Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, October 11, 1856, Image 3
oration of the Bible and its " as❑ Teacher, (denied in several guar ani' especially by an Episcopal clergy- nauied McNaught, at Liverpool,) the la] Epistle of the Conference speaks admirable decision and clearness. We not to forget that the Wesleyans, conser ; though they were on Church politics, the whole weight of their influence, before and after the Disruption, to the who arc now the Free Church of and ; and also that they have imbibed Ipirit, and swelled the ranks of the 7,elical Alliance. One of their minis- whom I met last month in Glasgow, at louse of a Free Church minister, ax es his strong preference for such Puritan highly Calvinistic preaching as that of )opular Mr. Spurgeon (whom dissenting Is generally ignore,) as contrasted with ew School of Latitudinarians statistics furnished of the present of the Wesleyan Conference, (Metho indicate increase and revival e annual summary of the members in .11 fellowship is as follows. it number of members in Groat Britain iis year 2(33,835 Ea= Increase, is year, . . . st year, . . . Increase, Foreign Stations, its year. lt year, Increase, Total increase,. .. • 4,834 :e has also been an increase of nearly 7 thousand Sunday scholars. Ali the Con nnl funds are steadily improving. The of the chapels are being reduced at a rate has exceeded expectation. One hundred md pounds have been paid off during the years." the Conference, the subjects of, the ink of tobacco by ministers, and of ig by the members of Methodist fam were -referred to, and both, the latter [ally, were deprecated and condemned. Wesley's rules and prohibitions were and reiterated. As putting the ar- it against promiscuous dancing in a ct form, and in moderate language, lowing from the Watchman. is, I think, •thy of general attention, that I ask print it in your widely circulated le the action of the Conference in regard to b ect has been noticed with general appro by the religious journals, the only non e have seen passed upon it proceeds from a who did not blush to sign himself " A An," nor shrink to steal some of the beau- :apery of one of our Lord's most touchin g Les, in order to cover the frivolities of mod fashionable life. Shame upon him! The )ts of the youngest babe in CHRIST are full •er wisdom. If this " Clergyman" had re home a ruined but forgiven prodigal, would ie felt it meet, in these altered times, to in us friends to " a dancing party ?" To a t might not, even so late as our SAVIOUR'S lave seemed inappropriate. The solemn -es of the dance, with ohaunted Psalms, his country been consecrated to religious ales and heroic celebrations, from the time %I uxt ant and her chorus of Israelitish women ided with timbrels and dances to the Song )sEs, which they "sang to the Lord," at Red Sea; and when JEPIITHAII'S daughter, 'scions of her father's vow, cathe out to and honor him as one by whom JEHOVAH yen deliverance to Israel; and when DAVID, bringing up of the ark to Mount Zion, ;ed before the Loan with all his might." the serener, simpler, and more .spiritual ip of Christians, not even the most decors uad pomp-loving of Pnseyites have ever dof introducing the dance. The reason its associations are no longer in the re degree religious, but all the other •way, worldly. Among Pagan nations, the was abused to idolatrous and licentious the 41 sword dance" of the Northmen its least inglorious introduction. In our and times, it is allied to frivolity, and ,out a strong natural afanity and incura,. decoy to dissipation of a character. the langerons for the young. As an exercise, led rooms, it is the least healthy, and as a Hon the most unprofitable that can be de ll' not malum in se, it is what the Church, present state of society, must consider, Ly denounce, as maim prohibitum. We are tat our Conference has again done this. A •be offended,but there were very few to of lid we could have hardly hoped that the of dancing Methodists would in any case tnmined in our Church. To those parents ve only been culpable for want of thought lnition, we trust the warning will be suf . and that they will repent of the evil re hey have brought upon us all. See how scandal the errors of a few can propagate. ling to political questions, the state of notwithstanding the cessation of far from satisfactory to the lovers of and truth. Louis Napoleon still powerfully but unconstitutionally in , and while holding to the English ;, yet has countenanced the coup d' Spain, and it is said, is about to de traitor O'Donnell with " the Star of ye," while the blood of honest.oiti sought but to preserve the Oonsti which he swore, and which he and .itful mistress, and the Messalina mother, have suppressed, is still on of the first acts of this new regime n to put into prison M. de Mora, an it and enlightened Spaniard, who, ~ has appeared at the Board of the Society, in connexion with efforts on circulation and Bible circulation in and the author of a " History of the ~" Then last, gf holy" men are natu in great strength, now that the sun of royalty comes out from behind the of constitutionalism, which so long, Espartero's ministry, was obscured; is a matter of course, that the slimy is should creep out of their hiding and bask in the unwonted warmth lorence, recently, a poor widow, who .ping over the corpse of a husband, ,11 herself, had been enlightened by Aures, being visited by the priests 1, why her husband had not re ie last rites of the Church, 'and that "he had confessed his sins and sought absolution through .the Cilrist,' was coolly told that he and that as for his cursed corpse :ro df , outeto) it would not receive in burial. Aud so they have it cast piece of waste ground opposite the place of murderers, excommunicated • and "unbapti7.ed infants ;" and they trying to carry off her three children Infants' Aselo, a kind of Orphan there to be trained 13.13 to regard their' , ther as damned, and his creed as an heresy. or Naples, it is affirmed that unl ess a , stration and something more be made by France and England, no r evo l u . wit occur; as after all that has been the contrary, the Neapolitan trca,p s disaffected to King Bomba as long pays them well, and are only a little of his Swiss Guards, while as to that the Pope, he will never yield of his accord. The catastrophe of ruin re ' for this, as well as other tyrants, may g deferred, but it will be all the more mg, when it comes; and will, by its . grandeur, lead the Church with a fer of gratitude all the more intense, to sing song, " True and righteous are thy judg -4-s, 0 Lord." ,re has been an outbreak of the Royal •ussian party at Neufchatel in Switzer which has been speedily suppressed. `) 0.8 8 2,977 . !8,952 18,749 XO3 . . 65,261 63,607 ME By some, the Prussian Cabinet is accused of complicity; as it is known that at the Paris Conferences the Prussian Plenipoten tiary urged his master's claims without ef fect, and represented them as urgent. Itis thought that now, by means of diplomacy, Prussia will finally resign her claims to a Protectorate, cm. condition of a pecuniary compensation. The coronation of the Czar has attracted vast numbers from all parts of Europe, of that multitudinous class who desire to hear and see some new thing. The fine old, city of Moscow was doubly resplendent by pro cessions of tribes and nations (representa tively) together with princes and potentates clothed "in barbaric pomp and gold." The Greek Church, no doubt, to the secret dis gust of any rival Papists who might be present, came out in great strength on this occasion ; the Archbishop performing the coronation act, and with his priests previous ly presenting images and relics to be kissed and adored by the Emperor and Empress. The 'Times' correspondent, at Berlin, relates how, in fulfilment of one portion of the pro gramme of the entry, the Emperor dis mounted at the " Gate of the Resurrection," to pay his devotions to a picture of the Mother of God, handed down from Tamara, Queen of the Grusians, who, in former ages, converted the inhabitants of the Caucasus to Christianity. A wound is seen by the Orthodox Russian in the right cheek, whence drops of blood (following the Circassian dag ger,) once flowed I Thus the Greek Church has her " bleeding pictures, too " Every body begs homage here; and the miraculous picture (or a duplicate for one is always at the Gate I) is for money carried to the beds of the sick on clinical excursions! Fifteen thousand persons .witnessed the devotions here of the Emperor and his wife, and "no single eye remained dry among them." There is another miraculous picture of the Saviour near the Kremlin, which has "a preternatural power of passive resistance ;" as in -1812 the French sought to wrest it from its frame, but got all their ladders broken; and when a cannon was aimed at it in the rage of disappointment, first the rain wetted the priming, and then a glow ing coal was brought, when lo 1 the cannon burst, and the French gunner and his corn fades were blown to pieces, while the ball passed by the picture, leaving it quite un hurt ! This is all very well in the way of superstition ; and a fit sequence it was, that on the night of the Emperor's entrance, all Moscow was "drunk," and no doubt on the night of the coronation, too, and for several days after, it was the same. What the future policy of Russia will be, is a problem. Railways are now the grand object; the Crimea is to -be one grand terminus, and Constanti nople, I believe, is still the hoped for, though deferred prize. The Isle of Serpents' affair was suspicious, and Russia is sulky and re monstrant on Lord Palmerston's vigorous action. J. W. P. S.—Among recent deaths, are two somewhat remarkable. The' first is that of Dr. Buckland, Dean of Westminster, the eminent geologist, whose museum at Oxford is one of the wonders of the place. He was insane, or as Dean Swift called it "dead at top," (pointing to a decaying old tree,) for about twenty years. The second is that of the young Earl of Shrewsbury. He was a devotee of the Banish Church. His uncle, the late Earl, was the same, and gave large sums for the propagation of Popery in Eng gland. Some years ago, at the dedication of a grand chapel in Staffordshire, the future young Earl swung incense before the Bishop; and Dr. (now Cardinal) Wiseman declared that they who built the Lord's house, the Lord would build up their house. The prophet has prophesied falsely; it was not the Lord's house, but one 'of Satan's synagogues they built up, and now the house of Shrewsbury is extinct : A heavy blow and great dis couragement is this to Popery in England. There was a feeble Chartist demonstration here yesterday, in connexion with the return of John Frost, from a convict colony. latis anV 61taitiqs. TIVISII DEPUTATION.—Rev. Wm. Reilly and lady arrived at New-York in the Persia. Mr. Reilly is sent out by the Irish Confer ence to assist Rev. Robinson Scott in his mission of raising funds in behalf of Meth odism in Ireland. Mr. . Scott has recently returned from Canada, where he has been attending the session of the Wesleyan Con ference. Ile writes that he has met with success. TOBACCO.—The late Wesleyan Conference in England took strong ground against the use of tobacco by ministers. Thirty-one candi dates for admission were each asked if he used tobacco; one replied that he did, by the advice of three physicians, for his health. The conference refused to receive him until he promised to consult more eminent medi cal counsel and abide by it. DEDICATION OF HERTZOG HALL.—The Peter Hertzog Theological Hall, erected by the munificence of the late Mrs. Hertzog, for the use of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Dutch Church, at New Bruns wick, N. J., was dedicated with very inter esting services on the 23d ult. The Hall has cost some $35,000, and the entire expense has been borne by Mrs. Hertzog. And this we believe does not embrace all her gifts to the Seminary. MORMONISM IN ENGLAND.—An English paper states that the Mormons are making numerous converts in Great Brittain, by ex aggerated pictures of life in Utah. They now teach openly their doctrine of polygamy but it seems no impediment to accessions even from the gentler sex. The annual em igration of oonverts is computed as high as 8,000. PROTESTANTISM IN TURKEY.-M. Pas tor Bost, writing in the French Archives du Christianisme, highly applauds Dr. Dwight's work on Christianity in Turkey, which nor fates the history of the Protestant Reforma tion now going on in the Armenian Church, and has been recently translated into French. This work, says M. Bost, is, in one sense, the religious history of Turkey, a subject of an exceptional and peculiar interest. WORK INSTEAD OF TIWEL.-A medical writer in the Boston Congregationalist, ear nestly opposes the practice of ministers and professional men traveling abroad to regain lost health, affirming that in nine cases out of ten, health is injured rather than benefittod by such journeys. He asserts that if a par ish, instead of furnishing their minister with means for traveling abroad, would furnish him with land for tillage, and the imple ments of husbandry, it would better improve his health, and more " abound to the riches of their liberality." " Any sedentary inva lid," he,says, "who will resort to this heav en-ordained means of health of body and peace of mind, will soon understand why the old clergymen of this country had a long ministry and a grectrold age." THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER AND ADVOCATE. Yittrar gotitts. BOOKS sent to us for a Notice, will be duly attended to. Whose from publishers in Phila. (hipline, New York, &C., may be left at our Philadelphia Cddee, 27 South I.otl, St., below Chestnut, in care of Joseph M. Wilson, Esq. THE Remo Holum—The number of this par lor Magazine for October, is excellent. The work is a monthly, published by C. Stone 4 co., Boston, at $2 a year, in advance. THE PRESBYTERIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW'. The last number of this Journal is rich. The contents are: The Huguenots ; The Scotch Irish Element of Presbyterianism ; John Huss and his Writings ; The Deputation to India ; The Gener al Assembly of 1856 ; Literary and Theologica Intelligence; and Notices of New Books. MEXICO; ITS PEASANTS AND ITS PRIESTS, or Ad ventures and Historical Researches in ilefoxico and its Silver Mines, during parts of the years 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, with an Expose of the Fabulous character of the story of the Con quest of Mexico, by Cortez. By Robert A. Wilson, late Judge of Sacramento District, California, with Engravings. A New Edition ; Harper 4- Brothers, New York. Svo., pp. 418. This is a most interesting Book of Travels. Mr. "Wilson shows himself the scholar and the Christian, as well as'the closely obierving traAL eler. Those who wish to become acquainted with our neighboring republic, (and who does not ?) will do well to purchase it. The volume - is illustrated with eighteen en gravings ; and it will be sent free of charge to any post office desired, a dollar being forwarded to Harper & Brother's, N. Y. Plus: j:tp.arlutet4. This annual gathering and exhibition; in our city, came off last week, with considerable suc cess. It did not equal what we have seen in the Eastern part of the State; but much of the stock, and many of the implements brought forth, were excellent. Thousands of people attended from the country, and other thousands met them from the city, and all seemed joyous. "Judge Woodward delivered the Address. It is spoken of with great favor. The receipts of the United States Government for the fiscal year ending June 30th, were $73,- 918,141.48, and the expenditures $72,948,792.02, of which amount, $15,776,390.33 was paid for the extinguishment of the public debt. The customs revenue was $64,022,863.50. The re turns of revenue from all sources for the present year, terminating June 30th, 1857, show thus far that the aggregate will reach $78,000,000. The public debt is now reduced to about $30,000,- 000, on which the interest is $1,800,000. The monthly statement, of the United States Treasury shows the net amount subject to draft to be $23,495,009.91, the transfers ordered $2,- 962.500. From Kaiisas. ST. Louts, October 2.—A. letter to the Republi can, dated Lecompton, September 26, gives the fellowing cheering intelligence: " The armed bands that have been ranging through the territory are dispersed; citizens are returning to their claims; business is reviving; confidence is restored, and peace reigns through out the territory. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of Messrs. Jones, Stringfellow, and other pro-slavery agitators. Governor Geary has appointed Col. Titus to form a volunteer battalion to preserve the peace in the neighborhood of Le compton, and he has awarded the same duty to Captain Walder in the vicinity of Lawrence.' October 3.—Governor Geary has issued a pro clamation for the Sheriffs of the different coun ties in Kansas to open the polls on Monday, Octo ber 6th, for the election of delegates to Congress and members of the Legislature. October 4.—A. letter to the Republican, from Governor Geary, dated the 26th ult., says that - United States troops will be stationed at points where troubles are anticipated during the coming election, and that any interference with 'the le gitimate exercise of suffrage, will be punished with the utmost severity. Mr. Whitefteld is the pro-slavery candidate for. Congress. A letter to the Democrat, dated the 24th, says, that the Free State prisoners had• been examined before Judge Cato, and committed for trial at the April term of the Court. J. w Tnamcsairmlo DAY IN MISSOURI —The Gover nor has appointed the 26th of November, to be observed as a Day of Thanksgiving. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, " FITRNISHING GOODS, &0., ran MEN AND BOTB.—The - latcet styles of Fall and Winter . Clothing; well made ; Fine white Shirts, cut after an improved system,; Woolen, Silk and Cotton under-clothing; Gloves, Hosiery, Scarfs, Ties &c.; with a full selection of first class piece goods for custom work, will be found at Carnaghans, Federal street, Allegheny City. All goods are' marked down in price and sold far cash only. A Gentleman living on Squirrel Hill, says : " My wife has been sorely afflicted with Dys pepsia for the last year. . During this time, she had used so many medicines which seemed to ag gravate rather than remove the disease, that we almost despaired of- her recovery. Living in the country, she enjoyed all the advantages of pure air and exercise, yet each day she seemed to be more enfeebled. With some difficulty, I persuaded her to take your . Holland Bitters, which I am happy to state has completely cured her." See Advertisement. No remedy ever invented bas been so successful as the great worm medicine of Dr. Ill'Lane. All who have used it have been equally astonished and delighted at its wonderful energy and effica cy. To publish all the testimonials in its favor would fill volumes;.we must therefore centent ourselves with a brief abstract of a few of theta. Japhet C. Allen, of Amboy, gave a dose to a child six years old, and it brought away eighty three worms. He soon after gave another dose to the same child, which brought away fifty more, makinir one hundred and thirty-three worms in about twelve hours. Andrew Downing, of Cranbury Township, ye nango County, gave his child one tea-spoonful, and she passed one hundred and seventy-seven worms. Next morning; on repetition of the dose, she passed one hundred and thirteen more. Jonathan lloughman, of West Union, Park County, la., writes that he is unable to supply the demand, as the people in his neighborhood say, after a trial of the others, that none is equal to Dr. McLane's Vermifuge. Messrs. D. & J. W. Colton, of Winchester, Ind., happened last Spring to get some of this Vermi fuge. After selling a few bottles, the demand became so great for it that their stock was soon exhausted. They state that it has produced the best effect wherever used, and is very popular among the people. ler Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated Vertnifuge, manufactured by Flething Bros., of. Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver. Pills, can now, be had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the signa ture of FLEMING BROS. Agricultural Fair Public Fund [dDiiiRTISENET/i.] rAIITERTISEMENT.j VIKSILTIOEMBNT.j 11 'Lane's Vermifage. Kaarkets. Plrttsbuighs Asass—Pearls, 7@.7 1 4.; Pots, 51/ 2 '646c.; Soda Ash, 3% Bream— per bitch. Berm AND EGGe—Butter, 18(421 Eggs, 13e. Fume—Wheat. t600®6.50. GRAIN—Oats, 32@33e. Rye, 60(602c. Barley, $1.25@1.30. Corn, 55@GO. Wheat, $1,12,g1.25. Wow York. . FLoon am, Maki--Wheat, $6-10©6.40. Rye. $3,00@4.00. Corn Meal, $ 2 :04.00. GRAlN—Wheat. $1.53g1,62. Oats, 45@48c. Bye, 90® 92c. Corn, 98 ®7l. rhilsidelphtet. Frown—Wheat, $6.75@4.3734. Rye, $3.75. Corn Meal $355.@3.75. Gnaw—Wheat, $1.60@1.65. Corn, 66W8c. Rye, 78@ 800. Cate, 450. Baltimorier Awn, AND MEAL—Wheat, 86.62 3 / 2 . Rye : new, $5,00@5.25. old, $8.25. Corn Meal. $3.26@3.75. GRAIN —Wheat, Oats, 41048 e. Eye, 721:476c3 Corn, 64463. SEEDS—Clover, $8.75; Timothy, $3.50@3.75. Oforeign rsntelligeure, The steamship Africei arrived at'New York, on the 3d, with London news to.the 20th.ult. There is nothing of peculiar interest, in the political line, as news. England. I THE Cacaos.-The veil which has so long hung over the ecclesiastical intentions Of the Premier, is at last partially lifted. It has been announced as from authority, that Dr. Tait, the Dean of Carlisle, the friend of Dr. Arnol4:arkd his imme diate successor at Rugby, is to be the new Bishop of London. The see of Durham is to be given, not to the Bishop of Manchester as was generally expected, but to Dr. Longley,, the Bishop of Ripon, the father-in-law of Lord Congleton. Dr. Tait is understood to belong to the Broad Church. Dr. Longley would probably be classed among the High Church adherents, though' neither of them have hitherto taken &prominent part in ecclesias tical discussions. TICE SUNDAY LEAGIIE---SO the desecrators name themselves—had a conference, and afterwards a public meeting, on Monday. Of the conference we hear nothing; the public meeting is thrust into a corner even by those newspapers that ad vocate their views. We could not desire a better testimony to the failure of the projectors. Of the members of Parliament promised, the only one who made his appearance was Sir Joshua Walmsley ; besides himself, the only individual of any note was Mr. Robert Cox, of. Edinburgh, a relative of Mr. Combe, :did who has himself published some papers on Phrenology. The pro ceedings at the meeting would have been dull be yond description, if it bad not been for some op position offered to the proceedings by certain zealous friends of the Sabbath. We question the propriety of such a course. The meeting was called for a special purpose, and it ought not to have been ;disturbed. The policy of the leaders iu allowing the interruption .is obvious enough. They were sure of an easy victory ; and they will not be slow to turn the precedent to account whenever meetings are Ailed by friends of the Sabbath. France. PARIS, Sept. I7.—There - was an unusual stir last night at the Prefecture of Police and at the Prison at Mazes, owing to the arrest of about thirty persons belonging to a secret society. This society, composed of revolutionists of the most violent and dangerous kind; held a meeting yes terday, at which it is said- that it was decided to assassinate the Emperor on, his return from Biar ritz. I understand that the Police know all the members of this society, most of whom are old members of the Marianne, inhabiting the sixth, seventh and eighth arrondisements of Paris. The majority of them are artisans. Several of those arrested are very young, and appear intelligent and not uneducated. They are also accused of a plan to burn the crops, which was to have been carried out on the 25th of last month. Naplem. By intelligence received at London, there can be no doubt but that the .affairs of Naples are rapidly approaching a crisis. The governments of France and England intend, it is said, to with draw their representatives.-from the Neapolitan Court almost immediately, and dispatch four ships of war (England two, and France two,) for the protection of their subjects. Pru.ssia. Queen Victoria, says.a letter from Berlin, of the 15th, has sent rich presents to the. Princess Louisa, on the occasion of her approaching mar riage with the Grand Duke of Baden, and has written to express her regret et not being able to be present at the ceremony. The Princess is the only sister of Prince Frederick William, who is to marry the Princess Royal of England. Notices. BOARD OF COLPORTAGB The Board of Colportage of the Synods of Pittsburgh and Allegheny will hold a meting, pursuant to adjournment, on 1 ,- `ridey, the . 2.lth day of October, inst., at 2 o'clock P. at the Presbyterian Rooms, St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh. WILLIAM BAKBWELL, Secretary. UMBERS OF THE BOARD Ministers —Rove. :lames Allison, A. D. Campbell, D. D., B. C. Critchlow, L. L. Conrad, Samuel Fulton. Watson Hughes, J. M. Hastings, M. W. Jacobus, D. D., George Marshall, D. D., S. '4. Welting, L. R. M'Aboy, W. M. Paston,R. E. Swift, Rev. L. Young, Henry R. Wilson, D. D., J. R. Hughes, Richard Lea, David M'Cay. Eiders.—Benj. R. Bradford, Richard Bard, Francis G. Bailey, W. Bakewell, Wm. CampbelL James A. Irwin, S. P. Jobneton, Thos. Rlddoo, J. APJunkin, B. M'Maater, .1. D. bi'Cord, T. H. Nevin, B.C. Orr, John Reynolds, Jas. Schoon maker, Jamas Caruthers, M. D., Luke Loomis, John R. Wilson. Ners.—The term of office of the three ministers and three elders last named in the _foregoing list, will expire at the next meeting of the Synod* of Pittsburgh. ocll-2t W. BAKEWELL, Secretary. Synodical Notices. The SYNOD ON PHILADELPHIA stands adjourned, to meet in Norristown. Pa., on the Third Tuesday, (die 21st, day) of October, at 7% o'clock P. M. The standing rule will be remembered, "that atleastone week before the meetng of Synod. the Stated Clerks of Pres byteries forward to the atated Clorkof Synod," attkiylestown, Pa., " their Statistical Report stud the, Narratives of the State of Religion in their Presbyteries twverally. to " Rev James M. Crowell, Parkersborg, Pa., '• the Chairman of the Com mittee of Synod on the Narrative." S. M. ANDREWS, Stated Clerk. The fret meeting of the SYNOD OF CHICAGO, by order of the General Assembly, will be held at Princeton, Bureau County, 111., on the Third Thursday of October, at 7 o'clock P. M. Opening sermon•by Rev. I. Pillsbury. The members' of the Synod, 021 arriving at Princeton, will please go to the Presbyterian chnrch. where they will be received and assigned places of lodging. The SYNOD OF PITTSBDRAM will meet, agreeably to adjournment, in the Fil e t Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh, on the Third Tuesday, (2let) of October, at 8 o'clock P. M. WILLIAIkt JEFFERY, Stated Olerk. The SYNOD OP 'WHEELING will meet In the Second ebnrcb, Steubenville. Ohio, on the Third Tuesday (2114) of October, at 4 o'clock P. 51. CHARLES O. BEATTY, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF NORTIIERN INDIANA stands adjourned, to meet. in Orawfordeville, Indiana, on the Third Thursday of October next, at 7 o'clock P. H. E. W. WRIGHT, Stated Clerk. Presbyterial Notices. The IMRSRYTRRY OF CONCORD stands adjourned, to meet in Statesville, Iredell County, N.C., on the First Wed nesday in November, at 11 o'clock A. M. R. H. LANFERTY, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF RICELAND- mill bold its next stated meeting at Mt. Vernon, commenting on Tuesday, the 14th of October, at 7 o'clock P. N. J. E. MARQUIS, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF ROCK RIVER will hold Its stated Fall meeting in the Second Presbyterian eburcb, Freeport, on Monday. 13th or October, at 7% o'clock P. M. Assess• merits for Contingent Fund WM be called for. S. C. WILSON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTHRY OF FINDLAY (donde adjourned, to meet to Shannon. Allen County, Ohio. on the Third Tuesday (21st day) of October, at 2 o'clock P it. H. HOLLYDAY, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF 1301111YLE12 will meet in Mon mouth. October 14th, at 9 o'clock A. AI. All minletere and a delegatetrom every church, will be expected. THOMAS S. VA.ILL. Stated Clerk. arri6. On Wednesday evening, October lat, by Rev. A. L. Petty, Mr. Davin L. !Lewin°. (printer:) of Pittsburgh, to MBE LIZZIE A. KneVeLeoN, of Lower St. Clair Township, Allegheny County. On Tuesday, September 80th, by the Roy. M. R. Wilson, D. D., Mr. ROUST W. DUNLAP to Mae SUSANNA MEANS, all of Allegheny County. On the 10th alt.. by Rev. A.. 0. Rockwell, Mr. Wntaam M'HARG to Mize bLARLSSA J. reizam, all of Allegheny County, Pa. By the same, on the 2d inst. Mr. Jon& Mies MAR GARET DOMANI), all of Washingi3a County, Pa. On September 16, by Rev. J. Otonernd, Mr. D. 11. Lwow of Palestine, Illinois, to Misit LtzzzE HILL, of Fayette County, Pa. • i • On September 25th, by the elm°, Mr. Wn.teec Iltnter, of Westmoreland County, Pa., to Mina Mummy Ems Cur+. RINGRAIII,. of Fayette County, On Tuesday morning, Septeniber 30th, in Washington, 0., by Rev. W. M. liergimion, Mr. TUADDEUS A. GiterrmuY, of O.; to Miss 'Diluent Tarrzu, of Washington, 0. • On September 10th, at the Wright House, Warsaw, Ind., by the Rey. W. S. Wilson, M.r.'llmsur M. Rosussots to. Miss Rinsarrit MINTZ'S; both of 'Leesburg, Ind. By Rev. A. B. Brown, D. D., Rev. R. F. Wasorr, of Mifflin County, Pa , to Mine NLIZABETII C., daughter of James Mc- Cullough, Esq., of Canonsburg, Pa. Obituarg. limn—At his residence, in Yalobinha County, Miss., on the 26th of August, Mr. Honest BARBEE, Ruling Elder of the Presbyterian church of Water Valley, in the 70th year of his age. Mr. Barber was a native of North Carolina, and removed to South Carolina at an early age. Of his early history but little is known to the writer, except that when comparatively a young man, be connected himself with the Presbyterian church of Bethel, York District, S. C., which connexion he retained until his removal to this county. One of the die. tioguiehed traits of his character was open honesty, and stern integrity; his great firmness, and inflexibility of char acter ; his exemplary piety and Christian-like deportment, caused him to be recognized by all who knew him, as one of the pillars of the church. Es was a kind husband, a good father, and ari indulgent master. During his illness, he ex hibited, all that calmness, patience and fortitude that is so characteristic of the Christian, and died; as he bad lived, trusting is Jesus. - A FRIEND. [Yorkville, S. C, papers please copy.] Dren—lte Allegheny, Fa., Wednesday, October lat, Sorry M., daughter of Bev. John F. and Mary B. McLaren, aged 19 years. "She has gone in the spring•three of life, - Beeher sky had been dimmed by a cloud; While her heart with the reptureof love was rife, And the hopes of her youth were unbowed." By, faithfulness and affection in the various relations of life, as daughter, sister and friend, she was greatly endeared to a large circle of associates, who now mourn her loss. 'Gentle in her disposition, sincere in her friendship, she was 'beloved by all. Exhibiting, in her daily walk and conver sation, the early impressions received from Christian parents, and In her last moments the example of one who had placed her hope in her Saviour, and contemplated death as neither distant nor undesirable. " Blesied are the dead' which- die in the Lord." "For if Tesus died and rose again, even so them, also, 'which sleep in Jesus, wilt God bring with him." Weep not. Her spirit has flown from this world of strife, To heaven and angels' employ, And has hastened away to that haven of life, Where are pleasures and falleffs of Joy. IL C. ADVERTISEIVIENTS. F'ROW ITAEI L E` 'EMPLOYMENT FOR WINTER MoNTI-11.—PLEASE TO READ THISI— ENTS WAN EED!—EXTRA INDUCEMENTS FOR 1157. —All Persons in went of employment will at once receive our Catalogue of Books for the New Year, prepaid, by for warding us their address. Particular attention is requested to the liberal offers we make to all persons engaging in the sale of our Large Type Quarto PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, with about ONE THOUSAND Enentivittos. On receipt of the established price, six dollars, the Pictorial Family Bible, with a well bound Subscription Book, will be carefully boxed, and forwarded per express, at our risk and expense, to any ceatral town or village in the United States, except ing those of California, Oregon and Texas. Our books are sold only by canvassers, and well known to be the most saleable. Address, (post-paid,) ROBERT SEMIS. Publisher, oc - 11-1m 181 William Street, New. York. QiiIVICKLEY ACADEMY.—A _ CLASSICAL and Commercial Boardiag School for Boys, on the P.. Ft. W A C. R R. and Ohio River, twelve miles from Pittsburgh. Rev. JOS. S. TRAVELLI, A. M., Principal. The Twenty-ninth Session will commence on Monday, Nov. 8, 1853. For Circehirs and other particulars, enquire of Mesas. John Irwin & Sens, 57 Water Street; Messrs. Nevin; Mc- Known &Co., 167 Aborty Street. or to the Principal, Se wickleyville P. 0. 0 .Allegheny County. Pa ocll-44.* ISVUSICAL CONVENTION AND PESTI.. YAL at Leechburg, Commencing on TUESDAY, October 21st, at U o'clock, and continuing four'days and evenings. There will be a Morning. Afternoon and Evening Session. The practice of Anthems, Chants, Trios, Duets, solos and Glees will be continued from day to day, and on the last evening au entertaining and instructive Concert will be given by the whole Convention. Hints on the Cultivation of the Voice, Style and Taste, will intersperse the exercises of Singing. - The Exercises will be under the direction of .prof. S. H. Nott, of Sardinia, N. Y. All who desire to improve in the delightful art of Vocal Music, are cordially invited to attend, Tickets to the whole Course of Lectures, admitting a Lady and Gentleman, $1.50. Single Rehearsal, 20 cents. 5.0 Grand Concert, BO cents. Ai' Clergymen are earnestly invited to attend and lend their countenance and support to elevate Church Music to its proper sphere of usefulness. • • COMMITTEE. • A. L. Robinson, Esq., J. R. Parr, Esq., Maj. J. 0. Crawford, J. IL WElwaine.. ,A. M. Goseer, R. P. Crawford, IL Grant, Freeport, Capt. W.S. Bear, 3. W. blershall,M.D. Wm. James, A. Gordon, Esq. A canalboat will meet the cars at the mouth of the Kis kiminetas River, on Tuesday morning of the 21st lust, to carry the members of the Convention, free of charge, to and from the same, which will accommodate those from Pittsburgh and Kittanning, as also from Freeport and ci 0r.11.21 'HOLLOWAY'S OINTIULUNT—TEIM GREAT EXTERNAL " ANTIDOTE.—Wben impuri liis in the blood are determined to the surface in the form of blotches, pustules, dry exfoliation's, boils, rashes, &c., this potent preparation is the only safe and radical remedy. Sold at the manufactories, No. 80 Maiden Lane t New York, and No. 244 Strand London; and by all druggists, at 25c., 62 1 Ac., and gl per pot. ocll NISIKAVOQMILLAS SEDIINARy._ L GRIER, A. 8., IL S. ALEXANDER, A. 8., I Pr i nci P al9 ' This Institution is designed to afford facilities to male and female pupils, for the acquisition of a solid and ornamental education. The course of study in . English, the Classics. Mathematics and Natural Sciences is thorough and exten sive : designed to qualify young ladies to act well their part in life, and young men to enter any class in college, or any of the liberal professions. The studios will be adapted to the capacity of the student, so as to snare a symmetrical development of the mind This Institution enjoys many superior advantages. The locality is proverbial for health fulness, and students are free from scenes of vice and im morality so common to large towns and small villages, as the Institution is entirely in the country. It also enjoys the advantages of a preached Gospel, of a moral and intel ligent community, and of tho most beautiful mountain and valley scenery. Parents and guardians may rest as sured that the Principals will spare no pains to preserve the health and improve the minds and morals of all that may be intrnsted to their care. Tams—s6s.oo per session of live months. This includes tuition In the English branches, _board and furnished rooms. The common charges made for Music and Languages. Pay ments quarterly, in advance. NO deductions made, except in assail of-protrnotwl Hinnies. Tim Inottitatlon Is ten miles from Losststown, on the Pennsylvania' Railroad. At that place students can take tho coach for Reedsville, and there, If notice bo given, a conveyance will meet them from the seminary. The Winter Seselon commences on TFIIIRSDAY, the 30th of October. For, further particulars, address L. O. DRIER or H. S. ALEXANDER. ocll-sts Kishatioonillas, Muffin County. Pa. JUST -PUB L H ED.—THE BIBLICAL REPERTORY AND PRINCdTON REVIEW, for Octo ber, containing the following articles : Art. I.—The Bible, the Missal, and the Breviary. Art. IL—The Sacred Writings of the Parris. Art. Ill.—Bidrd's Religion in America. Art. IV.—The Matter of Preaching. • Art. V —The Church—lts Perpetuity. Art. Vl.—Egyptology. Art. Smith's Arabic Bible; with • Short Notices and Literary Intelligence. The Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review is edited by Rev. Charles Hodge, D. D., and published quarterly, in Jan uary, April, July and October, at Timm DOLLARS PER ANNUM. I. Pubscribers for one copy, who remit three dollars in advance, to the office of pnblication, will be entitled to pay ment of postage on all numbers issued after the receipt of the money. 2. Subscribers who remit live dollars in advance, to the office of publication, will bo entitled to one copy for two years, postage laid. S. Six or more persons-uniting in a club, and remitting in one sum to the office of publication at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents ouch. will be entitled to payment of postage on the numbers issued after the receipt of the money. Payment' at club rata will not be received from a less number than six subscribers in one association. If pay ment is delayed by members of *club until after the expira tion of the year, the full price of three dollars will invent'. bly be charged. 4. Theological Students, Missionaries, Youn g Men's Chris tian Asseciatiorus, &c., are furnished with' the Review, at . two dollars per year; or $2.25 by mail, postage paid. 5 All arrearages are charged at three dollars per year. The above aro the only terms upon which the Review is furniShed to subscribers. Subscribers and Presbyterial Agents are requested to re mit by cheek or draft, to order of Pares Walken, 265 Chestnut Street, Phila. Where a check cannot be got conveniently, money may be sent by mail, in a registered letter, at our risk. oell-lt 40,ALTSBDR61 MALE AND FEINALE ♦ADADkialY.—The Tenth &salon of this Institution will open on the 3d of November. and continue five mouths. Prof. S. Dana, (a - null:late of Yale,) PrineipalundTeaeher in Male Department. Mac Mary I. Dunlap, (graduato of Steubonville,) Teacher in Female Department. For farther information, address any member of the Board. W:IIPILWAIN. President, Rev. T. 6ILRERSON, J. M. ROBINSON. Treasurer, Rev. W. W. WOODEND, J. R. DOUGHBRTY, Secretary, A. ROBINSON, R. It. M'OREL, J. W. ROBINSON. ooll4m . THE STANDARD AMERICAN CHURCH MUSIC BOOK,-EIALE A MILLION ,SOLD!—The New Carmine Sacra, by Dr. Lowoll Mason, has now reached the astounding sale of nearly half a million copies! rirst published in 1840, the Carmine Sacra has over since enjoyed an unprecedented 'sale, which still continues—a greater member of copies having been. told during the year just closed, than in the one previous. The New Carmine Seam is a revised edition, the leet popular portions of the old book having been omitted, and their place supplied by the moat valuable pieces from Dr. Meson's numerous other pop ular works. Tho Elements of Mush) have also been re-writ ten, and much enlarged. The New Carmine Sacra, then, stands alone preemluent among books of its ohms, as the Standard Collection of ( hutch Music. Whatever other new books it may have, no choir is completely furnished for use fulness, without a supply of this book. TEACHERS OF 510510, if they wish to use in their classes a text book, which is sure to give satisfaction, should MO the New Carmine Sacra. • LEADERS OF CIiOIRS, if they would always have on hand a supply of such music as is sure to satisfy the congre gation, should obtain the New Carmina Sacra. CLEROVVINN, who wish the choir to use a part of the time at least, tunes in which the congregation can and will unite, should see that they are supplied with the New Car mine Sacra. For sale by all booksellers. Pub Hated by MASON BROTHERS, 108 & 110 Duane Street, New York, Publishers of the Musical 'Works of Mason, Bradbury, Root, liastings, ete. BIBLES' BIBLES 3 BIBLICB3—TUB SUB SCRIBER Is now opening the largest and most bean titul assortment of American and English Bibles ever brought to Pittsburgh. Bagster's 'elegant small quarto comprehensive Bible, and others from his celebrated press, are among them. Ile hopes to snit every taste and purse— from 37 cents to 83 dollars. For sale, wholesale and retail, by . • • . JOHN &DAVISON, se27-4 65 Market Street, Pittsburgh. AROE ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WIN NA TER GOODS, at the store of Murphy & Burchfield, North-Bast corner of 4th and Market Streets, Pittsburgh. We are now receiving a large supply of goods. selected with much care, from the leading houses of New York and Philadelphia, embracing Ladies' Dress Goods, such as French Merinos and Cashmeres; printed do.; rich printed Mous de Laines; black and fancy Silks, and other new styles of goods. Also, CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, In 'Velvet, Silk, and Cloth, of the newest styles; and a fall supply of Staple Goods, for family nee, such as the best make of Shirtings, Linens, &o.; Flannels of all kinds, in cluding Welsh, Gauze, and home-made. Also, superior Cloths and Cashmeres, Jeans, Tweeds, &c., for Men and Boys' wear. It will continue to be our plan to keep a stock of good goods, and sell at low prices. se2T-4t 5 MURPHY & BURCHFTELD. DRED ; A TALNDF THE GREAT DISMAL SWAMP, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of " Uncle Tom's Cabin." 2 vols.; $1.75; by mail, pre-paid, $2.00. For sale, wholesale and retail, by .JOHN S. DAVISON; se27-4t 65 Market Street, Pittsburgh. 4 NEW STORY, "DY THE AUTHOR OF "Tho Wide World," " Queeehey." The Hills of the Shatemuc. Price $1.26 ; by mail, prepaid, $1.46. For sale, wholesale and retail, by JOHN S. DAVISON, 5e27.4t ' 65 Market Street. Pittsburgh. THE HILLS OF THE SUATEDWO, A NEW STORY, by the author of "The Wide World," and " Queecbey." Price $1.26; by mail, pre-paid, $1.45. For sale, wholesale and retail, by JOHN S. DAWSON, se274t 66 Market Street, Pitteburgb. TO TEACHERS.—ON ACCOUNT OF ILL health, I offer, at private sale, my Academy, located in the central part of Pennsylvania. The buildings are nearly new, 100 feet by 45, three stories high, with ample accom modations for 70 boarders, and a family. The gross income of this Institution ie HOW about $5,000 per annum. Terms very easy. If not sold by the Ist of December ' it will be - leased for a term of years. Address 0. P. Q.. se27-eta Harrieburg.Ta. SILVER. PLATED WARE, Manufactured. by JOHN 0. MEAD & SONS, The eldest and most experienced ELLOTRO PLATERS in the United States. TEA SETS AND URNS, PITCHERS. • GOBLETS, TUREENS, &.e., OF The most elaborate and richest patterns in America. ALSO. SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, FRUIT, TEA AND TABLE KNIVES, ETC. No. lb South Ninth Street, above Chestnut, Near the Girard Reuse, se27-Iy* Philadelphia. ' . . 1117 ST IS SITE D—JA.COBUS9II NOTES ON iip THE GOSPRE, EY JOHN.—This is the third volume of a series on the .Evengelista The following are a part of the many testimonies borne in favor of the former portions of the work: "These volumes display in a very eminent degree the excellences which should appear in s condensed commentary on any portion of the Word of God. They embrace the- marrow of all the best writers and Coln- Mentators on the Gospels. The labor which they must have cost is immense, and could only haveheen deimted by one whose heart was in the work. The Harmony of the Gospels, which is interwoven in the Notes, and the wonder ful condensation cf hints and expositions, render both vol umes extremely valuabl e."—PrestP. Banner. "For valuable condensation, and accuracy and safety of interpretation, we think it superior to Barnes and would advise its use in our Bible Claases."—Christian 7n tetligenecer. "Admirably adapted to the Sabbath School, Bible Class, and Family, with this advantage of preceding works, that it has appropriated the results of the latest inquiries on vari ous subjects connected with Biblical. Literature."—Puritan Recorder. "The author, by his learning, taste. and skill, is eminent ly qualified for the responsible work of an annotator on the Holy Scriptures. In his Notes, he Combines the mar row and fatness of many commentators with his own ideas, andassociates his comments with a Harmony of the Gospels, in a very impressive manner."—Zion's Herald. "The Notes are evidently, prepared with great care, and fully illustrate the text to the comprehension, we had almost said,Of the least attentive reader. We regard these volumes as an important auxiliary to the study of the Gospels, and a valuable addition to our Biblical Literature designed for the masses."--dlibany Argus. From James Hamilton, D. D., Lendon.—"l am especially delighted to find that you pertevere with your Commentary on the New Testament; and from its admirable execution, I am not surprised, although very happy to learn, that the former volumes have gone through so many editions." From. .N. L. Rice, D. D., St. Louis, Mo.—fn my opinion, you are doing for the Church and the cause of truth, avcoy valuable service, in the preparation and publication of your Commentaries on the New. Testament. They fill a place which it is most important to have filled. They are read by the members of Bible Classes, and by teachers, and by pu pils in Sabbath Schools, because in them they find, in a fow words, the exposition • and information they" are seeking ; and for the same reason they will find a general circula tion." R. CARTER & BROS., New York; J. S. DAVISON, Mar ket Street, Pittsburgh ; JAS. A. ntwxN, Board of Colport age. St. Clair Street; W. S. RENTOUL, St. Clair Street. Bra COP ANN, Allegheny. City. seak,f. MITSCAROR. A ACADEMY, FOUNDED IN 1836.—The Winter Session of this institution opens on the let of November next. The list Catalogue numbers 160 students, from tea States of the Union. The course of instruction is fall and thorough, both as to preparation for business and for College. Students have been entered by the Principal at Yale,,Princeton, Dickinson, Lafayette, Jefferson, Washington, and Delaware Colleges. Location in the coun try, easy of access, healthful, free from temptations, and in the midst of beautiful•scenery. The moral and religious influences in and around the Institution are all the most anxious parent can desire. For catalogues; containing fall information, apply at this office, or to . . J. H. SITUAIAKICK, M. A., Principal, se2o43m Academia, Juniata County, Pa. THE MILLER At; AID E MY,' AT WASH INGTON, o.—Tho Winter Torm in this Institution witl commenco on Monday, the 3d of November, and will continue five months. This Academy is under the super vision and care of the Presbytery of Zanesville, and has ac quired a high reputation for strict discipline. thorough 111.. atruction, and ...d morals. A very large proportion of its students are 0 arch members, and candidates for the Gos pel ministry. , Ttams.—For tuition in the English branches, 1.8.00 per session. For tuition in the Languages, $lO.OO per session. Priiate Boarding, ¢2.00 per week. For Circulars., and other information, address REV. J. E ALEXANDER, Principal, or J. Y. McKEE, A. 8., Assistant sa24l-4t* DL A.P 8 CREEK PRICSBYTIARJULL ACADEMY, neer filerrlttstown, Payette caunty, The Winter Session will open on Wodnesda7,the 29th ot October. The boarding•honse is under the careof the Prin- cipal. Terms, for board and tuition, $55.00; light and fuel, extra : S. B. MERCER, Principal. se2o.7t* THEOLOGICAL AND STANDARD RELI GIOUS WORKS.-llebrew Bibles, American and Leipsic editions; do. Lexicons, Grammars, and the various Text Booße in nee in the Theological Seminaries. Students' Note Rooks and Stationery, for sale at low prices, at the Bookstore of ii. C. COCHRANE, se2o No. 6 Federal Street, Allegheny. "FAO 08111895 NOTES ON JOHN, JIIST publisbmi by Carter & Broe i and other new publica tions, received at the Booketoreict se2o B. C. COMMAND, Allegheny. MN W 00 D ADA.DEMY—SHAJDE GAP, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. W. H. WOODS, Proprietor and Principal. Rev. James Campbell, Lec turer on General Literature. J. A. Shade, M. 8., Lec turer on Anatomy and Hygiene. Samuel Campbell, Assist an t. John McCausland, Tencher in Preparatory Department. Tho Pall Session of this Institution will open on Wednes day, the 2.eth of October. This Institution holds out peen. Dar inducement, to young men seeking an education. The Board of Instructors is composed of gentlemen of high lit erary attainments, and skilled in their professions. The location is very healthy, having the pure mountain air, and free from all noxious vapors arising from stagnant water and marshy grOund. Those subject to ugne could not Lind a more desirable place. Tho temptations to vice, idleness, and dissipation are few. It is quiet and retired, and there is nothing to draw the mind of the student from his books. It is just such a situation that a young man desirous of im provement world Reek. For those desiring to become teachers, a Normal Class will be formed, in which practical Bisons will be given in the theory and practice of teaching. To this class, lectures will be given on the subject of teach ing. The Societies are in a flourishing condition, and each line a fine library of choice works. The buildings are large and commodious, capable of accommodating some fifty stu dents. An additional budding is in the course of erection, and will be finished this Fall. Shade Gap is situated on the mail. route between Chambersburg and the Mount Union Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Tatum—For Session of Eve months, for Board, Tuition, and Room, $52.50; washing, light, and fuel, extra. Stu dents are charged from the time of entering until the close of the Session. Students are required to .beard in the In stitution. Payments half in advance, and the balance at the middle of the Session. For Catalogue and further par ticulars, address W. H. WOODS, oc-143t Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pa. WTIS NOT A DYES HAIRBD . , Raid, or persona afflicted wl'h diseases of the hair or scalp, read the following, and judge of IRKS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR. RESTORER. REV. N. T fIACHER, (60 years of age,) Pitcher, Chenango County. N. Y. "My hair is now restored to its ,natural color, and ceases to fall." REV. PROB. GEORGE SITEPARD, Bangor, Me. "I find friends who, on my recommendation, are disposed to try it. itc." REV. WM. MITER, Editor Mothers' Magazine . . N Y. "My hair is changed to Jte natural color, and growing on bald spot, &a" REV. B. P. STONE, D. P., Concord, N. 11. "My hair, which MU grey. is now restored to its natural color, km." REV. M. CLENDENIN, Chicago. 111. "I can add my testimony, and recommend It to my friends." REV. D. T. WOOD, aliddlotown,.N. Y. "Sly own hair has greatly thickened. and also that of one of my family, who was becoming bald, .4e." REV. .T. P. TUSTIN, Charieston.S. C. "The white hair Is becoming obviated, and new' hair forming, ite." REV. A. PEINII, Silver Creak, N. Y. "It btu3 produced a good effect on my hair. and I can and have recommended it." REY. JOSEPH McKEN, Pastor of WoetD: R. church, N.Y., recommends it. REV. D. MORRIS Cross River, N. Y. 0.180, and MEE. REV. U. A. PRATT, Ilamdem, N. Y. We might swell this list, but if the above fan to convinc --try / Sold by all the principal merchants in tho United Stag a, Cuba and Canada. Wholesale and retail dopot, No 355 Broome Street. N.' Y. J 5 Some dealers try to sell articles, instead of this, on which they make more profit; if 80, write to depot knr cir cular and information. se6-3m FG. BALLET. JNO: A. RENSHAW, .Bailiff a R5N8.1.1,07, WHOLItRALK AND MAIL FAMILY GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, 253 Liberty Street, Have on band the largest and fullest assortment of Choice Family Groceries to be found in the city. They invite es pecial attention to their select stock of Green and Black Teas, which they warrant as unsurpassed for Mom—and strength, and sell at low prices. Goode delivered without charge for cartage, at the rail road depots and steamboatlandings. 'Catalogues containing an extended list of our stock sent by snail. and oev3m • ALL GOODS WARRANTED, • L EGHENY FEMALE SEMINARY, next building Feist of Post Office, Allegheny City. This Institution will open Its first session of five months, on 'afonday, the first day of September, 1850. For informa tion relative to the design of the Institution—its facilities Board of Instruction, Terms, fie ' see circulars, at the Free byterlan Book-Booms, St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, or at a . Schwartz's Drug Store, Allegheny City. Jylii-tf Jus HAR. P R, IMPORTER OP PANSIES, No. 104 CIEMNIIT quest, second Olney 7 0 110144/141phis6 r ismlt4 XiA It 11)—JAMEP LOCKE, H..D Wm, •ILy.,TlBl.•Third Street *bove Pine. Willtmiportr•Pa - WPM PROSPECTUS Or THs PRESBYTERIAN BANNER Ab . boratt, The BAN= le published weekly, to the cities of Pltta• b argh and Philadelphia, and le adapted to general dreulatkut In the Presbyterian Church. TERNS IN ADVANUE, IN CLUBS of twenty, and upwards, DELIVERED in either of the cities,. ADVERTISEMENTS; In Advance. For eight lines, or less, one insertion 60 cents ; each sub. eequent insertion, 25 cents. Each additional line, beyond eight, 3 cents for every insertion. For eight lines, three months, $3.00. Each additional line 26 cents. For eight lines, One Year, $lO.OO. Bach additional line $l. Mane of two lines, $5 a year, and $1 for each addle tional line. Bususese Novices. of fen lines or less, One Doßar. ' Each additional line, to cent s. Ater Communication, recommendatory of Inventions, Me dical Practice, Schools, &c. &c., being designed for the Tian niary benefit of Individuals, should be pardfor as Business Notices. AVM by mail, where no good pportnnity is otherwise at hand. Drafts or notes of the larger denominations are preferable, where they can be conveniently obtained. Stnesnurnoire taken by Rev. S. Guiteau, 73 Went Fayette Street, Baltimore. J. D. Williams, Bee., and Jas. A. Irwin, Esq., Presbyterian rooms, No. 46 St. Clair Street, Pitts burgh. Rev. R. Bichardson, of Chicago. J. S. 00 Pess M. D., New Orleans. PASTORS sending us twenty subscribers and upwards will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge. N. B.l9heu Presbyterian families are very much dispersed, hey may be accommodated at the Club price, even though a ew of the twenty be wanting. Let all be supplied, if posed ule. The Peon we shall favor, to our utmost ability. Let the supply be FULL, but every paper pariffor. For Two Dollars paid, we will send Seventy numbers; or for One Dollar, Thirty-three numbers. This is for the rake of easy remittance. * * *lP credit is extended (we wish it may not be needful to give credit) the Comurrox is Two Dollars, after the third month, and Two Dollars and Fifty cents, at the end of the year. These are but customary prices for other papers. If Pastors, in making up elube, find some persons not ready to pay at once, theynny yet send on the names, at the Club price, on their own responsibility to pay us shortly. It is desirable that clubs date their subscripticn periods at the same time. • DAVID fdcIIINNEY, Proprietor. ("AKI. AND FEMALE INSTITUTE, NOR ti PA—The Winter Session of this Institu tion will commence on Tuesday, the 26th of October. The course of instruction embraces alltbe branches of athorough English and pOlite education. Isams.--Goard, with met, light, Sc., and tuition lalnglish studies, except Chemistry, per session of five months, $75.00; Chemistry, with experiments, $2.50; Lessons on Piano or Guitar, with use of instrument, $20.00 to $25.00; Singing in Cliteses, $2.00 to $500; Drawing and Painting, in water colors or oil, $lO.OO to $30.00; ancient or Modern Lan guages, each $10.00; washing, per ,don., 36c. The Session Bills to be paid $40.u0 in advance, and the balance before the pupil is removed Circulars, containing particulars, may be obtained by ad dressing J. GRIERRALSTON, Principal. oc4-70 11,1 A LE AND FEMALE NORTH SEWICKLEY, BEAVER COUNTY, Pa. Rev. Henry Webber, Principal. Mr. J. B. Eiddoo and Elise Ruth C. Bowman, Teachers. This Institution is located in a healthful and beautiful re gion of coantry, and affords superior facilitlee for study and personal comfort, with , entire freedom from immoral associa tions. It is the constant aim of the Principal to surround the young with the influences and restrictions of a Christian home, and prepare them, as far as practicable, for all the ac tive duties of life. The course of instruction is comprehensive and thorough, embracing all the branches necessary to prepare the pupils for. active business pursuits, for teachers, or for admission into the Junior Class of any of our first Colleges. Superior advantages are afforded to young ladies to perfect themselves in the principles and practice of instrumental mule, on the Piano. Large and commodious buildings have been erected, where the pupils are constantly under the supervision of the Prin.- Tho A cademy is located thirty utiles from Pittsburgh, eight miles from Zelionople, - eight miles from New Brighton, and fifteen miles from Newcastle. Is easy of access by railroad or canal. An examination of the students of the Institution will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 23d end 24th of September. Tsawe.—Board, room,. fuel, &c., $50.00. Turrxort—Preparatory Department, $6.00. Middle Year, $B.OO. Junior, $9.04. Senior,slo.oo. Mart:rm.—Latin and Greek, $B.OO. Instrumental Music, $lO.OO. Use of Instrument, $4.00. Painting and Drawing, $5.00. Stationery and Contingent, $B.OO. Washing, $4.00. Qua DALr to be paid in advance; the remainder at close of session. For further particulars, see published Circular, oraddress Itey. li. W 1 BB Principal, North Sewickley, Beaver Connty,Pa. an24m ED GWOILTH LADIES , SEMINARY, Sewickley, Allegheny County, Pa. 'Bur. H. R. Wilson. D. D., Principal, assisted by six expe rienced and thoroughly qualified Teachers. 'The next session of this well known Institution mill com mence on the Pimt Monday in November, and continuative months. Situated in the beautiful and healthful valley of Sewick ley, within twelve miles oUPittsburgh, 'and one of Sewick leyville, with the Ohio River, and the Ohio and Penneylva. nia Railroad running within sight,lt le easy of access, either from the East or West. Away from the noise and tempta tions of town and city, the pupils enjoy the grentett advan tages for uninterrupted study; whilst the extensive grounds and shady retreats pertaining to the Seminary, afford ample opportunity for exercise, so necessary to the development of a good • physical constitution, as well as a vigorous state of The number of boarding pupils is limited, In order that each and all may enjoy the personal care and attention of the Principal and his lady. TERMS—gib per Session, to include boarding and tuition In all the English branches. 'For Circulars, or further information, apply to J. D. Mc- CORD, Esq., No. 131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, or to the Principal. au3o43t - ft rzw ISSums OF THE AMERICAN JAI TRACT SOCLETY, No. 808 Chestnut Street, Phila. Life of the 'Apostles John and Paul, by Rev. Horace Hooker, completing the sot of Oalladett's Scripture Biog raphy, in eleven volumes, with engravings; pp.:384,18 mo.; 35 cents. Reply to Paine. This able and conclusive work, which has been included in the Society's Volume on Infidelity, is now issued separately, and in larger type, (as above) that it may be accessible to all who wish to circulate it, to coun teract the poison of prevailing error. Illustrated Family Almanac for 1857, adapted for all parts of the country, with nine elegant engravings. This Al marurri cootainefour calendars complete, calculated for Bog. ton, New York, Baltimore, and Charleston. Price, 6 cents single, $3.50 for 100, $3O for 1000 This Almanac barely pays the cost of 'Booing it, and ought to roach a million families in our own country. Dealers, and others, should order early. The Christian Almanac, in German, for 1867, is of the same character, on the same terms. New Tract, No. 683, "The Precious Blood of Christ." je3ay B — - LAIRSVILLE FEMALE SIEMINARY.— On the Blairsville Branch of the Oentrel Penna. Ruilroad. Rel. S. 11. Sin Purr, A. H., Mra. P. P. SHEPLEY, Princlpidc, with sir teacher& Amommodations for seventy boarding scholars. Course of study systematic, thorough, and extended. Pupils re ceived for a partial or the entire course. The best facilities afforded for the study of Instrumental Music, Drawing, Painting and French, at usual rates. Charge for tuition, In regular studies, and board, furnished room. &c., (exclusive of wa shing and fuel,) per session of live months, half in advance, $60.00. Tee per cent. abatementtor two from the same family; also, for daughters of clergymen, and ladies preparing to teach, whose circumstances require it. Catalogues fur lashed, on application. Present session will close September 26. The next session will commence Nov. 3. S. E. SHEPLEY, Proprietor. Blairsville, Indiana County, Pa. se6-2cn. HIGHLY USEFUL DIS C OVER TS—AN elderly gentleman, accustomed to the raising and managing of Beea, bee discovered a method by which he, or any one, can prevent bees from going away. It is truly untiring to be able to bring down a ,tray swarm that you may hear passing over your head. Or if your been manifest a disposition, when coming out of the hive, to fly off with out lighting, you can make them light. Or If they attempt to go away after they have been hived, you can make them swarm on your hat, if you wish. It Is no trilling matter, but truly usefnl and amusing, and every one thatis connected with the raking of bees, should be acquainted with. Any person enclosing and Bending one dolbw and a stamp, to Dr. Wki. BREWSTER, editor of the Journal:Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pa., will twelve full Instructions how to proceed. jyl2,3m Ac ARID .—HAVING TESTED FOR ONE year the system of dealing exclusively in Mourning and Housekeeping Goods, we are now fully convinced of the advantages, both to buyer and seller, which result from it. We confine ourselves to the above named classes of goods, and can thus devote more attention to, and put together a much larger assortment of each class. Our stock includes no hefts, or goods to be sold at cost, involving the necessity of largo prong upon linens, and other articles. Thus, while the purchaser has the advantage of selecting from a large assortment, the inducements of low prices, and the certain. ty of getting the very bast quality, is also presented. We ask the Inspection of our stock by those wanting articles in our line, and feel confident they cannot fail to be suited, in goods and price. BROOKS & COOPER, sela-tf. No. 75 Market Street, Pittsburgh. TBE PLACE TO BUY FINE WATCHES ' JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and FANCY GOODS is at W. B. ELTON - HEAD'S Watch, 'Jewelry, and Silver Ware Store, No. 184 S. SECOND Street, between Pine and Union, west side, Philada. where you will find a large assortment of the above named . pods:. also, Plated Communion Service, Tee- Setts, Cake Baskets, Castors, Spoons, Forks, Ike. AU kinds of Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, made to orderand repaired. Es.A deduction made to Clergymen. aka_ t will Bell my goods as low as can be had in the city. marSy OOK AND JOB PRINTING. TEM subscriber, being provided with Steens Printhig Cremes, and a groat variety of Printing Types and other fix tures, is prepared to execute every description of Beoks Pamphlets, Cards, Bills, Labels, &c. Blank Deeds, Blank Books, Paper and Stationary, always on hand. J. T. BUR YOWL, No. 84 Ylfth Street, Casette Building. Pittsburgh. Deo.B. 1855. WANIRED—A WIDOW LADY OR A NAN and wife, to take charge of a Boarding Norm. None need apply without sending reference. Address W. N. WOODS. Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co., Pa. selUt COTTAGE NEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, Pottstown, Montgomery County Pa. The Whiter &salon of this Institution will commence November 4th. For Circular., with fell particulate, address REV. W. R. WORK. Principal and Proprietor. 1:ZIM WOHN S. MOPADDICN & SON, 95 NARILICT STREET, Pittsburgh, dealers in Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. inylo4f A R Dr—JAMBS MUSCON, DEW. C TIBT. Siff WAINTIT Rtie4. sawn 111.1nitb. 12=1 HegalLIET lIISUCHER STOWEes NEW ' NOV&Lt- , —Draa; a tale orthe Great Dlemal Swamp 2, Tab, $1.76.; by,mail, prepaid, E2OO. ~ For sale by. • •" • JOHN 8: DAVISON, ila274t. Y 65 Market Street, Pittsburgh. $1,50 per sear. 1.25 jab it ig