Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, October 11, 1856, Image 4

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    *elect lOtTero.
The Prayerless One.
' , Hz never prays The God of heaven has
O'er all his steps, and, with that careful eye
Which never sleeps, has guarded him from death,
And shielded him from danger. Through the
The thoughtless hours of youth, a hand un..,oen,
Has guarded all his footsteps o'er the wild
And thorny paths of life, and led him on
In safety through them all. In latter days,
Still the same hand has ever been his guard
From dangers seen and unseen. Clouds have
And tempests oft have burst above his head,
But that protecting hand has warded off
The , thunder-stroke of death, and still he stands
A monument of mercy. Years have passed
Of varied dangers and of varied guilt,
But still the sheltering wings of love have been
Outspread in mercy o'er him. He hath walked
Upon the beauteous earth for many years,
And skies, and stars, and the magnificence
Of mighty waters, and the warning voice
That speaks amid the tempest, and the notes
Of softer tone that float on evening winds—
AlVthese have told him of a God who claims
The homage of the soul. And he has lived
And viewed them in their glory as they stood
4rotind him even from infancy, a voice
That, told of mercy bending o'er him
With looks of angel sweetness—and of power
Resistless in its goings forth—but stayed:
By that seraphic mercy still he stands;
Cold and unfeeling as the rock that braves
The ooean billows still—he never prays !
When evening spreads
Her solemn shades around him, and the world
Grows, dim upon his eye, and many 'stars
Scattered in glory o'er the vault of heaven,
Call on the spirit to retire awhile
From earth and its low vanities:and seek
The high and holy intercourse with God
Vouchsafed to mortals here—he never prays !
When morning kindles in the'Eastern sky,
With all its radiant glory, and the sun
Comes up in majesty, and o'er the earth
Wakes all her agtive tribes to busilife,
And breaks the death-like solitude that reigned
Erewhile o'er Nature's face; when on his eye
Earth smiled in beauty :neath the lucid ray,
And feathered songsters pour their strains of joy
Upon tis ear, still not a note of praise
Or humble prayer arises from his lips.
Morn after morn returns in all its sweet
And peaceful loveliness; and oft invites
His spirit to commune with God; but still
He spurns the offer—still he never prays !
For the Preebyterlan Banner and Advocate.
A Letter from the East.
M. Holyoke—A Stage-Ride—An Illustration—A
Theological Discussion—A Reflection.
MR. EDITOR:-As I was interested in
reading the remarks of your Correspondent
upon the Seminary at Mount Holyoke, I
submit to your disposal some account of
their last anniversary, and of incidents con
nected with the excursion.
The address was by Dr. Fisher, of Cin
cinnati, 0. He commenced by strictures
upon the common practice of confining such
addresses to some topic of female education,
and demanded as wide a range of subjects
as is allowed to addresses to schools of the
other sex. A somewhat ominous exordium,;
but if any trepidation was excited, it was
soon allayed by the announcement of his•
theme, John Calvin and John Wesley
The school was in a highly flourishing
condition, having had about a thousand ap
plicants the past year, while able to accom
modate only about three hundred.
Opinions in regard to the character of the
school, vary ; but it should be remem bored
that it was desi g ned for a specific object—to
make thorough scholars in the solid branches
of education; and for a specific class; the
laborious, self-denying, persevering part of
our excellent female population. One who
cannot put herself for the time being, on a
level with these, should not enter the school,
whether the inability arise from lack of
health, or strength, or inclination.
To see forty-nine young ladies receive
their certificate of having passed through
the regular curriculum of the Institution,
ready, to enter upon the duties of life as
reapers, (the class-badge is theristes) was an
interesting sight !
We had the pleasure of having pointed
out to us, with the speaker, the Rev. Drs.
Hitchcock and Stearns, of Amherst College,.
and Dr. Hawes, of Hartford Ct. The sight
of the latter gentleman brought to our mind
a pleasing recollection of "Lectures to
Young Men," and " A Tribute to the Mem
ory of the Pilgrims," which we had read with
much interest in our school-boy days; and
moreover induced a desire to become ac
quainted with the author, a pleasure which
we enjoyed even beyond our anticipation.
The patrons of the school, and the clergy
men present, were invited to dine with the
school, in the Seminary hall. We took our
place among the number, althoagh the state
of "our health just then deprived us of the
pleasure of partaking of the repast. We'
did venture, by way of interlude to conver
sation, to nibble a little of their bread; and
ventured the remark, that if all the young
ladies made as good bread as that, they had
made 'a very important attainment besides
what is usually acquired' in, the study and
recitation room. As our kind entertainers
were evidently, unhappy at our inability to
do our part at-the table, our next neighbor
on either hand, kindly proposed to make up
the deficiency, so that all due honor should
be done to the occasion, remarking that they
could afford to do this, as one was just re
covering from a long illness, and the other
had missed his breakfast. The former was
the Rev. Mr. Knight, from Lawrence,. Kan
sas, where, for a year or two, he had shared
the vicissitudes to which the settlers in that
region have been subjected; having recently
left on account of protracted illness from
angue and fever. The latter was a clergy
man from the State of Maine, who had come
to, make application for his wife to enter as
a scholar. •
Among the incidents that interested us,
was the result of in " Overture "- from the
students of Amherst College, seven miles
distant, for permission to enjoy social inter
course with the, young ladies of the Semi
nary. Permission on their part had been
secured, and it now rested entirely with the
Principal of the Seminary, whether the
pleasure ,could ,be allowed. We were be
yond'measure amazed that any gentleman of
the College faculty could so far forget him
self as to favor such a movement, especially
without the concurrence: of the other party.
But the Principal was fully equal to the
emergency. " She stood firm and immova
ble against it," were the words that reported
her decision. It, was, gratifying to us to
hear every one who spoke of it applaud
Miss Chapin's decision. Honor to the
worthy successor of Mary Lyon !
Bright and early next morning, we were
off in one of the three crowded stages, for
the iailroad, seven miles distant. SoOn
after descending the eminence on which the
Seminary is located, we found another hill
of considerable elevation to ascend, aid we
proceeded to about half way up, and came
to a sudden halt. No skill of the driver
could avail to advance another stop. After
repeated efforts with such appliances as are
usual on such occasions, he says to his as
sistant, " Take off that horse The off
wheel horse was soon detached from the
team, the word was given, and our vehicle
moved forward without more ado.
It was amusing to notice the reflections
occasioned by this incident. " Our team is
like the Sybiline books, their value is in
creased by diminishing their number':"
"Our team resembles Gideon's army; re- ,
ducing its number increased its efficiency !'
We might have added, our team resembles
the Presbyterian Church, twenty years ago;
its harmony and prosperity are promoted by
reducing its size I
Soon after leaving Springfield for Hart
ford, we noticed that our seat-mate was Dr.
Hawes, of the latter place. As we had
spoken together at the Seminary, we were
under no embarrassment now, in getting into
conversation. Indeed, the kindness and
affability of that good man would hardly
leave, room for embarrassment under any
circumstances. As we made inquiry, con
cerning the Presbyterian church in Hart
ford, he naturally asked if we were Presby
terian; and the affirmative answer made no
change in the affability of his manner
toward us. A conversation folloived, the
substance of which I here relate.
He remarked, "There is a great amount
of misapprehension among Presbyterians, in
regard to the nature and working' of Con
gregationalism among us." We admitted
that something of the kind was quite prob
able; and was proceeding to say there was
a much greater amount of misapprehension
among Cor ° irregationalists in regard to the
nature and workings of Presbyterianism;
but not perceiving this, (being slightly dull
of hearing,,) he added : " Our Assteiations
have as much influence over our churches
and ministers as your Presbyteries have
over yours !" If this means that their as
sociations have as much authority over their
members as our Presbyteries have over
theirs, there is certainly a great misappre
hension of the matter among us. In answer
to his assertion, we ventured an allusion to
Dr. Bushnell. His answer was, " Your
ministers sometimes renounce your author
ity !" I was surprised at the Doctor's logic.
He did not like Presbyterianism. It was
too' unwieldy. If error got in, it was so
difficult to get it out! alluding to Presby
terianism in England and in Scotland in
days. past, in confirmation of his opinion.
We replied, "I am not certain that a full
view of all the facts in these cases would
place Presbyterianism in any disadvanta
geous light, as compared with Congregation
alism; and certainly, in our own country,
where each has had full scope to work out
its legitimate results,Presbyterianism would
not shrink from eing weighed in the
balances with her sister of New England."
He was like Dr. Bellamy; he did not like a
big team, ! We thought of the big team
with which we left the Seminary that morn
ing. One of the horses belonging to the
team was disabled, and a neighboring farm
horse had been procured to take its place;
and that one had to' be taken. out. We re
plied that a big team was to be estimated
by its harmony. If they work together, the
bigger the better. He said, " I will ven
ture an assertion, which I presume you will
not believe, to wit :, I do not know a 'min
ister in our association that would not adopt
Dwight's T,heology (you know what that is ?)
as his own !" " Now, you do not believe
this !" "0 yes ;: I certainly believe that
Dr. Hawes asserts the truth; that he faith
fully expresses his opinion; but to me it re
mains a question, how many of them would
adopt Dwight on the same principle that
Professor Park would adopt any creed be
had ever seen, distinguishing between the
religion of the intellect and the religion of
the, feelings ?"He thought Professor Park's
phraseology very unhappy, and had written
to him upon the subject; but still he must
maintain a distinction between language
that is literal, and that which is figurative.
For instance, the 'slst Psalm : "Behold, I
was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my
mother conceive me." And Ps. xxiii ; the
literal weaning of which is, G-od is my
protector and provider, and I can implicitly
trust him ; but in the language of the
Psalmist we are addressed through the
senses, and the social feelings; indeed, all
our powers and susceptibilities are brought
into devout exercise by that piece of exqui
site poetry. The difference between literal
fold figurative language was • of course ad
mitted ; and we added, " this fact often fur
nishes a pretext fora convenient evasion."
To this my friend assented, and we proceed
ed : " take the 51st Psalm, to which you
have alluded. What is the literal expres
sion of the facts in that case? It is this :
Afy mother was a poor, depraved member
of a fallen, race! 1 was conceived and
brought forth with, similar dispositions;
subject to the same providential indications
of _Divine displeasure, sorrow, pain and
death I Now, L would ask, what combina
tion of words could more concisely, and ac
curately, and literally express these melan
choly facts than that used by the Psalmist ?"
"But 1 cannot bring my mind to believe—
Ido not think arty an can believe, (I am
speaking very freely with a stranger,) butl
do not see how it is possible to believe that
a child is guilty and damnable for an act
committed by another thousands of years
before he was born !"-
"The Psalmist seems to have had no diffi
culty on this point ; Paul, nor the other
sacred writers; although we are not re
quired by this doctrine to suppose• that any
infant, dying in infancy, is lost. The grace
of Christ is as well adapted to their salva
tion as to that of older sinners."
" Will you point me to one passage of
Scripture that says, in so many words, that
all infants are saved ?"
We were almost ready to smile to see
with what facility the man who, for his own
opinion, could :Appeal so confidently to the
exercises of his own intellect, could at the
same time demand the plainest "thus saith
the Lord" on the other side. Withofit an
swering this question, we proceeded : " Our
inability to comprehend all the bearings of a
statement does not disprove its truth, nor
even probability; against the plain testimony
of revelation. We do not suppose that in
fants are guilty in the same degree, nor in
the same sense, after the same similitude,
as Adam, and other adults are ; but here
are the facts in the ease : Children, by that
one offence, are subjected to all the evils of
sin, in this life—to death itself; they are
treated as sinners, and always have been."
"0, yes; children do suffer in , conse
quence of their connexion with Adam;
they have propensities to evil which lead
them to sin; but they are not, shiners, in my
sense of the term sinner, until they commit
actual transgression."
is I thought we were speaking of the
Scriptural sense of the term sinner. ,But
I cannot see any difference in the idea that
infants suffer in consequence of Adam's sin,
and that they suffer on account of it. , But
if th'eSe infants die before transgres
sion, what is to be the result of the develop
ment of their evil propensities ?"
"The blood of Christ and his Spirit rectify
the disorder, and fit them for heaven."
" But does Dr. Hawes make the blood of
Christ necessary to free the soul from that
which is not sin ?"
"If it is called sin, it must be in a re : .
striated sense—" " Hartford 1 ." cries
the conductor. The Doctor, rose to leave,
saying, "We shall not settle the point this
time,"and we parted.
We leave each to make his own comments
on the foregoing. We were somewhat sur
prised to witness what appeared to us a
prejudice against the Presbyterian Church.
The explanation did not occur to us un
til some hours after. The statement may
resemble one of his, in being bard to believe;
bat it is a fact that the circumstance of our
belonging to different ecclesiastical bodies
that had recently entered upon a state of
non-intercourse, did not occur to my, mind.
during our interview 1 •
I cannot help thinking, that if our New
England brethren would study philosophy,,
i falsely so-called, less, and Gospel simplicity
more—consenting to call that sin which the
Scriptures call sin, which God treats as sin,
1 which 'the blood of Christ, which was shed'
1 to cleanse from, sin, is . required to remove,
lor rectify, they would lose nothing the .
way of removing objections out of the path
of sinners, .and would gain vastly on the
'score of simple faith in. God.
Yours truly,
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Bible Narratives—No. 15.
Before the confusion of-tongues, by which
the plans of the children of men were
broken in regard to a consolidated einpire,
the family of Noah seem not to have left
the fertile banks of the Euphrates. The
Hamites, as we have shown, took the lead
in building a "city and a tower," .and in
resisting the will of Jehovah to scatter the
race " abroad upon the face of all the
earth;" - yet, the Sacred Narrative (Gen. xi:
1-7) evidently conveys the idea that the
greater part, if not the whole of the races
of Japheth and Sheiri, united with them in
their act of follY. When compelled to dis
perse, the law pressed with its fullest force,
first upon the children of Ham, and then
upon those of Japheth, as perhaps the most
guilty in the sight of God. But as usurped
power is not yielded without a struggle,
sometimes a terrible and long one, the posi
tion taken by some of the descendants of
Ham, kept back for a time the distinctive
ness of the races of Noah's other two sons.
It was not, perhaps, till after years of con'•
filet, that the descendants of Shem gained
the ascendency in the old home of the race;
the last of the Hamites, either from choice
or from, compulsion, following the path of
their people to dwell among the mountains,
; upon the sand plains, and along the fertile
rivers of the South. •
Mizr, accompanied probablybyhis father,
(Ps, cv: 27.) and also his brothers Phut
and Canaan, pushed their way as emigrants
to the South-West, till they came to the
Mediterranean A part of the house of
Japheth, at least a part of the family of
Gomer, (Gen. x : 19,) may have joined
their company. They stopped and settled
in the fertile vale of Siddim, through which
the Jordan at that time pleasantly rolled
upon its way to. the Gulf of, Elath. They
named the first settlement, which became
and continued to be one of the chief cities
of the Pentapolis, after the name of their
We cannot tell but the wickedness of the
cities of the plain, and their signal destruc
tion may have some connexion with a deter
mination of their founders to resist the will of
Heaven, and mingle races and settlements,
though the law of sepvation had been
stamped upon the countenances of the sons
of Noah, and was afterwards branded upon
.their tongues. Canaan and his family go no
further than the valley of Esdraelon. From
this they spread Northward along the sea,
and up the slopes of Lebanon ; and South
ward as far as the hill country which over
looks Siddim, (Gen. x : 18, 19 ) Mizr and
his bands stop not till they reach the fertile
banks of the Nile; and - there they unite,'
and the kingdom of Mizraim or Egypt is
founded, which soon becomes a rival, in
population and power, of the kingdom of
Nimrod. Some of the descendants of Mizr
after a time. went Northward from the
mouth of the Nile, and settled the seacoast
as far as Gaza.—Gen. x: 14.
The children of Phut, associated with
Egypt and Ethiopia, and sometimes with
Tyre, (Ezek. xxx : 5; xxvii : 10,) after a
while, settle Northern Africa ; wad perhaps
a part of them unite with the descendants of
Canaan in founding the Phcenieian Empire,
which, in the days of Solomon, had become
the mistress of the Great Sea.—Gen. x
15. Even when, after the age of Ezekiel,
the power of Tyrus is broken, the people in
such'raultitudes go to the home of their race,
that Carthage and the kingdom of Dido,
who is said to be a grand niece of Jezebel,
(1. Kings xvi 31,) became so powerful as
for a long time to be a successful rival to
Rome, with alther rising greatness.
Part of the most wealthy and powerful of
the race of Ham still linger round Babel,
and for several generations, keep tinder sub
jection many of the families of Japheth and
Sheo3.. As theoth,er early centre of the "
power of this race was on the Nile, the
country between was made tributary for a
time to either the one or the other.--Gen.
xiv : 4.
Gradually, however, the ascendency of the
Hatnites ceased upon the Euphrates. A
part may have followed the father of the
race to Egypt, which was at first, and, in the
language of poetry, called by his name; and
thus may have helped to make it so power
ful and populous in early times. A part,
with Cush or some one of his sons as leader,
seem to, have emigrated to Southern Arabia,
and afterwards across, the Straits of Babel
Mandel to the head-streams of the Nile, and
thence into the great central regidns of
Africa. The small remnant which remained,
were so lost in the Shemetic tribes, that
by the days of Abraham, Asshur, Elam and
Aram, sons of Shem,
have the supremacy of
the entire region washed by the Euphrates
and the Tigris.
Asshur built Nineveh, (G-en. x: U,) and
founded the Assyrian empire, which is
perhaps alluded to in the king of Shiner,
(Gen xiv : 1,) and which in the age of Uz
zitth and Homer, possessed the greatest city
of the East.--Jonah iii : 3; iv : 11. Baby
lon, at this time, had so gone to decay, that
Nebuchadnezzar, two centuries later, boasted
that he had built it.---Dan. iv: 30.
Aram settled upon the banks of the
Abona and of the Phanpar, and founded a
kingdom called by his name, but which in
,our Bibles is rendered Syria.
The sons of Arphaxad for a time remain
in their old xesidence, and constitute a part
of the empire of Assyria, of which Malden
or Babylonia, eventually becomes a province,
but apparently a troublesome one (Job i :
17,) to the race of Shem; till its plundering
bands were all reduced, or had followed their
race to their African home. Afterwards, a
part of the descendants of Arphaxad, in the
line of Eber and Terah, emigrated to the hill
country of Canaan.—Gen. xi: 31; xii : 5.
Perhaps it was not long prior to this that
the race of Shem attained to the decided
supremacy, and dared to carry their arms to
the very border of Egypt.—Gen. xiv : 6.
Another part may have gone Eastward, to
settle upon the banks of the Indus, the
Ganges, and the Jumna ; and in the islands
of the Indian sea, where Solomon sent ships
for a three years' voyage, for gold, peacocks
and apes.-1. Ks. x : 22, comp. Gen. x : 29.
Shem, himself, after halting awhile in the
land of Elam, and by his wisdom guiding
the settlement made there by his eldest son,
may have been accompanied by Lud and by
some from other families, on a distant emi
gration,• till he found a home, far to the
rising sun, on / the head streams of the Iloang-
Ho and the Yang-tse-kiang. There he may
have founded the very ancient empire of
Sinim, Chinira or China,(ls. xlix : 12,) and
for three or ifour hunred years may have
done much tb fix the peaceful habits which
Gibbon says'' belonged to the people as
known to the early Ronians. They knew
the country by of Zenia, or Zenis
tan, which is, a change similar to Zion for
The children of Japheth, cross the Taurus
Mountains and spread abroad to . the North
and to the West. Me.dai founds the, empire
of the Medes, which after Wards take posses
sion of some of the tents of Shan; We find
Biphath and Togarnialt, sons of Gamer, among
the Rhiphean Mountains ' and upon the pas
ture plains around the Black sea.—Ezek.
xxvii 14. Ashkemaz may have given : names
such as Ascania and Ascanius, which we
find in the region of old Troy. Magog, Gru
bol, and Meshech, were either mingled with
the descendents of Javan, (Ezek. xxvii ;)
or they are to be sought among the Caucas
ian Mountains,-and thence among the Syth
ian and Russian tribes of the North of Eu
rope.—Ezek. xxxviii :2. Javan is the fa
ther of the lonians or Greeks. Gen. x :
Is. lxvi : 19. One of his sons settled in
Spain which was the West, as Ophir was
the East Indies of the kingdoms of Judah
and Israel.—Jonah iv :6. Tires settled up=
on the Tiras or Dneister river; and. after
wards, as some suppose, removed and founded
the kingdom of Thrace. •
It seems not to be the design of the Bi
ble historian to give a , full list of the chi'
dren•of the three sons ,of Noah; but only
those which may be traced as father's of ear
ly nations, and which may enable us even
at this
,day, with all the mingling of the
races of men, to find the locality for each to
correspond with 'the settlements made more
than three thousand years . ago. That Mo
ses had this object in view, is evident from
the fact, that he names no females, and only
mentions some of the grand-children of the
sons of. Noah. There, is no inconsistency
therefore in the supposition that some of the
descendants of Gomer 'might; cast in their
lots with the Hamites, give name to ti-omor
rah, and their name be lost when it Was
,Even Gotner himself may have
settled where we find the only people of
early times which lnar traces of his name.
Thus from Bible Narrative, and from the
few reliable hints of Profane History, it is
evident that Enrope, or the "Isles of the.
Gentiles," was the home of the children
of Jepheth; while. Shem and Ham passed
to the East, and to the. South to take posses
sion of the other two divisions of the an
cient World. G. W. S.
S. R
Wifie, Come Hame.---A Scotch Ballad.
Wifie, come hnme,
My couthie wee dame !
0 but ye're far awa',
Wifie, come Mune
Come wi' the young bloom o' morn on thy broo,
Ce:me wi' the lone star a' love in thine e'e,
Come wi' the red cherries ripe on thy mou',
A' glist wi' balm, like the dew on•the lea;
Come wi' the gowd tassels fringin thy hair,
Come wi' thy rose cheeks a' dimpled wi! glee,
Come, wi': thy wee step, and wifle-like air,
0, quickly come and shed'lilekiings on me!
Wifie, come hame, -
My couthie wee dame!
0 my 'heart wearies sair,
Wifte, come hame I
Come wi' our love pledge, our dear little dawtie,
Clasping my neck round, an' clambrin my knee ;
Come let me nestle and press the wee Pottle,
Gazing on ilka sweet feature o' thee;
0 but the house is a cauld hame without ye,
Lanely and eeries the life that I dree ;
0 come awa', and dance round about ye,
Ye ll ne'er again win free my arms till
.I dee.
Winter Care of.Anintals
In the general arrangement of stables, as
regards location, construction, warrnpth;
dryness, ventilation, &C., there is much sim
ilarity in the wants of both cattle and horses.
They need to be equally well sheltered and
provided,for in respect to rains, cold, and
all the inclemencies of weather at this peri
od of the year, and each class will warrant a
generous outlay at the hands of its miners.
On the score of economy, if prompted by no
liigher motive, cattle should be sheltered.
The Rhole subject reduces itself to the ques
tion of "Boards vs. Beef." Good warm quar
ters will be found equal to about one-fourth
of the food required to sustain the animal
economy, while the fatty matter will not be
wasted in the attempt—vain one—of giving
sufficient caloric to keep up a system exposed
to all the rigors of our Northern climate,
• _
Stock to pass through the Winter well,
should come to the stable in good condition,.
this principle, we think, is incontrovertible.
It will be found "up hill work," to rally
wasting energies, or even to keep, in condi
tion, during Winter months, animals that
may claim paternity to the lean kind of
PnARAOH. Cattle: of this variety may an
swer very well for those desiring to learn
something of anatomy, but to endure the vi
cissitudes of our cold,, give them
a covering of fat, and see that it is put on
properly. There is nothing equal to it for
the comfort and ease of the animal.
Another general principle in the Winter
care of stock, is, a good condition of flesh.
ought to be sustained The system should
not be allowed to diteriorate durbg . the
months of stabling. The juices must be
kept up, and when grass returns, tbere
should be no " Spring poor"• among your
cattle. If there is, a long time is wasted:
in the - operation of recruiting; and, in ad
dition, the expense of keeping is, much"in
Cattle should be fed regularly. The
question of " twice or thrice a day" is of ,
less importance than the one—have they i
had all the food desirable, and is it of such
variety and quality as will best meet the
ends required ? Every farmer who has
done his duty, now has, in growth, a sufft- 1
cient supply of roots, to meet one desider- 1
atum—the changes in food that are calcu
to give a tone to the stomach and di
gestive organs. Many farmers feed lightly
twice a day under cover, and allow the ani
mals to roam at will among the stacks to
obtain the demands of nature, which, to say
the least, is a wasteful policy. • Good barns
and sheds could soon be constructed with
the value of hay thus destroyed, and, in ad
dition, where this course is pursued, the
strong animals triumph over the weak.
One portion of the stock will come out in
Spring as though well cared for—the other
mere skeletons. On this account there
should be plenty of rack room, and it might
be advisable to fasten the master portion of
the herd. Furthermore,, every portion of
food should be g iven out , by the hands of
the owner, and should be either cut or
Keeping, the stables' clean is a matter that
should not be overlooked The droppings
should be removed daily—and if manure is
the object, let the litter go with it. After
the manure has been taken off, give the
floors _ ~a sprinkling of plaster or pulverized
charcoal—either of which will absorb all
unpleasant smell and serve to keep the sta
bles clean and sweet, and will-also, tend to
increase the value of the manure heap.
Mims Cows.---In the care of milch
cows, cleanliness is an essential. Their I
quarters must have, attention, and be thor
oughly gone over daily. Probably the best
period for performing this operation is in the
evening, just before spreading their bedding
for the night. ,Cows should not be crowd
ed in stalls, but each should have sufficient
room to make choice of the particular spot
on which to lie down, and if curried and
cleaned they' will soon exhibit a partiality in
this respect.
Among the varieties of food most exten
sively used and esteemed, are carrots. Itis
said that their action upon the lacteal organs
is very, satisfactory, and that they give to
the butter an excellent flavor. .At any
period during Winter, from stabling to turn
ing, out to „grass, they can be used advan
tageously, and, especially in new milch cows
before giving them in Spring , a chance. at
green food. A little bran, say six' quarts
daily, mixed with cut hay or straw, both
being wet up together, will make great im
provement in the milking properties, as well
as serve to keep the animal in . good condi
tion. In feeding, the fodder,. whether of
hay, straw, corn-stocks or roots, should be
cut. It will be a saving so to do, and in
addition, it assists the animal economy,
which, of itself, is an item of no light im
port. Joel Barlow, author of the poem en
titled Hasty Pudding, had a keen percep
tion of the wants of this valuable animal.
We quote the following therefrom
" When the chili'd earth lies buried deep in snow,
And raging Boreas dries _ the shivering cow:
Bless'd cow ! thy praise shall still my notes
Great source of,healib, the only source of joy;
Mother of Egypt's god—but sure, for me,
Were I to leave my God, Pd worship thee.
How oft thy teats these pious hands have
• pressed !'
How oft thy bountieS proved my only feast!
How: oft I've fed thee with my favorite grain!
And roar'd, like thee, to find thy children slain !
Ye, swains who know her various worth to
Ah ! house her well from Winter's angry skies!
Potatoes, pumpkins 'should her sadneds cheer,
Corn' from your crib, arid Mashes from your
beer; '
When Spring returns, sh'll well acquit the loan,
And nurse at once'your infants and her own."
- If you wish to,have your cows profitable
—to . "give down" liberally and freely when
you are inclined to-" draw ; upon them" they
must have such food as will tend to the se
cretion of milk: Dry hay will not do this ;
they need to be fed well, and a variety must
be, given in their "
_bill of fare." Good
food, good bedding, and that dry; good
water, and a sufficiency of it—to sum it all
up—good care and attention must be given
to'them, and then, it 'they refuse to yield, a
ready coMpliance with all righteous demands
place them in that position, where naught
but, the biped man,, has heretofore held
sway,• among: the ingrates.--I?urat New
Banks ,of Pitteburga i Per
Banks of Philadelphia, par
Bank of Chambersliurg,
Bank of Gettysburg,.
Bank of Middletown,
nank of Newcastle,
Brie batik,
Duni; is Bros. Waynesb'g,
Franklin bk. Washington,
Harrisburg bank,.
Honesdale bank,
Bank of Warren,
York bank,
Relief Notes,
All Ober solvent banlus par
tatate,bank, and branchea j
All other solvent lircnks,
All solvent ,banks,
, .
New York ,untry p
Co, ar
.. ,
Bo biome,
ArrivaiS and Delia/hires of the Nails, at
. • 'and :from Pittsburgh; Pa. .
Eastern malls, by Pennsylvania Railroadi arrive at 12./9 .A•
' M., and 1.45 P. M. Close at 2A. 41., and BP. M.
Western, North-Western and South-Western, mails, by the
Pennsylvania and Ohio Railrbad, arrive at 2 P. M. and 9
P. M. Is Close at I.A. M. and 2-P. . -
Washington, &e. Arrives at 7.80 P. M. Closes at 2A. M.
. .
Brotivnsv3lle, &s.
Arrives at SP. M. Closes at 2A. M.
Steubenville, via Florence, etc. Arrives at 6P. M, Closes
at 2 A. AL
Butler, Mercer, Meadville. Arrives at 9 P.M. Closes at 8 Ald
g, via Shavibtirg. Arrives at 5 A.M. Closes at
6 P. M.
Franklin, via Perryeville. drives at 2 P.M. Closes at 2 A.lll
Traveler's Guide.
FOR PHMADELPHIA.—Twine leave Pittebargh at 6.30 A.
M., 2.50 P. M., and 10 P. M. Returning, leave Philadel
.phia at..7M A. M.; 12 M., and 10 P. M.
FORTHE WEST.—TheTrainsleave at 8 A.M., 7.80 it. M. and
8P M. Also, a Steamer leaves the Monongahela wharf
every morning, at 10 o'clock, VIA 'WELLSVILLE.
NEW BRIGHTON Accommodation Train leavea Pittsburgh
at 9.30 AM and 5.30 P.M.
Lawrenceville Station daily, at 8.00 A.M. and 540 P.M.
FOR UNIONTOWN, by the River and the Oonnelbrville Rail
road. A Steamer leaves the Monongahela' Bridge, daily,
at 234 P. M.
FOR WASHINGTON, PA.—A. Stage leaves the Mononga
helm Home every morning, via Canonsburg, at 7 o'clock
wawa Market: and Chestnut Streets; 'Philadelphia, have for
Dry and. Green Salted Patna Rips, Tanner's Oil, Tanner's
and Currier's Tocds at the lowest prices, and upon the bed
Mir Ail kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for
which the highest market price wilt be given in cash, or
taken in,exchange for Hides feuitberi birthd free of charge
:ea eel i 04,11111115Mi1M R-RM
's7' . E rir
• ,
No.SSNorth SECOMS Street,libose Market, Plthadelphla.
The largest, cheapest, and beet assortment of PLAIN and-
FANCY' BLINDS of any other establishmeot the United
TtE.P.A.IRING sitordoetd. Give ne amdl,
and gatisfy yourgelVes.: fialy
- FOR THIS T.6T.1r8
Allpolvpnt.banks, 34
H. l&
All solvent banks,
All solvent banks 2
All solvent banks, 2
All solvent banks,
All solvent banks,
Altsolvent banks,
State bank and brancliaa t • 34
Barik of Stite of ldissoitrft
Mar. & Fire Ins, Co. checks, &
All solvent banks, 8
All solvent banks;
Au institution for the Business man. Chartered, April;lBss.
Located at Pittsburgh, opposite the Peat Office.
Raving a larger patronage than any similar Institution
of the West.
His Exc'y., Gov. Jas. Pollock; lon. R. M. Riddle.
Hon. Will. Bigler, Ex-Gov. Hon. J. E. Brady,
Col. Wilson McCandless, H. A. Pryor, Esq.,
Col. William Hopkins, B. L. Fahnestock, Esq. )
Capt. D. Campbell, Rd. Campbell, Esq.
N. P. Fetterman, Esq., Alexander, Bradley, Esq.
Principal—P. W. J.ENKINS.
I. I. HITCHCOCK, (author of "A New Method of Teach
ing Book-Keeping,") Professor of the Science of Account%
and of the Art of Book-Keeping, and Teacher of Arithmetic,
and its application to business.
JOHN FLEMING, (author of the "National System of
Book-keeping,") Lecturer on the Science of Accounts, and on
Business, its customs and usages.
eerier Writers, (who have no 'superiors as Penmen,) PM.
femora of Epistolary, Commercial and Ornamental Penman
ship, and Lecturers on Mercantile Correspondence.
JAMES H. HOPKINS, Esq., of the Pittsburgh Bar, Lec
turer on Commercial Law. . .
D. BACON, Profeesor of Mathematics, Lecturer on Politi
cal Economy and Commercial Geography.
JAMES W. KENNEDY, of "Kennedy's Bank Note Re
view," Teacher of the art of Detecting Counterfeit Money.
Conducted by a full and efficient Faculty.
Book-Heaping, full Accountant's course, including
Arithmetic and its applications, Commercial Cal
culations, all Lectures, Practical Penmanship,
(a Life Scholarship) . . . . . $35.00
Same coarse for ladies, (apartments separate) . 20.00
Penmanship, practical, time unlimited, . 10.00
Ornamental Penmanshi, as agreed upon.
Arithmetic (new system time unlimited . . 10.00
Higher Mathematics, arraying, Engineering, Mechanical,
Architectural and Ornamental Drawing and Construction,
Languages, Elocution, &c., as per agreement.
To furnish the beet means for acquiring a Thorough Bus
iness Education, in the shortest time, and at the least ex
As here taught, embodiei all the knowledge and improve
ments taught elsewhere, with some valuable additions no
where else applied, eo that graduates here will be fully able
to manage the books of any business concern.
(A new system) and its application to business is here (and
here only) included in the commercial course.
Practical and Ornamental, by A. COWLEY, and W. P.
COOPER., Teachers of the Spencerian system, unsurpassed
Penmen, who drew the first Premiums In Ornamental, Ens
inesa and Ladies'Penmanship, aflthe last State Pairs in Ohio
and Michigan.
Delivered daily on Book-Keeping; the tinges, Laws and
Ethics of Commerce; Finance and Banking; Political Econ
omy, Commercial Geography, Counterfeit Money, de. An
acquaintance with all being necessary to the highest gnomes
in business.
May enter at any time; no vacation; review at pleasure;
time unlimited.
Tuition, hill Commercial Course, . $35.00
Stationery, de., about . . . . . • 5.00
Board, per week, can be obtained for . . . . 2.50
_ •
Three, hundred Students have entered this College from this
city alone (besides others from abroad) since last October.
?Timbal's from other Colleges apply here to complete their
education,so•that they may befully quali fi ed for successful
business Lotion. , .
. . .
Specimens of Writing and Circulars containing full infor
mation, sent . by mail free of charge. ' Address,
Iron City College, Plttebnrgh, • .
CURED, Without Pain or Surgical Operation.
The readers of the Banner and Advccalt will recollect I
published a notice last Winter, headed "The Last Call to
Stuttering and Stammering Persona," in which lannonneed
Was the only chance they would ever have of getting cured,
and all who desired the cure should either send for it by
mail or call themselves before the 10th of March, as on that
day I had made arrangements to resign my profession, and
retire from the practice. Since the 10th, 1 have personally
consulted forty. and sent the cure by mail to sixty indi
viduals. In every instance perfect satisfaction has been
rendered. In Justice to all who are so unfortunate as to
stutter or stammer yet. I have thought proper to give
another opportunity of being cured, and therefore would
respectfully request them to send me $2O, iwhich is lees
than my usual fee,) and I will immediately send them my
cure. By so doing they save the expense of traveling. I
am a responsible man, and if my cure is not effectual I will
agree to refund the money. Recollect, this care never fails.
Address Dr. WYCKOFF, Box 746, Pittsburgh Post Oftlisi.
There has been a floating population of imposters travel.
lug the country, professing to cure impediments of speech
by my system, and many, have had the audacity to advertise
in my name,
and give the names of men for reference whom
they never knew or .saw. When persons who Stammer
called, those men would represent me, and in several in
stances produce a certificate purporting to be mire, vesting
in them ftill power and authority to practice as my Agents.
I have frequently warned the Public of those men, as they
are not In full possession of my system, and cannot cure.
Through untiring perseverance, I arrested two of them;
and others will sooner or later share the same fate. This
cure for Stuttering or Stammering is one of my own
discovery, for which I have a, copy right, secured by law,
and have successfully practised the same for the term of
nine years.
My references are of the highest order, such as the Medi
cal Faculty of New York, Philadelphia, and the University
of Virginia, all the Press of Pittsburgh, Washington,
Greensburg. and Uniontown, Pa., besides fifty thousand
persona in different parts of the country. - •
This cure for Stuttering and Stammering Is performed. in .
less than one hour. There is no pain or surgical operatio n
attending it.
The beauty of all this is, it will cure children of Ave, and
adults at the age of one hundred years. A person who is
cured by it, can never again stutter, even if they try. I of
fer to forfeit $lO,OOO if any person can ever afterwards Stut
ter, by ap .ftcation of the cure.
. _
It was .thaerly customary to announce, that no pay
would be required unless a perfect cure was performed.
That was done to show the people thero would be no risk in
giving me a trial. But now, inasmuch as the leading citi
zens of Pittsburgh, know my cure never fails, it would be
superfluous to make another such announcement.
my3l-tf DR. WYCKOFF.
—JAMES ROBB, No. 89 Market Street, between the
Market House and Fifth Street, would;call the attention of
his friends and customers; and all others who may favor him
with their trade, that for the future he will be found at his
Now Shoe Store, as above, with an entirely New Stook of
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers; Palm Leaf, Pedal, Tustinoind
Braid Hats, Sic.; consisting in part of Gents' Fancy Opera
Boots. Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, &c., &c.; Ladies', Misses'
and Children,' Fancy Boots, Gaiters, Ties, Slips, &c., very
beautiful; Boys' and Youths' Dress Boots, Shoes, Ties and
Pumps. '
His stock is one of the largest ever opened in this city, and
embraces everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia and
New York, and, ho trusts, cannot fail to please all. Great
care has been taken jin selecting the choicest goods, all of
which he warrants.
He also continues to manufacture, as heretofore. all de
ecriptions of Boots and Shoes, and his long experience, of
over twenty years in business in this city is, he trusts; a suf
ficient guaranty that those who favor him with their custom
will be fairly dealt with. ap2l3-tf
We ,notioe that the Messrs. Bleneely have their furnace
in full bleat again, and we are pleased to know that they
are daily receiving orders for their celebrated Bells, from
different parts of the Union.
Among those ordered within a week is one weighing
2,600 pounds for New Bedford, Maas., another of the
same weight for Guilderland Centre, one of 2,000 pounds
for Concord, N. 11., one of 3,000 pounds for the city of
Mobile, Ala., one of 1,600 pounds for Beloit, Wle., one
of 1,200 pounds for Port Des Moines, lowa, /Sc., &c. They
are also furnishing six bells for the Government, to be
used on board Light Shim in foggy weather; to warn
mariners not to approach too near the coast. — West Troy
, The Winter Session, of five months, will commence the first
Wednesday in November.
Expenses, for Boarding, Pnel, Light and Tnition in the En
glish branches, $6O per Session. Ancient and Modern Lan
guages, each $5. Lessons on the Piano, and ass of Instra:.
meat, $l5. Painting and Drawing, each vs. or the pay
ment of $BO, will include the whole.
A daily stage connects with the cars at Newark, Del., and
also at Parkeabnrg, Pa. Address
or • •
Orford,Sept. 20,1856. SAMUELDICKEY.E Ozfr.d, ks.
Bummer ilietdon of. this Institute will ootinnenee on
Tuesday, May let.
Circulars may be had at tho Drug store of A. W. Gayley,
16th and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, at the Book store of
J. M. Wilson, 9th and Arch streets, an at the Education
Booms, 265 Chestnut street, or address
Sessions commence , on the first Wednesday in May, and the
first Wednesday in November, and continue twenty , one
weeks each. Boys are prepared for college or for a business
Tense—SAO per annum, payable half yearly in advance,
and including all ordinary expenses, except crashing. Mo
dern Languages extra.
For.circniars,or further information, address
fe24-ly REV. JAMES I. HELM.
Tuscarora Valley, Juniata County, Pa., one-fourth of
a mile from the Perrysville Station of Pennsylvania Bail
The Summer Senior& will commence on Monday, the 16th
of April. Whole expense per session of twenty-two weeks,
for Board, Room, Tuition, Washing and Incidentals,6ss, pay-.
able one-half 'madame°.
Jar See Circulars. DAVID WTLEIOI6,
marl6-ly Principal and Proprietor, Port Royal P.O.'
VLF- County, Ohio, under care of the Synod of Cincinnati.
Principal. Rey. J. W. Scott, D. D., aided by eight asaistant
teachers. Expense from 1,30 to $9O per session of five
months. Scholarships at rates still lower. The buildings
and grounds are unsurpassed. Every modern convenience
and comfort has been supplied. Soothe all heated with
steam. and lighted with gee. Sessions open early in Anti.
ary and September. For circulars or information in detail,
apply to OIL SCOTT, or REV. W. g. ROGERS, Oxford, Ohio.
DIXON. ILLINOIS.—This Institution, undercharge
of the Presbytery of Bock Diver. is now open for the recep
tion of students. 'Raving a location pleasant, healthful and
easy of access, with an able and efficient corps of teachers,
it is hoped that it will receive the patronage of the publie•.
For terms of tuition. board, &c., apply to any member of
Rock River Presbytery, or to the President of the Institu
Rev. W. W. HADilialL
y1.24m •
SCHOOL, MOUNT. HOLLY. N. J.—Deidg. niedlotpre,-
pare boys thoroughly for College or bnelness. • For Tres
pectus, de.. address Itev. B.filkilJEL MILLER, A. M:, Princi
pal. Number of well qualified egaistan_t, tesohers'amPle•
Buildings and grounds corbensivew Sinami pleasant and
healthful. Access easy by .railreekfiematiNe w York and
as nyelved at auy,llitho . a.
iriß. W. W. ItALI. OR OF I) 0,
paid for sl.oo.postage
Editor of Hall's jourria of He, a 'monthly at $l.OO a
yenr, confines himself 'now, as for inany years peat, 0 - 1 4 0 7
sicely to the treatment of diseases of the
'THROAT 'AXI/tzuwas,
at hie Once, No.p lryingricoofew York • • Pa 7
• Founded in 1840, and incorporated by the Legislator.
Pendaylvania, with perpetual charter.
Hon. James Buchanan, Hon. Nloyeg Frampton,
Hon. Wm. Wilkins, lion. Charles Ea} lor,
Hon. W. H. Lowrie, Gon. J. K. Maori/sail.
P. DUFF, Prea - ident, th Or of Duff's sook•keepite
"The Western Steamboat Accountant," &e.• Profe,`:
the Principles and Practice of Double-Paltry Ifook-keel.4 n ,..
ciate Professors of Double-Entry Book-keeping.
J. D. WILLLS3IB, Professor of Commercial and Ornasi.. t ,
tal Penmanship, the best Business and Ornamental Preli m
in the United States.
. .
J. 8. DUNCAN, Assistant Professor of Penmanship.
N. B. HATCH, Professor of Commercial Law and Politic,
'lon. Judge SHANNON and J. M. KIRKPATRICK,
dal Lecturers on Commercial Law.
Rev. DAVID FERUUSON, A. M., Lecturer on Commen+.
Fables, (late Professor of dneient and Modern lAinglisk:t
of Washington College.)
P. DM. P, Lecturer on the History and Principles of o,r .
mem. Banking, Ac.
JOHN MURPHY', Teacher of the Art of Detecting fon t
terfelt hank Notes; the only thoroughly qualified 'fettle : ,
of this Art in this part of the country.
Embraces a full course of Classical, Mathematical as Li g
lish Studies
P. HAYDEN, A. M., Principal and Professor of Lange
and Mathematics.
P. L. APED, Professor of French and German Languor,-
D. SHRYOCK and G. ANTON. Professors of Vocal and lb
atrumental Music.
This in universally admitted to be the largest and in.l.
perfectly organised Commercial College in the Unizt,
The teaching of Book• Keeping, Penmanship. and Mb:
collateral sciences have been brought to a degree of perk,:
tion not attained in any other of the kind in the country.
As an adequate idea of the arrangements of this inettte
Lion can only be obtained from its pamphlet circulars. tbt .
are mailed free to all pm is of the country, with specinua:
of Mr. Williams' Penmanship, when desired. jel4-tt
THs catannwim,
Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colley Pacts,
Heartburn,Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Billy!
and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neural.
gic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highl)
beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure.
Nature Ends no new enemy to combat with this delights:
tonic in the 'system. Its effects are almost magical, yet th.
care perraancar. It communicates no violent shock to tb.
system, but by arousing its vital energy to normal adios,
enables it to throw off the, cause, and thus thoroughly ens!
incites the &ream
When its medicinal virtues axe so universally aeknowledf
ed, and particularly here, where it has become so popular
family medicine, that it is sold by many of the grocers. 61
well as all the drnggists, it would eeem needless to (tit
farther evidence; yet as there are, doubtless, some who halt
tried many advertised remedies. and still suffer from Dp.
pepsia in one or more of Ite dreadful forms, we subjoin it,
following certificates,
authenticity of which cannot tr
doubted, coming, as they do. from persons so well known.
Wm. &bushman, Esq., the well known lithographer, Ear:
"I have frequently used Ecerhaves Holland Bitters,and fin
it invariably relieves indigestion and.debility."
Rev. Samuel Babcock says: "I found special relief trut
its use for a severe headache, with which I had long a;:!.
J. W. Woodwell. Esq., says: " I have used Bterhave's
land Bitters myself, and recommended it to others, knouir:
it to be just what it is represented."
ALL Jonathan Neely, of Lower Bt. Clair, says; "1 bs‘,
derived great benefit from ita,nse, for weakness of the sttt
aoh and indigestion."
James M. Murphy says: "After several phyeicians
failed, Bcerhave's Holland Bitters removed tho pain frosty
heart and side, arising from indigestion."
The editor of the Kittanning Free Press says: "
of the bait physicians in this place bad failed, Brerlwe'.!
Holland Bitters cured me of the worst form of dyspepsia.`
Francis Felix, only manufacturer of the "original Eatnt:
of Coffee, " says: "I know that your Holland Bitters h tat
of the bat medicines in the world, for a disordered stoked,
or liver."
Mr. Ludwig, editor of the Racket, Baltimore,pronOtlEnth
a medicine deserving the confidence of the public.
Dr. Eherhart, the leading German physician of Pen:Pl:-
wards, has prescribed it freqieistly during the last tko,
years, with marked sumer% in debilitated stares of then•
gestive organs, or of the system generally.
The manager of BaDou's Vinegar Factory says: '1 unit
myself, and was therefore indured to try its effects upon
wife, (troubled with the great • debility common to all of •
consumptive habit.) and really it is doing her more good tin
anything the has ever taken.
NOTlCEl—Whoever expects to find in this a beconge .r,:
be disappointed; but to the sick, weak, and low opirani.
will prove a grateful aromatic cordiaL possessed of Fingzip.:
remedial properties. •
CAUTIUNI—Tbe great popularity of this deligh:lll4trem
has induced many imitations, which the public el.‘ old guard
against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy az:An:gess
until you have given Bcerhave'a Rolland Bittero a Mr MIL
One bottle will convince you bOW infinitely superior it is to
all these imitations.
Sold it $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the Wit
proprietors, . • BENJAMIN PAGE, 311..1 CO..
Mannibettaring Pharmaceutists & Cherish,
Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, Pittsburah
Philadelphia, T. W. Dyott & Sons, 132 N. 2d Street. Now
York, Barnes & Park, 304 Broadway; cor. Duane. Baltivrt
Onspare Brothers, Gay Street and Penns. Avenue. Cwt.
nati, John D. Park. Chicago, Barclay Brothers, 2l iS. Wee
Street. St. Louis,
.Earnard Adams & Co. New Orleato.l.
Wright dash
the public to the • '
where may be found a large assortment of all kini!s
Dry Goods, required in furnishing a house, thus filtr:4
the trouble usually experienced in hunting such ana
in various places. In consequence of our giving our a
tention to this kind of stock, to the exclusion cf
end fancy goods, we can guarantee our prices and rcla
to be the most favorable in the market.
we are able to give perfect n e tisSurtion, being the IMIR
Emmons:co pram( Swim 77r crry, and basing ba:
for more than twenty years regular importers from ex ,
of; the best manufacturers in Ireland. We offer t
large stook of
FLANNELS AND arusiaws,
of the bed qualities to be obtained, and at the yes 7 lcz.s•
Priem Also, Blankets, gun* gheetings, 'Picking,. Di ,
mask Table Clotho, and Napkins, Towellinms, Marrs
Hnekabaes, Table and • Piano covers, Damasks end Si:
reams, Lace and binalin Curtains, Dimities ,
Chintsem, Window Shadings, &a, &c.
S. W. owner CHESTNIIT.and SEVENTH Its.
in 31 0VAliie—AlleCORD dr. CO., H ATTERS.
have removed to their new store, 131 Wood street% iv:
doors chore Fifth street, which we have built with Ores.
press adaptation to our inereaced business
The first floor has been fitted up in modern style, estl:-
sicely for our retail trade, where will always be found ' s dm:
pieta assortment of the most fashionable styles of Gent_' tt:
Youths' Riding Rats and Ohildren's Goode, adapted tt rit
Seasons. We shall be pleased to see our friends at oar Sr:
The four upper stories are expressly for our Whokelt
Trade, where will be found a full stock of Bats and Cats
embracing Beaver, Silk, every variety; Soft, Panama ,
horn, Braude, and Palm Leaf Bats; B il k Plush and ' Cic.l
Caps, and Children's Goo ds of all kinds.
Iterchanta viaiting our city will dud it their Interest to tr.
amine our stock, as our facilities are. such as to enable es tt
compete with any jobbing bone in the eastern cities.
TORY, 55% South 101IETH Street„ below Obermr:
Envelopes, Die Sinking and Engraving, Dies Altered. 1i
velopes Stamped with' Business Cards; Homoeopathic
opes, self sealed and printed directions, Paper Rage for eln .
crulturists, grocers, &c., for putting up garden seeds
PRINTING of all kinds, via: Cards, Dill-Heads, O.
ENGRAVING of Visiting and Wedding (lards, Ira r
adopt* to fit exactly, of the finest Eisgliik, heath at
American paper.
Envelopes made to order of any size, qu a lity and l?
eription. ConveyAncev's Envelopes for deeds, mortpqa
old papers, Ac., made in the beet manner by
the National Safety Company, incorporated ty
State of Pennsylvania.
Money is received in any nun, large or mall, and istur , c
paid from the day of deposit.
The office is open every day, Prom 9 o'clock in the mom.:
till 7 o'clock in the evening, sad on Monday and Thurf , ':
evenings till 9 o'clock.
Interest Five Per Cent.
without RlMnoSticutt, eo
any am ount . IWO paid back in gold, on dean:
This &MING FUND now has more than on slums a
lave, all in IlleineAGES, GROIDND Brorre, arid other
investments, for the security of depositors.
451.• Office, WALNUT Street, Sonth•West conker o
Street, Philadelphia.
Rev. J. M. GAYLEY.
Media. DeL Co:. Pa
iru Ult 16[1r. Nos BASING rownE-.13-1;111
Jur OMENICAL YEAST, is s great saving of eels
shortening, and fir superior to Cream of Tartar, soda,
stratus. or anything else of the kind. Be particular 14^
ask for Durkee's, if you wish the gennine,.and do not WV ,
to be disappointed in having the true article. iTi signstl:
ia on each canister. Take no other that interested pera.:
may endeavor to palm off on you. Durkee's Baking Poc"
has been adopted in most of the first class Hotels and l'
ing private families in New York, as the best and only sIF
factory article. It is . guaranteed to please. Sold by ty
best ()rimers, and Country Storekeepers throes
out the Union, itisholessle, by
felfl.l7l. North FRONT Street, Philadelphia.
CILESTNIIT Street, above Seventh, Philadelphia. r.
in the United States. Wholesale and Retail.
'Ai` Branch at H? MARKET Street, Wilmington, D,4
Boardman, Gray & Co.'s celebrated Dolce Campana
Bartels, of Albany . ; Jacob Chickering'a,of Batton; Beare
Co.'s, of New York; P. p. Bum?, of Albany: &
pr's, of New Yorkp4. Marsh's, of Ph ladelptda; A.
Ladd & Co.'s of Boston; C. w. Fisk & Co 'a Premiss) Mo.
dooms, Ansonia; Carhart, Needham & 'Co.'s, New TO.:
George A. Prince & New York ; Steinway & fr 7:
Piano Fortes, of:New York ; William Miller's, of New 1'
and other diethignished makes,' constantly on band.
. jan2Vly
0 43r'
'A splendid oiler is made. by whieb any enterpriffrc
indristricros young man can realise a profit of from
$5.00 p e r ( ley, by the sale of our valuable and popular's'
lieations, which are all interesting and instructive. and el
-presaly adapted to the wants of 'he family circle. Stei
0 ,544 c. ..thing of an immoral or pernicious tendency.
Agents have the choice of one or more counties, in '6 ' ..
they bare the exclusive sale. For full nartienlare,adar- 4 *
LEARY do GETZ, Publisbere.
ap264tri* No 188 North Second Street. Pbilsdelpti!z.
Depository Is now well furnished with all tht Pcb.' l 4 .
Mons of the Presbyterian Board of Publication, and ette : :,.: j ;
with those that are suitable for Sabbath School Libt l L',
There is also a good supply of nearly 400 additional rols
selected with special care, from the numerous pablicat.
of the Massachusetts S. S. gaiety, and the lmtriae 6 .• •
.Orders from any part ay th e °win t r y a id be protoftlY 41 ;
tended to by addrentng the subscriber. ,Woney rosy be 544 '
byinail at our Mar'
or AND COUNSELOR AT - Law, an d Solicitor ta
aerY- ointa t . i no- las. Fourth Street. otiose the corset 0 -
Smithfield, ttelsorgb:Ps- . 10:13°
N. B. Orders twit by Zxpress, WIC COLEnt.
as per agreement
apl4-ly or