Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, December 13, 1856, Image 3

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    I parties--tll 0 iSllOp pr im us lutes. pares,
standin; - Moderator as in early times.
He brooked an ardent wish for dose union,
by sumo mutual concessions; and in a
etat42sluin-like and masterly 1119110er, sketched
the o utlines of the plan. He referred to our
StNnilards as the precious heritage left us by
\be Westminster Divines. Finally ho dwelt
great power and beauty of language on
e two great controversies before the
aud, fur preparation of young min
isters to enter upon them, his lectures will
be specially suitable. These are, Ist. The
and Tractarian—the Medieval and
:remonial System. 2d. The New or
eg,ative Theology. Under this head he
ado a marked compliment to Dr. Campbell
d others, who have denounced this misty
lusion and dangerous " hereticism."
The lecture occupied •an hour and a half
the delivery, and when Dr. Hamilton re
)sted, in the name of the audience, that
should be published, the proposal was
led by thunders of applause. It will be
~ed a privilege and a " study " to pos
it in print, and I hope ere ling to send
)y to your review department.
; I conducted Doctor Bunting home, he
!ssed his warmest admiration of the
T, nod spoke of its moderation of
"oa every point except as to error."
Wesleyans have a peculiar horror of the
Theology, and it was somewhat sur
to hear the leader of an Arminian
Pelagian) body, express his approba
• the main of Mr. Spurgeon's minis
ich is so thoroughly imbued with
3m. The truth is, that aged Chrii
tnd men of ripe .experience, like Dr.
ig, see breakers ahead, are concerned
arrest of heresy and the evangelize
. the masses, and can pardon differ
where Christ's sacrifice and the Spirit's
are earnestly and energetically pro-
•cferenee to the TERRIBLE CALAMITY
RREY GARDENS, formerly reported,
which resulted in the death of six
ls, who were suffocated by being trod-
Kier foot by a panie.struck multitude,
;act on Mr. Spurgeon's nerves was for
alarming. Dr. Fletcher conducted a
at Park Street, (the chapel in South
erected for Mr. Spurgeon,) on the
day after the calamity. It appears
been produced by wicked persons
,eliberately sought to break up the
ation. It is very questionable
ier sermons should be preached in a
devoted to amusement, although I ad
much can be said on the other side.
Spurgeon, after one silent Sabbath, ap.
' at Park Street on the sth inst.
impression is, that the press generally
salt harshly with him, excepting the
which said that faults were to be
joked in any man who could rouse' and
the masses.
learn from INDIA, that in addition
macular preaching in Indian villages,
Wilson, all eminent missionary of
Free Church, and a distinguished
al scholar, has been delivering lectures
Shasters, as contrasted with the Bible.
sites that they are remarkably well at-
I, and that a good many Parsecs are
his auditors. He adds that the
,e attendance of individuals of that com
ty, as well as the steadfastness of a re
convert, has well nigh driven some ene
to mildness, and that they have at
ted to practice both deceit and .vio-
It is always encouraging to bear of
is opposition, because it implies that
.uth is awake and active. At the same
`lle most experienced missionaries do
led the immediate downfall of Hin-
,e soul of the people," says the _Free
h Record, "is still bowed down
the old yoke. Though many come to
few believe the Word; and the
re of hearing the Gospel preached in
iy manner, in their own tongue, is fully
,tractive as the matter spoken." A
preparatory wrrk has been done, and
great exodus of the Tlindoo people
the Brahminical Pharaoh" will, in the
ward faith, patience, perseverance and
Jrtnerly gave an extract from an. ar
on the inferior physical and moral con
, of the English working classes,
I.lly in rural districts, as contrasted
;hose of Scotland. It was evidently
. by a Scotchrnan, and since then the
CHURCH MOVEMENT itself has been
itch on in the Sunday Dispatch, in
of extraordinary admiration. It is
with such papers to sneer at "par
otid to scoff at the idea of " sacri
and it is therefore a great thing (and
been one good effect of the Dis
to be able to point to one body of
is about whose honesty and self
sincerity at any cost, there can be
it. Here is an extract, and the
It is not more historically correct
went than it is just :
now thirteen years since the Scottish
tailed before the Queen's Comraissioner
state Assembly Hall, and sent to the
is message—that the things that are God's
alp not render unto Ccesar ; that the cure
was the concern of those that owned
hat they would sooner resign their wages
•ir mission. What has come of that ?
'llle whole people of Scotland numbered
Cell:gis 2,888,000 souls. Of these, United
,te Synods, Relief Churches, Cameronlans,
Catholics, Methodists, Independents, and
oissenters, dispose of quite the odd 800,000.
that half a million, including a large por
the richest and most influential members
mnnunity adhered to the Establishment,
, e a million and a half of the people',
with the heavy responsibility of edifying
Ming up another Church of Scotland.
It would not be credible were it not`per
le. here, indeed, set in order, in plain
1.;.1)t,5r and creditor.
lhil of people. little more than half•
lase, of the metropolis, have, in the
years, collected - arid paid to the
'f il"' Vi , e Kirk, the enormous sum of
) 72 4 ' I. In the contribution to meet
Lai charg ,,, , there has been a steady and de
:l-ease from Year to year. The regular in
to reaches £2hl) t)00 a year. With bound
lusittsm and umuinted self-sacrifice in'every
, have been combined the most extraordi-
~ ! east and prudence, the most consummate
II • kill, the moat surprising laborious busi
slonts. There are already erected 852
a splendid assembly hall, a regular the
university, with an entire staff of emi
dessors. To each church its attached a
and an experienced schoolmaster. While
in at Peebles we saw a rude c ar i cature
I, thiu, apostolic -looking enthusiasttrudg
v. the dusty road, leaningon his stair, an d
ult was strapped a huge basket, filled with
On seeking an interpretation of th e
'ph we were informed that it th4like
the Rev. Dr. Guthrie, who had' collected
Mc) with his own hand, by itinerating the
largely on foot, as a fund for building
4. 4 , " as parsonages are termed, for his
is brethren in the country distriets, who
sorloned their comfortably glebe-houses,
13 unable to find in their parishes a" suit-
Aging, owing frequently to the persecuting
if the landed proprietors, who adhered to
tounced Establishment.
BISHOPS IN BELorom are i‘ at dag
rawn" with the new Universities es
there under the patronage and pro
,of the government and the legisla-
Rome there, as elsewhere, wishes to
the entire control of education . , and to
the nation as abject slaves as the
Jesuitical teachers could themselves desire.
It is very much like the strife that has been
going on in Ireland, between the friends of
the " godless Colleges,"
(the new Queen's
Colleges, at Belfast, Cork and Galway,)
and )r. M'llale, and the supporters of
Dr. Newman and the new Roman Cath
olic University in Dublin. The Lib
eral party in Belgium have energeticaly
protested against the interference of the
Bishops, and by enlightened education, as
well as by the freedom of worship and in
struction secured to the Reformed Evangel
ical Church of Belgium, (Presbyterian in
its constitution,) there seems no doubt but
that Popery is receiving damage in one of
the most bigoted countries in the world.
Like the male population of Romish Europe
generally, the men of Belgium are generally
skeptical. Some families also doubt, who
do not feel sufficient anxiety about their
salvation to dare all for the truth. A Lon
don merchant lately informed me that he
had been staying with a family for some
time, resident of —, one of the largest
towns of Belgium, whose minds 'were in
that transition state, who, speaking English
well, asked him many questions, and to
whom he has recently sent a Copy of the
New Testament, and " Lectures on Roman
ism." May a blessing follow, and may tLe
day soon dawn on Belgium when the mar
tyrs and patriots, the Egmonts, Homes, and
thousands more who perished under the per
secution of . the bloody Alva, shall, in the
resurrection of the noble principles of the
Helvetic Confession, spiritually "ascend
up to heaven," while' their dismayed "en
emies" shall " behold them !" '
A NEW INSTITUTION IS to be founded
at Paris, where the education of younr , b la
dies from England can be carried on, free
from Romibh influence, and under the care
of faithful Protestant pastors. This move
ment is the happy result of the bigoted
movement of the Bishop of Arras, and I
trust . will become general throughout France.
A great work is doing by tracts there,
and last week our Tract Society voted to the
Paris Society, a grant in aid of £250.
J. W.
Washington Correspondence.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 1856
One week has elapsed since Congress met, land
yet the first step toward the practical progress
of legislation has yet to be taken. Neither branch
has ordered 'the customary printing of the Presi
dent's Message and accompanying documents; so
that if newspaper enterprise had not lifted the
veil from official affairs, the public would still be
ignorant of the state of governmental .transac
tions during the past year. This dead-lock has
been occasioned by the revival of the same sec
tional questions which jarred the deliberations of
Congress at the last session, and served to stir up
that partizan strife which has so much tended to
alienate and embitter the feelings between the
North and South. The President's Message being
mainly devoted to self-justification, and to a de
fenee of his Kansas policy, necessarily excited
the resentment of those on the one side, who felt
his imputations upon their, motives and principles
to be unjust; and enlisted the warm advocacy of
those ou the other side, who approve his action.
Consequently, the Senate appropriated every day
in a discussion which has now only fairly begun,
and which may extend itself far beyond the an
ticipation with which it opened, under a passing
impulse of disturbed feeling.
In the House, Mr. Whitfield's case came up in
the nature of things, upon the presentation of his
credentials as delegate from Kansas. Objection
was at once raised by Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania,
to his qualification, upon the ground, that the
territorial authority under which the election was
held was not valid, and therefore the election it
self was null and void. He argued this point on
the first day at much length, and with more than
common ability. Mr. Phelps, of Missouri, re
plied in behalf of Mr. .Whitfield, repeating the
train of reasoning which had been pursued when
the question was diecuSsed in August. After
these speeches, the House came suddenly to a
vote, when the friends of Mr. Whitfield were de
feated by seven majority. This was on Monday
last. The result was a surprise to both sides ;to
the. Democracy, who were confident of success
from expected divisions among their opponents ;
and to the Republicans, who had acted without
concert, and gained some support that was quite
unexpected. In order to clinch the triumph, Mr,
Grow followed up his first movement by the usual
parliamentary motion ; but his adversaries, who
had by this time recovered from the shock of a
tempbrary 'defeat, rallied their forces, and
rected their efforts to' a postponement of the final
test, until their absentees, who were numerous
enough to decide it favorably, could be brought in.
This game was pursued from Monday until
Friday, when, having recruited their strength,
the "filibustering" process, -as it is popularly
called, was abandoned, and the House voted on
Mr. Grow's motion, which was defeated by three
majority. Then the Republicans, who had been
compelled to bear the application of pirliamen
tary tactics, proposed to turn the tables upon
their opponents, in order to stave off the final re
sult. As soon as the announcement was, made,
that the Whitfield men had triumphed, Mr. Gid
dings moved a call of the House, one of the
modes of delay and distraction, which had been
practiced by the other side since Monday. The
proposition created universal good humor, being
the best practical commentary that could have been
offered, and one which called out a spontaneous
burst of merriment. In this temper, the House
concluded to postpone the last trial until Tues
day, and then it proceeded to draw seats by lot.
As luck would have it, - the name of James W.
Whitfield was the first drawn from the box,
then both sides gave way to unrestrained fun.
These little incidents, so unimportant in them
selves, have had the effect of distributing good
feeling around the House, and of relieving some
of that stiffness and reserve which recent politi
cal events had encouraged. The public business
will be much benefitted by such friendly disposi
tion. Little doubt is now entertained of Whit
field's admission. The vacancies at the last session,
since filled by Democrats, and the co-operation of
Mr. Fillmore's Northern friends, secure it beyond
reasonable contingency.
The recent course of President Pierce, in die-
missing some of the most obnoxious Fedora
officials in Kansas, taken in connexion with the
judicious parts of Gov. Geary's polioy, have in
spired confidence that peace will be at length es
tablished in that unhappy Territory, and the out
rages which disgraced humanity and a Christian
age, will be summarily arrested. If this policy
was extended so far as to embrace the dismissal
of Judge Lecompte, who has spread terror every
w,here by the exercise of judicial tyranny, it
would consummate the good work of justice, and
restore a reign of peace and security. This pur
pose was entertained at the last session, and only
deferred from the apprehension that it might be
regarded as a concession to the coercive measure
threatened by the House, in refusing supplies for
the army. Stronger reasons exist now than did
then; because, added to the great wrong of in
carcerating men for "constructive treason "—a
crime unknown to the Constitution or laws—he
has released upon nominal bail a desperado whose
hands were red with innocent blood, shed almost
before the eyes of the Governor of the Territory.
In all these angry contentions between sectional
interests, Kansas has suffered, whether one or
the other side succeeded. It is time she should
have repose, and that the superior advantages
with which Providence has blessed that soil,
should be so developed as to diffuse happiness
among an industrious population, and to con
tribute something to the aggregate prosperity
of the whole Union.
The rumor has been current throughout the
past week, that the Department of State had been
tendered to Gem Cass, by Mr. Buchanan. It is
unfounded. No offer of any kind has yet been
made, and the President-elect has . committed him
self against development in this respect, for
nearly two months to come. Still the impression
prevails very strongly, that this,seleetion may be
eventually adopted. Mr. Buchanan and Gen.
Cass were long competitors for the Presidential
nomination, an d it is fitting that, in the close of
their careers, Bo rne becoming
compliment should
obliterate any formor recollection of
It seems to he now settled, upon the best in
formation which has reached here from Wheat
land, that Mr. ,Buchannn has determined not to
invite a member of his Cabinet from Pennsylva
nia, as has been persistently urged upon him.
This determination proceeds doubtless from the
difficulty of discriminating satisfactorily betiieen
the host of friends presented, and of choosing
without manifesting what might be regarded an
invidious preference. Hence, he has decided to
avoid this difficulty, and perhaps wisely for his
own ease. Another point considered to be set
tled is, that he will bring into the Administration
one member from the old Whig party, which
united in his support at the recent election. Mr.
Preston, of Kentucky, is indicated as the repre
resentative man of that idea; but he has not, of
course '
been designated. Mr. Buchanan's recent
speech to the students of Franklin College, fur
nishes a key to his intended policy, and verifies,
literally, the suggestions contained in my last
letter. His aim will be to bring back the Govern
ment to its old paths and ancient dignity, and to
restore an era of moderation, which departed
when the excesses of party began to run riot
nearly thirty years ago. In this effort, Mr. Buchan
an will have the sympathies and the support of all
fair men, without respect to political bias.
Whether we be Whigs, Democrats, Republicans,
Americans, or anything else, we should be equal
ly interested in maintaining the honor and wel
fare of the country, and in giving the adminis
tration of the Government that elevated tone by
which the respect and regard of other nations
will be attracted and ensured. Mr. Buchanan
has passed that period of life when mere expert-
of state-craft offer any temptation to am
bition. Instead of dashing out in a hazardous
career, he seeks to pursue a quiet and dignified
course, illustrating it by his personal character and
In dispatching a special commissioner to New
Grenada, the Government here designed to em
phasize its estimation of the difficulties in dis
pute, and to promote a speedy settlement of the
claims occasioned by the bloody riot at. Panama,
in April last. It has become apparent, too, that
neither the central authority at Bogota, nor the
State of Panama, are prepared to afford that
security across the Isthmus, and at the termini,
which is necessary to American life and property.
Under these circumstances, Mr. Marcy has pre
pared a projet, proposing a grant of land along
the route of the railroad, under the jurisdiction
of the United States; to make Panama and As
pirivall free cities, obligated to furnish a munici
pal police for the desired security; to settle all
the claims and indemnity for losses sustained in
the riot; and to regulate the postal connexions on
such a basis, as will relieve the onerous tax now
attempted to be imposed. The residentminister,
Mr. Bowlin, is not superseded ; and Mr. Morse,
the special commissioner, is instructed to return
as soon as the particular objects for which lie' is
sent out, are either completed, or positively
Per the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
S3rnodical. Convention.
It appears from the proceedings of the Synod
of Cincinnati, officially received, that they are
awake upon the College question. At their
called meeting in Dayton, on the 19th ultimo, one
hundred and eight votes were cast. Of these,
ihirty-five were cast in favor of a resolution to
concur with the action of the Synod of Ohio, fix
ing the site of the proposed Synodical College at
Chillicothe, and seventy-three against'the reso
Synod then acceded to the proposition to meet
in Convention in the city of Columbus, somd fixed
upon the Fourth Tuesday (the 23d) of December,
at 7 o'clock P."M., as the time. As the subject on
hand is one not of mere local, but of general in
terest, let the site of the proposed College be de
termined by aid the proper representatives of all
the churches in the two Synods. As there might
be, (because of our many vacant churches,) let
there be a majority of Ruling Elders in that Con
vention. Let them enjoy their right, and in so
doing, perform a duty which may tell on the
destiny of the Church, and the welfare .of thou
sands, even millions, in future ages.
We would urge upon the Sessions of onr vacant
churches to send up their delegates, that they
may, take part in this important decision, .and
become identified in this great enterprise.
W. M. 'R.
Newark, November 27, 1856.
litis gtt,prinunt
Oua COURESPONDENCE.—We think that, our
readers will be well pleased with our letters
from Washington. The writer is a gentleman
well acquainted with men and things at the seat of
Government, familiar with our public affairs, and
of great independence and vigor of mind. He
may not always view things as we should our
selves, nor may he show, in every, case, the pre
ferred loadings and partialities of our readers.
But he will give facts, and reflections, and food
for thought. We shall be much the wiser for
reading him carefully, though we hold our own
opinions still.
Pressinzur's MESSAGE.—We present as
usual, this dochment in full. It may not be our
place to criticise it. Some parts of it we do not
like, as a State paper, emanating from the Head of
the Government. . The President may exhibit his
own policy and defend it, but as President of
the United States, he , should be neither a political
partizan nor a sectionalist.
THE STATE PAPERB.—It is our purpose to , give
more extended synopses than formerly, of the
Departments. Every man should be well informed
on such matters. Our boys now growing, are
soon to be the governing power : and to vote in
telligently, and make good magistrates, legisla
tors, and executors of law, they should be trained
in knewledge.
North Branch Canal.
This State improvement is so far complete
that boats pass through to the New York line,
and thence to Elmira. This affords water
transportation for the anthracite coal of Penn
sylvania directly to the interior of New. York,
and connects'the canals of the two States. We
give the following schedule of distances be
tween Philadelphia and Buffalo, by this route.
Schuylkill Navigation to Bowling, 64
Union Canal from Beading to Middletown, 77
Susquehanna Canal to Northumberland, 62
North Branch Extension to State Line, 162
Junction Canal to Elmira, 17
Chemung Canal to : Seneca Lake, 23
Seneca Lake to Geneva, 45
From Geneva to Montezuma, 21
Erie Canal to Buffalo, 159
Philadelphia is thus connected, by water cora
*set munication, as well as by rails, with the
Lakes and Canada.
Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad
This important feeder to the Pennsylvania Rail
road is likely to be speedily built. The grading
of twenty miles, extending from Tyrone to Philips
burg, was let on the 21st ult. ' Work, it is sup
posed, will be commenced immediately.
The survey of the Lock Haven and Tyrone road,
which is to connect the Sunbury and Erie with
the Pennsylvania, has just been completed, and
a letting of the work is expected to take place
before long.
Wicuan.—Some base person has sent letters
and dispatches abroad, stating that Jefferson
College was burned on the night of the 4th inst.
No such calamity occurred. The College yet
stands ; and long may it abide. -
Nebraska Territory.
Hon. Bird:B. Chapman, delegate in Congress
from Nebraska, , arrived in this city yesterday,,
direct from. Omaha city, which place he left on
the 111th ult. He re: , orts eyerything quiet and
prosperous throughout the Territory. Emigra
tion is pouring in from all quarters, and the coun
try settling
,up very fast. The Indians, with
whom treaties have been made and reserves as
signed, are disposed to reside on their reserva
tions, and have this year done considerable in rais
ing for themselves cor,ri for the Winter's supply.
The Pawnees and Pinions, who inhabit the lands
in the Western and North-Western parts of the
Territory, never having made treaties with the
United States, and consequently are receiving no
annuities from the government, are a little dis
posed,to make some trouble by.claiming some of
the Wide ceded by the Otehha:s to the Malted
States. The Sioux on the upper Missouri, since
the chastisement given then by General Harney
last year, seem very friendly disposed, and no
further difficulty is apprehended from them.
Nebraska, with her fertile soil, and position as
the gateway on the great route to the Pacific,
must in a short time become one of the most
flourishing Territories, if not States, in the Union.
Washington Union.
Kansas News.
correspondence, published in the Washington
Union, conveys the intelligence that the United
States regular troops are about to be removed
from the Territory of Kansas. The reason given
for this is, that peace prevails. A letter from
General Persifer F. Smith, dated Fort Leaven
worth, November 11th, says that " the laws have
again been put in operation, and the administra
tion of justice revived." He adds:
" Deserted farms are again occupied, fences re 7
built, fields put under cultivation, and the ruins
of houses destroyed by fire, replaced by more du
rable habitations; the roads are covered with
travelers, unarmed and secure;.and the towns
thronged with persons,selling their produce, and
purchasing from the, stores... All these evidences
of restored order have enabled me, with the con
currence of the Governor of the Territory, to re
call the troops from the active duty on which
they have been employed, and to establish them
again at their proper posts, where they are to
pass the Winter. As.there are no secure prisons
yet built for the territorial authorities to use in
the administration of justice, at hie request :there
will remain, at, the disposition of the Governor, a
few men to guard prisoners in the custody of the
law, and for other such contingencies."
A NEw Manstian.—Wm. Spencer, Esq., of Ohio,
has been appointed, by the President, to be United
States Marshal for the Territory of Kansas, vice
J. B. Doneldson, resigned.
Terrible Railroad Accident at Affiance.
• We are called upon to record a terribly fatal
railroad accident, which marred on Monday
evening, the Bth inst., about seven o'clock, at
Alliance, Stark County, Ohio, the point where the
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and, Chicago Railroad
crosses the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad.
The passenger train of the former road, which
left Allegheny City at three o'clock in the after
noon, had stopped as.usual Alliance for sup
per, and was just starting Westward when the
train on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Road came
up and ran directly through the other train,
smashing two cars and killing nine persons, sev
eral others being seriously injured.
The engineer of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Railroad had not been seen since the occurrence
of the accident.
One of the passenger cars ran through the ro
tunda of the station house, and another is now
lying in the puhlic reception room. The rotunda
is torn to pieces.
The accident is the most serious one, so far as
the loss of human life is concerned,, which, has
ever occurred upon this road.—Diapatch. '
Tuxes Dozen Fine and Heavy Gents' Raglans;
Four Dozen Boys' Tallmas and ,Raglans, Richly
Trimmed and well made, just prepared for Win
ter sales, and selling at close cash rates, by
Carnaghan, Allegheny. Also, full variety of tine
Beaver and Lambskin Overcoats, frocks and
sacks. Silk-Plush Vests finely made and trimmed.
And a full stock of Coatings,. Pant-Stuffs, Vest
ings, 85c., for custom-work.
• rittsiburgu. •
Aeons—Pearls, 8@834e. Pots, 5 4@Be. Soda Ash, .314
ArELES—P.OO@3:SO per bbl.
Berats.-Souttl white, $2.25@2 50 per bush.
BUTTER AND Boas—Butter. 200220. Sggs, 21g220.
Deno Fnutx—Peaches, $3.124g8.25.
menu—Wheat, $5.40@5.50. Buckwheat, $2.75403,00 per 50
lb. snake. - Rye, $5.12@4.25.
Gusur—Oate, 20a. Rye. 50e. Barley, $1.1001.20. Corn,
55456. Wheat, 41.15@1.25.
Hey—slo.oo®ls.oo'4s ton. "
Pommes—Reds, 850. Neshinnoeks„ .$l.OO per bu.
Sexes—Clover, $O.OO. latunteed,sl.7s.
Bieree—SX(44l4;e: Sheep, $1.50@2,76 per head, fogs ;
matt !—Wheat, Rye, V. 1.0064.542 M, for new, and
3.0400.50 per 100 bs for old. Corti Meal, 53.00 ®3 25.
enere—wheat, $1.5041.55. Coin, 60@620. Rye, 700800.
Oats, .38@420.
SEKDS--Clover, V.25(47.75. Timothy, $3.00@3.50
New York.
. FLOW. AND IvlsatrWheat, $6.25(6.40. Aye. $3,50@5.12 1 ,4.
Cern 51.30,113.37 Y r Buckwheat, $2.12 , 4(42.3734per 100 be.
Gaem—Wboat, - V1.6600..72 1 4 - Oats, 47@490. Corn, 73g
7334. Rye, 90c. Barley, $.1.:17@1.2.8. -
Blaws—White,.s2.o66o.l2%. .
. - Philadelpnta•
Munn., AND MEAL—Wheat„ $6.50041.624. Bye $4.50
Coro Meal. $3.25. Buckwheat, $2.50@2.75 per 106 lbs. •
Grunt—Wheat, $1.80@1.62. Oita, 44e. Byo, 801. Corn
BErrs—Clover, $7.6234 per 64Ibs.
Wesbyterial Notices.
The PRESBYTERY OF ERIE will meet at Evanabarg
on the Riot Tueoday of Jannary, at a o'clock P.
B. J. Id. EATON, Statecl Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OP DEANER will meet in Newcastle. i
on the fourth Tuesday of December next; at 6 o'clock P. M.
D. C. AXED, Stated Clerk.,
On Thursday, Nov. 27th, by Rev. B. J. Waller, Mr. JOHN
B. ORMILLNO to Min SHUN A., daughter of John Connor,
Esq., of Brier Creek, Columbia County, Pa.
In New York. City, on Monday evening, Dee. Ist, by Rev.
John Knox, D. D.j Rev. S. T. WitsoN, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, Rock lato.nd,lll,, to Mrs.S.A. Waimea,
eldest daughter of (Norge Kinney, BK.
On Tuesday, the 2d inst.. by Rev. Loyal Young, Rev.
DAVID Hsu., of- Brady's Bend ; to Miss ELIZABETH WALKER, of
Butler, Pa,'
On the 4th of Sept., by Rev. E. Henry, Mr. Anon - nun
AVIDSON to Min MARGARET R. De , hoson, both of Venango
County, Pa. . „
On the 22d of Oct., by the. same, Mr. It= PARE= to
Miss LUCY Alums, both of Butler County,Pa. . .
On Thursday evening, Nov , 20th, at his residence, by'Rev.
G. Merghall, Mr JACOB MOBLOCK to Miss ELIZA GUAM, all
of Snowden Township, Allegheny County, Pa.
Nov. 6th, by Rev. E. Ogden, Mr. Jestaiß. CAITOAILZ Of
Westmoreland County, to Miss Sinn ANN BOIDi of Alle
gheny County, Pa. - - •
Nov. 20th, by . the same, Mr. Scor ^ i WMTE, of the firm of
White 4 Onuniugham, Cairo, to Ma Rosestie LIONTSIC,
of Butler County, Pa.
, .
Nov. 26th, by the same, Mr. Lams Nowt, ' to MisiMazionnzr
MENGEL both of Bigler , County,- ' - -
On the Cibolo, Bezar county. Texas, Oct. 2d; by Rev. R.
• Ren.,.formerly of Nashville,
Tenn., to Miss Levinia, third daught , tr of '3lunes Weir, Eng..
Den--Of catarrh fever, on the 23d November, Mmterteu.
SHIELDS, infant son of Res. Jardes Ilf. Smith, pastor of Beth
lehem North Branch church.
DIED—Of typhoid fever, in Petersburg, Pa.; on the 2d of
Dec., after an illness of four weeks, J. L. Taleit, consort of
Mary E. Welsh, aged 44 years..., -
Dien—At his residence, near Harlem Springs, Carrol Co.,
Ohio, Mr. Sialligt T. l SLYER. •
Mr. Telfer was for many years a eonsistent and valuable
member of tbe HarleM Presbyterian chnrch.' Though he'
died comparatively young,
,for be was only his forty-first
year,, he vas not unprepared for the change. Previous to.
his last sickness, which resulted in his death, he had preo
monitions that "long life was not a boon for him;" and, -
therefore, be made ids calculations accordingly. lie leavar
an aged' nd affectionate father and mother, a beloved wife,
and three little children, to mourn his loss. They will not'
mourn, however, as those who have no hope, for they have'
the inexpressible Satisfaction of believing, that their loss is•
his unspeakable gain. Our departed friend was a Warm
hearted, intelligent Christian. God endowed him With a
mind capable of investigating truth; and be ,took pains to
cultivate that mind, and store it with Useful knowledge, es
pecially a;knowledge of revealed truth. He was a scribe,
well instructed in the great mysteries of our holy.religion.
His last end was peace. Re sank gently into the arms of
death, in the sweet hope of a joyful resurrection, and a glo
rious immortality. How blest the ^righteous when he
dies." • J. W. .
.B. C: COhIRANL'S• HOLIDAY CARD. , lB5e—'67.
%no attention of my customers, and others, is Invited to the
stock of Books, and numerous articles, opened for the Holt
day sales.
GIFP BOGES--Elemintly illustrated,- and handsomely
beund Standard, Poetical and New Works, recently issued
for the Holidays, by various Eastern houies. New _Books
from.A. s. 13. Union, &c.. • , E. O. CQCORLN,E,
delB No. 6 - latieral Sheet, AU ig7ieny:
THON W.JACOBUS, D. D. 3 v01e.,12m0. $2.25. Vol
1., Matthew; vol. 11., Mirk and Luke;4ol. 111., John. The
volumes sold separately—price 75 eta. each.
NEW YORK, February, 1864.
Having had occasion to examine the Notes on the Gospels,
by the Rev. M. W. Jacobus, D. D., we have no-hesitation iii
recommending them, as sound in their doctrine, sudjudi
cious in their exposition. As many erroneous books' aru
abroad, we particularly desire this valuable Commentary to
hare circulation in our churches and schools.
• JOHN 111..K.REBS,
BALTIMORE, January, 1854.
This work is characterized by sound learning, sound doc
trine, and lucid statements, a pleasant style, and the most
serious spirit of piety. It is much needed.
Wlt. S. FLUME&
• CHARLESTON, February,lBs4.
I. consider that I. would be doing service to the canoe of
pure religion, Scriptural theology, and saving piety, could 1
contribute to the introduction of Prof. Jacobus's Nettie into
the Bunnies, Sabbath Schools, and Bible Clam!, of our land.
Burrow &loans, London.
I am especially delighted to find that you persevere with
your Commentary on the New Teetament; and from its ad•
mirable execution, I am not surprised, although.very happy
to learn. that the former volumes have gone through so
many editions. JAMBS HAMILTkoN.
ST. 1.01:118. Mo.
In my opinion; you are doing for the Church and the
cause of truth, a very valuable service, in the preparation
and publication of your Commentaries on the New Testa
ment. They fill a place which it is most important to have
Shed. They are read by the members of Bible Classes, and
by teachers. and by pupils in Sabbath. Schools, because in
them they find, in a few words, the exposition and informa
tion they
find a general circulation. N. L. lUCE.
are seeking and for the same reason. they Will
This Commentary is destined, as we believe, to a very
wide circulation. It is the fruit of protracted and laborious
studies, by one who joins to a thorough Oriental and Bibli
cal scholarship, the spirit of a humble mind. It is full of
comprehensive, profound, and spiritual views of truth. For
purpose') of Sunday School instruction, it combines several
advautagee never before offered to the public in a book of
this kina, which will give it the pi &eminence in tho eyes of
Sabbath School teachers, while its correct exposition, and
simple, clear views of thAruth, will endear it to every pious
heart:—Genesee Evangelist.
To a mind vigorous by original endowment, he adds the
varied stores of sacred learning, analytical powers of a high
order, a sound judgment, a severe literary taste,e.deeptoned
piety, an earnest love'of truth, a familiarity with biblical
places, objects, and customs, from personal observation;
while the style in which lie clothes his thoughts is clear,
strong, compact, and epigrammatio.—Biblietheca Basra-
The good
.taste, the correct and varied scholarship, the
iound judgment, and the attractiveptety exhibited in them,
(the series,) make it not only a duty, but a pleasure, to com
mend the work to those who desire to study the record et
the Saviour's earthly life.—Princeton Review, Oct., 1865.
The literature of this Gospol (John) has, of late, become
exceedingly rich„and gives to a recent commentator rare
advantages. • * * Ile (Dr. Jacobue) gives tho result of
critical study, without critical details, thereby rendering his
Notes more generally useful. From our examination, we
hesitate not to pronounce it in advance of any other Amer
icon work on the subject —Southern Methodist Review.
This third volume, containing the Gospel of Jobn, has
been long looked for with eipectation, by all who have pe
rused the two that preceded it. The learned Profeseor has
woll maintained his reputation; his elucidations of the moat
important portion of revelation being marked by the same
extensive research, clear judgment, happy illustration,
comprehensiveness, and earnestness, which are so charac
teristic of his former efforts.—Tryroate Globe.
The large and increasing circulation of these Notes,
shows how much such a work was a want in our church,
and is, at the same time, a tribute to the value of the Com
His proficiency in the science of hermeneutics, his exten
sile acquaintance with the labors of others in the same de
partment, and his knowledge of history, sacred and profane,
furnishing him the materials for illustration very copiously
—in connexion with his correct doctrinal views, and earnest
devotional spirit, cannot fail to render him afavorite expos.
itor with all who desire to learn the way of Ood more per
fectly, and to possess the means of defending the Gospel of
Christ, against the innumerable assaults of open and covert
Volume I.—Matthew, . . . ' $1.50 per dozen.
11.—Mark, . . . . 1.50
" lll—Luke, . . . . 1.50 "
. . . . 160 "
These Questions, so highly commended. are acknowledged
to be the best in use. They draw out the sense of the pas
sage so as to interest the pupil. They also introduce the
Questions of the Westminster Catechism most attractively.
Such as have learned the Catechism are here exercised in
in connexion with the Scripture passages which prove and
illustrate it; while to those who know nothing of the-Cate
chism the questions taken from it are always of the best
kind. and can be answered in their own words.
" We have adopted the Plates and Questions in our Sab
bath School, and are just about finishing the first volume.
They have our most unqualified approval. The Catechism
is happily introduced, enabling many to learn and become
familiar with It, without making it an unpleasant task—
which is an important consideration. I hope it may have
anextenslve circulation in Sabbath Schools." —Ell. NEWKIRK.
Surrintendent of Female Sabbath School, Central Church,
Ph ladelphia, Jan. 9,1864.1
For sale by
61 Market Street, below 4th,
Board of Colportage, St. Clair 6t., Pitteb'gh.
TRACT 808 USTI", No. 303 Chestnut Street, Plilla
Practical Truths, by Rev. A. Alexander, D. D., Professor in
the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J., oonsisting of
hie various writings for the American Tract Society, from its
formation in 1825, to his death, in 1851; pp. 898,12m0., with
st.el portrait-50 cents, or 70c. gilt.
/family Bible, with notes; complete , in three volumes.
Price $2.00.
These brief notes on the Prophets, and more obscure
parts of the dible,iare of great value in giving the needed clue
to a right interpretation, and both notes and instructions are
admirably adapted for family worship.
Village Sermons, in large type. .
Pitty-two • plain and short discourses on the principal doe
trine of the Gospel; intended for the use of families, Sun
day Schools, or companies assembled for religious instruc
tion. By Rev. George Surder. Price 80 cents, or $l.OO gilt.
Sketches from Life, beautifully illustmled ; pp. 54.2, 12m0.;
60 cents, 80c. guilt.
Boerne Jenyn's Internal Evidence. Price 10 cent*.
Lytcletoxi's Conversion of Paul. Price 15 cents.
OLL ' AY'S PlLLBs—WElLlaltildl V mit
civilitation has penetrated, these Pills are in de.
maud. The stomach, the lungs, and the intestines, are the
organs most assailable by disease in all climates, and upon
these, the rentedialaction of this medicinels rapid, thorongt,
'and invariable. ' •
Sold at the manufactories,No. 80 Maiden Lane, New:York,
and No. 244 Strand, London ; and by all druggists, at 25c.,
8234 c., and $l.OO per box. ' delB
Founded in 1840, and incorporated by the Legislature of
Pennsylvania, with perpetual charter.
Hon. James Buchanan, Bon. Moses Hampton,
Hon, Win. Wilkins, •• Bon. Charles Naylor,
Hon. W. H. Lowrie, Oen. J. R. Moorhead.
P. DUFF, President, author of " Duct's Book-keeping,"
"The Western Steamboat Accountant,' dm.; Professor of
the Principles and Practice of Double-kntry Book-keeping.
A. T. 110WDEN, J. S. DUNCAN, and. W. U. DDPF, Asso
ciate Professors of Double-Entry Book-keeping.
J. D. WILLIAMS, Professor of Commercial and Oroamen-
Penmanehip, the best Business and Ornamental Penman
in the United States.
. J. S. DUNCAN, Assistant Professor Of,Pennianship.
N. B. HATCH, Professor of: Commercial Law and Politica
Economy. .
cial Lecturers on Commercial Law.
Rev. DAVID FERGUSON, A. M., Lecturer on Commercial
Ethice, (late Professor. of Ancient and. Modern Languiiges
of Washington College.)
• P. DUFF, Lecturer on the History and Principles of Com
merce, Banking,.Ae. .
JOHN MIIRPIIY, Teacher of the Art of Detecting Coun
terfeit Wink Notes; the einlylhoroughly qualified Teacher
of this Art in -this part of the country.
. . .
Embraces a full course of Chemical, Mathematical an Eng
fish Studiei.
P. HAYDEN, A. 1., Prinetal and Professor of Mugu et
and Mathematics..
F. L. APEL. Profsesor of French and. German Languages
D. SIIPSOCK and G. ANTON, Professors of Total and In
strimental Musk.. •
This is universally admitted to be the largest and most
perfectly organised Commercial College in the United
States. •
The teaching of Book-weeping, Penmanship, end other
collateral sciences have been brought to a degree of perfec.
tion not attained in any other of the kind in the country.
As an adequate idea of the arraOgements of this institu
tion can only be obtained from its pamphlet circulars, they
are mailed free to all pelts of the country, with specimens
of Mr. Williams' Penmanship, when desired. jel44£
ItiltlOVAlna—RfeCOßD ac CO” HATTERs,
Alk, have removed to their new store, 131 Wood street, five
doors above Filth street, which we have built 'with the ex
press adaptation to our increased business
The first floor has been fitted up in. modern style '
slvely for our retail trade, where will always be found a 'corn.
pieta assortment of the most fashionable styles of Gents' and
Youths' Riding Bats and Children's Goods adapted to the
seasons.' We shall be pleased to see our friends at our new
The four upper stories are expressly for our Wholesale
Tiede, where will be found a . full stock of Hats and Caps,
embracing Beaver, Silk, every variety ; Soft, Panama', Leg
horn, Braids! and Palm Leaf Ratty Silk Plush and Cloth
Cape, and dildren's Goode of all ki nds. .
Merchants visiting our city will find it their interest to es.•
amine our stock, as our facilities are such to enable us to
compete with any jobbing house in the eastern cities.
C TORY, 553 South FpUItTH Street, below Chestnut
Envelopes; Die Sinking and Engraving, Dies Altered, En
velopes Stamped with Business Cards,Zompeopathir Envel
opee, self sealed and printed .directions, Paper Bags for agrt.
oulturbits, grocers, &a., for putting up garden seeds and
PRINTING of all kinds, viz: Cards, 'Bill-Ffeads, Cis
ENGRAVING of Visiting and Wedding , Cards, with en
velopes to fit exactly, of the finest English, French add
American. paper. .
Envelopes made to order of any size, quality and de.
eription. Conveyancer's Envelopes for deeds, mortgages,
old papdrs, ae., made in the beet manner by . '
N. B. Orders sent by Express, or as per agreement
jr the National Safety Company, incorporated by the
State of Pennsylvania. -
Money is received in any sum, large or amill, and interest
paid from the day of deposit.
The office is open every day, fromV o'clock in the morning
till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday
'evenings till 9 o'clock. ' •
Interest Five Per Cent.
All sums, large or small, are paid back in gold, on demand,
without 'notice, to any amount.
This SAYING Bunn now has more than one mum of dol.
lam, an in MORTGAOaB, GROUND - RENTS, and other first clue.
investments, for the security of depositors.
.11tar Officq, WALNUT Street, South-West corner o Third
Street, Philadelphia. , .
THE PLACE TO BUY riNiewAvronzs,
Watch, Jewelry, and Silver Ware " Store, NO. 184 li.
SECOND Street, between Pine and Union, weal, side, Philada.
where you will find a large assortment of the above
named goods: also, Plated Communion Service, Tea.
Setts, Cake" Baskets, Castors, Spoons, Forks, laa. All
kinds of Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware 'made to
orderand repaired. 113... A: deduction Clergymen.
alpfiL. I•will 011 my goods as low al eau be had in the city.
An Institution for the Business matt. Chartered, April,lBsls.
Located at Pittsburgh, opposite the Post Office.
Having a larger patronage than any similar Institution
of the Welt.
Hie Esey., Gov. Jas. Pollock, Ron. R. M. Riddle.
Hon. Win. Bigler, Ex. Gov: Ron. J. E. Brady,
Col. Wilson McCandless, H. A. Pryor, Em.,
Col. William Hopkins, B. L. Fahnestock, AR,
Capt. D. Campbell, Ed. Campbell, Esq.
N. P. Fetterman, Esq., Alermder, Bradley, Seq.
Principal—F. W. JENKINS.
I. I. HITCHCOCK, (author of "A New Method of Teach
ing Book-KeepingrYPrcifessor of the Science of Accounts,
and of the Art of Book-Keeping, and Teacher Of Arithmetic,
and its application to business.
JOHN PUSING, (author of the "National System of
Book-keeping,") Lecturer on the Science of Accounts, and on
Business ' its customs and usages.
cerian Writers, (who haie no superiors as Penmen,) Pro
faners of Epistolary. Commercial and Ornamental Penman
ship, and Lecturers on Mercantile Correspondence,
JAMES H. HOPKINS, Esq., of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lec
turer on Commercial Law.
D. BACON, 'Professor of liathematies, Lecturer on Politi.
cal Economy and Commercial geography.
JAMES W. KENNEDY, of "Kennedy's ,Bank Note Be.
view," Teacher of the art of Detecting Counterfeit Koney.
. .
Conducted by a full and efficient Faculty.
Book-Keeping, full Accountant's course,including
Arithmetic and its applications, Commercial Cal
culations, all Lectures, Practical Penmanship,
(a Life Scholarship) . . . . . $85.00
Same course for ladies, (apartments separate) . 20.00
Pentaanship, practical, time unlimited, . 10.00
Ornamental Penmanship, as agreed upon.
Arithmetic (new system) time unlimited . . .10.00
Higher Mathematics, Surveying,Enghteering, Mechanical,
Architectural and Ornamental Drawing and Construction,
Languages, Elocution, .tc., as per agreement. •
To furnish the best means for, acquiring a Thorough.Eus
iriess Education, in the shortest tine, and at the least int
As here taught, emlxxlies all the knowledge and fraprova
mente taught elsewhere, with .some , valuable additions no
where else applied, so that graduates here`will. he folly , able
to manage the books of any business concern.
(4. new system) and its application to business is heretand
here only) included in the commercial course. •
Practical and Ornamental, by A. COWLEY, and W, P.
000PHit, 'Teachers of the Spencerlan system, rpaased
Penmen, who drew the first Premiums in Ornament 1, Bus
insets and Ladies'Peruninship, atithe last State Pairs in Ohio
Delivered, daily on Book-Heeping ; the Limoges, Lawn end
Ethics of Commerce; Finance and Banking; Political Econ
omy, Commercial Geography, Counterfeit Money, &c. An
acquaintance with all being necessary to the highest success;
in business.
play enter at any time; no vacation; Iranian , at pleasure;
time unlimited. . .
Tuition, full Commercial Course, •
Stationery, &e, about . .
Board, per week, can be obtained for
Three hundred Students have entered this College from this
city alone (besides others from abroad) since last October.
Numbers from other Colleges apply here to complete their
education, me that they may befully qualified for successful
business aetion.
Specimens of Writing and Circulars containing full infer
motion, sent by mail free of charge. Address,
Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa.
qo 5-ly
, CURED, Without Pain or Surgical Operation.
The readers of the Banner and Adrccate will recollect I
published a notice last Winter, headed "The last Call to
Stuttering and Stammering Persons," in which Immure:ad
was the only chance they would ever have of getting cured.,
and all who desired the cure should either send for it by
mail or call themselves before the 10th of March, as on that
day I had made arrangements to resign my profession, and
retire from the practice. Since the 10th, I have personally
consulted forty, and sent the cure by mail to sixty hull
viduals, In every instance perfect satiefaction has been
rendered. In justice to all who are "so'unfortunate as to
stutter or stammer yet, I have thought proper to give
another opportunity of being cured, and therefore would
respectfully request them to send me s2o,' irehich is less
than my usual fee,) and I will immediately send them my
cure. By so doing they save the expense of traveling. I
am a reeponsible man, and if my cure is not effectual I will
agree to refund the money. Recollect. this cure never fails.
Address Dr. WYCKOFF, Box 740, Pittsburgh Post Mice.
There has been a floating population of imposters travel
ing the country, profeseing to cure impediments of speech
by my system, and many have had the audacity to advertise
in my name
' and give the Darner! of men for reference whom
they .never knew or 'saw. When persons who stammer
called, those Men would represent me, and in several in
stances produce a certificate purporting to be mine, vesting
in them full power and authority to practice as my Agents.
I have frequently warned the Public of these men, as they
are not in full possession of my system, and cannot cure.
Through 'attiring perseverance, X arrested two of them,
and others will sooner or later share the same fate. This
cure for Stuttering or Stammering is one of my own
discovery, for which I have a copy right, secured by law,
and have successfully practised the same for the term of
nine years.
My references are of the highest order; such as the Medi
cal Faculty of New,York, Pluhtdelphia, and the University
of Virginia, all the Press of Pittsburgh, Washington,
Greensburg. and Uniontown, Pa., besides fifty thousand
persons in, different parte of the country.
This cure for Stuttering and Stammering is performed in
less than one hour. There is no pain or surgical operation
attending it. •
The beauty , of all this is, it will cure children of five, and
adults at the age of one hundred years. A person who is
cured by It, can, never again stutter, even if they try. I of
fer to forfeit $lO,OOO If any person can ever afterwards Stet•
ter, by application of the cure. •
It was formerly customary to announce, that no pay
would be required unless a perfect cure was performed.
That was done to show the people there would be no risk In
giving me a trial. But now, inasmuch as the leading citi
zens of Pittsburgh, know my cure never fails, it would be
superfluous to make another such announcement.
myBl-tf DR. WYCKOBB,
—JAMES ROBB, No. SO Market Street, between the
Market House and Fifth Street, would call the attention of
his friends and customers, and all others who may favor him
with their trade, that for the haute he will be found at his
New Shoe Store, as above, with an entirely Now Stock of
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers; Palm Leaf, Pedal, Tustin, and
Braid Hats, &c.; consisting in part of Gents' Fancy Opera
Boots. Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, &0., !cc; Ladies', Misses'
and Children' Fancy Boots, Gaiters, Ties, Slips, Ac., very
beautiful; Boys' and Youths' Dress Boots, Shoes, Ties and
Ilia stock is one of the tartest ever opened In this city, and
embraces everything worn by the ladles of Philadelphia and
New York, and, bo trusts, cannot fail to please all. Great
Care has been taken lin selecting the choicest goods, all of
which he warrants.
• He also continues to manufacture, as heretofore. all de.
ecriptions of Boots and Shoes and his long experience of
over twenty years In business in this city le, he trusts, a suf
ficient guaranty that those who favor him with their custom
will be fairly dealt with. ap26-tf
1886.—The Winter Session of this Institution opens
on the let of November next. The last Catalogue numbers
160 students, from ten States of tho Union. The course of
instruction Is full and thorough; both as to preparation for
business and for College. Students have been entered by the
Principal at Yale, Princeton, Dickinson, Lafayette, Jefferson,
Washington, and Delaware Colleges. Location in the coun
try, easy of access, healthful, free from temptations, and in
the midst of beautiful scenery. The moral and religious
influences in and around the Institution are all the most
anxious parent can desire. For catalogues, containing full
information, apply at this office, or to
J. H. SHEIMAKEIt, M. A., Principal,
se2o-3m Academia, Juniata County, Pa.
Manufactured by
The, oldest and most experienced mosso PLAMI in the
United States.
The moat elaborate and richest pattern,
in America.
No. 15 South Ninth Street, above Chestnut,
Near the Girard Rouse,
se27 ly*
year the system of dealing exclusively in kleurning
end housekeeping Goods, we are now frilly convinced of the
Advantages, both to buyer and seller, which result from it.
We confine ourselves to the Above named classes of goods,
and can thus devote more attention to, and put together a
much larger assortment of each class. Our stock Includes
no baits, or goods to be eold at coat. involving the necessity
of large profit upon linens, and other articles. Thus, while
the purchaser hem the advantage of selecting from a large,
eseortment, the inducements of low prices, and the certain
ty of getting the very best quality, is alto presented. We
ask the inspection of our sleek by those wanting arts lesin
our line, and feel confident they cannot fail to be stated, in
goods and price. BROOKB & COOPER,
eelit•tf N 0.76 Market Street, Pittsburgh.
CallitllClAL YEAST, is a great saving of eggs and
shortening, and tar superior to Cream of Tartar, Soda, Sal
aerator', or anything else of the kind. Be particular and
ask for Durkee's, if you wish the genuine, and do not want
to be disappointed in having the true article. Ills signature
is on each canister. Take no other that interested persons
may endeavor to palm off on you. Durkee's Baking Powder
has been adopted in most of the that class Hotels and lead
ing private families In New York, as the best and only satis
factory article. it is guaranteed to please. Sold by the
best Grocers,Druggiste and Country Storekeepers through
out the Union, and at wholesale, by
No. 78 North fIONT Street. Philadelphia.
CHESTNUT'litreet, above Seventh, Philadelphia. The
in tho United States. Wholesale and Retail.
lair- Branch at 117 MARKET Street, iilnington,
Boardman, Gray & Co.'s celebrated Doke Campton Piano
Fortes, of Albany; Jacob Ohickering's, of Barton ; Bennett
& Co.'s, of New* York; F. P. Burns', of Albany; Ely & Mun
ger% of New York ; J. Marsh's, of Ph ladelphia; A. W.
Ladd k Co, of Boston ; C. W. Fisk & Co 's Premium Melo.
.deons, Ansonia; Gerhart, Needham & 'Co.% New York;
George A. Prince & Co.'s, New York ; Steinway & Son's
Plano•Fortea, of New'York; William Miller's, of New York;
and other distinguished makes, constantly on band.
the public to the
where may be found a large assortment of all kinds el
Ihy Goods, required in furnishing a bowie, thus saving
the trouble usually experienced in hunting Buell article*
in various places. In coneequenee of our giving our. at ,
tention to this kind of stake to the exclusion. of Brest
and fancy goods, we can Eniwantee our prizes and etylee
to be the most favorable in the market.
. - .
we are able to eve perfect satisfaction, being the mane
IBTABLIBELCD • LIMP STOE3 lx TB Wit and having beta
for more than twenty yeareniAlar IMporters from some
of; the beet manufacturers in land. We offer also a
large stook of
of the beet qualities to be obtained,. and at the very lowest
prices: Also, Blankets, Quilts, Shootings, Ticking , ' Da'
mask Table Cloths, and Napkins, Towelling., Diapers,
Huokabaes, Table and Pilaw Covers, Damsaka and Mo.
roans, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Dimities, Furniture
Minim, Window Shadings, &c., &c. • • •
The Bern= le published weekly, in the dues of rm.
barghend Philadelphia, and is adapted to general eirenlatiell
in the Presbyterian Church.
IN CLUBS of twenty, and upwards,
DELIVERED in either of the cities,
For eight Mee, or lees, one insertion 50 oblate; each rah
own:tent insertion, 25 cents. Each additional line, beyond
eight, 8 cents for every insertion.
For eight lines, three months, $B.OO. Batt additional line
26 cents.
For eight lines, One Year, $lO.OO. Each additional line
Cleans of two lines, • $45; a year, and $l. for each addl.
tional line.
Bussentse NOIIOII9. of ten lines or lea, One Dolby. each
additional line, 5 Cfintl. •
COMMUlliCatiOnz recommendatory of Inventions, Me,
dicta. Practice, Schools, 4tc. ac., being designed for the peat:
niary benefit of Individuals, should be j'aidfor as Btusittess
MOM by mail, where no good ..pportindity is otherwime
at hand. Dreifts or notes of the larger denominations are
preferable, where they can be conveniently obtained.
SUBSCAMPTIONS totem by Rev. S. Gutteani 78 West Payette
Street,. Baltimore. J. D. Williams, Esq., and Jas. A. Irvin,
Mg., Presbyterian rooms,No. 40 Bt. Clair Street , ' Pitts
burgh: Be,. N. N. .Itielnimon, of Chicago. J. S. Copes,
K. D., New Orleans:
PASTORS sending us twenty subscribers and upwards
will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge.
ILB-When Presbyterian families are very much dispersed,
ley may be acoommodated at the. Club price, even though •
ew of-the twenty be wanting. Let all be supplied, if posit
ale. The . Poor we shall favor, to our ntmost Fee
supply be rum, but every paper paid for.
-Nor Two Dollars paid, we will send-Seventy numbers; or
for One Dollar , Thirty-three numbers. Thiele for the sake of
easy remittance.
*Orr credit is extended (we wish it may not be needful is
give credit) the thurnmunt is . Two Mien, after the-third
month, and Two Dollars and Fifty, cents, at the end of the
•Year. These are but customary for other iipers.
If Paste's, in mating np clubs, And some lemons not
ready to pay at once, they may yet send on the names., at the
Club price, on their own reeponeibility to pay us shortly. It
is desirable that clubs date their subscription periods at the
same time. DAVID MoKDDINEY, Proprietor.
Trf T;Third Street above Pine,7llllamisport, Pa
"11,:j Church and Parlor Lamps, Watches, Jewelry, Silver
lipoons,Spectacles, Teaware, Plated on Alabaster, Spoons and
Forks. Watch RepairMg done in the hest manner.
Qintex , of Market sod 4th Sta., ylitsbth.
TURING &seeple t or Turrett Clocks, of a superb
construction and d anent workmanship: They are cbeape
then can be form. ' elsewhere in. the Tlnitedlitatee, and *war
rented to give ea election in time and durability. Address
Pittsburgh, Pit.
WL,/ Tumors Valley, Juniata County, Pa., one fourth . of
a mile from the Perrysville Station of Pennsylvania &in
. The Summer Session will dinuosenee on Monday, the 16th
of April. Whole expense per session of twenty-two weeks,
for Board, Room, Tuition, Washing and IncidenUis,Sss,pay
able one-half in advance,
Si- See Circulars. DAVID WILSON,
xuarls,ly Principtil and Proprietor, Port Royal P.O
DIXON. ILLINOIS.—This Institution, under charge
of the Presbytery of Rock River, is now open for the rOlver.
Non of students. Having a location pins:sant, ke thfa 1 and
easy pf. access, iwith an able and efficient corps of teachers,
It is hoped that it will receive the patronage of the public.
For terms ref tuition, board, &c.. apply to any member of
Rock River Presbytery, or to the President of the Infants
tionj, Rif Y. W..W. HAMBHA.
1,111 GROCERS; 253 Liberty" Street, are now receiving
their Fall stack. comprising the largest, fullest, and most
complete 'assortment of - • •
••. . . .
To be found in this market. They would call the special
attention of proprietors of boarding schools at a distance to
their dock, .as they may rely upon the quality of the arti
cles we sell being of the first clam. .
Catalogue. furnished, giving 'au eitended list of our
Goods delivered free of charge, at Railroad depots and
Steamboat landings.. nolb
three years' experience as Preceptress of an Academy, desires
&situation as an assistant in a Female Seminary, or Board
ing School. „The Latin or French languages will be taught,
if it is desired. Testimonials of character and ability will
be sent to any who request them. Referenee—Rev. David
Malin, 494 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Address
MISS E. ill. PORTER, Prattsburg,
dab-7 t*
good improvement thereon, in Union Township,
legheny County, Pa. Inquire of the subscriber; on the
premises. Address Library Post Office, -
Avai KING . . . . . . • . . . . . . wx. C. 11111TXR.
ita. • have associated themselves In the practice of Medi
cine and Surgery. Office in Dr. King's residence, No. 112
Bluth Street, opposite the Cathedral. •
Dr. Ratter will attend at the office daily, and may be eon
salted at his residence, in East Liberty; in the mornings
and evenings. ociti-tf
The Winter Semion, of five months, will commence the fret
Wednesday in November.
. Expeness, for Boarding, Fnel, Light and Tuition In the En
glish branches, $6O por Seulon. Ancient and Modern Lan
guages, each $5. Lessons on the Piano, and as. of Instru
ment, $l5. Painting and Drawing; each $5. Or the pay.
went of $BO, will include the whole.
A daily stage connects with the can at Newark, Del, and
also at Parkeeburg, Pa. Address
Oxford,Sept..2o, 1855 BAHL= DICKEY. Oeß•rd,
WATCH3I3, No. 104 ORSSINUT Street, eseonil
B • ry, Philadblphta.. jenbly
Babi,or persona afflicted with diseases of the hair or
scalp, Egad the following, and Judge of
REV. M. THACHER, (80 years of age,) Pitcher, Chenango
County, N. Y. "My hair is now motored to its natural
calor, and ceases to fall."
friends who, ort,my recommendation, are disposed to try it.
REV. WM. TTER., Editor Mothers' Magazine, N.Y. "My
hair is changed to its natural color, and growing on bald
spot, &L"
REV. B. P. STONE, D. D., Concord, N. H. "My hair,
which was grey, is now restored to its natural color, Ac."
REV. D. CLENDENIN, Chicago, 111.. "I can add my
testimony, and recommend it to my friends."
REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown,N. Y. "My own hair has
greatly thickened, and also that of one of my family, who
wee becoming bald, &c."
REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charleston,S. 0. "Thiwhite hair is
becoming obviated, and new hair forming, ftc."
REV. A. PRINK, Silver Creek, N. Y. "It has produced
good effect on my hair, and I can and have recommended it.
REV. JOSEPH McKEE, Pastor of West D.'R. church, NIP.,
recommends it.
REV. D. MORRIS Cross River, N. T., also, and
MRS. REV. H. A. PRATT, Hamden, N. P.
We might swell this list, but if the above fail to convince
--fry it /
Sold by all the principal mordants In the United Etat , e s
Cuba and Canada.
Wholesale and retail depot, No 856 Broome Street. N. Y.
A?• Some dealers try to sell articles, instead of this, on
which they make more profit; if so, write 'to depot for cir
cular and Information. sea-Sm
subscriber, being • provided with Steam Printing
Preeaee, and a great variety of Printing Types and other fix
tures, is prepared to execute every description of looks
Pounpblete, Cards, Bills, Labels, de. . .
Blank Deeds, Blank Booka Paper and etatibniaiy, always
On band. • • J. T. 13111.YOCE,
.No. $4 Wan Street, Gazette Banding-
Pattbargh. Dee.B. 1864. deco-if
V LADIES, Pottstown, Montgomery County Pa.
The Winter Session of this Institution will commence
November 4th. I'm Circulars, with thli particulars, address
Principal and Proprietor.
STREET. Pittsburgh, dealers In Watcher, Jewelry, and
Silver Ware.' sylOgt
SIT WALNUT arimit., *bowl Muth. Phil&
SCHOOL, MOUNT HOLLY, N. J.—Designed to pre
pare boys tborougbly far college or business. For a prose
pectus, dio., address Reg. SAMUEL MIDLER, A. hi., Priori
pal. • Number of well qualified assistant teachers ample.
Buildings and grounds extensive. Situation pleasant and
healttful. Access easy by tallnied from New York and
rbttaagljoilia. Robolarn ropoivoil at any time. iol tar
paid for $l.OO.
Rditor. of .Hall's Journal of Health, a monthly at $l.OO •
year, confines himself now, as for many years past, exclu
sively to the treatment of diseases of the
at his office. N0 . .42 Irving Plane. New York JA
or received a larg?, good, and fashionable stock of Fall
Gads for Gentlemen wear, comprising French and English
Broad Cloths, for Coats," Beaver, Pilot, Whirlpool, Tactr,
Hair Skin, and Petersham Clothe , for Overeoats. A splendid
stock of Black and Colored Cassimeres, for Pants. Vesting
of the richest and newest styles comprising some of the
newest and moat elegant' patternsln Silk Plush and Velvets.
Also on band, a large, well made, and fashionable Mock of
roadrmada :Clothing, of superior cut and finish—togotber
with a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
consisting of white and colored shirts, under shirts, drawers,
stocks, silk handkerchiefs and cravats, suspenders, gloves,
itc. Will be sold cheap.
N. B.—Orders in the tailoring line executed in the best
Manner. at the shortest. notice. nol-2m
ACADEMY.—The Tenth Seashm
.of thin Institution
will open on the 8d of November , eked continne Eve mouths.
Prof. 18. DUBS; (graduate of Tale,) Principal and Teach or
in Male Department.
Mite Mary I. Dunlap, (graduate of Steubenville,) Teachai
in Female Department - .
For farther information, Maier' any member of tba
W. Id'IT.M.AIN, President, , . Rev. T. GILHERBON,
J, M . EoElNdore, Treasurer,' Rev: W. N. WOODEND,
,J. R. DOUGHERTY, Socrotary,. A. ROBINSON, •
S. R. JPGERNA, W. jupniNgoN,
or TIM
$1,60 vet year.
L 25 it «I
LT6 14 u