Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, October 04, 1856, Image 1

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,sbyterlan Advoc aa tsol. Vllo. 2. 66
.ollytorionVol. XVIII, No. 49* l3 OF THE LORD:" "THIS ON—
thing, perhaps A less calculated to but The Freedom of the Will not
more colcalatedto enlighten. • in Regeneratio , "
Some iutelleCis are among oral. , c Dr. Cummings, in a
'what a het hou4 is in a garden —i pedal Comforter," speal , :
shrine which redeives the beams of 4 •aven, the Holy Sri - '
through a mediui of crystal, into or twos- man in
phere of high temperature, within =hich '-
bloom fruits and owers that would n, gre
in the ordinary gr and,—fruits and
from brighter lanav, and woo"
eyes, which; however, the
there, may, in timek
come familiar I , -
• Doom - DIE —Many a ?minister's tabors
are 'nullified by a Dtotrephes ire his church. .d en-
L I will first show you who is not Dio
trephes. •
I. Not he whose godly walk
sation secures for him the P'
of the brethren, and th
2. Nor h
< •
'O'f death 003,44 ziot l ita.vpa fesi f
1: At;felk`thrfingh all, her God was near
Meet me in`heaven," in faith el fe A^ *
And soon was numbered witl•
For the Pr,"'
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Orightal Vuttß.
he Death of Mrs. E. J. H , of Wellsville.
A light is out, a jewel gone,
A crown of life in heaven is, won;
The blaster came to claim his own,
To live with angels round his throne.
She was not lent but for awhile,
To gladden with her happy smile ;
This earth fur her was uut a home,
She was too pure midst sin to roam
Long, weary years, she sneered pain,
Yet through it all did not complain;
From sickness now she is at rest,
Her spirit's home is with the blest.
Ye mourning friends, draw near to God,
Bow 'neath his wise, afflicting rod ;
'T is bard to part with those you love,
But porting is not known aboim.
Jath shedid,not l hampa fear,
felk`thrSigh all, her God was near;
let mein heaven," in faith eb - e said,
d soon was numbered with the dead.
for the Presbyterian Rattner and Advocate.
The Infldel Drover.
idels pretend to have no confidence in
tianity. They regard all who profess
ie experienced its power, as hypocrites.
hypocriey of church-members is, with
1, a common • theme of remark. They
never trust those canting, knaves.'
when there comes a necessity for trust-
a men, it is remarkable how often the
' tarns to professing Christians, and
tially to those who most fully illustrate
religion which is the object. of bitter
and a r d scorn.
once knew a man who had spent three
e years and ten, in reviling religion and
followers. Revival after revival had
place in the village in which he
One after another of his associates
him, and became members of, the
h, till his own sons were the only pro-
infidels in the place. As death drew
he desired to make arrangements for
dibtributim of his property after his
\se. His children he could not trust.
had adopted his faith, and illustrated
their lives. He appointed as his ex
yr, a member of the church; one, to
his language, "of the strictest sort,"
delivered to him for safe keeping, a
amount of hoarded gold. In no way
I be have borne stronger testimony to
tonfidenee in Christianity.
ether incident: In a certain part of
country, a drover had disposed of his
e, and was on his way home, with a
sum of money in his possession.
:ng passed the night at a tavern, in the
ling the landlord advised him to avoid
Lug at a certain place, about a day's
E43+ distant, "Either go beyond, or
this side," said the landlord; "fur NV
drovers have disappeared' there."
be drover was an infidel; but his money
his life were not the less dear to him on
account. He resolved to push on, and
beyond the paint of danger before night-
But it so happened that he lost his
, and at night found himself in the
r place be bad been warned to avoid.
slighted at a log house, and asked if he
id stay over night. The woman told
her husband would be home soon—that
bad no objection to his staying, if her
band had none. He entered the house,
sat down. The husband soon came.
wiat a very rough-looking, athletic man
huge beard, and matted locks gave
ail indications of gentleness. A request
emain for the night received a curt af
iative reply. The horse was then bleu
t of with an alacrity which the drover
tght was prompted by the thought that
means of escape were now remov-d.
felt decidedly uncomfortable. Ile had
into the very jaws of the lion.
hile food was preparing, his host sat
gently asleep; but the drover could de
/him watching him from the corner of his
He had small appetite for his supper.
It sure that he was in the house of a
. He resolved to retire early to his
.ter, barricade the door as strongly as
de, put his pistols in order, and remain
Soon after supper, he complained
,igue, and requested to be shown to
d. " Stranger," said his host, rous
itnself from his apparent slumbers, "I
know how it may be with you, but
%rshi p God, here. We read a chapter
Bade, and pray, before we go to bed
can do as you please; but we would
to have you join us."
With all my heart," said the drover.
host got his Bible, read a chapter,
led down and prayed—among other
:s, for " the stranger that sojourneth
,he night."
-tra tiger was delivered from all fear.
;it perfectly safe under the roof of a
/". wan. He was shown to his sham
hut he toll: no precautions to avoid
He did not look at his pistols
l own and slept soundly tilOnornitig.
events of that night awakeng,4*-
. lletketion led to convictioi%f
Finally he was led to the Cross, and
ately beeThll l a preacher of the Gospel.
fidels have really confidence in religion
in religious wen. If all professing
,fans were conlstent, the occasions of
finding would he removed, and the
lence the unbelievi ng unwittingly re
in good [nen, would tave its effect upon
-con sciences.
, performance of family worship led to
conversion of that infidel. If it had,
any cause, been intermitted that even
the drover might have gone on his way,
hio suspicions unremoved, aria hi s
t unaffected. The faithful performa nce
tat duty was rewarded try the salvati on
soul. C. C.
HoNEsT.—The mind bus no kitchen
its dirty work in, while the parlor re
's clean. The guile, crafty, vigilant,
meat advantage ; the equivocal prom
and the unequivocal neglect of them,
;It characterize political action, will
lly characterize private action..
)v ETOUSN EBB —Greed for money is like
the more fuel it bas, the butter it will
• as every thing conspires to intensify
heat When there is fever in the Wood,
is fire in the brain; and courage turns
ness, and rashness runs to ruin.
Short Sermon Upon Diotzephes.
I wrote unto the Church ; but Diotrephes, who
loved to have the pre-eminence among them, re
ceiveth us not."—John iii: 9.
Macknight's translation reads : " 'should
have writteu,'! &c. Either translation suf
ficiently shows us the mischievous influence
of this ambitious spirit in the Church.
In one case, he prevented an inspired
apostle from sending the Church a letter.
In the other he nullified the letter actually
sent. •
DOOTRINE.—Mary a minister's labors
are vullified by a Deotrefihes in, his church.
I. I will first show you who is not Dio
trephes. •
1. Not he whose godly walk and conver
sation secures for him the entire confidence
of the brethren, and thus gives him great
2. Nor he whose talents and education
'asst -'oft=
proved wisdom and prudence make him
much sought unto in counsel.
These men generally do notseCk influence.
It is unavoidable. It follows them as their
11. I proceed, in the second place, to
show who Diotrephes is.
I. Sometimes he is a man who never liad
his will broken. As a child, he expected
the whole household to give 'way to him.
As a church-member, he expects the house
hold of Christ to give way to him. He is
willful and headstrong; often as unreasonable
as a were animal.
2. Soinetitnes he is a man of wealth.
His riches give him authority in the world,
and he takes it for granted they ought to do
so in the Cburch. He can't at all compre
hend the idea that the vote and opinion of
his poor brother are worth as much as his
own. He is verily persuaded' that because
he has been a great worldling, and scraped
together much Wealth, the household of
Christ ought to defer to him.
3. Sometimes he is a man of some learn
ing and much volubility, who fancies that his
capacity ought to give his opinion authority.
111. In the , third place, I proceed to set
forth Diotrephes in action. if the minister
do not take him for counselor, he is his en
emy. His preaching is not right. His
measures are nut right. " His usefulness
is at an end." In questions of policy in
the Church, he never suspects that there are
others whose opinions should carry as much
wtight RA his own. The will of the majori
ty is no rule for him. With every move
ment does he find fault, unless he originated it.
, IV. In the nest place, I remark upon
Diotrephes' character.
1. He is very unlike Christ, who was
meek and lowly.
2, He is very disobedient to the Word :
"Let each esteem others better than him
3. He was against that equality which
Christ established in hiis Church.
1. Diotre'phes is most of the time in trou
ble; always looking for deference, he is al
ways liable to think it wanting.
2. The church can take no surer road to
trouble than to give way to Diotrephes.
3. Diotrephs will scarce be the friend of
the minister. The natural iufluence of the
religious teacher disturbs him.
4. It is best for each one to look for Dio
tr, pbes in his own pew. Perhaps he may
find him in his own seat.
5. Diotrephes is sometimes married, and
his partner is a true yoke-fellow. The man
tle of the ancient tronbler in Israel some
times falls upon a sister in the Church.— Ohio
The Bible Style of Preaching.
Where the notion that the talent em
ployed in -Christian touch Et g- - 11 - c
within a limited and humble range; without
any high flights, any deep soundings, any
glowing language, any metaphorical illustra
tions, or any masculine argument; can have
originated, one would be at a loss to learn,
were the Bible alone, Old Testament and New,
the source of our information. There we
see the power of the Holy Spirit, not allying
itself with one order of mind or with one
stamp of composition, tamed down to a stand
ard of properness or consecrated by the
msthetics of some small and proper men, bat
using every faculty that God .ever gave to
the human soul—every faculty of thought,
illustration, and speech—hallowing by its
fire all genius, all life, and all nature—touch
every thing and illuminating every thing;
so that there is not one scene of domestic
life, and not one object of God's outer world,
to which the tongue of the Psalmist or
Prophet, or, the Great Teacher himself, has
not given a voice, and made it speak to us
in sacred poetry. From the grass beneath
the mowers's scythe, or the lily that a child
has plucked--trom the bridegroom's beam
ing face, or the nursing mother's bosom—
up to the lightning, the sun, and the stars,
every thing is hallowed by a ray from the
Bible, and is hung round by its sacred as
We cannot butbelievetbat this is the in-
tentional. model, and that men of all orders,
with talent of every possible shade, are meant
to be employed in God's holy ministry; and
that, therefore, any narrower view, founded
either upon the ideal of some prominent ex
ample in one class of preaching, on the taste
of a given age, or on any notion whatever of
classic style and propriety, is but an inven
tion to cramp and trammel that which must
everlastingly be free—the utterance of men
who come to speak to us of all things in
On the other hand, that which now-a.days
is called intellectualism does not appear to
lie so much in the possession and exercise of
superior powers, as in the art of casting
common things in elaborate moulds, and
robing every familiar truth, which, in a plain
garb, all will recognize as an old friend, in
such array that those who do not look closely
may take it for a distinguished stranger. It
is true, that thoughts which outgrow the or
dinary stature will naturally drape themselves
nobly; but all haze or extravagance in the
style of wise men, will be in spite of them
selves. They will ever use their best en
deavors, first to clear their ideas in their own
minds, and then to render them clear to oth
ers. Often they will expend much labor in
reducing what gushed from their pregnant
thoughts from its original splendor to some
thing more, simple and perspinious ; some-
thing, perhaps A less calculated to le,
more ealealateoo enlighten.
Some intelleels are among ordi o
what a hot hour is in a garden—t pet
shrine which redvives the beams of a v,
through a tuediut of crystal, into at tm
pbere of high tepperature, within hi
fl i
bloom fruits and owers that would n grt
in the ordinary gr und,—fruits and w€
from brighter land, and wondrous o
eyes, which; however, though at first rat
there, may, in timehe naturalized, b
come familiar beauti sin the homest s ,
thousands. It is malnifestly the will o 91
idenee to create such intellects; and e
bad we not the Bible\to throw light o hi
designs, it would certainly seem viol I
improbable that be Bauld create them 1,
to fringe with flowers ihe world's broad t
downward way. Some .men always t
richness of style as if it, were the result
effort; just as ifdeal, which owes its d
to•art, were to say to ma ogan or maple
to produce all these sha ings." No la
wiritever; it is all in the grain.—Artliv'
Tongue of Fire. .
Of Religion in General. :
It signifies nothing to say we will no •
change our religion, if our religion change
not us.
If a man lives and dies a mere professor,
it had been better for him if he had lived
and died a mere heathen.
The duty of religion flows from a princi-
ple of religion.
It is not talking, but walking with God,
that gives a man the, denomination of a
Darkness may as well put on the name of
light, as a wicked man the name of a Chris
It is our main business in this world to
secure an interest in the next. „,
A desire of happiness is natural; a desire le ,
of holiness is supernatural. bh
If God bath done that good for us which o . o
be has denied to the world, we ought to do an,
that service for him, which is denied him he
by the world. the
If we Ore willing, God will help us; if she
sincere, God will accept us. wit
A. serious remembrance of God is the he
fountain of obedience to God. • gen
If you forget God when you are young, wee
God may forget you when you are old: in t
When a Christian considers the goodness
_ it ,
of God's ways, he wonders that all the world cele
cloth not walk in them. But when be con- God
eiders the blindness, and depravity, and pre- dent
judice of the heart by nature, he wonders shall
that any should enter upon them. solut
Make your calling sure, and your election Hen ,
is sure. ~ w
Uneven walking, with a neglect of watch-
ing, makes a disconsolate soul.
Chris Four things a Christian should especially
labor after, viz : to be humble and tluznkful, woule
watchful and checrfil. yet wi
If we would not fall into things unlawful, i f she
we must sometimes deny ourselves in those the C;
that are lhwful. the be
Salvation' then draws near to a man when Christ
it is his main care. down I
The ordinances of God are the means of wa
salvation ; but the G-od'of ordinances is the C h ' , r i st
author of salvation.
Religion must be our business; then'it r ,
will be our delight.
It will cost something to be religious; it
will cost more not to be so.
A Christian's life .is nothing else but a
short trial of his graces
Lukewarmness is the best natural, but the Resolved, Nerto do anything that Iso
worst spiritual temper a man can be in. ouch question e lawfulness of, as that I
There are few but are sometimes in a se- ntend, at the e time, to consider and ex
rious fit; bet how few are in a serious frame, ~mine afterwar. whether it be, lawful or
and have an abiding sense of God upon their i ot, except las inch question the lawful
hearts ?.. i ess of the omiorrisin.
It is a voluntary cannot that keeps the Resolved, I w act so as I think I shall
soul from God. ud_p,_• 0 _woulti ii. -___been_b_esi .and most
- — Ttire - gate - Vvtltotr leaas - to We - Is - a straight ! prudent, when ,me into the future world.
gate, therefore we should fear; it is an open Resolved, A., afflictions, to inquire,
gate, therefore we should hope. -hat good Iha •it by them, and what I
Do the Lord's work in the Lord's time; eight have got 7 , li em. ,
pray whilst God hears; hear. whilst God If there neve v'. to be but one in the
speaks; believe whilst God promises; obey world at a time i is properly a complete
whilst God commands. hristian, in all (3, 'eta of a right stamp,
That man hath no sense of mercy that saving Christian ti Alining in ; its true lus
wants a sense of duty. re, appearing a Ile from what part and
Two duties must run through a Christian's ruder what elm e, soever viewed; -
life, like the warp through ;the woof, bles- Resolved, Toe tjiist as I would do if I
sing and trusting. ...trove with 'all might , to be that one
Religion is much talked of, but little un- who should- be in , -time. -
derstood, till the conscience be awakened ; Reader will yo reflect on thesl resolu
then a man knows the worth of a soul and
ions, and make t i .- I your own ?
the want of a Saviour.
Then doth religion flourish in the soul,
when it knows how to naturalize spiritual
things, and to spiritualize natural things.
We may judge of our eternal state by our
spiritual state; and of our spiritual state by
the delightful and customary actions of our
If we expect to live with Christ in heaven,
we must live to him on earth.
We may expect God's protection so 'long
as we keep within God's bounds.
Our opportunities are (like our souls) very
preciou9; but if they are lost they are irre
coverably lost.
That preaching that is plain, pure, pow
erful, and practical, men are apt to dislike.
Religion begins with a knowledge of a
man's self, and is perfected with the knowl
edge of God.
This is a threefold mystery; a Gospel pub
lished in the midst of an ungodly world; a
little Church preserved in the midst of dev
ils; and a little grace kept alive in the midst
of corruptions.
The service of God is the soul's work, and
the favor of God is its reward.
A man may be imperfect in his obedi
ence, and yet impartial.
God never fails them that wait. for him,
nor forsakes them. that work for him.
It is a sign of advanced grace when opin
ion is swallowed up of religion.—Rev. John
Mason's Select Remains.
WEAKNESS.—The, greatest misery of man
upon earth, says Carlyle, "is to be weak,"
weak in body, or mind, or in moral purpose.
It is indeed a real anguish to feel incapable
of exertion. To have before us golden op
portunities of success, or of happiness, and
not be able to lift a band to seize them ; to
feel our courage fail at the moment when it
is most needed; and thus to see one after
another all the hopes of life fading away,
from our own incapacity or irresolution, is
indeed,one of the bitterest evils which the
proud spirit of man can suffer.
, -.
The Freedom of the Will not Desimoyed
in Regeneration. I
Dr. Cummings, in a recent work "pn the
vial Comforter," speaking of the changeOwhich
+en, the Holy Spirit makes in the character of a
ma- man in regeneration, remarks , :=.
ieh The Holy Spirit, in making these changes,
-ow does not destroy all freedom of ;action.
ers One class of men deify human' effort,
cur another class degrade the human *il; one
led party would make man his own Saviour,
I, e . another party would Make man a mere brute
o f machine. He is neither. Man is a free
, v . and responsible being.; he works willingly
Bo what he does; the freedom of-his will is
t i s not crushed by the influence -4 the Holy.
1 3 , Spirit of God. I appeal to • every Christian..
ty The Spirit - haS touched your heart, he has
d changed your affections, he has altered the
whole man; but you were so little conscious of
f any,coercive power, exercised by his presence,
' r that you did not know he had changed your
heart until you beheld the , madificent and
.- ,--.
Holy Spirit that repents or that be 'eves—
it is we that repeat; it is ire that believe ;
and yet, while we repent and believe, the
Holy Spirit has all the glory of th.sq grace
,and all the honor of its development.
, - The presence and operation -of the Holy
Spirit upon our hearts does not paralyze
-fort. The Apostle evidently supposes that
e who leans most upon the Spirit of God
: just' the man who will most be character
ed by active and strenuous exertien; for he
ys, " Work out your own salvation with
ar and trembling, for it is God that work
. in you to will and to do •of his good plea
e." Thus the logics of the Christian
ers from tno logic of •tho world ; we
d the Spirit of God to make* us right
dans as well as to make us true Chris
, s. The world draws the,i inference—
I e Spirit of God does all, therefore we
I do nothing ;" the Apostle•drawithe in
ce, "The Spirit of God does all, therefore
a st do much.": A farmer knows that un
st I ere'are rains, and brilliant suns, and
u nd cloudless skies, there will be no
)1 + harvest ; let him sow aid he pleases,
ii:l4. 1 and watch and weed as he pleases,
- iws that it is absolutely impossible
at, •re can be any good result, if the sun
ou. suspend his beams, or the clouds
th I , i their rain-drops; antket, because
k. , s this, he does not so*ithe less dili
atl3 .or plough the less latieriously, nor
ed less carefully. Gocl? , `a law is this,
the : II poral and spiritual f(tOvinces both
err ,, al effort to the utmost, Lictd yet a
3stia leasing, without whieli all is vain.
l's g t law is, that we shill'toil as if all
ends upon human strengtll'and yet we
II lo and lean, and prays if all ab
tely , tended upon a celestial blessing.
ice, i , he Song of Solomon we read :,
rho is: li is that cometh u - Pool the wil
tess, 1 ning upon her bele d?" Here
haire he posture of 'th , t Church' of
st • eaning "—consdi + 'that she
d fall id perish if shitgl not lean ;
ralkin - "coming up "—conscious that
.3 did i , she would make no progress;
`lurch a Solomon's days, presenting
eautif combination of leaning upon
t's art without which she must lie
and p sh, and yet walking in Christ's
with() which she will nevd,r, with
;, inhe everlasting glory. i
. reside Edwards' Resolutions.
Among the zoellent resolutious adopted
by President wards, were the 'following :
Resolved, tI. will live so as I shall
T had do when I come to die.
.There are Leiner
testants] but yet theq
not a unity like that
nant pool, over whie
of heaven sweeps in tu
unity of darkness, .1
midnight sky, where
appears. _Ours is no
conformity, such as i
where eternal Winter.
in fetters. But rathe
gelical Protestants is
ing ever fresh and
like the rainbow that
prismatic colors into a
promise, spanning flu
Ocean's unfettered floe
in all their majesty and r
billows, but one as the
Romanism, by the Rev'
Energy in Pfe thing
Is wanted for two classes', theaters, even if
they were less averse to t, truth than men
commonly are. s , •
For the dull, tlie unio Ilmtual, the un
thinking, who are so com a, to excite their
attention at all.
For the busy and compfttvely active in
mind, such as citizens of 1n), .. towns, mostly
are, to divert their 004 ' rortt the en ,
grossing themes of daily 1f
( 4 )
Without, eal energy in (Bp
would secure a listening 'ear
preacher labors in vain with
classes. He might as well sle
dull in doing it—might as w
the ocean's raging surf, as reald
to the excited man of business
PLEASURE.—Wttenever we
deeply of pleasure, we find a sed
bottom which. podutes ands emb
we relished at ,first.
sal Unity.
ferenees, [among Pro
ris real , unity. Ours is
if the waters of:a stag
ktlie purifying hre,ath
Ours, is not the
: the cloud 7 covered
ither moon nor star
ie unity of a forced.
)und in polar seas,
ii locked up the waves
the unity of. Evan
the fountain flow
re from the rock ;
mbines the seven
( glorious arch of
'leavens ; like old
L. 4 its waves rush in
. git," distinct as the
et"—Lectures. on
.A7,ra Wier, D. D.
ling, such as
ty where, the
tier of these
s to aid the
whisper to
l'oguid prose
Ay, OCTOBER 4, 1556.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
First Annual Report of the General Assem
bly's Church Extension Committee.
MR. EDITOR :—lt is indeed heart.eheer-
ing to receive and read "the the first annual re
port " of this important "organized agency '
for Church Extension." The document is
well executed, and highly interesting—a
credit to the head 'and heart of the inde
fatigable and intelligently zealous Corres
ponding Secretary.
It may not be amiss, for the sake of those
who may not lave access to the fall Report,
to notice a few items of special interest,
gleaned from - the Report and Summary'
which is apponded to it.
First, " The Presbyterian Church is the
pioneer, in the United States, of an organ
ized Church extension effort." This is a
situificant'fact, and one that should fire the
ardor and quicken the , zeal of our beloved
Zion in present and future efforts to extend
her borders.
`Second: The - results - of separatean-d-in
dependent action in this department of
beneficence have been exceedingly encour
aging. "The number of churches that
have contributed this year; is nearly two and
a half times as great as the number "that
contributed last year; and the amount, re
ceived from churches. is considerably more
than cloak the amount received from the
churches in any previous year. The num
ber of churches which this year for the first
time have sent in donations, is at least' one
and a ha4f times greater than the whole
number of different' churches "Which have
contributed in any -former year:" This fact
speaks laudlV, not only in favor of "organ
ized effort," but also in favor of that very
kind of organiiation now in operation.
The plan, the rules, the manner of action,
the whole machinery of this "Board" is
admirable. •
Third. " Although over sixteen thou
sand dollars has been raised by the Church
Extension Committee in the last ten months
without a single sala?4,ed collecting agent,
and as many churches have contribute to
this cause in that time as during the whole
of the previous eleven years, yet, hardly
one iu twelve of our denomination has as
yet given anything to our funds." This is
lamentable. But we hope better things for
the coming year. Let every church con
tribute, if it be but one dollar. Let every
member contribute, if it be (literally) but
"two mites, which make a farthing.' "Ye
who love the Lord indeed," will you not all
help the Committee to aid feeble churches
in. erecting - temples to Jehovah, where
Satan's synagogues abound ? Facts might
be Multiplied. But let this suffice. Possi
bly we may say more ANON.
For the Presbyterian Fanner and Advocate.
Church Dedication,
The First Presbyterian church of Mill
stone, Monmouth County, N. J., having
,been rebuilt since April last, was to be dedi
cated to the service of Almighty God, provi
dence permitting, on Thursday, October
2d, 1856.
This, Mr. Editor, is another noble illus
tration of the progressive spirit of a true
people of God, espoused to the cause of
Christ; and attached to the house of their
devotion, and the graces of their Father.
Less than one month since, you announced
the organization of a Presbyterian church,
thirty-four of whose forty-eight members
were from this People, which bad been strug
gling into a mere nominal existence as a
church, from 1790, until, under the minis
tration of its present pastor, the Rev. C. F.
Worrell, it assumed the position of an
independent church, of two hundred and
sixty.six members, with its church edifice
full. to overflowing. Not discouraged by the
loss of so many members, a number nearly
equal to their whole body a few -years since,
the congregation, with a becoming spirit and
_enemy, have now•rebuilt • eatly enlargtd..
and beautitred, their churc educe,7 - so as to
be fully equal to any in the vicinity, and
again set out, trusting in the grace of God,
to refill their enlarged house with humble,
penitent worshippers.
For the. Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Presbytery of Peoria.
The Presbytery of Peoria met in Clinton Sept
16, 1856, at i o'clock P. M. Moderator, Rev
J. C. Manna; Temporary Clerk, J. B. M'ltinley
The following churches have, been organized
since the last stated meeting: _Farm Ridge,
Netamora, Elmwood.
Rev. W. T. Adams was installed pastor of Deer
Creek church, June 30, 1850.
During the sessions of Presbytery, Mr. Samuel
H. Stevenson was ordained, and installed pastor
of the church of Clinton;, and Messrs. Ewing,
Conover and Farris were appointed to install, him
in Randolph's Grove church.
Resolved, That Preibytery will not hereafter
grant the request of any church for the labors of
a minister, as stated supply from year to year, un
less, for special, reasons, it be inexpedient to form
the pastoral relation, •
Presbytery directs ministers to make known to
their 'congregations the action of the last General
Assembly in reference to the work, and success, and
wants of our Boards and•Churoh Extension Com
Presbytery enjoins "the appointment of Dea
cons in all the churches, with the exception of
those in which it is impracticable from paucity of
male members." (see General Assembly's-,Min
utes, 1856, p. 585.)
The Spring meeting of Presbytery will be held
in Elmwood, on the Third Friday of. April, 1857,
at P. M.
Supplies for Union Grove, First Chureh:—First
Sabbath in Ootober, Mr. Marquis. First Sab
bath in Noveniber, Mr. Cornelison. First Sab
bath in December, Mr. Smith. First Sabbath in
January, Mr. Dodd.
Adjourned to meet at the call of the Moderator,
during sessions of. Synod at Springfield.
ROBERT P. FARRIS, Stated Clerk.
Effects of Worship on the Insane.
One of our exchanges says, on the author
ity of Miss Dix, the philanthroPist, that
among the hundreds of crazy people with
whom her sacred missions brought , her into
companionship, she has not found one indi
vidual, however fierce and turbulent, that
could not be calmed by Scripture and prayer,
uttered in low and gentle tones. The pow
er of religious sentiments over those shattered
souls seems miraculous. The worship of a
quiet, loving heart; affects them like a voice
from heaven. Tearing and rending, yelp
ing and stamping, singing and groaning,
gradually subside into silence, and they fall
on their knees, or gaze upward, with clasped
hands, as if tkey i sa.w, throith the opening
darkness, a golden gleam' from .their Fa
ther's throne of love.
irink too
feat at the
era what
Por the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Of the Receipt of a Bible and Hymn Book, by
the Presbyterian Church, Bentonsport, Krim,
from the Ladies of the First Presbyterian Church,
Chillicothe, O.
DEAIS LADIES :—Piease accept a return of our
grateful acknowledgment, for the presentation of
the beautiful Bible and Hymn Book we bave re
cently received. To us they are invaluable, not
only on account of ' the precious truths contained
in the inspired Word of God, but also as an evi
dence of the interest you, have manifested in the
prosperity of our little church. We feel truly
thankful for your kindness and Christian consid
eration. It has placed us under circumstances of
lasting obligations. Whenever our eyes shall rest
upon these mementoes 'of your benevolence, the
silent aspirations of our hearts shall' ascend to
God, for his richest, choicest -blessings to rest
upon those kind friends who have contributed to
an object worthy of themselves; and so honoring
to the cause they profess. As you have "sown
bountifully, so may you also reap bountifully ;"
as 'you have given "cheerfully;" so is the gift
accepted of him whose cause you are endeavor
ing to,promote.
Yon have started a train orintluences, which
will flow on long after yon have . ,finished 'your
work in the Church below, and have entered upon
the enjoyments of that beautiful home the Sa
viour has " gone to prepare " for all his beloved
ones; and as you see one after another enter that
bright world, and added as gems to the Saviour's
diadem of beauty—brought as trophies of the
Redeemer's blood; through the instrumentality of
the man of God, as he proclaims the great truths
of the Gospel'` contained in the sacred volume you
have sent . us—it will add a new thrill of joy, as
you strike your "golden harps" to the •praise of
him who permitted you to 'be ce-laborers'with
him in the great work of saving souls.
Long may this " Holy Book" stand, not
only as a memorial of your hive 'to God, and to
us; but as a light to. guide the poor; returning
"prodigal" to his Father's house on high.
Should you, or any of yours, seek's. borne in
the distant " West," far' from a kind father's
counsel, and a tender mother's prayers, may
they find en asylum in this church, and many
warm friends to greet them, and bid them wel
come to our hearts and-homos.
May all the " blessings " that sacred Word
contains, be yours; may all the precious "prom
ises" it affords, he claimed by you; may all the
"grace and strength " promised, be given you ;
and may that home it offers, be secured by you,
and that "Saviour" which it presents, be en
joyed by you, both now and forever, is the sincere
prayer of all those upon whom you have be
stowed so unmerited a kindness. M. A. G.
That Blessed Home.
Home ! To be at home is the wish of the
seaman on stormy seas and lonely watch.
Home is the wish of the soldier, and tender
visions mingle wish the troubled dreams
of trench and tented field. Where the palm
tree waves its graceful plumes, and birds of
jeweled lustre flash and flicker among the
gorgeous flowers, the exile sits staring upon
vacancy ; a far-a-way home lies on his heart;.
and, borne on the wings of fancy over inter
vening seas and lands, he has swept away
home, and hears the lark singing above his
father's fields and sees his fair.headed boy
brother, with light foot and childhood's glee,
chasing the butterfly by his native stream.
And in his best hours, home, his own sinless
with home—a home his Father above that
sky, will be the wish of every Christian
inan. He looks around him—the world is
full of suffering; he is distressed with its
sorrows and vexed with its sins. He, looks
within him —he finds much in his own cor
ruption to grieVe for. In the language of
a heart repelled, grieved, and vexed, he of
ten turns his eyes upwards. saying, "I
would not live here always. No; not for
all the gold of the world's mines—not for
the pearls of her seas—not for the pleasures
of her flashing frothy cup—not for all the
crowns of her kingdom—would I live here
always." Like a bird about to migrate to
those sunny lands where no Winter sheds
her snows, or strips the grove, or binds the
dancing streams, he will often be pluming
his wing for the hour of his flight to glory.
Acquaintance with Go&
th da.groatoset,-.nobloot-plosiouro —of
intelligent creatures must result, from their
acquaintance with the blessed God, and
with their own rational and immortal souls.
And oh, how divinely pleasant and enter
taining is it to look into our own souls,
when we can find all our powers and passions
united and engaged in pursuit after God,
our whole soul longing and passionately
breathing after a conformity to him, and, the
full enjoyment of him ! Verily, no hours
pass away with so much divine pleasure, as
those that are spent in. communing with God
and our own hearts. How sweet is a spirit
of devotion, of seriousness and solemnity; a
spirit of Gospel simplicity, love and tender
ness ! Oh, how desirable and profitable is
a spirit of holy watchfulness, and godly jeal
ousy over ourselves; when our souls are
afraid of nothing so much as that we shall
grieve and offend the blessed God, whom at
such times we apprehend, or at least hope,
to be a father and friend ; whom we then
love' and lorg to please, rather than to be
happy ourselves ; or atleast we delight to de
rive our happiness from pleasing arid glorify
ing him. Surely this is a pious• temper,
worthy of the-highest ambition and closest
pursuit of intelligent creatures. Oh, how
vastly superior is the pleasure, peace, and
satisfaction derived from these divine frail] 38,
to that which we sometimes seek in things
impertinent and trifling !—Brainerd.
For the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate
Church Dedication.
On the 18th instant, the new and hand
some church edifice, in Leclaire, lowa, with
appropriate services, was dedicated to the
worship of Almighty God. The Rev.
Joshua Phelps, D. D., of Dubuque, preached
the sermon, from Ps. lxxxvii : 2; " The Lord
loveth the gates of Zion more than all the
dwellings of Jacob ;" and made the dedicatory
prayer. The services were conducted with
much interest, and a most healthful in
fluence, was no doubt exerted. The congre
gation evinced a lively and deep interest in
,the solemnit;es.
Rev. J. D. Mason addressed the meeting,
in the close, encouraging to perseverance
and zeal in the good work of the Lord.
The edifice is a very neat frame, forty by
sixty feet, costing in all about Jour thousand
dollars. The Rev. Bogue, late of Canada,
is about entering upon his labors as stated
supply of the church. The goodness of the
Lord to this church during the 'past - few
years, as 'also his chastisethent, inthe de
cease of the Rev. Hugh Hutchinsoty their
beloved pastor, leads us.-to hope .for rich
fruit from: this branch of the true ,vine, lu
years toteome. r Iti.
Philadelphia, 27 South Tenth .Street, below Chestnut.
By Mail, or at the Office, $1.50 per Year, SEE PROSPECTUS.
Delivered in the City, , 1,75 " "
The Bible.
Tell me where the Bible is ; as a house
hold book, and where is not, and I will
write amoral geography of the world, I will
show what, in all particulars, is the physical
condition of that people. One glance of
your eye will inform yon where the Bible is,
and where it is not. Go to' Italy—decay,
degradation, and suffering meet you on every
side. Commerce droops, agriculture sick
ens, the useful arts languish. There is a
heaviness in the air; you feel compressed by
invisible power; the people dare not speak
aloud; they walk slowly; an armed soldiery
is around their dwellings; the armed police
take from the stranger his Bible before he
enters the territory. Ask for the Bible in a
bookstore—it is not there ; or in a form so
large and expensive as to be beyond the
reach of .common people. The preacher
takes no text from the Bible. You enter the
Vatican, and inquire for the Bible, and
you will be pointed to some case where it
reposes, among some prohibited books, side
by side with the works of Diderot and Vol
taire. But pass over the Alps to Switzer
land, and down the Rhine into Holland,
then over the ohannel to England and Scot
land, and over to their descendants—the peo
ple of the trnited States—and what an amaz
ing contrast meets the eye ! Men look and
-act with an air of independence; there is in
dustry, neatness, and instruction for chil
dren. Why is this difference ? There is no
brighter sky, there are no fairer scenes of
nature; but they . have the Bible; and hap
py are the people who enjoy such a privi
lege ; for it is righteousness that exalteth
nation, and sin is a reproach to any people.
From the first, century of the Christian
era, the Bible must have been a bond of un
ion among the followers of Jesus. For fif
teen centuries, they laboriously transcribed
it in portions, and often studied it at the
peril of their lives, in One or more of nine
teen different tongues—eight of them Asia
atic' nine European, and two African. Dur
ing four succeeding centuries, these manu
scripts took to themselves, by slow degrees,
the wings of the printing-press, and. the Book
was arrayed in the many-colored robes of
thirty•one fresh languages. • Yet, in 1803,
it was accessible, as a whole, but in twenty
six tongues, though parts of it had been
printed in twenty-four more.
At the commencement of the nineteenth
century, a large body of Christians perceived
that, in order, to provide the Treasure fir
the world, those who had been one in the
secret love of it, must become one in their
efforts' to diffuse it; and, by the marked
blessing of God, poured forth upon that uni
ty,. one hundred and two additional trans
lations, in whole pr in part, have been ac
complished within the short space of fifty
years, so that now, besides:being multiplied
by myriads of copies, the Word of God is
supposed to have been made accessible to
six hundred millione of the human family.
A True Story with a Few Words
Some few years ago, a clergyman of a
neighboring city, equally remarkable for
his piety, usefulness, and eccentricity, (now
deceased,) while traveling on a steamboat,
met a plain elder of a country church, with
whom the following conversation was held.
We give it substantially as it was told the
present writer :
Minister.—What is the state of your
church ?
Elder.—Very discouraging. We are with
ont a pastor. Our people take very little in
terest in the church.
M—How Jong have . you been without a
B.—More thab a year.
M—Are you an elder in that church ?
E.—Yes; sir. •
ltf:----How is your Sabbath School getting
along ?
E.—We have no Sabbath School. The
teachers_dia-not_c±tccd-racetcailyrahe chil—
dren got tired, and the school was broken
.71f.—(sighing)—Did you say that you are
an elder in that church?
M.—Well, how are your prayer-meetings
attended ?
E.—Very poorly; few attended; webave
them but seldom, and there is no interest in
.51.—(Sighing very heavily)—Oh I Oh t.
Did you say that you are an elder in that
E.—Yes sir
M—Why I wonder that you are alive!
I wonder that God has n ot killed You.
How the interview. ended we were, not
told, but the elder went home with an 'arrow
in his heart, and a load on his conscience,
and it was not long before his poor church
had a Minister, Sabbath-School, Prayer-Meet
ing, and prosperity.
Perhaps some of our languishing church
es have elders who need just such rebukes,
and repentance and doing again of the "first
works. To all such we commend it.—
C7,.r. Intelliyencer.
Hints from. Baxter.
The great and commonly acknowle3ged
truths of religion are those that men must
live upon, and which are the great. instru
ments of - destroying nien'sli, and raising
the heart to God. '
I know that preaching the. ospel 'publicly
is the most excellent "neap, because we
speak to' many at once; but it is usually far
more effectual to preach itpfivaiely to a par
ticular sinner as to himself.
I have found by experienhe that some ig
norant persons have got more knowledge and
remorse of conscience. in half an hour's close
discourse, than they did by ten years' public
Every Christian is bound to do .all he can
for the salvation "of bth'ers, but every minis
ter is doubly bound, because he is separated
to the Gllspel of Christ, and is to give up
himself wholly to that work.
It is the sign' of a distenipered heart that
10 - seth the:relish of Scripture excellency.
The spirtual heart loves the Word of God, for
thiais the seed which did regenerate him.
Woe to him who-takes up with the jimn,
of godliness insteat of,godliness.
As the flowers of the earth do not .envy
one another, although one is more beautiful
than another, so likewise do we all please
God,} as many of us as enter into his will.
We all stand, together field..- Jacob