Nanita an)3 A'o6orate, PITTSBURGH, DECEMBER 13, 1856. TERRIS... $1.50, in advance; or 1n Clubs, $1.25; or, delivered at residences of Subscrin hem $1.75.?15e Prospectus, On Third Page. RENEWALS should be prompt; a little while before the year expires, that we may make full arrangements fora steady supply. TIIII - ItibIVWD.AFFICII indicates that WO desire a renewal. If, however, in the haste sr Mailing, this signal should be omitted, we hope our friends will still not forget us. azairrorANcEs.—Send payment by safe hinds, When. convenient. Or, send by mail, enclosing with ordinary care, and troubling nobody with a bnowledge of what you are Oroing. For a large amount, send a D r aft, or largo notes. For ono or two papery, mud Gold or small notei. TO IdAILE OlfddrOlC, Send postage stamps, or better still, mud for more , paperscsay 8i 1 for deventy.numbersi or. $1 for Thirty three . lumbers. 'DIRECT all Letters and COmmunleatione to REV. DAVID MeRINNEV. Pittiburgh. TEE FIRST or JANITAItY is very near.. We solicit -prompt renewals, and a lane in crease. ' Let no club diminish, but increase , every, one where the thing is possible. SIiTII PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .—We are pleased to find indiCations of an awaken ed zeal in the Sixth church, in our city. A: Concert 'and Festival . are.contemplated, on the evening of the 28d inst. Thtiimme diate object is; to, raise funds to,meet the interest on their debt. We commend the occasion to a favorable notice. A NEW AND INTERESTING SPECTACLE.* We see it stated, that' at a late meeting of the Synod of Arkansas, four ehoctaw.elders, native Indians; as we understand the terms, were present as members of the body. This single fact answers a score of the objections sometimes made to the work of Foreign issions. Synod of Ohio. In accordance with their own action, the Synod of Ohio will meet with the Synod of Cincinnati, in the city of Columbus, on the 4th Tuesday (the 23d). of December next, at 7 o'clock P. M., in the First Presby terian Church, to determine the location of the proposed Synodical College. A full attendance is requested. WM. M. ROBINSON, Moderator. North-Western Correspondence. The Barater a,nd 'Advocate has, all along, been rich in its presentation of the affairs of our Church in the 'West and North-West. We now have the promise of still increased worth in this line. Our lively correspond ent, ";North-West," expects to keep us well informed on great .matters in that great region. We trust that our readers will see, in this, a new evidence of our determina tion to make our paper truly valuable ; and that they will sustain us handsomely by en larging the lists of subscriber& Dedication, Prairie City, 111. On the last day of November, as a corres pondent informs us, a new Presbyterian church was dedicated in this new And thriv place. 'Rev. P. W. Thompson officia ted, assisted by Rev. R. 0. Matthews, and Rev. Mr. Piptin. Prairie City is a town but two years old, and has now its church, its stores, mechanic's ghops, hotels, schools, &c. And it is but one of many beautiful villages which are springing up under the hands of enterprise and industry, and where Christianity moves as the sanctifying spirit. Revival"in :Fairmount, Va... The Rev. R. Lewis writes to us, under date of December 1: • DEAR BROTHER :---For the encourage ment of God's dear children elsewhere, you may mention that the Lord has, in wonder ful condescension and grace, visited our "thirsty hill of Zion" with some sweet mercy .drops from a the river of the water of life." Some of our. dear ,brethren and sisters in Christ have been much revived; some of our precious youth, and others, a have Aasted that the Lord is gracious," and have enrolled their names among the followers of the despised "Nazarene;" and others are pressing into the kingdom. Christian ministers and people are often dejected; injuriously so; by the low state of religion among them. We say injuri ously, because they are thereby deterred from prayers and labors. Let them recall the promises, and apply faith thereto. Let them revise history, and see God's faithful ness in answering the "day and night" prayers of his elect, and in making strenu ous and wise labors very productive. Let them note the present indications, that he is as rich in blessings, and as ready to be stow, as ever. Then, in Ms appointed way, let them claim the promise. "If Worthy, Publish," Such a modest appendage we 'often find 'to communicationsreceived. But we can net afways comply; and, as we cannot an swer each one individually, we here remark, that many " worthy" communications, some with and some without the a'bove, we are obliged to lay aside, for want of room. A variety we must keep up. General and comprehensive information we must give, or our sheet would not be a newspaper. We must adapt our columns to the edifice, tion of our readers. Their advantage is the leading aim. To that end is our con tract with them. When original articles give us the variety and the adaptation needed, and help to fill up the great circle of instruction which we are bound to furnish, we always give them the preference. Let this, with many thanks, be our apology to friends whese articles do not ap pear.,: , N. 13.---Communicatione not acconvanied ,4y the writer's name, if good, well, written, and on an' important subject, are classified with matter which is before us in exchanges, &e.; if such refer to individuals, institu tions, communities, they are laid aside;; if they are poorly written, long, and espe cially it their commenenient indicates cen ,sononeness, they go under the table unread. The' ciamands Non an editor's' time, ate so. . I ,,incessank,a44 AO .urgent,,',,that, he, cannot . , Wiste it upon raanuscriPti'-which' he 'per ceives at a glance, that be cannot use. A high degree of Piety among Thimble, private Christians. There are many in the Church whose bo soms glow with an intense and unusual holy ardor, when they read of the devotion 'and piety of those whose praises are in all the churches. And many of them often have a feeling of regret that they do not occupy similar stations, or have not been endowed with the same gifts. They seem to imagine that if circumstances allowed, their zeal for God would be glowing; if called to stand in the high places of the field, they would be valiant in the cause of Christ; and if great • sacrifices were required, most willingly would they make them. But no doubt many who reason thus, fail to consider, Aheir own , personal responsibility in the places where they are found, and the many opportunities they have for disciplin ing their spirits for heaven, for doing good to men, and for adorning the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things, by kindness, by love unfeigned, by benevolence, and by prayer. For;it cannot be denied that many who have occipied inferior places, and of whom, history makes no mention, who have walked through the world by retired paths, have shone: in their respective places with a brightness' no less effulgent ; - and haSe manifested, in the' midst of suffering,- Te preach, poverty, and disapPointrabnt, a faith and fortitude no less heroic, than many of the most distinguished in the* annals of the Church. Indeed, the world is to be regener ated and taken possession of by King Jesus, not so much by the occasional efforts of a few.mighty ones, as by the gradual, and, for a time, imperceptible influence exerted by the prayers, the faith, the holy living, and the patient endurance of all God's people in every calling of life, and in every station in the world. By them evil , is to be success fully combatted, and .grace conspicuously displayed. The earth is not so much enriched and beautified by the majestic river coursing its mighty way to the ocean, as by the waters that trickle down from the springs on every mountain and hill-side, and from the gentle streams that creep through every valley. Likewise the beauty and sweetness of the Christian life—its transforming and eleva ting power—are not seen so clearly in those who ride upon the whirlwind and the storm, as in the gentler spirits who liv • removed from the noise and confusion of the world, and quietly pursue the work to which God has called them; whilst their spirits are chastened, their hearts purified, and their thoughts elevated by opposing evil, re commending the Gospel in their life and con duct, and meditating upon heavenly things. In this way the humblest believer may per form the part assigned him, in making known the glory of God among men, as well as the mightiest cherub, or the most glow ing seraph nearest the throne of God. There is a life for each one—a path for each one —a work for each one. The Church can only do her work properly when she has a place and a work for each one, and when each one is in his own' place and does his own work. The humblest Christian in the most retired spot and with the slenderest abilities, may do something in purifying, „in structing, and elevating his own soul, in do ing good to men, and. in glorifying God. And such an one shall, by no means, lose the reward of the faithful servant. Arctic Explorations.* , The magnificent work on this subject, by Dr. Kane, our celebrated countryman, is now lying before us; With great modesty Dr. Kane says la his preface that this book "is not a record of Scientific investigations. While engaged, under the orders of the Navy Department, in arranging and elab orating the results of the late expedition to the Arctic Seas, I have availed -myself of the permission of the Secretary to connect together' the pamages of my journal that could have interest for the general reader, and to publish' them as a narrative of the adventures of my party. I have attempted Very little else." We are glad to learn that the' pUblishers are enabled to report the gratifying fact that upwards of thirty thou sand copies of this work have already been ordered. Such a demand is entirely unpre cedented. None of the`narratives of either Parry, Barrow, Back, Ross, Beechey, or the lamented Franklin ever attained to such a circulation. .In every respect these volumes are worthy the fame of this celebrated author. The illustrations are profuse in number, and in the very highest style of art. The narrative is direct and unadorned, but the scenes depicted are of the most novel and exciting character. The explo rations of Dr. Kane have added materially, to the 'stock of human knowledge relative to the Northern -Zone. The value Of his services has been appreciated by his country men; and it is, pleasing to observe that the scientific gentlemen of Great Britain, among whom he is at present sojourning, are vying With each other in their efforts to do him honor. In grateful testimony, and as a mark of her high appreciation of his ser vices, Lady Franklin on hearing of his in tended visit to London, had a mansion fur nished, and amply provided for his conve nience during his residence in the British metropolis. Notwithstanding Dr. Kane's modest disclaimer, the readers of these mag nificent volumes will find that they' are fraught with scientific information, much of which has been judiciously thrown into the appendices, where the educated reader may find in a mass that which would have been comparatively udeless, if scattered through the narrative. *!ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS: The Second Grinnel pedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55. By Blida Kent Kane , id. D., U. S. N. Illustrated by upwards of ee hundred Engravings, from,sketches by the author. The steel plates executed under the superintendence of J. M. Butler ; the wood engravings, by Van Ingen & Snyder. Two vols. 8,0 , pp. 464, 467'. Philadelphia: Childs Peterson, 124 Arch Street. Boston : Sampsont Co. New . York ;G. P. Putnam Co. s3- ; Cincinnati : Ap plegate d• 00,. 1856. TittBEktNAaY Coltimbia 'miaow over thirty students in attendance. THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. Jefferson College. This Institution we regard as one' of very high importance, as connected with the gen eral interests of the country; but as of ines timable worth to the Presbyterian Church. It has been to us oft for a wonder why her immediate friends—her Faculty and curators —did not more ardently press her claiins upon a generous public. She has been toil ing hard at her work, making education ex cellent and easily accessible, and sending off her three or four scores of ,graduates every year, to bless the land. And still, she is poor in funds—very poor Must this state of 'things continue ? We trust not. We well know that endowments to Colleges de not come ' unsought, nor by any brief, nor easy, nor languid labors. The country, and the churches, and the thousand of listless Alumni must be aroused. Albite • of urgent need has comer Let it be pressed, with earnestness. Lei those who know her wants, and can appreciate" her importance, plead her cause, and so plead as to make their voice effective. Such being our judgment, we were glad to receive the following ".GARLAND COLLEGE, MISS.," AND "ALLE GHENY SEMINARY-A FOURTH FROFES- SORSHIP." MR. EDITOR :—These two articles, which I observed in juxtaposition:in your editorial columns. of last week, suggested to .me the desire that you had added a third, which might read somewhat in this wise THE CLAIMS OF JEFFERSON COLLEGE. The liberality . of one man toward Oakland College, Miss., in, contributing to it, at suit dry times, $llO,OOO, the last $60,000, of which was a donation to its , permanent fund, suggests the inquiry, whether there may not be found among the numerous Alunani, and other friends of Jefferson, at least one such generous benefactor. Or, if not one, in such, princely style, are there not many who could afford to give their toy, or kandred,s, for the relief of the necessities of this ven erable. Institution ? Oakland. College has been many years in existence ; and yet her last annual catalogue shows but seventy-five students, all told, thirty-one of these being in the Preparatory Department. Oakland has now an endowment of , over $lOO,OOO. We rejoice in her acquisitions. And still, theymake us sorrow the more feelingly over wants near at band. Onr own Jefferson has been in operation now for more than fifty years ; has furnished to the Presbyterian Church not less than one-eighth of her present living ministers, (she gave a still larger proportion formerly, when literary institutions were less numer ous,) and has had an average, attendance of two hundred and fifty students per annum, for several years, past. And yet, Jefferson has an endowment of only $60,000, which is at present almost her sole source of income. The interest of this is but $3,600, which is to be divided among her President and four regular .Professors, thus affording to each of these,though men of years, and experience, and . acknowledged ability, in their several departments, a smaller annual salary than many of their graduates are able to com mand the very first, year after leaving College. HOW long is this state of things to exist ? Can, it be expected that these men will con tinue to toil on, year after year, for love, rather than for money, on salaries which must, at the present rates of living, soon starve out even love itself? Besides, the buildings are becoming dilapidated,, and funds are wanting to repair and enlarge them. Not a book has been added to the College Library, by purchase, for the last fifteen years, there being no funds for the purpose; while the Professors are unable to purchase for themselves the hooks 'necessary for reference in their several departments. Indeed, the wonder is, that with all these disadvantages, the Institution has been able to accomplish its large, amount of benefits; and that, it is still elevating its, standard of scholarship, and enlarging its clainis to pub lic confidence. Nothing but the special favor of Divine Providence, of which it has ever been the child, could have sustained it through all its long years of embarrassment and adversity. But, is it not high time for the friends of Jefferson to comeup efficiently to her help ? They, are now numerous, and many of them wealthy. Will not some of these latter be disposed to do great things' for her, as the friends of other Institutions are doing for them ? In no way, surely, could funds be more usefully invested. I am happy to, see, from a circular just Issued, that an' appeal is being made to the Alumni, and other friends, on this subject. Let no one who may receive this circular lay it hastily aside. What Alumnus is, there that cannot gave ten dollars at least, toward the endowment of the Greek ' Professorship, good old Dr. Smith's, the Nestor of the Fac ulty, who, for thirty-five years, .in the same post, has been doing the full duties both of Professor and Pastor—the work of two men —and at a starving salary all the time. He is, indeed, hard to kill. Let each one who remembers him, at once mail ten dollars to the " Treasurer of Jefferson College." And how .many are there, besides the three who have already pledged themselves, who could well afford to pay five hundred dollars each, within two years toward the endowment of. the "Brown Professorship of Moral Philosophy ?" Is there no magic in the name of the "old Napoleon" of the Institution, to call up fond,remembrances in the heart of many an Alumnus, whom he has kindly scolded, and more kindly admon ished and prayed for 7 Will you be one of the remaining twenty-seven who are needed to raise this monumental Professorship, in honor of one whose name could in, no way be more appropriately perpetuated. Will not the class of 1847, at their pro posed decennial meeting on the day before the next commencement be prepared to place at least one stoue, in the shape of five hundred dollars, in this. monument ? Will not other classes also do' the same, through mutual correspondence, without waiting for their decennial re-union ? And, finally, will not some of the wealthy Christians, or other friends of Christian edu cation in and about Pittsburgh, be ready now to come up with. that efficient help which they have so long been promising Pittsburgh has, as yet, done very little for `Jefferson. A few have done well; but many of the most . able lave hitherto put her off with fair promises; pleading, in excuse, in the meantime, the claims of the Seminary, and of the costly churches they were build ing. And even now a " Fourth Professor ship" is needed in Allegheny' Seminary. Well, you are, by ,the Divine favor, abund antly able to endow that Professorship and to relieve Jefferson also. In good works, be I abundant. AN ALumNyS.. November 26, 1856. P. S.—l am informed that the legacy of $5,000, recently left to the College by Mr. Hamilton, of Hanging Rock, Ohio, does not beeome'immediately available, except at a very low rate of interest; so that no present relief from that source eau be expected. Eastern Correspondence Woman's Bights Convention—No Progress— wo man's Empire—Tlusband and Wife--Wantan and the Bible—Fashion, and Funerala—Extravagance, —A Rl:form—Good Examples. NEW YORK, December 6, 1856. MR. Enamors :—The members of the Woman's Rights Convention, held here last week, must have • been flattered by the attention, if they were not edified by the strictures of the city press. Hardly a daily paper that did not report their pro ceedings, and in seine instances in minute detail, while they'also made them the sub jeot of oneur more "leaders," or editorials. The appearance of the Convention was as diversified as its opinions. It was a motley gathering• of various grades and complex ions ; of the strong-minded and weak minded; the fanatical and 'fanciful; the sane and the insane. Full liberty was granted to all present, whether male or fe male, members or spectators, to express their views; though the speaking and the business of the • Convention, as its name denotes, were chiefly performed by women. There were the old denunciations of real or fancied evils and 'abuses, by' the same familiar speakers, with the usual tirades against 'so ciety,andsneers against the Bible. They claim 'to have made progress in the face of law, custom and prejudice; , but they have evidently gained few converts who are will ing to show themselves on their platform. Though their aim is the elevation of woman, they - complain that woman herself is the great obstacle to their success. This fact should be sufficient to •convince them of their error, as without doubt it indicates the failure of their undertaking. If. the com mon sense, the instincts, the reason and re ligion of the great body of intelligent Chris tian women are opposed to their positions, it is probable that they are wrong, and impos sible that they should prevail. But •women under the present organization •of society, they say, are slaves. And "as a poor slave's contentment with his 'servile and cruel bondage only proves the depth of his degra dation, so the assertion by woman that she has all the rights she wants, only proves how far the restrictions and disabilities to which she has been subjected:hive rendered her insensible to the ;:blessings of true liberty." This is their doctrine, and even their language unanimously adopted in the form of a "Resolution." Is it wonderful that they are discarded and shunned by women generally, when they do such in justice to their intelligence and condition? It might be shown from the speeches made by some of the gentlemen on the• occasion, that they do not believe this calumny them selves. For they asserted in strongest terms the personal; social, and even political influence of women. And if, as this im plies, they have the power in their own hands, they would certainly use it if they .thought themselves groaning under op pression. : That women• suffer from legal and social evils, none will deny. But- what sex or • class is exempt from r evil in this fallen world? And who, beyond themselves, be lieves that the right of suffrage-z—the great right they claim—would remedy these evils ? Woman's empire is over. the 'affections, and hence is the most absolute, as well as pleasing, that can be exereised. Her gen tleness and goodness give her a power over the rougher sex, which her different,,if not diminished intellectual and physical strength„ could never acquire. And shall she sacri-: floe this advantage, or descend' from this eminence, by placing Herself. on a level with, man in political squabbles or contests ? Would any political rights she might gain compensate her for the loss ofthe deference, affection and, respect she mow receives.? Would society be the gainerby her 'abandon ing the sphere of wife and-mother, in which she can have no rivals, for a sphere in which she would -be , inevitably discomfitted and disgraced 'by the rivalries and. strifes she must encounter ? Intelligent women know. 'that any evils they mourn' can be. more effectually removed by the silent but pow erful- influence they exert" at home, over their ,husbands, sons or brothers; and they refuse, therefore, to sacrifice 'the subtitance for the shadow, by placing themselves in positions, for which they are as unfitted by nature and habit, as men are for the care of children, or attendance upon the sick. Equally preposterous are ,the changes sought in the relation between husband and wife, or between the sexes, though this re lation is ordained by God in nature, as well as in his Word. - One would suppose, from their declamation ibout its abuses, that mar riage was one of the greatest curses, instead of blessings; or that, with rare exceptions, it subjected women to the cruelest despot ism. One would think she was most griev ously wronged and ill-treated in this country, where she is regarded with proverbial respect and consideration. And all this, too, on account of religion, to which woman, if possible, owes more than the other por tion of the human family. For certainly she owes, to the Grospel„ not to civilization, `as they claim, the social and moral elevation she has 'attained: One of the speakers is reportedns saying : "I trample under-foot, contemptuously, the Jewish, 'yes, the Jew ish ridicule, which'laughs at such a Con vention at this. * - The issue is be tween religious prejudices and the blood of the rime. The blood of the race accords to women equality. It is religious supersti tion that stands in the way and balks the effort." But can there be absolute equality in things inherently different? Woman is the equal of Man in her, sphere and duties. Christianity, in distinction from every other religion, pre-eminently assigns to her this position. But wind she retain it by aban doning her own province, and usurping the rights and responsibilities of man ? Would it conduce to her h'appinesser excellenao to ignore the unity yet subordination of the family, which the Bible requires, and pre pare the way for dissention, and even dis ruption, by establishing in it two equal and independent heads, with separate interests and different aims ? How much superior that view, 'which 'regard's man and wife 'as "one flesh," and thereby bound to each other by the identity of interest and strength of affection which they have for their own body. ' • Yet this is called prejudice, Or super stition, deserving to be contemptuously trampled under-foot. But would not its adoption and practice be • more likely to bless and elevate woman in the future, as it • has in the past, than any clamors for an equality of civil rights, or demands for a sdparate purse'or independent 'control over her children? , As the Gospel progresses, all classes of society - will be - benefitteil. With the in crease of intelligence and advafic,ement.of the arts, a wider sphere will be opened for the talents and labors of woman. In too many cases she is now poorly paid, and un fairly treated ;• she must always expect the heavier share of suffering and sorrow. But to suppose , her condition will ,be improved by bringing her still more into competition with man, or 'by translating hnr from the sphere and gelation which . Scripture and Providence idike assicn her is is visionary and, infidel, as it-would be futile and .disas trous. "The foolishness of God is wiser than men," as they will find who attempt to substitute their narrow schemes for his com prehensive ordinances. Public attention has recently been di rected to the extravagant expenses of funerals in this community. Fashion fol lows our citizens, as Sidney Smith said taxes followed British subjects, through all the stages of life, on articles of use, even to the grave itself. It dictates the style of coffin, the number of carriages, and the various expenses that must be inclined, " before the dead can be suitably interred." Extravagance here, moreover,las kept,pace with luxury and display in other places, while it often presses hardest on those who are least able to bear it. Through mistaken affection, or pride of appearance, the bread of the widow and orphan, the support of the living, is buried with the dead, as really though not as literally, as the weapons and steed of the Indian warrior are en tombed with his remains. The distance of our cemeteries from the city is one apology for this expense, coupled, as it is, with the desire for a long procession of carriages, either fUll or empty, to show respect to the departed, and to give eclat to the occasion. Exorbitant charges of undertakers and others is a further reason; while it is pre sumed that mourning friends will not dis pute their payment, and that all concerned may lawfully share in them except the offi ciating clergyman, who must gratuitously give his time and services at any sacrifice of his strength or convenience, and though the bereaved' family are total strangers. The Romish bishop, of the Newark dio cese, in New Jersey, ha's' initiated a reform among his people in this matter, by forbid-- ding the use of more than six carriages in a funeral Cortege. Protestants have not the power to enact such a sumptuary law; but some of them have undertaken to check the evil, by setting a good example. For in stance, a wealthy and widely respected citi zen of Paterson, New Jersey, who was con signed to his grave about a week ago, " di rected, by an indorsement on the outside of his will, in his own hand.writing, that his funeral should take place-early in the morn ina and be conducted in the plainest man ner." There should be no eulogy of his character; but simple advice to all present, to secure an interest in the Saviour, and to prepare thhmselves for death. Two estimable ladies, sisters recently de ceased, Miss' Jay and Mrs. Banyer, left in their wills the following bequests —Miss Jay directs that, "to any two poor - widows, whom her sister and brother may select, $2OO shall be given, instead of usual funeral expenses." Mrs., Bailer says, "I desire that my funeral may be simple, that no scarfs be given ;", in lieu of which, $2OO are given, to be equally divided between two Sunday Schools—one in Bedford; the other in Rye. Examples from such a source may 1 perhaps, be followed; but the evil is r ootedo in the extravagance and worldliness of the times. Nor does it stop at the mere et ' pense, useless and burdensome as it often , beComes. The bustle of preparation diverts the minds of mourners from the personal reflections which death is adapted to awaken; while the ostentatious display of the funeral, robs it of its impressiveness and solemnity, in the view of friends and beholders. Thus the living are unnoticed, while the dead are ,honored ) perhaps too late and with atten tions they can no longer appreciate. Sincerely yours, B. Western Correspondence. Some. talk about a' 'Western Correspondent--Why one is Needed— :: Why North-West" is timid at the Editorial Su( v.stion—A fair proposition. 11 DR. MCKINNEY :—You intimate in your private letter,' that you need a estern Correspondent. There are, several reasons why a column •in your paper should be filled by contributions from such a sourse. Your paper is, and from its. first establishment, has been very ,largely scattered throughout our churches. Its cheapness, its readable ness, and general excellence,, have found for it' favor in the eyes of our people. The cheapness of a paper in &young community, is a desideratum. The West, felt the need of such a paper, and hailed with joy, the establishment of , the Banner, watched with anxiety , the experiment, and rejoiced when success crowned your:labors. It is, there fore, but just that she should be heard through its columns. The mighty interests which attach to this great and teeming region, render weekly news from it, essential to a first-rate relig ious journal. As well might the Banner and Ada/ovate hope to meet the demands of the. Church, and , the wants, of the age, and yet give no information from - the metropolis of England, or of America, as to think it possible to maintain its place in, the family of religious journals, without keeping its readers advised of movements. in they great valley of the Mississippi. By all means, let the Banner and Advocate have a Western Correspondent. But you likewise intimate that " North- West " 'possesses some qualifications for the office. This is "certainly more than ordina rily :complimentary; for a good newspaper correspondent, is to be ranked among the things rare and difficult to. find. You may find scores of good editors, and not stumble upon even a, tolerable letter writer. Some will, be too prosy, and tire your readers' patience; 'whilst others will be so concise and pithy as to offend them in, that they do not say enough. Some will deal altogether in generals, and disaust your man of fig ures; others , will give you a dish of statis tics, which would frighten any but a Pro fessor of Mathematics. Some will be con stantly. obtruding their own opinions upon you, giving their views upon' every given subject, officiously keeping themselves in the foreground, leading your readers to say, " why does he not tell us what others say and think ;" whilst others will be too, timid to,' g ive an expression to their own ~sentim ents, and eventually lose the good opinion of, your readers, by leading them to sus pect that your correspondents are mere re tailers in a small way, of the facts furnished by others, not daring to venture an idea'of their own. Some will have their hobbies, which they will ride to the imminent risk of the lives, of others, if not to the risk of their own ; whilst, others „will be so exeeedingly cautious, lest.they split upon this rock, that their hobby-will be to have no hobby. Some will be blindly metaphysical; others distres singly the reverse. Some will be polemical, always " armed and equipped," and, like St. George, ever in the attitude or attacking some hideous monster which yew sober and staid country readers may, in. their simplici ty, Pelieve aftcl• all, to be,, creature-or the mind. ,Others may never Bee an error when it really exists, and may be so very charitable and fearful of placing themselves in a position which may seem like one of opposition, as to pass lightly over crying, evils, when in the opinion of your readers the cause of, truth demands a different, course of conduct. Others--but why should I continue ?—let it be, summed up in a word, there are.but few, very few, good letter writers in the land, and , "North-West," has,, not the presumption to suppose that he- is one of them. Yet the Aanuer•and Advocate should have a corres-. pondent, and if no better offers, you" may hear from me occasionally. Let there be, however, a fair understanding at the outset. If at any time the Editor is not let him exercise his editorial prerogAtive, and kindle his fire with the discarded epistle; and if the reader be not satisfied let him pass unread all the articles signed, - Yours, &e., NORTH-WEST. Ecclesiastical. Mr. JonN McKzAN was ordained by the Presbytery of Clarion on the 3d inst., and installed pastor of the church of Perry, Jefferson Co., Pa. In this service, Rev. C. P. Cummins preached from 2. Cor. vi : 1. Rev. Mr. Wray presided, proposed the constitutional questions, and offered the ordaining prayer; and Rev. J. Mateer, delivered the charges to the pastor and people. Mr. McKean's address is Ham ilton, Jefferson County, Pa. Rev. J. Dom. 'has received and accepted a call from the church of Yanceyville, N. C., and , expects to remove to that place next week. His Post Office address will hereafter be Yanceyville, N. C., instead of Madison, N. C. Rev. R. JOHNSTON was installed pastor of the First Presbyterian chuich, in Peoria, 111., November 16. Sermon and charge to the people by Rev. Wm. T. Adams, of Washington. Rev. R. P. Farris, pastor of the Second church, Peoria, presided and gave the .charge to the pastor. Rev. GEORGE P. VAN WYCK was installed pastor of the Presbyterian church, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on ThUrsday, the 27th ult. Rev. Robert S. Grier preached the sermon and proposed the • usual (palates, and Rev. Joseph A. Mur ray delivered the charges to the pastor and people. ' Rev. DAVID - KENNEDY, Of New York city, has received a unanimous call to the church and paAsh of Southampton, L. I. Mr. Kennedy has also received an invita tion to become the pastor of the Babylon church, N. Y. Correspondents will still continue to address him at his residence, No. 17 Wes.t 27th Street, New York city. Rev. J. T. LAYRLEY'S Post Office address is changed from Elizaville, Ky., to Knob Noster Mo. Rev. M. G. KisIIGIIT'S Post Office address is changed from Shelbyville, Ky , to Louis ville, Ky. Rev. E. HENRY having resigned the pastor ' al charge of the churches of Scrubgrass and'Ebenezer, because of ill 'health, de sires correspondents to address him at Bunker Hill, Butler Co., Ohio, instead of Big Bend, Verango Co., Pa. Mr. J. W. LAMES was ordained and itf- stalled at Waveland, Ind., on the 'the 6th ult. Mr. J. T. LEONARD was ordained and in stalled at South Grand River, Mo., on the 27th of Oct. Rev, HENRY L. DOOLITTLE'S Post Moo ad dress is changed from Troy, Pennsylvania, to Mill Hall, Clinton County, Pennsyl- yams. Rev. J. L. ROGERS' Post Office address is changed from IVlnunt Joy, Pennsylvania, to Sterling, W.hiteside County, Rev P. B. Hot was installed pastor over the SecOnd Preskyterian Church, Bridge ton, New Jersey, on the 12th ult. &IV. A. D. MITCHEL'S Post Office address is obabged t. OM Middletown to Harris burg, Pa. , From, our. London CoiTesptinflent. Turkish Missions Aid &silty, and Dr. Hamlin— Bulgaria Opel and about to be Occupied--Politi cal Agitatian—The French and English Allianc— e Palmerston at Hanchester—A Bishop's Re cognition of Presbyterian Orders—Litersiture and Poetry of English Presbytery--Dr. fitcOrie's In augural, Lecture—pr. Bunting's Estimate—gr. Spurgeon,.ResuMing his Ministry—Dr. Wilson's Lecture's at Bombay—The Dispatch, and the Free church of Scotland—Belgium Bishops, and Lib eral Education—Openings for the Gospel there— Safe Education in Paris—The Paris Tract So ciety. LONDoN, Nov. 11;-185fi, I . had the pleasure, on the day that I dm patched My last ,letter, of attending a meet ing of the Turkish Missions Aid , Society, and of assisting : to secure the extension of American Miesions in the' East. Dr. Ram *is Present on his way Censtan . and Sir C. E. Eardley, Baronet, was in the Chair. , The 'speeiatebject before the . Committee was a new proposal to introduce . , the Gospel into ffulgaria. The, Bulgarians are described as a Mild, gentle; „and most docile race, and at the same tittle; expesed to; the. active. Proselytism of : the Greek Church,. on . the, one hand, and the Latin Church on the other. 'lndeed, the Boman: ists, under ; French protection, are making gigantic efforts in the East, so that,, politi cally, viewed, the infusian of Protestant principles into the oriental mind, is of great importance prospectively. .:- The Episcopal. Methodist Church ' in .America had proposed to send out, and I believe are ,abOut, : to do so, three missionaries 'to BUlgaria, The American Board did, not feel at liberty, to take up field;, but Dr. Eamlin is deeply interested in it. . After rench.conversation, it was found that a nitani , moos - feeling existed in the British Coin- Mittee that something should be date; It . was reported that one lady in the country had eXpressed - an - 'ardent desire to raise £1,000; that the well known John Henderson, - : Es 4., of. Glasgo*, ;was' willing to pay for, the expense of three missionaries the first•year ; and that the' Free Church M4sigill. Commit tee, in Edinburgh, was likely to Co-operate with the SoCiety in London. ; Whereupon it was resolved,. that £9OO. be given from our funds for the first year, and £1,200 for the second. ,Thus new, ground twill be"'broken in eland of Which little has been .spiritually known; and the prayers of Many will Intel , ligently and , affectionately ascend in behalf of its inhabitants, to be answered, we trust, in showers.; ; of blessings. The revenue of our Turkish Aid Missions is from £2,000 to X3;000.;: but there .is little doubt, when Bul garia is biought, out 'before the • religious world, as aistinet and new field, that ,the ..fondswill be greatly increased. .1 k Black- - wood, an Episcopal clergyman, of grearpiety,. and:zeal, late a chaplain in the hospitale at Scu tari, is now Our traveling SeeretarY.: Abet ter, or more miepicio ue .appointment, could .net have. been Made. • 'The political . world has been' ,much agitated, by ; fears - as . to the, stability of the, ALLIANCE BETVIANN ENGLAND AND. 1 1 .4ANCE. . Besides the article in, the official illowiteur, rebuking the liberty of the,Eng.: lish press, .the rivalry of „the French and . embassies,, Constantineple i and - the, siding,. by France, in .the -views , of - ,Russia, as the bonedary_.lixed by - the Treit4 of Paris,..and. the evacuation of. the krinci: palities i hy Anstria, 'as well .as as. of At:o36k Sea by the British fleet, has.. excited .alarm. This Was stronglymanifested the,Other day: when the ~Constitytienek, a Vien violently, attacked Eagland.i, and asked, - was ' ~ she prepared to go, to war with AusSia, alone f) It was ; asserted that this..Was.lmperial' authority BAt; :two.; days:*.a 3 ,fter, the -4 1 . - ositOtr, ivoke the„Pan parer's' real senti; mente, declaring strongly for the EngliSh ,Alliance, a1 14 , 10. 1 . 3 14g the offending:journal It is believed that several of the ministers of Louis Napoleon are hitelingS of Rua 'sin. The Emperor has, of late, been very neglectful of public business, and has been immersed in self-indulgence and festivities. But now be acts with vigor. Lord Pal merston's policy is firmness ; and the coun try has received, with enthusiasm, a speech made at Manchester, the other day, in which lie says, "If Russia keep to her engage ments, then, no doubt, there will be peace," Russia has often gained more by diplomacy than by battles; but this time she will be foiled. The Bishop of Manchester has sadly scandalized the High Church and Tracta rian party, -by a full RECOGNITION OF PRES BYTERIAN ORDINATION, in the presence of five thousand persons. This was in connex ion with the presence of Dr. Cumming on the platform. If the feeling of mutual re cognition. which made Cranmer and Calvin one, were to prevail, it would be a sure Ei , n that evangelism was fast rising to ascen dency. Without referring to those of our mini.s ters who are prose authors—and for such a small body as is the English Presbyterian Synod, they are a considerable number—or doing more than mention, that the author ess of " Margaret Maitland," " Adam Gracme," &c., a series of admirable fictions, illustrative of Scottish life, and Scottish . piety, too, is a lady connected with one of our churches at Liverpool—permit me to give your readers a specimen of the poetic power of our confrere, at Hampstead, the Rev. JASIES D. BURN, A. M. Mr. B. was the greatly beloved minister of a church in Caledonia, but ill health compelled him to travel over the Continent. And while there, as well as while at Madeira, he poured forth many a strain, sweet, gentle, and beautiful. Visiting Lisbon, he stands at the grave of Yhili Doddridge ; and in the following Sonnet, he throws a fragrant garland upon the tomb which covers such precious dust: "In that fair city by the Tagus' side, I stood beside the grave which holds in trust, Until the resurrection of the just, The ashes of a spirit glorified. I thought of how he lived, and how he died, And how a sacred reverence guards the dust, And keeps, unwasted by sepulchral rust, A name with beaven•and holiness stilled. A bird was singing in the cypress-tops ; It seemed an echo of the voice, which led The soul to rise to its immortal hopes, Repeating still the words on earth it said ; And gleams of light were trembling on the slopes, Like angels' shadows watching round the dead." True poetic power is rare in these days ; but this, and other productions of Mr. Burns, who has all the modesty of true genius, proves that he is not destitute of the "mem divenier." The'great event in our history as a Church, last week, was the INAUGURAL LECTURE ; by the Rev. Doctor Thomas M'Crie, our newly appointed Professor of Theology and Church History. On the afternoon of the 4th, Doctor IWCrie was cordially welcomed by all the brethren of the London Presby tery; and his distinguished name was added to the roll. In the evening, accompanied loylhe Presbytery, and with the Convener of the College Committee, Alexander Gil •lespie, Esq., (a name known and honored, both in Canada and the - United States,) in the Chair, Doctor M'Crie delivered his open ing address, to a crowded and delighted audience, in the Lower Room, Exeter Hall. The' audience was chiefly composed of the office bearers and ,members of our London congregations. But on the platform were several strang,ers ; and amongst these, most prominent, Dr. Bunting, the venerable father, (as he may be called, , both as to age and in fluence ) of the 'Wesleyan Body in Englin4. Dr.,M'Crie's lecture opened with a graphic picture of the Scottish Commissioners, as they came on horseback over the borders, acioss'the fruitful plains, and past the cathe drals and rich glebes of England, toward the Metropolis. He *drew a portrait of each succession—Alexander Henderson, 'George Gillespie, Robert Bailie; and, last of all, of the seraphic look, and upturned eye, and more than earthly saintliness, of Samuel Rutherford. This was receivell with loud expressions of admiration. Then came the body of the address, which proposed to deal with the history of English Presbyterianism, in its , aspects and connexions with the past, the presens, and the future. Going back to the days of the Reforma tion, he dwelt long and impressively on the cordial intercourse which subsisted between the English Reformers and the leading Di vines of the Foreign Churches. He dealt with the charge usually brought by High Churchinen against Calvin, that he was an intolerant Presbyterian and leveler, and quoted apt and striking passages from his letters addressed to parties in England, to show how moderate were his views, if only he could" have seen the National Church be coming a mightT agency in spreading over the land a pure Gospel. The Puritans and their origin—identifed with Presbyterial ism---:--their sufferings tinder Elizabeth—the suppression of their if prophesyings," by royal authority--and the deplorable conse quences, to the cause of true religion, of the death of Edward VL-f—were most strikingly set forth. . , Of the influence of the Puritan, PreEbyte yian".elenient, even in the Book of Common Prayer illustrations were furnished not mere . ly by the advice asked from and tendered by Calvin, Bucerand Ballinger, but especially io reference to the Communion service, by Joan Knox himself. There is a rubric in the Prayer-Book, which expressly declares, th:lt; the receiving of the Lord's Supper ia kneeling posture, is not to be understood as implying adoration of the elementz—"a thing to be, ablierred by all faithful Chris tians." Doctor 'ArCrie contritatMg the direct teaching Of, tiansulistantiation in Bing Ed ward's Priyer-Book with the present state of the Communion service, pointed out how much in .this matter Evangelical Protestaer ism was indebted to the great Reformer of SOt;tlaPd- , In the course of his lecture he derail strated that instead of Presbyteri.mism yr Puritanism being occas t arily a republican or dissenting system, it was reforming ratio thunt dissident and&fiber, that whereAs English Churchmen are wont to say tba: prelacy and a l i i crare h y were the result 4.4 a inonarchical,Aim of civil govern in ens, the, inevitabte;', tendency of Puritanism, which NiaB,4Cet, while opposed to arbitrarg Power; . but for Royal Compression, and this especially 'from Queen Elizabeth—w. to heCome Presbyterian. „Neter IWCrie proved also that it was or ,dained Episcopal clergymen, left free to art fetal' eir convictions by the establishment of t the Commonwealth, who, propr . 6 MOM, not only agreed upon a Calvinistic Confession , at Westminster, but (the Scottish Conowt - . - sinners advising only, not, voting,) also adopted a Presbyterian form of Church gov ernment. This is a fact well worthy of re membrance. Royalty and Lairdism no longer controlling and persecuting, religion put on the simple garb of Presbyterianism . Doctor .111'Crie's lectures exhibited a rare and most felicitous union of honesty, °p sistency and Christian charity. Re dsreit on " the fond dream" of what a National Church Eli land might have had, if solue: the thing like e rednced Episcopacy of Arch bishop Ussher had been agreed upon
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers