Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, January 17, 1857, Image 1

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p r ..byterian Banner, Vol. V, XO. 17.
Presbyterian Advocate. Vol. XIXI No. 12.
DAVID MeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Original ,getrg,
Lines to a Lady in Prospect of Death.
My soul is grieved to hear you mourn,
Though sickness does oppress you;
Your pains are not what once were borne
By Him who does distress y,u•
'T is for your good this grief is sent,
' T is for your comfort given ;
Oh ! why dci you so much lament,
Your home is high in heaven.
Ilavo you rich treasures here on earth,
Among the helpless living,
You value more in point of worth
Than all the wealth of heaven ?
'T is needful, then, you stand in awe,
For fear you're not forgiven ; •
For none who cling to mammon's law
Are fit to enter heaven.
There is a dread o'erhangs the grave,
The living don't deny it ;
An awful gluom on Jordan's wave,
But Christians firm defy it.
Though in the floods you seem to sink,
By storm and tempest driven;
'T is but a sign you're at the brink,
The very gate of heaven.
Though young, you may be called away,
Awhile in earth to slumber;
'T is but to wake from night to day,
Where cares will not encumber.
Your loss on earth is heavenly gain,
The Bible does assure you;
Of every sin and mortal pain,
Its balm alone can cure you.
Oh why then dread to cross the stream,
O'er which, you 're free from danger;
The fear of which is all,a dream,
To bliss you're yet a stranger.
Ten thousand harps will hail you there,
And grept you home in glory ;
Your father, too, your joys will share,
And hear your happy story.
Your sisters, too, among that throng,
Arrayed in robes of splendor,
Will meet you there with harps of song
Attuned to accents tender.
Cease, then, to fear the hollow tomb,
'T is but as sleep in even ;
Lie down to empty dreams of gloom,
And wake to bliss in heaven
For the Presbyterian Balmer and Advocate.
Letter IL—God and lis Law.
For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our law
giver.—lsa, xxxiii: 22.
My DEAR FRIEND :—lt is very gratifying
to me to know, as you have informed me,
that you have "always been in the habit of
secret prayer ;" and that now for some time
you have been "praying with increased
earnestness." This is well; it is both a
duty and a privilege ; but do not depend on
your prayers; depend only upon Christ.
That 1 may lead you to do so, I will devote
two or three letters to the consideration of
God and his law. I shall speak very plain
ly, but I hope tenderly ; and if I wound, it
will only be that you may go to Christ for
healing. He is the Great Physician.—Jer.
viii: 20-22.
Come now, and let us reason together.—
Isa. i : 18. He that cometh to God must
believe that he is.—Heb. xi : 6. Of course
you believe that God is, or you would not
pray to him. You have no doubt of his ex
istence. You never questioned the exist
ence of God. You believe, you feel, you
know there is a God. It is one of the
deepest, and most settled, and fixed convic
tions of your soul, that Gon Is. You would,
I know, as soon question your own existence,
question the existence of God. You see
he evidence of his existence every where
around you. It is written on every blade,of
grass, and on every flower of the field; it
shines in the rays of the sun; it sparkles in
the stars; it speaks in your own frame, so
fearfully and wonderfully made; it is written
and inwrought into the very constitution of
your nature. Yes, God is : from everlast
ing to everlasting; and he is our Maker an.l
Preserver; he is the Lord, our judge, and
our lawgiver; he is our King.—lsa.
xxxiii : 22.
, And the GOd in whom you believe, and
t) whom you pray, is a personal and inde
pendent being; God, the Lord, Jehovah,
the great 1 AN j not nature, nor a principle
pervading all things, and inseparable from
the visible creation ; but Mind, a self-exist
ing Intelligence, having intellect and will,
the Creator' and Governor of all things; a
personal God, who can say, I am, I exist;
who is independent of his works, who rules
atl reigns over his works, and who order's
and dirtets all events; and in whom'you
live, and move, and have your being.—Acts
xvil : 28. Were there no worlds, no exter
nal creation, he still would be God. And
bow absurd to speak of creation as a devel
cPment of God, or the growth of a hidden
principle in nature I No ; creation is not
God; but it is God's work. In the begin
ning., when there was nothing, God created
the heaven and the earth.—Gen. i : 1. He
called the worlds into existence by his word;
he willed, and they were ; he spake, and it
was done I " The work of creation is God's
making all things of nothing, by the word
of his power, in the space of six days, and
all very good."—Sh. Cat., (;),„,. 9. He
was before all things, and hence is indepen
dent of all things; he made all things, and
hence is superior to all things; and he con
trols all things, the lawgiver, and the judge.
The laws of nature are God's laws; he gov
erns the material, as well as the intellig en t
and moral universe. He is the universal
lawgiver ' and the universal judge : not a
sparrow falls on the ground without him.—
Matt. x : 29. And how delightful to think,
that the universe is not controlled by blind
principles; but by a God of intelligence and
love, whose will controls the stars in their
courses, and the atoms that float in the air;
who rules over all, and does all his pleasure.!
The Lord is our judge; the Lord is our
lawgiver.—lsa. xxxiii : 22. The Lord reign
eth ; let the earth rejoice —Ps. lxlvii : 1.
Ilere is an argument for submission; here
1 , 8 encouragement for prayer. There would
t 'Q l 7lO virtue in submitting to a principle,
unless there is virtue in necessity. And you
would not pray to a principle—to a law—to
electricity, for instance ; but you address
your prayers to a personal God, to a God who
is, to a Being who exists in and of himself,
who has power, intelligence, and will ; and
who is the Hearer and Answerer of prayer,
because he is sovereign and independent,
God over all, Supreme and alone, doing his
pleasure in heaven and on earth; the judge,
the lawgiver, the king; the infinite Mind,
a personal being, the eternal and unchange
able God. Such is the God in whom you
believe, and to whom you pray ; the God of
the Bible ; your Maker, your ruler, and your
judge; Father Son, and Holy Ghost, three
persons, one rather,
" the same in substance,
equal in power and glory."—Sh. Cat.,
Qum 4-6.
Dr. A. Alexander says, " God is a person,
distinct from the universe. Every being
who professes intellect and will, is a person.
The execution of any work of design, in
which there is an adaptation of means to
ends, and a harmonious operation of parts to
produce a desirable effect, necessarily in
volves the existence, both of intellect and
will. The idea that the universe is God, or
that God is the soul of the world, but not a
person distinct from it, is nothing more than
a disguised system of atheism. God is dis
tinct from, and independent of all creatures."
—Bible Truth, published by Presbyterian
Board, p. 11.
And his perfections are infinite. Thus
your Catechism teaches, "God is a spirit,
infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his
being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice,
goodness, and truth."—Sh. Cat., Ques. 4.
Infinity cannot be comprehended by our
finite minds. We may know something of
God; but 0 how little ! Who, by search
ing, can find out God ? Who can find out
the Almighty unto perfection? It is high
as heaven ; what most thou do ? deeper
than hell; what mist thou know ? The
measure thereof is longer than the earth,
and broader than the sea.—Job xi : 7-9.
Hell is naked before him, and' destruction
hath no covering. He streteheth out the
North over the empty place, and hangeth
the earth upon nothing.—Job xxvi : 6, 7.
He is, as he proclaimeth himself to Moses,
The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gra
cious, long suffering, and abundant in good
ness and truth, keepinc , mercy for thousands,
forgiving iniquity, and transgression and sin,
and that will by no means clear the guilty ; for
he is just, as well as merciful and kind; a
God of truth, and without iniquity, just.and
right is he.—Ex. xxxiv : 6,7; Deut.
xxxii : 4.
And while all his perfections are infinite,
and all his attributes are equally dear to
him, his holiness is :his glory: His charac
ter is spotless purity. His holiness is abso
lute. It is his crowning perfection. God
is light I His very nature is holiness itself.
Whatever is impure is infinitely odious to
him;.sin is an abominatinn to him; he hates
it with perfect hatred.'' - tier'. the heavens
are not clean in his sight, and his angels he
charged with folly.—Job iv: 18, and xv:
15. How vile, and hateful, then, must we
appear ! Well may we cry, unclean; God
be merciful to us sinners, when we know
that the angels veil their faces before him,
and cry, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God
Almighty I—Luke xviii: 13 ; Isa. vi: 3;
Rev. iv: 8. Holy, thrice holy; infinitely
pure, yea, purity itself ;• infinitely holy, yea,
holiness itself ! Alas, how inadequate are
our conceptions of the infinite God, who is
holiness itself Infinite holiness ! Who
can gaze upon the sun as he shines in his
splendor ? Who can look upon God—who
can even think of him, unawed. No mortal
can look upon bim and live. Should he re
veal hmself to us in all his glory, we should
fall at his feet as dead; yea, overcome by
the exceeding brightness, we should at once
" The Lord Jehovah reigns,
His throne is built on high;
The garments he assumes,
Are light and majesty.
His glories shine with beams so bright,
No mortal eye can bear the sight."
It is only in the face of Jesus Christ that
we can look upon this exceeding brightness
undazzled ; it is only through Jesus Christ
that we can approach God and live. Look
to Jesus, and God will be your friend. Read
Ps, xxxix, and John, xiv chapter.
Yours, truly.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Cleveland, December, 1856.
Mn. Erwros. :—I have read, with much
interest, the following letter, from our excel
lent chaplain among the river men of Pitts
burgh; and I am confident it will be re
ceived with pleasure by your numerous
The rich blessing of heaven is every
where attending our efforts among'Suilors
and Boatmen. This letter of brother Dallas
is only a specimen from my portfolio, re
ceived from every lake and river in the
West. Very truly you*,
Cor. Sec. W. S. F. Society.
BROTHER LEONARD:—Another year has
closed of Bethel labor among our eight
thousand boatmen, properly belonging to
the active commerce of Pittsburgh.
FrequentlY, with the prophet, have I said,
46 Who hath believed our report ? and to
whom is the arm of the Lord revealed ?"
And then again have I been chastened for
my repining, when I remember the infancy
of our effort, and the sparseness Of laborers,
in this populous, and long-neglected field.
I mark with pleasure the improving con
dition of morals on our waters. An intem
perate and profane man is no lOnger esteemed
worthy of trust among our boatmen ; and,
consequently, must seek employment else
where, or consent to be governed by the im
proved police of the boat. Thousands of
boatmen would rejoice, if our marine laws
were so amended, as to bring our internal
commerce under the control of sabbatical
laws, regulating other worldly business.
Some of our boats are running on Sabbath
keeping principles. But those excellent
men, who make this strike for right and
.God, suffer many times great perplexity and
annoyance, both from the water and the
land. From the water, by those less con
scientious, preceding them into port, and
engrossing the business;
and from the land,
Per3bance, by complaining etookholders,
business houses, or travelers. This bar to
the sanctification of our commerce will exist
until a higher moral sentiment, pleading - for
God :nd'hwanity, shall move controlling
11 '• DING SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1857.
capitalists to give back to the boatmen God's
holy Sabbath. •
Twenty•six days, in the calendar of the
landsman, constitute the laborer's month;
while thirty-one are exacted from the water•
man—allowing him no time for intellectual
and moral improvement.
But few casualties have occurred during.
the past year on our rivers. I will give you
one painful incident, of peculiar interest.
The new steamer Metropolis, on her first
trip, exploded her boiler. Her commander,
Capt. E. C. Hazlett, of this port, was fatally
scalded, by inhaling steam. For a time, he
seemed indifferent to his own injuries, in his
ooncern for others He stood at his ,post
until the boat was landed and made fast, and
then sank from exhaustion., He . was then a house near at hand,
,and ,by his
physician informed that he.sould •survive
but a short time. Six weeks prior to this
catastrophe, he sought. God in the pardon of
sin, and united with the Church. With the
voyage of life now suddenly closing, he
through an, attendant, addressed his dying
message to his eldest son : "Tell• Hiram that
lam going to Jesus." Thus died a most
worthy officer, long connected with our
commerce, in the possession of God's favor,
worth more to him now than the wealth of
I hope I may, without appearing egotis
tical, cite a few instances of the good re
sults of Bethel labor. On my .regular
rounds. of duty I meet with many interest
ing items.
On one , occasion, on offering a y,oung,tnan
a tract, he remarked, ".It is no use for me
to take it, for it will do me no good." Be
foie I had time to reason with him on the
matter, a:religious boatman, overhearing his
remarks, stepped forward and said, "Yes it
will; for it was by reading a tract given, me
at this port that I first resolved to be a good
On another occasion, meeting a boatman
on the wharf, I inquired where be was
going. He said, lam looking for a
berth, by the time the ice breaks ,up." I
exhorted him to seek first the salvation of
his soul, and then, as a Christian, take his
place on the river, and live for God, while
making a living for his family. He seemed
deeply impressed with a sense of duty.
The same day I called at his house, and
urged the importance of both husband and
wife consecrating themselves and children
to God. With deep emotion they both re
solved to do so. One week hence the hus-
band rejoiced in the love of God, and both
united with the church.
About the same time, I was greatly
cheered by the intelligence ,of the conver
sion of some young men with whom I had
been laboring, on the Beaver and Erie
Another case of unusual interest trans
pired, in the very triumphant death of a young
lady,,a member of our Bible Class, who was
brought t 5 Christ through the instrumental
ity of our Sabbath School.
I might swell this report to 'an undue
length, by a number of Additional circum
stances analogous to the above, but forbear.
Onr river men exhibit a growing appre
ciation of our Bethel, by an increasing at
tendance upon the nieans of grace. But a
suspension of steamboat navigation for the
last three months'has diminished our con
gregations; 'for whatever affects navigation,
produces a corresponding result upon our
Bethel. But a rise in the river will restore
our numbers.
I regularly visit our boats, distributing
the Word of God, tracts and periodicals
among the crews. I find work enough to
engross my time, engage my head, and en
list my heart.
Our Sabbath School, though small, is
doing a good work. And now I look. to
God, and the future, for greater blessings
to be developed through the instrumentality
of our Bethel. J. DALLAS.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 1, 1856.
For, the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Sitting in Church in Time of Prayer.
We fear that this habit, which we can
not but regard as irreverent, is on the in
crease, and that it prevails to a great extent
already. We are not now aboutto discuss
the propriety or ;impropriety of the cus
tom, but to remark that not long since, the
writer was present at a meeting of minis
ters, at which it sermon was preached spe
cially to them, arid at the time of the first
prayer, only six besides myself rose. Now,
this was. in New England, where we had ex
pected better things. And on examining
au old volume, published at' Boston, 1725,
containing, among other matters, the action
of the Synod of Cambridge, 1679, to which
two questions were proposed; 1. What are
the evils that have provoked the Lord to
bring his judgments on New England? 2.
What is to be done so that those evils may be.
reformed In answer to the first; under
the fourth head, they say; There is great'
1110FANENESS in respeet.of irreverent behav
ior in the solemn worship of God: It is a
frequent thing for men, though not necessi
tated thereto by, any infirmity, to sit in
prayer-time and some with their heads al
most covered, or to give way to their own
sloth and sleepines,s when they should be
serving God with attention, and intention,
under the solemn dispensation of his 'ordi
nances. We read of but one man in the
Scripture that slept at a sermon, and that
sin had like to eoit him his life : Acts ix : 9."
Have these important prinCiples changed
since 1679, or have men improved, or de
generated, since the < < days of their fathers.?
LAY LABons.—The Puritan Recorder
says:""We have an illustration of the an
tagonism between Lay Preaching and de
pressing errors in the`customs that prevailed
in, our. Congregational churches in this vi
cinity, at the time when 'Unitarianism had
come into possession of all the churches in
Boston but one. At the date of 1804, a few
members of the Old Cburch—those
that afterwards formed the nucleus of Park
Street Church—desired to unite in sustain
ing a prayer-meeting ; but they found a
difficulty, in that none of them had ever
ventured to lead in social prayer. When,
therefore, they could not have a prayer-meet
ing, they formed. a " Society for Religious
Improvement," at the meetings of which they
read the Scriptures, and engaged in religious
conversation. Mit after about a month they
were able to pray. Thus had the sweep of
blighting error in Boston so repressed the
evangelical'efforts•of laymen,- that there were
none in all our chfirches to be, found even to
conduct a: piayer•mecting."
From our London Corrfspondeut.
[The following letter wasrdue some weeks
ago, but the steamer on which was sent
was disabled, and forced toreturn. Still,
though late in appearing, it:tis well worthy
a perusal. It is needful to full notice of
passing events .—Ed.]
A Visit to Brighton—lts invalitVC/imate, Recre
at/one—As Rise and Progress—The Prince Re
sent, and the Pavilion—Relidion there—lts Foes
and Friends—lrish Schools", l 4ind the &idlers'
Visit—lrish and English Unitakaniem—The _Free
Church S'ustentation Fund—ftaining of Students
—London Charities—The Idi:Wand Orphan Asy •
lusq—An _Election Scene-T' tench and Eng
lish Press--Louis Napoieo ,nZ z ' New ,Bizhop—The
Dean of CarlislePersia . --Ilyik Pak, • Confer-
ence,-.lfing of Naples.
1 have recently paid .6
TON, ntoWn on the coast
with peculiai interest
In one respect, Br
miles distant from the
described as the West
instead of semi-rural
solitude, unbroken say ,
surging tides, Brig}
Auium - n and 'Winter.
and highways, filled
To Brighton come
from every part of
but also , from India, ti
parts of the world.
have seen, hobbling on
pale atrd'shattered, on
many an officer, who,
mann, had suffered• ft
of the Russians. N,
peered ; but there are
in Bath chairs, living
under the oomparlaf
November day, whose
spinal disease, or other
fatal maladies.
The London season
Parliament meets, (n(
. ;)and so
escaping London fog athing a stimu
lating, bracing atmosi , ..haying althe
appliances of luxury • it tok clubs, circu
lating libraries, news-r , Joquertai as well
as in carriages and be _Afulriding horses,
(their own property, thired,) here are
found—passing as goodakApleailant a Winter
as our moist cliniateii' radniit---lordeand
ladies of high degree gether; with' our
patrician-looking, retir*effip,ess, andlEng
lish gentlemen with their families
• qas .J. . ~,....,
This Brighton is Simko t a French town,
in its aspect. It has ri."#ii%p,' (if it be beau
tiful, as in a measure it 4.14) like `Aphrodite,
from the sea. And t c ',Ma:repent affair. ,
True that Brighton ha ' Ratne- , before the
hi e
days of George, the'PliAti, Regent, (after-
wards George 1V.,) - wlr,.' paying his first
visit to it in 1782, afte , ds 'ehose it as a
place to be petted an: *mired; and ;built
therein a Royal Pavili - „Olvtewliat , likethe '
4 .
drawings one sees Of. 4,Kreinlin at Mos- -
cow, with domes andtaires, with a long
" Chinese gallery," and gaudY apartments
within. Hither that.'" finest gentlernan in
Europe," as some - called - him, but rather
that libertine Prince; ; lnVed to. come';- and
here he held his revels. Not far off is the
house where Mrs. Fitzherbert, (his wife, if
the ceremony of marriage reatiy, performed
could make her se,) lived,'"and to Which it
was said there was a Passage Under ground!
" Gorgius," (as Thackeray; in his fine
satire against fashidnable vice, calls George
1V.,) so patronized Brighton, that the great
world flocked• after him; and although ho
and ‘his memory are now alike the prey of
corruption, yet the easy distance from Len
non, (the flight by railway of an hour and a
half,) the breezy downs, the- sheltered vale,
the literary leisure,' the' favorable Winter
climate, all • continue to keap Brighton„with
its bow-windowed streets and squares, its
baths, its riding schools,. its ehain pier jut
ting far out into the sea, its' churches and
chapels, fashionable still. ,
Religion there has 'its' frienes and foes.
Among the latter .; is the coveteousness Of,
greedy tradesmen, innlreepen, bath.prbpri
eters, lodging-house , keepers, et hoc genus
omne, who make the most of "the season."
Brighton is thus a costly place, either for
an invalid, Or a pleasure-seeker.
Besides this vulgar foe to godliness, there
are refined, and subtle ,errors abroad, such as
Socinianism, and semi-Rationalism„not for
getting the, teaching Mr. —, our former
minister, who, after his deposition by his
Presbytery, has continued, to a 'diminishing
band, to put- forth *those doctrines which
have recently -been, described as. °" The Neg
ative Theology." Here others * have taught
and held that doctrinh 'as well as he—one
especially, a clergyman' of the' Church of_
England, who excited-much notice in his
short career, for;he is in an early grave, and
who was reported to have publicly said, that,
the popular , the ",Evangelical" doctrine
of the Atonement 'and Sedate: , ocChryt, l
-was derived''" froth. the Shafiihaniblee Of
heathenism I" ' - •‘ .
Tractarianism, also, has made its lodgment
in Brighton,; and some of its clergy hissed
and interrupted Lord Shaftsbury, a couple
, -
of years ago , , when, at a public meeting on
behalf of the Protestant Allianie, he de
nounced ' their errors: Roraanism, also, is
trying to make progressq, while -Unitarian
ism, numbering its little
•" eclectic" band,
when I was there the Other day, was adver
tising sermons on the ,Lord's day, by Chan
fling, of Boston, United States.
On the other hand, Eiangelical Episco
pacy is strong in, Brighton, , and has a firm
hold on a large body of devout worshippers
and hearers of the higher and middle ranks.
The 'children who come -to boarding schools
at this favorite place, have thus the advan
taLe Of excellent 'teaching on the Sabbath.
Congregationalists and Baptists have built
fine chapels, and are filling them; while our
own English Presbyterian' Church,' though
much injured by the defection to the error
of a former minister, - has a little band• of
faithfni adherents, and, I trust, by the bless:.
ing of our King, a noble mission before it.
Onits behalf I went to Brighton, and hence
the reminiscences' and impressions 'of the
place, which 1 now place before you. I
ought to add, that in this town, the Bible
Society, and most of our best Institutions,
have important auxiliaries, and that a
Protestant Association, by lectures and pub
lic meetings,' is 'vigorously exposing both
Tractarianism and Popery: In a word—and
I hope it - will justify the length of my
sketch—Brighton may be regarded as a
microcism of the fashion, the architecture,
the literature, the recreations , and the reli
gion (or otherwise) of England, and es
pecially of mighty London.
Passing now over the Channel, to the
state of religion in, Ireland, THE PRESBY
are still maintaining their position; and in
connexion' with industrial training, are
proving a blessing' to many young persons,
especially to, girls. A pleasing soend pre
sented itself a ; little, time ago, in Ballinaglen,
County Galway. Philip CeElaherty, whose
name is familiar to many of, your readers as
'a convert from Popery, and ifterwards ap
interpreter in the British army in the
Crimea, is a native of Ballinaglen. Accom
panied,,by, another. Galway man, who had
been a Soldier-comrade throughout the war,
he recently paid a visit to his birth-place;
and as Sergeant O'Flaherty, with his medal
and clasps,. and in „fttil uniform, he . wap_rr
eo. 2, 1856
Ind hear an 'address from him. In ills` Pres
Cliurrsh Collede at tilinbuigh, be has cont
mencedia course of - Theologioal study, with
the view of going out to Turkey as a mis
L ktlrish. Unitarians,) had a meeting recently,
to revise their code of discipline. On this
occasion 'it came ont that there are two par
ticle. 'ainengst that' small body, alth6ugh' all
agree in denying the doctrine Of then - inky.
Irish Unitarianism goes farther than English,
or possibly New England .Socinianism,would
do, in asking frorua candidate for license • or
ordination, a declaration of belief ill the in
' spiratimi of the' Holy Doetor
Montgomeri, , who - used to be called "The
.of Arianism," ::and confessedly its
Coryphaizs at this hour,- wished to have .a
clause inserted, whichrecognized'the per
sonality, and the
,influences of the Holy
Spirit. The Creed of In Arian would thus
imake ; "Christ a creature, and the Spirit the
creation of a creature," as some one, has eF.-
pressed it. • But at all events, it was some
thing to have from Dr. M. the recognition'
of a distinct Agent,' and to hear him speak
!Of .His " sanctifYine :influences. , To his
proposal, however,- opposition was made.
One minister said,he believed in the, holy
spirit ofGod, to hepire but it was just
as he believed in the holy spirit of an angel,
or a goed - inin.
'The discussion was first• adjoitrned; and
then, in consequence of tidings from India,
of the death of Doctor, M.'s son, (in the
military service of the'Conipany,) the Synod
broke up without a deeision on the point
mooted. Would that the Divine Spirit—
sanctifying 'this remarkable man's bitter be
reavements, and teaching, him savingly
:7--might, yet cause, declining years
to be consecrated to
,the ,bitilding up of the
Faith which so long 'he has sought to
Irish Arianism is Eng ~
is ocinian
ism ; and this arises, I believe, from its local
proximity to, Presbyterian orthodoxy,,lead
ing to a kind of half-way compromise be
tween truth and error.
Socinianisru here, makes Christ only a
man; Arianism yonder, him a
pre-existent glory, only, inferior to that of
the Father, The .one , utterly ignores the
Atonement; the other ascribes something,
at least, to ihe Mediation of the Saviour, and
attributes to his death some undefined, mys
terious virtue. But practically, in ; their re
sults, both, make havoc of the souls of men.
They freeze, and congeal and ever will do
so. Religious earnestness, and intelligent
Scriptural piety, can only be found with a
living Evangeligo, pervaded by a teaching
which glorifies the special office of each of
.the persons of • the blessed Trinity, in the
great, work of redemption.
With regard to Scotland, THE SUSTEN'TA
ues to prosper. For the first six months of
the' financial year, (May to November,) the
amount is £49,191, an increase on the cot.-
responding period of 'last year, of upwards
of MN.' This increase is owing, however,
to donations; and at the recent meeting of
the Assembly's Commission Dr. Buolianan
urged the danger of congregations, conch&
ing from last year's' increase and Success,
that the maximum, was secure. By a•vig
orous effort, much more will be accomplished
before next Assembly.
pie4 attention at the meeting of Commission,
specially with regard to the study of the
Scriptures, not only in the originals, but in
the English version. Theology - is still to be
the subject of systematic study, but it is
henceforth, to be taught by , " training stu-,
dents more in the Bible—teaching them, the•
ology no longer downward to' the Bible, but
upward to the Bible."• - Is this not a mighty
improvement jitere - not ,here much that
issuggestive to all:. Presbyterian collages ?,
• Several of our Pifirro C.HA.ltrrrEs have
their half-yearly election of, candidates 'at
this season. In:two of these lam specially
interested. The first is the Idiot Asylum
providing a rehige and a home ,for the un-.
happy class which gives it' its peculiar title..." .
The' founder of this 'admirable Institution;
(and its indefatigable supporter tip to this
hour,) was -Dr. Andrew Reed, an Jade-
pendent minister, whose " Visit to the,
American Churches," with Dr. Roby, a
Baptist Published about twenty-frie'
years ago, was much read in this country,
especially in its bearings on the voluntary .
question. The Idiot. Asylum has 'a
,family ,
in its charge of, I . believe, between three•
and four hundred. In many eases,' gleams
of intelligence, innocent" gladness, and often
habits of industry, are looked into life trom
the apparently:hopeless soil on which cul
tureand care are bestowed. It is sad to see
oft-timei a list of one hundred and 'sixty
candidates, only thirty of whom can be ad
mitted in the 'course of twelve month&
The expenses of such' establishments :are
necessarily large, but relief thus secured to
the distressed and poor parents • is beyond cal
A new and beautiful Asylum has been
recently erected near Reegate in Surrey; and
a special appeal has just been issued, for
£5,000, in order to fit it with the necessary
furniture for its large and helpless family.
The semnd of these charities is " The
Infant Orphan Ai3j , lum at Haserstock
Hill," (near Hampstead,) founded One hun
dred years ago, but within the last ten or
twenty years , expanded, very greatly. The
Queen is its patron, and by a large donation
is entitled to present one orphan every year.
The main'supporters of this Institution art
the. Evangelical Dissenters. Congregational
collections entitle the ministers to annual
was present last Friday, for a short time,
at the half-yearly election, being interested in
the success of the SOD of a poor widow in my
own congregation, whose father had been a
zealousvisitor of the sick and dyingpoor,and
the Secretary of our "Benevolent Society."
The election is held in one of the, large pub
lic rooms of the * London Tavern. ' As I went
up, the staircases were placarded .with the
names and claims of orphans appealing to,the
eye, while little boys and girls,, and grown
persons too, appeal to the ear and heart for
votes. The very bannisterg Of the - ottani
have cards (tied upon thern,) "from bottrim
to top. Going up the stairs, I entered bY
mistake a yor in which fol teetim
ioldertniv'ct.Thiiike PRP
turned away, there islnore ..troney in , these
gentlemen's purses tharvwould secure, the
election of all. the erphan, candidates up
stairs ! Bat they t' keep never minding;"
they are busy with their land and gold'speett-
Litions ; their hearts areat• the antipodes,
not at Haverstook;hill I
Upstairs, the large 'room ,(in, which the
great London Charity Dinners are held,)
filled with a crowd of ladies and gentlemen,
around different tables,' on Which' are' dis;
played = the • names 'of candidates, with
widowed ; mothers, or—where,,both {parents
are dead—near ;relatives are reckoning. up
the votes ; some hopefully,, others trying to
b 017021, Votes, others' despairing of success
until next year. It makes one's heart' sad
to find only fifteen candidates elected taday,
out of nearly two hundred r and to think of
the anxiety, exertions, sacrifices, wearisome
walks throuo and around .this vast pc
tropolis, whiCh are' involved in the election
of one 'citild. Once elected, howeverisay
•at six .years old, - the. bop'or girl reniains in
a, happy Christian ,home till the• age of: four
teen,. with the best, Secular, industrial, and
religious training, and is then apprenticed'
and sent away, with a sum" ofWorley, and
with two suita of chithes. Paginianil
Infidelity ! where are - your Asylums - F. - %AM
strangers, enemies,,, to Christianity; ,yaur
"" tender mercies"' are " cruel
There have been 113framit
between,tha London and,Paris news
papers, which are calculated to 40,inj.schief.
The Times thierighinitrhas ;seek - a' nOble
part as the 'champion dr free' thought and'
speech, and is no doubt 'tle` true r exponent
of national feeling. The ;Constitutional is
supposed to be under the inspiration of some
of Louis Napoleon's Cabinet,- but not of the :
Emperor himself. He has, hoiever, - it
seems; no objection - `to "Spar,":
especially aw;our papet tell" the French .
editors -to theirteethaint6theytare slaves,
and can only write under censorship,- Next
comes the Assentblee National, the organ of
the Legitimist and Orleans; factions, 'both
Russian in sympathy, and bitterly anti-
English. This paper, the other day; grave
ly advised the Government to lookafter, the
Colony of Algiers, to secure its coast de
fences, as - covetous desires were directed
toward it by England; Who Would be too
glad to make it another Gibraltar; or Mahal
As to the Emperor,
• nobody believes he
would,preserve the, English Alliancea mo
ment longer than it suited him. There is
good reason to believe that he fostered:the
'quarrel' at Constantinople, (by a ``dispute
about the holy places,) which led to the last
-war; and that he sought employment. for
his soldiers, and that glory won in war
which dazzles and keeps quiet a nation so'
vain and Tiblatile as the French. Hie 'per
am/at-character was always bad. Re is--if
apparently- well-founded- rumor spike Arily
---not the nephew of the Great Napoleon, but
the offspring of, a Dutch General, and, of
Hortenso, the faithless wife of one of Na
poleon's brothers. Certainly hi' has 'riot
aught of the classic' beauty and contour of
face *hi& marked the elder Bonaparteiand
all his, family.. He rules, however; .with, a
firmer hand than any other Continental
monarch;' and Providence has employed,
and may use him still, to'accoriplisk mighty
changes in the aspect of human affairs; and
to hasten onn crisis in Europe which, can
not be far away.
been selected by Lord Palmerston., The
Rev. Robert Bickersteth, (nephew of, the
late excellent Rev. Edward I,3ieliersteth, of
Wotton,Y Rector of St. Giles:in-the-Fields,‘
London, has just been appointed Bishop of
Ripon, in room of Doctor Longley, removed
to the • See .of Durhain c The j`ractarian
and High Church party have recentlyreceive4
many " a heavy blow and Sore 'discourage
'nient" from Ler& PaltheritOn... The infin..
•eriee - of 'Lord Shaftsbtry oVertitaltbelievel4
bneonsiderable. Mr. Bickerstethcis =a man
of fine talents, glowing eloqnence, : . earnest
zeal, much refinement of, manner, will
boldly resist error in his dioeese, as well as
stimulate the clergy to work.
,The following is, a pen 7 and-portrait of the
late perpetual CuRATE of
Thirteen years ago I eemeltrie eontait With
him, and was witness. to his mightt-infhi
enee for good : , • -
correspondent of the qartisie Journal 'says: In
person Mr. Cloee is about feet' in height, of
stalwartproportions,nud handsorae . countenance;
he hap of late years become quite_gray, and at
prose Tat his eilteararicainthe pulpit venerable
beyond his years. 1 liut' , there is no . indication of
old age in his face, yoice,,,cr manner of delivaryi
and it is to be hoped he will live y'dt:fiii aniimber
of years to enjoy his. *ell earned preferment 'in
the Church smite be theimeans of, usefulness to
society. Of course, it must be interesting
those'smongst whom the Dean will have tolaber,
to understand-something as to, hie style of ,pulpit
oratory, and it may be described in a few words,
as highly attractive and pleasing. Nothing will
so forcibly. influence the'hearer of his . discourses,
as the exceeding plainness of speech with which
he illustrated:hie argument, the entirenbsende of
that which maybe termed the thesis-theological,
and the sound Scriptural basis laid down for every
Position 'advanced. No fine-drawn dietinctions;
no, oratorical flourish,.,abstrtise or .obsoure
statements for him. The lack of ornament, which
some persons admire, is fully` nempeiniitted for by
his earnestness iof manner, , hhi, clear! musical
voice, the variety exhildte,d in ettph,sermoikand
his evident disregard ii ' kind—
his' only - purpose palpable-L-to bring conviction
home to the hearts of his hearers, :
sTA sailed, for-the ,Persian .Gulf, and
Only lead to ,various complications: Russia
will. not fike the o l on - upitisinof Herht a -Which
Philadelphia, 7,7: South Tenth Street, below.diestnt
By Mail , or at the Otani, 11:50 •pét.ll4r, i 4 a'. l '
Delivered in the City, ' 1.75 a 4$ sn PROSPECTUS
WHOLE ' 5125
the Titms of to-day says ek,tha,idkuaate ob
A SXCiritiV" gdwrEitiN•idi 190ii,;it ie
, now said,. wijlmeet t to Aettli,ilie:que4loi of
Bolgrad, and the. Isle Hof Serpents. ,far,
Russia seems:to = prevail' over Lord. Pahrrer.
t3tou; but neither England norTiltzlely nor
yet . A ustria ,: will: ;Alin
Bolgre'd, and this iniminand theDaifiloc.
France hail played a fast and loose pohcy on
this question..
There Are, E. l .4nTs) t.( . 4aY otNi. ) ./111 3 7- -
Eze:rx.ow sipix.r,, which is soon to Abe
put down in lifood: hi; now that, thrOugh
the entreaties of the Russian ezai, - 'tlie
King of Naples-1;a-- yield, and grant a
large amnesty_ ere long. J.-_ W.,C,„, 'ft qftrri,
. "Do nothing (said Lady Elizab eth
Brooke) f„',
.Iport. wlueli ,yon_ 47,3 not ask
God'a blessing." ' '
HENRY used to, say s ," When,tl3
mind and the coiiiiitioirmeet"tier
tent ; i 4 e id . ,y , , • , C 94..
liinazoiSbionn.—Wearing titbi t : shoes
and"corttiisteiciiiiigs t au` - diin i p - nighisilitid. in
cool, rainy weather. Wearing insUfficitnt
clothing, and-especially upon the limbs and
extremities., - era`[
7 SABBATH • ,011.DINATIOArz--The Aar SU
thorities .of ,Cotambus, ; Miss., ; , have ; - paled
.an, ordinance, prohibiting boats .from dis
charging or receiving freightkit that place
the 'Sabbath day, ' iheiovins On"the
ToMbighee; betnten A.bdrdeen and Mobile,
hale-passed a Similar
Tons:Minows::-=-Evils thelourney of
life Arei like the ,hills ;whieh•alarm the tzavel-
ers upon, a. their, . road;; hoth„ • sppear
great at distance, but when we approaeh
them,. we find thattliFy Are far lees insur
mOrintahle than` we shad' imagi n ed:';
• - 4 .1.4- • ' "
A LAWY'EWS Durres:--Judge `y
said, "The'ftist *drityj a'laWYcli is 40 4 - his
god ; and his religion ; secondly,' ~to his
country and the Jaw ; thirdly, c ,t9; himself ;
l and:,astlT,to client . Never , mistake ,the
law. ,Lie for noinah, deceive nc:min.
true to the opuit; - this to Your '
Duralirir Mtrsih:,
AT last soft' andeolbn3n-breatlaing sound,
Rose like a strewn ofilidirdistilladpaiftinies,
And stole upon-theeirrthat-even silence
Was tookiere,she-,was 1 N,41 1 3)1, 3 /4 iwiPhed she
beny her nature, and be never more, t
Still to be so' displaCed.' all' ear,
And.teok 'streams'that might create' a
soul , : • " t•
Under the. ribs of death
ADmirittoriON AND.AI3FIFIATION.—rit la a
.gf . x4thing good. thing
admire. By
, continually,. looking upwards
our Minds "will themselves 'gib* upwards,
and as a man; bYindrilgulg in habits
. 1g acorn
and contempt for.othem, is sire to deseendlo
the level of what he despises;,; so the , oppo
site habits of admiration:and enthusiastic rev
erence for excellence impart to. ourselves a
109rtie%e,f qualities the 4. 4 14- — Here,
as ineverything elie,.hrunilitY is the: ..surest
path' 6 -
,0 m
of haiing night' watchers 'fir the siek,. says
an observant - writer; us- usually 'managed,' is
-very injurioase.. r,Sick persons eee41,4114 most
perfect, quict,nnd, hence, ftbsence„,
disturbing and, irritating cans* The
senen of stran gers in 'the sick 'cliamalier 'is
"alWayi unfatoisialile torthei reposfi'of'
tient, and the' burning of lighti renders any
thing like-natural .erinli01 1 e90 10 1) 08-
sible. Next to the abiludity,of .ilcsiegk sick
person with sank , nauseous 'dru. , every two
or three heirs, is that of preven ting his rest
by- *etchers •-; and-when Ilvalkirsona swatch
together in. a-sick tom; : their, convolution
el:, whispering often; worse for. ,the„ patient
thin the disease itself.
brought 4 child,4 , a'physiciaa, to t cpusult , lum
about its precious halicidg` other
'things she inquired" if he did'uof 'think -the
springs would ba"useftil 2r . • • -
ItCertainly, xnadam,” replied the doctor,
as he, eyed the child, took a large
,of Ong., "1 hay ult . the leliSt hesita
' tation recommending iiprinand
the - sooner you apply the remedy , Vie bet
"You really-think-it-would be good for
the dear little thieg,, , denit you'?"
" Upon my
~yror4, the,. best r remedy I
know 'of:"
What springs ythi ridominond
doctor ?"
lac guy t will
do•madami whero yet, can get
plelFl . niy,of soazotid ;water."
: AN'Al ui F ( l l . 2l) . 14 14 1 4.9. 1 # , .... 7?-
t I RA O 7 I -9k l ; 4q0P171,:.-7Pr. Xtut otites That
a feir years 'ago', 'a cOmpani j of hay
ing lighted their sticks of dried coWidung
where ; veinkof coal ~ w ero. . outn e ropping,; the
black, stone eanght fire, ,aprhieh,they wore
greatly astonished , Andcirenlated the report
of a new xiiiraele; `tvhie i iiitug the special
manifestation oftheit'g6d of fire, who` had
ciused'the verY i stones:to kilt. a Multitudes
&eked- to the; spotp a new shrine was erect
ed,, and worship = paid ; tq;tlict god : of : fire.
Some Europeans hearing wont to the
itlicee, L and'soon asoditainedi the real nature
• of thninirl'iele, , YAdfili they turned` to piiifit
able, Account,l'by digging :ink:working' a
mine, that rhap:;since-sopplied. the Ganges
steamers in npper Indialyith
Methodist Advocate gives the 'follow
ing: 'The 'Congregational chiral was or
ganizell'irVl62o; arid in 236 *; irgiun'
standing . in - AihelielC At - the taking of the
census in 11850; it 167,4ntiraiel edifices,
valued .at .$7,97,66.2,, and. aocemedating
795 1.77 hearers. The Baptist Church was
orgaqiiedin 163 9 , arid , is now 217 years old
'in' the United 'Statriii.' It liail - 8,791
$10,981,882; andi:ae
cornmedating 3;lBo;B76l2earers. .TheiPtes
bytteriant.Phurell,was organized in 1706,5nd
is 150 year's old in .guieric4, has 4,585
ohlirel(WiitiBek'v4iii'd a $14,e0,88%
Etkobinitioatitiiit 2,040,084 r 'The
.Methodist-Mhurch was •niganiied. in -Bald
wipreipeoember, 25th, 1784 4 and is !ply, of
72 years'; standing ia i .ktn_ ! has ig,-
467 church edifices, valtieti at $14;62,6,97 , ,t1 4
"racominodating: , oo9',Ba hearers.