOHNSTON TEN* T I* A. N "B L I N D A. BRITTON k 00., roAriurAidTURIRS, , AIP BBALt HOIaiSAIaI AND Mill R N 0.82 North SBOON) Stree,a bo ve Market, Philadelphia. The 'largest , cheapest, and: best assortment of PLAIN 0 1 FANCY ALUMS of ,any other establishment's, the Vni t " States. ALUMS promptly attended to. Give as a °A and satisfy yourselves. 0 B B3VELOPE MAN VP AC: V TORT, 5834 South FOURTH Street, below Cherint` .PECLADELPHId. Ravelopeo, Die Blakbig and Engraving, Dies Altered, Sn "elopes Bummed with: Business Cards, Homoeopathic Eng el opts, selfseeled and printed direetions„Paper Bap for 41,1 caltorists, grime* Re., for = putting putting up model,. seeds c.' groceries. PRINTINO of all kinds, GM* Bill-Belder =lam ENGRAVING of Fisiting and Wedding Cards, with A ra relives to pe dt °rattly , . of , th e Smart likaglish, French *" e:lea w. -- Rrinelopes made to order of any else, quality' 0449 : oription. . Conseyaneer's Rovelopes, Sr deeds, meriglb old pamos, km, made in the best raasaner by ' WM. COLBERT' N. B. Orders smat by' Expel* or as per agreeme nt ' • -1610 It Altß ATM 114311 0 OLE, BIOS CLASSES, AND TA.SIILY INSTRUCTION— Pro Jacobin's Bites on dAhn, new edition. 66 Mark and Luke, new edition. " Mahew, it Question Books on the mime tt , 'interweaving the ;bor er Catechism.' 011 Muttheir; Catechism annexed,) $3.50 per 0 On Mark and -aka, " each 1.50 or, the two volumes bound in one, 2.25 OlfJohnorith Catechism also annexed, 1.50 T h"J.,-. 14 H: he forwarded to any address, if orders bE:' 4 to JAMES A. Pres:Board of Colportage, St. Oleir St., Pittsb P JOHN N. DAVISON , 65 Market Street, Pittsburgh . WM. N. RENTOUL. St. Chi/ Street, Pittsioug4' 621-t Anew Elena. orA. Tao . 117 ENSINGTON IRON WORKS.—III k BLAOH, Itannfacturare of Bar, Sheet, HOOP °".' Angle Iron, Nails, awl Spikes; also, Plat Bar-Paneled read Iron. Market A Ad Warehouse No. 99 Water Street, between Weau - - . et2.5-61a mins PLA C E TO strir PINE 1WAVe......,- 11 1 _ll. • JRWELRY, SIENNA WARR and YANG! (iv' in at W. B. KLTONI I / 1 1Wil Watch, Jewelry, and Silver Ware Stem, No. " lt ,;,,s- SSCOND Street, between Pine and Unien west side, where • yow win dnd a large areortlent of the e named gomis_: .alse, Plated Communion Service, To Setts, • Cake Baskets, Cutore, Spoons, Forks, Are kinds of Watikea - ..7eweby, and Aver Were. fa ' " . orderand Apalreein..k.dednetion made to Olergiv e %o Vt. Isar as low ma can be bad in the .marl ly Iri AD. D=-;1"A MMS LOCUM, 11. D.. DO %.1 TIBT, Third senet above Pine, Williamsport, Y 4 jy64l inhl tr