*dui Viottrß• Speak Gently. Speak gently—it is better far To rule by love than fear; Speak gently, let not harsh words mar The good we might do here. Speak gently—lore should whisper low To friends when faults we find; Gently let truthful accents flow, Affection's voice is kind. Speak gently to the little child, Its love be sure to gain ; Teach it in accents soft and mild, It may not long remain. Speak gently to Me young, for they Will have enough to,bear ; , Pass through this life as best they may, 'T is full of anxious care. Speak gently to the aged one, Grieve not the care-worn heart; The sands of life are nearly rnn— Let such in peace depart. Speak gently, kindly to the poor, Let no harsh tone be heard; They have enough they must endure, Without an unkind word. Speak gently to the erriasr--know That thou art also man; Perchance 'unkindness drove them so; 0, win them back again. Speak gently, for 'tis like the Lord, Whose accents, meek and mild, Bespoke him as the Son of God, The gracious holy child. Washed in his blood, redeemed to life, The family of heaven, Flee from all anger, wrath, and strife, Forgive as they 're forgiven. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate Presbytery of Des Moines. The Presbytery of Des Moines met at Oska loosa November 6th, and was opened with a ser mon by Rev. P, H. Jacob. lowa notice was received that the Synod. of lowa had made cer-, tain changes in the boundaries of Presbytery, whereupon the names of the following ministers and churches were dropped from the roll, viz : Ministers.—G. M. Swan, D. V. Smock, James Caldwell, S. C. M'Cune, Joseph Kerr, L. B. Crit tenden, Thos. H. Dinemore, and licentiate John Anderson. Churches.—Bentonsport, Keosauqua, Winches ter, Birmingham, Libertyville, Fairfield, Rich woods, Shiloh, Crawfordsville, Washington, Lib erty, Brighton and Dutch Creek. Rev. J. M. M . Blroy was elected Stated Clerk. Irwin Carson and J. M. Batchelder, ministers, and David Wills, elder, were appointed a Com mittee on Missious; also to act as Committee on Church Extension. Rev. Irwin Carson and Rev. P. H. Jacob were appointed on credentials of ministers laboring - within our bounds. Rev. 11. M. Giltner, missionary at Nebraska City, was received as a member of Presbytery from the Presbytery of Madison. Presbytery adjourned to meet at Kirkville on the second Thursday in April, 1857. J. M. M'ELROY, Stated Clerk. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Synod of lowa. The Synod of lowa convened in the First Pres byterian church of Burlington, on the ]oth ult., and after sermon by the Moderator, Rev. S. • C. M'Cune, from Rom. xii: 6, was constituted with prayer, Succeeding the usual preliminaries, Rev. J. D. Mason was chosen Moderator, and Rev. T. Stearns, Clerk. By standing rule, one half-hour at the opening of each morning session was spent in devotional exercises. Rev. W. W. Corkhill, agent of the American Bible Society, addressed the Synod on the sub ject of his agency. Rev. H. I. Coe addressed the Synod on the subjects of Church Extension and Systematic Benevolence. Rev. J. M. Stevenson, D. D., and Rev. A. Sterritt, of the Synod of Indiana, were heard in relation to a Theological Seminary for the North- West.. A memorial in relation to said proposed Semi nary, and a Constitution thereof, were referred to Messrs. Phelps, Crested and Dr. Henry to report thereon. In due time the Committee reported in favor of said Institution, and recommended the following resolutions, which were adopted : Resolved, That this Synod adopt the Constitu tion submitted for the proposed Seminary, and direct the Moderator and Clerk to sign the same in behalf of the Synod. Resolved, That Synod is decidedly of the opinion that the Seminary should be under the control of the General Assembly, and as soon as the concurrence of the governing Synods can be obtained, we shall anticipate a transfer of the Seminary to the General Assembly. Messrs. J. D. Mason, J. Phelps, D. D., and S. J. Baird, ministers, and Hon. Lincoln Clark, and J. M. D. Burrows and J. P. Conkey, elders, were elected to the Board of Directors of the Semi nary for the North-West, to meet in the city of Chicago on the evening of the 6th of November next. Rev. Andrew Happer addressed the Synod on the subject of Foreign Missions. According to standing rule, the roll:was called to see if the brethren had preached on the sub jects of the several Boards of the Church during the year, and made contributions to the same, when it appeared that most of them had com plied with the rule. Synod requested of Rev, S. C. M'Crine a copy of his opening sermon, for publication. The Trustees of Alexander College, through the President, presented their third annual re port, showing the Institution to be in a prosper ous condition. A new Presbytery was organized in the South- West part of .the. State, to be called the Presby tery of Council Bluffs, to hold its first meeting in Sidney, on the third Friday of November next, at' 11 o'clock A. M., and to be opened with a sermon by Rev. L. G. Bell. Synod also constituted a new Presbytery in the North-West of the State, to be called the Pres bytery of Sioux City, to bold its first meeting in Fort Dodge, on the first Thursday of November next, at 7 o'clock P. M., to be opened by a ser mon, by Rev. S. T. Wells. Synod moreover unanimously adopted an over ture to the next Assembly, asking a division of their body, and a new Synod to be constituted under the name of the Southern Synod of lowa. Dubuque was designed as the place of the next stated meeting of the Synod, second Thursday of October, 1867. Complaints were made by the Presbytery of Cedar, and a minority of the Presbytery of Du buque, against the latter, for re-licensing D. W. Lyons to preach the Gospel, which were heard, and issued as follows : Resolved, That the complaints be sustained so far as the irregularities specified are concerned ; yet they do not consider these as invalidating the licensure of Mr. Lyons. On the subject of Church Extension and Syste matic Beneficence, after being addressed by Rev. H. I. Coe, Synod adopted the following resolu tions : Resolved,. That the Synod urge upon all our 'ministers and churches the importance of hearty co-operation with the Church Extension Commit tee in carrying ont their plans and purposes. Resolved, That Synod enjoin it upon all the ministers and Sessions within our bounds, to adopt some plan of Systematic Benevolence, so that oontributiorus may be made annually in all , the churches to the different Boards, and Church Extension ; and to this end Synod recommend the adoption of the plan presented in the printed cards at hand for distribution. Resolved, That as the calls for aid in church erection are now very pressing, it is urged upon all the churches to make a contribution to this object daring the month of November next, and to forward the same to the Committee at St. Louis immediately. Synod-expressed their gratification at the ap i tiLtitment by the Board of Missionstof the-Rev. 15. T. Wells u Itinerant Missionary for this State, to labor in our destitutions, and to organize churches; and requested of all our churches a hearty co-operation with him in advancing the interests of his mission. Papers containtno: ' notices of the decease of three of our brethren during the past year, and a Narrative of the State of Religion, were adopted. On the Sabbath, Rev. 3. M. Stevenson, D D., preachedin the morning, at the close of which the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed. In the afternoon Rev. Andrew Flapper preached on the subject of Foreign Missions, when a Syn odical contribution of $4O was made to said cause, and in the evening Rev. Justus T. Ilmsted preached on the subject of Domestic Missions, after which a Synodical collection of $37 was made to this cause. The services throughout were well attended, and full of solemninterest. J. D. M. cttlle. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Catechetical. Exposition. Romans 1: 8-16. Verse 8. First I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. Q. 1. What does be mean when he says, First, I thank my God, etc. ? A. He means he would begin, the Epistle by giving thanks on their account. Q. 2. What is the import of the phrase, may God ? A. It implies an assurance of reconciliation, and a conciousness that a cov enant of peace exists between God and the speaker. Q. 3. Why does he say, through Jesus Christ? A. Because he coped his thanks• giving would be acceptable to God through Christ, and not on account of his own good ness. Q. 4. On what account did he give thanks ? A.' Because the faith, fidelity and devotedness of the Christians at Rome, was spoken of throughout the whole world. Q. 5. Do the words, the whole world, literally mean every part of the earth, with its inhabitants? A. Not at all ; for there were many parts where the Roman Chris tians had never been heard of Q. 6. What, then, is the import of the language ? A. It means that the faith of these Christians was spoken of very gener ally wherever Paul went, and all through the Christian churches. Q. 7. If every part of the world is not meant, why is the language used ? A. It, and the kindred phrases, •" all the world," "all men," " every man," is a form of speech used to express what is very general, or what is characterized by almost constant uniformity, or what is very extended and wide-spread. And this comprehensive style of speaking was much more common• in Eastern than in Western countries. Verse 9. For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the Gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of yon always in my prayers. Q. 1. Why does he state that he men tioned them always in his prayers.? A. To assure them of his affection, and the deep interest he felt in their welfare. Q. 2. How does he manifest his anxiety to convince them that he thus felt and acted toward them ? A. By appealing to God as a witness that it was so. Q. 3. Is this appeal to God to be con sidered as an oath ? A. By no means; be cause an oath always implies the imprecation of Divine vengeance in case of falsehood, but these words only imply that the speaker can appeal to God for the truth of what he says. Q. 4. When he says, God is my witness, why does he add, whom, I serve with my spirit in the Gospel of his Son ? A. To show that in his appeal to God he must be sincere, because he served God with affec. don, and in the most exalted relation ; hence, in these circumstances, he could not appeal to God but in the case of truth. Q. 5. What is meant by serving God with the spirit? A. That the service is not merely outward, but the whole heart and affections engaged in it. Q. 6. In what calling did he thus serve God? A. In the ministry of the Gospel. Q. 7. When he says, without ceasing I make mention of you, does it mean that he constantly mentioned them, and nothing else ? A. No; the import of the language is, that it was his constant practice to men tion them in prayer. Verse 10. Making request, if by an - yrneans now at length I might have a prosperous journey, by the will of God, to come unto you. Q. 1. What was one special object of request in his prayers? A. That it might be his privilege to visit the Christians at Rome. Q. 2. What is the import of the words, if by any means now at length ? A. They express the Apostle's ardent desire to see them, and imply' that it had been long cher ished. Q. 3. What is implied in the words, lqj the will of God f A. .A desire.tbat God would permit, and also thatke would direct and guide. Q. 4. Was this request ever granted to the Apostle ? A. He was allowed to visit Rome, but it was as a prisoner; and his journey might seem anything but prosper ous; for he was shipwrecked, and suffered much by the way. ' Q. 5. Is it an evidence that God does not regard the prayers of his people, when they are not answered according to their desire? A. , No ; it is only an evidence that God knows better than they do, what is most for his glory and their good. Verse 11. For I long to see you, that I may im part unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established. Q. 1. Why did the Aposrle long to see them ? A. That he might impart some spiritual gift to them. Q. 2. What is meant by spiritual gifts? A. Extraordinary and miraculous endow ments, which were common in the Apostolic churches, and also the ordinary gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. Q. 3. For what purpose did he de sire to impart these gifts to them ? A. In order that they might be established. Q. 4. How would the impartation of these gifts tend to establish them? A.. Their faith would be strengthened, their love in creased, their zeal quickened, and their steadfastness much confirmed thereby. Verse 12. That is that I may be comforted to gether with you, by the mutual faith both of you and me. Q. 1. How does the. Apostle avoid the danger of giving offence, though he had said, he expected to profit them .much? A. By modestly intimating, that he expected to be much profited also by his intercourse with them. Q. 2. In what way would both he and they be comforted by 'their mutual faith? A. Faith here may signify piety, or godli ness; then, by the mutual exercise of their piety, or Christian graces, in conversation and otherwise, they would be comforted to gether. • Verse 13. Now I would not have you ignorant brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you (but was let hitherto t ) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among Ogler QontileB Q. L Why does the Apostle 'wish them lIIE PRESBYTERIAN BAIN:NE.Ii AND ADN6CATE. to know that be bad often purposed to come to them ? A. In order that his not coming might not be ascribed to his want of love for them. Q. 2. Way did he not, come when be purposed to do so ? A. Because he was let, or kindred, by probably various and numer ous causes, as he does not specify any. Q. 3. What was the fruit which be de- siredto have among them, as among other Gentiles? A. Spiritual fruit—the fruit of godliness and devotion, cultivated and gath ered by his ministerial labors among them. Verse 14. lam debtor both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise. Q. 1. Who are meant here by Greeks and Barbarians, wise and unwise? A. Peo ple of all nations, both the civilized and the rude. Q. 2. How was Paul a debtor to these'? A. Not because he had received anything from them ; but he had received the Gospel in trust for them, and thus he was bound to dispense it to them. Verse 15. So, as much as in me is, lam ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome also. Q. 1. What connexion has this verse with the preceding ? A. It is an inference from verse 14, acknowledging his, indebted ness to them, and his readiness to dis charge it. Q. 2. What is the meaning of, So,fts much as in me is I A. Therefore, as far as the matter rests with me, (but leavin,g the disposal thereof to God,) I am ready to preach, etc. Verse`l6. For lam not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto sal vation to every one that believeth ; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek Q. 1. Why does be say, lam not ashamed of the Gospel ? A. Because the thought of preaching the Gospel at Rome, suggested to him the necessity of freedom from shame on its account, and of apprising them of the fact, that be was thus free. Q. 2. Wby did the thought of preach ing the Gospel at Rome suggest to him the necessity of freedom from shame ? ' A. Be= cause he knew that if the Gospel would any where be turned into ridicule, it would be at Rome. Q. 3. Why was it liable to be thus treated at Rome? A. Because the inhab itants were sunk in corruption ; haughty and self• sufficient; influenced by the pride of wealth, rank, power, and worldly wisdom; and to such, the bumbling doctrines of the Gospel would be very unpleasant and hate ful, even to contempt. Q. 4. Why was he not ashamed of the Gokpel ? A. Because it is the power of God to salvation. Q. 5. Does he say it is the power of God to salvation to all men? A. No; only to them that believe. Q. 6. Does the Apostle mean that un believers are saved by the Gospel ? A. No; if his language has any meaning, it is, that unbelievers are not saved. Q. 7. What, they, are we to think of Universalism, Which teaches that all are saved ? A. That it is the voice of Satan saying to men, "Ye shall not surely die," though ye refuse to believe. Q. 8. How-is the Gospel the power of God to salvation ? A. It is the means through which the power of God saves men. Q. 9. Are men saved only by the power of God? A. Most assuredly they are; be cause they have no power to save them selves. Q. 10. What is the meaning of, to the Jew first, and to the Greek. also? A. That the Gospel is for both Jews and-Greeks; bat to be offered to the Jews first, NistoritaL Macaulay and the Scotch The history of Scotland, and the reputa , tion of Presbyterianism, are so intimately connected, that members of our Church must ever take a deep interest in having the events of the last three hundred years, which Occurred in the North of Great Britain, fairly represented. Macaulay, the historian, with all his bril liant powers as a writer, has shown himself deeply inimical to orthodoxy, and to that deep devotion and religious strictness which belong to the faith of our Church. Amongst others who have noticed this, and have corrected his misrepresentations, and repelled his assaults, is Blackwood's Magazine. In the number of this work for September, is an able article. Scot land contended with England long and nobly for a proper independence, and her people were invincibly dttermined to form their Kirk after their own fashion—that is, as they were taught in Scripture. , Nothing short of this would satisfy her ministers and her people. The reviewer, noting this, and the remark of Macaulay, and others, giving her over to a most lugubrious and unlovely fanaticism," thus proceeds : Then, out of the heart of. this fanaticism; out of the heated and fiery atmosphere where Mr. Macaulay's Carneronians appear like so many metaphysical Lucifers; out of the world ruled by 'a frightful gang of preachers, who hunt old women and young ' fools to the stake—there rises, without either change of principle or alteration of senti ! meat, not, strange to record ! a community debased, miserable, and priest ridden, as it ought to have been, according to all logic; but a nation prosperous among the prosper i ous ; a country rich, powerful, moral, educated, renowned for enterprise, great l in invention, and rich in all that abundance and plentitude of thought, which is -the noblest growth of national freedom. Out of 'the very heart of that dismal cloud of reli pious gloom* which overspreads the land in the pages of Mr. Macaulay, and in the nis i representation of many a writer less gifted than he, rises a - strain of national music, Isweet, tender, and joyous as the very voice 1 of nature; a wealth of poetry, noble and I melodious, which any country might rejoice to own, and a series of novels unparalleled in the world. Has Scotland, then, changed i ber principles and modified her faith ? No I lit is not possible that an Established Church could have remained so long without breaks and offshoots; but the secessions from the Church of Scotland, 'great and small, have 1 every one of them pursued her back to the l '. closest letter of her ancient creed, and aimed themselves, not at novelty, but at a stricter ,and firmer adherence to the unchanged Standards of their faith. This country, even in its dissent, remains unanimous. One law of doctrine and order possesses, with a ' singular tenacity, the mind of the nation; its other sects are all importations, limited,l in number, and foreign to the soil ; and even external' separation has pot been able to disintegrate the natural and indestructi- i . .ble union of belief, and thought. The lanati -1 ohm of out fathers, glorious madness VI cleaves to the hearts even of our children. Full three hundred years of it have been in Scotland ; it may be a very bad fanaticism— blood-thirsty, unlovely, morose, and doleful; so a great many people say, and so, with a sad want of originality, says Mr. Macau lay. Yet somehow, it is very clear, Scotland has thriven under the shadow of this upas— thriven, expanded, stretched abroad her arms to the winds, and her head to the shy; given the world full assurance, many a day, of a free heart and a healthful spirit; and, not least, (as the story goes,) rendered some sturdy assistance to the production of Mr. Macaulay, an orator of distinction, a politi cian of fame, a brilliant essayist, and a his torian unrivaled in popularity. Honor to our blithe old mother, though she carries her mirth in her heart more than on her brow"! and-a 'swift, yet not unredeernable downfall to all and sundry her traducers and enemies, be they friend or fiend ! Amen ! For it is still as true as ever it was, that men do not, gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles." If this historiau's account were true, an Italy, or an Ireland, without the beauty of the one or the wit of the other, is'what our country must have been. We are content to leave the facts of histoiy to speak for us ; and with these so plainly on our side, it is a great deal more easy to believe the truth than the fiction; for in this, as in all other cases, there is no such extent of unreasoning and inconsiderate credulity to be found anywhere, as among the enemies of the faith.- `After exposing the historian's misrepre sentations of the Highlanders and the Scotch politicians, the reviewer remarks : We come now, however, to a part of Mr. Macaulay's representations more important than his opinion of the Highlalds, or his strictures on the politics of the Revolution. We are neither. Divines nor controversialists. It is not our business to defend the especial tenets of that faith under whose shadow our country has grown and flourished; and we are perfectly aware that no amount of reli gious intolerance exceeds the eager intoler ance manifested in general by those who make no particular profession of religion, against all who do. But we cannot help remarking Mr. Macaulay's exhibition of one of the most evident features of the time. Within these dozen years or so—we do not think the mania is much older—or rather the litterateur, a personage not be be described by the suave eighteenth century designation or MUD of Letters—has taken upon himself to attack and overthrow something which he supposes to be Calvinism, and which, doubt less, he means to distinguish thereby as the most, rampant form of sombre and unlovely religion. The monster thus attacked is a very ugly monster; but flaps its arms abroad into- the, sky with a suspicious per .plexity of 'outline, and creaks in its move ments as living limbs never ereaked in the common air of heaven. While our adven turous ,knight rushes against it in all the enthusiasm of chivalry, we, who are only a spectator, stand by, much puzzled, and look on through the storm of the onset with a certain perception of something ludicrous checking our interest and our sympathy. What is it ? Alas, it is no giant—it is only the windmill of the old story; and the zeal of our champion tumbles down, sheer out of the sublime into quite another region, as he essays his maiden weapons on that porten tous arm of wood. We. desire to;do injustice to no man. We do not accuse Mr. Macaulay of willfully mis representing the doctrines of our faith, nor the spirit of the same. We do not assert that Mr. Dickens knows what he is doing in the unfortunate production by which, t this moment, be is bringing down his own fame. We will not even say that the Broad Church, though it is a clergyman, and ought to be instructed,. really knows any better. What we say is the simple assertion, that the mon ster introduced to us by these accomplished and able writers, and to which Mr. Macau lay especially has given local name and hab itation, has no existence in any creed, in any Church, or in any religious> community in the world. ' This being acknowledged, we are perfect ly willing that every man should fight his own win 3mill, after his own fashion. We give our free consent, that every individual Frankenstein should have its head cut off incontinently by its own proper creator; but we will not consent to have the faith, in which we are. rejoiced to live and die, iden tified with.• the monster of any man's imagi nation, and still less to suffer a general slur and stigma upon the Church and the memo ry of our fathers, to us the most precious things in history. We have read a good many books of Calvinistic theology, and heard in Our day no small amount of sermons of the same complexion ; yet we confess• we were sadly ignorant of the doctrine of reprobation till we began to make acquaintance with such writers as Maurice and Kingsley, Dickens and Macaulay. It is true, and we confess it, that the Church of Scotland, parhaps im pelled by a national spirit of logic more absolute than that of England, and more in the habit of following a certain truth to its inevitable conclusion, solemnly admits the darker alternative of that simple statement, -in which lies the summary of her faith, " There is no other name given under heaven whereby we can be saved, but the nameJllf Jesus." But that from this the Chnia of Scotland has ever deduced any other practi cal corollary than that of the Apostle, " Preach the Gospel," we unhesitatingly challenge Mr. Macaulay to prove"; and not only Mr. - Macaulay, though he is a redoubt able champion, but all the world. Xil i istillaramo. Co l nwaxoption. of Sugar. Twenty years ago, the total consumption of Augar, including the indigenous article, was estimated at one thousand millions pounds. We find the consumption of 1855 computed at two thousand seven hundred and sixty millions pounds. Ot that amount, Russia. consumed 126,280,000 lbs. Zollverein, 292 600,000. " Austria, • 101,500,000 tc France, 266,000,000 " Kingdomof Greatßritain, 720,000,000 " Belgium, 74,000,000 " Holland, 52,000,000 " Denmark, 12,200,000 Sweden and Norway, 18,500,000 150,000,000 " Portugal, - 20,000,000 f," Total, The total consumption of the United States, in 1855, was about seven hundred and twenty millions pounds. The sugar production in the South, and the quantity of maple sugar obtained in the other States, amounts only to a third of the entire consumption of the United States. Cane sugar was manufactured, according to the census of 1850, .to the, amount of 247 1 E47 Mils., of LOOP lbs., or about 247,- 500,000 lbs., of that year. The entire pro duction of maple sugar was 34,250,000 lbs. in the same time. Since that time, the lat ter has been reported as steadily decreasing, while the former, in all probability, for the present year, if not below the' above figure, at least will not be much above it. From 1854 to 1855, a decrease took place of 6;000 hhds., and that of this year is said to be much greater. Our entire production for 1856, therefore, at its maximum, is no more than 280,000,000 lbs. Last year we im ported 440,000,000 lbs., re-exports sub stracted. The above figures give a consump tion of 720,000,000 lbs., or about 29 lbs. per head of the population, which is a higher ratio than that of any other country in the world. Mr. Tegobozsky, in his statistical work on• Russia, estimates, the relative con sumption of the various countries of Europe, as follows : Great Bri Belgium, Holland, France, Denmark, Mr. R. C. Webster, living on the old road to Hackensack, about, a ruiile from the New York turnpike, and two miles from the Pas saic Bridge at East Newark, some years ago discovered on his property a peculiar rock, which was found very useful for fertilizing, and also for making paint, and it led to the formation of a Manufacturing Company, which purchased the land from Mr. W. for 8450,000. They continued selling the land, for fetiliz ing purposes until recently, when it was dis covered that the stone contained about four per cent. of nickel, and also a large proportion of oxide of lime and cobalt, and a small por tion of silver ' which parties in Europe had known for a long time, and had been pur chasing the rock at $l5 per ton, for the pur pose of extracting these valuable substances. A steam mill was recently erected for the purpose of• grinding the rock into , powder, and about twenty men are constantly em ployed, 'who turn out from 300 •to 400 bar rels a week,. each barrel weighing 400 , pounds. This is the second and richest dis covery of nickel in the United States, and promises ,to be very profttable,• the mine be ing estimated to be worth millions of dollars. A shaft is now being sunk and other im provements made to carry on the business with more facility.---Newark, N. J., Advo cate. AMERICAN DENTISTS IN EUROPE —lt is formally announced in G-alignani's Messen ger that Dr. T. W. Evans, the American dentist to the Emperor and Empress, has re turned to his residence in Paris from a jour ney to NOECOW, where be bad been summon ed to , attend the Emperor Alexander 11, and the imperial family of Russia, all doubtless with disordered teeth, after so much good liv ing at the coronation. DITtIENSE GROWTH.—The population of Cincinnati within the corporate limits, (which includes Hamilton county,) is stated top be 470,000. The exports from that city for the year 1855-'6 amounted to 850,844,- 780; in 1851-'2 to only $33,234,896. This gives an idea of the great increase of busi ness within four years. The imports into the city the last year amounted to $75,295,- 901. PE2II43YLVANIA, Banks ofPittsburgh, par Banks of Philadelphia, par Bank of Oharobersburg, Rank of Gettysburg, 3.4 . Bank of Middletown, 1 4 Bank of Newcastle, r t. Aria bank, Farm. & Kirov. Waytteslrg. Pranklin ht. Washington, par Harrisburg bank, Honesdale bank, . 4 Bank of Warren, I York bank, Relief Notes, 7 0, All other solvent banks, par State bank, and branchea All otber solvent banks, NEW ENGLAND A]] solvent banks, NEW YOILX. New York City, " Country, MARYLAND. Baltimore, Country, liar RE SBV T ERI APi 8008 R0033115.-711E ja. Depository is now well furnished' with all the Publican• bons of the Presbyterian Board of Publication.andespecialt, with those that are suitable for Sabbath School Libreria; There is also a good supply of nearly 400 additional volumes, selected with special care, from the numerous publication! of the Massachusetts B. a. Society , and the American S. Union. Orders from any past of the country will be promptly at tended to by addressing the subscriber. Honey may be awn by mail at our risk. _Use, a good supply of stationery. norl7 TArtINS A. IRWIN, Librarian KxeoßD F EDI&LE COLLEGE" BUTLER County, Ohio, under care of the Synod of Cincinnati. Principal, Rev. J. W. Scott, D. D., aided by eight assistant teaehers. Expense from pi to goo per session of five months., Scholarships at rates still lower. The buildings mid grounds are nnsurpaafed. Every modern convenience and comfort bee been supplied. Rooms all bested with steam, and lighted with gas. Sessione open early in Jimto ary and September. For tirculors or information in detail, apply to DR. SCOTT, or REV W. S ROGERS, Oxford, Ohio. mh22-tf Vint I 0 RI ) . 0 I la Ali 0 - GRATHRai S'l`ooll'.. RA D. KIRKRATRIOR & SONS. Yn. ' 2l R. THIRD 9f., be. ween Market and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, have for - DRY AND sitzren SPANISH H7DRS, Dr* ond..Green Salted Patna Alpe, Tanner's Oil, Taw:Leer and Corrier's Toole at the lowest prices, and upon the beat tonne. itgl- 411 kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for wbieb the highest market price will be given in cask, or taken in exchangetor Hides Leather Mr.. 43 free of attarg.. enfry ....,rnmtcroCrvr. BELLS: BELLS I BELLS I BELLS:—FOR Churchee, Academies, Factories, Steamboats, P ante tions. &c., made by the subscribers, mid a large assortment kept constantly on hand, mounted with their newly im proved:iron Yoke, which, by a detached plate, permits the bell, without taking it from the yoke, to be turned on its vertical axis, any distance, however • small, or completely found ; thus lessening the danger of a fracture from repeat• ed blows of the clapper in one place: This yoke also com bines the movable arm by which the bell may be raised or lowered in its bearing. if desired, thus increasing or dimin ishing the force of the blew. The recent adaptation of iron cases. in which they mould all sizes, increases their werking funlitles, and also enhances the quality of the casting : which improvements ' with those or thirty years during which the establishment has been in operation, have gained for their bells an unequalled celebrity for volume of sound and quality oftone, and for which they bavejust received, January, 1855, the first premium, at th&World's Fair, many from this coun try and Europe being in competition, and which is the nine. teenth medal .they have received. Being located at the junc tion of railroad, canal and river routes, they can ship in any direction at • a moment's notice. For further information, apply for circulars. Address ANDIMW ittEltiEBLY'S SONS, West Troy, Albany Co., N. Y. o Wilyeow -NT is NOT A DYE I—GREY lIATRED, Bald, or persons afflicted with diseases of the hair or scalp, read the following, and judge of MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. REV. M. TIIACTIER, (60 years of age,)Pitcher, Chenango County. N. Y. " Sly hair is now restored to its natural color, and ceases to - . ' - - REV. PROP. GEORGE SHEPARD, Bangor, Me. "I find friends who on my recommendation, are disposed to try it. Sic." REV. WIL CUTTER, Editor Mothers' Magazine, N "My Weis changed to its natural color, and growing on bald spot, &aP REV. B. P. STONE, D. D, Concord, N. H. "My hair, which was grey. is now restored to it's natural color, &e."REV. D. CLENDENIN, Chicago. ill. "I can add my testimony, and recommend Win my friends." ~ • REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown...N. Y. "My own hair ha greatly thickened. and also that of one of my family, vb• was becoming bald. &c." REV. J P. TUSTIN, Charleston, B. O. ' The white hair is becoming obviated, and new hair forming, Sze." REV. A. PRINK., Silver Creek, N. Y. "It baspinduced a good effect on my hair, and "Lean' and have recommended it." REV. JOSEPH. McKEE, Pastor of West D. R. church, recommends it. • REV. D. MORRIS Crone River, N. Y., aim, and MRS. REV. H. A. PRATT. Hamden, N. Ir. We might swell this list, but if the above fail tom:trine 1,783,080,000 " Bold by all the principal merchants in the United SOO s, Cuba and Canada. • - Wholesale and retail depot, No 355 BIIMMO Street. N. Y. Some dealers try to sell articles,. instead of this, on lybieh they makti more :proftt; if ko, write; id depot for. cir cular and information. Russio,lbs per head. per head. 24.0 States of ZollTerein, 5.6 18.3 Sweden and Norway, 3.7 17.1 Austria, 2.8 8.3 Russia, 2.2 6.1 Valuable Mine. DISCOUNT. RATES OF CORRECTED ,NIEJEICL FOB TIII9 PAMM. NEW JERSEY 6 DELAWARE. All solvent banks, All solvent banks, NORTH CAROLINA. AU olvent banks, 2 BOOTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks, 2 All solvent banks, lAU aolvent banks, All solvent banks, OHIO State bank and branches, Bank of State of Missouri, 5/4" Blur. & Fire Ins. Co. cheeks, 5 MICHIGAN. All solvent banks, 8 solvent banks, ADVERTISEMENTS. /ROA CITE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. An Institution for the Business man. Chartered, April, 1800. Located at Pittsburgh, opposite the Post Office. Having a larger patronage than any similar Institution of the West. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. I His Exc'y., Gov. Jas. Pollock, Hon. R. M. Riddle. Hon. Wm. Bigler, Ex-Goo. lion. J. E. Brady, COL Wilson McCandless, B. A. Pryor, Esq., Col. William Hopkins, 18. L. Fahnestoek, Esq., Capt. D. Campbell, Ed. Campbell, -Esq. N. P. Fetterman, Esq., Alm- cider , Bradley, Esq. Principal—F. W. JENKINS. PACULTI. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. I. I. MTCEICOCK, (author of "A New Method of Teach ing Book-Keeping,") Profess& of the Science of Accounts, and of the Art of Book-Keeping, and Teacher of Arithmetic, and its application to business. JOHN ILEMINO, (author of the "National System of Book-keeping,") Lecturer on the Science of Accounts, and on Business, its customs and usages. ALEXANDER COWLEY and W. P. COOPER, Span cerian Writers, (who have no superiors as Penmen,) I'm feasors of Epistolary, Commercial and Ornamental Penman ship, and Lecturers on Mercantile Correspondence. JAMBS H. HOPKINS, Esq., of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lee-. Carer on Commercial Law. D. BACON, Professor of Mathematics, Lecturer on Politi cal Economy and Commercial Geography. JAMES W. KENNEDY, of " Kennedy's Bank Note Re view," Teacher of the art of Detecting Counterfeit Money. POLYTEOHN3C DEPARTMENT. Conducted by a full and efficient Faculty. TERMS OF TUITION.—PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Book-Keeping, full Accountant's coruse,including Arithmetic and its applications, Commercial Cal culations, all Lectures, Practical Penmanship, (a Life Scholarship) . . .. . . $3.5.00' Same course for ladies, (apartments separate) . 0100 Penmanship, practical, time unlimited, . . 10.00 Ornamental Penmanship, as agreed upon. Arithmetic (new system) time unlimited . . ' 10.00 Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Engineering, Mechanical, Architectural and Ornamental Drawing and Construction Languages, Elocution, kc., as per agreement. DESIGN OF THE INSTITUTION. To furnish the beet means for Acquiring a Thorough Bus times Education, in the shortest time, and at the least ex pense. BOOK-KEEPING, ' As here taught, embodies all the knowledge and Improve. meets taught elsewhere, with some valuable additions no where else applied, so that graduates here will be fully able to manage the books of any business concern. ARITHMETIC, (A new system) and its application to business is here (and hereonly) included in the commercial course. PENMANSHIP, Practical and Ornamental, by A. COWLEY, and W. P. COOPER, Teachers of the Spenceria.n system, unsurpassed Penmen, who drew the first Premiums in Ornamental, Bus iness and Ladiee'Pen.manship, atithe last State Fairs in Ohio and Michigan, Russia lbs Delivered daily on Sook-lieeping ; the Deages, Laws and Ethics of Commerce; Finance and Banking; Political Econ omy, Commercial Geography, Counterfeit Money, &c. An acquaintance with all being necessary to the highest SUCCeee in business. STUDENTS ?day enter at any time; no vacation; review at pleasure; time unlimited. Tuition, full Cornxnerciat Course, Stationary, dc., about , . Board, per week, can be obtained for . • strecEss. Three hundred .Students have entered this College from this city alone (besides others from abroad) since last October. Numbers from other Colleges apply here to coal-plat their education, so that they may be fully qualified for successful business action. DIRECTIONS. Specimens of Writing and °iron'are containing fall laor mation, sent by mail free of charge. Address, F. W. JENKINS, cfeels-ly Iron City College, Pittsburgh, Pa. TUTTERING AND STAMMERING M CURED, Without Pain or Surgical Operation. - The readers of the Banner and Adurcaft will, recollect Published a notice last Winter, beaded " The Last Call to Stuttering and Stammering Persons," in which I announced was the only chance they would ever have of getting cured, and all who desired the cure should either send for it hy mail or call themselves before the lath of March, as on that day I had made arrangements to resign my profession, and retire from the practice. Since the lath, I have personally consulted forty, and sent the cure by mail to AXty. indi viduals. In every instance perfect satisfaction has been rendered. In justice to all who are so unfortunate as to stutter or stammer yet. I have thought proper to give another opportunity of being cured, and therefore would respectfully request them to send me $2O, (which is leas than my usual fee,) and I will immediately send them my core. By so doing they save the expenee of traveling. I am a responsible man. and if my cure is not effectual I will agree to refundthe money. Recollect. thin cure never faßs. Address Dr. WYOKOPF, Boa 746; Pittsburgh Post Office. There has been e. eating population of imposters travel ing the rauntry, praessing to cure impediments of speech by my system, and many have had the audacity to advertise in my name. and give the names of men for reference whom they never knew or saw. When persons who stammer called, those men would represent me, and in several in stances produce a certificate purporting to be mine, vesting in them full power and authority to practice as my Agents. I have frequently warned the Public of these men, as they are not in full possession of my system, and cannot cure. Through untiring pereeverance, I arrested two of them, and others will sooner or later share the same fate. This cure for Stuttering or Stammering is one of my own discovery, far which I have a copy right, secured by law, and have successfully practised the same for the term of nine years. My references are of the highest order, such as the Medi cal Faculty of New York, Philadelphia, and the University of Virginia, all the Press of Pittsburgh, Washington, Greensburg. and Uniontown, Pa., besides fifty thousand persons in different parts of the country. This cure for Stuttering and Stammering is performed in less than one hour. There is no pain or surgical operation attending it. The beauty of all this is, it will cure children of five, and adults at the age of one hundred years. A person who is cured by it, can never again stutter, even if they try. • I of fer to forfeit $lO,OOO if any person can ever afterwards Stut ter, by application of the mire. It was formerly customary to annmince, that no pay would be required urdess a perfect cure was performed. That was done to show the people there would be no risk In *giving me a trial. But now, inasmuch as the leading citi zens of Pittsburgh, know my cure - never fails, it would be superfluous to make another such announcement. myal-tf - BR. WYCKOFF. V lItGIFIA lippOO'SS AND SHOES, BOUTS AND SHOES. 111.0 —JABLES ROBB, No. 89 Market Street, between the Market House and Fifth Street, would call the attention of his friends and customers, and all others who may favor him with their trade, that for the future he will be found at his New Shoe Store, as above, with an entirely New Stock of Boots, Shoes. Gaiters, Slippers; Palm Leaf. Pedal, Tustin; and Braid Hate, &c.; consisting .in part of Gents' Fancy Opera Boots. Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, &c., &c.; Ladles', Misses' and Child, ens' Fancy Boots, Gaiters, Ties, Slips, &c., very beautiful ; Boys' and Youths' Dress Boots, Shoes, Ties and Pumps. GEORGIA TENNESSEN = IE2E3 AT SSOI7II MEM his stock is one of the largest ever opened in this city, and embraces everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia and New York, and, he trusts, cannot fail to please all. Great care has been taken selecting•the choicest goods, all of which he warrants. CAI4AT)A He also. continues to manufacture, as beretofore. all de scriptions of Boots and Shoes, and his long experience of over twenty years in business in tbis city is, he trusts, a suf ficient guaranty that these who favor him with their custom will be fairly dealt with. ap2fr-tf rEnttSCAROR.t. ACADEMY * FOUNDED IN 1836.—The Winter Session of this Institution opens on the Ist of November next. The last Catalogue numbers 160 students, from ten States of the Union. The course of instruction is full and thorough, both as to preparation for btisinessand for College. Students have been entered by the Principal at Yale, Pi inceton, Dickinson. Lafayette, Jefferson, Washington, and Delaware Colleges. tocatim in the-coun try, easy of access, healthful, free from temptations, and in the midst of beautiful scenery. The morel and religions influences in and around the Institution are all the most anxious parent can desire. Per catalogues, containing full information, apply at this office, or to J. H. SHUHAKER, M. A., Principal, se2o•ran Atadernia, Juniata County, Pa. SILVER PLATED' WARE, staunfaetured by dOIIN 0. MEAD & EONS, The oldest and most experienced =cum PLATERS in the United States. TEA SETS AND URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, TUREENS, &c., &e„, OR The most elaborate and richest patterns in America. ALSO. mows, FORKS, LADLES, FRUIT, TEA AND TABLE KNIVES, ETC. No. 15 South Ninth Street, above Chestnut, Near the Girard House ee27-Iy* Philadelphia. ALTSBURG MALE AND FEMALV .ACA T.—The Tenth Bession of this institution will open on the 3d of Noveniher. and continue the months. Prof. 8. Dana, (graduate of Yale,) Principalund Teacher in Male Department. Miss Mary I. Dunlap, (graduate of Steubenville,) Teacher in Female Department. For farther information, address any member of the .Board. W. bPILWAIN, President, Rev..T. GILRERBON, J. M. ROBINSON. Treasurer, Rev. W. W. WOODEND, J. R. DOUGHERTY, Secretary, A. ROBINSON, R. R. ISPOREA, J. W. ROBINSON. oell-8m R. W. W. HALL.' APFTIOR OP BRON. CitITIS AND EINDRED DISEASES. Sent postage paid for $l.OO. Editor of Hall's Journal of Health, a monthly at $l.OO a year, confines himself now, as for many years past, excitt atvely to the treatment of diseases of the TIIROA.T AND LUNGS, at his offlra. N 0.42 Trying Plait% NRW York Toy All ES DIGBY S 181 LIBEBTY STREET, EAT JUST di received a large, good, and fashionable stock of Fall (Mods for Gentlemen's 'wean comprising French and English Broad Cloths. for Costs, Beaver, Pilot, Whirlpool, 'ragg, flair Skin, and Petersham cloths, for Overcoats. A splendid stock of Mach and Colored Cassitueres, for Pants. Vesting of the richest and newest styles, comprising some of the newest and most elegant patterns In Silk Plush and Velvets. Also, on band. a large, well made, and fashionable stock of ready.made Clothing, of superior cut and finish—together with a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, consisting of white and colored shirts, under shirts, drawers, stocks, silk handkerchiefsand cravats, suspenders, gloves, 8:c. 'Will be sold cheap. • ft. B.—Orders in the tailoring line executed in the best Manlier. at the shortest notice. nol-2m 1131 OOH AND JOE PD.I.N TIN G. TILE lUD übaeriber, being provided with Stearn Printing Preens, and a great variety of Printing Types and other fix. tures, is prepared to execute every description of Books Pampblets, Cards, Bills, Labels, de. Blank Deeds, BLank'Books Paper and Stationary, always on hand. J. T. SHB.YOCK,.. No. S 4 Fifto Street, Gazette Building. Nitzburgh, Dee 8.1855' _der.S.tt dr(ONTAGE SEMINARY FOR votma LADIES, Pottstown, Montgomery County Pa. The Winter Session 'cif this Institution vilreommence Eovember 4th. For Circulars, with full patticularstaddress REV. W. R. WORE.. Principal and Proprietor. pOll2l B. M'RADDEN & SON, 95 ITARILET STREET, Pittsburgh, dealers% W atebei,'JetreirY, and !val. Ware. rnyia-tf vell A. IL 1136-.... JA*BS A . B SIBCOFy~ DEX. NU 718 T. 4d7 WALNTIT .10wavde Ninth Pbila TEST jRRS/07_COLLEGIATIE SCHOOL, MOUNT. HOLLY, N. 3.—Designed to pre pare boys thoroughly for college; or . business. Fora-pros pectus, do., address Hey. SAMUEL MUER; A. M. Princi" pal. Number of well qualified assistant teachers ample. Buildings sad groutola eahnisire. Situation pleasant and bealltful. Access sup iailroad from New York. and IPhiladelpids, ffehttiata retitled at ors tluiß. J&l4-if LECI'IIRES E.X.P NSE . ' $35.00 . . 5.00 • 2.50 JJuFvss REiiCANT/L,74 COLZ.Lcy. t_te PITT6BIIIIiiii, iaLELL....“,, no:: bVItLINGTuIS, lOW d• Founded in 1840, and incorporated by tbeLegielatu; t ri Pennsylvania, iiitb perpetual charter. Um.. James Buchanan, Bch. Diuc.f Ilanlpton, Hon. Wm. Wilkins, hut,. istt;,, tor. lieu. W. H. Lowrie. Gen. J. 11, FACIASY AT PLat,ist,i,Gll. P. DUFF, President, author of .• Dun's L'ook-kesphir,- " The Western Steamboat Accountant," Z,c.; Ptuies,nt f the Principles and Practice at' Don ble-nutry hoot - Aseling, A. T. IitWDEN, J. S. DUNCAN, and if. elate Professors of Double,ttitty Book-keeping. J. D. WILLIAAIS, Profeesur of Cammack] and Ornitawi.. tat Penmanship, the best Business and OnatareLtul Petal, in the Umtsd States. . . J. S. DU SCAN, Assistant Profess.or of Penmanship. N. B. BATCH, Professor of Commercial Law and Politica Economy. lion. Judge SIIANis.','ON and J. M. KIRKPATRICK, 1,,, cial Lecturers on Commercial Law. Rev. DAVID FLipillSON, A. DI., Lecturer on eCelnle I C',l Ethics, (late Professor of Ancient and Modern Langne,,, of Washington College.) P. Ittli• F. Lecturer on the History and Principles of Con, merge, Banking, &c. JOHN hIURYHF, Teacber of the Art of Detecting Ccr.l.. terfeit Bank Notes; the only thoroughly qualified of this Art in this part of the country. TELE CLASSICAL DILPABTMENT Embraces a full course of Classical, Mathematical att fish Studies Y. nAYDEN, A.M., Principal and Professor of Langta, and Mathematics. F. L..APEL, Professor of French and German Li:cap.:3p E . spatyoOß and G. ANTON, Professors of Vocal ar. strumental - Phis istiroiversally admitted to be the largest and rco perfectly organized Commercial College in the 1:or., States. . _ . The teaching of Book-Keeping, Penmanship, and (4.1,1 collateral sciences hare been brought to a degree of tion not attained in any other of the kind in the COlllary, As an adequate idea of the arrangement.* of this it , , , litl t tion can only be obtained from its pamphlet circulars. are mailed free to all plats of the country, with statim ei ; of Mr. Williams' Penmanship, when desired. jelrt EALTH AND NTEMArtai'D /MUST ILLN ITABLY.FOLLOW ITS USE. IBERHAVE'S ROLLAND BITTERS. TEI CELEURATER HOLLAND REMRD'Y FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES OF KIDNEYS, ETYEE COAIPLALYT, WEAENF.SS OF ANY RIND, FEVER AND AGUE, LED TUE VARIOUS AFFECTIONS CONSEQUENT 171 , 01: A DISORDF.RED STOMACH OR LIVER, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach. Colicy Pan. Heartburn, Lose of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, 135, and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and New,: gin Affections, it has in numerous instances proved high. beneficiai,and in others effected a decided care. Nature finds no new enemy to combat with this deligbth tonic in the system. Ifs effects are almost magical, yet ti cureperantenent. It communicates no violent sboch to 11 'System, but by arousing its vital energy to normal ertit.r, enables it to throw off the owl - se, and thus thoroughly erK. icates the disease. When its medicinal virtues are so universally adtnowledi ed, and particularly here, where it has become so popular family medicine, that it is sold by many of the grocers. , > well as all the druggists, It would seem needless to of, further evidence; yet as there are, doubtless, some who bar, tried many advertised remedies. and still suffer from fiss. pepsia in ono or more of its dreadful forms, we subjoin 1.1. i following certificates, the authenticity of which cannot be doubted, coming, as they do, from persons so well known. URA IT 1S1)011 , TG FOR THE SICR. Wn,t. Behnehnian, Bsq., the well known I ithogropher, e "I 'have frequently used Bourbave's Holland Bitters, end tai: it invariably relieves indigestion and debility." Rey. Samuel Babcock says: "1 found special relief from its use for a severe headache, with which I had long sat fered." J. W. Woodmen. Bsq„, saga: "1 have used Buerbave's lic) land Bitters myself, and reoomMended it to others, knovier, It to be just what it is represented." Aid. Jonathan Neely/of Lower St-Clair, says: "I irc. derived great benefit from its we, for weakness of the stem soh and indigestion." James ilt, Murphy says: "After EoVerai physicians Ic,', failed, Beerhave's Holland Bitters removed the pain tit n, 1.3 benrt and side, arising from indigestion." The editor of the ICittanning Free Press Faye : After cli• of the best physicians in this place bad failed, Itecriran,?: Holland 'Bitters cured me of the worst form of dyspepsa.' Francis Felix, only manufacturer of the " original Eximel of Coffee," says: ' I know that sow- Holland hitters is of the best medicines in the world, for a disordered stenn.l or liver." Mr. Ludwig, editor of the Pad:a, Baltimore, pronounces 11 a medicine deeerving the confidence of the public. .Dr. Eliethart, the leading German physician of Pennsy:. vania, has prescribed it frequently during the last three years, with marked success, in debilitated states of the di gestice organs; or of the system generally. The manager of BaDon's Vinegar Factory says: used myself, and was therefore induced to try its effects upon v.y wife, (troubled with the great debility common to all et consureptlvachabit,) and reallyit is doing her more good tbs: anything she has ever taken." NOTlCEl—Whoever expects to find in this abreerage ITV be disappointed ; but to the sick, weak, and low spirited. i will prose a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of SiDguin! remedial properties. CAUTION t— The great popularity of this delightful Arm; has induced many imitations, which the public should guar.:: against purchasing. He not persuaded to buy any thing (+sc. until yon iwve given ficerhave's Rolland Bitten, a fair trizl. One bottle will convince you how infinitely sr/parlor it is is all these imitations. Sold at $i per bottle, or six bottles for $6, by the ed.: proprietors ' BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. at CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists & Chemists, Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, Pittsburgh pqmwmm Philadelphia, T. W. Dyott & Sons, 132 N. 2d Street. Ne , York, Barnes & Park, 304 Broadway, eor. Duane. Baltimore Cnspare Brothers, Gay Street and Penna.. A.'venne. Cincis Lodi, John D. Park. Chicago, Barclay Brothers, 213 B. Wat!. • Street. St. Louie, Barnard Adams & Co. New 011erms. Wright & Co. decB-y WE INVITE TEE AmTravriox Cf the public to the PHILADELPHIA HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS STO:IN where may be found a large assor.tment of all kinds c Dry Goods, required in furnishing a house : thus sacr.. the trouble usually experienced in hunting such ertich in various places. In consequence of our giving our s: tention to this kind of stock, to the exclusion of - , •s! and fancy goods, we can guarantee our prices and sty:, to be the moat favorable in the market. - IN LINEN GOODS we are able to give perfect satisfaction, being the oLri" , : ESTADUSELED LENIN STORY 171 THE CITY, and having bra": for more than twenty years regular importers from of the best minaufacturers in Ireland. We offer ale,' laige stook of FLANNELS AND MUSLINS, of the best qualities to be obtained, and at the very itrr. prices. Also, Blankets, Runts, Bleedings, Tickingr, -mask Table Cloths, and Napkins, Towellings, Diet*. Huckabacs, Table and PiaLo Covers, Damitake sand mina, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Ilimltiss , Furnl•o„ Chintzes, Window Shadings,Ac., Ac. Jm cowELL a EON, S. W. corner CHESTNUT and BEVTINTD Etr, ap3o-tf & CO., Ala have removed to tbeir new store, 1.32 Wood street, doors above Fifth street, whirl) we have built with tbw press adaptation to our increased business The first floor has been fitted up in modern style , sively for our retail trade. where will always be found a plete assortment of the most fashionable styles of Ger Youths Riding Rats and Children's Goode, adapted seasons. We shall be pleased to dee our friends at our r...‘ store. The four upper stories are expressly for ow Vila+e. Trade, where will be found a full stork of Hate and i embracing Beaver, Silk. every variety ; Soft, Panama, 1 horn, Braids. and Pains Leaf Hats; Silk Plod and Cl,' Cups, and Childreee Goods of all kinds. Merchants visiting our city will find it their interest to amine our stock, as our.facilities are such as to cmtle s• mmpete with any jobbing house in the eastern Ohl. novl7 el JTA 2MR 'VS ENVELOPE MAL t"=- ILI TORY, 5534 South FOURTH Street, below Gbo:, PHILADELPHIA, EnTelopes, Die Binkiog and Engraving, Dies Altere:, velopes &wiped tvitb Business - Cards, Haincenpatbic opes, self sealed and printed directions, Paper Bagr ft: ealturists, grocers, &a., for pitting up garden seedk F. groceries. FRUITING of all kinds, viz Cards, Bill-Beads scalars. , ENGRAVING of Visiting and Wedding Cards, wit. .velopee to fit exactiy, of the finest Thaglish, Franck American paper. Envelopes made to order of any size, quality En ,. crlption. Conveyancer's Envelopes tar deeds, nor:I: , old papers, Are., made in the best manner by NR. WM. COL!3 .B. Orders sent by Express, or as per agreement ap-14-ly .IVE PER ICESOI 4 SAVING the National Safety Company, incorporated State of Pennsylvania. Money is received in any sum, large or small, asd paid from the day of deposit. The office is open every day,from 9 o'clock in the t till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and evezdamt till 9 o'clock. Interest Five Per Cent. All sums, large or small, are paid back ingo/d, Gem'' without notice, to any amount. This SETINO FONT how has more than mut Irian; vi lam, all in 'IIiORTGAGEI3, GRODInCRENI - a, and other 51 , :t investments, for the security of depositors. ARP. Office, 'WALNVT Street, South-West cornet Street, Philadelphia. D tr , n. It IN E. s s GAM. fie G POWDER: 0111011 CAL I'I:AST, is a great saving of Eqi ,s shortening, and far Superior to Cream of Tartar. • aerates; or anything else of .the kind. Be partire..: ask for Durkee's, if you wish the genuine. and do n , e-' to be disappointed in having the true article. His Ei„..• is on each canister. Take no other that interested may endeavor to palm off on you. Durkee's Baking f`: has been adopted in most of the first cues Hotels vet tog private families in New Yorkl as the best and factory article. It is guaranteed to pleat*. Sold 1 : best Grocers, Druggists and Country. Storekeepers t t n out the Union, and at wholesale, , by REIN & EVIRETT. No. TS NortlaiNONT Street. PlailE4ell"l2:. fele- y 0 S MARSH, DIAgor7C TEisJ P l. CHFST?:UT Street, abyss Eecenth, largest PIANO PORTE.: MELODEON, end ItICS/C in the United States. , Wholesale end Retail. ASS.- Branch at 117 MARRET Stret.t. Wihningtor-P.: Boardman, Gray &Co.'s celebrated Dolce cfimrat": Fortes, of Albany; Jacob Chickerlng's, of Eostre: & Co.'s. of Nevi - York; F. P. Horne, of Albany ; LAY': ger's. Of New. York ; J. Marsh's. of Ph Ladd & of Roston: C. W. Fist & Co 'e Yrrnrr. Anaonia; Cerbert, Needham & Nev. George.A. Prince A. Co.'s, 7..4.1% , Toils : s."teinvsy Piano Fc.rtes, of Neu- York ; William Millet's. of and:other distinguished mates, constar.tly on band. ian27.ly • /111113P...pi. A.O IR TO SITE visswArren.A JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and FANCY Is at W. R. ELTONIIRAWS 'Watch. Jewelry, and Silver Ware Store, NO 2. SECOND Street.between Pine and Union, west side • • wbere you will bud a large assortment of named goods: also, Plated Communion Serr2cr: Sete , Cake Baskets. Castors, Spoons, Seas. kinds of Watches. Jewelry, and Silver W$T, orderand repaired. VILA deduction made to Cerz3 'I2 I S. I will sell my goods as low as can be had is I:* zoara-ly CARD .—ILAVING TEVI PT.!? I . Ilk year the system of dealirg it and lioneekeeping Goode, we are rtm fol 3 advantages, both to buyer and seller. v Mob We eortfine ourselves to the aboce ns int d Oaf and can thus devote mere attention to, and put much larger aseortment of each class. err fuck DO belle, or goods to he •= 1 , 3 o tt" r `. of large profit ngcn linens, and other artiolts 7i L the purchaser has the adventsel peipetirg •,... assortment, the induenraentp of low prfreF. taf. ty of gelling the very beet quality. IF • ask the inspection of our sleek by tbope nrntinr at our line, and feel confident they rennet led to 1 1 __, govia end prhg, BROOKS Cet,l't,, Wire Kb: 75 fillfrret Virsat:lllo'cr?