Namar anb 4t(botatt. PITTSBURGH, NOVEMBER 29,1556 TERNS o m 411.50 ; In advance! or In Clubs, VAS; or, dollvorad at restdonces of Subtext. born, 111.75. Soo Prospectus, on Third Page. RENEWALS should be prompt; a little while before the year explreo, that we stay soaks full arrangements for a steady supply. THE RED WRAPPER Indicates that we desire a renewal. If, however, In the haste pf aailingi this signal should be omitted, we hype our friend' will still not forget us. REMITTANCES.—Send payment by safe hands, when convenient. Or, send by mall, enclosing with ordinary care. and troubling nobody with a knowledge of what you are doing. For a large amount, send a Draft, or large notes. For manor two papers,send Gold or small notes. TO HAKE ORANGE. Send postage stamps. Or better still, send for more papers say VI for Seventy numbers. or $1 for Thirty•thres numbers. DIRECT all Letters and Connnunlestions to REV. DAVID MeKINNEY. Pittsburgh. Pas THE PRESBYTERY of NORTH MISSIS SIPPI has been constituted out of part of the Presbytery of Chickasaw. A REvrv - Az, as stated by the Pre.slyte rian Herald, is in progress in Perrysville, Ky. Twenty-nine persons had expressed a hope in Christ Jesus. The Female School shared largely in the gracious work. DAROING.—The article on our first page, furnished from the Presbytery of Bedford, discussing this subject, is excellent, and in season. Read it; then search other amuse ments for the long evenings, and other joys for the approaching holidays. COLUMBIA. THEOLOGIOAL SEMINAILY.- The Synod of Georgia have accepted the resig nation of Dr. Palmer, who accedes to the call to New Orleans, and have also ratified the election, by the Synod of South Carolina, of Dr. J. B. Adger to the vacated Chair in the Seminary at Columbia. REV. DR. SCOTT, of San Francisco, has met with violent opponents, in some friends of the " Vigilance Committee." But he is enabled to maintain his position, unharmed; and is cheered by a full church—an evi dence that it is possible for a good man to maintain his sentiments firmly, even in times of great excitement; and also, that the Vigilance Committee are not an unprin cipled mob. The " Morning Star." This is the name of a missionary ship, built by the A. B. C. F. M., at Chelsea, and recently launched. She is a vessel of one hundred and fifty tons, and constructed for swift sailing. Her cost was $12,000, which the children in Sabbath Schools are engaged in raising. She will shortly sail for the Pacific Ocean, and will carry out Mr. Bingham, with his wife, son of our former missionary Bingham, at the Sand wich Islands, to the new Mission of the Board in Micronesia. Her captain and both mates are religions men. From three to four thousand people were at the launch. The Puritan Recorder describes the occa sion as being one of much interest. Thanksgiving Thursday, the 20th inst., was ob served in our city, very generally: There was, extensively, a cessation from ordinary labor. Stores, shops, and factories, were closed. The day was pleasant, and thou sands turned out, clad in their best robes, and with happy countenances. Many of the churches were opened, and were well filled. We heard one excellent sermon; and heard of others, above the common, order, having been preached. A day thus spent, in gratefully contemplating the rich blessings we enjoy, religious and secular, personal and national; our giving of thanks being accompanied with instruction and prayer; cannot but be an appropriate ser vice to God, and highly beneficial to the people. Obituaries. There seems to be a very general effort on the part of the religious press to abbre viate obituary notices. This proceeds not from any peculiar hardness of heart in the fraternity. They are as sympathizing as any other class of people. They would do as much as any others, to mitigate the sor rows of the bereaved living, and to perpetu ate the fame of the worthy dead. They are influenced by two considerations, which their position enables them more fully to ap preciate. They wish to fill their reading columns only with that which is instructive; and they desire to be relieved from perpetu al complainings on the part of their readers about the length of those notices. What shall they do? To refuse obituary notices utterly, would seem very ungracious, and very wrong ; and to affix a limit to the length would be very difficult. The secular press, generally, takes an effective measure, of tolerably easy application, to procure re lief—it will insert so far as paid for. Shall the religious press resort to the same meas ure ? The thing is talked of, and is, by a few, commenced. The Episcopal Recorder keeps as a standing notice; " OBITUARIES, and NOTIOES OF VESTRY PRO °mums will be charged air. cents per line." The Presbyterian Herald has adopted the principle of requiring payment. The Presbyterian speaks of it as a plan into which all the religious papers will likely be forced. The Southern Presbyterian concurs fully with its contemporaries as to the propriety of some such reform as that proposed. What say our subscribers ? We shall fill our coluinns with something ; and it no more to set up an obituary than it would to set up any other matter, in the same type. It is true that to set up a column of obitua ries, in the type we use for that purpose, costs us nearly three times as much as a col umn of doctrinal or practical matter in the type on our first page. We submit to this for the sake of saving room, and should bear it uncomplainingly if our readers would not complain of us. What now shall we do ? 'Shall we set up the rile above quoted, and abide by it ? Annals of the American Pulpit.* The Christian public have been aware, for a length of time past, that the ltev. Dr. Sprague, of Albany, has been industriously engaged in preparing a work, of a compre hensive character, in which a full and faith ful portraiture should be given of the most remarkable American Divines. Two volumes of this vast undertaking are now before us, containing some three hundred and forty-six biographies, and occupying above fifteen hundred and fifty pages. Our readers will perceive that this great literary achievement is a work requiring no ordinary amount of labor; and this conviction will be deepened, when the character of the work, and the sources from which it has been derived, come to be known. These two volumes are entirely occupied with the memoirs of Trinitarian Covgregationalists and when it is considered that relatives and friends had to be consulted, for information respecting facts which were treasured, or rather hidden away in old family papers, or in the memories of aged persons, just ready to pass from this earthly scene—that the cost of the correspondence required for col lecting the substance of these two volumes, amounted, mostly at three cents a letter, to upwards of a thousand dollars for the post age alone—the magnitude of the under taking will stand out in most formidable proportions. We are glad that this great literary toil has been undertaken by .Dr. Sprague. For its accomplishment, he is endowed with rare and singular ability. The preparation of these volumes would alone have furnished ample employment for men of ordinary physical, strength and mental activity. There are, indeed, few in the ministry of any Church, and there are few in any age, who could undertake the amount of pastoral visitation, attendance on the sick and afflicted, as well as prepare, with regularity, for the ministrations of the Sabbath, as Dr. Sprague is known to do, and who could yet occupy their spare moments so in lustriously as to produce these large and precious vol umes. Would that the Puritans of Old England, and the Evangelical worthies of the English Establishment, had possessed a fitting number of such laborious and judi cious recorders. We say judicious recorders, for really the prudence required to prepare such a memorial is as remarkable as the labor was onorous and exhausting. In the first place, Dr. Sprague, a Presbyterian, was about to send out in a work that will for ages be a store-house for the Church Historian, such views of the theology and principles of the olden ministry of New England, as by many readers would be received with un questioning confidence; and yet what 'more natural than that he should err because oi' the influence on his mind of his denomina tional connexion. So, also, as to moral character. Ministers are but men; men with human passions and infirmities. In all Churches, slanderous reports, of an in jurious character, will arise, and cases will occur, even in the history of eminent ser vants of God, in which serious charges will be urged, affecting their moral character. How easy, then, for the author of a work like this, which commences with John Rob inson, born in 1575, and which reaches down to the year 1855, to elevate some men to a place in the pillory before the face of the Church, by merely disinterring a forgotten slander, and to record the failings of others with a minute accuracy, which, in their general effect, would present a picture of clerical morals among Congregationalists, from which the virtuous would turn aside with aversion and sorrow. The reader of these volumes will see that Dr. Sprague has combined faithfulness with judgment, in the execution of his work, and that he stands entirely free from all charge of the odium theologicum which would delight in parading a brother's weakness before the world. In one aspect, these volumes may be viewed as a majestic monument; a monu ment of the theological greatness and piety of New England, in her best and palmiest days. The men whose names are enshrined in these pages, were, many of them, mighty men of renown. Their record is on high, and the memory of their labors is yet as a halo of glory around many a New England home. Viewed from another point, these volumes are a significant beacon. Let thoughtful men in Congregational churches read them, and ponder prayerfully over the lesson which they unfold. It was the olden orthodox theology of these men of God that quickened the intellects, and elevated the minds, and fortified the principles of the fathers in Massachusetts and Connecticut, and which not only raised them to stations of honor and renown in the land that gave them birth, but also caused the name of New England to be recognized in the father land, as a synonym for intelligence, patriot ism, and moral worth. It was the same theology that carried the martyrs of Scot land through scenes of agony, and placed a crown of glory on the brows of English Puritanism. It wore well, and has never failed in the day of trial. Let the Congregationalists think of their fathers' fame and piety, and then consider what the transcendentalism of Germany is now beginning to work in their midst. Let them be assured that it will eat out the remnants of their piety. It will empty their churches; it will lead them off from every solid comfort and holy hope that the true Gospel of God affords, in search of an unsubstantial ignis fatuus, which, under the name and guise of philosophy, will promise lavishly, •but will ever fail to re ward. The idealism and pantheistic ration alism which many in New England and in other portions of our land are now em bracing, will produce no patriots, and nour ish no martyrs, and, above, all, it will afford *ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN PULPIT; or, Com memorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen, of. Various Denominations, from the: Early Settlement of the Country, to the close of the year 1855., With Historical Intro ductions. By William 13. Sprague, D. D. In Tivo Vohimes, Bvo., pp: 723 and 778. New York: Robert Carter f t Brother*. 1856.. II tE f.RESBYTEMAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. nothing to pacify an awakened conscience, and fill the soul with an assurance of ac ceptance by a reconciled and gracious God. We earnestly hope that these important volumes may command a circulation com mensurate with their sterling and undoubted worth. The Independents of N. C., and the Bethel Presbytery. Two weeks ago, in noticing the proposed union of the "Independent Presbyterians" (the followers of Rev. Wm. C. Davis,) with the General Assembly, through the medium of the Presbytery of Bethel, we stated that "the Independents now profess not to hold the form of error promulgated by Mr. Da vis." Oa this the American Presbyterian remarks : "The Banner makes a great mis take as to fact; for we do not believe that its Editor—whose course is always honorable, even amidst strong prejudices—would in tentionally misrepresent." We certainly did not mean to misrepre sent. There could not be the slightest mo• tive for so doing. We are utterly opposed to uniting, ecclesiastically, with any who are not-sound in the faith, and heartily with us in desire and in their views of Church order. A union on any other terms would be an increase of numbers at the expense of vigor, and to the marring of our peace. Let those, and those only, attempt denomi national union, who are of one mind. Our information was gathered from remarks in three of our exchanges, neither of which gave the articles of the proposed agreement. Nor have we yet seen those articles• The American Presbyterian publishes what it regards as their substance, giving two of them in full. Under the statement thus made, we should condemn the proposed union unequivocally. But we are not wont to think that we understand a whole case until•we have heard it all; and we seldom think we have heard it all, till we have heard both sides. And yet in anticipation of the full development of a scheme, we may state and discuss parts of the princi ples to be embodied therein. Article 3 is given as follows Art. 3. In view of the rights and privileges guaranteed in the above articles, we, the minis ters of the Gospel, with the churches and their officers in the Independent Presbyterian Body, do hereby consent to receive and adopt " The Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church," as containing the general system of doctrines taught in the Holy Scriptures, and the Form of Government and Book of Discipline of said Church, as in accordance with Scripture, and the general dictates of justice and prudence; with the following construction: We, the Independents, claim the right to hold and teach those peculiar views of doctrines which have distinguished us as a denomination, 'without subjecting ourselves to censure or discipline on the part of the Presbyterian Church ; promising, however, that, whilst we hold those doctrines to be true, and claim the right to teach them, yet, in view of the "peace and unity" of the. Church, we will not make them prominent points in our ministrations, exhibiting them only when the dis cussion of subjects would naturally call them forth ; and when exhibiting them, we will en deavor to present them in such a manner as not to excite unreasonably the opposition of those who might differ in sentiment, or unnecessarily to oppose the clear teaching of the Confession of Faith. After commenting upon this, and upon the "orthodox" (the Old School ministry,) in a style not uncommon among brethren who are a little at outs, our contemporary utters the inquiring ejaculation : Where sleep the thunders of the Presbyterians Where is the Author of the "Act and Testi mony ?" And how is it that the Sentinel on the watch-tower, of the most " orthodox " of all Synods, that of Pittsburgh—the very "back bone" of the Presbyterian Church, as the Prince ton Review fondly said, when their vote was pre eminently valuable—blows the trumpet with an uncertain sound ? We cannot perceive that there was any " uncertain sound" in our slight blast. It was but the preparatory note—the call to attention. But we can still thank the Edi to.s for the "caution" so timously inter posed, and can assure them that all the parties alluded to will be seasonably at their posts. But there may be yet something about the affair which reporters for the press have not got hold of; and, as is well known, be fore any authoritative action can be taken, the whole matter is to come before the As sembly, when there can be little doubt but that it will be thoroughly investigated. We acknowledge that Old School Pres byterians are not readily alarmed. This may be their fault. But it is a fact. They are not remarkably suspicious. They, are even liable to doze in a time of danger. This was well known of old, to Congrega tionalists and New School men, when the Plan of Union stood long as an open door for multitudes to enter in who were not of us. But our people awoke, at length, and ejected the intruders upon ecclesiastical order—not individuals merely, but Synods —" four Synods," and shut that door. And they are likely to keep it closed. 'f he only mode of entrance now is, by a personal examination and a cordial adoption of tl e Standards. We do not think there is the slightest probability that the followers of Mr. Davis, once ejected, or any others, will be received, either individually or in a body, merely pro fessing to adopt the Confession of Faith, as containing "the general system" of doc trines taught in the Holy Scriptures. Our brethren of the American Presbyterian may hence dismiss all their anxieties; and now, that we are admonished, they may sleep soundly. The General Assembly will not—surely not in their day—receive any body of men, with the formal reservation : " We, the Independents, claim the right to hold and teach those peculiar views of doc trine which leave distinguished us as a de nomination; without subjecting ourselves to censure or discipline on the part of the Presbyterian Church." We will not make them prominent points in our minis trations." "We will exhibit them only when the discussion of subjects would natu rally call them forth ;" and then so as not "unnecessarily to oppose the clear teaching of the Confession of Faith." To such an Article of Union, the Pres byterian Church could never agree; nor is it likely that a serious effort will ever be made to press such a thing upon the Assem bly. But we await fitrther developments. Bev. William Neill, D. D This venerated clergyman delivered, in the Sixth Church, Philadelphia, on the even ing of the 15th inst., a discourse commemo rative of his fifty years' services in the min istry. The occasion is spoken of as impres sive, instructive, and encouraging. We give, from the Presbyterian, a brief account of the Doctor's fields of labor : " Cooperstown, New York, which the preacher graphically depicted as a retired village, embosorned among romantic hills, and washed by a beautiful lake, was the scene of his first youthful labors as an ambassa dor for God. Through the many changes which have since intervened, it was easy to be seen that this quiet scene of early pasto ral experience loomed up as a bright spot in the past. This quiet retreat, after a few years, be exchanged for the pastoral charge of the First Church, Albany, now Rev. Dr. Campbell's, which city then contained a pop ulation of 9000; it now numbers about 60, 000. During his career here, a second church was organized by a colony from his congregation, of which the late Rev. John Chester, D. D., was the first pastor, and of which the Rev. Dr. Sprague has, for more than a quarter of a century since, had charge. From Albany, Dr., Neill was called to, tbe Sixth Church, Philadelphia, then just formed from a s..iction of Dr. Ely's church, in Pine street. His next removal was to the Presidency of Dickinson College, Pennsyl vania, which office, after encountering diffi culties, he resigned for the Secretaryship, of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church, then in its infancy. After some years of arduous service in this position, he returned again to the pastoral office, taking charge of the church at Germantown, Pa., where he remained fourteen years. Advan cing age and infirmities having led him to retire from this post, he returned to Phiadel phia, where he has preached abundantly as " a volunteer city missionary." The discourse is to be published, and will be a contribution to the history of the times. Theological Seminary of the North-West. A correspondent, last week, presented our readers with the doings of the Directors at their meeting at Chicago, till near its close. We since learn that it continued harmonious, and that Professors were elected. We give a brief revise. The Seminary is established and to be sustained and controlled by the Synods of Cincinnati, Indiana, Northern Indiana, Illi nois, lowa, Wisconsin and Chicago. Each Synod appoints as many Directors as it has Presbyteries. A vote of preference for Chicago, other things being equal, was passed by a large majority; the Site to be yet definitely deter mined, much in accordance with contribu tions which may be tendered toward build ings and endowment. The Seminary to be continued at New Al bany till next Spring. The Professors elect are : Theology, Rev. E. D. Mae Master D. D. ; BiLliology, Rev. Thomas E. Thomas, D. D.; Ecelesiology, Rev. A. B. Brown, D. D. The real estate and funds of New Albany are estimated at $58,902.72. A large por tion of this is conditioned on the continu ance of the Seminary where it now is; out consent may possibly be obtained, from some of the donors, for its removal. The territory embraced by the Synods is very extensive, very productive, well adapted to commerce, and has a large and enterpri sing population, which is rapidly multiply ing. The need of the Institution is hence very great, and its prospects of a vigorous life, and extensive usefulness are brilliant. A portion, if not all, of those interested in the Seminary are in favor of its being, in some way, connected with the General As sembly; and an arrangement is likely to be proposed next May. We wish the enterprise the highest degree of prosperity in all the good things which the Lord bestows upon his most approved and favored servants. Oregon The settling of this Territory with a hardy and enterprising population, is progressing; though, it is being accomplished in the midst of many difficulties. But it is not so very long since similar hardships were en dured, even in this now improved, luxuriant and happy Western Pennsylvania. Many Of us can remember the narrations, by our fathers, of the horse-path and the pack-sad dle, by which salt, groceries, dry goods, and even the needful iron implements of hus bandry and building were transported over " the Alleghenies"; and the accounts of Indian ambushes, and pillages, and battles, and murd s and escapes. Well, very much what our sires, or grand-sires endured, is the portion of our brethren at present in Oregon. And, as regards the settlers in that "far West," we are pleased to learn that, like our and their ancestors in this region, they have among them a few devoted and laborious ministers—men who delight to preach, and toil, and endure hardness, and attend eccle siastical meetings, that the Gospel, in the purity of its doctrine and the efficacy of its ordinances, may be firmly planted, so as to cheer and save the present generation and bless those who are to follow. A letter from one of the brethren there, just received, will awake profitable reflec tions, and lead to thanksgiving and prayer; yea, and make " cheerful givers," we trust, of some who had been rather parsimonious and hard of heart on the day of missionary contributions. The letter is entitled : OREGON. - TRIP TO PRESYTERY, &c. Rao. Moliminv:—Dear Sir :—I doubt not but you Eastern folk; who enjoy all the modern fa cilities for traveling, will be both astonished and amused with a narrative ,of our toils and adven tures encountered in our attendance at bur late meeting of Presbytery. at Clatsop Plains, which are on the beach just below the mouth of the Columbia river. Myself and family left home on the 25th of September, in a two horse wagon; drove thirty miles, and stopped with brother C. during a com munion season. On the 30th, brother C. took passage with us in the wagon, in which we traveled to Portlaud, a distance of one hundred miles. Here we left the horses and wagon, and took passage in a lit tle steamer, for Astoria, distance one hundred miles, the fare being eight dollars" each; but through the politeness of Capt. Hoyt, we were passed at half price. We arrived safely at As toria, on the 3d of October, at ten o'clock A. M. In half an hour our company, joined by a brother from Washingten Territory, and a Ruling Eldir in Astoria, and his family were comfortably seated in a little boat, paddling our way across Young's Bay to Clatsop Plains, distance eight miles. But the Bay was rough ; wind and tide against us; and we were obliged to return. After dinner, we resumed our journey in a larger boat—eight persons in company, part of whom were ladies. The labor was divided as fol lows. Brother G. wto placed at the steering-oar ; brother C. and P. each bad oars with which they propelled the boat; I being unskilled in that kind of labor, was introduced to the bailing pan. And thus we worked our passage across the Bay, and arrived at the landing just at dark, after three hours' hard labor. Here we were met by brother T., and were conveyed to his house, a distance of two miles, in an ox wagon, where we were generously and hospitably entertained. Presbytery convened, and the usual business was attended to with great harmony. Rev. J. W. Goodell, of the Presbytery of El yria, New School, was received at his own re quest. Presbytery, after examination, being sat isfied as to his doctrines and qualifications. There was preaching in the church of Clatsop every evening, and on the Sabbath the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. it was a solemn. occasion. Some were awakened by the Holy Spirit, and influenced to Beek the Saviour. We trust our meeting here was not in vein: I expect to-morrow to go aboard the ocean steamer for San Francisco, to attend the meeting of the. Synod of the Pacitie, where you may hear from me again. Yours truly, J. A. H. Astoria, 0. T., Oct. 10, 1856. A trip to Presbytery, so tedious and toil some, many of us should not choose to un dergo. Those who, in such circumstances, will not neglect " the assembling of them selves together," as the manner of many in this highly favored region is, deserve praise. The following will show still farther the state of things in that far-off land : NARRATIVE OF THE STATE OF RELIGION WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE PRESBYTERY OF ORAGON. The past year has been one of unusual diffi culty and trial to our Zion. The dark cloud of war has overspread our horizon. The savage bands in our midst conspired our destruction, and the desolation of our country. Exciting tales of bloodshed and human butchery; constant fear by night and alarm by day ; the arming, equipping, and sending forth greet numbers of our citizens to repel the foe, has to such an extent absorbed the minds of men, as to leave but little oppor tunity to think of the concerns of the soul. In addition, the floodgate: of immorality and vice have been thrown open by the war, and deluged the land. Sabbath desecration, intemperance and profanity, which previously prevailed to an alarming extent, have been fearfully increased. But in the midst of all these difficulties and trials, in addition to those we had previously to contend with, we are constrained to acknowledge the good hand of the great Head of the Church, that he has not suffered his cause among us to retrograde. The strength of our Zion is not di minished, but rather increased. The number of our churches since our last annual meeting has been increased by the organization of a church at Pleasant Grove, in Marion County, of nine mem bers, six of whom were received by certificate, and three on examination ; another in Lafayette, in Yam Hill County, consisting of twelve members. Another at Chehalis, in Washington Territory, of nine members; four by certificate, -and five on examination. Our churches are all represented as standing fast in the faith, growing in the knowledge of the truth, and enjoying the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace and brotherly love. Sabbath Schools and Bible classes are reported from most of the churches as being maintained with increased interest and attendance. Weekly prayer-meetings are maintained to some extent; but in consequence of the brethren being settled far from each other, the meetings are not so reg ular as we could wish. Pastoral visitation has received increased at tention, in accordance with the injunction of Presbytery at its last meeting. Considerable attention has been paid, in some of our churches, to Catechetical instruction. In some instances whole communities, without re gard to their previous tenets, have been induced to receile the good Catechism into their families, and teach it to their children. One of the brethren reports a class of thirty who are thus employed, some of whom have already com mitted the whole, and others are nearly through. The monthly concert for prayer is maintained in some of our churches with interest, and monthly contributions are made for benevo:ent objects. On the whole we feel that, feeble as we are, and great as are the difficulties we have to surmount, we have occasion to thank God and take courage. J. W. GOODELL, Coro. Attest: T. P. Powers, Temporary Clerk. October 6, 1866. Eastern Correspondence. Plank:via:fag Day Reformatory Measures for. Children Industrial Schools—Boys' Sunday Meetings—Lodging and Reading Rooms for News- Boys—Other " Benevolent Measures—Help Due. NEW Yonx, Nov. 22, 1856. Mn. EDITOR :—Thanksgiving has been observed among us this year with much zest and unanimity; though not in the same manner by different classes. Public excur sions and entertainments were alternated with domestic rejoicings and religious ser vices. Banks and stores were closed " down town," and churches of the various denom inations were generally opened ; but military and fire companies, with bands of music, paraded the streets, and workmen upon buildings "up town" continued their la bors. As the Governor invited all " good citizens," in distinction from all good Chris tians, to respect the day, the Jews this year participated in its observance, by public service in their synagogues; but as Roman ists know no holidays except those' appoint ed by their Church, few, if any, of their places of worship were opened. From the reports of many of the sermons preached, it appears that polities were not forgotten, even by some who conscientiously exclude them from' the pulpit on other occasions; while a grateful and hopeful tone, in view of our abundant blessings, pervaded the great body of discourses, instead of the lugubrious and even denunciatory spirit sometimes indulged on like occasions, and which is more suited to a .Fast than a Thanksgiving. A general rejoicing seemed indeed to animate the community, to which the charming weather in no slight degree contributed. Broadway was thronged with pedestrians; and theatres, concert-rooms and other places of amusement were crowded with eager pleasure-seekers. Such an observance of the day does not ac cord, perhaps, with its New England origin and notion—and in the seclusion of many homes and hearts it was doubtless kept as a religious as well as a social festival; but the peculiarities of city life insist on innovations, and the overtaxed brain and body of the great mass of its people rejoice in any apology for recreation. Moreover, the less favored arming us were not altogether overlooked. In some instances, in more, doubtless, than will ever come to light on earth, " portions were sent to them for whom nothing is pre pared." Poor children in our public insti tutions were feasted by the bounty of Chris tian friends, or indulged in social entertain ments by their guardians, while others preferred to show their gratitude by their public offerings in the churches. With much that was formal and selfish in its ob servance, it is hoped that the bountiful Giver of all our blessings recognized some sense of gratitude and humility in the wor ship, rejoicing, and charities, of our Thanks giving. As allusion has been made to poor chil dren of the class mentioned in my last, your readers may be interested to learn something further respecting the efforts that are made for their reformation and usefulness. In dustrial Schools, then, are a prominent agency. Within a few years these have be come an established institution in our city, though less numerous than is desirable, and hitherto sustained altogether by private charity. They axe ) with few exceptions, for girls, and are usually located in neighbor hoods abounding in wild, unwashed and igno rant children, chiefly Romanists. They are generally conducted by ladies, who employ a regular teacher, and Who devote some hours each day, through Committees, to their superintendence. The children are taught to sew, as well as to read ; and as an inducement to their attendance they are fur nished each day with a plain but substantial meal, and allowed to keep a portion of the garments that they make. Their success affords abundant reason .for their contin uance. In the Winter especially, the schoolroom' becomes, to many of these shivering and hungry children, the most attractive spot they know. They are fed and warmed, as well as taught, while they receive kindness and attention which at first surprises them, and at length wins their heart. Many are reclaimed from evil ways, and carry the in fluence of the school into their degraded or vicious homes; while others are pre pared for and provided with places in fami lies of respectability in city or country. The personal presence of intelligent Chris tian women has t• .e happiest influence upon them. In the interest they show in their condition, as well as by their instructions,' they are taught self-respect, and are aroused to a desire for improvement which the efforts of a salaried •teacher, however competent, could seldom awaken in them. Who can estimate the benefit which these ladies are conferring upon society, as well as upon these degraded children, by their patient and self-denying labors ! When the excitement in behalf of these schools was at its height, a year or two ago, there was no deficiency of laborers or of "material aid." It was no uncommon thing for the wealthy and fashionable ladies to subject themselves to the discomforts of the place, and danger of disease, for their supervision. But this excitement has passed away, and only the earnest, patient workers are left to bear their burden, and to extend their influence. It requires, in deed, no small degree of Christian princi ple and love to toil on with hope and cour age from year to year, in presence of the heedlessness and ingratitude, as well as squalor and stupidity, that are encountered. It becomes, too, a serious question whether something ought not to be attempted to in crease the number and influence of these schools for the instruction of the tens of thousands of ignorant and neglected chil dren—the Arabs and L-hmaelites of the city. Why should not a portion 'of our Public School money, enormous as it is, and ex pended on thousands who would be educa ted without it, be appropriated for their benefit ? Similar schools might be estab lished by the Board of Education ; or, better still, those established might be aided from its funds, while they are left to the efficient management of their present directors. It would be cheaper and wiser to provide these children. with partial food and clothes now, it they can thereby be brought under right influences, than to be compelled, in self defence, to provide them with a home and labor in our prisons, after they have de stroyed themselves, and corrupted those with whom they associated. Besides Industrial Schools, there are Boys' Sunday meetings, into which lads and young men are gathered from the streets on Sunday, and instructed by public addresses, mingled with singing, &c. rather than by catechetical exercises. dome of our churches sustain missions for this class, and their parents. Sabbath Schools are formed, and preaching services held, in places and at times most likely to secure their attendance; while a missionary is em ployed to visit among them through the week, and if possible, induce them to come out on the Sabbath. Good is, doubtless, in this way accomplished. The temporal wants of the suffering are discovered and relieved; but it is questionable whether much perma nent impression can be produced through this agency. It does, indeed, carry the " Gospel to the poor;" but not to " the rich and the poor together." Its tendency is rather to widen the existing differences of society, by carrying caste and class into religion, and thereby depriving the poor of the personal sympathy of the rich, while leaving the rich to be satisfied with their mere pecuniary. offerings. Then we have the Lodging and. Reading Rooms for News-Boys, a class peculiar for their smartness and self-reliance, as well as for their noise and übiquity. The Juvenile Asylum, which receives unruly and vicious children, who have not become so positively criminal as to be consigned to the Peniten tiary or House of Refuge. The Five Points and Methodist Alissions. The Children's .Aid Society and Home for the Friendless, which, among other objects, provide tempo rary homes or instruction for poor children here, with the view of procuring them per manent situations or foster-parents in the country. The various Orphan, and the Ju venile Asylum, indeed, do the same thing; and through the agency of all combined, hundreds, probably thousands, of the differ ent classes they reach, are annually sent out of the city, and "scattered abroad," many of them in the Great West. The American Female Guardian Society, now occupying the Home for the Friendless, claims to be the pioneer in this good work of seeking out neglected and friendless chil dren, from their filth and corruption, and after temporary purification under their care, providing them homes in Christian families. They have already "found foster-parents and guardians for some two thousand be reaved and homeless children," and are prosecuting their labors in this department with increased efficiency, and to a greater extent, though aided by so many coadjutors. Thus does this measure, and many others of a similar character, and which, like it, have conferred untold blessings on the suf fering and needy, owe its origin and prose cution to the enterprise and benevolence of Christian women. Though as a grain of mustard seed at first, it has grown until it has become a great tree, whose fruit is scat tered throughout the land. It lays the axe at the root of the evil to be cured, by aiming to reach and redeem the young, through whose recovery the fountains of dissipation and deprairity among us will be diminished. if not dried up. Those who have grown old in ignorance and crime seem more inacces sible and hopeless in this city, than pagans, that dwell "in darkness and the shadow of death." .And the only prospect, therefore, of checking the swelling flood of destitu tion and irreligion, is by rescuing the young from its presence, and sending them beyond its influence. Nor ought New York to be left alone, to bear this heavy burden of pauperism and crime, largely imposed on it by other lands, and even by the country itself. Great as are its resources, and manifold as are the efforts here put forth for its removal, there are still room and call for the charities and sympathies of Christians at a distance. And if those who have not " the poor always with them," in their own neighborhoods, .would open their homes to receive some of these homeless little ones, or would forward their gifts to friends, or to some of the insti tutions mentioned, they would share in the privilege of ministering to the aMittec'e, with the consciousness of well-doing now, and tho certainty of the commendation hereafter 1— " Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of th e least of these my brethren, ye did it linty me." Yours, ate., B. Ecclesiastical. ,eV. WILLIAM M. PAXTON, as we learn with pleasure, has declined the call to Baltimore. Rev. JOSEPH . WARREN, D. D., is to be ad dressed at Greensburg, Ind. The no_ tice to address him in Pittsburgh, whi c h appeared in our paper two weeks ago, was a mistake. Rev. REUBEN LEWIS was installed pastor of the church at Fairmont, Va., by a C om _ mittee of the Presbytery of Redstone, on the 14th of November. The Rev. It W. Biggs preached the sermon from Jeremiah vi : 16. The Rev. 11. 0. Rog borough presided and gave the charge to the pastor, and the Rev. William Eaton gave the charge to the people. .11r, Lewis' Post Office address is Fairmont, Va. Rev. JOHN M. FARIS, still agent of the Synod of Wheeling for the endowment of their College at Washington, Pa., has removed from Fredericktown to Steuben ville, 0. Correspondents, especially any who have business with the agency, are requested to address him at the latter place. Rev. Dr. Hoax, of Columbus, Ohio, has retired from his pastoral duties, in conse quence of his advanced age and in creasing infirmities. He has been in the pastoral office of the Presbyterian Church for upwards of forty years. Rev. WILLIAM E. HUNT has engaged to siapply the First Presbyterian church of Coshocton, 0., in connexion with the church at Keene. His Post Office is Coshocton, Ohio. Rev. JOHN H. GRAY, D. D., of Memphis, Tenn., has been elected President of the Lagrange Synodical College, and Rev. J. N. Waddell, D. D., of the University of Mississippi, Professor of Ancient Lau- gnages, by the Board of Trustees and Synod of Memphis. Rev. A. H. KERR has removed from Du buque, lowa, to St. Peter, Minnesota, and requests to be addressed accordingly. latts an 6lnutinffs. NUMEROUS revivals of religion are re ported as now taking place in the congrega tions of the Southern Methodist Episcopal Church. THE GERMAN PRESS.-It is stated that there are ten times as many newspapers printed in the German language in the United States as there are in Germany. 'GOOD NEws.—Tbe Univers, a leading Catholic newspaper in Paris, says, " In all the Catholic cities of Germany, the statisti cal returns make it apparent that the num ber of Protestants is increasing in a fearful manner." NEW EDITOR.—The Publishing Commit tee of the Northwestern Christian Advo cate met in Chicago on the 28th ult., and with the concurrence of Bishops N orris and Ames, elected Rev. T. M. Eddy, A. M., edi tor of that paper, in the place of Mr. Watson. M. E. CIIURCH SOIITH.—TENNESSEE CONFERENCE.—The Minutes of this Confer ence show an increase of white membership of 387; a decrease in volored of 749 ; and a decrease of 16 in local preachers. Out of 103 stations, circuits, and missions, in the Conference, only 66 have reported Sabbath Schools; leaving 39 appointments without schools. MINISTERS litounEßED.—Among OUT in telligence this week is mentioned the mur der of several American citizens in Nicara gua, by some of the forces of the army of Guatemala, with which Gen. Walker had re cently had an engagement. Among those killed were two clergymen; one of whom was Rev. D. II Wheeler, who was laborr: as Agent of the American Bible Societ3 that country, and the other, Rev. W. J, Ferguson, from Louisiana. Mr. Wheeler Was from Indiana. These are indeed melan choly results of the reign of anarchy, vio lence, and blood, with which that wretched country is visited. From our London Correspondent. Failure of Fox . j f• Henderson—Speculation and Cf;•- etousness—The Hon:item- and English Liberty the Press—Powerlessness of a Bad Press with t/,' Middle Classes—Georgian Tragedy. as Atka— Is it a Myth?—Renewal of Transportation— Ticket of Leave Alin—Field Lane Bawd &1 : —Another Disputed Settlement—Dr. Lee's BIC,' —The Congregational Union Postponed-7'a rkg Bigoted—Dr. _Hamlin, and the Turkish Aid -ll7<• signs—Bomba in Peril—English Diploniarg - preme at Constantinople—Guy Fawkes' Day — Tractarian Protest. LONDON, Nov. 4, 1856. The commercial world has been startled by the announcement of the suspension of payments by the celebrated firm of fox, Henderson &Co, of Birmingham. It mis by the extraordinary energy and enterprise of this firm, that the first Crystal Palace was erected in Hyde Park, in 1851; and by them, also, (Amu . = redivivus,) it arose with still greater splendor on the hills of Sydenhaw. Both, structures, in spite of strong temptations to the contrary, were erected, without -trespassing on the "poor man's day "—God's holy Sabbath. Thi , T was owing to John Henderson, one of the firm, an elder of our English Presbyterian Synod. I paid a visit last year to the "Lon don WorksP" at Birmingham, where this Company have their great steam engines, Nasmyth hammers, and other weio-ht:, agen cies, at work, for the execution of the gigan tic contracts undertaken by them. These plans , are so vast, that they neces sarily involve much risk in the case of Con tinental engagements. The immediate came of suspension. was a loss of .470,0 00 by the Danish Railway. The liabilities, al together, amount to £320,000. There is 3 strong feeling of sympathy in the public mind. The Times recommends forbearance on the part of the creditors ; and there seems no doubt but that the firm will go 00 as usual, their affairs being wound up under superintendence. The smaller creditors will be paid at once, and tile larger by install ments. The firm is engaged on the nets Water Works, at Berlin, and on the a pole= Docks—an immense merehandize station at Paris. The Times takes advantage of this fail ure, both in its money article, and io "leader," to direct attention to the evils of speculation, and the, great danger to English capitalists investing their money in foreign. , and especially in Russia-a railways.