!Riainur anb . AbAvtatt. PITTSBURGH, NOVEMBER 22,1856. TRRSIS.vv •1.50, In advance; or In Clubs, $1.25; or, delivered at residences of Subscri. tiers, $1.75. See Prospectus, on Third Page. RRN Emir Ar. S should be prompt; a little while before the year expires, that we may make full arrangements for a steady supply. Tun RED WRAPPER indicates that we desire a renewal. If, however, in the haste of mailing, this signal should be omitted, we imps our friends will still not forget us. REMITTANCES.—Send payment by safe hands, when convenient. Or, seed by mail, enclosing with ordinary care, and troubling nobody with a knowledge of what you are doing. For a large amount, send a Draft, or large notes. For one or two papers, send Gold or small note,. TO MAKE CHANGE, Sand postage stamps, or better still, mad for more papers; my $3 for Serontynumbers, or $1 for Thlrty.threo numbers. DIRECT all Letters and Communications to REV. DAVID McILINNEY. Pletaburghe Pa. ROBERT COLMERY, ESQ.—The "Testi monial" to the worth . of this deceased Elder, published last week, was from the Session of the church at Washington, Pa. REV. SAMUEL HENDERsoN.—This _ven erated servant of Jesus Christ finished his earthly toils, and entered into rest, on the 17th of October. He was in his 76th year of life, and had been about fifty years in the ministry. He died at the residence of his son, Rev. J. S: Henderson, Mendota, YALE CoLLEG.E.-The Catalogue for the year shows : Professional students—ln Theology, 23 ; in Law, 30; in Medicine, 27; in Philosophy and the Arta, 46-126. Academical Students—Seniors, 105; Ju niors, 105; Sophomores, 128; Freshmen, 134; Academical Students,472. Total, 598. SERMON OF DR. JACOBI:FF.—This excel lent Discourse on the " Apostolic Rule of Preaching and Ministering," preached be fore the Synod of Pittsburgh, and given, at their request, for publication, is now issued by John S. Davison, of this city. It will be sent by mail, pre-paid, to any order, at fifteen cents a copy. METRICAL TRANSLATION OF THE PSALMS. —We place the second Psalm at the begin ning of our first page, and invite attention to it. The object is, to furnish a Book of Praise, in the use of which, all sound Pres. byterians can unite. We trust that minis ters and 'churches will appreciate the design, and help it onward. ADVANOING.—The Rev. A. H. Kerr is about planting the Presbyterian standard at St. Peter, Minnesota Territory. We trust that our churches will liberally remember the Board of Missions, and the brethren who go out to the frontiers of civilization. Let them be adequately sustained, that they .may devote their whole energies to their ap propriate work. Columbia Seminary. We learn from the Southern Presbyterian, that the Rev. John B. Adger, D. D., was elected, by the Synod of South Carolina, to fill the Chair of Church History in the Theological Seminary at Columbia, made vacant by the removal of Dr. Palmer to New Orleans. From the expression of Dr. Adger's views before Synod, it is judged probable that he will accept the appoint ment. Zeal in. a Bad Cause. We see it stated, in an exchange paper, that " on the 25th of September, two com panies of overland emigrants arrived at Salt Lake, having performed the entire distance, from the borders of civilized life, one thou sand three hundred miles, on foot, and drag ging their personal effects on hand-carts. There were in the train, young and old of both sexes." This is fanaticism; but see its power ! Why will not Christians make equal, and even greater efforts, in the service of Christ, and for the seeming of a heavenly king dom? Is it from defective faith? A Call The Central Presbyterian church, Balti more, made vacant by the acceptance of the Professorship at Danville, by Rev. Stuart Robinson, have tendered a call to Rev. Wil liam M. Paxton, of this city, to become their pastor. Mr. Paxton will doubtless look at this invitation as presenting to him an important field of usefulness; but we trust that he will be able also to contemplate his present field of labor, and that he will find that there is no reason why he should leave a numerous and attached people, where his work is greatly blessed; and a position in the Church which affords him the most favorable opportunities of extended usefulness. Oakland College, Miss. Some weeks ago we noted the donation of $50,000 to this Institution, by David Hunt, Esq. We now learn, from the True Witness, that this sum has been actually paid, and that it is in addition. to $60,000 previously given, making $llO,OOO from this benevolent gentleman to the cause of sound literature and Christian education in one College, in. the State of his adoption. .111 r. H. is, we believe, a Jerseyman by birth d education. The condition of the present gift is, that it shall be safely invested, and the interest only shall be used; this interest to be ap propriated, first to the payment of the Presi dent's salary, and the residue to any purpose for which the College may need funds. The Trwitees had previously collected upwards of $50,000 for their permanent in vestment. They have now over $lOO,OOO in this fund, which secures, with good man agement, the financial stability of the Insti tution. Mr. Hunt's gifts have extended through twenty-five years. He is now seventy-seven pan of age, and, toward the' College at least, is the executor of his own will. We have ) in all this ) a worthy example. Allegheny Seminary-.-A Fourth Professor. The churches have seen, with great pleas ure, we trust, that the resolution has been taken by the Directors of the Western Theological Seminary, to endow a Fourth Professorship, and to ask the next General Assembly that the Chair shall be filled. The judgment of the Church was clearly indicated, last Spring, by the unanimity and cordiality with which the Assembly entered into the election of a Professor. The de olinature of Dr. Dickinson leaves the In stitution with only its former force, but leaves it to feel, from disappointed hopes, its wants the more keenly. The movement now commenced, to secure an endowment before calling an occupant, is wise; and, through the favor of the churches, will, we trust, be altogether practicable. Let the work be prosecuted with vigor, and the re sponses be prompt and liberal. It is earn estly desired that the Directors, when ap proaching the Assembly with the request for an appointment, shall be able to say that the endowment is secured and ample. A remark which threatened, a few years ago, to become fashionable, has now happily fallen almost into disuse—that three Pro fessors were enough for any of our semina ries. The fact is, that one may do a great work in instructing ingenuous youth, and may, with the auxiliary facilities now so abundant, turn out admirably qualified preachers; but two can do better; and three will be still more effective ; and four will find full employment, and increased usefulness, when they shall have duly di vided the subjects far study, and shall each concentrate his energies on his own proper department. We may be permitted to give, seriatim, a few of the reasons which urge upon the friends of the Institution, the furnishing it with a Fourth Professor. I. Its age. The Seminary has now been in existence for twenty-nine years. It had a tedious infancy. It struggled hard—not really for existence, for it always had a sound and vigorous stamina—it struggled for the means of growth. But now, that it has attained to manhood, it' is nothing the worse for its toils and conflicts. It has but the more experience, and is the more deeply rooted and grounded in the heart of hearts of our churches. It is the child of their deep solicitude, and has grown under their nurturing care, and they love it dearly. It has near eighty students. It has excellent buildings; three endowed Professorships; three well qualified professors; four pro fessors' houses; 'and is almost without the incumbrance of debt. It is surely high time that it had its Fourth Professor. 2. The number of students in the Semi nary, and in prospect, demand the contem plated teaching force. About twenty pupils to each teacher, is the utmost that is allowed, ordinarily, in well regulated schools. The proportion should be rather less, than great er. It is true, that a lecturer can speak to a hundred as well as to twenty; but the ex aminations, and the drills, and the visita tions, and admonitions, and counsels, and in citements, and all the thousand blissful in fluences which flow from personal inter coure—frorn much mental contact—are sad ly wanting when the teachers are few, and the pupils many. 3. Other Seminaries have their full corps of instructors. Princeton has had her com plement for many years. Union and Co lumbia Seminaries, though Synodical Insti tutions, and each sustained by but two Synods, and neither having half the num ber of students which flock to Allegheny, have their four able Professors each. And the thing is wise—eminently wise. Let the instruction of those who are to be the teachers of others—who are to defend the Redeemer's cause, and inform and guide the thousands of immortal minds—be them selves well taught. And Danville also, though but three years old, is nobly striving for an equal stand with the oldest and the best. She has already her three Professors, and an instructor in language, giving her a numerical corps equal to our own, at nine times the age. 4. Our enlarging sphere urges upon us, to whom this Seminary is mainly en trusted, the necessity of vigorous efforts to complete the means of a thorough ministe rial training for increased classes. New Al bany Seminary is about to be carried far West and North, probably doubling its dist ance from us. This must have an influence in directing, to this place, the thoughts of many young men who, otherwise, might have been inclined to that Institution. 5. The character of the portion of the Lord's vineyard in which the Seminary is lo cated, demands, most urgently, that it be furnished with the fullest and very best means of instruction. It is in the heart of the most dense Presbyterian population in our country; or, saving Scotland, the most dense in the world. ,And the Presby terianism, too, is of the best type. We have, in this region, just the material, in the richest abundance, for furnishing the most numerous and the very best classes of labor ers for the harvest. Our section of t,:e land may be regarded as the Lord's Nursery of Ministers. Children are born in the cove nant. They are consecrated to God. They are taught by pious mothers. They are governed by godly fathers. They are reared iu the Sabbath School and the sanctuary. They enjoy, in the richest abundance, the best ordered Academies and Colleges; all under the wisest and purest Presbyterian management They are fitted by the score, and might be by the hundred, for entering the Seminary and perfecting their prepara tion for the Lord's service in the ministerial office. And shall, now, the finishing instru mentality be defective ? A shame upon us that the work has lingered. But shall it yet only creep ? No : let the churches arouse at once to the work. In finishing out the task allotted to the Directors, they look somewhat abroad. This seeths . n'of the Church has.borne almost the Whole burden of the Seminary thus fer. True THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. there has been some kind aid from abroad; but we look for more. The Eastern portion of our Church has much wealth. The Sem inary is under the care and control of the whole body. Our rich brethren, and espe cially those who would build up and extend Zion, will see in the remarks made, and pre eninently in the fact that here is the Lord's Nursery for those who shall bear the Ark and blow the trumpet, that their contribu tions can be directed hither with the :great est effectiveness. We entreat our brethren for help. But it is from our own resources, we would say to the surrounding Synods, that we are mainly still to draw. Each section of the Country where a Seminary is located, though fixed and controlled by the General Assembly, is justly expected to do the great work, in endowing and sustaining it. Let us then say, The work shall be done. The Lord has bountifully supplied us, and we will not withhold anything of Which he has need—self or money—son or daughter—to endow a Seminary, to occupy a pulpit, or to cultivate a mission field. We are the Lord's. Dr. McLean. Soon after the late meeting of the Synod of Philadelphia, we noted the declaration of Dr. D. V. McLean, President of Lafay ette College, that he intended• to resign his Chair. The resignation has not yet been tendered; and it may possibly be deferred. The following just and merited testimonial was unanimously adopted by the Synod.. The Synod has heard the announcement of Dr. McLean's intention to resign, with unfeigned regret, and feel that it is alike due to him, to the Synod, to justice and to a grateful and righteous appreciation of his invaluable services to record: Ist. Their high sense of the wisdom, zeal and energy with which he has conducted the affairs of the College during the six years of his past ad ministration. The Synod cannot withhold the re cord of their admiration and gratitude in view of the amazing amount of labor which the President has undergone in his untiring efforts to endow the College, and in the general conduct of its af fairs and in view of the eminent success with whichi God has crowned his exertions, and those of other friends of the College. The patience, the perseverance, the indomitable energy, and .the practical wisdom and skill with which the Presi dent has, amid the many trials and difficulties, pressed forward the great work committed to his hands, entitle him to the grateful consideration of this Synod, and all friends of Christian educa tion. 2d. The Synod, in view of the present prosper ous conaition of the College, record their thanks to God for his smiles upon the efforts to endow it, and they congratulate Dr. McLean upon the fact, that if he shall feel it to be his duty to persevere in his purpose to withdraw from the presidency of the College, he will be able to look back upon the six years of his life, last past, as a. period in which he has, with God's blessing, accomplished a work worthy of the labors ea life-time. 3d. While the Synod recognize the fact that Dr. McLean is the best judge in the question of personal duty, and whilst the Synod, iu ignorance of the considerations that may influence him to this step, cannot even express an opinion in regard to its wisdom or propriety, yet they cannot contem plate the loss of his valuable services but with the sincerest regret. 4th. That inasmuch as the Synod will not again meet until after the resignation of Dr. Mc- Lean, if persevered in, shall have taken effect; the Synod express the hope that Dr. McLean may continue his services until a successor shall be chosen, and in case that arrangement shall be found inexpedient, the Board of Trustees is re quested to make such provision for the same as will prevent any detriment to the College. lu -a. The Missionary work in India progresses with pleasing rapidity. The letter of "A. O. J." on our first page, himself a laborer in the field, states. to us changes occurring in the sight of his own eyes. They are wonderful. Let none doubt the power of the Gospel. Let none hesitate to sustain the foreign missionary. Send good men, and the printing press, and knowledge will soon increase; the people will be•elevated; taste will be refined; public sentiment will be purified—there will be an entire trans formation. God is making the English na tion—using even their cupidity—the means of opening the way for working the wonders of his grace. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate A Tribute of Respect. At a regular meeting of the Philomathean Literary Society of Muskingum College, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted : lYnsitsas, It has pleased God, in his myste rious yet all-wise providence, to remove from our midst our much-esteemed friend and fellow member, Richard A. Storer; therefore, Resolved, That in this afflicting dispensation, we have been deprived of one for whom we cher ished a high regard, and whose talents, had he been spared, would have been an ornament to society, and a blessing to the community. ..--P Resolved, That we truly sympathize with the parents and relatives of the deceased, who have been deprived of one who was ever kind and affectionate to all around him. Resolved, That as a token of our respect, we will forward a copy of the foregoing to the parents of the deceased ; and cause it to be pub lished in the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate, Guernsey Times, and Zanesville Gazette. • J. H. BEICIII.I.IAN, It. W. HILL, Committee. JAMES MILHOLLAND,) For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Presbytery of Steubenville, SUPPLIES. Richmand.—Leave to supply themselves until neat stated meeting of Presbytery. Dr. Beatty, to preach the Third Sabbath of February, and Mr. Patterson, to administer the Lord's Supper on the First Sabbath. of December. Oak Ridge and Nonroesville. —Leave to employ Mr. Arthur until the next stated meeting of Presbytery. IVellsville. —Dr. Beatty, at discretion, and Mr. Laverty, to administer the Sacrament on the Third Sabbath in March. JOHN R. AGNEW, Stated Clerk. For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate From the North-West. [See first page.—ED.] MR. EDITOR :-I intimated in my last that you might hear from me during the meetings of the Directors for the Theologi cal Seminary of the North-West. I now send you a hasty line. An informal meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Theological Seminary of the North-West, was held in the South Pres byterian church, Chicago, upon the evening of November 6th. This meeting was de signed for conference and prayer in refer ence to the great object before the Directors, and was characterized with great harmony and good feeling. Upon the morning of the next day, No vember 7th, the Directors came together in the same place, and organized temporarily by appointing Rev. F. N. Ewing, of Bloom ington, President, and Rev. J. D. Mason, of Davenport, Secretary. After devotional exercises, a roll was made out, and it was found that thirty out of the thirty-three Directors were present; a fact of itself in- *Heating; the Fiat interest felt by the brethren in this enterprise. There were six Directors from the Synod of Cincinnati, five from the Synod of Indiana, five from the Synod of Northern Indiana ' three from the Synod of Wisconsin, three from the Synod of Chicago, three from the Synod of Illi nois, and five from the Synod of lowa. Be sides these, there were quite a number of clergymen and friends of the enterprise' from all the Synods, who were not members of the Convention. Among them we no ticed Dr. McMasters, of New Albany, and Dr. I. N. Candee, of Galesburg, Illinois. A Committee was appointed to report busi ness for the Convention, which reported, as the first great object before the Directors, the selection of a location to which the Theological Seminary of New Albany should be removed, and where it should be well established and endowed. The roll of the Directors was then called, with the request that members should express their views and preferences. Many strong speeches were made by different members, principally in favor of Dubuque, lowa, of Rock Island, and of Chicago. The Directors seemed to be divided upon the question, " Shall the location be at Chicago, or some point farther West ?" Eastern members were generally willing to go as far West as Chicago, whilst Western members insisted that Chicago was too far East. The former views were strongly urged by C. A. Spring, of Chicago, Dr. Montfort, of Cincinnati, and others; whilst the latter views were insisted upon by Rev. S. T. Wilson, of Rock Island, Dr. Phelps and Judge Clark, of Dubuque, and by the members of the Convention gener ally, who resided West of Chicago. The day and evening of the 7th were consumed in these discussions, which were conducted in the very best spirit, and the Directors ad journed without coming to a conclusion, to meet again upon the morning of the Sth. Upon the morning of Saturday the Bth, Rev. Mr. Baird, of Muscatine, introduced a series of resolutions designed to open the door for the admission of the Synod of Mis souri, with other Synods, in the direction and support of this Institution. There was up on these resolutions, a full, free and earnest discussion, and they were then laid upon the table ; to which action Mr. Baird entered his solemn protest. The Convention then returned to the con sideration of a location. During the dis cussion which followed, it appeared pretty evident that a conclusion would not be ar rived at before the next week; and as your correspondent was obliged to leave for the Sabbath, this letter was brought to a close. You will, however be advised of the further and final action of ? the Convention. Yours, &c., NORTH-WEST. Chicago, Nov. 8, 1858. P. S.—After the above was written, the Convention took au informal vote upon the location, and declared a preference for the city of Chicago, provided the necessary funds could be secured to the Directors, to warrant them in going forward in the pur chase of grounds, and the erection of build ings. There is but little doubt that Chicago will be eventually selected, though a final choice may be deferred for six weeks or two months. Eastern Correspondence. NEW YORK, Nov. 15, 1856 MR. EDITOR :—The third anniversary of the Southern Aid Society was held in this city, on Wednesday, 12th inst. James Boorman, Esq., presided. Rev. Dr. Stiles, Sedetary, presented the annual report, and Rev. Dr. Boyd, of Winchester, Fa., made the principal address. Either the time se lected for the meeting was unpropitious, or, more likely, the 'interest felt in its object was limited; for the attendance was in strik ing contrast with the crowds that throng the May anniversaries of other religious socie ties. There was a small, but 64 highly ap preciative" audience, of about one hundred, all told. In refreshing contrast with the numbers present, was the cheerful tone of the annual Report. Without the service of a single officer not otherwise and abundantly employed; without ecclesiastical endorse ment, or any attempt to stimulate the patron age of the churches; but, on the other hand, with an increasingly adverse condition of the public mind, amounting, the past few months, to a high degree of excitement, this Society has steadily advanced to its present position. Its receipts have run up from less than $5,000 the first, to more than $15,000 the third year of its existence; while its necessity and practicability are demonstrated by the increased numbers and confidence of its friends, and the widening field that invites its labors. The South and South-West, as its name denotes, is the re gion of its operations. It is called for, as is claimed, by the fact, that this is a portion of our common country, whose religious des titution is peculiar; by the superior mis sionary resources of the North; and by the tendency of its efforts toy strengthen the bonds of ecclesiastical and civil union. It is justified by the cordiality with which its benefactions are welcomed at the South ; by the goOd it has accomplished; and by its promise of future usefulness. It aims to preach the Gospel to destitute fellow-men at 'home, both bond and free. It silently en courages sectional kindness in a time of bitter sectional animosity. Its officers per form its work without salary for themselves, or expense to the Society ; 'while "specta. tors and speculators" unite in commending its work, as a worthy and useful enterprise. Such is an idea of the drift and spirit of the Report, so far as it states the object, and defends the policy of the Society. Its disbursements are made through exist ing organizations, 'as Synods •and Presby teries, directly for the support 'of feeble churches, and also for city missionary labor, and tract distribution. Those who have re ceived its aid, have labored among the poor of New Orleans, among the seamen of Mo bile, and among the scattered population of Texas, as well as in many other States, and for established white or colored congrega tions. It has contributed to the support of Lutheran missionaries, as well as to Old and New School Presbyterians; probably, also, to Congregationalists, and even other denom inations. It will be thus seen, that its opera tions are diversified, and its spirit cath olic ; and the question very naturally arises, Why, with this zeal and liberality on the part of its officers and patrons, there should be any necessity for its organization? There are other societies that cover the whole field and object of its labors, and that are conducted by the denominations from which its revenues are derived ; and why should not its supporters, with their liberal views, contribute to the evangelization of the South, through their agency ? If it is true, that the Home Missionary Society will not, or cannot operate in that field, there, is no hindrance to the labors of our own Domestic Board. And if they can trust' Lutherans with their funds, and do actually commit a portion of them to Old School Presbyterians, why not contribute directly and wholly to their Board ? The existence of this Society is one of the ominous signs of the times. It looks like a practical division on:the plea of unity. It Seeks to draw tke Churdh and the country more closely together, and yet widens ex isting breaches, by repudiating existing Soci eties. It has, doubtless, done good; and so long as its management does not draw on its receipts, and thus become an additional bur den to the Christian public; and so long as it does not absorb funds that would be given to similar Societies, it is not to be con demned. And yet it is a pity its excellent advocates could not co-operate with some of the existing organizations which contemplate the same desirable results. Not to weary your reader's, however, with this subject, allow me to turn to one that more nearly concerns the welfare of our city. It is well known, that its Common School System is the pride and boast of New York. Immense labor and money have been expended in bringing it to its present efficiency. Its various departments range from the primary school to the Free Academy, which is, in effect, a College. Its affairs are managed by some of the best and ablest citizens ; while many of the most re spectable, and even wealthy, entrust their children to its instruction. It has a large and well disciplined corps of teachers ; while the order they maintain, and the pro gress they secure among their scholars, are admirable. Its buildings are palaces in size and cost, and in the perfection of their ar rangements. Normal, schools and Saturday instruction have been instituted, for the training of teachers, and thereby for per petuating the system. More than a million of dollars are demanded next year from the city alone, for its support. And yet, with all this array of agencies and expenditure of money, it fails in at least one importaLt re spect. It does not reach, the very children that are most in need of its influence and instruction. From a recent Report of the President of the Board of Education, it appears that an effort was made in a single Ward to ascertain the number of children that did not attend any school. The exam ination showed that there were 2,631 of this class between the ages of five and fifteen; the whole number of children attending school in the same Ward averaged but 3,000 ! Taking this result as the basis of their calculation, the Committee who prose cuted the investigation estimated that in the twenty-two Wards of the city, there must be about sixty thousand children not in attendance upon any school. In other words, there is nearly the same number of children now growing up in ignorance and vice, that two years and a half ago were attending school in the whole city. The President, in his Report, considers this esti mate too high, and inclines to the opinion that there are only twenty or thirty thou sand of this class. But, on the supposition that he is correct, how appalling is the fact. What a fearful evil does it develope in our social condition. Not that a mere intellectual education, such as is, for the most part, received in our public schoOls, is a sufficient safeguard for the child, or for society. But if sixty, or even thirty thou sand children, are permitted to grow up in utter ignorance, what an array of dissolute and dangerous characters must they furnish. Trained in the streets, or reared under the most debasing influences of the city, how can they fail to be profligate and criminal This is the class from which our rowdies, bal lot-stuffers, gamblers and prostitutes are sup plied. From these come t e voters that elect men to the State Legislature who cannot write their name, and rowdies to seats in the Com mon Council. In them, and in their off spring, we must expect little better than violence, drunkenness and debauchery. The present appearance and conduct of these children, as they roam in troops through the streets, ragged and profane, foreshadow their future career. Many of them now are com pelled to minister to the necessities and lusts of their unnatural and brutish parents. They are forced to beg or steal, to gather garbage from the gutters, and cinders from the ash-boxes, while their clothes are too tattered, and their persons and habits too filthy, to be admitted to the public schools, were they disposed or able to attend. Are they to be left then to perish? With all the philanthrophy and Christianity of this city, it will be asked, is nothing done for their relief? Do not the instincts of self preservation, as well as the claims of hu manity, prompt the pious and the wealthy to efforts for their reformation. Much is done for this class through Industrial Schools, through the Juvenile Asylum, the Chil dren's Aid Society, the. Poor Association, and other organizations.. Vast sums are in deed expended, and many laborers sus tained by private benefactions in their be half. Numbers too, are rescued, and sent to the country, or trained to intelligence and industry in the city. But, in spite of all these gifts and labors the. evil spreads; and unless some public and general measures are adopted, it will become positively intolera ble, while growing thousands will perish in their ignorance and wickedness.. Our crim inal calender will become darker, and our taxes will increase, and there will be still less security to property and life ; while our churches, with all their wealth and in fluence, will seem still less adequate for their recovery. The country, as well as city, is interested in their instruction, for they often penetrate to its towns and villages, for pur poses of evil; while their influence is felt by visitors among us, in various directions. What Christian heart, indeed, that knows of their condition, must not bleed for the suffer ings of these tens of thousands of neglected children, and desire that this festering mass of ignorance and wickedness may in some way be purified by the power of the Gospel ! Yours truly, B, Ecclesiastical. Rev. A. P. RAPPER requests correspondents to address him at Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. DAVID HALL has been ordained and installed at Union and Brady's Bend, Pa., where he requests correspondents to ad dress him. Mr. SAMUEL WILLIAMS has accepted calls to Centreville and Muddy Creek, Pa. Rev. E. HENRY, of Serubgrass and Eben ezer, Pa., and Rev. N. Bracken, of Rich Hill, Pa,, have been released from their pastoral charges. Rev. L: P. liAw.ss has declined the call to Beloit, Wis., and accepted a call to Bloom inc‘ton Ind. Rev. P. E. STEVENSON has removed from Bridgeton, to Madison, N. J. Rev. C. N. CAMPBELL has removed from Lovettsville, Va., to Winston, Md. Rev. JOHN HENDREN, D. .0., of Church ville, Va., one of the oldest and most highly respected ministers of that State, died during the recent sessions of Synod. The Rev. ROBERT F. SAMPLE, was in stalled pastor of the Presbyterian church at Bedford, Penna., by a Committee of the Presbytery of Carlisle, on the 7th of November. The Rev. Edwin Emerson presided and proposed the constitutional questions, preached the 'sermon and de livered the Charge to the people, and the Rev. John K: Cramer gave the charge to the pastor. latts anV 61taning5. CON CIREGA TioNALIsm.--There are in Canada 74 Congregational churches, 65 min isters, 2,806 communicants; amount con tributed last year for religious and mission ary objects, £8,49 WELL SAID.-A cotemporary says : "In our opinion, the result of long experience and observation, an editor of a newspaper deserves far more credit for what he keeps out of his paper than for what he puts in it.—Hall. Reg. ELOQUENT-TRUE.-" If there is a man who can eat his bread in peace with God'and man, it is the man who has brought that bread out of the earth. It is cankered by no fraud, it is wet by no tears, it is stained by no blood." VERY TRl3E.—The triumph of a woman lies not in the admiration of her, lover, but in the respect of her husband, and that gained by a constant cultivation of those qualities which she knows he most values. FIVE WORDS IN SEASON.—About two centuries and a half ago the Legislature of Scotland enacted that "a good and sufficient school "should be erected and maintained in every parish. To these five words, " a good and sufficient school," introduced into an act of Parliament not larger than a man's thumb, is Scotland indebted at this day for nearly every solid glory she possesses. ACTS NOT Wouns.*--A New England clergynian ' enforcing on his congregation the necessity of practical godliness, and contrast ing the early Christians with those of the present generation, very properly remarked, " We have too many resolutions, and too little action. 'The _Acts of the Apostles' is the title of one of the books of the New Testament; their .Resolutions have not reached us." MISSIONARIES IN CHlNA.—There are la boring in China 85 missionaries, the repre sentatives of 18 missionary organizations, and of 5 nations—American, English, Swiss, German, and Dutch. Of the societies en gaged, 8 are American, 6 English, 2 Ger man, 1 Swiss, and 1 Dutch. Of the mis sionaries, '46 are American, 33 English, 4 German, 2 Swiss, and 1 Dutch. INCONSISTENT.—The gentlest and most refined women shrink with repugnance from effeminacy in a man; and men, the most culti vated and elegant in their tastes, turn away disgusted from masculine women. Women despise cowardice in men; men abhor bold ness in women. And yet how often do we see the one sex.copying from the other, not the graces and virtues that might adorn each, but the dress, the language and the habits that displease in both. MAINE. LAW IN ENGLAND.—The "United Kingdom Alliance," which has for its object the legislative prohibition of the traffic in ardent spirits, lately held its Anitial Meet in.o in Manchester. Fifty Temperance So cieties had sent in their adhesion. The Al liance publishes a weekly newspaper, and employed funds the last year to the amount of some $50,000. A general organization, by means of salaried agents, with a special view to influence parlianintary and other elec tions, was resolved on. GOOD.—The following answer was once received by a clergyman, who, at the close of the school, gave an address on the omni presence of the Deity. He began by asking, Can any child here, tell me where God is not to be found ? The questioner having paused for a reply, one little girl answered timidly, " Yes, sir, I. can." The clergyman said, " Where, my dear? for Ido not know where the place is to be found." The little girl replied, "The Bible says, he is not in all the wicked man's thoughts." THE LITTLE SHOVEL.—A poor woman had a supply of coal laid at her door, by a charitable neighbor. A small girl came out with a fire-shovel and began to take, up a shovelful at a time, and carry it into the cellar. A friend said to the child, "Do you expect to get all that coal in with that little shovel ? " the child answered, "Yes sir, if I work long enough." There is no labor too great for industry and perseverence to ac complish; it is not so much the tools we have to work with, as the spirit with which we use them,- that gives us success. INCREASE OF THE JEWS.—An intelligent writer in the North, American Review sup poses that no. class of immigrants has in-' creased more rapidly in this country than the Hebrews. In 1850 a man might count upon his fingers all the synagogues in the land; now there are at least a quarter of a million of Jews, from eighty to ninety syn agogues, and a multitude of smaller commu nities where a nucleus exists which will soon grow into a synagogue. The city of New York alone has twenty synagogues and thir ty thousand Jews; about one-twentieth part of the population being such. There are synagogues in all the chief cities of the sea board ; two in Boston, five in Philadelphia, five in Baltimore, three in New Orleans, two in Charleston, and four in Cincinnati. CATHOLICISM IN IRELAND.—According to Archbishop Cullen, the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is passing through a per ilous crisis. " Eighteen institutions," he says, "are founded in Dublin, with the im pious design of destroying the faith and morals of the poor Catholics;" and "atleast five thousand every year succumb to their influence;" and the eighteen establish ments, "to all appearances, make up but a third or fourth part of the organization formed for the same purpose." In this ac knowledgment of an enemy of God's truth we may well rejoice. And from the recent movements of the Protestants in behalf of Ireland, we may hope that the day is not far distant when this priest•ridden country shall be redeemed. ROAIANISM IN EUROPE.—:-Romanism all over Europe is asserting itself with fresh vigor and intollerance. In addition to the case of De Mora, and others not quite so re cent, but of equal note, the local magistra cies in France, contrary to, the principles of the Government, are frequently stirred up by the priesthood to outrages upon Protest ant congregations, turning them out- of their places of worship, and harassing them on every pretense. The Jesuits are rising rapidly in favor, in influence, among " the powers that be." In Tuscany, an ingenious inquisitorial expedient has been practiced in connexion with the- census. The priests visit all the dwellings, and leave a ticket for every person, to be returned when he goes to communion. The police place in their hands the census-lists, on which they check off those who bring in their tickets, and sub ject the rest to:their vexatious interference and so ilTance. From our London Correspondent Archdeacon Denison Condemned—Hid Pe(,,':, r H eresy —The Archbishop and the Presbyter—j Tractarian Clergyman and bi.l Innoration.Y—T, Bishop of Oxford and his Duplicity—y ew of Carlisle and Westminister—Profess or Mom! and the Telegraph—Visit to Pocts in „,(l,—l ts Population and Dock Yards—A Shit, r t f- W ar — The Victoria and Albert—Wondrous Specimen of Naval Architecture—The Royal Children—m e Machinery—The Coat—Nelson and the '` Vic tory "—lsle of Wight and Osborne—The Germa n Camp—Presbytery at Portsmouth—Postscr4q. LONDON, Oct. 21, 1556. Archdeacon Denison's case, although not finally settled, inasmuch as he has appealed against the sentence, was adjudicated 14 ou and decided last week, by the Archbiship of Canterbury and his Assessors. Of the nature of his heresy I have given some in timations in former letters. While the Church Catechism teaches that the body and blood of Christ are " verily and infictri. received by the faithful in the Lord's Sup per," the Archdeacon holds that the wicked also partake of Christ. This is the legiti mate and logical sequence of his doctrine of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. A body, if eaten, must be fed on by good and bad alike. He dwells on Paul's words, " Whose eateth and drinketh unworthily," &c., as supporting his views ; and as a com mentary thereon, as it were, he says he finds in Article 25 (of the 39 Articles,) the words following : " They that receive them (the sacraments,) unworthily, pur chase to themselves damnation, as St. Paul salt h." But Paul does not say that the com municants eat aught else than " this bread," or drink aught else than " this cup ;" and unless we resort to the ".hoc est corpus meus," (the hocus pocus of priestly and Romish consecration,) and swallow that monstrous figment of transubstantiation, (the priest's hand, as Pope Innocent blas phemously said, creating God !) how can we judge otherwise The Archdeacon, indeed, talks of the " invisible and supernatural presence" un der the form of bread and wine, demanding an act of worship, (that is part of his heresy,) which is " due to it under the form of bread and wine." I am unable to deny that Christ himself, the thing signified in the Sacrament, is to be worshipped in and with. the Sacrament. I say that apart from, and without the Sacrament, where soever he is, he is to be worshipped. I dis claim any other worship." This puts me in mind , of what I saw when in Germany, three years ago. The Lord's Supper was being administered by an Eno.- lish clergyman in an Evangelical Reformed Church, at the celebrated Baths of Ems. Among the communicants were two English ladies of rank, a Countess and her daughter. The latter, on coming away, bowed low toward the Communion table. She was evidently High Church, and half Roman ized, at least. She believed, at least, in "an invisible and supernatural presence." It is a tempting theme on which to start off on the Romish tendencies of the age, and their various developments. But I must simply pass on to the judgment of the Court, which declared said doctrine to be " directly contrary and repugnant to the 28th and 29th of the Articles of Religion ;" and therefore " having first called upon the name of Christ, and having the fear of God before our eyes, we have thought fit to pro nounce, decree and declare that the said Antony Denison ought by law to be deprived of his ecclesiastical promotions, &c." It is something refreshing to see a little vigorous discipline in the Church of Eng land prelates. The timid, though good Archbishop, was very anxious not to prose cute, (the expenses to him are enormous,) but he was held fast to his duty by the Rev. Joseph Ditcher, a faithful Presbyter of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, who did his duty nobly, in spite of much obloquy. The Archdeacon is, brother to the Bishop of Salisbury. He has appealed to a higher Court. Another phase of TRACTAitIAN INNOVA TION has lust come to light. A clergyman named Cameron, a perpetual curate in Berk shire, among an exclusively agricultural population, has restored and embellished his ehurch'at his own cost, (.EI,OOO expended.) He had twelve years ago been "pulled up" for his Puseyism. He promised not to offend in future ; but the church being re-opened the chancel was found completely altered; there were darkened windows, a surpliced choir, a lectern, a highly painted screen, gaudy altar cloth and curtain, and other semblances of Romish Ritual ; the appear ance being in a great degree that of a Romish chapel. The greater portion of the people have deserted their parish church— some for the Episcopal churches of neigh boring districts, others for Dissenting chapels. The Bishop of Oxford (that sup ple, slippery Jesuit,) was privately appealed to; and first he stated that "no change of Ritual should be introduced unless author ized by the rubric ;" but soon throwing off the mask, in a most intolerant spirit he re buked the signers of a memorial to himself, and recommended the people " to bless God for giving them so excellent a pastor." It is said that the matter will be carried farther by the dissentient people and their friends. Meantime, out comes the Tinits, dealing heavily with Cameron, but gently passing over g 4 Slippery Sam" of Oxford. The said Doctor Wilberforce, (with the Bishop of Chichester,) has proclaimed his willingness to receive and ordain candidates not only from Cambridge and Oxford, but also from Diocesan Institutions, such as his own child and creature at Cuddesden, monastic habits prevail, and Tractaiianism is triumphant. The Record raises a cry of alarm. where As to CEIIIRCH PREFERMENTS by the Crown, the Rev. F. Close, long the Incum bent of Cheltenham, a fast friend of thi Bible Society, an opponent vigorous a nt eloquent of Popery and its imitators, a bold denouncer of oratorios • in churches, and an able man, has been made Dean of Car lisle. His bishop (Villiers) no doubt bar' been the willing agent in procuring this pro motion for him; and they are seen to work together harmoniously. On the other hand, Rev. Chevenix French has been made Dean of Westminster. He was the Bishop of Oxford's chaplain, and Professor of King's College., London. There are many interest ing points about this gentleman. He is thoroughly literary. His work on " The Parables"is first-rate, and he has some sym pathies with the Evangelical party, though . not of it. It was he who wrote some beau tiful lines on the death of a young Scotch officer (Anstruther) in the battle of the Alma, which affected many, as well as nip self, to tears. He represented a comrade officer going out after the battle, and finding. the young hero stretched on the plain, beau' tifal in death. That youth had but a short time before been brought to Christ. Arid so French makes his surviving friend saYi . the last stanza : "And comforted, I praised the grace, Which him bad led , to he An early seeker of that fare, Which he should early see!" A dinner wag given lately in London, to PiforiaciaWan; the inventor of the